Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto PRO-70 del fabbricante Radio Shack
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OWNER’S MANUAL PRO-70 50-C han ne l Po rtab le Scan ner Ple ase r ead be fo re us ing t his eq ui pmen t. Ca t. No . 20 -31 0 20-3 10 .f m Pag e 1 Wedne sday , Au gust 4, 1999 10 :49 A M.
2 INTRO DUCTION Your new Rad ioShack P RO-70 5 0-Channel Portab le Scanner lets you in on all the acti on. Th is sca nner gi ves you dir ect acc ess to ov er 22,0 00 exc iting f requenci es, i n- cludi ng police and fire de partment s, ambul ance service s, and amateur radi o services.
3 Channel Loc kout — k eeps c hanne ls you sele ct from be- ing scann ed. Key Lock — let s you loc k the scan ner’s k eys to hel p pr e- vent acci dental l y changin g the sca nner’s progr amming . Flexi ble Antenna wit h BNC Connector — pr ovides ex- cell ent recepti on and is desi gned to hel p pr event ant enna breakag e.
4 Your PRO-7 0 scanner conta ins t he fol lowing pr epro- grammed frequ encies (divi ded into search bands ). See “Us ing Band Search” on Page 25. In addi tion, your scanner is pre programmed wi t.
5 This owner’s m anual als o incl udes the s ection “A Gener al Guide t o Scanni ng,” wh ich helps you target f requency ranges i n your ser vice area so y ou can se arch for a wide vari ety of broa dcasts. FCC NOTICE Your s canner might c ause TV or ra dio i nterfer ence even when it is o perating properl y.
6 SCANNING LEGALL Y Scanning is a fun and inter esting hob by. You can h ear polic e an d fir e depart m ent s, ambul ance ser vices , gover n- ment age ncies, pri vate c ompanies, amateur radi o ser vic- es , air c r aft , and m ilitary ope ra tion s.
7 CONTEN TS Pr ep a r a tio n .... .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... . 9 Po w e r S our ce s .... .. ... .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... . 9 Us ing Ba tt erie s .... ...
8 A G e n er a l Sca n n in g G u id e .... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. ... .. ... .. .. ... 36 Guide t o Fre quencies . ..... ..... ... ..... ..... ..... ..... ....... . 36 Nation al Weathe r Frequenc ies ....... ..... ..... .... 36 Ham Rad io Frequen cies .
9 PREP ARATI ON POWER SOURCES You can power your s cann er from any of thre e s our ces: • Inter nal batt eries or a rec hargeable s canne r battery pack ( not s uppli ed — see “ U sing Ba tteri.
10 Follo w these steps t o ins tall batter i es o r a b atter y pack. 1. Press down on the batter y compar tment cover on the bottom of the scanner and sli de the cover i n the direc tion of the arr ow to r emove it. 2. Pull up and slide th e batt ery holde r or battery pack out of the batt ery c ompartment .
11 4. Slide the ba ttery ho l der o r batter y pack i nto the com- partmen t . Caution : The bat tery holder or batt er y pack f its only one way insi de the batter y compartment .
12 Warni ng: Do not use an AC adapter’s po l ari zed plu g wi th an ext ension cor d, re ceptacl e, or other outl et un less the blades can be fully inser ted to prevent bl ade expos ur e . Cautions : • Y ou must use an AC adapt er th at supp lies 9 v olts and de livers at lea st 300 mi lliam ps.
13 1. Connect t he DC adapter’s or ange barre l plug to the adapter’ s cabl e, with the t ip set to – (negat ive). 2. Set the adap ter ’ s vol tage swit ch to 9V . 3. Inser t the bar rel plug into the sc anner ’s PWR/DC 9V jack. 4. Plug the ot her end of the adapt er into your vehicle’s cigar ette- lighter socke t.
14 Note: A rec har geable bat t er y pack l asts l onger and deliv- ers mor e power i f y ou occas ional ly l et i t f ully disc har ge. To do thi s, si mpl y use t he scanner unt il BATT appears on the displ ay. Th en ful ly charge the ba tter y pack.
15 Connecting an O ptional Ant enna The antenna conn ector on your sca nner makes it easy to use the sc anner wit h a var iety of ant ennas. I nst ead of the suppli ed an tenna, you can at tach a di ff er ent one, such as an extern al mobi le antenna or outdoo r base stati on anten- na.
