Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto ITP-5012L del fabbricante Siemens
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User Guide ITP-5012L This manu al cont ai ns info r mat io n th at is pro pr ieta ry to S AMSUN G Electro n ic s Co. L td. and is prot e cted by copy r igh t.
COPYRIGHT This manual is proprietar y to SAM SUNG El ectronics Co., Ltd. a nd is pr otected by cop yright. No inform ation con tained her ein m ay be cop ied, trans lated, tra nscribed or dupl icated f or an y comm ercial purpos es or dis closed t o third p arties i n any for m witho ut the pri or writte n consent of SAM SUNG Elec tronics Co .
© SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. Page I ABOUT THIS GUIDE This U se r guid e provi de s in st ructi on s for th e use of Sa msun g’ s late st ITP -5 012L l arge LCD IP Pho ne th at can be us ed in c on nection wi th the Sam sung’s En terp rise IP So lutions Office S erv Syste m.
Page II © SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. ABOU T TH I S GUIDE Th is page is inte ntiona lly le ft blan k..
© SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. Page III SAFETY CONCERNS For pr oduct s afet y and c orrec t op eratio n, the f ollo wing i nform atio n mus t be re ad bef ore the ins talla tion a nd o perat ion of your ITP-50 12L IP pho ne.
Page IV © SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. SAFETY CONCERNS The ITP-5012L IP phone sha ll be connected to the local AC power using the p ower ad aptor pro vided with the IP phone . Use of an alt ernative adaptor ma y result in serious damage and voids th e product warranty.
© SAMSUNG El ectronics Co., Ltd. Page V SAFETY CONCERNS Do not install the p hone near a h eater or naked fl ames (cigaret te lig hter , heating app aratus , etc.). It may c ause a fire or electric sho cks. Do n ot use f l am ma b l e s olve n t or ma t er i al s near the phone .
Page VI © SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. SAFETY CONCERNS Be careful not to connect the network LAN cable to the PC connection po rt. If the LAN cable connect e d to network is connected to the PC c onnection port, both tel ephone and P C communications will be disabled.
© SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. Page VII T ABLE OF CONTENTS A BOUT TH IS GUIDE Conventio ns .................................................................................................................... ...... I SAFETY CONCERNS Symbols ......
Page VIII © SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. T A BLE OF CONTENTS Back ground Sc reen ........................................................................................................... 13 Executive St atus D ispla y ...........................
© SAMSUNG El ectronics Co., Ltd. Page IX T A BLE OF CONTENTS MAKING A C ALL 1. Befor e Makin g a Call ......................................................................................................... .......... 33 Dialling Modes .............
Page X © SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. T A BLE OF CONTENTS A N SWERING A CA LL 1. Bef ore Answ ering a Call..................................................................................................... ........ 53 Call Ans wering Methods ...
© SAMSUNG El ectronics Co., Ltd. Page XI T A BLE OF CONTENTS CONVENIENT FE A TURES 1. Call Forw ardin g............................................................................................................. ............... 69 Forward All Calls .
Page XII © SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. T A BLE OF CONTENTS 5. Exe cutive /Sec reta ry Hot Line ................................................................................................ .... 87 Executive St atus D ispla y ..................
© SAMSUNG El ectronics Co., Ltd. Page XIII T A BLE OF CONTENTS 3. Pho ne Book .................................................................................................................. .............. 10 2 Search By Speed Dial Num ber Locati on .
Page XIV © SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. T A BLE OF CONTENTS Handset V olum e .............................................................................................................. 129 Speak er V ol ume .....................................
© SAMSUNG El ectronics Co., Ltd. Page 1 PREP ARA TION 1. Main Features IP Net w ork Large LCD Screen Application menu Speed Dial Displ ays v arious kinds of i nform atio n, and yo u c an s imply press t he re late d [Sel ect] b utton n ext to the f eature /menu.
Page 2 © SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. PREP A RA TIO N Pickup A ut omatic Redial/Retry Hold Conference Calls Call Forwarding W hen your c all is im portan t but your part y is b us y on another cal l you c an use autom atic r edia l/retr y funct ion.
© SAMSUNG El ectronics Co., Ltd. Page 3 PREP A RA TION Do Not Disturb Page Executive/Secretary Caller ID xxx-xxx-xxxx When ther e is an inc om ing cal l, the c aller ID or n am e will be dis pla yed on the LCD screen. Y ou can see wh o is callin g be fo re an swe ring th e call an d re spo nd accor dingl y .
Page 4 © SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. PREP A RA TION 2. Checking the Parts in the Package - Pleas e contact y our Authoris ed Sams ung Reselle r if any item above is missing or dam aged.
© SAMSUNG El ectronics Co., Ltd. Page 5 PREP A RA TION 3. Name and Feature s of the I TP-5012L IP p hone Front Panel Status I ndicator Dial Bu tton s Sele ct Butt ons LCD Panel Navi g ation Buttons V.
Page 6 © SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. PREP A RA TION Name and Fea tures of Each Par tEMBED [Select] buttons Y ou can simply press the [Sel ect] butt on next to the prefer red item on th e LCD pan el. LCD Screen The LC D scre en cons ists of th e St atus sc reen a nd the Mai n scre en.
© SAMSUNG El ectronics Co., Ltd. Page 7 PREP A RA TION Conference Button This button is us ed t o con nect m ultip le cal lers i n a co nfere nce c all. Transfer Button This button is us ed to tr ansf er a c all to anot her stat ion or to ac cess your s tatio n’s program m ing options .
