Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto R-1851A del fabbricante Sharp
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SHAR~ ~a(ousel® o V E R THE RAN G E MICROWAVE OVEN 1 ,! I . ~ OPE RAI'"l 0 N MAN U A L Read a ll instructions carefully before using the oven.
PRECAUTIONS TO AVOID POSSIBLE EXPOSURE TO EXCESSIVE MICROWAVE ENERGY (a) Do not attempt to operate this o v en w ith th e door open since open - door operation can result in harmful e x posure to microwave energy . It is impo r t an t n ot to defeat or tamper w ith the safety interlocks.
• CONTENTS R-1850A I R-1851A I R-1852A INTERACTIVE COOKING SYSTEM Precautions to Avoid Possible Exposure to Excessive Microwave Energy I nside Front Cover For Customer Assistance Inside Front Cove r Contents.. .. ............. 1 Limited Warranty....
S H A RP E L E C T R ONI C S CO RP ORATION warrants to t he first consumer pu r chaser t h a t t his Sha r p bra n d produc t (the "P r oduct"), whe n sh i pped in i ts orig i nal container .
IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIPNS W h en u si n g electrical appliance s ba s ic s af e t y p re ca uti o n s sho u ld be f o ll owed, including the fo ll ow i ng: WARNING - T o reduce the ri sk of b u rns, electric shock, f ir e , i nju r y to persons or exposure to e x cessive microwave ener g y : '.
Remove: 1 . all packing materials from inside the o v en c av it y . Check to see that there are Installa t ion Instructions , Wall Templ a te and Top Temp l a t e . Re a d enclosures and SA V E the Operati o n Manual. 2 . the fea t ure sticker, if there is o ne, from the out s ide of the door .
INFORMATION YOU NEED TO KNOW ... About Your Oven • ' .. Your oven comes w ith an operation manual and an Over- the-Range Convection Micro w ave Cookbook.
... About Microwave Cooking • Arrange food carefully. Place thickest areas toward outside of dish. • Watch cooking time closely . Cook for the shortest amount of time indicated and add more as needed . Food severe l y overcooked can smoke or ignite.
... About Utensils and Coverings It is not necessary to buy all n e w cookware . Ma n y pieces already in your kitchen c an be used successfully in your new microwave convec t ion oven . The chart below will help you decide what u tensils and coverin g s should be used i n each mode.
PART NAMES 12 ~16 7 8 9 3 4 5 6 2 6 (Front of Microwave) 13 14 BOTTOM VIEW 10. Auto-Touch control panel. 11. Time display: Digital display, gg minutes gg seconds. 12. Ventilation openings. 13. Light cover. 14 . Grease filters. 15. Removable ceramic turntable.
TOUCH CONTROL PANEL R-1850A I R-1851A I R - 1852A Interactive di s play Words will light i n the display to indicate featur e s and cooking instruct i ons. MIXCONV n n DEFRO S T u u . S E NSO R • TU RN T A BLE ON O F F o 0 0 OO -+-----, COOK L BS OZ KG H E LP • '.
BEFORE OPERATING Before operat i ng you r new m i c r owave oven make sure you read and understand this operatio n manual completely . Before the oven can be used fo ll ow t h ese procedures. 1 ) Plug in the ove n . Close the door. The oven display will show r l 5"'I-l"'rl"'2""p n I15 I l'IPL.
MANUAL OPERATION Hood Light/ Hood Fan Y our ov e n is e qu i pped wi t h a Hood Light a nd a Hood Fa n w h ich can be used w het her t h e do or is ope n o r clos e d. To turn the Hood Light on, touch the LIGHT pad once. To turn the Hood Light off, touch the LIG HT pad again.
SPECIAL FEATURES Touch For Qom~uDefrost Food Amount Procedure fruj,. once Ground 0.5-3.0 Ibs. Remove any thawed pieces alter each stage. meat (0.3--1.3 kg) Stand, covered 5-10 min. twice Steak 0.5-4.0 Ibs . After each stage of defrost cycle, rearrange and if there are warm or (chops) (0.
SPECIAL FEATURES Manua l Defrost If the food that you wish to defrost is not listed on the CompuDefrost Chart or i s above or below the limns in the " Amount" co l umn on the chart , you need to defrost manually. You can defrost any frozen food, either raw o r previously cooked, by usi n g power level 3.
