Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto AR-M236 del fabbricante Sharp
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The CE mark lo go label is affix ed on a n equipme nt in cas e that the d irecti ves des cribed in the above s entence are appl icab le to the produc t. (Thi s sente nce i s not ap plicabl e in any cou ntry where the abo ve dire ct ives are n ot req uired .
1 CONTENTS CAUTIONS ............... ................. ................ ................. ................ ................... .............. ..... ... ...... ..... .... ....... . 3 ● CAUTIONS O N USING THE MACHINE ....... ............. .............
2 5 TROUBLE SHOOTING AN D MAINTENAN CE DISPLAY MESSAGES ................... .................. 57 TROU BL ESHO OTI NG .... ..... .... ....... .... .... ....... .. 59 MISFEED REMOVAL ................ .................. ..... 63 ● MISFEED REMOVA L GUIDANCE .
3 CAUTIONS Follo w the ca utions be low whe n using th is mach ine. CAUTIONS ON USING THE MACHINE Warning: • The fus ing area is hot. E xercise care in this area w hen removin g mis fed paper . • Do not lo ok direc tly a t the light sour ce. Do ing so ma y dama ge you r eyes.
4 The machine should be installed near an accessible power outlet for easy connection and disconnection. Be sure to connect the power cord only to a power outlet tha t meets the specified voltage and current requir ements. Also make certain the outlet is proper ly grounded.
5 ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION USING THE MANUAL This mac hine has been d esigned t o provi de conve nient cop ying f eatures in a mini mum am ount of offi ce sp ace and with max imum oper ation al ease. T o get full use of all ma chine fea tures, be sure to famili arise yoursel f with this manual a nd the m achine.
6 THE ME ANING OF "R" IN ORIGINA L AN D PAPER S IZE INDIC ATIONS An "R" appearing at the end of an original or paper size A4R (8-1/2" x 11"R), etc. indicates that the original or paper is oriented horizonta lly as shown below.
7 MAIN FEATURES High-speed laser copying • First-co py time* 1 at 600 d pi* 2 is o nly 4. 8 second s. • Copying speed is 23 co pies/ min. (AR -M236 ) or 27 cop ies/min. (AR-M2 76) at 600 dpi ( not in the super photo mode). Th is is ideal fo r busin ess u se and pr ovides a big boos t to wor kplace pr oductiv ity.
8 1 Chapter 1 BEFORE USING THE MACHINE This ch apter contains basic i nformati on that should be read before us ing the m achin e. PART NAMES AND FUNCTIONS Exterior Reversing single p ass feeder (RSPF) (optional) Place th e origi nal(s) tha t you wis h to scan face u p here.
9 BEFORE USING THE MACHINE 1 Interi or Byp ass tr ay Regula r paper and spec ial pa per (s uch as transpa rency film) can be fed from the bypass tray. (p.18) Byp ass tr ay exte nsio n Pull out the by pass tray extensi on before placing paper in the bypas s tray.
10 BEFORE USING THE MA CHINE OPERATION PANEL Touch panel The ma chine status , messa ges a nd touch keys are display ed on the panel. The d isplay wil l show the status o f prin ting, cop ying o r networ k scann ing accord ing to the mode th at is sel ected.
11 BEFORE USING THE MACHINE 1 TOUCH PANEL Using the touch panel [Example 1] Items on the touch panel are sele cted by t ouchi ng the key a ssociat ed with the item. A beep wi ll sound to c onfirm that the item was sele cted and the key will be highli ghted.
12 BEFORE USING THE MA CHINE Job sta tus scre en (common t o copy, pri nt, network sc an and fax ) This sc reen app ears whe n the [JO B STATUS ] key on the ope ration pa nel is pr essed. A job l ist showi ng the current jo b and th e stored jobs or a list s howin g comp leted job s can be displ ayed.
13 1 POWER ON AND OFF The pow er switch i s locate d on the le ft side of the mac hine. POWER ON Turn the power switch to the "ON" position. • When the power switch is turned to the "ON" positi on, the message "WARMING UP. A COPYING JOB CAN BE SET NOW.
