Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto VTrak J310S del fabbricante Promise Technology
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VT RAK J610 S , J310 S P RODUCT M ANUAL Ve r s i o n 1 . 1.
VTrak J610s, J310s Product Manual ii Copyright © 2007 Promis e T echn ology , Inc. All R ight s Res erved. Copyri ght by Promis e T echnolo gy , Inc. (Pro mi se T echnol ogy). N o p art of this man ual ma y be re produc ed or t rans mitte d in an y f orm with out the ex pressed, written pe rmission of Promise T ec hnolog y .
iii Content s Chapter 1: Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 About This Manua l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
VTrak J610s, J310s Product Manual iv Chapter 3: Management, c ont. CLI Comm and Se t, cont. Viewing Link Stat us . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Clearin g the Error Count . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1 Chapter 1: Introductio n • About This M anual (below ) • Overvi ew (p age 2) • Archi tectura l Desc ription (p age 4) • Featu res an d Benefi ts (p age 5 ) • S pecif icati ons (p age 6 ) Than k you for purc hasin g Promi se T ech nology ’ s VT rak J6 10s or J310s extern al disk arra y subsy stem.
VTrak J610s, J310s Product Manual 2 Overv iew The Pro mise VT rak J 610s a nd J3 10s are optim ized for orga nizati ons d epl oying cost -ef fectiv e sm all-to-m edium appl icati on clu sters, di sk-to-d isk b ackup an d mid range s torage so lution s.
Chapter 1: Introduction 3 Figure 3. VT rak J61 0s rear view Figure 4. VT rak J31 0s rear view The t wo extern al SAS po rt s provid e the n ee ded conne ctivi ty and bandwi dth for lar ge capac ity so.
VTrak J610s, J310s Product Manual 4 Architectural Descripti on The VT rak J 610s pac ks up to 1 6 driv es pe r sy stem, offer ing in dus try- lea ding cap aci ty in just 3U o f st an dard 1 9-inch rack sp ace. The VT rak J 310s suppo rt s up to 12 drive s per sys tem, i n jus t 2U o f st andard 19-inc h r ack sp ace.
Chapter 1: Introduction 5 Features and Benefits Featu re Ben efit 3U or 2U 19-in ch w ide en closu re Inst alls easil y in a ny st andard rac kmoun t. Support s Ser ial Att ached SCSI disk drives Al lows you to use t he n ew dua l-po rt S AS disk drives .
VTrak J610s, J310s Product Manual 6 Specifi cations Dri ve Cap a city: J6 10s, 1 6 drive s. J310s , 12 d riv es. External I/O Port s: SAS ho st port and SAS e xpans ion po rt. Suppo rted Disk I nterfac es: Seri al Att ached SCSI (SAS) and Se rial A T A (SA T A), 3Gb/ s a nd 1.
Chapter 1: Introduction 7 Dimensions (H x W x D): J610 s, 13. 1 x 44 .7 x 56 .1 cm (5.2 x 17. 6 x 22 .1 in) J310 s, 8.8 x 44.7 x 56.1 c m (3.5 x 1 7.6 x 2 2.1 in ) Net W eight: J610 s, 30 .5 kg (67.2 l b) wi thout d rives , 38.5 kg (84.9 l b) wi th 16 drives , ass uming 0.
VTrak J610s, J310s Product Manual 8 IRAM S t atement MIC S t atem ent Advertencia: Este es un producto de clase A. En un ambiente doméstico, este producto puede ca usar interferencia de las ondas de radio, en cuyo caso se podría requerir que el usua rio tome las medidas ade cuadas.
9 Chapter 2: Inst allation • Unpa ckin g the V T rak (b elo w) • Mou nting VT rak J610s in a Ra ck (pa ge 1 1) • Mou nting VT rak J310s in a Ra ck (pa ge 13) • I nstalli ng D isk Driv es (pa g.
VTrak J610s, J310s Product Manual 10 Figure 1. VT rak J610s rear v iew Figure 2. VT rak J310s rear v iew Some VT raks shi p with a sin gle I/O modu le and a bl ank uni t ins tal led i n the p lace of the seco nd I/O mo dule. Y ou c an upg rade y our VT rak by inst alli ng a second I/O modu le.
Chapter 2: Inst allation 11 Mounting VT rak J610s i n a Rack The J 610s subs ystem inst all s to th e rack using the supp lied m ountin g rail s. Y ou can also u se yo ur exi sting rails. Figure 3. VT rak J610s mounted in a rack wi th the supplie d rai ls T o inst al l the J 610s subsy stem into a rack w ith t he sup pl ied mo unting rai ls: 1.
