Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto PN60F5300 del fabbricante Samsung
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Contents Channel • Memorizingchannels • UsingChannelmenu • BlockingPrograms • OtherFeatures 1 6 18 29 Basic Features • ChangingthePresetPictur eMode.
❑ Memorizing channels Y ourTVmemorizeschannelsandaddsthememorizedchannelstothe Channel List withthe Auto Pr ogram function.Befor eyourTVcanmemorizechannels, youmustspecifythesignalsour ce,either Air or Cable .
■ Auto Pr ogram O MENU m → Br oadcasting → Auto Pr ogram → ENTER E Scansforchannelsautomaticallyandstor esthemintheTV’ smemory . T ostart Auto Pr ogram ,followthesesteps: 1. Select Auto Pr ogram ,andthenpr ess ENTER E .
4. Ifyouselected Cable ,youmustspecifyyourcablesystems.First,select Digital Cable System ,andthenpr ess ENTER E . 5. Select STD , HRC ,or IRC ,andthenpr ess ENTER E . 6. Repeatfor Analog Cable System .
How to Stop Auto Pr ogramming 1. Pr essthe ENTER E buttontoselect Stop . 2. Amessagewillask Stop Auto Pr ogram? Select Ye s bypr essingthe ◄ or ► button. 3. Pr essthe ENTER E button.
■ Antenna O MENU m → Br oadcasting → Antenna → ENTER E T ochangethesour ceofyourTVsignal,followthesesteps: 1. Select Antenna ,andthenpr ess ENTER E . 2. Selectthesour ceofyourTVsignal, Air or Cable .
❑ Using the Channel menu ■ Channel List O MENU → Br oadcasting → Channel List → ENTER E The Channel List containsthechannelsyourTVdisplays(Addedchannels)when youpr essthechannelbuttononyourr emote.
Channel Mode ● Air / Cable :Switchbetween Air and Cable . ● Edit Favorites :Setchannelsyouwatchfr equentlyasfavorites.Addor deleteaselectedchannelin Favorites 1-5 . N Fordetailedinformationaboutusing Edit Favorites ,r eferto“ Edit Favorites ”.
■ Schedule Manager O MENU m → Br oadcasting → Schedule Manager → ENTER E Y oucanscheduleachanneltobedisplayedautomaticallyataselectedtime.In addition,youcanview ,modify ,ordeletethescheduledviewinginformation.
● Repeat :Select Once, Manual, Sat~Sun, Mon~Fri or Everyday .Ifyou select Manual ,youcansetthedayyouwant. N Acheck( c )markindicatesadayyouselected. ● Date :Y oucansetadesir eddate.
■ Edit Channel O MENU m → Br oadcasting → Edit Channel → ENTER E Y oucanadd,edit,ordeletechannelsfr omthe Channel List .
Adding a channel to the Channel List 1. Onthe Edit Channel scr een,pr essthe TOOLS button,andthenselect Category . 2. Select All andpr essthe OK button.The All ChannelListappears.
N Usingthecolor edandfunctionbuttonswiththe Edit Channel . ● { Y ellow( Delete / Add ) – Delete :Deletesachannelfr omthechannellist. – Add :Addsadele tedchannel.Itonlyappearswh enyouselectadeleted channelin All .
● T ( T ools ):Displaystheoptionmenu.Theoptionmenuitemsthatappear maydif ferdependingonthechannelstatusandtype. – Antenna :Selectsthebr oadcastingsignal,airorcable.
■ Edit Favorites t O MENU m → Br oadcasting → Edit Favorites → ENTER E Y oucanadd,editordeletefavoritechannelstoorfr omoneormor eof5favorite lists. Adding a channel to Favorites 1-5 1. Gotothe Edit Favorites scr een.
Deleting a channel fr om the Favorites 1-5 1. Onthe Edit Favorites scr een,selectafavoritelistusing b ( Change Fav . ) button. 2. Movetofavoritelist,andthenselectthechannelyouwanttodelete.
N Usingthecolor edandfunctionbuttonswith Edit Favorites . ● a Red( Category / Change or der ) – Category :Changesthechannelmodeto All , Added Ch. , Recently Viewed ,or Mostly V iewed ,andthendisplaystheselectedchannel mode.
● ( Go T o ):Goesdir ectlytoachannelwhenyoupr esschannel numbers(0~9). ● k ( Page ):Movestonextorpr eviouspage.
❑ Blocking Pr ograms ■ Pr ogram Rating Lock O MENU m → Br oadcasting → Pr ogram Rating Lock → ENTER E Pr eventunauthorizedusers,suchaschildr en,fr omwatchingunsuitablepr ograms. Accessblockedpr ogramswhenyouenterthedefaultorauserdefined4-digit PINcode.
