Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto CC del fabbricante Samsung
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Code No. : DE68 -0270 1A ProGourmet Oven Owner’s Manual SMV9165SC/BC/WC/CC ™ SMV91 65SC_GB. fm P age 1 Tuesd ay, November 18, 2003 4:40 PM.
2 S AV E T HESE I NSTRUCTIO NS Safety P RECAUTIONS TO A VOID P OSSIBLE E XPOSUR E TO E XCESSIV E M ICROWA VE E NERGY : (a) Do not att empt to operate this oven wit h the door open since open-door op eration c an resul t in harmful exposure t o micr owav e energy.
3 S AV E T HESE I NSTRUCTIO NS Saf ety Important Safety I nst ructions, continued • Do not stor e this appl iance outdoor s. Do no t use near water – for example, near a kit chen sink, i n a wet b asement, or near a sw imming pool, etc. • Keep the inside of the oven clean.
4 S AV E T HESE I NSTRUCTIO NS Saf ety I MPORTANT G ROUNDING I NSTRUCTIONS This applian ce mu st be gro unde d. In the eve nt of an electr ical short circuit, grounding re duces the risk of electric sh ock by pro vidi ng a n esc ape w ire for the elec tri c c urre nt.
5 Contents Safety ............. ........... ........... ........... ................. ........... ........... ....... 2 Contents ................... ........... ........... ................. ........... ........... ....... 5 Your New ProGourm et TM ov en .
6 Your New ProGour met TM oven Checking Parts Unpack you r micro wav e oven and c heck to mak e sure that you have a ll the parts shown h ere. If an y part is missin g or bro ken, c all your d ealer. Warranty and Servic e Information To help us to ser ve you better, please complete th e enclosed registration ca rd and promptly retur n it by m ail.
7 Y our Ne w Pr oGou rmet TM ov en Control Panel Buttons Con trol Panel Buttons 1. Convection p.25 2. Microwave p.23 3. PreHeat p.24 For better resu lts, prehe at to de sired tem pera ture befo re co oki ng. 4. Auto Reheat p.11 Selects type of d ish to be reheated 5.
8 Operat ion Turning on the Power and S electing a Display The first time you plug the power cord into an outlet, or after ther e has been an interruption in po wer, the display will be s how ed after.
9 Operat ion Setting the Remind End Sig nal The Remin d End Signa l can be set On or Off. 1 Press th e Settings button and then press the 3 button . The display sho ws : REMIND END SIGNAL ON/OFF --- PRESS SETTINGS BUTTON 2 Press th e Settings button to select ON.
10 Operat ion Using the Kitchen Timer 1 Press th e Kit chen Timer button. (max. t ime 99 min. 99 sec.) The display shows: SET TIME WITH NUMERIC BUTTON 2 Use the Number buttons to set the length of time to run. 3 Press th e Start button The display counts down and beeps when the time has elapsed.
11 Operat ion Reheating Automatically To reheat food, sele ct the type of dish and the number of servings you want to reheat, then the oven will autom atica lly set the reheatin g tim e.
12 Operat ion Auto Defrosting Guide • Follow the i nstructi ons below when defrosti ng different types of food. Notes Check foods when the oven signals. Afte r the final s tage, small se ctions may still be icy; let them stand to continu e thaw ing.
13 Operat ion Cook Book Men u Item Cook No. Food Appetizers and Start ers 1 Crab Cakes with M ustar d and Lem on 2 Easy Ques adillas 3 Prosciutto-an d -Pa rm esa n-W rapp ed As para gus 4 Southwestern.
14 Operat ion Cook Book Men u Item Cook No. Cook No. RECIPE Main Dis hes - Vegetarian 58 Tomato -Sp i nac h Risotto 59 Oven-Roasted Egg plant Parmesan 60 Tex-Mex Vegeta ble Enc hi lada s 61 No-Guilt V.
15 Operat ion Using the Auto Cook Menu B utton The Auto Co ok m enu co ntains 46 differe nt items. 1 Press th e Auto Cook Menu button. The display shows: PRESS THE PREV/ NEXT GROUP BUTTON OR THE NUMBER OF ITEM WITH NUMERIC BUTTON 2 Press th e Prev/ Next Group butto n.
16 Operat ion Auto Cooking Guide KIDS MEALS INST ANT COOK Cook No. Food Amount Direction s Accesso ry Type 7 Baby Food 2 .5 oz . 4 oz. 6 oz. Remove lid from baby food and place in the center of oven. Check tem perature and stir well before ser ving. T he M ore/Le ss b utton cannot be use d w ith the ba by food button.
17 Operat ion Auto Cooking Guide COOK RICE/NOODLE Cook No. Food Amount Directions Acc ess o ry Typ e 18 Bacon 2 sli ces 4 sl ices 6 sl ices Place 2 pap er towe ls on plate and a rrange bacon on to we ls, do no t overlap . Cove r with additional pa per towel.
18 Operat ion Auto Cooking Guide BREADS / CAKE DESSERTS Cook No. Food Amount Directions Ac cesso ry Type 28 Biscuits, Ref rig erat ed Small 10 each Preheat ov e n to 37 5° F. Place biscuits on ungr eased ceram ic enam el tray, th en place tray on lo w rack .
