Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto GSP-1600 del fabbricante Qualcomm
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QU ALCOM M Globalstar GSP-1600 T ri-Mode Phone User Guide.
This guide is based on the production version of th e QUALCOMM Globalstar GSP-1600 Tri-Mode. Software changes may have occurred after this printing. QUALCOMM reserves the right to make changes in tec hnical and product specifications without prior notic e.
iii Contents Cautio ns and Wa rnings .................... ................. ........... ................. ........ vii Getting Started ................. ........... ...... ........... ...... ........... ..... ...... ........... ......1 Understand ing your phon e .
iv Call History Menu .................. ..... ...... ........... ...... ........... ..... ............ ..... .... 23 Accessing call his tory list .............. ..... ...... ...... ........... ..... ...... ...... ..... .... 23 Viewing call his tory details .
v Battery C are and Main tenance ................. ........... ................. ...............59 Battery ......... ........... ................. ........... ................. ........... ................. .... 59 Battery ca re and charg ing ........
vii Cautions and W arnings Warnin g Only us e the ba tter ies, ant ennas, and char gers pr ovided by QUALCOM M. The use o f any other type may b e dangerou s. Warnin g Allow onl y authori zed pers onnel to service th e phone and its access ories. Una uthorize d service ca n invalid ate the warr anty.
Caut i ons and W arnin gs viii.
1 Getting St ar ted It is very importa nt that yo u read t his section b ecause your tri-m ode phone is uniqu e – it co mbines sa tellite techn ology and cellula r technolo gy in one phone. For more detail ed informati on on usage, r efer to the o ther sectio ns in this guid e.
Getting Starte d 2 Manua lly sele cting call mode When y ou are ready to make a c all, yo u can qui ckly se lect the c all mode you prefer. Yo u can select G lobalstar, cellul ar (digital or ana log), or Auto Mode. If you select Auto Mod e, the p hone looks for s ervic e as spe cifie d by the Auto Mode setting (see Auto Mode, pag e 56).
Gett ing Sta rted 3 ■ Move the ante nna to its opt imal position (poi nting straight up to t he sky) until it sets into one of thr ee positio ns. You cannot make or receive a sat ellite call wi th the Gl obalstar sate llite antenna st ored.
Getting Starte d 4 Making sa te llit e calls 1. Rotate the satellite ante nna (see Preparing for satell ite calls, page 2). 2. Press and ho ld to turn you r phone on.
Gett ing Sta rted 5 4. Enter the phone number that you want to call (see Entering number s, page 12). 5. Press . A message d ispl ays if th e phon e i s loc ked, i f the pho ne number is restrict ed, or if there is a nother prob lem.
Getting Starte d 6 Note If you miss a ca ll, yo u can pre ss eith er ok to return to stan d by mo de or view to di splay the ca ll histor y list for details a bout the missed call .
7 Phone Basics Learn about these topics in this se cti on: ■ Phone features and ke ypad ■ Displa y in dicat ors ■ Secu rit y mo d ule ■ Antenna basics ■ Informatio n key Phone feat ures and k eypad 1.
Phon e Basi cs 8 3. Volume button s – Adjust ring er volume when not on a call. Sc roll through the menu item s if a scro ll arrow di splays. Scroll through call histo ry an d phone boo k. Move t he cursor whe n editin g alphab et ic charac ters or digi ts.
Phone Ba sics 9 Display indicators The indi cators on the scre en sho w the stat us of th e phone and the ba ttery charge l evel at a quick gl ance. Phone o perat ing in Global star sa t ellite mode P.
Phon e Basi cs 10 Security module The sec urity modul e activat es your ph one when in Global star sat ellite mode . It is loca ted on t he lo wer l eft si de of the fr ont o f the phon e. The security module that comes with your phone works only with that phone and is no t interchangea ble.
11 Calling Basics Learn about these topics in this se cti on: ■ Turnin g the phon e on and off ■ Standby and power save modes ■ Entering nu mbers ■ Making emergenc y calls, r edialing, a nd mu.
Calling Basic s 12 P ower sa ve mo de If you r phone does not find ser vice w hile in s tandby mode , it switc hes to power sa ve mode. Po wer save mode maxi mizes batt ery life by peri odically look in g for se rvice. The fol lowi n g mess age di spla ys when your phon e is in power save mode: To return t o s tandby mo de, press an y key.
