Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto 385. 19601 del fabbricante Sears
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IMPOIRTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS Your sewing machine is designed and constructed only for HOUSEHOLD use, Read all instruction before using this sewing machine. DA N G E R -- To reduce the risk of etectric shock: 1. 2. 3. 4, An appliance should never be left unattended when plugged in.
SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO. Dear Homemaker. CONGRATURATIONS! You have lust purchased a Kenmore t O0 Stitch seWmg machine that can, with some easy setting by you, do both decorative and utility sewmg more quickly and accurately than you ever dreamed possible.
SECTION 1. SECTION 2. TABLE OF CONTENTS KNOW YOUR MACHINE A Portable Case or Cabinet IS Available .............. 4 Locate and Identify the Parts ................. 5_6 Identify the Accessone_ ........................ B PREPARE YOUR MACHINE FOR SEWING Set Up the Machine .
SECTION 5. LEARN THE STITCHES C_ert of Sewing Functions ..................... 42 Stitch Pattern Char[ ...................... 43_,19 Stratgi_tStitches [] _ [], [] and _ .... 50_59 Straight Stitch .......................... 50 • Topstitehing .........
SECTfON 1. KNOW YOUR MACHINE A Portable Case or Cabinet is Available A tult line ot sewing cabinets i$ avai}ab_e at your nearest Sears retail s[ore or through our genera! catalog. Whenever you're ready to sew, so Is your sewing piece. Another option .
Locate and Identify the Parts SECTION 1. KNOW YOUR MACHINE.
SECTION 1. KNOW YOUR MACHINE Locate and identify the Parts (Continued) Arm Covet Plate Ca_ t yi_j Hil_d|e Identify the Accessories Bobbi_ Darning flt_te.
Set Up the Machine a Plug in tim Machine end Switch on the Power Madllrte _ockel Powe_ SUpply pk_g NOTE: Beiore mserUng the plug into your machine, be sure the power switch is OFF. l. CI_eck your outlet to be sure _t_s a 1 tO to 120 Voll AC outlet. 2- Insert the machine plug mto the five-prong o_Ilet, as shown.
SECTION 2. PREPARE YOUR MACHINE FOR SEWING Set Up the Machine {Continued) Set the Foot Control @ Check Your Feed {3alance Dial = Set the Pressure Dial J The foot control reguIales the speed at which you sew, Position the foot control as shown_ with your heel on tile floor.
SECTION 2, PREPARE YOUR MACHINE FOR SEWING Setting Spoof Pins The spool p_ns are used for holding [he spools of thread when teeding thread to the machine. To use, pull up the spool pros. Be sere to place the spool lett on the pins. Push down for storage, e Adjust the Presser Foot Lever The Presser Foot Lever raises and lowers your presser foot.
SECTION 2. PREPARE YOUR MACHINE FOR SEWING Set Up the Machine _Continued) e Accessory Storage Box e Free-Arm Sewing: the Removable Extensmn Table To Remove: To Attach: Ex i_sloll t_bl_ The lid o| the .
SECTION 2. PREPARE YOUR MACHINE FOR SEWING Your sewing machine can do tree arm sewing. This feature makes sewing easy tar: ÷ 8at tacking to reinforce pockets, p_ackeLs and wa=stlines on ready- made or home.made garments to avoid tabrie bunching at'ound the needle, Stilchirtg sleeves, waistbands, pant legs, or ally circular garment area.
SECTION 2. PREPARE YOUR MACHINE FOR SEWING Know What the Presser Feet Will Do The Presser feet are an important teature at this machine. You need to know what each toot does in order to use them effectively. Tke Foe[ Storage Compartment with most o9 the presser feet ts located in the accessory -',torase box.
SECTION 2. PREPARE YOUR MACHINE FOR SEWING o Presser Foot Types A. Zigzag Foot A: Zi#za{$ tQo_ Use this foot tot bath stra=ght and z=gzag st=rching. The black b_ttoft on the right side ot the toot sets the toot to tomato r_gld SO that you can sew on heavy fabrics, (See p.
