Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto NAV-U NV-U74T del fabbricante Sony
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NV -U94T NV -U84 NV -U74T P ersonal Na vigation System Instruction Manual ©2008 Sony Corporation 4-107-851- 11 (1) Instruction Manual US.
2 Using the manuals The man uals for this un it con sis t of th e f ollowi ng 3 guid es. Before in stalling or operating the uni t, read these manuals thoroughl y and retain t hem for future refe rence. • Quick Sta r t Guide Contai ns instru ction s on bas ic opera tions , such as ins tallat ion, navigati on opera tions , etc.
3 T able of Contents Basic Opera tions 7 Menu operati ons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Gesture Command op erations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 Destinati on management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 0 Recent destina tions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5 Video Playback (NV-U94T only) 60 Transferr ing video files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 0 Watching vid eos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6 Using the PC Application Software 78 System req uirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 8 Installi ng the software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7 Basic Op erations Commo n proce dures t o oper ate the syste m are e xplai ned. Gene ral oper ations can be performe d on the touch scr een. Gent ly touch th e displa yed icon s with your fing er . Note Do not pre ss the display with excessive force.
8 Other basic menu operat ions About the batt ery status indication The batt ery statu s can be che cked by the indica tor in the m ain menu . To T ouch cancel the setting “Cancel” confirm the sel ection/ procee d to t he next s tep “Done ” or “OK” Indicator Status Adap ter c onnec ted.
9 Gesture Command operations Frequen tly-u sed op eratio ns can be p erform ed by ass ignin g finger strokes such as a line, etc. For navigation In the ma p display (e xcept in map sc rolling mode), dr aw the command s troke as be low .
10 For audio/video pla yb ack (NV -U94T only) In the au dio/vide o play back dis play , draw the c omma nd stroke as be low . For details on audio/vi deo pla yback, s ee page 54 and 60. For photo playback In the ph oto play back dis play , draw the c omma nd stroke as below .
11 Keyboard operations The keyboard di splay appears when you need to en ter text. When e nterin g addres ses, yo u need on ly ente r charac ters in upper ca se, as the syste m autom atica lly converts them to ap propri ate cha racter s. Y ou ca n chang e the cas e or enter specia l charac ters/s ymbol s wh en nec essa ry .
12 *1 When another keyboard type is se lected, touch “123 ” to switch t o the numer ic keyboard. *2 The cand idate lis t automati cally appea rs when can didates are nar rowed down as you continue inputting charac ters.
13 Navigati on Checking the GPS status About the GPS status indication The GPS s tatus can be chec ked by the co lor of th e curren t posit ion icon. If the c urrent position is not displaye d, touch V OICE/POS. to sho w the icon. Note Acquisit ion of GPS signa l may tak e up to 10 minute s, espe cially for the first time.
14 Viewing detailed GPS status in f o rmation Detailed G PS st atus information, such as the lat itude, longitude, etc., can be vie wed to check if the cu rren t pos ition is p roperl y calc ulate d. 1 In the menu displ ay , touch , “Gener al, ” then “GPS Status .
15 Route searching Y ou can search for a ro ute in vario us ways. The f ollo wing rou te sear ch meth ods are a v ailable . • “ Addre ss sear ch” (page 15) • “Home sear ch” (pag e 17) • .
16 6 Select the desire d city in the list. If more th an one address can didate exis ts, the list o f candidates app ears. In this case, select the d esi red ad dres s. The addr ess confir mation displa y appears . 7 Select “G o. ” Rout e guida nce star ts.
17 Home search If you regi ster you r hom e, you ca n search for a r oute the re. For details on registeri ng you r home, se e page 7 1. 1 In the menu display , touch , then “T ake Me Home .
18 By POI name Y ou can se arch for a rout e to a POI by direct ly enter ing its na me. 1 In the menu display , touch , then “Find a Place . ” The search me thod selection display appears. 2 Sele ct “P oints of Int eres t. ” 3 Select “B y Name .
19 By POI category Y ou can se arch for a rout e to a POI by select ing its cat egory(ie s). 1 In the menu display , touch , then “Find a Place . ” The search me thod selection display appears. 2 Sele ct “P oints of Int eres t. ” 3 Select “C ategor y .
20 Cit y cent er sear c h The c ity ce nter can be set as a dest inat ion. 1 In the menu display , touch , then “Find a Place . ” The search me thod selection display appears. 2 Select “Fi nd City . ” The city name in p ut displ ay appears. 3 Enter t he city name .
