Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto SCH-1500 del fabbricante Samsung
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The Clear Alternative to Cellular Sprint PCS Phone SCH-1500 Manufactured by Samsung User Guide Please read this manual befo re operating the phone, and keep it for future reference.
Intellec tual Property All Intelle ctua l Pro per ty , as define d below , owne d by or w h ich is other wise the p roperty of Samsung, Sprint PCS and t heir r espectiv e suppli ers relating to the Sp.
W elcome to Spri nt PCS Sprint PCS built the only a ll-digital , nationwide netw or k from the ground up, f or a ne w level of c larity . W e’ ve buil t our netwo rk to giv e you what we believ e you r eally want from a wireless phone compa ny: c lear sound, p rivate conv ersations and time-savin g f eatures.
Firs t Thi ngs Firs t Read t his bef or e yo u do an ything el se: Determine if your phone is pre-activated: If you rece ive d your Spr i nt PC S Phone TM in the mail o r purc hased it at a Sprint PCS Center , your phone should alre ady be a ctivated and simpl y needs to be unlocked.
What you should have handy: • Y our new Spr int PCS Phone TM • The original p ackaging f or yo ur new ph one • Y our billing a ddress • Y our Social Security number or T ax ID numb er • Y ou.
How to unlock your phone: If you r eceived your Sprint PCS Phone TM in the mail or purc hased i t at a Sprint PCS Center , your phone is alre ady activated .
How to get help: If you nee d help with these st eps or an ything else rega rding yo ur new Sprint PCS Phone TM , please ca ll Sprint PCS Customer Car e at 1-888 -211-4PCS (4727). (In Southern C alif ornia, call 1- 800-455-45 51. ) Y o u can al so pres s , , on y o ur ac tiv ated Sprint PCS Phone.
Intr odu ction T o Y our Sprint PCS Pho ne Congr atulations on the pur c hase of y our Sprint PCS Phone TM . Using the latest digital technology , your S print PCS Phone opera tes in a similar manner to other wireles s phones, while prov iding superior resonance a nd tone quality .
T able Of Contents i Getting Sta rted 1 Y our Sprint PCS Phone Box 2 Description of Y our Sprint PCS Phone™ 3 Screen Displa y 4 Key Functions 5 Status / Alert Indicators 6 Battery Installation, Char.
T able Of Contents ii Calling Options (continued) Minute Beep 28 Mute Microp hone 28 Incoming C all Notification 29 Answ ering a Ca ll 29 Ringer / Aler t Options 30 Ring V olume Se tting 30 Key V olum.
T able Of Contents iii Message S ervices a nd Voicemail 43 Overview of Message Se rvices and Voic email 44 Message M anagement 45 Reviewing Messages 45 Setting Up Y our Voicemai l Box 46 Reviewing Voi.
T able Of Contents iv Acce ss ories 64 Batteries 65 Dual-Slot Des k top Charger 65 Cigare tte Lighter Adapter 65 Travel Charge r 66 Hands-Free Car Kit 6 6 Leather Case 66 Hand Stra p 67 Charging Times.
Getting Started 1 Getting Started Y our Sp ri nt PCS Phon e Box Descript ion of Y our Spr int P CS Ph one™ Scre e n Di s play Battery Instal l at i on , Chargi ng an d Care Basic Oper ations of Y ou.
Getting Started 2 Y our Sp rint P CS Phon e Box Y our Spr int PCS Phone Bo x contains the following items: • Sprint PCS Phone TM with Hand St rap • Standard LiIon Battery • Dual -Slo t De skto p.
Getting Started 3 Descrip tion of Y our Sp ri nt PCS Pho ne™ Function keys and other c ontrols activ ate the featur es of your Sprint PCS Phone TM . The f ollowing illus tration identifi es the func.
Getting Started 4 Screen Display Y our Spr int PCS Phone TM feature s a dot matrix LCD screen with f our te xt lines a nd one icon line. The icon line displa ys active options and sel ected menu items. During conversation, the scr een displa ys the call timer and the name and n umber of the other party , if available.
Getting Started 5 T able 1: Key Functions Press T ALK to: • plac e and an swer calls, • initiate Th ree-W ay C alling, • ans wer a Ca ll W aiting call. Press T ALK twice quickl y to redial the last outgoing num ber . Press V OICE DIA LING to i nitia te V oice Dialing.
