Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto RMX 1500 del fabbricante Polycom
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[Type the document title ] Polycom Document Title 1 Version 7.8 | November 2012 | DOC2702A Polycom® RealPresence® Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/2000/4000 Administrator’s Guide.
© 2012 Polycom, Inc. All rights reserved. Polycom, Inc. 6001 America Center Drive San Jose CA 95002 USA No part of this document may be reproduced or tran smitted in any form or by any means, el ectronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express wri tten permission of Polycom, Inc.
T able of Conten ts Polycom, Inc i T able of Content s Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 About the RMX Administrator’s Guide ......................... .........
Polycom RealPresence® Collaboration Ser ver (RMX) 1500, 2000, 4000 Administrator’ s Guide ii Polycom, Inc Site Names Definition ........................ .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .... 2-64 Guidelines .
T able of Conten ts Polycom, Inc iii RMX System Flag Settings .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. ............ 3-23 RMX Profile Setting ......... .............. .............. .............. .............. ......
Polycom RealPresence® Collaboration Ser ver (RMX) 1500, 2000, 4000 Administrator’ s Guide iv Polycom, Inc Guidelines .......... .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. ............... ........... .......... .. 4-33 Enabling Auto Scan and Customized Polling .
T able of Conten ts Polycom, Inc v RPX and TPX Video Layouts ............ .............. .............. .............. .............. ............... ... 4-58 Enabling Telepresence Mode ..................... .............. .............. .............
Polycom RealPresence® Collaboration Ser ver (RMX) 1500, 2000, 4000 Administrator’ s Guide vi Polycom, Inc RMX Configuration Enab ling ISDN Cascading Links .......... .............. ..............5-9 Suppression of DTMF Forwarding ................ .
T able of Conten ts Polycom, Inc vii Adding a Group from the Address Book to Conferences ............... .............. ........... 8-5 Participant Groups ............ .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. ........
Polycom RealPresence® Collaboration Ser ver (RMX) 1500, 2000, 4000 Administrator’ s Guide viii Polycom, Inc Operator Assistance & Participant Move . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10-1 Operator Conferences ............... ..
T able of Conten ts Polycom, Inc ix Viewing the Properties of an Ongoing S VC- based Conference ................... ....... 13-14 Monitoring Operator Conferences and Part icipants Requiring Assistance ...... 13-18 Requesting Help ................. ...
Polycom RealPresence® Collaboration Ser ver (RMX) 1500, 2000, 4000 Administrator’ s Guide x Polycom, Inc User and Connection Management in Ultra Se cure Mode ................ .............. .............. . 15-8 Managing the System Users .. .......
T able of Conten ts Polycom, Inc xi Obtaining ISDN/PSTN req uired informatio n ................. .............. ............... . 16-41 Modifying an ISDN/PSTN Network Service ................... .............. .............. .......... 16-47 Network Security .
Polycom RealPresence® Collaboration Ser ver (RMX) 1500, 2000, 4000 Administrator’ s Guide xii Polycom, Inc Defining a New Conference IVR Service .................... .............. .............. .............. ............17-6 Defining a New Conference IVR Service .
T able of Conten ts Polycom, Inc xiii Gateway Redial or Redialing Gateway Calls ...................... .............. .............. ....... 19-11 Guidelines ............. ............... .............. .............. ........... .............. ......
Polycom RealPresence® Collaboration Ser ver (RMX) 1500, 2000, 4000 Administrator’ s Guide xiv Polycom, Inc Monitoring Conferences ......................... .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. ..... 20-1 6 Grouping the Participants by MCU .
T able of Conten ts Polycom, Inc xv Private MIBs ............... .............. .............. .............. ............... .............. ........... ....... 21-27 Support for MIB-II Sections ...... .............. .............. .............. ....
Polycom RealPresence® Collaboration Ser ver (RMX) 1500, 2000, 4000 Administrator’ s Guide xvi Polycom, Inc Network Intrusion Detection Sy stem (NIDS) ...................... .............. .............21-58 Using the Information Collector .........
T able of Conten ts Polycom, Inc xvii Performing Advanced Mode Diagnostics ....... .............. .............. .............. ............. 23-27 Diagnostics Monitoring ............... ............... .............. .............. .............. ...
Polycom RealPresence® Collaboration Ser ver (RMX) 1500, 2000, 4000 Administrator’ s Guide xviii Polycom, Inc Purchasing a Certificate ......... ............... .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .. F-2 Installing the Certificate .
T able of Conten ts Polycom, Inc xix Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H-1 Overview ........ .............. ........... .............. ............... .............. ...
Polycom RealPresence® Collaboration Ser ver (RMX) 1500, 2000, 4000 Administrator’ s Guide xx Polycom, Inc Modify the MCU Management Network Se rvice to Include the DNS Server . .. H-36 Defining a SIP Network Service in the MCU and Installing the Secur ity Certificate .
T able of Conten ts Polycom, Inc xxi Model 1 ......... ........... .............. .............. .............. ........... ............... .............. .............. ... ...... I-8 Call Flow ....................... ............... ........... ....
Polycom RealPresence® Collaboration Ser ver (RMX) 1500, 2000, 4000 Administrator’ s Guide xxii Polycom, Inc USB Ports on RealPresence Collaborat ion Server (RMX) 1500/RealPresence Collaboration Se rver (RMX) 2000/ Re alPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 4000 .
Polycom, Inc. 1-1 1 Overview About the RMX Administrator ’ s Guide The Polycom® Polycom® RealPresence® Collaboration Server 1500, 2000, 4000 provides instructions for configuring , deploying, an d administering Polycom Multipoint Control Units (MCUs) for video conferencing.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 1-2 Polycom, Inc. The RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 150 0/2000/4000 Deployment Guide for Maximum Security Environments provides a deployment methodol ogy for system administrators implementing Maximum Security Environments .
Chapter 1-Overview Polycom, Inc. 1-3 About the Polycom RMX System The Polycom RMX 1500/2000/4 000 Multipoint C ontrol Unit (MCU) is a high performance, scalable, IP-network (H.323 and SIP) and ISDN /PSTN solution that provides the user with feature-rich and easy-to-use multip oint voice and video conferencing.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 1-4 Polycom, Inc. IP and ISDN Network Guidelines IP Networks In the RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500 and RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 2000, system management and IP conferencing are performed via a sin gle LAN port.
Chapter 1-Overview Polycom, Inc. 1-5 In the example shown here, the RealPresence Collaboration Server Licensing Mode is CP Licensing , and the Card Configuration Mode is MPMx . Feature Support with MPMx Cards Only Table 1-2 lists the RMX (RMX ) features that are only supported with MPMx cards.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 1-6 Polycom, Inc. Content at HD1080p Resolution Content is supported at HD1080p re solution at 30 fps and 60 f ps.
Chapter 1-Overview Polycom, Inc. 1-7 Cascading between RMX Meeting room / Microsoft A/V MCU Microsoft L ync users can connect an RMX Meeting Room to a conference running on the Microsoft A/V MCU .
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 1-8 Polycom, Inc. W orkst ation Requirement s The RMX Web Client and RMX Manager applications can be installed in an environment that meets the following requirements: • Minimum Hardware – Intel® Pentium® III, 1 GHz or higher, 1024 MB RAM, 500 MB free disk space.
Polycom, Inc. 2-1 2 Conference Profiles Profiles stored on the MCU enable you to defi ne all types of conferences. Profiles include conference parameters such as Conferencing Mode, Conference Session Type, Conference Line Rate, People and Content resolution an d settings, Video Layout, Encryption, Lost Packet Recovery etc.
Polycom RealPresen ce Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 2-2 Polycom, Inc. Media Relay - SVC Conferencing SVC Conferencing is based on the SVC vi deo protocol and SAC audio protocol.
Chapter 2-Confere nce Profiles Polycom, Inc. 2-3 For conferences with more participants than display squares , the RMX dynamic video mix capability allows t he viewed sites to be modified thro ughout the confere nce.
Polycom RealPresen ce Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 2-4 Polycom, Inc. Video Protocol Support in CP Conferences The video protocol selected by the system de termines the video compression standard used by the endpoints.
Chapter 2-Confere nce Profiles Polycom, Inc. 2-5 Guidelines • Only H.264 Base and High Profile vide o protocols are supported in Video Switching Conferences. • Video Switching conferences can be set to one of the following resolutions, depending on the capabilities of the endpoints connecting to the confe rence: — H.
Polycom RealPresen ce Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 2-6 Polycom, Inc. • Site (endpoint) names, skins, message overlay etc. are not supported in Video Switching. • Video forcing is enabled at the conference and participant levels.
Chapter 2-Confere nce Profiles Polycom, Inc. 2-7 A VC Conferencing Parameters Basic Conferencing Parameters When defining a new video Profile, you sele ct the parameters that dete rmine the video display on the particip ant’s endpoint and the quality of the video.
Polycom RealPresen ce Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 2-8 Polycom, Inc. • Video Clarity - Video Clarity feature applies vide o enhancing algorithms to incoming video streams of resolutions up to and including SD. • Supported resolutions: — H.
Chapter 2-Confere nce Profiles Polycom, Inc. 2-9 — Video forcing works in the same way as in Lecture Mode when Presentation Mode is activated, that is , forcing is onl y enab led at the confer ence level, and it only applies to the video layout viewed by the lecturer.
Polycom RealPresen ce Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 2-10 Polycom, Inc. Default Profile Settings in CP Conferencing Mode The RMX is shipped with a default Conference Profile for CP conferences which allows users to immediatel y start st andard ongoing CP confer ences.
Chapter 2-Confere nce Profiles Polycom, Inc. 2-11 This Profile is automatically as signed to the following conferencing entities: Auto Scan Interval Disabled (10) Auto Layout Enabled Echo Suppression .
Polycom RealPresen ce Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 2-12 Polycom, Inc. SVC-based Conferencing The SVC-Based conferencing mode provides vi deo without transcoding by the MCU, hence requiring less vide o resources while providing better error resiliency and lower latency.
Chapter 2-Confere nce Profiles Polycom, Inc. 2-13 For instance, an SVC endpoint might want to receive three video streams at different frame rates and resolutions, and create a conference la yout with the received video streams.
Polycom RealPresen ce Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 2-14 Polycom, Inc. • Dial-in is avai lable as follows: — AVC endpoints (participants) can only connect to an AVC conference. Wh en dialing into SVC Only conferences they will be disconnected and the calls fail.
Chapter 2-Confere nce Profiles Polycom, Inc. 2-15 MCU Supported Resolutions for SVC Conferencing The MCU automatically selects the resolu tion an d frame rate according to the conference line rate. Table 2-5 details the maximum reso lution and frame rates supported by t he MCU for each conference line rate.
Polycom RealPresen ce Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 2-16 Polycom, Inc. V iewing Profiles Conference Profiles are listed in the Conference Profiles list pane. To list Conference Profiles: 1 In the RMX Management pane, ex pand the Rarely Used list.
Chapter 2-Confere nce Profiles Polycom, Inc. 2-17 Profile T oolbar The Profile toolbar prov ides quick access to the Profile functions: Modifying an Existing Profile You can modify any of the Profile’s parameters but you cannot rename the Profile .
Polycom RealPresen ce Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 2-18 Polycom, Inc. Deleting a Conference Profile To delete a Conference Profile: 1 In the Conference Profiles list, select the Conference Profile you want t o delete.
Chapter 2-Confere nce Profiles Polycom, Inc. 2-19 The following Profile Definition procedure assumes that the RMX is in MPMx Mode. Differences in the procedure that are affected by the Card Configuration Mode will be highlighted and explained as and when applicable.
Polycom RealPresen ce Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 2-20 Polycom, Inc. 3 Define the Profile name and, if required, the Profile - General parameters: T able 2-8 New.
Chapter 2-Confere nce Profiles Polycom, Inc. 2-21 4 Click th e Advanced tab. Video Switching If the Operator Conference option is selected, this option is disabled, and the selection is cleared. Select the video protocol and resolution for the conferen ce.
Polycom RealPresen ce Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 2-22 Polycom, Inc. The New Profile – Advanc ed dialog box opens.
Chapter 2-Confere nce Profiles Polycom, Inc. 2-23 LPR When selected (default for CP conferences), Lost Packet Recovery creates additional packets that contain recovery information used to reconstruct packets that are lost during transmission.
Polycom RealPresen ce Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 2-24 Polycom, Inc. TIP Compatibility Select the TIP Compatibility mode when implementi ng an RMX and Cisco T el epresence Systems (CTS) Integration solu tion.
Chapter 2-Confere nce Profiles Polycom, Inc. 2-25 6 For CP Conferences only: Click the Gatheri ng Settings tab. 7 Optional. Define the following fields if the conference is not launched by the Polycom.
Polycom RealPresen ce Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 2-26 Polycom, Inc. For more information see " Video Preview” on page 4-26 . Displayed Language Se lect the Gathering Phase slide languag e: Gathering Phase slide field he adings are displayed in the language selected.
Chapter 2-Confere nce Profiles Polycom, Inc. 2-27 8 Click th e Video Qual ity tab. The New Profile – Video Qu ality dialog box opens. 9 Define the following parameter s: T able 2-1 1 New A VC Profil.
Polycom RealPresen ce Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 2-28 Polycom, Inc. Maximum Resolution This setting overrides the Maximum Resolution setting of the Resolution Configu ration dia log box.
Chapter 2-Confere nce Profiles Polycom, Inc. 2-29 Content Video Definition Content Settings Select the transmission mode for the Content channel : • Graphics — basic mode, intended for normal grap.
Polycom RealPresen ce Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 2-30 Polycom, Inc. 10 Click the Video Sett ings tab. The New Profile - Video Sett ings dialog box opens.
Chapter 2-Confere nce Profiles Polycom, Inc. 2-31 Send Cont ent to Legacy Endpoints (CP only) When enabled (default), Content c an be sent to H. 323/SIP/ISDN endpoints that do not support H.239 Content (legacy endpoints) over the video (people) channel.
Polycom RealPresen ce Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 2-32 Polycom, Inc. Same Layout (CP onl y) Select this option to force the sele cted layout on all participant s in a conference. Displays the same video stream to all participant s and personal selection of the video layout is disabled.
Chapter 2-Confere nce Profiles Polycom, Inc. 2-33 In layout 2+8, the two central windows displa y the last two speakers in the conference: the current speaker and the “previous” speake r.
Polycom RealPresen ce Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 2-34 Polycom, Inc. 12 To select the Video Layout for the conference, click the required number of windows from the layouts bar and then select the windows array. The selected layout is displaye d in the Video Layout pane.
Chapter 2-Confere nce Profiles Polycom, Inc. 2-35 13 Click th e Audio Settings tab. The New Profile - Audio Settings dialog box opens. 14 Define the video display mode an d layout using the following .
Polycom RealPresen ce Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 2-36 Polycom, Inc. Keyboard Noise Suppression Select this option to let the system use an algorithm to search for and detect keyboard noises and automatically mute them when detected.
Chapter 2-Confere nce Profiles Polycom, Inc. 2-37 Mute participant except lecturer When the Mute Participants Except Lecturer option is enabled , the audio of all participants in the conference except for the lecturer can be automatically muted upon connection to the conference.
Polycom RealPresen ce Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 2-38 Polycom, Inc. 15 For CP Conferences only: Click the Skins tab to modify the background and frames. The New Profile - Skins dialog box opens. 16 Select one of the Skin options.
Chapter 2-Confere nce Profiles Polycom, Inc. 2-39 The New Profile - IVR dialog box opens. 18 If required, set the following pa rameters: 19 Optional . Click the Recording tab to enable conference recording with Polycom RSS 2000/4000 .
Polycom RealPresen ce Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 2-40 Polycom, Inc. The New Profile - Recording tab opens. 20 Define the following par ameters: T able 2-17 New A VC Profil e - Recording Parameters Parameter Description Enable Recordi ng Select this check box to enable the Recording settings.
Chapter 2-Confere nce Profiles Polycom, Inc. 2-41 21 For MPMx Card Configuratio n Mode and CP Conferences only: Click the Site Names tab to display the Site Names dialog box.
Polycom RealPresen ce Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 2-42 Polycom, Inc. 22 Define the following par ameters: T able 2 -18 New A VC Profile - Site Names Parameters F.
Chapter 2-Confere nce Profiles Polycom, Inc. 2-43 Display Position Sele ct the pre-set position for the display of the Site Names. Selection Site Names Position LeftT op (Default) T op RightT op LeftM.
Polycom RealPresen ce Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 2-44 Polycom, Inc. Display Position (cont.) LeftBottom Bottom RightBottom Custom The current Site Names display position becomes the initial position for Site Names position adjustments using the Horizontal and Ve r t i c al Position sliders.
Chapter 2-Confere nce Profiles Polycom, Inc. 2-45 23 For CP Conferences only: Click the Message Overlay tab to display the Message Overlay dialog box. Background T ransparency Move the slider to the left to decr ease the transparency of the background of the Site Names text .
Polycom RealPresen ce Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 2-46 Polycom, Inc. Message Overlay enables you to send text me ssages to all particip ants during ongoing Continuous Presence conferences. The text mess age is seen a s part of the in the participant’s video layout on the endpoint screen or desktop display.
Chapter 2-Confere nce Profiles Polycom, Inc. 2-47 Color From the drop-down menu select the color and background of the Message Overlay display text. The choices are: Default: White T ext on Red Background .
Polycom RealPresen ce Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 2-48 Polycom, Inc. As the fields are modified the Preview changes to show the effect of the changes. For example: 24 Click the Network Servi ces tab. The New Profile - Network Serv ices tab opens.
Chapter 2-Confere nce Profiles Polycom, Inc. 2-49 25 Define the following parameter s: 26 Click OK to complete the Profile definition. A new Profile is created and added to the Conference Profiles list .
Polycom RealPresen ce Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 2-50 Polycom, Inc. Defining a V ideo Switching Conference Profile A Video Switching-enabl ed Profile must be created prior to running Video Switching conferences.
Chapter 2-Confere nce Profiles Polycom, Inc. 2-51 3 Define the Profile name and, if requir ed, the Profile - General parameters: T able 2-21 New A VC Profile (VSW) - General Parameters Field/Option De.
Polycom RealPresen ce Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 2-52 Polycom, Inc. Video Switching If the Operator Conference option is selected, this option is disabled, and the selection is cleared. • Select this check box to create a Video Switching profile.
Chapter 2-Confere nce Profiles Polycom, Inc. 2-53 When Video Switching is selected for the conference, the following options are not availabl e : — Operator Conference — Gathering Phase — Video .
Polycom RealPresen ce Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 2-54 Polycom, Inc. — Endpoints that do not support High Profile, connecting to the VSW conference at the exact line rate and exact resolution define d for the conference are connected to the conference as Secondary (audio only).
Chapter 2-Confere nce Profiles Polycom, Inc. 2-55 Defining SVC Conferencing Profiles To define SVC Only Profile: 1 In the RMX Management pane, click Con ference Profil es . 2 In the Conference Profiles pane, click the New Profi le button. The New Profile – General dialog box opens.
Polycom RealPresen ce Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 2-56 Polycom, Inc. The profile tabs and options change accordingly and only supported options are available for selection. Unsupported options are disabled (grayed out).
Chapter 2-Confere nce Profiles Polycom, Inc. 2-57 5 Click th e Advanced tab. The New Profile – Advanced dialog box opens. Routing Name Enter the Profile name using ASCII characters set.
Polycom RealPresen ce Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 2-58 Polycom, Inc. 6 Define the following supported parameters: T able 2-24 New SVC Profi le - Advanced Paramet.
Chapter 2-Confere nce Profiles Polycom, Inc. 2-59 7 Click th e Video Qual ity tab. The New Profile – Video Qu ality dialog box opens. 8 Define the following parameter s: 9 Click th e Network Services ta b.
Polycom RealPresen ce Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 2-60 Polycom, Inc. The New Profile - Network Serv ices tab opens. Registration of conferencing entities such as ongoing conf erence s, Meeting Rooms, and SIP Factories with SIP servers is done per c onferencing entity.
Chapter 2-Confere nce Profiles Polycom, Inc. 2-61 11 Click OK to complete the Profile definition. A new Profile is created and added to the Conference Profiles list . CP Conferencing Additional Information Overlay Layout s Overlay Layouts allow ad ditional participant endpoints to be displayed in 1x1 conference Video Layout s.
Polycom RealPresen ce Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 2-62 Polycom, Inc. • Overlay Layouts are not selected as de faults by th e system. Default layouts are selected as in previous versions and are de scribed in detail in " Auto Layout – Default Layouts” on page 2-33 .
Chapter 2-Confere nce Profiles Polycom, Inc. 2-63 Selecting the Overlay Layouts The Overlay Layouts are se lected using the New Profile - Video Settings dialog box. An additional tab, Overlay , has been added and includes the addi tional la yout options.
Polycom RealPresen ce Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 2-64 Polycom, Inc. Site Names Definition Using the Site Name dialog box, you can control the displa y of the site names by defining the font, size, color, background color an d trans parency and position wit hin the Video Window .
Chapter 2-Confere nce Profiles Polycom, Inc. 2-65 — Picture Skins - Sit e Names text is displayed with a background. •I n MPMx Card Configuration Mode, the Site Names tab options replace the functionality of the System Flags that were used in versions 7.
Polycom RealPresen ce Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 2-66 Polycom, Inc. • Selecting a preset position from the drop-down menu in the Display Position fi eld. •M o v i n g t h e Horizontal and Vertical Position slid ers.
Chapter 2-Confere nce Profiles Polycom, Inc. 2-67 Message Overlay for T ext Messaging Message Overlay allows the oper ator or administrator to send text mess ages to a single, several or all particip ants du ring an ongoing confere nce.
Polycom RealPresen ce Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 2-68 Polycom, Inc. • Participant s that have their vi deo suspended do not receive Message Over lays messages. • Message Overlay text messages cannot be sent via the Content channel.
Chapter 2-Confere nce Profiles Polycom, Inc. 2-69 Chinese Font T ypes On an RMX with a n MPMx card a u ser can sele ct one of seve ral Chinese fonts for use when sending text over video.
Polycom RealPresen ce Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 2-70 Polycom, Inc. • A participant moved to another conference will be shown the font used by the new conference, even if the conferenc es use different fonts.
Chapter 2-Confere nce Profiles Polycom, Inc. 2-71 3 Click th e Export Confer ence Profil es button or right-click the Conference Profiles pane, and the n click Export Confer ence Profiles .
Polycom RealPresen ce Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 2-72 Polycom, Inc. The Conference Profile - Export dialog box is dis played. 3 In the Export Path field, click Browse to navigate to the location of the desired p ath where you want to save the exported file.
Chapter 2-Confere nce Profiles Polycom, Inc. 2-73 3 Click th e Import Conference Profiles button or right-click the Conference Profiles pane, and the n click Import Conference Profiles .
Polycom RealPresen ce Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 2-74 Polycom, Inc..
Polycom, Inc. 3-1 3 V ideo Protocols and Resolution Configuration for CP Conferencing V ideo Resolutions in A VC-based CP Conferencing The Polycom ® RealPresence ® Collaboration Server always attempts to connect to endpoints at the highest line rate defined for the conf erence.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 3-2 Polycom, Inc. Video Display with CIF , SD and HD Video Connections Although any combination of CIF, SD and H.
Chapter 3-Vide o Protocols and Resolution Configuration for CP Conferencing Polycom, Inc. 3-3 — For Content Sharing — As an RSS Recording link — With Video Preview • HD1080p60 is supported — In Continuous Presence ( CP ) mode: • At bit rates of up to 4Mbps.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 3-4 Polycom, Inc. The creation of a new H.263 4CIF slide is suppo rted in the IVR Service in addition to the current H.
Chapter 3-Vide o Protocols and Resolution Configuration for CP Conferencing Polycom, Inc. 3-5 • Video Qualit y Optimized Video is optimized through higher resolution connections at lower li ne rates increasing the resource usage at lower line r ates.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 3-6 Polycom, Inc. Figure 3-2 Resolutions use d per Line Rates When Re so lution Configuration is set to Resource.
Chapter 3-Vide o Protocols and Resolution Configuration for CP Conferencing Polycom, Inc. 3-7 Figure 3-4 Resolutions used per Line Rates When Resolution Configuration is set to Resource Optimized Conf.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 3-8 Polycom, Inc. Figure 3-6 Resolutions used per Line Rates When Resolution Configu ration is set to Quality Op.
Chapter 3-Vide o Protocols and Resolution Configuration for CP Conferencing Polycom, Inc. 3-9 H.264 High Profile De cision Matrices (MPMx) The following illustrations show th e resolutions used for the vario us Line Rates for each of the pre-defined optimization settings for H.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 3-10 Polycom, Inc. Figure 3-9 Resolutions use d per Line Rates When Re so lution Configuration is set to Resource Optimized Configuration in Sh arpness and Motion Mode, MPMx H.
Chapter 3-Vide o Protocols and Resolution Configuration for CP Conferencing Polycom, Inc. 3-11 Figure 3-1 1 Resolution usage for H.264 High Profile and H.264 Base Profile for Motion at variou s line rates when Resolution Configuration is set to Video Quality Optimized Figure 3-12 Resolution usage for H.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 3-12 Polycom, Inc. Default Minimum Threshold Line Rates and Resour ce Usage Summary The following Table summarizes the Default Minimum Threshold Line Rates and Video Resource usage for each of the pre-define d optimization settings for each Resolution , H.
Chapter 3-Vide o Protocols and Resolution Configuration for CP Conferencing Polycom, Inc. 3-13 Resolution Configuration for CP Conferences The Resolution Configuration dialog box enables RMX administ rators to override the default video resolution decision matrix, effectively creating th eir own decision matrix.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 3-14 Polycom, Inc. Modifying the Resolution Config uration in MPM or MPM+ Card Configuration Mode The Resolution Configuration dialog box shown below is disp layed when the RMX is in MPM , MPM+ or MPMx Card Configuration Mode .
Chapter 3-Vide o Protocols and Resolution Configuration for CP Conferencing Polycom, Inc. 3-15 Limiting Maximum Resolution Before a selection is made in this pane, the Maximum CP Resolution of the system is determined by the MAX_CP_RESOLUTION System Flag.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 3-16 Polycom, Inc. • Video Quality Optimized Video is optimized through higher resolution connections at lower li ne rates increasing the resource us age at lower line rates.
Chapter 3-Vide o Protocols and Resolution Configuration for CP Conferencing Polycom, Inc. 3-17 Modifying the Resolution Configuration in MPMx Card Configuration Mode The Resolution Configuration - Basic Configuration dialog box is the first dialog box displayed when the RMX is in MPMx Card Configuration Mode.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 3-18 Polycom, Inc. Maximum CP Resolution Pane In MPMx Card Configuration Mode the RMX can be set to one of the f.
Chapter 3-Vide o Protocols and Resolution Configuration for CP Conferencing Polycom, Inc. 3-19 • Base Profile - Endpoints that do not su pport H.264 High Profile connect at these minimum threshold bit ra tes. • High Profil e - Endpoints that support H.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 3-20 Polycom, Inc. Minimum Frame Rate Thresh old for SD Resolu tion The MINIMUM_FR AME_RATE_THRE SHOLD_FOR_SD Sy.
Chapter 3-Vide o Protocols and Resolution Configuration for CP Conferencing Polycom, Inc. 3-21 Endpoints will connect at resolutions as se t out in the following table, depending on whether they support H.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 3-22 Polycom, Inc. — With H.323, SIP and ISDN endpoints. H.323 endpoints must identify themselves as Tandberg MXP during capabiliti es exchange. — In all Video Layouts .
