Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto SC-MX20H del fabbricante Samsung
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imagine the possibilities Than k yo u fo r pu rcha sing thi s Sa msun g pr oduc t. To r ecei ve m ore comp lete ser vice , pl ease regi ster you r pr oduc t at www.
English _ii key f eatures of yo ur mem ory cam corder High-re solution Colour Widescre en LCD (2 .7” WIDE TFT LCD ) Samsung memory camcorde r adopts 2.
English _iii Easy Up load to YouTube You can upload recorded movie t o YouTube using t he Cyber Link Med iaShow4. ➥ page 9 2 Enjoyin g Variou s Playba ck Featu res Unlike tape ope ration, playback is simpl e and ea sy in th is memor y camcord er since r ewinding and fas t forwar ding is l ess time consumi ng.
English _iv This symbol indicates that dangerous voltage consisting a risk of electric shock is present within this unit. This symbol indicates that there are important operating and maintenance instructions in the literature accompanying this unit.
English _v 1. Read these instructions. 2. Keep these instructions. 3. Heed all warnings. 4. Follow all instructions. 5. Do not use this apparatus near water. 6. Clean only with dry cloth. 7. Do not block any ventilation openings. Install in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
English _vi 17. POWER SOURCES: The CAMCORDER should be operated only from the type of power source indicated on the label. If you are not sure of the type of power supply at your home, consult your appliance dealer or local power company.
English _vii 22. POWER LINES: An outside antenna system should not be located in the vicinity of overhead power lines or other electric light or power circuits where it can fall into such power lines or circuits.
English _viii 29. To prevent damage which may result in fire or shock hazard, do not expose this appliance to rain or moisture. 30. If this power supply is used at 240V ac, a suitable plug adaptor should be used. 31. This pro duct is cove red by o ne o r mor e of the fol lowi ng U .
English _ix precautions Warnin g! This ca mcorder should a lways be connecte d to an AC outle t with a protecti ve groun ding con nection. Batteri es shall not be exposed to excess ive heat such as sunshin e, fire or the lik e. • • Cautio n Danger of explo sion if battery is incorr ectly re placed.
English _x Make a backup o f import ant reco rded data - Protect your important recorded data by copying the files to a PC. It is recommended to copy it from your PC to other recording media for storage. Refer to the software installation and USB connection guide.
English _xi Do not subject the memo ry camco rder to i mpact: - This memory camcorder is a precision machine. Take great care that you do not strike it against a hard object or let it fall. - Do not use the memory camcorder on a tripod in a place where it is subject to severe vibrations or impact.
English _xii Do not use the memory c amcorder near ult rasonic humidifie r: - Calcium and other chemicals dissolved in water could scatter in the air, and white particles could adhere to the optical head of the memory camcorder, which could cause it to operate abnormally.
Engl ish _03 IN T R O DU C T IO N TO BA S I C F E A TU R E S GE T T I NG T O K N OW Y OU R ME M O R Y C A MC O R DE R 09 P RE P A RA T I ON 12 A BO U T T H E S T O RA G E M E D IA 37 07 09 What's.
Engl ish _04 44 Recording movie images 45 Recording with ease for beginners (EASY Q mode) 46 Zooming In and out 47 Movie Images playback 50 Changin g the me nu setti ngs 52 Menu it ems 53 Using t he r.
Engl ish _05 P LA Y B AC K OP T I ON S 68 SE T T I NG S OP T I ON S 74 68 Menu it ems 69 Setting the pla y option 70 Deletin g movie images 71 Protect ing movi e images 72 Copying movie i mages (SC-MX.
Engl ish _06 84 Transfering a Recorded File through a USB Conection 84 CyberLink MediaShow4 86 Installing the CyberLink MediaShow4 88 Connecting the USB cable 89 Viewing the contents of storage media .
Engl ish _07 introduction to basic features Connect ing a po wer sour ce ➥ pag e 14 Check o ut the s torage m edia ➥ pa ge 37 Setting the Dat e/Time a nd OSD L anguage ➥ pages 34 , 36 • • • Recordi ng the m ovie ima ges ➥ pag e 44 • Selecti ng an im age to p lay back from the thumbna il index views u sing Control button.
Engl ish _08 You can upload recorded movie t o YouTube using t he Cyber Link Med iaShow4. ➥ page 92 • ✪ This ch apter in troduces you to the basic feature s of you r memory camcorde r.
