Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto DEH-8018ZT del fabbricante Pioneer
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Owner’s Manual for AM/FM/HD Radio Broadcast/CD Player with iPod/ USB control/Bluetooth-Audio Audio System T O Y O T A P ART NO . PT546-0 0 120.
2 <CRB3644-B/U>2 Alteration or modif ications car ried o ut wi thout ap propria te author iza tion may invalida te the us er ’ s r ight to op era te the equ ipm ent. FC C ID : A JDK0 36 MOD EL NO . : D EH - 8 01 8Z T IC : 7 75E- K03 6 This d evi ce c omplie s wi th Par t 1 5 of th e FCC Rul es and RS S - Gen of th e IC Rule s.
3 <CRB3644-B/U>3 Featu re s CD pl ayba ck Music C D/CD - R /C D - RW p laybac k is possi ble. MP 3 f ile p lay bac k Y o u can p lay bac k MP 3 f iles recorded on CD - ROM/CD- R /CD- RW (ISO9 6 6 0 Level 1/ Leve l 2 st and ard re cor dings) or USB por t able audio player / USB memo r y .
4 <CRB3644-B/U>4 About i P o d Repr oduc ing and p laying b ac k non - c opyrigh ted ma ter ial and mate rial tha t can l egally b e rep rod uc ed and p layed b ac k for pri vate us e is p ermi t te d wi th the iPod. Inf ring emen t of copy right i s legall y prohib ite d.
5 <CRB3644-B/U>5 Impor tant information about thi s manual For s afe t y r eas ons, this manual indic at es i tem s re quirin g par tic ular at ten tion wi th the f ollowing mar ks . NOTIC E This i s a warning a gains t any thin g whic h may c aus e damag e to the ve hicl e or it s eq uipmen t if th e warning is ignore d.
6 <CRB3644-B/U>6 Cont ents Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7 <CRB3644-B/U>7 Mai n Dis plays and P oss ib le Ope rations or RIGH T LEFT UP DO W N MUL TI KNOB P ossible operations are indicated. The f ollowing are the main display s that appear during UP/DO WN/RIGHT/LEFT and MUL TI KNOB operation. Eac h display indicates the operations that are cur rently available.
8 <CRB3644-B/U>8 Basi c Ope ration Y o ur audio sys te m works w hen t he ignition s wi tc h is in the “ ACC” or “O N” p o s i t i o n . NOTIC E T o avoid drainin g the ba t te r y , do not l eave the c ar audio on longer t han nec e ss ar y w hen t he engine is not running.
9 <CRB3644-B/U>9 SSP (Sc i on So und Pr oc e ss in g) SS P is a modi fied DSP ( Digit al Signal Proc essing) system that provi des a customized sound for your vehicl e. Press the MU L TI K N OB to disp lay the current SS P mod e settin g. While the set ting is d isplayed , press repeatedl y to switch to the f o llowing modes.
10 <CRB3644-B/U>1 0 NOTIC E The A SR f unc tion c an only b e sel ec t ed w hen play ing MP 3 / WM A /A AC from C D and iPod, USB por tab le audio player/ USB memor y/ Blueto oth - Audio. The A S R f unc tion d oes n ot supp or t ex ter nal c ompre ss ed audio media.
11 <CRB3644-B/U>1 1 BLU ETO OTH If you selec t BLUE TOOT H, you ca n make the settings for c onnecting an d controllin g Bluetooth devi ces. T o select the follow ing set ting options, tur n the MULTI KN OB cloc k wise or counterclo ck wise and press the MU L TI K N OB.
12 <CRB3644-B/U>12 Listen ing to the RADIO 1 FM1/2 Switches bet ween FM1 and FM2 modes. 2 AM•SA T Switches bet ween the A M mode and SAT 1/ 2 / 3 mo des. (must have S atellite Radi o receiver and antenna installe d at an additi onal charg e to listen t o S atellite Radio .
13 <CRB3644-B/U>13 4 MUL TI KNOB (SELECT LIST) T urn the MUL T I K NO B clo ck wise or counterclo ck wise to selec t a sta - tion. P ress the MUL T I K NO B to set the station.
14 <CRB3644-B/U>1 4 Listen ing to the HD Radio b roadca st HD Radio TM T e chnolo gy is a te rre s trial digit al radio br oadc as t tha t utilize s AM / FM analogue br oadc as ting f re - quen cie s to tran smit digit al signal s. For inf orma tion r egard ing vie win g me thod s, r ef er to Li st ening t o the R AD IO (pag e 1 2 ).
