Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto AR-FX12 del fabbricante Sharp
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Q F AX interface cable and Line cable: These sp ecial accessor ies must be used with the device. Q Notice for User s in Eur ope This equipment works on on the British analogue public switched telephon e network. This equipment has been tested according to the pan-Eur opean TBR 21 regulation.
0-1 INTR ODUCTION Thank you for pu rchasing this product. This manual on ly ex plains the facsimile functions of th e product. For safety precautions and gene ral information on using the machine su c.
0-2 CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION ....... .................... ................. ............ 0-1 TO USE THIS PRODUCT CORRECTLY AS A FACSIMILE .............. ................. ................ ................. . 0-4 IMPORTANT SAFETY INFO RMATION ...
0-4 T O USE THIS PR ODUCT CORRECTL Y AS A F A CSIMILE Several points must be kept in mind when using this product as a facsimile. Please note the fol lowing: Line connection Use the telephone cable supplied to connect the machine to a teleph one line.
TO USE THIS PRODUCT CORREC TLY AS A FACSIMILE 0-5 IMPOR T ANT SAFETY INFORMA TION If any of your telephone equ ip ment is not operating properly, you should immediately remove it from your telephone line, as it may cause harm to the telephone network.
1-1 CHAPTER 1 BEFORE USING THE F AX FEA TURE This chapter contains basic info rm ation that you should know before using the fax function of the machine. Please read this cha pter before using the fax features. Page POINTS TO CHECK AND PROGRAM AFTER INSTALLATION.
1-2 POINTS T O CHECK AND PR OGRAM AFTER INST A LLA TION After installing the unit and before us ing it as a fax machine, check the following points and pr ogram the required information.
1-3 1 A LOOK A T THE OPERA TION P ANEL The operation panel used for the fax function is described b elow. T ouc h panel (f ollowing pa ge) • Messages an d keys appear in the to uch panel. Touch the displayed keys to select functions and enter settings.
A LOOK A T THE OPERA T ION P ANEL 1-4 F AX MODE (CONDITION SETTINGS SCREEN) The condition settings sc reen of fax mode is displaye d by pressing the [IMAGE SEND] key while the document filing mode (printer mo de), copy mode, or job sta tus screen appear s in the to uch panel.
A LOOK AT THE OPE RATION PANEL 1-5 1 [SUB ADDRESS] key (page 4-3) Touch this key to ente r a sub-ad dress and passcode when using F-code tra nsmission. T wo- sided scanning icon displ ay (pa ge 2-7) Icons appea r here when you touc h the [ORIGINAL ] key and select two-sided scanning.
1-6 ORIGINALS ORIGINALS THA T CAN BE F AXED Original sizes A utomatic reduction of faxed document If the size (width) of the faxed doc u ment is greater than th e receiving machine's paper size, the size will be automatically reduced. A document can also be faxed without reducing its size.
1-7 1 LO ADING A DOCUMENT A document can be load ed in the automatic documen t feeder or on the docu ment glass. Use the automatic documen t feeder when faxing a large number of sheet originals.
1-8 CHECKING THE SIZE OF A LO ADED ORIGINAL When a standard-size* origina l is placed, t he original size is automatically detected (automatic original detection function ) and di splayed in th e top half of the [ORIGINAL] key. Check the key to make sure that t he original size has b een correctly detected.
1-9 1 ST ORING, DELETING, AND USING ORIGINAL SIZES Up to 9 special original sizes can be stored. Stored sizes can be easily call ed up and are not er ased if the power is turned off. St oring a freque ntly used origin al size saves y o u the trouble of manually se tt ing the size each time you fax that size of document.
1-10 SELECTING RESOLUTION AND EXPOSURE SETTINGS After loading an original, you can adjust th e resolution and exposure setting s to match the condition of the original-for example, if it has small or faint characte rs, or if it is a photo. After load ing the original in fax mode, adjust the settings as explained below.
SELECTING RESOLUTION AND EXPOSURE S ETTINGS 1-11 1 SELECTING THE EXPOSURE The initial exposure settin g is AUTO. To change the setting, follow these steps: Change the exposure. 1 T ouch the [EXPOSURE] key . 2 T ouch the desired expos ure key . To darken the exp osure, touch the key.