Engl ish _09 WH AT 'S I NC LU DE D WI TH Y OU R ME MO R Y C AM CO R D ER Your ne w memory camcord er comes with the followi ng acces sories. If any of these i tems is missing from your box, call Sa msung’s Customer Care Ce nter. ✪ The exa ct shape of each item ma y vary by model.
Engl ish _10 F RO N T & L EF T VI E W Lens op en/close switch LCD scr een Interna l microp hone Built-i n speake r Lens but ton MENU bu tton EASY Q button OK butt on LCD ENH ANCER ( ) b utton Cont.
Engl ish _11 R EA R & B O TT OM V I E W getti ng to k now yo ur mem ory cam corder MODE in dicator ( Recor d ( ) / Pla yer ( )) Recordi ng start /stop bu tton Grip be lt MODE bu tton Swivel Hand-g.
Engl ish _12 preparation This se ction pr ovides i nformati on that y ou shoul d know b efore us ing this memory c amcorder ; such a s how to use the provide d access ories, h ow to ch arge the battery, how to setup th e operati on mode and init ialize s etup.
Engl ish _13 Us in g t he C ra dl e When re charging and con necting to extern al devic es, use the crad le for bet ter stab ility. 1. Put the memory camcorde r onto t he cradle , while making s ure all ter minals a re well connecte d. 2. Connect the pow er suppl y or oth er extern al devic es (such as TV, PC, etc.
Engl ish _14 C ON N E CT I N G A PO W E R SO UR C E There a re two t ypes of power so urce that can be connecte d to you r memory camcorde r. Do not use prov ided pow er suppl y units w ith othe r equipm ent. - The bat tery pac k: used for outd oor recor ding.
Engl ish _15 Ch a rg in g t he Ba tt e ry P ack Be sure to char ge the b attery p ack before you star t using your mem ory camcor der. Use IA-BP85ST bat tery pac k only. The bat tery pac k may be charged a little at the time of purchase . 1. Slide t he POWER switch downward to turn off the power.
Engl ish _16 Ch a rg in g i nd i ca to r Tips fo r batter y identi fication ✪ The col or of th e LED in dicates charging status. If the battery has been fully c harged, t he charg e indica tor is green. If you are char ging the battery , the col or of th e charge indicat or is oran ge.
Engl ish _17 Battery Level Indicat or State Mes sage Fully c harged - 20~40% used - 40~60% used - 60~80% used - 80~99% used - Exhaust ed (flick ers): Th e device will soo n turn o ff. Change the Batt ery Pack as soon as possi ble. - - (flicker s): The device w ill be f orced to turn off after 5 secon ds.
Engl ish _18 Ch a rg in g , re c or di n g an d p la y ba ck ti me s w it h f ul l y ch arg ed ba tt ery p a ck (w i th n o z oo m o pe r at io n, et c .) For you r refere nce, the approxi mate time with fu lly char ged batt ery pack: Battery type IA-BP85ST Charging time approx.
Engl ish _19 About battery packs The ben efits of battery pack: Ba ttery pac k is sma ll but h as a lar ge power capacity . It sho uld be r echarged in any environ ment tha t is bet ween 32° F (0°C) a nd 104°F (40°C).
Engl ish _20 Use onl y approv ed batte ry packs . Do not use batt eries fr om other manufact urers. Otherwi se, ther e is a d anger of overheat ing, fire or expl osion. Samsung is not responsi ble for problems occurrin g due to using u napproved batteri es.
Engl ish _21 Us i ng a ho us e ho ld po we r s ou r ce Make th e same c onnectio ns as yo u do when chargin g the ba ttery pa ck. The bat tery pac k will n ot lose its charg e in thi s case.
Engl ish _22 B AS I C O P E RA TI ON O F YO UR M EM OR Y C A MC OR DE R This se ction ex plains t he basic techniqu es of re cording movies, and also basic se ttings o n your m emory cam corder. Set the appropr iate ope ration m ode accor ding to your pre ference using POW ER switc h and MO DE butto n.
Engl ish _23 Mo vi e R ec or d mo de L CD S CR E E N IN DI C A TO RS Interva l REC * Operati ng statu s ( [STBY ] (stand by) or [ ] ( recording )) Voice M ute * Time co unter (movie recordin g time: r.
