Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto ERS-7 del fabbricante Sony
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User's Guide (PC · Netw ork) When printing this docume nt to le gal siz e pape r , pla ce a che ck m ark beside the “A uto-rota te and cen ter pages ” option of the Print di alog bo x.
2 T able of contents Welcome to AIBO ® Entertainment Robot ERS-7 PC network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Network Configuration Confirming system requirem ents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Enabling the Wireless LAN function .
3 Appendix Words that the AIBO ® Entertainment R obot can understand (AIBO EYES feature) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Command p arameter list (for AIBO MAIL commands) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 We l c o m e t o AIBO ® Enter tainment Robot ERS-7 PC netw ork Using the wireless LAN functio nality of th e AIBO Ente rtainment Robot ERS-7, you ca n vie w pictur es tak en by your AI BO robot i n the AIBO Phot o Albu m, in rea l-time.
Network Configuration In this section , we will con fir m the system environme nt and set it u p to use th e AIBO ® E nter tainment R obot’ s wireless LAN con nection.
Netw ork Configuration 6 Confirming sy stem requir ements T o use the AI BO EYE S feat ure , you r sy stem must mee t th e followin g req uire men ts. Using only the AIBO Photo Alb um • An e-mail account an d conti nuous Int ernet conn ection ar e not n eeded.
Netw ork Configuration 7 Enab ling the Wireless LAN functio n In ord er to e nable the AIBO ® Ente rtai nme nt Ro bot ’ s wireles s LAN functi on, turn the wi reless s witch on it s body to ON. If the AIBO robot is still operating , firs t pres s the paus e bu tton to pu t the AIBO rob ot in P ause mode.
Netw ork Configuration 8 AIBO ® Enter tainmen t Robot ’ s net w ork setup This sec tion will guide you thr ough the se tup nee ded to enab le your AIBO robot ’ s wireles s LAN functio n. A “Memory S tick™” medi a reader /writer* is requi red to se t up the ne twor k.
Netw ork Configuration 9 Installing th e “AIBO WLAN Man ager” Instal l the “ AIBO WLAN Manager” on your PC. Insert the CD -R OM included with the AIBO ® Entert ainment Robot ERS-7 into y our CD-ROM driv e. The in stall er w ill a utom atica lly star t.
Netw ork Configuration 10 Configuring network settings with the “AIB O WLAN Mana ger” Using the “ AIBO WLAN Manager”, you can conf igure the AIBO MIN D so ftwa re “M emor y St ick™” me dia to ma tch your netw ork device sett ings.
Netw ork Configuration 11 (This proc edure is for th e W indo ws ® XP operatin g system onl y . If u sing anoth er ope rati ng syste m , consult its Help.) 1 Clic k “S tar t” t “Control Pan el”. 2 Click “Netw ork and Internet Connections” t “Netw ork Conn ections” .
Netw ork Configuration 12 When using a DHCP server in y our netw ork en vironment Confi gure set tings on the “ Easy” tab . When usi ng a DHCP ser ver , chang es to t he “ Advanced” tab (pag e 13) ar e unn ecess ary .
Netw ork Configuration 13 When not using a DHCP server in y our netw ork en vir onment Confi gure set tings in the “ Adv anced” t ab . When not usi ng a DHC P ser ver , c hange s to th e “Eas y” t ab (p age 12) a re un neces sary . z Hint For add itional settings , refer to “ AIBO Entertainmen t Robot netwo rk settings” o n page 58.
Netw ork Configuration 14 4 Remove the AIBO MIND software “Memory Stick™” media from the r e ader/writer . Insert it into the AIBO ® Enter tainme nt Ro bot, an d pre ss the pause b u tton on the AIBO robot’ s bac k to activate the AIBO robot.
Netw ork Configuration 15 6 Click Finish to close the “ AIBO WLAN Manager” dialog box. Y ou’ ve c ompleted th is proces s! Y ou can no w communicate wi th your AIBO ® Entertainment Robot wire l.
AIBO Photo Album Y ou can use your W e b browser to view pictur es taken by the AIBO ® Enter tai nment Robot..
AIBO Photo Alb um 17 Vie wing pictures with the AIBO Photo Alb um Y ou can use your W eb brow ser to access the AIBO ® Entertain ment Robo t, and view pictures that it took and sto red on the “Mem ory Stick™” m edia, including the most recent picture.