14 BEFORE USING THE MA CHINE INITIAL S ETTINGS The machi ne reve rts to the in itial settings whe n it is fi rst turned on, whe n the [CL EAR ALL] k ey ( ) is press ed, or the pre set "aut o cl ear time " elaps es after the last co py is made in any m ode.
15 1 LOADING PAPER When a tr ay run s out of pa per, a mes sage app ears in the tou ch panel. Load pa per in th e tray. PAPER The sp ecifica tions for the ty pes and s ize s of pa per that c an be load ed in t he pape r trays a re shown below. For be st resu lts, u se only SHARP recomm ended p aper.
16 BEFORE USING THE MA CHINE Special papers Follow these gui delines when us ing spe cial pap ers. Envelopes Do not us e the fol lowing en velo pes (Mi sfeeds wi ll occur.). • Envelo pes wi th metal ta bs, cl asps, s trings, holes, or windows. • Envelo pes wi th rough f ibbers, carbon p aper, or glossy surf aces.
17 BEFORE USING THE MACHINE 1 LOADIN G PAPER Make sure that the machine is n ot copying, printing, or printing a received fax, and t hen follow these s teps to load paper. Loa ding th e pape r in the pa per t ray 1 Pull out the paper tray until it stops.
18 BEFORE USING THE MA CHINE Loading paper in the b ypass tray 1 Unfol d the bypass tray. To enable correct detecti on of the paper size, be s ure to pu ll ou t the bypa ss tray ext ensio n. 2 Set the paper guides to the copy paper width. 3 Insert the copy paper (print sid e down) all the way into the bypa ss tray.
19 BEFORE USING THE MACHINE 1 CHANGING A TRA Y’S PAPER TYPE AND PAPE R SIZE SETTINGS When yo u chan ge the paper in a tray , follow th e step s belo w to change the tray ’ s p aper t ype and pa per siz e settings.
20 BEFORE USING THE MA CHINE Setting the paper type in the bypass tray Use eith er of the f ollowing two metho ds to set the bypas s tray's p aper type setting. (p.23) From the [CUSTOM SET TINGS] key 1 Load paper in the bypass tray as explained in "Loading paper in the bypass tr ay" (p.
21 2 Chapter 2 COPY FUNCTIONS This ch apter explains basic copying functi ons suc h as nor mal co pying, reducti on or enl argement, and ex posure adju stment. MAIN SC REEN OF C OPY M ODE The mai n screen of copy mod e shows mes sage s, keys, and setting s that are us ed for cop ying.
22 NORMAL COPYING COPYING FR OM THE DOCUMENT GLASS 1 Open the document cover/RSPF and place the original face down on the document glass. [How to place the original] Align the corn er or the o riginal with the t ip of t he arro w ( ) at the left rear corne r of the glas s as sho wn in the illust ration .
23 COPY FUNCTIONS 2 COPYING FR OM THE RSPF 1 Make sure that an origi nal has not been left on the document glass and then clos e the RS PF. If an ori ginal rema ins on the do cume nt gla ss after a copy wa s made, "REM OVE THE ORIGINAL FRO M THE DOCUMENT GLASS.
24 COPY FUNCTIONS POINTS TO NOTE W HEN MAKING C OPIES Document glass and RSPF • Paper in a different orien tation from the original can be selec ted if the auto pa per selec t or auto image functio n has been sel ected. In t his c ase, the i mage o f the orig inal w ill be rota ted.
25 COPY FUNCTIONS 2 Copying originals of mixed length (Mixed feeding) When us ing the RSPF, o riginals of mixed length can be fed toge ther as long as th e width of the o riginals is the same. To co py orig inals of mixed l ength, follow thes e steps: 1 Touch the [SPECIAL MODES] key.
26 COPY FUNCTIONS BYPASS FEED (special paper) The by pass tra y must be u sed to fe ed speci al pape rs such as transpa rency fi lm and lab els. Th e bypas s tray can als o be used to feed st andard copy pap er. 1 Place th e original(s). (p.22, p.23 ) 2 Insert the paper (print face down) all the way into the bypass tra y.
