Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto SMCWBR11S-N del fabbricante SMC Networks
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Barricade TM N 150Mbp s Wi r eles s -N Mini Br oadb and R out er SMCWBR11S -N USER GUIDE.
SMC Networks U.S.A 20 Mason Irvine, CA 92618 Phone: (949) 679-8000 SMC Networks Europe C/Fructuós Ge labert 6-8, 2 o , 2 a Edificio Conata II 08970 Sant Joan Despí, Barcelona, Spain Phone: +34 93 477 4920 Barricade TM SMCWBR11S-N User Guide March 2010 Pub.
Information furni shed by SMC Networks, Inc. (SMC) is believe d to be accurate and reliable. However , no respons ibility is assumed by SMC for its use, nor for any infringeme nts of patents or other righ ts of third parties which may result from its use.
– 4 – W ARRAN TY AND P R ODU CT R EGISTRATION T o register SMC products and to review the detailed war ranty st atement, please refer to the Sup port Section of the SMC W ebsite at http:// www .
– 5 – C OMPLIANCES F EDERAL C OMMUNI CATION C OMMISSION I NTERFERENCE S TATEMENT This equipment has been tested and foun d to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to P art 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designe d to provid e reasonable prote c tion again st harmful interf erence in a re s identi al installatio n.
C OMPLIANCES – 6 – IC S TATEMENT This device complies with RSS-210 of the Industry Canada Rules. Oper ation is subject t o the foll owing two conditions : (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interf erence, includin g interferenc e that may cause undesired oper ation of the device.
C OMPLIANCES – 7 – ◆ EN 55022:2006 + A1:2007, Class B — ITE EMC ◆ EN 55024:1998 + A1:2001 + A2:2003 — ITE EM C ◆ EN 300 328 V1.7.1 (2006-10) — T echnical requirements for 2.4 GHz radio equ ipm ent ◆ EN 301 489-1 V1.8.1 (2008-04) — EMC requirements for r adio equi pmen t ◆ EN 301 489-17 V1.
C OMPLIANCES – 8 – Dutch Nederlands Hierbij verklaart Manufacturer dat het toestel Radio LAN device in overeenstemm ing is met de essentiële eisen en de andere relevante bepalingen van richtli jn.
– 9 – A BOUT T HI S G UIDE P URPOSE This guide gives specific information on how to inst all the Mini Broadband Ro uter and its physical and performance re lated characteristics . It also gives inf ormation on how to oper ate and use the management functions of the Mini Bro adband R outer .
C ONTENTS – 11 – 3I NSTALLING THE M IN I R OUTER 29 System Require ments 29 Moun ting the De vice 30 Moun ting on a Wall 30 Mounting on a H o rizontal Surface 30 Router Mode Con nections 31 Bridge.
C ONTENTS – 12 – LAN Setting 59 DHCP Clients 61 Advanced Routing 62 Advanced Routing Settings 62 Routing Table 63 Dynamic Route 64 7W IRELESS C ONFIGURATION 65 Basic Settings 65 HT Physical Mode S.
C ONTENTS – 13 – Current Virt ual Servers in system 104 DMZ 104 System Securi ty 105 Content F iltering 106 10 A DMINISTRATION S ETTINGS 108 System Management 109 Time Zone Settings 110 DDNS Setti.
– 14 – F IGURES Figure 1: Top Panel 22 Figure 2: Rear Pan el 22 Figure 3: LEDs 23 Figure 4: Bott om Panel 24 Figure 5: Oper ating as an Internet Gate way Router 25 Figure 6: Oper ating as an Acces.
F IGU RES – 15 – Figure 32: DHCP Clients 61 Figure 33: Advanced Routing (Router Mode ) 62 Figure 34: Basic Settings 66 Figure 35: HT Physical Mode Settings 68 Figure 36: Advanced Wireles s Setting.
F IGU RES – 16 – Figure 68: Firmware Upgrade 112 Figure 69: Configurat ion Settings 113 Figure 70: System Status (Rou ter Mode) 114 Figure 71: Statistics 116 Figure 72: System Log 117 Figure 73: R.
– 17 – T AB LES Table 1: Key H ardware F eatures 19 Table 2: LED Behavior 23 Tabl e 3: WMM Ac cess Cate gori es 72 Table 4: LED Indicators 119 Table 5: 10/100BASE-TX MDI and MDI-X Port Pinouts 124.
– 18 – S ECTION I G ETTING S TAR TED This section pr ovides an ov erview of the Mini Broadband R outer , and describes how to install and mount the unit. It also descri bes the basic settings requ ired to access the managemen t interface and run the setup Wizard.