Getting Started 6 T able 2: Stat us / Aler t Ind icators Signal Streng th Indica tes c urrent s ignal st ren gth No Service Indicates tha t the phone is outside a service area and cannot send or recei.
Getting Started 7 T able 2: Stat us / Aler t Ind icators ( Contin ued) The f ollowing st atus / alert indicators are te x t indicators and do not inc lude an associated icon displa y: Locked T e xt di.
Getting Started 8 Battery Instal lation, C hargin g and C are Y our Spr int PCS Phone TM pack a ge in clud es a par tia lly cha rged, r echarg eabl e batter y so that you can use the ph one immediatel y after i t is activ ated. Installing the Battery T o attach th e batter y to your Sprint PCS Phone: 1.
Getting Started 9 Charging the Ba ttery T o charg e the batter y using the Dual-Slot Desktop Charger: 1. Plug the pow er cord of the charg er into a w all outlet. 2. Select one of th e fol lowing option s: • Insert the entire phone with batte ry attached into the front comp artment of the c harger .
Getting Started 10 Car ing fo r the B a t tery Use onl y Samsung-appr oved b atteries with Samsung- approved d ual-s lot d eskto p and t ravel char gers . These c harg ers maximize battery life and perf ormance. Using othe r batteries or c harg ers may inv alidate y our warranty and m ay dam age the b atter y .
Getting Started 11 Battery Dis posal and Re cycling Please f ollow th ese guidelines when disposing of o r recyclin g the batter y: • Do not dispose of the b atter y in a fire; th e cell ma y e xplode. Chec k the r egulations in y our area f or special dis posal instructi ons.
Getting Started 12 Basic Oper ations of Y our Sprint PCS Ph one TM Power On / Off Pres s an d h ol d . Menu Scrolling Press , then or . Make Calls E nter number , and then press . V oice Dialing Pre ss , and then say the na me.* Correct M istakes Press .
Getting Started 13 T urning on Y our Sprint PCS Ph o ne TM T o pow er on your phone, pr ess and hold . The red ligh t f lashes, and an al ert sounds. The di spla y updates to re f lect the f ollowing con ditions: • When the system l ocates service, the banner displa ys, along with the time and date.
Getting Started 14 Display Options Y our Spr int PCS Phone TM provides severa l display op tions: Backlig ht Cont ro l When the phone is attach ed to the Hands-F ree Car K it, the backligh t remains on ( when the phone is on). When K eyGuard is active, the backlight r emains off.
Getting Started 15 Pers ona l Greet i ng Y ou can create and dis pla y a 12-c haracter personal gr eeting that disp lays in Stan dby mode. T o create a personal gr eeting: 1. Press to displa y the Ma in Menu. 2. P res s for D isp lay . 3. Press f or Greeting.
Getting Started 16 Ser v ic e Mode S electi on Y ou can operate y our Sprint PCS Pho ne TM in one of three differe nt service modes: • Au tomatic: The phone wil l sear ch f or Digital service first. If Digital service is not av ailable , it will sea rch f or Analog service automaticall y .
Getting Started 17 Menu O rga nizatio n Y our Sprint PCS Phone™ includes both a Main M enu and an In Use Me nu. Mai n Me nu The Main Men u in Standby m ode contains 10 primary options, mo st of which co ntain sub-me nus with conte xt- specific options.
Getting Started 18 T able 5: Main Menu S tructure Main Menu Menu Level 1 Menu Level 2 Menu Level 3 1. Call Logs ➪ 1. Outgoing 2. Incoming 3. Erase Logs 4. Air Time ➪ 1. Last Call 2. Total 3. EraseTotal 2. Phone Book ➪ 1. Recall ➪ 1. by Name 2.
Calling Options 19 Calling Options Overv ie w of Cal lin g O pti ons Charact er Ent ry Placi ng / E nding C alls Roaming With Y our Sprint PCS Ph one™ Ringe r / Alert Options Any Key Answ er T racki.
Calling Options 20 Overview of Ca lling Opt i ons Y our Sprint PCS Phone™ provides a variety of call ing options. F or detai led inf ormation on eac h of the f oll owing calling options, see the r elated section in this man ual: • Enter the phone number by pressing the appr opriate digit keys, and th en press .