Chapter 3-Vide o Protocols and Resolution Configuration for CP Conferencing Polycom, Inc. 3-23 * It is recomme nd to set the endpoint to Motio n to ensu re the trans mission of the high er frame r ates of 25fps/30fps to the RMX. ‡ MXP 990/3000 endpoints transmit 576x448 pixels.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 3-24 Polycom, Inc. RMX Profile Setting •O n t h e R M X , t h e Video Quality field in the New Profile - Video Quality dialog box must be set to Sharpness . For more information see , "Defining New Profiles” on page 2- 18 .
Chapter 3-Vide o Protocols and Resolution Configuration for CP Conferencing Polycom, Inc. 3-25 • HD720p30 resolu tion is supported at bit rates greater than 600 kbps. The foll owing table summarizes the resolutions supported at the various bit rates.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 3-26 Polycom, Inc. Particip ant Settings When defining a new participant or modi fying an existing partici pant, select SIP as the participant’s networking environment Type in the New Participant or Participant Properti es - General tab .
Chapter 3-Vide o Protocols and Resolution Configuration for CP Conferencing Polycom, Inc. 3-27 Monitoring RTV RTV information appears in all three panes of the Participant Properties - SDP tab.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 3-28 Polycom, Inc. To change the default flag setting, add the MAX_R TV_RESOLUTION flag to the System Configuration flags and set it s value. For information, see .
Chapter 3-Vide o Protocols and Resolution Configuration for CP Conferencing Polycom, Inc. 3-29 The following table describes the number of allocated video resources for each video resolution when using the RTV protocol.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 3-30 Polycom, Inc..
Polycom, Inc. 4-1 4 Additional Conferencing Information Various conferencing modes and video features require additional settings, such as system flag settings, conference parameters and othe r settings. In depth explanations of these additional settings are describe d in the following sections: •" H.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 4-2 Polycom, Inc. H.239 / People+Content H.239 The H.239 protocol allows compliant endpoints to transmit and rec.
Chapter 4-Additio nal Conferencing Infor mation Polycom, Inc. 4-3 • Video endpoints that do not support SIP C ontent (such as PVX), can receive Content on the People channel if the conference is set to Send Content t o Legacy Endpoints . For more details see, " Sending Content to Legacy Endpoints (AVC Only)” on page 4-1 7 .
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 4-4 Polycom, Inc. The RMX’ s Content sharing determined by the System Flag’s set tings and SIP Client capabilities are summa rized in T able 4-1. For more information see " Manually Adding and Dele ting System Flags” on page 22-18 .
Chapter 4-Additio nal Conferencing Infor mation Polycom, Inc. 4-5 Defining Content Sharing Pa rameters for a Conference Content parameters are defined in the Conference Profiles - Video Quality dialog box. The parameters change according to the Conferencing Mode .
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 4-6 Polycom, Inc. 1 In the Content Video Definition section, select the Content Settings and Protocol as follows: 2 Click OK.
Chapter 4-Additio nal Conferencing Infor mation Polycom, Inc. 4-7 Content Settings The Content channel can transmit one of the following modes: • Graphics – for standard graphics. This is the default mode in AVC conferences and the only supported mode for SVC conferences.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 4-8 Polycom, Inc. Table 4-4 summarizes the Maximum Resolution of Content and Frames per Second (fps) for Bit Rate Allocations to the Content Channel as set out in Table 4-3 .
Chapter 4-Additio nal Conferencing Infor mation Polycom, Inc. 4-9 • Endpoints that do not have at least H.263 capability can connect to the conference but cannot share Content . • This option is not available in SVC Conferencing Mode . H.263 (A VC Only Conferences) Select this option when most o f the endpoints support H.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 4-10 Polycom, Inc. A System Flag determines the minimum line rate for each Content Setting : • Graphics • Hi Resolution Graphics • Live Video In order to change the System Flag values, the flags must be manually added to the System Configuration .
Chapter 4-Additio nal Conferencing Infor mation Polycom, Inc. 4-11 H.264 Cascade and SVC Optimized The H.264 Cascade and SVC Optimized option maintains content quality and minimizes the amount of content refreshes that occur in large cascading con ferences when participants connect or disconnect from the confere nce.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 4-12 Polycom, Inc. The Cascade Resolution is a fixed resolution and frame rate for Con tent sharing in a Cascaded Conference.
Chapter 4-Additio nal Conferencing Infor mation Polycom, Inc. 4-13 The selection of the appropriate Content Resolution option, when several options are available, should be based on the line rate and capabilities that can be used by most or all endpoints connecting to the conference.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 4-14 Polycom, Inc. •I f t h e Content Se ttings selection is Hi Resolution Graphics . — Only HD720/5 can be selected as the Cascade Resolution with 384 kbps alloc ated as the conference Content Rate .
Chapter 4-Additio nal Conferencing Infor mation Polycom, Inc. 4-15 To Select the Customized Content Rat e: Custom ized Co ntent Rate is enabled in the Profile - Video Quality dialog box. 1 In the Content Settings list, select Customized Content Rate .
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 4-16 Polycom, Inc. 3 If H.264 Cascade and SVC O ptimized is the selected Content Protocol , a Cascade Resolution must be selected. Table 4-8 lists the Cascade Resolutions available for the various Conference Content Rates .
Chapter 4-Additio nal Conferencing Infor mation Polycom, Inc. 4-17 2 In the MCMS_PARAMETERS tab, double-click the MIN_H239_HD1080_RATE entry. The Update Flag dialog box is display ed. 3 In the Value field, enter the minimum line rate at which HD1080 Resolution Conten t will be enabled.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 4-18 Polycom, Inc. As the resource required for sending Content to legacy endpoints is allocated on the fly, when scheduling a reservation, in rare occasions when the MCU is fully loaded, “Resource deficiency” may be encountered.
Chapter 4-Additio nal Conferencing Infor mation Polycom, Inc. 4-19 The RMX user can also change the layout for th e participants the legacy endpoints (selecting personal layout). When forcing a video participant to the Conten t window (instead of Content), the Content display can be restored only by selecting any other video layout.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 4-20 Polycom, Inc. Note: Select this option when Avaya IP Softphone will be connecting to the conference.
Chapter 4-Additio nal Conferencing Infor mation Polycom, Inc. 4-21 4 Click OK . The flag is updated in the MCMS_P ARAMETERS list. 5 Click OK . Exclusive Content Mode Exclusive Content Mode allows you to limi t Content broadcasting to one participant , preventing other participants from interrup ting the Content broadcasting while it is active.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 4-22 Polycom, Inc. •T h e Exclusive Content Mode is enabled or disabled by a check box in the in the Advanced tabs of the Conference Profile . The check box is cleared (feature is disabled) by default.
Chapter 4-Additio nal Conferencing Infor mation Polycom, Inc. 4-23 — YES - only the designated Lecturer can be the Content Token holder. •T h e Exclusive Content Mode check box replaces the EXCLUSIVE_CONTENT_ MODE System Flag which was used to control Exclusive Content Mode for the system in previous versions.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 4-24 Polycom, Inc. • In cascaded conferences, a participant func tioning as the cascade link cannot be given token ownership.
Chapter 4-Additio nal Conferencing Infor mation Polycom, Inc. 4-25 To cancel toke n ownership: 1 In the Participants list, right click the endp oint that currently has Content Token ownership. 2 Select Cancel Content Token Owner in the drop-down menu .
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 4-26 Polycom, Inc. Enter the interval in seconds between the Intra requests sent from the RMX to the endpoint sending the Content to refresh the C ontent display.
Chapter 4-Additio nal Conferencing Infor mation Polycom, Inc. 4-27 • Only one preview window can be displayed for a single conference and up to four preview windows can be displayed for each me dia card on differen t workstations (on e per workstation and one per conference).
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 4-28 Polycom, Inc. 3 Click Yes to run the diagnostics. The DirectX Diagnostic Tool dialog box opens. 4 Click the Display tab. To be able to display t he video preview window, the DirectDraw Acceleration and Direct3D Accelera tion options must be Enabled .
Chapter 4-Additio nal Conferencing Infor mation Polycom, Inc. 4-29 Previewing the Particip ant V ideo To preview the parti cipant video: 1 List the conference participants in the Particip ants pane .
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 4-30 Polycom, Inc. Gathering Phase The Gathering Phase of an AVC (CP only) confere nce is the time period during which participants are connecting to a conference.
Chapter 4-Additio nal Conferencing Infor mation Polycom, Inc. 4-31 Gathering Phase Guidelines • Gathering Phase is only available in AVC only (CP only) conferences.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 4-32 Polycom, Inc. Gathering Phase Duration The duration of the Gathering Phase can be customized by the admi ni.
Chapter 4-Additio nal Conferencing Infor mation Polycom, Inc. 4-33 Auto Scan and Customized Polling in V ideo Layout Auto Scan e n a b l e s a u s er t o de f i n e a s i n gl e c el l i n the confer ence layout to cycle the display of participants that are not in the conference layout.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 4-34 Polycom, Inc. 3 In the video layout cell to be designated for Auto Scan , click the drop-down menu button and select Auto Scan . 4 Select from the Auto Scan In terval(s) drop-down list the scanning interval in seconds.
Chapter 4-Additio nal Conferencing Infor mation Polycom, Inc. 4-35 The dialog box buttons are summarized in Table 4-10. 2 Optional. Add a participant to the list of participants to be Auto Scanned : — Click on the participant’s name in the All Participants list and then click the Add button to move the participant to the Scanning Order pane.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 4-36 Polycom, Inc. The SirenLPR audio algorithm provides CD-quali ty audio for better clarity and less listener fatigue with audio and visual communication app lications.
Chapter 4-Additio nal Conferencing Infor mation Polycom, Inc. 4-37 Stereo The Siren 22Stereo, G.719Stereo and Sire nLPR audio algorithms ar e supported at the following bit rates. Siren22_48K 256 Siren22_32k G .719_48k G .719_32k G .728 16 Siren22_32k 128 G .
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 4-38 Polycom, Inc. Audio algorithms supported for ISDN T able 4 -13 Supported Audio Algorithm vs Bitrate Audio Algorithm Minimum Bitrate (kbp s) G .722.1C 48K 256 G .
Chapter 4-Additio nal Conferencing Infor mation Polycom, Inc. 4-39 Monitoring Particip ant Audio Properties The audio algorithm used by the participant’s endpoint can be verifi ed in the Participant Properties - Channel Status dialog box.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 4-40 Polycom, Inc. 3 In the Channel Info field, select Audio In or Audio Out to display the audio parameters .
Chapter 4-Additio nal Conferencing Infor mation Polycom, Inc. 4-41 • Media Encryption for ISDN/PSTN participants is implemented in RMX sy stems with MPM+ and MPMx cards. • Conference level encryption must be set in the Profile, and cannot be changed on ce the conference is running.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 4-42 Polycom, Inc. The option “Encrypt When Possible” enables the negotiation between the MCU an d the endpoints and let the MCU connect the particip ants according to their capabilities, where encryption is the preferred setting.
Chapter 4-Additio nal Conferencing Infor mation Polycom, Inc. 4-43 * System Flag = FORCE_ENCRYPTION_FOR_UND EFINE D_PARTICIPANT_IN_WHEN_ AVAILABLE_MODE Connection to the Entry Queue An undefined participant connecting to an Entry Queue inherits the encryption characteristics of the Entry Queue as defined in the Entry Queue’s profile.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 4-44 Polycom, Inc. * System Flag = FORCE_ENCRYPTIO N_FOR_UND EFI NED_PARTICIPANT_ IN_WHEN_AVAILABLE _MODE Moving.
Chapter 4-Additio nal Conferencing Infor mation Polycom, Inc. 4-45 Recording Link Encryption Recording Links are treated as regular participants, however the ALLOW_NON_ENCRYPT_RECORDIN G_LINK_IN_ENCRYPT_CONF System Flag must be set to YES if a non-encrypted Recording Link is to be allowed to connect to an enc rypted conference.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 4-46 Polycom, Inc. Encryption Flag Settings To modify the Encryption flags: 1 Click Setup>System Configuration . The System Flags dialog box opens. 2 In Version 7.
Chapter 4-Additio nal Conferencing Infor mation Polycom, Inc. 4-47 Enabling Encryption in the Profile Encryption for the conference is in the Profile and cannot be changed once the co nference is running.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 4-48 Polycom, Inc. To enable encryption at the particip ant level: >> In the Participant Properties – Advanced dialog box, in the Encryption list, select one of the following options: Auto , On , or Off .
Chapter 4-Additio nal Conferencing Infor mation Polycom, Inc. 4-49 Monitoring the Encryption St atus The conference encryption status is indicated in the Conference Properties - General di alog box. The participant encryption status is indicated by a check mark in the Encryption column in the Participants list pane.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 4-50 Polycom, Inc. For more information about monitoring, see " Conference and Participant Monitoring” on page 13-1 .
Chapter 4-Additio nal Conferencing Infor mation Polycom, Inc. 4-51 •I n LPR -enabled Video Switched conferences: — H.323 and SIP endpoints are supported. — When cascading between conferences running on RMX and MGC ( Polyc om legacy MCU ), LPR is not supported over the link between the two conferences.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 4-52 Polycom, Inc. In the Participant Properti es – Channel Status tab, check box indicators show LPR activation in the local and remote (transmit and receive) channels.
Chapter 4-Additio nal Conferencing Infor mation Polycom, Inc. 4-53 Guidelines Network Quality Indicators are displayed for: • T he Video Channel only in AVC Conferencing Mode .
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 4-54 Polycom, Inc. For more information see " Manually Adding and Deleting System Flags ” on page 22-18 .
Chapter 4-Additio nal Conferencing Infor mation Polycom, Inc. 4-55 For more information see " Manually Adding and Deleting System Flags ” on page 22-18 .
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 4-56 Polycom, Inc. RMX T elepresence Mode Guidelines System Level • The RMX system must be licensed for Telepresence Mode. • The system must be activated with a Telepresence enabled license key.
Chapter 4-Additio nal Conferencing Infor mation Polycom, Inc. 4-57 If an ITP endpoint is detected in such conference, ITP features are applied to all endpoints and the RMX sends conference video wi th.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 4-58 Polycom, Inc. Gathering Phase with ITP Room Systems When a conference is configured to includ e a Gathering Phase , only one endpoint name is displayed fo r the ITP room in the connected participant list of the Gathering slide.
Chapter 4-Additio nal Conferencing Infor mation Polycom, Inc. 4-59 4 5 9 10+ T able 4-20 TPX / RPX – Additional Video Layout s (Continued) Number of End point s Layouts 4:3 4:3 4:3 4:3 4:3 4:3 4:3 4.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 4-60 Polycom, Inc. The following example illustrates the use of standard and additional RMX Telepresence layouts.
Chapter 4-Additio nal Conferencing Infor mation Polycom, Inc. 4-61 3 Define the various profile General , Advanced , Gathering Settings and Video Quality parameters. For more information on defining Profiles, see " Defining New Profiles” on page 2-18 .
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 4-62 Polycom, Inc. The following modes can be selected (as required by the VNOC and Pol ycom Multi Layout Applic.
Chapter 4-Additio nal Conferencing Infor mation Polycom, Inc. 4-63 — If the main link is disconnected all sub-links are disconnected and deleted. Reconnecting the main link reconnects all sub-links. — If a sub-link is disconnected it remains disconne cted until it is manually reconnected.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 4-64 Polycom, Inc. • Directional media flows, A B, are shown separately for readability purposes. Figure 4-3 RMX Telepresence Layout Mode - Room Switch In Figure 4-4: • An HDX endpoint and an OTX Room System connects to RMX A.
Chapter 4-Additio nal Conferencing Infor mation Polycom, Inc. 4-65 • The current speaker is the HDX endpoint connected to RMX A. Figure 4-4 RMX Telepresence Layout Mode - Continuous Presence For more information see: •" Telepresence Layout Mode” on page 2-33 .
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 4-66 Polycom, Inc. Creating a Link Particip ant Link Particip ant in the Dial Out RMX The Link Participant is defined in the New Participant dialog box. In the General tab: • Dialing Direction must be selected as Dial out.
Chapter 4-Additio nal Conferencing Infor mation Polycom, Inc. 4-67 In the Advanced tab: (This field is only enabled if th e RMX system is licensed for Tele presence Mode .
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 4-68 Polycom, Inc. Particip ant Link in the Dial In RMX The call from Participant Link de fined in the Dial-out RMX in identified by the Dial-i n RMX as having been initiated by a Participant Link .
Chapter 4-Additio nal Conferencing Infor mation Polycom, Inc. 4-69 — The first link is listed as Disconnected in the Participants li st of th e RMX Web Client / RMX Manager main screen. — Resource deficiency is listed as the Call Disconne ction Cause in the Participant Properties - Connection Status dialog box.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 4-70 Polycom, Inc. Monitoring T elepresence Mode Monitoring Ongoing Conferences An additional status indicator, Telepresence Mode Enable d , is displayed in the Conference Properties - Video Settings tab when monitoring ongoing conferences.
Chapter 4-Additio nal Conferencing Infor mation Polycom, Inc. 4-71 Monitoring Particip ant Properties An additional status indicator, Telepresence , is displayed in the Participant Properties - Advanced tab when monitoring conference participants.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 4-72 Polycom, Inc. — The first link is listed as Disconnected in the Participants li st of th e RMX Web Client / RMX Manager main screen.
Chapter 4-Additio nal Conferencing Infor mation Polycom, Inc. 4-73 Lecture Mode (A VC Only) Lecture Mode enables all particip ants to view th e lecturer in full screen while the conference lecturer sees all the other conference particip ants in the selected layout while he/she is speaking.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 4-74 Polycom, Inc. Selecting a defined parti cipant: a Add participants to the conference either from the Address book or by defining new participants. b In the Lecturer field, select the lecturer from the list of the defined participants.
Chapter 4-Additio nal Conferencing Infor mation Polycom, Inc. 4-75 Enabling the Automatic Switching Automatic switching between participants viewed on the lecturer’s screen is enabled in the conference Profile, or during the ongoing conference, in the Conference Properties.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 4-76 Polycom, Inc. If the lecturer is disconnected during an Ongoing Confer ence, the conference resumes standard conferencing. Forcing is enabled at the Conference leve l only.
Chapter 4-Additio nal Conferencing Infor mation Polycom, Inc. 4-77 • Enable or disable the Lecturer View Switching between participants displayed on the lecturer monitor by selecting or clearing the Lecturer View Switching check box. • Change the video layout for the lectur er by selecting another video layout.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 4-78 Polycom, Inc. Muting Particip ant s Except the Lecturer When the Mute Participants Except Lecturer option i.
Chapter 4-Additio nal Conferencing Infor mation Polycom, Inc. 4-79 Enabling the Mute Participant s Except Lecturer Option The Mute Participants Except Lecturer option is enabled or di sabled (default) in the Conference Profile or in an ongoing conference in the Profile Properties - Audio Settings tab.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 4-80 Polycom, Inc. Permanent Conference A Permanent Conference is an ongoing AVC or SVC conf erence w ith no pre-det ermined End Time continuing until it is terminated by an administrator, operator or chairperson.
Chapter 4-Additio nal Conferencing Infor mation Polycom, Inc. 4-81 Closed Captions (A VC Only) Endpoints can provide real-time text transcriptions or langua ge translations of the video conference by displaying capt ions.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 4-82 Polycom, Inc. 3 In the New Flag field enter ENABLE_CLOSED_CAPTION . 4 In the Value field enter YES to ena ble Closed Captions or NO to disable their display. 5 Click OK to close the New Flag dialog box.
Polycom, Inc. 5-1 5 Cascading Conferences Cascading enables ad ministrators to connect one confer ence directly to one or several conferences, depending on the topology, creating one large confer ence. The conferences can run on the same MCU or different MCUs.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 5-2 Polycom, Inc. In order to avoid cluttering in the casca ded wi ndow, it is advised to select appropriate video layouts in each conference before cascading them.
Chapter 5-Cascading Conferences Polycom, Inc. 5-3 Full Screen (1x1) in CP conferences, hence di splaying the speaker of one conference to a full window in the video layo ut of the other confe rence.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 5-4 Polycom, Inc. Basic Cascading In this topology, a link is crea ted between tw o conferences, usually running on two different MCUs.
Chapter 5-Cascading Conferences Polycom, Inc. 5-5 The connection between the two conferences is created when a dial ou t IP participant is defined (added) to conference A whose dial out number is the dial-in number of the conference or Entry Queue running on MCU B.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 5-6 Polycom, Inc. Figure 5-3 Gateway to Gateway T opol ogy In this topology, an IP participant calls anot her IP participant over an ISDN link between two gateways.
Chapter 5-Cascading Conferences Polycom, Inc. 5-7 • When a participant joins a conference with ac tive Content, content cannot be viewe d by the new participant. Restart the Content. • Cascaded MCUs /Gateways must be regist ered with the same Gatekeeper or neighboring Gatekeepers.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 5-8 Polycom, Inc. For example: If Central Signaling IP address of Gateway A is, SIP participant dials: 9999@* 44441 03 and when prompted fo r the Destination number enters 3456 followed by the pound key (#) using DTMF codes.
Chapter 5-Cascading Conferences Polycom, Inc. 5-9 At this point the Conference A organizer or any other participant in the conference can enter the required information for th e IVR session using DTMF code s. For example, the meeting organizer enters the destinat ion conference ID - 12345.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 5-10 Polycom, Inc. A dial out ISDN participant is defined (added) to confer ence A. The participant’s dial out number is the dial-in number of the Entry Queue or conference running on MCU B (for example 54145106).
Chapter 5-Cascading Conferences Polycom, Inc. 5-11 MCU Interoperability Table The following table lists the different MCU an d Gate way configurations that are supported or implemented when routing Cascaded ISDN calls.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 5-12 Polycom, Inc. Codian Gateway RMX Gateway User calls via a Codian Gateway to a Remote User behind RMX Gateway (user to user) RMX v . 7.1 Latest Codian version RMX MCU Radvision Gateway User calls via a Radvision Gateway to a Remote User behind RMX Gateway (user to user) RMX v .
Chapter 5-Cascading Conferences Polycom, Inc. 5-13 Suppression of DTMF Forwarding Forwarding of the DTMF codes from one confer ence to another over an ISDN cascading link is not automatically suppres .
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 5-14 Polycom, Inc. S t ar Cascading T opology In the Star topology (as well as in the Basic topology) , the MCUs are usually installed .
Chapter 5-Cascading Conferences Polycom, Inc. 5-15 • When creating a cascading link between two RMXs: — The RMXs operate in CP (Continuous Presence) mode. • When creating a cascading li nk be tween MGCs a nd RMXs: — The MGCs can only operate in VSW mode.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 5-16 Polycom, Inc. The New Participant - General di alog box is displ ayed. 3 Define the following par ameters: T able 7 New Participant – Dial-out Cascade Link Field Description Display Name Enter the particip ant name Dialing Direction Select Dial-out .
Chapter 5-Cascading Conferences Polycom, Inc. 5-17 Alias Name If you are using the target MCU IP address, enter the Conference ID of the target conference.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 5-18 Polycom, Inc. 4 Click the Advanced tab. 5 In the Cascade field, select: — Slave , if the participant is defined in a conference running on a Slave MCU. — Master , if the participant is defined in a conference running on the Master MCU .
Chapter 5-Cascading Conferences Polycom, Inc. 5-19 To define a Di al-in Participant as t he cascade link: This participant is added to the ongoing conference on the Slave MCU. 1 In the Participants list, click the New P articipant button( ). The New Particip ant - General dialog box opens.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 5-20 Polycom, Inc. The Advanced tab opens. 4 In the Cascaded Link fi eld, select: — Slave , if the participant is defined in a conference running on a Slave MCU. — Master , if the par ticipant is defined in a conference running on the Master MCU.
Chapter 5-Cascading Conferences Polycom, Inc. 5-21 Though the process of cascading conferences mentioned in this section refers to conferences running on two different RMX unit s, it is possible to cascade conferences running between RMX units and other MC Us.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 5-22 Polycom, Inc. — Set this field to Slav e if the Entry Queue is defined on the MCU acting as a Slave, that is, to which the link from the Master MC U ( M C U a t t h e ce n t er o f th e t op o lo g y ) is dialin g.
Chapter 5-Cascading Conferences Polycom, Inc. 5-23 The New Particip ant - General dialog box is displayed. 3 In the Name field, enter a participant name. 4 In the Dialing Direction field, select Dial -out . 5 In the Type list field, verify that H.323 is selected.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 5-24 Polycom, Inc. 7 Click the Advanced tab. 8 In the Cascade field, select: — Slave , if the participant is defined in a conference running on a Slave MCU and will connect to the Master MCU (in the center of the topology).
Chapter 5-Cascading Conferences Polycom, Inc. 5-25 2 Set the ENABLE_CASCADED_LINK_TO_ JOIN_WITHOUT_PASSWORD flag to YES . 3 Click OK . For more information, see " Modifying System Flags” on page 22-1 . >> Reset the MCU for flag changes to take effect.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 5-26 Polycom, Inc. 1 In the Participant Properties dialog box, enter a Participant Name , select Dial-out and H.323 . 2 Define the dialing strin g as described in step 6 on page 5- 23 (both methods are applicable).
Chapter 5-Cascading Conferences Polycom, Inc. 5-27 • Significant call cost savings to be real ized by having partic ipants call local MCUs which in turn call remote MCUs, long distance.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 5-28 Polycom, Inc. • DST MCS 4000 MCU s connect as endpoints to the RMX s or MGC s on higher levels.
Chapter 5-Cascading Conferences Polycom, Inc. 5-29 Figure 5-10 MIH Ca scading – Master-Slave Relationshi p Video Session Mode, Line Rate and V ideo Settings The types of MCUs, their position in the casc ade topology and the endpoint capabilities (HD/CIF and H.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 5-30 Polycom, Inc. • To enable the connection of the links be twee n cascaded conferences, they must run at the same line rate. • To enable Content sharing between the RMX and the MGC, the rate allocated to the content must be identical in both confe rences.
Chapter 5-Cascading Conferences Polycom, Inc. 5-31 When cascading two conferences, the video layo ut displayed in the cascaded conference is determined by the selected layout in each of the two conferences. Each of the two conferences will inherit the video layout of the other conference in one of their windows.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 5-32 Polycom, Inc. Set this flag to NO when cascading between an RMX and an MGC that is functioning as a Gateway, if the participant layouts on the MGC are not to be forced to 1X1.
Chapter 5-Cascading Conferences Polycom, Inc. 5-33 Method I Depending on the dialing direction, the fo llowing procedures must be performed: For details on the participant definition on the RMX, see " Creating a Cascade Enabled Dial-out/ Dial-in Participant Link” on page 5-15 .
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 5-34 Polycom, Inc. Method II Depending on the dialing direction, the fo llowing procedures must be per formed: Setting Flags on the RMX When running conferences in mixed envir onment (RMX and MGC) there may be small differences between the line rates each MCU is sending.
Chapter 5-Cascading Conferences Polycom, Inc. 5-35 rate of the IP Only HD Video Switching conference running on the MGC. In such case, the conference can include IP Only participants. — H263_ANNEX_T=YES (default) This flag enables/disables the us e of Annex T with H263.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 5-36 Polycom, Inc. Method II - Defining the Cas cading Entry Queue in the MGC The Entry Queue definition on the MGC is required if the dialing is done from the RMX to the MGC. 1 In the MGC Manager, expand the MCU tree .
Chapter 5-Cascading Conferences Polycom, Inc. 5-37 In the IP Address field, enter the IP address of the Signaling Host of the RMX hosting the destination conference.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 5-38 Polycom, Inc. Defining the Casca de Enabled Entry Queu e on the RMX If the dialing is done from the conference running on the MGC that is the Master MCU, a Cascade-enabled Entry Queue must be defined on the RMX setting it as Slav e .