21 Changing a POI name/cat egory in Quick Links 1 In the menu display , touch , then “Find a Place . ” 2 Select “Quick Link Settings, ” then the desir ed Quick Link. 3 Select the desired s etting method. Recent destin ations search The system st ores pre vious destinatio ns, allo wing you to sele ct one quickly fro m the list.
22 Address book sear ch Y ou can se lect th e desti nation sav e d in the ad dress b ook. For details on how to manage the addr ess bo ok, see pag e 40. 1 In the menu display , touch , then “My Places. ” The search me thod selection display appears.
23 Option menu in the address/POI c onfirmation display The opt ion m enu i n the add ress/PO I con firmation disp lay prov ides variou s us eful op eratio ns. When the c onfirmati on display appear s after sett ing a destinatio n, select “Opti ons, ” then one of the foll owing ite ms.
24 Map operations Indications on t he map When no route guidance is in progress: A Curr ent direc tio n (pag e 7 3) B Curre nt speed (pag e 73) C Curre nt posi tion/ GPS stat us ind ication (page 1 3).
25 During route guidance: Straig ht-ahead dr iving F Distance/ET A (Esti mated T ime of Arri val) to destination G Distan ce to n ext tu rn H Next ins truction Approaching an intersect ion I Next t ur.
26 Approaching an intersect ion (clos er) * J Magni fied view of an in tersec tion (p age 75 ) K Bar indicatio n of the distance to next turn Approaching an interse ction (even cl oser) * L Current position * Y ou can set to hide the magnif ied view of an intersection (pa ge 75).
27 Map scrolling mode Y ou ca n switch to map scrolling mode by touching the map, whether during route g uidance or not. By placing the desired point into the crosshair , you can view the information on th e point or open the map op tions.
28 Using the map tools The map t ool bar appe ars when yo u touch “Op tions” on the map displ ay . 1 T o show the ma in menu. 2 T o toggle the m ap orient ation (heading up /north up). 3 T o check the TM C stat us/show the tra ff ic m essage s on the cur rent ro ute (pa ge 37).
29 More map op tions More opt ions are a vailabl e by selectin g “More…” in the map to ol bar . *1 Av ailable only for the point selected in map scr olling mode. *2 Av ailable on ly for address book entr y icons. *3 Av ail able only du ring route gu idance.
30 Route planning Creating a new itinerar y The proce dure to create a new itiner ary is explai ned below . 1 In the menu display , touch , then “Route Plann ing. ” 2 Select “Rou te Planning, ” then “Options. ” 3 Select “N ew Route. ” The route planning display appears in which the current po sition is se t as the start point.
31 6 After s etting the route po int, select “Done . ” The route planning displa y reappears with the selected point added in the list. The last se tting is list ed as the f inal destinat ion. Repea t step 4 to 6 to cont inue a dding ro ute poi nts.
32 Editing route points Y ou can edi t the se lecte d route po ints w hile crea ting an itiner ary . Select the desire d route point in the rout e planni ng disp lay , then on e of the fo llowing ite ms. Tip Y ou can ope n the rout e plann ing displ ay and modify yo ur itinera ry , even after star ti ng route guidan ce.
33 Option menu f or rout e planning The option menu in the route pla nning/route conf irmation display provides v arious useful operat ions. When the r oute planning/r oute confirma tion display appears, select “Options, ” then one of th e following i tems .
34 Adding an interim destinatio n to the current r oute Durin g route gui dance, yo u can add an int erim dest ination . 1 In the me nu display , tou ch , then select the desired sea rch method to set the inter im destinat ion. For detail s on search m ethod s, see “Ro ute sear ching ” on page 15.
35 Route confirmation Vie wing the turn-b y-turn list During route guid ance, you can view the turn-by- turn list. 1 In the map display , select “Options, ” then “T ur ns. ” The turn -by-turn li st appea rs. 2 Select the desired it em to show the detailed inf ormation.
36 Vie wing the entire route Durin g route gui dance, yo u can vie w the entir e route to t he destina tion. 1 In the map display , select “Options, ” then “T ur ns. ” 2 Select “Rou te Confirmation. ” The en tire rou te appea rs. T o change the route calculation condition s 1 Select “Change Condition, ” then the desi red option.
37 TMC information (NV -U94T/U74T only) The bu ilt-in TMC (T raf fic Message Ch annel) receiv er* allo ws you to recei ve tra ff ic information. Y ou can che ck th e traffic messag es. * For NV -U94T , the receiver is located in the cradle. For NV -U7 4T , the receiver is located in the unit.
