Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto 4500 del fabbricante Powerware
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powerware ® 9 Pr estige Ser ies User ’s Guid e 4500/6000 VA www.powe rware.c om.
FCC Statement The Powerw are 9 Prestige S eries UPS c onfigurations va ry. Some config urations may or may not be cla ssif ied by the Fed era l Communic ations C ommis sion (FC C).
UPS Q UICK I NSTALLATION CAUTION Read the safety ins tructi ons beginni ng on page 5 before ins ta llin g th e UPS. 1 2 3 4.
UPS Q uick I nst allation 5 6 7.
34 UPS with Op tiona l PPDM Quick I ns talla tion UPS WITH O PTIONAL PPDM Q UICK I NSTALLATION CAUTION Read the safety ins tructi ons beginni ng on page 5 before ins ta llin g th e UPS.
UPS with Op tiona l PPDM Quick I ns talla tion 5 6 78 9.
i Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa m T ABLE OF C ONTENTS 1 Introduction 1 .................................................... UPS Model and Battery Configurati ons 2 ........................
Table of Con tent s ii Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa m 5 Communication 59 ................................................. Ini tial C ommuni cati ons Settings 59 .........................
1 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa m CHAPTE R 1 I NTRODUCTION Congra tula tio ns on the p urcha se of yo ur Powerw ar e 9 Prestige S erie s uninte rrupt ible po we r syste m (UPS).
Introduction 2 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa m UPS Model and Battery Configurations This UPS is d esigne d to w ork w ith single -pha se, thre e -wire , AC po we r sou r ces.
Introduction 3 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa m 3. Add all of th e r esu l tan t VA rat in g s to geth er to obt ain th e total load r equ i rem ent s of the equ i pmen t to b e prot ected ( see Fi gu r e 2).
Introduction 4 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa m Special Symbols The fol lowin g common symbols ma y be fou nd on the UP S: LOAD ON - Pr ess the b utton wi th this symb ol to e ner giz e the out put recept acles (Ou tpu t On ).
5 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa m CHAPTE R 2 S AFETY W ARNINGS IMPORTANT SAFETY IN STRUCTIONS SAV E THESE INSTRU CTI ONS . This manual c ontains i mportant ins tructi ons that you shoul d foll ow duri ng ins tall ation of the U PS.
Sa fety Wa rnin gs 6 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa m Pleas e note that the output soc kets on the UPS are elec tric all y live w henever the UPS O utput On button i s pres sed, even i f the input c ord i s dis c onnected.
Sa fety Wa rnin gs 7 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa m Netledni ngen må ikke fj ernes og st ikket må ikke t række s ud, men s UPS’en e r tændt. D ette fjerner sikk erhedsjorden fra U PS’ en og fra det udsty r, der er s at til .
Sa fety Wa rnin gs 8 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa m Nooit batteri jen i n het vuur gooi en. De batterij en k unnen ontploffen. Nooit batteri jen openen of bes chadi gen. V r ijko men d ele k troly t is sc hade lijk voo r de huid en ogen, en kan ui terst gi ftig z ij n.
Sa fety Wa rnin gs 9 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa m Tärkeitä turvaohjeita TÄRKEITÄ TURVAO HJEITA - SUOM I SÄILYTÄ NÄMÄ O HJEET TÄMÄ OPAS SISÄL TÄÄ TÄRKEI TÄ TURVAOHJ EITA VAARA Tä mä UPS sisä ltä ä HEN GEN VAARALLISIA JÄN NI TTEITÄ.
Sa fety Wa rnin gs 10 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa m Tämän lai tteen muk ana ei toi mi teta lähdön ylivi rtas uojaus ta ki inteän as ennuks en oh itu sjär jest elmissä .
Sa fety Wa rnin gs 11 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa m La pri se s ecteur doi t s e trouver à moi ns de 2 m du matériel et être acc e ssible à l’ut ilis ateur.
Sa fety Wa rnin gs 12 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa m Batterien ni e öffnen oder anderwei tig bes chädi gen.
Sa fety Wa rnin gs 13 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa m.
Sa fety Wa rnin gs 14 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa m Avvisi di si curezza IMPORTANTI ISTRUZIO NI DI SICUREZZA CONSERVARE QUESTE ISTRUZIO.
Sa fety Wa rnin gs 15 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa m questo gruppo s tatic o di c ontinui tà c ontiene una fonte di energia autonoma ( le batterie) .
Sa fety Wa rnin gs 16 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa m Viktig Sikkerhetsinformasion FAR LIG Denne U PS’ en innehol der LI VSF AR LIGE S PENNI NGER . Al l reparasj on og ser vice må kun utføres av A UTO RI SERT SER VIC EPERSO NAL E.