SECTION 2. KnowWhat thePresser FeetWil! Do (Continued) • PresserFoot Types {Continued) PREPARE YOUR MACHINE FOR SEWING G. Blind Hem S_iteh Foot G: Blind ham % Slidin_l But{onhole Foo_ J: Slidino h_.
SECTION 2. PREPARE YOUR MACHINE FOR SEWING o Cf_eck YaurPresser Foot Your presser toot Is held in place by a Foot Holder. Each presser toot merely snaps on the toot holder, which is seldom removed. If you need to remove or attach the toot holder, here is what you do: To Remove: Foo_ To Attach: To Remove: Turn the screw toward the back Of I.
SECTION 2. PREPARE YOUR MACHINE FOR SEWING Choose Your Needle and Thread Twin Needt_ DJ_c_ s_nk Your choice of needle and thread depends on the fabric you are sewing. tn your needle case. you wil_ find the foltowmg color-coded needles : Blue [11 ) ...
SECTION 2. PREPARE YOUR MACHINE FOR S£WING ........ Fabric, Needle, Thread and Stitch Length Chart NEEDLE RECOMMENDED FABRIC SiZE AND THREAD SIZE ST|TCH LENGTH COLOR SETTING L_ghtwaight: Batiste, Dimity, Chiffon+ Polyester CoretCotton 2.0 Silks, Fine L_ce, Organza, 11-ORANGE Wrap {12 s_:=tches pat Crepe.
SECTION 2o PREPARE YOUR MACHINE FOR SEWING Prepare the Bobbin To Remove the Bobbin from the Machine • Wind the Bobbin l, Gen[Iy push down on the bobbin cover pl_te and slide tt towards you. 2. Set aside. 3. Lift out the bobbin, as shown° Chinch J, Put your spool ot thread onto spool pin, with the thread winding in the direction shown.
SECTION 2. PREPARE YOUR MACHtNE FOR SEWING Upper _ht_ad e_lide Draw thread from spool 4. through bobbin winder upper thread 9uide teas=on disc as shown. Place the threaded bobbin on the bobbin wmding spmdle so that the thread comes o_s on top. DQGGQ m_QG m_QQ_ 5, 6.
SECTION 2. PREPARE YOUR MACHINE FOR SEWING Prepare the Bobbin (Contmued) e Insert the Bobbin Into the Bobbin Holder (_ Put the bobbin _nto the bobbin holder so that the thread leeds eo_nter-elockwlse.
SECTION 2. PREPARE YOUR MACHINE FOR SEWING ...... Prepare Your Top Thread e Thread Your Needte The numbered steps above to||ow the numbers on the ittustrattons. Dotted lines show places where the thread loops and then Is polled t_ght. I. Draw thread into thread guide using both hands.
SECTION 2. PREPARE YOUR MACHINE FOR SEWtNG Prepare Your Top Thread lContinued} e Pick Up Your Bobbin Thread @ Ho{d the top t|_read li(}ht_y w_t|_ your @ Pre_s th_ Up/Down Naedl_ Po_itian Buttoa _) le_t bard.
SECTION 2. PREPARE YOUR MACHINE FOR SEWf_IL_ Adjust the Top Thread Tens=on T{)p s_c_e o{ l_b_ic Too_ %7 _bir_ For Straight Stitch Tighten The ideal stra=ght stitch will haue threads {oeked between The.
SECTION 2, PREPARE YOUR MACHfNE FOR SEWING Prepare Your Top Thread (Continued) o Adjust th_ Top Thread Tens+on |Continued| in the Correct zigzag _titch+ t!_e bobbin threads wilt not show on the top side of t_bric and the top threads wil! sinew slightly on the bottom side.
SECTION 3. LEARN TO USE TttE CONTROLS .... "The illustration shows the Reverse Stitch Sutton, Up/Down Need|e Position Sutton and the control paneI el your Kenmore t 00 Stitch. The control buttons, LED |_ghts and indicator screens enable you to control your machine and kr, ow what it _s doing at al_ times.
SECTION 3. LEARN TO USE THE CONTROLS Reverse Stitch Button {manual -- no memory) Up/Down Needle Position Button Use this button to: Secure seams, rmnforce the seams and the top edges ot pockets. At Stralgh_ .. t Stitching: Press and hold the reverse st=tch button.
