Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto MZ-M10 Hi-MD Music Transfer Version 1 for Mac (User Manual) del fabbricante Sony
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Printed in Malays ia © 2005 Sony Corporation 2-638-632- 11 (1) Operatin g Instructi ons MZ-M1 0 Recor der Operatio n ____ _______ Software Operatio n ____ _______ Por table MD Recor der “W ALKMAN” is a registered trademark of Sony Cor poration to represent Headphone S tereo products.
2 T o prevent fire or shock haza rd, do not expose the unit to r ain or moisture. T o pre vent f ire, do not cov er the ventil a tion o f the ap paratus wit h newspapers , tableclot hs, curta ins, etc. And d on’ t place ligh ted cand les on th e appa ratus.
3 This equ ipme nt has been test ed and foun d to comply with the limi ts for a Cla ss B digit al de vice, pu rsua nt t o P art 1 5 of the FCC Rules. These limits a re designed to provide reasonabl e protect ion against harmful interfe rence in a resident ial installati on.
4 Disposal of Old Electrical & Electronic Equipment (Applicable i n the E uropean Union and other E uropean countries with separate collection s ystems) This sy mbol on th e product or on its packag ing indicate s that this p roduct s hall not be treated as househ old waste .
5 • Soni cSt age a nd the So nicS tage log o ar e tradem arks or regi stere d tradema rks of Sony Corpor ation. • MD Sim ple Bu rner, O penMG , “ Magic Gate ” , “ Magic Gate Memor y St ick ” , “ Memory Stic k ” , Hi-MD, Net MD, A TRAC, A TRA C3, A TRAC3plus and their log os are tr adema rks of Sony Corporation.
6 T able of contents About availa ble functio ns and supplie d manuals .... ....... ........... ........ ........ ........... ........ .. 10 Recorder Operation Looking at contro ls ..... ........... ............... ............ .. 14 Getting started .
7 Editing recorde d tracks ...... ............ ............... ..... 46 Before edit ing .......... .................. ................... .................. .................. ...........46 Adding title s (Title Input) ......... ................... ..
8 Software Operation What you can do with Sonic Stage/ MD Simp le Burner ... ........... ................... ................... .......... 86 Installing .. ................... ................... ............... ...... 88 Providin g the r equired s ystem en vironmen t .
10 About available f unctions and supplied manuals This se ction explai ns the fun ctions of this port able Min iDisc re corder and the m anuals t hat have been suppl ied wit h it. Please refer to th e manual that appl ies to each use of the record er .
11 Software Operation (pages 86 to 112) This sectio n expl ains the installati on and bas ic operatio ns of the s upplied So nicStage/MD Simple Bu rner so ftware . SonicStage Help This is an onl ine help tha t you can vi ew on your compu ter scre en. Online help ex plains t he det ailed ope ratio ns and inform ation about So nicSta ge soft ware.
12 Checking the supplied accessor ies Optic a l ca ble (e xcept for the Nor th Am eric an and Me xican m odel s) (1) Clamp f ilters (small-s ize) • for the North Americ an mode l (1) • for th e Eu.
13 Recor der Operati on How t o use the s uppl ied clamp fi lters When using the re corder co nnected to th e comp uter, make sure to attac h the c lamp filter s in the way de scribed. (Y o u must attach a clamp f ilter to comply with th e applicab le EMC standards.
14 Looking at contr ols The recor der A MIC (PLUG IN PO WER) jack 1) B LINE IN (OPT) jack C HOLD switch Slide the switch in the direction of the arro w to disa ble the b uttons on the record er . T o pre vent t he but tons fro m bein g acci dent all y operat ed when you carry the recorde r , use this functio n.
15 The display window of t he recor der A Opera ting cond ition in dication display area Displa ys the indi cation s of each operat ing condit ion. x : stop N : play X : paus e m : fast rewind M : fast fo rward . , > : A MS B Selecte d operatin g condition display area Displays the reco rding mode, play mode, or selected men u item, etc .