15 <CRB3644-B/U>15 1 RIGHT (TUNE <UP>) When rec eiving the H D Rad io Broad cast sign al and tuning in a Multicast C hannel - supp or ted broad cast in so mething other than analo gue, the following ac tions will occur e ach time you press.
16 <CRB3644-B/U>16 No title name is display ed when playing back a CD containing no t e xt infor mation. Listen ing to a CD NOTIC E Never tr y to disa sse mble or oil any par t of the compa c t disc player . Do not inser t any thing excep t a compac t disc into the slot .
17 <CRB3644-B/U>17 1 DISC Switches to the CD mo de. (Onl y effec tive if a disc is l oad ed.) 2 (EJECT) Press to eject the disc . 3 LIST/MENU Press to displ ay a CD Li st. Use the MULTI KN OB to selec t a CD from the list. 4 MUL TI KNOB (SELECT LIST) T urn the MUL T I K NO B clo ck wise or counterclockw ise to select the desired title.
18 <CRB3644-B/U>18 Listen ing to MP3 / WMA/ A A C DISC 1 DISC Switches to the DIS C mode. ( Only effec tive if a disc is l oad ed.) 2 (EJECT) Press to eject the disc . 3 LIST/MENU Press to displ ay an MP 3 / WM A /A AC L ist. Use the MULTI KN OB to selec t an item from the list.
19 <CRB3644-B/U>1 9 5 RIGHT (TRACK <UP>) Press to procee d to the ne x t file. Press and hol d until you hear a beep. Play ing of the file is fast for warded . ( T here is no sound.) 6 LEFT (TRACK <DO WN>) Press to takes you back to the star t of the file currently pl aying.
20 <CRB3644-B/U>20 NOTIC E When playing bac k a disc rec orde d with the Multi Ses sion sy ste m, the fir st se ssion only is playe d back . If the f irs t se ssion c ombines MP 3, WMA and A AC f iles and music dat a ( CD - DA) , this produc t only plays the music dat a.
21 <CRB3644-B/U>21 Abo ut iPod s of t war e ver sion The iPo d sof t war e ver sion s that ca n be us ed w ith t his unit ar e as follow s ( op er ation s veri fie d as of October 20 1 0) : iPod (5th generation ) ver . 1 . 3 iPod classic ver . 2.
22 <CRB3644-B/U>22 NOTIC E T o r es olve mos t prob lems whe n usin g your iPod wi th the Sc ion Audio sy st em, disc onne c t your iPod fr om the vehic le iPod c onne c tion and re se t it . For in st ruc t ions on how to re se t your iPod, re fe r to the User Guid e of your iPod.
23 <CRB3644-B/U>23.
24 <CRB3644-B/U>24 Listeni ng to son g s on the iPod 1 iP od•USB Press the but ton repeatedl y until the source be comes iPo d. NOTIC E If an iPod is not conn ec te d, it will not switc h to iPod even if you pres s the iPod • USB bu t ton.
25 <CRB3644-B/U>25 4 RIGHT (TRACK <UP>, CHAPTER<UP>) Press to procee d to the ne x t trac k or chapte r . Press and hol d to the right until you hear a bee p.
26 <CRB3644-B/U>26 A BC SE ARCH on an iPod Y o u can s ear ch f or an ite m in the lis t disp layed on the iPo d by the f irs t c harac t er ( alp hanumer ic char- acter s only ). 1 Press the LI ST/ MEN U but ton. While the lis t is displayed , press the LIS T/M ENU but ton again.
27 <CRB3644-B/U>27 About handl ing the USB por ta ble audio pla y e r / U SB mem or y For inf orma tion on USB por t able audio player/ USB memor y re st ric tion s, re fe r to page 5 7 “USB por t able audio pl ayer/USB memor y compatibi lit y .
28 <CRB3644-B/U>28 Liste ning to USB por table aud io play e r / USB me mor y 1 iP od•USB Press the but ton repeatedl y until the source be comes US B po r tabl e audio playe r/ USB memor y .
29 <CRB3644-B/U>29.
30 <CRB3644-B/U>30 NOTIC E An ad ditional G enuine T oy o ta sa telli te re c eiver and an tenna mus t be p urc hase d and in st alle d to lis te n to Sa tellit e radio broa dc as t in your ve hicl e. NOTIC E An X M Sat ellite Ra dio sub - sc rip tion is r equir ed t o lis ten t o Sat elli te radio in yo ur vehic le.
31 <CRB3644-B/U>31 How to s ubs c ribe to XM Satel lite R ad io <Op ti on > NOTIC E All f ee s and pr ogrammin g are the r es pons ibilit y of XM S ate llite Radio and ar e subje c t to chan ge. Lis te ner s c an sub sc rib e by visi ting XM on th e Web at w w w.
