Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto UF-890/990 del fabbricante Panasonic
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Operating Instructions Before o perating this equ ipment, pl ease read these instruc tions com pletel y and keep these operatin g instruc tions fo r future re ference.
IMPORT ANT INFORMA TION When r equesting informa tion, s upplies or servic e always refer to the model a nd seri al number of your machin e. The m odel and se rial num ber plate (Ma in Name Plate) is lo cated on the machin e as shown b elow . For you r conve nience, s pace is prov ided bel ow to recor d informat ion you may need in t he futur e.
3 T able of Content s Safety I nformation .......... .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. ............ 9 Precaut ion .................. .............. .............. .............. .................
T able of Co ntent s 4 Loading Documents . .............. .............. .............. .............. .................. .............. .............. 40 Document s You Can Sen d .................. ............. .................... .............
T abl e of Content s 5 Program Ke ys ................. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. ............ 72 General De scription ........... .................... ................... ............
T able of Co ntent s 6 Department Code ..... .............. .............. .............. .................. .............. .............. .............. 99 General D escriptio n ................. ............ .................... ............. ..
T abl e of Content s 7 Journals and Lists .......... .............. ................... .............. .............. .............. .............. ....... 128 General De scription ........... .................... ................... .............
memo 8.
9 Getting to Know Y our Machine Getting to Know Y our Machine Safety Information W ARNING ! denotes a potential hazard t hat could result in serious injury o r death. • T O PREVENT FIRE OR SHOCK, DO NOT EXPOSE THIS PRODUCT TO RAIN OR ANY TYPE OF MOISTURE.
Safety Information 10 CAUTION ! denotes haz ards that coul d result in min or injury or dam age to the machi ne. • TO REDUCE THE RISK OF SHOCK OR FIRE, USE ONL Y NO. 26 AWG OR LARGER TEL EPHONE LINE CABLE. • DIS CONNECT ALL POWER TO THE MACHINE BE FORE COVER(S) ARE REM OVED.
11 Getting to Know Y our Machine Precaution CAUTION ! denotes haz ards that coul d result in min or injury or dam age to the machi ne. Do not i nstall th e machin e near hea ting or an air condition ing unit.
12 Function Key Any fu nction can b e started by first pre ssing and then enter the f unction n umber , or by pressi ng or sc roll key r epeatedly until the desire d functio n appears on the di splay .
13 Getting to Know Y our Machine External V iew ADF Door Handset (A vailab le as an option, see page 156.) Control P anel Document Return T ray Recording P aper T ra y Document Guides Document Sub T ra y Printer Cover 250 sheets Recording P aper Cassette (A vailab le as an option, see page 156.
14 Control Panel P A USE REDIAL ABBR SUB-ADDR FLASH MONIT OR FUNCTION CLEAR SET SP ACE SYMBOLS CAPS B H N T Z A 01 07 13 19 25 31 P5 02 08 14 20 26 32 P6 03 09 15 21 27 P1 P7 04 10 16 22 28 P2 P8 05 1.
16 Installing Y o ur Mach ine Main Unit and Accessories Unpack the cart on and che ck that you have a ll the acce ssorie s illus trated. Machine T oner Cartridge Document Return Tray Recording Paper T.
17 Inst alling Y o ur Machine Inst alling the Accessories Final Installed View ADF Door Installing the Lithium Battery (This batter y is used to backup the cloc k during power f ailures, see page 150) (1) Open the ADF Door . (2) Install the Batter y Holder , slide it to the Left until it latches and close the ADF Door .
18 Inst alling the T oner Cartridge 1 Unpack the T oner Car tridge a nd rock i t back and forth as shown for 5 or 6 time s to even the toner inside . 2 Remove th e protectiv e seal. Note: Pull on th e seal slowly and straigh t out. 3 Push th e Release Button to open the Printer Cover .
Inst alling the T oner Cartridge 19 Inst alling Y o ur Machine 4 Align the arrow and the p rojection on both sides a s shown a nd insert the T oner Cart ridge into th e machin e. 5 Close the Pri nter Cover firmly . 6 If you are replaci ng the T oner Cartridge, it is r ecomm ended to cl ean the Print er Roller to mai ntain good printi ng quality .
20 Loading the Recording Paper In g eneral, mos t bond pape rs will p roduce ex cellent results. Mo st photoc opy papers will als o work ver y well. Ther e are many "na me" and "g eneric" brands o f paper availabl e. We recommen d that you tes t various papers u ntil yo u obtain the resu lts you a re looki ng for .
Loading the Record ing Pape r 21 Paper Specifications Inst alling Y o ur Machine NOTE 1. Y our mac hine will properly p rint on A4, Letter and Le gal siz e paper on ly . If other s ize of pa per (B4, B5, A5) is used, your machine may not print prope rly .
22 Connecting the T elep hone Line Cab le and Power Cord ■ Power Cord Plug on e end of the pow er cord into a n ordinar y 3 prong AC ou tlet and the other end into the rec eptacle on the rear of the machi ne. W arning: This app aratus must be proper ly grounded through an ordin ary 3 prong AC outlet.
Connecting the T elephone Line Cable a nd Power Cord 23 Inst alling Y o ur Machine P ower Switc h After connecting all cables and P o wer Cord, turn the power s witch ON. Note Attach the cables to the Hook to pre vent recording paper jam. External T elephone (Optional) Y ou can connect an additional standard single line telephone to the machine.
24 Setting the Dialing Method (T one or Pulse) Y o ur mach ine can o perate wit h either of two dial ing method s (T one or Pulse), depending on the t ype of tele phone line you ar e connecte d to. If you need to ch ange the dialing method to T one or Pulse, foll ow the proce dure below .
25 Inst alling Y o ur Machine Adjusting the V olume Y o u can adju st the m onitor and r inger volu me on your machin e. The bui lt-in spea ker enab les you t o hear the dial to ne, dialing s ignals, and busy tone. The r inger soun ds when y our machin e recei ves a call .
