Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto FastTrak TX2200 del fabbricante Promise Technology
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F AST T RAK TX2200, TX2300 U SER M ANUAL Ve r s i o n 3 . 2.
FastTrak TX2200 , TX2300 User Manual ii Copyright © 2007 Promise T echn ology , Inc. All Righ ts R eserved. Copy right by Pro mise T echnol ogy , Inc. (Pro mise T echnol ogy). No part of this man ual may be repro duced or t ransmi tted in an y form without the expres sed, written permi ssion of Promise T echnolog y .
iii Content s Chapter 1: Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 About This Manua l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
FastTrak TX2200 , TX2300 User Manual iv Chapter 4: FastBuild ™ Utility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1 FastTrak BIO S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Main Menu . .
Contents v Chapter 5: WebPAM, continued Logical Drives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 7 Logical Drive Vie w . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Create a L ogical D rive .
FastTrak TX2200 , TX2300 User Manual vi Chapter 7: Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 Frequentl y Asked Ques tions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 Contact Tec hnical Support .
1 Chapter 1: Introductio n • About This Man ual, b elow • Overvi ew (p age 2) • FastT rak TX Series (p age 2) • W ebP AM Sof tware (p age 3) • Key F eatures an d Benef its (p age 3) • S pecificati ons (pa ge 6) Than k you for p urchasin g Promise T echnol ogy’ s FastT rak TX2200 or T X2300 RAID Contro ller card.
FastTrak TX2200 , TX2300 User Manual 2 Overv iew The PC w hich yo u are using either a lready co nta ins FastT rak TX 2200 or T X2300 RAID Co ntrolle r card ins talle d by a third-pa rty or y ou have acquired a FastT rak TX220 0 or TX23 00 ret ail prod uct for yo ur existi ng PC an d plan to inst all the card your self.
Chapter 1: Introduction 3 We bP A M S o f tw a r e The W eb-based Promise Ar ray Manag ement (W ebP AM) RA ID managem ent sof tware o ffe rs local managem ent an d monitori ng of Fas tT rak disk arrays.
FastTrak TX2200 , TX2300 User Manual 4 Suppo rts m ultip le logi cal disks TX220 0 and T X2300 supp ort up t o 2 logic al dis ks. Suppo rts onl ine lo gical di sk exp ansion Add di sk drive s to th e logica l dis k without af fecti ng data avai lability .
Chapter 1: Introduction 5 Comp atibility Featu res Benefit s Compl ies with PCI v2 .3 Local Bus s tanda rd Provi des highe st level of hard ware co mp atibility . Complies with SA T A S pecificati on 1.0a Provides full com patib ility with first g eneration Serial A T A hard drive s.
FastTrak TX2200 , TX2300 User Manual 6 Specifi cations • Low-pro file printe d circui t board • PCI Slot 33 MHz or 66 MHz • Control ler card d imensions (HWD): 2.
7 Chapter 2: Inst allation • Unp ack Y our FastT rak Card (below) • I nstall t he F astTrak Car d (pag e 8) • I nstall t he D isk D riv es (page 9) • Create Y our Logic al Dri ve (page 1 1) • W ebP AM In sta llation (p age 14) This Chapter is des igned t o quickly get your Fas tT rak TX Series RAID Controll er card up and run ning.
FastTrak TX2200 , TX2300 User Manual 8 Instal l the Fas tT rak Card The F astT rak TX2200 or TX230 0 Serial A T A RAI D card fi ts in to any av ailabl e PCI slo t on your PC's mothe rboard (below): • 32-bi t PCI slot (m ust be PC I 2.2 or 2.3 comp liant) • The 32-bi t portion o f a 64-b it PCI or PCI -X slot 1.
Chapter 2: Inst allation 9 3. Fast en the control ler card b racket to the system’ s frame. 4. At t ach you r sys tem c ase’s 2- o r 4-p in LE D cab le to t he L ED co nnec tor o n the Fast T rak card ( see Ins tall th e Disk be low).
FastTrak TX2200 , TX2300 User Manual 10 2. At t ach one SA T A data cabl e to ea ch di sk dr iv e. The n at tach th e oth er en ds of the cables to the connecto rs on the F astT rak card (abov e). 3. Att ach the Y -cabl e power spl itters to y our SA T A dis k drives .
Chapter 2: Inst allation 11 Create Y our Logical Drive Y ou will n ow use the onboard FastBuild BIOS u tility to c reate a lo gical dri ve with the attach ed dr ive s. For an explana tion of the logic al drive conce pts, s ee Chap ter 6 1. Boot y our syst em.
FastTrak TX2200 , TX2300 User Manual 12 4. Press the arrow keys to hi ghlight a n logi cal dr ive num ber you want to define and p ress Enter to select it . The De fine LD Menu f or the l ogical d rive nu mber y ou selec ted wil l next appe ar (below).
