Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto AR-168D del fabbricante Sharp
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For users in the USA Do no t make co pies of anythi ng whic h is prohi bited from copy ing by l aw. The follow ing item s are n ormally prohibit ed from c opying b y nationa l law. O ther items may b e prohi bited b y loc al law. Money S tamps Bond s Stock s Bank dra fts Chec ks Pass ports Driver' s licenses FOR Y OUR RECORDS .
1 CAUTIONS ................ ............ ........... ................. ........... ................. ........... ........... ...... 3 ENVIRONMENTAL INFO RMATION ................. ........... ................. ............................ 5 INTRODUCTION .
2 6 PRINTER/SCANNER FUNCTIONS USING THE PRINTER MODE .................. ................ ............ ................. ......... 58 BASIC PROCEDURE FOR PRINTING ..... ........... ........... ................. ........... .... 58 USING THE SCANNER MODE.
3 CAUTIONS Caution label on t he machine The label ( ) in the fusing a rea of t he machi ne ind icates th e follow ing: : Caut ion, ri sk of dan ger : Caut ion, ho t surface Cautions on using the mach ine Follow the cauti ons be low when using this ma chine .
4 Cautions on handling the machine Be careful in ha ndling the machin e as fo llows to m aintain th e perfo rmance of this machi ne. Do not drop the mac hine, subjec t it to shock or strike it against any object. Do not drop the unit, subj ect it to shoc k or strike it against a ny object.
5 ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION For users in the USA For users in Canada As an E NERGY S TAR ® Partner, SHARP h as determ ined that this prod uct me ets th e E NERGY S TAR ® guidelin es for ene rgy efficienc y. Safety precautions: This D igital Cop ier is rated Cl ass 1 and comp lies w ith 21 CF R 1040.
6 INTRODUCTION Using the manual This ma chine has been designed to pro vide con venient c opyin g featur es in a minimu m amo unt of offi ce s pace and with ma ximu m ope rational e ase. T o get f ull use of all m achin e featur es, be su re to fam iliarize yours elf with this ma nual a nd the machin e.
7 Difference between models This ma nual c overs the followi ng model s. MAIN FEATURES High-speed la ser copyin g First-cop y time* 1 a t 300 dpi* 2 is only 9.6 se conds. Copyin g speed is 16 copies per mi nute. Thi s is ideal fo r business use and provi des a big boos t to work place pro ductivit y.
8 Enhanced copying features • Zoom co pies can be ma de from 25 % to 40 0% in inc remen ts of 1%. (W hen th e SPF/RSPF is bein g used, th e zoom c opy ratio range is 5 0% to 200% .) • Contin uous cop ying o f up to 99 copie s is pos sible. • Sets o f output c an be offs et from each othe r for easy separat ion (offs et functio n).
9 1 Chapter 1 1 This ch apter prov ides ba sic in formatio n tha t you sh ould know b efore us ing th e mach ine. PART NAMES The follo wing il lustrat ion show s the pa rt names o f the AR -168D.
PREPARATIONS 10 Operation panel [MODE SELECT] key / Mode indicators Pres s this key to se lect t he mode. The in dicat or of the s ele cted mo de l ight s (c opy, pri nter , sc anner, fax mode i ndic ator s).
PREPARATIONS 11 1 [COPY RATIO] key Pre ss to select an enlarg ement or redu cti on ra tio. To s elect a pr eset ratio setting, p ress th e [COPY RATIO] key and select t he desi red pres et r atio.
12 POWER ON AND OFF The power s witch is l ocated o n the left s ide of the machin e. Power on Turn the power switch to the "O N" position. The ready indic ator will light up and other indicators which show th e initial settin gs of the display will al so lig ht up to in dicat e the re ady condition .
PREPARATIONS 13 1 About the scan head The scan head lamp rem ains on c onstantly when t he machi ne is in the read y conditio n (when the ready ind icator is illum inated). The mach ine adjusts the s can he ad lamp pe riodic ally to ma intain copying qualit y.
