Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto SCH-R220ZSADYN del fabbricante Samsung
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W elcome t o the GreatC all ® F amily . Thank y ou for choo sing the Jitterbug ® . At Gre atCall, w e’ve made it e asy for you to stay connected to friend s and family with the simplic ity of the Jitterb ug, our 24-hour servic e prof ession als, and our innovative Ap ps des igned to keep you connect ed, safe and he althy .
T able of C ontents 2 T abl e of C ontents.
T able of C ontents T able of C ontents I T ab le of C ontents Activat e Y our Jitterbug ............................................................................. 1 Section 1: Getting Started .......................................................
T able of C ontents II T abl e of C ontents • T urning Y our Jitterbug On: ......................................................................... 26 • Y our Main Screen: ....................................................................
T able of C ontents T able of C ontents III • Answering A C all When Y our Jitt erbug Is C losed: ........................................ 51 • Rec eiving A C all When Y our Jitterbug Is Open: ........................................... 52 Ending A Call .
T able of C ontents IV T able of C ontents – Deleting A C ontact Directly On Y our Jitterbug : ............................................ 70 Section 4: C all Hi story ........................................................................... 73 Usin g Call History T o See Rec ent C alls .
T able of C ontents T able of C ontents V Letting Y ou Know Th at Y ou Have V oice Mail Mess ages ...................................... 96 Listenin g T o V oic e Mail Mes sage s ..................................................................... 97 Listenin g T o Saved V oice Mail Mess ages .
T able of C ontents VI T abl e of C ontents – Abc- W Mode ........................................................................................... 119 – abc Mode ..................................................................................
T able of C ontents T able of C ontents VII • T o End A Call When Y our Jitterb ug Is Open: .............................................. 140 • T o End A Call When Y our Jitterb ug Is Clo sed: ............................................ 140 Health and Safety Inf ormation .
Activation Activation 1 Activat e Y our Jitterbug This guide w ill giv e you all the information y ou need to operate your Jitterbug. Before you get started, plea se make s ure you activ ate your new phone us ing the instruction s on the next pag es.
Activation 2 Activation There are ve s imple step s requir ed to activate your Jitterbug phone. Important: Please do not turn on y our phone until a repr esentative or the web site instructs you to do so. If you’ve t urned it on, ple ase turn it off until in structed otherwise.
Activation Activation 3 Step 3: The web site or an operator w ill guide you through the activation pr oces s. At some point, y ou will be instructed to in sert the battery and turn on y our Jitterbug. T o turn on your Jitterb ug, simply pre ss the on off button.
Activation 4 Activation Screen 2 Activation coul d take sev eral minutes or in rare c ases up to sev eral hours. It i s recommended you c harge your phone throughout the activation proc ess using y our wall ch arger to eliminat e any poss ible interruptions.
Activation Activation 5 Step 4: After y ou press the button the sec ond time, the phone will continue the activation proc ess. Y ou will see several sc reens u ntil y our phone is activat ed and ready to use.
Activation 6 Activation Step 5: Hit the button one la st time to begin u sing y our Jitterbug Plus! Now that your Jitterbug i s rea dy to go, w e encourag e you to set up a mygrea tcall.
Activation Activation 7.
Section 1 8 Getting Started.
Section 1 Getting Started 9 Section 1 Getting St ar ted This section e xplains how to start us ing your Jitterb ug phone. T opic s • HowT oUse ThisGuide • KeyItems .
Section 1 10 Getting Started How T o Use This Guide This “How- T o Guide” is div ided into 10 sections th at describe the f eatures of your Jitterbug and ho w to use them in a few simpl e steps. We r ecommend that you re ad the entire guide and keep it handy for e asy ref erence.
Section 1 Getting Started 11 1 2 3 K ey Items In The Jitterbug Box The Jitterbug bo x y ou receiv ed includes everything you need t o get started: 1. Jitterbug c ell phone. 2. Rec harge able Batt er y – sn aps into the b ack of your Jitterbug. 3. Battery Char ger – to c harge your battery.
Section 1 12 Getting Started Us ing The Battery TheJitterbugRec hargeab leBatteryis designedtodeliveranefc ientc harget o your Jitterbug f or up to 25 days of standb y time or 5 hours of talk time. Inst alling And Remov ing The Battery T o Install The Battery The First Time: 1.
Section 1 Getting Started 13 T o Inst all The Battery C over: 1. Plac e the cov er over the bac k of the phone so the hinges align with the slots ne ar the top of the phone. 2. Push on the c over while s liding it up tow ards the top of the phone, in ser ting the hing es into the slots.
Section 1 14 Getting Started 2. T urn the phone over . At the bottom of the battery co ver you w ill see an arr ow. 3. T ow ards the top of the cover , there is a ridge, under the s peaker ho les. Push down just belo w this ridge and then s lide down, in the direction of the arro w.
Section 1 Getting Started 15 Chargin g The Battery Y our Jitterbug c an be ch arged with the included B attery Charger or w ith the Car Ch arger that can be purc hased by vis iting eatc erbug/ acc essories . Usin g The Batt er y Ch arger: 1.
Section 1 16 Getting Started Battery L evel Indic ator Jitterbug phones remind you to c harge y our battery. R eminders appe ar on the Inside Di splay with the fol lowing mes sages: • Batte ry Low – a low battery alert and a mes sage w ill t ell y ou that your battery is be ginning to get lo w.
Section 1 Getting Started 17 Y ou can eas ily c hec k the r emaining c harge on the Jitt erbug battery by navig ating to the Phone Info menu and pres sing the button to view. Plea se referenc e Section 1, pag e 28 for more information on Phone Info . The Jitterbug featur es a standb y time of up to 25 d ays.
Section 1 18 Getting Started The Front O f Y our Jitterbug 3. Internal Antenna 2. V olume Button 1. Indicator Li ght 5. 3.5mm Headset Jack 4. Camer a 7.
Section 1 Getting Started 19 1. Indicator Light – the ar ea just abo ve the outer disp lay sc reen will light up for incoming c alls or when the phone is ful ly c harged. The following li st outlines the Indicator Light and what e ach one me ans: • The Indicator Light is on when the batt er y i s comp letely c harg ed.
Section 1 20 Getting Started The Bac k O f Y our Jitt erbug 2. Battery C over 1. External Speak er 3. Lanyard C onnector.
Section 1 Getting Started 21 1. External Speak er – delivers loud and clear sou nd. 2. Battery C over – protects the batt er y and the b ack of your Jitterb ug. 3. Lanyard C onnector – make s it ea sy to attac h a lanyard or wri st strap t o carry your Jitterbug.
Section 1 22 Getting Started The Ins ide Of Y our Jitt erbug 1. Earpiece Speak er 2. Inside Di splay 6. On/Off Butt on 5. “Y es” Button 7. “No” Button 3.
Section 1 Getting Started 23 1. Earpiece Speak er – lets you he ar the caller loud and c lear . 2 . Inside Displ ay – shows al l the information you need to operate your Jitterbug. 3. Up/Down Button – f or navigatin g between screens on the Inside Di splay .