Chapter 2: Inst allation 13 • F ast In it e rases the Mast er Bo ot Re cord (MBR ) of the phys ica l driv es when t his featur e is set t o ON. • S tripe Bl ock Size . Press the S paceb ar to toggle throug h 32 KB, 64 KB , or 12 8 KB. 64 KB is the de fault.
FastTrak TX2200 , TX2300 User Manual 14 W ebP AM Installat ion W ebP AM in stall ation s oft ware will inst all tw o major c omponent s: • Utilit y Server – W ebP AM RAID mon itoring an d Networki.
Chapter 2: Inst allation 15 Java Runt ime Enviro nment If yo u are p lanning to use othe r appli cations that rely o n JRE or JDK, always inst all them firs t before y ou inst all W e b P AM. Web P AM will use the exis ting JRE rat her t han in stal ling a sec ond one.
FastTrak TX2200 , TX2300 User Manual 16 4. When the Run or Displ ay? d ialog box appea rs, clic k Run i n T ermi nal . Aft er several moment s, the T ermin al wind ow closes and the f irst W ebP AM PRO in st allation dialog box appe ars.
Chapter 2: Inst allation 17 6. When the L icense Agreement appear s (above) , click the “I acce pt the terms of t he lic ense agr eemen t” optio n. Th en cl ick th e Next button. 7. When the Choo se Ins tall Folder s creen ap pears (a bove) , make yo ur sel ection of a folde r for the We bP AM app lication s you are insta lling.
FastTrak TX2200 , TX2300 User Manual 18 If yo u change your m ind and w ant the d efault locat ion, c lick on t he Bac k butto n, then the Next but ton. Click the Next button w hen you are finish ed. 8. When the SSL S ecurity Opti ons scre en app ears (abov e), you c an check Extern al Security .
Chapter 2: Inst allation 19 9. When the Selec t Options screen a ppears (ab ove), you have the option of choo sing Local Mo nitoring O nly . • If yo u check this opti on, yo u can onl y log into W ebP AM from the H ost PC. Y ou cannot log into W ebP AM o ver a network .
FastTrak TX2200 , TX2300 User Manual 20 10. When the Read y to In stall scree n appears (above), c lick the Inst all button. 1 1. When the Inst all Co mplet e screen appears (a bove), the inst allation proce ss is finished. Click the Finish button to go to the Promise Regist ration webs ite.
Chapter 2: Inst allation 21 This com pletes the We bP AM inst allatio n. Go to“Ch apter 5: W ebP AM” on p age 43 for in formation about usi ng W ebP AM. Import ant Registra tion of your Fast T rak and W ebP AM provi des usefu l informa tion that helps Prom ise T echnologie s to of fer better produc ts and support.
FastTrak TX2200 , TX2300 User Manual 22.
23 Chapter 3: Inst all Drive rs • Make a Driver Inst allation Diskett e, page 24 • Wind ows Server 2003 • New , pa ge 25 • Exis ting, p age 26 • Confirm , pag e 26 •W i n d o w s X P • N.
FastTrak TX2200 , TX2300 User Manual 24 Make an Installati on F loppy Diskette Thi s proc edu re re qui res on e wri te-e nab led blank 3.5- inch disk ett e. 1. Plac e your bla nk disk ette in the approp riate drive . 2. Inse rt the Promi se CD int o your C D-ROM drive .
Chapter 3: Inst all Drivers 25 Wi ndows Server 2003 New Inst allation The f ollowin g detai ls the in st allation o f the Fa stT rak TX Series RAID Co ntrolle r driv ers whil e inst alling Wi ndows Server 20 03. 1. S ta rt th e ins tallat ion : • Flop py Instal l: Boot the computer w ith the Windows Ser ver 2003 inst allation dis kettes.
FastTrak TX2200 , TX2300 User Manual 26 Exis ting Inst allation Aft er inst allin g the Fast T rak TX Series R AID Contro ller ca rd and rebo oting your system , Windows Server 2003 setup w ill show a “Found New Hardware ” dialo g box . Und er Win dows 2003 , “R AID C ont rolle r” wi ll be disp lay ed.
Chapter 3: Inst all Drivers 27 Windows XP New Inst allation The f ollowin g detai ls the in st allation o f the Fa stT rak TX Series RAID Co ntrolle r driv ers whil e inst allin g Window s XP . 1. S ta rt th e ins tallat ion : • Flop py Instal l: Boot the computer w ith the Windows XP inst allation dis kette s.
FastTrak TX2200 , TX2300 User Manual 28 Exis ting Inst allation Aft er inst allin g the Fast T rak TX Series R AID Contro ller ca rd and rebo oting your system , Windows XP setup w ill show a “Found New Hardware ” dialog b ox. 1. Inse rt the FastT rak driv er diske tte into th e A: dri ve.
