Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto MZ-B10 del fabbricante Sony
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3-247-850- 16 (1) Por table MiniDisc Recor der Operating Instructions Rec order Opera tion _ ________________________ ___ _ T roubl eshooting and e xplanat ions _ ________________ _ page 8 page 48 ©2.
2 Caution The use of op tical instrumen ts with this produc t will increas e eye ha zard. CA UTION — INVISIBLE LASER RADIA TION WHEN OPEN A V OID EXPOSURE TO BEAM Certai n countrie s may regulate disposal of the bat te r y us ed to power this prod uc t.
3 This equ ipment has bee n tested and foun d to comply with the limits fo r a Class B digit al de vice , pur suant t o Par t 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits a re designed to provide rea so nable prote ct io n aga inst harmful interfe re nc e in a resi de nt ial installati on.
4 T able of co ntents Looking at the con trol s ... .... ........... .... ........... ... 9 Preparing a power source ...... ................ ........ 12 Recordi ng an MD right awa y! ..... ............... ..... 13 Playing an MD righ t away! ..........
5 Using th e group functi on ............. ............ ....... 32 Using t he group function ............... .......... ............... ........... .............. ..... 32 Using t he group function whe n recording .......... ............... ..........
6 Trou bl eshooti ng and exp lanatio ns .. ...... ......... 48 Trou bleshooting . ........... ............... .......... ............... ........... .............. .......48 While reco rdin g ............. .... .... .......... .... .... ........... ..
8 Checking the supplied accessor ies When us i ng the optional AC power adaptor Before using th e A C po wer ada ptor , do the follo wing procedure to atta ch the cla mp fil te r to the cord o f the A C po wer adaptor . ( Y ou must af fix the ferrite cores to comply with applicable EMC standards.
9 Looking at the contr ols See pa ges in ( ) fo r more de tails. Front of the recor der A Displa y window (23) (26 ) ( 30) (3 4) B MENU/EN TER button (23) (26 ) (30) (34) (38) Y ou c an use v ar ious se ttings using menu items. C SPEED CON T R OL +, – button (26) Use this butt on to in crease or dec rease the play ba ck speed.
10 P MIC (PLUG IN POWER) jack ( 19) Conn ec t an optional st er eo microphone to this jack to r ecord. The M IC (PLU G IN POWER ) j ack has a tactile dot. Q LINE IN (OPTICAL) j ack (21) ( 22) Conn ec t an optional opt i ca l or line cabl e t o th is ja ck t o reco rd fr om a CD, etc.
11 The display window A Play mode indicatio n (28) Lights up w hen select i ng sp ecifi c play mode. B Disc indica tion (1 8) (26) ( 30) (3 4) Sho ws that the disc is rotating for reco rding, pl aying or e diting an MD.
12 Preparing a power source This sec tion exp lains ho w to prepa re the rec order for b attery-po were d operati on. F or infor mation o n con necti ng the r ecord er to a n A C po wer outlet, see page 43 . 1 Inser t dry batteries. 2 Unlock the control .
13 Recording an M D right away! Use the b uilt-i n microphone to record. Make s ure the rec ord-protect tab on the disc is closed ( page 46). The us e of ne w alkaline dr y batteries is recommende d. The recording may not be possibl e if you use mang anese dry bat teries.
14 3 Select the r ecording mode. 4 Record an MD. 1 Press REC. “REC” ap pe ars, REC i n di cator lig ht s up, and then rec ording starts. Y ou c an mon itor the recordi ng cond itions , s u c h as the re co rding position, t hrough the display or the REC indica tor .
15 If the recording does not start • Make s ure the record er is not l ocked (page 12). • Make s ure the MD is not record-pro tected (page 46). • Prem astere d M Ds canno t be reco rded over. T o know the recording condition The RE C in dicator light s u p or fl as hes according to the reco rd in g conditi on.
16 Playing an MD right away! Y ou can play r ecordable MDs or premaster ed MDs. Sound output from the b uil t-in speak er is monaura l, but s tereo list ening is pos sible through t he suppli ed headphones/ earphones. 1 Inser t an MD. 1 Slide OPE N to open t h e lid.
