Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto SMH6150WB del fabbricante Samsung
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Code No. : DE68-0035 6J Microwave Oven Owner’s Manual SMH6140WB/BB/CB SMH6150WB/BB/CB SMH6140WC _XAP.f m Page 1 Wednesd ay, June 16, 2004 3:54 PM.
2 S AV E T HESE I NSTRUCTIO NS Safety P RECAUTIONS TO A VOID P OSSIBLE E XPOSUR E TO E XCESSIV E M ICROWA VE E NERGY : (a) Do not att empt to operate this oven wit h the door open since open-door op eration c an resul t in harmful exposure t o micr owave energy.
3 S AV E T HESE I NSTRUCTIO NS Saf ety Important Safety I nst ructions, continued • Do n ot store th is appli ance outd oors. Do no t use near water – for exampl e, near a kit chen sink , in a wet b asement, or ne ar a swimm ing pool, etc. • Kee p the ins ide of the oven cle an.
4 S AV E T HESE I NSTRUCTIO NS Saf ety I MPORTANT G ROUNDING I NSTRUCTIONS This appli ance must be grou nded. In the ev ent of an electri cal short ci rcuit , groundin g reduc es the risk of electr ic shock by providi ng an escape wire for the electr ic current .
5 Content s Safety . ....... ...... .... ...... ....... ...... ...... ....... .... ...... ...... ....... ...... ...... .... ....... ...... .. 2 Checking Parts ............ ................ ............... ..................... ................ .......
6 Y our New Micr owa ve oven Warran ty and S ervice I nformati on To h elp us better serve you, plea se comp lete the e nclosed registratio n card an d promptly return it b y mail. If the regi stration card is miss ing, register on-line at www.sams ung-latin.
7 Y our New Micr owa ve oven Control Panel Bu ttons (SMH6140 WB/BB/CB) 1. Aut o Reh eat p.13 Selects type of d ish to be reh eated 2. Auto D efrost p.14 Sets weig ht of food to be defroste d. 3. Instant Cook Buttons p.12 Instant settin gs to coo k popula r foods.
8 Y our New Micr owa ve oven Control Panel Bu ttons (SMH61 50WB/BB/CB) 1. A uto Rehe at p.13 Selects type of d ish to be reh eated 2. Auto D efrost p.14 Sets weig ht of food to be defroste d. 3. Instant Cook Buttons p.13 Instant settin gs to coo k popula r foods.
9 Operat ion Turning on t he Power and Selec ting a Display Lang uage The firs t time yo u plug the power cord into an ou tlet, or afte r there has been an interrupti on in power, the disp lay shows after four s econds “ ENJOY YOUR COOKING -- -- -- PRESS MY CHOICE FOR PER- SONAL OPTIONS ”.
10 Operat ion Selecting the Display Weight You can choos e between pounds (LBS) and kilogram s(KG). 1 Press My Choi ce button a nd then pre ss the 2 but ton. The di splay sh ows : LBS OR KG PRESS MY CHOICE . 2 Press My Choi ce button. The di splay sh ows : LBS .
11 Operat ion Setting an d Using t he Custom Cook Button The C ustom Cook button m emorizes th e time an d power sett ing for a part icula r food . Programming the Custom Cook button 1 Pres s the Custom Cook button. Pre ss the butto n twice to del ete the pr evio us Cus tom sett ing.
12 Operat ion Using the Instant Cook Buttons 1 Pres s the Instant Cook button corre spondin g to the foo d you are cook ing (P opcorn , for ex ample ). The di splay sh ows: BUTTER 3.5 OZ 2 Press the button rep eatedly t o select the servi ng size you want.
13 Operat ion Reheat ing Automatically To rehea t food, se lect the ty pe of dis h and the number of servings y ou want to reh eat, and the micr owave autom atically sets the reheating time. 1 Press t he Auto Reheat butto n repeatedly to s elect the typ e of dish you wi sh to rehe at.
14 Operat ion Defros ting Automat ically To thaw frozen food , set the w eight of the food an d the microw ave aut o- matic ally sets th e defrosti ng time, p ower level an d standin g time. 1 Pres s the Auto Defrost button. The di splay sh ows : 0.5 LB (0.
15 Operat ion Using the Kids Meal Button 1 Pres s the Kids Meal butt on correspond ing to the food you are cookin g. The di splay sh ows : CHIC KEN N UGG ETS . Pres s the Kids Meal butt on repeated ly to se lect the i tem you want.(Refer to the Kids Me al Chart bel ow) 2 Press the Number 1 or 2 button to selec t the servin g size you want.
16 Operat ion Setting Co oking Times & Power Lev els Your mi crowave al lows you to set u p to three different stages o f cookin g, each w ith its own time le ngth and p ower lev el. The p ower level lets you control the heating i ntensity from Warm (1) t o High (0).