Control Panel StitcJ_ Patl_m Section iJ anrJ Leh_Jth Secl_on _ Outlonhole S_eli_n Stltcl_ P_tter n _" Ct_ft Section SECTION 3. LEARN TO USE THE CONTROLS The Control Panel is divided into tour seehons; The Sittch Pattern Section, Where you set stitch patte_-ns, with memoTy and clear buttons.
SECTION 3. LEARN TO USE THE CONTROLS Pattern indicator Pattern Selection Buttons C_3 _c_oc_ l J (E3CE3CZ_ _lo-01 _-_i c_cD_o _ HJ Power sw_Ic{_ _÷" This two digit indicator screen lights up to show whet stitch pattern you are usln_l, NOTE: When you turn on your machine, the indicator will automatically show the straight stitch _.
Direct Entry Stitch Buttons Memo_ Button SECTION 3. LEARN TO USE THE CONTROLS Clear Button DCOE3_ E!_IZ3CO_ You can set each of lol|owing most frequently used stitches by pressing bust one button, The pattern indicator screen wi|| show the selected pattern number.
SECTION 3. LEARN TO USE THE CONTROLS Twin Needle Button Just press this button, and the machine automatically reduces the maximum width for twin needle sewing. Press button a_aln to single needle sewing, For detailed instructions, see p. 83. Auto-Lock But-ton lautomatic with memory} Use this button to secure seems Wltll an auto.
Editing Button Use this button to; check and co_rect pattern combi. nations berate sewing. -- press again when editing is complete, the light will go out, SECTION 3.
SECTION 3. LEARN TO USE THE CONTROLS Stitch Width and Length Buttons Aft stitches in your Kenmore t00 Stitch are pro-set _or the best stitch length _nd width. But if you wish to change the settings he_*_'S how: You can set stitch width and length with those two buttons.
SECTION 3, LEARN TO USE THE CONTROLS e Stitch Length Button This butto_ sets the stitch length tot both strmght and z=gzag stitches. When you press the stitch length button, the stitch length light wit! go on and the indicator screen will show the pro-set stitch length: "2.
SECTION 4. PRACTICE COMMON STITCHING SKILLS The sewing covered in this section require some specia! ski_ls. For aI! other stitches, your machine does most of the work.
Sew on Heavy Fabrics SECTION 4, PRACTICE COMMON ST[TCI41NG SKILLS Use the Darning Plate When sewing from 3 to 12 layers of fabrrc, such as sewing over welt seams when hemming leans- Io Use Foot A IZJgzag foot) with the black spring button. NOTE: This black button locks the toot so It does not g_ve with the tabr_c.
SECTION 4. PRACTICE COMMON STITCHING SKILLS Basting [_ S_t l}_ti t_ta_hit_a {_ Threm:l le_{s_or_ 0 +o Z5 A: Z{gzag tao_ _arni+++_ Orate B " Blue needle NO, 11 Jse the darning plate ++or bastm 9. {See p. 35 for details.) Use this st+tch to: _Ste _ea_s.
Darning [] SECTION 4. PRACTICE COMMON STITCHING SKILLS Set the M_chino F: S=3 l_tt _,t_lch _t_ss_#re T_ead _ension 2[o5 @ Oarnin_ pl_t_ I, Put the darning plate on the needle plate (see p. 35)- 2. Stretch the tabr}c with the hole m ttle center between embroidery hoops, as st;own.
SECTION 4. PRACTICE COMMON STITCHING SKILLS Sew a Button Set the Mat;hine [_ Thre#d le_sierl 3to5 F: Satil*_ sI_{cl_ Oarnin9 plate S=_tch win'Jib c_mro| but{an 6.
Put in a Zipper It's as easy at A - B- C S_t thai Ma_h_rl0 Threod tens+nn 2to6 A, i. 2. ++ +i= 1 Attach the zipper toot, as shown. To sew on the fett s_de ot the zipper, atlach the presse[ bar to the right pins on the zipper loot+ To sew on Ihe right side o_ the zipper.