– 19 – 1 I NTR ODUC TION The Barricade 150Mbps Wireless-N Mini Broa dband Ro uter (SMCWBR11S-N) supports r outing from an Internet Service Pro vider (ISP) connectio n (DSL or cable modem) to a local network. It is simple to configure and can be up and runnin g in minutes.
C HAPTER 1 | Introdu ction Descri ption of Capabil ities – 20 – ◆ Easy setup and manageme nt through an easy -to-use web browser interface on any oper ating system that supports TCP/IP .
C HAPTER 1 | Introdu ction Pack age Cont ents – 21 – ■ PPTP (Point-to-Point Tun neling Protocol ) — Provide s a secu re tunnel for remo te client access to a PPTP security gateway . PPTP includes pro visions for call origination and flow contr ol required by ISPs.
C HAPTER 1 | Introdu ction Hardware Description – 22 – Figu re 1 : To p Pa nel Figure 2: Rear Pane l LED Indicators WPS Butt on RJ-45 WAN Port RJ-45 LAN Port DC Po we r Socket.
C HAPTER 1 | Introdu ction Hardware Description – 23 – LED I NDICATOR S The Mini Br oadband R outer include s four s tatus LED indic ators, as described in the following figure and tabl e. Figu re 3 : L EDs Table 2: LED Behavior LED Statu s Descr ipti on Power On B lue The unit is re ceiv ing p ower and i s op erating normally .
C HAPTER 1 | Introdu ction Hardware Description – 24 – E THERNET WA N P OR T A 100BASE- TX RJ-45 port that can be attached to an Internet access devi ce, such as a DSL or Ca ble mod em. E THERNET LAN P ORT The Mini Broadband R outer has one 100BASE - TX RJ -45 port t h at can be attached directly to a PC or 10BASE- T/100BASE- TX LAN segments.
– 25 – 2 N ETW ORK P LANNING The Mini Broadband R outer is designed to be very flexible in its deployment options. It can be used as an Internet gatewa y for a small network, or as an access p oint to extend an existing wi red networ k to suppo rt wirele ss users.
C HAPTER 2 | Netw ork Planning LAN Access Point – 26 – The priv ate local network, connec ted to the L AN port or wire less interface, provid es a Dyna mic Host Confi guratio n Pr otoco l (DHC P) .
C HAPTER 2 | Netw ork Planning Wireless Bridge – 27 – W IRELESS B RIDGE The IEEE 802.11 standard defines a Wireless Distribution S ystem (WD S) for bridge connec tions between acc ess points. The Mini Broadband R outer can use WDS to forw ard tr affic on links between units.
C HAPTER 2 | Netw ork Planning Wireless Client – 28 – W IRELESS C LIENT The Mini Broadband R outer can oper ate as a wireles s clie nt on o ne S SID interface, w hich enables a co nnection to another Wi -Fi network.
– 29 – 3 I NSTALLING THE M INI R OU TER The Mini Br oadband R outer has two basic op erating modes t h at can be se t through the web-based management interf ace. Fo r information on settin g the mode suit a ble for y o ur network enviro nment, see “Oper ation Mode” on page 50 .
C HAPTER 3 | Instal ling t he Mini Router Mounti ng the Device – 30 – M OUNTING THE D EVI C E The Mini Broadband R outer can be mo unted on any horiz ontal surface, or on a wall.
C HAPTER 3 | Instal ling t he Mini Router Router Mod e Connect ions – 31 – R OUTER M OD E C ONNE CTIO NS In its default R outer Mode, the Mini Broadband R outer forwards tr affic between an Intern et connected cable or DSL modem, and wired or wireless PCs or no tebooks.
C HAPTER 3 | Instal ling t he Mini Router Bridge M ode Connecti ons – 32 – B RIDGE M ODE C ONNECTIONS In Bridge Mode, the Mini Broadban d Route r oper ates as a wireless access point, extending a local wi red network to associated wireless clients (PCs or notebooks with wirele ss capability).
C HAPTER 3 | Instal ling t he Mini Router Bridge M ode Connecti ons – 33 – 3. Set up wirel ess devices by pres sing the WPS button o n the Mini Broadband R outer or by using the web interf ace. See “Initial Configur ation” on page 34 for more informat ion on ac cessing the web interface.
– 34 – 4 I NITIAL C ONFIGU RATI ON The Mini Broadband R outer offers a user -friendly web-based manageme nt interface for th e configuratio n of all the unit’ s features. Any PC directly attached to the unit can acc ess the management interface us ing a web browser , such as Internet Explore r (version 6.
C HAPTER 4 | Initial C onfigurati on Home Page and Main Menu – 35 – Figu re 1 3: L ogin Pag e H OME P AGE AND M AIN M ENU After loggi ng in to the web interf ace, the Home page displays. The Ho me page shows the main menu and the metho d to access the Setu p Wizard.