AIBO Photo Alb um 18 View ing pictu res stored o n the “Memor y Stick™” media 1 Click the “Pictu res on th e Memory Stick” under “ AIBO PHO T O AL BUM” . A list of picture s stored on t he “Memory St ick” media is displ ayed. (Up to 20 pictur es can be s tored on the “Memory Sti ck” media.
AIBO Photo Alb um 19 View ing the most recent picture Y ou can vi ew the most recent pict ure (only 1) taken by th e AIBO ® Enterta inment Robot. This is usef ul when you wis h to check the pict ure th e AIBO robot j ust took. Under “AIBO PHO TO ALBUM”, click on “Most recent picture”.
The AIBO EYES Feature After sett ing up your e-mail, you c an send th e AIBO ® Enter tainment Ro bot e-mai l (AIBO M AIL) to m ake it take pictures and en act and de liver messa ges.
The AIBO EYES Feature 21 V arious AIBO EYES functions The AIBO ® Entert ainment Robo t will t ake pictur es and enact a nd deli ver mess ages based on e-mail c ommands you send.
The AIBO EYES Feature 22 Communicate with y our AIBO ® Enter tainmen t Robot without y our PC The AIBO robo t is al ways connecte d to the In ternet v ia wireles s LAN (pro vided th at your en vironment has a conti nuo us I ntern et c onne ctio n).
The AIBO EYES Feature 23 Configuring e-mail Once the ne twor k sett ing s are com plet ed, i t is ti me to conf igure t he e-mail address t hat the AIBO ® Entert ainm ent Robot wil l check, and then set up the AIBO EYES use rs.
The AIBO EYES Feature 24 4 Click “Mail Setup ” under “ AIBO EYES”. The “Mai l Se tup” s cre en app ear s..
The AIBO EYES Feature 25 5 Fill each setu p f ield, and click the “Sa ve” b utton. Specifie s the serv er the AIBO ® Enter tain ment R obo t uses to sen d an d rece ive e-m ail. Ref er to y our e-mai l software or chec k with y our service provi der f or details.
The AIBO EYES Feature 26 z Priv ate Mode The AIBO EYES feature can be set to limit acc ess only t o reg istered users (maxim um of f i ve). Those who wi sh to enjo y the AIBO EYES features of photo c ommands and pic ture vie wing, but want to limit access to fami ly and clos e friend s, should s elect th is mode.
The AIBO EYES Feature 27 Once you cli ck the “Sa ve” b utton, the AIBO ® Ent ertainment Robot will check for ne w e-mail . Afte r a mo men t, the wir eless ligh t will turn ON t o indi cat e the tr ans miss ion statu s between the AIBO robot an d the e-mai l serve r .
The AIBO EYES Feature 28 7 Fill each Pri vate M ode setup f ield, and click the “Sa ve” b utton. When usin g the Pri vate Mode , you can re gister up to f iv e users. This comp lete s th e setu p pr oced ure . When making the AIBO ro bot tak e pictu res periodica lly , you can s et the des ired interva l.
The AIBO EYES Feature 29 AIBO MA IL Let’ s try sendin g the AIBO ® Enter tainment Rob ot an e-mai l with command s to tak e a pict ure or lea ve a mes sage. The AIBO robot will tak e picture s, play back deli v ered messages, lea ve mes sages, and an nounce ne w e-mail accord ing to your e-mail commands .
The AIBO EYES Feature 30 Vie wing pictures taken b y the AIBO ® Ente r tainment Rob ot on y our PC o r mob ile communicatio n device * Y ou can se nd pictur e commands with the AIBO MAIL functi on from your PC or mobile communic ation de vice*.
The AIBO EYES Feature 31 The AIBO ® Entertainment Robot’ s head angle (angle of the AIBO r obot’ s color c amera) Y ou can use commands in the AIBO MAI L to set the v ertical and hori zontal pos itionin g of the AI BO robot’ s head (color camera) when ha ving it t ake a pi cture.
The AIBO EYES Feature 32 Writing commands AIBO MAIL example of a PHO TO command All char acters mus t be alphanumer ic. AIBO MAIL is not cas e sensit i ve.
