Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto HC-V10K del fabbricante Panasonic
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until 2012/2/10 For USA and Puerto Rico assistance, please call: 1-800-21 1-P ANA(7262) or , contact us via the web at: http://www For Canadian assistance, please call: 1-800-561-5505 or visit us at www Owner ’ s Manual Digital V ideo Camera Model No.
2 VQT4C31 Dear Customer , Thank you for choosing Panasoni c! Y ou hav e purchased one of the most sophistic ated and reliable pr oducts o n the market to day . Used properl y , we’re sure it will bring you a nd your family years of enjo yment. Pleas e take time to fill in the informat ion on the right.
3 VQT4C31 THE F OLLO WING A PPLIE S ONL Y IN TH E U.S.A . FCC Note: This equipme nt has been teste d and found to comply with the limits fo r a Class B digita l devic e, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These l imits are designed t o provide reasona ble protectio n against ha rmful interf erence in a residen tial inst allation.
4 VQT4C31 THE FOLLOWING AP PLIES ONL Y IN CANADA. THE FOLLOWING AP PLIES ONL Y IN THE U.S.A. AND CANADA. This Class B digit al apparatus compli es with Canadian ICES -003. AC adaptor This AC ad aptor operates on AC bet ween 1 10 V and 240 V . But ≥ In the U.
5 VQT4C31 ∫ Concerning the battery Battery p ack (Lithium ion batte ry p ack) ≥ Use the spec ified unit to rechar ge the battery p ack. ≥ Do not use the bat tery pack with equipment othe r than the specifie d unit. ≥ Do not get dirt , sand, li quids, or other fore ign matter on the te rminals.
6 VQT4C31 ∫ Prod uct Identif icati on Marking Product Location Digita l Video Camera Bottom AC a daptor Bottom A lithium ion battery t hat is recyclable powers the product you hav e purchased. Please call 1-800-8-BATTERY for information on how to recycle this battery .
7 VQT4C31 Prec aution s USE & LOCA TION ≥ TO A VOID SHOCK HAZ ARD ... Y ou r camera and po wer supply shoul d not be exposed to rain or moisture.
8 VQT4C31 ∫ About the reco rding format for recording motion pictures ≥ The unit is an MP4 f ormat (MPEG-4 A VC file stan dard) camera for recor ding high- defini tion motion pict ures. ≥ A VCHD and MPEG2 motion pictures are diff erent format s, and are not t herefore support ed by the unit.
9 VQT4C31 ∫ About Condensa tion (When the lens or th e LCD monitor is fogged up) Condensat ion occurs when th e ambient temperat ure or humidit y changes. Be careful of condens ation since it causes lens or LCD monito r stains, fu ngus and camera malfunction .
10 VQT4C31 Accessori es ......... ........ .......... ....... ........ ... 12 Quic k Guide ....... ........ ......... ........ ........ ..... 13 Prep aration Names and F unctions of Main Parts ..... 17 Power su pply.. ........ ......... ........ .....
11 VQT4C31 Preparatio n Basic Advanc ed (Recording ) Copy/Dub bing With a P C Others Ad vanc ed (Playback) Copy/Dubbing Copying from Bu ilt-in Memory to SD ca rd [HC-V1 0M/HC- V1 1M] . ......... ........ ........ ..... 77 Dubbing images onto other v ideo devic es .
12 VQT4C31 Check the ac cessories before using this unit . Keep the ac cessories out of reach of children to pre vent swallowing. Product numbers c orrect as of Jan .
13 VQT4C31 ∫ Inserting the battery Install the ba ttery b y inser ting it i n the directi on shown in the figure . ≥ Insert the batt ery until it clicks and locks. ∫ Charging the ba ttery The batt ery cannot be charged when th e power is on. Pr ess the power but ton to turn off the powe r .
14 VQT4C31 ∫ T urning the unit on/off T urning the unit on and off with the power button Press t he power butto n to turn on the un it. A The status indicator light s on. ≥ T o turn of f the unit, hold down the power button un til the sta tus indicat or goes off .
15 VQT4C31 ∫ Selecting a media to r ecord [HC-V10M/HC-V1 1M] 1) Change the mode to . 2) Select the menu . 3) Select the medi a to record mot ion pictures or still pictures using 3 / 4 / 2 / 1 , and pre ss the ENTER button. ≥ Select [VIDEO /SD CA RD] or [ PICTU RE/ SD CA RD] to r ecord to the SD ca rd.
16 VQT4C31 4) Select the scene or t he still pic ture to be played back using 3 / 4 / 2 / 1 , then press the ENTER but ton. ≥ When you selec t / and pre ss the ENTER button, the next (previous) p age is displayed. 5) Select the ope ration icon using 3 / 4 / 2 / 1 .
