Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto SHR-8080 del fabbricante Samsung
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8 C h a n n e l / 1 6 C h a n n e l D V R User’ s Manual SHR-7080/7082/7160/7162 SHR-8080/8082/8160/8162 imagine the possibilities Thanks you for purchasing this Samsung product. T o receive a more complete service, please register your product at www .
2_ overview over view FEA TURES Thi s DVR (Dig ital Video Rec ord er) e mplo ys MP EG-4 vide o enc oding for 8 or 16 c hann els o f cam era input and G.72 3 aud io en codin g fo r 16 chann els, and suppo rts simul taneo us h ard disc re cor ding and playb ack.
English _3 ! OVERVIEW IMPORT ANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS Read these operating instructions carefully befor e using the unit. Follow all the safety instructions listed below . Keep these operating instructions handy for future r eference. Read these instructions.
4_ overview over view BEFORE ST ART Thi s use r’ s man ual pro vides Info rmat ion f or us ing DVR s uch a s br ief i ntr oduct ion, part name s, f uncti ons, conn ectio n to other equi pmen t, me nu se tup, and the l ike. Y ou have to k eep i n min d th e fol lowin g no tices : SEC re tains the copy right on this manua l.
English _5 ! OVERVIEW Standards Appr ovals Thi s equ ipmen t ha s bee n tes ted and f ound to co mply with the limit s for a C lass A digi tal d evice , pur suant to part 15 of the F CC Ru les.
6_ overview over view CONTENTS OVERVIEW 2 2 Features 3 Important Safety Instructions 4 Before Start 6 Contents 8 Part Names and Functions (Front) 10 Part Names and Functions (Rear) 12 Remote Control I.
English _7 ! OVERVIEW WEB VIEWER 68 68 Introducing W eb Viewer 69 Connecting Web Viewer 71 Using Live Viewer 77 Using Search Viewer 81 Viewer Setup 91 About BACKUP VIEWER 92 92 SEC Backup Viewer APPEN.
8_ overview over view P ART NAMES AND FUNCTIONS (FRONT) 708 0/808 0 1 3 4 7 10 6 5 2 8 716 0/816 0 1 3 4 7 6 5 2 8 10 1 3 4 7 10 6 5 2 9 8 708 2/808 2 1 3 4 7 6 5 2 9 8 10 716 2/816 2 00769B_SHR-8162_ENG-NEW.
English _9 ! OVERVIEW Par t Nam es Fun ction s LED Indi cator ALA RM : L ights on when an ev ent occur s. HDD : Dis plays the norma l ac cess to HD D. Upo n acc ess t o HD D, LED repe ats o n an d off . NET WORK : Disp lays both netw ork c onne ction and data tran sfer statu s.
10_ overview over view P ART NAMES AND FUNCTIONS (REAR) 708 0/708 2 Rea r 716 0/716 2 Rea r 808 0/808 2 Rea r 816 0/816 2 Rea r 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 4 1 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 4 1 3 1 3 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 4 1 3 1 3 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 4 1 3 00769B_SHR-8162_ENG-NEW.
English _11 ! OVERVIEW Par t Nam es Fun ction s VID EO OU T Com posit e Vide o Si gnal Outpu t Po rt (B NC ty pe c onnec tor). AUD IO OU T Aud io Si gnal Outp ut Po rt (R CA j ack).
12_ overview over view REMOTE CONTROL DVR A vaila ble a fter swit ching to DVR m ode b y pr ess ing t he [ D VR ] butto n on the rem ote c ontr ol. Using the numeric buttons CHA NNEL 1–9 Pre ss ea ch bu tton betw een 1 to 9. CHA NNEL 10 Pre ss th e [ + 1 0 ] b utton first , the n pre ss th e 0 butto n aga in wi thin 3 se conds .
English _13 ! OVERVIEW MONITOR A vaila ble a fter swit ching to Monit or mo de b y pr essi ng th e [ M ONITO R ] bu tton on t he r emot e co ntr ol. Using the Numeric buttons CHA NNEL 1–9 Pre ss an y but ton a mong 1 to 9.
14_ installation installation Please be noticed with the followings before you use the product. Do not u se th e pr odu ct ou tdoo r . Do not s pill wate r or liqui d in the conne ctio n par t of the pro duct. Do not i mpose the syst em to exc essiv e sho ck o r for ce.