TV Rating :LetsyoublockTVpr ogramsbasedontheirratings.Thisfunction allowsyoutocontr olwhichTVpr ogramsyourchildr encanwatch.
Similarly ,ifyouclick TV -G under ALL ,thenallthecategoriesintheyoung adultgr oupwillbeblocked( TV -G, TV -PG, TV -14 and TV -MA ).Thesub- ratings( D, L, S, V )worksimilarly .
Movie Rating (MP AA) :Y oucanblockmoviesbasedontheirMP AArating. TheMotionPictur eAssociationofAmerica(MP AA)hasimplementedarating systemthatpr ovidespar entsorguar dianswithadvancedinformationon whichfilmsar eappr opriateforchildr en.
T oblockcertaincontent,youselectalock,andpr ess ENTER E (That is,you“clickit”.).Forexample,clickthe X lockandyoublockallX-rated movies.
Canadian English Rating :Y oucanblockTVpr ogramsbasedontheir CanadianEnglishrating. Canadian English Rating displaysacolumnwithlocksandthefollowing ratingscategories: – C :Pr ogrammingintendedforchildr enunderage8.
T oblockcertaincontent,youselectalock,andpr ess ENTER E (That is,you“clickit”.).Forexample,clickthe18+lockandyoublockallTV pr ogramsrated18+.
Canadian Fr ench Rating :Y oucanblockTVpr ogramsbasedontheirFr ench Canadianrating. Canadian Fr ench Rating displaysacolumnwithlocksandthefollo.
T oblockcertaincontent,youselectalock,andpr ess ENTER E (Thatis, you“clickit”.).Forexample,clickthe18ans+lockandyoublockallTV pr ogramsrated18ans+.
Downloadable U.S. Rating :Par entalr estrictioninformationyoucanuse whilewatchingDTVchannels. N NOTE ● Ifinformationisnotdownloadedfr omthebr oadcastingstation,the Downloadable U.S.
● Par entalr estrictionlevelsdif ferdependingonthebr oadcasting station.Thedefaultmenunameand Downloadable U.S. Rating changedependingonthedownloadedinformation. ● Evenifyousettheon-scr eendisplaytoanotherlanguage,the Downloadable U.
❑ Other Featur es ■ Channel Settings O MENU m → Br oadcasting → Channel Settings → ENTER E ● Fine T une (analogchannelsonly) Ifther eceptionisclear ,youdonothavetofinetunethechannel.Thisisdone automaticallyduringthesear chandstor eoperation.
● Clear Scrambled Channel Thisfunctionfiltersoutscrambledchannelsafter Auto Pr ogram iscompleted. Thispr ocessmaytakeupto20~30minutes. How to Stop the Clear Scrambled Channels Function 1. Pr essthe ENTER E buttontoselect Stop .
■ Audio Options O MENU m → Br oadcasting → Audio Options → ENTER E ● Pr eferr ed Language (digitalchannelsonly) Usethe ▲ / ▼ buttonstoselectalanguage,andthenpr ess ENTER E .
● Multi-T rack Sound t (analogchannelsonly) Selectanoptionusingthe ▲ / ▼ buttons,andthenpr ess ENTER E . Mono :Chooseforchannelsthatar ebr oadcastinginmonoorifyouar e havingdif ficultyr eceivingaster eosignal.
● Visual Impaired (digitalchannelsonly) Addsaverbaldescriptiontothemainaudiotohelpthevisuallyimpair ed.
■ Caption t (On-Scr eenT extMessages) O MENU m → Br oadcasting → Caption → ENTER E ● Caption :Y oucantur nthecaptionfunctiononorof f.Ifcaptionsar enot available,theywillnotbedisplayedonthescr een.
Default / Service1~Service6 / CC1~CC4 / T ext1~T ext4 :(digitalchannels only)TheDigitalCaptionsfunctionworkswithdigitalchannels. N Service1~6 maynotbeavailableindigitalcaptionmodedependingon thebr oadcast.
Backgr ound Color :Y oucanchangethebackgr oundcolorofthecaption. OptionsincludeDefault,White,Black,Red,Gr een,Blue,Y ellow ,Magenta, andCyan. Font Opacity :Thisadjuststheopacityoftext.
N NOTE ● Digital Caption Options ar eavailableonlywhenyoucanselect Default and Service1 ~ Service6 in Caption Mode . ● Theavailabilityofcaptionsdependsonthepr ogrambeingbr oadcast.