Section 1 24 Getting Started How T o Re ad The Inside Di spla y Throughout thi s guide, the screen on the in side of y our Jitterbug is referred to as the Inside Di splay . The fol lowing diagr am explain s the area s of the Ins ide Displ ay and how to use them, us ing the Phone Book as an e xample.
Section 1 Getting Started 25 1. Feat ure Area –thetopof theInsideDis playi stheFe atureArea.It identiesthe feat ure you are u sing. For ex ample, when y ou are in the Phone Book , yo u will see “PHONE BOOK” in the Fe ature Are a.
Section 1 26 Getting Started Us ing Y our Jitterb ug For The First Time If y ou have not activ ated your Jitterb ug, please r efer to page 1 befor e turning your Jitterbug on.
Section 1 Getting Started 27 Y our Main Screen: For y our convenienc e, each time you turn y our Jitterbug on, you w ill see the M ain Screen as sho wn in the follow ing diagram: The Main Screen wil l disp lay your Jitterbug phone number at the top of the screen as shown in the follo wing screen a s, “My # 800-733-6632.
Section 1 28 Getting Started 2. Cal l History – an ea sy way to review y our last ten incoming, out going and missedc alls,li stedwiththemost recent rst. Plea se referenc e Section 4, page 73 for mor e information. 3 . Phone Info – gives y ou the follow ing important points of inf ormation about y our Jitterbug.
Section 1 Getting Started 29 5. Camer a – this is where you w ill t ake photo s that w ill be aut omatical ly stored in My Photo s. See section 9, pag e 121 for more information. 6 . My Photos – an e asy w ay to v iew, delet e or send photos. See section 9, p age 125 for more inform ation.
Section 1 30 Getting Started Y ou can e asily acc ess al l of your feat ures within the Main Scr een using three simple b uttons loc ated at the top of the keyp ad. 1. Use the “Up/Down” button to scrol l through the fe atures of the Main Screen . 2.
Section 1 Getting Started 31 For your e ase-of-use, you can c hange the start-up sc reen of y our Jitterbug.Fore xample,y oumayndit eas iertohavey ourJitterbugstart directly in your Phone Book eac h time you turn y our Jitterbug on.
Section 1 32 Getting Started Making Y our First C all: 1. Y ou can mak e a call directly from your M ain Screen at any time by u sing y our keypad. Simply enter the ten digit phone number and press the button t o dial.
Section 1 Getting Started 33 T o T urn Y our Jitterbug O ff: 1. Press and hold the on off button in the upper right corner of the k eypad unti l the GreatC all log o appears on the Inside Dis play .
Section 1 34 Getting Started Person alize Y our Jitterb ug In addition to these s ix feature s that c ome with y our new Jitterbug, the fol lowing additional ser vic es and f eatures are avail able to.
Section 1 Getting Started 35 V oice Dial – thi s free service en ables you to retrieve a n ame that h as been stor ed into your Phone Book by speaking the e xact name int o the microphone. Plea se referenc e Section 6, p age 89 for more inform ation.
Section 1 36 Getting Started Operator As sis tanc e Live Operator s are avail able 24 hours a day , seven days a week, and can help you: 1. Update and m anage y our Phone Book. 2. Look up a residential, bus iness or g overnment phone number . 3. C onnect y ou to any number in the U.
Section 1 Getting Started 37 T o Cal l An Operator: 1. Open your Jitt erbug. 2. Press the button on the keypa d. 3. Press the button to plac e the cal l. Minutes are used whil e speaking w ith the Operator and for the len gth of any call they connect for you.
Section 1 38 Getting Started Getting More Inform ation GreatC all c ustomers h ave acc ess to two u nique webs ites that are easy to navig ate and explore – www .great call.c om and greatc all.c om. The main Gre atCall webs ite – grea tcall.
Section 1 Getting Started 39 GreatC all C ustomer Service Use any of these way s to c ontact us: • Sendusanemai lat cus tomerser vic e@greatcal •Cal lusto ll–freeat 1-800-733-6632 • Writetou sat: GreatC all Cu stomer Service P .
Section 1 40 Getting Started Emergency 911 Ser v ice T o Mak e An Emergency C all: 1. Open your Jitt erbug and mak e sure it’s on. 2. Dial 9–1–1 us ing the keyp ad. 3. Press the button when you see “CALL?” at the bottom of the In side Displ ay .
Section 1 Getting Started 41 If y ou expect to mak e calls bey ond the U.S. or Can ada, con sider our convenient Intern ational C alling option. Add the Int ernational C alling o p ti on t o your ac c.
Section 2 42 Placin g And Receiv ing Cal ls.
Section 2 Placin g And Receiv ing Cal ls 43 Section 2 Plac ing And Rec eiving C alls This section e xplains how to use the cal ling and answering f eatures on your Jitterbug.
Section 2 44 Placin g And Receiv ing Cal ls Plac ing A Cal l Dialing Manual ly: Y ou can dial a phone number directly from almos t every screen on your Jitterbug. 1. When you open your Jitterbug, y ou will hear a dial t one to indicate th at service is avail able.
Section 2 Placin g And Receiv ing Cal ls 45 There are three sc reens where you cannot dial a phone number: (1) when typing a T ext Mess age, (2) when entering a new n ame and number into your Phone Book usin g your k eypad and (3) when usin g V oice Dial.
Section 2 46 Placin g And Receiv ing Cal ls 4. T ell the Operat or the name of the person in your Phone Book you w ant to c all or tell them the ten digit number y ou want to c all. 5. Whenthecalli snished,pre ssthe button or s imply close your Jitterbug to end the cal l.
Section 2 Placin g And Receiv ing Cal ls 47 numbers of y our Phone Book a t mygrea m . Plea se referenc e Section 3, page 64 to l earn more about mygreatcall .com . 4. Y ou can scro ll through the n ames and numbers in your Phone Book by pr essing the “U p/Down” button.
Section 2 48 Placin g And Receiv ing Cal ls Speak erphone The Speak erphone prov ides y ou the convenienc e to mak e a cal l without ho lding the phone to y our ear. 1. T o turn your Speak erphone on, press the Spkr button in the top left corner of your k eypad.
Section 2 Placin g And Receiv ing Cal ls 49 5. T o turn off y our Speak erphone , press the Spkr button on the top left corner of your k eypad. If y ou choo se to turn the Speak erphone off during a call, your con versation wil l not end. The audio will be transferr ed to the earpiec e speak er that y ou hold to your ear .
Section 2 50 Placin g And Receiv ing Cal ls Answerin g A Cal l Y our Jitterbug rings or vibr ates (depending on how you set the ring er volume level) to indic ate an incoming c all. Additional ly , there are other indication s of incoming c alls: •TheLightIndicat oronthefrontof yourJitterbugashe s.
Section 2 Placin g And Receiv ing Cal ls 51 We rec ommend keepin g your Jitterbug on at all times and ch arging it overnight so you c an always be connected.
Section 2 52 Placin g And Receiv ing Cal ls Rec eiving A C all W hen Y our Jitterbug Is Open: 1. When the “ANSWER?” question appears on the Inside Di splay , press the button to c onnect. 2. A “Connected” mes sage w ill ap pear on the Inside Di splay and the call er’s voic e will be heard through the e arpiece spe aker .
