Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto MZ-NF520D del fabbricante Sony
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3-266-437- 11 (1) Por table MiniDisc Player Operating Instructions Pla yer Operati on _ ___________________________ ___ _ Softw are Oper ation _ _________________________ ___ _ page 11 page 44 © 2004 Sony Cor poration MZ-NF520D “W ALKMAN” is a registered trademark of Sony Corporation to represent Headphon e Stereo products.
2 T o prevent fire or shock hazard, do not expose the unit to r ain or moisture. T o pre vent fir e, do not co ver the ventil ation of the apparatu s with ne w s papers , table cloths , cur ta i ns , etc. And don’t plac e l ig ht ed candles on the appa ratus.
3 This equ ipment has bee n tested and foun d to comply with the limits for a Class B digit al de vice, pursu ant to P art 1 5 of t he FCC Rules. These limits a re designed to provide rea so nable prote ct io n aga inst harmful interfe re nc e in a resi de nt ial installati on.
4 Notice for users On the supplied sof tware • Copy righ t la ws pr ohib it repr oduc ing the soft ware or t he manua l ac comp an yi ng it in wh ol e or in par t , or re nting the softwa re without th e permission of the copyrig ht ho lder .
6 T able of co ntents Player Operation Looking at the con trol s .......... ........ .... .... ....... . 12 Getting started! ............... ........... ............ ........ 16 Playing an MD righ t away! ...... .... .... ........ ... .... . 18 Listening to the radi o .
7 Various w ay to use the radio .......... ........... .... 35 Presettin g radio statio ns ..... ... .... ....... .... ... .... ........... ....... .... ... .... .... ....... . 35 Listenin g to the p reset radi o stations .... ........... ........... .
8 Software Operation What yo u can d o with MD Simple Burner/ SonicStag e ........... ............ ........... ............ ........ 44 What y ou can do with MD Sim ple Burne r ......... .......... ........ ..........44 What y ou can do with Son icStage .
9 Other in formation ......... ........... ............ ........... 61 Uninsta lli ng Soni cS ta ge /M D Simp le Burne r .. ... .... .... ....... ... .... .... ........ 61 On cop yright prote ction ..... ........... ....... ........... ........... ...
10 Befor e using this pr oduct This man ual explains th e pl ay er operatio ns and the inst al l at i on and basic use of the supp li ed soft wa re. For detai ls on t h e variou s op erations, ref er to the pages i ndicated bel ow .
11 Checking the supplied accessories CD-ROM (S onicStage V er. 2.0 and MD Si m p l e Bu rner V er . 2.0) (1 ) * Reco rd able disc (1) ∗ Do not play a CD- ROM on an audio CD playe r.
12 Looking at the contr ols Front of the player A Display windo w B VOLUME +* and – button ∗ The V OLUME + but ton has a tactile dot. C 4-po si tion co ntro l k ey ENTER/ NX (enter/ play/pause) * . and > (searc h/AMS) x /CANCEL (stop/ca ncel) ∗ The ENTER/ NX button has a tactil e dot.
13 Back of the player A OPEN button B Hand strap hole Use th e ho le to attach y our own st ra p. C Battery c ompartment lid The display window of t he player A Disc in dication B Group mode in dication Lights up w he n gr oup mode is on . C T rack nu mber display D Battery le vel indicat ion Sho ws approximate batte ry cond iti on.
14 The headphones/earphones with a r em ote control A VOL +, – b utton s Press to adjust the v o lu me. B Jog le ver ( . • NX /ENT • > , TUNE – • B AND • TUNE +) NX / ENT ( to pres s): play , paus e, ente r .
15 The display window of t he remote contr ol A Disc in dication B PRESET indication C Char acter i n formati on dis play D Play mode indicatio n E SOUND indication F Battery le vel indicat ion G T ra.
16 Getting star ted! 1 Inser t an alkaline dr y batter y . When t o r eplace the batter y Y ou can ch eck the bat te ry co n dition thro ug h the battery in di ca tor while usi n g the p l aye r . Battery po wer decreasing r W ea k ba ttery r The bat t er y has gone out .
17 Notes • Disconnect the dedicated US B cable before replacing the d ry battery . • The batte ry life may b e shorter th an that spe c if ied, dependin g on the ope r ating conditio ns, the temper ature of t he locati on, and varie ties of bat teries.