SPECIAL FEATURES Instant Sensor Popcorn Instant Sensors • Suppose you want to pop a 3.5 oz. bag of popcorn. Your oven has Instant Sensor P opcorn and I nstant Sensor Reheat. To use any of the I nstant Sensors, simply touch the chos e n pad. T he oven w ill start automatical l y.
3 To uc hSTARTfTOUC H ON p ad. Whe n sensor d e tects t h e vapor emitted f r om t he food, the r e m a i n der of cooking time w i ll app e a r . LET SPECIAL FEATURES Sensor Cook • S u ppose you wa n t to cook a b ak e d pot at o. STRtfD I Procedure Display 1 (SENSOR) I 5 E L ECT II FOO D I COOK I rtUtlB E RI Touch S E NS O R COOK p a d.
. ~ - 2 Touch number pad for 1 '3 S0F II PRE55 I desired tempera t ure 1 5TRRT II OR I ( E x : Pad ~f or 350'F. ) I P R E55 II rfwVE r I LUll L 3 Touch CO NV E C t hen I 5EL ECT II PRE H ER T I touch numbe r pa d fo r I TE r,p I temp. ( E x: [IJ f o r 375'F) .
- To Cook with Automatic Mix • CONVECTION OPERATION To Slow Cook Slow Cook is a preset at 300° F. Slow Cook is programmed for 4 hours. Oven temperature can be changed to tempera- tures below 300°F. Simply touch the SLOW COOK pad and touch the desired numbered pad with temperature below 300°F.
4 I ~~w J " " 33:03 Touch STARTrrOUCH TUFtt<lAelE o« COOK "UP ON pad. After COMPU ROA ST cy cle ends. a long tone will sound. 1 LET I 1 5 T R t tD I I COVERED I! FOR 1 ! s - 10 r::r 'f I wi ll be d i s pl a y ed SPECIALFEATURES COMPU ROAST f .
RES COMPU BAKE 3 1 ro~~~ J 00 .. PREHERT Touch START ! ' U RNT~eLE on cCX)!( ~ElP TOUCH ON pad After CompuBake p re hea t cy cle e n ds, 4 t o n es w ill sound. T he d i splay wil l ind i cate I PREHERrl1 em! I Iy I PLRfE II FOG e I []jJ I OJ/EN I.
SPECIAL FEATURES COMPU BROIL Setting Food Amount PrQ£edure 1. Hamburgers 1 - 8 p i eces Use this setting to bro i l hamb ur ger patties. Place on low rack. 1/4 l b . each 2. Chicken pieces 0.5 to 3 . 0 Ibs. Arrange pieces on low rack. Aher cook i ng.
Kitchen Timer OTHER CONVENIENT FEATURES Multiple Sequence Cooking The oven can be programmed for up to 4 automatic cooking sequences for the microwave mode and 3 automatic cooking sequences for convection mode, switching from one setting to another automatically.
U I Nt:.H l;UNVt:.NIENT FEATURES Demonstrat i on Mode To demonstr a t e , touc h C L OC K. @] a nd ST ART ffOU C H ON pad. H old t h e STA R TffOUCH ON pa d for three sec- onds. ! D E l' fj II ar t jj SHRI?P I I 5 : ,'jP L ~lcmo []£ill wil l appear in the displa y .
SERVICE CALL CHECK Please check th e fo l low i ng be f ore cal li ng f o r s e rvic e : 1. P l a ce one cup of w a t e r i n a g l ass m easuri n g cup in the ov e n and clos e t he door securely. Op e rat a th e ov en for two m in ut es a HIGH 1 00% .
AUTO-TOUCH® GUIDE For more complete information and safety precautions, refer to the inside instructions. SET CLOCK If ~ ~ I TI~M§5i I MANUAL OPERATION 1 [JJ13l 0 ~!TIE!1E][l1!l[]" I C L OCK I High Power Cooking I .... ~[]] ~ IS In the display, .
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Sharp R-1851A è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Sharp R-1851A - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Sharp R-1851A imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Sharp R-1851A ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Sharp R-1851A, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Sharp R-1851A.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Sharp R-1851A. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Sharp R-1851A insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.