Section 2 Placin g And Receiv ing Cal ls 53 T o Ignore A C all When Y our Jitterbug Is Open: Y ou can send a c aller directly to your V oice Mail b y press ing the button when you see “ANSWER?” at the bott om of the Inside Di splay . This will give an unav ailabl e messag e if y ou do not have V oice Mail .
Section 2 54 Placin g And Receiv ing Cal ls Vibr ate Mode T urn the ringer off by opening your Jitterb ug and pressin g the volume butt on on the outside of the phone u ntil “Vibr ate” appears on the Inside Di splay . Y our Jitterbug wi ll be set t o vibrat e to alert you of incoming c alls.
Section 2 Placin g And Receiv ing Cal ls 55 The selected volume l evel wil l appear on the In side Disp lay . The ringer can be s ilenced b y pres sing the v olume button down unti l “Vibrat e” appears on the In side Disp lay . Y our Jitterbug wil l now only vibrat e to alert you of incoming c alls.
Section 2 56 Placin g And Receiv ing Cal ls Adjusting The Earpiec e Speak er V olume When you’r e on a call, pre ss the v olume button up or down u ntil the sound reac hes a comfortabl e level.
Section 2 Placin g And Receiv ing Cal ls 57 1. When a second person cal ls y our Jitterbug while you are alrea dy on a cal l with someone else, y ou will hear an audible beep and a mes sage w ill ap pear on the Inside Di splay to notify you of a sec ond incoming c all.
Section 2 58 Placin g And Receiv ing Cal ls.
Section 2 Placin g And Receiv ing Cal ls 59 This section only applies if you hav e enabled C all W aiting. The fe ature is not autom atically enabled, but is av ailable f or free if y ou are interested in using it. T o enable C all W aiting, plea se call us at 1-800-733-6632.
Section 3 60 Phone Book.
Section 3 Phone Book 61 Section 3 Phone Book This section e xplains how to use y our Phone Book t osaveandndthename s and numbers of people you c all fr equently. T opics •Adding,Changin gandDeletingNumbers For addition al support, vi sit us online at www .
Section 3 62 Phone Book Adding, Ch anging and Deleting Number s Y our Jitterbug allo ws y ou to store up to 50 n ames and numbers of the people y ou cal l on a regul ar basi s. Y ou can m anage y our Phone Book by ad ding, ch anging or deleting n ames and numbers.
Section 3 Phone Book 63 OPTION 1: U se The Oper ator 1. Simp ly press the button on your k eypad. 2. Press the button and a “Cal ling...” mess age wil l appear on the In side Displ ay , follow ed by the mes sage “C onnected to Operator .
Section 3 64 Phone Book OPTION 2: U sing my greatc all. com Cr eate A New Member Ac count: Ifthis is yourrsttime vis iting mygr eatcall .com , you w ill need to r egister your acc ount. Have y our GreatC all phone number h andy and be prepared to ent er your home addres s and email addres s.
Section 3 Phone Book 65 Here are some other helpful things you can do on mygreatcall .com : 1. Update yourpersonal prole 2. Chec k your minute us age 3. Add new services to your ac count 4. Edit your services 5. Update your Phone Book and calendar entrie s Y ou can vi sit mygrea tcall.
Section 3 66 Phone Book OPTION 3: On Y our Jitterbug Adding A C ontact Directly On Y our Jitterbug: 1. Star ting from the M ain Screen , use the “Up/Down” button and scr oll to the “Phone Book” until it appears highlighted in gra y in the middle of the In side Disp lay .
Section 3 Phone Book 67 6. Usin g the keypad, ent er the name of the c ontact y ou would lik e to creat e. If you ac cidental ly press a wrong button, jus t press the button to bac k up and delete the inc orrect entry. 7. Press the button when you are done.
Section 3 68 Phone Book Modifying A C ontact Directly On Y our Jitterbug: 1. Starting from the Main Scr een, use the “Up/Down” button and sc roll t o the “Phone Book” until it appears highlighted in gra y in the middle of the In side Display .
Section 3 Phone Book 69 8. T o ch ange the cont act’s name, use the button t o delete the nece ssary letters. U se the keypad t o re–enter the name. 9. Press the button when you are done. 10. T o ch ange the cont act’s number , use the button to delete the nec ess ar y numbers.
Section 3 70 Phone Book Deleting A C ontact Directly On Y our Jitterbug : 1. Starting from the Main Screen , use the “U p/Down” button and scro ll to the “Phone Book” until it appears highlighted in gra y in the middle of the In side Display .
Section 3 Phone Book 71 8. Press the buttontoconrmdeletin gthecontact. 9. “Suc ces sfully D eleted” wil l appear , letting y ou know the cont act has been removed.
72 Cal l Hist or y Section 4.
Call Histo r y 73 Section 4 Section 4 Call His tor y This section e xplains how to review and ret urn your mi ssed cal ls. T opics •UsingC all History T o SeeRecent Cal ls •ReturningMi ssedC allsAndR edialing For addition al support, vi sit us online at www .
74 Cal l Hist or y Section 4 Us ing Cal l His tor y T o See R ecent Cal ls Y our Jitterbug k eeps a li st of your ten most recent outgoing, inc oming and mis sed calls.
Call Histo r y 75 Section 4 5. As y ou scrol l through y our Call His tor y you wi ll see the fol lowing inform ation on the Inside Di splay: • Featur e Area – y ou will see “CALL HIS TORY” indicating that y ou are in your Call H istor y.
76 Cal l Hist or y Section 4 Ret urning Missed C alls And R edialing Y ou can use C all H istor y to directly return mi ssed cal ls and redial both incoming and outgoin g calls.
Call Histo r y 77 Section 4 5. Press the button to return the c all. 6. Press the button or close y our Jitterbug to end the cal l. 7. “Cal l Ended” wil l appear , letting you know the c all h as c oncluded.
Section 5 78 Settings.
Section 5 Settings 79 Section 5 Settings This section e xplains how to c hange the Setting s on your Jitterbug. T opics •Using Y ourSetting s •Selecting TheCo lorOf.
Section 5 80 Settings Us ing Y our Settings 1. To a cces s Settings , st ar t in the Main Sc reen and press the “Up/Down” button to scroll to “Settings” u ntil it appe ars highlight ed in gray in the middl e of the Inside Display . 2. Press the button to select “Setting s.
Section 5 Settings 81 Selecting The C olor Of The Inside Di splay Y ourJitterbugha svec oloroptionsfortheIn sideDisp lay: 1. Red – your new Jitterbug wi ll c ome set to the co lor Red. 2. Blac k 3. Gray 4. Green 5. Blue Fol low these step s to c hange the c olor of your Inside Di splay: 1.
Section 5 82 Settings 3. Use the “Up/Down” button to scr oll through al l of the “C olor” options. 4. Press the button once the des ired color you would lik e appears highlighted in gr ay in the middle of the Inside Dis play .
Section 5 Settings 83 Changing Ring T ones Ring T ones are the sounds your Jitterbug m akes when you are r eceivin g an incoming c all. Y our Jitterbug ha s seven Ring T one options for y ou to c hoose from: 1. Alert – y our new Jitterbug wil l come set to the “Alert” Ring T one.