16 CONNECTING AN EARPH ONE/ HEADPHONES For pr ivate liste ning, you can plug an ear phone or mono headphones (suc h as Cat . No. 33-1 75 or 2 0-21 0) int o the jack on t op of you r scanner . This auto m ati cally di s- connect s the inte rnal spea ker.
17 Even th ough some ea rphones a nd headphon es let you hear s ome outsi de sound s when yo u listen at nor mal l ev- els, they st ill can pre sent a tra ff ic hazar d. CONNECTING AN EXTENSI ON SPEAKER In a noi sy are a, an ext ension speaker (suc h as Cat.
18 UNDERSTANDI NG THE P RO-70 A LOOK AT THE KEYPAD Your scan ner’s keys might seem confusing at firs t, but t his inf ormatio n should help you underst and each k ey’s func- ti on. WX — scans throu gh the 10 prepr ogrammed weather channel s. BAND — s elect s a pr epro- gramme d sear ch band.
19 A LOOK AT THE DISPLAY The displ ay has indica tors that sho w the sca nner’s curr ent operat ion. A quick loo k at the di splay will hel p you unde r- stand how to op erat e your scanner. MAN — appears when yo u manu all y sel ect a chann el. SCAN — appears when yo u scan chan nels.
20 ch — the digits t hat pr ecede this i ndicator ( 1 — 50 ) show which chann el the scann er i s tuned to. –d — a ppears durin g a di rect frequency search. 000.0000 — the digi ts in t he middle of the dis play sho w which fr equen cy t h e scanne r is tuned to.
21 OPERAT ION T URNING ON THE SCANNER AND SETTING SQUELCH 1. Tu rn SQUEL CH ful ly counter clockwi se befor e you turn on t he scann er. 2. Tu rn VOLU ME cl ockwise un t il you hear a hiss ing sound. 3. Tu rn SQUEL CH clockwi se, ju st unti l the hissi ng sound stops.
22 SEARCHING FOR AND S TORING ACTIVE FREQUENCIES Your sc anner c an stor e up t o 51 f requenci es. Each fr e- quency can b e stored in ei ther a memor y called a cha nnel, or the tempor ary memory cal led a monitor. This scan ner has 50 channel s and one monitor memory.
23 Storing Fre quencies Foll ow these st eps to store frequ encies in to your scan- ner’s channe ls. 1. Pre ss PGM . PGM appears on t he display t o in dicate the s canner is i n th e progr amming mod e. 2. Use the number keys to enter the channel number (1-50 ) where yo u want to store the frequen cy , then press PGM again.
24 4. Press E/L-O UT to stor e the frequenc y . The selec ted channel number st ops flas hing, in dicating t h at the select ed channel is st ored. Notes: • If you en tered an inval id frequ ency in Step 3, Error appears on t he displ ay after y ou press E/ L-O UT .
25 Using Band Sear ch If you do not kn ow of a freq uency to st or e, you can sea rch your scan ner’s prepr ogrammed sear ch bands for act ive frequ encies, then st ore any tha t you find i nto your sc an- ner’s channe ls. Foll ow t hese steps t o sear ch for and store act ive f req uen- cies usi ng ban d searc h.
26 • T o revers e the rapi d search direct ion at any time, press and hold o r for about 1second . • T o sear ch the selec ted ban d upward or down war d in small incr ements (i n steps of 5 or 12.5 kHz, dependin g on the band), press a nd rele ase or so or di sappea r s from the di splay .
27 Using Direc t Search During a di rect search, t he scanner searches up ward or downward, star ting f r om a fre quency y ou speci fy. Fol low these st eps to use dir ect search. 1. Pre ss M ANUAL or PGM , then ent er th e freq uency you want to use as a st art ing poi nt f or th e sear ch.
28 USING THE MONITOR M EMORY After you st or e a fr eque ncy in the s cann er’s monitor mem- ory duri ng a di rect s earc h, you can re call it an d move it to one of your sc anner’s channel memories. Listening to the Monitor Memory To recal l a frequen cy store d in the mon itor memor y, sim- ply pre ss M ANUAL t hen 0/ MO N .