SECTION 4, PRACTICE COMMON STITCHING SKILLS Put in a Zipper (Continued) c C+ Sew m thezlppet "i. Fold back {he left seam a_towance as showR. 2. Turn under the right seam allowance to term a 1/8"" fe_d. 3. Place the zipper teelh next to the 1/8" fold and pin _n place.
SECTION 4. PRACTICE COMMON STITCHING SKILLS 11. Remove the zipper toot and attach the presser bar to the _ett pins on the zipper _00;[- 12. Stitch across and below the bottom ot the z_pper. 13. Turn the corner and continue to {3u_de the toot _}ong the z{pper teeth_ as ShOWn* Stitch through the fabric and the ztpper [ape.
SECTION 5, LEARN TIdE STITCHF£ Chart of Sewing Functions Now that you are familiar with vour machine and read,/ to sew. what are ¥0_ going to sew? The toi]owmg char_ tel{_ Vou (in alphabetical order) what sewing tunct=ons this machine performs and directs you to the proper [>agefor detailed io.
Stitch Pattern Chart S_hch No, i P=tt_tn i STRA|GHT 10 1 --I STRAIGHT 1 _ i STRETCH H_ HI s LOCK-A- 12 : MAT|C SEAM i MENDING I3 , ZIGZAG 14 (_egular} Foot Slra{gfu (HI Zigzag |A| Straight {N} Zigzag {A} Zigzag {A) | l Oth_ Attach.
Stitch Pattern Chart Stitch Pattern KNIT 20 STITCH TWIN NEEDLE 21 STITCHES _2 24 30 35 Ce S 41_ SCALLOP 2t STITCH 22 FEATHER 25 STITCH 26 DOUBLE _.OGE 27 ZFGZAG OthQr Foot Attach, Zigzag (A) Zigzag |A} or Zigzag tA} Ove_edge (C) Twin N_dle SECTION 5.
SECTION 5. LEARN THE STITCHES Stitch Pattern Chart (Continued) Stitch t P_t_er_ No, aLIND HEM STITCH SHELL STITCH AUTOMATIC DARNtNG CUT-OUT WORI{ 3_ APPLIQUE Foot Othe, AttiC|z, £11nd Hem S_ilch |G} Satin (FI 8uztonhole 13} N dl_ Thread t °° 1 T0-0_0.
Stitch Pattern Chart SECTION 5. LEARN THE STITCHES Stitch P_._tern RICK-RACK STR£TCH NO, Foot 32 Zigzag {A) Satin {F) [_ Other A_tgc_t. Ne_dlo Check Char[ on p.
SECTION 5. LEARN THE STITCHES Stitch Pattern Chart (Continued) $_tCh Pattern SAND ST|TPH]NG DECORATIVE GEOMETRIC£ SHADING STITCH STRgTCH STITCH DECORATIVE I No. d2_ 54 : 55 ] 56 I m 39_ I 67 I Sa{in tF) S_t+n {Ft Sa[tn (F) Salin (F) Foot Other Attach.
Stitch Pattern Chart Sthch Patt0rn MONOGRAM Numbet_, Letters, Spar;e Rounded Keyho_o NO. 09, 68~ 98 2 3 Foot S_tin (F) SHdin 9 ButtonhoIe (J) Autonlat_c bUtIQnho_ iN) OIher Attach. SECTION 5. LEARN THE STITCHES N_ " Th,..----_ p,_,.su,o7 I .... I To_ - .
SECTION 5. LEARN THE STITCHES StrmghtStitches [] _ [], [] and _hen you Iurn on your m_chine, _t iS au_o- matmally set [o sew a stratght stitch (pattern H).
SECTION 5. LEARN THE STITCHES Topstltchirtg _t the M_¢l_in0 Thread tsnslo_ 2tog A_ Zigz_ foP| G: 131it_d It_'m stitch foot The Stitch and Its Uses TopstltChing emphasizes the lines el your garment and keeps seams and edges fiat and crisp.
SECTION 5. LEARN THE STITCHES StrmghtStitches [] _ [], [] and [] (Continued) e Position Your Needle for Topstit ehing The needle has three posftions; lotto center and rt#hr. © To position the needle to the left: !. Press the stitch width control button, 2.