Section 5 84 Settings 1. Starting from within the Settings fe ature, use the “Up/Do wn” button to scrol l through all of the avail able options. 2. Press the button once the “Ring T ones” option is highlighted in gray in the middle of the In side Disp lay .
Section 5 Settings 85 T urning The Start-Up GreatC all Jin gle On And Off Y our new Jitterbug wi ll c ome with the GreatC all Jin gle set to “ON. ” Each time you turn on y our phone the GreatC all Jingl e will play .
Section 5 86 Settings T urning The Jingle On: 1. Starting from Main Screen, use the “Up/Do wn” button to scroll to “Settings” and pres s the button. 2. Use the “Up/Down” b utton to scrol l through Settings and pr ess the button onc e “Jingle OFF” is highlighted in gray in the middle of the In side Display .
Section 5 Settings 87.
Section 6 88 V oice Dial.
Section 6 V oice Dial 89 Section 6 V oic e Dial This section e xplains how to use V oice Dial on your Jitterbug to c all a c ontact in your Phone Book. T opics •Using V oiceDial For addition al support, vi sit us online at www .great call.
Section 6 90 V oice Dial Us ing V oice Dial 1. Starting from the Main Screen , u se the “Up/Down” button an d scroll to “V oice Dial” u ntil it appe ars highlight ed in gray in the middl e of the Inside Display . 2. Press the button to select “V oice Dial.
Section 6 V oice Dial 91 7. Press the button or close y our Jitterbug to end the cal l. 8. “Cal l Ended” wil l appear , letting you know the c all h as c oncluded.
Section 7 92 V oice Mail.
Section 7 V oice Mail 93 Section 7 V oic e Mail This section e xplains how to use and man age V oice Mail on your Jitterbug. T opics •SettingUp V oic eMail •Changing Y ou.
Section 7 94 V oice Mail Setting Up V oic e Mail This section only applies if you hav e purc hased V oice M ail with your GreatC all servic e. T o purch ase V oice Mai l ser vic e for your Jitterbug, please call us at 1-800-733-6632. Fol low these step s to set up V oice Mail : 1.
Section 7 V oice Mail 95 Changin g Y our V oice Mai l Greeting 1. Starting from the Main Screen , use the “U p/Down” button and scro ll to “V oice Mail” until it ap pears high lighted in gray in the mid dle of the Ins ide Displa y. 2. Press the button to select “V oice Mail” and li sten to the prompts.
Section 7 96 V oice Mail Letting Y ou Know Th at Y ou Have V oice M ail Mes sag es If y ou miss a call and the caller l eaves you a mess age, y our Jitterbug wil l notify you by: 1. Displaying “New V oice Mail” on the Outside Dis play . 2. Displaying “Y ou have a new voic e mess age” on the Ins ide Displ ay , as shown.
Section 7 V oice Mail 97 List ening T o V oice M ail Mes sag es •Ify ouhaveanew V oice Mai l messag e, your Jitterb ug will notif y y ou by displaying “Y ou have a new v oice mes sage” on the In side Disp lay and “LISTEN?” in the Action Line.
Section 7 98 V oice Mail List ening T o Saved V oice Mail Mess ages 1. Starting from the Main Screen, u se the “Up/Down” button a nd scroll to “V oice Mail” u ntil it ap pears high lighted in gray in the mid dle of the Ins ide Display . 2. Press the button to select “V oice Mai l” and listen to the prompts to play your s aved mess ages.
Section 7 V oice Mail 99.
Section 8 100 Jitterbug SimpleT ext.
Section 8 Jitterbug SimpleT ext 101 Section 8 Jitterbug SimpleT ext This section e xplains how to use the Jitterbug SimpleT ext servic e. T opics •Using TheJitterbug SimpleT ext S.
Section 8 102 Jitterbug SimpleT ext Us ing Jitterbug SimpleT ext Service This section applies if y ou have ask ed for SimpleT ext with your GreatC all service.
Section 8 Jitterbug SimpleT ext 103 Rec eive A New T ext Mes sage Whenyour eceiveanew T extMes sage, youwil lbenotiedinthreeway s: 1. TheLightSign alonthefrontof yourJitterb ugwill ashevery15seconds until your Jitterbug i s opened.
Section 8 104 Jitterbug SimpleT ext Re ad A New T ext Me ssag e Afterrec eivingnoticationof anewT extMess age,fol lowthesethreestep store ad the mess age: 1. T o read the T ext Mes sage, open your Jitterbug.
Section 8 Jitterbug SimpleT ext 105 Reply T o A T ext Mess age Once you have r ead the T ext Mess age, y ou have the option to reply to it, save it for futur e referenc e or delete it. 1. When reading a T ext Mess age y ou’ve receiv ed, you wi ll see the word “REPL Y?” on the Action Line.
Section 8 106 Jitterbug SimpleT ext 5. When the message h as been sent, you wil l see the words “Mess age Suc ces sfully Sent” on the In side Disp lay .
Section 8 Jitterbug SimpleT ext 107 Saving And D eleting A T ext M ess age Saving A T ext Me ssag e: TheJitterbug SimpleT extservicew illaut omatical lysaveal lof yourlas tfty incoming or out going T ext Mess ages.
Section 8 108 Jitterbug SimpleT ext 5. Usin g the “Up/Down” button, scr oll to the T ext Mes sage you would lik e to read. 6. Press the button to read the entir e T ext Me ssag e. Jitterbug Simp leT ext automatic ally s aves the mes sage s you’v e received from others a s well as the mes sage s you’v e sent to others.
Section 8 Jitterbug SimpleT ext 109 Deleting A T ext Me ssag e: Y our Jitterbug allo ws y ou to delete T ext Mess ages in tw o ways: •Deleteanewtext immediatelyafterre ading •Deleteanoldt extfromy oursavedmes sage s Deleting A New T ext Immediat ely After Rea ding: 1.
Section 8 110 Jitterbug SimpleT ext 4. Y ouwillthenbea skedtoc onrmthat youwantt odeletethemess age.Pres s the buttonagaintoc onrmdeletion. 5. “Mess age Suc ces sfully Deleted” w ill ap pear on the Inside Di splay and you w ill be returned to your sav ed messag es.
Section 8 Jitterbug SimpleT ext 111.
Section 8 112 Jitterbug SimpleT ext Deleting An Ol d T ext From Y our Sav ed Mess ages 1. Starting from the Main Screen , use the “Up/Do wn” but ton and scroll to “T ext Messages” until it appears highlighted in gray in the middle of the In side Displ ay .
Section 8 Jitterbug SimpleT ext 113 8. “Mess age Suc ce ssfully Delet ed” will appear on the Ins ide Displa y and you wil l be returned to your sav ed messag es. If you c hoose not to delete a T ext Mess age, just press the button to return to the pr evious sc reen.
Section 8 114 Jitterbug SimpleT ext 5. T o create your own mess age use the “Up/Do wn” b utt on and scroll to “Cu stomize.” Pre ss the button and use the keypa d to type your T ext Mes sage. T o use the Jitterbug Library of pr e-written T ext Mess ages, use the “U p/Down” button to scroll to “Libr ar y .