Engl ish _24 Voice M ute* (On /Off) Focu s* (Au to Fo cus/F ace D etect ion/M anual Focus ) Shortcu t menu ( OK Guide ) / Retu rn Shutter * (Auto Shutter / Manual Shutter) Exposur e* (Auto Exposur e /.
Engl ish _25 Ex i MENU STBY 1 Mo vi e P la y mo de : Si ng le V ie w Movie P lay mode Play St atus ( P lay ( ) / Pau se ( ❙❙ )) Time co de (Elap sed time / Recor ded time) Storage media ( Built-in memory (SC-MX20C / MX20CH/ MX20E/MX 20EL/MX2 0ER only ) or memory card) Battery info.
Engl ish _26 preparation The ill ustration to the l eft shows the Man ual Exposur e screen. Functio ns marked with * w on’t be k ept when the mem ory camco rder rest arts. Shortcu t menu (O K guide) represent s the mo st frequen tly acces sed funct ions acco rding to the selecte d mode.
Engl ish _27 T UR N I NG T HE S CR E E N IN DI C A TO RS O N / OF F ( ) Switch ing the informa tion di splay m ode You can switch the disp lay mode of on-sc reen inf ormation : Press t he button while th e camcor der is o n. The ful l and mi nimum di splay mo des will alternat e.
Engl ish _28 U SI N G T H E L CD E N H AN CE R F U NC TI ON Contrast is enhanced for a clear and bright image. This effect is also implemented outdoors in bright daylight. You can also adjust the screen brightness in two-level increments, which provides a brighter screen than using just one-level increment for your recording.
Engl ish _29 A DJ U S TI N G T HE L C D S CR EE N 1. Open up the LCD screen 90 degre es with y our finge r. 2. Rotate it to th e best a ngle to record or play. If you rotate t he LCD s creen 18 0 degrees to the lens sid e, you c an close t he LCD s creen wi th it fa cing out.
Engl ish _30 U SI N G T H E C ON TR O L B UT TO N S Used fo r playba ck, paus ing, fas t forward ing, and rewindi ng. Also us ed as di rectiona l button s (up, do wn, left , right) and to make a se lection when se lecting movie im ages or menus. 1. Pr es s th e Co nt ro l b ut to n ( / ) to m ov e le ft / r ig ht .
Engl ish _31 Us i ng t h e Co n tr ol bu tt on Button Movie R ecord( )mode Movie Play( ) mode Menu se lection OK - Access the shortcut menu - Confirm selection - Exit the shortcut menu - Shortcut men.
Engl ish _32 SH OR TC UT M EN U (O K GU ID E) Shortcu t menu ( OK guide ) repres ents the most fre quently accessed function s accordi ng to th e select ed mode. preparation OK Shortcu t menu ( OK guide ) cannot be used in EASY Q mode. Pressin g the Co ntrol bu tton in each menu will to ggle bet ween "Auto" or "Manu al" .
Engl ish _33 Sh or tc ut f un ct io n us in g th e Co n t ro l bu t t on s Button Movie R ecord( ) mode Movie Play( ) mode OK - Access the shortcut menu - Confirm selection - Exit the shortcut menu -.
Engl ish _34 I NI T I AL S ET TI NG : T IM E Z O NE , DA T E A ND T I M E & OS D LA NG UA G E Initial setting is avai lable in all oper ating mo des. To read the men us or me ssages i n your de sired la nguage, set the OSD langu age. To stor e the da te and t ime duri ng record ing, set the tim e zone a nd date/t ime.
Engl ish _35 On charging the built-in rechargeable battery The built-in rechargeable battery is automatically charged while the camcorder is turned on.
Engl ish _36 I NI T I AL S ET TI NG : T IM E Z O NE , DA T E A ND T I M E & OS D LA NG UA G E Se le ct i ng t he O SD la ng ua ge You can select the desi red lang uage to d isplay t he menu screen a nd the me ssages. 1. Set the "Settin gs" mode .
Engl ish _37 SELECTING THE STORAGE MEDIA (SC-MX20C/MX20CH/MX20E/MX20EL/MX20ER only) You can record on the b uilt-in memory or a memor y card, so you s hould sel ect the desired storage media bef ore startin g record ing or p layback. You can use SDH C and MM Cplus ca rds on yo ur memory camcor der.