The AIBO EYES Feature 33 Directly commanding the AIBO ® Enter t ai nment Robot to take a pic ture – by v oice command or b y sho wing the appr opriate AIBO card Y ou can ha ve the AIBO robot take a picture by gi ving it a voic e command or sho wing it the appropriate AIBO card.
The AIBO EYES Feature 34 Writing commands AIBO MAIL example of a W A TCH com mand All char acters mus t be alphanumer ic. AIBO MAIL is not cas e sensit i ve.
The AIBO EYES Feature 35 Canceling t he periodic pictures t aking function Send the AIBO ® Ente rtai nm ent R obot a W A T CH c omm and with the inte rv al set to : [hour: 0] [m in: 0].
The AIBO EYES Feature 36 Sending the AIBO ® Enter tainment Robot a message or song Using e- mail from you r PC or mobil e communicati on de vice*, you can send t he AIBO robot messages or songs t o play bac k or perform. * A JPEG e-mail vie wing capab ility required .
The AIBO EYES Feature 37 AIBO MAIL example of a MSG command z When the AIBO r obot has receives a message command Say “Check messages” to the AIBO robot .
The AIBO EYES Feature 38 Having t he AIB O ® Enter tainment Robot pla y back the messa ge or song immediatel y [PLA Y comma nd] This command can be u sed when the message rec ipient i s near th e AIBO robot. Specify a message or song and se nd it to t he AIBO robot usi ng the AIBO MA IL f uncti on.
The AIBO EYES Feature 39 The AIBO ® Entertainment Robot will notify y ou of ne w e-mail If a ne w e-mail ar ri ves at the e- mail ad dress tha t the AIBO robot che cks, its wire less lig ht will fla sh blue and noti fy you of thi s arri va l. (Y our PC do es not n eed to be acti vat ed fo r this notif ication f eature to w ork.
Additional Information This section provide s notes o n usag e and a troublesh ooting gui de..
Additional I nformati on 41 Notes on use T o protect the data stored on the AIBO MIND soft ware “Memory S tick™” medi a, note th e follo wing: • The AIBO MIND soft ware “Memor y Stick” medi a is designed e xclusi vely for use wit h the AIBO ® Entertai nment Robot ERS-7 .
Additional I nformati on 42 T r oub leshooting If you e xperience an y diff iculties, us e this tr oubleshoo ting guide to check f or the pos sible ca uses of t he problem be fore conta cti ng the AIB O C ustom er Link ( cus tome r serv ice ).
Additional I nformati on 43 After telling AIBO ® Entertainment Robot “Send e-mail”, the AIBO robo t says “I’ ve finished sending the e-mail”, but the e-mail fails to reach the r ecipient. • The recipient’ s e-mail address s etting may be incorrect.
Appendix z W ords tha t the AI BO ® E nter tainment Robot c an und erstand (AIBO EY ES feature) z Command pa rameter li st (for AIBO MAIL c omman ds) z AIBO En tertainme nt Robo t ERS- 7 lig ht z Vie.
Appendix 45 W or ds th at the AIBO ® Enter tainment Robot ca n under s tand (AIBO EYES feature) Below ar e som e wor ds (voice com man ds) th at t he A IBO robot ca n underst and when usin g the AIBO EYES fe ature.
Appendix 46 Command parameter list (f or AIBO MAIL commands) The foll o wing is a list of codes t hat can b e used as command parame ters for the AIBO MAI L function . • All codes must be e ntered i n plain t ext. Co des are not case sensiti ve. • Include “ Code” v alues from the se tables in your AI BO MAIL.
Appendix 47 MSG, PLA Y comma nd pa rame ters SONG *1 The con tents of values S5-S10 can be pr ovided vi a AIBO Cust om Manag er (sup plied s epara tely ). AIBO Customer Man ager is software that runs on a com puter . For the l atest in forma tion abou t AIBO Custome r Manager an d av ailab le cont ents, visi t our W eb site at http://www .
Appendix 48 AIBO ® Enter tainment Ro bot ERS-7 light Wireless lig ht Lit b lue: Con nected to the mail server . Flashing blue : Ne w mail ..