17 If the play does not start Make sure the recorde r is not lock ed (page 12). z Playback will swi tch automat ically bet ween stereo and mo naural according to the sound source. Notes • The sound may skip during playback when the recorder is exposed to c ont inuo us vibration, such as wh ile jog ging.
18 V a rio us ways of recor ding Long-time recor ding (MDLP) Select each reco rd in g mode accord ing to the reco rding time that you want. Ster eo reco rding is possib le at 2 ti mes (LP2) o r 4 times (LP 4) the norma l (SP) record ing time. Mo naural recor ding at 2 times norma l recording t ime is also possible.
19 Notes • It is rec ommended that you use the A C po wer adaptor (n ot sup plied) for long recordi ngs. • During monaura l recor di ng of a ster eo sound source con nected through th e dig ita l ( opt ical) input ja c k , you c a n sti ll monitor the re co rded sound in stere o by using headp hones/ earp h on e s c o nn ected to th e i ja ck .
20 Recording fr om exter nally connected equipment The LINE IN (OPTICAL) ja ck of this recorde r works as both digital and an alog input jack s. Conn ect the re corde r to a CD p layer or a ca ssette recorder using either digita l (opt ic al) inpu t or analo g (line) input.
21 Recording with digital (optical) input (Digital Recording) Connect to a digital source using an opti cal ca ble to make dig it a l recordings . Digital rec ording is possible ev en from digit al eq ui pment with dif fere nt s ampli ng rate s, suc h as a D A T d ec k or a BS tuner, using the b u il t-in sampling rat e c on verter .
22 Recor ding fr om a TV or radio (Analog Record ing) Conn ect the re corde r with a line ca ble (not su pplied) to m ake analog re co rding. Connect f irmly to the appropriate jacks. Note Use the co nnecting cords without an attenuator. 1 Insert a record able dis c.
23 T o star t/stop recor ding in sync with the sound source (Synchro-r ecording) Duri n g synchro- recordin g, the starting and st opp ing of reco rd ing occurs are synch ronized with the s oun d source. This simplif ies digita l recordings (e. g., from a CD pla yer) s ince the need t o oper ate the recor de r or the sound so urce is eliminated .
24 Notes • The pause fu nc tio n ca nnot be turne d on or off manuall y during synch ro-recording. • Do not switch the “SYNC REC ” setting while recording . Recording may not be done prop erly . • Y ou cannot cha nge the recording mod e during recording.
25 4 Pres s . or > until “MARK ON” ap pears in th e di s p l ay , and then press ME NU/ENTER. “10min.ON” appears in the displa y and the selection is entere d. “T” appears a fter the tr ack number in the display . T o cance l Auto Time M ar k Select “MARK OFF” in s tep 4 or stop record ing.
26 V ar ious w ays of pl ayback Changing the sound mode Y ou ca n se lect the sou nd mode durin g playba ck . This function emphasizes voices, so it is us eful when lis tening to record ings of meet i ng s or lectures. 1 Press MENU/ENT ER. 2 Press . or > until “ SOUND” appear s in the displ ay , and then press MENU/ENTER.
27 1 While pl aying, press SP E ED CONTROL + or – while the r ecorder is playing. Playb ack speeds up w h e n yo u press the SPE ED CONTROL + button and slows down when y ou press the – button. Sel ect the desi re d playback speed while listenin g to the materi al .
28 4 Press . or > repea tedly until “Repe atOFF” o r “Repea tON” ap pears in the di splay , and then pr ess MENU/ ENTER . RepeatOFF : Playback will n ot repeat . RepeatON : Playback will re peat with th e play mode se lected in st ep 3. When t h e s elect i on ente rs , pla y mo de indication lights up.
29 Editi ng r ecorde d tracks Y ou can edi t your re cordings by adding/ eras i n g track m a rks or ch anging the ord er of th e record ed trac ks. Notes • Premas te red M Ds cannot be edited.
30 Notes • When you erase a trac k mark between th e two consecuti ve tracks tha t are regi stered to dif ferent group s, t he sec ond t rack is re - registered into the gr oup containing t he first track.