Engl ish _38 I NS E R TI N G / E JE C T IN G TH E ME MO RY C AR D In se rt i ng a m em or y c ar d 1. Turn th e memory camcord er off. 2. Slide t he memor y card s lot cove r to the right to open th e cover. 3. Insert the memo ry card into the memory c ard slot in the directio n of the arrow s hown in the figur e until it softly clicks.
Engl ish _39 S EL E C TI N G A S UI T A BL E ME M O RY C AR D A memor y card i s a comp act port able stor age medi a. You can use a S DHC memo ry card and MMC p lus. (If nee ded, buy a memor y card s eparately .) - You can als o use a SD memor y card, b ut recom mended t hat you use a SDHC me mory car d and MM C plus w ith your memory c amcorder .
Engl ish _40 MM Cp lu s ( Mu lt i Me d ia C ar d pl u s) In the case of MMCplus, they ha ve no pro tection tab so p lease us e the pro tect fun ction in the men u. Co mm on ca ut io ns f o r me mo ry c a rd Damaged data ma y not be recover ed. It is recomme nded you make a back-up o f import ant data separat ely on the har d disk o f your P C.
Engl ish _41 The memory camcorder supports SDHC and MMCplus memory cards for data storage. The data storage speed may differ, according to the manufacturer and production system. The user using a lower write speed memory card for recording a movie may have difficulties storing the movie on the memory card.
Engl ish _42 R EC O R DA B L E TI ME A ND C AP A C IT Y 1GB= 1,000,000,000bytes : actual formatted capacity may be less as the internal firmware uses a port ion of the memory. Media built-i n memory (SC-MX2 0C/MX20CH / MX20E/M X20EL/ MX20ER only) Memory Card Capacit y 8GB 16GB 1GB 2GB 4GB 8GB 16GB TV Supe r Fine ( ) 720x480 (60i) approx.
Engl ish _43 The pre vious fig ures are measure d under S amsung’s standar d record ing test conditio ns and m ay diffe r dependi ng on th e test o r use co ndition.
Engl ish _44 recording Basic p rocedure s to rec ord a mo vie image are des cribed b elow and on the f ollowing pages. RE CO RD IN G MO VI E IM AG ES The mem ory camc order pr ovides t wo Record ing star t/stop b uttons. One is on the rea r side o f the ca mcorder and the other o ne is on the LCD panel.
Engl ish _45 R EC O R DI N G W IT H E A SE F OR B EG IN NE R S ( EA SY Q M OD E) With th e EASY Q functio n, most of the me mory cam corder s ettings are autom atically adjuste d, which frees yo u from de tailed a djustmen ts. 1. Slide t he POWER switch downward to turn on the m emory ca mcorder.
Engl ish _46 Z OO M I NG I N AN D O U T Use the zoom fu nction f or close -up or wi de-angle recordi ng. This me mory cam corder a llows yo u to reco rd using optical 34x pow er zoom and 120 0x digit al zoom. You can zoom wi th the z oom leve r or the Control (W/T) bu tton on the LCD p anel.
Engl ish _47 M OV I E I M A GE S PL A Y BA CK You can find a d esired m ovie ima ge quickl y using thumbnai l index view. 1. Turn th e memory camcord er on. Slide t he POWER switch downward to turn on the p ower. ➥ p age 22 Set the appropr iate sto rage med ia.
Engl ish _48 If there is no file stored to view, the message "Empty" appears. Closing the LCD screen while in playback will automatically mute the sound.
Engl ish _49 Va r io us Pl ay b ac k O pe ra tio ns Still p layback (pause) ( / ❙❙ ) Press t he OK bu tton dur ing play back. - To resume n ormal pl ayback, press the OK butt on again . Search playback ( / ) During normal p layback, press a nd hold the Cont rol butt on ( ) for forward search, or to t he left for rever se searc h.
Engl ish _50 C HA N G IN G TH E ME N U S ET TI N G S You can change the menu setting s to cust omize yo ur memor y camcor der. Access the desi red menu screen by follow ing the steps be low, the n change the various setting s. 1. Slide P OWER swi tch down ward to turn the memory c amcorder on.
Engl ish _51 ✪ Follow the inst ructions below t o use eac h of the menu it ems list ed after this pag e . For exa mple : se tting th e White Balance i n Movie Record m ode. 1. Slide t he POWER switch downward to turn the memo ry camco rder on. 2. Select the oper ation mo de.