English _15 ! INST ALLA TION RACK INST ALLA TION Loo sen t he sc re ws on both sid es (4 scr ews on e ach s ide) and insta ll the Brac ket-R ack as sh own i n th e fi gur e, and t hen faste n the scr ews on both sides (4 scr ews o n ea ch si de). Fix the screw s no t to be lo osen ed by vibr ation s.
16_ installation installation Adding a HDD Mak e sur e to unpl ug th e pow er c ord f rom t he w all o utlet befo re p rocee ding with the insta llati on.
English _17 ! INST ALLA TION Whe n the inst alla tion of ad diti onal HDDs is d one, ins ert t he lo wer and u pper brac kets into the DVR and fi x th em wi th th e pr ovi ded s cre ws.
18_ installation installation Ins tall a HDD (x1 ) on the l ower brac ket a nd fi x it w ith scr ews . Ins tall HDDs (x3) on t he up per brack et an d fi x t hem wit h scr ews . Whe n the inst alla tion of ad diti onal HDDs is d one, ins ert t he lo wer and u pper brac kets into the DVR and fi x th em wi th th e pr ovi ded s cre ws.
English _19 ! CONNECTING WITH OTHER DEVICE connecting with other device The foll owing figur es a re ba sed o n Mo del S HR-81 62. CONNECTING THE VIDEO, AUDIO, AND MONITOR CONNECTING THE NETWORK Conn.
20_ connecting with other device connecting with other device Connecting to Internet through ADSL CONNECTING THE USB The re are two USB ports at t he f ron t and one at t he ba ck of the pr oduct . Y ou can c onne ct a USB H DD, USB C D/DVD pla yer , USB memor y or mous e to the USB p ort.
English _21 ! CONNECTING WITH OTHER DEVICE CONNECTING POS DEVICE Y ou can c onne ct a POS d evic e to the R S-23 2C po rt on the pr oduct ’ s re ar si de w hen y ou co nnec t it dir ectl y wit h a R S-232 C cab le.
22_ connecting with other device connecting with other device CONNECTING THE RS-485 DEVICE Con nect the R S-48 5 dev ice t hr ough the b ack port. For exam ple, y ou c an co nnect and cont rol t he P TZ cam era w hich supp orts the R S-48 5 com munic ation .
English _23 ! LIVE live GETTING ST ARTED Starting the system Con nect the p ower cabl e of the DVR t o the wal l out let. Pr ess the P ower butt on on the fr ont p anel. Y ou will see the i nitia liza tion scr een. The init ializ atio n pr oces s wi ll la st ab out 1 min ute i n th e or der of ic ons appea red .
24_ live live Login T o ac cess a DVR or res trict ed me nu, you s hould hav e log ged i n to the DVR. In live mode, rig ht-cl ick a ny a rea of t he s cre en. Y ou will see the c ontex t se nsiti ve me nu a s in the r ight fi gur e. Cli ck < L ogin > .
English _25 ! LIVE LIVE SCREEN CONFIGURA TION Icons on the Live Screen Y ou can c heck the statu s or oper ation of the D VR wi th t he ic ons o n th e liv e scr ee n. Nam e Descr iptio n Cur rent Date , T ime Dis plays the curre nt t ime a nd da te. Log in In format ion Whe n you are logge d in , the “ LOG O N ” ic on wi ll be dis playe d.
26_ live live Error Information If you t urn on the syste m in the condi tion that the inte rnal HD D is not conne cted or a n err or occu rs, t he “HD D F A IL” i con ( ) will be di spla yed o n the top left corne r .
English _27 ! LIVE Men u Descr iptio n Sce ne Mo de Ref er to “ Live Mod e ”. (P age 2 9) SPO T OUT Refe r to “ SPO T O UT ”. ( Page 31) Aud io On /Off Refe r to “ Audi o ON/ OFF ” . (Pag e 32) Fre eze Re fer t o “ Fr eeze ” . (Pag e 32 ) Sto p Alarm S tops the alarm out put a nd th e ev ent m onito ring .
28_ live live View the Launcher Menu Y ou can u se t he La unche r me nu ap peari ng o n the bott om o f the live scr een to a ccess it. In Live mode, rig ht-cl ick t o di splay the cont ext m enu a nd sel ect < Launc her Show > . Mov e the curs or t o the bott om a nd cl ick a des ire d ite m in the Laun cher menu .