14 2 Chapter 2 The tray l ocation i ndicator will bl ink whe n there is no pap er in the s elected paper tray, or w hen the s elected p aper tra y is not installe d or is improperl y instal led. PAPER For best re sults , use onl y SHARP rec ommende d paper .
LOADING PAPER 15 2 Special papers Follow these gui delin es when using s pecial pa pers. ● Use SHARP recomme nded tran sparency film and l abel sh eets.
LOADING PAPER 16 3 Gently push the paper tray back into th e machine. • If you loa ded a differen t size of pap er than was loaded previo usly in the tray, go to "CHANGING A TRAY'S PAPER SIZE SETT ING" (p.
17 2 BYPASS FEED (including speci al paper) The bypa ss tray c an be use d to fe ed standa rd pape r, transpare ncy film , labels , envelop es, an d other special purpose p aper. Important points when inserting paper in the bypass tray Up to 50 s heets of st andard c opy paper c an be inse rted in th e bypass tray.
LOADING PAPER 18 Loading paper in the bypass tray 1 Open the bypass tray and exte nd the tray. 2 Set the by pass tr ay paper gu ides to the paper width. In sert the paper (print face down) a ll the way into the bypass tray. 3 Press the [TRAY SEL ECT] key ( ) to select the bypass tray.
19 2 CHANGING A TRAY'S PAPER SIZE SETTING Foll ow th ese s teps t o chan ge a tr ay' s paper siz e sett ing. 1 Press the [MEN U] key. Press the [ ] key ( ) o r [ ] key ( ) until " PAPER SIZ E" appears, a nd then pr ess the [ENT ER] key.
20 3 Chapter 3 This ch apter ex plains b asic copying funct ions. NORMAL COPYING Using the document glass 1 Open the SPF/RSPF , and place the origin al face down on th e document glass. [How to plac e the or iginal] Align th e origi nal with the origi nal scal e and t he centeri ng ( ) mar k.
MAKING COPIES 21 3 Using the SPF/RSPF 1 Make sure that an original has not been left on the document glass. 2 Adjust the original guides to the size of the originals. 3 Set the ori ginal(s) fa ce up in the document fe eder tray . The SPF/RSPF indica tor on the operati on panel w ill lig ht up.
MAKING COPIES 22 Origina ls that can not be used in the SP F/RSPF The follo wing ori ginals cannot be use d. These m ay caus e mi sfeeds or smudgin g and unclear i mage s. • Transpare ncies, tr acing pap er, othe r transpare nt or tra nslucent paper, and photograp hs.
MAKING COPIES 23 3 Setting the number of copies Press the numeri c keys to s et the numbe r of co pies. The set num ber of co pies ap pears in the displa y. A maxi mum of 99 co pies ca n be set. If you w ish to ma ke on ly a sing le co py, copy ing is possib le with the dis play show ing "0 ".
24 MAKING A COPY DARK ER OR LIGHTER Automatic expo sure adju stmen t is initi ally ena bled. This func tion au tomatica lly adjusts the co py imag e accordi ng to the o rigina l bein g copied. If you wish to se lect the expo sure le vel you rself, f ollow th e steps b elow.
25 3 REDUCTION/ENLARGEMENT/ZOOM Copies c an be reduced d own to 2 5% or enla rged up to 400%. (When th e SPF/RSPF is being used, the zoom c opy rat io range i s 50% to 2 00%.) T he [COPY RAT IO] key can be p ressed to quick ly sele ct a ra tio from am ong eigh t prese t ratios.
26 4 Chapter 4 AUTOMATIC TW O-SIDED COPYI NG (AR-16 8D only) Two origin als can be automa tically co pied onto both sides of a single sh eet of paper. When the R SPF is used , two-side d copies of two-sided o riginals can eas ily be ma de.
CONVENIENT COPY FUNCTIONS 27 4 Using the document glass 1 Place the original that yo u wish to copy onto the front side of the paper on the document glass and close the RSPF . 2 Press the [2-SIDED CO PY] key un til "1 TO 2" appear s, and then p ress the [ENTER] key.