32 <CRB3644-B/U>32 Radio ID Ref er to the c or res pon ding c har t to veri f y t he Radio ID C od e be for e con ta c ting X M Sate llite Ra dio to activate you r ser vic e.
33 <CRB3644-B/U>33.
34 <CRB3644-B/U>34 Listen ing to a X M Sate ll ite Rad io bro adcast 1 AM•SA T Switches bet ween the A M mode and SAT 1/ 2 / 3 mo des. NOTIC E Mus t have XM Sa telli te Radio re ce iver , ante nna and ser vi ce ins tall ed a t an addi tional char ge to lis te n to XM Sa te llite Radio.
35 <CRB3644-B/U>35 3 MUL TI KNOB (SELECT LIST) T urn the MUL T I K NO B clo ck wise or counterclockw ise to select the desired channel. Bro adc ast will st ar t by pressing. If you press and ho ld until you hear a beep, the currently tuned stati on is stored as a preset channel in the preset channel lis t.
36 <CRB3644-B/U>36 Usi ng the A U X By in ser tin g a mini plug in to the car AUX adap ter , you c an lis ten to music f rom a por t able audio de vic e through t he vehi cle ’ s s pea ker sy s - tem.
37 <CRB3644-B/U>37 NOTIC E If the mini plug of a commercially ava ilable cab le conne c ted to a por tab le audio or other comp onent is not conne c ted to the c ar AU X adapter , the mode will not change to the AU X mode even if you pres s the iPod • USB b ut t on.
38 <CRB3644-B/U>38 Bluetooth Setti ngs Wi th this uni t, you c an make c alls fr om a Blueto oth - c ompat ible mobile p hone or play mu sic on the audio player . The f ollowin g Bluet ooth pr of iles / prot oc ols are c ompa tibl e wit h this unit .
39 <CRB3644-B/U>39 Di sc on ne c t ing a B lue to ot h Aud io P laye r Y ou c an dis con nec t a Blueto oth audio p layer by th e follow ing operati on.
40 <CRB3644-B/U>40 Se t t ing A ut oma ti c Co nn ec t ion o f a Bluetooth Device Y ou c an sel ect w hether o r not a Blueto oth dev ice is au toma ti - call y conne cted w hen the igni tion switc h is set to O N.
41 <CRB3644-B/U>41.
42 <CRB3644-B/U>42 Listeni ng to Bluetoo th - Aud i o pl ayer 1 iP od•USB Switches to the BT - AUDI O mode. 2 RIGHT (TRACK <UP>) T asks can b e per formed w hen sup - por ted by your Blueto oth device. Press to procee d to the ne x t file.
43 <CRB3644-B/U>43 5 DOWN (ALBUM <DO WN>) T asks can b e per formed w hen sup - por ted by your Blueto oth device. Press to return to the previous album. 6 PRESET1(PLA Y/P AUSE) T asks can b e per formed w hen sup - por ted by your Blueto oth device.
44 <CRB3644-B/U>44 Ph one Set ti ngs Y o u ca n make the var ious s et ting s for us ing the han ds -f re e phon e. T o make t he se t tin gs, dis play the PHON E menu by t he follow ing opera tion.
45 <CRB3644-B/U>45 Reg isteri ng a C onta ct to S pee d Dialing Y ou c an regi ster pho ne numb ers from th e pho neb ook in t his uni t to speed dialing.
46 <CRB3644-B/U>46 De le ti ng a Ph on e Numb e r fr om Sp e ed Dial ing Y ou c an del ete any phon e numbe r from sp eed d iali ng. 1 Pres s the C A LL , tur n the MU L T I K NO B to sel ec t SP EED DI A LS , and p ress th e MU L T I KNOB . 2 Pres s the P RES E T but ton to whic h the ph one num ber you want to de lete is reg istere d.
47 <CRB3644-B/U>47 Set ting t he Ca ll Volume Y ou c an set the c all volu me of the hands- free phone . 1 T urn t he MU L T I K NO B to sele ct S E T HF S OU N D, and press t he MU L T I K N OB. 2 T urn t he MU L T I K NO B to sele ct C A LL V OL , and p ress the M ULTI K NO B.
48 <CRB3644-B/U>48 Usi ng Hands - Fre e P honing 1 CALL Switches bet ween telephone m odes. Pressing C A LL whil e a phone numb er is displ ayed initiates a call to the displ ayed number . P ressing CA L L when there is an incoming c all conne cts the c aller .
49 <CRB3644-B/U>49 3 PRESET 1 -5 Initiates a call to the registered phone numb er . 4 PRESET 6 Mutes your voice and switches the phone func tion from this unit to your mobile phone. 5 TEXT If you press TE X T when there is informatio n that cannot finish b eing displ ayed, you can se e information on conti nuation.