❑ Changing the Pr eset Pictur e Mode ■ Pictur e Mode t O MENU m → Pictur e → Pictur e Mode → ENTER E Pictur emodesapplypr esetadjustmentstothepictur e.Selectamodeusingthe ▲ / ▼ buttons,andthenpr ess ENTER E .
❑ Adjusting Pictur e Settings ■ Backlight for LED TV / Cell Light for PDP TV / Contrast / Brightness / Sharpness / Color / Tint (G/R) O MENU m → Pictur e → Cell Light → ENTER E Y ourtelevisionhasseveraloptionsforadjustingpictur equality .
● WhentheTVisconnectedtoaPC,youcanonlymakechangesto Backlight for LED TV / Cell Light for PDP TV , Contrast , Brightness ,and Sharpness . ● Y oucanadjustandstor esettingsforeachexter naldeviceconnectedto theTV .
■ Pictur e Size t O MENU m → Pictur e → Pictur e Size → ENTER E Pictur e Size pr ovidesvariouspictur esizeandaspectratiooptions.Selectan optionusingthe ▲/▼/◄/► buttons,andthenpr ess ENTER E .
4:3 :Setsthepictur eto 4:3 mode.ForanalogTVpr ograms. N DonotsetyourTVto 4:3 formatforalongtime.
● Position :Adjuststhepictur eposition. Position isonlyavailableif Pictur e Size issetto Zoom1, Zoom2, Wide Fit ,or Scr een Fit . N T ousethe Position functionafterselecting Zoom1, Zoom2 or Wide Fit , followthesesteps: 1.
N T ousethe Position functionafterselecting Scr een Fit whenconnected toanHDMI(1080i/1080p)orComponent(1080i/1080p)sour ce,follow thesesteps: 1. Select Position ,andthenpr essthe ENTER E button.
N Thepictur esizecanvarydependingontheinputr esolutionwhenyou playcontentusing Videos in Media Play .
■ PIP O MENU m → Pictur e → PIP → ENTER E Y oucanwatchapr ogramwhosesignalhaspassedthr oughtheTV’ stunerand watchoneexter nalvideosour cesimultaneously .
● Y oumaynoticethatthepictur einthePIPwindowbecomesslightly unnaturalwhenyouusethemainscr eentoviewagameorkaraoke. ● When Pr ogram Rating Lock ison,youcannotuse PIP .
● PIP :ActivateordeactivatethePIPfunction. ● Antenna :Selecteither Air or Cable astheinputsour ceforthesub- scr een. ● Channel :Selectthechannelforthesub-scr een.
❑ Changing the Pictur e Options ■ Advanced Settings O MENU m → Pictur e → Advanced Settings → ENTER E Advanced Settings ar eavailableinthe Standar d and Movie modes. T ouse,selectanoptionusingthe ▲/▼/◄/► buttons,andthenpr ess ENTER E .
● RGB Only Mode :Displaysthe Red , Gr een and Blue colorsoyoucanmake fineadjustmentstohueandsaturation. ● Color Space :Adjuststherangeandvarietyofcolors(thecolorgamut) availabletocr eateimages.
● 10p White Balance :Contr olsthewhitebalancebyadjustingther ed,gr een, andbluebrightnessover10specificintervals. N A vailablewhenthepictur emodeissettoMovie.Theexter nalinput (sour ce)canbesettoanyinput.
● Expert Patter n :Byrunningthe Expert Patter n function,youcancalibrate thepictur ewithoutageneratororfilter .
■ Pictur e Options O MENU m → Pictur e → Pictur e Options → ENTER E Selectanoptionusingthe ▲/▼/◄/► buttons,andthenpr ess ENTER E . N WhentheTVisconnectedtoaPC,youcanonlymakechangesto Color T one .
● Digital Clean View :Ifthebroadcastsignalr eceivedbyyourTVisweak,you canactivatethe Digital Clean View featuretor educeanystaticandghosting thatmayappearonthescr een.
● HDMI Black Level :Letsyouselecttheblacklevelonthescr eentoadjustthe scr eendepth. N A vailableonlyinHDMImode(RGBsignals).
● Auto Motion Plus for LED 6100 series :Enhancesmotioninfastm ovingscenes. N Theinfoscr eenonyourTVdisplaysther esolutionandfr equencyofthe incomingvideosignal(60Hz).
● Black optimizer for PDP TV :Deepensblacksonthescr eenandimpr ovesthe contrastratio. N WhentheTVisconnectedtoaPC, Black optimizer deactivated. N WhentheTVisoperatingotherfeatur es, Black optimizer isdeactivated.
■ Pictur e Off O MENU m → Pictur e → Pictur e Of f → ENTER E Thescr eenistur nedof fbutthesoundremainson.Pr essanybuttonexceptthe volumebuttontotur nonthescr een.