Calling Options 21 Alpha Entr y T o enter letters when saving a name in the Internal Phone Book or when entering a personal g reeting: 1. Press the as sociated alphanum eric key to enter a letter . 2. T o select the desired c har acter , r epeatedl y press an alphanumeric key to cycle through the letters and the number as sociated with that key .
Calling Options 22 Punctu at ion En tr y T o enter p unctuation mar ks when entering a name in the Phone Book or a personal g reeting: 1. Press repe atedly to s can punctuation op tions: • Period ( .
Calling Options 23 Roam in g With Y our Sp rint PC S Phone™ Wher e Y ou Can Us e Y our Phone Y our Sprint PCS Phone™ is Dual-Band, whic h means y ou can use it to make and receiv e ca lls in ma ny plac es. • In an y city where S print PCS pro vides service.
Calling Options 24 Note - Alw ays dial using 10 digits (ar ea code + numb er) when calling fr om outside y our Sprint PCS Home S ervice Area. Calling Exp e rien ce When y ou use your p hone on other P.
Calling Options 25 If you’ re on your ph one and leav e a Sprint PCS Service Area, yo ur call will b e dropped. When ree ntering a Sprint PCS Service Area while on a roaming ca ll, turn your phone off and on again to acquir e Sprint PCS Service.
Calling Options 26 Automatic Hyp henation A utomatic Hyph enation f ollows the North American Numbering Plan, which hyphena tes numbers as f ollo ws: • 800-555 -1234 Digits f ollo wing a P ause a re not h yphena ted. (See “P ause Dialing” on page 50.
Calling Options 27 Missed Call Alert Y our phone keeps a list of calls that you do not ans wer when the phone is on and service is avail able. The p hone indicates a missed cal l by displayi ng a te xt notif ication on the scr een.
Calling Options 28 Minute Beep Y ou can set the Minute Beep option to sound an alert 10 seconds bef ore ea ch elapsed m inute to remin d you of the length of the curr ent call. T o turn Minute Beep on and off: 1. Press to displa y the Main Menu i n Standby mod e before pl ac ing the ca ll.
Calling Options 29 Incoming Ca ll No tifi cation Y our Sprint PCS Phone TM signals an i ncomin g ca ll or m ess ag e in the fo llowing ways: • The b ackligh t illumin ates. • The red LED on the top of the h andset f lashes. • The ringer sounds (unless set to V ibrate or Off).
Calling Options 30 Ringe r / Al er t Option s Y our Spr int PCS Phone TM prov ides a variety of ring er / a lert options in the S ounds menu. T o set ring er / alert options: 1. Press to displa y the Main Menu. 2. Press for S ounds. 3. Press the corresponding digit key to select th e desir ed option: • Press for R ing V olume.
Calling Options 31 Key V olume Setting The key vol ume sounds in r esponse to digit keypress es. T o set key vol ume: 1. Press to displa y the Main Menu. 2. Press for S ounds. 3. Press f or K ey V olume. 4. Pres s the scroll k eys to sca n v olume opt ions: V olume levels 1 - 6 and Of f.
Calling Options 32 Message Ale rt Setting The Messag e Alert option lets y ou select a unique ring type and v olume f or incoming messag es. T o set mess age ring type and vol ume: 1. Press to displa y the Ma in Menu. 2. Press for S ounds. 3. Press again fo r Messag e Ale rt.
Calling Options 33 T one Lengt h Se ttin g The T one Length setting lets y ou select short or long DTMF (Dual-tone Multi-fr equency) tones. T o set tone length: 1. Press to displa y the Main Menu. 2. P ress for Setup . 3. Press f or T one Length. 4. Press the scr oll keys to toggle betw een Short / Long.
Calling Options 34 Any Key Answe r Activate An y K ey Answ er to ans w er incoming calls by pressin g any key on the keypad, e xcept . T o activate An y K ey Answ er: 1. Pres s to displa y the Main M enu. 2. Pr ess f or Se tup. 3. Press for AnyK ey Ans.
Calling Options 35 T rac king Cal ls Thro ugh Cal l Logs Call Logs stor e up to ten incom ing calls and ten outgoing calls. Eac h log store s the name and p hone number (if avai lable), a s well as the time / date stamp.
Calling Options 36 Erasing Ca ll Logs Y ou can erase phone n umbers stored in C all Logs. To e r a s e C a l l L o g s : 1. Press to displa y the Main Menu. 2. P res s for C all Log s. 3. Press for Er ase Logs. 4. Press to confirm eras ing the call l ogs, or pr ess to cancel the op eration.