Chapter 5-Cascading Conferences Polycom, Inc. 5-39 The New Particip ant - General dialog box is displayed. 3 In the Name field, enter a participant name. 4 In the Dialing Direction field, select Dial -out . 5 In the Type list field, verify that H.323 is selected.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 5-40 Polycom, Inc. Method B (Using a gatekeeper): In the Alias Name field, enter the MGC Prefix as registered in the gatekeeper, EQ ID,.
Polycom, Inc. 6-1 6 Meeting Rooms A Meeting Room is a conference saved on the MCU in passive mode, without using any of the system resources. A Meeting Room is auto matica lly activated wh en the first participant dials into it. Meeting Rooms can be activated as many times as required.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 6-2 Polycom, Inc. Meeting Rooms List Meeting Rooms are listed in the Meeting Room list pane. To list Meeting Rooms: >> In the RMX Management pane, in the Frequently Used list, click the Meeting Rooms button .
Chapter 6-Meeting Rooms Polycom, Inc. 6-3 Routing Name The ASCII name that registers c onferences, Meeting Rooms, Entry Queues and SIP Factories in the various gatekeepers and SIP Servers. In addition, the Routing Name is also: • The name that endpoints use to connect to conferences.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 6-4 Polycom, Inc. Meeting Room T oolba r & Right-click Menu The Meeting Room toolbar and right-click menus provide the following fu.
Polycom, Inc. 7-1 7 Entry Queues, Ad Hoc Conferences and SIP Factories Entry Queues An Entry Queue (EQ) is a special routing lobby to access conferences. Participants connect to a single-dial lobby and are routed to their destina tion conference according to the Conference ID they enter .
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 7-2 Polycom, Inc. To enable ISDN/PSTN participa nts to dial in to the Entry Queue, an ISDN/PSTN dial-in number must be assigned to the Entry Queue. Up to two dial-in numbers can be assigned to each Entry Queue.
Chapter 7-Entry Queues, Ad Hoc Conf erences and SIP Factories Polycom, Inc. 7-3 Defining a New Entry Queue You can modify the properties of the defa ult Entry Queue and define additional Entry Queues to suit different conferencing requirements. To define a new Entry Queue: 1 In the RMX Management - Rarely Used pane, cl ick Entry Queues .
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 7-4 Polycom, Inc. 3 Define the following par ameters: T able 7-2: Entry Queue Defi nitions Parameters Option De scription Display Name The Display Name is th e conferencing entity name in native language character sets to be displayed in the RMX Web Client.
Chapter 7-Entry Queues, Ad Hoc Conf erences and SIP Factories Polycom, Inc. 7-5 4 Click OK . The new Entry Queue is added to the Ent ry Queues list. Ad Hoc Sel ect this check box to enable the Ad Hoc option for this Entry Queue.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 7-6 Polycom, Inc. Listing Entry Queues To view the list of Entry Queues: >> In the RMX Management - Rarely Used pane, cl ick Entry Queues . The Entry Queues are listed in th e Entry Queues pane.
Chapter 7-Entry Queues, Ad Hoc Conf erences and SIP Factories Polycom, Inc. 7-7 To designate an Entry Queue as Transit Entry Queue: 1 In the RMX Management - Rarely Used pane, cl ick Entry Queues . 2 In the Entry Queues list, right-cli ck the Entry Queue entry and then click Set Transit Entry Queue .
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 7-8 Polycom, Inc. • Operator Assistance must be disabled in the IVR Service assigned to this E ntry Queue. • Only the conference ID prompts should be configured. Other prompts are not supported in IVR Service Provider Only configuration.
Chapter 7-Entry Queues, Ad Hoc Conf erences and SIP Factories Polycom, Inc. 7-9 SIP Factories A SIP Factory is a conferenci ng entity that ena bles SIP endpoints to crea te Ad Hoc conferences. The system is shipped with a default SIP Factory, named DefaultFactory.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 7-10 Polycom, Inc. 3 Define the following par ameters: 4 Click OK . The new SIP Factory is added to the list. T able 7-3: New Facto ry Properties Option De scription Display Name Enter the SIP Factory name that will be displayed.
Chapter 7-Entry Queues, Ad Hoc Conf erences and SIP Factories Polycom, Inc. 7-11 SIP Registration & Presence for Entry Queues and SIP Factories Entry Queues and SIP Factories can be registered with SIP servers.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 7-12 Polycom, Inc. When SIP registration is not en abled in the conference profile, the RMX's registering to SIP Servers will each register with an URL derived from its own signaling address.
Polycom, Inc. 8-1 8 Address Book The Address Book stores information about the people and businesses you communicate with. The Address Book stores, among many other fields, IP addresses, phone numbers and network communication protocols used by the participant’s endpoint.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 8-2 Polycom, Inc. V iewing the Address Book You can view the participants currently defi ned in the Addres s Book. The first time the RMX Web Client is accessed, the Addr ess Book pane is displayed.
Chapter 8-Address Book Polycom, Inc. 8-3 participant links are associated with the same definition of the participant in the All Participants list. If the participant prop erties are changed in one group, they will be changed in all the groups accordingly.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 8-4 Polycom, Inc. For information on adding and modifying pa rticipants in the Address Book, see " Managing the Address Book” on page 8-7 . Displaying and Hiding the Address Book The Address Book can be hidden it by clicking the anchor pin ( ) button in the pane header.
Chapter 8-Address Book Polycom, Inc. 8-5 Adding Particip ant s from the Address Book to Conferences You can add individual participants or a group of participants from the Address Book to a conference.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 8-6 Polycom, Inc. Particip ant Group s A group is a predefined collection of participan ts. A group provides an easy way to manage clusters of participants that are in the same organizational structure and to connect a combination of endpoints to a conference.
Chapter 8-Address Book Polycom, Inc. 8-7 Additionally, you can drag a group from one location in the Address Book to another location, moving the group and all its member s, including sub-g roups , to its new location using the drag-and-drop operation.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 8-8 Polycom, Inc. Adding a new p articip ant to the Address Book Directly You can add a new participant to the “Main” group or to a group in the Address Book . Additionally, you can add a participant from a new conference, ongoing conference, or Conference Template .
Chapter 8-Address Book Polycom, Inc. 8-9 3 Define the following fiel ds: T able 8-3 New Participant – General Properties Field Description Name Enter the name of the participant or the endpoint as it will be displayed in the RMX Web Client. The Name field can b e modified using Unicode encoding.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 8-10 Polycom, Inc. IP Address (H.323 and SIP Only) Enter the IP address of the participant’ s endpoint. • For H.323 participant define eit her the endpoint IP address or alias. • For SIP participant define either the endpoint IP address or the SIP address.
Chapter 8-Address Book Polycom, Inc. 8-11 4 Usually, additional definitio ns are not required and you can use the system defaults for the remaining parameters. In such a case, click OK . To modify t he default setti ngs for advanced param eters, click the Advanced tab.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 8-12 Polycom, Inc. 5 Define the fol lowing Advanced paramete rs: IP Participant ISDN/PSTN Participant T able 8-4 New Participant – Ad.
Chapter 8-Address Book Polycom, Inc. 8-13 6 To add general information about the participant, such as e-mail, company name, and so on, click the Information tab and type the necessary details in the Info 1-4 fields. Text in the info fields can be added in Unicode format (length: 31 ch aracters).
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 8-14 Polycom, Inc. The Participant Properties window opens. b Click the Add to Address Book button. Modifying Particip ant s in the Address Book When required, you can modify the participant’s properties.
Chapter 8-Address Book Polycom, Inc. 8-15 2 In the Address Book - List pane, double-click the participant’ s icon. The Participant’s Properties window is displayed. 3 Modify the necessary properties in the window, such as dialing direction, communication protocol type, and so on.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 8-16 Polycom, Inc. • Address Book to permanently delete the participant from the address book (all groups). Click OK to perform the delete operation or Cancel to exit the delete operation.
Chapter 8-Address Book Polycom, Inc. 8-17 5 Right-click the selected group and click one of the following Paste functions from the drop-down menu: To drag a participant from an address book group to another group: 1 Select the participant or participants you want to move.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 8-18 Polycom, Inc. Filtering the Address Book The entries in an address book group can be fi ltered to display o nly the ent ries (partici pants or groups) that meet criteria that you spec ify and hides entries that you do not want displayed.
Chapter 8-Address Book Polycom, Inc. 8-19 Example: If the user selects as the matching pattern, the filtered group in the Address Book is displayed as follows : Filtering Address Book Da t a Using a Custom Pattern To filter th e data in an address bo ok group: 1 In the Address Book - Naviga tion pane, select the group to filter.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 8-20 Polycom, Inc. 4 In the Condition - Column text matches field, enter the filtering pattern. For example, to list only endpoin ts that in clude the numerals 41 in their name, enter 41.
Chapter 8-Address Book Polycom, Inc. 8-21 Obt aining the Display Name from the Address Book The MCU can be configured to replace the name of the dial-in particip ant as defined in the endpoint (site name) with the name define d in the Address Book.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 8-22 Polycom, Inc. Importing and Exporting Address Books Address Books are proprietary Polycom data fi les that can only be distributed among RMX units. The Address Books are exported in XML fo rmat, which are editable offline.
Chapter 8-Address Book Polycom, Inc. 8-23 3 In the Open dialog box navigate to the desired Addre ss Book file (i n XML format) to import. 4 Click Open . You will retu rn to the Import File dialog box. 5 Click OK . The Address Book is imported and a confirmation mess age is displayed at the end of the process.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 8-24 Polycom, Inc. • The RMX uses the Polycom CMA address book in read-only mode. You can only add or modify CMA address book entries a from the CMA. Entries are also added when endpoints register with the CMA as gatekeeper .
Chapter 8-Address Book Polycom, Inc. 8-25 3 Click OK to complete the definitions. 4 When prompted, click Yes to reset the MCU and implement the changes to the system configuration. EXTERNAL_CONTE NT_IP V ers ion 4.x and earlier - enter the IP add ress of the CMA server .
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 8-26 Polycom, Inc..
Polycom, Inc. 9-1 9 Reservations The Reservations option enables users to schedule conferences. These conferences can be launched immediately or be come ongoing, at a specifie d time on a specified date.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 9-2 Polycom, Inc. — RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 4000 MPMx-D Mode : 1440 (180 video). • System resourc es are calculated according t o the RMX’s license.
Chapter 9-Reservations Polycom, Inc. 9-3 — Sufficient resources are not available in the system. • If a problem prevents a Reservation from being activated at its schedule time, the Reservation will not be activated at all. This applies ev en if the problem is resolved during the Reservation’s s cheduled time slot.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 9-4 Polycom, Inc. Reservations Views The Reservation Calendar list has the fol lowing views available: • Week •D a y •T o d a y •L i s t In all views the Main Window List Pane head er displays the total number of reservations in the system.
Chapter 9-Reservations Polycom, Inc. 9-5 T oday View The current date ( Today ), highlighted in orange, can be viewed in both Week View and Day View . List V iew List View does not have a calendar based format. All Reservations are listed by: The Reservations can be sorted, searched and browsed by any of the listed fields.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 9-6 Polycom, Inc. Changing the Calendar V iew To change between Week and Day views: >> In Week View: In the Reservation Calendar toolbar, click Sho w Day ( ) to change to Day View .
Chapter 9-Reservations Polycom, Inc. 9-7 To view Today ( the current date): >> In Week View or Day View , in the Reservation Calendar toolbar, click the Today () button to have the current date di splayed within the selected view. To change to List View: 1 In the Reservation Calendar toolbar, click, the Reservations List () b u t t o n .
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 9-8 Polycom, Inc. Scheduling Conferences Using the Reservation Calendar Creating a New Reservation There are three methods of creating a new reservation: Each method requires the selection of a star ting time slot in the Reservation Calendar .
Chapter 9-Reservations Polycom, Inc. 9-9 The duration of reservations created by any of the above methods can be modified in the Scheduler tab of the New Reservation dialog box . To create a new reservation: 1 Open the Reservation Calendar . 2 Select a starting time slot.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 9-10 Polycom, Inc. 4 Click the Schedule tab. When a Conference Profile is assigned to a Meet ing Room or a Reser.
Chapter 9-Reservations Polycom, Inc. 9-11 5 Adjust the new reservation’s schedul e by modifying the field s as described in Table 9-3. T able 9-3 New Reservation – Schedule T ab Field Description Sta rt T i me Select the S t art T ime of the Reservation.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 9-12 Polycom, Inc. Recurrence Pattern Daily If Daily is selected, the system automat ically select s all the days of the week. T o de-select days (for example, weekends) clear their check boxes.
Chapter 9-Reservations Polycom, Inc. 9-13 6 Click th e Particip ants tab. The fields are the same as for the New Conference – Participants tab, described in the RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX ) 15 00/2000/4000 Getting Started Guide, " Participant s Tab” on page 3- 17 .
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 9-14 Polycom, Inc. The series number ( _0000n ) of each reser vation is appended to its Di splay Name .
Chapter 9-Reservations Polycom, Inc. 9-15 The cursor changes to a vertical double arrow ( ) when it is moved over the top and bottom sides of the squa re. To move the Reservatio n to another time slot: 1 Select the Reservation . 2 Hold the mouse button down and drag the Reservation to the desired time slot.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 9-16 Polycom, Inc. Adjusting the S t art Ti mes of all Reservations When utilizing GMT offset ( for example, Day.
Chapter 9-Reservations Polycom, Inc. 9-17 3 Click the arrows of the Offset - Hours box to indicate the numb er of hours to add or subtract from the current start time; a positive value indicates adding time, whi le minus (-) indicates s ubtracting time.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 9-18 Polycom, Inc. Searching for Reservatio ns using Quick Search Quick Search is available only in List View. It enables you t o search for Reservations by Display Name .
Polycom, Inc. 10-1 10 Operator Assist ance & Particip ant Move Users (operators) assistance to participants is available when: • Participants have requested individual help (using *0 DTMF code) during the conference. • Participants have requested help for the c onference (using 00 DTMF code) during the conference.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 10-2 Polycom, Inc. • The operator can connect participants belong ing to the same destination conference to their conference simultaneously by selectin g the appropriate participants and moving them to the Home conference (interacti vely or using the right-click menu).
Chapter 10-Operator Assist ance & Participant Move Polycom, Inc. 10-3 Defining the Comp onent s Enabling Operator Assistance To enable operator assistance for conferences, the following conferencing entities must be adjusted or created: • IVR Service (Entry Queue and Conference) in which Operator Assistance options are enabled.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 10-4 Polycom, Inc. password request for Dial-in and Dial-out participant connections. For more information, see Table 17-5, “New Conference IVR Se rvice Properties - Conference Passwor d Parameters,” on page 17-10 .
Chapter 10-Operator Assist ance & Participant Move Polycom, Inc. 10-5 19 Click th e Operator Assistance tab. The Operator Assistance dialog box opens. 20 Select Enable Operator Assistance to en able operator as sistance when the participant requires or requests help during the connect ion process to the conference or during the conference.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 10-6 Polycom, Inc. 9 Click the Video Services tab. The New Entry Queue IVR Service - Video Service s dialog box opens. 10 In the Video Welcome Slide list, select the video slide that will be displayed to participants connecting to the Entry Queue.
Chapter 10-Operator Assist ance & Participant Move Polycom, Inc. 10-7 2 In the Conference Profiles pane, click the New Profi le button. The New Profile – General dialog box opens.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 10-8 Polycom, Inc. 4 Click the Advanced tab. The New Profile – Advanc ed dialog box opens. 5 Define the following par ameters: Video Switching If the Operator Conference option is selected, this option is disabled, and the selection is cleared.
Chapter 10-Operator Assist ance & Participant Move Polycom, Inc. 10-9 6 Click th e Video Qual ity tab. Auto T erminate When selected (default), the conferen ce automa ti cally ends when the termination conditions are met: Before First Joins — No participant has connected to a conference during the n minutes after it started.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 10-10 Polycom, Inc. The New Profile – Video Quali ty dialog box opens. 7 Define the following par ameters: T able 10-3 New Profile - .
Chapter 10-Operator Assist ance & Participant Move Polycom, Inc. 10-11 8 Click th e Video Se ttings tab. The New Profile - Video Settings dialog box opens. 9 Define the video display mode and layout. For more details, see Table 2-12 , “New AVC Profile - Video Settings Parameters,” on page 2-3 0 .
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 10-12 Polycom, Inc. 2 In the Profile field, select a Profile in which the Operator Conference option is selected. Upon selection of the Operator Conference Profile, the Displ ay Name is automatically taken from the RMX User Login Name .
Chapter 10-Operator Assist ance & Participant Move Polycom, Inc. 10-13 Routing Name Routing Name is the name with which on going conferences, Meeting Rooms, Entry Queues and SIP Fa ctories re gister with various devices on the network such as gatekeepers and SIP servers.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 10-14 Polycom, Inc. 4 Click the Participan ts tab. The New Conference - Participants dialog box opens. You must define or add the Operator pa rticipant to the Operator conference. This participant must be defined as a dial-out participant.
Chapter 10-Operator Assist ance & Participant Move Polycom, Inc. 10-15 2 Click th e Save Conference to Templa te () button. or Right-click and sel ect Save Conference to Template . The conference is saved to a template whose name is taken from the ongoing confe rence Display Name (the Login name of the RMX User).
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 10-16 Polycom, Inc. 2 Click the Start Conference fro m Template () button. or Right-click and select Start Conference from Template . The conference is started. The name of the ongoing conference in the Conferences list is taken from the Conference Template Display Nam e.
Chapter 10-Operator Assist ance & Participant Move Polycom, Inc. 10-17 Participants in Entry Queues who failed to ente r the correct destination confer ence ID or the conference password will wait for operator assistance (provided that an Operator conference is active).
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 10-18 Polycom, Inc. This list is used as reference only . Participants can be assisted and moved to the Operator conference or the destination confere nce only from the Participants list of the Entry Queues or ongoing conference where they are awaiting assistance.
Chapter 10-Operator Assist ance & Participant Move Polycom, Inc. 10-19 • Participants cannot be moved fr om a Telepr esence conference. • Participants cannot be moved from LPR-en abled conferences to non-LPR co nferences. Move from non-LPR conferences to LP R-enabled conferences is available.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 10-20 Polycom, Inc. 2 In the Participants list, right-click the icon of the participant to move and select one of the following options: — Move to Oper ator Confere nce - to move the participant to the Operator conference.
Polycom, Inc. 11-1 11 Conference T emplates Conference Templates enable administrators and operators to cre ate, save, schedule and activate identical conferences. A Conference Template : • Saves the conference Profile. • Saves all partici pant parameters including their Personal Layout and Video Forcing settings.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 11-2 Polycom, Inc. • Participant properties are embedded in the Conference Template and therefore, if the participant properties are .
Chapter 1 1-Conference T emplates Polycom, Inc. 11-3 For more information see RealPresence Collaboration Serv er 1500/2000/4000 Getting Started Guide, “Customizing the Main Screen” on page 10 . Clicking the anchor pin ( ) button hides the Conference Templates list as a closed tab.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 11-4 Polycom, Inc. The New Conference Template - General dialog box opens. 3 The field s of the New Template – General dialog box are identical to those of the New Conference – General dialog box.
Chapter 1 1-Conference T emplates Polycom, Inc. 11-5 The New Template – Participants dialog box opens. The fields of the New Template – Participants dialog box are the same as those of the Ne w Conference – Participant dialog box.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 11-6 Polycom, Inc. For a full description of the General tab fields see “Adding a new participant to the Address Book Directly” on page 8 . 8 Modify the fields of the General tab. 9 Click the Advanced tab.
Chapter 1 1-Conference T emplates Polycom, Inc. 11-7 The Media Sources tab enables you to set up and save Personal Layout and Video Forcing settings for each participant.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 11-8 Polycom, Inc. The New Conference Templa te – Information tab opens. For a full description of the Information fields see the RealPrese nce Collaboration Server 1500/2000/4000 G etting Started Guide, “Inf ormation Tab” on page 20 .
Chapter 1 1-Conference T emplates Polycom, Inc. 11-9 The conference is saved to a template whose name is taken from the ongoing confe rence Display Name (the Login name of the RMX User ).
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 11-10 Polycom, Inc. The conference is started. The name of the ongoing conference in the Conferences list is taken from the Conference Template Display Nam e.
Chapter 1 1-Conference T emplates Polycom, Inc. 11-11 The conference is started. The name of the ongoing conference in the Conferences list is taken from the Conference Template Display Nam e. Scheduling a Reservation From a Conference T emplate (A VC Conferencing) A Conference Template can be used to schedule a single or recurring Reservation .
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 11-12 Polycom, Inc. The Display Name of the Res ervation is taken from the Conference Template Di splay Name . For a full description of the Reservation Properties fields see Table 9-3, “ New Reservation – Schedule Tab,” on page 9-11 .
Chapter 1 1-Conference T emplates Polycom, Inc. 11-13 Deleting a Conference T emplate One or several Conference Templates can be deleted at a time. To delete Conference Templates: 1 In the Conference Templates list, select th e Template(s) you want to delete.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 11-14 Polycom, Inc. Exporting Conference T emplates Conference Templates are exported to a single XML file that can be used to import the Conference Templates on multiple MCUs.
Chapter 1 1-Conference T emplates Polycom, Inc. 11-15 The Conference Templates - Export dialog box is displayed. 3 In the Export Path field, type the path name to the location where you want to save the exported file or click Browse to sel ect the desired path.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 11-16 Polycom, Inc. 2 Right-click the Conference Templates to be expo rted, and then click Expo rt Selected Conference Templates . . The Conference Templates - Export dialog box is displayed.
Chapter 1 1-Conference T emplates Polycom, Inc. 11-17 6 Click OK to export the Conference Templates and Conference Profiles to a file. Importing Conference T emplates You can import Conference Templates and Conference Pr ofiles from one MCU to multiple MCUs in your environment.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 11-18 Polycom, Inc. 4 In the Import P ath field, click Browse to navigate to the path and file name of the Conference Te mplates you want to import.
Polycom, Inc. 12-1 12 Polycom Conferencing for Microsof t Outlook® Polycom Conferencing for Microsoft Outlook is an add-in that enables users to easily organize and invite attendees to Video Enabled meetings via Microsoft Outlook ® .
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 12-2 Polycom, Inc. A Gathering Slide is displayed to connected particip ants until the conference starts. The Gathering Slide displays live video along with information taken from the meeting invitation such as the subject, meeting organizer, duration, di al-in numbers etc.
Chapter 12-Polycom Conferencing for Mi crosoft O utlook® Polycom, Inc. 12-3 There are three options that can be used to configure the Exchange Integration Configur ation . The option you choose will depend on the configuration of the mailbox in the Exchange Server and the configuratio n of the Exchange Server itse lf.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 12-4 Polycom, Inc. b Click the OK button. Option 2 - Using an alt ernate Primary SMTP Ma ilbox User Name Enter the User Name of the RMX, as registered in the Microsoft Exchange Server , that the RMX uses to login to it s e-mail account.
Chapter 12-Polycom Conferencing for Mi crosoft O utlook® Polycom, Inc. 12-5 a Define the following field s: b Click the OK button. Option 3 - Using modi fied Exchange Server settings T able 12-2 Exchange Integration Configur ation - Option 2 Field Description Enable Calendaring Service These fields are defined as for Option 1 above.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 12-6 Polycom, Inc. a Define the following field s: b Click the OK button. If applicable, RSS, VMC , DMA and calendaring- enabled endp oints are configured with the Exchange Server Name, User Name s and Passwords needed to access their accounts.
Chapter 12-Polycom Conferencing for Mi crosoft O utlook® Polycom, Inc. 12-7 • The meeting organizer can enable recording and/or streaming of the meeting. • If meet ing is to be recorde d, the Ad Hoc Entry Queue must have recording enabled in its Profile .
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 12-8 Polycom, Inc. Creating and Connecting to a Conference Creating a Conference Meetings are organized using the Microsoft Outlook client in the normal manner.
Chapter 12-Polycom Conferencing for Mi crosoft O utlook® Polycom, Inc. 12-9 Table 12-4 summarizes the RMX’s usage of Microsoft Outlook data fields included in the meeting invitation.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 12-10 Polycom, Inc. • Participants outside the office or using PSTN or mobile phones, can use the dial in number in the meeting invitation to manually dial in to the meeting.
Polycom, Inc. 13-1 13 Conference and Particip ant Monitoring You can monitor ongoing conferences and perf orm various operations while conferences are running.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 13-2 Polycom, Inc. General Monitoring Users can monitor a conference or keep tr ack of its participants and prog ress.
Chapter 13-Confere nce and Particip ant Monitoring Polycom, Inc. 13-3 Conference Level Monitoring In addition to the general conference information t hat is displayed in t he Conference list pane, you can view the details of the confer ence’s current status and setup parameters, using the Conference Properties dialog box.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 13-4 Polycom, Inc. The following information is displayed in the General tab: T able 13-1 Conference Propertie s.
Chapter 13-Confere nce and Particip ant Monitoring Polycom, Inc. 13-5 Video Switching When selected, the conference is of ultra-high quality video resolution, in a special conferen cing mode which impli es that all participant s must connect at the same line rate and use HD video.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 13-6 Polycom, Inc. 2 Click the Advanced tab. The Conference Properties - Advanced dialog box opens.
Chapter 13-Confere nce and Particip ant Monitoring Polycom, Inc. 13-7 4 Click th e Gathering Settings tab. The Conference Properties - Gathering Settings dialog box opens. TIP Compatibility Indicates the TIP Compatibility mode when impleme nting an RMX and Cisco T elep resence Systems (CTS) Integration solution.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 13-8 Polycom, Inc. 5 The following i nformation is displayed: 6 Click the Video Qualit y tab.
Chapter 13-Confere nce and Particip ant Monitoring Polycom, Inc. 13-9 The following i nformation is displayed: T able 13-4 Confere nce Properties - Video Quality Parameters Field/Option Description People V ideo Defi nition Video Quality Indicates the resolution and fram e rate that determine the video quality set for the conferenc e.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 13-10 Polycom, Inc. Content V ideo Definition Content Settings Indicates the Content ch annel reso lution set for the conference.
Chapter 13-Confere nce and Particip ant Monitoring Polycom, Inc. 13-11 7 Click t he Video Se ttings tab to list the video parameters. Viewing Permission s Chairperson Administrator Operator Ta b Video.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 13-12 Polycom, Inc. 8 Click the A udio Settings tab to view the audio setting for the conference. You can modify the Mute participants except lecturer setting. 9 Click the C ustomized Polling tab to view and modify the customized polling for the conference.
Chapter 13-Confere nce and Particip ant Monitoring Polycom, Inc. 13-13 10 Optional. Add a participant to the list of participants to be Auto Scanned : a Click on the participant’s name in the All Participants list. b Click the Add button to move the participant to the Scanning Order pane.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 13-14 Polycom, Inc. V iewing the Properties of an Ongoing SVC-based Conference To view the parameters of an ongo.
Chapter 13-Confere nce and Particip ant Monitoring Polycom, Inc. 13-15 3 Click th e Advanced tab. Conference Password Conference Password is not supported in SVC co nferences. Chairperson Password Chairperson Password is not supported in SVC conferences.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 13-16 Polycom, Inc. The Conference Properties - Advanced dialog box opens. 4 The following i nformation is displayed i n the Advanced tab: 5 Click the Video Qualit y tab.
Chapter 13-Confere nce and Particip ant Monitoring Polycom, Inc. 13-17 The Conference Properti es - Video Qu ality dialog box opens. The following i nformation is displayed: T able 13-8 Confere nce Pr.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 13-18 Polycom, Inc. 6 Click the Inform ation tab to view general information defined for the conference. Changes made to this information once the c onference is running are not saved to the CDR.