Engl ish _52 MENU ITEMS Accessing items in the menu depends on the operation mode. For operation details, see the corresponding page. ➥ pages 53~67 Menu items in Movie Record ( ) Items Default value.
Engl ish _53 US IN G TH E RE CO RD IN G ME NU I TE MS You can set up the menu items f or movie images r ecording . i SC EN E This me mory cam corder a utomatic ally sets the shu tter spe ed and a pert.
Engl ish _54 Wh it e B al an ce This me mory cam corder a utomatic ally adju sts the color of subject . Change the whit e balanc e settin g dependi ng on the rec ording c ondition s. item content s on-scree n display "Auto" Adjusts the White Balance automatically.
Engl ish _55 A subject can be recorded under various types of lighting conditions indoors (natural, fluorescent, candlelight, etc.). Because the color temperature is different depending on the light source, the subject tint will differ depending on the white balance settings.
Engl ish _56 Shutte r The memory camcorder automatically sets the shutter speed depending on the subject brightness. You can also manually adjust the shutter speed according to the scene conditions. Settings Contents On-screen display "Auto" The memory camcorder automatically sets the appropriate aperture value.
Engl ish _57 Fo cu s The mem ory camc order us ually fo cuses on a subjec t automa tically (auto-foc us). You can also ma nually f ocus a s ubject de pending on the r ecording conditio ns.
Engl ish _58 recording options Focusin g manual ly durin g record ing: This me mory cam corder a utomatic ally focu ses a su bject fr om close -up to in finity. However , the co rrect fo cus may not be ob tained d epending on the recording conditi on.
Engl ish _59 An ti -S h ak e (H DI S) Helps c ompensat e for na tural ha nd-shakin g moveme nts when recordi ng. item content s on-scree n display "Off" Di sables t he funct ion. None "On" Comp ensates for unst able ima ges cause d by camcorder-sh ake, par ticularl y at high magnific ation.
Engl ish _60 Di gi ta l E ff ec t The dig ital eff ect enab les you to give a creativ e look t o your r ecording. Select the appr opriate digital effect fo r the ty pe of pi cture th at you wi sh to re cord and the eff ect you w ish to c reate. There a re 10 di fferent digital effect op tions.
Engl ish _61 Re so lu t io n You can select the reso lution o f a movie to be r ecorded. This me mory camc order ca n record in the "TV Super Fine" , "TV Fin e" , "TV Normal" and "We b & Mobil e" modes . The "T V Fine" mode is s et as th e factor y defaul t.
Engl ish _62 Wind Cut You can reduce wind noise when recording sound from the built-in microphone. If "Wind Cut : On" is set, the low-frequency components in the sound picked up by the microphone will be cut off during recording: This makes it easier to hear voice and sound during playback.
Engl ish _63 Ba ck L i gh t When su bject is lit fro m behind , this fu nction w ill comp ensate f or lighti ng so th at the s ubject i s not too dark. item content s on-scree n display "Off" Dis ables th e functi on. None "On" - Ba cklight compensa tion is executed.
Engl ish _64 recording options Interv al REC (Interva l recor ding) Interva l Rec re cords st ill imag es at spe cific int ervals y ou can s et and pl ays them as one movie fil e. This fu nction i s useful to obse rve the m ovement of cloud s, the c hanges in dayligh t or blo oming flo wers, etc .
Engl ish _65 Interval recording mode is released once it has been finished. To start another interval recording, repeat steps 1~5. Captured 30 contiguous images compose a movie clip of 1 second length.
Engl ish _66 Fa de r You can give your recording a professional look by using special effects such as fade in at the beginning of a sequence or fade out at the end of a sequence. item contents o n-screen display "Off" Disa bles the function.
Engl ish _67 item contents on -screen display "Off" Onl y optica l zoom i s availa ble up to 34x. None "On" Digital zoom is availab le up to 1200x. M oving th e zoom l ever wil l display the dig ital zoo m bar. None You can also zoom with the Control (W/T) button on the LCD panel.
Engl ish _68 MENU ITEMS Accessible items in the menu vary depending on the operation mode. See pages 47-49 for playback information and button operation.
