Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto M1103 del fabbricante Axis
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USER’S MANUAL AXIS M11 Network Camera Series AXIS M1103 Network Camera AXIS M1104 Network Camera AXIS M1113 Network Camera AXIS M1114 Network Camera AXIS M1113-E Network Camera AXIS M1114-E Network .
AXIS M11 Series User’s Manual Notices This manual is intended for administrators and users of AXIS M1103, AXIS M1104, AXIS M11 13/-E and AXIS M1114/-E N etwork Cameras, and is applicable for firmware re lease 5.08 and later. It includes instructions for using and managing the camera on your network .
3 AXIS M11 Series - Table of contents Contents Product Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Key features . . .
4 AXIS M11 Series - Product Description Product Description This manual applies to the following products: • AXIS M1103 Network Camera • AXIS M1104 Network Camera • AXIS M1113 Network Camera • AXIS M1114 Network Camera The information provided here applies to a ll models, except where otherwise indicated.
5 AXIS M11 Series - Product Description Hardware overview Network connecto r - RJ-45 Ethernet connector. Supports Power over Et hernet. Using shielded cables is recommended. LED indicators LED Color Indic ation Network Green Steady for connection to a 100 Mbit/s network.
6 AXIS M11 Series - Accessing the Camera Accessing the Camera To install the network camera, refer to the Installation Guide supplied with your product. The network camera can be used with most operating systems and browsers. The recommended browsers are Internet Explorer with Windows, Safari with Mac OSX and Fi refox with other operating systems.
7 AXIS M11 Series - Accessing the Camera Access from the Internet Once connected, the camera is accessible on your local network (LAN). To access the camera from the Internet you must configure your broadband router to allow incoming data t raffic to the camera.
8 AXIS M11 Series - Accessing the Camera Focus adjustment - AXIS M1103/M1104 To focus AXIS M1103/M1104 follow these instructions: 1. Open the Live View page in a web browser. 2. Unscrew the focus puller on the lens by turning it counter clockwise. Adjust focus as required.
9 AXIS M11 Series - Accessing the Camera Back focus adjustment - AXIS M1113/M1114 If the lens is changed to a non-standard lens or when the focus is a chieved using the instructions above is not satisfactory, adjust the back focus as follow s: 1. Loosen the screw that holds the CS-ring (see illustration) 2.
10 AXIS M11 Series - Accessing the Camera The Live View page If your network camera has been customiz ed to meet specific requirements the bu ttons and other items described below may or may not be displayed on the Live View page.
11 AXIS M11 Series - Accessing the Camera Pan, Tilt and Zoom bars — Clicking a position directly on the bar move s the camera view directly to the new posi- tion in one smooth movement. Clicking on the arrows at th e ends of a bar causes an incremental change.
12 AXIS M11 Series - Video Streams Video Streams The network camera provides se veral image and video stream formats. Your re quirements and the properties of your network will determine the type you use. The Live View page in the network came ra provides access to H.
13 AXIS M11 Series - Video Streams AXIS Media Control (AMC) AXIS Media Control (AMC) in Internet Explorer in Windows is the recommended method of accessing liv e video from the network camera. The AMC Control Panel can be used to configure various video settings.
14 AXIS M11 Series - Setup Tools Setup Tools The network camera can be configured by us ers with administrator or operator rights. To access the products Setup tools, click Setup in the top right-hand corner of the Live View page.
15 AXIS M11 Series - Video Video Click to access the online help that explains the Setup tools. Video Stream The video stream settings appear under three different tabs: •I m a g e • H.264 •M J P E G Preview For a preview of the image before saving, select the Video format and click Open.
16 AXIS M11 Series - Video H.264 GOV Settings The GOV structure describes the composition of the video st ream and setting the GOV-length to a higher value saves considerably on bandwidth but may have an adverse effect on image quality. Bit Rate Control The bit rate can be set as Variable Bit Rate (VBR) or Constant Bit Rate (CBR).