Section 8 Jitterbug SimpleT ext 115 8. When the messag e has been sent, you wil l see the words “Message Succ essfully Sent” on the Inside Di splay .
Section 8 116 Jitterbug SimpleT ext The tabl e below explain s how to cre ate a custom T ext Mes sage u sing the number key s on the k eypad to enter letter s: Keyboard Function Enters the number “0.
Section 8 Jitterbug SimpleT ext 117 Modes F or Creatin g Y our Own T ext Me ssag e Therearevemodes tocreat eacustomtext mess ageusingthenumberk eyson the keyp ad to enter letters, number s and symbols. 123 Mode In 123 Mode your k eypad allows you to type numeric c haracters only .
Section 8 118 Jitterbug SimpleT ext ABC Mode In ABC Mode ev er y l etter will be capitaliz ed. T o enter ABC Mode, press the button until you see “ABC” appe ar in the top right c orner of the Inside Di splay . Abc- S Mode InAbc- SModether stletterof eac hsentencei scapit alized.
Section 8 Jitterbug SimpleT ext 119 Abc- W Mode InAbc- WModetherstl etterofeac hwordisc apitalized. T o enter Abc- W Mode, p re ss t h e button unti l you see “A bc - W” appear in the top right corner of the In side Disp lay .
Section 9 120 Jitterbug C amera.
Section 9 Jitterbug C amera 121 Section 9 Jitterbug C amera This section e xplains how to tak e, view , delete and shar e photos on y our Jitterbug. T opics •T akingAPhotoW ithY o.
Section 9 122 Jitterbug C amera T aking A Photo With Y our Jitterbug 1. Starting from the main screen, u se the “Up/Down” button and scrol l to “C amera” until it appears highlighted in gra y in the middle of the In side Disp lay . 2. Press the butt on to open the camera.
Section 9 Jitterbug C amera 123 View ing A Photo On Y our Jitterbug 1. Starting from the main screen u se the “Up/Down” button and scr oll to “My Photos” unti l it appe ars highlighted in gr ay in the middle of the Inside Di splay . 2. Press the button to open “M y Photos.
Section 9 124 Jitterbug C amera Deleting A Phot o On Y our Jitterbug 1. Starting from the main screen u se the “Up/Down” button and scrol l to “My Photos” unti l it appe ars highlighted in gr ay in the middle of the Inside Di splay . 2. Press the button to open “M y Photos.
Section 9 Jitterbug C amera 125 Once a photo ha s been deleted, there i s no way to retrieve it. Sending A Photo From Y our Jitterbug 1. Starting from the main screen u se the “Up/Down” button and scrol l to “My Photos” unti l it appe ars highlighted in gr ay in the middle of the Inside Di splay .
Section 9 126 Jitterbug C amera 8. Use the “Up/Down” button and scro ll to the c ontact to whic h you would lik e to send your photo. 9. Press the button to send the phot o. 10. When the photo has been sent you w ill see the w ords “Photo Succ essful ly Sent” on the Inside Di splay .
Section 9 Jitterbug C amera 127 Rec eiving A Phot o On Y our Jitterbug 1. If you r eceive a photo on your Jitterbug, the wor ds “New Photo” wi ll appe ar on the Outside Dis play . This me ssag e will stay on your Outside Di splay until your Jitterbug is opened.
Section 10 128 Bluetooth.
Section 10 Bluetooth 129 Section 10 Bluetooth ® This section e xplains how to use the Bluetooth fu nctionality on y our Jitterbug phone. T opics •AboutBluetooth •Using Y our�.
Section 10 130 Bluetooth About Bluetooth Bluetooth is a techno logy that allo ws y ou to talk on your c ell phone without u sing your hand s. In order to use it, y ou simply mus t “pair” y our Jitterbug so that it is connected, w ithout wire s, to a Bluetooth devic e, as des cribed on the follow ing pages.
Section 10 Bluetooth 131 Us ing Y our Jitterbug W ith Y our Bluetooth Headset There are three st eps to set up your Jitterb ug with a Bluetooth head set: 1. T urning on the Bluetooth fe ature on y our Jitterbug. 2. Setting your Bluetooth headset to Pairing Mode.
Section 10 132 Bluetooth 1. Starting from the Main Screen of y our Jitterbug, scro ll through the option s using the “Up/Down” button u ntil “Settings” is high lighted in gray in the middle of the Ins ide Display . 2. Press the button on your Jitterb ug to select the “Settings.
Section 10 Bluetooth 133 If you are not going to be us ing your Bluet ooth headset, be sure t o keep your Jitterbug set to “ Bluetooth OFF . ” The Jitt erbug battery life is shortened when the Bluetooth setting is t urned on. T urning The Bluetooth Fe ature Off : 1.
Section 10 134 Bluetooth Setting Y our Bluetooth Headset T o Pairing Mode Thersts tepinsettingupany Bluetooth dev ice i s cal led “Pairing.” This step is r equired because there ar e no wires t o link your Jitterbug to your Bluetooth devic e.
Section 10 Bluetooth 135 Plea se ensure y ou turn off your Bluetooth if you wish t o receive c alls from y our Jitterbug handset and not your Bluet ooth headset.
Section 10 136 Bluetooth Setting Y our Jitterbug T o Pairing Mode 1. Starting from the Main Screen of your Jitterbug, use the “Up/Do wn” button and scroll to “Settings” u ntil it appe ars highlight ed in gray in the middl e of the Inside Display .
Section 10 Bluetooth 137 7. “Fol low pairing instruction s on Bluetooth devic e” will appe ar on the Inside Di splay of y our Jitterbug. 8. Press the button on y our Jitterbug to begin se archin g for the Bluetooth headset. Ple ase wait while your Jitt erbug searc hes for the Bluet ooth headset.
Section 10 138 Bluetooth 12. When your Jitterbug is succ essfully paired with y our Bluetooth headset, you wil l see the mess age “(your dev ice name) C onnected.” Y ou will al so hear a c hime sound notifying you th at your Jitt erbug is now c onnected with your Bluetooth head set.
Section 10 Bluetooth 139 Y ou will notic e different Bluetooth icon s on y our Jitterbug Main Screen that indic ate when y our Bluetooth is av ailable t o use: • Gray – Bluetooth is on, but not paired w ith your Jitterb ug. • White– Bluetooth is on, paired with your Jitterbug and avail able for y ou to use.
Section 10 140 Bluetooth Answerin g A Cal l When P aired With Y our Bluetooth Headset Press the “T alk” button on the Bluetooth hea dset. Ending A Cal l When P aired W ith Y our Bluetooth Headset .
Section 10 Bluetooth 141.
Health and Safety 142 Health and Safety.
Health and Safety Health and Safety 143 Health And Saf ety Inform ation This section outline s the safety precaution s assoc iated with us ing your phone. The terms “mob ile devic e” or “cel l phone” are used in this section to refer to your phone.
Health and Safety 144 Health and Safety Exposure T o Radio Frequency (RF) Signal s The U.S. Food and Drug Adminis tration (FDA) ha s publi shed information for con sumers rel ating to Radio Frequency (RF) exposure from w ireless phones.