26 User Parameters Y our facsi mile machi ne has se veral bas ic setting s (User Pa rameter s) to help you keep re cords of th e docume nts you se nd or rec eive. For examp le, the bu ilt-in clock keeps the curr ent date and time , and you r LOGO and ID Num ber help to iden tify you whe n you sen d or recei ve docu ments.
User Paramete rs 27 Inst alling Y o ur Machine When yo u send a d ocumen t, your L OGO appea rs on the top of t he copy p rinte d out at th e othe r sta tion.
User Parame ters 28 If the remote ma chine ha s a Charac ter ID ca pabilities, whe n you are sending or receiv ing, you r Character ID will app ear on the remote machin e's display an d the remote ma chine's Cha racter ID will appear on you r displa y .
User Paramete rs 29 Inst alling Y o ur Machine If the remote machi ne does n ot have a Character ID but it has an ID Numbe r , whe n sending or receiv ing, your ID Number will appea r on the remote mach ine's dis play a nd their ID Number will app ear on yo ur displa y .
30 Prog rammi ng Y our Ma chine One-T ouch/Abbreviated Dialing Numbers One- T ouch and Ab breviat ed Dialing ar e two fast wa ys of dial ing full t elephone n umbers. T o u se these diali ng methods, you must fi rst store the teleph one number using the fo llowing p rocedure.
One-T ouch/Abb reviat ed Dialin g Numb ers 31 Enteri ng One-T ouch/Abbrevi ated Dialing Numbers Programming Y our Machine NOTE 1. If you require a special ac cess number to ge t an outside li ne, enter it first and then press . A hyph en "-" is displayed for paus e.
One-T ouch/ Abbrevi ated Diali ng Numbe rs 32 If you h ave to ch ange or e rase any of the On e-T ouch/Abbr eviated dialing num bers, fol low the s teps below . NOTE 1. If you ma ke a mistak e, use or to move th e cursor beyo nd the incorre ct number , press then re-enter th e new nu mber .
One-T ouch/Abb reviat ed Dialin g Numb ers 33 Editing One -T ouch/Abbreviated Di aling Numbers Programming Y our Machine NOTE 1. If the One-T ouch/A bbreviated di aling number h as been us ed for a comm unicatio n reservation, the setti ngs cann ot be change d or erased until the commun ication h as finished .
One-T ouch/ Abbrevi ated Diali ng Numbe rs 34 After p rogrammin g a one-touc h dialin g number , you can pr int out the directory sheet whic h includes the first 12 cha racters o f each sta tion name. Cut along the dott ed line an d place it o ver the On e-T ouch k eys unde r the D irectory Sheet Cov er .
35 Programming Y our Machine Customizing Y our Machine Y o ur facsimil e machine has a varie ty of adjustable Fa x Parameter s. These paramete rs, listed in the Param eter T able, are preset for you a nd do not need to be ch anged. If you do want to mak e a change , read the table c arefully .
Customi zing Y our Machin e 36 Fax Paramete r T able No. Parameter Setting Number Setting Comment s 01 CONTRAST *1 Normal Setting th e home position o f the CONTRAST key . 2 Lighter 3D a r k e r 02 RESOLUTION *1 S tan dard Setting th e home positio n of the RESOLUTION k ey .
Customizing Y our Machine 37 Fax Parameter T able Programming Y our Machine 24 PRINT REDUCT ION 1 Fixed Selecti ng print reduction mode . Fixe d : Reduc e receiv ed document accordin g to setting of Param eter No. 25. Auto : Re duce receiv ed document accordin g to the length of receiv ed docum ents.
Customi zing Y our Machin e 38 Fax Paramete r T able 35 DA YLIGHT TIME 1 Invali d Selecting w hether the clock adjust s for Daylight Savin g T ime au tomaticall y . The built-in c lock will adv ance 1 hour at 2:00 am on the first Sunday in Apri l and fallbac k 1 hour at 2: 00 am on the last Sunda y in Octobe r .
Customizing Y our Machine 39 Fax Parameter T able Programming Y our Machine NOTE 1. Setting numb er marked with an ast erisk (*) in dicates t he factory st andard setting. 2. This para meter sup ports an op tional tel ephone se rvice "Dis tinctive R ing Service" provided by your loca l telepho ne compa ny .
40 Basic Operations Loading Document s In ge neral, your m achine wi ll send any docu ment printed on A4, Letter or Le gal size paper . Y o u must nev er try to send d ocuments that are: T o trans mit these kinds o f documen ts, make a pho tocopy fir st and then transmit th e copy ins tead.
Loadin g Docu ment s 41 Basic Opera tions 1. Be sure the do cumen t(s) is free of staples, paper clips and is not torn, grea sy or co vered by foreign objects. 2. Plac e the document(s ) F ACE D OWN on t he Automatic Documen t Feeder (ADF) un til th e leading edge placed into the machi ne stops.
42 Basic T ransmission Settings Y o u can te mporarily c hange the transm ission settings e ither be fore or af ter you place the document on the ADF .
Basic T ransmission Settings 43 Basic Opera tions The Halft one setting is useful when sen ding photograp hs or illustr ations with gray tones. Y o ur machine is prese t to HALFTONE = Off.
Basic T ransmission Settings 44 A C ommunica tion Jou rnal le ts you ver ify if the transmi ssion was succe ssful. Y ou can sel ect the c ondition to print out the Comm unica tion Journa l as foll ows. NOTE 1. T o change t he preset Comm. Journ al condi tion, ch ange the setting o f Fax Para meter No.
45 Basic Opera tions Sending Document s Y o u can choos e either Memory or Dir ect Transmission. Use Memor y T ransmis sion if: • Y ou want to send the document to mul tiple station s. • Y ou have to retrie ve the doc ument imm ediately . • Y ou want to take advan tage of Dual Op eration desig n.
Sending Document s 46 Memory T ransmission NOTE 1. The File Nu mber of the docum ent being sto red is shown at the upper right corn er of the display while s toring the doc ument. It i s also pr inted on the C ommunica tion Journ al (COMM. JOURNAL), T ransaction Journal and File List.