Chapter 3: Inst all Drivers 29 Windows 200 0 New Inst allation The f ollowin g detai ls the in st allation o f the Fa stT rak TX Series RAID Co ntrolle r driv ers whil e inst allin g Wind ows 200 0. 1. S ta rt th e ins tallat ion : • Flop py Instal l: Boot the compu ter with the Windows 20 00 insta llatio n dis kette s.
FastTrak TX2200 , TX2300 User Manual 30 Exis ting Inst allation Aft er inst allin g the Fast T rak TX Series R AID Contro ller ca rd and rebo oting your system , Window s 2000 s etup wi ll show a “New H ardware Foun d” dialog box . Under W indows 2000, “PC I Mass S torage Cont roller” will be displa yed.
31 Chapter 4: FastBuil d™ Utility FastT rak BIOS The F astT rak BIOS is a built-i n compon ent of the FastT rak TX Serie s RAID Control ler card. When the FastT rak BIOS loa ds duri ng bootup , it displ ays perti nent i nformation abou t the RAID logi cal d rives tha t it fin ds.
FastTrak TX2200 , TX2300 User Manual 32 Offline – The lo gical dri ve is no longer operationa l and the FastBui ld uti lity cann ot rebuild it. Y ou mu st identi fy and replace th e fail ed drive(s ). Then you can create a n ew logi cal drive and copy your data to it from the last tap e back up or othe r devi ce.
Chapter 4: FastBuild™ Utility 33 V iew Drive Assignments From the Ma in Menu s creen , press 1 to see the Vi ew Driv e Assign ment s scre en (belo w).
FastTrak TX2200 , TX2300 User Manual 34 Create a Logical Drive T o a create a RAID 1 logica l drive using th e Create and Duplicate option, s ee “Create a Logi cal Driv e: Creat e and Du plicate O ption ” on pa ge 36. T o create all other lo gical dri ves: 1.
Chapter 4: FastBuild™ Utility 35 See “In troductio n to RAID” on page 91 for more in formation. 4. Press the arrow k eys to mo ve to the next o ption. Option choi ces d epend on the RA ID Lev el you s elect ed. • F ast In it e rases the Mast er Bo ot Re cord (MBR ) of the disk dri ves wh en this feature is set to ON .
FastTrak TX2200 , TX2300 User Manual 36 When the lo gical dri ve is c reated, the Defi ne LD M enu disp lays with th e new logi cal dr ive. Create a Logical Drive : Cr eate a nd Duplicate Option The C.
Chapter 4: FastBuild™ Utility 37 The De fine LD Menu f or the l ogical d rive nu mber y ou selec ted wil l next appe ar (below). 3. In the Define LD M enu section , under RAID M ode, press the S pacebar t o toggl e to RAID 1. 4. Press the arrow k eys to mo ve to the Fast In it option, then p ress the S pa cebar to to ggle t o OFF .
FastTrak TX2200 , TX2300 User Manual 38 The S ource Disk Se lecti on sc reen displ ays: 8. In the Source Disk S election screen, p ress th e arrow k eys to h ighlight t he sour ce disk and press Ent er . The f ollowin g messa ge displ ays:. 9. Press Y to create a RAI D 1 logi cal driv e creat ion using the Crea te and Dupl icat e op tion .
Chapter 4: FastBuild™ Utility 39 When the lo gical dri ve is c reated, the Defi ne LD M enu disp lays with th e new logi cal dr ive. Delete Logical Drive T o de let e a log ica l driv e: 1. From t he Main Menu screen, p ress 3 t o disp lay the Del ete LD Me nu (bel ow).
FastTrak TX2200 , TX2300 User Manual 40 2. Highl ight th e logi cal drive you wi sh to d elete and press the Del ke y or Alt -D. The De lete LD Menu f or the sel ected l ogical d rive a ppears (be low). 3. Press C trl-Y to c onfirm a nd compl ete logic al drive deletion.
Chapter 4: FastBuild™ Utility 41 Controller C onfiguration From the Ma in Menu s creen , press 4 to displa y the Controlle r Config uration Option s screen (below).
FastTrak TX2200 , TX2300 User Manual 42 Logical Drive Proble ms Whil e disk d rives are hig hly relia ble, on occasi on a di sk drive can fail. Fa ult- toler ant (RAID 1) logical driv es go Critical when a disk dri ve fails . Non-fault- toler ant log ical driv es (RAID 0 ) and J BOD go Of fline when a d isk d rive f ail s.
43 Chapter 5: WebP AM W ebP AM is a RAID ma nagemen t sof tware a pplicatio n. If you h ave n ot inst alled W ebP AM on your PC, see “W ebP AM In sta llation” o n page 14. Log-in to W ebP AM Doubl e-click on the We bP AM icon on your desktop (r ight).