Appendix 49 Vie wing pictures t aken b y the AIBO ® Ente r tainment Robot with a “Memory Sti c k™” media reader/wri ter 1 Remove the “Memory St ick” medi a from the AIBO robot. For i nstructi ons on remo ving the “Memory Stic k” med ia, re fer to the “User ’ s Gu ide (Basi c)” for the AIBO robot ERS-7 .
Appendix 50 Err or e-mail e xamples If the f oll owing pro blem s occ ur wh ile u sing the AI BO EYES feat ure, the AIBO ® Ent ert ainm ent Rob ot wi ll s end a n error not ification e-ma il to the A IBO MA IL sen der or the o wner of the e-mail address .
Appendix 51 z When the head angle cannot be maintained When the he ad angle c annot be mai ntained a nd the AIB O ® En tertain ment Robot’ s head fall s forwa rd, an error not if ication is sent, a nd the AIBO ro bot is deacti vat ed.
Appendix 52 Editing “WLANCONF .TXT” man ually Users of W indo ws ® 98, Mac OS ® , and other ope rating systems t hat do not support the “ AIBO WLAN Manager” can use t he follo wing proce dure to manua lly edit the content s of “WLANCONF .TXT” to conf igure the netw ork.
Appendix 53 (This proc edure is for th e W indo ws ® 98 SE operating system only . If using ano ther oper ating sys tem, consult its Help.) 1 Clic k “S tar t” t “Settings” t “Control Panel ”. 2 Double-cl ick “Netw ork”. 3 Click “TCP/IP” t “Netwo rk Ca rd N ame” , and clic k the “Pr opert ies” button.
Appendix 54 When using a DHCP server in y our netw ork en vironment # # WLAN # HOSTNAME=AIBO ESSID=AIBONET WEPEN ABLE=1 WEPKEY=AIB O2 APMODE=1 # # IP net wo rk # USE_DHCP=1 # # If DHCP is not used (USE_ DHCP=0) , you need to spec ify the # network co nfiguration using IP addre sses.
Appendix 55 When not using a DHCP server in y our netw ork en vir onment # # WLAN # HOSTNAME=AIBO ESSID=AIBONET WEPEN ABLE=1 WEPKEY=AIB O2 APMODE=1 # # IP net wo rk # #USE_DHCP=1 # # If DHCP is not used (USE_ DHCP=0) , you need to spec ify the # network co nfiguration using IP addre sses.
Appendix 56 WLANCONF .TXT p arameter list This li st ex plains ea ch param eter in t he wirele ss LAN conf iguration f ile. HOSTN A ME Defines the name the AIBO ® Entertai nment Robot uses o n the wireless n etwork. Th is name can be up to 8 alphanumeric c haracters and must co ntain at least one letter .
Appendix 57 SSDP_ ENAB LE Def ines whether to use SSDP ( Simple Servi ce Disco very Protocol) . In the “ AIBO WLAN Manager”, when you click th e “Search” button o n the “ AIBO Search” tab, the AIBO ® Entertainment Robot will sho w up as an icon.
Appendix 58 AIBO ® Enter tainmen t Robot netw ork setting s This list describes the conf iguration values for the AIB O robot’ s internal wirele ss LAN func tion. Once the A IBO robot has comm unicated with the netwo rk de vices, you can change these settings to suit your en vironment.
Appendix 59 Glossa ry Access point A netw ork de vice that cont ains both a wireles s communic ation int erfa ce and an Et hernet inte rface , an access point act s as a bridge between wir eless LAN and wired LAN.
Appendix 60 Router By connect ing an exter nal netw ork (Int ernet) to a pri vate netw ork at h ome, a router allo ws one ext ernal netw ork line to be sha red by mult iple net work de vices. Router funct ionality c an be found inside DSL modems, wireles s LAN access points, an d other network de vices.
Appendix 61 WEP (Wired Equi valent Priv acy) When using wi reless communicatio n, WEP is used t o encrypt data to pr e vent i t from bei ng analyzed by another party .
Customer Support How can you contact the AIB O Customer Link (cus tomer service)? In the U.S.A.: Call 1- 800-427- 2988 E-mail addres s: aibosupport @info.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Sony ERS-7 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Sony ERS-7 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Sony ERS-7 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Sony ERS-7 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Sony ERS-7, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Sony ERS-7.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Sony ERS-7. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Sony ERS-7 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.