29 SCANNING THE STORED CHANNELS To set th e scanner t o cont inuously scan t hrough al l c han- nels wit h stored freq uencies, simply pr ess SCAN . SCAN and ap pear on the di splay, a nd the scanner begi ns to rapid ly scan upward unti l it fi nds an act ive fr equen cy.
30 MONITORING A STORE D CHANNEL You can cont i nuousl y monit or a speci fic channe l with out scanni ng. This is usef ul if you hear an emergenc y broad- cast on a chan nel and do not want to miss any deta ils — even thoug h t here mig ht be peri ods of sile nce — or if you simply wan t to monit or that cha nnel .
31 CLEARING A STORED CHAN NEL If you no longer want a frequen cy stored i n a channel (and yo u do not want to rep lace that frequ ency wit h a di f- feren t one), fol low these s teps to clear the stor ed fre- quency. 1. Select the cha nnel that you want to clear .
32 SPECIAL FEA TURES USING THE KEYLOCK Once you progra m your scann er , y ou can protect it fro m accide nt al pr ogram cha nges by tu rning on t he keylock featur e. When t he key pad is lock ed, the onl y con trols t hat operat e are LI GH T (se e “Using t he Display Backlight” on Page 34), VOLUME , and SQUE LCH .
33 To remov e the loc k-out from a channel , sel ect that chan- nel agai n, then pre ss E/L -O UT so L/O disapp ears from the displ ay. Notes: • Y ou can manual ly select l ocke d-out channel s. • Y our scanner aut omatica lly locks out empty chan- nels.
34 • If t he scann er is in t he sear ch mod e, pre ss ./D L Y while t he scanner is sea rching . DELAY appears on the di splay and the scanner automati cally ad ds a 2- second del ay t o eve ry t ransmis sion it stop s on. To turn off t he 2-sec ond d elay, pres s .
35 To hear y our lo cal fo rec ast and r egional weat her i nfo rma- tion , simpl y press WX . Your scanner begins to scan throu gh the weather b and, and and WX appear on the displ ay. To reve r se t he scan ning d i recti on, pr ess or . Your s cann er sho uld stop with in a fe w s econds o n y our l o- cal weat her bro adcast.
36 A GENERAL SCANNING GUIDE Recepti on of t he frequenci es cover ed by your scanner is mainly “lin e-of- sight .” Thi s means you usual ly cann ot h ear stati ons t hat a re bey ond the horizon. GUIDE TO FREQUENCIE S National W eather Fre quencies *Not prepr ogrammed in this scan ner, but you can manual- ly pr ogram i t.
37 Birdie Fr equencies Every sc anner has birdi e frequenci es. Bi rdies a re signals creat ed insi de the sca nner’s rec eiver. Thes e operating frequ encies might int erfer e with broa dcasts on the same frequ encies. If you p rogr am one of th ese freq uenci es, you hear o nly nois e on that frequ ency .
38 T ypical Band Usage Pr imar y U sage As a gener al rule, most of the radio activi ty is con centrated on the follow ing freq uencies : VHF Band HF Band ( 3.00–30 .0 MHz) 10-Met er Amat eur 29.00–29. 70 MHz High Range 29.70–29. 90 MHz VHF Band ( 30.
39 UHF Band Note: Remote con trol stat ions an d mobi le un its o per ate at 5 MHz high er than their associated base stati ons and re- lay rep eater uni ts . Sp ecifi ed In ter vals Frequenc ie s in dif feren t ban ds are acce ssi ble onl y at spe- cifi c i nterva ls.
40 BAND ALLOCATION To help decide which f requenc y ranges to sca n, use the foll owing list ing of the typical servi ces that use the fr e- quencie s your sc anner re ceives . These freq uencies are subjec t to change , and might vary from area to area.
41 PTR . .. ... ..... .. .. ..... ... .. ... .... ... .. ... ..... .. .. ..... ... . Pr iva te Tru nk ed ROAD...... . ....... ..... .. .. . ....... . Road & Highway Mai nte nance R TV ..... .. ..... .. .. ..... . ... Radio/TV Remote Broadca st Pickup T A XI .
42 47.020–4 7.400 . ....... ..... ..... ....... ..... ....... ..... ..... ...... ...... PUB 47 .4 2 0 . .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. ... . Am e r ic an R e d Cro s s 47.440–4 9.580 . ....... ..... ..... ....... ..... .