27 2 AUTOMATIC TWO-SIDED COPYING Two or iginals can be au tomatic ally copi ed onto both sid es of a si ngle sheet o f paper. W hen th e RSPF is used, two-sided copie s of two -sided or igina ls can e asily be m ade. USING THE DOCUMENT GLASS 1 Place the original on the document glass.
28 COPY FUNCTIONS 5 Make s ure that a su itabl e paper size is automatically selected, or select another size using the [PAPER SELECT] key. 6 Select the number of copies an d any other desired copy settings, and then press the [ START] ke y ( ). The or iginal for the front side is s canned.
29 2 EXPOSURE ADJUSTMENT SELECTING THE ORIGINAL IMAGE TYPE AND MANUALLY ADJUSTING THE EXP OSURE [AUTO] is s elected by defaul t for autom atic adj ustment of the ima ge accordi ng to the o riginal.
30 REDUCTION/ ENLARGEMENT/ ZOOM There ar e three wa ys to enlarge and reduc e copie s: ● Automatic ratio sel ection a ccording t o the paper size ................... ........ AUTOMATIC RATIO SELECTIO N (belo w) ● Specify ing a ratio with the reduce key, enlar ge key, o r zoom key .
31 COPY FUNCTIONS 2 MANUAL RATIO SELECTION There ar e five (fou r) pre set reducti on ratio s and fiv e (four) p reset en largemen t ratios . In additi on, the [ZOOM] keys ( , ) can be pr essed to selec t the rati o in in crement s of 1%. 1 Place th e original(s).
32 COPY FUNCTIONS 6 Make sur e that a suitabl e paper siz e is automatic ally select ed, or select another size using the [PAPER SELECT ] key. If AUTO PAP ER SELECT i s enable d, the appropr iate co py pap er size i s automa tical ly select ed based on the original size and sel ected copy rati os.
33 COPY FUNCTIONS 2 4 Touch the [X] key. The [X] ke y is selec ted (highlig hted) by defaul t, so ther e is nor mally n o need to perfo rm this step (Go to step 5 .). If the [X] key is not highli ghted, p erform t his step. 5 Use the r eduction, enla rgeme nt, and [ZOOM] keys ( / ) to change the copy ratio in the horizontal (X) direction.
34 INTERRUPTING A COPY RUN A copy run can be temp orarily inter rupted to allow a nother c opy job t o be perfo rmed. When t he other j ob is fi nished, the copy run wil l resume u sing the o riginal copy setti ngs. 1 Press the [INTERRUPT] key ( ) to interrupt the copy ru n.
35 3 Chapter 3 CONVENIENT COPY FUNCTIONS This ch apter explains speci al finis hing fu nctions and oth er conv enient func tions. COPY FINISHING FUNCTIONS This sectio n explain s the sor t, group, and.
36 CONVENIENT COPY FUNCTIONS 1 Place the originals in the RSPF or on the docum ent glass. (p.22, p.23) If ori ginal s are placed in the RSPF, the sort functio n is autom atica lly selec ted. (To disab le this functio n, see the "Key operato r ’ s guide".
37 CONVENIENT COPY FUNCTIONS 3 STAPLE SORT (when the finisher (AR-FN5 N) is installed) This func tion col lates the copies , staples each set, and de live rs the sets to the offset tra y. The stap le so rt functi on can onl y be u sed when a finis her is ins talle d.
38 CONVENIENT COPY FUNCTIONS 1 Place th e original(s). (p.22, p.23 ) 2 Touch the [OUTPUT] key. 3 Touch the [STAPLE SORT] key. When the [STAP LE SORT] key i s selected , the offse t tray i s autom aticall y selected as the outpu t tray. The top tray and c entre tr ay cannot b e used.
39 3 SPECIAL MODES When the [SPE CIAL MODE S] ke y in th e main screen of copy mode is t ouched , the spec ial m odes sc reen wil l appea r. This s creen c ontains the fol lowing sp ecial fu nction keys. [MARGIN SHIFT ] key (p .41) Use this to shift t he image o n the copy paper to crea te bi nding margi ns.
