Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto HMEC 352 del fabbricante Sennheiser
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Instr uct ions f or u se HMDC 372 HMEC 350/352 /355 355-C/356/3 72/450.
2 Conte nts S afe ty ti ps ..... ... ... ... .... ... ... ...... .... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ...... .... ... ... ... ... ... . ... ... ... ... .... ... ... 3 H eadset features ..... ... .
3 The H MEC 3 50 , HME C 352, HMEC 355 , HM EC 35 5-C, H ME C 35 6, HM EC 372 , HM EC 45 0 an d HMDC 37 2 a re pil ot he ads et s wit h cl os ed ea r p rot ect or he adph o nes and No iseG a rd ™ active noise compensation for use in helicopters, propeller and turboprop aircraft .
4 Headset featu res HME C 35 0 No ise Gar d™ h ea dse t • Ne w a ct ive heads e t with ef fecti ve attenua tion of ex ternal noi se acros s the entir e freq u enc y spe ct rum du e t o Noi seG a r.
5 • Wi th t he N oi se Gar d™ ac tiv e noi se co mp en sa ti on tu rn ed o ff , th e hea d set can b e us ed as a convent ional headset • P ow er supply for NoiseGard™ is pr ovided vi a on-boa.
6 HME C 35 5- C Noi seGa rd™ h ead set The HMEC 355 -C dif fers from the HMEC 350 in t he following features: • No Mono/St ereo switc h • Conne ction o f hea dphones a nd microp hone vi a XLR-5 .
7 HM E C 45 0 No ise Gard ™ h ead set The HM EC 450 di ffer s fr o m th e H MEC 350 in the f o llow in g fea tur es: • Stylish silver design • L eath er et te ear cus h ions • He adband paddi .
8 Delivery includ es H MEC 3 50 , HME C 355- C, HM E C 372, HMEC 45 0 and HMDC 372 head se ts •H e a d s e t • 3-p in XLR so c ket f or aircraf t panel mounting (power supply vi a the on-bo ard sy.
9 Re commend ed access ories Repl aceab le gel ear cu shions (Cat . No. 09280 7) BP- 04 batte ry pack (Cat . No. 50035 7) (excep t for HMEC 352, HM EC 35 5 and HM EC 356) Ba t ter y pack wit h XL R- 3 sock et fo r power ing th e Noi seG ard™ ele ctron ics of the HMEC 350 , HME C 35 5-C, HME C 37 2, H MEC 450 and H MD C 37 2 heads ets.
10 Conne cting the he adset s Connecting c ables for h eadsets HME C 35 0 and HME C 450 hea dse ts: 1 ¼” (6.35 mm) st ereo j ack p lug for con nect ing th e hea dphon es 1 P J-0 68 j ack p lug for connectin g the micr ophone 1 XL R-3 pl ug for c onn ectin g the pow er supply for the NoiseG ard™ el ectro ni cs HME C 35 2 hea dse t: 1 ¼” (6.
11 HM E C 35 5- C hea dset : 1 XL R-5 p lug for c on necti ng the he a dphone s and t he mi crop hone 1 XL R -3 p lug for connec ting the po wer sup p ly for th e Noi seGard™ el ectroni c s HM E C 3.
12 Co nne cto r assi gn me nt Redel c onnector (NoiseGard™ ) XLR-3 connector ( NoiseGard™) XLR-5 c onnector 1 P ower supply N oiseGard™ (DC+) 1 Power supply N oiseGard™ (DC+) HMEC 355 HMEC 355.
13 Powering options The re ar e thr e e opt io n s fo r pow er in g th e No is e Gar d™ ac tiv e no is e com p ens a tio n: 1. Conne ction to th e on-board sy stem (12–35 V DC) 2. Conne ction t o the BP-04 battery p ack (acces so ry, ex ce pt for HMEC 352 , HM EC 3 55 and HME C 35 6) 3.