English _29 ! LIVE LIVE MODE SHR -7160 /7162 /816 0/816 2 dis play Live imag es f rom 16 c hann els i n a t otal of 8 layo ut o f spl it sc ree ns. Switching the screen mode T o sw itch the s plit mode , sel ect a scr een mode in the l aunch er m enu, or ri ght- click to s elec t a s cre en mo de i n the cont ext m enu.
30_ live live Manual Switching Pr ess the l eft/ right butt on o n the fr ont p anel or t he r emot e co ntr ol, o r cl ick t he ar row < _ / + > k ey to move to the next spli t mo de.
English _31 ! LIVE Switching to Single Mode In a spl it mo de, selec t and dou ble-c lick a de sir ed ch anne l to switc h to its Singl e mo de. Pr ess the n umbe r cor res pondi ng t o a d esir ed c hann el on the fr ont p anel or t he r emot e con tr ol to swit ch t o its Sin gle m ode.
32_ live live ZOOM Thi s is avail able only in S ingl e Liv e mod e. I n Sin gle m ode, sele ct a desi red ar ea an d us e the Zoom fun ction to enl arge it tw ice. Sel ect < ZOOM > in the r ight- clic k men u. Pr ess the [ ZOOM ] but ton o n th e fr ont panel or the r emo te co ntr ol, or si mply clic k < > in th e lau nche r men u.
English _33 ! LIVE EVENT MONITORING Thi s wil l dis play the chann el i n syn c wit h a speci fic ev ent (Sens or/Mo tion /Video Los s) if it o ccur s. In “ Moni tor > E vent Disp lay ”, set the event mon itori ng to ON/ OFF a nd sp ecif y the even t di splay time .
34_ using the DVR using the DVR Y ou can setup the system properties, devices, and options for recording, event, backup and network. SYSTEM SETUP Y ou can s etup Date /Time/L angua ge, Permi ssion , Sy stem Pro perti es a nd Lo g.
English _35 ● USING THE DVR - Time S erve r: En ter a n IP or U RL ad dre ss o f the time ser ver . - Las t Syn c Time: Disp lays the most rec ent synch ron izat ion tim e fr om t he s elect ed ti me s erver . - Act ivate as S erve r: Se t to < Use > to allow the DVR to ac t as a Time Serve r for oth er DV Rs.
36_ using the DVR using the DVR Permission Management Y ou can s et p ermis sions of each user over the DVR's spe cifi c f uncti on an d se tting s. Setting the Administrator Y ou can s et a nd ch ange Admi nistr ator’ s ID a nd pa sswor d. The admi nistr ator can use a nd s et al l men u it ems a nd fu ncti ons.
English _37 ● USING THE DVR Setting the Group Y ou can c re ate a user gr oup, and setup per missi ons o f a user gro up. Y ou can r eg ister a us er f or ea ch gr oup in < User >.
38_ using the DVR using the DVR Setting Permissions Y ou can s et r est ricte d ac cess for a ll g enera l use rs. Ite ms wi th r est ricti ons w ill req uir e log ging in f or us e.
English _39 ● USING THE DVR Upd ating the Soft ware Con nect a dev ice stori ng th e so ftwar e t o be upda ted. (It may take abou t 10 secon ds t o r ecogn ize the d evice .) Y o u can use a US B mem ory or CD/D VD fo r upd ating . Sel ect < Syste m Ma nagem ent > fr om < S ystem > wi ndow .
40_ using the DVR using the DVR Settings Y ou can c opy and i mport the DVR setti ngs by us ing a sto rage media . Usin g the mous e may help easy setup . Use the up/do wn b utton s ( ▲▼ ) i n < Sy stem > win dow t o mov e to < Syst em M anage ment > , an d pr ess [ ENT ER ] but ton.
English _41 ● USING THE DVR Event Log Eve nt lo g sho ws r eco rde d eve nts on al arms, mot ion d etect ions and video los s. It also shows the log and i ts t imest amp.
42_ using the DVR using the DVR Aud io - If set t o < ON >, y ou ca n turn the audio of the c hanne l ON /OFF on th e Li ve sc ree n. - If set t o < OF F >, the c hanne l’ s aud io i s of f on the Live scr een and not r eco rde d. Aud io ou tput is av ailab le fo r on ly 1 c hann el.
English _43 ● USING THE DVR Storage Device Y ou can c heck info rmati on o n sto rage devi ces. Confi rming Devices Y ou can c heck stor age d evic es an d the ir f ree spac e, u sage as we ll a s sta tus. Dev ices avail able ar e HDD , an d USB devi ces (memo ry , H DD, C D/DVD ).
