Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto 952802261 del fabbricante Poulan
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PP3516AV X / PP4218AVX Pou la n P RO 7349 Sta tesville Roa d Charlotte, N C 28269 ENGL IS H ESP AÑOL FRANÇAIS WAR NIN G: Read and foll ow all Safety Rules and Operating Instructions before using this product. Fail ure to do so can result in serious injury .
2 IDENT IFICA TION OF SYM BOLS W ARNING ! This c hain saw can be danger ous! Car eless or improper us e can c ause s erious or ev en fatal injur y. Read and unders tand the instr uction manual before using the c hain saw . Alway s us e two hands when operating t he chain saw.
3 SAF ETY R UL ES WAR N I NG : Alw ays disc onnect spar k plug wir e and place w ire where it can- not contac t spark plug to prev ent acc idental star ting when sett ing up, trans porting, ad- justing or mak ing repairs exc ept carbur etor adjustment s.
4 S Turn the engine of f and let saw c ool in a non-combus tible area, not on dr y leaves , str aw , paper , etc. Slowly remov e fuel c ap and refuel unit. S Store the unit and fuel in an area w here fuel vapor s cannot reac h spark s or open flames from water heaters , elec tric motor s or sw itches , furnaces , etc.
5 ly ar ound the rear handle whether y our are right handed or left handed. Keep y our left arm s traight with the elbow lock ed. S Position y our left hand on the f ront handle- bar so it is in a straight line with your right hand on the r ear handle w hen making buck ing c uts.
6 Computed angl es repr esented indicate t otal energy and angle as soc iated without act ivation of the c hain br ake durin g kic kb ack . Activ ated angle repr esents c hain s topping time r elative t o act ivation angle of cha in break and re sulting kic k angle of saw.
7 Clut ch Cover Bar Knob Loca tion of shi pping spacer 4. Slide guide bar on bar bolt s until guide bar s tops against clut ch drum spr ocket . Bar bolts Guid e bar 5. Car efully r emove the c hain from the pac k - age. Hold c hain wit h the drive link s as show n.
8 Tigh te n chain Adjus ting Wheel Loosen chain 3. Usi ng a sc rewdriv er , mo ve cha in a ro un d guide bar to ens ure all link s are in bar groov e. 4. While lifting tip of guide bar, tighten bar knob s ecurely ( cloc kwis e). Hand tight- en only! TIGHTEN Bar Knob 5.
9 Guide Bar Adjusting Wheel Cy linder Cover Thrott le Lock out Rear Handle Throttle Trigger Chain Direc tion of Travel Chain Catc her Clutc h Cover Bar Knob Chain Brake ON/ST OP SWITCH The ON/STOP SWITCH is used to stop the engine. THROTTLE TRI GGER The THR OTTLE TRIG GER co ntrols engine speed .
10 WAR N I NG : A lternativ e fuels (no t gasol ine) suc h as E - - 15 (15% alc ohol), E - - 20 (20% alc ohol), E - - 85 ( 85% alcohol) ar e N OT clas sif ied as gasoline an d are NO T approved for us e in 2 - - s trok e gasoli ne engines.
11 NOTE: If the engine sounds as if it is tr ying to st art before the 5th pull, stop pulling and immediately pr oceed to the nex t step. 5. Pus h the choke/f ast idle lev er in to the HALF C HOKE position. OFF HALF CHOKE /F A ST IDLE LEVER FULL 6. Pull the s tarter r ope sharply w ith your right hand until t he engine start s.
12 S Prac tice c utting a few small logs us ing the following tec hniques to get the “feel” of us- ing your s aw before y ou begin a major saw ing operation. S Squeez e the thrott le trigger and allow the engine to reac h full speed before cut ting.
13 NOTE: Befor e felling cut is c omplete, use wedges t o open the cut if nec ess ary to contr ol the direct ion of fall. T o avoid k ick back and chain damage, us e wood or plastic wedges , but never s teel or iron wedges .
14 2 nd Cut 1 st Cut 1 st Cut 2 nd Cut Using a supp ort stand 1 st Cut 2 nd Cut LIM BING A ND PR UNIN G WAR N I NG : Be aler t for and guard agains t kic kbac k. Do not all ow t he moving chain t o contac t any ot her branc hes or obje cts at the nos e of the guide bar w hen limbing or pruning.
15 MAINTEN ANCE SCHEDULE Check: Fuel mixture lev el Before eac h use .... Bar lubric ation Before eac h use ....... Chain tens ion Before eac h use ....... Chain s harpness Before eac h use ..... For damaged parts Before eac h use ... For loos e caps Before eac h use .
16 INSPECT AND CLEAN UNIT AND DECALS S After eac h us e, inspec t compl ete unit for loose or damaged parts . C lean the unit and decals us ing a damp c loth w ith a mild det er- gent. S Wipe off unit with a c lean dry c loth. CHECK CHAIN BRAKE See CHAIN BRAKE in the OPERA TION sec tion.
17 REPLACE FUEL FIL TER T o replac e fuel filter, drain y our unit by run- ning it dry of fuel. Remov e fuel cap and its connec ted retainer fr om tank. Pull filter f rom tank and remov e from line. Replace and re- ass emble. CHAIN ADJUSTMENT See CHAIN TENSION in A SSEMBL Y sec tio n.
18 CARBURETOR ADJUSTMENT WAR N I NG : T he c hain will be mov ing during most of this pr ocedure. Wear y our pro- tec tive equipment a nd observ e all s afety pre - caut ions. The c hain must not mov e at idle speed . The car buretor has been c arefully s et at the fact ory .
19 TROUBLE CAUSE REMEDY Engine will not star t or will r un only a f ew sec onds after star ting. 1. Ignition s witc h of f . 2. Engine flooded. 3. Fuel tank empty . 4. Spark plug not firing. 5. Fuel not r eaching carbur etor . 1. Move ignition s witc h to ON.
20 LIMI TED WARRAN TY Poulan PRO, a divis ion of Hus qvarna Con- sumer O utdoor Produc ts N.A., Inc ., war rants to the or iginal cons umer purc has er that eac h new Poulan PRO brand g asoline c hain.
21 PRO autho rized r epair c enter as s oon as a problem e xist s. Warr anty r epairs should be complet ed in a reas onable amount of time, not to e xcee d 30 da ys.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Poulan 952802261 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Poulan 952802261 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Poulan 952802261 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Poulan 952802261 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Poulan 952802261, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Poulan 952802261.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Poulan 952802261. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Poulan 952802261 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.