Calling Ba sics 13 Making eme rgency cal ls Locking o r restricti ng the phon e does not pr event you fro m making c alls to emerge ncy numbe rs. Contac t your satel lite or ce llular ser vice pr ovider for emergen cy n umbers. T o ma ke an emer genc y call 1.
Calling Basic s 14 Call waiting Call wait ing le ts you know tha t you are re ceivin g an inc om ing call b y sounding a beep. For instruction s on how to u se call w aiting, contact your satell ite or c ellul ar s ervi ce pr ovid er. Three-wa y call ing Three-way calling allows yo u to talk to two callers at the same time.
15 Menu Basics Learn h ow to acces s and na vigate thro ugh the ph one m enus in thi s sectio n. The phone menus ar e designe d so that you can easily ac cess and navigate through th em. The follo wing roa d map show s the vari ous me nus on the main me nu, whic h is acces sed by pres sing menu .
Menu B asics 16 Accessing main men u 1. Turn the p hone on. T he ph one i s now in standby mode (s ee St andby mode, page 11). 2. Press menu and the first three main menu items display. I f scroll arrow s di splay on the screen, you can scrol l between sc reens to a cce ss additional menu opt ions.
17 Phone Book Menu Learn a bout usi ng the pho ne bo ok, enter ing le tters and ot her c haracte rs, entering pauses, spe ed dialing, and one-touch dialing i n this sectio n. Entering letters and other char acters T o ent er letter s and o ther c haracter s 1.
Phone Book Menu 18 Entering pauses When us ing au tomated phone ser vices, su ch as voice ma il or o nline banking, you can use pause s when enter ing a se ries of num bers. You c an also en ter paus es man ually, or you can save p auses in phone book en tri es.
Phone Book Menu 19 ■ Enter a numbe r into the scr atchpad, an d press options an d save (see Scratchpad, page 2 9 ). ■ Sele ct a numbe r on the scre en, such as Call er ID, and press save .
Phone Book Menu 20 Editing entrie s 1. From standby mode, press bo ok . 2. Find the entry and press vi ew . 3. Press options . 4. Press to Edit. 5. Press to edit Name , to edit Ph one #, or to edit Location.
Phone Book Menu 21 T o vie w or cha nge a secret en try 1. From standby mode, press bo ok . 2. Find the secr et entry and en ter your lock code. 3. Press ok to accept a ny chang es you ma ke. Viewing n umbers You can vi ew an entry’ s entire phone numb er.
Phone Book Menu 22 T o se nd tones man uall y ■ While on a cal l, ente r the a ppropriat e numbe rs. The t ones as sociat ed with the nu mbers are imm ediatel y sent over the air . T o send to nes sa ved in y our pho ne book 1. While on a cal l, press b ook .
23 Call History Menu You ca n access a call hist ory list o f the last ten inco ming or o utgoing satelli te or cellular calls (num bered 0 to 9) and view detai ls about each call type: The mos t recent call is number ed 0 and dis plays at the top of the l ist and the oldes t call a t the bo ttom (s epara t ed by a da shed l ine) .
Call History Menu 24 Vie wing call history details 1. Scroll to se lect a call on the li st. 2. Press view . 3. Press options and select on e of the fo llow in g: ■ Date/Time – Dis pla y the date and time of the cal l. ■ Duration – Displa y the dura tion of the call.
25 Messages Men u Learn a bout ret rieving SMS (shor t mess age se rvice) me ssages in this section. SMS i ncludes both text and voic e mail noti fication messages. Contact you r satellite o r cellul ar servi ce provid ers for in formatio n regardi ng the availa bility of text an d voice mail not ificati ons.
Messa ges Men u 26 3. Do one of th e foll owing: ■ Press next to read th e next voi ce mail notifica tion. ■ Press view to d ispl ay mo re det a il, if avai lab le, w hich automatic ally scro lls on the scree n and pauses so you can read it. Press a scro ll ke y to manuall y scroll.
Messag es Me nu 27 3. Do one of th e foll owing: ■ Press next to read the ne xt message. ■ Press view to d ispl ay mo re det a il, if avai lab le, w hich automatic ally scro lls on the scree n and pauses so you can read it. Press a scro ll ke y to manuall y scroll.