Health and Safety Health and Safety 145 The low levels of RF c ell phone s emit while in u se are in the microwav e frequency rang e. They al so emit RF at s ubstantial ly reduc ed time intervals when in the stand-b y mode.
Health and Safety 146 Health and Safety forms of electromagnetic r adiation with rel atively low frequenc ies. While RF ener gy does not ioniz e particles, larg e amounts c an increase body temperat ures and c ause tissue d amage.
Health and Safety Health and Safety 147 phones incr ease the risk of head and nec k c ancer . A report published in the Internation al Journal of Epidemiology (June, 2010) c ompared cel l phone us age for more than 5,000 peop le with brain t umors (glioma and meningiom a) and a simil ar number of healthy controls.
Health and Safety 148 Health and Safety Internation al C ohort Study on Mobile Phone U sers (C OSMOS) The C OSMOS study aims to conduct long-term health monitorin g of a larg e group of peopl e to determine if there are an y health is sues link ed to long-term exposure t o radio frequency ener gy from cel l phone use.
Health and Safety Health and Safety 149 Surveillanc e, Epidemiology , and End Results (SEER) Program of the National Canc er Institute The National C ancer Instit ute (NCI) actively fol lows c ancer st atistics in the United States to detect any ch ange in rat es of new c ases f or brain canc er.
Health and Safety 150 Health and Safety Instit ute of Electric al and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the Intern ational C ommiss ion on Non-Ionizing Radiation Pr otection (ICNIRP), and others to a ssure that s afety st andards c ontinue to adequately protect the pub lic.
Health and Safety Health and Safety 151 from the head in the u ser’s hand or in appro ved body worn ac ce ssories. C ell phones m arketed in the U.S. are r equired to meet RF e xposure comp liance requirements when u sed against the head and again st the body .
Health and Safety 152 Health and Safety Children and C ell Phones Thescientic evidencedoe snotshowadan gertoanyu sersofc ellphone sfrom RF expos ure, including c hildren and teen agers. The steps adults c an take t o reduc e RF exposure ap ply to c hildren and teen agers a s well.
Health and Safety Health and Safety 153 •Environment alProtectionAg ency(EP A): http://www. adtown/wir eless-tec h.html. •Occ upational SafetyandHe althAdministration(O SHA): http://www.o sha.go v/SL TC/radiofrequency radiation/.
Health and Safety 154 Health and Safety Specic Absorption Rate (S AR) C er tic ation Information Y our wirele ss phone is a radio tran smitter and rec eiver. It is des igned and manuf actured not to e xc eed the exposure limits f or Radio Frequency (RF) energy set by the Federal Commu nications C ommission (FC C) of the U.
Health and Safety Health and Safety 155 The FC C S AR limit incorporate s a subst antial mar gin of safety to give addition al protection to the pub lic and to ac count for any variations in measurements.
Health and Safety 156 Health and Safety Use of other ac cessories may not ensure c omplianc e with FC C RF expos ure guidelines. The FC C h as grant ed an Equipment Authoriz ation for this mob ile phone with all reported S AR levels ev aluated as in c omplianc e with the FC C RF exposure guideline s.
Health and Safety Health and Safety 157 FC C P ar t 15 Inform ation to User: Pursuant to part 15.21 of the FC C Ru les, you ar e cautioned that ch anges or modication snotexpre sslyappr ovedby Samsu ngcould voidy ourauthorityto operate the dev ice.
Health and Safety 158 Health and Safety whic h can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encour aged to try to corr ect the interferenc e by one or more of the follow ing meas.
Health and Safety Health and Safety 159 andisc ondentthat thesecondaryta sk will notinterferewiththeirprim ar y respon sibility .
Health and Safety 160 Health and Safety • Plac ecalls whenyouarenot moving •Plancal lswheny ourcarwi llbest ationary • Donotengag e.
Health and Safety Health and Safety 161 Never use wir eless d ata services such a s text messagin g, W eb brows ing, or e-mail while operating a vehicle. Never wat ch videos, suc h as a mo vie or clip, or pl ay v ideo games whi le operating a vehicle.
Health and Safety 162 Health and Safety Do not let the phone or battery come in c ontact with li quids. Liquids c an get into the phone’s cir cuits, leading t o corros ion. Even when the phone appe ars to be dry and appears to operate normal ly , the circuitry cou ld slowly c orrode and pose a safety hazar d.
Health and Safety Health and Safety 163 Avoid drop ping the cel l phone. Dropping the phone or the batt er y , espec ially on a hard surf ace, c an potentially c ause damag e to the phone and battery . If you suspect damage to the phone or b attery, tak e it to a ser vic e c enter for inspection.
Health and Safety 164 Health and Safety Do not use inc ompatible c ell phone b atteries and c harg ers. Some webs ites and second-h and dealers not assoc iated with reput able manuf acturers and carriers, might be sellin g incompatibl e or even count erfeit batteries and c hargers.
Health and Safety Health and Safety 165 Recyclin g programs for your mobil e device, b atteries, and acc essories ma y not be avail able in y our area. W e’ve made it easy f or you to recy cle your o ld Samsu ng mobile dev ice b y working with res pected tak e-back companies in every state in the c ountry.
Health and Safety 166 Health and Safety Mail It In The Sams ung Mobil e T ake-B ack Program wil l prov ide Samsu ng customer s with a free recy cling mailing l abel. Just go t o http://www.sams ung.c om/us/ aboutsamsu ng/citiz enship/usactiv ities_environment_s amsungr ecyclingdirect.
Health and Safety Health and Safety 167 be prohibited. Help us protect the env ironment - recyc le! W arning: Never dispo se of batteries in a re because they may exp lode. UL C er tied T ravel Charger The T ravel Charger for thi s phone ha s met applic able UL safety requirements.
Health and Safety 168 Health and Safety Displ ay / T ouch- Screen Plea se note the follow ing information when us ing your mo bile devic e: WARNING RE GARDING DISPLA Y The displ ay on y our mobile dev ice is made of gl ass or acrylic and could bre ak if yourmobi ledevic eisdroppedorif itrec eivess ignicantimpact.
Health and Safety Health and Safety 169 U.S. Government that are sub ject to c hang es implemented in ac cordanc e with the Department of Def ense policy and the 2008 F ederal Radio n avigation Pl an (FRP). Chang es may affect the performanc e of loc ation-based tec hnology on y our mobile dev ice.
Health and Safety 170 Health and Safety The location-ba sed information ma y be shared w ith third-parties, including your wirele ss service pr ovider , application s prov iders, Sams ung, and other third- parties prov iding services.
Health and Safety Health and Safety 171 current loc ation, may contain in accur ate or incomplet e data, and circ umstanc es can and do c hange over time.
Health and Safety 172 Health and Safety Emergency calls may not be possib le on all w ireless mobile dev ice network s or when certain network ser vic es and/or mob ile devic e featur es are in use. Chec k with loc al service pro viders. T o mak e an emergency c all: 1.