Chapter 13-Confere nce and Particip ant Monitoring Polycom, Inc. 13-19 The following icons and statuses are displayed in the Participant Status column: When the Operator moves the participant to the Operator conference for individual as sistance the participan t Status indications are clea red.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 13-20 Polycom, Inc. • The duration of the icon di splay cannot be modified. Particip ant Alert s List The Participant Alerts list contains all the participants who are currently waiting for operator assistance.
Chapter 13-Confere nce and Particip ant Monitoring Polycom, Inc. 13-21 Particip ant Level Monitoring In addition to conference information, you can view detailed information regarding the status and parameters of each listed participant, us ing the Participant Properties dialog box.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 13-22 Polycom, Inc. The Media Sources dialog box enables you to mute participant’s audio, suspend participant’s video transmissi on and select a personal Video Layout for the participant.
Chapter 13-Confere nce and Particip ant Monitoring Polycom, Inc. 13-23 2 Click th e Connection Status tab to view the connection status, and if disconnected the cause of the disconnection. This dialog bo x is the same for AVC-based and SVC-based participants.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 13-24 Polycom, Inc. 3 Click the H.245 (H.32 3) or SD P (SIP) tab during or after the participant’s connection process to view information that can help in r esolving connection issues.
Chapter 13-Confere nce and Particip ant Monitoring Polycom, Inc. 13-25 4 Click on the Channel Status tab to view the status of the various channels. T able 13-12 Participant Properties - H.245/SDP Parameters Field Description Remote Capabilities Lists the participant’s cap abilities as declared by the endpoint.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 13-26 Polycom, Inc. T able 13-13 Participant Properties - Channel Status Parameters Field Description Channels U.
Chapter 13-Confere nce and Particip ant Monitoring Polycom, Inc. 13-27 Sync S tatus Channel - The channel type: Video or Content. Source - The name of the particip ant currently viewed by this participant. Position - The video layout position indicating the place of each participant as they appear in a conference.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 13-28 Polycom, Inc. 5 Click the Channel Status Advanced tab to view additiona l information for selected audio and video channels.
Chapter 13-Confere nce and Particip ant Monitoring Polycom, Inc. 13-29 Participant IP Address The IP address and the transport protocol (TCP/UDP) of the participant and the port number allocated to the media stream on the participant side.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 13-30 Polycom, Inc. 6 Optional for H.323 AV C-based participants.
Chapter 13-Confere nce and Particip ant Monitoring Polycom, Inc. 13-31 7 Optional for S IP AVC-based and SVC-based partici pants. Click the Call Admission Control tab to view its parameters.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 13-32 Polycom, Inc. Monitoring SIP BFCP Content In the SIP Participant Properties dialog box, BFCP status infor mation appears in: • All three panes of the SDP tab.
Chapter 13-Confere nce and Particip ant Monitoring Polycom, Inc. 13-33 Monitoring ISDN/PSTN Particip ant s Using the Participant Prope rties dialog box, you can monitor and verify the properties of an ISDN/PSTN participant.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 13-34 Polycom, Inc. The Participant Properties - Media Sources dialog box is displ ayed.
Chapter 13-Confere nce and Particip ant Monitoring Polycom, Inc. 13-35 2 Click th e H.221 tab to view additional information that can help to resolve conne ction issues. T able 13-19 Participant Properties - H.221 Para meters Field Description Remote Capabilities Lists the participant’s cap abilities as declared by the endpoint.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 13-36 Polycom, Inc. 3 Click the Connection Status tab to view general information regarding the participant connection and disconnection causes of the participant to the conference.
Chapter 13-Confere nce and Particip ant Monitoring Polycom, Inc. 13-37 4 Click th e Channel Status tab to view the status of a participant’s channels. T able 13-21 ISDN/PSTN Participant Properties - Channel St atus Field Description Connected Me dia Indicates if the particip ant is connected with Audio , Video and Content media channels.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 13-38 Polycom, Inc. The Connected Me dia and Channels Used fields of an Aud io Only participant are displayed as.
Polycom, Inc. 14-1 14 Recording Conferences Conferences running on the RMX can be recorded using a Polycom® RSS™ Recording and Streaming Server ( RSS ). The recording system can be installed at the same site as the conferencing MCU or at a remote site.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 14-2 Polycom, Inc. Creating Multiple V irtual Recording Rooms on the RSS If the environment includes a Polycom® RSS™ 4000 Version 6.
Chapter 14-Recordin g Conferences Polycom, Inc. 14-3 The New Recording Link dialog box is displayed. 3 Define the following parameter s: T able 14-1 Recording Link Parameters Parameter Description Name Displays the default name that is assigne d to the Recording Link.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 14-4 Polycom, Inc. 4 Click OK . The Recording Link is added to the RMX unit. Enabling the Recording Features in a Conference IVR Service To record a conference, a Conference IVR Service in which the recording messages and DTMF codes are activated must be assign ed to the conference.
Chapter 14-Recordin g Conferences Polycom, Inc. 14-5 7 To modify the DTMF code or permission for a re cording function: a Select the desired DTMF name (Start, St op or Pause Recording), click the DTMF code entry and type a new code.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 14-6 Polycom, Inc. 4 Select the Enable Recording check box. 5 Define the following par ameters: 6 Click OK .
Chapter 14-Recordin g Conferences Polycom, Inc. 14-7 Recording Link Encryption The Recording Link can be encrypted when recording an encrypted conference.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 14-8 Polycom, Inc. Recording Link Settings The recording of encrypted conference s via an encrypted Recording Link is enabled in the Conference Profile by: • Selecting the Encryption option ( Encrypt Al l or Encrypt when Possi ble ) in the Advanced tab.
Chapter 14-Recordin g Conferences Polycom, Inc. 14-9 Recording Link Layout When the video layout of the conference is set to Auto Layout , the recording of the conference will now include all the confer ence participants and not n-1 participants as in previous versions.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 14-10 Polycom, Inc. Using the RealPresence Collaboration Server W eb Client to Mana ge the Recording Process To manage the recording pr.
Chapter 14-Recordin g Conferences Polycom, Inc. 14-11 To manage the recording process using the Conference toolbar: >> In the Conferences pane, click on e of the following buttons in the Conference tool bar.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 14-12 Polycom, Inc. Once added to the confer ence, the MCU automatically connects th e participant (the link to Codian VCR ) and the recording is automatically started on the Codian VC R .
Polycom, Inc. 15-1 15 Users, Connections and Notes Users RealPresence Collaboration Serv er Web Client Use rs are define d in the User’s table and can connect to the MCU to perform various operations.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 15-2 Polycom, Inc. Chairperson A Chairperson can only manage ongoing conf erences and participants. The Chairperson does not have access to the RM X configurations and utiliti es.
Chapter 15-Users, Connect ions and Notes Polycom, Inc. 15-3 • The server hosting an application-user whose password is about to expire will receive a login response stating the nu mber of days until the application-user’s password expires. This is determined by the value of the PASSWORD_EXPIRATION_WARNING_DAYS System Flag .
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 15-4 Polycom, Inc. The Users pane is displayed. The list includ es three colum ns: User Name, Authorization Level a nd Disabled. The User Name is the login name used by the user to connect to the MCU.
Chapter 15-Users, Connect ions and Notes Polycom, Inc. 15-5 4 In the User Name text box, enter the name of the ne w user. This is the logi n name used by the user when logging into the system. 5 In the Passwo rd text box, enter the n ew user’s password.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 15-6 Polycom, Inc. 3 Enter the Old Password (current), New Password and Confirm the New Password . 4 Click OK . The user’s password is changed. Disabling a User An administrator can disable an enabled use r.
Chapter 15-Users, Connect ions and Notes Polycom, Inc. 15-7 2 Right-click the user to be enabled and select Enable User . A confirmation box i s displayed. 3 Click YES . The User status in the User s list - Disabled column changes to NO . Renaming a User To rename a user: 1 In the RMX Management pane, click the Users ( ) button.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 15-8 Polycom, Inc. Connections The RealPresence Collabor ation Server enables yo u to list all connecti ons that are currently logged into the MCU, e.g. users, servers or API users.
Chapter 15-Users, Connect ions and Notes Polycom, Inc. 15-9 • Locking out User. • Displaying the Use r Login record. Controlling the user sessions includes: • Limiting the maximum number of concurrent user se ssions. • User session time out. • Limiting the maximum number of user s that can connect to the system.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 15-10 Polycom, Inc. Managing the User Login Process Implementing Strong Passwords Strong Passwords can be implemented for logging into the RMX management applications.
Chapter 15-Users, Connect ions and Notes Polycom, Inc. 15-11 Implementing Password Re-Use / History Rules Users are prevented from re-using previous passwords by keeping a li st of previous passwords. If a password is recorded in the list, it cannot be re-used.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 15-12 Polycom, Inc. Defining Password Change Frequency The frequency with which a user can change a password is determined by the value of the MIN_PWD_CHANGE_FREQUENCY_IN_DAYS System Flag.
Chapter 15-Users, Connect ions and Notes Polycom, Inc. 15-13 A system reset does not reset the Login attempts counter. The time period during which the thre e consecutive Login failures occur is de termined by the value of the USER_LOCKOUT_WINDOW_IN_MINU TES System Flag .
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 15-14 Polycom, Inc. Any attempt to exceed the maximum number of management sessions per system results in the display of an error message: Maximum number of permitted user connections has been exceeded .
Chapter 15-Users, Connect ions and Notes Polycom, Inc. 15-15 2 In the Notes toolbar, click the New Note ( ) button, or right-click anywhere inside the Notes window and select N ew Note . 3 In the Note dialog box, type the required text and click OK . The new note is saved and closed.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 15-16 Polycom, Inc..
Polycom, Inc. 16-1 16 Network Services To enable the RealPresence Collaboration Se rver (RMX) to function within IP and ISDN/ PSTN network environments, network parameters must be defined for both the IP Network Services and ISDN/ PSTN Network Services.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 16-2 Polycom, Inc. •I P v 6 & I P v 4 When IPv4 is selected, IPv6 fields are not displayed and c onversely when IPv6 is sele cted, IPv4 fields are not displa yed.
Chapter 16-Network Services Polycom, Inc. 16-3 For more information, see the RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/2000/4000 Getting Started Guide, " Procedure 1: First -time Power-up” on page 2-25 .
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 16-4 Polycom, Inc. 3 Modify the following fields: Ta b l e 1 6 - 1 Default Management Network Service – IP Field Descrip tion Network Service Name Displays the name of the Manag ement Network.
Chapter 16-Network Services Polycom, Inc. 16-5 Control Unit IP Address IPv4 The IPv4 address of the RMX. This IP address is used by the Re alPresence Collaboration Server Web Client to connect to the RMX. IPv6 The IPv6 address of the MCU. This IP address is used by the Re alPresence Collaboration Server Web Client to connect to the RMX.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 16-6 Polycom, Inc. 4 Click the Routers tab. 5 Modify the following fields: T able 16-2 Default Mana gement Network Service – Routers Field Description Default Router IP Address IPv4 Enter the IP address of the default router .
Chapter 16-Network Services Polycom, Inc. 16-7 St atic Routes IPv4 Only T able The system uses S tatic Routes to sear ch other networks for endpoint addresses that are not found on the local LAN. Up to five routers can be defined in addition to the Default Router .
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 16-8 Polycom, Inc. 6 Click the DNS tab. 7 Modify the following fields: 8 RealPresence Collaboratio n Server (RMX) 2000 only: Click the LAN Ports tab.
Chapter 16-Network Services Polycom, Inc. 16-9 RMX 1500/4000 : If you want to modify the LAN Port Speed Settings on an RMX 1500/ 4000 see " Ethernet Settings” on page 16-24 .
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 16-10 Polycom, Inc. 10 Click the Security tab. 11 Modify the following fields: 12 Click OK. 13 If you have modified the Ma nagement Ne twork Properties , reset the MCU.
Chapter 16-Network Services Polycom, Inc. 16-11 Modifying the Default IP Network Service The Default IP Service parameters need to be modified if you want to change the: • Network type that the RMX .
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 16-12 Polycom, Inc. 3 Modify the foll owing fields: T able 16-6 Default IP Network Service – IP Field Description Network Service Name The name Default IP Service is assigned to the IP Network Service by the Fast Configuration Wizard.
Chapter 16-Network Services Polycom, Inc. 16-13 4 Click th e Routers tab. With the exception of IP Network Type , the field definitions of the Routers tab are the same as for the Default Management Network. For more information see " Click the Routers tab.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 16-14 Polycom, Inc. 6 Click the Gatekeepe r tab. 7 Modify the following fields: T able 16-7 Default IP Service – Conferenci ng – Gatekeeper Parameters Field Description Gatekeeper Select Sp ec if y to enab le configuration of the gatekeeper IP address.
Chapter 16-Network Services Polycom, Inc. 16-15 8 Click th e Ports tab. Settings in the Ports tab allow specific ports in the firewall to be allocate d to multimedia conference calls.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 16-16 Polycom, Inc. The port range recommended by IANA (Int ernet Assigned Numbers Authority) is 49152 to 65535. The RMX uses this recommendat ion along with the number of licensed ports to calculate the port range.
Chapter 16-Network Services Polycom, Inc. 16-17 10 If required, click the QoS tab. Quality of Service (QoS) is important when transm itting high bandwidth audio and video information.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 16-18 Polycom, Inc. Ty p e Dif fServ and Precedence are two methods for encoding packet priority . The priority set here for audio video and IP Signaling packets should match the priority set in the router .
Chapter 16-Network Services Polycom, Inc. 16-19 12 Click th e SIP Servers tab. 13 Modify the following field s: T able 16-10 Default IP Network Service – SIP Servers Field Description SIP Server Select: • Spec ify – to manually configure SIP servers.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 16-20 Polycom, Inc. Create Certificate This button is used to create a Certificate Request to be sent to a Certificatio n Authority .
Chapter 16-Network Services Polycom, Inc. 16-21 14 Click th e Security tab. 15 Modify the following fields : If the Authe ntication User Name and Authentication Password fields are left empty, the SIP Digest authentication request is rejected.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 16-22 Polycom, Inc. 16 Optional. To configure the ICE environment, click the SIP Advanced tab. 17 Modify the foll owing fields: 18 Optional. Click the V35 Gateway tab.
Chapter 16-Network Services Polycom, Inc. 16-23 The network service Properties dialog box is displayed. 19 Modify the following fiel ds: 20 Click th e OK button. T able 16-13 Network Service - V35 tab Field Description V35 Gateway IP Address Enter the Management IP address of the ma nagement interface of the Serial Gateway .
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 16-24 Polycom, Inc. Ethernet Settings In the RMX 1500/4000 the automatica lly identi fied speed and transmit/receive mode of each LAN port used by the system can be manual ly modified if the specific swi tch requires it.
Chapter 16-Network Services Polycom, Inc. 16-25 The Ethernet Settings dialog box opens. RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 4000 RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500 RMX 1500/4000 : Althoug h the RTM LAN (media card) ports are shown as Port 1 in the Ethernet Settings and Hardware Monitor , the physical LAN connection is Port 2.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 16-26 Polycom, Inc. 2 Modify the following field: 3 Click the OK button.
Chapter 16-Network Services Polycom, Inc. 16-27 IP Network Monitoring The Signaling Monitor is the RMX entity used for monitori ng the status of external network entities such as the gatekeeper, DNS, SIP pr oxy and Outbound proxy and the ir interaction with the MCU.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 16-28 Polycom, Inc. 3 Click the H.323 tab. The H.323 tab displays the following fields: IPv6 Scope IP Address Global The Global Unicast IP address of the RMX. Site-Local The IP address of the RMX within the local site or organization.
Chapter 16-Network Services Polycom, Inc. 16-29 4 Click th e SIP Servers tab. The SIP Servers tab displays t he following fie lds: Registration Interval The interval in seconds between the Signaling Host’s registration messages to the gatekeeper . This value is taken from either the IP Network Service or from the gate keeper during registration.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 16-30 Polycom, Inc. 5 Click the ICE Serv ers tab. The ICE Servers tab displays the following fields: S tatus The connection state between the SIP Server and the Signali ng Host.
Chapter 16-Network Services Polycom, Inc. 16-31 St atus 1/2/3/4 A status is displayed for each media card installed in the RMX: • Connection O.K. • MS – register fail • MS – subscribe fail �.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 16-32 Polycom, Inc. Using IPv6 Networking Addresses fo r RMX Internal and External Entities IPv6 addresses can be assigned to both RMX ( Internal ) and External En tity addresses.
Chapter 16-Network Services Polycom, Inc. 16-33 Configuration Requirement s LAN Redundancy is available by default and is enabled by connecting the appropriate LAN cables to the LAN ports on the RMX as follows: RealPresence Collabora tion Serv er (RMX) 1500 • Connect the additional LAN cable to LAN 1 port on the RTM IP.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 16-34 Polycom, Inc. • LAN 1 port can be used to define a second Network Service or for LAN Redundancy Figure 1.
Chapter 16-Network Services Polycom, Inc. 16-35 Signaling and Management Redundancy RealPresence Collabora tion Serv er (RMX) 1500 On the RealPresence Collabor ation Server (RMX) 1500, for Signaling and Management Redundancy , the MNG port is redundant to the MNG B port and must have a LAN cable connected.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 16-36 Polycom, Inc. Hardware Monitor Indications When LAN Redundancy is enabl ed on the RMX, LAN 2 port is Active.
Chapter 16-Network Services Polycom, Inc. 16-37 Three Network Traffic C ontrol Flags are added: • ENABLE_TC_PACKAGE When the flag is set to NO (default), N etwork Traffic Cont rol is disabled on the RMX. Set the flag to YES to enable Network Traffic Control.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 16-38 Polycom, Inc. RealPresence Collaboration Se rver (RMX) Network Port Usage The following table summarizes t.
Chapter 16-Network Services Polycom, Inc. 16-39 Alternative SIP server 5060 60000 UDP , TCP Connection to the alternate SIP Server . Sometimes port 60000 is used when the system cannot reuse the TCP port. This port can be set in the Central signaling (CS) configuration fil e.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 16-40 Polycom, Inc. ISDN/PSTN Network Services To enable ISDN and PSTN participants to connect to the MCU, an ISDN/PSTN Network Service must be defined. A maximum of tw o ISDN/PSTN Networ k Services, of the same Span Type (E1 or T1) can be defined for the RMX.
Chapter 16-Network Services Polycom, Inc. 16-41 Adding/Modifying ISDN/PSTN Network Services The system administrator can use the RMX Management – ISDN/P STN Network Services section of the RealPresence Collaboration Server Web Client to add a second ISDN/PSTN Network Service or m odify the first ISDN/PSTN Network Service.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 16-42 Polycom, Inc. The Fast Configuration Wizard sequence begins with the ISDN/PSTN dialog box: 3 Define the following par ameters: 4 Click Next .
Chapter 16-Network Services Polycom, Inc. 16-43 The PRI Settings dialog box is displayed: 5 Define the following parameter s: T able 16-25 PRI Settings Field Description Default Num T ype Select the Default Num T y pe from the list. The Num T ype defines how the system handles the dial ing digits.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 16-44 Polycom, Inc. 6 Click Next . The Span Definition dialog box is displayed: Dial-out Prefix Enter the prefix that the PBX requires to dial out. Leave this field blank if a dial-out prefix is not required.
Chapter 16-Network Services Polycom, Inc. 16-45 7 Click Next . The Phones dialog is displ ayed. 8 To define dial-in number ranges click the Add button. 9 The Add Phone Numb er dialog box opens. 10 Define the following parameter s: Line Coding Select the PRI line coding method from the list.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 16-46 Polycom, Inc. 11 Click OK . The new range is added to the Dial-in Phone Numbers table. 12 Optional . Repeat steps 8 to 10 to define additi onal dial-in ranges.
Chapter 16-Network Services Polycom, Inc. 16-47 16 Attach spans to existing Network Services, by marking the appropriate check boxes in the Attached field.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 16-48 Polycom, Inc. — Spans • Attached All other ISDN Properties can only be modified only by deleting the ISDN/PSTN network service and cre ating a new PSTN service using the Fast Configuration Wizard.
Chapter 16-Network Services Polycom, Inc. 16-49 RealPresence Collabor ation Server (RMX ) 1500/RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 4000 On the RealPresence Collabor ation Server (RMX) 1500 and RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 4000, Media, S ignaling and Management Networks are physically separated to provide enhanced security.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 16-50 Polycom, Inc. Figure 16-5 RealPres ence Collaboration Server (RMX) 4000 - Multiple Network T opology Sample Guidelines • Multiple Services system mode is a purch a sable option and it is enabled in the MCU license.
Chapter 16-Network Services Polycom, Inc. 16-51 • On the RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500, up to two Network Services, one per LAN port, can be associ ated with each Media card.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 16-52 Polycom, Inc. • Participants are associated with a Networ k Service and use it resources as follows : — Dial-in participants - according to the netw ork used to place the call and connect to the RMX.
Chapter 16-Network Services Polycom, Inc. 16-53 Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/2000/4000 Getting Started Guide Ge tting Starte d Guide, " Gather Network Equipment and Address Information” on page 2-1 . 2 Hardware Installation and Setup — Mount the RMX in a rack.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 16-54 Polycom, Inc. 4 Modify the required System Flag to enable Multiple Services, DO NOT reset the MCU yet.
Chapter 16-Network Services Polycom, Inc. 16-55 RealPresence Collaborati on Server (RMX) Ha rdware Inst allation RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 4000 Multiple Services Configuration Connecting.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 16-56 Polycom, Inc. Connecting th e cables to the RTM LAN: Figure 16-6 shows the cables connected to th e Re alPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 4000 rear panel, when one RTM ISDN and thr ee RTM LAN cards are installed provid ing IP and ISDN connectivity.
Chapter 16-Network Services Polycom, Inc. 16-57 RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 2000 Multiple Services Configuration Connecting the cables to the RTM IP: The following cables are connected to .
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 16-58 Polycom, Inc. Figure 16-7 shows the cables connected to th e RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 2000 rear panel, when two RTM LAN cards are installed providing IP connectivity.
Chapter 16-Network Services Polycom, Inc. 16-59 System Flags and License Settings The MULTIPLE_SERVICES System Flag det ermines wh ether the Mu ltiple Servi ces option will be activated once the appropriate license is ins talled.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 16-60 Polycom, Inc. The New IP Service - Networking IP dialog box opens. 3 Define the following fields: T able 16-36 IP Network Service - IP Param eters Field Description Network Service Name Enter the IP Network Service name.
Chapter 16-Network Services Polycom, Inc. 16-61 Media Card 1 Port 1 IP Address If only one network is connected to this media card, it is enough to assign one media card to this Network Service. In such a case, enter one IP address for the media card according to the LAN Port used for the connection.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 16-62 Polycom, Inc. 4 Optional. Some system flags can be defined per Network Service, depending on the network environ ment. To modify these flags, cli ck the Service Config uration button.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 16-64 Polycom, Inc. 8 Modify the following fields: 9 Click the Gatekeepe r tab. 10 Define the Primary and Alternate Gatekeepers and at least one Al ias for this network Service.
Chapter 16-Network Services Polycom, Inc. 16-65 13 Click th e SIP Servers tab. 14 Define the Primary and Alternate SIP Server for this network Service.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 16-66 Polycom, Inc. To designate an IP Network Service as t he default IP Network Service: 1 In the Device Management pane, click IP Network Services () .
Chapter 16-Network Services Polycom, Inc. 16-67 Conference Profile Registration of conferencing en tities such as ongoing confer ences, Meeting Rooms, Entry Queues, SIP Factories and Gateway Sessions wi th SIP servers is done per conferencing entity.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 16-68 Polycom, Inc. Gateway Profiles To enable the RMX to call the destination endpoint/MCU via IP connection, the Network Service for the call must be selected in the Gate way Profile di alog box.
Chapter 16-Network Services Polycom, Inc. 16-69 Signaling Monitor The Signaling Monitor pane includes the list of the IP Network Services defined in the system (up to two in the RealPresence Co llaboration Server (RMX) 1500/RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 2000 and up to four in the RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 4000).
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 16-70 Polycom, Inc. Reserving Video Res ources for a Conference When defining a new ongoing conference or a conference reservation, you can select the Network Service that will be used to reserve th e required resources.
Chapter 16-Network Services Polycom, Inc. 16-71 Resource Report The Resource Report displays the resource usage in total and per Network Service in a table format.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 16-72 Polycom, Inc. NA T (Network Address T ranslation) T raversal NAT Traversal is a set of techniques enabling partic ipants behind firewalls to connect to conferences, hosted on the RMX , remotely us ing the internet .
Chapter 16-Network Services Polycom, Inc. 16-73 Business to Business Connections The following Business to Business connection call flow options are supported: SIP / H.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 16-74 Polycom, Inc. FW (Firewall) NA T Keep Alive The RMX can be configured to send a FW NAT keep alive message at specific Intervals for the RTP, UDP and BFCP channels.
Polycom, Inc. 17-1 17 IVR Services Interactive Voice Response (IVR) is an applicat ion that allows participants to communicat e with the conferencing system vi a their endpoint’s input device (such as a remote control).
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 17-2 Polycom, Inc. The list pane dis plays the Conference IVR Services list and the total nu mber of IVR services currently defined in the system.
Chapter 17-IVR Services Polycom, Inc. 17-3 Adding Languages You can define different sets of audio prom pts in different languages, allowing the participants to hear the messag es in their preferred language.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 17-4 Polycom, Inc. The New Language dialog box opens. 5 In the New L anguage box, enter the name of the new language. The language name can be typed in Unicode and ca nnot start with a digi t.
Chapter 17-IVR Services Polycom, Inc. 17-5 Table 17-2 l ists the Message Types for e ach category: 6 Click Upload File to upload th e appropriate audi o file to the MC U. The Install File dialog box opens. 7 Enter the file name or click the Browse button to select the audio file to upload.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 17-6 Polycom, Inc. 8 Select the appropriate *.wav audio file, and then click the Open button. The name of the selected file is displayed in the In stall field in the Install Fi le dialog box.
Chapter 17-IVR Services Polycom, Inc. 17-7 2 Define the following parameter s: T able 17-3 Confere nce IVR Service Properties - Global Parameters Field/Option Description Conference IVR Service Name Enter the name of the Conference IVR Service. The maximum field length is 20 characters and may be typed in Unicode.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 17-8 Polycom, Inc. 3 Click the Welcome tab. The New Conference IVR Service - Welco me dialog box opens. 4 Select the Enable Welcome Messages check box to define the system behavior when the participant enters the Conference IVR queu e.
Chapter 17-IVR Services Polycom, Inc. 17-9 7 Click th e Conference Chairperson tab. The New Conference IVR Service - Conference Chairperson dialog box opens. 8 Select the Enable Chairperson Messages check box to enable the chairper son functionality. If this feature is di sabled, participants are not able to connect as the chairperson.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 17-10 Polycom, Inc. 10 Click the Conference Password tab. The New Conference IVR Service - Conference Password dialog box opens.
Chapter 17-IVR Services Polycom, Inc. 17-11 14 Click th e General tab. The New Conference IVR Service - General dialog box opens. The General dialog box lists messages that are played during the conference. These messages are played when participants or the conference chairperson perform various operations or when a change occurs.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 17-12 Polycom, Inc. Change Password Failure A message played when the participant enters an invalid password, for example when a password is already in use. Change Passwords Menu This voice menu is played when the participants request s to change the conference password.