FastTrak TX2200 , TX2300 User Manual 44 Note th at the IP address shown a bove app lies t o a log -in at t he Host PC. When you log i n over a n etwork, you will e nter the Host PC’ s actual IP addre ss. When the op ening sc reen appea rs (abo ve): 1.
Chapter 5 : WebPAM 45 Log-out of W ebP AM There are two wa ys to log out of WebP AM PRO: • Close your br owser wi ndow •C l i c k Logout on t he WebP A M banner (b elow) Aft er logg ing out, y ou mu st enter y our use r name and p assword to log in again .
FastTrak TX2200 , TX2300 User Manual 46 This will be th e User ’ s login nam e. 4. T ype the us er ’s display nam e into the Display Name field. This could be the Us er ’s actual na me. 5. T ype a pas sword into the Password fi eld. Use u p to 8 l etters and numb ers but no sp aces or o ther ch aracters.
Chapter 5 : WebPAM 47 The i mage abo ve was shorte ned to fit i nto the availab le sp ace. 4. Check the b oxes of th e noti fication events that you want to h ave re ported to you vi a emai l and pop up message s. T o se lec t ev ents by t hei r seve ri ty , ch eck one of the fo ur Se lect E vents b oxe s at the top of the window .
FastTrak TX2200 , TX2300 User Manual 48 Event Notificat ion Sever ity Levels Informa tion Event s Disk Plugge d In Disk BSL Update Disk BSL Cleared Disk Error Fixed Disk Patro l Progress Disk Medi a P.
Chapter 5 : WebPAM 49 Delete a User 1. In T ree V iew , click on the Use r Managem ent i con. 2. Click o n the Delete tab. 3. Ch eck the b ox to t he left of the user y ou want t o delete. 4. Clic k the Delete but ton. 5. In the Confirmati on box, c lick the OK button .
FastTrak TX2200 , TX2300 User Manual 50 4. T ype a new p assword in the New P assword fie ld. 5. Rety pe t he ne w passwo rd i n the R etyp e Pa sswo rd fie ld. 6. Clic k the Submit butt on. Change a User’ s Email Ad dress In W ebP AM, each user can chang e his/her own ema il add ress or th e Admi nistrator c an do it.
Chapter 5 : WebPAM 51 3. T ype a new e mail address in th e Emai l field. 4. Clic k the Submit butt on. Change a User ’ s Access R ight s In W ebP AM, the Adm inistrator c an change a user’s acc ess righ ts. T o change a user’s a ccess right s: 1.
FastTrak TX2200 , TX2300 User Manual 52 4. Under H ost U ser Righ ts, ch eck t he boxes to selec t right s for thi s user . 5. Un check th e boxes o f right s to be de leted.
Chapter 5 : WebPAM 53 Host Management This function provides informati on only . Th ere are no user setti ngs. T o access Host M anage ment: 1. Un der Admi nistra tive T ools in T ree Vie w , click on the Host Managemen t icon . 2. Under H ost Lis t, click on the li nk to the host y ou want to see.
FastTrak TX2200 , TX2300 User Manual 54 Utility Configu ration Use th is function to make email settings for We bP AM and also t o set the refresh i nterva l for the Event Frame. 1. Under Admi nistra tive T ools in T ree Vie w , click on the Utili ty Configu ration icon.
Chapter 5 : WebPAM 55 FastT rak The F astT rak–Inform ation t ab dis plays a ph otograp h of the Fas tT rak TX Seri es RAID Co ntrolle r card ins talle d in y our system. W ebP AM wil l displa y the F astT rak contro ller in stall ed in y our sys tem.
FastTrak TX2200 , TX2300 User Manual 56 Controller • Control ler Inform ation (belo w) • Con tr oll er Se ttin gs ( page 57) • Control ler Schedu le (pa ge 58) • Control ler Lo ck (page 5 9) The t erm Controll er refers to the de vice that controls your RAID.
Chapter 5 : WebPAM 57 Controller Settings Click on the Se ttings t ab to access co ntrolle r settings . • Rates – Alloca tes syste m resources betw een the back ground pr ocess (su ch as Re build, Media Pat rol, Exp ansion/M igrati on, Initial ization and Synchron ization) and the dat a read /write activ ity .
FastTrak TX2200 , TX2300 User Manual 58 Choos e an interval from the d ropdow n menu. The ra nge is 0 to 120 s econds . A set ting of 0 second s disabl es the po lling function.
Chapter 5 : WebPAM 59 1. Go t o its functi on tab under th e Physic al Driv e icon o r Logical Drive icon . 2. Under Sc hedule, click the Disable option. Controller Lock The Lock t ab disp lays loc k st atus and ena bles you t o lock o r unlo ck a subsys tem cont roller .