44_ using the DVR using the DVR Sel ect < Forma t > o n the bott om o f the scr een . Pr ess < OK > on t he “ M anage ” co nfi rmat ion w indow wil l sta rt fo rmatt ing the s elect ed d evice . Whe n the form atti ng is done , pr ess < OK > .
English _45 ● USING THE DVR Remote Devices Y ou can s et t he RS -485 comm unica tion for use o f PTZ Cam era a nd sy stem keyb oar d wi th th e DVR . Usin g the mous e may help easy setup . Use the up/do wn b utton s ( ▲▼ ) i n < De vice > win dow t o mov e to < Remo te D evice >, an d pr ess [ ENT ER ] butto n.
46_ using the DVR using the DVR CH : Sel ect t he c amera to b e sy nchr oniz ed t o the POS dev ice. If selec ted a cha nnel input fi eld , “ Syn c Cha nnel Setu p ” win dow appe ars. One POS devic e an d be synch roni zed u p to 16 c amera s (ch annel s), an d a chann el ca n no t be synch roni zed t o mul tipl e POS dev ices.
English _47 ● USING THE DVR Setting the SPOT OUT Y ou can s et t he DV R to outp ut in forma tion / vi deo a part fr om th e mo nitor out. Usin g the mous e may help easy setup . Use the up/do wn b utton s ( ▲▼ ) i n < De vice > win dow t o mov e to < Moni tor > , and pr ess [ ENTE R ] bu tton .
48_ using the DVR using the DVR SETTING THE RECORDING Y ou can s etup sche duled r ecor ding , eve nt r eco rdi ng an d ot her r eco rdi ng r ela ted s ettin gs. Recording Schedule Mak e you r r eser vatio n on a da te an d tim e to sche dule the rec ord ing o n spe cifi ed time .
English _49 ● USING THE DVR Recording Color T ags Col or Func tion Des cript ion Whi te No Re cor ding No s chedu le / even t r ecor din g Ora nge Con tinuo us S ched uled rec ord ing only Blu e E v.
50_ using the DVR using the DVR Setting Event Recording Pr operties Y ou can s et e ach c hanne l’ s r esol ution , qua lity and IPS f or e vent rec ord ings .
English _51 ● USING THE DVR Dis k End Mode : I f sel ected < Ov erwri te >, re cor ding will cont inue despi te t he HD D ful l wh ile o verwr itin g the old est. If selec ted < Stop >, th e r ecor din g wil l sto p wh en th e HDD is full.
52_ using the DVR using the DVR Ala rm : Sets the alarm outp ut m ethod . For furt her i nform ation on alarm outp ut, r efer to “ HD D Ala rm > Ala rm ”. (P age 4 4) Dur ation : Se ts t he du ratio n of alar m sig nal and a larm sou nd. Whe n the sens or d etect ion s etup is d one, pr ess < OK >.
English _53 ● USING THE DVR Video Loss Detection Y ou can s et t he al arm t o be gene rated on a cam era d isco nnect ion, whic h cau ses a vid eo lo ss. Usin g the mous e may help easy setup . Use the up/do wn b utton s ( ▲▼ ) i n < Ev ent > wind ow to mov e to < Video Los s Det ectio n >, and p res s [ E NTER ] but ton.
54_ using the DVR using the DVR BACKUP Y ou can c heck the backu p de vice and s et t he ba ckup sche dule by ch anne l or by ti me. The pr oduct onl y sup ports ext ernal H DD of USB memo ry/DV D an d USB /SA T A type . (Pa ge 96 ) Setting the Backup Y ou can b acku p the desi re d dat a to a co nnect ed de vice .
English _55 ● USING THE DVR Whe n the back up s etup is do ne, pre ss < O K >. If no av ailab le de vice is r ecogn ized for b acku p, < OK > but ton is no t act ivate d.
56_ using the DVR using the DVR IP , G atewa y , Su bnet Mask, and DNS - For < Stat ic IP > : Y ou ca n di rec tly i nput IP a ddr ess, Gat eway , Sub net M ask and D NS. - For < Dyna mic I P > : IP a ddr ess, Gate way , and Subne t Mas k ar e se t au tomat icall y .
English _57 ● USING THE DVR DDNS Y ou can s et t he DD NS si te f or a rem ote user’ s netwo rk co nnec tion. Usin g the mous e may help easy setup . Use the up/do wn b utton s ( ▲▼ ) i n < Ne twork > wi ndow to mov e to < DDNS >, a nd pr ess [ EN TER ] butto n.