1-12 CONVENIENT DIALING METHODS The fax function includes a convenie nt auto dial featur e (one-touch dialing and group dialing). By programming frequently dialed numb ers, you can ca ll and send documents to these lo cati ons by means of a simple dialing operation (refer to page 2-4).
2-1 CHAPTER 2 B ASIC OPERA TIONS This chapter explains basic operations such as sending faxes. Page SENDING A FAX ........... ................. ................ ................. ................. ...... 2-2 BASIC PROCEDURE FOR SENDING F AXES.....
2-2 SENDING A F AX B ASIC PR OCEDURE FOR SENDING F AXES 1 Make sure the machine is in fax mode. When the [IMAGE SEND] key light is on, the machine is in fax mode. If the light is not on, press the [IMAGE SEND] key. If the network scanner option is installed, touch the [MODE SWITCH] key and then the [FAX] key to switch to fax mode.
SENDING A FAX 2-3 2 7 Dial the fax number . The number that you entered appea rs in the message display (See "Condition settings screen" on page 1-4.). If it is not correct, press the [C] key and re-enter the number. You can also use the [RESEND] key (page 1-12) or a n auto-dial number (following page).
SENDING A F AX 2-4 TRANSMISSION BY A UT O-DIALING (ONE-T OUCH DIALING AND GR OUP DIALING) Fax numbers can also be dialed by automatic dia ling (one -touch dialing and group dialing). Follow the steps belo w to send a fax using an auto dial number. To use an auto dial number, the na me and fax number of the destination must first be stored.
SENDING A FAX 2-5 2 F AX NUMBER ENTR Y WITH GLOB AL ADDRESS SEARCH If the machine is configured as a network printer that can use LDAP service, the machine ca n be used to access the LDAP server* and search for the fax number.
SENDING A F AX 2-6 ENLARGING/REDUCING THE IMA GE BEFORE TRANSMISSION Follow these steps to enlarge or r educe the scanned image before transmission. 1 Make sure the machine is in fax mode. When the [IMAGE SEND] key light is on, the machine is in fax mode.
SENDING A FAX 2-7 2 F AXING A TW O-SIDED ORIGINAL A two-sided document can be automatica lly transmitte d using the automatic document feeder. Fol low the steps below to automatically send a two-sided document. 1 Make sure the machine is in fax mode. When the [IMAGE SEND] key light is on, the machine is in fax mode.
SENDING A F AX 2-8 Quic k On-line When you use the automatic do cument feeder to send a mu lti-page document and ther e are no previously stored jobs waiting or in progress (and the line is not be.
2-9 2 PRIORITY TRANSMISSION OF A ST ORED JOB If you have an u rgent transmission job and multip le transm ission jobs have already been stored, you can give priority to the urgent job so that it will be tran smitted immediately after the job currently being ex ecuted.
2-10 RECEIVING F AXES When another fax machi ne sends a fax to your machine, your machine will ring*, automa tically receive the fax, and begin printing (this is called auto matic reception). RECEIVING A F AX 1 The machine will ring* and recept ion will automatically beg in.
3-1 CHAPTER 3 USING CONVENIENT FUNCTIONS 1 AD V ANCED TRANSMISSION METHODS This chapter explains conv enient funct ions for send ing faxes. P lease read those s ections that are of in terest to you. Page SENDING THE SAME DOCUMENT TO MULTIPLE DESTINATIONS IN A SINGLE OPERATION (BROADCAST TRANSMISSIO N) .
3-2 SENDING THE SAME DOCUMENT T O MUL TIPLE DESTINA TIONS IN A SINGLE OPERA TION (BR O ADCAST TRANSMISSION) This feature is use d to send a documen t to multiple destinations in a single operation. The document to be transmitted is scanned into memory and then succe ssively transmitted to the selected desti nations.
3-4 ERASING EDGE SHADO WS (EDGE ERASE) The erase function is u sed to erase the shadow lines o n co pies produced when copying th ick originals or books. The erase modes that can be selected ar e shown below. The eras e width is approximately 10 mm (1/2") in it’s initial setting.
3-5 3 F AXING A DIVIDED ORIGINAL (DU AL P A GE SCAN) When an open book is scanned an d faxed, you can use this func tion to divide the two open pages of th e book in to two separate fax pages. This function can only be used when th e original is scanned using the document glass.