14 1. Connecti ng the headse t to the on-bo ard syste m The NoiseGard™ electronics can be connected to on- board power supply systems with op er at ing volt ag es b et wee n 12–3 5 V D C. Dange r of shor t circui t ! Before turning on NoiseGard™, ensure that the on-board power supply system is prot e cted by a 1 A fuse.
15 HM E C 35 2 hea dse t: 왘 C onnec t the ¼ ” ( 6. 35 mm) s ter eo jack plug f or t he he adph ones and the P J-0 6 8 jac k plu g fo r the mic ro ph one to t he cor res pon din g jack sock ets of you r int erco m. HM E C 35 5 hea dse t: 왘 Con nec t the XL R -5 pl ug to the a ir cr aft’s XL R- 5 soc k et .
16 2. Connecti ng the headset to the ba ttery pack (exce pt H MEC 352 , HM EC 35 5 and H M EC 35 6) Th e No ise Gard ™ el ec tron ics of t he HME C 350 , H MEC 355- C , HMEC 37 2, H ME C 450 an d H MDC 372 h eadsets can also b e p owered via the BP-04 batte ry p ack (see “Rec ommen de d acces sor ies” on p age 9).
17 Conne cting the headse t, tur ning on the batt ery pack 왘 C onnect t he XLR-3 pl ug of the heads et connec ting c able to t he XLR- 3 socke t on the conn ecting c able of the ba ttery pa ck . 왘 HMEC 35 0 an d HM EC 45 0 h ead sets: Con nect th e ¼” (6.
18 3. Connec ting the he adset via a cigar ette lighter a dapte r cable (exce pt H MEC 352 , HM EC 35 5 and H M EC 35 6) Sen nheiser offers s pecial adapter cables with XLR-3 s ocket for connect ing t.
19 Preparing th e head sets for use Adjusti ng the headband F or good noise atten uation and be st possible comfort, the headband has t o be adjusted to p roperly fit y our head: 왘 Wear th e he ad s e t so th at th e he ad ba n d ru n s ov er the to p o f yo ur hea d .
20 Positionin g the microphon e Relocat ing the mi croph one boom The microp hone boom ca n be worn on either si de of t he mouth. 왘 L oos en t he qui ck- fix ing de vice . 왘 R otate the mi crophone boom by 180 °. 왘 Tigh t en th e qu i ck -f i xi ng d ev i c e.
21 F or positioning the microphone of the HMDC 372 headset, proceed as follows: 왘 A djust the le ngt h o f the m icr ophone boom so th at t he micr ophone is pl a ce d at the c o r n e r o f t h e m o u t h . T o d o s o , l o o s e n t h e q u i c k - f i x i n g d e v i c e a n d a d j u s t t h e mic rophone boom i n length.
22 Using the headsets T ur ning No iseGar d™ on /off Wit h th e Noise Gard™ a ctive noise compen sati on turn ed o ff, the h eadset ca n be use d as a c on ve nt i on al hea dse t. T urn on t he Noise G ard™ a ctive noise compensat ion by sett i n g the O N /OFF s wit c h to “ON”.
23 Atta c hing the cable clip The he adpho ne cable ca n be fi xed by means of the c able cli p. Guide the headphone cable thr ou g h the m e ta l ca bl e cl ip a s s how n i n th e il lus t r ati on o n th e l eft.
24 Spare parts The follo wing spare parts are available from your Sennheiser agent : • Wind scre en f or MKE 45- 1 Cat. No. 075 823 • Ear cushions for all variants except HMEC 450 Cat. No. 077966 • Ear cu shion s for HMEC 450 Ca t. No. 08576 4 • Soft ear cush ion s for HMEC 450 Ca t.
25 Rep lac ing t he he adba nd pad ding Repl ace th e hea dband p adding i f it is da maged. 왘 Pu ll the Ziploc type fastening strips of the headband padding ap art and remove the worn h e adband p adding. 왘 Pu t the new h eadband padd ing arou nd the hea dband.