58_ using the DVR using the DVR When a router is used T o avo id IP add ress confl i ct wi th th e DV R's s tatic IP , check foll owing s: Set ting the D VR w ith a stat ic I P - I nternet conn .
English _59 ● USING THE DVR DDNS Setting DDN S is a sho rt f orm o f Dyn amic Doma in Na ming Syst em. DNS (Dom ain N ame Syste m) is a s ervic e tha t r oute s a d omai n nam e con sist ing o f use r fr iendl y cha ract ers (ex : www .goo gle.c om) t o an IP a ddr ess c onsi sting of n umbe rs (6 4.
60_ using the DVR using the DVR Mailing Service Y ou can s end an e- mail to a DVR- reg iste red user at a spe cifi c t ime i nterv al, or if an e vent occu rs.
English _61 ● USING THE DVR Group Setting Y ou can s et t he gr oup to whom the e -mai l is sent, and spec ify t he p ermis sion for each gro up. Y ou can a dd r eci pient s fo r eac h gr oup in t he < R ecipi ent > menu item . The re cipie nt i s set sepa rate ly fr om the D VR u ser g rou p.
62_ using the DVR using the DVR CONTROLLING A PTZ DEVICE The DVR enabl es y ou to adju st t he se tting s of a PT Z cam era as we ll as an ord inary one to y our p ref ere nce. PTZ Device The PTZ devic e ca n be activ ated only if a cha nnel in co nnec tion with the PTZ c amera is selec ted.
English _63 ● USING THE DVR Preset Setting A p res et is a s et of spec ifi c ta rget poin ts of a P TZ ca mera, and up t o 20 pre sets per a cam era can b e sto re d. Usin g the mous e may help easy setup . In PTZ C ontr ol mode, use the dir ectio n but tons to a djust the came ra in a d esir ed d ire ctio n.
64_ search & play search & play SEARCH Y ou can p erfo rm th e sea rc h for re cor ded d ata by th e tim e or by t he sea rch crit eria such as a n ev ent. Y ou can a cces s the < Sea rc h > me nu di rec tly in Li ve mo de. In Live mode, rig ht-cl ick a ny a rea of t he s cre en.
English _65 ● SEARCH & PLA Y Zoo m Out : Th e ma p enl arges in detai l. It will switc h in the seque nce of 24 hour s-4 hours -1 h our -5 min utes. Zoo m In : The map will swit ch i n the re vers e or der of th e det ailed mode abo ve. It will switc h in the seque nce of 5 minut es-1 hour -4 h ours - 24 hours .
66_ search & play search & play POS Search Y ou can s ear ch f or da ta i n the POS devi ce th at is con necte d to the DVR. Y ou ca n use the mouse to se lect the r ela ted it ems. Sel ect < POS S ear ch > in th e < S ear ch > m enu.
English _67 ● SEARCH & PLA Y PLA YBACK Play Y ou can p lay data stor ed in th e HDD and back up a desi red port ion o f th e dat a. Usin g the mous e may help easy setup .
68_ web viewer web viewer INTRODUCING WEB VIEWER What is Web Viewer? W eb Vie wer allow s r emote acc ess t o you r DV Rs. Y ou h ave acc ess t o liv e vi deo, arc hive d vid eo, P TZ c ontr ol ( if co nfigu red ), etc .
English _69 ! WEB VIEWER CONNECTING WEB VIEWER Ope n you r web br owse r and typ e the IP a ddr ess or UR L of DVR i nto t he U RL ad dre ss b ox. The basi c URL of the D VR is as follo wing in ca se o f MAC add ress: 00- 00-F0 -ab-c d-ef : nabc def. websa msung .
70_ web viewer web viewer Cli ck < I nstal l >. Y ou may h ave “ Wind ows S ecur ity A lert ” tha t att empts to blo ck th is wi th t he Wind ows F ire wall. In that case, cli ck < Un block > to star t W eb Vi ewer . Ins talla tion is c omple te.
English _71 ! WEB VIEWER USING LIVE VIEWER The Live View er sc ree n co nsist s of foll owing : This displ ays the I P add res s an d the mode l na me of the conn ected DVR. These menu s co nsist of < LIVE >, < S EARCH >, < SETUP >, < A BOUT >.