38 Viewing traffic messages 1 In the menu displa y , touc h , then “T raffic Informa tion. ” The li st of t raff ic me ssages appears . If the traff ic informatio n type set to d isplay is pr eviously selected, the relev ant message s appear (pag e 39).
39 Selecting the traffic infor mation type Y ou can select t he traff ic informat ion type to disp lay . 1 Open t he list of traffic m essages. For de tails, see “V iewing traf fi c messages” on pa ge 38. 2 Select “C hange M essage . ” The ty pe sel ection displa y appear s.
40 Destination management Desti nati ons on “R ecent D estina tions, ” “ Addr ess Book , ” a nd “Fa v orites ” can be manage d. Recent destinat ions Y ou can del ete th e history o f “Rece nt Dest inations . ” 1 In the menu displ ay , touch , “My Pla ces, ” t hen “Rece nt Destinat ions.
41 4 Set the f ollowing items. 5 Select “D one. ” The destinat ion is added to th e address book and indicated by the selected icon on the map. Fr om the map option men u 1 In the map displa y , touc h the map to switc h to the map scro lling mode, then select th e desired point.
42 Bluet ooth Hands-fr ee Calling (NV-U 94T/U74T onl y) The f ollo wing is the ba sic pr ocedure requir ed for us ing the Bluetoo th fun ction. 1 Blu etoot h signa l activ ati on Acti vating the Blu etooth signal i s required to connect this unit to a Bluetooth compatible cell phone.
43 Activating the Bl uetooth signal 1 In the menu displa y , touch , then “Bluetooth. ” 2 Select “B luetooth Sign al, ” t hen “ON. ” The sig nal is activated. The Blue tooth ind icator light s up in blue. Pairing with a cellphone Pa iring is requi red only the f irst time yo u connect to a cellphone.
44 Searc hing from a cellphone The proce dure to search fo r this unit from a cellph one is expl ained be low . In this case, the name of the unit is regi stered as “nav -u, ” which can be change d in the Bluetooth settin g (page 76). 1 Start searching f or this unit from the cellphone .
45 Connecting to a cellphone Once the Bl uetoot h signa l is activ a ted, the un it search es for th e last conn ected ce llphon e, and connectio n is made automati cally if possi ble. In this chapter , instructio ns on how to connect manually to regist ered cellphones are introduced.
46 Making calls Y ou can make hand s-free calls i n various way s. The f ollo wing c allin g method s are av ailabl e. • “D ialing a phone number” ( page 46) • “Using the list of rec ent cal.
47 Using the list of recent calls The sy stem sto res the last 40 ca lls, allowing you to se lect on e quickl y from the list. For details on how to delete the histo ry , see pag e 52. 1 In the menu display , touch , then “Phone . ” The calling me thod selection di splay appears.
48 Using preset numbers Y ou can m ake a call quickl y usin g preset phone numbers . For details on how to pres et phone number s, see pa ge 77. 1 In the menu display , touch , then “Phone . ” The calling me thod selection di splay appears. 2 Select “D1, ” “D2, ” “D3, ” or “Ho me.
49 Receiving calls W ith t he unit connect ed to t he cell phone, you can recei ve a call i n any status. The follo wing display indicates an in coming call, along wi th the ring tone. * Appear s only whe n stor ed in the ph one b ook. 1 T ouch . Ha nds- free talk ing sta rts .
50 Operations during a call V ariou s operat ions ar e av ai lable fro m the fo llowing cal l in prog ress di splay , wh ich appea rs during a call. * Appear s only whe n stor ed in the ph one b ook. T o adjust the volume of the hands-free function T o uch –/+.
51 Entering n umbers Y ou may ne ed to en ter numb ers duri ng a cal l (e.g. , to fo rward t he call). 1 Select “N umeric Inpu t” in the call in progress di splay . The number input d isplay appears . 2 Enter the requir ed number . Ending a call 1 T ouch in the call in progress display .
52 Call data management Cal l data on “Rec ent Call s” and “Pho ne Book” ca n be manage d. Recent calls Y ou can del ete th e history o f “Rece nt Call s. ” 1 In the menu display , touch , then “Phone . ” 2 Select “M ake a Call , ” then “Recent Calls.
53 Deleting data Y ou can delete unne cessary data in th e phone book of th is unit. 1 In the menu display , touch , then “Phone . ” 2 Select “Pho ne Book, ” then “Delete . ” 3 Select the contact to delet e. T o select all contacts, select “ All.