Sending Doc ument s 47 Memory T ransmiss ion Basic Opera tions Manual Number Dialing T o dial th e telephon e numbe r manually , follow th e steps below . NOTE 1. If you need a special a ccess num ber to get an outsid e line, d ial it first th en press to enter a p ause (re presented by a "-") befo re dialing the full numbe r.
Sending Document s 48 Memory T ransmission One-T ouch Dialing One- T ouch Dialing a llows you to dial a full te lephone nu mber by p ressing a s ingle ke y . T o set up the One - T ouc h key s, see p age 3 0. NOTE 1. T his feat ure is called “ Quick Memo ry Tr ansmission ”.
Sending Doc ument s 49 Memory T ransmiss ion Basic Opera tions Abbreviated Diali ng Abbre viated dial ing is a speedy wa y to dial a fre quently d ialed tel ephone n umber by preprogr amming the telepho ne numb er into th e built-in auto-dia ler with a 3- digit abb reviated c ode.
Sending Document s 50 Memory T ransmission Directory S earch Dialing Direc tory Searc h dialing al lows you to dial a ful l telephon e number b y searchi ng the station name e ntered in One- T ouch keys o r Abbrevi ated dialin g numbe rs. NOTE 1. T his feat ure is called “ Quick Memo ry Tr ansmission ”.
Sending Doc ument s 51 Memory T ransmiss ion Basic Opera tions Multi -St atio n T ransm issi on ( Broad cast ing) If you have to sen d the same do cumen t(s) to multi ple statio ns, you ca n save tim e in feeding the docume nt(s) by u sing mem ory trans mission.
Sending Document s 52 If your ma chine's mem ory is full o r you wish to s end the do cument im mediately , use Direct Transmission. Manual Number Dialing (Direct T ransmission) T o dia l the telep hone numb er manual ly , foll ow the steps be low .
Sending Doc ument s 53 Direct T r ansmission Basic Opera tions One-T ouch Dialing (Direct T ransmission) One-T ou ch Dialing al lows you to dial a ful l telephon e number b y pressing a single key .
Sending Document s 54 Direct T ransmiss ion Directory S earch Dialing (Dire ct T ransmission) Direc tory Searc h dialing al lows you to dial a ful l telephon e number b y searchi ng the station name e ntered in One- T ouch keys o r Abbrevi ated dialin g numbe rs.
Sending Doc ument s 55 Basic Opera tions If yo u wish to se nd the docum ent after talk ing with othe r party , use V oice M ode T ran smission. Y o ur machine require s an optio nal fax h andset or an external telephon e. Off-Hook Dia ling For Off-Hoo k Dialing, fo llow the s teps below .
Sending Document s 56 V oice Mode T ransm ission On-Hook Dialing For On -Hook Di aling, fol low the st eps below . NOTE 1. If you ne ed a specia l access n umber to g et an out side line , dial it first then pres s to enter a p ause (rep resented by a "-") b efore dial ing the ful l number .
Sending Doc ument s 57 Basic Opera tions Y o u can do th e followi ng while send ing a d ocument f rom memory or recei ving a docu ment. • Reserve th e next trans mission into memory for up to 70* different file s (*UF-890: 3 0 different file s) . • Reserve a prior ity transmi ssion.
Sending Document s 58 T ran smission Rese rvatio n Direct T ransmission Reserv ation (Priority T ransmission Reservat ion) If yo u are in a rush to send an urgent doc ument, howev er there ar e many file s in the memo ry , use Di rect T ran smission Reserva tion to sen d the urge nt documen t.
Sending Doc ument s 59 T ran smiss ion Re servat ion Basic Opera tions T o cancel the d irect transmission reservation 1 Make su re the docu ment is on the ADF . DIRECT XM T RESER VED <01>( Stati on name ) 2 CANCEL XMT RES ERVE ? 1:YES 2 :NO 3 and the n remove the docum ent from A DF .
Sending Document s 60 Automatic R edialing Manual Redialing Y o u can als o redial th e last dial ed number manually by pressin g key . NOTE 1. While the unit is displaying "WAIT T O DIAL", yo u can press to start redi aling immedia tely .
61 Basic Opera tions Receiving Document s Y o ur machi ne is p rovided wit h both a utomatic and manua l receptio n modes . The sel ection o f either receptio n mode is made with Fax Paramete r No. 17 (RCV MO DE). Y o ur machine will receive docu ments automatica lly if the Fax Parame ter No.
Receiving Docu ment s 62 This machine can u se Letter , Legal or A 4 size pla in paper for rec ording. Som etimes, over sized doc uments sent to you by the other parties ca nnot be printed wi thin a s ingle page. When thi s occu rs, the doc ument wil l be d ivided into separate pages.
Rece iving Docume nt s 63 Basic Opera tions If the received d ocument i s extre mely long (over 39 % longer th an the recor ding paper), t he docu ment will be divided i nto separate pages . When pri nting on separa te pages, the b ottom 0.4 i n (10 mm) o f first page wil l be overl apped on to p of the next page.
Receiving Docu ment s 64 If the rec ording paper r uns out or jam s or if the to ner runs out d uring rece ption, the ma chine automatic ally starts receiv ing docu ments into its image da ta memory . S tor ed docume nts are printed automa tically afte r repla cing the recor ding paper or the toner ca rtridge.
65 Basic Opera tions Making Copies Y o ur machine h as a copy function whi ch can make s ingle or mu ltiple c opies. When c opying, your machi ne will au tomatically s elect Fine res olution. NOTE 1. The copy wil l be reduced auto matical ly dependi ng on the leng th of the original d ocument.
66 Advanc ed Featur es Batch T ransmission T o reduc e transm ission time and c ost, this feat ure allo ws your machine to accumulate different doc uments for the same des tination( s) to be tr ansmitte d in a singl e phone c all.
67 Advanced Featur es T imer Controlled Communications Y o u can send a doc ument to one or multiple stations at any pres et time within the next 24 hou rs. Up to 70* built- in timer s can be set for defe rred trans missi on and defe rred polli ng. (* UF-890 : 3 0 built-in t imers) NOTE 1.