31 Erasing tracks (Erase) Y ou can er ase unne ce ssary t ra cks or al l tracks in a disc. Note When yo u erase groups, see page 37. T o erase a track Note tha t on ce a r ecording has been erased, you cannot retrieve it. Be sure to ver ify t he co ntents of the trac k y ou wan t to er ase.
32 Using th e group fun ction Using the group function The grou p function is pr o vide d to allow playba ck of discs wi t h group se ttings. The group fu nction is convenient fo r playback of MD s on which several albums or C D sing l e s ha ve been r ec orded in MDLP (LP2/L P4) m od e.
33 Recording a tra c k to an existing gr oup Y ou can ad d a t r a ck to an e xisti ng group . 1 Pres s GR OUP and press . or > until the group yo u want to a dd a trac k to app ears in the di sp lay . 2 While pressin g GR OUP, p ress R EC. 3 Play the sour ce sou nd.
34 Editing gr oups Assigning trac ks or groups as a new gr oup (Gr oup Setting) With this funct i on , you can assig n existing tra cks or groups to a new gr ou p, and als o yo u can assign a tr ac k that cur re ntly be l o ngs to no gro up to an existing grou p.
35 5 Pres s . or > until th e number of th e desir ed las t track flashe s in the disp lay , and t h en press MENU / ENTER . This sele cts the last track of the new grou p. “ :” a ppe ars in the dis pl ay and the grou p i s se t. T o cance l the procedure Pres s x • ST OP f or 2 seco nds or more.
36 1 While pl aying the trac k you want to move , press MENU/ENTER. 2 Press . or > until “E DIT” appear s in the displ ay , and then press MENU/ENTER. The reco rder play s th e s elected tra ck repeat edly . 3 Press . or > until “Move” appear s in the displ ay , and then press MENU/ENTER.
37 4 Pres s . or > u n til “ : Move” appear s in t he displ ay , and t hen pre ss MENU/ENTE R. The gr ou p number ap pears an d t h e dest in at i on gr oup number i n a di s c flas he s in the displ ay . 5 Pres s . or > to sele ct the dest i nati on point on the d isc, and the n press ME NU/ENTER.
38 Other op erations Useful settings The re co rder has many m en us with usef ul fu nctions fo r rec ording, pla yback, edi t in g , et c. The follo wing table s hows the menu items that you can select. How to use the me n u items T o set the menu items, do the followin g procedure .
39 Creating a new gr oup when recording By pres sing REC , you can s et the re corder to create a new group a utomatically each time you rec ord. This is con venient when record ing se veral CDs in su ccession . 1 While the rec order i s stop ped, ent er the m en u and select “R E C SET” - “ : REC” .
40 Starting an operation quick l y (Quic k Mode) Playba ck starts quickly af ter pushi ng the playba ck button or c ueing to a t rack, or an internal recorder opera tion starts quickly (such a s writting da ta af te r stopping a record ing operat i on ).
41 Lis t of menu s Items li st e d under “Men u 1” are the selec ta bl e i te m s which appe ar when you pres s the jog dial, items list ed under “Menu 2” are th e sele ct able i tems wh ich ap pe ar when you se lect a n item i n M enu 1, and “M en u 3” are the sel ec table items w h ich appear w hen you select an item in Menu 2 .
42 Power sou rces Y ou ca n power the rec or der not only with alkal in e dr y ba ttery but also with ho use curren t. Y ou cann ot , ho wever, use mangan es e dry battery . When to replace the batteries Y ou ca n ch eck the batte ry con dition with the battery indicat ion which is displayed while us i ng the recorde r .
43 Using house current 1 Atta ch t he sup pl ie d cl am p f ilter t o the optional A C power ad aptor (see page 8) . 2 Con nect the A C power ad aptor to DC IN 3V. 3 Connect the A C power a daptor to the wall outlet. Notes • Check that the R EC button is no t de pres sed before conn ect i ng th e A C power adaptor .
44 Additi ona l informatio n Precauti o ns On safety Do not put any foreign objects in the DC IN 3V jack. On power sources • Use LR6 (siz e AA) batteri e s, house c urrent, or car batter y .