40 CONVENIENT COPY FUNCTIONS GENERAL PROCEDURE FOR U SING THE SPECIAL FUNCTIONS 1 Touch the [SPECIAL MODES] key. 2 Touch the key of the desired special mode. Exampl e: Selec ting the margi n shift functio n Proced ures for m odes th at requir e furthe r settin gs are exp lained star ting on the next p age.
41 CONVENIENT COPY FUNCTIONS 3 MARGIN SHIFT COPY The margi n shift f unctio n is use d to automa tical ly shif t the text o r image o n the c opy paper approxim ately 10 mm (1/2" ) in its in itial set ting. 1 Touch the [MARGIN SHIFT] key in the special modes s creen.
42 CONVENIENT COPY FUNCTIONS ERASE COPY The eras e functio n is use d to eras e the shad ow lin es on cop ies that a re produc ed when copying thick ori ginals o r books. The era se modes that c an be sel ected ar e shown bel ow. The e rase wid th is initiall y set to 10 mm ( 1/2").
43 CONVENIENT COPY FUNCTIONS 3 DUAL PAGE COPY The dua l page copy fun ction produce s sep arate co pies o f two adjoi ning p ages o n the do cument glass.
44 CONVENIENT COPY FUNCTIONS PAMP HLET COPY The pam phlet cop y functi on is us ed to arrang e copi es in the proper or der for centre- staplin g and foldi ng in to a booklet . Two o riginal pa ges are copie d onto e ach sid e of the cop y pap er, such that a t otal of four page s are copi ed onto eac h sheet.
45 CONVENIENT COPY FUNCTIONS 3 JOB BU ILD MODE Use this function when y ou need to copy more origi nals tha n can b e placed in the RSPF at once. (The maximum number of origi nals that can be placed i n the RS PF at on ce is 100.
46 CONVENIENT COPY FUNCTIONS MULTI SHOT C OPY The mul ti shot c opy f unction i s used to copy two or fou r origina ls onto on e shee t of co py paper in a spe cified or der.
47 CONVENIENT COPY FUNCTIONS 3 ORIGINA L SIZE If you wi sh to use the paper other tha n the au tomatical ly selec ted origi nal size, o riginal size sett ing is s pecified by the spec ial m odes. The mix feeding s etting (p.25 ) is also sele cted he re.
48 CONVENIENT COPY FUNCTIONS COVER COPY Cover c opy mode is used to add a cover to the fro nt or back, or both th e fron t and back , of a m ultipa ge docume nt.
49 CONVENIENT COPY FUNCTIONS 3 1 Touch the key and then tou ch the [COVER] key in the s pecial modes menu screen. The cove r settin g screen will ap pear. The cover ico n ( , etc.) will al so appear in the screen to indi cate that the func tion is tu rned on.
50 4 Chapter 4 USER SETTINGS CUSTOM SETTINGS The cu stom s etting s let yo u adjus t certa in featu res of th e mac hine to better su it yo ur needs . The cu stom s etting s includ e the follo wing s ettings: ● TOTAL COU NT .......... ............. .
51 USER SETT INGS 4 GENERAL PROCEDURE FOR C USTOM SETTINGS 1 Press the [ CUSTOM SETTINGS] key. 2 Touch the key of the desired setting. The setting screen will appear. Each of the cu stom setti ngs i s expla ined on th e followin g pages . The [TRA Y SETTINGS] key is sele cted in th e followin g exam ple.
52 USER SE TTI NGS SETTINGS Total count The tota l page count display shows th e followin g counts: • Total n umber of c opies a nd printe d pages • Number o f pages fed through t he RSP F • Num.
53 4 JOB PROGRAM MEMORY If you fr equent ly use th e sam e settings for co py job s, you c an sto re in the settin gs in a job pr ogram. Up to 10 jo b programs can be s tored, an d the pr ograms are retain ed eve n when t he power i s turned off.
54 USER SE TTI NGS EXECUTING A JOB PROGRAM 1 Pres s the [ ] key. 2 Touch the program number key of the desired program. The job pro gram w ill be executed.
55 4 AUDITING MODE When aud iting mode is enab led, a count i s kept o f the num ber o f pages pr inted or copied by eac h accou nt (maxim um of 100 accounts ). The counts can be v iewed whenever necessar y. COPYING WHEN AUDITING MODE IS ENABLED When aud iting mode is e nabled , the follo wing ac count nu mber entr y scr een appear s.