17 AXIS M11 Series - Video Camera Settings This page provides access to the adva nced image settings for network camera. Image Appearance Color level - Select an appropriate level by entering a value in the range 0-100. Lower values mean less color saturation, whilst the value 100 gives maximum color saturation.
18 AXIS M11 Series - Video Overlay Image An overlay image is a static image supe rimposed over the video image. The overla y image can be used to provide extra information, or to mask a part of the video image. See the online help for supported image formats and sizes.
19 AXIS M11 Series - Live View Config Live View Config Layout Stream Profile From the Stream Profile drop-down list, select the stream profile to be used for the Live View pa ge. Listed are the pre-programmed stream profiles as well as the ones created under Video> Stream Profiles .
20 AXIS M11 Series - Live View Config Enable Show crosshair in PTZ joystick mode and a cross will indicate the center of the image in PTZ joystick mode. Check Use PTZ joystick mode as default to enable joystick mode. The mode can be changed temporarily from the PTZ control panel.
21 AXIS M11 Series - PTZ (Pan Tilt Zoom) PTZ (Pan Tilt Zoom) PTZ Settings To use the camera’s digital pan, tilt and zoom (PTZ) functionality, check the Enable digital PTZ box and click Save. Select the maximum zoom rate from the Max zoom drop-down list.
22 AXIS M11 Series - Events Events Pre-defined parameters, known as an event or Event Type can trigger certain actions in the camera. A common event type is an alarm that causes the camera to upload images. Many even t types use an Event Serve r , to receive uploaded images.
23 AXIS M11 Series - Events Triggered Event A triggered event can be activated by: • A manual trigger – using the manual trigger button on the Live View page or through the VAPIX® Application Pro- gramming Interface (API) • Movement in a motion detection window • On boot – for example after power loss • Camera tampering, see page 2 4.
24 AXIS M11 Series - Events Create folder – Images uploaded to FTP and HTTP servers can be save d to designated folders. Folders can for example be named using the current date and time, see File Naming & Date/Time Formats in the online help. Base file name – Used to name all uploaded images.
25 AXIS M11 Series - Events Notes: Using the motion detection feature may de crease the camera’s overall performance. Set up a motion detection include window 1.
26 AXIS M11 Series - Events Examples: • Avoid triggering on small objects by setting the object size level to high. • Use several small Motion Detection wi ndows rather than one large window, if triggers on small movements or objects are desired.
27 AXIS M11 Series - System Options System Options Security Users User access control is enabled by default. An administrator can set up other users, by giving them user names and passwords.
28 AXIS M11 Series - System Options Date & Time Current Server Time - Displays the current date and time (24h clock). The time can be displayed in 12h clock format in the overlay (see below). New Server Time - Select your time zone from the drop-down list.
29 AXIS M11 Series - System Options Use the following I P address - To use a stat ic IP address for the ne twork ca mera, check the radio button and then make the following settings: • IP address – Specify a unique IP address for your network camera .
30 AXIS M11 Series - System Options Use the following D NS server address - Enter the desired DNS server by specifying the following: • Domain name - Enter the domain(s) to search for the host name used by th e network camera. Multiple domains can be separated by semicolons (;).
31 AXIS M11 Series - System Options If a router is not manually specified, th e network camera automaticall y searches for NAT routers on your network. If more than one router is found, the default router is selected. Alternative HTTP port – Select this option to manu ally define an exte rnal HTTP port.
32 AXIS M11 Series - System Options SMTP (email) Enter the host names (or IP addresses) and port numbers for your primary and secondary mail servers in the fields provided, to enable the sending of notifications and image email mess ages from the camera to predefined addres ses via SMTP.
33 AXIS M11 Series - System Options Bonjour The network camera includes support for Bonjour. When enabled, the camera is automatically detected by operating systems and clients that support this protocol.
34 AXIS M11 Series - System Options Logs & Reports When contacting Axis support, please be sure to provide a valid Server Report with your query. The Access Log is automatically included in the server report. Information The Server Report and Parameter List may prove useful when troubleshooting a problem or when contacting the Axis support.