72_ web viewer web viewer OSD INFORMA TION DISPLA Y The c hanne l num ber , vid eo si ze, a nd I P add res s of the conne cted DVR ar e dis play ed. The c urr ent d ate a nd t ime o f the DVR ar e dis play ed. Alarm icon appe ars when alarm is issue d.
English _73 ! WEB VIEWER CONNECTED DVR Thi s dis plays the IP a ddr ess and t he st atus of t he co nnec ting DVR. Con necti on fa ilur e mes sage No Respo nse : A ppear s wh en th e DVR doe s not resp ond. Col lisio n : App ears when Admin mod e is alrea dy i n use or s imul taneo us acc ess t o the sam e DVR from ano ther PC.
74_ web viewer web viewer NEX T : Wh en th is b utton is c lick ed, t he ne xt s cre en ap pear s. In SINGL E MOD E, t he ch annel num bers are seq uenti ally swit ched fro m 1 t o 16 . In QUAD MODE, the scr eens ar e ch anged like 1st 4 ch annel s (1 ~4) 2nd 4 ch annel s (5~ 8) 3r d 4 c hanne ls (9 ~12) 4t h 4 c hann els ( 13~16 ).
English _75 ! WEB VIEWER REC ORD : Saves the curr ent ima ge on the scr een and sav es it as a avi vide o fi le. T o rec ord it, it is r equi red a t lea st 1G B of avail able spac e. The defa ult s aving path is “ C:Pr ogram File sSa msung Dvr W eb Vie werV ideo Clip Live” .
76_ web viewer web viewer MEN U : Ap pears the came ra me nu s cre en. PRE SET : Moves the lens dir ect ion t o a p res et d ire ction . If you c lick a pr ese t, th e ca mera moves to the s elect ed pr eset 's po siti on. Y ou can d elet e the sele cted pr eset or a ll pr ese ts.
English _77 ! WEB VIEWER USING SEARCH VIEWER The Sear ch Viewe r scr een con sists of f ollo wing: This d ispl ays t he IP add res s and the mode l nam e of the conne cted DVR. These menu s con sist of < LIVE > , < SE ARCH >, < S ETUP > , < A BOUT > .
78_ web viewer web viewer SPLIT -SCREEN Y ou can c hang e the spli t mo de by clic king each numb er i con. Cli ck < > bu tton. The scr een disp lays the s elec ted c amera con necte d to the DVR i n “ SI NGLE MODE ” . Cli ck < > bu tton.
English _79 ! WEB VIEWER SA VING THE LIVE SCREEN ON THE PC CAP TURE : Save s th e cur ren t sc ree n int o a B MP o r JPE G fi le. The defa ult s aving path is “ C:Pr ogram File sSa msung Dvr W eb Vie werS napSh otSe arch ”. T o cha nge t he sa ving path, cli ck < S AV E P A TH ( ) > but ton a nd t hen s elect the path you want .
80_ web viewer web viewer SEARCHING THE RECORDED VIDEO IN THE CALENDAR If the v ideo data has been re cor ded o n a d ate, the date is dis tingu ished in gre en. I f yo u cli ck t he da te, the r eco rde d vi deo inf ormat ion i s di splay ed in the time line .
English _81 ! WEB VIEWER CONTROLLING PLA YBACK Fas t Bac kwar d : Rever se-pl ays faste r(2x) . Rev erse Play : Per forms Reve rse Play . Pla y : Pe rform s pl aybac k. Fas t For war d : P lays faste r(2x ). Go to Fi rst : Move s the begi nnin g tim e of re cor ded v ideo in t he ti me li ne.
82_ web viewer web viewer Tim e Syn chron izat ion S etup Set the time sync hro nizat ion. Dis play Dat e For mat : Set the date type . Time : Sel ect a time for mat t o dis play on t he sc ree n. DST (Day light Sav ing T ime) DST is d ispla yed an ho ur ah ead of th e sta ndar d t ime o f th e tim e zon e.
English _83 ! WEB VIEWER Gr oup Use rs ar e c lass ifi ed i nto g rou ps an d th e per missi on c an be set acco rdi ng t o the gr oup. Fir st of all, add a grou p. Use r Y ou can a dd, chang e or re move a use r or user s. Set up Y ou can s et t he us er pe rmis sion.
84_ web viewer web viewer Device Y ou can c heck a li st of dev ices that ar e con necte d to the DVR a nd c onfi gur e t he ne cessa ry s ettin gs. Cli ck < D evice > in the menu scr een. For mor e in form ation , r efer to < Devic e Set up >.