VTrak J610s, J310s Product Manual 12 4. Squa re th e ra il asse mbl ies i n the ra ck. 5. T ight en th e adju stm ent screw s and t he a ttachi ng sc rews . 6. Plac e the VT rak sub system onto the rai ls. 7. Secu re the VT rak sub syste m to t he ra ck th rough e ach ha ndle, using the att achi ng sc rews from your rack s ystem.
Chapter 2: Inst allation 13 Mounting VT rak J310s i n a Rack The J 310s subs ystem inst all s to th e rack using the supp lied m ountin g rail s. Y ou can also u se yo ur exi sting rails. Figure 5. VT rak J310s mounted in a rack wi th the supplie d rai ls T o inst all th e VT rak sub syste m int o a rac k wi th the s uppli ed mo unting rai ls: 1.
VTrak J610s, J310s Product Manual 14 The ra il is desig ned to sl ide fre ely ov er the plate. 5. Att ach a flange to eac h end of th e rail , with the rail o n the o pposi te sid e of the fl ange f rom the two-h ole bra cket. 6. Inst all the rail a djustm ent s crews (i nclud ed) thro ugh the flang e in to the rail.
Chapter 2: Inst allation 15 Figure 7. Mounting ra il instal lation In side of pos t Rack front po st Rail att a ching screw (not i ncluded ) Rail adj ustme nt sc rew Moun ting Rai l Rail at t achi ng .
VTrak J610s, J310s Product Manual 16 Instal ling Disk Drive s Popul ate the VT rak with 3.5-in ch SAS or SA T A disk drives . Inst all all of the dri ve ca rriers i nto the VT rak encl osure to ensu re p roper a irflow , even if yo u do no t popu late all th e carri ers with disk drive s.
Chapter 2: Inst allation 17 If yo u inst alled an AAMUX, lay th e SA T A disk dri ve in the carrier and sl id e it so the p ower and da ta con nectors inse rt in to the AAM UX. See Fig ure 10 . 5. Inse rt the sc rews thro ug h the ho les in the driv e carri er and i nto the b ottom o f the d isk driv e.
VTrak J610s, J310s Product Manual 18 Figure 10.Drive c arrier with SA T A di sk drive and AAMUX Caution s • If you pla n to operat e your VT rak with fewe r than a full loa d of disk dr ives, inst all al l of the dri ve carri ers into the encl osure, to ensure proper a irflow fo r cool ing.
Chapter 2: Inst allation 19 Drive Numbering Each disk drive in the J610s or J31 0s un it i s iden tified by a n umbe r that corre spond s to t he Port numbe r u sed fo r manage me nt. See “Link Comma nd” on p age 40. Numbe rs are st amp ed abo ve each drive bay for easy identi ficati on.
VTrak J610s, J310s Product Manual 20 Setting Up Data Cable Connections VT raks provide Direc t Att ached S torage (DAS) suppo rt to the Hos t PC. Figure 13. VT rak J 610 s has on e or two I/O mo dule s Figure 14.VT rak J3 10s ha s one or two I/O mod ules There can b e one o r two Input O utput Mod ules (I/O modu les) o n th e VT rak.
Chapter 2: Inst allation 21 Figure 15.I/O mo dules ha ve a ci rcle-i con port a nd a diam ond-icon port Each I/O modu le has on e circle -icon p ort and one diam ond-ic on port . In the CLI comm and s et, the cir cle-ic on port is ca lled C N1 and th e diam ond-ic on port i s called CN2.
VTrak J610s, J310s Product Manual 22 Basic DA S Connection Figure 16. An exam ple of a basic DAS c onnectio n betwe en one Ho st PC and one VT rak J31 0s unit. The J610s is simil ar The a rrangem ent ab ove is th e min imum DAS sys tem with a sin gle SAS HBA card in the Hos t PC.
Chapter 2: Inst allation 23 Cascading DAS Connec tion If you h ave m ultipl e VT raks and want to mana ge them from t he same SAS HBA card in the Host PC, c onnec t the VT raks in a c ascade. See Fig ure 17. T o setup a casc ad ing DAS c onnec tion: 1.
VTrak J610s, J310s Product Manual 24 Figure 17. T wo examples of c ascade d DAS con nect ions betwee n one Host PC and tw o VT rak J310s units. T he J610 s is si mila r O I 115200 8 N 1 O I 115200 8 N.
Chapter 2: Inst allation 25 Redundant D AS Connection A full y redu nda nt arran gemen t requir es: • T wo VT rak J 610 s or J 310s unit s wi th dua l I/ O mod ules • T wo Host PCs with a S AS HBA card in e ach PC Each HBA card c onnec ts to a di ff eren t I/O mod ule in the firs t VT rak, to p rovid e a sep arate casc ade.