Engl ish _69 SE TT IN G TH E PL AY O PT IO N You can play all movie images continuously or play the selected movie images only. You can also set the repeat option for all movie images. 1. Slide the POWER switch downward to turn on the memory camcorder.
Engl ish _70 D EL E T IN G MO VI E I M AG ES You can delete saved mo vie imag es. 1. Slide t he POWER switch downward to turn on the m emory ca mcorder. Set the appropr iate sto rage med ia. (SC-MX2 0C/MX20C H/MX20E/ MX20EL/M X20ER only) (If ima ges were recorde d on a m emory car d, inser t the me mory car d.
Engl ish _71 PR OT EC TI NG M OV IE I MA GE S You can protect saved i mportant movie im ages fro m accide ntal del etion. Protect ed image s will n ot be de leted unl ess you release the prot ection or format the memo ry. 1. Slide t he POWER switch downward to turn on the m emory ca mcorder.
Engl ish _72 CO PY IN G MO VI E IM AG ES ( SC -M X2 0C / M X2 0C H/ M X 20 E/ MX 2 0 EL /M X2 0 E R ON LY ) Movie images are copied to the destination storage while leaving original movie images in the source storage. It copies from the currently-used memory to another.
Engl ish _73 F IL E IN F O RM AT IO N You can see the image i nformati on for al l images . 1. Slide t he POWER switch downward to turn on the m emory ca mcorder. Set the appropr iate sto rage med ia. (SC-MX2 0C/MX20C H/MX20E/ MX20EL/M X20ER onl y) 2.
Engl ish _74 C HA N G IN G TH E ME N U S ET TI N G S IN " S E TT IN GS " You can change the menu setting s to cust omize yo ur memor y camcor der. Access the desi red menu screen by follow ing the steps be low and change th e variou s settin gs.
Engl ish _75 M EN U IT E M S You can setup t he date/ time, OS D languag e and di splay se ttings o f the mem ory camc order. Items Default values Page Storage (SC-MX20 C/MX20CH /MX20E/ MX20EL/ MX20ER o nly) Memory 76 Storage Info - 76 Format - 77 File No.
Engl ish _76 U SI N G T H E S ET TI N G S ME NU I TE MS St or ag e I nf o It show s you th e storag e inform ation. Yo u can vi ew the s torage m edia, use d memory space a nd avail able memo ry space. setting s content s on-scree n display "Memory " It show s you th e memory informa tion of b uilt-in storage media.
Engl ish _77 Fo rm at The for mat func tion com pletely deletes a ll files and opti ons on t he storag e media, includi ng prote cted files . You can format (initial ize) rec ording da ta in th e storag e media. You have to form at the p re-used storage m edia or newly p urchased memory cards wi th this m emory ca mcorder before u sing them .
Engl ish _78 Ti me Z o ne You can easily set the clock to the loca l time w hen usin g your m emory cam corder w hile tra veling. setting s content s on-scree n display "Home" The clo ck will be used accordin g to your setting on the Date/Tim e Set men u.
Engl ish _79 Ci ti es us ed t o se t t he t im e z on e Ci ti es C i ti es London, Lisbon Adelaide Rome, P aris, Be rlin, St ockholm, Madrid, Frankfur t Guam, S ydney, B risbane Athens, Helsink i, Cai.
Engl ish _80 Da te /T i me S et Set the current date an d time s o that th e date a nd time are reco rded corr ectly. ➥ page 34 Da te F o rm at You can select the date format to displa y. setting s contents on-scr een disp lay "YY/MM/ DD" The da te is di splayed in the or der of y ear / mo nth / da te.
Engl ish _81 LC D Br i gh tn es s You can adjust the brig htness o f the LCD screen to compe nsate fo r ambient lightin g condit ions. Press t he Contr ol butto n ( ) will brighten the scre en where as press the the Control button ( ) will da rken the screen.
Engl ish _82 Au to P o we r Of f To save battery power, you can set the " Auto Pow er Off" function which tu rns off the memo ry camco rder if t here is no oper ation fo r 5 minu tes. setting s content s on-scree n display "Off" The memory camcorde r does n ot turn o ff autom atically .
Engl ish _83 Ve rs io n The ver sion inf ormation could b e changed without the not icement. Me nu C o lo r You can select the desi red menu color to display the men u.