T imer Controlled Communications 68 NOTE 1. If you ent er a wrong nu mber in S tep 3, press , then re-e nter the rig ht number . 2. T o change or can cel the De ferred Comm unication s ettings, see page 80 and 82. Deferred Polling 1 DEFERR ED COMM . (1-2) ENTER NO .
69 Advanced Featur es Polling Polli ng means c alling ot her station(s) to retrieve a document. The oth er station mu st know in advan ce that you wi ll call and mus t have a docum ent set on the ADF or s tored i n the m emory . Y ou may n eed to set a pollin g password, shared by the other station , to ensur e securi ty .
Polling 70 In orde r to let othe r stations poll your mac hine, you must prepare yo ur machine wi th a docum ent stored in mem ory . Be sure to s et the pollin g password before storing the doc ument into me mory . After being polled, the do cuments stor ed in the me mory wil l be erase d automatic ally .
Polling 71 Advanced Featur es The foll owing procedu re lets you poll a document fr om one or multi ple stations. Be sure to set the pol ling password before po lling. ( See page 69) NOTE 1. Y ou can review the entered s tations in step 5 by pressing or key , press to erase t he displ ayed st ation or g roup as need ed.
72 Program Keys Y o ur fax machine has specia l Prog ram Keys . Thes e keys are useful i f you fr equently need to send or poll the sam e group of s tations. Y ou can use th ese ke ys to store a One-T ouch g roup key , a sequence of stations to be polled, a deferred tr ansmis sion or polling sequenc e or an ad ditional One-T ouch k ey .
Program Keys 73 Advanced Featur es Setting for Deferred T ransmission T o set a Program Key f or de ferred trans missio n 1 PROGR AM (1 -4) ENTER N O. OR ∨ ∧ 2 PROGRA M[P ] PRESS PROG RAM KEY 3 Ex: PROGR AM[P1] NAM E ENTER N AME 4 Enter the station name (up to 15 ch aracters ) by using the Charact er keys .
Program Keys 74 Setting for Deferred Polling T o set a Program Ke y for deferred polling 1 PROGRA M (1-4) ENTER NO . OR ∨ ∧ 2 PROGRA M[P ] PRESS PROG RAM KEY 3 Ex: PROG RAM[P 1] NAME ENTER NA ME 4 Ente r the st atio n name (u p to 15 char acter s) by usi ng the Character keys.
Program Keys 75 Advanced Featur es Setting for Normal Polling T o set a Program Key f or nor mal polling 1 PROGR AM (1 -4) ENTER N O. OR ∨ ∧ 2 PROGRA M[P ] PRESS PROG RAM KEY 3 Ex: PROGR AM[P1] NAM E ENTER N AME 4 Enter the station name (up to 15 ch aracters ) by using the Charact er keys .
Program Keys 76 Setting for One -T o uch Key T o set a Program Key f or One-T ouch Key 1 PROGRA M (1-4) ENTER NO . OR ∨ ∧ 2 PROGRA M[P ] PRESS PROG RAM KEY 3 Ex: PROG RAM[P 1] NAME ENTER NA ME 4 Ente r the st atio n name (u p to 15 char acter s) by usi ng the Character keys.
Program Keys 77 Advanced Featur es T o change the se ttings in a Program Key , f ollow the proce dure on sett ing a P rogram Ke y on pages 7 2 to 76. • S tart time or station (s) for deferred transm.
78 Edit File Mode Y o ur machi ne has a document ima ge mem ory which e nables y ou to reser ve memory transmis sion, mem ory deferred transmi ssion, mem ory polli ng and so o n. After res erving the co mmunic ations in memory , yo u may need to ch ange the setti ngs of the commun ication(s ) while it i s stil l in memo ry .
Edit File Mo de 79 Advanced Featur es T o view th e contents of a file li st on the d isplay without pr inting it , follow the steps below. V iewing the Content s o f a File List 1 EDIT FIL E MODE (1 -6) ENTER N O.
Edit File Mo de 80 T o ch ange the star t time and/o r station s in a c ommunica tion file , follow the steps below. Changing the St a rt T ime or the St ation of a F ile 1 EDIT FI LE MODE (1-6) ENTER NO . OR ∨ ∧ 2 ENTER FI LE NO.OR ∨ ∧ FILE NO.
Edit File Mo de 81 Changing the St a rt T ime or the S t ation of a File Advanced Featur es NOTE 1. Y our m achine c annot change the st art time an d/or st ations in the file w hile it is being se nt or waiting to redial . 2. If the file is not a Def erred Commu nication File, the f ollowing m essage is shown on th e display .
Edit File Mo de 82 T o delete the file i n memory , follow the s teps below . NOTE 1. Y ou r machine cannot d elete the file while it is being s ent. 2. Enter as th e file nu mber and press to dele te all files (except the file in progress). The f ollow ing m essa ge is shown o n the d isp lay .
Edit File Mo de 83 Advanced Featur es T o print the conten ts of the comm unication fi le, follo w the steps be llow . NOTE 1. Y our m achine cann ot prin t the file wh ile it is being se nt. Printing Out a File 1 EDIT FIL E MODE (1 -6) ENTER N O. OR ∨ ∧ 2 ENTER FI LE NO.
Edit File Mo de 84 T o add documents in to the file , follow th e steps bell ow . NOTE 1. Y ou r machine cannot add the docum ent into t he file whi le it is b eing sent or waiting to redial. Adding Do cument s into a File 1 Set do cument(s) fac e down.
Edit File Mo de 85 Advanced Featur es If a me mory commu nication has been u nsuccess ful due to a b usy line or no answer , the d ocument you stored is a utomatica lly erased from memory after the last redia l. If you need to r etain the documen t even if the com munication fai led, chang e the setting of Fax Parameter No.
86 Access Code The A ccess Cod e preve nts an unautho rized use r from operatin g the mac hine. On ce a 4- digit Ac cess C ode is regi stered, n o one can operate th e machin e withou t entering th e correct acce ss code. Automat ic Recei ving, howe ver , is always av ailable.