56 5 Chapter 5 TROUBLESHOOTING AND MAINTENANCE This ch apter describes trouble shootin g, misf eed re moval, repl acing th e toner cartridg e and c leaning the machi ne. DISPLAY MESSAGES ................... .................... ................... ...
57 5 DISPLAY MESSAGES If one of th e foll owing mes sages ap pears i n the disp lay, take prom pt act ion as in structe d by th e messa ge. Message Cause and solution Pag e ENTER YOUR ACCOUNT NUMBER. Auditin g mode is enabl ed. Ent er your accoun t number.
58 TROUBLESHOOTING AND MAINTENANCE SELECTED PAPE R TRAY IS OUT OF SERV ICE. Contact y our auth orised s ervice r eprese ntativ e. - CHECK STAPLER P OSITION OR STAPL E JAM. Staples are jam med in the fin isher o r the sta ple c ase is n ot attached corre ctly.
59 5 TROUBLESHOOTING If you ex perienc e diff iculty using the machi ne, ch eck the f ollowi ng troubl eshootin g guid e before c alling for ser vice. Many pr oblems can be e asily resolv ed by the user .
60 TROUBLESHOOTING AND MAINTENANCE Original size is not selected automatically, or copying does not take place on paper th at matches the original size. The document cover/RSPF wa s not opened completely when the original w as place d on the document g lass.
61 TROUBLESHOOTING AND MAINTENAN CE 5 Paper feeding problems Prob le m Cause and solution Page When using paper fed from t he bypass tray, the copied image is skewed. The number of sheets placed on the bypass tray exceeds the maximum n umber. → Do no t plac e m ore th an th e max imum numb er o f shee ts.
62 TROUBLESHOOTING AND MAINTENANCE Image quality problem s Prob le m Cause and solution Page Copies are too dark or too ligh t. The image of the original is too light or too dark. → Select t he correc t origina l image ty pe in the e xposure se tting and adjust t he copyi ng exposure .
63 5 MISFEED REMOVAL When a mi sfeed occurs du ring copying , the messag e "MISFEE D HAS OCCURRED." wi ll appear in the to uch panel and pri nting wil l stop. ● If the mis fed pap er tears du ring re moval, r emove the torn pie ces. T ake car e not to touch the p hotoco nduct ive drum whi le removin g the pi eces.
64 TROUBLESHOOTING AND MAINTENANCE MISFEED IN THE RS PF 1 Remove the misfed original. Check se ction s A, B, and C in the i llustrati on at left and rem ove the misfed orig inal. Section A Open th e docu ment feeder c over and carefu lly remov e the misfed origina l from the docu ment feeder tray.
65 TROUBLESHOOTING AND MAINTENAN CE 5 MISFEED IN THE BY PASS TR AY 1 Carefully pull the misfed paper out. 2 Open and close the side cover. Make s ure that t he misfee d mess age is cleared . The me ssag e can als o be cle ared by openin g and cl osing the front cover.
66 TROUBLESHOOTING AND MAINTENANCE 4 Close the front cover and side cover. Make sur e that the misfee d mess age is cleared. B: Misfeed in the fusing area 1 Open the bypass tray and the side cover. 2 Press and pull it open gently on both side s of t he fr ont c over.
67 TROUBLESHOOTING AND MAINTENAN CE 5 MISFEED IN THE CE NTRE TRAY Remove th e pape r by pulli ng it into the cen tre tray. MISFEED IN THE UP PER PAPER TRAY Make s ure that th ere is n o misfed paper in the mac hine befo re pulli ng the tray out. (p.65 ) 1 Lift and pull out the upper paper tray and then remove the misfed paper.
68 TROUBLESHOOTING AND MAINTENANCE MISFEED IN THE LOWER PAPER TRAY ● Make su re tha t there is no misf ed pape r in the m achin e before pulling t he tra y out. (p. 65) ● Use the following pr ocedu re to remove misf eeds tha t occur in the 50 0-sheet pape r feed unit or 2 x 500-sheet pape r feed unit.