CONVENIENT COPY FUNCTIONS 28 Using the RSPF 1 Place the o riginal(s) in the RSP F. (p.21) If you p lace an odd num ber of originals for one-si ded to two-sided copyi ng, the las t page will be one-side d. 2 Press the [2-SIDED CO PY] key a nd select the two-sided copy mode tha t you wish to use .
29 4 SORT COPY Copies of multi ple ori ginal pag es ca n be sorte d into sets. Using the document glass 1 Place the f irst original. (p .20) 2 Press the [E-SOR T/SP.
CONVENIENT COPY FUNCTIONS 30 Using the SPF/RSPF 1 Place the o riginals . (p.21) 2 Press the [E-SOR T/SP.FU N] key until "SORT" ap pears an d then p ress the [ENT ER] k ey. 3 Press the [ ] key ( ) to move " " to the "ON" position and the n the [ENTER] key.
31 4 COPYING MULTIPLE ORIGINALS ON TO A SIN GLE SHEET OF PAPER (2 IN 1 copy ) Multipl e original s can be copie d onto a single sheet of pap er in a sel ected layout pattern.
CONVENIENT COPY FUNCTIONS 32 4 Press the [ ] key ( ) o r [ ] key ( ) to select the original siz e and the n press the [ENT ER] k ey. The followin g orig inal siz es can b e sele cted: "8.5x 14", "8.5x 13", "8.5x 11", "5.
CONVENIENT COPY FUNCTIONS 33 4 Using the SPF/RSPF 1 Place the o riginals . (p.21) 2 Press the [E-SOR T/SP.FU N] key until "2IN1" appears and then pr ess the [ENT ER] k ey. 3 Press the [ ] key ( ) to move " " to the "ON" position and the n press the [ENT ER] k ey.
34 CREATING MARGINS W HEN COPYING (Margin s hift) The margi n shift fu nction is used to automa tically shift the text or image or the co py paper approx imately 1/2" . As show n below , LONG EDG E or SHOR T EDGE c an be se lected. 1 Place the o riginal(s) .
CONVENIENT COPY FUNCTIONS 35 4 3 Press the [ ] key ( ) to move " " to the "ON" position and the n press the [ENT ER] k ey. 4 Press the [ ] key ( ) or [ ] key ( ) to select the margin position and the n press the [ENTER ] key. Select "LONG EDGE" or "SHORT EDGE".
36 5 Chapter 5 This ch apter e xplains how to install and c onfigur e the so ftware tha t is required fo r the printer an d scanne r function s of th e machin e.
37 5 BEFORE INSTALLATION Hardware and s oftware require ments Check the followi ng hardware and s oftware re quirement s in or der to ins tall the softwar e. * 1 The machine's USB connector will transfer dat a at the speed specifie d by the USB 2.
38 INSTALLING THE SOF TWARE The proce dure fo r a standar d inst allation o f the s oftware i s explai ned belo w. If the machin e is conn ected by a USB c able, it i s reco mmended that yo u use the standa rd installa tion. 1 The USB cable must not be connected to the machine.
SET UP TH E SOFTWAR E 39 5 5 The "SOFTWARE LICENSE" wi ndow will appear. Ma ke sure that you understand the contents of the software license, and then click the "Yes " button. 6 Read the "Readme First" in the "Welc ome" window and then click the " Next" butt on.
SET UP THE SOFTWARE 40 10 Follow the instructions in the plug and play window to install the M FP driv er. Follow the on-s creen ins tructio ns. This co mpletes the installatio n of the MF P driver. • If you i nstal led Button Mana ger, set u p Butto n Manage r as exp lained i n "SETTING UP BUTTON MANAGER" (p.
SET UP TH E SOFTWAR E 41 5 5 The "SOFTWARE LICENSE" wi ndow will appear. Ma ke sure that you understand the contents of the software license, and then click the "Yes " button. 6 Read the "Readme First" in the "Welc ome" window and then click the " Next" butt on.