SECTION 5. LEARN THE STITCHES Pintucldng _t the _*'l_chi_o Thread lens_on 2t06 The Stitch and Its Uses Pintucks are narrow tucks spaced close together to add design interest on such {terns as blouses and pillowcases. One pmtuck can term a permanent tro_t crease on knit pants.
SECTION 5, LEARN THE STITCHES Straight Stitches [] Qu]it}ng Sate the Mach{l_a [], [] and [] (Continued) f Thread t_.ns$on 21o6 D; OuJ_ter A; Zigzag font Fh Slrai_jht _;t_ch t_ol Tile Stitch and |ts Uses Quihing is stitching two layers ot tabr{c together with batting _n between to add dimension and warmth.
SECT!ON 5. LEARN THE STITCHES Gatherm9 S_t the M_¢|tine A: Z_gz_8 _oot Thread tensior_ 1 to4 / Stlt_h Le_#th: f L_ The Stitch and Its Uses Use this stitch to gather trims, skirts, sleeves at the top, smocking or any [tree you want more {ullness, Use two rows o| stitches.
SECTION 5. LEARN THE STITCHES Straight Stretch [_ ,S_t the Ma_hine Thread I_nSio_ 2106 A: Z[ff_a_ +oot H; SI_aighI stitch loot The Stitch and Its Uses This stitch +s the stretch var_at=on o+, the slratght stitch, especla[fy developed for kn_ts and stretch labrJcs, This stitch can also be used for topst_tehing.
Lock-a.Matic Seam SOt _bO Ma_hinu A: ZigZ:a_ loot ThrP._ _ensio_ 2to0 For general sewing, the lock-a-matlc stitch _s the tastest way tO SeW and secure a s_am. It tS programmed to automatically sew reverse stitches at the beglnnmg and when the reverse stit_:h button Is pressed at the end Ot a seam.
SECTION 5. LEARN THE STfTCHES Outline Stretch [] Set =he Mach_n_ 3_o6 _1_o n_edle No. _ t T_e Siitch and Its Uses This stitch pattern, a vanaIlon ol the straight stitch, is a narrow stretch slIt_:h de.
SECTION 5. LEARN THE STITCHES Saddle Stitch [] • ll the Mschine Thread len_iotl 2106 A: Zigzag iO_ G: Blind hem _lilCh fO0! The Stitch and I_s Uses The saddie stitch is formed with one Stitch forward, two _t+tches backward, and a fourth stitch forward.
SECTION 5. LEARN THE STITCHES Zi gStitches []- [], and [] Basic Zi#zag _t lhe M_ch}n_ T|_ead lensio fi 3_u8 The Stitch and Its Uses T':ne zlsZ_g stitch is one el the most common and most versatile stitches on your machine.
SECTION B. LEARN THE STITCHES e Satin Stitch _e_ the M_ch|no Thread te/_slon 3rob A: Zigzagloot F: Satinstltct_ i=;ot Pre._ufe SI_c_ Len_lh; {32 to 1.0 The Stitch and Its Uses The Satin st=tch is a versatil_ and otten used decorative stitch_ but it can also be used to overcast a raw edge {for example_ btankets, tinens, tablecIoths and napkins).
Tile Stitch and Its Uses Tl_is z_gzag variation is very osetul In garment constroctlon and m fimshing raw edges el any sewing prelect. Here's Now _. The black ridge and brush and the guide w_res on the overedge toot keep the edge neat and the fabricstralght.
SECTION 5. LEARN THESTI'ICHES o Mending 1_ Thread Ions_on 3to8 The Stitch and its Uses "t-:no mending or multiple ZigZag _s a combi- nation ZigZag and straight sf|tch. Use the mending everywhere you would use the bas=c zigzag stitch, h has more strength.