■ Reset Pictur e O MENU m → Pictur e → Reset Pictur e → ENTER E Resetsyourcurr entpictur emodetoitsdefaultsettings. English ◀ ▶.
❑ Changing the Pr eset Sound Modes ■ Sound Mode O MENU m → Sound → Sound Mode → ENTER E Usethe ▲/▼ buttonstoselectanoption,andthenpr ess ENTER E . ● Standar d :Selectsthenormalsoundmode.
❑ Adjusting Sound Settings ■ Sound Ef fect O MENU m → Sound → Sound Ef fect → ENTER E (standar dsoundmodeonly) Usethe ▲ / ▼ buttonstoselectanoption,andthenpr ess ENTER E . ● DTS T ruSurr ound Thisfunctionpr ovidesavirtual5.
● Equalizer Use Equalizer tocustomizethesoundsettingforeachspeaker . Balance :Adjuststhebalancebetweentherightandleftspeaker . 100Hz / 300Hz / 1kHz / 3kHz / 10kHz (BandwidthAdjustment):Adjuststhe volumelevelofspecificbandwidthfr equencies.
■ 3D Audio for PDP 4900 / LED 6100 series O MENU m → Sound → 3D Audio → ENTER E 3Daudiotechnologythatpr ovidesanimmersivesoundcorr espondingtothe ef fectof3Dvideobyutilizingaudiodepthcontr olinperspective.
■ Speaker Settings O MENU m → Sound → Speaker Settings → ENTER E ● Speaker Select Ifyouar elisteningtothesoundtrackofabr oadcastormoviethr ougha.
N When Speaker Select issetto Exter nal Speaker ,the VOLUME and MUTE buttonswillnotoperateandthesoundsettingswillbelimited. N Ifther eisnovideosignal,boththeTV’ sspeakersandtheexter nal speakerswillbemute.
■ Digital Audio Out O MENU m → Sound → Digital Audio Out → ENTER E DigitalAudioOutoutputsanuncompr esseddigitalaudiosignalwhenyouconnect thedigitalaudiooutjackonthebackoftheTVtoadigitalaudioinjackona r eceiverorhometheater .
● Audio Delay :Letsyoucorr ecttimingmismatchesbetweentheaudiotrack andthevideowhenyouar ewatchingtheTVandlisteningtodigitalaudio outputfr omtheTVthr oughanexter naldevicesuchasanA Vr eceiver .
■ Reset Sound O MENU m → Sound → Reset Sound → ENTER E Resetallsoundsettingstothefactorydefaults.Select Reset Sound ,pr ess ENTER E ,select Ye s inthepop-up,andthenpr ess ENTER E again.
❑ Executing initial setup ■ Setup O MENU m → System → Setup → ENTER E Configur ethechannelsandsetthetimewhenyousetuptheTVforthefirsttime orwhenyour esettheTV . N T oexecutetheinitialsetup,followtheinstructionsdisplayedontheTV scr een.
❑ Setting the Time ■ Time O MENU m → System → Time → ENTER E N Thecurr enttimewillappeareverytimeyoupr essthe INFO button. ● Clock :Settheclocktousethevarioustimerfeatur esoftheTV .
Clock Set :Setthe Date and Time . Select Clock Set .Select Date or Time ,andthenpr ess ENTER E .Usethe numberbuttonsorthe ▲ / ▼ buttonstoenternumbers.Usethe ◄ / ► buttons tomovefr omoneentryfieldtothenext.
❑ Using the Sleep Timer O MENU m → System → Time → Sleep Timer → ENTER E ● Sleep Timer t :Automaticallyshutsof ftheTVafterapr esetperiodof time.(30,60,90,120,150and180minutes).
❑ Setting the On/Of f Timer O MENU m → System → Time → On Timer <or> Of f Timer → ENTER E Set On Timer sothatyourTVtur nsonautomaticallyatatimeandonadayof yourchoosing. ● On Timer :Y oucansetupthr eeseparate On Timer configurations.
Time :Setthehour ,minute,am/pm.Usethenumberbuttonsorthe ▲ / ▼ buttonstoenternumbers.Usethe ◄ / ► buttonstochangeentryfields. V olume :Setthedesir edvolumelevel.
N Ifyouselectasour ceotherthan TV or USB ,youmust: ● Haveacableorsatelliteset-topboxattachedtothatsour ce ● Settheset-topboxtothechannelyouwanttowatchwhentheTV goeson ● Leavetheset-topboxtur nedon.
N Ifther eisnomusicfileontheUSBdeviceoryoudon’ tselectafolder containingamusicfile,theT imerfunctiondoesnotoperatecorr ectly . N Ifther eisonlyonephotofileintheUSB,theSlideShowwillnotplay .