SET UP THE SOFTWARE 42 10 When yo u are ask ed how the printer is c onnected, select "Connected to this computer" and click th e "Next" butt on. If you are using the machine as a share d print er on a netw ork, select "Con nect ed via t he network" .
SET UP TH E SOFTWAR E 43 5 13 When installation of Button Manager is finished, you will return to the window of step 12 (p.42). Click the "Close" bu tton. A mess age wil l appear i nstruc ting you to conn ect the m achine to your compu ter. Click the "OK" butto n.
SET UP THE SOFTWARE 44 This co mpletes the installatio n of the MF P driver. • If you i nstal led Button Mana ger, set u p Butto n Manage r as exp lained i n "SETTING UP BUTTON MANAGER" (p.51). Windows 98/Me/2000 (USB) 1 The USB cable must not be connected to the machine.
SET UP TH E SOFTWAR E 45 5 5 When yo u are ask ed how the printer is c onnected, select "Connected to this computer" and click th e "Next" butt on. 6 When the interface selection screen ap pears, 7 select " USB" a nd click the "Next" butt on.
SET UP THE SOFTWARE 46 10 Follow the instructions in the plug and play window to install the M FP driv er Follow the on-s creen ins tructio ns. This co mpletes the installatio n of the MF P driver. • If you i nstal led Button Mana ger, set u p Butto n Manage r as exp lained i n "SETTING UP BUTTON MANAGER" (p.
SET UP TH E SOFTWAR E 47 5 5 When yo u are ask ed how the printer is c onnected, select "Connected to this computer" and click th e "Next" butt on. If you are using the machine as a share d print er on a netw ork, select "Con nect ed via t he network" .
SET UP THE SOFTWARE 48 8 When the model selection window appears, select model name of yo ur m achi ne a nd cl ic k the " Next" bu tton . Follow the on-s creen ins tructio ns. 9 You will return to the window of step 3. If you wish to install Sharpdesk, clic k the "Utilit y Software" button.
SET UP TH E SOFTWAR E 49 5 2 Click the "M FP Driver" button. To vie w detail ed in formation on the so ftware, clic k the "D ispla y Readm e" button . 3 The "Welco me" window will appear. Click the " Next" button.
SET UP THE SOFTWARE 50 6 Select the network printer th at is shar ed an d cl ic k the "OK" button. Ask you r net work admin istra tor for the s erver nam e and pri nter name o f the mac hine on th e netw ork.
51 5 SETTING UP BUTTON M ANAGER Button Ma nager i s a software progra m that wo rks with th e scanne r driver to enable scannin g from the m achine. To scan using the mach ine, Bu tton Mana ger mus t be link ed with the scan menu on the mach ine. F ollow th e steps b elow to link Bu tton Mana ger to s canner e vents.
SET UP THE SOFTWARE 52 5 Selec t "Start this program" and the n select "Sharp Button Manag er E" from the pull-down menu. 6 Cli ck th e "Appl y" bu tton . 7 Repeat Steps 4 th rough 6 to link Button Manager to "SC2:" through "S C6:".
SET UP TH E SOFTWAR E 53 5 Windows 98/Me/2000 1 Click the "Start" button, s elect "Settings", and then click "Control Pane l". 2 Double-click the "Scanner s and Cameras" icon. 3 Select "SHARP AR-XXXX" and click the "Properties" button.
SET UP THE SOFTWARE 54 6 Select "Sha rp Button Manager E" in "Send to this application". 7 Cli ck th e "Appl y" bu tton . 8 Repeat Steps 5 th rough 7 to link Button Manager to "SC2:" through "S C6:". Select " SC2:" fro m the " Scanne r events" pull- down me nu.
55 5 CONNECTING THE MACH INE TO YOUR COMPUTER Connecting a USB cable Follow the proced ure below to conn ect the m achine to your c omputer. A USB cable f or con necting th e machi ne to your comp uter is not include d with th e machin e. Please p urchase the app ropriate cable fo r your com puter.
SET UP THE SOFTWARE 56 Connecting a parallel cable 1 Obtain an IEEE 1284 shielded par allel interfa ce cable. 2 Insert the cable into the parallel interface connector located on the rear of the unit, and fasten with clasps. 3 Insert the o ther end of th e cable into th e interfac e connector o f your computer.