Sa fety Wa rnin gs 17 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa m Regulamentos de Segurança INSTRUÇÕES DE SEGURANÇA IMPORTAN TES GUARDE ESTAS I NST RUÇÕES ESTE MANUAL CON TÉM INSTRUÇÕES DE SEGURANÇA IMPORTANTES CUIDADO A UPS contém VO L TAG EM MORTAL .
Sa fety Wa rnin gs 18 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa m Para si stem as By pass com saí das c onectadas , a proteç ão de sobrec arga para ci rcui tos de s aída de c orrente al ternada deve s er forneci da por outros.
Sa fety Wa rnin gs 19 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa m Для с нижения о пасно ст и пожара или по раже н.
Sa fety Wa rnin gs 20 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa m Advertencias de Seguridad INSTRUCCION ES DE SEGURIDAD IMPORTANTES GUARDE ESTAS IN STRUCCI ONES ESTE MAN UAL CON TIEN E IN STRUCCION ES DE SEGURIDAD IMPORTANTES PELIGRO Este SIE conti ene VOL TAJES MO RTAL ES.
Sa fety Wa rnin gs 21 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa m Tenga en cuenta que l os rec eptácul os de sali da del S IE ti enen corri ente el.
Sa fety Wa rnin gs 22 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa m Ta aldri g bort nätsl adden när UPS -enheten är påsl agen. D etta tar bort säk erhetsj ordningen från både U PS-enheten oc h den ansl utna utrustni ngen.
23 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa m CHAPTE R 3 I NSTALLATION Th e fol lo wi ng secti on s des cri be UP S stor age r equ i remen ts and t he ins tallation a nd startu p of th e UPS.
In sta llation 24 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa m Selecting an Installation Option You a re n ow ready to in stall the Prestig e 6000. Us e the foll owing flow chart to dec ide which in stall ation option i s righ t for you.
In sta llation 25 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa m NOTE Do not c onnect more than s ix standard battery cabi nets to the PPU . F or extended battery run times , c ontact y our l ocal dis tributor for addi tional battery cabi nets.
In sta llation 26 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa m Battery C ircuit Br eaker Battery Cabi net Battery Cabi net Battery C onnector Vol tage.
In sta llation 27 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa m 5. If addi tio nal batter y cabi n ets ar e to b e us ed, pl u g th e bat tery cor d of the s econ d cabin et i nt o the bat tery con n ector of the fi r st cabin et aft er piv oti n g th e battery co nn ecto r gu ard ou t of th e way.
In sta llation 28 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa m 9. If you are using a Remote Eme rgency Power-Off (REP O) switc h, follo w the inst ruct ions in the fo llowing se ctio n, “REPO Insta llat ion.
In sta llation 29 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa m Mounting H oles Plug/R eceptacle PPU Connector Three Foot Cord Terminal B lock Access H ole for Condui t Figure 6.
In sta llation 30 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa m PPU Battery Cabi nets Air V ents Battery C abinets PPU Figure 7 . Cabinet Setup NOTE You can i nstal l addi tional battery c abinets whi le the U PS i s operati ng, but confi rm the U PS is not in B attery m ode (s ee page 51).
In sta llation 31 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa m Battery Cir c ui t Br eaker Battery Connector PPU Battery Cabi nets Battery Connector V.
In sta llation 32 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa m Vol tage Sel e c to r Swit ch Figure 9. Voltage S elector Switch 5. Re move t he four scre ws on the PPU rear pa ne l with a Phillips sc rew drive r and rem ove t he PPU bac k p ane l cove r.
In sta llation 33 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa m 6. Ha rdw ire t he input (T B1 -1 thro ugh TB1 -3) a nd outp ut te rmina tions (TB 2) for the PPU. See t he follo wing hard wire d ter min ati on s t abl e for speci fi catio ns .
In sta llation 34 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa m Ground TB1 TB 2 Ground Line 1 Input C onnection Output C onnection Input Connecti ons REPO Connecti ons Line 2/Neutral Line 1 Line 2/Neutral REPO Line 1 REPO Line 2 REPO G round Figure 11 .
In sta llation 35 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa m 9. If you are using a REPO swit ch, hardw ire the te rminal blo ck TB1, position s TB1-4 throug h TB1-6. See the hardwired te rminat ion table o n page 33 fo r pro pe r conne ctio ns.
In sta llation 36 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa m UPS Startu p To start up the UPS: 1. Veri fy th e inpu t breaker on t he PP U rear pan el is in t he OFF (O) posi tion (see Fi gur e 4 on page 26).
In sta llation 37 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa m The indica to r rema ins lit a nd the Self T est ind ic ato r turns on . T he f ro nt panel displ ays th e percen tag e of f u ll load bei n g ap plie d to the U PS.