17 Operat ion Turning th e Turnta ble On/Off For be st coo king re sults , leav e the tur ntabl e on. It can b e turned o ff for large dishes. Press Tu rntable On/Off b utton to tu rn the turnta ble on or off. Sometime s the turntable can become too hot to touc h.
18 Operat ion How to Use t he Shelf When Microw aving Shelf Inf ormation : 1 Shelf 1 P osition(Flat T ype) • Make sure the shelf is posit ioned prop erly inside the microwav e to pr event damag e to the ov en from arc ing. • Do no t use a micr owave b row ning dis h on the she lf.
19 Cookin g Instructions Cook ing Uten sils Recommended Use • Glass a nd glass-ce ramic bo wls and dis hes — Use fo r heating or cooki ng. • Microwa vable browning di sh — Use to brown the ext erior of small items such as steaks, chops, or panca kes.
20 Cookin g Instructions Cook ing Tech niqu es Stirring Stir foo ds such as casse roles and ve getables w hile cookin g to distribut e heat ev enly. Foo d at the ou tside of t he dish a bsorbs more energy an d heats m ore quic kly, so stir from th e outside to the cente r.
21 Cookin g Instructions Cook ing Guid e Guide for Cooking Meat i n Your Microwave • Place meat on a microwa ve-safe ro asting rac k in a mic rowave-safe dish. • Start meat fat-s ide down. U se narrow s trips of alum inum foil to shield any bon e tips or thin meat areas.
22 Cookin g Instructions Guide for Cooking Seafood in Your Microwave • Cook fish u ntil it flake s easily wit h a fork. • Place fish on a microw ave-saf e roasting rac k in a m icrowave-safe dish. • Use a tight cover to s team fis h. A lighte r cover of wax pap er or paper towel provides less st eaming.
23 Cookin g Instructions Auto Defrosting Guide • Follow the instructi ons belo w when d efrosting dif ferent t ypes of food. Notes: Check foo ds when the oven signals. Afte r the final stage , small sec tions may sti ll be icy ; let them stand to continue thawing .
24 Cookin g Instructions Recipes Beef an d Barley St ew 1½ lbs . beef ste w cubes, c ut into ½ -inch pie ces ½ cup chopped o nion 2 Tbs. all-p urpose flour 1 Tbs W orcesters hire sauce 1 can (1 3.75-14.5 oz.) beef b roth 2 medi um carrots , cut into ½ -inch sli ces (about 1 cup) ½ cup barley 1 bay leaf ¼ tsp.
25 Cookin g Instructions Warm Potato Salad 2 lbs. small red potatoes , cut into ½-inch piec es 4 slic es baco n (uncook ed), cut in to ½-inch pieces ¼ cup chopped o nion 2 tsp. sugar 1 tsp. s alt 1 tsp. f lour ½ tsp. celery s eed 1 / 8 tsp. pepper 2½ Tbs .
26 Appendix Trouble shooting Guide Before y ou call a repair person for your oven, chec k this l ist of pos sible prob lems and solu tions. Neither the o ven’ s displa y nor the o ven operate. • Properly ins ert the pl ug into a g rounded ou tlet.
27 Appendix How to Clean the Outside Do no t use cleane rs con taining a mmonia or a lcohol on the mic rowave oven. Am monia o r alcohol can dam age the ap pearance of the micro- wave. Case Clean the outs ide of the microwave with a sud sy cloth. R inse an d then dry.
28 Appendix Exhaust Feature The V ent F an The exh aust fan has 2 metal reusab le grease filter. A charc oal filter can be us ed for remo ving sm oke and o dors in c ase the fan is not vented outside . Reusable Grease Fi lters The me tal filt ers trap greas e release d by foods o n the cook top.
29 Appendix Install ing Char coal Fil ter To ins tall a new fi lter, re move pla stic and oth er outer w rapping fro m the new f ilter. Insert th e filter into the top openin g of the ov en as show n. It will rest at an angl e on 2 side support ta bs and in f ront of the rig ht rear tab.
30 Guía Rápida Memo F unció n Operaci ón Ajuste de Reloj 1. Presione CLOCK. 2. Para selec cionar AM o PM, pres ione CLOCK. 3. Use bot ones numéric os para s elecciona r hora. 4. Presione CL OCK de n uevo. Cocinado F ase simpl e 1. Use bot ones numéric os para s elecciona r tiempo.
Quick Reference Feature Operation Set Clock 1. Press CLOCK. 2. To select AM or PM, press CLOC K. 3. Use numbe r buttons to enter the current time. 4. Press CLOCK again. One Stag e Cooking 1. Use numbe r butto ns to set coo king tim e. 2. Set powe r level or leave at Hi gh.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Samsung SMH6150WB è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Samsung SMH6150WB - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Samsung SMH6150WB imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Samsung SMH6150WB ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Samsung SMH6150WB, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Samsung SMH6150WB.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Samsung SMH6150WB. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Samsung SMH6150WB insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.