Acce ss Co de 87 Advanced Featur es The m achine c an restr ict the operation of setti ng/print ing the F ax Param eters a nd prin ting the Transacti on Journ al when the Department Cod e feature is enabled. Ex: When setti ng the Fax P arameter . Operat ing Y our Mach ine with the Ac cess Co de (Restric t all op erations) 1 Ente r the Access C ode.
88 Receiv e T o Memory This feature is used to s ecure all r eceiv ed docume nts by storing them into the mem ory . T o pr int out the docume nt from me mory , the authorized operator m ust enter the correct password. NOTE 1. W hen t he me mory overf lows , th e mach ine w ill s top r ecei ving a nd releas e t he li ne.
Rece ive T o Memory 89 Advanced Featur es After rec eiving a docum ent with the Rec eive T o Memor y feature, the fol lowing mes sage will appe ar on the displa y . MESSAG E IN MEMORY < RCV TO MEMORY > T o print the document, fol low the steps below .
90 Distinctive Ring Detector (DRD) Y o ur machin e has a special fea ture in con junction with an optional service pr ovided by ma ny local tele phone com panies. It c an distingui sh up to 4 telep hone numb ers with a corres ponding r ing pattern identi fying each n umber .
91 Advanced Featur es Fax Cover Sheet A Fa x Cover S heet can be aut omatical ly attached to your tr ansmit document (s) th at shows the rec ipient's name, or iginator 's name a nd the numb er of pages a ttached. T o attach a Fax Cover Shee t to a transmi ssion, fol low the pr ocedure bel ow .
Fax Cove r Sheet 92 T o use the Fax Cove r Sheet Fax C over S heet S ampl e Explanation of Content s ***** FACSIMILE COVER SHEET ***** (1) MAR-12-2002 15:00 (2) Message To: SALES DEPT. (3) Message From: PANASONIC 201 555 1212 (4) 02 Page(s) Following This Cover Page (1) S t arting t ime of co mmunicati on.
93 Advanced Featur es PIN Code Access If your PBX requ ires a PIN (Pe rsonal Identific ation Numb er) co de to get a n outside line, yo ur mach ine can be set t o prompt t he user to en ter a PIN code befor e any dial ing. Gener al Descripti on Selecting the Access Method (Prefix or Suffix) 1 SET M ODE (1 -6) ENTER N O.
PIN Code Access 94 NOTE 1. The PIN c ode is show n as " " on the di splay whe n dialin g the numb er . 2. This featur e is not avai lable when di aling a num ber by using Of f-Hook or On-H ook Direct Dialin g mode. Dialing with a PIN Code 1 Set do cument(s) fac e down.
95 Advanced Featur es Fax Forward This feature a llows all incom ing faxe s to b e forwar ded to the station regi stered in the one-touc h or abbrev iated dial ing number.
96 File T ransmissio n This feature al lows you r machine to store the d ocument( s) into the File Transmissi on in ord er to send to a singl e or to mu ltiple lo cations when desi red. The d ocumen t(s) in th e File Transmissi on will b e kept unti l it is manual ly delete d.
File T ransmission 97 Advanced Featur es T o send th e stored document(s ), follow the steps below . Sending the S tor ed Document(s) 1 FILE XM T MODE (1- 4) ENTER N O.
File T ransmission 98 T o delete the sto red docu ment(s), fo llow the s teps belo w . T o print the sto red docume nt(s), f ollow the s teps below . Deleting the Stored Document(s) 1 FILE X MT MO DE ( 1-4) ENTER NO .
99 Advanced Featur es Dep artment Code This operation r equires the user to input a preset 4- digit Depart ment Code b efore trans missi on. The Department Na me of the selected Departm ent Code is printed o n the Header of each page se nt, Cove r Sheet, COM M Journ al and Indivi dual T ransmis sion Journal .
Dep artment Code 100 NOTE 1. Us e to co py the de fault LOGO wh ich is se t in the User Pa rameters. Y o u can add the dep artment n ame following the defau lt LOGO. 2. When enabli ng the Dept. Code featu re for the first time, it is importan t to Print the Journa l by pressing , , , and in order t o erase th e previous journa l content s.
Dep artment Code 101 Advanced Featur es If yo u have to change or erase any of the Departm ent Codes, follow the steps below. Changin g or Erasing th e Dep artment Code 1 SET M ODE (1 -6) ENTER N O.
Dep artment Code 102 Changi ng or Erasi ng the Dep artment Co de NOTE 1. If you ma ke a mist ake, us e to m ove the cursor beyon d the inc orrect charac ter , pres s then re-e nter the correc t Departme nt Name. 2. Us e to co py the de fault LOGO wh ich is se t in the User Pa rameters.
Dep artment Code 103 Advanced Featur es Sendin g Document with Dep artment Code 1 Set do cument(s) fac e down. ENTER STAT ION(S) THEN PRE SS STAR T 00% 2 Dial by any comb ination o f the follo wing me.
Dep artment Code 104 Sendi ng Do cume nt w ith De p art ment Code (V oice M ode T ra nsmi ssi on) 1 Set do cument(s) fac e down. ENTER STAT ION(S) THEN PR ESS STA RT 00% 2 Lift the o ptional ha ndset or the externa l telephon e or press . Ex: Pr ess INPUT DEPT .
Dep artment Code 105 Advanced Featur es The Departmen t Code L ist can be p rinted out fol lowing th e Fax Par ameter List . Sample Dep artment Code List (Print s following the Fax Parameter List) Explanation of Content s Printing a De p artment Code List 1 PRINT OUT (1 -7) ENTER N O.
Dep artment Code 106 When th e Department Code is s et, the Transaction J ournal will be sor ted by t he Department Code numbe r when it is prin ted. All conten ts of the Journa l will be erased a utomaticall y after b eing printe d. Sample Department Code Journal / Originated Calls Printing a Department Code Jo urnal 1 PRINT OUT (1 -7) ENTER NO .
Dep artment Code 107 Printing a De p artment Code Journa l Advanced Featur es Sample Department Code Journal / Rece ived Calls Explanation of Content s *************** -JOURNAL- ************************* DATE MAR-12-2002 ***** TIME 15:00 *** P.02 RECEIVED CALLS MAR-10 TO MAR-12 (1) (2) (3) TOTAL PAGES = 000011 TOTAL TIME = 00:13:41 NO.