54 Audio Playback (NV -U94T o nly) Y ou can l isten t o audio fil es stor ed on a “Memory S tick Du o” insert ed in t he unit . Suppor ted audio file type • File f ormat MP3 ( MPEG -1 Audi o L ayer-3), AAC (Ad v a nced Au dio Co ding) • File extension MP3: .
55 Listening to audio 1 In the menu displa y , touch , then “A udio. ” The audi o playb ack di splay ap pears, and play back of au dio files in th e “Memo ry Stick Duo” star ts. A udio playbac k controls 1 T o exit the audio p layer . 2 T o select a f ile from the lis t (page 56).
56 Selecting an audio file from the list Y ou can se lect an a udio file to pl ay from t he list. 1 In t he au dio pl ayb ack displ ay , selec t “Lis t. ” The li st of folder s/fi les appear s. T o move to t he upper le vel, touch . 2 Select the desired folder/f ile.
57 Audio streaming via Bluet ooth Y ou can list en to audio files thr ough yo ur c ar aud io sys tem if it suppo rts A2 DP (Advanced Audi o Distrib ution Prof ile) Bluetooth te chnology . About the Blueto oth status indication The Bluetooth s tatus can be checke d by the indicator i n the main menu.
58 Prepar ation T o perform audio stream ing, y ou first need to pair the un it and ca r audio un it. Before s tarting , be sure to activ ate the Blue tooth sig nal both on t his unit ( page 43) a nd the car audio un it. 1 In the menu displa y , touch , then “Bluetooth.
59 Audio settings The foll owing audio s ettings a re con figurable. In the audio folder/f ile list, sele ct “Settings” c the de sired item c the desire d optio n.
60 Video P layback (NV -U94T onl y) Y ou can watc h video files s tored on a “Mem ory Stick D uo” ins erted in t he unit. Suppor ted video file type • File f ormat MP4 (MPEG-4 Simple Prof ile) • File extension .
61 W atching videos 1 In the menu display , touch , then “Video. ” The vid eo playb ack di splay ap pears, and play back of vi deo files in the “ Memo ry Stick Duo” star ts. Video pla yback contr ols T o uch the di splay if the video pl aybac k control s are not shown.
62 Selecting a video file from the list Y ou can se lect a vi deo file to pla y from th e list. 1 In the video pla y back displa y , se lect “List. ” The li st of folder s/fi les appear s. T o move to t he upper le vel, touch . 2 Select the desired folder/f ile.
63 Video sound streaming via Bluetoot h When y ou pla y video fil es, pl ayback s ound ca n be out put fr om your c ar aud io syst em if it supp orts A2DP (Advanced A udio Di stribution Profile) Blue tooth tec hnolog y . About the Blueto oth status indication The Bluetooth s tatus can be checke d by the indicator i n the main menu.
64 Prepar ation T o perf orm vide o soun d stream ing, y ou fi rst ne ed to pai r the u nit and car a udio uni t. Before s tarting , be sure to activ ate the Blue tooth sig nal both on t his unit ( page 43) a nd the car audio un it. 1 In the menu displa y , touch , then “Bluetooth.
65 Video settings The foll owing video s ettings a re configurab le. In the video folder/f ile list, sele ct “Settings” c the de sired item c the desire d optio n.
66 Photo P layback Y ou can vi ew photo files stor ed on a “ Memor y Stick Duo” inse rted in the unit . Insert a “Memory Stick Duo” containing photo files shot by a Son y digital still camera in th e unit. Suppor ted ph oto file typ e • File f ormat JPEG • File extension .
67 Photo play back contr ols T o uch the di splay if the photo playbac k contr ols are n ot shown. 1 T o exit the photo b rowser . 2 T o select a f ile from the lis t. 3 T o ski p to th e pr evious file. 4 T o start the slid eshow . 5 T o skip to th e next file.
68 Photo settings The foll owing photo s ettings a re configurab le. In the photo fil e list, select “Settings ” c the desi red ite m c the de sired op tion . Item Purpose Play ing Inte rval Sets the s lidesho w interval. Repeat Repeats the sl idesho w .
69 Setting s The settin g menu includes the following c ategories. • “Rou te Planni ng” (page 69 ) • “ Addres s Book” (p age 70) • “G enera l” (p age 71 ) • “Ma p” (pa ge 7 3) .
70 Address book settings The foll owing addres s book settings are configu rable. In the me n u dis play , touch c “A d d r e s s B o o k ” c the des ired item c the desired option . Item Purpose Edit Item Edit s the ad dress b ook ent ry . Select th e group, then one of the foll o wi ng items.