57 6 Chapter 6 6 The machine includes a USB conne ctor and a parallel connector as standard equipment. When t he USB co nnecto r is used , the p rinter and s canne r function s can be used. When the p ara llel connec tor is us ed, the printer func tion can be us ed.
58 USING THE PRINTER MODE The proce dure for lo ading p aper for pri nting is the same as for loading c opy pape r. See "LOADING PAPER" (p. 14). BASIC PROCEDURE FOR PRINTING The basi c proc edure f or printi ng is ex plained i n the f ollowin g.
59 6 USING THE SCA NNER MODE The p roced ure f or pla cin g the o rigi nal is the s ame as f or cop yin g. Se e "NORM AL COPYING" (p.20). SCANNING USING THE KEYS ON THE MACHINE When sc annin.
PRINTER/SCANNER FUNCTIONS 60 Button Manager scan menu For inf ormation o n Button M anager settings , see the Bu tton M anager hel p file . The names i n the Bu tton Mana ger me nu ("xxx x" in "SC1: xxxx", e tc.) can b e change d. See the on line m anual.
61 6 HOW TO USE THE ONLINE MANUAL The onlin e man ual provi des detai led instr uctions for opera ting th e unit as a print er and sca nner. It als o prov ides me thods for dealing with pri nting or s canner pro blems . To acce ss t he onlin e man ual, you r compu ter mu st have Acroba t Reade r 5.
62 7 Chapter 7 The user settin gs all ow you to c ustom ize machi ne set tings to better m eet yo ur needs. USER PROGRAMS The user settin gs co nsist of the f ollowin g items. To change th e user prog ram settings as explained in "SELECTING A SETTING FO R A USER PROGRAM" (p.
USER SE TTINGS 63 7 4 AUTO SHUT-OFF TIME 1: 5 MIN. 2: 30 MIN. 3: 60 MIN. 4: 120 MIN. 5: 240 MIN. • This funct ion auto maticall y swit ches the machi ne to a s tate that cons umes even l ess p ower than pre heat mode if the set durat ion o f time elap ses wit hout the ma chine being us ed wh en the pow er is on .
USER SETTINGS 64 8 ROTATE ORIG. IMAGE* 1: ON 2: OFF • When two- side d cop ying i s performed, this func tion rotates th e image on the bac k of the o riginal.
USER SE TTINGS 65 7 14 KEY P RESS T IME 1: NORMAL 2: 0.5 SEC. 3: 1.0 SEC. 4: 1.5 SEC. 5: 2.0 SEC. • Use this s etting to select ho w long a key must be press ed for the inp ut to be accepte d. By selec ting a lon ger tim e, you can p revent settin gs from being chang ed by the acciden tal pres sing of a key.
USER SETTINGS 66 Print m ode * 1 The scanning s peed incre ases when the USB 2.0 m ode is set to "HI-SPEED", howev er, the pri nting s peed doe s not i ncrease consider ably.
67 7 SELECTING A SETTING FOR A USER PROGRAM 1 Press the [MENU] key and t hen press t he [ENT ER] k ey. In pr inter mo de, the user pro grams are acces sed by simpl y pressi ng the [MENU] key. 2 Press the [ ] k ey ( ) or [ ] ke y ( ) to select the item that you w ish to configure in th e USER PRO GRAM item s, and t hen press the [ ENTER] ke y.
USER SETTINGS 68 Audible si gnals (key en try beep, in valid key be ep, base set ting beep) The mac hine sou nds th ree diff erent type s of b eep signa ls: a key entry be ep that sounds when a valid .
69 8 Chapter 8 8 Problems related to genera l use of th e machi ne, the co py functi on, and software setup are expla ined here . Be sure to chec k the pr oblem c arefully b efore call ing fo r service , as m any probl ems can be solved by the user.