16 The earphones with a r emote control (e xcept for the Nor th American model) A VOL (volume) +, – cont rol B HOLD switch Slide the switch in the direction of the arro w to disa ble the b uttons on the remote contr ol. T o prev ent the b uttons from being acci dentall y operated when you carry the reco rder, use t his funct ion.
17 Getting started Charge the rechar geable battery befor e using. 1 Insert the r echargeable batt ery . 2 Charging the rechar geable batter y . 1 Conne ct the AC power a daptor t o DC IN 3V on the rec order and the AC power adapto r to a wall outlet.
18 z • If th e display disappea rs after a short ti me, the rechar geable b attery i s suf ficientl y charg ed. • If the rec hargeabl e battery is complete ly drained at th e start o f char ging, it wil l ta ke about 2. 5 hours for the recha rgeable battery become suff icientl y charged.
19 4 Unlock the control. Slide HOLD to the opposite dire ction of the arro w ( . ) on th e reco rder o r the remote contr ol to unlock t he control s. For models sup plied with the AC plug adaptor If the AC power ada ptor do es no t fit the w all outlet, u se the A C plug adaptor .
20 When pl ayi ng contin uously i n Hi-MD mod e (Unit: approx.hours)( JEIT A) When pl ayi ng cont inu ousl y in MD mode (Unit: approx.hours)( JEIT A) • Stop the recorder before rep lacing the batte ry . • When using a 1 GB Hi-M D disc, th e continuo us recordi ng time may b e shortened if you r epeatedly make short reco rdings.
21 Recording a disc right away! This sectio n explains t he basic pro cedure fo r making digital recordings using an optical cable connected to a C D player , Digital TV or othe r digital equipment.
22 2 Insert a recor dable di sc. 1 Slide OPE N to open the l id. 2 Insert a di sc with the labe l side facing front, and press the lid dow n to close . 3 Confirm the operation mode. This re corder has two opera tion mo des, “H i-MD mod e” and “MD mod e”.
23 4 Recor d a disc. 1 Sele ct and paus e the sound so urce to be record ed. 2 Make sur e that t he x indicat ion appears in the display window. 3 While the recorder is stopped, pres s the j og dial ( N / ENT) while pre ssing REC(+ N )/T MARK. “REC ” lights up a nd recordi ng starts.
24 • When yo u record on a 1GB Hi-MD disc, connect t he A C power ad aptor to th e recorder , charg e the rechar geable battery full y (battery level indication shows ), or use a new alkaline dry battery (batte ry lev el indicat ion shows ).
25 Playing a disc ri ght away! 1 Insert a recor ded disc. 1 Slide O PEN to open the li d. 2 Inser t a di sc with t he la bel side f aci ng front, and pre ss the lid d own to close. 2 Play a disc. 1 Pres s the jog dial ( N /EN T) o n the recorde r . Pre ss NX on the remot e control.
26 The playback sound may skip if: • the record er is subject to st rong, repea t ed shocks. • a dirt y or scra tche d disc is pl aye d. When using a disc in Hi -MD mode, sou nd may drop out for a maxim um of about 12 seconds . T o Operation on the recorder Op eration on the remote control Stop Press x .
27 Using me nus How to use the menu items The r ecorde r has many me nus with useful f unction s for reco rding, playbac k, editi ng, etc. T o set the menu it ems, do th e follo wing pro cedure. If you a re doing a men u operat ion for t he first time after pu rcha sing the re cord er , “Men u Mode ” appea rs in the dis play .
28 List of menus The follo wing table sho ws the menu items th at you can select. Me nu items c an be set wit h the reco rder only . Items l isted under “M enu 1” are the select able item s whic h.
29 REC Settin gs R EC Mode Selects the reco rding mode ( PCM, Hi- SP or Hi-LP). page 34 REC Level* Manually a djusts the reco rding level. page 35 MIC AGC* Sets th e microphon e recordin g level adjustmen t mode . page 33 MIC Sens* Sets the microp hone sens iti vity to suit the source sound.