108 Multiple LOGO This operatio n allows the user to select one of the 25 preset LOGOs before a transmission. The selected LOGO is printed on t he Heade r of each page sen t, Cover Shee t, COMM. Jo urnal and Individual T ran smissi on Jo urnal. NOTE 1.
Multiple L OGO 109 Advanced Featur es If yo u have to change or erase any of the Multiple LOGOs, fo llow the s teps below . NOTE 1. If you make a mist ake, use to mov e the cu rsor beyon d the incorre ct charac ter , pre ss then re- enter the c orrect LOGO.
Multiple LO GO 110 NOTE 1. T he Mul tiple LOGO fu nctio n cannot be use d in the V oice Dialin g Mode . 2. I f you ski p sele cting t he LOGO in the step 4, the unit sel ects the def ault LO GO (00) whi ch is se t in the Use r Parameters . Sending Document with Multiple LO GO 1 Set do cument(s) fac e down.
Multiple L OGO 111 Advanced Featur es The Mu ltiple Logo L ist can be printed o ut followi ng the Fax P arameter L ist. Sample Multi ple LOGO List (P rint s following the Fax Parameter List) Explanation of Content s Printing a Multi ple Logo List 1 PRINT OUT (1 -7) ENTER N O.
112 Network Fe atures Selective Reception Y o ur machine ha s a specia l feature, S electiv e Reception , which can pr event the rec eiving of unnecess ary documen ts (i.
113 Network Feat ures Password Communications Passw ord Comm unicatio ns, inc luding P asswor d T ransm ission and Pas sword Reception wi ll prev ent you r machin e from s ending a fax to a wron g station or r eceiving a fax fr om an un authorized stations.
Passwo rd Comm unicati ons 114 T o se t transmiss ion passwo rd and param eter , NOTE 1. Y ou can chang e the setting temporarily by u sing FUNCTION 8-4 (P ASSWORD-XMT) for each transmis sion. See page 1 16 for detai ls. 2. T o change the p assword , press in step 4.
Password Communi cations 115 Network Feat ures T o set receiv ing passwor d and parame ter , NOTE 1. Once you set the p arameter , you c annot sel ect the p arameter , “ OF F ” or “ ON ”, for ea ch reception . It is al ways “ OFF ” or “ ON ” until you change th e setting.
Passwo rd Comm unicati ons 116 T o use P assword T ransmis sion, you can sele ct P A SSWORD-X MT “OF F” or “ON” fo r each Transmissi on by followi ng the procedure below . Using Passw ord T ransm ission 1 Set do cument(s) fac e down. ENTER STAT ION(S) THEN PR ESS STA RT 00% 2 SELEC T MODE (1-5) ENTER NO .
Password Communi cations 117 Network Feat ures There i s no addit ional ope ration r equired once you set the param eter by foll owing the p rocedur e on page 1 15. The para meter , “ OFF ” or “ ON ”, cannot be selected for each re ception. It is always “ OFF ” or “ ON ” until you ch ange the s etting.
118 Confidential Mailbox Y o ur machine is equip ped with two Confi dential C ommunica tion fe atures whic h ensure that the Conf idential inform ation yo u send is received only by the person with the correct c onfidenti al code .
Confiden tial Mailbox 119 Network Feat ures Sending a Conf idential Document to a Remote S t ation' s Mailbox 1 Set doc ument(s ) face down. ENTER STAT ION(S) THEN PRE SS STAR T 00% 2 CONF. COMM . (1 -5) ENTER N O. OR ∨ ∧ 3 CONFI DENTI AL XMT CONF.
Confident ial Mailbox 120 After you have been infor med that s omeone ha s trans mitted a confidentia l docume nt to a rem ote statio n's mailbo x, yo u can poll th e conf idential document from the rem ote station by follo wing the pr ocedur e below .
Confiden tial Mailbox 121 Network Feat ures No spec ial settin g is requ ired, you r machine c omes with th is featur e ready to use. Y our machine rec eives a confid ential fax the same way it recei ves a n ormal fa x mess age. Wh en rece iving th e conf idential fax, the displ ay shows t he followin g messag e (CON F .
Confident ial Mailbox 122 Use the follo wing proc edure t o store a documen t in a confiden tial mai lbox in your ma chine . Once the confid ential doc ument is stored in yo ur machine , it ca n be polle d by anoth er mach ine. NOTE 1. The confi dential fi le will be erased au tomatically after bei ng polled.
Confiden tial Mailbox 123 Network Feat ures After you have been n otified th at someon e has transmitted a con fidential docu ment to yo ur mach ine's mailbo x, use the followin g procedur e to prin t out the c onfidentia l docume nt.
Confident ial Mailbox 124 If your memory becomes full, o r you ju st wan t to clean out your c onfide ntial docum ents, you ma y del ete one or mor e confid ential faxes stor ed in yo ur mach ine by using th e followin g proce dure.
125 Network Feat ures Sub-Ad dress ing The S ub-Addres sing func tion allows you fur ther routin g, forw arding or relaying o f docu ment(s) to the desir ed recipi ent(s) whe n used i n combin ation w ith Panas onic Int ernet Fax capable m odels a nd/or the Network ing versio n of HydraFax /LaserF AX software.
Sub-Addres sing 126 NOTE 1. separate s the Sub- addre ss fro m the T eleph one number and is indi cated by an "s" in th e displa y . T o set t he Sub- addres s in to a O ne-T ouch/ABBR. Dial ing Nu mbers 1 1:ONE- TOUCH 2:ABBR NO. 2 to sel ect “One-T ouc h”.
Sub-Addr essing 127 Network Feat ures Using One-T ouch/ABBR. Number Dia ling The op eration is the same a s for no rmal dia ling Using Manual Number Dialing Use to separate the T elephon e numbe r and the Sub -addre ss. NOTE 1. separa tes the Su b-ad dress from t he T e lep hone number and is i ndi cated by an "s" in th e displa y .