Messa ges Men u 28 T o av oid running out of m emory ■ Erase lock ed or unl ocked me ssages that you no longer ne ed. Wh en the phone i s out of memo ry an d all text me ssag es are lo cked, it no lon ger accept s new messa ges and thi s message display s: The net work may try t o deliver lost mes sages l ater.
29 Features Menu Key G u a rd The k ey guar d loc ks the phone keys t o pr event acciden tal use. If you r eceiv e an inco ming call when the key guard i s on, yo u can answe r the call by pressi ng . The key beeps a re silenc ed when the keyguard is set to “on.
Feat ures Me nu 30 Data With this f eature, you c an set the baud r ate when ma king data call s. The baud rate is the speed at which the phone communica tes the data to o r from the attached ter minal eq uipm ent (for e xampl e, your c ompute r or Pal m™ handheld).
31 Call Informati on Menu The Ca ll Infor mation me nu cont ains cou nters th at allow you to t rack th e number of ca lls and ai rtime for bil ling purp oses. Last Call Last Call displa ys the duration o f the last call i n minutes and sec onds. If Call History is empty, “None” di splays on the screen.
Call Info rmation M enu 32 Recent Ca lls Recent Call s displays the numbe r and duratio n of call s m ade or receive d since resetting the counter. You can reset this counter to zero (see Resetti ng call coun t er s, page 33). T o displa y recen t calls i nformati on 1.
Call Info rmation Menu 33 Resetting call counter s You can only reset the Home Calls, Roa m Cal ls, Recent Calls, and Data Calls counters to zero. You c an also undo the counte r reset, but you must do it befor e you pre ss ok , whi ch confirms resetting the counter.
Call Info rmation M enu 34.
35 Security Menu Loc k code When you acce ss the Secu ri ty menu for th e first time, enter the lo ck code supplied by your sate llite or cellul ar servi ce provid er. If you fo rget your l ock code, co ntact your satelli te or c ellular ser vice provi der.
Secur ity Me nu 36 Restricting the phone When you r estrict yo ur phone, you can only m ake call s to emer gency number s, priority numbe rs, and phone book loc ations 1 to 9. You canno t make ch an ges to th e ph one boo k wh en you res trict your ph one.
Secur ity Me nu 37 Erasing ca ll history list T o erase th e entire call history lis t 1. From standby mode, press menu . 2. Press for Securi ty and enter yo ur lock co de. 3. Press for Erase C all. 4. Press ok . 5. Press ok to erase the e ntire ca ll histo ry list, or pres s if you do not want to erase it .
Secur ity Me nu 38 Resetting pr eferences You can reset all preferences to the ori ginal settings (defaul ts) that wer e previ ously s et by your satell ite or c ellular servic e provid er. The se preferen ces inclu de those desc ribed in Prefe rences Menu, page 39, with these e xceptio ns: ■ The banne r is no t reset .
39 Pref erences Men u Sounds You can se t ringer type , ringer volu me, earpie ce volume, k ey beep s ound, key bee p volume, k ey beep le ngth, and m ute stere o. Ringe r T ype You can ch ange the r inger for incoming ca lls to on e of eight different ri ngs or song s.
Preferen ces M enu 40 ❑ Scroll to select the vo lume le vel fro m 1 (lowest ) to 9 (hi ghest) or Silent to turn the ringer off. W hile in standb y mode, “-Ringer Off-” alter nat es on th e s creen wit h the t ime. ❑ Press ok . T o silenc e the ringer when receiving a call ■ Press .
Pref eren ces M enu 41 Key Beep V olume You ca n adjust the vo lume of the key b eep, the sound you hea r when pressi ng the keys. T o ad jus t the key be ep v olume 1. From standby mode, press menu . 2. Press for Pre ferences. 3. Press for Sounds. 4.
Preferen ces M enu 42 T o m ute the s tereo 1. Be sure that the car kit mute line is connec ted to the stereo mute line. 2. From standby mode, press menu . 3. Press for Pre ferences. 4. Press for Sounds. 5. Press fo r M ute Stereo . 6. Scroll to select “ye s” o r “no.
Pref eren ces M enu 43 Banner You can e nter a ba nner or per sonal greeting (up to 12 c haracters), s uch as a comp any name o r a pe rsonal remi nd er. T he ban ner disp lays when y ou turn the p hone o n. T o edi t the banner 1. From standby mode, press menu .