19 Operat ion Auto Cooking Guide SNA CKS Using the Speed Coo k Menu Button The Speed Coo k m enu co ntains 46 different items. 1 Press the Speed Cook Men u butt on. The display sh ows: PRESS THE PREV/ NEXT GROUP BUTTON OR THE NUMBER OF IT EM WITH NUMERIC BUTTON 2 Press the Prev/ Next G roup button.
20 Operat ion Speed Cooking Guide BREAKF AST CHICKEN Cook No. Food Amount Direction s Acce ssor y Type 1 French Toast, frozen 2 servings 4 servings (1 servi ng = 1 piece) Place toast on high rack, the n place rack on cer am ic enam el tray.
21 Operat ion Speed Cooking Guide FISH & SEAFOOD MEA TS Cook NO. Food Amount Dir ect ions A ccess ory Type 15 Flounder Filet 2 servings (5 oz.) 4 servings (10 oz.) Coat bo th sides of fish wi th butter and br ead crumbs . Place fish on microw ave- safe flat dish without over lapping.
22 Operat ion Speed Cooking Guide MEA TS PIZZA/PO T A T O SNA CKS Cook No. Food Amount Directions Acces so ry Type 30 Si rloi n St eak 1 Inch, 1½ l b m edium well done Pl ace beef on high rack, the n place rack on cera mic enam el tray . Whe n the oven bee ps, tur n over s teak an d re-start the oven .
23 Operat ion Using the microwave sett ing cooking times & Power levels Your oven allows you to set up three different stages of cookin g, ea ch w ith its own time length an d pow er lev el. The power level lets you control the h eating intensity from Warm (1) to H igh (10 /Power level).
24 Operat ion Warming You can kee p food in warm for up to one hour. 1 Press th e Warm button. The display shows: SET TIME WITH NUMERIC BUTTON 2 Use the Number butto ns to set a warming time . (max. t ime 60 min.) 3 Press th e Start/ +1 Min button. • The s ide conv ection heater w ill oper ate only.
25 Operat ion Convection Cooking The convec ti on mo de us es dry heat to c ook an d brown food. A high speed fan circu lates hot air insi de the oven to h eat food quickly and evenly. When you c ook u sing co nvectio n, you c an generally use the low rac k .
26 Operat ion Combination cooking (COMB I 2) • Micro wave and Conve ctio n The combin ation co oking feature a llows you to c ycle au tom atically be tween microwave and C onve ction cooking.
27 Operat ion Combination cooking (COMB I 4) •B r o w n i n g 1 Press the Combi button . The di splay sh ows " SELECT MODE WITH COMBI BUTTON " 2 Press th e Combi button f our times. ( COMBI 4) The display shows: “ BROWN --- SET COOKING TIME ” 3 Use th e number b uttons to se t a cooki ng time.
28 Cookin g Instructions Cooking Utensils Recommended Use • Glass a nd glass-cerami c bowls and dishes — U s e for heating or cooking. • Micro wavable p lastic wrap — Use to cover . Leave a small openi ng for some steam to escape and avoid placing it directl y on the food.
29 Cookin g Instructions Cooking Techniques Stirring Stir foods such as casseroles and veget ables w hile coo king to d istribute heat evenly. Food a t the ou tside of th e dish a bsorbs more energy and heats more quickly, so stir from the o utside to t he cen ter.
30 Appendix Troubleshooting Guide Before you ca ll a repa ir perso n for you r oven , check this list of possible prob- lems and solutions. Neither the o ven’ s displa y nor the o ven operate. • Properly ins ert the pl ug into a grounded outlet. • If the outl et is control led by a wal l switch, make sure the wall switch is t urned on.
31 Appendix How to Clean the Outside Do not use cle aners containing ammonia or alcohol o n the m icrow ave o ven. Ammonia or alcoh ol can damage the appearance of the m icrow ave. Case Clean the outs ide of the microwave with a sudsy cloth. Rinse and then dry.
32 Appendix Exhaust Feature The V ent Fan The exhaus t fan has 2 metal reusable grease filters. A charcoa l filter c an b e use d for removing smoke and odors in c ase the fan is not vent ed outs ide. Reusable Grease Fi lters The metal filter s trap g rease released by foods on the cook top.
33 Appendix Install ing the Char coal Filt er To install a new filter, remove p lasti c an d other outer wrapping from the new filter. Insert the filter into the top op ening of the oven as shown. It will rest a t an angle on 2 si de support tabs and in front of the right rear tab.
34 Warran ty SAMSUNG OVER-THE-RANGE (OTR) MICROWAVE OVEN This SAM SUNG brand pro duct, as s upplied a nd distribute d by Samsung Elect ronic s Amer ica, Inc.
35 Guía Rápida Quick Reference F unció n Operaci ón Ajuste de R eloj 1. Presion e CLOCK. 2. Use bot ones num éricos para selec cionar hora. 3. Presione CL OCK de nuevo. Cocinado F ase simpl e 1. Use bot ones numéricos para sel eccionar tiemp o. 2.
Samsun g Electronics Co., Ltd . Printed in Korea SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS AMERICA, INC. SERVICE DIVISION 400 VALLEY ROAD, SUITE 2 0 1 MOUNT ARLING TON, NEW JERSEY 07 660-051 1 1-800-SAMSU NG(1-800-72 6-7864) www .
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Samsung CC è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Samsung CC - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Samsung CC imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Samsung CC ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Samsung CC, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Samsung CC.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Samsung CC. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Samsung CC insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.