VTrak J610s, J310s Product Manual 26 Figure 18. An exam ple of a redund ant DAS connecti on betw een two Hos t PCs and four c ascade d VT rak J 310s u nits.
Chapter 2: Inst allation 27 Set ti ng Up Ser ia l Ca ble Con nec ti ons Serial commun icati on enable s the Co mman d L ine Int erface (CLI) on y our PC to moni tor t o co ntro l the V T rak. The V T rak pack age i ncl ude s one R J1 1 -to- DB9 seri al dat a c able fo r each I/O m odule.
VTrak J610s, J310s Product Manual 28 Connecting the Power Plug the pow er co rds an d sw itch o n both powe r suppl ies. W hen the po wer is switc hed on , the L EDs on th e front of th e VT rak will lig ht up. Figure 20.VT rak J3 10s fr ont pane l LED d isplay .
Chapter 2: Inst allation 29 Setting Up the CLI Con nec tion The VT rak has a Comman d Line Interfa ce (C LI) to m anage all of it s fu nction s, incl udin g cus tom izat ion. Acces s the CLI v ia yo ur PC’s t ermin al VT 100 or ANS I emulati on prog ram, s uch a s Micros oft Hyp erT erminal.
VTrak J610s, J310s Product Manual 30.
31 Chapter 3: Management • Front S ta tus Indic ators (bel ow) • Drive S t atus Indic ators (p age 24) • I/O Mod ule S tatus Indica tors (p age 25) • CLI C ommand Set (p ag e 26) Front S tatus.
VTrak J610s, J310s Product Manual 32 Dri ve Statu s Ind icat ors Aft er a few mom ent s the Power/ Activi ty sh oul d disp lay G reen. If the re is n o dis k driv e in th e carrier , the Disk S tatu s LED and th e Power/Ac tivit y LED wi ll r emain dark .
Chapter 3: Management 33 I/O Module S tatus I ndicato rs The VT rak J610s or J310s I/O m odule has LE Ds th at ind icate act ivity on each o f it s SAS ports. Figure 3. The I/O modu les hav e two SAS ports The I /O mo dul e st atus LED s hows red at sta rtup .
VTrak J610s, J310s Product Manual 34 Figure 4. VTrak J610s power s upply an d fan LEDs The b attery LED on the c ooling unit h as no functi on on t he VT rak J610s an d J310 s model s. Figure 5. VTrak J310s power s upply an d fan LEDs Under n ormal condi tio ns, the power s upply and fa n L EDs sho uld di splay green.
Chapter 3: Management 35 CLI Command Set The CL I uses th e follo wing set o f comm ands : cab le – S pecifie s t he leng th of c able f or o ptimal sign al qua lity . enc los ure – D ispl ays f ull in formati on on t he V T rak enclosu re a nd all its compon ent s, ex pan der add resse s, and SAS addre sses.
VTrak J610s, J310s Product Manual 36 The sy stem retu rns: CN#1 Cable Leng th = 1 meter CN#2 Cable Leng th = 3 meter Note th e cab le len gth chang e for CN 2.
Chapter 3: Management 37 The sy stem retu rns: ------- ----------- ---------------- ---------- ----------- ---------------- ----------- --- Time Since P ower Up: 1 day 9 hours 46 minutes 36 secon ds Enclosure : SAS JBOD [2U-12Bay or 3U-16 Bay] I/O Module ID: 1 Max Num Of I/O Modules: 2 FwV ersion: 1.
VTrak J610s, J310s Product Manual 38 Expa nder SAS Add ress: SAS Ba se Addr:50 00 15 5D 21 AB 02 00 SS P SAS Addr: 50 00 15 5D 21 AB 02 3E SMP SAS Ad dr: 50 00 15 5D 21 AB 02 3F Attach ed SA S Addres .
Chapter 3: Management 39 • Automat ic Shut down – Sh uts do wn th e VT rak 30 seco nds after t he encl osure or con troller reache s criti cal te mp erature. • Minim um Fan Spe ed – S pecifi es the mini mum f an s peed when the VT rak reac hes en clos ure or c ontroll er wa rning te mpera ture.
VTrak J610s, J310s Product Manual 40 T o acces s help with a speci fic fu nction : cli >hel p cab le cli >cabl e -hel p cli >cabl e -h Choos e any comm and fro m the list u nde r “CLI C omman d Set” o n pa ge 35.