69 TROUBLESHOOTING AND MAINTENAN CE 5 MISFEED IN THE UP PER EXIT AR EA (when a job separator t ray kit or finisher (AR-FN5 N) is instal led) If a job s eparator tray kit or a f inisher is instal led, a misfe ed may oc cur in the uppe r exit a rea. 1 Open the upper right side cover.
70 TROUBLESHOOTING AND MAINTENANCE 3 If staple sort copy ing is being performed, open the paper guide and remove any misfed paper from the stapler compile r. 4 Close the staple r comp iler cov er. 5 If the offset tray is being used, remove any mi sfed paper from the offs et tray .
71 5 REPLACING THE TONER CARTRIDGE To check how much toner remains i n the to ner cartr idge (p.7 3), hold down the [CO PY] key . The am ount of t oner remain ing will appe ar in the displ ay. When les s than 25% of the toner remains, obtain a new toner cartridge as soon as poss ible.
72 STAPLE CARTRI DGE REPLACEMENT (when the f inisher (AR- FN5N) is instal led) When the message "ADD S TAPLES." appea rs, repla ce the sta ple c artridge as follows : 1 Open the s taple r cov er. 2 Grasp the green portion of the staple box and remove the stapl e box from the stapl er.
73 TROUBLESHOOTING AND MAINTENAN CE 5 STAPLE JAM REMOVAL If staples become jammed in the stapler, the message "CHECK STAPLER POSITION O R STAPLE JAM." will appear. Follow these st eps to remove t he jammed stapl es. 1 Open the s taple r cov er.
74 CLEANING THE MACHINE DOCUMENT GLASS AND DOCUMEN T COVER/R SPF If the doc ument g lass, do cumen t cover/RSP F, or s canning glass f or orig inals fe d from the RSPF (the lon g narro w glass surface on the right side of the d ocume nt glass) b ecome di rty, the d irt may appear on copi es.
75 6 Chapter 6 PERIPHERAL DEVICES AND SUPPLIES Optiona l equipm ents an d suppli es are e xplaine d in thi s chapte r. To pu rchase option al equipm ent and suppl ies contact your authori sed ser vice repr esentati ve. PERIPHERAL DEVICES * 1 Requires i nstallatio n of the PRINTER E XPANSION K IT (AR-P17 ).
76 PERIPHERAL DEVIC ES AND SUPPLIES FINISHER (AR-FN5N) When an optiona l finis her (AR-FN 5N) is install ed, the machine can au tomatical ly staple t he sort ed copi es. Eac h collate d set of c opies or g roup o f copies ca n be s tacked o ffset fr om the pr evious set.
77 PERIPHERAL DEVICES AND SUPPLIES 6 500-SHEET PAPER FEED UNIT/ 2 x 500-SHEET PAPER FEED UNIT These paper feed un its prov ide the conveni ence of inc reased p aper capa city for the machin e and a gr eater cho ice of paper s izes read ily availabl e for copying .
78 PERIPHERAL DEVIC ES AND SUPPLIES REVERSIN G SINGLE PASS FEEDER The re versi ng single pa ss fe eder (RS PF) can automat ical ly feed mu lti-pag e docu ments. If the R SPF is i nstalled , two-sid ed origi nals ca n be c opied auto matica lly with out hav ing to manually turn th em over.
79 7 Chapter 7 APPENDIX SPECIFICATIONS Model AR-M23 6 AR-M2 76 Type Digita l Multif unctio n System , Deskto p Photoconducti ve type OPC dr um Document glass type Fixed Copy sys tem D ry, elec trostat ic transfer Originals She ets, bo und docum ents Origin als size Max.
80 APPENDIX * The firs t-copy time and warm-up time may vary depending o n the power-sup ply voltage , ambient temperature, a nd other oper ating condit ions.
MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Data R evise d: Jul . 31. 2 002 Data Iss ued: Apr. 2. 2001 MSDS No. F-0 0981 81 1. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATI ON Product Name : A R-270NT / A R-270T / AR-270S T / AR-2.
MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Data R evised: Ju l. 31. 2002 Data Issu ed: Apr. 2. 200 1 MSDS No. F-00981 82 3. HAZARDS IDE NTIFIC ATION Mos t Import ant Ha zards a nd Eff ects of the Pro duct s Human Healt h Effects : Ther e are no a ntici pated car cinogen ic eff ects from exp osure based on anima l test s perfor med usi ng toner.
MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Data R evise d: Jul . 31. 2 002 Data Iss ued: Apr . 2. 2001 MSDS No. F-0 0981 83 Exposure limit values OSHA- PEL (USA) : 15m g /m 3 (To tal Dust) , 5 m g /m 3 (Respi rable D.
MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Data R evised: Ju l. 31. 2002 Data Issu ed: Apr. 2. 200 1 MSDS No. F-00981 84 Chronic Effect : In a study in rats of chroni c in halation e xposur e to a typi cal t oner, a .
MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Data Iss ued: Aug . 1. 200 3 MSDS No. F-3 1201 85 1. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATI ON Product Name : AR-271ND / AR-271DV / AR-271S D / AR-27 1SD-C (B lack Deve loper) Supplier Identific ation : Shar p Corp orati on 22-22 Nagaike- cho, Abe no-ku, O saka, J apan Local s upplier s are li sted be low.
MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Data Issu ed: Aug. 1. 2 003 MSDS No. F-31201 86 3. HAZARDS IDE NTIFIC ATION Mos t Import ant Ha zards a nd Eff ects of the Pro duct s Human Healt h Effects : Ther e are no a ntici pated car cinogen ic eff ects from exp osure based on anima l test s perfor med usi ng toner.
MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Data Iss ued: Aug . 1. 200 3 MSDS No. F-3 1201 87 Exposure limit values OSHA- PEL (USA) : 15m g /m 3 (To tal Dust) , 5 m g /m 3 (Respi rable Du st) ACGIH -TLV (USA) : 10m g /m 3 (Total Dust) , 3m g /m 3 (Respi rable Dust) Personal Protective Equipment Respira tory Prote ction : Not r equired under in tended use.
MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Data Issu ed: Aug. 1. 2 003 MSDS No. F-31201 88 Chronic Effect : In a study in rats of chroni c in halation e xposur e to a typi cal t oner, a mi ld to m oderate degree of l.
89 INDEX Symbols #/P key ... ............. ............. ................... ........ 10 , 53, 54 2 - 8 2 x 500-s heet pa per feed u nit .................... . 68, 75, 77 256MB ex pansion memory board . ............. ............. 75 2-SIDED CO PY key .
90 H Handles ............... ............. ............. ................... ......... 8 Heavy pape r .. ............. ............ .................... ............. 15 How t o plac e the or iginal - D ocume nt glass .............. ............. ....
91 Paper t ype ........... ............. ............. ............. . 15, 19, 20 Paper w eight . ............. ................... ............. ............. 15 Part na mes and fu nctio ns - O peration p anel ........ ................... ...........
92 Preparat ions Bypass t ray, loa ding paper in .............. ............. ........18 Document cover, remov ing .... ............. .................... .24 Initial settings , returning to ..... .................... ............. .14 Paper si ze, chang ing .
LUOKAN 1 LASERLAITE KLASS 1 LASERAPP ARA T Caution: This connector is only intended f or ser vice pur poses. Any connection to this terminal may cause malfunctions of the cop y machine. Instruction for service technician: The cable length f or the service ter minal has to be less than 3 m (10 f eet).
Required in Appendix ZB of BS EN 60950 — United Kingdom MAINS PLUG WIRING INSTRUCTIONS The mains lead of this equipment is already fitted with a mains plug which is either a non-rewireable (moulded) or a rewireable type.
PRINTED IN CHINA 2003H KS ➀ TINSE1005QSZ1 AR-M236/AR-M276 (for copier) Printed on 100% post-consumer recycled paper SHARP CORPORATION SHARP ELECTRONICS (U.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Sharp AR-M236 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Sharp AR-M236 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Sharp AR-M236 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Sharp AR-M236 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Sharp AR-M236, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Sharp AR-M236.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Sharp AR-M236. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Sharp AR-M236 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.