3-6 A UT OMA TIC TRANSMISSION A T A SPECIFIED TIME (TIMER TRANSMISSION) This feature enables yo u to set up a transmission or polli ng o peration to be performed automatica lly at a specified time up to a week in adva nce. This allows you to take advantage of off-pe ak phone rates without having to be the re when the transmission is pe rformed.
3-7 3 TRANSMITTING TW O ORIGINAL P A GES AS A SINGLE P A GE (2in1) This function allows you to reduce the size of original pages by one half t o fit two pages evenly on one page when sending a fa x. USING 2in1 1 In fax mode, touch the [SPECIAL MODES] key .
3-8 F AXING THE FR ONT AND B A CK SIDES OF A CARD ON ONE SHEET OF P APER (CARD SHO T) When faxing a ca rd, this functi on allows you t o combine t he front and back sides on a single sheet of paper. To use this function, the original must be scanned on the docum ent glass.
FAXING THE FRONT AND BACK S IDES OF A CARD ON ONE SHEET OF PAPER (CARD SHOT) 3-9 3 4 T ouch the outer [OK] ke y . You will return to the screen of step 1 and a card shot icon will appear next to the [EXPOSURE] key. 5 Place the original on the document gla ss.
3-10 F AXING A LARGE NUMBER OF P A GES (JOB B UILD MODE) The maximum number o f pages that can be loaded in the au tomatic document feeder is 50. When you need to fax more pages than can be loaded in the au tomatic document feeder, u se Job Build mode.
3-11 3 O WN NUMBER SENDING This function prints th e date, time, your programmed name , your programmed fa x number, and the tran smitted page number at th e top cent re of each page that you fax.
3-12 PRINTING OUT THE RESUL T OF A TRANSMISSION (TRANSA CTION REPOR T) You can choose whether or not to have a transaction report printe d out after each tran smission to inform you of the result of the transmission.
3-13 3 TRANSMISSION AND RECEPTION USING THE POLLING FUNCTION This function can only be used if the other machine is a Super G3 or G3 machine and su pports the polling function. The polling function allows your machine to call a fax mach ine th at has document data set and initiate reception of the document.
TRANSMISSION AND RE CEPTION USING THE POLLING FU NCTION 3-14 USING THE POLLING FUNCTION A document should not be loaded in the machine when the following o peration is performed. When used in conjunction with the timer tran smission function, only one polling job ca n be stored.
TRANSMISSION AND RECEPTION USING THE POLLING FUNCTION 3-15 3 USING POLLING MEMOR Y This function sends a document previously scanned into memory to a receiving machine when the receiving machine calls and polls your machine. (If desired, you can restrict polling to fax machines whose fax number you have programmed in your machine.
TRANSMISSION AND RE CEPTION USING THE POLLING FU NCTION 3-16 Printing document data in the Public Bo x To check a document that is stored in the p ublic box, follow these steps to print it out. If no documents have be en stored, the [PUBLIC BOX] key will be greyed out.
3-17 3 PR OGRAMMING FREQUENTL Y USED OPERA TIONS This function allows you to store the steps of an operation, includ ing the des tination and scanni ng settings, into a program. This functi on is conven ient when y ou frequen t ly send documents, such as a daily report, to the same destination.
3-18 TRANSFERRING RECEIVED F AXES T O ANO THER MA CHINE WHEN PRINTING IS NO T POSSIBLE (FOR W ARDING FUNCTION) When printing is not p ossible because of a paper, toner, or other problem, you can tra nsfer received faxes to another fax machine if that mach ine has been appropria tely programmed in your machin e.
3-19 3 F AXING DIRECTL Y FR OM A COMPUTER ( PC-F AX FUNCTI ON) The PC-FAX driver ca n be installed in your compute r to enable documents created on your computer to be faxed directly from your computer screen. This eliminates the bother of printing the document and faxing it from the machine.
4-1 CHAPTER 4 USING CONVENIENT FUNCTIONS 2 TRANSMISSION USING F-CODES This chapter explains F-code transmission, which gives you a convenient mean s of performing advance d operations such as relay broadcast tra nsmission and confidential transmission .
4-2 TRANSMISSION BETWEEN MA CHINES SUPPOR TING F-CODES This machine supports the "F-code" standard as established by the ITU-T*. Operations such as relay broadcast transmission and confident.