Preferen ces M enu 44 Show Time You can set the t ime format us ing this fe atur e. Init iall y, whil e in Glo balst ar satellite mode, UTC (univers al coordinated time) di splays. While in digital or ana log mode, l ocal t ime displ ays wher e avail able.
Pref eren ces M enu 45 T o se lect a diff erent time zone 1. From standby mode, press men u . 2. Press for Pre ferences. 3. Press for Display. 4. Press for G* TimeZone.
Preferen ces M enu 46 5. Scroll to se lect o ne of th e follow ing : ■ As r eceived – Tim e displays as received, probably in UTC fo rmat ■ Adjust – Adjusts one select ed under Gl obalstar Tim e Zone (see Globalsta r Time Zone , page 44) 6. Press ok .
Pref eren ces M enu 47 Serv ice Cha nge This aler t so unds a t one and di spla y s a me ss ag e wh en the ph one en ters or leav es service . T o se t the service c hange ale rt 1. From standby mode, press men u . 2. Press for Pre ferences. 3. Press for Alerts.
Preferen ces M enu 48 5. Scroll to se lect o ne of th e follow ing : ■ Off – Pho ne does no t automa tically an swer ■ After 1 ring – Phone aut omatic ally ans wers af ter 1 ri ng ■ After 2 .
Pref eren ces M enu 49 Any-Key Answer With th is featu re, yo u can pre ss any key to ans wer an inc oming call wh ile in standby mode, except or . If this feature is not set to “yes,” press to ans wer call s. T o set any-key a nswer 1. From standby mode, press men u .
Preferen ces M enu 50.
51 System Menu Stat us When yo ur p ho ne is in Glob alst ar sat ell ite mo de, th is fea ture provi des status fo r the state of the phon e’s Glo balstar satelli te ante nna, car kit, security m od.
System Menu 52 ■ Unlocked – If J di spla ys, th e sat ellit e or ce llula r serv ice p rovid er has not l ocked yo ur phone. If L displays, contact yo u r service provider. ■ Self-test – If J displays , the phone has made a successful se lf-test.
System Menu 53 ■ Prohib ited List – Shows the sate llite service provider s in alphab etica l order that y ou ch oose no t to use. You can not add the ho me satellite service provi der to this list. Note You canno t add or delete your h ome service pro vider from any list .
System Menu 54 5. Press view to disp lay the sat ellite s ervice p rovider’s MCC (mob ile country code) and MNC (mobile ne twork code). ■ If the sa telli te s ervic e prov i der is o n the Pref erred Li st, th e preferred lo cation numb e r displays (Pref Loc).
System Menu 55 4. Press for Pro hb List. 5. Scr oll to select a sate llite servi ce pr ovid er. 6. Press erase . 7. Press ok . 8. Rere gister your ph one (se e Reg ister ing p hone, pa ge 53).
System Menu 56 Manual Mode The pho ne ope rates in Globa lstar satell ite, digital, or anal og mode . You can manuall y select o ne of th ese mode s or sele ct auto mo de by usi ng this feature . Auto mo de means th at the pho ne auto maticall y selects a mode based on your auto mode setting (see Auto Mode, page 56).
System Menu 57 5. Scroll to se lect o ne of th e follow ing : ■ GStar Only – Loo k for Glo balstar sate llite ser vice onl y. Press ok , and the pho ne returns to standby mode. ■ Cell On ly – Look f or cellular servic e only. Press ok , an d t he Cell Pref m enu displays .
System Menu 58 T o set the NAM 1. From standby mode with Aut o NAM set to “no,” pre ss menu . 2. Press for System . 3. Press for NAM S elect. 4. Press for Set NA M. 5. Scroll to select the NAM. 6. Press ok . T o se t the system 1. Select the appropria te NAM (see NAM Select, page 57).
59 Battery Care and Maintenance Learn abou t battery care, ba ttery cha rging, an d battery re moval an d replac em ent in this sect io n. Batter y The ph one com es w ith a r echar geab le batte ry t.
Batt ery Ca re and Ma inte nance 60 ■ To prevent damage, do not charge the b attery in temper atures less than +32 °F (0 °C) or greater than +104 °F (+40 °C). Do not use the battery in temperatures le s s than –4 °F (–20 °C) or gr eater than +140 °F (+60 °C).