Internal Phone Book 37 Internal Phone Book Overview of th e Intern al Phone Boo k Storing P hone Numbers / Names Vi ewing Stor ed Ent ries Diali ng f rom th e Int ern al Phone Boo k Edit ing Phon e Bo.
Internal Phone Book 38 Overview of th e Intern al Pho ne Book The Internal Phone Book provides the f ollowing f eature s: • 79 memory locations • Optional name entry • Confirmation option when e.
Internal Phone Book 39 Storin g Phone Numbers / Names T o store p hone numbers / names: 1. Press to displa y the Main Menu. 2. Press f or Phone Book. 3. Press again f or Store. The s creen pr ompts f or the phone number . (Y ou can enter up to 32 digits.
Internal Phone Book 40 Viewing Stor e d En tr ie s Finding Entr ies By Loc ation T o find an entr y by location: 1. Press to displa y the Main Menu. 2. Press for Phone Book. 3. Press for Reca ll. Additional options displ ay . 4. Pr ess for By M emory #.
Internal Phone Book 41 Dialin g from t he In terna l Phone Book Dialing By Me mo ry Lo ca tio n Y our Spr int PCS Phone TM lets y ou place calls quic kly by entering the associ ated digit key(s) f or the Phone B ook memory location of the phone number y ou are calling.
Internal Phone Book 42 Edit in g Ph one Book En t ries T o edit a Phone Book entry: 1. Pres s to displa y the Main M enu. 2. Press for Phone B ook. 3. Pr e ss for Edi t. 4. Pre s s the s c roll ke ys to scro ll to t h e de si red en t r y . 5. Press for con te xt-specific options .
Message Services and V oicemail 43 Message Services and V oicemail Overview of Messag e Se rvices and V oicemail Message M anage ment Setting Up Y o ur Voicemail Box Review in g Numeric Pa ge and T ex.
Message Services and V oicemail 44 Overview of Me ssage Ser v ic es and V oic email Y our Sprin t PCS Phone TM receives voi cemail notif ication, te xt messag es and n umeric pages . When the pho ne receiv es a messag e, an alert sounds, and a te xt notification displa ys (“New V oicemail”, “New T ext” , or “New P ag e”).
Message Services and V oicemail 45 Message Ma na gement The phone dis plays the n umber of new m essag es in each category , and then places a diagonal line ne xt to me ssages after you read t hem. An exclamat ion po int n ext to a me ssage indicate s an urgent messag e.
Message Services and V oicemail 46 Setting Up Y our V oicemail Box Setting up y our voi cemail box pro vides access to voicema il mess a ges for rev iew . T o set up y our voice mail box, contac t Sprint PCS. Revie wi ng V oicemail Me ssages T o re view vo icem ail mes s ages : 1.
Message Services and V oicemail 47 Reviewi ng Nu meric Page s and T ext Messages T o revie w numeric pag es and te xt messages: 1. Press to displa y the Mes sages men u. The number of new messag es displa ys ne xt to the associated mes sage type in the m enu.
Message Services and V oicemail 48 Erasing M essages Y ou can erase al l stored mes sages . T o eras e messag es: 1. Pre ss to disp lay th e M essa ges me nu. 2. Press fo r Delete All. The screen pr ompts f or confirmation bef ore erasing messag es. 3.
Advanced Features 49 Advanced Features Pause Di aling Security Option s Call Re striction Options Resetti ng t he Phone KeyGua rd Emergency and Special Numb ers.
Advanced Features 50 Pause D ialing P ause Dialing lets you send numbers as DTMF (Dual-tone Mult i -freq uency) sign als a fter pl acin g a ca ll. Th is feat ure is helpful when usin g electronic communi cations, suc h as sending ba nk account or cred it card numb ers over the phone.
Advanced Features 51 Security Op tions Y our Spr int PCS Phone TM provides many s ecurity options, including a user-p rogra mmable l ock code, keypad lock and call rest riction features . T o access the Security menu in Standby mode, pr ess , , and then enter the f our- digit loc k code.
Advanced Features 52 Lock Cod e Settin g The default lock code f or your Sprint PCS Phone TM is gene rall y 0000 or the last four digits of your p hone number , depending on activ ation. Y ou can enter a personal l ock code , and then c hang e the lock code as often as y ou like.