Page 8 © SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. PREP A RA TION Bottom Panel of the ITP-5012 L L A N connection port Connec t the L AN cab le co nnecte d to th e net work to this p ort. PC connection port Conn e ct th e LA N ca ble con ne ct ed to y our PC’ s netwo r k card to th i s po rt .
© SAMSUNG El ectronics Co., Ltd. Page 9 PREP A RA TION 4. Assembling the ITP-5012L IP phone Connec ting li nes to the ph one 1. Con nect t he hands et to the ha ndset co nnec tion port. 2. Con nect t he LAN c able c onnec ted to the n etwork to th e LAN c onnec tion po rt at the b ottom pane l of the IP phone.
Page 10 © SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. PREP A RA TION Using the Desktop Stand If th e ph on e ne eds to be us ed i n a des kto p env i ron men t , insert th e de skto p sta n d in t o the two sid e hole s, whi c h ar e lo ca ted at th e rea r o f the ph on e , and pu sh i t in the upw a rd di rect ion, as show n in Fig ur e bel ow .
© SAMSUNG El ectronics Co., Ltd. Page 11 THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW 1. About Stations and Trunk Lines A station is a digita l or IP phon e or stan dard te lephon e connec ted to th e OfficeSer v sy st em. A T runk line is dir ectl y conn ected t o your phon e com pan y’ s tele phone n etwor k.
Page 12 © SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. THIN G S YOU S HOULD KNOW 2. Introduction of Main Screens The main scree ns display ed on L CD of this IP phone are as follows . Programmabl e Feature Screen The pro gram m able featur e sc reen ap pears when the [Screen] but ton is press ed in standb y mod e or d uring a cal l.
© SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. Page 13 THIN G S YOU S HOULD KNOW Background Screen This is th e defau lt s creen t hat appe ars in standb y mod e. ! Y ou can use the ‘M y Phone’ menu in the applicatio n menus to chang e this bac kground screen.
Page 14 © SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. THIN G S YOU S HOULD KNOW Scr een 3. Using the Programmable Feature Screen In this scre en, the various features programmed in the te lephone system are displaye d such as speed di al ke ys. Y ou can use the features by pres sing t he associa ted [Sel ect ] button.
© SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. Page 15 THIN G S YOU S HOULD KNOW Scr een 4. Using the Soft Menu Screen In the Soft Menu screen, th e various feature s that can be us ed during th e setup of a c all or dur ing sta ndby mode a re displ ay ed . Y ou can use those fe at ures by pr essi ng the a ssociated [Sele ct] but ton.
Page 16 © SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. THIN G S YOU S HOULD KNOW 5. Choosing a Functi on Because v arious fe atures of this IP phone are display ed on the LCD screen, y ou can press the [Select] button co rresponding to the desir ed feature or di al the de sired function co de.
© SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. Page 17 THIN G S YOU S HOULD KNOW 6. Using a Function Code Man y of the Offi ceServ syst e m functions ca n be inv oke d by dial ling f unction codes . Please ref er to the tabl e below for the default function co des(th ese maybe ch anged in your syst em, refer to your System Adm ini strator .
Page 18 © SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. THIN G S YOU S HOULD KNOW 7. Entering Characters Using the dial buttons and th e naviga tion buttons of this phone, you can ea sily ente r/edit, l etters, numbers and spec ial ch aracters.
© SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. Page 19 THIN G S YOU S HOULD KNOW EMBEDEn tering Le tters of the Alp habe t 1. Press the [Menu] button t o sel ect th e alph abet i nput m ode. Us e the dire ctio n bu t ton to mov e a cu rs o r . 2. Then , press the dial bu ttons to m odif y or ins ert the desir ed le tters .
Page 20 © SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. THIN G S YOU S HOULD KNOW Entering S pecial Characters 1. Press the [Menu] button t o sel ect th e spec ial c haracte r in put m ode. 2. Then , the s peci al ch aracter s that can b e sel ected will be disp la yed on t he lo wer par t of th e charac ter input s creen.
© SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. Page 21 THIN G S YOU S HOULD KNOW 8. Volume Adjustment [ ! Vo l u m e " ] butto n is used for adjustin g the volum e of the h andset, speaker , and rin ger.
Page 22 © SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. THIN G S YOU S HOULD KNOW A d j u sti n g Ri ng Volu me 1. T o incre ase the ring vo lume, press the [V olume " " " " ] butt on whi le th e phon e is ri nging . 2. T o decreas e t he sp eaker v olum e, pres s the [ ! ! ! ! Vo l u m e ] butt on whi le th e phon e is ri nging .
© SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. Page 23 THIN G S YOU S HOULD KNOW 9. Types of Signal Tone The type s of sig nal tone used in this te le p hone syste m are des cribed in the f ollowi ng ta ble . Signal T one Name Usages Signal Interval Dial tone A steady tone that indicates you can begin dialling.
Page 24 © SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. THIN G S YOU S HOULD KNOW 11. Telephone Status Indicato r The statu s indic ator turns on or off accordin g to th e telephon e status. Situation Status Indicator Busy Steady red. Station Ring Flashing red. T runk Ring Flashing blue.
© SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. Page 25 GETTING ST AR TED This chapt er desc ribes the procedur e for sett ing th e user env ironm ent after ins tall ing and booti ng the I TP -50 12 L IP phone.