C HAPTER 4 | Initial C onfigurati on Comm on Web Page Bu ttons – 36 – C OMMON W EB P AG E B UTTONS The list below des cribes the common butto ns found on most web management page s: ◆ Apply – Applies the new parameter s and saves them to memory .
C HAPTER 4 | Initial C onfigurati on Setup Wizard – 37 – S TEP 2 - T IME S ETT INGS The Step 2 page of the Wizard configu res time zone and SNTP settings. Select a time zo ne according to where the device is oper ated. Click Next after completin g the setup.
C HAPTER 4 | Initial C onfigurati on Setup Wizard – 38 – S TEP 3 - W AN S ETT INGS - DHCP The Step 3 page o f the Wizard s pecifies t he Internet co nnection paramet e rs for the Mini Broadband R outer’s W AN port. Click Next after completing the se tup.
C HAPTER 4 | Initial C onfigurati on Setup Wizard – 39 – N OTE : If you are unsure of the PC MAC address originally registe red by your ISP , call you r ISP and request to register a ne w MAC address for your account. R egister the default MAC address of the Mini Broadband Route r .
C HAPTER 4 | Initial C onfigurati on Setup Wizard – 40 – ◆ MAC Cl one — Some ISPs limit Internet co nnection s to a specified MAC address. This setti ng allows you to manuall y change the MAC address of the Mini Broadband R outer's WAN inter face to match the PC's MAC address pro vided to your ISP for registr ation.
C HAPTER 4 | Initial C onfigurati on Setup Wizard – 41 – provi ded. Otherwise, co nnect only the PC with the re gistered MAC address to the Mini Broa dband Rou ter , then click the “Clone your P.
C HAPTER 4 | Initial C onfigurati on Setup Wizard – 42 – ◆ IP Addre ss — Sets the static IP address. (Default:, av ailable when P PTP Netw ork Mode is set to s tatic IP .) ◆ Subnet Mask — Sets the static IP subnet mask. (Default: 255.
C HAPTER 4 | Initial C onfigurati on Setup Wizard – 43 – S TEP 3 - W AN S ETT INGS - L2 TP Enables the Lay er 2 T unneling Proto col (L2TP) for implement ing virtual private networks.
C HAPTER 4 | Initial C onfigurati on Setup Wizard – 44 – ◆ Default Gateway — The IP address of a router that is used whe n the requested destination IP address is no t on the local s ubnet. ◆ Operat ion Mode — Enable s and configures the keep aliv e time.
C HAPTER 4 | Initial C onfigurati on Setup Wizard – 45 – ◆ Security Mode — Speci fies th e securi ty mode for the SSID. Select the securi ty method an d then configu re the req uired parameters . For more information, see “WLAN Security” on page 75 .
– 46 – S ECTION II W EB C ONFIGURATION This secti on provides details on configuring th e Mini Broadband R outer using the web bro wser interf ace.
– 47 – 5 O PERATION M OD E The Mini Broadband R outer offers a user -friendly web-based manageme nt interface for th e configuratio n of all the unit’ s features. Any PC directly attached to the unit can acc ess the management interface us ing a web browser , such as Internet Explore r (version 6.
C HAPTER 5 | Oper ation Mode Logg ing In – 48 – L OGGI NG I N It is recommended to make ini tial configuratio n changes by connecting a PC directly to the Mini Bro adband Rou ter's LAN port. The Mini Bro adband Ro uter has a default IP address of 192.
C HAPTER 5 | Oper ation Mode Logg ing In – 49 – The home page di splays the main menu items at the top of th e screen and the Setu p Wizard. See “S etu p Wi zar d” on pag e 36 . Figure 24: Home Page N OTE : The display ed pages and settings ma y differ dependi ng on whether the unit is in R outer or Bridge Mode.
C HAPTER 5 | Oper ation Mode Ope rat ion Mo de – 50 – O PERATION M OD E The Oper ation Mode Configur ation page allows yo u to set up the mode suitable fo r your network e nvir onment.
– 51 – 6 N ETW ORK S ETTINGS The Network Settings pages allow you to manage basi c system configur ation settings. It in cludes the following se ctions: ◆ “W AN Setting” on page 51 ■ “DH.
C HAPTER 6 | Ne twork Settings WAN Setting – 52 – DHCP Enables Dynami c Host Configur ation Protocol (DHC P) for the WAN port. This setti ng allows the Mini Broadband R outer to automati cally obtain an IP address from a DH CP server normally operated by the Inte rnet Service Provider (ISP).