FastTrak TX2200 , TX2300 User Manual 60 Physical Drives Physi cal Drive V iew T o access Ph ysical Drive V iew , cl ick on th e Physic al Dr ive Vi ew icon in T ree V iew . From this w indow , you c an click on the li nks t o access i nformat ion an d func tions of i ndivi dual phy sical dri ves and use the S plit a nd Merge f eature.
Chapter 5 : WebPAM 61 Patrol encounte rs a s uspect s ector , it will attemp t to regener ate the dat a and write to the s uspect sec tor . If th e write o peration i s succe ssful, Medi a Patrol cont inues chec king other sec tors.
FastTrak TX2200 , TX2300 User Manual 62 Physi cal D rive Informa tion T o access info rmatio n abou t a physi cal drive : 1. Click on th e Physic al Drive Vi ew icon in T ree Vie w .
Chapter 5 : WebPAM 63 • Ultra DMA Mode – Th e UDMA mode in wh ich th is ph ysic al dri ve cu rre ntl y opera tes. • S.M.A.R.T . S t atus – SMAR T , an acro nym for Sel f-Monitori ng Analys is and Reporti ng T echnology , is a f eature of th e phys ical dri ve’s softw are.
FastTrak TX2200 , TX2300 User Manual 64 Unlik e Synchro nization and Redund ancy Check, Media Pat rol is co ncerne d with the c ondition of the med ia it self, n ot the dat a rec orded on th e media. If Media Patrol encounte rs a s uspect s ector , it will attemp t to regener ate the dat a and write to the s uspect sec tor .
Chapter 5 : WebPAM 65 5. Clic k on t he by Day , by Week or by Month op tion. From the dro pdown m enus, se lect a star t time an d a day o f the W eek or Mon th, if appl icabl e. S tar t time is based on a 24-ho ur clo ck. 6. Clic k the Schedu le button.
FastTrak TX2200 , TX2300 User Manual 66 Back up your da ta, replace t he phy sical dri ve, creat e a new logic al drive a nd copy y our dat a to it. See “L ogical D rive Rebuild ” on pa ge 77 a nd “Logical Drive Critica l / Of fline” on p age 84.
Chapter 5 : WebPAM 67 Logical Drives Logical Drive V iew Logi cal Driv e V iew prov ides a li st of all l ogical drives c urrently on the Hos t PC. T o acces s Logi cal Dri ve Vie w , click on the Logic al Dr ive Vi ew ico n in T ree V iew .
FastTrak TX2200 , TX2300 User Manual 68 3. Selec t the opti on button b eside th e RAID level y ou wan t for your l ogica l dri ve. W ebP AM di splays the RAID levels you c an use w ith the av ailab le phys ical (dis k) driv es. Y ou ca n also s elect JB OD on this sc reen.
Chapter 5 : WebPAM 69 6. If y ou want to create a lo gical dri ve with u nused capa city , ente r the ass igned (use d) capaci ty in the Logic al Drive Size fiel d. T o use the ma ximum cap acity , ch eck th e Use Max imum Cap acity box. 7. Click on th e physic al dri ves to se lect them .
FastTrak TX2200 , TX2300 User Manual 70 1 1. For RA ID 0 logic al drives , select a S tripe Block Siz e of 32 KB, 6 4 KB, or 128 K B. 64 KB is th e default. See “S tripe Bloc k Size” on page 96 for more inf ormation. 12. Selec t an In itializa tion po licy from the dr opdown menu.
Chapter 5 : WebPAM 71 Click on th e Logical Drive Icon t o see all of the informati on abou t your new logi cal d rive. Before you can use your new logi cal d rive, you must par tition and format the logi cal drive usin g your PC ’s op erating s ystem.
FastTrak TX2200 , TX2300 User Manual 72 If yo u att ach a ph ysic al drive t hat was initia lized us ing Windo ws disk man agement, t hat dri ve will be autom atically recogniz ed as a J BOD by the Fast T rak controlle r and W ebP AM. Delete a Logical Drive T o de let e a log ica l driv e: 1.
Chapter 5 : WebPAM 73 From this scre en, you c an cl ick on th e links to access the Setti ngs, Drive Map ping, Mig ration, Rebuild , Synchron ization, Initia lization and Activ ation featu res. The fe atures that apply to thi s logica l drive h ave blue tab s.
FastTrak TX2200 , TX2300 User Manual 74 Logical Drive Migration and Exp ansion The Lo gical Dri ve–Migra tion t ab enable s you to mig rate or ex pand a lo gical dr ive. Mig ration is the proces s of c hanging the RA ID level of an existing logic al drive .
Chapter 5 : WebPAM 75 4. Click on the fre e physical drive to s elect it . A vailable drive s have a black fra me. Selec ted drives have a re d fram e. 5. Clic k the Sta rt N o w butto n. Y ou can mon itor Migra tion o r Exp ansion p rogress on the Lo gical D rive Mig ration ta b.