128 Prin t out Jo urnal s and Li sts Journals and List s T o help you maintain r ecords of the do cumen ts you sent and r eceived , as well as li sts of the number s you recor d, your fa csimil e mach.
Jour nals a nd List s 129 Print out Journ als and List s An I ndividua l T ransm ission Journal contains the informa tion on the lates t transm ission. Indivi dual T ransmissi on Journal (I ND. XMT JOURNAL) 1 PRINT OUT (1 -7) ENTER N O. OR ∨ ∧ 2 6:IND.
Journal s and List s 130 Indivi dual T r ansm ission Journal (IND. XMT JOURNAL) Sample T ransaction Journal Sample Individual T ransmission Journal (IND. XMT JOURNAL) (1) (2) ***************** -JOURNAL- ************************* DATE MAR-12-2002 ***** TIME 15:00 ********* (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) ( 11) (12) NO.
Jour nals a nd List s 131 Indiv idual T rans mission Journal (IND. XMT JOURNAL) Print out Journ als and List s Explanation of Content s (1) Printou t date (2) Printou t time (3) Journa l number (4) Com munication result "OK" indicate s that the communic ation was s uccessful .
Journal s and List s 132 The Com municati on Journ al (COMM . JOURNAL ) lets you ve rify whether the trans mission or polling w as succ essful. Y ou m ay sele ct the pr intout con dition ( Off/Always/I nc. only ) in Func tion 8-1 o r Fax Pa rameter No.
Jour nals a nd List s 133 Communicat ion Journal (COMM. JOURNAL) Print out Journ als and List s Explanation of Content s (1) In dica tion of comm unica tion m ode (2) S t art time of commun ication (3.
Journal s and List s 134 T o print a One-T ou ch/Abbr eviated Nu mber and Directo ry Searc h List of t he telepho ne numb ers you ha ve stor ed. One-T ouch/Abbre viated and Direc tory Sear ch List 1 PRINT OUT (1 -7) ENTER NO . OR ∨ ∧ 2 2:ONE -TCH/ ABBR LI ST? PRESS SET TO PRIN T 3 1:ONE -TOUC H/ABBR.
Jour nals a nd List s 135 One-T ouch/ Abbreviate d and Directo ry Search List Print out Journ als and List s Sample One-T ouch List Sample ABBR. Numbe r List *************** -ONE-TOUCH LIST- ****************** DATE MAR-12-2002 ***** TIME 15:00 ******* (1) (2) (3) ONE-TOUCH STATION NAME TELEPHONE NO.
Journal s and List s 136 One-T ouch/Abbre viated and Direc tory Sear ch List Sample D irectory Sear ch List Explanation of Content s *************** -DIR. SEARCH LIST- ***************** DATE MAR-12-2002 ***** TIME 15:00 ******* (5) (2) (1) (3) STATION NAME ABBR NO.
Jour nals a nd List s 137 Print out Journ als and List s T o print a Program List of the Dialing Patterns that you h ave previ ously enter ed into th e Program Keys. Sample Program Lis t Explanation of Content s Program List 1 PRINT OUT (1 -7) ENTER N O.
Journal s and List s 138 Samp le F AX Param eter L ist Explanation of Content s F AX Parameter List 1 PRINT OUT (1 -7) ENTER NO . OR ∨ ∧ 2 4:FAX PARA .
139 Problem Solv ing Proble m Solv ing T roubleshooting If Y o u Have Any o f These P roblems Mode Symptom Cause / Ac tion p age During S tandb y The dis play is bli nking The battery is not insta lled or the ba ttery is co mpletely discha rged. Inst all a Ne w battery an d reset th e clock.
T rou bles hoot ing 140 Print Copy Quality V ertical lin es printing on th e rece ived docu ment Print out a Jou rnal report (e.g . FUNCTION, 6, 1 , SET and 1) and chec k quality to make sure whether your ma chine has trou ble. If Journ al report quality is OK, y our mach ine has no problem , report to the se nding pa rty that they have a pro blem.
T rou bles hootin g 141 Problem Solv ing When s omething unusu al occu rs, the d isplay ma y sh ow one of th e Informa tion Co des lis ted belo w . These will he lp you to identi fy and co rrect the p roblem. Informati on Code s Info. Code Meaning Action Page 001 Recordi ng pap er jammed whe n feeding from the 1st cassette .
T rou bles hoot ing 142 Informati on Code s 408/ 409 Remote side confirm ation of p revious page is i llegible . Wai t a few min utes and send agai n. -- 410 Commu nication aborted by the transmit ting side. Check with the other p arty . -- 41 1 Poll ing pa ssword do es not ma tch.
T rou bles hootin g 143 Informati on Code s Problem Solv ing NOTE 1. After identifyi ng the probl em and ve rifying the rec ommended ac tion, if the information C odes keep reocc urring or for hel p on Informati on Codes that a ppear on your mac hine but are not listed a bove, ple ase cont act yo ur local Pana sonic Aut horized Dea ler .
T rou bles hoot ing 144 If the recordi ng paper become s jam med in th e machin e, the dis play will show an In formatio n Code 0 01, 002, 003 , 007 or 0 08. NOTE 1. The Re cording Paper Jam message displa y is rese t only by open ing and cl osing o f the Pri nter Cover.
T rou bles hootin g 145 Problem Solv ing If a d ocument beco mes jamm ed in the machine, the displ ay will sh ow the Infor mation Cod e 030 or 0 31. Clearing a Do cument Jam T o c lear t he j am 1 (1) O pen the AD F Door . (2) R emove th e jammed document.
T rou bles hoot ing 146 If the rec eiving party r eports that the rece ived doc uments were bla ck, or contained black li nes, try maki ng a copy on your uni t to verify . If the copy is bla ck or has bl ack lines, th e document Scanning Area is prob ably dirty and must be clean ed.
T rou bles hootin g 147 Problem Solv ing If yo u find tone r on the b ack of the recordin g paper , the prin ter roller in the fus er unit is probabl y dirty . NOTE 1. If you have inst alled the optional cassette(s ), load th e Cleaning Chart s into t he upper cas sette.