Page 26 © SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. GETTI NG S TA R T E D 2. Editing The buttons a nd f unctions below are used for selecting a menu from the L CD screen and enterin g/cancellin g/savin g a value.
© SAMSUNG El ectronics Co., Ltd. Page 27 GETTI NG S TA R T E D 3. Network Settings Y o u can verify or change the network environment. 1. Use t he [ ]/[ ] butt on to m ove to the [2. N etwor k] m enu an d pres s the [ En ter ] b utton . 2. Move to the [ 1.
Page 28 © SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. GETTI NG S TA R T E D 5. The upper menu is d ispla yed a gain. 6. Select [2. IP] to disp la y the current IP addres s of the IP pho ne. No addres s is dis pla yed if an IP ad dress is no t s e t. Use th e di al but to n s [0 ]~[ 9 ] an d [ ] to enter a ne w IP addres s, and pres s the [Enter] button .
© SAMSUNG El ectronics Co., Ltd. Page 29 GETTI NG S TA R T E D 4. Load & Upgrade Settings Y ou can veri fy or c han ge th e up grade enviro nment of the I P ph one. 1. Use t he [ ]/[ ] butt on to m ove to the [3. Load & Upg rade] m enu and pr ess [Enter] button .
Page 30 © SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. GETTI NG S TA R T E D 4. The [ 2. Upgrade Program] m enu is used f or upgr adin g th e phone ’s progr am. Enter th e IP address of the TFT P server from which the progr am s hould be downlo ade d. Press the [E nte r] but ton to s tart the pr ogram downl oad proc ess .
© SAMSUNG El ectronics Co., Ltd. Page 31 GETTI NG S TA R T E D 5. Setting System Authentication Infor mation This function i s used to set the I P addr ess of th e OfficeSer v system connected to the I P phone and the authentic ation ID and password of the IP phone.
Page 32 © SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. GETTI NG S TA R T E D 6. Verifying Settings Y ou can verify the IP phone settings aft er setup. Incorrect sett ings ca n be adjusted after verificat ion. 1. Use t he [ ]/[ ] butt on to m ove to the [1. Information] m enu a nd press the [Enter] b utton.
© SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. Page 33 MAKING A CALL 1. Before Making a Call The call ing metho ds an d features are summ arized in the fol lowing tabl e.
Page 34 © SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. MA KI N G A C AL L Calli ng Me th ods " Using a handset This function allow s y ou to lift the handset and make a call. " Using a speaker phone This function allow s y ou to make a ca ll through the speakerphone w ithout lifting the handset.
© SAMSUNG El ectronics Co., Ltd. Page 35 MA KI N G A C AL L 2. Making an Intercom Call This function is used when you want to make a call to oth er stations. Calling Ot her Stati o ns 1. Lift the handset. 2. Dial th e extension num ber of the other part y .
Page 36 © SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. MA KI N G A C AL L Busy Station Callback When you call another station and receive a busy signal, this function al lows you to set a callback reservation for when the other station becomes free.
© SAMSUNG El ectronics Co., Ltd. Page 37 MA KI N G A C AL L Bus y Stati on Camp -On When you call another station and receive a busy signal but you do not want to wait for a callback, this function allows you to camp on to the busy extension.
Page 38 © SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. MA KI N G A C AL L 3. Making an Outside Call Making an Outside Call 1. Lift th e ha nd se t an d di al the t run k acce ss code [0] and the n dial the telephon e numbe r of outs ide par ty .
© SAMSUNG El ectronics Co., Ltd. Page 39 MA KI N G A C AL L Redia l This function allows you to redial the last ext ernal number dialled. 1. When the ph one is in s tand by mode, press t he [S creen ] butt on re peated ly until t he Sof t m enu scre en app ears.
Page 40 © SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. MA KI N G A C AL L A utomatic Redial After making an outside call and receiving busy tone, your IP phone can redial the called number automatically . It can redial up to 99 times at a the preprogrammed interval.
© SAMSUNG El ectronics Co., Ltd. Page 41 MA KI N G A C AL L Bus y Line Queuing Wi th Call back If you receive a busy signal when selecting an outside line, this means that the line or group of lines is busy . This callback function allows a call to be plac ed in queue waiting for a free outside line.
Page 42 © SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. MA KI N G A C AL L Making a New Call This function allows you to disc onnec t the existing call and make a new call on t he same line. 1. W hile on a ca ll, pres s the [Se lect] but ton corres pondi ng to [N EW] menu dis pla yed on the LC D scr ee n.
© SAMSUNG El ectronics Co., Ltd. Page 43 MA KI N G A C AL L 3. Dial the orb it number (0~9) to pa rk the cal l an d anno un ce the orbi t nu mbe r for the requ ired part y to ans wer t he cal l.
Page 44 © SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. MA KI N G A C AL L Using an A ccount Code The OfficeServ system can be programmed to force an account code entry prior to making outside calls or at anytime during the call if it is not forced. This allows the system to report calls against specific account c odes in the call details report.
© SAMSUNG El ectronics Co., Ltd. Page 45 MA KI N G A C AL L Saving the Tele pho ne Number Y ou can save the current dialled outside number for later use and redial the number . Press the [Select] butt on for [SA VE/REPEA T ] befor e hanging up the ca ll, to s ave the pho ne num ber th at has just be en call ed.
Page 46 © SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. MA KI N G A C AL L Dialling from your Recent Call Log 1. Press the [Send] but t on brie fly w hile in standb y mod e. ! If the [Send] button is pressed and he ld about 2 seconds, you ca n redial t he last number dialled.