TRANSMISSION BETW EEN MACHINES SUPPOR TING F-CODES 4-3 4 ENTERING (DIALING) A F AX NUMBER WITH A SUB- ADDRESS AND P ASSCODE When transmitting to a memory box in an other fax machine, the sub-address and passcode must be entered after the other machine's fax nu mber.
4-4 F-CODE POLLING MEMOR Y F-code polling memory allows one fax machine to call another fax machine an d activate reception of a document that has been scanned into the ot her machine's F-code polling memory box.
F-CODE POLLING MEMORY 4-5 4 Chec king and clearing document data in a memory bo x The procedure for checking document dat a in an F-code polling me mory box by printing it and the pr ocedure for clearing data from a box are almost the same as the pr oc edures for printing and clear ing document data from the Public Box.
4-6 F-CODE CONFIDENTIAL TRANSMISSION F-Code con fidential tr ansmission pr ovides a s ecure me ans of faxi ng confiden tial documen ts. The sub- address an d passcode programmed in the memory box restrict the recipi ents of the fax, and once received in the memory box, the fax can only be printed by someone who knows the print passcode ( PRINT PIN.
F-CODE CONFIDENTIAL TRA NSMISSION 4-7 4 PRINTING A DOCUMENT RECEIVED T O AN F-CODE CONFIDENTIAL MEMOR Y BO X Faxes received in an F- Code confidential memor y box ar e prin ted out by entering th e PRINT PIN 4-digit passcode (0000 to 99 99) that was programmed whe n the box was cr eate d.
4-8 F-CODE RELA Y BR O ADCAST TRANSMISSION The F-Code relay broadcast fu nction allows the machine to act as a relay machine for a broadcast transmission.
F-CODE RELAY BROADCAST TRANSMISSION 4-9 4 USING THE F-CODE RELA Y BRO ADCAST FUNCTION (y our machine is the relay mac hine) When a document is received fr om a relay request mach ine, the F-code relay.
5-1 CHAPTER 5 USING CONVENIENT FUNCTIONS 3 CONVENIENT METHODS OF USE This chapter expl ains functions that widen th e scope of use of the fax machine. Please read those sections that are of interest to you. Page USING AN EXTENSION PHO NE .............
5-2 USING AN EXTENSION PHONE You can connect a tele phone to the machine and use it as an extension phone to place and r eceive calls like any normal phone.
USING AN EXTENSION PHONE 5-3 5 RECEIVING A F AX AFTER T ALKING (MANU AL RECEPTION) When an extension phone is connected to the machin e and you have set the r eception mode to "MANUAL RECEPTION", you can talk to a person sending a fax ma nually and then begin fax recepti on without breaking the connection.
USING AN EXTE NSION PHONE 5-4 SENDING A F AX AFTER T ALKING (MANU AL TRANSMISSION) If the other fax machine is set to manual reception, yo u can talk to the other party and then send a fax without breaking the connection. This proced ure is called manual transmission.
6-1 CHAPTER 6 PR OGRAMMING This chapter explai ns the proc edures for prog ramming and the information progr ammed in auto dial keys (one-touch and group ke ys), programs, us er indexes, and memory boxes. Page PROGRAMMING ........ ................. ..
6-2 PR OGRAMMING Auto dial number s (one-touch keys and group keys), user in dexes, and memory boxes are stored , edited and deleted at the operatio n panel of the machine .
STORING, EDITING, AND DELETING A UTO DIAL KEYS AND PROGRA MS 6-3 6 ST ORING ONE-T OUCH DIAL KEYS To store a one-touch key, follow steps 1 to 3 on page 6- 2, touch the [INDIVIDUAL] key in step 4, and then follow these ste ps. 1 Make sure the [F AX] key is c hecked.
ST ORING, EDITIN G, AND DELETING A UT O DIAL KEYS AND PROGRAMS 6-4 10 Use the nume ric keys to enter the fax numb er . To insert a pause betw een digits of the number, tou ch the [PAUSE] key. The pause appears as a hyph en "- ". Refer to page 8- 6 to set the duration of the pause.