C HAPTER 6 | Ne twork Settings WAN Setting – 53 – S TATIC IP Co nfigur es a sta tic IP for the WAN por t. Figure 27: St atic I P Conf igur atio n The following items are display ed on this page : ◆ IP Addre ss — The IP address of the Mini Broadband Router .
C HAPTER 6 | Ne twork Settings WAN Setting – 54 – PC's MAC address provide d to your ISP for registr ation. Y ou can en ter the regist ered MAC address manually by typing it in the bo xes provi ded.
C HAPTER 6 | Ne twork Settings WAN Setting – 55 – ■ On Demand Mode : Th e maximum length of inactive time the unit will stay conn ected to the DSL service provider befor e disconnec ting. (Default: 5 minutes) ◆ MAC Cl one — Some ISPs limit Internet co nnection s to a specified MAC address of one PC.
C HAPTER 6 | Ne twork Settings WAN Setting – 56 – The following items are display ed on this page : ◆ Server IP — Sets a PPTP server IP Address. (Default : pptp_server ) ◆ User N ame — Sets the PPTP user name for the WAN por t. (Default: pptp_user; Range: 1~3 2 char acters) ◆ Password — Sets a PPTP password for the W AN port.
C HAPTER 6 | Ne twork Settings WAN Setting – 57 – L2T P Enables the Lay er 2 T unneling Protocol (L2TP) for implement ing virtual private networks. The service is provided in man y European countri es. Fig ure 30: L2TP Conf igura tion The following items are display ed on this page : ◆ Server IP — Sets the L2TP serv er IP Address.
C HAPTER 6 | Ne twork Settings WAN Setting – 58 – ◆ IP Addre ss — Sets the static IP address. (Default:, av ailable when L2 TP Networ k Mode is s et to s tatic IP .) ◆ Subnet Mask — Sets the static IP subnet mask. (Default: 255.255.
C HAPTER 6 | Ne twork Settings LAN Settin g – 59 – LAN S ETTING The Mini Broadband R outer must hav e a va lid IP addres s for management using a web browser and to support other feat ures.
C HAPTER 6 | Ne twork Settings LAN Settin g – 60 – ◆ Subnet Mask — Indicate the local subne t mask. (Default: ◆ DHCP Server — Enable this feature to assign IP settings to wired and wireless clients connected to the Mini Broadband Router .
C HAPTER 6 | Ne twork Settings DHCP Client s – 61 – DHCP C LIENTS The DHCP Clients page displays inform ation on conn ected client stations that hav e been assigned IP addresses from the DHCP address pool. Figure 3 2: DHCP Clients The following items are display ed on this page : Host name — The name of the conne cted client station.
C HAPTER 6 | Ne twork Settings Advanced Rou ting – 62 – A DV ANC ED R OU TING Ro uting setup allows a manual metho d to set up routing between networks. The netwo rk administr ator configure s static r o utes b y enter ing routes direc tly into the routin g table.
C HAPTER 6 | Ne twork Settings Advanced Rou ting – 63 – The following items are display ed on this page : ◆ Destination — A destination network or specific hos t to which packets can be route d.
C HAPTER 6 | Ne twork Settings Advanced Rou ting – 64 – ◆ Ref — Num ber o f re fere nces t o t his r oute. ◆ Use — Count of lookups for th e route. ◆ Interfa ce — Interface to which packets for this route will be s ent. ◆ Comment — Displays a useful c omment to identif y the routi n g rules.
– 65 – 7 W IRELESS C ONFI GURA TION The wi reless settin gs sec tion di splays c onfiguration setting s for the ac cess point functio nality of the Mini Broadb and Router .
C HAPTER 7 | Wirel ess Config uration Basic Settings – 66 – The Basic Se ttings page allows you to configure the wireles s network name (Servi ce Set Identifi er or SSID) and set t he wirele ss secu rity m ethod. Click on “Wireless Settings, ” followed by “Basic.
C HAPTER 7 | Wirel ess Config uration Basic Settings – 67 – ■ 11n only : Only 802.11n clients will be able to communicate with the Mini Broadband R outer (up to 150 Mbps).
C HAPTER 7 | Wirel ess Config uration Basic Settings – 68 – HT P H Y SICAL M ODE S ETT INGS The HT Physical Mode section on the Wireless Settin gs Advanced page includes ad ditional parameter s for 802 .
C HAPTER 7 | Wirel ess Config uration Advanced S ettings – 69 – ◆ Aggre gate M SDU (A -MSD U) — This option enables Mac Service Data Unit (MSDU) aggregati on. (Default: Disable) ◆ Auto Bloc k ACK — Select to block ACK (Ack nowledge Number) o r not during data transferring .
C HAPTER 7 | Wirel ess Config uration Advanced S ettings – 70 – ■ Auto — The unit enables its protec tion mechanism for 802.11b clients when they are detected in the network. When 802.11b clients are not detected, the protec tion mechan ism is disab led.