30 V a rious ways of r ecor ding Before r ecording About the operation m ode This reco rder has two opera tion m odes , “Hi-M D mode” a nd “MD mode”. The operation mode is automat ically recogn ized w henever the dis c is insert ed. After y ou inser t a disc, ch eck the oper atio n mode on the disp lay windo w of the reco rder .
31 Viewing various information Y ou can check the remaining time, track number , et c. when re cordin g or duri ng stop. 1 Enter the men u and sel ect “Dis play”. 2 T urn t he jog dial to select the info rmatio n you wan t, and the n press the jog dial to ent er the se lection.
32 While recording • When a dis c used i n Hi-MD mo de is i nserted in the r ecorder , the free sp ace will sho w as “2.0M B” when the remaining record ing time becomes “– 00:00”. Thi s is a system limita tion, “2.0M B” being the cap acity of the reserve dom ain.
33 2 Turn the jog dia l to selec t “Sens Hig h” or “Sen s Low”, and then press the jog dial to ent er the se lection. Sen s High: W hen re cordin g a soft sound or a sound with a nor mal volume. Sens Low: When reco rdin g with a loud o r close-r ange soun ds, such as thos e during an oral re cordin g or a music co ncer t.
34 Recording f rom a TV or radio (Analog Recording) This se ction explains how to record fro m equipm ent with analog ou tput, suc h as a casset te reco rder, radi o, or TV . 1 Make co nnec tion s. Use t he ap pro priat e connec ting cor d to suit th e source equipment.
35 z Audio com ponents that sup port the line arPCM, Hi-SP and Hi-LP mode are indicat ed b y the or logo mark. • It is rec ommended tha t you use t he A C power adaptor for long reco rdings. • It is rec ommended that you use the recor der to edit (dividing or co mbining) long tracks recorded in linea rPCM.
36 Adding track marks while recor ding Y ou ca n add tra ck mark s (track nu mber) while reco rding to di vide the material i n to separate p arts, tha t allo w you to go to speci fic track quickl y and easi ly . Whil e the rec order is record ing, pre ss REC(+ N )/T MARK at the point you want to add a track mar k.
37 Recording without creating a new gr oup The re corder is fa ctor y se t to auto mati cally crea te a n e w grou p for each recor ding. T o r ecord w ithout creating a ne w grou p, set t he recor der as follo ws. While the reco rder i s st opped , ent er the menu and select “R EC Settings ” - “Grou p REC” - “Off”.
38 T o start/stop recording in sync with the sound source (Synchro- recor ding) When m aki ng a di gital re cor ding (e.g ., from a CD), this fun ction automatic ally star ts and stop s the r ecorder in synchr onizati on with the s ound sour ce. This elim inates the need for separate operat ion of the r ecorde r and the soun d source .
39 V a rious w ays of playback Viewing various information Y ou can chec k the tr ack n ame, di sc name, etc. d uring playba ck. 1 Enter the men u and sel ect “Dis play”. 2 T urn t he jog dial to select the info rmatio n you wan t, and the n press the jog dial to ent er the se lection.
40 Selecting the pl ay mode Y ou ca n listen to tracks in v ariou s play mode s. Th e pl ay mo de can c onsi st of a combi nation of Main play mo de, Su b play mode a nd Repeat pl ay .
41 Listening t o tracks by a specific ar tist (Artist Play) (in Hi-MD mode o nly) If the track data inclu des the artist name, you can li sten to t racks by a s pecif ic artis t only . 1 Do st ep 1 and se lect “Ar tist Pla y” in step 2 of “P laying tracks in Ma in play mode” ( page 40).
42 2 T urn the jog dial to selec t a track, and then press the jog dia l to en ter the select ion. T o erase bookmarks Whil e playing t he track for whi ch you want to era se the bookm ark, pre ss the jog dial for 2 second s or more. By specify ing Sub pla y modes , you can listen to tracks s e lected i n Main pl ay mode in v arious ways .
43 T o cancel Repe at Play Sele ct “Of f” in step 2. Searching f or a track (Search) Y ou can ea sily se arch for a tra ck by track name, group na me, a rtist na me, or a lb um name. 1 Pres s SEARC H. 2 T urn t he jog dial to select the item you w ant to u se for sear chin g, an d then p ress the jo g dial to en ter .