T rou bles hoot ing 148 If do cument mi sfeeding occurs fr equently , we suggest y ou adjus t the ADF . Adjusting the Automatic Document Feeder (ADF) T o adjust the ADF 1 Pull the bl ue Pr essure Ad just ing Le ver up ward and slid e it to the des ired positi on depend ing on the conditio n.
T rou bles hootin g 149 Problem Solv ing The V erificati on S tamp contains ink. Wh en the stamp mar k appears fa ded or har d to see, the stamp should be repl aced or r efilled with ink. NOTE 1. Please cont act your loc al Panason ic dealer to purc hase a new st amp.
T rou bles hoot ing 150 During the ini tial self te st, when the powe r is tur n “On”, th e machine will ev aluate the condition of the back up batter y . If the battery i s weak or f ully disc harged, th e followi ng message w ill be s hown on the display .
T rou bles hootin g 151 Problem Solv ing When you do not hear a dial tone through the tele phone conne cted to the ma chine or when the telephone does no t ring ( No automati c rece ive). Check ing the T elepho ne Line 1 Unplug the T elep hone Lin e Cable from the telephone jack t hat was s upplied by the telephone company .
152 Appendi x Specifications Comp atibility ITU-T Group 3 Coding S cheme MH, M R, MMR, JBIG (C onforms to I TU-T Recom mendations ) Modem T ype ITU-T V .34, V .33, V .17, V .29, V .27ter and V .21 Modem Spe ed 33600 - 2 400 bp s Docume nt Size Max. : 1 1.
Specifications 153 Appendix NOTE 1. The left and right print margin i s 0.22 in (5.5 mm) when printing a Letter or L egal size document with 60 0 dpi from a PC .
Specifications 154 Power Sup ply 108-132 V AC, 47-63 Hz, Si ngle Phas e Power Cons umption S tandby (Sleep Mode : On) Less than 1.2 Wh S tandb y (En ergy -Sav er : On) App rox. 12 Wh S tandb y (En ergy -Sav er : Off) App rox . 80 Wh [Room te mperature : 77 ° F (25 ° C)] T ransmiss ion Approx.
155 Appendix Recording Paper Specifications In gener al, mos t photoco py papers wil l also work ver y well. T here are m any "na me" and " generic" brands of paper ava ilable. We recom mend th at you test various pap ers until you obtain th e results you are loo king for .
156 Options and Supplies Pleas e contact your lo cal Pana sonic d ealer for avail ability . A. Options: NOTE 1. Flash Me mory Ca rd is used fo r docume nt stor age. 2. D-RAM M emory Card is us ed to enhanc e the machine ’s ov erall performan ce and printi ng resolutio n.
Options an d Supplie s 157 Appendix B. Supplies: Order No. Pictu re Description A vailable Models DZHT00 0027 V erificatio n S tam p UF-890 UF-990 UG-5520 T oner Cartridge UF-890 UF-990.
Options an d Supplie s 158 Befor e installing, m ake sur e that the re is n o documen t file(s ) stored in the me mory . Y ou may confir m by printi ng out a File Lis t (See page 78). Whe n the memory car d is installed, the machin e will initial ize the docume nt memory , all conten ts stored i n the docu ment memor y at that time will be lost.
159 Appendix FCC Notice for User in USA This equipment has been t ested and fo und to com ply with t he limits for a C lass B d igital device, pur suant to Part 15 of the FCC Rul es. These limi ts are designed to provide r easonabl e protection aga inst harmful interfe rence in a residen tial installat ion.
FCC Notice for User in USA 160 This equipmen t is hear ing aid c ompatible. For prot ection aga inst the ri sk of electr ic shock, always dis connect a ll cables from th e wall outlet before servic ing, modi fying or installing th e equip ment.
161 Appendix Notice to User in Canada This equipme nt meets tel ecommuni cations n etwork p rotective , operati onal and safety requirem ents as presc ribed in the appro priate T er minal Eq uipment T e chnica l Require ments docume nt(s). Thi s is co nfirmed by mar king the equipm ent with th e Industry Can ada certific ation numb er .
Notice to User in Canada 162 L'éti quette de Indus trie Canada id entifi e le matériel h omolog ué. Cette étique tte certif ie que le maté riel est confor me à cer taines norm es de pro tection, d'e xploitation e t de sécu rité des réseaux de télé communi cations.
163 Appendix Glossary ABBR. No. (Abbrevi ated Numbe r) The abil ity to s tore full phone n umbers into the dia ler and t hen utili zing a sh ort serie s of keystrok es to spe ed dial that number in the future. Access cod e A 4-digit pro grammab le access cod e that prev ents unauthorized operation of your Fax.
Glossary 164 F .C.C. Federal Comm unicatio ns Commis sion. The U.S. Gov ernment org anization that reg ulates communi cations orig inating or termin ating in the United S tates. File A task that has been stored into the m emory of y our unit. Exam ples are de ferred transactio ns.
Glossary 165 Appendix One-T ouc h dialin g The abili ty to dial an entire telephone number by p ressing o ne key . Overlap Printing Document s too lon g to be reduced are automa tically p rinted on two pages with approxi mately 10 mm overlap.
166 ITU-T Image No. 1 All spec ificati ons are bas ed on the I TU-T Imag e No. 1 (T he sampl e shown be low is no t to scal e)..
Index 167 A ABBR. Num ber List ......................... ............. ..... 135 Abbrevia ted Dialin g ...... ................... ............. . 49, 53 Abbrevia ted Dialin g Number .... .................... ....... 31 Access C ode ... ...............
Index 168 P Paper Spec ifications .......... ............. ................... 155 Password Rec eption ... ............. .................... ...... 115 Password Tra nsmission ..... ................... ............. 114 PIN Code A ccess ........ .....
169 memo.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Panasonic UF-890/990 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Panasonic UF-890/990 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Panasonic UF-890/990 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Panasonic UF-890/990 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Panasonic UF-890/990, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Panasonic UF-890/990.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Panasonic UF-890/990. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Panasonic UF-890/990 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.