TROUBLESHOOTING AND MAINTENANCE 70 Error indicator Steadily lit TONER CARTRID GE IS NEAR EM PTY. Replaceme nt of ton er cartridge w ill be needed so on. Prep are a new ca rtridge. 83 MAIN TENA NCE REQUI RED CAL L FOR SERVICE Service by an autho rized SHARP service tech nician is required.
71 8 TROUBLESHOOTING THE MACHINE The follo wing pro blems are relate d to the ge neral o peratio n of the m achine a nd copying . Problem Cause an d solutio n Page The mach ine does not operate . The mach ine is n ot plugge d into a power outlet. → → → → Plug the mac hine into a grounde d outlet.
TROUBLESHOOTING AND MAINTENANCE 72 Problem Cause an d solutio n Page Part of the im age is cut off or ther e is too muc h blank spa ce. The o riginal was not place d in the correct position. → → → → Place the original c orrectly. 20, 21 An appropriate ratio was n ot used for the size of the orig inal and the size of the paper.
TROUBLESHOOTING AND MAINTENANCE 73 8 Paper misfe ed. Misfeed occur. → → → → To remo ve the misfe ed, see "MISFEED REMOVAL". 79 The paper is outsid e of the spec ified size an d weigh t range. → → → → Use copy paper wi thin th e specifi ed range.
TROUBLESHOOTING AND MAINTENANCE 74 Paper size for a pap er tray cannot be set. Copying or prin ting is p erformed. → → → → Set the pap er size after c opying or printing i s complete . - The mach ine has stopped temp orarily due to runni ng out of p aper or a misf eed.
75 8 PROBLEMS DURING SETU P THE SOFTWARE If the s oftware does n ot inst all co rrectly, chec k the fo llowing items on you r compu ter. To remov e the softwa re, see "Remo ving the software" (p.
TROUBLESHOOTING AND MAINTENANCE 76 Plug and play screen does not appear (USB only) If the Plug and Pla y screen does not appea r after y ou conne ct the machi ne to you r compute r with a USB cab le and turn on the machine , follow the steps bel ow to verify that the U SB port is availabl e.
TROUBLESHOOTING AND MAINTENANCE 77 8 The MFP driver cannot be correctly installed by Plug and Play (Windows 2000/XP) (USB only) In Window s 2000/ XP, if the MFP drive r canno t be correc tly ins talle.
TROUBLESHOOTING AND MAINTENANCE 78 4 Select "FILE:" in the "Print to the following port" list box, and click the "OK" butt on. 5 Click the "SHARP AR-X XXX" printer driver i con and select "Properties" from the "File" menu.
79 8 MISF EED REMO VAL When a misfeed oc curs, the error indic ator blinks, "CLEAR PAPER JAM" appears in the disp lay, a nd the machine stops operating . If a misfeed oc curs when using the SPF/RSPF, "RETURN X ORIGINAL(S) STA RT TO RESUME" will appe ar in the display .
TROUBLESHOOTING AND MAINTENANCE 80 A: Misf eed in the pa per feed a rea 1 Gently re move the misf ed paper f rom the pa per feed are a as shown in the illustrat ion. If the error indicator blinks and the misfed paper is not visible in the paper feed area, pull out the paper tray a nd remove the misfed pape r.
TROUBLESHOOTING AND MAINTENANCE 81 8 2 Gently re move the misfed paper from under the fus ing unit as shown in the illustration. If t he paper cannot be removed, p roceed to "C: Misfe ed in th e transp ort area ".
TROUBLESHOOTING AND MAINTENANCE 82 4 Raise the f using unit release le ver, clos e the front cover a nd then close the side cover by pressing the round projections near the side cover open button. The error indicator will go out and the ready indic ator will light up.
TROUBLESHOOTING AND MAINTENANCE 83 8 (C) If the ori ginal does n ot move easily into t he exit a rea, remo ve it in the direction of the arrow whil e rotating the rol ler. TONER CARTRIDGE REPLACEMENT When tone r is lo w, the er ror indica tor will light up a nd "TON ER CARTRID GE IS NEAR EMPTY.