Battery Care and M aintenance 61 If the battery level gets too low, the phone turns o ff and loses any function in progre ss. Before turnin g off, the phon e alerts yo u with five be eps and the message “Low Battery, Turning Off Phone Now ” displays on the scre en.
Batt ery Ca re and Ma inte nance 62.
63 Safety In formatio n Learn the s afety inform ation for wir eless handheld ph ones in thi s section. Exposure to radio frequenc y signals Your wire less handh eld portabl e telephon e is a l ow power ra dio trans mitter and recei ver. When it is ON, it recei ves and al so sends out ra dio frequ ency (RF) signals.
Safety Infor mation 64 Driving Check the laws and regulati ons on the use of wireless telephones in the areas wh ere you drive . Always obey th em. Als o, if using yo ur phone whi le driving, please: .
Safety Inf or m at ion 65 Ve h i c l e s RF sig nals may affect imprope rly ins talled o r inade quately shielde d electroni c sy stems in motor vehicl es. Check with the manufacturer or its represen tative re garding you r vehicl e. You shou ld also consult the manufac turer of any e quipment that has been added to your v ehicle.
Safety Infor mation 66 Other safe ty issues In order to avoid the potentia l for conf using the p hone as a wea pon, th e phone fe atures a di stincti ve flame o range band at the t ip of the an tenna.
67 Accessories The op tional acc essories described i n this s ection are available from you r satell ite or c ellul ar s ervi ce pr ovid er. Caution Allow onl y authori zed pers onnel to service th e accessories . Unauth orized s ervice can inval idate t he warrant y.
Access orie s 68 Hands-f ree ca r kit With t he QUALCOMM Glo balstar Hands-Fr ee Car Kit, you can adapt yo ur phone fo r hands-free operatio n in your vehicle. For more info rmation, see the QUALCOMM Globalsta r hands-free car kit user documentation. Caution Allow onl y a ut hor ized pers on ne l to i nstall or s erv ice the ca r k it .
69 T roub leshootin g If you have a pro blem with y our phon e that you cannot so lve by fol lowing these tro u blesh oo ting tips , conta ct you r satel lite or ce llula r service provider . (You may have diffe rent service provide rs for Global star sa tellite service a nd cel lular service.
Troub lesho oti ng 70 Making calls ■ Rotate or fully extend the appropriate antenna. ■ In Glo balstar sa tellite mode, be sure the satellite antenna has a clear view of th e sky. ■ Check that you selecte d the correc t service m ode: Globalstar : Press and h old to display the mode menu, and press for Gl obals tar.
Trou blesh oot ing 71 Receivin g calls ■ Check that the phone is turned o n. ■ Check that the ringer is loud e nough. ■ Rotate or fully extend the appropri ate antenna. ■ In Glo balstar sa tellite mode, be sure that the satellite antenna has a cle ar view of th e sky.
Troub lesho oti ng 72.
Index-1 Index A AC wall char ger 67 access ories 67 adaptors, data 67 air ba g safety 65 aler ts 46 fade 46 minut e 46 new me ssage 47 service change 47 all ca ll s 32 analo g mode i ndica tor 9 answe.
Index-2 E earpiece volume 40 editin g banner 43 letters 17 number s 12 phone b ook entri es 20 electron ic device s 64 emergen cy ca lls 13 encryptio n 9 end ke y 16 defined 8 endi ng c alls 6 enterin.
Index-3 pre feren ces 39 security 35 syst em 51 messag es 25 call ba ck numbe rs 27 callin g vo ice m ail sys t em 26 erasi ng text 27 lockin g 27 , 28 stori ng 27 text 26 unlo cking 28 voice mail not.
Index-4 S safet y air bag s 65 aircraft 65 ante nna 63 blast i ng ar eas 65 driving 64 electron ic device s 64 explos i ve atm osphe res 65 heari ng aids 64 hospitals 64 medical devices 64 pacemakers .
Index-5 V version 52 voice mail 26 voice mail notifications 25 voic e messag e ind icato r 9 voic e messag es 25 volume butt o ns 8 W wall ch ar ger 67.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Qualcomm GSP-1600 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Qualcomm GSP-1600 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Qualcomm GSP-1600 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Qualcomm GSP-1600 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Qualcomm GSP-1600, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Qualcomm GSP-1600.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Qualcomm GSP-1600. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Qualcomm GSP-1600 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.