Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto HT-D720 del fabbricante Samsung
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Digital Home Entertainment System user manual Imagine the possibilities Thank you for purchasing this Samsung product. To receive more complete service, please register your product at www.
2 English English 3 Ens ure tha t t he A C p ower su pply in yo ur h ous e co mpl ies wit h t he i den tic ati on s tic ker loc ate d on th e ba ck of your pr oduc t. Ins tall yo ur prod uct hor izo ntal ly, on a s uit able ba se ( fur nit ure) , w ith eno ugh spa ce arou nd it f or vent ila tio n (7 .
4 English English 5 Sma ll scr atc hes on th e d isc ma y r edu ce sou nd and pic tur e q ual ity or ca use sk ipp ing . Be esp eci all y c are ful no t t o s cra tch di scs wh en han dli ng the m.
4 English English 5 Contents 2 2 Safety Warnings 3 Precautions 3 Accessories 4 Cautions on Handling and Storing Discs 4 Licence 4 Copyright 4 .
6 English English 7 25 25 Disc Playback 25 Audio CD(CD-DA)/MP3/WMA Playback 26 JPEG File Playback 26 Using the Playback Function 30 Sound Mode 32 Liste.
6 English English 7 01 Getting Started Getting Started Mak e s ure to ch eck th e f oll owi ng ter ms bef ore rea din g t he use r m anu al.
8 English Getting Started English 9 Disc types that can be played Dis c T ype s & Mar k ( Log o) Rec ord ed Sig nal s Dis c Siz e M ax. Pl ayi ng Tim e DVD -VI DEO AUD IO + VID EO 12 cm App rox . 2 40 min . (si ngl e-s ide d) App rox . 4 80 min . (do ubl e-s ide d) 8 c m App rox .
8 English English 9 01 Getting Started DVD±R/±RW, CD-R/RW Discs So ftw are up dat es for in com pat ibl e f orm ats ar e n ot sup por ted . (Ex amp le : Q PEL , G MC, re sol uti ons hi ghe r t han 800 x 600 pi xel s, etc .) If a DVD -R/ -RW di sc has no t b een re cor ded pro per ly in DVD Vi deo fo rma t, it wil l n ot be pla yab le.
10 English Getting Started English 11 Notes on USB connection Sup por ted de vic es: US B s tor age me dia , M P3 pla yer , d igi tal ca mer a, USB ca rd rea der If a f old er or le na me is lon ger th an 10 cha rac ter s, it may no t p rop erl y d isp lay or ope rat e.
10 English English 11 01 Getting Started Front Panel EJE CT BUT TON ( ) Eje cts a dis c. FUN CTI ON BUT TON ( ) The mo de swi tch es as fol low s : DVD /CD ➞ D.I N ➞ AU X 1 ➞ AUX 2 ➞ U SB ➞ FM. TUNING DOWN & SKIP BUT TON ( ) Goe s b ack to th e p rev iou s t itl e/c hap ter /tr ack .
12 English Getting Started English 13 Rear Panel FM ANT. FRONT R FRONT L SUBWOOFER FM ANT. HDM I O UT JAC K Usi ng an HDM I c abl e, con nec t t his HD MI out put ja ck to the HD MI inp ut jac k on you r T V f or the be st qua lit y p ict ure .
14 English Getting Started English 15 Installing batteries in the Remote Control NOTE Pla ce bat ter ies in th e r emo te con tro l s o t hey ma tch the po lar ity : (+) to (+ ) a nd (–) to (– ). Alw ays re pla ce bot h b att eri es at the sa me tim e.
14 English English 15 02 Connections Connections This section involves various methods of connecting the product to other external components. Before moving or installing the product, be sure to turn off the power and disconnect the power cord.
16 English Connections English 17 Connecting The Speakers Pre ss dow n t he ter min al tab on th e b ack of th e s pea ker . Ins ert th e b lac k w ire in to the bl ack te rmi nal (– ) a nd the re d w ire in to the re d ter min al (+) , a nd the n r ele ase th e t ab.
16 English English 17 02 Connections Cho ose on e o f t he fou r m eth ods fo r c onn ect ing to a TV.
18 English Connections English 19 NOTE Res olu tio ns ava ila ble fo r t he HDM I o utp ut are 48 0p( 576 p), 72 0p, 108 0i/ 108 0p. Se e p age 22 fo r t he res olu tio n set tin g. Thi s p rod uct op era tes in In ter lac e s can mo de 480 i(5 76i ) f or com pon ent /co mpo sit e o utp ut.
18 English English 19 02 Connections Con nec t t he FM ant enn a s upp lie d t o t he FM Ant enn a j ack .
20 English Connections English 21 AUX2 : Connecting an External Analogue Component Ana log ue sig nal co mpo nen ts suc h a s a VC R.
20 English English 21 03 Setup Pre ss the PO WER bu tto n w hen it is pl ugg ed in TV for th e rst ti me. Ini tia l S ett ing sc ree n w ill be di spl aye d.
22 English Setup English 23 You ca n c on gur e v ari ous di spl ay opt ion s s uch as the TV As pec t, Res olu tio n, etc . TV Aspect Dep end ing on th e t ype of te lev isi on you ha ve, yo u may wa nt to adj ust th e s cre en set tin g.