STORING, EDITING, AND DELETING A UTO DIAL KEYS AND PROGRA MS 6-5 6 EDITING AND DELETING ONE-T OUCH KEYS If you wish to delete a one-touch key or change the fa x number, nam e, or other information pr ogrammed in a one- touch key, follow steps 1 through 3 o n page 6-2 and then perform the followin g procedure.
ST ORING, EDITIN G, AND DELETING A UT O DIAL KEYS AND PROGRAMS 6-6 ST ORING A GR OUP KEY A group of numbers can be store d in a group key. The numbers can be stored by touching one -touch keys (see "STORING ONE-TOUCH DIAL KEYS" on pages 6-3 to 6-4) or by directly entering full numb ers with the numeric keys.
STORING, EDITING, AND DELETING A UTO DIAL KEYS AND PROGRA MS 6-7 6 EDITING AND DELETING GR OUP KEYS If you need to delete a group ke y or change its name or a one of its sto red destinations in a group key, first follow steps 1 through 3 on page 6-2, and then perform the following procedure.
ST ORING, EDITIN G, AND DELETING A UT O DIAL KEYS AND PROGRAMS 6-8 ST ORING A PR OGRAM You can store a destination fax number, speed dialing, polling, eras e, dual page scan, 2in1, card shot, and resolution and exposure settings in a program.
6-9 6 ST ORING A GR OUP INDEX Auto dial keys (o ne-touch ke ys and group key s) are normally st ored in the ABC in dex. To make au to dial keys mor e convenient to use, you can sto re a group of auto dial keys in a group index and assign a name to tha t index.
6-10 PR OGRAMMING, EDITING, AND DELETING F-CODE MEMOR Y BO XES The procedure for programming a memo ry box for F-code tr an smission is explained here. Th ere are three types of F-code memory boxes: F-code pol ling memory (page 4-4), F- code confidential transmission (pag e 4-6), and F-code relay broadcast (page 4-8) .
PROGRAMMING, EDITING, AND DE LETING F-CODE MEMORY BOXES 6-11 6 8 Use the numeric ke ys to enter a passcode (max. 20 digits). In addition to numbers, the chara cters " " and "#" can be used in a passcode. If you make a mistake, press the [C] key to clear the mistake.
PROGRAMMING, EDITING, AND DE LETING F-CODE MEMOR Y BO XES 6-12 SETTING FOR F-CODE CONFIDENTIAL TRANSMISSION MEMOR Y BO XES (PRINT PIN) Program the print PIN (Person al Identification Number) th at is used to print a document that has been received to an F-code confidentia l memory box.
PROGRAMMING, EDITING, AND DE LETING F-CODE MEMORY BOXES 6-13 6 SETTING FOR F-CODE RELA Y BRO ADCAST MEMOR Y BO XES (RECIPIENT) Program the end receiving machines to which documen t data received in the F-code r elay broadcast memory box will be transmitted when your machine is a relay machine.
PRINTING PROGRAMMED IN FORMA TION 6-14 EDITING AND DELETING A MEMOR Y BO X 1 Press the [CUST OM SETTINGS] ke y and then touch the [ADDRESS CONTR OL] key (refer to steps 1 and 2 on page 6-2).
7-1 CHAPTER 7 TR OUBLESHOO TING This chapter contains information to help you make efficien t use of the fax features of the machine, incl uding solutions to common pr oblems. Page WHEN A TRANSACTION REPORT IS PR I NTED ... .............. ............
7-2 WHEN A TRANSA CTION REPOR T IS PRINTED The machine has been set to automatically print a Transaction Report when a tran smission is not successful or when the Broadcast transmission function is used. The Transaction Repo rt informs you of the result of the operation.
7-3 7 VIEWING THE COMMUNICA TION A CTIVITY REPOR T Your machin e keeps a reco rd of the most recent 99 tran sactions (bot h transmissi ons and receptio ns) that wer e performed. The re cord includes the dat e of the transaction, the othe r party's name, the dur ation, and resu lt.
7-4 PR OBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS If you experience a problem with the fa x function, first chec k the following table. If you cannot solve the problem using the following table, see chapter 6 of the Ope ration manu al (for genera l information and copier operation).
PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS 7-5 7 Printing does not take place after reception. Does a mess age appear in the display instructing yo u to add toner or paper? (Printing is not possible.) Restore printing capability as instructed by the disp lay message. Printing will begin.