26 V aluable in f ormatio n on NoiseG a rd™ The NoiseGard™ principle One of the great est stres s f actors t o day is noi se. Researc h has show n that nois e affects the nervo u s system, and c an cau se tire dn ess, po or concent r ati on, irri ta bilit y and tensi on.
27 NoiseG ard™ ac tive n oise comp ensat ion is ach ieved by generat ing a sign al ide ntical in sou nd pres su r e leve l but exa ct ly re ver se d in p ha s e to t he n oi se s ign al , th e eff ect bein g that the ou t-of-phase signal cancels most of the noi se signal.
28 In case of di ff ic ul ty If problems occur that are not listed in t he below table, plea se contact y our Sennheiser ag ent . Proble m Poss i ble c ause and what to do Clear c ommunicat ion but no a cti v e n oi se co m p e ns atio n The NoiseG ard™ el ectro nics are t urne d of f.
29 Problem Possi bl e cause a nd what to do Activ e noi se compe nsa tion but very low volume c ommunication The volume control is set t oo low. 왘 Ch eck th e volu me se tting of the heads et. Th e hea dph on e con nec tion has bee n pu lled ou t (e xcept HME C 35 5, H MEC 355 -C an d HME C 35 6) .
30 Te c h n i c a l d a t a HM E C 35 0 HMEC 352 HMEC 356 HMEC 450 Headphone s T rans ducer principle dynam ic Ear cou pling circumaur al, closed Fre q uen cy respons e 45–15, 000 Hz Nomin al imped ance ac tive/pas s ive 300/ 150 Ω , mo no 600/ 300 Ω , st er eo Atten uation (ac tiv e and pas sive) > 25– 40 dB Max.
31 HMEC 350 HMEC 352 HMEC 356 HMEC 45 0 Gen er al d at a Connecti ng cabl e 1.5 m , un ilateral Weigh t w i tho ut c abl e 370 g Power supply for NoiseGard™ 12–35 V DC Curre n t co nsum ption 27 m A (ze ro sig nal cu rr ent), m ax. 80 mA Fu se 5 00 m A the rmo f us e Con nect or s 6 .
32 Te c h n i c a l d a t a HM E C 35 5 HMEC 3 55- C HMEC 372 HMDC 372 Headphone s T rans ducer principle dynam ic Ear cou pling circumaur al, closed Fre q uen cy respons e 45–15, 000 Hz Nomin al imped ance ac tive/pas s ive 300/ 150 Ω , mo no 50 /35 Ω , m ono Atten uation (ac tiv e and pas sive) > 25– 40 dB Max.
33 HMEC 355 HM EC 3 55-C HMEC 372 HMD C 372 Gen er al d at a Connecti ng cabl e 1.5 m , un ilateral coiled cab le, unilat e ral Weigh t w i tho ut c abl e 370 g Power supply for NoiseGard™ 12–35 V DC Curre n t co nsum ption 27 m A (ze ro sig nal cu rr ent), m ax.
34 Certif icat e of Co nfor mity Se nnhe ise r ele ctr oni c GmbH & Co. KG d e clar e tha t t hes e de vice s con f orm to th e bas ic requ irem ents of EEC Dire cti ve 89 /3 36/EE C an d 73 /2 3/E EC . Guaran tee Cert ificat e Th e guar a ntee period fo r this Sen nheise r product i s 5 year s from the date of pu rchase.
Se nnheis er e lec tron ic GmbH & Co. K G 30900 W ede ma rk, Ge rman y Pho ne +4 9 ( 5130) 600 0 Fax +49 (5 130 ) 600 3 00 www. se nnhe is er.c om Printed in Germany Publ.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Sennheiser HMEC 352 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Sennheiser HMEC 352 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Sennheiser HMEC 352 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Sennheiser HMEC 352 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Sennheiser HMEC 352, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Sennheiser HMEC 352.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Sennheiser HMEC 352. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Sennheiser HMEC 352 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.