Advanced Features 53 Lockin g the Pho ne Y ou can select settings to lock th e phone manual ly or automatical ly , or leav e the phone unlocked. T o lock th e phone: 1. Pres s to displa y the Main M enu. 2. Press for Security . The Lock Code scree n displays .
Advanced Features 54 Call Restrictio n Options Restrict ing Cal ls Y our Spr int PCS Phone TM provides the f ollowing Call Restriction options in the S ecurity menu: • Phone Book: Restricts access t.
Advanced Features 55 Resettin g the P hone Resetting the phone returns all s aved options to the def ault settings and er ases all Ph one Book entries. The phone provides se curity b y requiring the lock co de to reset the phone. When th e Lock Code screen displa ys, enter th e four- digit lock code, and then co ntinue.
Advanced Features 56 Emerge ncy and Sp eci al Number s Emerg ency numbers (91 1, *911, #911) and the S print PCS Customer Care n umber ( ) ar e prog rammed i nto yo ur Sprint PCS Phone TM . The Security menu provi des the option of storing three additional special numbers.
Special Sprint PCS Features 57 Special Sprint PCS Features Vo i c e D i a l i n g Call Waiting Cal l Fo rwar ding Three- W ay Callin g Block Ow n Number.
Special Sprint PCS Features 58 Vo i c e D i a l i n g Y our Spr int PCS Phone TM features Art smARTspeak ® , the new V oice Dialing system from Advanced Recogni tion T echnol ogy . When on the Sprint PCS Networ k, y ou can call up to 20 s tored entries by speakin g the name into the microphone.
Special Sprint PCS Features 59 V oice Dialing Activa tio n V oice Diali ng is alwa ys active once y ou have tr ained the phone to a ccept V oice Di aling e ntries. T o place V oice Dialing calls, pres s the V oice Dialing key , and then sa y the name into the phone afte r you hea r the voice prompt.
Special Sprint PCS Features 60 Reviewing V oice Dia ling En tries T o revie w V oice Dialing entries: 1. Press to display the M ain Menu. 2. Press f or V oice Dial. 3. Pres s f or Revie w . A list of entries displa ys. 4. Pres s the digit key to se lect the desir ed entry , or press the scroll keys to scan entries.
Special Sprint PCS Features 61 Call Waiting Call W aiting lets you receiv e a second call during conversa tion. When a C all W aiting cal l comes in, the incoming cal l alert sounds, whe n set, and a te xt notificat ion disp lays . Y our Spr int PCS Phone TM provides the option of turning the Call W aiting f eatur e on and o ff.
Special Sprint PCS Features 62 Call F orwardi ng Y our Spr int PCS Phone TM provides the option of f orwa rding incoming cal ls to another ph one number , even while your phone is off. Activating C all Forw arding does not affect outgoing c alls mad e from this p hone.
Special Sprint PCS Features 63 Block Own Nu mber Y our Spr int PCS Phone TM provides the option of bl ocking yo ur phone number from the called p arty’ s Caller ID displ ay . Block Own N umber Setting T o activate Block Own Number temporaril y: 1. Pres s , , .
Accessories 64 Accessories Sprint PC S Pho n e Acc e ssor i e s.
Accessories 65 Sprin t PCS Phone Ac cessori es Batteries T wo types of LiIon batteries ar e availa ble for us e with yo ur Sprint PCS Phone TM : •Standard Batter y - BTL859S •Extended Battery - BT.
Accessories 66 T rave l Charger The T rav el Charg er p lugs i nto a wall outlet an d enables you to ch arg e a sin gle bat tery at you r home or office or wh ile trav eling. Figure 4: Trave l Charger: TC59 Hands-Free Car Kit * The Hands-F r e e Car K it pr o vid es saf ety , freedo m and conv enience in yo u r veh i cl e.
Accessories 67 Hand Strap The Hand Str ap provi des conven ience and saf ety when carr ying or using y our phone. Figu re 7: H and Stra p: C HS- 1900 Charging T imes with Accesso ries Standa rd Batte ry Extende d Bat tery Dual-Sl ot Desktop Charger 3.
Appendix 68 Appendix T rouble shoot ing Commo n Qu estion s Safe ty C onsid era tions Glossary of T erms.