8-1 CHAPTER 8 KEY OPERA T OR PR OGRAMS This chapter explain s the key operat or programs that are used by the administrato r of the machin e to customize ce rtain funct ions and settings. Page KEY OPERATOR PROGRAMS .................... ...............
8-2 KEY OPERA T OR PR OGRAMS This chapter explains key operator pr ograms that are relate d to the fax function. For key operator progra ms that are related to gener al use of the machine, see the key operator progr ams manual. KEY OPERA T OR PROGRAM LIST NO TE You may not be able to use all of the programs in the key operator program list.
KEY OPERATOR PROGRAMS 8-3 8 USING THE KEY OPERA T OR PROGRAMS Follow these steps to configure the settin gs in the key operator programs. 1 Press the [CUST OM SETTINGS] key . 2 T ouch the [KEY OPERA TOR PR OGRAMS] key . 3 Use the numeric ke ys to enter the five-digit key operator c ode number .
KEY OPERA TOR PR OGRAMS 8-4 KEY OPERA T OR PROGRAMS The key operator program s for the fax function of the machine are explained he re. For key operator prog rams that are related to the copy function and genera l use of the machine, see the key operator's guide.
KEY OPERATOR PROGRAMS 8-5 8 Scan complete sound setting You can select whether or not a b eep sound is made after an original is scan ned on the scan ner unit. Normally a beep sound is made. You can select "High" or "Low " for the v olume of the beep.
KEY OPERA TOR PR OGRAMS 8-6 P ause time setting This setting is used to select the duration of pauses that are inserted in destination fa x numbers. Normally the setting is 2 seconds, which means that each time the [PAU SE] key is touched when dialing or storing a fax number, a pause of 2 seconds is inserted.
KEY OPERATOR PROGRAMS 8-7 8 ECM (This setting is o nly eff ective if the other mac hine is a G3 machine that suppor ts ECM) Line conditions can sometimes distort a transmitted fax image. When ECM (Error Correction Mode) is turne d on, pages that are distorted are automatica lly re-transmitted.
KEY OPERA TOR PR OGRAMS 8-8 Call timer at memory sending When sending a fax b y automatic transmission (See "Storing transmission jobs (memory transmission)" on page 2-8.
KEY OPERATOR PROGRAMS 8-9 8 F ax receive settings The fax reception settings allo w you to adjust certain parameters for receiving faxes to better suit your n eeds.
KEY OPERA TOR PR OGRAMS 8-10 Anti junk fax setting This program is used to enter fax numb ers from which you wish to block fax reception. Up to 50 (maximum of 30 on the AR-M3 51N/AR-M451N/ AR-M351U/AR-M451U) numbers can be entered. This program is normally disa bled.
KEY OPERATOR PROGRAMS 8-11 8 3 Press the numeric ke ys to store the fax numb er . Up to 20 digits can be entered. To enter a "+", press the " " key. To enter a hyphen, touch the [PAUSE] key. To enter a space, touch the [SPACE] key.
9-1 CHAPTER 9 APPENDIX This chapter co ntains refere nce informatio n regarding the fax features of the mach ine. Page SPECIFICA TIONS .............. ................. ................. ................. ................. 9-2 INDEX ........ ..........
9-2 SPECIFICA TIONS For information on power r equirements, power consumption, dimensions, weight, and othe r specifications that are common to all features of the machine, refer to page 8- 2 of "Operation manual (for general information and copier operation)".
9-3 9 INDEX Numerics 2in1 ........ ................ ............. ................ ................ ... 3-7 A Activity report print select setting ..................... ...... 8-6 Address book ................ ................ ................
INDEX 9-4 N Number of calls in auto re ception .. ................ ......... 8-9 O One-touch dialing ................ ................ .......... 1-12, 2-4 One-touch key display... ................ ................ ......... 1-5 One-touch keys .
INDEX 9-5 9 Special modes.. ................ ................ ............. ......... 1-4 -2in1 .............. ............. ................ ................ ......... 3-7 -Card shot .............. ................ ................. .. 3-8 to 3-9 -Dual page scan .
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Sharp AR-FX12 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Sharp AR-FX12 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Sharp AR-FX12 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Sharp AR-FX12 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Sharp AR-FX12, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Sharp AR-FX12.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Sharp AR-FX12. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Sharp AR-FX12 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.