© SAMSUNG El ectronics Co., Ltd. Page 47 MA KI N G A C AL L Speed Diallin g The Of ficeServ sy stem can sto re up to 500 f requent ly diall ed telephone numbers in the system speed dial l ist. In addition you can have up to 50 personal speed dial numbers s tored in the system.
Page 48 © SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. MA KI N G A C AL L Dialli ng fr om the Direct or y Name The OfficeServ system maintains an onlin e directory for extensions, system and personal speed dial names . The extension number or the speed dial number can be selected from the directory name lis t, which is in alphabetical order .
© SAMSUNG El ectronics Co., Ltd. Page 49 MA KI N G A C AL L Conference Call Up to 5 members, including you, can participate in a conference simultane ously . 1. Press [Con fer ence] button in the st andby mode. 2. Press the [Selec t] button for [Group] in th e conf erenc e scr een t o dis pla y the gr oup list.
Page 50 © SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. MA KI N G A C AL L Conference Groups Y ou can establish a conference simply by selecting one of 5 possible groups and the conference will be setup automatically . Y ou can also review and edit the members of each group.
© SAMSUNG El ectronics Co., Ltd. Page 51 MA KI N G A C AL L To establish a ne w Conference Group 1. Press the [Confer ence] butt on in the standb y mod e. 2. Press the [Selec t] button for [Group] in th e conf erenc e scr een t o dis pla y the gr oup list.
Page 52 © SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. MA KI N G A C AL L Th is page is inte ntiona lly le ft blan k..
© SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. Page 53 ANSWERING A CALL 1. Before Answering a Call The call answ ering m ethods and feat ures are summarized in the fo llowing table. If you want to learn how to use each fe ature, please re fer to the detailed descri ption corres ponding to each featur e.
Page 54 © SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. AN S WERIN G A C AL L 2. Answering an Intercom Call A nsw ering a Ringing Intercom Call 1. W hen the phone r ings, a ca ll rec eipt m ess age will be dis pla yed on the LCD screen. 2. Lift the ha nd se t an d t he ringi ng call wil l be autom atic all y con nected you.
© SAMSUNG El ectronics Co., Ltd. Page 55 AN S WERIN G A C AL L A u tomatic A nswering Mode This function allows you to answ er a station call on your phone where the interc om ans wering mode has been programmed for automatic answer.
Page 56 © SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. AN S WERIN G A C AL L 3. Answering an Outside Call A nsw ering an outsi de call 1. W hen the phone r ings, a ca ll rec eipt m ess age will be dis pla yed on the LCD screen. 2. Lift the ha nd se t an d t he ringi ng call wil l be autom atic ally con nected .
© SAMSUNG El ectronics Co., Ltd. Page 57 AN S WERIN G A C AL L Universal A nswer for O utside Calls The Universal answer feature allows you to answer outside calls programmed to ring a general alerting device such as a night bell. The Universal Answer feature does not apply to intercom calls.
Page 58 © SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. AN S WERIN G A C AL L 4. Answering Calls at Other Extensions The functions be l ow descri be the me thod s availa bl e to answe r calls ringing at unatte nded s tations . Station Call Pickup 1. W hen you h ear a n unatte nded r ingi ng sta tion Li ft the ha nd set .
© SAMSUNG El ectronics Co., Ltd. Page 59 AN S WERIN G A C AL L Group Call Pickup Allows you to pick up a call ring ing in any pickup group. Use gro up pickup when you and the ringing extension are part of a pickup group . 1. W hen a te lephon e ass igned in the sam e pi ckup grou p i s ri ngi ng , you ca n li ft the ha nd se t.
Page 60 © SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. AN S WERIN G A C AL L A nsw ering a Waiting Call When currently on a call and a second call arrives from another station/outside c a ller this feature allows you to answer the waiting call. 1. Press the [Screen] bu tt on un til th e Progr amm able Fe ature scree n ap pears.
© SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. Page 61 FEA TURES USED DURING A CALL 1. During an Intercom Call F eat ures t hat can be used con v enie ntl y during an intercom call are desc ribed be lo w .
Page 62 © SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. FE A T URES USED DURI NG A CALL 2. During a Outside Call Features that c an be u sed c onveniently durin g an out sid e calls ar e describ ed be low.
© SAMSUNG El ectronics Co., Ltd. Page 63 FEA TURES U SED DURING A C ALL Hold a Outside C all and Make an Intercom C all Y ou can put the outside caller on ho ld and call another station to c onsult with another staff member. 1. Press [T ransfer] button.
Page 64 © SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. FE A T URES USED DURI NG A CALL Call T ransfer While on an outside call you c an transfer the call to another internal or ou tside party. 1. Press [T ransfer] button dur ing the ca ll. 2. Dial the st atio n/outs ide num ber to whic h the c all sh oul d be tra nsfer red.
© SAMSUNG El ectronics Co., Ltd. Page 65 FEA TURES U SED DURING A C ALL Transfer to the Voice Mailbox Y ou can automatically transfer the incoming call to t he voice mailbox. The OfficeServ system should have the Samsung Voice Mail Service(SVMi) c ard installed.
Page 66 © SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. FE A T URES USED DURI NG A CALL 3. During Intercom/Trunk Line Calls F eatures that can be used conv eniently during inte rcom/T runk line calls a re describe d below . Conference Up to 5 members, including you, can participate in a conference simultane ously .