SECTION 5. LEARN THE STITCFtES zigzog st_tche, []- []. [_. [] and [] _Co,t_,ueat • OveredgeSoam Sat tim _l=_hlne Th{ead tension 3lo7 The Stitch and Its Uses This slItch pattern combines the straight and tt_e ZigZag stitches, using the overedge toot, to stitch and overcast teams m one slep.
o Kmt Stitch [] Set tho M+lCh_NB Thread _e+;sioP- 3to6 Pressuted_at: i A: Z_gzag [_ot Set the Pressure Dial to "+_+'+ so that the knit wilt retain st+ shape as you are sewing.
SECTION& LEARN THE STITCHES Stltch0s [] ~[_, ._, [] a.d [] Rick-Rack Stretch [] Set the Machine 2 to6 A: Zigzag3{oet F: Sa{t_ s_it_h Tile Stitch and its Uses Sew on stretch _abr_cs In a,rly area that you might use a Zl_]Za_] stitch.
Automatic Darning [] C_ Th_d tonsto=t 2 t_6 J-' Stiding buoonh_te _00_ Tb.e Ker_more tOO Stitch automaticall dm-ns rips and holes. Large and small holes can be mended qu_ckI¥ and easily with this unique stitch.
SECTION 5. LEARN THE STITCHES Automatic Darning [] (Continued) Darning Sina!! Rips Small rips can be repaired by pro- grarnm_ng the machine to sew shorter dDrn, Begin the firs[ row of the darn stopping the machine when you reach the bottom edge of the r_p.
SECTION 5. LEARN THE STITCHES Au tomatic Buttonholing S_z the Machi_ta £#rlack Thread tensie_ 2 to6 N: AiJtonla[_¢ buttor_hote fo_at = CGO- -GZ3 Rounded Keyhole "¢he Kenmore 100 Sthch sews three different types at buttonhole to meet every sewing need, All three buttonholes are made in she same way.
SECT{ON 5. LEARN THE STrTCHES Automatic Buttonholing (Continued) ® ® © 3. a. Select and press one of the buttonholing buttons which yo_ want to sew.
SECTION 5. LEARN THE STITCHES • Adiust the Stitch Width and Density Stitch Width; Stitch Density tn Entire Buttonhole: D ° The stitch width button controls the st=tch width.
SECTION 5. LEARN THE ST{TCHES Manual Buttonholing NOTE : Sat "ths _ Ma=hlne Th_e_d;ens:on 21o_ Do not put fin_Jer, screw driver or any other object near under the sensor when sewing buttonholes b.
SECTION 5. LEARN THE STITCHES (_ Press the memory button. The machine will automatically barrack and sew down the r,ght side. Stop the machine when you are directly opposite the first stitch On the felt hand side.
SECTION 5. LEARN THE STITCHES Corded Buttonholes Sat the M,lchinD Thread tenshon 2 Io6 J: Slidinjr b=J{to_fmfa Use this procedure when you want to achieve a tailored, mote attracuve raised buttonhole. Use filler cord let toast 15 inches of heavy thread).
Homm,.g _.d Edg._gSt.oh_ IN, []. _, [], [] _nd [] S,_! tho Machir_ [_ Thread l_n_n 2_o_ G: B_ind h_m stilch tool StiIch width: 5.0 !;il;!i:ii_!: , )iiii}!!ii_ii__;:i_!::i!!!:!_:_ ;!i;ilil;i ii;!i! ii i:i iiiiiiiii' il Hemmm_J and Edging garments, tablecloths, napkins and craft items have otten required careful hand sewing to produce a protes.
SECTION 5. LEARN THE STITCHES Hemming and Edging Stitches = Blind Hem Stitch (stretch} Set tt_a Mochln_ Th_'e_d le_sto_] 2 to6 G; B[ind h_m giJt¢.
SECTION 5, LEARN THE STITCHES e Shell Stitch [] Set th_ M_chine F: Sat+_ stlt:h foot Threa(J [et_on 6Io9 Stitch width: 4.0 to 6+0 The Stitch and Its Uses The Shell Stitch is termed by sewing a blind hem over tolded fabrLc. S_ver_f rows el shei{ stitching are called shell tucks.
SECTION 5. LEARN THE STITCHES Hemming and Edging Stitches []. [], []. _], [] and [] (Continued) = S_llop Stitch [] and [] :_.Ot the Mach[n_ 31o6 A: Zigzag lOOt The Sl:{tch and hs Uses Use this attt'act_ve scallop stllch to create scallop edges or decorate your sewing prelects, such as collars, pockets or place- mats.