18 Playing an MD right away! 1 Inser t an MD. 1 Pres s OPEN to op en the l i d. 2 Insert an MD to t he di rec tion of the arro w wit h th e labe l si de fa cing fron t, and press the l id do wn to close. 2 Play an MD. 1 Press NX on the player . (Press the jog lev er ( NX ) on the remote control.
19 Suppressing the skip of the sound (G-PRO TECTION) The G-PR O TECTION function w as developed to p rovide a hig her lev el of s hock resi stance than that o f exist ing players in o rder to allo w the player to b e used while joggin g. Note The play ba ck so und ma y ski p if: • the pl ayer recei ves stronger continuou s shock.
20 Listening to the radio Y ou can li sten to the FM broadca st thro ugh the b ui lt-i n digit al tune r in the remot e control. W ith the USA model, you ca n also li sten to TV and weathe r broadcas ts. Contr ols on the play er cannot be used to operate the tuner .
21 T o improve t he broadcast reception Extend the he ad phon es/earphones cord , which act as the FM anten na . If an FM broadcast is hard to tune in Press SOUND repe atedly until “ Local” appear s in the displ ay . The n oise will be reduce d. When you can not opera te the radio Make sur e the remote control is not locke d (pag e 14, 17).
22 V ar ious wa ys of pl ayback In thi s section, the operation us ing the remote co ntrol is main ly explai ned. F or details on o perations do ne on t he p layer , see th e pages i ndicated fo r each op eration.
23 For the player operation, see page 30. Playing a track rep eatedly (Rep eat P la y) Y ou can us e the rep ea t func ti o n for norm al play , sing le-play , and shuffle play mode . 1 During pla yback in the selected pl ay mode , pre ss and hold P-M O D E / for 2 se conds or m or e.
24 Adjusting the sound quality Y o u can change th e preset so und quality and stor e the resul ts in “SOUND1” or “SOUND2”. 1 Press SOUND rep eatedly t o select “SOUND1” or “SOUND2”. 2 During playback, press SOUND for 2 second s or more.
25 Using t he g rou p function What is the group function? The group func tion is pro vided to al low play back of di scs with gr oup sett ings. The grou p functi on is co n ven i e nt fo r play b ack of MDs on whi ch se veral alb ums or CD single s ha ve been rec or ded in MDLP (LP2/LP4) mode.
26 Pla ying a track in gr oup play In grou p pl ay, all gr ou ps are played i n order, starting wi t h gr ou p 1, followed by the unassi gned t racks (“Gr oup - -”). Playba ck stops afte r a ll the tracks have been p layed. 1 During playback, p ress P-MODE/ repeatedly unt il “ ” appe ar s in the disp lay .
27 Other O peratio ns Useful settings The pl ayer has va rious usef ul func tion s for playb ack. The follo wing table sho ws the functions t hat you can sel ect. Some ite ms can be se t by menu operations on both the pla yer and the remote con t rol, whi le others can b e set with th e butto ns on th e rem o te con trol.
28 List of menus Menus on the playe r Items l isted unde r “Menu 1” are the sele ctable item s which ap pear when you press M ENU, items listed und er “Men u 2” are th e selectabl e items w hich app ear when y ou select a n item in Menu 1, and “Menu 3” are the selectab le items which appea r when you select an ite m in Menu 2 .
29 How to use the men u items T o set the menu items, d o the foll owin g p roce dure . On the player 1 Press MENU to en ter the menu. 2 Pres s . or > to s elect the item. 3 Press ENTER to enter the selection. 4 Repeat st ep s 2 and 3. The se tti ng wil l be en tere d whe n you press ENTER at th e la st.
30 Selecting the pla y mode For d etails and r emote contro l operation, see page 22. 1 While the pl ayer is playi ng, enter the menu an d sel ect “P -MODE”.
31 Selecting t he play mode for group play (Group Play Mode) 1 Do st ep s 1 to 2 of “Selec t in g the play mode” ( pag e 30). After nor mal playback (pa ge 2 2) , the followin g pl ay modes a ppe ars after norm al pl ay . 2 Selec t “RepON ” or “R epOFF”.
32 Sta rti ng th e playba ck qui c kly (Quic k Mode) Aft er pres sing the playba ck b utt on or cuei n g to the tr ack, t h e play ba ck can st a rt quickly. 1 Ente r the menu a nd se lect “ OPTION ” - “Power”(“ PowerMode” o n th e remot e co nt rol).
33 Viewing various inf ormation 1 While play ing, enter the me nu and sele ct “DISP”. 2 Selec t the inform ation yo u wa nt . Each time you press .