English _85 ! WEB VIEWER HDD Alar m Y ou can s et t he al arm o utpu t cha nnel and the a larm dura tion for an e rro r . Remote Device Y ou can s ee a list of r em ote d evice s in cludi ng PT Z ca meras and syst em ke yboa rds that ar e co nnect ed to the RS-4 85 po rt of the D VR an d co nfi gur e th e nec essa ry se tting s.
86_ web viewer web viewer SPO T OUT The re giste red use r can view the even t scr een for the durat ion set in < Event Dis play Time > if an ev ent o ccur s fr om t he app rop riate cha nnel. Mod e Y ou can s witc h bet ween live mode and play mode .
English _87 ! WEB VIEWER Event Record Duration Y ou can s et t he st art a nd e nd ti mes o f r ecor din g tha t wi ll be act ivate d if an e vent occur s. REC Quality & Resolution Sta ndar d/Ev ent Y ou can s et t he r esol utio n, fr ame r ate and r eco rdi ng qu alit y for eac h cha nnel.
88_ web viewer web viewer Motion Detection Y ou can s et t he mo tion dete ction mode and the sensi tivi ty as well as th e al arm o utput typ e and the dura tion. Mot ion A rea Set the targe t mo tion detec tion ar ea Video Loss Detection Y ou can s et t he al arm o utpu t tim e if a vi deo l oss o ccur s.
English _89 ! WEB VIEWER Network For mor e in form ation , r efer to < Netwo rk Co nfi gur atio n >. ( Page 55) Connection A r emo te us er c an ac cess the DVR v ia th e ne twork to c heck the curr ent mod e and the IP a ddr ess. Con necti on Y ou can s et t he ne twork con necti on r out e.
90_ web viewer web viewer Mailing Service Y ou can s peci fy th e SMT P se rver that send s a m ail i f an even t occ urs and s et th e r ecip ient gro up a nd us ers. SMT P Y ou can s et t he se rver that send s mai ls a nd sp ecify if you u se the auth entic atio n pr oces s.
English _91 ! WEB VIEWER ABOUT Cli ck < A BOUT > . Dis plays the mode l nam e of conn ected DVR and the v ersio n of Web View er . 00769B_SHR-8162_ENG-NEW.
92_ backup viewer backup viewer SEC BACKUP VIEWER Y ou can p lay a fi le that is ba cked up i n the for mat o f SEC . Bac kup i n the for mat o f SEC wil l inv olve in g enera ting two fi le s: on e for the back up da ta a nd on e for the view er .
English _93 ! BACKUP VIEWER Nam e Descr iptio n Aud io / A t oggle butt on. Ea ch t ime y ou pr ess this butto n, th e aud io ou tput will togg le bet ween activ ated and deact ivate d. Y o u can adju st t he vo lume leve l fro m 0 t o 10 0. Scr een Print out Save s th e cur rent scre en as an i mage file.
94_ appendix appendix PRODUCT SPECIFICA TION Ite m Det ails No te Ope ratin g Sys tem Emb edded OS Bro adcas t For mat NTSC/ P AL S ystem Inp ut V oltag e AC 100~2 30V ( P AL) AC 110~2 20V ( NTSC ) Pow er Co nsump tion SHR -816x : 60W SHR -808x : 56W SHR -7xxx : 55W Vid eo Vid eo In Com posit e 16( 8) C hanne l - 1 .
English _95 ! APPENDIX Ite m Det ails No te Rec ord Com press ion Met hod Vid eo : M PEG4 Aud io : G .723 Res oluti on & Qual ity Res oluti on Spe c.
96_ appendix appendix Ite m Det ails No te Play Dis play Mode Si ngle /4-/9 -/13 -/16- split s Play Mod e Play ,Pau se,St op,2 xDigi tal Z oom Fas t For ward/ Fast Reve rse - 2 x, 4x, 8x,16 x, 32 x, 6.
English _97 ! APPENDIX PRODUCT OVERVIEW SHR -8162 ~ 00769B_SHR-8162_ENG-NEW.indb 97 2008-12-04 오전 10:17:18.
98_ appendix appendix DEF AUL T SETTING Thi s r eturns the facto ry de faul t set tings . The sett ings ar e mad e as foll ows; Use Syst em/Lo ad F actor y Def ault in M ENU In Live mode, pr ess and h old down [ MODE ] an d the n [ PT Z ] o n the fr ont p anel for 6 sec onds to r ese t the set tings .