50 <CRB3644-B/U>50 Changing the Openin g Screen Wi th the main uni t sw itc he d on af ter p re ss ing the Power b ut ton, onc e the key i s turne d f rom the ACC pos ition to t he of f p osi tion and ba ck to AC C again, “SCI ON” is disp layed a s the Op ening S cr ee n.
51 <CRB3644-B/U>51 Ed it ing t he T ex t The S E TU P menu will be displ ayed when MU L TI K N OB is held down w hile the power is in “ OFF ” position. T urn the M UL T I K NO B to select the OP ENIN G. Y ou can enter the charac ter at the flashing cur sor positio n.
52 <CRB3644-B/U>52 Initial Set ting T o dis play the S ET UP menu, pre s s and hold th e MUL T I KN OB while the p ower is in "OFF " po siti on.
53 <CRB3644-B/U>53 Connecting an ex te rna l amp li f ie r Whe n you conn ec t an ex te rnal amplif ier to RC A conn ec tor s, ple as e ins t all ac c ordin g to the amplif ier manual. Subwoofer output CA UT ION A st andard s peaker's input is rate d 1 7 .
54 <CRB3644-B/U>54 T rack/station selection but ton ( , ) • When listening to the radio: Press the but ton and the preset memor y is recalled in order . If y ou continue pressing the but ton for an extended period, automatic station selection begins.
55 <CRB3644-B/U>55 M P3 addi tional info rma tion • Files are compatible with the ID3 T ag V er . 1 .0, 1 .1, 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4 formats for displa y of album (disc title), trac k (trac k title), artist (trac k artist) and comments. V er . 2.x of ID3 T ag is given priority when both V er .
56 <CRB3644-B/U>56 About folde rs and M P3 / WMA/ A A C file s • An outline of a CD-ROM and USB port- able audio play er/USB memor y with MP3/WMA/AA C files on it is shown belo w . Subfolders are sho wn as folders in the folder currently selected.
57 <CRB3644-B/U>57 USB por ta ble audio p lay er / USB memor y c ompatibi lit y • USB version: 2.0, 1 .1 and 1 .0 • USB data transfer rate: full speed • USB Class: MSC (Mass Storage Class).
58 <CRB3644-B/U>58 Te r m s P ac k et write This is a ge neral term for a method of writing o n CD - R , etc. at the time required for a file, just as is done with files on fl oppy or h ard discs. Bit rate This expresses d ata volume p er second , or bps ( bits per se cond ) units.
59 <CRB3644-B/U>59 C D play er and c are • Use o nly C Ds th at have eit her of the t wo Co mpa ct D isc Di git al Aud io mar ks as show n below. • Use o nly no rma l, round C Ds . If you inser t i rreg ular, non - rou nd, sh ap ed CD s they may j am in th e CD pl ayer or not pl ay prop erl y .
60 <CRB3644-B/U>60 Error i ndi cations If the C D player d oe s not wor k, t he CD s top s sud denl y during play bac k , or a similar pr oblem o c cur s, an er ror indic ati on will app ear on the di splay .
61 <CRB3644-B/U>61 Whe n prob lems o c cur whil e the iPod is c onne c te d to this unit , a me ss age w ill appe ar on the dis play . Ref er to th e tab le b elow to ide nti f y th e probl em, the n ta ke the sug ges te d c orre c ti ve ac tion .
62 <CRB3644-B/U>62 Whe n prob lems o cc ur wi th the USB p or t able audio p layer/ USB memor y is c onne c te d to this unit , a me ss age will app ear on th e display. Re fe r to the t able b elow to id enti f y t he prob lem, the n ta ke the sug ges te d c orre c tive action.
63 <CRB3644-B/U>63 Whe n probl ems o cc ur wi th the X M tuner , a me ss age w ill appe ar on the dis play . Ref er to the t abl e be low to iden - tif y the p robl em, the n ta ke the sug ges t ed c orr ec ti ve ac ti on.
64 <CRB3644-B/U>64 Changing or dis c onnec ting yo u r b at te r y Abo ut ASL se t ti ng If the bat ter y is change d or discon - nected , you cannot setup the A S L setup optio n until the vehicle is mov- ing. Speci ficati ons General Power source .
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Pioneer DEH-8018ZT è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Pioneer DEH-8018ZT - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Pioneer DEH-8018ZT imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Pioneer DEH-8018ZT ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Pioneer DEH-8018ZT, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Pioneer DEH-8018ZT.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Pioneer DEH-8018ZT. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Pioneer DEH-8018ZT insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.