C HAPTER 7 | Wirel ess Config uration Advanced S ettings – 71 – threshol d, the R TS/CTS (R equest to Send / Clear to Send) mechanis m will be e nabled. The access points conten ding for th e medium may not be aware of eac h other . The R TS/CTS mechanism can so lve this “Hidde n N ode Problem.
C HAPTER 7 | Wirel ess Config uration Advanced S ettings – 72 – The Wi-Fi Mult imedia section on the Wireless Settings Adv anced page allows you to enable WMM and set detai led QoS par ameters.
C HAPTER 7 | Wirel ess Config uration Advanced S ettings – 73 – Figure 38: W MM Conf iguratio n The following items are displayed in th e WMM Configuration windo w: ◆ AIFSN (Arbitration Inter -Frame Space) — The minimum amount of wait time before the next data trans mission attempt.
C HAPTER 7 | Wirel ess Config uration Advanced S ettings – 74 – ◆ ACM — The admission co ntrol mo de for the acce ss categ ory . Whe n enab led, cl ients are block ed from usi ng the access category .
C HAPTER 7 | Wirel ess Config uration WLAN Security – 75 – WLAN S ECURITY The Mini Broadband R outer’ s wireless interface is configured by default as an “open system, ” which broadcasts a beacon sign al including the confi gured SSID.
C HAPTER 7 | Wirel ess Config uration WLAN Security – 76 – The supporte d securit y mechanisms and thei r c onfigur ation paramete rs are described in the followin g sections: ◆ OPEN, SHARED, WE.
C HAPTER 7 | Wirel ess Config uration WLAN Security – 77 – ◆ WEP-AUTO — Allows wirele ss clients to conn ect to the network using Open-WEP ( uses W EP fo r encr yption only ) or S hared-WEP (uses WEP for authen tication an d encryption). ◆ Encrypt Type — Selects WEP for data encryption (OPEN mode onl y ).
C HAPTER 7 | Wirel ess Config uration WLAN Security – 78 – ◆ WPA-PSK — Clients using WPA with a Pre-shared K ey are accepted for auth e ntic ati on . Th e d ef au lt d ata en cry pti on typ e f or W PA is TKI P . ◆ WPA2-PSK — Clients using WPA2 with a Pre-shared K ey are accepted for authentica tion.
C HAPTER 7 | Wirel ess Config uration WLAN Security – 79 – Figure 43: Secu rity Mode - WPA The following items are display ed in this section on this page: Security Mod e — Configures the WP A and W P A2 security modes used by clients.
C HAPTER 7 | Wirel ess Config uration WLAN Security – 80 – message inte grity . The AES Counter-Mode/CBCMAC Prot ocol (AES- CCMP) provides extremely robust data confidentiality using a 128- bit key . Use of AES-CCMP encryption is specified as a standard requirement for WP A2.
C HAPTER 7 | Wirel ess Config uration WLAN Security – 81 – Figure 44: Security Mod e - 802.1X The following items are display ed in this section on this page: Security Mod e — Configures the 802.1X security mode used by client s. When using 802.
C HAPTER 7 | Wirel ess Config uration Wireless Distribution Syste m (WDS) – 82 – A CCESS P OLIC Y The Mini Broadband Route r provides a MAC address filter ing facility . The access policy can be s et to allow or reject spec ific station MAC addresses.
C HAPTER 7 | Wirel ess Config uration Wireless Distribution Syste m (WDS) – 83 – Fig ure 46: Manu al WD S MA C Ad dress Config uratio n Fig ure 47 : WDS Co nfigurat ion E xample A WDS link between two units can be configure d in any of the following Oper ation Mode combination s : 1.
C HAPTER 7 | Wirel ess Config uration Wireless Distribution Syste m (WDS) – 84 – ◆ Be sure that on ly one u nit has an Inte rnet access o n its WAN po rt. ◆ Be sure the DHCP server is enabled only on one unit. When one unit is provi ding Internet acces s, enable the DHCP serv er on that unit.
C HAPTER 7 | Wirel ess Config uration Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) – 85 – configure a WDS MAC list entry . This feature allows the Mini Broadband R outer to associate wit h other Mini Broadband R outers in the net w ork and use th eir WDS MAC list.
C HAPTER 7 | Wirel ess Config uration Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) – 86 – Fig ure 49: Enabli ng WPS The following items are display ed on this page : ◆ WPS — Enabl es WPS, locks security settings , and r efreshe s WPS conf igurati on in for mat ion.
C HAPTER 7 | Wirel ess Config uration Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) – 87 – The following items are display ed on this page : WPS Summary — Provides detail ed W PS statistical informati o n. ◆ WPS Current Status — Dis plays if there is currently any WPS traffic connecting to the Mini Broadband Rou ter .