© SAMSUNG El ectronics Co., Ltd. Page 67 FEA TURES U SED DURING A C ALL Mute Duri ng a call you ca n mute the h andse t transmitt er or microp hone w hile st ill listen ing to the oth er par ty . 1. Press the [Select] button for [MUTE] displ ayed o n the s cre en.
Page 68 © SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. FE A T URES USED DURI NG A CALL Th is page is inte ntiona lly le ft blan k..
© SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. Page 69 CONVENIENT FEA TURES 1. Call Forwarding When un able to ta ke inc oming ca lls you can forward yo ur cal ls to anoth er s tation, group of station s or an outside telephone number .
Page 70 © SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. CONVENIE NT FE A TURES Forw ard Bus y Y ou can forward incoming calls to another number when you are using the phone. 1. Dial [6][0][2] in the st andb y mode and dial t he num ber to whic h al l cal ls shou ld be for warded .
© SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. Page 71 CONVENIE NT FE A TURES Forwa rd Bus y / No Answer When the Forw ard Busy and Forward No Answer destinations are both set, you may enable both these options simultaneously . When you are busy , calls will be transferred to the number sp ec ified in Forward Busy destination.
Page 72 © SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. CONVENIE NT FE A TURES Forw ard Follow Me When you will be away from your phone f or a while, e.g. in a conference room or another office, you ca n forward y our incoming c alls to a station where you are currently located .
© SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. Page 73 CONVENIE NT FE A TURES 2. Do No t Disturb (DND) This feature is u sed to block inco ming c alls. Setting/ Cancelling D N D 1. Press the [Screen] bu tt on un til th e Soft m enu s cree n is d ispla yed. ! Or , dia l the DND setup c ode, [4][0 ][1].
Page 74 © SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. CONVENIE NT FE A TURES 3. Paging This featur e is u sed to bro adcas t an nounc ement s th rough th e phon e’s inter nal s pea ker an d/or optional exte rnal speake rs. Internal Page T o broadcast throug h the station speakers.
© SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. Page 75 CONVENIE NT FE A TURES External Page Y ou can broadcast announcements through optional sp eakers in external areas(such as large offices, w ork areas and factories). F our(4) E xternal z ones are av ailable plus all external zones.
Page 76 © SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. CONVENIE NT FE A TURES A ll Pa ge Allows you to page through all station s peakers in the internal zones and s peakers in external areas. 1. Lift the ha nd se t. ! Or , press t he Page function code [5][5]. 2.
© SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. Page 77 CONVENIE NT FE A TURES Meet Me Pa ge Y ou can use page to find the recipient of a call. 1. Lift the ha nd se t. ! Or , dial the Meet M e Page function cod e [5][4]. 2. Press the [Select] button for [MEET M E P A GE] display e d on the sc reen.
Page 78 © SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. CONVENIE NT FE A TURES 6. The ‘Wait until th e rec ipien t res ponds’ m essage is dis pla yed. Y o u shoul d hold on to the hands et unti l the rec ipient dials the pa ge an swe r cod e ([5 ][ 6] ).
© SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. Page 79 CONVENIE NT FE A TURES 4. Hang up by repl acing th e ha nd set . ! If the parked call is no t answered wi thin a specified t ime, the outside ca ll will recall you r ph on e . Int e r c om ca ll s ca n no t be parked or paged.
Page 80 © SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. CONVENIE NT FE A TURES Off-Hook Voice A nnounce (OHVA) Allows you to make an announcement to anot her station currently on a call. This feature is useful when you have an urgent message to deliver to a station user.
© SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. Page 81 CONVENIE NT FE A TURES OHV A Reject 1. While list eni ng to OHV A, y ou ca n p res s the [S elect] bu tton for [REJECT] to disc onnec t the O HV A call an d res ume the o ri gi nal call . - OHV A is not applicable to phone s tha t ha v e the DND option enabled.
Page 82 © SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. CONVENIE NT FE A TURES OHV A Bl ock Y ou can use the OHVA Block feature to reject all OHVA calls. 1. Press the [Screen] bu tt o n un til th e So ft Me nu scr een is dis pla yed. 2. Press the [Select] button for [OHV A BLOCK] and then sel e ct [ ON] .
© SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. Page 83 CONVENIE NT FE A TURES 4. Messaging Leaving a Stati on Message Y ou can leave your phone number as a message on stations that do not answer your call or are bus y . 1. Press the [Screen] bu tt on un til th e Progr amm able Fe ature scr een is disp layed .
Page 84 © SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. CONVENIE NT FE A TURES Cancelling Station Messages Y ou can er ase station message s left on othe r stations or delete th e messages left on the your station. 1. T o eras e stat ion m essages you lef t on ot her statio ns, dia l [4][2] and di al the sta ti on number of t he oth er sta tion.
© SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. Page 85 CONVENIE NT FE A TURES Verify/Return/Delete Stati on Messages Y ou can verify , return, or delete the stati on messages left on your phone. The status indicator will f lash red when a message is left on your phone and the icon is displayed on the screen.
Page 86 © SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. CONVENIE NT FE A TURES Programmed Messages EMBEDWhen you will be away from you desk you can leave an absence message to advise internal callers of your status. Internal callers will rec eive the message on their LCD screen w hen they call you.
© SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. Page 87 CONVENIE NT FE A TURES 5. Executive/Secretary Hot Line Executive Status Displa y Available only on phones with the Executive/Secretary Hot Line feature programmed, this feature is used to display the in/out status of the execu tive or to conveniently set messages betw een the executive and secretary .