● Of f Timer :Y oucansetupthr eeseparate Of f Timer configurations. N Y oumustsettheclockbefor eyoucanuse Of f Timer . Setup :Select O ff , Once, Everyday , Mon~Fri, Mon~Sat, Sat~Sun or Manual .
❑ Economical Solutions ■ Eco Solution O MENU m → System → Eco Solution → ENTER E ● Energy Saving :LetsyouadjustthebrightnessoftheTVinor dertor educe powerconsumption.
Min. Backlight for LED TV / Min Cell Light for PDP TV :When Eco Sensor is On ,letsyoumanuallyadjusttheminimumscr eenbrightness.
❑ Other Featur es ■ Menu Language O MENU m → System → Menu Language → ENTER E Setthemenulanguage. 1. Select Menu Language ,andthenpr essthe ENTER E button. 2. Choosealanguage,andthenpr essthe ENTER E button.
■ Auto Pr otection Time for LED TV O MENU m → System → Auto Pr otection Time → ENTER E ● Auto Pr otection Time :Ifthescr eenr emainsidlewithastillimagefor.
■ Scr een Bur n Protection for PDP TV O MENU m → System → Scr een Bur n Pr otection → ENTER E T or educethepossibilityofscr eenbur n,thisunitisequippedwithPixelShift scr eenbur npr eventiontechnology .
● Pixel Shift: Usingthisfunction,youcansettheTVtomovepixelsminutelyon thePDPscr eeninahorizontalorverticaldir ectiontominimizeafterimageson thescr een.
● Scr olling :Thisfunctionr emovesafter -imagesonthescr eenbyilluminatingall thepixelsonthescr eenaccor dingtoapatter n.
■ Change PIN O MENU m → System → Change PIN → ENTER E First,thePINinputscr eenappears.Enterthecurr entordefaultPIN.Then,the Change PIN scr eenappears.Chooseany4digitsforyourPINandenterthem in Enter New PIN .
■ General O MENU m → System → General → ENTER E ● Game Mode :Whenyouhaveconnectedagameconsolesuchasa PlayStation™orXbox™totheTV ,youcanenjoyamor er ealisticgaming experienceifyouset Game Mode on.
● Game Mode isnotavailablewhenyou’vesettheinputsour ceto TV . ● Set Game Mode to On onlyafterconnectingagameconsole.Ifyou tur nGameModeonbefor eyouhaveattachedthegameconsole,you maynoticer educedpictur equality .
■ DivX® Video On Demand O MENU m → System → DivX® Video On Demand → ENTER E Showsther egistrationcodeauthorizedfortheTV .IfyouconnecttotheDivX websiteandr egisterwith10-digitr egistrationcode,youcandownloadtheVOD activationfile.
❑ Using the Sour ce List ■ Sour ce List O MENU m → Applications → Sour ce List → ENTER E N Whenyoupr essthe SOURCE button,the Sour ce scr eenisdisplayedat once. N Y oucanonlychooseexter naldevicesthatar econnectedtotheTV .
❑ Connecting a USB Device 1. T ur nonyourTV . 2. ConnectaUSBdevicecontainingphoto,music,ormoviefilestotheUSB portonthesideoftheTV . 3. Apop-upwindowappears.Select Photos , Videos ,or Music ,andthen pr ess the ENTER E button.
6. Selectafiletovieworplay ,andthenpressthe ENTER E button. 7. Forinformationaboutcontrollingplayback,goto"UsingMediaPlay"inthe e-Manual. 8. Pressthe RETURN buttontoexitacurr entscr eenandgotothepr evious scr een.
N TheTVmaynotbeabletoplayunlicensedmultimediafilespr operly . N Whatyouneedtoknowbefor eusingaUSBDevice. ● MTP(MediaT ransferPr otocol)isnotsupported. ● Supportedfilesystemsar eF A TandexF A T .
● Befor econnectingyourdevicetotheTV ,pleasebackupyourfilesto pr otectthemfr omdamageorlossofdata.SAMSUNGisnotr esponsible foranydatafiledamageordataloss.
● MP3fileswithDRMthatyouhavedownloadedfr omacommer cialsite cannotbeplayed.DigitalRightsManagement(DRM)isatechnologythat supp.
● IfyouuseaUSBextensioncable,theTVmaynotr ecognizetheUSB deviceormaynotbeabletor eadthefilesonthedevice.
Disconnecting a USB Device 1. Pr essthe SOURCE button. 2. SelecttheUSBdevice,andthenpr essthe TOOLS button.The T ools menu appears. 3. Select Remove USB ,andthenwaituntiltheUSBdeviceisdisconnected.