44 • After st ep 4, Bo okmark pl ay is ca nceled . • After st ep 4, A-B R epeat p lay is cancel ed. • During a se arch, u nlabele d tracks appear at the end of each list . • During a search , ungrouped tracks are placed togeth er as “Group - -” and appear at the end of the list of groups.
45 T o cance l the s etting Select “Norma l” in st ep 1. T o modify and store the sound (For mo dels excep t European models ) Y ou can modi fy the so und and st ore the results in “Custom 1” and “Cust om 2”.
46 Editing r ecord ed tracks Before edi ting • When you edit the co ntents of a 1GB Hi-MD disc, connect th e A C power adap tor to the recorder , charg e the rechar geable battery fully (bat tery level indic ation sh o ws ), or use a new alkaline dry battery (b attery lev e l indicati on shows ).
47 About t he character palette Duri ng oper ations on t he recor der , char acte rs can be s elec ted f rom t he character p alette in the disp lay windo w .
48 3 T urn the jog dial downwar d. The cursor sh ifts from th e letter input area to the char acter pa lette. 4 Select a lette r and press the jo g dial to ente r . The selected l etter appears in the letter input are a and the cursor moves to the ne xt inp ut position .
49 Assigning tracks or groups as a new group (Group Set) W ith this fun ction , you can assig n exi sti ng tra cks or group s to a new gr oup, and al so you ca n assi gn a trac k that curre ntly belo ngs to no g roup to an exi sti ng gr oup.
50 3 T urn the jog d ial to s elec t th e nu mb er of the desire d last t rack, and the n pres s th e jog dia l to e nter . This sele cts the la st tr ack of the n ew grou p and t he group c an be labe led. If the disc c ontains gr oups, on ly the last trac k nu mber of ea ch g rou p is disp laye d.
51 If the se lect ed tr ack is no t in th e group, the name of the currently sele cted trac k appears with “ B ” in the displ ay . 2 If you ar e moving a trac k from insi de a group to outsid e the group, or if there is n o group on a disc, skip th is step.
52 Erasing tracks and the entir e disc (Erase) Note that on ce a recorded item has been erased, it cann ot be recovered. Make sure t o confirm the con tents of the selected item before erasing i t.
53 1 Play t he disc you w ant to eras e to check t he cont en ts. 2 Pres s x . 3 Enter the me nu to sel ect “Edit” - “Erase ” - “All T r Erase” . “ALL T RA CKS WILL B E ERA SED” appe ars in the d isplay . 4 T urn the jog dial to select “ OK”, and then p ress the jo g dial to er ase the whole disc.
54 T o add track ma rks while recording (except while synchro-recording) Press T M ARK on t he recor der at the point you wa nt to add a track mar k. Y ou ca n use the “T ime Ma rk” setti ng to add track mar ks automatica lly at specif ied interv als (except wh ile digita l recordi ng) (page 3 6).
55 For matting the disc (Format) When u sing a di sc in Hi-M D mode , you can us e the F ormat fun ction to r esto re a disc to th e conditio n it was in at the time of pu rchase . Y ou can use this functi on only when using a disc in Hi-M D mode. • By formattin g a disc, all data (including non- audio data) will be erased.
56 Other op eratio ns Changing the displayed menu items (Menu Mode) Y ou can specif y the display of all items in the m enu ( Advanced m ode) or onl y basic items (Simp le mode). Refer to “List of me nus” (p age 2 8) to check the menu items that cannot be display ed.
57 Storing the setti ngs for individual discs (Disc Memor y) The re corder is fa ctor y se t to automatically store settings for ea ch disc. The re corder aut omatical ly st ores the setting s for a disc and r etrie ves them when ever the disc is inserted .
58 Selecting the di sc mode (Disc Mode) Whe n you inse rt a 60/74/ 80-m inute standa rd disc (blank) in to the re corder, you can u se this function to speci fy use of the disc in Hi-MD mode or MD mode. When recordi ng on this r ecorder with out using a computer , set “Disc Mode” to “H i-MD ”.