Page 88 © SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. CONVENIE NT FE A TURES Call Transfer from Secretar y to Executive The programmed secretary station will receive calls for the executive first and transfer the calls to the executive.
© SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. Page 89 CONVENIE NT FEA TURES Executive/Secretar y Message Messages that are frequently exchanged between the executive and the secretary can be pres et for convenient use. The [EXE/SECR M SG] menu is displayed in the Soft menu screen of the phone where the Executive/Secr etary Hot Line is enabled.
Page 90 © SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. CONVENIE NT FEA TURES Entering the Executive/Secretary Message There are no preset messages when first using the E xecutive/Secretary Hot Line.
© SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. Page 91 CONVENIE NT FEA TURES 6. In/Out of Grou p If your phone is assigned to a station group, you can remove the phone from the group or reassign the phone into th e group . If th e phone is removed from the group, you will receive station calls but no new ca lls to the group number .
Page 92 © SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. CONVENIE NT FEA TURES 7. Group Listening Y ou can allow others to listen to your cu rrent conver sation through the speaker wh ile you are ta lking on the handset. Others can only hear th e conversa tion since the microphone is di sabled.
© SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. Page 93 CONVENIE NT FEA TURES 8. Caller ID (CID) Presentation The OfficeServ s ystem c an be set to display not on ly the num ber but also th e name of the c aller prior to an swering a ca ll. The presen tation o f th e Cal ler Id i s an o ption al ser vice provided by your telepho ne c ompany.
Page 94 © SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. CONVENIE NT FEA TURES Storing the Caller Number to a Speed Dial Number The caller number can be stored in your personal speed dial number list. 1. Press th e [Sel ect] bu tton f or [ST ORE ] menu displ ayed o n the pr ogr amm able f eatures screen dur ing th e call.
© SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. Page 95 CONVENIE NT FEA TURES Viewing the Caller ID of Calls Parked/on Hold Y ou can verify the CID bef ore answering a c all that is parked or on hold. 1. W hen the phone is in the st andb y mod e or i n the m iddl e of a c all, pr ess the [Sel ect] butt on of t he [INQ UIRE] m enu di splay ed on the screen.
Page 96 © SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. CONVENIE NT FEA TURES Hello~ 10. Door Phone R e l ated Featur es When you phone is progr ammed to receive ca lls from the door phone you can answer a call without leavin g your desk . If the optional electric door release is fitted you can also unlock the door from you r ph on e .
© SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. Page 97 CONVENIE NT FEA TURES 11. Background Music If background music is available on y our OfficeServ system, you can li sten to the background music through your ITP-5012L phone’ s speak e r in standby mode. 1. Press the [Hold] but to n to li sten to the bac kgr ound m usic.
Page 98 © SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. CONVENIE NT FEA TURES Th is page is inte ntiona lly le ft blan k..
© SAMSUNG El ectronics Co., Ltd. Page 99 APPLICA TION MENUS 1. Navigation Buttons Navigation buttons are prov ided for your conve nience. Menu Button ! When the [Menu] button is pressed in the standby mode, the phones application menus are displayed as icons.
Page 100 © SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. APPLIC A TION ME NUS ¨ ç ¨ è ¨ é ¨ ê Enter Button ! The Enter button is used in the menu mode to select or sav e the corresponding item. Directi on bu tt on The Dir ection button is used t o move between item s or to edit the c ontent .
© SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. Page 101 A PPLICA TION MENUS 2. Entering Application Menus When th e IP phon e is in th e stan dby mo de, press the [ Menu] butto n. The main appl ication men u will a ppe ar on the LCD sc reen. Selecting Application Menus ! Use the direction button to mov e to the desired application.
Page 102 © SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. APPLIC A TION ME NUS 3. Phone Book Press the Ri ght direct ion button to enter the Phone Book menu OR Press th e [Menu] button and u se the direction button to sel ect The n, press the [ Enter] button.
© SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. Page 103 A PPLICA TION MENUS 3. The teleph one number corr espon ding to the enter ed s peed di al lo cati on is disp lay ed. # If you press the [Ente r] button w ithout e ntering the s peed dia l number locat ion, a l ist of all speed dial names p rogrammed will be disp layed.
Page 104 © SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. APPLIC A TION ME NUS Search By Telephone Number Y ou can sear ch bas ed on th e teleph one num ber or part o f a tel ephone number re gist ered in th e IP phone. 1. Press the butt on and use the di rect ion bu t ton to sele ct " " " " [1.
© SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. Page 105 A PPLICA TION MENUS Search a T ele phone Nu mber B y Group Y ou can searc h for t elephon e number s by gro ups reg istered in the IP phon e. This will o nly work if you have allo cated speed d ial nam es and n umbers to spec ific gr oups.
Page 106 © SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. APPLIC A TION ME NUS Search a T ele phone Nu mber B y T i me Y ou can search for any telephone number based on the time the telephone number was register ed in the phon e. Sp eed dia l na mes wil l be dis playe d co mmen cin g w ith th e l ate st en tr y .
© SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. Page 107 A PPLICA TION MENUS Recent Called Numbers The call det ails and C alling lin e ID, if available, o f up to th e last 30 incoming call s will be saved in the inco ming call log. Y ou c an review the det ails an d dial the Call er ID.