English _99 ! APPENDIX Cat egory Det ails Fac tory Defau lt Dev ice POS Devi ce OFF Mon itor Mon itor Dis play Al l Swi tch t o Spl it S creen 5 sec VGA 8 00x60 0 HDM I 480p SPO T OUT SPO T OUT 1 CH1 .
100_ appendix appendix Cat egory Det ails Fac tory Defau lt Net work Con necti on Mo de Con necti on Con necti on Mo de Static IP Ban dwidt h 2Mbps IP 19 2.
English _101 ! APPENDIX TROUBLESHOOTING Sym ptom Co unterm easu res The syst em do es n ot tu rn on and the indic ator on t he fro nt pa nel d oes not w ork a t all . C heck if th e po wer s upply syst em i s pro perly conn ecte d. C heck the s yste m for the input vol tage from the p ower sour ce.
102_ appendix appendix Sym ptom Co unterm easu res A m essag e of “ Need to r eset date/ time. ” Is displ ayed on the s creen . Thi s me ssage is d ispla yed i f th ere o ccurs a p roble m wit h th e tim e set ting of th e in terna l clo ck o r an error in the c lock itse lf.
English _103 ! APPENDIX OPEN SOURCE LICENSE REPORT ON THE PRODUCT This product uses softwar e provided under the name of GPL and LGPL. Y ou can receive the following GPL and LGPL source codes by email r equest to www .
104_ appendix Program is not r estricted, and the output from the Program is cover ed only if its contents constitute a work based on the Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
English _105 ! APPENDIX not have their licenses terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance. 5. Y ou are not r equired to accept this License, since you have not signed it. However , nothing else grants you permission to modify or distribute the Program or its derivative works.
English _107 ! APPENDIX For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether gratis or for a fee, you must pass on to the recipients the same fr eedoms that you received. Y ou must make sure that they , too, receive or can get the source code.
108_ appendix The “Corresponding Sour ce” for a work in object code form means all the source code needed to generate, install, and (for an executable work) run the object code and to modify the work, including scripts to control those activities.
English _109 ! APPENDIX users beyond what the individual works permit. Inclusion of a covered work in an aggr egate does not cause this License to apply to the other parts of the aggregate.
110_ appendix in source code form), and must r equire no special password or key for unpacking, r eading or copying. 7. Additional T erms. “Additional permissions” are terms that supplement the terms of this License by making exceptions from one or mor e of its conditions.
English _111 ! APPENDIX 10. Automatic Licensing of Downstream Recipients. Each time you convey a covered work, the r ecipient automatically receives a license fr om the original licensors, to run, modify and propagate that work, subject to this License.
112_ appendix and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may not convey it at all. For example, if you agree to terms that obligate you to collect a royalty for further conveying f.
English _113 ! APPENDIX intended to guarantee your freedom to shar e and change free softwar e to make sure the software is free for all its users. This license, the Lesser General Public License, applies to some specially designated software packages--typically libraries--of the Free Softwar e Foundation and other authors who decide to use it.
114_ appendix A “library” means a collection of software functions and/or data prepar ed so as to be conveniently linked with application programs (which use some of those functions and data) to form executables. The “Library”, below , refers to any such softwar e library or work which has been distributed under these terms.
English _115 ! APPENDIX above on a medium customarily used for software interchange. If distribution of object code is made by offering access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent.
116_ appendix based on the Library and of the other library facilities is otherwise permitted, and provided that you do these two things: a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work based on the Library , uncombined with any other library facilities.
118_ appendix OpenSSL LICENSE * Copyright (c) 1998-2006 The OpenSSL Project. All rights r eserved. * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted pr ovided that the following conditions * are met: * 1.
English _119 ! APPENDIX * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * “This product includes cryptographic softwar e written by * Eric Y oung (eay@cryptsoft.
AB68-00769B Correct Disposal of This Product (Waste Electrical & Electronic Equipment) (Applicable in the European Union and other European countries with separate collection systems) This marking shown on the product or its literature, indicates that it should not be disposed with other household wastes at the end of its working life.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Samsung SHR-8080 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Samsung SHR-8080 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Samsung SHR-8080 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Samsung SHR-8080 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Samsung SHR-8080, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Samsung SHR-8080.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Samsung SHR-8080. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Samsung SHR-8080 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.