Chapter 17-IVR Services Polycom, Inc. 17-13 18 Click th e Roll Call tab. The New Conference IVR Service - Roll Call dialog box opens. The Roll Call fe ature of the Conf erence IVR Service is used to recor d the participan ts’ names for playback when the particip ants join and leave a conference.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 17-14 Polycom, Inc. tones: Entry Tone and Exit tone. When the Tone Notifications option is enabled, no recording of the part icipant names will occu r and the conference chairperson will not be able to ask for a name review during the conference.
Chapter 17-IVR Services Polycom, Inc. 17-15 If Enable Tone Notifications option is selected: 22 Select the Entry Tone or Exit tone: a Click the appropriate table entry in the Message File column. A drop-down list is enabled. Roll Call Joined A voice message stating that th e particip ant has joined the conference .
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 17-16 Polycom, Inc. b From the list, sel ect the audio file to be assigned to the event/indication. 23 Click the Video Services tab. The New Conference IVR Service - Video Services dialog box opens.
Chapter 17-IVR Services Polycom, Inc. 17-17 — The source images for the high resolution slide s must be in *.bmp or *.jpg format. — If the uploaded slides are not of the exact SD or HD resolution, a n error message is displayed and the slides are automatically cropped or enlarged to the right size.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 17-18 Polycom, Inc. 25 If the video slide file was not uploaded to the MCU prior to the IVR Service definition, click the : — Add Slid e - Low Resolution button to upload a Low Resolution Slide .
Chapter 17-IVR Services Polycom, Inc. 17-19 26 Click th e DTMF Codes tab. The New Conference IVR Service - DTMF Codes dialog box opens. • This dialog box lists the default DTMF co des for the various functions that can be performed during the conference by al l participants or by the chairperson.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 17-20 Polycom, Inc. 27 To modify the DTMF code or permission: a In the DTMF Code column, in the appropriate entry enter the new code. b In the Permission column, sele ct from the list who can use this feature (Everyone or just the Chairperson ).
Chapter 17-IVR Services Polycom, Inc. 17-21 28 Click th e Operator Assistance tab. The Operator Assistance dialog box opens. 29 Select Enable Operator Assistance to en able operator as sistance when the participant requires or requests help during the connect ion process to the conference or during the conference.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 17-22 Polycom, Inc. The New Entry Queue IVR Service - Global dialog box opens. 3 Fill in the following parameters: T able 17-1 1 Entry Queue IVR Service Properties - Global Parameters Option De scription Entry Queue Service Name (Mandatory) Enter the name of th e Entry Queue Service.
Chapter 17-IVR Services Polycom, Inc. 17-23 4 Click th e Welcome tab. The New Entry Queue IVR Service - Welcome dialog box opens. 5 Define the appropriate parameters . T his dialog box contains op tions that are identical to those in the Conference IVR Service - Welcome Message dialog box.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 17-24 Polycom, Inc. — In the Message File column, click the table entry, and then select the appropriate audio message. 9 Click the Genera l tab. The New Entry Queue IVR Service - General dialog box opens.
Chapter 17-IVR Services Polycom, Inc. 17-25 11 Click th e Video Services tab. The New Entry Queue IVR Service - Video Service s dialog box opens. 12 In the Video Welcome Slide list , select the video slide that will be display ed to participants connecting to the Entry Queue.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 17-26 Polycom, Inc. 16 Select Enable Operator Assistance to enable operator assistance when the participant requires or requests help during the connection process.
Chapter 17-IVR Services Polycom, Inc. 17-27 Alternativel y, in the Conference IVR Services list, right-click the Entry Queue IVR Service and then select Set De fault Entr y Queue IVR Servic e . The default Entry Queue IVR Service is displaye d in bold, indicating that it is the current default service.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 17-28 Polycom, Inc. 2 In the IVR Services list toolbar, click th e Replace/Change Music File ( ) button . The Install Music File window opens. 3 Click the Browse button to select the audio file (*.
Chapter 17-IVR Services Polycom, Inc. 17-29 To define the format sett ings for audio messages: 1 On your PC, click Start > Programs > Accessories > Entertainment > Sound Recorder . The Sound–Sound Recorder dialog box opens. 2 To define the recording format, click Fi le > Properties .
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 17-30 Polycom, Inc. 6 To save this format, click the Save As button. The Save As dialog box opens. 7 Select the location where the format will re side, enter a name and then click OK . The system returns to the S ound Selection dialog box.
Chapter 17-IVR Services Polycom, Inc. 17-31 The Save As dialog box opens. 7 Verify that the Format reads: PCM 16.000 kHz, 16Bit, Mono . If the format is correct, continue with step 10. If the format is incorrect, click the Change button. The Sound Selection dialog box is displa yed.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 17-32 Polycom, Inc. Creating a Welcome V ideo Slide The video slide is a still picture that can be created in any graphic appl ication. To create a welcome video slide: 1 Using any graphic application, sav e your image in either *.
Chapter 17-IVR Services Polycom, Inc. 17-33 Inviting Particip ant s using DTMF A participant in a video or audi o conference can invite another participant to the conference using the touch-tone DTMF numeric keypad on the participant’s endpoint.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 17-34 Polycom, Inc. defined in the IVR Services - Global tab, the system will atte mpt to receive the required input. When all the retries have f ailed, the call t o the invited partici pant is cancell ed.
Chapter 17-IVR Services Polycom, Inc. 17-35 The Conference IVR Services - General tab is di splayed. 3 In the Message File column of the Invite Participant entry, click the drop-down arrow and select the required voice message. The file Enter_Dest ination_Numbe r.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 17-36 Polycom, Inc. 5 Define the following par ameters: 6 Click the DTMF Code s tab. The I VR Services - DTMF Codes tab is displayed . 7 Make sure that Invite Participant and Disconnect Invited Participant have DTMF Codes assigned to them.
Chapter 17-IVR Services Polycom, Inc. 17-37 8 If required, determine who can invite other participants to the conference using DTMF codes by changing the permissions to either Chairperson or Everyone .
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 17-38 Polycom, Inc. First to Join “Y ou are the first person to join the conference.” First to Join.wav Mute All On “Al l conference participants are now muted.” Mute_All_On.wav Mute All Off “Al l conference participants are now unmuted.
Chapter 17-IVR Services Polycom, Inc. 17-39 Participant Help Menu “The available touch-tone keypad actions are as follows: • T o exit this menu press any ke y . • T o request private assistance, press star , zero. • T o mute your line, press star , six.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 17-40 Polycom, Inc. V olume Control of IVR Messages, Music and Roll Call The volume of IVR music, IVR messages and Roll Call is control.
Polycom, Inc. 18-1 18 The Call Det ail Record (CDR) Utility The Call Detail Record (CDR) utility enables you to view s ummary information a bout conferences, and retrieve full conference inform ation and archive it to a fi le. The file can be used to produce reports or can be ex ported to external billing programs.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 18-2 Polycom, Inc. The following is a sample of an unforma tted CDR file: Figure 18-1 U nformatted CDR File • Formatted text – Formatted CDR files contain multiple sections.
Chapter 18-The Call Deta il Record (CDR) Util ity Polycom, Inc. 18-3 Multi-Part CDR Files By default, the maximum CDR (Call Data Reco rd) file size i s limited t o 1MB. When a CDR file reaches a size of 1 MB the file is s aved an d further call data recording is stopped and the additional data is lost.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 18-4 Polycom, Inc. V iewing, Retrieving and Arch iving Conference Information V iewing the Conference Records To open the CDR utility: •O n t h e RMX Menu , click Administration > CDR .
Chapter 18-The Call Deta il Record (CDR) Util ity Polycom, Inc. 18-5 Multi-p art CDR File display When the Multi -Part CD R is configured on the RMX , an additional column, Part Index , is added to the CDR li st. The Part Index column displays the CDR file’s sequence in the CDR file set: • CDRs that are up to 1MB consist of a si ngle file.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 18-6 Polycom, Inc. • Files included in a Multi-Par t CDR file se ts have the same Display Name . The first file of the set is numbered 1 with each additional CDR file numbered in an ascending numeric sequence.
Polycom, Inc. 19-1 19 Gateway Calls The RealPresence Collabo ration Server (RMX) can be used as a gateway that provides connectivity across different physical networks and translates multiple protocols for point- to-point rich media communications. The RMX supports the widest range of vid eo an d audio algorithms.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 19-2 Polycom, Inc. • Up to 80 gateway calls (same as conference s) may be run on a fully configured MCU. • Gateway Profiles are included in the Backup and Restore Configuration operations.
Chapter 19-Gateway Calls Polycom, Inc. 19-3 Dialing from H.323 Endpoints Figure 19-1 Dialing S tring and Call Flow from H.323 En dpoint to One, T wo or Three Endpoints The calling endpoints can dial to one, two or several endp oints (up to ten) in one dialing string.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 19-4 Polycom, Inc. Dialing from SIP Endpoints Figure 19-2 Dialing String and Call Flow from SIP Endpoint to One, T wo or Three Endpoints The calling endpoints can dial to one, two or several endpoints (up to ten) in one dialing string.
Chapter 19-Gateway Calls Polycom, Inc. 19-5 Optional: [MCU prefix in SIP Proxy][GW Profile ID]*[Destination Number, first participant]*[Destination Number, second participant]**[destination number]......*[Destination Number, tenth participant]@domain name For example, if the GW Profile ID is 2000, the domain name is service.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 19-6 Polycom, Inc. To enter an IP addr ess as the dest ination number, replace the periods (.) with asterisks (*) in the format n*n*n*n followed by the # key. For example, if the IP address is 172.
Chapter 19-Gateway Calls Polycom, Inc. 19-7 When the flag is set to NO (default), if the Gatekeeper is not functioning, the RMX dials to the endpoint using the endpoint’s IP address configured in the IP Address field of the New Participant / Participant Properties - General dialog box.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 19-8 Polycom, Inc. Enabling or Disabling Direct IP Dialing The direct IP dialing is enabled by default.
Chapter 19-Gateway Calls Polycom, Inc. 19-9 If the call is not completed after trying all possible protocols, the system displays the number that was dialed on the calling endpoint ’s scr een and the reason for not completing the call. For details, see " Connection Indications” on page 19-22 .
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 19-10 Polycom, Inc. Calling an IP Endpoint via Gateway If the call destination is an IP endpoint, th e e ndpoints must be registered to the same gatekeeper to which the RMX is registered.
Chapter 19-Gateway Calls Polycom, Inc. 19-11 For more details on Dialing Rules definition in the CMA, see the Polycom CMA System Operations Guide, “Dial Rule Operations” .
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 19-12 Polycom, Inc. The user receiv es the Redial on Wrong Number IVR message: “ Incorrect destination.
Chapter 19-Gateway Calls Polycom, Inc. 19-13 Disconnect on W rong Number In previous versions, if a call failed due to no answer at the d estination, the call was disconnected with no notification. When using this version, the user receives the Disconnect on Wrong Number IVR message: “Incorrect Destination Number” followed by Reorder Tone .
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 19-14 Polycom, Inc. Defining the IVR Service for Gateway Calls The system is shipped with a default Conference IVR Services for gateway calls named GW IVR Service that enables you to run gateway calls without defining a new Conference IVR Service.
Chapter 19-Gateway Calls Polycom, Inc. 19-15 10 For a gateway IVR Service, select the audio file for the foll owing message types: 11 When defining a gateway IVR Service, it is recommended that the Roll Call option remains disabled. 12 Click th e Video Services tab.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 19-16 Polycom, Inc. 14 Click the DTMF Code s tab. The New Conference IVR Service - DTMF Codes dialog box opens. 15 If required, modify the DTMF codes or permissions.
Chapter 19-Gateway Calls Polycom, Inc. 19-17 Defining the C onference Profile for Gateway Calls The Conference Profile that will be later a ssigned to the Gateway Profile determine the parameters of t.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 19-18 Polycom, Inc. Defining the Gateway Profile A Gateway Profile is a conferencing entity, ba sed on the Conference Profile assigned to it, that enables endpoints to dial-in and initiate Gateway Sessions .
Chapter 19-Gateway Calls Polycom, Inc. 19-19 3 Define the following paramet ers: T able 19-6 New Gateway Profile Propertie s Option Description Display Name Enter a uni que-per-MCU name for the Gate way Profile in native language character sets to be displayed in the RealPrese nce Collaboration Server Web Client.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 19-20 Polycom, Inc. IP Network Service Select the IP Network Service to be us ed with this Gateway . If this is not selected the default IP Network Service will be used.
Chapter 19-Gateway Calls Polycom, Inc. 19-21 4 Click OK . The new Gateway Profile is added to the list. System Configuration For details about adding and modifying syst em flags, see RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/2000/40 00 Administrator’s Guide , " Manually Adding and Deleting System Flags” on page 22-18 .
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 19-22 Polycom, Inc. Monitoring Ongoing Gateway Sessions Ongoing Gateway Sessions that are created when calling the Gateway Profile, are listed in the ongoing Conferences list pane.
Chapter 19-Gateway Calls Polycom, Inc. 19-23 • Reject ed - the far endpoint h as rejected the call. In such a case, the system will try to connect using another communication protocol. • Unreached - the number could not be resolved by the gatekeeper or the SIP proxy or could not be found on the network.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 19-24 Polycom, Inc. When dialing to specific IP endpoints you can simpli fy the dialing process by creating the appropriate Meeting Room. If CMA is involved, dialing can be simplified even further by configuring the appropriate dialing Rule in the CMA.
Chapter 19-Gateway Calls Polycom, Inc. 19-25 • ISDN/PSTN access is enabled and a dial-in number is assigned to the Meeting Room. • The dial-out IP endpoi nt is added to the Meeting Room’s Participants list.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 19-26 Polycom, Inc. In addition, PSTN participants can dial the Gateway IVR and can use the MCU or DM A prefix in the gatekeeper together with the co nfere nce ID/endpoint alias as the destination string to simplify the input.
Chapter 19-Gateway Calls Polycom, Inc. 19-27 As part of this solution, the RMX acts as a gateway for the DMA that supports H.323 calls. The PSTN or ISDN endpoint dials the virtual Meeting Room on the DMA via the Gateway Profile on the RMX. Both the RMX and the DMA must be re gistered with the same gatekeeper .
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 19-28 Polycom, Inc. Figure 20 Call Flow from ISDN End point to Polycom DMA with Automatically Generated Forwarde.
Chapter 19-Gateway Calls Polycom, Inc. 19-29 Table 19-7 summarizes the PSTN participant’s DTMF input depending on the flag value. Deploying a Polycom RMX™ Serial Gateway S4GW UC APL Public Key Infrastructure ( PKI ) req uires that the Serial Gateway S4GW be connected directly to the RMX and not to the H.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 19-30 Polycom, Inc..
Polycom, Inc. 20-1 20 RMX Manager Application The RMX Manager is the Windows version of the RealPresence Collaboration Server Web Client. It can be used instead of the RealPrese nce Collaboration Server Web Client for routine RMX management and for RMX management via a modem connection.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 20-2 Polycom, Inc. Inst alling the RMX Manager The RMX Manager application can be downloaded from one of the RealPresence Collaboration Server systems ins talled in your site or from Polycom web site at http://www.
Chapter 20-RMX Manager Applicati on Polycom, Inc. 20-3 The installer verifies the applicati on’s requirements on the workstation. The Install dialog box is displayed. 3 Click Install . The installation proceeds. The installation completes, the appl ication loads and the RMX Manager - MCUs screen is displayed.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 20-4 Polycom, Inc. S t arting the RMX Manager Application Once installe d, the RMX Manager can be run using the http:// (non-secured) or https:// (secured) command in the browser’ s address line or the Windows Start men u.
Chapter 20-RMX Manager Applicati on Polycom, Inc. 20-5 — Product Type - The MCU type: RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/ RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 2000/RealPresence Co llaboration Server (RMX) 4000.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 20-6 Polycom, Inc. If you are connecting to the MCU from the MCUs opening screen and have defined the Username and Password for the connecting MCU, the system connects to the RMX, and the RMX Manager Main Screen is displayed.
Chapter 20-RMX Manager Applicati on Polycom, Inc. 20-7 RMX Manager Main Screen The RMX Manager Main Screen is displayed only when at least one MCU is connected. This screen is similar to the RealPresence Collaboration Se rver Web Client Main Screen with the addition of the MCUs pane.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 20-8 Polycom, Inc. For each listed MCU, the system displays the following information: •M C U Display Name - the name of the MCU and its icon acco rding to its type and connection status.
Chapter 20-RMX Manager Applicati on Polycom, Inc. 20-9 MCUs Toolbar The MCUs toolbar contains the following buttons: Conferences Pane The Conferences pane lists all the ongoing conferences from all the MCUs that are connected and monitored along with their MCU , Status , Conference ID , Start Time and End Time data.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 20-10 Polycom, Inc. The RMX Management pane is divided into two sections: • Frequently Used – parameters ofte n configure d monito red or modified. • Rarely Used – parameters configur ed during initia l system set-up and rarely modified afterward.
Chapter 20-RMX Manager Applicati on Polycom, Inc. 20-11 The Participant Alerts pane is opened and closed by clicking the Participan t Alerts button in the left corner of the Status Bar .
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 20-12 Polycom, Inc. Adding MCUs to the MCUs List The RMX Manager can connect to one or several RMXs simultaneously.
Chapter 20-RMX Manager Applicati on Polycom, Inc. 20-13 3 Click OK . The MCU is added to the MCUs pane. 4 If required, repeat steps 1-3 to define additional RMX units.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 20-14 Polycom, Inc. • Dialing in t o an Ad Hoc Entry Queue define d on one of the MCUs which is used as the access point to the MCU. For a detailed description of Ad Hoc En try Queues, see " Entry Queues” on page 7-1 .
Chapter 20-RMX Manager Applicati on Polycom, Inc. 20-15 If you are the meeting chairperson or organizer using the RealPresence Collaboration Server Web Client to start your own meeting, you need to communicate the default conference ID (or the one you cre ated) to the other conference participants so the y can dial in.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 20-16 Polycom, Inc. St arting an Ongoing Conference or Reservation From a T emplate An ongoing conference or a Reservation can be started from any Conference Template saved in the Conference Templates list of the selected MCU.
Chapter 20-RMX Manager Applicati on Polycom, Inc. 20-17 Grouping the Particip ant s by MCU The Participants can be grouped by MCU and then by conferences. To change the display mode for the Participants pane: >> On the RMX Menu , click View > Group by MCU .
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 20-18 Polycom, Inc. The Participants pane display changes accordingly. To toggle between the two display mod es, click View > Group by MCU. St art Monitorin g/S top Monitoring By default, all conferences runn in g on connected RMXs are monitored.
Chapter 20-RMX Manager Applicati on Polycom, Inc. 20-19 To start monitoring again, click the check box in the Monitored col um n i n t he MCUs pane, or right-clicking the MCU icon and selecting Start Monitoring .
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 20-20 Polycom, Inc. b Right-click the MCU icon and then click Disconnect MCU . The MCU icon changes to disconnected and any ongoing conference running on that MCU will not be monitored in this RMX Manager ; they are removed from the Conferences pane.
Chapter 20-RMX Manager Applicati on Polycom, Inc. 20-21 The Multilingual Settings dialog box opens, displaying the current language selection. 2 Click the check box of the re quired langua ge. Only one language can be selected. 3 Click OK . 4 Restart the RMX Manager application to implement the language change.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 20-22 Polycom, Inc. 2 Click the Browse button to select the location of the save file, or enter the required path in the Export Path box. The selected fi le path is displaye d in the Export Path box.
Chapter 20-RMX Manager Applicati on Polycom, Inc. 20-23 4 Click OK to import the file. Inst alling RMX Manager for Secure Communication Mode The RMX Manager cannot be downloaded from a site, operating in Secure Communication Mode , without a vali d TLS certificate.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 20-24 Polycom, Inc. The Security tab is disp layed. d Clear the Secured Communication check box. 2 Click the DNS tab. 3 Enter the Local Domain Name . MCU Host Name Local Domain Name The Local Domain Name must be the same as the MCU Host Name .
Chapter 20-RMX Manager Applicati on Polycom, Inc. 20-25 4 Create a Certificate Reques t . For mo re inform ation, see " Purchasing a Certificate” on page F-2 . Certificates can also be cr eated and issued using an Internal Certificate Authority .
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 20-26 Polycom, Inc. The Management Network Properties dialog box is displayed. c Click on the Security tab. The Security tab is disp layed. d Select the Secured Communication check box.
Chapter 20-RMX Manager Applicati on Polycom, Inc. 20-27 7 Reset the RMX: a In the RMX Management pane, click the Hardware Monito r button . The Hardware Monitor pane is displayed. b Click the Reset ( ) button. 8 Install the RMX Manager . For more information see "Installing the RMX Manag er” on page 20-2 .
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 20-28 Polycom, Inc. The Certificate Export Wizard is displayed. 5 Click the Next button. The Export File Format dialog box is displayed. 6 Select Base-64 encoded X.
Chapter 20-RMX Manager Applicati on Polycom, Inc. 20-29 The File to Export dialog box is displayed. 8 In the File Name field, enter the file nam e for the exp orted cert ificate. 9 Click th e Next button. The fin al Certificate Export Wizard dialog box is displaye d.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 20-30 Polycom, Inc..
Polycom, Inc. 21-1 21 RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) Administration and Utilities System and Particip ant Alerts The MCU alerts users to any faults or error s the MCU encountered during operation. Two indication bars labeled System Alerts and Participant Alerts signal users of system errors by blinking red in the event of an alert.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 21-2 Polycom, Inc. System Alert s System Alerts are activated when the system encounters e rrors such as a general or card error. The system errors are recorde d by the RMX and can be generated into a report that can be saved in *.
Chapter 21-RealPresence Collaboration Serv er (RMX) Administration and Utilities Polycom, Inc. 21-3 For more information about the Active Alarms, see Appendix B: " Alarms and Faults” on page B-1 .
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 21-4 Polycom, Inc. The Participant Alerts pane opens. 2 To resolve participant issues that created the Participant Alerts , the administrator can either Connect , Disconnect or Delete a participant.
Chapter 21-RealPresence Collaboration Serv er (RMX) Administration and Utilities Polycom, Inc. 21-5 T able 21-2 RMX Time – Fiel ds Properties Field Description GMT Date The date at Greenwich, UK. Local Tim e The MCU’s local time settings, are calculated from the GMT Ti me and the GMT Offset .
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 21-6 Polycom, Inc. Resource Management Resource Cap acity The RealPresence Collabor ation Server (RMX) 1500 supports one card type: MPMx. The RealPresence Collabor ation Server (R MX) 2000 can support three card types: MPM, MPM+ and MPMx .
Chapter 21-RealPresence Collaboration Serv er (RMX) Administration and Utilities Polycom, Inc. 21-7 Table 21-4 summarizes the resource capacities of fully configured MC Us with the various card types per line rate in VSW Conferencing mode.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 21-8 Polycom, Inc. In Fixed Resource Capacity mode, the maximum number of resources is based on the system license and the hardware config urati on of the RMX.
Chapter 21-RealPresence Collaboration Serv er (RMX) Administration and Utilities Polycom, Inc. 21-9 AVC Conferencing - Video Switching During a Video Switching conference, each endpoint uses one video (CIF) port.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 21-10 Polycom, Inc. V ideo/V oice Port Configurati on The Video/ Voice Port Co nfigurati on enables you to config ure the resources per resource type and if in MPM+ or MPMx System Card Configuration Mode, select the Resource Capacity Mode.
Chapter 21-RealPresence Collaboration Serv er (RMX) Administration and Utilities Polycom, Inc. 21-11 Configuring the Video/V oi ce Resources in MPM Mode To allocate Voice resources: 1 In the RMX menu, click Setup > Video/Voi ce Port Configuration .
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 21-12 Polycom, Inc. Flexible Resource Cap acity Flexible Resource Capacity is the default resource allocation mode in MPM+ and MPMx Mode and is functionally identical to the MPM Flexible Resource Capacity described abov e .
Chapter 21-RealPresence Collaboration Serv er (RMX) Administration and Utilities Polycom, Inc. 21-13 The Video/Voice Port Configuration dialog box opens.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 21-14 Polycom, Inc. On the slider bars, red areas to the left of the blue slider butt ons indicate allocated resources and purple areas to the right of th e blue slider buttons indicate unallocated resources in the system.
Chapter 21-RealPresence Collaboration Serv er (RMX) Administration and Utilities Polycom, Inc. 21-15 • Reconfigure the resource allocation. •C l i c k OK to activate the new resource allocation. b Optional. Click the Cancel button to accept the resource allocation.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 21-16 Polycom, Inc. 2 In the MCMS_P ARAMETERS ta b , double -click or select the flag FORCE_CIF_PORT_ALLOCATION and click the Edit Flag button. 3 In the New Value field, clear the value entries.
Chapter 21-RealPresence Collaboration Serv er (RMX) Administration and Utilities Polycom, Inc. 21-17 Resource Report Display in Flexi ble Resource Capacity Mode™ The Resource Report details the curr.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 21-18 Polycom, Inc. The actual number of occupied or free resource s can also be displayed by moving the cursor over the columns of the bar graph.
Chapter 21-RealPresence Collaboration Serv er (RMX) Administration and Utilities Polycom, Inc. 21-19 The Resource Report is displayed as follows: The actual number of occupied or free resource s can also be displayed by moving the cursor over the columns of the bar graph (as explained above for Flexible Resour ce Capacity) .
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 21-20 Polycom, Inc. Table 21-7 lists the ISDN supported bit rates and their re spective participant connection c.
Chapter 21-RealPresence Collaboration Serv er (RMX) Administration and Utilities Polycom, Inc. 21-21 — In Flexible Resource Capacity Mode , CMA/DMA receive information about how many Video ( CIF ) and Audio resources are occupied per c onference or MCU according the request type sent by the CMA and DMA .
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 21-22 Polycom, Inc. SIP Dial-in Busy Notification When the system flag SEND_SIP_BUSY_UP ON_RESOURCE_THRESHOLD is.
Chapter 21-RealPresence Collaboration Serv er (RMX) Administration and Utilities Polycom, Inc. 21-23 Port Usage Gauges The Port Usage Gauges are displayed in the Status Bar at the bottom of the RMX Web Client screen.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 21-24 Polycom, Inc. Video Ports Gauge •I n Flexible Capacity Mode: All video resource usage is converted to the equivalent CIF resource usage.
Chapter 21-RealPresence Collaboration Serv er (RMX) Administration and Utilities Polycom, Inc. 21-25 The System Information properties box displays the following information: T able 21-8 System Information Field Description T otal Numb er of CP Resources Displays the numbe r of video participants licensed for the system.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 21-26 Polycom, Inc. Card Configuration Mode Indicates the MCU con figuration as derived from the installed media cards: • MPM: Onl y MPM cards are supported. MPM+ and MPMx cards in the system are disabled.
Chapter 21-RealPresence Collaboration Serv er (RMX) Administration and Utilities Polycom, Inc. 21-27 SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) SNMP enables managing and moni toring of the MCU status by external managing systems, such as HP OpenView or through web applications.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 21-28 Polycom, Inc. The Alarm-MIB MIB used to send alarms. Wh en a trap is sent, the Alarm-MIB is used to sen d it. H.341-MIB (H. 341 – H.323) • Gives t he addres s of the gatekeepe r.
Chapter 21-RealPresence Collaboration Serv er (RMX) Administration and Utilities Polycom, Inc. 21-29 Unified MIB The RMX uses the Polycom Unified MIB, in addition to the RMX specific MIB. The Polycom Unified MIB is an MIB th at is used by many Polycom products.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 21-30 Polycom, Inc. ServiceISDN Integer Indicates the status of SIP capabilities: 1 - The servi ce is enabled an d operational. 2 - The service is enabled but is not opera tional.