FastTrak TX2200 , TX2300 User Manual 76 4. Click on the fre e physical drive to s elect it . A vailable drive s have a black fra me. Selec ted drives have a re d fram e. 5. Clic k on t he Enable option . 6. From the dro pdown m enus, se lect a st art time .
Chapter 5 : WebPAM 77 Logical Drive Rebuild Rebui ld refer s to the pro cess of repairi ng a lo gical dri ve by rec onstruct ion the dat a on one of it s physic al drives .
FastTrak TX2200 , TX2300 User Manual 78 Click the re spectiv e buttons to pause and resum e the Re build. Click t he Abort butto n to stop the Rebuild. After an a bort, cli ck the Rest art button to st art the Rebu ild from the begi nning (ze ro perc ent).
Chapter 5 : WebPAM 79 3. Cl ick on th e Rebuil d t ab in Man ageme nt V iew . 4. Clic k on t he Disable op tion. Automatic Rebuild Autom atic rebu ilding of a logi cal dri ve is po ssible u nder th e follow ing cond itions: • The l ogica l drive i s a RAID 1.
FastTrak TX2200 , TX2300 User Manual 80 3. In t he Po licy dropd own m enu, s ele ct Fi x if you wa nt Sy nchr oniz ati on or Redun dancy Che ck if you do not wan t to correct in cons istencie s. 4. Clic k on t he Enable option . 5. Clic k on t he by Day , by Week or by Month op tion.
Chapter 5 : WebPAM 81 Logical Drive Synchronization/Redundancy Chec k Synchro nizati on refers to an au tomated p rocess o f chec king and correc ting dat a and p arity . Unlike a Rebuil d, Synchro nization is a mai ntenance operation . Y ou can also sy nchroniz e all logi cal d rives at t he same tim e, see p age 79.
FastTrak TX2200 , TX2300 User Manual 82 Y ou can mon itor Migra tion p rogress on the Logic al Driv e Migrati on t ab. Clic k the resp ective but tons to p ause, res ume or abort th e Synchr onizatio n or Redund ancy Check. Scheduled T o schedule a Synchro nization or Redun dancy C heck: 1.
Chapter 5 : WebPAM 83 3. Click on th e Synchron ization t ab in Man agement Vie w . 4. Clic k on t he Disable op tion. Logical Drive Initialization When logical drive is first c reated, you can select.
FastTrak TX2200 , TX2300 User Manual 84 T o activate a n offl ine RAID 1 logical driv e: 1. Click on th e Logical Drive V iew icon in T ree V iew . 2. Cl ick on th e Logical Driv e icon of t he off line logi cal dri ve. 3. Click on th e Activati on tab in Ma nagement Vie w .
Chapter 5 : WebPAM 85 When a Disk Drive Fails The f ollowin g will o ccur when a physic al dri ve fails or g oes of fline: • The F astT rak Cont roller ’ s au dible ala rm sou nds (if th e alarm is enab led). • The Su perSwap S tatus LED change s from green to re d.
FastTrak TX2200 , TX2300 User Manual 86 2. Re place the failed ph ysical driv e. 3. Rebui ld you r logical drive. Identif y the Failed Physic al Drive Click on the Ph ysical Dri ve V iew icon in the WebP AM user inte rface. Look for a missi ng physic al driv e.
Chapter 5 : WebPAM 87 4. Selec t the phy sical dri ve you j ust replac ed. 5. Clic k the Sta rt N o w butto n. Y ou can mon itor Reb uild pr ogress on the Logic al Driv e Rebui ld tab . Click the resp ective bu ttons to paus e and resume th e Rebui ld.
FastTrak TX2200 , TX2300 User Manual 88 Enclosures Enclos ure V iew Encl osure V iew provid es a lis t of all en closu res curren tly on the Host PC . T o acces s Encl osure V iew , click on the Logical Dr ive V iew icon in T ree V iew .
Chapter 5 : WebPAM 89 The i nformat ion ta b disp lays the follo wing inf ormation: • Enclos ure T ype – The manu facturer’s mod el name o r numb er . • Fan S peed – The RPM o f the encl osure’ s cooling fans. • Te m p e r a t u r e – The in ternal tem perature of the enc losure.
FastTrak TX2200 , TX2300 User Manual 90 Spare Drives A sp are drive is a ph ysical d rive desi gnated to functio n as a hot s pare drive. Thi s featu re is no t applicab le to FastT rak TX200 o r TX2300 be cause the se con trollers only support t wo phys ical dri ves.
91 Ch apt er 6 : T e chno logy • About FastT rak, b elow • Introd uction to RAID, b elow • Choos ing a RAID Level (pa ge 94) • Other Logical Drive F eatures (page 96) About FastTr ak Fast T rak TX Series R AID control ler card featur es concu rrent da ta cha nnel opera tion and o nboard BIOS.