TROUBLESHOOTING AND MAINTENANCE 84 1 Open the bypass tray , and then ope n the side cover while pre ssing the s ide cover open button. 2 Push gently on both si des of the f ront cov er t o op en t he cover. 3 Gently pull the toner cartridge out while pressing the lock rele ase lever.
TROUBLESHOOTING AND MAINTENANCE 85 8 4 Remove the toner cartridge f rom the bag. Grasp the cartridge on both sides a nd shake it horizonta lly four or five times. A fter shaking th e cartridg e, remove the toner se al. 5 Gently insert the toner cartridge along the guides until it loc ks in place w hile pushing the lock release lever.
TROUBLESHOOTING AND MAINTENANCE 86 6 Close the front cover and then the side cover by pressing the round projections near the side cover open button. The error indicator will go out and the ready indicator will light up. 7 SCAN HEAD LOCKING SWITCH The sca n hea d locki ng swit ch is under th e orig inal t able.
87 8 CHECKING THE TOTAL COUNT You can c heck the total n umber of pages output b y the ma chine (all pages printe d by the copy functio n and printer fun ction), as well a s the ou tput c ounts of e ach func tion (number of c opies, nu mber of scanned p ages, num ber of faxes , etc.
88 CLEANING THE MAC HINE Proper care is esse ntial in o rder to get cl ean, sharp copies. Be sure to take a few minutes to clean the ma chine on a regu lar bas is.
TROUBLESHOOTING AND MAINTENANCE 89 8 Transf er charge r 1 Tu rn th e pow er sw itch off . (p. 13) 2 Ensure that the bypass tray is open and then ope n the side cover while pressing the side cover open butt on. 3 Take the charger cl eaner out b y holding the tab.
90 9 Chapter 9 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION A number of options are a vailable for the unit whic h allow you to c onfigure a system to meet y our pa rticular needs. T he options incl ude the fo llowing . FACSIMILE EXPANSION KIT (AR- FX9) This allo ws the m achi ne to be us ed as a f acsimi le m achin e.
OPTIONAL E QUIPMENT 91 9 Using the AR-D16 wit h the printer function To use th e AR-D16 w ith the pri nter fun ction, fol low thes e steps t o adjus t the sett ings in the pri nter driver .
92 10 Chapter 10 SPE CIF ICAT IONS Model AR-168S AR-1 68D Type Di gital Mul tifunc tional Sy stem, D esktop Photoconducti ve type OPC drum Documen t glass type Fixed Copy/printing system Dry, e lectrosta tic transfe r Origi nals Sheets, bound doc uments Orig inals siz e Max.
APPENDIX 93 10 * 1 The copy time in the ca se when the po wer is turne d on an d copyi ng using the docume nt glas s is starte d immedi ately after t he power s ave indic ator goe s off (A4, paper fed from p aper tray). The first -copy time may vary dep endin g on mach ine op erating conditi ons and ambient condi tions su ch as temper ature.
APPENDIX 94 Printer Function Print speed 16ppm Resolution 60 0 dpi Memory Approx. 10MB Emulation SPLC (Sharp Printer Langua ge with Comple tion) Interface IEEE 1284-com pliant bi-d irectiona l paral lel interf ace USB 2.0 (F ull-Speed/H i-Speed c ompatib le interfac e) Interfac e cables [USB cable] USB cable t hat supports U SB 2.
APPENDIX 95 10 Scanner Function Type Flatb ed scann er Scanning m ethod Documen t glass/SPF/RSPF Light source Tri-color CCD light source (CCD: 3 components; R, G, and B) Resolution* Bas ic: 600 dpi x 1200 dp i Settin g range: 50 dpi - 96 00dpi Original ty pes Sh eet m edi a, b ooks Effective s canning area 8.
APPENDIX 96 250-shee t paper feed unit (AR-D1 6) Paper size 5-1/2" x 8-1/2" to 8-1/2 " x 14" Paper weight 15 lbs. to 21 l bs. (56 g /m 2 to 80 g /m 2 ) Paper capa city One pap er tray with ca pacit y for 250 sheets of 21 lb s. bond paper Wei ght 6.