Chapter 21-RealPresence Collaboration Serv er (RMX) Administration and Utilities Polycom, Inc. 21-31 Tr a p s Three types of traps are sent as follows: 1 ColdStart trap. This is a standard trap which is sent when the MCU is reset. Figure 1 An Example of a ColdS tart T rap 2 Authentication fail ure trap.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 21-32 Polycom, Inc. 3 Alarm Fault trap. The thi rd trap type is a family of traps defined in the POLYCOM- RMX-MIB file, these traps are associated with the RMX active alarm and clearance (proprietary SNMP trap).
Chapter 21-RealPresence Collaboration Serv er (RMX) Administration and Utilities Polycom, Inc. 21-33 The RMX-SNMP Properties - Agent dialog box is displayed. T h i s d i al o g b o x i s u s ed t o de f i n e t h e ba s i c i n f o rm a ti o n fo r th i s M CU t ha t w i ll b e u s e d by the SNMP system to identify it.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 21-34 Polycom, Inc. 9 Click the Traps tab. The RMX-SNMP Properties – Traps dialog box opens. Traps are messages sent by the MCU to th e SNMP Managers when events such as MCU Startup or Shutdown occur.
Chapter 21-RealPresence Collaboration Serv er (RMX) Administration and Utilities Polycom, Inc. 21-35 11 Click th e Add button to add a new Manager terminal. The New Trap Destinatio n dialog box opens. 12 Type the IP Address and the Community name of the manager terminal used to monitor the MCU activity, and then click OK .
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 21-36 Polycom, Inc. The RMX-SNMP Properties – Security dialog box opens. This dialog box is used to define whether the query sent to the MCU is sent from an authorized source.
Chapter 21-RealPresence Collaboration Serv er (RMX) Administration and Utilities Polycom, Inc. 21-37 14 Define the following parameter s: T able 21-3 SNMP - Security Field Description Send Authentication Tr a p Select this check box to send a message to the SNMP Manager when an unauthori zed quer y is sent to the MCU.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 21-38 Polycom, Inc. 15 To specifica lly define on e or more va lid termin als, ensure that the Accept SNMP Packets from any Host option is clear ed and then click the Add button.
Chapter 21-RealPresence Collaboration Serv er (RMX) Administration and Utilities Polycom, Inc. 21-39 • Gateway Profiles • IVR services (excluding .
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 21-40 Polycom, Inc. Enabling Hot Backup To enable Hot Backup: 1 On the RMX menu , click Setup > Hot Backup . The RMX Hot Backup dialog box i s displayed. 2 Complete or modify the following field s: 3 Click OK .
Chapter 21-RealPresence Collaboration Serv er (RMX) Administration and Utilities Polycom, Inc. 21-41 Guidelines • Hot Backup triggers sho uld be configured on both the Master and Slave MCUs. • Hot Backup triggers are not synchronized be tween the Master and Slave MCUs.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 21-42 Polycom, Inc. 2 Select the appropriate Hot Backup Triggers check boxes: 3 Alternatively, click the Trig ger Failover Manually button when you want to trigger the Hot Backup manually and activate the Slave MCU.
Chapter 21-RealPresence Collaboration Serv er (RMX) Administration and Utilities Polycom, Inc. 21-43 Audible Alarms In addition to the visual cues used to detect events occurring on the RMX, an audible alarm can be activated and played when part icipants request Operator Assistance.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 21-44 Polycom, Inc. Configuring the Audible Alarms User Customization The operators and administrators can: • Enable/Disable th e Audi ble Alarm. • Select whether to repeat the Audible Alarm.
Chapter 21-RealPresence Collaboration Serv er (RMX) Administration and Utilities Polycom, Inc. 21-45 Replacing the Audible Alarm File Each RMX is shipped with a default tone file in *.wav for mat that plays a specific tone when participants request Operator Assistance.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 21-46 Polycom, Inc. Multilingual Setting Each supported language is represented by a country flag in the Welcome Screen and can be selected as the language for the RMX Web Client.
Chapter 21-RealPresence Collaboration Serv er (RMX) Administration and Utilities Polycom, Inc. 21-47 The Banner Configuration dialog box allo ws the administrator to sel ect a Login Banner from a drop-down menu.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 21-48 Polycom, Inc. − Communications using, or data stor ed on, this IS are not private, a re subject to routine monitoring, inter ception, and search, and may be disclosed or used for any USG author ized purpose.
Chapter 21-RealPresence Collaboration Serv er (RMX) Administration and Utilities Polycom, Inc. 21-49 Customizing Banners The Login and Main Screen banners can be customized to display conference information, assistance information or warn ing text as required in the Ultra Secure Mode .
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 21-50 Polycom, Inc. Banner Display Login Screen Banner The Login screen banner can display any te xt, fo r example the terms and conditions for system usage (default text) that is required in the Ultra Secure Mode .
Chapter 21-RealPresence Collaboration Serv er (RMX) Administration and Utilities Polycom, Inc. 21-51 Main Screen Banner The Main Screen banner is displayed at the bottom of the screen, as follows: Whe.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 21-52 Polycom, Inc. — Profiles — Reservations — System Flags — Resource Allocation — IVR messages, mus.
Chapter 21-RealPresence Collaboration Serv er (RMX) Administration and Utilities Polycom, Inc. 21-53 Ping RMX The Ping administration tool enables the RMX Signaling Host to te st network connectivity by Pinging IP addresses. Guidelines • The IP addressing mode ca n be either IPv4 o r IPv6.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 21-54 Polycom, Inc. Notification Settings The RMX can display notifications when: • A new RMX user connects to the MCU. • A new conference is started. • Not all defined participants are connected to the conference or when a single participant is connected.
Chapter 21-RealPresence Collaboration Serv er (RMX) Administration and Utilities Polycom, Inc. 21-55 2 Enable / Disable All Notifications or Custom to select specific notifications to display.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 21-56 Polycom, Inc. The following tasks can be performed: When retrieved, the log file name structu re is as fol.
Chapter 21-RealPresence Collaboration Serv er (RMX) Administration and Utilities Polycom, Inc. 21-57 4 Click th e Retrieve Files button. The log files (in *.txt format ) are saved to the de fined directory and a confirmation caption box is displayed indicating a successful retrieval of the log fi les.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 21-58 Polycom, Inc. The data collected is saved into a s ingle compre ssed file containing all the information from each system component in its relative format (.
Chapter 21-RealPresence Collaboration Serv er (RMX) Administration and Utilities Polycom, Inc. 21-59 S tep 1: Creating the Informati on Collector Compressed File To create the compressed file: 1 In the RMX menu, click Administration > Tools > Informa tion Collecto r .
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 21-60 Polycom, Inc. St ep 2: Saving th e Compressed File 1 The compressed file is automatically saved in the dire ctory selected i n the Information Collector dialog box.
Chapter 21-RealPresence Collaboration Serv er (RMX) Administration and Utilities Polycom, Inc. 21-61 Auditor Files Auditor Event History File Storage All audit events are saved to a bu ffer file on hard disk in r eal time and then written to a file on hard disk in XML in an un compressed format.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 21-62 Polycom, Inc. — Size (Bytes) — First Message – date and time of the first audit event in the file �.
Chapter 21-RealPresence Collaboration Serv er (RMX) Administration and Utilities Polycom, Inc. 21-63 If you previous ly double clicked an Auditor Event File in the Auditor Files list, that file is automatically opened.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 21-64 Polycom, Inc. The order of the Audito r File Viewer field header columns can be changed and the fields can be sorted and filtered to faci litate different analysis methods.
Chapter 21-RealPresence Collaboration Serv er (RMX) Administration and Utilities Polycom, Inc. 21-65 Audit Event s Alert s and Fault s Table 1 lists Alerts and Faults that are recorded by the Auditor .
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 21-66 Polycom, Inc. T ransactions Table 2 lists Transactions that are recorded by the Audit or . Restoring Factory Defaults. Secured SIP communication failed. Session disconnected without logout SSH is enabled.
Chapter 21-RealPresence Collaboration Serv er (RMX) Administration and Utilities Polycom, Inc. 21-67 TRANS_ISDN_SERVICE:SET_DEF AUL T_ISDN_SERVICE TRANS_ISDN_SERVICE :UP DA TE_ISDN_SERVICE TRANS_MCU:B.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 21-68 Polycom, Inc. ActiveX Byp ass At sites that, for security reasons, do not pe rmit Microsoft® ActiveX® to be installed, the MSI (Windows Ins taller File ) utility can be use d to install .
Chapter 21-RealPresence Collaboration Serv er (RMX) Administration and Utilities Polycom, Inc. 21-69 Resetting the RMX System Reset saves system confi guration changes and restarts the system with the latest settings. To reset the RMX: 1 In the RMX Management pane, click the Har dware Monitor button .
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 21-70 Polycom, Inc. Restore Factory Default s You can erase the current RMX configur ation an d restore default factor y settings.
Chapter 21-RealPresence Collaboration Serv er (RMX) Administration and Utilities Polycom, Inc. 21-71 • USB key This method is used when the user cannot login with Administrator or Support system permissions.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 21-72 Polycom, Inc. The Backup Configuration D ialog box opens. a Click Browse to select the Backup Direc tory Path and select Backup . The system initiates the backup of RMX config uration files.
Chapter 21-RealPresence Collaboration Serv er (RMX) Administration and Utilities Polycom, Inc. 21-73 To Restore Factory D efault Settings using the USB key: 1 Insert the USB key in the workstation. 2 Check that the lan.cfg file on the USB key contains the correct settings for the Management Netw ork Service.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide 21-74 Polycom, Inc..
Polycom, Inc. 22-1 22 System Configuration Flags The system’s overall behavior can be configured by modifyin g the default values o f the System Flags. Modifying System Flags To modify system flags: 1 On the RMX menu, click Setup > System Configuration .
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 22-2 Polycom, Inc. 2 In the MCMS_P ARAMETERS tab, the following flags can be modified: T able 22-1 System Fl ags – MCMS_P ARAMETERS Flag Description ALLOW_NON_ENCR YPT_P ARTY_IN_ENCR YPT_CONF If YES, allows non-encrypted participants to connect to encrypted conferences.
Chapter 22-System Configur ation Flags Polycom, Inc. 22-3 CONTENT_SLA VE_LINKS_I NTRA_SUPP RESSION_IN_S ECONDS Defines the interval, in seconds, during which the RMX is allowed to forward an Intra Request received from any of the Slave Cascading Links.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 22-4 Polycom, Inc. ENABLE_A GC Set this flag to YES to enable the AGC option. (Default setting is NO.) When disabled, se lecting the AGC opti on in the Participant Properties has not effect on the participant audio.
Chapter 22-System Configur ation Flags Polycom, Inc. 22-5 FORCE_CIF_PORT_ALLOC AT I O N Sets the MCU to allocate one CIF video resource to an endpoint, regardless of the resolution determined by the Conference Profile parameters.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 22-6 Polycom, Inc. HIDE_SITE_NAMES From version 7.6.1, in MPMx Card Configurati on Mode , this flag has been replaced by th e Enable Site Names option in the Conference Profile - Site Names d ialog box.
Chapter 22-System Configur ation Flags Polycom, Inc. 22-7 ISDN_RESOURCE_POLICY (ISDN) The flag value determines how the ISD N B-channels within configured spans are allocated.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 22-8 Polycom, Inc. ITP_CROPPING If the conference is set to T elePresence mode, cropping of the image is done according to this flag va.
Chapter 22-System Configur ation Flags Polycom, Inc. 22-9 IVR_MESSAGE_VOLUME The volume of IVR messages varies according to the value of this flag. Possible value range: 0-10 (Default: 6).
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 22-10 Polycom, Inc. LAST_LOGIN_A TTEMPTS If YES, the system displays a reco rd of the last Login of the user . Default: NO. For more details, see " User Login Record” on page 15-13 .
Chapter 22-System Configur ation Flags Polycom, Inc. 22-11 MAX_NUMBER_OF_MANAG EMENT_SESSIONS_PER_S YSTEM Defines the maximum number of concurrent management sessions (http and https connections ) per system.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 22-12 Polycom, Inc. MIN_TIP_COMP A TIBILITY_L INE_RA TE This flag determines the minimum line rate at which conferencing entities such as an Entry Queue or Meeting Room can be TIP-enabled and TIP-enabled endpoints can connect to them.
Chapter 22-System Configur ation Flags Polycom, Inc. 22-13 NUMERIC_CHAIR_P ASS_D EF AUL T_LEN This flag enables or disables the automatic genera tion of chairperson passwords and determines the number of digits in the chairperson passwords assigned by the MCU.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 22-14 Polycom, Inc. NUMERIC_CONF_P ASS_DE F AUL T_LEN This flag enables or disables the automatic g eneration of conference passwords and determine s the numb er of digits in the conference passwords assigned by the MCU.
Chapter 22-System Configur ation Flags Polycom, Inc. 22-15 P ASSWORD_EXPIRA TION_ DA YS_MACHINE Enables the administrator to change the password expiration period of Application-user ’ s independently of regular users.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 22-16 Polycom, Inc. SESSION_TIMEOUT_IN_MI NUTES If there is no input from the u ser or if the connection is idle for longer than the number of minutes specified by this flag, the connection to the RMX is terminated.
Chapter 22-System Configur ation Flags Polycom, Inc. 22-17 SYSTEM_LISTENING_VOLU ME This value is used when the system flag FORCE_SYSTEM_LISTENING_VOLUME is set to YES. Determines the default audio leve l with which the participant s connects and receives audio from the conference.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 22-18 Polycom, Inc. 3 To modify a flag value, double-click or select the flag and click the Edit Flag button. 4 In the New Value field, enter the flag’s new value. 5 Click OK to close the Update Flag dialog box.
Chapter 22-System Configur ation Flags Polycom, Inc. 22-19 The following flags can be manually added to the MCMS_P ARAMETERS ta b : T able 22-2 Manually Adde d System Flags – MCMS_P ARAMETERS Flag Description ACCEPT_VOIP_DTMF_TYP E Defines the type of DTMF tones (inband) or digits ( outband) that the RMX will accept in VOIP calls.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 22-20 Polycom, Inc. BONDING_DIALING_METH OD (ISDN) When set to: • SEQUENTIAL The MCU initiates channel connections sequentiall y until it reaches the number of channe ls defined by the BONDING_NUM_CHANNELS_ IN _GROUP flag.
Chapter 22-System Configur ation Flags Polycom, Inc. 22-21 CELL_IND_LOCA TI ON Change the location of the display of Network Quality Indicators displayed in the cel ls of the conference Video Layout .
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 22-22 Polycom, Inc. CPU_BONDING_MODE Sets the Bondi ng Mode of the Signalling and Manage ment network interface controllers. Mode=6, balance-alb, (Adaptive Load Balancing) incl udes balanc e-tlb, (T ransmit Load Balancing ) and balance-rlb ( Receive Load Balancing ) for IPV4 traffic.
Chapter 22-System Configur ation Flags Polycom, Inc. 22-23 DISABLE_WIDE_RES_TO_S IP_DIAL_OUT When set to NO (default), the RMX sends wide screen resolution to d ial-out SIP endpoints.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 22-24 Polycom, Inc. ENABLE_H23 9 When set to YES , Content is sent via a separate Content channel. Endpoints that do not support H.239 Conte nt sharing will not be able to receive When set to NO, the Content channel is closed.
Chapter 22-System Configur ation Flags Polycom, Inc. 22-25 ENABLE_SIRENLPR_SIP_E NCR YPTION Enables the SirenLPR audio algorithm when using encryption with the SIP protocol. Range: YES / NO Default: NO ENABLE_TC_P ACKAGE Enables or disables Network T raffic Control.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 22-26 Polycom, Inc. EXTERNAL_DB_P ASSWOR D The password associated with th e user name defined for the RMX on the external database server . Default: POL YCOM EXTERNAL_DB_PORT The external database server port used by the RMX to send and receive XML re quests/responses.
Chapter 22-System Configur ation Flags Polycom, Inc. 22-27 FORCE_G71 1A Setting this flag forces the use of the G71 1A Audio Codec. Possible values: YES / NO Default: NO FORCE_RESOLUTION Use this flag to specify IP (H.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 22-28 Polycom, Inc. H264_BASE_PROFILE_MIN _RA TE_HD720P30_SHARP NESS Not supported from V e rsion 7.0.2. Prior to V ersion 7.0 .2, this flag set the minimum bitrate threshold for endpoints that did not support H.
Chapter 22-System Configur ation Flags Polycom, Inc. 22-29 HIDE_CONFERENCE_P ASS WORD If set to YES (default in Ultra Secure Mode): • Conference and Chairperson Passwords that are displaye d in the RMX Web Client or RMX Manager are hidden when viewing the proper ties of the conference.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 22-30 Polycom, Inc. MAX_TRACE_LEVEL This flag indicates the debugging level for RMX support. The flag’s values have been modified for version 7.8 and is not backward com patible wit h previous versions.
Chapter 22-System Configur ation Flags Polycom, Inc. 22-31 MS_CAC_AUDIO_MIN_BR The mi nimum bit rate for audio using the Microsoft CAC (Call Admission Control) protocol. When the bit rate is lower than the MS_CAC_AUDIO_MIN_BR, the call is not conn ected.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 22-32 Polycom, Inc. P ARTY_GA THERING_DURA TION_SECONDS The val ue of t his System Flag set s the duration, in seconds, of the display of the Gat hering slide for participants that connect to the conference after the conference start time.
Chapter 22-System Configur ation Flags Polycom, Inc. 22-33 REMOVE_H323_EPC_CAP_ TO_NON_POL YCOM_VEND OR Used to disable EPC protocol. Use of Polycom’ s proprietary protocol, High Profil e , EPC , may result in interoperability issues when used with other vendors’ endpoints.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 22-34 Polycom, Inc. SELF_IND_LOCA TION Change the locati on of the display of the Network Quality Indicator of the participant’s own endpoint.
Chapter 22-System Configur ation Flags Polycom, Inc. 22-35 SEND_WIDE_RES_TO_ISD N When set to YES , the RMX sends wide screen resolution to ISDN end point s. When set to NO (default), the RMX does not send wide screen resolution to ISDN endpoints. Default: NO.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 22-36 Polycom, Inc. SET_DTMF_SOURCE_DIFF _IN_SEC If the ACCEPT_VOIP_DTMF_TYPE fl ag is set to 0 (Auto) this flag determines the interval, in seconds after which the RMX will accept b oth DTMF tones (inband) and digits ( outband) .
Chapter 22-System Configur ation Flags Polycom, Inc. 22-37 SIP_FREE_VIDEO_RESOU RCES For use in Avaya and Microsoft Environments. When set to NO (required for Avaya and Microsof t environments), video.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 22-38 Polycom, Inc. SUPPOR T_HIGH _PROFILE_WITH_ISDN Enables or disables the support of High Profile video protocol for ISDN particip ants in CP conferences. This flag is specific to CP conferences and has no effect on VSW conferences.
Chapter 22-System Configur ation Flags Polycom, Inc. 22-39 4 Click OK to close the New Flag dialog box. The new flag is added to the flags list. 5 Click OK to close the System Flags dialog box.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 22-40 Polycom, Inc. Deleting a Flag To delete a flag: 1 In the System Flags dialog box, select the flag to delete and click the Delete Flag button. 2 In the confirmation message box, click Yes to confirm.
Chapter 22-System Configur ation Flags Polycom, Inc. 22-41 Auto Layout Configuration The Auto Layout option lets the RMX automatically select the conference video layout based on the number of participants currently connected to the conference.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 22-42 Polycom, Inc. CP_LA YOUT_1P4VER CP_LA YOUT_1P5 CP_LA YOUT_1P7 CP_LA YOUT_1P8UP CP_LA YOUT_1P8CENT CP_LA YOUT_1P8HOR_UP CP_LA YOUT_3X3 CP_LA YOUT_2P8 CP_LA YOUT_1P12 CP_LA YOUT_4X4 T able 22-4 Flags: PREDEFINED_AUTO_LA YOUT_0,.
Chapter 22-System Configur ation Flags Polycom, Inc. 22-43 Example: Table 22-5 illustrates the effect of modifying the PREDEFINED_AUTO_LAYOUT_5 flag in conferences with fewer or more participants than the number of windows selected in the default layout.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 22-44 Polycom, Inc. CP_LA YOUT_1X2 CP_LA YOUT_1X2HOR CP_LA YOUT_1X2VER CP_LA YOUT_2X1 CP_LA YOUT_1P2HOR CP_LA YOUT_1P2HOR_UP CP_LA YOUT.
Chapter 22-System Configur ation Flags Polycom, Inc. 22-45 CS_ENABLE_EPC Flag Endpoints that support People+ may require a different si gnaling (for exampl e, FX endpoints). For these endpoint s, manually add the flag CS_ENABLE_EPC with the value YES (default value is NO) to the CS_MODULE_PARAMETERS tab.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 22-46 Polycom, Inc. be activated using the existing passwords. Only new conferencing entities will be affected by the change.
Chapter 22-System Configur ation Flags Polycom, Inc. 22-47 If the default password length defined by the NUMERIC_ CONF_PASS_DEFAULT_LEN or NUMERIC_CHAIR_PASS _ DEFAULT LEN does no t fall within t he range defined by the minimum and maximum length an appropriat e fault is added to the Faults list.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 22-48 Polycom, Inc. Flags Specific to Maximum Security Environment s - Ultra Secure Mode T he RMX can operate in one of two modes: Standard Security Mode or Ultra Secure Mode . In Ultra Secure Mode the enhanced security features of the version are rigorously enforced.
Chapter 22-System Configur ation Flags Polycom, Inc. 22-49 •T h e ULTRA_SECURE_M ODE System Flag affects the ranges and defaults of the S ystem Flags that control: — Network Securit y — User Man.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 22-50 Polycom, Inc. User Management DISABLE_INACTIVE_ USER 1-90 30 0-90 0 Strong Passwords FORCE_STRONG_P A SSWORD_POLICY YES YES YES/N.
Chapter 22-System Configur ation Flags Polycom, Inc. 22-51 UL TRA_SECURE_MODE Syst em Flag Descriptions Cyclic File Systems ENABLE_CYCLIC_FIL E_SYSTEM_ALARMS YES/NO YES YES/NO NO T able 22-8 UL TRA_SE.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 22-52 Polycom, Inc. USER_LOCKOUT User Lockout can be enabled to lo ck a user out of the system after three consecutive Login failures wi th same User Name. The user is disabled and only the administrator can ena ble the user within the system.
Chapter 22-System Configur ation Flags Polycom, Inc. 22-53 MIN_PWD_CHANGE_F REQUENCY_IN_DA YS The frequency with which a user can change a password is determi ned by the value of this System Flag. T he value of the flag is the number of days that users must retain a password.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 22-54 Polycom, Inc..
Polycom, Inc. 23-1 23 RMX Hardware Monitoring The status and properties of the RMX hardwa re components can be viewed and monitored in the Hardware Monitor list pane. V iewing the S t atus of the Hardware Component s The Hardware Monitor’s status column displays the present st atus of the hardware components.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 23-2 Polycom, Inc. The Hardware Monitor pane displays the foll owing RM X hardware component’s status columns: HW Monitor Pane T ool .
Chapter 23-RMX Hardware Monitori ng Polycom, Inc. 23-3 V iewing the Properties of RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500 Hardware Component s The properties displayed for the hardware comp onents will vary according to the type of component viewed.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 23-4 Polycom, Inc. To view the MCU Prop erties: 1 In the Hardware Monitor pane, either double-click or right-cl ick and select Properties for RMX 1500, slot 0 .
Chapter 23-RMX Hardware Monitori ng Polycom, Inc. 23-5 The logged events can be saved to a *.xls file by clicking the Save Event Log button. It is not possible to save individual or multiple se lected events; the entire log file must be saved. 3 Click th e Active Alar ms tab to view alarms related to the RMX, i.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 23-6 Polycom, Inc. To view the Card Properties: 1 In the Hardware Monitor pane, either double-click or right-cl ick and select properties for the desired hardware component.
Chapter 23-RMX Hardware Monitori ng Polycom, Inc. 23-7 To View the Sup porting Hardware Compo nents Properti es: 1 In the Hardware Monitor pane, either d ouble-click or right-click and select properties for the desired supporting hardware component. The component’s properties dial og box will appear with the General In fo tab displayed.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 23-8 Polycom, Inc. FAN Properties: The RMX unit’s chassis contains 3 fans that regulate the unit’ s temperature. If the temperature increases, the fans spee d will increase and vice-v ersa.
Chapter 23-RMX Hardware Monitori ng Polycom, Inc. 23-9 LAN 1, LAN 2, LAN 3 Properties: The RMX unit’s chassis contains 3 exte rnal LAN connectors which register the following information li sted below. The info rmation will be refreshed every 8 seconds and also contains a peek detector to log the maximal values, since the last peek values reset.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 23-10 Polycom, Inc. The Hardware Properties dialog box has the following structure: To view the MCU Prop erties: 1 In the Hardware Monitor pane, either double-click or right-cl ick and select properties for RMX 2000, slot 0 .
Chapter 23-RMX Hardware Monitori ng Polycom, Inc. 23-11 2 Click t he Event Log tab to view a log of events that were recorded by the system for the RMX. The logged events can be saved to a *.xls file by clicking the Save Event Log button. It is not possible to save individual or multiple se lected events; the entire log file must be saved.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 23-12 Polycom, Inc. 3 Click the Active Alarms tab to view alarms related to the RMX, i.e. temperatures and main power sensors. The Active Alarms dialog box displ ays fields that relate to faults and errors de tected on the RMX by sensors.
Chapter 23-RMX Hardware Monitori ng Polycom, Inc. 23-13 2 Click th e Event Log tab to view a log of events th at was recorded by the system on the HW component. For mo re inform ation, see " M CU Properties - Event Log” on page 23-11 . 3 Click th e Active Alarms tab to view alarms relate d to the hardware component, i.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 23-14 Polycom, Inc. FAN Properties: The RMX unit’s chassis contains 3 fans that regulate the unit’ s temperature. If the temperature increases, the fans spee d will increase and vice-v ersa.
Chapter 23-RMX Hardware Monitori ng Polycom, Inc. 23-15 LAN 0, LAN 1, LAN 2 Properties: The RMX unit’s chassis contains 3 exte rnal LAN connectors which register the following information li sted below. The info rmation will be refreshed every 8 seconds and also contains a peek detector to log the maximal values, since the last peek values reset.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 23-16 Polycom, Inc. The Hardware Properties dialog box has the following structure: To view the MCU Prop erties: 1 In the Hardware Monitor pane, either double-click or right-cl ick and select Properties for RMX 4000, slot 0 .
Chapter 23-RMX Hardware Monitori ng Polycom, Inc. 23-17 2 Click t he Event Log tab to view a log of events that were recorded by the system for the RMX. The logged events can be saved to a *.xls file by clicking the Save Event Log button. It is not possible to save individual or multiple se lected events; the entire log file must be saved.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 23-18 Polycom, Inc. 3 Click the Active Alarms tab to view alarms related to the RMX, i.e. temperatures and main power sensors. The Active Alarms dialog box displ ays fields that relate to faults and errors de tected on the RMX by sensors.
Chapter 23-RMX Hardware Monitori ng Polycom, Inc. 23-19 2 Click th e Event Log tab to view a log of events th at was recorded by the system on the HW component. For mo re inform ation, see " M CU Properties - Event Log” on page 23-11 . 3 Click th e Active Alarms tab to view alarms relate d to the hardware component, i.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 23-20 Polycom, Inc. FAN Properties: The RMX unit’s chassis contains 3 fans that regulate the unit’ s temperature. If the temperature increases, the fans spee d will increase and vice-v ersa.