❑ Using Media Play O MENU m → Applications → Media Play → ENTER E Enjoyphotos,music,andmoviefilessavedonaUSBMassStorageClass(MSC) device. 1. InsertaUSBdeviceintotheUSBjackonthesideoftheTV .
4. Ifnecessary ,usethe ▲/▼/◄/► buttonstoselectafolder ,andthenpr essthe ENTER E button. 5. Selectafiletovieworplay ,andthenpressthe ENTER E or ∂ buttonon yourr emote.
N EventhoughtheplayerwilldisplayfoldersforallContentT ypes,itwillonlydisplay filesoftheContentT ype( Photos , Videos ,or Music )youselectedinStep3.For example,ifyouselectedMusic,youwillonlybeabletoseemusicfiles.
Playing selected files (Cr eating a play list) Theseinstructionsapplytoallcontent, Photos , Videos ,and Music . 1. Onascr eendisplayingcontent,pr essthe ▲ buttontoselect Options atthe toprightofthescr een,andthenselect Play Selected .
❑ Contr olling Photo / V ideo / Music Playback Whenplayingavideoorphotofile,pr essthe ENTER E buttontodisplaythe playbackcontr ols.Theplaybackcontr olsformusicar edisplayedatthebottom leftofthescr eenautomaticallywhenyouplayamusicfile.
Playback contr ols Thesebuttonsappearonthebottomofthescr eenwhenyoupr essthe ENTER E buttonwhileplayingbackphotosorvideos.Somear edisplayedautomaticallywhen youplayamusicfile.
Content Settings buttons ● Photos Thesebuttonsappearonthebottomofthescr eenwhenyoupr essthe ENTER E buttonwhileplayingbackphotos. Button Operation Slideshow Settings Y oucansetthe Speed and Ef fects duringtheslideshow .
N Duringaslideshow ,allfilesinthefilelistar edisplayedinor der . N Whenyoupr essthe ∂ (Play)button(or ▲ button → Options → Slide Show )onascr eendisplayingphotos,theslideshowstartsimmediately .
● Videos Thesebuttonsappearonthebottomofthescr eenwhenyoupr essthe ENTER E buttonwhileplayingbackvideos. Button Operation Sear ch Sear ch Titles :Y oucanselectandstartothervideofilesdirectly .
Button Operation Settings Subtitle Settings :Y oucanplayavideowithsubtitles.Thisfunction onlyworksifthesubtitleshavethesamefilenameasthevideo.For example,Bats.mp4andBats.
N Ifvideotimeinformationisunknown,playtimeandthepr ogr essbarar enot displayed. N Invideoplaybackmode,youcanwatchmovieclipscontainedinagame,but youcannotplaythegameitself.
● Music Thesebuttonsappearautomaticallyonthebottomleftofthescr eenwhenyou playamusicfile. Button Operation Repeat Y oucanautomaticallyplaymusicfilesr epeatedly . Shuf fle Y oucanplaythemusicfilesrandomly .
Setting the Encoding language Settheencodinglanguageifthetextyouwanttoviewdoesnotappearcorr ectly . 1. Pr essthe ▲ buttontoselect Options atthetopofmusicmainscr eenand select Encoding .
❑ Using the 3D function for PDP 4900 / LED 6100 series Viewing TV using the 3D function IMPORT ANTHEAL THANDSAFETYINFORMA TIONFOR3DPICTURES. Readandunderstandthefollowingsafetyinformationbefor eusingtheTV’ s 3D function.
● Ar esponsibleadultshouldfr equentlycheckonchildr enwhoar eusingthe 3Dfunction.Ifther ear eanyr eportsoftir edeyes,headaches,dizziness, ornausea,havethechildstopviewing3DTVandr est.
● The3DActiveGlassesmaynotworkpr operlyifther eisanyother3Dpr oduct orelectr onicdevicestur nedonneartheglassesorTV .Ifther eisapr oblem, keepotherelectr onicdevicesasfarawayaspossiblefr omthe3DActive Glasses.
■ 3D O MENU m → Pictur e → 3D → ENTER E Thisexcitingnewfeatur eenablesyoutoview3Dcontent. N "FullHD3DGlasses™"Logoindicatescompatib.
● 3D Mode Ifyouwanttofeelthe3Def fectfully ,pleaseputonthe3DActiveGlasses first,andthenselecta 3D Mode fr omthelistbelowthatpr ovidesthebest3D viewingexperience.
● 3D Perspective :Adjusttheoverall3Dperspectiveoftheon-scr eenimage. ● Depth :Adjustoveralldepth. ● L/R Change :Swaptheleftandrightpictur es. ● 3D → 2D :Displaystheimageforthelefteyeonly .