71 General settings The follo wing sett ings related to the system are conf igurable. In the me n u dis play , touch c “Genera l” c the des ired it em c th e desire d optio n. Item Purpose V olume (Operation Sound ) Presets th e volume lev el for touch screen operat ion sou nd: “Level 3, ” “Level 2, ” “Level 1, ” “OFF .
72 Item Purpose GUI Day / Ni ght Mode Selects the colo r theme of menu display s. P ower Saving ( Display OFF) T urns of f the dis play automatical ly after se veral minutes of inacti vity: “ON, ” “OFF . ” Keyboard Style ( page 1 1) Selects the keybo ard type: “ QWERTY + 123, ” “QWE R TY , ” “ AB C.
73 Map settings The foll owing map di splay s ettings a re configurab le. In the me n u dis play , touch c “M ap” c the desi red item c the desire d optio n. Item Purpose 2D / 3D Ma p View Select s the defaul t map view . – “2D”: Ov erhead vie w .
74 Route profile settings The fol lowi ng route pr ofi le setti ngs are conf igur able. In the me n u dis play , touch c “Route Profile” c the desi red ite m c the de sired o ption. Item Purpose Ferr ies Allows the us e of ferr ies/avoids th em unl ess no alternati ve is av ailable: “ Allow , ” “ A void.
75 Guidance settings The foll owing route guidance setti ngs are co nfigurable . In the me n u dis play , touch c “G uide” c the de sired i tem c the desire d optio n. Item Purpose V olume (Guide) Pre sets the volume le vel for voi ce guidance: “Level 3, ” “Level 2, ” “Lev e l 1, ” “O FF .
76 Bluetooth settings (NV -U94T/U74T only) The following Bl uetooth s ettings are configurab le. In the me n u dis play , touch c “Bluet ooth” c the desi red ite m c the d esired op tion. Item Purpose My D evices V iews the list of regi stered Bluetoot h device(s) ; deletes registra tion.
77 Phone settings (NV -U94T/U74T only) The foll owing phon e setting s are config urable . In the me n u dis play , touch c “Phone” c the desir ed item c the desire d option . *1 The na me of “Home” can not be change d. *2 Av ailable only if d ata exists in the phone bo ok.
78 Using t he PC App l icati on Software Y ou can in stall the PC appl icatio n soft ware to your com puter . U sing th e softwar e, you can manage v arious data to use on the unit.
79 Installing the software 1 Go to http://esuppor .com / 2 Enter your mo del number (e .g., NV -U94T), then clic k “Continue . ” 3 Select “Drivers, ” t hen “nav-u too l” to dow nload t he so ftware . 4 Follow the instructions at t he website and complete the installation.
80 Starting the software 1 Star t the softw are . Click “start, ” then select “(All) Prog rams” c “n av-u tool” c “na v-u tool . ” The ma in menu app ears. 1 T o manage gu idan ce voice dat a (pag e 81). 2 T o manage t he map da ta (page 82).
81 Guidance voice data management Y ou can tr ansfer guidanc e voice da ta from yo ur comp uter to the unit , using the soft ware. Before st arting, connect the unit to your c omputer and sta rt the softwar e. Y ou can also tran sfer data to t he “Mem ory Stick Duo ” inse rted in the un it.
82 Map data management Y ou can tr ansfer and repl ace the m ap data on the uni t, using t he soft ware (e.g., to restor e map dat a if necess ary). Before st arting, connect the unit to your c omputer and sta rt the softwar e. 1 Select “M ap Manag er .
83 Address book data management Addre ss book da ta on the u nit or your comput er can be manage d, using th e softw are. Y ou can transf er or imp ort the add ress boo k data on t he unit or your com puter. Editing the add r ess book data on y our computer Y ou can edit the ad dress bo ok dat a on you r compu ter, using th e softwa re.
84 T ransferring ad dress book data from y our computer to the unit Y ou can tr ansfer addres s book d ata from your co mpute r to the un it, using t he softwar e. Before st arting, connect the unit to your c omputer and sta rt the softwar e. 1 Select “A ddress Book M anager .
85 Firmware upgrade Y ou can upgrade the firmwa re on th e unit, using th e softwa re. For de tail s, v isit the we bsit e be low: http://www .sony .com/nav-u/supp ort.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Sony NAV-U NV-U74T è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Sony NAV-U NV-U74T - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Sony NAV-U NV-U74T imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Sony NAV-U NV-U74T ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Sony NAV-U NV-U74T, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Sony NAV-U NV-U74T.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Sony NAV-U NV-U74T. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Sony NAV-U NV-U74T insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.