34 Locking the controls (HOLD) T o prevent the buttons f rom being accide nt ally operat ed when you carr y the player, use this fu nction. 1 Slide HOLD in t he direction of the . to lock. T o unlock the controls Slide HO LD to the oppos i te di re ction of the ar ro w .
35 V arious way to use the radio Presetti ng radio stations For th e USA model, up to 41 radio stati ons can be preset , 30 fo r FM, 7 fo r TV , and 4 for Wb (wea ther). For the Ca nadi an mode l, up to 3 0 FM statio ns can be pre se t. 1 Press RADIO ON/OFF t o turn o n the radi o.
36 Additi ona l informatio n Precauti ons On safety • Do not carry or stor e the dry ba tt ery in th e same pla ce w ith metallic ob jects such as coins, key rings , or necklaces. Th is may cause a short -circuit and t he generatio n of heat. • Incorrect ba tt ery usage may caus e the ba tt ery fluid to leak or b attery to b urst.
37 On clea ning • After wiping the play er casi ng wit h a soft cloth s lightly m oistened w ith water, wipe it again with a dry cloth. Do not use any t ype of abrasive pad, scouring po wder or solvent suc h as al cohol or benzene a s this may ma r the f ini sh on the casi ng.
38 Specifications MD Play er Audio pla ying system MiniDisc digi ta l audio system Laser diode proper ti es Material: GaAlAs W a vele ngth: λ = 790 nm Emission dura ti on: c ont inuous Laser output : le ss th an 44.
39 T r ou bleshooti ng and expl anatio ns T roubles and solutions If you find any trou bles opera tin g the player, follow the step s be lo w . 1 Che ck t his section , “Troubles an d solution s ”. 2 If you can not solve the pro bl em af ter you made che cks, consul t yo ur nearest Sony deal er .
40 While using group function Whil e u sing the rad io No s ound com es through th e headph ones/ earp hones. • The headphones /earphones plug i s no t f irml y co nnected. , Plug in the pl ug of the headphon es/earphones f irmly to i . • V olume is too l o w .
41 Other s e flas hes in the displa y on the remote contro l and the ra dio does not oper ate. • The alk al in e dr y ba ttery is used up . — Replace th e battery with new LR6 (si z e A A ) alkal i ne dry batte ry (page 16). Sympt om Cause/Rem edy The play er does not work or w orks poor ly .
42 Explanations About the DS P TYPE-S for A TRAC/A TR AC3 This player supports playback wi th the DSP TYPE-S specification for hig h-le vel Sony MiniDisc decks eq uippe d with d igital si gnal p rocesso rs (D SP). Th is spe cif ic atio n al lo ws tr acks recor ded in MDLP mode to be pla ye d ba ck with hig h qua li ty sound.
44 What you can do with MD Sim ple Bur ner/SonicStage MD Simple Burner allo ws you to record musi c tracks fr om an audio CD in the CD driv e of your compute r to an MD W alkman, without first r ecording t he music tracks t o the compu ter .
45 Software Opera tion Basic operational flow using an MD W alkman Providing the r equired system environm ent (page 46) Installing the softwar e onto your computer (page 47) SonicStage MD Simple Burn.
46 Installi ng Providi ng the required system envir onment The fo l lowing sys te m environm e nt is required in or de r to use t he Sonic St age V e r .
47 Installing t he software onto your computer Before installing the software • Make su re to close any viru s-chec k so ftware, as s uch software usually de mands a la rge amount of sys tem resour ce s.
48 Connecting the MD W alkman to your computer After the softw ar e in sta ll ation is completed, conne ct the MD W alkman to your computer . 1 Insert a recordab le disc into the MD W alkman. 2 Insert the new dry battery into the MD W alkman, and connect the MD W alkman to the computer using the supplied dedicated USB cable.
49 Using MD Si mple Bur ner Recording by computer operations MD Sim ple Burner allows you t o record musi c tracks from an au dio CD in the C D dri ve of you r pe rs onal comput e r to the MD W alkm an. T o start MD S imple Burner, click [Start] – [All Pro grams]* – [MD Simple Burner] – [MD Simple Bu rner].
50 The windo w f or recording selected track s from an audio CD [Erase] Disc name (MD) T ra c k inform ation (CD) Album Title Recordi ng mode drop dow n li st [REC/ STOP] T rac k informatio n (MD) Y ou can chang e the track n ame and track number [CLOSE] T o clos e the displ ay as shown on page 49, cl i ck her e.