FastTrak TX2200 , TX2300 User Manual 92 RAID 0 – Stri p e When a logica l driv e is strip ed, the read and w rite b locks o f data are inte rleaved betwee n the s ectors o f multi ple disk drives. Performa nce is i ncreased , since the worklo ad is balance d betwee n drives or “membe rs” that form the lo gical dri ve.
Chapter 6: Technology 93 RAID 1 – Mirror When a logica l driv e is mirro red, id entical d ata is written t o a p air of disk dri ves, while reads are perf ormed in p arallel. T he reads a re perfo rmed u sing elev ator seek an d load balanc ing tec hniques where the wo rkload is distrib uted in the most ef fici ent manner .
FastTrak TX2200 , TX2300 User Manual 94 JBOD – S ingle Drive An al ternative to RAID, JBO D cap acity i s equal to the size of the di sk driv e it self. JBO D appears i n the Us er Interf ace as on e indivi dual d rive. There are no perf o rmanc e or fa ult-toleran ce feat ures.
Chapter 6: Technology 95 RAID 1 Recom mended Applicati ons fo r RAID 1 • Acco unting •P a y r o l l •F i n a n c i a l • Any a pplicati on requ iring very high av ailabi lity JBOD Recom mended.
FastTrak TX2200 , TX2300 User Manual 96 Other Logical Drive Features S tripe Block Siz e The s tripe bloc k size value c an be set to 32 KB, 64 KB, an d 128 KB . 64 KB is the defau lt. This se lecti on will dire ctly a ffect performanc e. There are two iss ues to co nsider when s electing the st ripe bl ock siz e.
Chapter 6: Technology 97 See “L ogical D rive Mi gration and Exp ansion” on p age 74. Exp ansion takes place o n an existin g Functio nal logic al dri ve without disturb ing the ex isting dat a. While the log ical drive is expan ding, yo u can acces s the data as befor e.
FastTrak TX2200 , TX2300 User Manual 98 JBOD Mig ration is not avail able fo r JBOD. Delete t he JBOD to make it an u nassigne d phys ical dri ve. See “D elete a L ogica l Drive” on pag e 72. Then you can create a RAID 1 logical drive w ith two u nassign ed physi cal d rives.
99 Chapter 7: Sup port • Frequ ently Ask ed Questio ns • Pre-Ins talla tion, be low • Motherbo ard Issue s (pag e 100) • Syst em CMOS Is sues (p age 100 ) • Drive Issues (p age 101) • Oper.
FastTrak TX2200 , TX2300 User Manual 100 allo ws you to control the a ssignm ent of these res ources, y ou ma y be abl e to rem edy t he pr obl em by : • Chang ing the IRQ assi gnment s to the PCI slots in th e motherbo ard BIOS d uring boot up. • Reset the co nfigura tion dat a in your CM OS.
Chapter 7: Support 101 Drive Issu es Can I a dd a drive to a FastT rak disk a rray via hot-sw ap and dy namically adjus t the disk array size? Y es. The FastT rak TX S eries sup ports d ynamic ally adju st able RAID s ize and RA ID level . See “Lo gical Dr ive Mig ration and Exp ansion” o n p age 74.
FastTrak TX2200 , TX2300 User Manual 102 What s ystem BI OS setup se ttings do I us e for the dri ves on the FastT rak? None. The driv es on th e FastT rak TX Seri es are su pported by the Fa stT rak BIOS a nd/or OS d rivers, not by y our syste m BIOS.
Chapter 7: Support 103 The di sk array const antly go es critical o r offline du ring reboot. This conditio n may o ccur when th e Mast er Bo ot Reco rd (M BR) of one of the driv es has becom e corrupt or bad . Removi ng (erasin g) the MBR will reme dy any issu e rela ted dire ctl y to a ba d MB R.
FastTrak TX2200 , TX2300 User Manual 104 cont roller that loads the origin al Maste r Boot Rec ord (MBR) and then h as a probl em transl ating it or the O peratin g System boot recor d. Promi se recomme nds a cl ean in sta ll of the O perating System.
Chapter 7: Support 105 How can I change the boot sequ ence betw een a PCI SCSI ca rd and the FastT rak di sk array? Sinc e all PCI devices are PnP , it is diff icult to d etermi ne whic h device is addre ssed firs t.
FastTrak TX2200 , TX2300 User Manual 106 Contact T echnical Support Promi se T echnica l Support pr ovides se veral supp ort option s for Promise users to acces s informa tion an d updates . W e encoura ge yo u to use o ne of our e lectron ic servic es, whi ch provid e produ ct inform ation u pdates fo r the most efficien t servic e and s upport.