Engl ish _84 connecting to a PC ✪ This ch apter ex plains h ow to co nnect a P C using the USB cable fo r various actions . - Whe n conne cting a USB c able to a PC, refer t o the s oftware instal lation instru ctions and PC specific ations below.
Engl ish _85 On a sl ower PC than rec ommended , movie p layback may skip frames or operat e unexpe ctedly. If your OS is W indows X P/Vista, log in a s the Ad ministra tor (adm inistrato r of the PC) (or a user with the equival ent priv ileges) to insta ll the so ftware.
Engl ish _86 connecting to a PC INSTALLING THE CYBERLINK MEDIASHOW4 CyberLink MediaShow4 is a software for easy of editing MPEG, AVI, and other video files, still images, and other contents for creating a movie.
Engl ish _87 5. “Customer Information” screen appears. Click “ Next.” 6. “Choose Destination Location” screen appears. Choose the dest ination location on your PC where you wan t to ins tall. Click “ Next.” 7. “Setup Complete” appears.
Engl ish _88 CONNECTING THE USB CABLE Connect the USB cable t o copy m ovie imag es in a recordin g medium to the P C and vi ce versa . When t he USB ca ble is conn ected in Record / Play m ode, the product will swi tch to U SB mode i mmediate ly. 1. Connect the memory camcorder to the PC with a USB cable.
Engl ish _89 VIEWING THE CONTENTS OF STORAGE MEDIA 1. Slide the POWER switch downward to turn on the memory camcorder. Set the appropr iate sto rage med ia. ➥ page 37 (SC-MX2 0C/MX20C H/MX20E/ MX20EL/M X20ER onl y) (If you want to view co ntents o n a memor y card, insert t he memor y card.
Engl ish _90 connecting to a PC Structure of folders and files on the storage media The folder and file structure for built-in memory or memory card is as follows. Don’t arbitrarily change or remove the folder or file name. It may not be playable.
Engl ish _91 T RA N S FE R R IN G FI L E S FR OM T HE M EM O R Y CA MC O R DE R TO Y OU R PC You can copy movie images to your PC and view them. 1. Execut e the p rocedu re in "V IEWING THE CON TENTS O F STORA GE MEDI A." ➥ pa ge 89 The fol ders in the stor age medi a appear.
Engl ish _92 c o n n e c t i n g t o a P C Y ou T ube Broadcast Y ourself TM YouTube is a video sharing website where users can upload, view and share video clips.
Engl ish _93 c o n n e c t i n g t o o t h e r d e v i c e s You can view the recorded movie on a large screen by connecting the memory camcorder to a TV.
Engl ish _94 VI EW IN G ON T V SC RE EN 1. Turn on t he TV an d set the input s elector to the I nput connect ion the memory c amcorder is conne cted to. This is often r eferred to as "l ine". Ref er to th e TV instruc tion man ual for how to s witch the TV inpu t.
Engl ish _95 RE CO RD IN G (D UB BI NG ) IM AG ES O N A VC R OR D VD /H DD R EC OR DE R You can record (dub) im ages pla yed back on this memory c amcorder onto oth er video devices , such a s VCRs or DVD/HDD recorde rs.
Engl ish _96 maintenance & additional information M AI N T EN A N CE Your me mory cam corder i s a prod uct of su perior d esign an d crafts manship a nd shoul d be tre ated wit h care. The sug gestions below w ill help you fulfi ll any w arranty obligati ons and a llow you to enjo y this p roduct fo r many y ears.
Engl ish _97 To clea n the le ns Use an optional air blo wer to b low out d irt and other sm all obje ct. Do no t wipe t he lens with clo th or you r fingers . If nece ssary, w ipe gent ly with lens clea ning pap er. - Mol d may fo rm if th e lens i s left di rty.
Engl ish _98 Ba t te ry pa ck s The supplied battery pack is a lithium-ion battery. Before using the supplied battery pack or an optional battery pack, be sure to read the following cautions: To avoi d hazard s - Do not burn. - Do not short-circuit the terminals.
Engl ish _99 NTSC-compatible countries/regions Bahamas, Canada, Central America, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Philippines, Taiwan, United States of America, etc.
Engl ish _100 troubleshooting T RO U B LE S H OO TI NG ✪ Before contacting a Samsung authorized service center, perform the following simple checks. They may save you the time and expense of an unnecessary call. Warning indicators and messages Power source Message Icon Informs that.