Health and Safety Health and Safety 173 C are and Maintenanc e Y our mobile dev ice i s a product of superior design and cr aftsmanship and should betreatedw ithcare.
Health and Safety 174 Health and Safety Doingsomay causeareore xplosion. • Dust and dirt. Do not expose y our mobile dev ice to dus t, dir t, or sand. • Cle aning solutions . Do not use harsh c hemicals, c leaning solvents, or strong deter gents to cl ean the mobile dev ice.
Health and Safety Health and Safety 175 phones, at high volume settings for long durations may l ead to permanent noise- induced he aring loss. This inc ludes the use of he adphones (inc luding headsets, earbuds, and Bluet ooth ® or other wireles s devic es).
Health and Safety 176 Health and Safety realiz ing that the higher volume may be harmful to your he aring. • Whenusinghe adphones,turnthe volumedownif youcannot hearthe people spe aking near you or if the person s itting next to you can he ar what you are li stening to.
Health and Safety Health and Safety 177 Y ou can obt ain additional information on this subject from the f ollowin g sources: American Ac ademy of Audiology 11730 Plaz a American Drive, Suite 300 Rest on, VA 20190 V oice: 1–800–222–2336 Email: info@audio logy.
Health and Safety 178 Health and Safety Patriots Pl aza Buil ding W ashington, DC 20201 V oice: 1-800-35-NIOSH (1-800-356-4674) 1-800-CDC -INFO (1-800-232-4636) Outside the U.S: 513-533-8328 Email: c dcinfo@c dc.go v Internet: http://www. cdc. gov/niosh/topic s/noise/defau lt.
Health and Safety Health and Safety 179 signal s. However , certain electronic equipment may not be shielded again st the RF sign als from your wirele ss mobi le devic e.
Health and Safety 180 Health and Safety • Shouldrea dandfollowthedirection sfromthemanuf acturerof your implant able medical devic e. If you h ave any ques tions about u sing y our wirele ss mobi le devic e with an implant able medical devic e, consu lt your health c are provider .
Health and Safety Health and Safety 181 V eh icles RF sign als ma y affect improperly instal led or inadequately shielded electronic systems in motor vehicl es. Check with the manuf acturer or its repr esentative regar ding your vehicle before us ing your mo bile devic e in a motor vehic le.
Health and Safety 182 Health and Safety station). U sers are reminded of the need to observe restrictions on the use of radio equipment in fuel depots (fuel storag e and distribution are as), c hemical plants, or where b lastin g operations ar e in progress.
Health and Safety Health and Safety 183 FC C He aring Aid C ompatibility (HAC) Regul ations f or Wirel ess D evic es The U.S. Federal C ommunication s C ommiss ion (FC C) has establi shed requirements f or digital wir eless mo bile devic es to be c ompatible w ith hearing aids and other a ssis tive hearing devic es.
Health and Safety 184 Health and Safety devic e and hearing los s. If your he aring devic e happens to be vulner able to interferenc e, you ma y not be abl e to use a rated mob ile devic e succ essfully . T r ying out the mobile devic e with your hearing dev ice is the best w ay to evaluat e it for your personal needs.
Health and Safety Health and Safety 185 Under the current indu stry standard, Americ an National Standard s Instit ute (ANSI) C63.19, the hearing aid and w ireless mobile devic e rating values are added tog ether to indicate how u sable they are together .
Health and Safety 186 Health and Safety Keep the mo bile devic e and all its parts and acc essories out of the re ach of small c hildren. FC C Notic e and C autions FC C Notice The mobile dev ice m ay cau se T V or r adio interference if used in close pro ximity to rec eiving equipment.
Health and Safety Health and Safety 187 devic e. Although your mo bile devic e is quit e sturdy , it is a c omplex piece of equip - ment and c an be broken.
Health and Safety 188 Health and Safety • Forvehic lesequippedw ithanairbag,rememberthatanairb aginateswith great force. Do not plac e objects, including in stall ed or por tab le wirele ss equipment near or in the ar ea over the air bag or in the air b ag deployment area.
Health and Safety Health and Safety 189 your hand s, neck, shoul ders, or other parts of y our body. When using your devic e for extended periods, hol d the device w ith a relaxed grip , press the key s lightly , and tak e frequent bre aks. If y ou continue to h ave disc omfort during or after suc h use, stop use and see a ph ysici an.
The Fine Print 190 The Fine Print.
The Fine Print The Fine Print 191 The Fine Print T opics •Intellect ualProperty •Discl aimerOfW arranties(Ex clusionofLi ability) •StandardLimited W arranty • End User Lic ense Agreement for Software For more inform ation about GreatC all, vi sit us online at www .
The Fine Print 192 The Fine Print Intell ectual Property All Intellectual Property,a sdenedbelow ,ownedbyorwhic hisotherwisethe property of SAM SUNG and Great.
The Fine Print The Fine Print 193 GreatC all, Inc. Headquarters: 12680 High Bluff Drive Suite 310 San Diego, CA 92130 T el: 1–858–720–7500 Cu stomer Service Cent er: P . O. Bo x 4428 Carl sbad, CA 92018 T el: 1–800–733–6632 Internet Addr ess: www.
The Fine Print 194 The Fine Print SAM SUNG T elecommu nications America (ST A), LL C 1301 East Look out Drive Ric hardson, T exa s 75082 T el: 1–858–SAMSUNG Internet Addr ess: www.s amsungmob ileusa. com C opyright ©2012 SAMSUNG T elecommunic ations Americ a, LL C.
The Fine Print 195 The Fine Print Disc laimer Of Warr anties; Exc lusion Of Liability EXC EPT AS S ET FORTH IN THE EXPRES S WARRANT Y C ONT AINED ON THE WARRANT Y P AGE ENCL OSED WITH THE PRODUCT , TH.
The Fine Print 196 The Fine Print Standar d Limited W arranty What i s co vered and for how long? SAM SUNG TELE C OMMUNICA TIONS AMERICA, LL C (“S AMSUNG”) warr ants that SAM SUNG’s handsets and.
The Fine Print The Fine Print 197 Other Phone Ac ces sories 1 year What i s not c overed? This Limit ed W arranty i s conditioned upon proper u se of the Product.
The Fine Print 198 The Fine Print ooding,dirt,windstorm,light ning,earthquake,expos uretoweatherc onditions, theft, blown fuse, or impr oper use of any el ectrical sourc .
The Fine Print The Fine Print 199 (90) days. A ll other repair ed/replac ed Products wi ll be warr anted for a period equal to the remainder of the original Limited W arranty on the original Product or for ninety (90) days, whic hever is long er.
The Fine Print 202 The Fine Print Any suc h dispute shal l not be c ombined or con solidated with a di spute invo lving anyotherperson’s orentity’sProductorc laim,andspecic ally ,withoutlimit ation of the fore going, shal l not under an y circums tance s proc eed as part of a c lass action.
The Fine Print The Fine Print 203 remainder of such f ees. Administrativ e, facility and arbitrator fee s for arbitration s in whic h your tot al damag e claims, ex clusive of attorney fees and expert witnes s fees, exc eed $5,000.00 (“Large Cl aim”) shall be det ermined acc ording to AAA rules.