In sta llation 38 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa m PPDM PPU Battery C abinets Air Vents Figure 12. UPS with PP DM NOTE You can i nstal l addi tional battery c abinets whi le the U PS i s operati ng, but confi rm the U PS is not in B attery m ode (s ee page 51).
In sta llation 39 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa m Utility Input To PPDM (C ord Provided) Input B reaker Bypass S w itch 5-15R Receptacl e.
In sta llation 40 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa m PPU Battery C abinets Cir c ui t Br eaker Battery Connector Br eaker Tie Battery Connec.
In sta llation 41 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa m 4. Sel ect th e corr ect UP S ou tpu t v olt age accor din g t o th e PP DM model: PPDM.
In sta llation 42 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa m Vol tage Sel e c to r Swit ch Figure 15. Voltage S elector Switch 5. Plug the inp ut and out put p owe r co rds o f the PPDM int o the input a nd o utp ut p owe r c onne ct ors o n the PPU re a r pa nel ( see Figure 13 and Figure 1 4).
In sta llation 43 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa m 8. Re move t he scre ws on the PPDM rear pa ne l with a Phillips sc rew drive r and rem ove t he PPDM bac k p ane l cove r.
In sta llation 44 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa m 9. Ha rdw ire t he inp ut (TB1 ) and outp ut te rmina tio ns (TB2 ) for the PPDM. Se e the follo wing hard wire d te rmina ti ons tab le for speci fi cati on s.
In sta llation 45 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa m TB1 Input C onnection Output C onnection TB2 N eutral Bondi ng Jumper TB2- 1 TB2- 2 TB2- 3 Neutral Ground Line 1 Ground Line 2/Neutral Figure 17 .
In sta llation 46 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa m 11. As p art o f the b ranc h circ uit that sup plie s this unit, insta ll a n insulat ed g rounding c ond ucto r.
In sta llation 47 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa m UPS with PPDM Startup To start up the UPS: 1. Ve rify the PPD M input bre ak er is in the O FF (O ) po sition (se e Fig ur e 13 on pa ge 39) .
In sta llation 48 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa m 12. Pres s and hold t he Out put On button un til you h ear the UPS beep (approximately on e second). The indica to r rema ins lit a nd the Self T est ind ic ato r turns on .
49 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa m CHAPTE R 4 UPS O PERATION Th is ch apter co ver s th e operati on of th e UPS i n clu di ng f ro nt pa.
UPS Operation 50 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa m Operating Modes After y ou i n stal l an d apply power to th e UP S, th e UP S fil ter s.
UPS Operation 51 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa m Bypass Mode The i ndi cator an d the indic at or illumina te simult ane ously, in di catin g Bypas s m ode (s ee F ig ur e 21) . Wh en t he U PS is in B yp ass mod e, t he lo ad is p owe re d by utilit y pow er.
UPS Operation 52 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa m When s hutdo wn is im mine nt, t he Se lf T est ind ic ato r fla she s. The se warni ngs are app roximate, a nd th e actual ti me to sh utdown may vary si gn if ican tl y.
UPS Operation 53 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa m UPS Shutdown Perf orm ing a U PS shutd ow n turns of f the p ow er t o yo ur pro te ct ed equ ipm ent . Co nf ir m th e equ ipm ent i s pr epared f or a power- o ff bef or e shutt ing d ow n the U PS.
UPS Operation 54 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa m Using the PPDM The PP DM provi des continu ous on lin e powe r for you r equipment. W ith the PPDM, you ca n repl ac e or upgr ad e the PPU wit hout los ing pow er to your eq uipm ent.
UPS Operation 55 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa m 4. Remove the cord conn ections to the back of the PP U. 5. Swi tch th e cir cui t breaker on al l batt ery cabi n ets to the OFF (O) pos iti on.
UPS Operation 56 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa m Use t he follo wing pro ce dure t o reinst all the PPU and t ransfe r the cr itica l loa d fr om Ma inte nanc e B ypa ss (A C Line o pe ra tio n) to t he PPU: 1.
UPS Operation 57 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa m Vol tage Sel e c to r Swit ch Figure 25. Voltage S elector Switch 4. Plug the input a nd out put c ord s of the PPDM into the p ow er co nnec to rs o n the PPU a s s hown in F igure 2 4 o n pa ge 5 5.
UPS Operation 58 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa m.
59 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa m CHAPTE R 5 C OMMUNICATION Th e UP S i s eq ui pped wi th a commu n icati on s i n ter face por t th at.
Communication 60 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa m Front Panel Communications Access Bef ore y ou access the f ron t pan el , r ev iew t he f ol low in g conf ig ur ati on s and n ot e th e in di cator that corr espon ds with th e comm un i catio n m ode.