22 English English 23 03 Setup DRC (Dynamic Range Compression) Thi s f eat ure ba lan ces th e r ang e b etw een th e l oud est and qu iet est so und s. You ca n u se thi s f unc tio n t o enj oy Dol by Dig ita l s oun d w hen wa tch ing mo vie s a t low vo lum e a t n igh t.
24 English Setup English 25 You ca n s ele ct the la ngu age yo u p ref er for on -sc ree n men u, dis c m enu , e tc. OSD Lan gua ge Sel ect th e l ang uag e f or the on -sc ree n dis pla ys. Dis c M enu Sel ect th e l ang uag e f or the di sc men u d isp lay s.
24 English English 25 04 Basic Functions Loa d a di sc int o t he dis c s lot wi th the di sc' s l abe l fac ing up .
Basic Functions 26 English English 27 Ima ges ca ptu red wi th a d igi tal ca mer a o r c amc ord er, or JPE G les on a PC can be st ore d o n a CD an d t hen pla yed ba ck wit h t his pr odu ct.
26 English English 27 04 Basic Functions Step Motion Play d D Pre ss the PA USE bu tto n r epe ate dly . The pi ctu re mov es for war d o ne fra me eac h t ime the bu tto n i s p res sed du rin g p lay bac k. NOTE No sou nd is hea rd dur ing st ep mot ion pl ayb ack .
Basic Functions 28 English English 29 Repeat Playback dB A D DVD/DivX Repeat You ca n r epe at the ti tle , c hap ter or th e s ect ion (A- B Rep eat ) o f t he DVD /Di vX. Repea t OFF Dur ing DV D/D ivX pl ayb ack , p res s t he REP EAT bu tto n o n t he rem ote con tro l.
28 English English 29 04 Basic Functions Displaying Disc Information d D Chang e Selec t 03/04 001/0 01 0:00: 21 KO 1/ 2 EN 02 /02 1/1 Dur ing pl ayb ack , p res s t he TOO LS but ton on th e r emo te con tro l. Pre ss the ▲▼ bu tto ns to sel ect th e des ire d i tem .
Basic Functions 30 English English 31 Selecting the Subtitle Language d D Pre ss the TO OLS bu tto n. Pre ss the ▲▼ bu tto ns to sel ect SU BTI TLE ( ) dis pla y. Pre ss the _+ bu tto ns or num eri c b utt ons to sel ect th e d esi red su bti tle la ngu age .
30 English English 31 04 Basic Functions D S P ( D i g i t a l S i g n a l P r o c e s s o r ) / E Q DSP (D igi tal Si gna l P roc ess or) : DSP mo des ha ve bee n d esi gne d t o s imu lat e d iff ere nt aco ust ic env iro nme nts . EQ : You ca n s ele ct ROC K, POP , o r J AZZ et c.
Basic Functions 32 English English 33 Using buttons on the Remote Control Pre ss the FU NCT ION bu tto n t o s ele ct FM . Tun e i n t o t he des ire d s tat ion . Automatic Tuning 1 : When the [ ] buttons is pressed, a preset broadcast station is selected.
32 English English 33 05 Advanced Functions Playing Media Files using the USB Host Feature You ca n e njo y m edi a les su ch as pic tur es, mo vie s and mu si.
34 English Other Information English 35 Ref er to the ch art be low wh en thi s p rod uct do es not fu nct ion pr ope rly .
34 English English 35 06 Other Information Sy mpt om Ch ec k/R em edy • The p rod uct is no t w ork ing . (Ex amp le: Th e p owe r g oes ou t o r the fr ont pa nel ke y d oes n't wo rk or a s tra nge no ise is he ard .) • The p rod uct is no t w ork ing nor mal ly.
36 English Other Information Gen eral Wei ght 3. 0 K g Dim ensi ons 4 33 (W) x 1 42 ( H) x 2 08 ( D) mm Ope rati ng Tem pera tur e Ra nge +5° C~+3 5°C Ope rati ng Hum idit y R ange 10 % t o 75 % FM Tune r Sig nal/ noi se rati o 70 dB Usa ble sen sit ivit y 10 dB Tot al h arm oni c di sto rtio n 0.
36 English Area Contact Centre Web Site ` North America Canada 1-800-SAMSUNG (726-7864) Mexico 01-800-SAMSUNG (726-7864) U.S.A 1-800-SAMSUNG (726-7864) ` Latin America Argentine 0800-333-3733
Correct Disposal of This Product (Waste Electrical & Electronic Equipment (Ap plic abl e in the Eur ope an Unio n and oth er Eur ope an cou ntri es wit h sepa rate colle cti on syst ems ) Thi s mark ing on th e produ ct, acces sori es or lit era ture indic ate s that th e produ ct and its elec tro nic ac cess ori es (e.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Samsung HT-D720 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Samsung HT-D720 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Samsung HT-D720 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Samsung HT-D720 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Samsung HT-D720, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Samsung HT-D720.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Samsung HT-D720. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Samsung HT-D720 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.