43 159.480 ... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ...... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .. O IL 159.495 –161.565 ... ....... ..... ....... ..... ..... ....... ..... ....... . TRAN 161.580 ... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ...... ..
44 453.0125 –453.9875 ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ......PUB 454.000 . .. ..... ...... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ...... . OIL 454.025– 454.975 ..... ..... ...... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..
45 A VOIDIN G IMAGE FREQUE NCIES You might discov er one of your re gul ar stat i ons on anot h- er fre quency that is not listed. This might be what is kno w n as an image fr equency. For exa m ple, you might find a ser- vice that r egularly uses a f requenc y of 453.
46 FREQUENCY CONVERS ION The tuni ng loca tion o f a stati on can be e xpressed in fre- quency (k Hz or MHz ) or in wavel ength (met ers). The fol- lowing inf ormation c an help y ou ma ke the necessa ry convers i ons. 1 MHz (mi ll i on) = 1,000 kHz (thou sand) To conv ert MHz to k Hz, mul tipl y th e number of MHz by 1,000: 30.
47 T RO UBLESH OOTING If y our scann er is not workin g as it should , these sugg es- tion s might hel p you elimin ate the pr obl em. If the sca nner stil l do es not operate pr operl y, ta ke it t o your l ocal Ra- dioShac k sto r e fo r assi stanc e.
48 Keys do not work or dis - play changes. Undet ermined er ro r. T urn the scanner of f then on agai n, or r e set th e s c a n- ner (s ee “Reset- ti ng/Init ializi ng the Scanner” on Page 49) . Scanner i s on but wil l not s can. SQU ELCH is n ot cor re c tly ad justed.
49 RESETTING/INITIALIZING T HE SCANNER If t he scanner ’s di splay l ock s up or do es not work pr operly after you conne ct a power sou r ce, you might need t o reset or i nitial ize the sc anner. IMPORTANT! If y ou h av e pr o ble ms, fi rst t ry to r ese t t he scanner ( see “ Resetting the Scanne r”).
50 Initializ ing the Scanner Caution: This p rocedur e cl ears al l i nfo rmation you st o red in the sc anner ’s memory. I nit ial ize the s canner onl y when you ar e sure t he scan ner is not wor king properly . 1. Tur n off the sca nner , then turn it on agai n.
51 CARE AND MAINTENANCE To enjo y your Ra di o Shack PRO-70 50- Ch annel Por table Scanner f or a long time: Keep t he scanner d ry. I f it get s we t , wi pe it dry imm ediat ely. Liqui ds c an contai n mineral s that can cor rode the el ect ronic cir cuits .
52 SPECIFIC ATIONS Frequenc y Cover age: Ham ... ..... ..... ..... ..... ...... .. 29–30 M Hz (5. 0 kH z steps) VHF Lo . ...... ..... ..... ..... .... 30 –50 MHz (5. 0 kHz s teps) Ham ... ..... ..... ..... ..... ...... .. 50–54 M Hz (5. 0 kH z steps) Gover nment .
53 Audio Outp ut Power (10%THD) ..... ..... . 200 mW Nominal Bu il t-in Sp eak er 1 3 / 8 In ch (36 mm) 8 ohm, Dynamic T ype Po we r Requ ir em en ts . .... ... .. ... ..... +9 V D C, 6 AA b at teri es AC Adapter (Cat. No. 273-1 665) DC Adapter (Cat. No.
54 NOTES 20-3 10.f m Pag e 54 Wedne sday, A ugus t 4, 19 99 10:49 AM.
55 20-3 10.f m Pag e 55 Wedne sday, A ugus t 4, 19 99 10:49 AM.
RadioShack A Divisi on of T andy Corporati on Fo rt Wo rth, T exas 76102 GE-95D-1 652 5A7 Pr int ed in Ho ng Ko ng Limited One-Y ear W arran ty This produ ct is warranted b y Rad ioShack a g ains t ma.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Radio Shack PRO-70 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Radio Shack PRO-70 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Radio Shack PRO-70 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Radio Shack PRO-70 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Radio Shack PRO-70, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Radio Shack PRO-70.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Radio Shack PRO-70. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Radio Shack PRO-70 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.