35 AXIS M11 Series - About Plain Config Plain Config is for the advanced user with experience of Axis network c amera configuration. All para meters can be set and modified from this page. Help is avai lable from the standard help pages. About Here you can find basic information a bout your network camera.
36 AXIS M11 Series - Troubleshooting Troubleshooting Checking the firmware Firmware is software that determines the functionality of network cameras. One of your first actions when troubleshooting a problem should be to check the current firmware version.
37 AXIS M11 Series - Troubleshooting Axis Support If you contact Axis support, please help us resolve your problem expediently by providing a Server Report and a detailed description of the problem. The Server Report contains important information about the server an d its software, as well as a list of the current parameters.
38 AXIS M11 Series - Troubleshooting Symptoms, possible causes , and remedial action Problems se tting the IP ad dress When using ARP/Ping Try the installation again. The IP address must be set within two minutes after power has been applied to the camera.
39 AXIS M11 Series - Troubleshooting For further assistance, please contact your reseller or see the support pages on the Axis website at Lower frame rate than expected Reduce number of applications running on the client c omputer.
40 AXIS M11 Series - Technical Specifications Technical Specifications Function/group Item Specification Camera Models AXIS M1103 : SVGA resolution AXIS M1104 : 1 MP/HDTV 7 20p AXIS M1113/-E : SV GA resolution AXIS M1114/-E : 1 MP/HDTV 720p Image sen sor ¼” Progressive scan RGB CMOS Lens AXIS M1103 2.
41 AXIS M11 Series - Technical Specifications Image settings • Compression, color, brightness, sharpn ess, contrast, white balance, exposure control, exposure zones, backlight comp ensation, fine tu.
42 AXIS M11 Series - Technical Specifications General performance considerations When setting up your system, it is important to consider how various settings and situations will affect performance. Some factors affect the amount of bandwidth (the bit rate) required, others can affect the frame rate, and some affect both.
43 AXIS M11 Series - Glossary of Terms Glossary of Terms ActiveX - A standard that enables software components to interact with one another in a networked environment, regardless of the language(s ) used to create them. web browsers may come into contact w ith ActiveX controls, ActiveX documents, and ActiveX sc ripts.
44 AXIS M11 Series - Glossary of Terms the doma in name ww w.exampl is much easi er to remember than Th e translat ion tables for domain names are contained in D omain name servers. Domain Server - Domains can also be used by organizations who wish to centralize the ma nagement of their (Windows) computers.
45 AXIS M11 Series - Glossary of Terms fields (at half height) are then combined into 1 frame. Interlacing was developed many years ago for the analog TV world and is still used widely today. It provides good results when viewing motion in standard TV pictures, although there is always some degree of distortion in the image.
46 AXIS M11 Series - Glossary of Terms PAL (Phase Alternating Line) - PAL is the dominant television standard in Europe. PAL deli vers 625 lines at 50 half-frames/second. Ping - Ping is a basic network program used diagnostically to check the status of a network host or device.
47 AXIS M11 Series - Glossary of Terms Simplex - In Simplex operation, a network cable o r communications channel can only send information in one direction.
48 AXIS M11 Series - Glossary of Terms server access statistics . WEP (Wireless Equivalent Privacy) - A wireless security protocol, specified in the IEEE 802.11 standard, which is designed to provide a wireless local area network (WLAN) w ith a level of security and privacy comparable to t hat usually expected of a wired LAN.
AXIS M11 Series - Index 49 Index A Action Buttons 10, 20 Alarm 24 AMC 6 ARP/Ping 29 AXIS Media Control 13 AXIS Media Control toolbar 10 B Back focus 8, 9 Backlight compensation 17 Backup 33 Bit Rate 1.
AXIS M11 Series - Index 50.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Axis M1103 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Axis M1103 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Axis M1103 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Axis M1103 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Axis M1103, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Axis M1103.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Axis M1103. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Axis M1103 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.