C HAPTER 7 | Wirel ess Config uration Station L ist – 88 – S TATION L IS T Displays the s tation information whi ch associated to this Mini Broadband Rou t e r .
– 89 – 8 AP C LIEN T M ODE W IRELESS C ONFI GURATI ON This chapte r descri bes configur ation settings for the Mini Broadb a nd R outer to functio n as a wireless client for connecting t o another wireless ne twork.
C HAPTER 8 | AP Client Mode Wi reless Co nfiguratio n Profile – 90 – P ROFILE C ONFIGURATION The profi le settings page allows you to configur e and sav e wireless settings for a specifi c wirele ss netwo rk conne ction.
C HAPTER 8 | AP Client Mode Wi reless Co nfiguratio n Profile – 91 – ■ 802.11 Ad hoc: A group of wireless devices connected as an independen t wireless L AN. Select “ Ad hoc” to associate to a peer comp uter . ◆ Power Saving Mode — Only av ailable when “Infr astructure” is selected as the network type.
C HAPTER 8 | AP Client Mode Wi reless Co nfiguratio n Profile – 92 – S ECURITY P OLICY Co nfig ur es a uthe nti ca tio n an d e ncry pti on to m atc h t he s ecur ity of the wireless networ k. For an infrastru cture n etwor k, four secur ity mode s are support ed, inc luding Ope n, Share d, WPA -Personal, and WPA2-Personal.
C HAPTER 8 | AP Client Mode Wi reless Co nfiguratio n Profile – 93 – WEP S H ARED -K EY S ECURITY Wired Equiv alent Privacy (WEP) provides a basic lev el of security , prev enting unaut horized acces s to the networ k and encrypting data transmitted betw een wir eless clients.
C HAPTER 8 | AP Client Mode Wi reless Co nfiguratio n Profile – 94 – WP A/WP A2- P ERSONAL S ECURITY Fo r s mall home or offi ce networks, WP A and WPA2 pro vide a simple “perso nal” oper ating mode that uses a pre-shared k ey for network ac cess.
C HAPTER 8 | AP Client Mode Wi reless Co nfiguratio n Link S tatus – 95 – L INK S TA T U S The Link Status page dis plays the c urrent status of the connec tion to the wireless network. The following items are display ed on this page : ◆ Status — The service se t identifier of the wirel ess network and the MAC address of the connected AP .
C HAPTER 8 | AP Client Mode Wi reless Co nfiguratio n Link S tatus – 96 – ◆ BW (Chann el Bandwi dth) — The W ireles s-N Acce ss Point/Repeater provides a channel bandwidth of 40 MHz by default giving an 802.11g connection speed of 108 Mbps (sometimes referr ed to as T urbo Mode) and a 802.
C HAPTER 8 | AP Client Mode Wi reless Co nfiguratio n Site Su rvey – 97 – S ITE S URVEY Site survey page displa ys information of dete c ted wireless net w orks.
C HAPTER 8 | AP Client Mode Wi reless Co nfiguratio n Statisti cs – 98 – ◆ Connect — Click to attemp t a conne ction to th e selec ted wirele ss network. ◆ Rescan — C lick to scan all radio channels for nearby wireless networks . ◆ Add Pr ofile — Click to add the selected network as a profile.
C HAPTER 8 | AP Client Mode Wi reless Co nfiguratio n Statisti cs – 99 – ◆ Frames Transmitted Successfully After Retr y(s) — The number of data fr ames transmitt ed from the client and success fully received by the AP or network peer after being ret ransmited.
– 100 – 9 F IRE WALL C ONFIGURA TION The Mini Broadband R outer pro vides extensiv e fire wall pr otection by restrictin g connection par ameters to limit the risk of intrus ion and defending against a wide arra y of common hacker attacks.
C HAPTER 9 | Firew all Co nfiguratio n MAC/IP /Port Filteri ng – 101 – Figur e 60: MAC/ IP/Port Filterin g The following items are display ed on this page : ◆ MAC/IP/Port Fi ltering — Enables or disables MAC/IP/Port Filtering.
C HAPTER 9 | Firew all Co nfiguratio n MAC/IP /Port Filteri ng – 102 – ◆ Desti nation I P Ad dress — Specifies the destinatio n IP address to block or allow tr affic from. ◆ Source IP Add ress — Specifies the so urce IP address to block or allow traffic from.
C HAPTER 9 | Firew all Co nfiguratio n Virtual Server Settings (P ort Forwarding) – 103 – V IRTU AL S ER VER S ETTINGS (P OR T F ORWAR DING ) Virtu al S erver ( som etime s re ferr ed t o as Port Forwardin g) is the act of forwarding a network port from on e network node to another .