Communication 61 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa m To acces s the f ro nt pan el co mmu n icati on opt ion s , p erf orm th e fo ll owi ng step s: 1. If the UPS is po we red on, pre p are yo ur equip me nt for shutd ow n.
Communication 62 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa m UPS Serial Communications Menu With t he UPS S eria l Co mmunic a tions (Ma in) Me nu, you c a n vie w o r sel ect UP S co mmu n icat ion modes , b aud r ates , an d L AN con fi gu r ati on s.
Communication 63 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa m NOTE Catalog #, Serial #, and V ersi on # are all identi fic ation numbers unique to your UPS and can als o be found on the UPS nameplate. 1 > Continuous Dump T he UPS re gularly t ransm its sta tus infor mation t o the computer.
Communication 64 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa m Sel ect th e AS400 optio n if you are using OnliSafe so ftw are to monitor th e UPS.
Communication 65 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa m Z > Set Baud Rate allows y ou to s elect a n ew baud r ate. Th e Sel ect Baud R ate Me nu displa ys a list of ba ud rate o ptio ns. 5. To save th e configu ration settings, type S at the Mai n Men u prom pt.
Communication 66 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa m UPS Communications Interface Port In a dd itio n to c onfiguring t he UPS fo r sp ec ifi.
Communication 67 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa m Communications Mode Reference Chart Th e fol low in g ch ar t defi nes the U PS s er ial po rt con tact s. Ser ial commu n i catio n is n ot avai labl e with 3 Com an d AS/400 n etwor k con fi gu r atio ns .
Communication 68 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa m.
69 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa m CHAPTE R 6 S PECIFICATIONS Prestige 6000 Specifications Th e foll owi n g model s pecif icat ion s ass u me: 88% ef fi cien cy at fu ll l oad (No rmal m ode) Inpu t power fac tor of 0.
Sp ecificat ions 70 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa m Model 4500 UP S (N o min a l O pe ra tin g S pecif icat i ons) Output VA Output Volt age Output Wa tts Input Cur r ent Out put Curr ent Normal (BTUs / hr) On Batt ery (BTUs / hr) 3750 200 2500 14.
Sp ecificat ions 71 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa m Technical Specifications Input Vol t age Range 170 to 276 Vac Input Power F act or 0.
Sp ecificat ions 72 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa m Electrical Specifications for the Prestige 6000 with PPDM Use t he follo wing tab le s to det erm ine loa d wiring req uirem ent s when the PPD M is used wit h the UPS.
Sp ecificat ions 73 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa m Pre stig e 6000 PPD M Ra tin gs with a M odel 4500 U P S PPDM Model Input Ut ility Vo.
Sp ecificat ions 74 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa m.
75 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa m CHAPTE R 7 T ROUBLESHOOTING Th e Pr es tig e UP S i s des i gn ed fo r du r able, aut omat ic oper ati on and al so aler ts y ou wh en ever po ten ti al oper atin g pr obl ems may o ccur .
Troubles hooting 76 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa m Acti on Poss i ble Caus e Condit i on Rem ote E me rge ncy Powe r-O ff swi tch doe s not shut down the UPS. RE PO sw itch is n ot w ired p rop erly.
Troubles hooting 77 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa m Acti on Poss i ble Caus e Condit i on BATTER Y Weak bat ter y wh ile in By pass mode. Th is usu ally in dicat es th at t he bat ter ies need r eplacin g or th e UPS r equ ires serv ice.
Troubles hooting 78 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa m Service and Support The tr oublesh ootin g char t on pa ge 75 covers most of th e difficul ties y ou ma y enc ount er d uring norm al o pe ra tions .
79 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa m I NDEX Numeric 3Com Netw ork Interface fron t panel conf igurat ion, 60 LA N Config uration Men u, 64 .
Index 80 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa m Cont rol Keys Cont rol-C, 62 Cont rol-E, 63 cord, pow er, 36 , 47 , 71 Cus tom LA N Config urati.
Index 81 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa m M Main Menu , 62 Maint enan ce Bypass f eatu re See a lso Powe rPa ss Distri bu tio n Module (PP.
Index 82 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa m REPO con nect ors, 26 serial port , 26 Polled Du mp Mode, 63 Pow er Managem ent S oft ware LanSa.
Index 83 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa m troubles hoot ing chart , 75 tip s, 48 U un in terru ptible pow er sy st em, 1 UPS alarm silen c.
Index 84 Powerw are ® 9 Pr esti ge Seri es User ’s Gui de (4500/ 6000 VA) Rev H www.po werwa m.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Powerware 4500 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Powerware 4500 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Powerware 4500 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Powerware 4500 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Powerware 4500, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Powerware 4500.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Powerware 4500. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Powerware 4500 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.