SECTION 5. LEARN T_tE STITCHES * Cut-Out Work Edging and Applique _ and Set th_ Machine Threa,'[ tension 2to6 F: Satl_ stitch i_tOt Pte_s_re dlat: 2 The Stitch and Its Uses OJt-Out Work and Appli.
SECTION 5. LEARN THE STITCHES Reinforcing Stitches []. [_, [] and 3_ Q F_athor Stitch Set Zt_ MacMna Thread Ien$to_ 2to6 mleeelo_ • • _ : _e, mB° o ** :o • t_ " s B •j :,D I t • ;o°o•o _" • 0: o • i Here's How I. Sew this pattern on a seam that Is already !omed and pressed flat.
SECTION 5. LEARN THESTI£CHES e Fagoting Stitch [] Set t|_e Machine Thfea_ len,_ia r_ 3rob The Stitch and Its Uses Use this stitch tD loin tWO pieces of fabric to create an open work appearance and add design mterest. For other stitches that may be used in lagotlng, see stitch patterns _ and (p, 80).
SECTION & LEARN THE STITCHES Reinforcmg Stitches [_, [], [] and [] (Contmued) o Elastic Casmg Stitch [] Set the _,_ach_n_ (_ Thread le_ion 3t08 The Stitch and Its Use_ Use this stitch to replace bias tape casings in such areas as wr_sts and Waists.
Tw,n Needle Stitching !_, [], _, [_, [_, [], [] and [] SECTION 5. LEARN THE STITCHES Sat the _%chi_e A, Zigz#_} _oot or f:; S,_in _l*tCh _OO1 Tw_ needle burton Th;e_d tel_iot_ 3to7 Twin t_eedle Your K.
SECTION 5. LEARN THE STITCHES Decorate with Geometric Patterns [] _ [] Set the P,_achine Thread t e_sio_ 2to8 Tile Stitches and Their Uses Thet;e stitches are purely decorative. YOU can SeW On_ rUW or several or var_ the stitch width and length fur special el{eeLs.
Decorate with Stretch Stitch Patterns [] _ [] and [] _ [] SECTION 5, LEARN THE STITCHES _ _h_ M3chlne 2to6 The Stitches and Thetr Use_ Decorative stretch patterns can be used tot adding creative and p.
SECTION 5, LEARN THE STITCHES Cross Stitch [_ Set I:ha M_.c.hi_e 2_06 Tile Stitch and Its Uses You can make beautiful designs with this embroidery stitch pattern, in half the t_me _t would take if embroidered by hand.
SECTION 5, LEARN TtlE STITCHES Smocking [], _], []0 [] arid [] S_r the Machtno Tl_t _ad t_l_ion 2to6 _ o, [_ A: Zigzag foo_ F:: Sat_n s_tt_h tOOt The Stitches and Their Uses Smocking is a delicate decorative treatment for children's clothes or women's blouses, Stepl (Ito6} Slep fl (7 tO B) _side f .
SECTION 5. LEARN THE STITCHES Sand Stitch [] ,_d_l lhO Mnchin_ Thread tensiDn 2_e6 Presst_re diaI: _ or 2 F: Salin slitch fool The StiIch and Its Uses _l_i_o sand stitch fills in outlined embroidery desl_lns- :2. 3. 4. Here's How f. OuIIine lhe pattern with a Satin Stitch IN.
Shading Stitches [] and [] SECTION 5. LEARN THE STITCHES Set Ihe Macl_ine _@ T|lt i_0d fe_SlOn 2lob F: Satf_ St_l_ toot f_ressu_'e dlal: _ at 2 The Stitches and Their Uses These stitches can be used to qulckfy and neatly outline designs. Use them to anhanee appliques and create your own machine embroidered motifs.
SECTION 5. LEARN THE STITCHES Program Decorative Sutch Patterns _ _ [] etc. To program stitch pattern combine{ions, press the pattern selection buttons m the order shown. e One Cycle Stitchin_ i. Press the Auto-Lock. 2- Press Memory. t _ 3, Press thest_tch pattern.