C HAPTER 9 | Firew all Co nfiguratio n DMZ – 104 – C URRENT V IR TUAL S ERVER S IN SYSTEM The Current P ort Forw arding T able displa ys the entries that are allowed to forward pack ets through the Mini Broadband R outer ’ s firewall. ◆ No. — The table entry number .
C HAPTER 9 | Firew all Co nfiguratio n Syst em Securi ty – 105 – S YSTEM S EC URITY The Mini Bro adband R outer includes th e facilit y to manage i t from a re mote location . The u nit can al so be se nt a pin g messa ge fro m a re mote lo cation.
C HAPTER 9 | Firew all Co nfiguratio n Content Filteri ng – 106 – C ONTENT F ILTER ING The Mini Broadband R outer provides a v ariety of optio ns for blocking Internet access based on con tent, U RL and h ost na me.
C HAPTER 9 | Firew all Co nfiguratio n Content Filteri ng – 107 – ◆ Current Host Fi lters — Disp lays curr ent Ho st filte r . ◆ Add a Host Fi lte r — Enters the k eyword for a host filt ering.
– 108 – 10 A DMINISTRATION S ETTINGS The Mini Broadband R outer’ s Administr ation Settings me nu prov ides the same confi guration options in bot h Ro uter and Br idge Mode.
C HAPTER 10 | Admin istr ation Sett ings System Management – 109 – S YSTEM M ANAGEMEN T The System Manageme nt c ommands allow you to ch ange the language settings di splay ed in the interface, and change the user passwor d.
C HAPTER 10 | Admin istr ation Sett ings Time Zone S ettings – 110 – T IME Z ON E S ETTINGS The System Manageme nt page allows you to manually configu re time settin gs or enabl e the use of a S impl e Netw ork Ti me Pro tocol (SNT P) or NTP ser ver .
C HAPTER 10 | Admin istr ation Sett ings DDNS Settin gs – 111 – DDNS S ETTINGS Dynamic DNS (DDNS) provides users on the Inte rnet with a method to tie a specific domain name to the unit’ s dynamically assigned IP address.
C HAPTER 10 | Admin istr ation Sett ings Firmware Upgrade – 112 – F IRMWARE U PG RADE Y ou can update the Mini Broadb a nd R outer firm ware by usi n g the Firmwar e Update facility .
C HAPTER 10 | Admin istr ation Sett ings Config urat ion S etting s – 113 – C ONFIGURATION S ETTINGS The Configur ation Setting page allows you to sa ve the Mini Broadband R outer’ s current configur ation or restore a pre viously sav ed configuration back to the device.
C HAPTER 10 | Admin istr ation Sett ings System St atus – 114 – S YSTEM S TA TUS The System Info rmatio n page dis plays basic sys tem inform atio n and the displayed settings are for status information only and are not configurabl e on this page.
C HAPTER 10 | Admin istr ation Sett ings System St atus – 115 – ■ Default Gateway — The default gateway is th e IP address of the router f or the Mini Bro adband R outer , which is used if the requested destination address is not o n the l o cal subn et.
C HAPTER 10 | Admin istr ation Sett ings Statisti cs – 116 – S TATISTICS The Mini Broadband Ro uter T raffic Statist ics - Interfac es window displa ys receiv ed and trans mitted packet st a tistics for all int e rfaces on the Mini Broadband R outer .
C HAPTER 10 | Admin istr ation Sett ings System L og – 117 – ◆ Tx bytes — Displa y s the total numbe r of bytes tran s mitted by the specified interfac e. S YSTEM L OG The Mini Broadband Route r supports a logging pro c ess that control s error messages sa ved to memory or sent to a S yslog server .
– 118 – S ECTION III A PPENDICES This secti on provides addition al informati on and includes these items: ◆ “T roubleshooting” on page 119 ◆ “Hardware Specifications” on page 121 ◆ .
– 119 – A T R OUBLESHOOTING D IA GNOSIN G LED I NDIC ATOR S I F Y OU C ANNO T C ON NECT TO THE I NTE RNET Check the following items: ◆ Check that your computer is proper ly configured for TCP/IP . ◆ Make sure the correct networ k adapter driver is installed for yo ur PC oper ating system.
A PPENDIX A | Trou bleshooting Before Contacti ng Techn ical Support – 120 – B EFORE C ONTACTING T ECHN ICAL S UPPORT Check the following items before you c ontact local T echnical Support.