Engl ish _101 Recording Message Icon Informs that... Action Check the lens cover Lens cover is closed. Open the lens cover. Write Error - Some problems occured while writing data to storage media. Format storage media using menus after backing-up important files to your PC or another storage media.
Engl ish _102 Playback Message Icon Informs that... Action Read Error - Some problems occurred during reading data from storage media. Format storage media using menus after back-up important files to PC or another storage device.
Engl ish _103 ✪ If you encounter any problem using your camcorder, check the following before asking for service repair. If these instructions do not solve your problem, contact the nearest Samsung authorized service center. Sympt oms and soluti ons Power Symptom Explanation/Solution The camcorder do es not turn on.
Engl ish _104 Displays Symptom Explanation/Solution The Recorded Image is more narrow or fat than original Image. You should check the size for recording before you record. ➥ page 61 • Unknown image appears on the LCD screen. The mem ory camc order is in Demo mode.
Engl ish _105 Symptom Explanation/Solution Menu items are grayed out. You can not sele ct graye d items in the cu rrent re cording/ playback mode. Most of menu it ems cann ot be se lected wh en you s et the E ASY Q fu nction.
Engl ish _106 Storage Media Symptom Explanation/Solution Memory card functions are not operable. Insert a memory card in to your camcorder properl y. ➥ page 38 If you use a me mory car d format ted on a computer , format it agai n directl y on your camcord er.
Engl ish _107 Recording Symptom Explanation/Solution Pressing the Recording start/ stop button does not start recording. Press the MODE button to set Movie Record mode ( ). There is not enough free space to record on the built-in memory or memory card.
Engl ish _108 Symptom Explanation/Solution When the screen is exposed to the direct sunlight during recording, the screen becomes red or black for an instant. Do not leave th e memory camcord er with t he LCD s creen ex posed to direct sunligh t. • During recording, the date/time does not display.
Engl ish _109 Adjusting the image during recording Symptom Explanation/Solution Focus does not adjust automatically. Set "Focus" to "Auto" . ➥ page 57 The rec ording c ondition s are no t suitabl e for au to focus . Adjust the focu s manual ly.
Engl ish _110 Playback on other devices (TV, etc.) Symptom Explanation/Solution You cann ot view the image or hear the sound on the connected device. Connect the aud io line of the A V cable t o your c amcorder or to t he connec ted device (TV, DVD recorde r, etc).
Engl ish _111 Connecting to a computer Symptom Explanation/Solution When using the movies, a computer does not recognize your camcorder. Install the pro vided so ftware p rogram. ➥ pages 86 , 87 Disconn ect the USB devi ce other than the keyboar d, the m ouse and the camcord er from the comp uter.
Engl ish _112 Overall operations Symptom Explanation/Solution The date and time are incorrect. Has the camcord er been left unu sed for a long pe riod of time? The bac kup buil t-in rec hargeabl e battery may be discharg ed. ➥ pag e 35 • The camcorder does not turn on, or does not operate by pressing any button.
Engl ish _113 Mo d el N a me : SC-MX20/S C- MX20B /SC -M X20H/S C- MX20L /SC - MX20R SC-MX20 C/SC - MX20CH/ SC -MX 20E/S C- MX20EL /SC - MX20ER System Video signal N TSC Pictur e compre ssion fo rmat H.264/AV C Format Audio compress ion form at AA C (Advan ced Audio Coding) Record ing reso lution TV Super Fine (abo ut 5.
Warranty SAMSUNG LIMITED WARRANTY SAMSUNG Electronics America Inc. (SEA), warrants that this product is free from defective material and workmanship. SEA further warrants that if product fails to oper.
RoHS compli ant Our product complies with “The Restriction Of the use of certain Hazardous Substances in electrical and electronic equipment”, and we do not use the 6 hazardous materials- Cadmium(Cd), Lead (Pb), Mercury (Hg), Hexavalent Chromium (Cr +6), Poly Brominated Biphenyls (PBBs), Poly Brominated Diphenyl Ethers(PBDEs)- in our products.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Samsung SC-MX20H è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Samsung SC-MX20H - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Samsung SC-MX20H imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Samsung SC-MX20H ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Samsung SC-MX20H, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Samsung SC-MX20H.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Samsung SC-MX20H. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Samsung SC-MX20H insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.