98 6. Lim ited War ranty on Med ia. SHARP warrants the dis ks on which the Soft ware is rec orded to b e free fro m defects in materia ls and workma nship un der no rmal use for a period of ninet y (90) da ys from th e date of pur chase as evidenc ed by a copy of the r ecei pt.
MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Data Revised: Jan.10, 2003 Data Issued: Nov. 1, 2000 MSDS NO. F-01001 99 1. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product Name : AR-15 2NT / AR-152T / AR-152ST / AR-152FT / AR-.
MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Data Revised: Jan.10, 2003 Data Issued: Nov. 1, 2000 MSDS NO. F-01001 100 3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Most Imp ortant Hazards an d Effects of the Products Human Health Effects :There are no anticipated carcinogenic effects from exposure based on animal tests per formed using toner.
MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Data Revised: Jan.10, 2003 Data Issued: Nov. 1, 2000 MSDS NO. F-01001 101 8. EXPOSU RE CONTROL / PERSONA L PROTECTION Eng inee ring M eas ures Ventilation : None required under intended use.
MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Data Revised: Jan.10, 2003 Data Issued: Nov. 1, 2000 MSDS NO. F-01001 102 Chronic E ffect : In a study in rats of chronic inhalation exposure to a typi cal toner, a mild to .
MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Data Revised: Jul. 31, 2002 Data Issued: Nov. 1, 2000 MSDS NO. F-31001 103 1. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product Name : AR-152ND / AR-152DV / AR-152SD / AR-152SD-C (Black Developer) Supplie r Identif icatio n : Sharp Corporation 22-22 Nagaike-cho, Abeno-ku, Osaka, Japan Local suppliers are listed below.
MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Data Revised: Jul. 31, 2002 Data Issued: Nov. 1, 2000 MSDS NO. F-31001 104 3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Most Imp ortant Hazards an d Effects of the Products Human Health Effects:There are no anticipated carcinogenic effects from exposure based on animal tests performed using toner.
MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Data Revised: Jul. 31, 2002 Data Issued: Nov. 1, 2000 MSDS NO. F-31001 105 Exposure limit values OSHA-P EL (USA) : 15m g /m 3 (Total Dust) , 5m g /m 3 (Respirable Dust) ACGI.
MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Data Revised: Jul. 31, 2002 Data Issued: Nov. 1, 2000 MSDS NO. F-31001 106 Chronic E ffect : In a study in rats of chronic inhalation exposure to a typi cal toner, a mild to.
107 INDEX Symbols [ ] key......... ................. 10, 2 7, 29, 32 [ ] ke y ............... ........... ................. 10 [ ] ke y ............... ........... ................. 10 2 2 IN 1 cop y ...................... ................. 31 250-shee t paper fee d unit .
108 I Initial s ettings ........ ................. ........... 12 Installa tion en vironmen t and u sable software ..................... ............ ........... 3 7 Installi ng Acrobat Reader ........... ...... 61 Installi ng the software - Custom installa tion .
109 R Ready ind icator .... ........... ..... 11, 1 2, 86 Reduction /enlarg ement/zo om ... ....... 25 Removing th e software .......... ........... 7 8 Reversing tra y ................. ........... .. 9, 8 2 Roller rotat ing knob ......... ..........
110 INDEX BY PURPOSE Preparat ions Pape r, lo ading - Bypass tray................. ........... ....... 1 7 - Paper tray ............. ................. ....... 15 Power, turn of f ....................... ........... . 13 Power, turn on ...... ........
For users in the USA This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
PRINTED IN CHINA KS TINSE1205QSZZ 2003M Printed on 100% post-consumer recycled paper SHARP ELECTRONICS CORPORATION Sharp Plaza, Mahwah, New Jersey 07430-1163.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Sharp AR-168D è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Sharp AR-168D - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Sharp AR-168D imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Sharp AR-168D ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Sharp AR-168D, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Sharp AR-168D.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Sharp AR-168D. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Sharp AR-168D insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.