Page 108 © SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. APPLIC A TION ME NUS Teleph one Nu mber Re gi stra ti o n Y ou ca n sav e 1000 speed dial names and 2,400 telephone numbers.
© SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. Page 109 A PPLICA TION MENUS Editin g Groups This function a llows you to establish groups to which speed dial names ca n be included . This allows you to sear c h for spee d dial number s by per sonaliz ed grou pings.
Page 110 © SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. APPLIC A TION ME NUS Deleting A ll Telephon e Numbers This function a llows you to delete all saved telephone numb e rs and associated names. 1. Press the button a nd u se th e di r ectio n but to n t o sel e ct " " " " [6.
© SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. Page 111 APPLIC A TION ME NUS 4. E-Diary Press th e [Menu] button an d us e the direct ion buttons to select Then, pr es s the [Enter] bu tton. Move to the desired menu and pre ss the [Enter] button. Wakeup Call Allows you to set an alarm to ring for 1 minute or unti l ans wered, at the required time.
Page 112 © SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. APPLIC A TION ME NUS Al a rm C l o c k This function is similar to the wakeup call functio n except that the frequency of th e alarm is limited to once only or everyday. T wo s eparate alarm times are available.
© SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. Page 113 A PPLICA TION MENUS 3. Use t he dir ection butt on to pr ogram the sc hedul e item s. Set the Dat e, Time, Mess age Co nten ts, Alarm Timer(an h our bef ore t he set tim e, 30 min utes b efore the se t tim e, or on tim e) and Ri ng ty pe and p re ss t he [E nter ] button.
Page 114 © SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. APPLIC A TION ME NUS Mem o Pad Allows you to save a simple memo to the IP phone. Entering a M emo 1. Press the [Menu] button an d use the direc tion button to se lect ! ! ! ! [4. Memo Pad] ! ! ! ! [1 .Add New Memo].
© SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. Page 115 A PPLICA TION MENUS Calcula tor A simple calculator is available to add, subtract, multiply , and divide numbers. 1. Press the [Menu] button an d use the direc tion button to se lect ! ! ! ! [5. C alculator ].
Page 116 © SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. APPLIC A TION ME NUS Wor ld Ti me Allows you to search local time in 3 9 cities around the world( Guam, New Y ork, Dallas, T okyo, Denver , Lapas, London, R.
© SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. Page 117 A PPLICA TION MENUS D-D A Y Plus D-DAY Plus allows you to enter an important schedule s o that you can check the time left u ntil or the time passed from, the entered date (D-Day).
Page 118 © SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. APPLIC A TION ME NUS Unit Conversion This feature provides a simply conv ersi on program f or commonly used uni ts of measurement for temperature, length, weight, volume, and area. 1. Press the [Menu] button an d use the direc tion button to se lect ! ! ! ! [8.
© SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. Page 119 A PPLICA TION MENUS 5. Message Press the dir ection butto n to ent er th e T e xt Me ssag e menu OR Press th e [ Menu ] button and use the direction button to select Then, pres s the [ Enter ] button. Move to the desired menu and pre ss the [Enter] button.
Page 120 © SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. APPLIC A TION ME NUS Message Charge Allows you to review received text messag es and to setup how you wish to be notif ied on the arrival of a new text message. 1. Press the butt on and use the di rect ion bu t ton to sele ct ! ! ! ! [1.
© SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. Page 121 A PPLICA TION MENUS Setting Message A rri v al Notice Interval Y ou can set how your phone will notify you of a new text mess age . 1. Pres s the butto n an d use the dir ection butto n to se lect ! ! ! ! [1.
Page 122 © SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. APPLIC A TION ME NUS Setting/Clearing Message Display Allows you to select whether to display the c ontents of the message when the mes sage arrives. 1. Pres s th e button and us e the di re ct ion bu t ton s to sel e ct ! ! ! ! [1.
© SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. Page 123 A PPLICA TION MENUS Writing a Message Y ou can write and send a text message. 1. Pres s the butto n an d use the dir ection butto ns to s elect ! ! ! ! [2. Write & Sent] ! ! ! ! [1. Write Message] ! ! ! ! [1.
Page 124 © SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. APPLIC A TION ME NUS Managing the Sent M essage Box Allows you to check/delete/resend the sent or res erved messages saved in the Sent Message box. " Messages can not be modified. 1. Press the button a nd use th e di re ctio n but to n s to sele ct ! ! ! ! [2.
© SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. Page 125 A PPLICA TION MENUS Draf t Allows you to retrieve and conveniently use messages saved as a Draft. 1. Press the button a nd u se th e di r e ctio n butto n s to sel e ct ! ! ! ! [3. D raft]. Then, pr ess th e [E nte r] button.
Page 126 © SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. APPLIC A TION ME NUS Searching Messages Allows y ou to search y our saved draf t messages. 1. Press the button a nd use th e di re ctio n but to n s to sele ct ! ! ! ! [3. D raft] ! ! ! ! [2. Search Message].
© SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. Page 127 A PPLICA TION MENUS 6. Volume Adjustment Press th e down dir ection b utton to enter th e Ring typ e/V olume menu OR Press th e [Menu] button an d us e the direct ion buttons to select Then, pr es s the [Enter] bu tton.
Page 128 © SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. APPLIC A TION ME NUS Ringe r Vol ume Allows you to set the volume of the ringer . 1. Press the butt on and use the di rect io n bu t ton t o sele ct ! ! ! ! [2. R inger]. T hen, press the [Enter] bu tton. 2.
© SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. Page 129 A PPLICA TION MENUS Handset Volume Allows you to set the volume when sp eaking through the handset. 1. Press the butt on and use the di re ctio n bu t tons t o sel e ct ! ! ! ! [4. H andset]. Then, pr ess the [En ter ] butto n.
Page 130 © SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. APPLIC A TION ME NUS BGM Vol ume Allows you to set the Back Ground M usic(BGM ) volume when the BGM is set on the IP phone. " If BGM is not av ailable on your phone ref er to your S ystem Administrator.
© SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. Page 131 A PPLICA TION MENUS 7. Call Forwarding Allows yo u to forwar d your inco ming c alls to a sp ecific extension, grou p of extensions or an externa l number wh en you ar e unable to rec eive an incoming c all.
Page 132 © SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. APPLIC A TION ME NUS 8. Configuration Press th e [Menu] button an d us e the direct ion buttons to select Then, pr es s the [Enter] bu tton.
© SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. Page 133 A PPLICA TION MENUS Locking a IP phone Allows you to lock any outgoing trunk calls or incoming/outgoing ca lls to prevent others from using your IP phone without permiss ion. 1. Press the [Menu] button and us e the d irec tion b uttons t o se lect ! ! ! ! [2.
Page 134 © SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. APPLIC A TION ME NUS Setting the Boss A nsw ering Mode Allows you to set the answering mode when you are called by a designated Secretary .
© SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. Page 135 A PPLICA TION MENUS Setting the Met hod of CI D Displ a y Allows you to set the type of Caller ID(CID) display on the LCD screen of the IP phone. 1. Press the [Menu] button and us e the d irec tion b uttons t o se lect.
Page 136 © SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. APPLIC A TION ME NUS Setting A bse nt M essages Allows you to set a message to be displayed to internal callers on t heir LCD screen if you are absent for a while. 1. Press the [Menu] button and us e the d irec tion b uttons t o se lect ! ! ! ! [7.
© SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. Page 137 APPLIC A TION ME NUS Dial Mode Allows you to set the dial mode when making a call. In Enbloc mode which is set by def ault, you enter the phone number first and press the [Sen d] button t o connect to the other party.
Page 138 © SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. APPLIC A TION ME NUS The f unctio ns whic h ca n be ta ilored to your in dividua l req uirem ents i n Stat ion O N/Off are : " AUTO HOLD : if ON an existing external c all is automatically plac ed on hold if a CALL button, trunk button or trunk group butt on is pressed during call.
© SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. Page 139 APPLIC A TION ME NUS 9. My Phone Press th e [Menu] button an d us e the direct ion buttons to select Then, pr es s the [Enter] bu tton. Move to the desired menu and pre ss the [Enter] button. Select BG Allows you to set the initial bac kground screen on the LCD of your IP phone.
Page 140 © SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. APPLIC A TION ME NUS Entering the Name Allows you to enter your name to identify your IP phone. The entered name is displayed on the LCD screen of the caller’s phone during an internal phone call. 1. Press the [Menu] button and us e the d irec tion b uttons t o se lect ! ! ! ! [2.
© SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. Page 141 APPLIC A TION ME NUS View ing Status In formati on Allows you to check the feature status registered on your phone. 1. Press the [Menu] and use t he d irecti on butt ons to selec t ! ! ! ! [4. S ta tu s Info].
Page 142 © SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. APPLIC A TION ME NUS New s Col or Allows you to set the color of characters of OfficeS erv News in the ca lendar s creen. 1. Press the [Menu] button and us e the d irec tion b uttons t o se lect ! ! ! ! [6. N e ws Color ].
© SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. Page 143 APPLIC A TION ME NUS Privac y Option Allows you to restrict unauthor ised access to the Application M enus on your phone. T o access the Application Menus you must enter your phone is the privacy option is set.
Page 144 © SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. APPLIC A TION ME NUS Version Informa tion Allows you to view the version of your phone. 1. Press the [Menu] button and us e the d irec tion b uttons t o se lect ! ! ! ! [9. V ersion In fo ]. Then, press the [En ter ] butt on.
© SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. Page 145 ANNEX 1. Troubleshooting Possible prob lems an d tro uble shootin g st eps for you r IP phon e are desc ribe d belo w: Check the trou blesho otin g st eps before c ontac ting your Auth orise d Sam sung Resell er.
Page 146 © SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. AN N E X Nothing appears on the LCD screen w hil e the ITP-5012L phone is being used. ! Check the data n etwork cab le is c orrect l y connect ed to t he L AN sock et on th e ITP-50 12L p hone. (Refer to ‘Assem bli ng the IT P-5 012L I P p hone’ s ecti on of ‘Pr ep arat ion’ in this gui de.
© SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. Page 147 AN N E X An alarm does not ring at the programmed time. ! Check the curr ent t ime is s et on t he IT P-50 12L p hone co rrec tly. If the c urrent tim e settin g ne eds to be ch anged, c ont act you r Syst em Admin istr ator.
Page 148 © SA MSUNG Electr onics Co., Ltd. AN N E X 2. Product Specifications The specifications an d features of the ITP-5012 L IP phone are as follows.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Siemens ITP-5012L è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Siemens ITP-5012L - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Siemens ITP-5012L imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Siemens ITP-5012L ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Siemens ITP-5012L, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Siemens ITP-5012L.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Siemens ITP-5012L. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Siemens ITP-5012L insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.