Chapter 3: Management 41 P22 CN2 SAS 3.0G OK End ---- Rdy P23 CN2 SAS 3.0G OK End ---- Rdy P ort:Por t Id T ype:SAS Rate:Rat e 3G Init:Ini t Passed Dev:D evice T y pe Li nk:Link Co nnect ed PRdy: Phy .
VTrak J610s, J310s Product Manual 42 P20 ---------- - --------- ---------- ---------- ---- ------ 0x8F P21 ---------- - --------- ---------- ---------- ---- ------ 0x8F P22 ---------- - --------- ----.
Chapter 3: Management 43 0238 500000E0 1212F582 CN2 0287 500000E0120B26B2 CN2 0365 5000155 FFFC0223E CN2 0462 500000E0 114F18F2 CN2 0468 500000E01205B472 CN 2 0542 500000E01122C5B2 CN 2 0624 500000E01.
VTrak J610s, J310s Product Manual 44 VPDR Command The v pdr co mm and d ispla ys vi t al pro duct d at a on the major co mpone nts of the VT rak. The re are s ix co mpone nt s th at report vit al pro duct i nfo rmation .
45 Chapter 4: Sup port • Frequ entl y Asked Qu estio ns (below ) • Cont acti ng T echnic al Supp ort (p age 46 ) • Lim ited W arranty (p age 49) • Returni ng prod uct fo r rep air (p ag e 50) Frequently Asked Questions What k ind of dis k dri ves ca n I use with VT rak? The J 610s and J310 s support 3.
VTrak J610s, J310s Product Manual 46 Contacting T echni cal Support Promi se T echnica l Support pr ovi des se veral s upport op tions fo r Promise users to acces s info rmatio n an d upda tes.
Chapter 4: Support 47 The Netherlands Germany It aly E-mail Supp ort e-Support On-Line Fax Sup port +31 (0) 4 0 256 9 463 Attn : T echnica l Suppo rt Phone Su pport +31 (0) 4 0 235 2 600 If you wish to write us for su ppor t: Promise T echno logy Eu rope B.
VTrak J610s, J310s Product Manual 48 T a iwan China E-mail Supp ort e-Support On-Line Fax Sup port +886 3 578 23 90 Attn: T echnical Supp ort Phone Su pport +886 3 578 23 95 (ext . 88 1 1) If you wish to write us for su ppor t: Promise T ec hnolog y , Inc.
Chapter 4: Support 49 Limited Warranty Promise T echnology , Inc. (“Pro mise”) warra nt s that f or three (3) yea rs from the time of the deliv ery of the prod uct to the origin al end user: a) t .
VTrak J610s, J310s Product Manual 50 No oth er docu me nt, st atem ent or repre sent atio n may be reli ed on to vary the terms of thi s limite d warrant y .
Chapter 4: Support 51 The tec hnic ian will as sist you in dete rminin g whet her the prod uct requ ires rep a ir . If the produc t need s repa ir , the T echnical Sup port Dep ar tment will is sue a n RM A (Return Me rchand ise Au thoriza tio n) num ber .
VTrak J610s, J310s Product Manual 52.
53 Appendix A: Secon d I/O Module The VT rak J610s and J310s unit s ship with on e or two I/O modu les. If your VT rak cam e with o nly on e I /O mo dul e, you can u pgrade by ins t alli ng a s econd I/O mod ule. Th e follo wing in stru ction s des cribe how to in st all a s econ d I/O m odule .
VTrak J610s, J310s Product Manual 54.
55 Index Symbols ? com mand 44 A AAMUX adapter 16, 18, 32 About Th is Manual 1 Attac hed SAS a ddress es 36 automa tic shutd own se tting 39 B blower s tatus 36 C cabl e comma nd 35 RJ11-to-D B9 9, 27.
VTrak J610s, J310s Product Manual 56 H HBA card 21, 22, 23, 25 Heartbeat LE D 28, 31 help com mand 39 I I/O modul e 10, 27 add se cond module 53 defaul t primary 20 dual 25 role 36, 45 , 53 SAS ports .
In dex 57 serial comm unica tion 27 setting automa tic shutd own 39 minim um fan speed 39 temperatu re 38 th er mal m ana gem e nt 38 SFF-808 8 cabl e 9, 22, 23, 25 Spec ificatio ns 6 Status Indicato .
VTrak J610s, J310s Product Manual 58.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Promise Technology VTrak J310S è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Promise Technology VTrak J310S - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Promise Technology VTrak J310S imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Promise Technology VTrak J310S ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Promise Technology VTrak J310S, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Promise Technology VTrak J310S.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Promise Technology VTrak J310S. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Promise Technology VTrak J310S insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.