Chapter 23-RMX Hardware Monitori ng Polycom, Inc. 23-21 LAN 0, LAN 1, LAN 2 Properties: The RMX unit’s chassis contains 3 exte rnal LAN connectors which register the following information li sted below. The info rmation will be refreshed every 8 seconds and also contains a peek detector to log the maximal values, since the last peek values reset.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 23-22 Polycom, Inc. Access the RMX browser and click Hardwar e Monitor . The Hardware Monitor pane opens. On the Hardware Monitor toolbar click the Shelf Manager icon. Type in the URL address of the Shelf Management (IP address).
Chapter 23-RMX Hardware Monitori ng Polycom, Inc. 23-23 1 In the list pane tool bar, click the Basic Mode ( ) button. 2 In the Reset Confirmation dialog box, click Yes . 3 The RMX resets. Re-enter the Shelf Manager IP address in the browser and Login under POLYCOM or with an “Administrator” Login.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 23-24 Polycom, Inc. After login the following screen appears. The MPM+/MPMx cards indicate “Resetting” and later sw itch to “Diagnostics”. The status of RTM-IP/RTM IP 1500/RTM-IP 40 00 and CNTL/CNTL 1500/CNTL 4000 components change to “Diagnostics”.
Chapter 23-RMX Hardware Monitori ng Polycom, Inc. 23-25 5 Run Diagnostic Tests & Tests M onitoring by clicking the Run Tests button. In the Hardware Monitor pane, the toolbar and card statuses change to Tests in progress .
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 23-26 Polycom, Inc. 6. Th e Diagnostic s Summary pan e is displaye d at the bottom o f the Har dwar e Monitori ng pane.
Chapter 23-RMX Hardware Monitori ng Polycom, Inc. 23-27 Performing Advanced Mode Diagnostics To run Advanced Mode Di agnostics on a Hardware Component: 1 In the list pane tool bar, click the Advanced Mode () b u t t o n . 2 In the Reset Confirmation dialog box, click Yes .
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 23-28 Polycom, Inc. 3 The RMX resets. Re-enter the Shelf Manager IP address in the browser and Login using an “Administrator” Login. The MPM+/MPMx cards indicate “Resetting” and later sw itch to “Diagnostics”.
Chapter 23-RMX Hardware Monitori ng Polycom, Inc. 23-29 You can view Diagnostic Tests & Te sts Monitoring by clicking the Advanced Diagnostics Tab. The Diagnostics Tests & Monitoring Tests panes are displayed on the right side of the window pane.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 23-30 Polycom, Inc. Figure 23-4 RealPrese nce Collaboration Server (RMX) 150 0 Diagnostics T ests & Monitoring T ests 5 When the RM.
Chapter 23-RMX Hardware Monitori ng Polycom, Inc. 23-31 7 The selected tests are initialized. In the Tests Monitoring pane there is an indication of the Connection St atus of the Tests. 8 This process may take some time. Click Stop Running Test to end all the diagnostic tests.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 23-32 Polycom, Inc. Cards Monitor The Cards Monitor tab displays the status of the selected tests being run on the currently viewed card, i.e. slot 5, described below. T able 23-21 T ests Monitoring - M CU Monitor Parameters Column Description Card The card’ s slot nu mber , i.
Chapter 23-RMX Hardware Monitori ng Polycom, Inc. 23-33 Error Buffer The Error Buffer tab displays the errors encountered during testing of the cards. T able 23-23 T ests Monitoring - Card Monitor Parameters Column Description Te s t i d The test ID number .
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 23-34 Polycom, Inc. T emperature Thresholds On each RMX card or there are temperature sensors that are placed near specific components on the card. In the Hardware Monitor you can view the properties of each car d together with their tempe rature statuses .
Chapter 23-RMX Hardware Monitori ng Polycom, Inc. 23-35 RMX RTM-IP 1500/RTM-IP/RTM IP 4000 Card Properties To view the RMX RTM-IP 1500/RTM-IP/RTM IP 40 00 Properties: 1 In the Hardware Monitor pane, right-click the RTM IP entry and then select Properties .
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 23-36 Polycom, Inc. 2 Click Active Alarms . Figure 23-8 RealPresence Collaboration Serve r (R MX) 2000 CNTL T emperature Sensors The ho.
Chapter 23-RMX Hardware Monitori ng Polycom, Inc. 23-37 MPM+ Card Proper ties To view the MPM+ Properties: 1 In the Hardware Monitor pane, right-click the MPM+ entry and then select Prop erties .
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 23-38 Polycom, Inc. MPMx Card Proper ties To view the MPMx Properties: 1 In the Hardware Monitor pane, right-click the M PMx entry and then select Prope rties .
Polycom, Inc. A-1 Appendix A Disconnection Causes If a participant was unable to connect to a conference or was disconnected from a conference, the Connection Status tab in the Participant Prope rties dialog box indicates the call disconnection cause.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide A-2 Polycom, Inc. H323 call closed. Small bandwidth The g atekeeper allocated insufficient bandwidth to the connection with the endpoint. H323 call closed. No port left There are no free ports lef t in the IP card.
Chapter A-Disconnect ion Causes Polycom, Inc. A-3 H323 call closed. Remote sent bad capability There was a pr oblem in the capabilities sent by the endpoint. H323 call closed. Local capability wasn't accepted by remote The endpoint did not accept the capabilities sent by the gatekeeper .
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide A-4 Polycom, Inc. SIP client error 40 7 The endpoint sent a SIP C lient Error 407 (Proxy Authentication Required) response. The client must first authent icate itself with the proxy .
Chapter A-Disconnect ion Causes Polycom, Inc. A-5 SIP forbidden The SIP server rejected the request. The server understood the request, but is refusing to fulfill it.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide A-6 Polycom, Inc. SIP server error 500 The SIP server se nt a SIP Server Error 500 (Server Internal Error) response. The server encoun tered an unexpected cond ition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.
Chapter A-Disconnect ion Causes Polycom, Inc. A-7 ISDN Disconnection Causes Ta b l e A - 2 ISDN Disconnection Causes Disconnectio n Cause Number Summary Description 1 Unallocated (unassigned number) No route to the number exists in the ISDN network or the number was not found in the routi ng table.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide A-8 Polycom, Inc. 22 N umber Changed Same as Cause 1. The diagnostic field contains the new called user number . Cause 1 is used if the network does not support this cause value.
Chapter A-Disconnect ion Causes Polycom, Inc. A-9 53 Outgoi ng Calls Barred Within Closed User Group (CUG) Outgoing calls are n ot permitted for this memb er of the CUG . 55 Incomi ng Calls Barred within CUG Incoming cal ls are not permitte d for this member of the CUG .
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide A-10 Polycom, Inc. 86 C all Having the Requested Call Identity Has Been Cleared A RESUME message cannot be executed by the network as a result of the call having been cleared while suspen ded.
Chapter A-Disconnect ion Causes Polycom, Inc. A-11 103 Parameter Non- Existent or Not Implemented – Passed On (national use) A message wa s received cont aining paramete rs that are no t defined or of a type that is defined but not implemented.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide A-12 Polycom, Inc..
Polycom, Inc. B-1 Appendix B Alarms and Fault s Alarms Ta b l e B - 1 Alarms Alarm Code Alarm Description A new activation key was loaded. Reset the system. A new activation key was loaded: Reset the MCU. A new version was installed. Reset the system.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide B-2 Polycom, Inc. Card not found This occurs when: th e system does not receive an indication about the card (since it does not exist…) usually when the card was removed from the MCU and the system did not have a chance to recalculate it resources.
Appendix B-Alarms a nd Faults Polycom, Inc. B-3 DMA not supported by IDE device Possible explanatio ns: • DMA (direct memory access) not supported by IDE device: Incompatible flash card / hard disk being used. • Flash card / hard drive are not properly connected to the board / one of the IDE channels is disconnected.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide B-4 Polycom, Inc. Fallback version is being used Fallback version is being used. Restore current version. V ersion being used: [running version]; Current version: [current version].
Appendix B-Alarms a nd Faults Polycom, Inc. B-5 Gatekeeper failure (cont.) • Gatekee per rejected RRQ due to invalid terminal alias. • Gatekeeper rejected RRQ due to resource unavailability . • Gatekeeper rejected RRQ due to Security Denial. • Gatekeeper rejected RRQ due to terminal type.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide B-6 Polycom, Inc. MPL startup failure. Management Network configuration not received.
Appendix B-Alarms a nd Faults Polycom, Inc. B-7 Restoring Factory Defaults. Default system settings will be restored once Reset is completed Default system settings will be rest ored once Reset is completed. RTM ISDN card not found RTM ISDN card is missing.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide B-8 Polycom, Inc. SIP TLS: Registration server not responding This alarm is displayed when the MCU does not re ceive a response from the OCS to the registration request in the expected time frame.
Polycom, Inc. C-1 Appendix C CDR Fields - Unformatted File The CDR (Call Detail Records) utili ty is used to retrieve conference information to a file. The CDR utility can retrieve conference information to a file in both formatted and unf ormatted formats.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide C-2 Polycom, Inc. The Conference Summary Record The conference summary record (the first reco rd in the unformat.
Appendix C-CDR Fields - Unformatted File Polycom, Inc. C-3 Event Records The event records, that is, all r ecords in the un formatted file except the first record, contain standard fields, such as the event type code an d the time stamp, followed by fields that are event specific.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide C-4 Polycom, Inc. Event T ypes The table below contains a list of the events th at can be logged in the CDR file, and indicates where to find details of the fields that are specific to that type of event.
Appendix C-CDR Fields - Unformatted File Polycom, Inc. C-5 10 DEFINED P ARTICIP ANT Information about a de fined partic ipant, that is, a particip ant who was added to the conference befo re the conference started.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide C-6 Polycom, Inc. 28 SIP PRIV A TE EXTENSIONS Contains SIP Private Extensions information. For more information about the fields, see T abl e C-25, “ Event Fields for Event 28 - SIP PRIV A TE EXTENSIONS,” on page C-31 .
Appendix C-CDR Fields - Unformatted File Polycom, Inc. C-7 101 USER ADD P ARTICIP ANT A user added a participant to the conference during th e conference.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide C-8 Polycom, Inc. 109 OPERA TOR A TTEND P ARTY The MCU User moved the part icipant to the Operator conference.
Appendix C-CDR Fields - Unformatted File Polycom, Inc. C-9 2012 RESERVED P ARTICIP ANT CONTINUE 2 Additional information about a D EFINED P ARTICIP ANT event.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide C-10 Polycom, Inc. Event S pecific Fields The following tables describe the fields wh ich are specific to each type of event. 5001 CONFERENCE ST ART CONTINUE 4 Additional information abo ut a CONFERENCE ST ART event.
Appendix C-CDR Fields - Unformatted File Polycom, Inc. C-11 Auto T erminate Indi cates whether the conference wa s set to end automatically if no parti cipan t joins the confer ence for a predefi ned .
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide C-12 Polycom, Inc. T120 Rate Not supported. Always contains the value 0 . Ta b l e C - 4 Event Fields for Event 2001 - CONFERENCE ST ART CONTINUE 1 Field Descrip tion Audio T ones No t supported.
Appendix C-CDR Fields - Unformatted File Polycom, Inc. C-13 Minimum Number of Participants The number of particip ants for whic h the system reserved resources. Additional participants may join the conference without prior reservatio n until all the resources are utilize d.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide C-14 Polycom, Inc. Lecture Mode T ype Indicates the type of Lecture Mode, as follows: 0 - None 1 - Lecture Mode 3 - Presentation Mode Lecturer Note: This field is only relevant if the Lecture Mode T ype is Lecture Mo de.
Appendix C-CDR Fields - Unformatted File Polycom, Inc. C-15 Ta b l e C - 6 Event Fields for Event 6001 - CONFERENCE ST ART CONTINUE 5 Field Descrip tion Encryption Indicates the conference encry ption setting, as follows: 0 - The conference is not encrypted.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide C-16 Polycom, Inc. Call T ype The call type, as follows: 68 - 56 KBS dat a call 72 - 1536kbs data call (PRI only.
Appendix C-CDR Fields - Unformatted File Polycom, Inc. C-17 Calling Participant Phone Number The telephone number used for dial-in. Called Participant Number T ype The type of number called, as follow.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide C-18 Polycom, Inc. Participant ID The identification number assigned to the participant by the MCU.
Appendix C-CDR Fields - Unformatted File Polycom, Inc. C-19 Secondary Cause (cont.) 15 - V ideo stream violation due to incompatible annexes or other discrep ancy .
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide C-20 Polycom, Inc. Mux Board ID Not supported. Always contains the value 0 . Mux Unit ID Not supported. Always contains the value 0 . Audio Codec Board ID Not supported.
Appendix C-CDR Fields - Unformatted File Polycom, Inc. C-21 Dialing Dire ction The dialing direction, as fo llows: 0 - Dial-out 5 - Dial-in Bonding Mode Not supp orted. Always cont ains the value 0 . Number Of Channels Note: This field is o nly relevant to ISDN/PSTN participants.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide C-22 Polycom, Inc. Number of MCU Phone Numbers Note: This field is only relevant to ISDN/PSTN participants. The number of MCU phone numbers. In a dial-in connection, the MCU phone number is the number dia led by the participant to connect to the MCU.
Appendix C-CDR Fields - Unformatted File Polycom, Inc. C-23 Undefined Participant Indicates whether are not the particip ant is an undefined participant, as follows: 0 - The participant is not an undefined participant. 2 - The participant is an undefined participant.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide C-24 Polycom, Inc. T able C -16 Event Fields for Event 201 1 - DEFINED P ARTICIP ANT CONTINUE 2, Event 2012 - US.
Appendix C-CDR Fields - Unformatted File Polycom, Inc. C-25 T able C-18 Event Fields for Events 17, 23 - H323 P ARTICIP ANT CONNECTED, SIP P ARTICIP ANT CONNECTED Field Descrip tion Participant Name The name of the participant. An empty field “” denotes an unidentifi ed participant or a particip ant whose name is unspecified.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide C-26 Polycom, Inc. Secondary Cause Note: This field is only rele vant if th e Parti cipant S tatus is Secondary .
Appendix C-CDR Fields - Unformatted File Polycom, Inc. C-27 Restrict Not supported. Always cont ains the value 0 . Audio Only Indicates the participant’s Audio Only setting, as follows: 0 - The part.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide C-28 Polycom, Inc. Chair Not supported. Always contains the value 0 . Video Protocol The video protocol , as follows: 1 - H.261 2 - H.263 4 - H.264 255 - Auto Broadcasting Vo l u m e The broadcasting volume assigned to the participant.
Appendix C-CDR Fields - Unformatted File Polycom, Inc. C-29 H.323 Participant Alias T ype/SIP Participant Address Ty p e Note: This field is only relevant to IP participant s.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide C-30 Polycom, Inc. T able C -22 Event Fields for Event 21 - SET P ARTICIP ANT DISPLA Y NAME Field Descrip tion P.
Appendix C-CDR Fields - Unformatted File Polycom, Inc. C-31 Recording Link Name The name of the Recordi ng Link. Recording Link ID The Record ing Link ID. S tart Recording Policy The start recording policy , as follows: 1 - S tart rec ording automatically as soon as the first participant connects to the confer ence.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide C-32 Polycom, Inc. Participant Current Rate The participant line rate in Kbps. T able C -28 Event Fields for Event 32 Field Descrip tion IP V6 IPv6 address of the participant’s endpoint.
Appendix C-CDR Fields - Unformatted File Polycom, Inc. C-33 T able C-31 Event Fields for Event 35 - SVC SIP P ARTICIP ANT CONNECTED Field Description Participant Name The name of the particip ant.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide C-34 Polycom, Inc. T able C -33 Event Fields for Events 102,103, 104 - USER DELETE P ARTICIP ANT , USER DISCONNE.
Appendix C-CDR Fields - Unformatted File Polycom, Inc. C-35 Party ID The identification number assigned to the participant by the MCU. Connection T ype The connection type, as follows: 0 - Dial-out 5 - Dial-in Bonding Mode Note: This fiel d is only relevant to ISDN/PSTN participants.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide C-36 Polycom, Inc. Net SubService Name Note: This field is only relevant to dial-out, ISDN/PSTN participants. The network sub-se rvice name. An empty field “” means that MCU selects the default sub-service.
Appendix C-CDR Fields - Unformatted File Polycom, Inc. C-37 Video Protocol T he video protocol, as follows: 1 - H.261 2 - H.263 3 - H.264* 4 - H.264 255 - Auto Audio Volume The broadcasting volume assigned to the participant. The value is between 1 (lowest) and 10 (loudest).
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide C-38 Polycom, Inc. H.323 Party Alias T ype/SIP Party Address T ype Note: This field is only relevant to IP participants. For H.323 participants, the alias type, as follows: 7 - E164 8 - H.
Appendix C-CDR Fields - Unformatted File Polycom, Inc. C-39 Disconnection Cause V alues T able C-39 Event Fields for Event 3010 - P ARTICIP ANT INFORMA TION Field Descrip tion Info1 Info2 Info3 Info4 The participant information fields.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide C-40 Polycom, Inc. 153 H323 call clos e. DRQ timeout 154 H323 call close. Alt Gatekeeper failure 191 H323 call clos e. Remote busy 192 H323 call close. No rmal 193 H323 call clos e.
Appendix C-CDR Fields - Unformatted File Polycom, Inc. C-41 261 SIP trans error TCP invite 300 SIP redirection 300 301 SIP moved permanently 302 SIP moved temporarily 305 SIP redirection 305 380 SIP r.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide C-42 Polycom, Inc. MGC Manager Event s that are not Supported by the MCU The following MGC Manager events are no.
Polycom, Inc. D-1 Appendix D Ad Hoc Conferencing and External Dat abase Authentication The RealPresence Collaboration Server (R MX) Ad Hoc conferencing feature enables participants to start ongoing c onferences on-the-fly, without prio r definition when dialing an Ad Hoc-enabled Entry Queue.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide D-2 Polycom, Inc. 4 The MCU checks whether a conference with the same Confe rence ID is running on the MCU. If there is such a conference , the partic ipant is moved to that conference.
Appendix D-Ad Hoc Conferencing and Ext ernal Database Authentication Polycom, Inc. D-3 Entry Queue Level - Co nference Init iation V alidation with an External Dat abase Application Starting a new con.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide D-4 Polycom, Inc. — Conference Information, such as the co ntact person name. These fields correspond to Info 1, 2 and 3 fields in the Conference Properties - Information dial og box.
Appendix D-Ad Hoc Conferencing and Ext ernal Database Authentication Polycom, Inc. D-5 Conference access authenti cation can be performed as: • Part of the Ad Hoc c onferencing flow where the partic.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide D-6 Polycom, Inc. • If the Conference IVR Service is configured to prompt for the chairperson identifier and password, the participant is requested to enter the chairperson identifier.
Appendix D-Ad Hoc Conferencing and Ext ernal Database Authentication Polycom, Inc. D-7 • If the Conference IVR Service is configured to prompt for the Conference password, the participant is requested to enter the conferen ce password.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide D-8 Polycom, Inc. • Ad Hoc - enabled Entry Queue Ad Hoc conferencing must be enabled in the Entry Queue and a Profile must be assigned to the Entry Queue. In addition, an Entry Queue IVR Service supporting conference ID request.
Appendix D-Ad Hoc Conferencing and Ext ernal Database Authentication Polycom, Inc. D-9 MCU Configuration to Communicate with an External Dat abase Application To enable the communication with the external database application, several flags must be set in the System Con figuration.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide D-10 Polycom, Inc. Enabling External Dat abase V alidation for St arting New Ongoin g Conferences The validation.
Polycom, Inc. E-1 Appendix E Particip ant Properties Advanced Channel Information The following appendix details the properties connected with information about audio and video parameters, as well as, problems with the network which can affect the audio and video quality.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide E-2 Polycom, Inc. RTP Stat is ti cs Actual loss The number of missing packets counted by the IP card as repo rted in the last RTP S tatistics report. If a packe t that was considered lost arrives later , it is deducted from the packet loss coun t.
Appendix E-Particip ant Properties Advanced Channel Infor mation Polycom, Inc. E-3 Fragmented Indicates the number of packet s that arrived to the IP card fragmented (i.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide E-4 Polycom, Inc..
Polycom, Inc. F-1 Appendix F Secure Communication Mode The RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) can be configured to wor k in Secure Mode by configuring the MCU and the RealPr esence Collaboration Server (RMX) Web Client to work with SSL/TLS.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide F-2 Polycom, Inc. — Client Authentication — Server Au thentica tion The certificate template used by your CA server may nee d modification to meet the RMX requirements.
Appendix F-Secure Communi cation Mode Polycom, Inc. F-3 The Create Certificate Request dialog box is displayed. 2 Enter information in all the followin g fields: 3 Click Send Details . T able F-2 Create Cert ificate R equest Field Description Country Name Enter any 2 letter code for the country name.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide F-4 Polycom, Inc. The MCU creates a New Certificate Request and returns it to the Cre ate Certificate Request dialog box along with the i nformation the user submi tted.
Appendix F-Secure Communi cation Mode Polycom, Inc. F-5 4 Click th e Send Certificate button to send the cert ificate to the MCU. The MCU validates the certificate.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide F-6 Polycom, Inc. • A secure communication indicator ( ) is displayed in the browser’ s status bar. To enable secure communications mode: 1 In the RMX Management pane, click IP Network Services.
Appendix F-Secure Communi cation Mode Polycom, Inc. F-7 Ultra Secure Mode UL TRA_SECURE_MODE System Flag The Ultra Secure Mode is enabled or di sabled de pending on the value of the ULTRA_SECURE_MODE System Flag. In the Ultra Secure Mode ( ULTRA_SECURE_MODE =YES ) the enhanced security features of the version are rigorously enforced.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide F-8 Polycom, Inc. It is important to verify that the external da tabase appl ication is operating in secure mode before enabling secure external database communications on the MCU .
Appendix F-Secure Communi cation Mode Polycom, Inc. F-9 Offline Certificate V alidation Offline Certificate Validation has been enhanced to include the following rules and procedures: Peer Certificates The diagram below illustrates the peer certificate validation procedure .
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide F-10 Polycom, Inc. • The date of the MCU’s certificat e is checked for vali dity during power-up and when connecting to management applications ( RealPresence Collaboration Server Web Client and RMX Manager ).
Appendix F-Secure Communi cation Mode Polycom, Inc. F-11 4 Clear the Skip certificate validation for user logging session check box . 5 Click th e OK button.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide F-12 Polycom, Inc. Managing Certificates in the Certification Repository A Certification Repository dialog box has been added to enable the administrator to add remove and monitor certificates on the MCU.
Appendix F-Secure Communi cation Mode Polycom, Inc. F-13 Double-clicking on a ce rtificate in any if the displayed list s, displays the cert ificate’s properties: Adding T rusted Certificates and CRLs to the Certification Repository Trusted Certificates and CRL s added to the Certification Repository ar e not automatically act iva ted .
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide F-14 Polycom, Inc. The Send Certificate dialog box is displayed.
Appendix F-Secure Communi cation Mode Polycom, Inc. F-15 Option. Send Certificate Fil e After you have received the certificate file from the Certificate Authority: a Click Send Certificate Fil e . The Install File dialog box is displayed . b Select the Certificate File Format : PEM, DER, PKCS#7/P7B or PKCS#12PFX .
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide F-16 Polycom, Inc. Personal Certificates (Management and Signaling Certificates) Default Management and Default IP Network Service certificates can be viewed in the Personal Certificates tab.
Appendix F-Secure Communi cation Mode Polycom, Inc. F-17 Adding a CRL To add a CRL to the repository: Repeat steps 1 - 7 for each CRL that is to be added to the Certificat ion Repo sitory . 1 In the CRL List tab, click the Add button. 2 The Install File dialog box is displayed.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide F-18 Polycom, Inc. When the Activate Ce rtificate button is clicked , all added Trusted Certificates and CRL s are installed an d the MCU disp lays an RealPresence Collaboration Server Web Client/RMX Manager disconnection confir mation dialog box.
Appendix F-Secure Communi cation Mode Polycom, Inc. F-19 Directory and Dat abase Options Ultra Secure Mode Internal MCU da tabase and Active Directory Authentication is first a ttempted using the inte rnal MCU database. If it is not successful authentication is attempted using the Active Directory .
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide F-20 Polycom, Inc. •I n Standard Security Mode multiple accounts of all user types are supported. In Ultra Secure Mode , enablin g Active Directory inte gration is only permitted if the MCU only has one local Administrator User .
Appendix F-Secure Communi cation Mode Polycom, Inc. F-21 3 Click th e Role Mapping tab. The Directory Services - Role Mapping dialog box is dis played.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide F-22 Polycom, Inc. Restoring the RealPresence® Collaboration Server (RMX®) 1500/2000/4000 Using the USB Port W.
Polycom, Inc. G-1 Appendix G Configuring Direct Connections to RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) Direct connection to the RealPresence Collabor ation Ser ver (RMX) is necessary if you want to: •M o d i f y t h e M C U ’ s Factory Default M anagement Network settings without using the USB key.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide G-2 Polycom, Inc. Once logged in, the RealPresence Collaboration Se rver Web Client behaves as if the administrator had logged in on the Manag ement Network.
Appendix G-Configuring Direct Connect ions to RealPresence Collaboration Ser ver (RMX) Polycom, Inc. G-3 3 In the Local Area Connection Status dialog box, click the Properties button. 4 In the Local Area Connection Properties dialog box, sele ct Internet Protoco l [TCP/IP] > Properties .
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide G-4 Polycom, Inc. Example: IP address – near 192.168.1.nn The Subnet mask and Default gateway addresses s hould be the same as those for the MCU’s Management Network .
Appendix G-Configuring Direct Connect ions to RealPresence Collaboration Ser ver (RMX) Polycom, Inc. G-5 The Fast Configuration Wizard starts. If no USB key i s detected and either : this is the First.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide G-6 Polycom, Inc. Connecting to the Alterna te Management Network Access to the Alternate Management Network is via a cable connected to a workstation. The Alternate Management Network is accessible only vi a the dedicated LAN 3 port.
Appendix G-Configuring Direct Connect ions to RealPresence Collaboration Ser ver (RMX) Polycom, Inc. G-7 Connecting to th e MCU via Modem Remote access to the MCU’s Alternate Management Network is supported via an external PSTN <=> IP modem.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide G-8 Polycom, Inc. Procedure 3: Create a Dial-up Connection To create a dial-up co nnection: This procedure is performed once. Only the Dial field in the Connect applet (see step 10 on page G-11 ) is modified for connect ion to different modems.
Appendix G-Configuring Direct Connect ions to RealPresence Collaboration Ser ver (RMX) Polycom, Inc. G-9 4 In the Getting Ready box, select Set up my connect ion manually and cli ck the Next button. 5 In the Internet Connection box, select Connect using dial-up modem and click the Next button.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide G-10 Polycom, Inc. 7 In the Phone Number to Dial box, enter the Phone Number for the modem and click the Next button. 8 In the Connection Availability box, select Anyone’s use and click the Next button.