Appendix 69 T rou bleshooti ng Maximizin g Call Quality For optimum call quality with y our Sprint PCS Phone TM , please f ollow thes e guidelines: • Fully e x tend the antenna. While it may b e possible to place calls with the a ntenna retracted, th e phone operat es best with the antenna fully e xten ded.
Appendix 70 How far can I call on my Sprint PCS Ph one TM ? Y ou can place local or long-distan ce calls within th e U.S. as long as y ou are initi ating the call within the Sprint PCS Nationwide Netw ork. Does the phone have to be on to receive a call? Y es.
Appendix 71 What costs will I have with m y Sprint PCS Phone TM ? The costs depen d on the Sprint PCS Ser vice Plan you select. There is a monthl y in v oice , whic h incl udes a monthl y access f ee and per-mi nute airtime c harg e fo r use or tal k time.
Appendix 72 What do I do if my Sprint PCS Phone TM is lost or stolen ? In addition to reporting the thef t to local la w enf orcem ent, immedi ately contac t Sprint P CS to avoid f urther c all c harg es. (Call S pr int PC S Custo mer Care t oll-f ree at 1 - 8 88-21 1-4PC S.
Appendix 73 Electr onic D evic es Y our wireless tel ephone is a radio tr ansmitter an d receiv er . When the pow er is on, the phone r eceiv es and sends out RF energy . Most modern electronic equipment, such a s equipment in hos pitals and ca rs, contains an RF s ignal shiel d.
Appendix 74 Other Dangero us Areas T urn of f yo ur phone in an y area with a p otentially e x plosive atmospher e. It is r are, b ut your phone or its acc essories could g enerate sparks, which could ca use e xplosion or f ire. Areas wi th a potentiall y e xplosiv e atmospher e ma y not alwa ys be cle arly mar ked.
Appendix 75 Glossary of T erms Airtime - Actual time spent talking o n the wireless phone. Most carriers bill cu stome rs based o n how ma ny minutes of airtime they use eac h month.
Appendix 76 Home Service Area - The g eogr aphic ar ea in which the wireless phone is a ctivated. This is used f or in voicing purposes . Hook Flash - The ac tion of clic king on the re ceive r of a landline phone. On y our Sprint PCS Phone™, pr ess T ALK to achieve the same result.
Appendix 77 V ocoder - V oice Coder . A device used to convert speech into digital si gnals . V oicemail - A computerized ans wering service that ans wers a call , plays a greeti ng an d reco rd s a me ssa ge. Depending on the s ophistication of th e service, it can notify the sub scriber , via a p ager , of an incoming cal l or mess age.
Index 78 A Access ories 6 4 Activating Servic e (Refer to Introducti on) Advanced Features 49 Aircraft 73 Airtime (Reviewing) 36 Alerts Me nu 33 Alpha Entry 21 Analog Indi cator 6 Answ ering a Ca ll 1.
Index 79 Call Waiting 61 Call Waiti ng Indicato r 7 Character Entry 20 Charging the Ba ttery 9 Charging Times with A ccessories 67 Cigare tte Lighter Adapter 65 Clear Key 3, 5 Common Que stions 69 Com.
Index 80 F Failed Cal l Alert 27 Faile d Call I ndica tor 7 FCC Noti ce 74 Finding En tries By Loca tion 40 Finding En tries b y Name 40 G Getting Started 1 Glossary of Terms 75 Greeting 7 H Hand Stra.
Index 81 M Main Me nu S tructu re 18 Maintenance 74 Making Cal ls 12 Maximizin g Call Quality 69 Memory Dial ing Shor tcuts 41 Menu Key 3, 5 Menu Navig ation 17 Menu Organization 1 7 Menu Sc roll ing .
Index 82 Personal Greeting 15 Phone Book Ov erview 38 Phone Descriptio n 3 Phone Specifica tions 11 Placin g a Call 22 Power On Light 3 Power On / Off 12 Power Sa ve Mo d e 13 Prepend D ialing 26 Punc.
Index 83 Speed D ialing 12 Stand ard Battery 11 Stan dby Mo de 13 Stan db y Time 11 Status / Alert Indicators 6, 7 Storing E mergency / Sp ecial Numbers 56 Storing Ph one Numbers / Names 39 Storing Ph.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Samsung SCH-1500 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Samsung SCH-1500 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Samsung SCH-1500 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Samsung SCH-1500 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Samsung SCH-1500, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Samsung SCH-1500.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Samsung SCH-1500. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Samsung SCH-1500 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.