59 Changing the operational dir ection of the display Wh en you tu rn the jog dial downwar d, the display s crolls do wnward. This is the factor y setting . Y ou can c hange the factory setting to scroll in the opposi te dire ction . 1 Enter the me nu and sele ct “Opti on” - “Jog D ial”.
60 Usin g the recorder with a com puter What you can do through connection with a computer T o use the r ecorder connect ed to a computer , you must insta ll the s oftware from the supplied CD-R OM.
61 Connecting the recor der to your computer When y ou con nect the s upplie d USB ca ble direc tly to the U SB co nnecting j ack on t he rec order, power (bus power) is su pplied from the USB port of the computer . T his allo ws the recorder to be used with out po w er being supplied from t he batte ry .
62 4 Unplug the USB cabl e from th e computer or re mov e the disc from the record er . • If you use the rec order connecte d to the comput er , it is recommended tha t you insert a fully ch arge d recha rgeab le ba ttery as a precaution a gainst powe r fail ures, disconn ection of t he USB c able or o ther unforeseen occurren ces.
63 Viewing non-audio data stored on the disc in the display window of the recor der (File List) When u sing a di sc in Hi-M D mode , you can view no n-audio da ta stored on the disc in th e di spla y wi ndo w of the recor der . The name an d size of f iles ar e disp laye d.
64 The storage spa ce for each disc (format ted with the recorder/the Soni cStage sof twa r e) Disc type T otal size Disc management space 1)2) 1) This is space t hat is used for managing the fil es on the disc. 2) The size of the disc management spac e changes acco rding to the operating conditions of your computer and other fa ctors.
65 Addit ional information Precautions On safety Do not put any foreign ob jects in th e DC IN 3V jack. On po wer sources • Use house curre nt, nickel metal hydr ide rechar geable b attery , or LR6 (size AA) battery . • For use in your house : Use the AC po wer adaptor supp lied with this recorder .
66 • Bec ause of the ba ttery’ s charac teris tics, the capacity of th e rechar geable bat tery ma y be smalle r than norma l when it i s us ed for the first time or after a lon g period of disuse. In this cas e, char ge and di schar ge th e batt ery several times.
67 Specifications Audio pla ying system MiniDis c digital audi o system Systems Mini Disc system , H i-M D sy stem Laser diode properties Emis sion du ration: co ntinuous Laser output: l ess than 44.6 µW (This outpu t is the va lue measur ed at a distance of 200 mm f rom the le ns surface on the optica l pick-up blo ck with 7 mm apertur e.
68 Option al acces sories Optica l Cable POC-15B, PO C-15AB Li ne Ca ble RK-G129, R K-G136 MDR-ser ies Stereo Headphon es/earphone s* SRS-seri es Acti ve Speak ers Recorda ble MDs MDW -se ries Recordab le Hi-MD disc HMD1G Nickel metal hydr ide rechargeab le battery NH-10WM Y our dealer may not handl e some of th e abo ve listed accessor ies.
69 T rou bleshooting and explanat ions T roubleshooti ng If a pr oblem occurs d urin g reco rder o peratio n, foll ow the st eps describe d below be fore consulting th e nearest S ony d ealer . If an y messages ap pear , it is recommend ed to take note s.
70 While r ecording Symptom Cause/Remedy “NO T ENOUGH PO WER TO REC” appears an d recor ding cannot be done on a 1GB Hi -MD disc. • Recording is not possible whe n using a 1G B Hi-MD disc e ven when the batt ery lev el i ndicatio n sho ws enough po w er r emaining while t he recorde r is stopped or pl aying.
71 The l id doe s not op en after recor ding. • The lid does not open until “SYSTEM FILE WRITING ” disappea rs in the d isplay . “TRA CK FULL” appear s even bef ore the disc has reach ed the maximu m record ing time an d the record ing cannot be do ne.
72 Playback sound skip s. • The record er is placed where it receives continuo us vibrat ion. , Put the r ecorder on a stable pl ace. • A very short track may cause sound to skip.