Appendix G-Configuring Direct Connect ions to RealPresence Collaboration Ser ver (RMX) Polycom, Inc. G-11 10 The Connection applet is displa yed with the field values filled in as specified by the New Connection Wizard . 11 Click t he Dial button to establish a connection to LAN 3 Port via the modem.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide G-12 Polycom, Inc. Procedure 4: Connect to the MCU To Connect using the RMX Manager: To use the browser: 4 In the browser’s command line, enter http://<MCU Control Unit IP Address>/ RmxManager.
Polycom, Inc. H-1 Appendix H Setting the MCU for Integration Into Microsof t Environment Overview The Polycom® Visual Communica tions offers high quality video and audio multipoint conferencing by integrating the Polycom netw ork devices and endpoints into Microsoft® platforms.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide H-2 Polycom, Inc. TLS certificates can be ge nerated using the following methods: CSR, PFX and PEM ; each giving different options for Encryption Key length . Table H-1 lists the SIP TLS Encryption Key length support for the various system components.
Appendix H-Setting th e MCU for Integration Into Microsof t Environment Polycom, Inc. H-3 Figure H-1 MCU Multiple Networks T opology ICE is supported with this configuration from Version 7.8 onwar d. One Network Service including ICE can be configured per media card installed in the MCU as shown in Table H-2.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide H-4 Polycom, Inc. Interactive Connectivity Est ablishment (ICE) Interactive Connectivity Establishment (ICE) pr ovides a structure/pr otocol to unify the various NAT Traversal techniques th at are used to cross firewalls.
Appendix H-Setting th e MCU for Integration Into Microsof t Environment Polycom, Inc. H-5 Remote - a connection between MCU that resides within the organization and an endpoint that resides outside of the organization ( on a WAN). For example , an endpoint on the internet that calls the MCU in Zone A.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide H-6 Polycom, Inc. Integrating the MCU into the Microsof t Office Communications Server Enviro nment When the MCU.
Appendix H-Setting th e MCU for Integration Into Microsof t Environment Polycom, Inc. H-7 For example, if company B wants to set up fe deration with company A and receive and send SIP calls that will .
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide H-8 Polycom, Inc. 3 Right-click the server pool icon, click Properties > Front End Properties . The Pool Front End Properties dialog box opens. 4 Click the Host Authorizat ion tab.
Appendix H-Setting th e MCU for Integration Into Microsof t Environment Polycom, Inc. H-9 5 Click th e Add button to add the MCU as trusted host. The Add Authorized Host dialog box opens. 6 In the Add Authorized Host dialog box, enter the MCU FQDN name as defined in the DNS and will be used in th e Static Routes definition.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide H-10 Polycom, Inc. 11 In the Matching URI section, enter the Domain name for the MCU. Any domain name can be used. 12 In the Next hop section enter th e MCU FQDN name as defined in the DNS and is used in the Host Authorization definition.
Appendix H-Setting th e MCU for Integration Into Microsof t Environment Polycom, Inc. H-11 3 Right-click the Load icon, click Properties > Front End Pro perties . The Load Front End Properties dialog box opens. The definition procedure is the same as for se tting the MCU as trusted and define Static routes in the OCS.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide H-12 Polycom, Inc. Dialing to an Entry Queue, Meet ing Room or Conference Using the Matched URI Method Once the .
Appendix H-Setting th e MCU for Integration Into Microsof t Environment Polycom, Inc. H-13 • Establishing a Voice R oute to the MCU “Voice” Gateway - The Voice Route to the MCU (or DMA) must be co nfigured i n the OCS infrastruct ure. • Configure Office Communicator Users for Enterprise Voice.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide H-14 Polycom, Inc. 3 In the Trusted Hosts list, click the MCU entry and then click the Remove button. 4 Click OK . Configuring the MCU as a Rout able Gateway The MCU must be set as a routable voice gateway in the Office Communications Server infrastructure.
Appendix H-Setting th e MCU for Integration Into Microsof t Environment Polycom, Inc. H-15 3 Run the following command: cscript OCSTrustEntry.vbs /action:add /type:trustedservice / fqdn:<your FQDN> /service:MediationServer /port:5061 /version:4 /routable:TRUE Where <your FQDN> is the FQDN of your MCU sy stem.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide H-16 Polycom, Inc. The Office Communications Server Voice Properties dialog box opens. 2 Click the Routes tab. Office Communications Server Voice Properties - Routes dialog box opens.
Appendix H-Setting th e MCU for Integration Into Microsof t Environment Polycom, Inc. H-17 If you have not defined such a prefix in the IP Network Service in the MCU configuration, you can add it la ter, using value entered here. 7 In the Gateways - Addresses box, click the Ad d button.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide H-18 Polycom, Inc. Configuring Office Communicator Users for Enterprise V oice Each of the endpoints in the OCS environment must be set to use the voice route.
Appendix H-Setting th e MCU for Integration Into Microsof t Environment Polycom, Inc. H-19 10 On the Configure Enterprise Voice Se tting s and Location Profile dialog box, select Change Enterprise Voice Polic y for selected users . 11 Select an E nterprise Voice polic y from the li st.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide H-20 Polycom, Inc. To Configure Offi ce Communicator Users for Ent erprise Voice in the in the Acti ve Directory: 1 Open the Active Directory and navigate to the endpoint whose properties require changi ng.
Appendix H-Setting th e MCU for Integration Into Microsof t Environment Polycom, Inc. H-21 St arting a Conferencing Call from the MOC 1 In the Office Communicator application, ente r the number to dial, for example, 113344.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide H-22 Polycom, Inc. PFX Method - Creating the Security (TLS) Certificate in the OCS and Exporting the Certificate to the MCU W orkst ation If you are using the PFX method to create an d send the securi ty ce rtificate to the MCU, certificate fil es rootCA.
Appendix H-Setting th e MCU for Integration Into Microsof t Environment Polycom, Inc. H-23 4 Select Create a New Certificate and click Next . The Delayed or Immediate Request window appears. 5 Select Send the Request immediat ely to an online certificate autho rity and click Next .
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide H-24 Polycom, Inc. 6 In the Name field, select the MCU name you ente red in the FQDN field when defining the trusted host or as defined in the DNS server. 7 Select the Mark cert as exportable check box.
Appendix H-Setting th e MCU for Integration Into Microsof t Environment Polycom, Inc. H-25 10 In the Subject name field, select the FQDN name of the MCU from the list or enter its name. Keep the default selection in the Subject alternate name field and cl ick Next .
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide H-26 Polycom, Inc. 13 Ensure that the Select a certificate authority fr om the list de tected in yo ur environment option is selected and that the local OCS f ront end entity is s elected.
Appendix H-Setting th e MCU for Integration Into Microsof t Environment Polycom, Inc. H-27 16 Select Assign certificate later and click Next (MS R2). The Certificate Wizard Completed window appears (MS R2).
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide H-28 Polycom, Inc. 4 Select the certificate Subject Name of the MCU and click Next. The Export Certificate window appears. 5 Enter the path and file name of the certificate file to be exported or click the Browse button to select the path from the list.
Appendix H-Setting th e MCU for Integration Into Microsof t Environment Polycom, Inc. H-29 7 If required, enter any password. For example, Polycom . Write down this password as you will have to manually create a password file in which this password will appear.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide H-30 Polycom, Inc. Supporting Remote and Federated User s in Office Commu nications Server ICE Environment To en.
Appendix H-Setting th e MCU for Integration Into Microsof t Environment Polycom, Inc. H-31 3 In the New Use r wizard, define the fo llowing parameters: 4 Click Next . 5 Enter the pass word that complies with th e Active Directory convention s and confirm the password.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide H-32 Polycom, Inc. 7 Click Next . The system displays summary information.
Appendix H-Setting th e MCU for Integration Into Microsof t Environment Polycom, Inc. H-33 3 In the Sign in name field, enter the MCU user name in the format SIP:rmx user name (for example sip:rmx1234) and select the doma in name (for example, ilsnd.vsg.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide H-34 Polycom, Inc. MCU Integration into the Microsof t L ync Server 2010 and L ync Server 2013 Environment s From Version 7.8, the RMX interoperability leve l with Lync 2013 is identical to Lync 2010.
Appendix H-Setting th e MCU for Integration Into Microsof t Environment Polycom, Inc. H-35 FEC Support Microsoft RTV FEC (Forward Error Correction) is supported in the MCU to control and correct packet loss when receiving and send ing video streams using the Microsoft Lync Server 2010 communications software.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide H-36 Polycom, Inc. Configuring the RMX 1500/2000/4000 for Microsof t Integration The MCU is integrated in Micros.
Appendix H-Setting th e MCU for Integration Into Microsof t Environment Polycom, Inc. H-37 6 View or modify the following fields: 7 Click OK . Defining a SIP Network Service in the MCU and Inst alling the Security Certificate Your RMX 1500/2000/4000 system should be in stalled according to standard installation procedures.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide H-38 Polycom, Inc. The CSR Method In the CSR method, the security cert ificate is created as part of the SIP Server configuration in the IP Network Service configuration.
Appendix H-Setting th e MCU for Integration Into Microsof t Environment Polycom, Inc. H-39 The Default IP Service - Networkin g IP dialog box opens. 4 Make sure the IP Network Type is set to H.323 & SIP even though SIP will be the only call setup used with Office Communications Server 2007.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide H-40 Polycom, Inc. 6 Click the SIP Servers tab. 7 In the SIP Server, select Specify.
Appendix H-Setting th e MCU for Integration Into Microsof t Environment Polycom, Inc. H-41 CSR Method - Creati ng the Certificate 12 Click th e Create Certificate button. The Create Certificate Request dialog box is displayed. 13 Enter information in all the followin g fields: 14 Click Send Details .
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide H-42 Polycom, Inc. The MCU creates a New Certificate Request and returns it to the Cre ate Certificate Request dialog box along with the i nformation the user submi tted.
Appendix H-Setting th e MCU for Integration Into Microsof t Environment Polycom, Inc. H-43 CSR Method - Sending th e certificate After you have received the certificate from the Certificate Authority:.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide H-44 Polycom, Inc. — If the certifica te matches the private key, and the task is completed, a confirmation message indicating that the certificat e was created successfully is displayed.
Appendix H-Setting th e MCU for Integration Into Microsof t Environment Polycom, Inc. H-45 28 Click th e Browse button. The Op en dialog box appears , letting you select th e certif icate file(s) to send to the M CU.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide H-46 Polycom, Inc. 33 In the Reset Confirmation di a l o g b o x , c l i c k No to modify the required system flags before resetting the MCU, or click Yes if the flag was already set .
Appendix H-Setting th e MCU for Integration Into Microsof t Environment Polycom, Inc. H-47 In some configurations, the following flags may require modifications when MS_ENVIRONMENT f lag is set to YES.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide H-48 Polycom, Inc. • G711A/U or G722 – Set this flag value according to the hosting wo rkstation capabilities. If the MCU detects single core host during capabilities exchange it will assign a G.
Appendix H-Setting th e MCU for Integration Into Microsof t Environment Polycom, Inc. H-49 The following table describes the number of allocated video resources for each video resolution when using the RTV protocol.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide H-50 Polycom, Inc. HD Frame Rate Flag Settings using the RTV Video Protocol The system flag MAX_ALLOWED_RTV_HD_F RAME_RATE define s the threshold Frame Rate (fps) in which RTV Video Pr otocol initiates HD resolutions.
Appendix H-Setting th e MCU for Integration Into Microsof t Environment Polycom, Inc. H-51 Adding Presence to Conferen cing Entities in the Buddy List Registration of conferencing entities (Meeting Rooms, Entry Queues and SIP Factories) with the SIP server adds these confer encing entities to the buddy list with their presence.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide H-52 Polycom, Inc. •I n Multiple Ne tworks configuration, an IP Network Servi ce that is enabled for registration in a Conference Profile cannot be deleted. • Upgrading from previous versions to versi on 7.
Appendix H-Setting th e MCU for Integration Into Microsof t Environment Polycom, Inc. H-53 3 In the New Use r wizard, define the fo llowing parameters: 4 Click Next . 5 Enter the pass word that complies with th e Active Directory convention s and confirm the password.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide H-54 Polycom, Inc. Enabling the Conferencing Entity User Account for Office Communication Server or L ync Server The new Conferencing Entity user must be enabled for registration with the Office Communications Server or Lync Server.
Appendix H-Setting th e MCU for Integration Into Microsof t Environment Polycom, Inc. H-55 8 Select the following parameters: — In Assign users to a pool fie ld, select the required pool.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide H-56 Polycom, Inc. Selective registration is enabled by assigning a conference P rofile in which registration is enabled to the conferencing entities that requ ire registration.
Appendix H-Setting th e MCU for Integration Into Microsof t Environment Polycom, Inc. H-57 V erifying the MCU Conferencing En tity Routing Name and Profile MCU conferencing entity can be dialed dire c.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide H-58 Polycom, Inc. the SIP server may be down, or any other re ason the affects the connection between the MCU or the SIP Server to the network. • Registered - the conferencing entity is registered with the SIP Server.
Appendix H-Setting th e MCU for Integration Into Microsof t Environment Polycom, Inc. H-59 Conferencing Entity Properties Registration status is reflected in the Properties - Network Service s dialog .
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide H-60 Polycom, Inc. MCU Configuration fo r CAC Implement ation Enabling CAC Implementation CAC is enabled by manu.
Appendix H-Setting th e MCU for Integration Into Microsof t Environment Polycom, Inc. H-61 For example, if a participa nt with a line rate of 900Kbps connects to the conference to which all other participants are connected at a line rate of 1024kbps, the line rate of all participants will decrease to 900Kbps.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide H-62 Polycom, Inc. Connecting an MCU Meeti ng Room to a Microsoft A V -MCU Conference Microsoft Lync users can connect an MCU Meet ing Room to a confere nce running on the Microsoft A/V MCU.
Appendix H-Setting th e MCU for Integration Into Microsof t Environment Polycom, Inc. H-63 Configuring the MCU for Federated (ICE) Dialing The MCU Default IP Network Service must be configured to work.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide H-64 Polycom, Inc. 7 Click the SIP Advanced tab. 8 In the ICE Envi ronmen t field, select MS (for Microsoft ICE implementation) to enable the ICE integration. This field is disabled if the MCU is running in MPM Card Configuration Mode .
Appendix H-Setting th e MCU for Integration Into Microsof t Environment Polycom, Inc. H-65 Monitoring the Connection to the STUN and Relay Se rvers in the ICE Environment 1 In the MCU Web browser, in the MCU Management pane, click Signali ng Monitor .
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide H-66 Polycom, Inc. 2 Click the Channel Status - Adva nced tab. The following connection in formation is displaye.
Appendix H-Setting th e MCU for Integration Into Microsof t Environment Polycom, Inc. H-67 For detailed descripti on of ICE Active alarms, see " ICE Active Alarms” on page H-69 .
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide H-68 Polycom, Inc. SIP TLS: Registration transport error This alarm indicates that the communication with the SIP server cannot be established.
Appendix H-Setting th e MCU for Integration Into Microsof t Environment Polycom, Inc. H-69 ICE Active Alarms When ICE environment is enabled in the MCU, failure to communicate with a required component triggers the display of an Active Alarm in the System Alerts pane.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide H-70 Polycom, Inc. T roubleshooting • At the end of the installation and configurat ion process, to test the s.
Appendix H-Setting th e MCU for Integration Into Microsof t Environment Polycom, Inc. H-71 Known Issues • Selecting Pause my Video in OC client causes the call to downgrade to audi o only call if the call was not in Audio Only mode at all (the call was starte d as a video call).
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide H-72 Polycom, Inc..
Polycom, Inc. I-1 Appendix I Polycom Open Collaboration Network (POCN) Collaboration With Cisco’ s T elepresence Interoperability Protocol (TIP) TIP is a proprietary protocol created by Cisco for deployment in Cisc o TelePresence systems (CTS) .
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide I-2 Polycom, Inc. TIP -enabled endpoints must support TIP Ver sion 7 or higher. Calls from endpoints supporting older versions of TIP will be rejected. Deployment Architectures The following multipoi nt topologies are gi ven as examples.
Appendix I-Polycom Open Collaborati on Network (POCN) Polycom, Inc. I-3 The following table lists comp onents and versions of the MCU and Cisco Telepre sence Systems (CTS) Integration Soluti on Architecture . Ta b l e I - 1 Solution Architecture Compone nts Component Ve r s i o n Description CISCO Equipment CUCM 8.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide I-4 Polycom, Inc. Polycom Equipment DMA 7000 4.0 Pol ycom Distributed Media Application • DMA is an optional component but is essential if Content sharing is to be enabled.
Appendix I-Polycom Open Collaborati on Network (POCN) Polycom, Inc. I-5 Call Flows Multipoint call with DMA In this example: • MCU prefix in the gatekeeper 72 • Virtual Meeting Room in DMA 725123 .
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide I-6 Polycom, Inc. Multipoint call without DMA In this example: • MCU prefix in the gatekeeper 72 • CUCM Acco.
Appendix I-Polycom Open Collaborati on Network (POCN) Polycom, Inc. I-7 Comp any to Comp any Models Using a Service Provider Using this topology, both companies connect to a Service Provider via a Cisco Session Border Controller ( SBC) .
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide I-8 Polycom, Inc. Model 1 The deployment architecture in Figure I-2 shows two companies: Company A and Company B . Company A - has deployed a Polycom solution including: • DMA • MCU • MLA • CMA Gatekeeper • Polycom telephony and desktop endpoints.
Appendix I-Polycom Open Collaborati on Network (POCN) Polycom, Inc. I-9 Call Flow Multipoint call via Serv ice Provider - Model 1 In this example: • MCU prefix in the gatekeeper 72 • Virtual Meeti.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide I-10 Polycom, Inc. Model 2 The deployment architecture in Figure I-3 shows two companies: Company A and Company B . Company A - has the same deployment architecture as shown in "Single Company Model - Polycom and Cisco Infrastructure” on page I-2 .
Appendix I-Polycom Open Collaborati on Network (POCN) Polycom, Inc. I-11 The deployment architecture includes: Company A For a full description of Company A’s deployment, see " Single Company Model - Polycom and Cisco Infrastructure” on page I-2 .
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide I-12 Polycom, Inc. Call Flow Multipoint call via Serv ice Provider - Model 2 In this example: • MCU prefix in .
Appendix I-Polycom Open Collaborati on Network (POCN) Polycom, Inc. I-13 Administration The various deployment combinations and settings within the various Deployment Architectures affects the administration of the system.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide I-14 Polycom, Inc. Configuring the Cisco and Polycom Equipment MLA ( Multipoint Layout Application ) is requ ired for managing CTS 3XXX layouts whether Polycom TPX, RPX or OTX systems are deployed or not.
Appendix I-Polycom Open Collaborati on Network (POCN) Polycom, Inc. I-15 For more information see " Procedure 4: Co nfiguring a TIP Enabled Profile on the MCU” on page I-19 . Cisco Equipment To configure the various Cisco entities the following procedures are required.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide I-16 Polycom, Inc. The following procedures 1 - 16 are a summary of the configuration procedures. The detailed procedures 1 - 16 begin with " Procedure 1: Set the MIN_TIP_COM PATIBILITY_LI NE_RATE System Flag” on page I-17 .
Appendix I-Polycom Open Collaborati on Network (POCN) Polycom, Inc. I-17 12 Configuring CMA to route H.323 calls to CUCM 13 Configuring CMA to route non-H.323 calls to CUCM The proce dures for conf iguring CMA are described in detai l in the Polycom Unified Communications Deployment Gu ide for Cisco Environments.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide I-18 Polycom, Inc. b The Port field must be set to it’s default value: 50 60 .
Appendix I-Polycom Open Collaborati on Network (POCN) Polycom, Inc. I-19 2 In the MCU Prefix in Gatekeeper field, enter the prefix that the MCU uses to register with the gatekeeper. Procedure 4: Configuring a TI P Enabled Profile on the MCU TIP enabled profiles must be used for the Entry Queues and Meeting Rooms defined on the MCU.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide I-20 Polycom, Inc. 2 In the New Profile - General tab, set the Line Rate to a value of at leas t that specified for the MIN_TIP_COMPATIBILITY_LINE_RATE System Flag in Procedure 1 .
Appendix I-Polycom Open Collaborati on Network (POCN) Polycom, Inc. I-21 Tables 10, 11 and 12 list the system ’s Content sharing behavior for the various combinations of TIP Compatibility mode settings and the following endpoints: Polycom Immersive Telepresence Systems ( ITP ) Version 3.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide I-22 Polycom, Inc. 5 Click the Video Quality tab. Content Settings is disabled i f TIP Compatibility is set to Video and Content in the Advanced tab.
Appendix I-Polycom Open Collaborati on Network (POCN) Polycom, Inc. I-23 6 Click th e Video Settings tab. If the TIP Compatibility Mode was set to Video and Content , the Send Content to Legacy Endpoints disabled. This setting cannot be changed. 7 Set the Telepresence Mode to Auto .
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide I-24 Polycom, Inc. 2 In the New Entry Queue or Entry Queue Properties dialog box, ensure that Ad Hoc is selected. 3 Ensure that the Entry Que ue is designated as the Transit Entry Queue as described in " Setting a Transit Entry Queue” on page 7-6 .
Appendix I-Polycom Open Collaborati on Network (POCN) Polycom, Inc. I-25 b Click the Advanced tab. c Ensure that: • Video Bit Rate is set to Automatic or at least equal to or greater than the value specified by the MIN_TIP_COMPATIBILITY_LINE_RATE System Flag .
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide I-26 Polycom, Inc. • Cisco TelePresence® System ( CTS ) Versio ns 1.7 / 1.8 — CTS 1300 — CTS 3010 Deployment Architecture • DMA is required as all calls are dial-in to Virtual Meeting Rooms ( VMR ) provisioned on the DMA .
Appendix I-Polycom Open Collaborati on Network (POCN) Polycom, Inc. I-27 The following are not supported: •I n the Lync environment : — Sending or receiving Content . — Dial-out to Lync clients. — Presence of VMRs •I n the Cisco environ ment : — TLS and SRTP — OBTP CMA 6.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide I-28 Polycom, Inc. Call Flow Multipoint Calls using DMA In this example: • Endpoint registration to either DMA , Lync or CUCM.
Appendix I-Polycom Open Collaborati on Network (POCN) Polycom, Inc. I-29 DMA The DMA system can be configured as a SIP proxy and registrar for the environment as well as a Gatekeeper for dial in H.323 ca lls. Wh en c onf igu red as a Gateway for dial in H.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide I-30 Polycom, Inc. iiiBrowse to t he saved Certificate on the Workstation and click the Yes button to install the certificate. For more information see: •" Setting the MCU for Integration Into Microsoft Environment” on page H-1 .
Appendix I-Polycom Open Collaborati on Network (POCN) Polycom, Inc. I-31 i In the Outbound Proxy Servers table, the Por t field must be set to 50 61 . (The same value as ent ered in Step g.) For more information see the Polycom Unified Communications Deployment Guide for Microsoft Environments .
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide I-32 Polycom, Inc. For more information see the Polycom Unified Com munications Deployment Guide for Cisco Environm ents , “ Direct Registration of Polycom Telep resence Systems with the Cisc o Unified Communications Manager ”.
Appendix I-Polycom Open Collaborati on Network (POCN) Polycom, Inc. I-33 c Click the Advanced tab. d Select the TIP Compatibility mode: Video and Content is recommended.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide I-34 Polycom, Inc. Selecting TIP Compatibility as Video and Content disabl es Content Settin gs in the Video Quality tab. Ta b l e I - 2 TIP Compatibility - Video Only Vid eo Only Content Receiver HDX / ITP CTS Content Sender HDX / ITP H.
Appendix I-Polycom Open Collaborati on Network (POCN) Polycom, Inc. I-35 Encryption Set the encryption setting in the conference Profile to Encrypt When Possible. Set the FORCE_ENCRYPTION_FOR_UNDEFINED_P ARTICIPANT_ IN_WH EN_AVAILABLE_M ODE System Flag to NO These setting will enable encrypted and non-encrypted H.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide I-36 Polycom, Inc. If the TIP Compatibility Mode was set to Video and Content , the Send Content to Legacy Endpoints disabled. This setting cannot be changed. g Set the Telepresence Mode to Auto .
Appendix I-Polycom Open Collaborati on Network (POCN) Polycom, Inc. I-37 19 Configure SIP endpoints to register to: • DMA as SIP Proxy • Lync Server as SIP Pr oxy • CUCM as SIP Proxy The procedures for configuring SIP endpoints are described in detail in the Polycom Unified Communi cations Deploym ent Guide for Cisco Environments.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide I-38 Polycom, Inc. Operations During Ongoing Conferences Moving participants between TIP enabled m eetings and non TIP enabled meetings is not possible. Monitoring CTS Particip ants 1 In the Participant List pane double-click the partici pant entry.
Appendix I-Polycom Open Collaborati on Network (POCN) Polycom, Inc. I-39 When viewing CTS systems in the Participants list, the in dividual video screens and the Audio Channel ( AUX ) of the CTS system are listed as s eparate participants. The Participant list below shows a connected CTS 3000, a 3-screen system.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide I-40 Polycom, Inc. 3 Click the Channel Status - Adva nced tab 4 In the Channel Info drop-down menu select Video Out.
Appendix I-Polycom Open Collaborati on Network (POCN) Polycom, Inc. I-41 Known Limit ations The following may occur in the collaborative environment: • Artifacts and ghosting may appear when Lync Clients and CTS endpoints connect to the VMR . Frequency: Seldom.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide I-42 Polycom, Inc..
Polycom, Inc. J-1 Appendix J Restoring Default s USB Restore Default s The USB port of an MCU in Ultra Secure Mode can be used to: • Restore the MCU to Factory Security Defaults mode (https http).
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 150 0/2000/4000 Admini strator’s Guide J-2 Polycom, Inc. • RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 20 00 - at the bottom right corner of the RTM IP card on the back pane l . • RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 40 00 - at the bottom right corner of the RTM IP 4000 card on the back panel.
Appendix J-Restori ng Defaults Polycom, Inc. J-3 2 Power the MCU Of f and then On . 3 Login using http ://<Control Unit IP Address>. Comprehensive Restore to Factory Default s Inserting a USB key containing a file named Rest oreToFactoryDefault.
Polycom RealPresence Coll aboration Server (RMX) 150 0/2000/4000 Admini strator’s Guide J-4 Polycom, Inc. Procedure A: Backup Configuration Files The Software Management menu is used to backup and restore the MCU's configuration files and to download MCU software.
Polycom, Inc. K-1 Appendix K SIP RFC Support Ta b l e K - 1 SIP RFC Support in RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) Systems SIP RFC Description Note 1321 MD5 2032 R T P Payload for H.261 2205 RSVP 2327 Session Description Protocol (SDP) 2429 RTP Payload for H.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide K-2 Polycom, Inc. 4566 Sess ion Description Protocol(SDP) 4568 SDP Security Descriptions 4573 H.
Polycom, Inc. L-1 Appendix L Homologation for Brazil H.323 & SIP Protocol Flag Options Using a set of system flags, the user has the ab ility to select either Polycom proprietary or H.
Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/200 0/4000 Administrator’s Guide L-2 Polycom, Inc. Flag name: H323_TIMERS_SET_INDEX Flag description: Enables or di sables H.323 index timer accordin g to standard or proprietary H.323 protocol. Section CS_MODU LE_PARAMETERS Possible values: 0 - Sets the H.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Polycom RMX 1500 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Polycom RMX 1500 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Polycom RMX 1500 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Polycom RMX 1500 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Polycom RMX 1500, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Polycom RMX 1500.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Polycom RMX 1500. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Polycom RMX 1500 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.