The Fine Print 204 The Fine Print remov able). Altern atively , you ma y opt out b y cal ling 1 888 987 4357 no later th an 30 calend ar days from the date of the rst consumer purc haser’s purc hase of the Product and prov iding the same inform ation.
The Fine Print The Fine Print 205 T o avoid unintended inform ation leaks and other problems of this sor t, it i s recommended th at the devic e be returned to Samsung’s C ustomer C are C enter for an Extended File Sy stem (EFS) Cl ear whic h will eliminate all user memory and return all settin gs to def ault settings.
The Fine Print 206 The Fine Print End User Lic ense Agreement for Software IMPORT ANT . READ CAREFULL Y: This End User Lic ense Agreement (“EULA”) i s a legal agreement between you (either an individual or a s ingle entity) and Samsung El ectronics C o.
The Fine Print The Fine Print 207 a single c omputer or a mobi le devic e at a time, and you m ay not m ake the Software avai lable o ver a network where it c ould be used by multiple comp uters at the s ame time.
The Fine Print 208 The Fine Print services related to the Software pro vided to y ou, if any , related t o the Software. Samsung m ay use thi s information sol ely to improv e its products or to pr ovide customiz ed services or techno logies to y ou and will not disc lose this inform ation inaformthat personally identiesy ou.
The Fine Print The Fine Print 209 7. EXPORT RE STRICTIONS. Y ou ackno wledge that the Software i s subject to export restriction s of v arious c ountries. Y ou agree to comp ly with all applicab le internation al and national laws that apply to the Softw are, including the U.
The Fine Print 210 The Fine Print Purc haser. It is up to P urc haser to t ake prec autions to en sure that whatever Purc haser selects to u se is free of such it ems as viruses, worms, Tr ojan horses, and other items of a destructive nat ure.
The Fine Print 214 The Fine Print software” and “c ommercial softw are documentation” with on ly those rights as ar e granted to all other end users pur suant to the terms and conditions herein.
The Fine Print The Fine Print 215 represent ations with r espect to the Software or any other subject m atter co vered by thi s EULA. If any pr ovis ion of this EULA is held to be void, invalid, unenforc eable or ill egal, the other prov ision s shall continue in ful l forc e and effect.
Cu stomer Agreement 216 Cu stomer Agreement.
Cu stomer Agreement Cu stomer Agreement 217 Y our Cu stomer Agreement 1. Welc ome T o The GreatCal l ® Family . Please read this agreement regarding your phone and service.
Cu stomer Agreement 218 Cu stomer Agreement 2. Y our Monthly Rate Pl an The monthly rate plan you select is part of this agreement. To the extent any condition in your plan expresslyconictswiththisagreement,theconditioninyourplanwillapply.
Cu stomer Agreement Cu stomer Agreement 219 If you have used more than 30 minutes within 30 days from the date of purchase, and did not exceed your plan minutes then we will: • Retainyourmonthlyservicecharge;or • $0.35perminuteforeachadditionalminuteover30minutes;whicheverisless.
Cu stomer Agreement 220 Cu stomer Agreement 3.2 Service Canc ellation Ifforanyreasonyouarenot completelysatisedwithyourserviceandyouwishto cancel,you’llbe able to do so as described below.
Cu stomer Agreement Cu stomer Agreement 221 4. Charg es And Fees There is a fee associated with beginning your service and there may be a fee associated with reactivating your service. Usage charges vary depending on where, when and how you call, including toll-free and Operator-assisted calls.
Cu stomer Agreement 222 Cu stomer Agreement 4.3 T axes, F ees And Asses sments We are required by law to charge you certain taxes, surcharges and assessments that will be included on your bill. You are responsible for paying all taxes, surcharges and assessments associated with your GreatCall products and services.
Cu stomer Agreement Cu stomer Agreement 223 related charges may sometimes be delayed. Delayed usage charges may be applied in the month they appear on your bill against minutes included in your service plan for that month, rather than against the included minutes for the month when you actually made or received the call.
Cu stomer Agreement 224 Cu stomer Agreement 5. Service Subj ect T o Change Your service is dependent upon our business requirements, i nc l ud in g p o li ci e s, p r ac ti c es a n d pro cedu res , wh ich we can cha nge without notice.
Cu stomer Agreement Cu stomer Agreement 225 of cancellation described in Section 3 of this agreement. We may not be able to provide you with some services, such as 9-1-1 location services, while we implement the transfer. 8. Avail ability Of Servic e Wireless phones use radio transmissions to access service.
Cu stomer Agreement Cu stomer Agreement 227 We can also temporarily limit your service for any operational or governmental reason. 11. Y our Privacy You agree to the terms of our Privacy Policy, available on our website at , when you use our services.
Cu stomer Agreement 228 Cu stomer Agreement 13. Indemnication You agree to indemnify, defend and hold GreatCall harmless from any claims arising out of use of the phone or service, breach of this a.
Cu stomer Agreement 232 Cu stomer Agreement on your most recent bill. If any part of this agreement, including any part of its arbitration provisions, is held invalid, that part may be severed from this agreement. This ag re em en t an d th e do cu me nt s to w hi ch it refers form the entire agreement between us on their subjects.
Cu stomer Agreement Cu stomer Agreement 233.
Index 234 Index.
Index Index 235 Index B Bluetooth ® ................................................................................................... 129 About Bluetooth ...................................................................................... 130 Answering A C all When Pair ed With Y our Bluetooth Head set .
Index 236 Index Deleting A Photo On Y our Jitterbug ........................................................... 124 Sending A Photo From Y our Jitterbug ........................................................ 125 T aking A Photo W ith Y our Jitterbug .
Index Index 237 Battery Lev el Indicator ............................................................................... 16 Charging The Battery .................................................................................. 15 How T o Read The Inside Dis play .
Index 238 Index H Health And Safety Inform ation ..................................................................... 143 I Ignoring A C all ............................................................................................... 52 M Modifying A C ontact Directly On Y our Jitterbug .
Index Index 239 – OPTION 3: On Y our Jitterbug .......................................................................... 66 Deleting A C ontact Directly On Y our Jitterbug .............................................. 70 Modifying A C ontact Directly On Y our Jitterbug .
Index 240 Index Rec eive A New T ext Mes sage .................................................................... 103 Reply T o A T ext Mes sage ........................................................................... 105 Saving And Del eting A T ext Mess age .
Index Index 241 W W ebsites ........................................................................................................ 38 eatc .................................................................................... 38 greatc all.
Index 242 Index Other ch arges and restriction s may apply . Coverag e and ser vic e is not avai lable everywhere. Jitterbug and GreatC all are register ed trademarks of GreatCall, Inc . Samsung T elecommunic ations America, LL C (“Samsu ng”). Samsun g is a regist ered trademark of Samsung Electronics C o.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Samsung SCH-R220ZSADYN è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Samsung SCH-R220ZSADYN - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Samsung SCH-R220ZSADYN imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Samsung SCH-R220ZSADYN ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Samsung SCH-R220ZSADYN, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Samsung SCH-R220ZSADYN.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Samsung SCH-R220ZSADYN. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Samsung SCH-R220ZSADYN insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.