73 While editing Symptom Cause/Remedy “NO T ENOUGH POWER T O EDIT” appear s and edit ing cannot be done on a 1GB Hi-MD disc. • Editing is not possible wh en using a 1GB Hi-MD disc even when the battery le ve l indi cation sh ow s enoug h po wer rem aining wh ile th e record er is stopped or playing.
74 A new grou p canno t be creat ed. • This is due to the Mini Disc system limitations (in MD mo de only). Group i nformat ion has been wri tten to th e area wher e the disc name is sto red. The dis c name and t rack names are re corded in t he sa me area, which can s tore a max imum of appr oximat ely 1,70 0 cha ract ers.
75 The playi ng time of a tran sferr ed tra ck is different f rom the time th at appea rs on your co mputer monitor . This is d ue to a cal culati on discr epanc y between the record er a nd th e compute r . Y ou can not transfer tracks that will f ill up the remai ning recordi ng time on the disc.
76 The reco rder doe s not work o r works poorly . • The li d is not f irmly closed. , Clo se th e lid unt il it cl icks . Then slide OPEN to ope n the li d. • Moisture has co ndensed inside the recorder (for example, w hen the recorde r has been brou ght in from a col d place to a warm place).
77 Messages If the following mes sages a ppear in the displa y wind o w on th e record er , check the chart belo w . Message Meaning/Remedy A VLS NO VO L U M E OPERA TION • A VLS is se t to “On ” and so the v olume canno t rise higher . , Set A VL S to “Off” (page 56).
78 D A T A SA V E • The re corde r is wr iting inform ati on to the syste m file, s uch as th e reco rde d data or ed iting inf ormati on. , W ait u ntil t he messag e disapp ears f rom the display . DC IN TOO HIGH • V olt age of the power supply is too hi gh (The supplied AC power adap tor is not us ed).
79 NO DIGIT AL COPY • Y ou tried to make a copy from a di sc that is prote cted by the Serial Co py Managem ent System. Y ou cannot make co pies from a digi tally connec ted sour ce wh ich wa s its elf re corde d using digital conn ection. , Use an alog conne ction instead (page 34) .
80 READ ER ROR • The reco rder canno t read the disc info rmatio n correc tly . , Reinsert the disc. REC ERROR • Re cording was not correctly don e. , Plac e the reco rder at a pl ace wi th no vib rations and record again. • The disc is soiled wi th an oil film or finger prints, is scrat ched, or is not a standard disc.
81 Explanations About Hi-MD “Hi-MD” is a ne w MiniDis c format. Incorpo rating the new A TRAC3plus audio compressio n technology, Hi-MD is a new recording format that delivers longer recordin g times than ordina ry MDs. Hi-MD disc s can also be used as a compu ter storage medium for non-aud io data s uch as text and i mages.
82 Abo ut “Syste m File ” The syst em fi le is sp ace on the dis c that is used to store i nformat ion oth er than au dio f i les; for inst ance, trac k numb ers. If the MiniDisc were a book, the system file would correspo nd with the index or table of co ntents.
83 When using a di sc in MD mode Y ou cannot record in MD mode on this rec order . About recordable audi o form ats The audio formats that ca n be re corded on this re corder var y accor ding to the dis c type a nd record ing method . Check the foll owing table for detai ls.
84 Note on digital recording This rec order uses the Se rial Copy Ma nagement System, w hich al lows only first-genera tion digi tal copies to be made from prema stered software. Y ou can only make cop ies from a home- recorded disc by using the anal og (line out) connec tions.
85 Differ ence betw een digital (optical) and analog (line) input s The input j ack of this recorder w orks a s both digi tal and ana log input j acks. Connect th e recor der to a CD player or a cass ette reco rder using eith er digita l (optica l) inpu t or analog (lin e) input.
86 What you can do with SonicStage/ MD Sim ple Bur ner Refer to th e suppli ed “Hi-MD W A V Importer fo r Mac” op erating in struct ions for d etails on operat ions of the Hi-M D W A V Imp orter sof tware.