Supported r esolutions (16:9 only) ● HDMI Sour ce Resolution Fr equency (Hz) / 1280x720p 59.94/60Hz 1920x1080i 59.94/60Hz 1920x1080p 23.98/24/29.97/30/59.94/60Hz Frame Packing 1280x720p 59.
● Components&DTV Sour ce Resolution Frequency (Hz) Components 1280x720p 59.94/60Hz 1920x1080i 59.94/60Hz 1920x1080p 23.98/24/29.97/30/59.94/60Hz DTV 1280x720p 59.
❑ V iewing the e-Manual ■ e-Manual O MENU m → Support → e-Manual → ENTER E Y oucanr eadinstructionsthatexplainhowtousethefeatur esofyourTV .
❑ Using Self Diagnosis ■ Self Diagnosis O MENU m → Support → Self Diagnosis → ENTER E ● Pictur e T est :Usetocheckforpictur epr oblems.Pictur etestdisplaysahigh definitionpictur ethatyoucanexamineforflawsorfaults.
● Sound T est :Usetocheckforsoundpr oblems.Soundtestplaysabuilt-in melodythattestsbothspeakers. N Ifyouhearnosoundfr omthe.
● Signal Information :(digitalchannelsonly)Ther eceptionqualityofover - the-airHDchannelsiseitherperfectorthechannelsar eunavailable.
❑ Updating the Softwar e ■ Softwar e Update O MENU m → Support → Softwar e Update → ENTER E The Softwar e Update menuletsyouupgradeyourTV’ ssoftwar etothelatest version. Curr ent ver . :Thisisthesoftwar eversionalr eadyinstalledintheTV .
T o upgrade the softwar e, follow these steps: 1. Visitwww 2. Click SUPPOR T onthetoprightofthepage. 3.
9. Unzipthezipar chivetoyourcomputer .Y oushouldhaveasinglefolder withthesamenameasthezipfile. 10. CopythefoldertoaUSBflashdrive. 11. Inthepr oduct’ smenu,goto Support → Softwar e Update .
❑ Changing the Use Mode ■ Use Mode O MENU m → Support → Use Mode → ENTER E Selectthe Use Mode suitableforthelocationinwhichyouwillusetheTV .
❑ V iewing Contact Samsung ■ Contact Samsung O MENU m → Support → Contact Samsung → ENTER E ViewthisinformationwhenyourTVdoesnotworkproperlyorwhenyouwantto upgradethesoftwar e.
❑ Using the Sports Mode ■ Sports Mode O MENU m → Applications → Sports Mode → ENTER E Thismodepr ovidesoptimizedsettingsforwatchingsports.
❑ Using the Wir eless Network for PDP 4900 series Usingawir elessr outerormodemandtheSamsungW ir elessLANAdapter (WIS09ABGNX,WIS12ABGNX),youcanconnectyourTVtoawir elessnetwork.
● Y oumustusethe“SamsungW ir elessLANAdapter”(WIS09ABGNX, WIS12ABGNX)toconnecttheTVtoawir elessnetwork.
● Ifyourr outer ,modem,ordeviceisnotcertified,itmaynotconnecttothe TVviathe“SamsungW ir elessLANAdapter”.
How to connect the Samsung Wir eless LAN Adapter Y oucanconnecttheLANAdapterinoneoftwoways: 1 ConnecttheLANAdapterusingtheUSBrightangleadapter . 2 ConnecttheLANAdapterviatheUSBextensioncable.
■ Network Status O MENU m → Network → Network Status → ENTER E Y oucanchecktheyourTV'scurr entnetworkandInter netstatus. ■ Network Settings O MENU m → Network → Network Settings → ENTER E SetthenetworkconnectiontouseAllShar e™.
■ Auto Network Setup Mostwir elessnetworkshaveanoptionalsecuritysystemthatr equir esdevices thataccessthenetworktotransmitanencryptedsecuritycodecalledanAccess orSecurityKey .
2. TheNetworkfunctionsear chesforavailablewir elessnetworks.Whendone,it displaysalistoftheavailablenetworks. 3. Inthelistofnetworks,pr essthe ▲/▼ buttonstoselectanetwork,andthen pr ess ENTER E button.
5. Enterthesecuritykeyusing ▲/▼/◄/► buttons,andthenselect Done . N Y oucanalsoenternumbersbypr essingthenumberbuttons.
WPS(PBC) Wir eless Setup Ifyourr outerhasaWPS(PBC)button,followthesesteps. 1. IntheTV'smenu,gotothe Network Settings scr een. ( Network → Network Settings ) 2. TheNetworkfunctionsear chesforavailablewir elessnetworks.