– 121 – B H AR D WARE S PECIFICATIONS P OR T I NTERFACES W AN: 10/100BASE- T X port, RJ-45 connector , auto MDI/X (100-ohm, UTP cable; Category 5 or better) LAN: 10/100BASE- TX port, RJ-45 connector , auto MDI/X (100-ohm, UTP cable; Category 5 or better) AC P OW E R A DAPTER Asian P ower Devices Inc.
A PPENDIX B | Hardware Specificat ions – 122 – D ATA R ATE 802.11b: 11 / 5.5 / 2 / 1Mbps 802.11g: 54/48/36/24/18/12/9/ 6 Mbps Draft 802.11n (20MHz, 800ns GI): 65/ 58.5/52/39/26/19.5/13/6.5 Mbps Draft 802.11n (40MHz, 800ns GI): 135/ 121.5/108/81/54/40.
– 123 – C C AB LES AND P INOUTS T WISTE D -P AIR C ABLE A SSIGNMENTS Fo r 10/100BASE- TX connections , a twisted-pair cable must have two pairs of wires. F or 1000BASE- T connection s the twisted-pair cable must have four pairs of wires . Each wire pair is ident if ied by two differen t colors.
A PPENDIX C | Cables a nd Pinout s 10/100 BASE -TX Pin Assign ments – 124 – 10/100B ASE-TX P IN A SSIGNMENTS Use uns hielded twi s ted-pair (U T P) or s hielded twis ted-pair (ST P) cabl e for RJ-45 connec tions: 100 -ohm Category 3 or be tter cable for 10 Mbps connectio ns.
A PPENDIX C | Cables a nd Pinout s Crossover Wiring – 125 – Figure 7 4: St raight-th rough Wiring C R OSSOVER W IRING If the twisted-pair c able is to join two por ts and either both ports are labeled with an “X” (MDI- X) or neither port is labe led with an “X” (MDI), a crossover must be im plem ented in the wiring .
– 126 – D L ICENSE I NFORMATION This produc t include s copyr ighted th ird-party softw are subject to the terms of the GN U Genera l Public Licens e (GPL), GN U Less er General Pub lic Licen se (LGPL ), or other related free software licens es.
A PPENDIX D | License Informatio n The GNU General Pu blic License – 128 – a). Accompany it with t he comp lete co rrespondi ng mac hine-read able source c ode, whi ch must be distribu ted unde r the term s of Sect ions 1 and 2 above on a medium c ustoma rily used for software inter chan ge; or , b).
A PPENDIX D | License Informatio n The GNU General Pu blic License – 129 – This sec tion is intende d to make thorough ly clear wha t is belie ved to be a con seque nce of the res t of th is Li cens e.
– 130 – G LOSSARY 10B ASE-T IEEE 802.3-2005 specification for 10 Mbps Ethernet o ver two pair s of Category 3 or better UTP cable. 100B ASE-TX IEEE 802.3-2005 specification for 100 Mbps F ast Ethernet o ver two pairs of Category 5 or better UTP cable.
G LOSSARY – 131 – the Bootstr ap Protocol (BOOTP), adding the c apability of automatic allocation of reusable network addresses and additional configuration options. E NCRYPTION Data passing betwee n the access point and clien ts can use encryp tion to protect from i nterception and evesd r opping.
G LOSSARY – 132 – ODFM Orthogonal Freque ncy Division Multip lexing: OFDM allows multiple users to tran smit in an allocated band by dividing the bandwidth into many narrow bandwidth car riers.
G LOSSARY – 133 – WP A-PSK WPA Pre -shared K ey: WPA -PSK can be us ed for s mall of fice netwo rks w ith a limited number of users that may not need a high leve l of security . WPA - PSK prov ides a simple security implemen tation that uses jus t a pre -shared password for network access.
– 134 – I NDE X N UMERICS 10/1 00BA SE-TX pin ass ignme nts 124 802.11 n settings 65 802.1 X au then ticati on 80 A access categories, WMM 71 access point connections 26 access policy settings 82 .
I NDEX – 135 – hardware description 21 hardware features 19 home pa ge 35 , 49 horizo ntal sur face mo unti ng 30 HT chan nel ban dwidth 68 I IGMP p roxy 60 import confi gurat ion 113 indi cator s.
I NDEX – 136 – RTS threshold 70 S screws for mounting 30 security features 20 security, wireless 75 serv ice pr ovid er se ttin gs 34 setup wizard steps 36 shared secret, RADIUS 81 slot time 71 sl.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il SMC Networks SMCWBR11S-N è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del SMC Networks SMCWBR11S-N - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso SMC Networks SMCWBR11S-N imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul SMC Networks SMCWBR11S-N ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il SMC Networks SMCWBR11S-N, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del SMC Networks SMCWBR11S-N.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il SMC Networks SMCWBR11S-N. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo SMC Networks SMCWBR11S-N insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.