SECTION 5, LEARN THE STITCHES e Cycle Stitchirt 9 by Pressing Mirror _mage Button Step 61 h I Test Sewing Pattern Combinations p_egtatnm_d pattarns To Start Sewing at the BeglOmng ot Your Pattern Comb.
SECTION 5, LEARN THE STITCHES Program Decorative Stitch Patterns [] _ [] etc. (Continued) e Pattern Single Umt_ {Aid to Programming) The patterns _hown In the upper panel are the units el each pattern sewn when the memory button as touched once, Each buttonhole is automa_:_cally locked at the end.
Monogramming [] _ []. [] _ [] Your machine will sew the 26 letters el the alphabel:, the per_od and Ieave a space, plus the numbers from 0 to 9. You can program entire words and sentences.
SECTION 5. LEARN THE STITCHES Adjusting Patterns If decorative .stitch patterns, letters or number.s arc uneven when you sew on a particular |abr{_, adjust them with the feed balance dial, e To Adjust Distorted Patterns Compre_;sed PalIerns: Correct by turning the 'teed balance dial toward the "+" Use the large .
SECT1ON 6. PERFORMANCE PROBLEMS CHART What to Do When PROBLEM PROBABLE CAUSE CORRECTION The machine does not work. A single digit number was programmed, Two digit number must be programmed, A number without pattern was selected. A number m the stitch package chart must be selected.
SECTrON 6. What to Do When (Continued) PROBLEM PROBABLE CAUSE CORRECTtON Monograms and buttonholes not Machine was not allowed to complete the Hold down the fOOT control until the machine h_s ident{caI. !asl tow stitches, stopped. Incorrect size needle.
SECTION 7. CARE FOR YOUR MACHINE Clean the Bobbin Holder To insu(e that ,/our machine operates at _s best, you need to keep the essential parts clean at all times. The bobbin area can attract dust and lint, Your machine can become s|uggish or knock loudly if a thread is caught.
SECTION 7, CARE FOR YOUR MACHINE Clean the Hook Race and Feed Dogs 2. 3. Unplug the machine and remove tbe presser toot and needle, Remove the bobbin cover pla+,e. Remove the screw on t|le ]e|t side of the need+e plate with the large s_rew driver from your accessory box, Remove the needle ple_e, 5.
Oiling the Machine Open iaco cover plate and oil points as shown below at leas_ once a year. One or two drops of oil is suffiment. Remove excess oik otherwise it may stmn fabrics. In case machine IS hal used |or an extended t_me, oil st before sewing.
PARTS LIST 1 10 % 11 4 12 5 / 13 % 14 % 7 % 15 8 % 16 17 19 2O 21 22 too.
All parts Iisted hereto may be ordered |ram any Sears store or set, leo center. WHEN ORDERING REPAIR PARTS, ALWAYS GIVE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: I. PART NUMBER 2.
INDEX Accessories ....................... 6 Accessory storage box .............. 5, tB Alphabet & numbers ................ 93 Appliqumng .................... 46, 79 Arm cover plate ................... 6 "Auto-Lock" pattern ............. 25, 3B Automatm buttonholing .
Parts Iist .................... t00_t0] Pattern mdicator .......... 25, 2B_29, 31 Pattern memory ................. 29"-30 Pattern reduction .................. 93 Pattern selection ................. 27_31 Pattern selection button .......... 5, 25, 28 Pe_lormance problems .
WARRANTY FULL 25-YEAR WARRANTY ON SEWING MACHINE HEAD .-= For 25 years from the date of purchase, Sears will, free of charge, repair defects m mater_al or workmanship which appear -_ m the mechanical components of the sewing machine head.
SEWING MACHINE Now that you have purchased your Kenmore Sewing Machine, should a need ever exist for repair parts or service, simply contact your nearest Sears Service Center.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Sears 385. 19601 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Sears 385. 19601 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Sears 385. 19601 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Sears 385. 19601 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Sears 385. 19601, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Sears 385. 19601.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Sears 385. 19601. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Sears 385. 19601 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.