51 Using Son icStage Importing audio data This s ect ion explains how to re co rd and store au dio data from an audio CD to M y Li br ary of Soni cS tage on the har d di s k dri ve of your com p uter . Y ou ca n reco rd or i mport musi c from othe r sourc es suc h as t he Int ernet and yo ur comp uter’ s hard di sk.
52 4 If necessary , click to uncheck tracks you do not want to record. If you un ch ecked a box by mista ke, click it again to re store the chec k. T o chec k all boxes, click . T o unch eck all boxes, cl ic k . 5 If necessary , change the format and bit rate fo r recording the audio CD.
53 T ransferring audio data from your computer to the MD W alk man Audio d ata stored in My Library o f SonicStag e can be trans f erred to your MD W alkm an an infi ni te number of times.
54 5 Click . T ransf er of the t racks sele cted i n ste p 3 be gins. T o stop transferring Click . • A transfer will f ail and an error mess age will a ppear in th e follo wing cas es: —When there is no enou gh fre e spa ce on the disc . —When the track is subje c t to pla yb ack restrictions.
55 T r ansf erring back audio data fr om the MD W alkman to your computer Audi o d ata that has be en transferre d from your co mputer and s tored on the M D can be transf erred back to M y Li b rary of SonicS ta ge on yo ur computer. 1 Connect your MD W alkman to the computer .
56 4 Click in the middle of the screen. The tra ns ferring of the t ra cks selecte d in step 3 star ts . T o stop transferring Click . Tracks transfer red to the M D W alkman from anoth e r compute r cannot be transferred ba ck to My Library on you r comp uter .
57 Using SonicStage Help Soni cStage Hel p pro vid es fur ther deta ils o n ho w to use Soni cStage . So nicSt age He lp allo ws you to se arch easil y for info rmation fr om a list o f operations, su.
58 1 Double click [Ov e rview] in th e left-side frame. 2 Click [About This Help File]. The explan ation will a ppear in the ri ght -side fram e. 3 Read th e text. Scr ol l the dis p la y if neces s ary . Click un der lined words to jump to thei r expl ana t ions.
59 Referring to SonicStage Help Click [Conte nts] on the left si de of the Hel p windo w to vie w a list of items for each operation. Click on a ny items fo r details .
60 W e recomme nd that you ba ck up y our mu si c dat a a s a pr ec auti on aga in st ha rd disk cras he s or com put e r replacem ent . Back ing up a udio data T o SonicStage Help Back up au dio data.
61 Other in formation Uninstalling SonicStage/MD Simple Burner T o uninst all SonicStag e/MD Simple Burner , follo w the proce dures belo w . 1 Click [Start]–[Control Panel]*.
62 On copyright pr o tection The Ope nM G techno l ogy a llo ws you t o en joy digital musi c, w hi le m ai nt ai n ing the copyrig hts of its holde rs. Sonic St ag e encrypts aud io files in Ope nM G format an d stor es them on t he h ard disk of y our co mputer to pr event unau thorized di st r ibution .
63 T roubleshooting Please refer to th e follo wing steps if you encounte r a problem while using Soni cSta ge/MD Simpl e Bu rner . 1 Check th e symptoms in this “T roubleshooting” section. 2 Check t he symp toms in Sonic St ag e Help when you u s e So nicStage.
64 The software cannot be ins talled onto your computer Problem Cause/Rem edy The installa tion was no t succes sful. Y ou are us ing an OS that do es not support thi s software. t See page 4 6 for more details . All windo ws applicat ions are not c losed.
65 Using a MD W alkman connected to the computer Problem Cause/Remedy Y our co mputer does not recognize the MD W alkman. The MD W alkman is not f irmly conne cted with the supplied dedicated USB cable to the computer . t Reconnect the MD W alkman to th e computer f irmly .
66 Index A Acce ssories optional 38 supplied 11 AVLS 32 B Batter y li fe 16 C CD d rive 46 CDDB 46 CD-ROM 47 Checki ng playin g posi tion 22 remain ing time 22 Cleaning 37 Connect ing 48 Copy right pr.
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Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Sony MZ-NF520D è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Sony MZ-NF520D - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Sony MZ-NF520D imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Sony MZ-NF520D ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Sony MZ-NF520D, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Sony MZ-NF520D.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Sony MZ-NF520D. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Sony MZ-NF520D insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.