45 Note on mech ani cal nois e The r ecord er giv e s o ff me ch anical n oise whil e operating, which is caused by the power-sa ving system of th e rec or de r and it is not a proble m. On clea ning • Clean t he recorder cas ing with a so ft cloth slig htly m oistene d with water or a mi ld detergent solu tio n.
46 T o protect a recorded MD T o record-p rotect an MD, s lide open t he tab at the si de of the MD . In th is position, the MD cannot be record ed . T o record again, sli de the tab ba ck so the t a b is visible . If you have any questions or problems concerning you r recorder , please con sult your nearest So n y dealer .
47 Specifications System Audio pla ying system MiniDis c digital audio system Laser diode properties Material: GaAlAs W avelength: λ = 790 nm Emis sion duration : continuous Laser output: less t han 44.6 µW (This outp u t i s t h e v alue meas u red at a distance of 200 mm f r om the lens surfac e on the optical pick-up blo ck with 7 mm aperture.
48 T roublesh ooting and exp lanations T roubl eshooting If a prob l em occurs dur ing record er operation , fo llow th e steps desc ribed below bef o r e consul t ing the neares t Sony dealer . If a ny me ss ages appear, it is reco mmended to ta ke notes.
49 “TR FULL” app ears even before the disc has r eached t he maximum recording time (60, 7 4, or 80 minutes) and th e record ing cann ot be done. • This is du e to the MiniDisc system li mitation .When 254 track s have been reco rded on the di s c, “TR F ULL” appea rs reg ardless of the total record ed time.
50 While play ing Sympto m Cause/Remedy An MD is not played nor mally . • Rep eat play is sele ct ed . , Change ba ck to the normal play (page 2 7) . • Playback mo de is changed. , Change ba ck to the normal play (page 2 7) . An MD is not played from the fir st track.
51 While Editing The re is no R- chann el sound outp ut when play ing a t rack record ed from a cass et te deck or thro ug h an amplifie r, or when listening to sound from a ca ssette deck or amplif ier . • There is no R- channel ou tput if t h e ca ssett e de ck or an amp lifi er is conn ect e d with a monaur al cord.
52 While using g roup function Other s Sympto m Cause/Remedy The grou p funct io n do es not operat e. • Whil e using a disc wi thout group setting, an attempt was made to select som e group-re lated menu. , Use a disc wi th gr oup sett ing. A track c ann ot be record ed to a new group.
53 Messages If the following messages flas h in the displ ay window , check the char t below . The reco rder doe s not w ork or works poor ly . • The reco rd protect ta b i s op ened.
54 NAME FULL • The gr oup setting can not be ma de if group edi t in g w i ll ca use the total num b er of charact er s us ed in track names , group names an d disc name t o exceed the maximum. NO CO PY • Y o u tried to make a co py from a disc th at is protecte d b y th e Serial Copy Mana gement Syst em .
55 SEL Gr ou p • Y ou s el ec ted “ : M o ve” or yo u tried to erase a gro up wh ile the recorder is selecting a track that does not belong to a group. , Selec t a tr ac k within a group you want to edit, an d th en d o t he edit in g op eration agai n.
56 Explanations About the DS P TYPE-S for A TRAC/A TRAC3 This recorde r supp orts DSP TYPE-S, a specification for high-level Sony MiniDisc decks equipped w i th digital signal processors (D SP). Th is specification allows the recor der to produce high-qua lity sound fro m trac ks re cor ded in MDLP mode.
57 Shock-Res istant Me mo r y One major drawback o f optical r ead systems is that the y can ski p or mute when subjected to vibrat i on. The MD syste m resolves this problem by using a buffer memory that stores audio data .
Pr inte d in Malay s i a * 32478501 (1) 6* This warranty is v a lid only in the United States..
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Sony MZ-B10 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Sony MZ-B10 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Sony MZ-B10 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Sony MZ-B10 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Sony MZ-B10, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Sony MZ-B10.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Sony MZ-B10. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Sony MZ-B10 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.