87 Software Opera tion Basic operational flow using an MD W alkman Providing the r equired system environm ent (page 88) Installing the softwar e onto your computer (page 89) SonicStage MD Simple Burn.
88 Installi ng Providi ng the requir ed system environment The fo llowing syste m environment is required in order to use the S onicStag e V er . 3.1/M D Simple Burner V e r .
89 Installing t he software onto your computer Before installing the software • Make sure to clos e all Windows softwa re progr ams. Esp ecial ly , make su re to close any virus- chec k soft ware, a s such so ftware usual ly de mands a la rge amou nt of syst em reso urces.
90 4 Click [Install SonicStage and MD Simple Burner] and then follow th e displayed instructions. Read the ins tructions c arefully . Depe nding on y our region, the buttons oth er than [In stall Son icStage an d MD Sim ple Burner] may d iff er from those in the illust ration abov e.
91 Using Son icSta ge Importing audio data This s ection expla ins how to reco rd and st ore audio da ta from an audio CD to My Libr ary of Soni cStage on t he hard dis k drive of your comp uter .
92 3 Point to [ Music Source] on the upper-left side of the screen and click [Impor t a CD]. The sc reen swi tches to the “Mu sic Source ” (Impo rting CD) scre en and all the tracks on the au dio CD are list ed. 4 If necessary , click to uncheck tracks you do not want to record.
93 T ransferring audio data fr om your computer to the MD W alk man Audio d ata stor ed in My Library o f Sonic Stage ca n be trans ferred to your MD W alkman a n infi nite number of times. 1 Insert a disc into the MD W alkman and connect the MD W alkman to your comp uter .
94 4 If necessary , change the transfer mod e. As the def ault setting, t racks in the Op enMG (PCM/A TR A C3/A TRA C3plus) forma t will be t ransferr ed in the same format and bit rate (n ormal tran sfer).
95 T ransferring back audio data fr om the MD W alkman to your computer Audi o data that has been transfer red from your co mpute r and store d on the M D can be transf erred ba ck to My Lib rary of So nicStage on your com puter . 1 Insert a disc into the MD W alkman and connect the MD W alkman to your comp uter .
96 4 Click in the middle of the screen. The tra nsferri ng of the tra cks sel ected in st ep 3 starts . T o stop transfer ring Click . T o impor t cover art set usin g a camera-equipped Hi -MD W alkma.
97 3 Click the tracks you want to transfer in the Hi-MD list on the right side of the screen. T o transf er more tha n one trac k, hold do wn the [Ctrl] k ey while selectin g the track s. T o trans fer all tracks of the group , click th e group. 4 Click in the middle of the screen.
98 Writi ng audio data to a CD-R/CD-R W disc Y ou ca n write track s in My Libr ary of Son icStage t o a CD-R/CD -R W disc. Anal og tracks record ed on a Hi- MD device an d impor ted to My Library c an be w ritten to and enj oyed on a CD-R /CD-R W . The num ber of times data c an be written may be limit ed due to copyrig ht restric tions.
99 4 Click in the middle of the screen. The se lected al bums o r trac ks a ppear on the r ight side of th e sc reen ( the CD-R/C D- R W) as a tentati ve list of items to be writ ten. 5 Click in the right of the screen. The “Writing Se ttings” dialog bo x appear s allowing you to set optio ns for writ ing.
100 Using SonicStage Help SonicS tage Hel p provides fur ther deta ils on how to use So nicStage . SonicS tage Help allo w s you t o search easily fo r informat ion from a list of operations , such as.
101 1 Double click [Ov ervie w] in the left-side frame. 2 Click [About Th is Help File]. The ex planat ion will appear in the rig ht-sid e frame. 3 Read the text. Scroll th e displa y if nec essary . Click u nderlined words to jump to their expl anations.
102 Referring to Soni cStage Help Click [C ontents ] on the left side of the Help wi ndow to view a list of ite ms for eac h operation. Click on an y items for detail s.
103 W e reco mme nd that you back up your m usic d ata as a pr ecauti on again st hard di sk cras hes or co mpute r re plac ement . Back ing up audio data T o SonicStage Help Back up audio data in My .