■ Manual Network Setup UsetheManualNetworkSetupwhenconnectingyourTVtoanetworkthat r equir esaStaticIPaddr ess. N Y oucangetthenetworkconnectionvaluesfr omyouInter netpr ovider .
4. IftheEntersecuritykeyscreenappears,gotostep5.Ifyouselectawir eless r outerthatdoesnothavewir elesssecurity ,gotostep7. 5. T osetwirelesssecurityforther outer ,entertheSecurityKey .
10. EnterthefirstportionoftheIPAddr ess(forexample,105)intothefirstentry fieldusingyourr emote.Whendone,gotothenextfield. 11. EnterthenextportionoftheIPAddr ess.
If Y our TV Fails to Connect to the Inter net IfyourTVfailstoconnecttotheInter net,r eadtheinformationbelowandviewthe tr oubleshootingguideonthefollowingpages.
T r oubleshooting a wir eless network connection failur e Ifthewir elessnetworkconnectionfails,trythefollowingsolutions: Issue Solutions and Explanations W ir elessnetwork connectionfailed. • Nowir elessrouterselected.
Issue Solutions and Explanations IPautosettingfailed. • T rythefollowingtosetyourIPaddr essautomaticallyorsetyourIP addr essmanuallybyselecting IP Settings .
Issue Solutions and Explanations Connectedtoyour localnetwork,but cannotconnecttothe Inter net. • Makesur eyourInter netLANcableisconnectedcorr ectlytotheLAN portofther outer .
❑ Managing the Network Connected Devices for PDP 4900 series ■ Wi-Fi Dir ect O MENU m → Network → Wi-Fi Dir ect → ENTER E UsetoconnecttheTVtowir elessmobiledevices.Usingthisfunction,youcan connectwir elessmobiledeviceswithyourTVdir ectlywithoutawir elessr outer .
How to connect a device to your TV using the Wi-Fi Dir ect function N T ousethisfunction,youmusttur nontheW i-FiDir ectfunctiononyour device. 1. IntheTV'smenu,goto Wi-Fi Dir ect .
■ AllShar e Settings O MENU m → Network → AllShar e Settings → ENTER E Letsyouallowanetworkconnecteddevicesuchasasmartphoneortabletto shar econtentwithorcontr oltheTVusinganapplicationdownloadedtothe mobiledevice.
❑ Using the DLNA Functions (AllShar e™) for PDP 4900 series Viayournetwork,youcanplayvideos,photos,andmusicsavedonyourmobile phoneoronotherdevices(suchasyourPC)thr oughyourTV ,andcontr ol playbackusingcontr olsontheTVviathenetwork.
N ByconnectingyourSamsungTVtoanetworkviaAllShar e™,youcanuse Samsung’ soriginalfunctions,contr ols,andcapabilitiesasfollows: – Playbackofvariousvideoformats(DivX,MP4,3GPP ,A VI,ASF ,MKV ,etc.
Playing the media contents saved on the devices 1. ConnectamobilephoneoranotherdevicewhichsupportsAllShar e™toyour network,andthenselectandplayamediafileonthedevice.Apopupscr een appearsonthebottomofyourTV .
Usingthe Media Play function,playthemediacontentsofthedevicesconnected toyourTVthr oughAllShar e™. 1.
N NOTE ● ContentsmaynotplayonyourTVdependingontheirr esolutionand format. ● The ENTER E and ◄/► buttonsmaynotworkdependingonthetype ofmediacontent. ● Usingthemobiledevice,youcancontr olthemediaplayback.
Using the AllShar e Settings function O MENU m → Network → AllShar e Settings → Content Sharing → ENTER E Showsalistofmobilephonesorconnecteddeviceswhichhavebeensetupwith thisTVtousethe AllShar e Settings function.
Connecting to a PC thr ough your network Y oucanplaypictur es,music,andvideossavedonyourPCviaanetwork connectionthr oughyourTVusing Media Play .
2. ConnectthePConwhichyouwillinstallorhaveinstalledAllShar ePC softwar eandyourTVtothesamenetwork.
N Whenyouuse Media Play thr oughanetworkconnection,dependingonthe functionsoftheserver: ● Thesortingmethodmayvary . ● The π (REW), µ (FF)or ∑ (Pause)buttonsmaynotworkdepending onthecontentinformation.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Samsung PN60F5300 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Samsung PN60F5300 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Samsung PN60F5300 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Samsung PN60F5300 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Samsung PN60F5300, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Samsung PN60F5300.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Samsung PN60F5300. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Samsung PN60F5300 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.