Chapter 7: Support 107 Germany It aly T aiwan E-mail Supp ort e-Support On-Line Fax T ech nical Sup port +49 (0) 2 31 56 76 48 - 29 Attn: T echnic al Support Phone T echnica l Support +49 (0) 2 31 56 .
FastTrak TX2200 , TX2300 User Manual 108 China E-mail Supp ort e-Support On-Line Fax Sup port +86-10-8 857-8015 Attn: T echnical Su pport Phone Su pport +86-10-8 857-80 85/8095 If you wish to write us for su ppor t: Promise T echno logy China Room 12 05, T ower C We bok T ime Cente r , No.
Chapter 7: Support 109 Limited Warranty Promise T echnology , Inc. (“Promise ”) warrants that for th ree (3) yea rs from the time of the del ivery of the prod uct to the origin al end us er: a) th.
FastTrak TX2200 , TX2300 User Manual 110 No oth er docu ment, st atem ent or repre senta tion m ay be reli ed on to v ary the terms of this limited wa rranty .
Chapter 7: Support 111 Return Product For Repair If yo u suspec t a produc t is not w orking properly , or if you have any question s abou t your prod uct, cont act our T echnical Support S taf f thro.
FastTrak TX2200 , TX2300 User Manual 112 Y ou are respo nsible fo r the cos t of ins urance an d shipm ent of the p roduct to Promise . Note tha t damage incurr ed due to i mproper tra nsport or pac kaging is not c overed un der the Li mited W arranty .
113 Append ix A: Partition and F ormat In ord er for your operati ng syste m to reco gnize and work w ith the di sk drive s att ached to your F astT rak TX Series RAID con troller card, the d rives mu st be p artitioned and fo rmatted.
FastTrak TX2200 , TX2300 User Manual 114 3. Clic k the Next butto n to st art the Wiz ard. 4. In th e fol lowi ng win dows, sele ct Disk 1 to Init iali ze. Do not selec t any disk s to Conve rt. Click th e Fi nish button to Ini tialize the d isk array .
Appendix A: P artition and F ormat 115 6. Clic k the Next butto n to st art the wiza rd. 7. In t he fo llowing w indow s, do t he fol lowing a ctions. Click Next to move to the next window .
FastTrak TX2200 , TX2300 User Manual 116 When formatting is com plete, your disk array will ap pear as a h ard drive in the Di sk Ma nagemen t window (a bove) and the My Comp uter w indow (belo w).
117 Append ix B: Upgrades • BIOS and Firmware Upgrade (pa ge 1 17) • Sof tware Dr iver Upgrad e (p age 1 19) • W ebP AM Upg rade (p age 122 ) BIOS and Firmwar e Upgrade Foll ow this procedure to upgrade the BIOS an d Firm ware on you r FastT rak TX Series Con troller card.
FastTrak TX2200 , TX2300 User Manual 118 S tep 3: Inst all the BIO S Pack age 1. Boot you r PC from t he DOS-boot abl e diskett e. 2. When the A:> prompt app ears, rem ove the D OS-boot able diskette and ins ert the Fast T rak Upgrade diskette . 3.
Appendix B: Upgrades 119 Soft ware Driv er Upgr ade Foll ow this procedure to upgrade the Fas tT rak s oftw are drivers on your PC or serve r . S tep 1: Prep aration Y ou need one blank , formatte d disk ette to pe rform this proced ure. S tep 2: Download Driver Files 1.
FastTrak TX2200 , TX2300 User Manual 120 S tep 3: Inst all the S of tware D rivers Windows Serve r 2003, XP and 2 000 1. Inse rt the FastT rak Dr iver disk ette in th e A: drive. 2. In the S tart Menu, go to Settings > Control Pan el. Dou ble-clic k on the Syst em icon.
Appendix B: Upgrades 121 SuS E Linu x ES 9. 0 1. Inse rt FastT rak Driver di skette i nto the floppy dri ve. 2. Log in as r oot . 3. Run mount / dev/fd0 /med ia/floppy . 4. Run cd /me dia/floppy . 5. Run ./inst all . 6. Run cd; um ount /media/fl oppy .
FastTrak TX2200 , TX2300 User Manual 122 W ebP AM Upgrade Foll ow this procedure to upgrade the W ebP AM Sof tware on your PC or serv er . S tep 1: D ownload the W ebP AM Fil e 1. Go t o the Promi se websit e www .promise .com/ support . 2. Clic k on Do wnloads .
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Promise Technology FastTrak TX2200 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Promise Technology FastTrak TX2200 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Promise Technology FastTrak TX2200 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Promise Technology FastTrak TX2200 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Promise Technology FastTrak TX2200, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Promise Technology FastTrak TX2200.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Promise Technology FastTrak TX2200. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Promise Technology FastTrak TX2200 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.