104 Using M D Simple Bur ner Before usi ng MD Simple Burner MD Simple Burner allo ws you to record music track s from an audio CD in the CD d ri ve of your com puter to the MD W alkm an.
105 Recording using MD W alkman op erations (Simp le mode) 1 Insert a recordable disc into the MD W alkman and then connect the MD W alkman to the computer . For deta ils about conn ecti ons, see pag e 61 on “Rec order Ope rati on” s ection. Do no t disconne ct the powe r source or the USB ca ble befo re the t ransfer ha s completed.
106 Recording by computer operations ( Standar d mode) T o sta rt MD Simple Bu rner, clic k [Start] – [All Programs]* – [MD Simple Burne r] – [MD Simple Burn er].
107 The wind ow for recording selected t racks fro m an au dio CD [Era se] Disc name (MD) T rac k infor mati on (CD) Album T itle Record ing mode drop down m enu [REC/ STOP] T rack in forma tion (MD ) Y ou can ch ange t he track name a n d tr ack number [Close] T o clos e the dis play as s hown on page 106 , click here .
108 Other infor mation Uninstalling SonicStage/MD Simple Burner T o unins tall SonicSta ge/MD Simple Bur ner, follo w the procedures b elow . 1 Click [Start]–[Control Panel]*. ∗ [Setting s]–[Control Panel] in the case of Windows 2000 Profe ssional/Windows Millenni um Edition/Windows 98 Second Edition 2 Double-clic k [Add/Remove Programs].
109 On copyright protection The OpenMG technology a llo ws you to enjoy dig ital music, while mai ntaining th e copyri ghts of its ho lders. Restrictions on audio c ontent Hig h-qualit y digital au dio cont ent is wi dely available thro ugh mus ic distr ibution serv ices on the I nterne t.
110 T roubl eshooting Please refe r to the follo wing steps if you encounter a problem while using Sonic Stage/MD Simple Burner. 1 Check the symptoms in this “T roublesho oting” section. 2 Check th e symptom s in So nicStage Help when you use Son icSta ge.
111 The software cannot be installed onto y our computer Problem Cause/Remedy The in stalla tion was no t succes sful. Y ou ar e using an OS that doe s not sup port this soft ware. t See page 88 fo r more detail s. All Windows applicat ions are not closed.
112 Using a MD Walkman connected to the c omputer Problem Cause/Rem edy Y our comput er do es not recogn ize the MD W alkman . The MD W a lkman is not f irmly connected wit h the suppl ied USB ca ble t o the comp uter . t Reconnect the MD W alkman to the computer fi rmly .
113 Index A A-B Re peat 42 Access ories opti ona l 68 supplied 12 ATRAC 3pl us 81 AVLS 56 B Batt ery 17 , 18 Batt ery lif e 20 BEEP 56 Bookm ark 41 C CD drive 88 CDDB 88 , 105 CD- R/R W drive 88 CD-RO.
114 R Record ing analo g 34 digital 21 from micr ophone 32 level 33 , 35 recordi ng mode 34 Sync hro- recordin g 38 time 82 Record ing mode 105 Recording mode (Bit rat e) 92 S Simp le m ode 105 SonicS.
115 This warr anty is v alid only in Canada..
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Sony MZ-M10 Hi-MD Music Transfer Version 1 for Mac (User Manual) è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Sony MZ-M10 Hi-MD Music Transfer Version 1 for Mac (User Manual) - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Sony MZ-M10 Hi-MD Music Transfer Version 1 for Mac (User Manual) imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Sony MZ-M10 Hi-MD Music Transfer Version 1 for Mac (User Manual) ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Sony MZ-M10 Hi-MD Music Transfer Version 1 for Mac (User Manual), ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Sony MZ-M10 Hi-MD Music Transfer Version 1 for Mac (User Manual).
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Sony MZ-M10 Hi-MD Music Transfer Version 1 for Mac (User Manual). Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Sony MZ-M10 Hi-MD Music Transfer Version 1 for Mac (User Manual) insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.