17 VQT4C31 1 LCD monitor ≥ It can open up t o 90 o . ≥ It can ro tate up to 18 0 o A towards the lens or 90 o B towards the o pposite dir ection. 2 Intelligent auto/Manual button [iA/MANUAL] ( l 35, 59) 3 Op tical im age stabiliz er butt on [ O.I.
18 VQT4C31 1 1 Lens cover 12 Lens 13 Lens cov er opening/closing switch When not us ing the unit, clo se the lens cover to protec t the lens. ≥ Slide t he opening/closing switch to open/close the cover .
19 VQT4C31 22 Battery re lease lever [BA TTERY] ( l 20) 23 T ripod recept acle ≥ If you att ach a tripod which has a 5. 5 mm (0.22 q ) scre w or larger , it may damage this u nit.
20 VQT4C31 ∫ About batteries that you can use with this unit The battery that can be used with this uni t is VW-VBL090/VW -VBK180/VW -VBK360. Inserting/removing the battery ≥ Press the power button to turn off the unit. ( l 27) Inst all the batte ry by inserting it in the direction shown in the figu re.
21 VQT4C31 Charging the battery ∫ Charging w ith an AC adap tor . The unit is in the st andby co ndition when the AC adapto r is connec ted. The p rimary circu it is always “live” as long as the AC adaptor is co nnected to an electric al outlet .
22 VQT4C31 ∫ Connecting to the AC outlet If you turn on the unit whil e connecting with the AC adap tor , you can use t he unit with po wer supplied from the outlet. When recordin g for a long tim e, keep the AC adap tor connected and use it toget her with the bat tery .
23 VQT4C31 ≥ If the st atus indica tor flashes at a particular ly fast or slow rate , refer to p age 103. ≥ If you do not int end to use the un it for an extende d period, dis connect the US B cable from the uni t for safe ty .
24 VQT4C31 Charging and recording time ∫ Chargin g/Recording ti me ≥ T emperature : 25 o C (77 o F)/humidit y: 60%RH ≥ T ime in the parent hesis is c harging time when th is unit is connected to a PC, Panasonic Blu-ray di sc recorder, or DVD recorder .
25 VQT4C31 The unit can re cord still pict ures or moti on pictures to an SD ca rd or built-in memory . T o record to an SD card, read the followin g. Cards that you can use w ith th is unit Use SD cards confor ming to Class 4 or higher of the SD S peed Class Rating * for motion pi cture record ing.
26 VQT4C31 Inserting/removing an SD c ard Caution: Check tha t the a ccess lamp has gone off. 1 Open the LCD mo nitor . 2 Open the SD card cover and insert/remove the SD card into /from the card slot B . ≥ Face the label sid e C in the direction shown in the ill ustration and pres s it straight in as far as it will go.
27 VQT4C31 Y ou can turn the unit on and off u sing the power butt on or b y opening and closin g the L CD monitor . Open the LCD mo nitor and press the power button to turn o n the unit. A The status indicator light s on. Unit is turned on whe n the LCD monitor is opene d, and unit is turned of f when it is closed.
28 VQT4C31 Change the mode to recording or pl ayback. Operate the mode swi tch to change the mode to or . Prepar atio n Selecting a mod e Recording Mode ( l 32, 34) Playba ck Mode ( l 37, 63 ) HC-V10&V10M&V11MP9_PC_P U_VQT4C31_mst.
29 VQT4C31 When th e unit is turned on fo r the first time, a message asking you to set the date and ti me will appear . Select [YES] an d perform St e p s 2 t o 3 bel ow to set the da te and time. ¬ Change t he mode to . 1 Select the menu. ( l 40) 2 Select the date o r time using 2 / 1 and set the desired v alue using 3 / 4 .
30 VQT4C31 ∫ Basi c cam era p ositi onin g 1 Hold the unit with bot h hands. 2 Put your hand th rough the grip belt. ≥ When record ing, make sure your foot ing is stable and there is no danger of colli ding with another per son or objec t. ≥ When you are ou tdoors, record pic tures with the sun light behind you.
31 VQT4C31 The card and built-i n memory can be selected se parat ely to record motion picture s or still pictures. 1 Change the mode to . 2 Select the menu. ( l 40) 3 Select the med ia for recordin g the motion pictures an d the media for recording the still pictur es using 3 / 4 / 2 / 1 , and press the ENT ER button.
32 VQT4C31 ≥ Open the le ns cov er befo re turn ing on t he un it. ( l 18) 1 Change the mode to and open the LCD m onitor . 2 Press the recor ding st art/stop button to start re cording. A When you b egin rec ording, ; chang es to ¥ . 3 Press the recor ding st art/stop butto n again to p ause recording.
33 VQT4C31 ≥ The images rec orded between pr essing the recor ding start /stop button t o start recor ding and press ing it again to p ause recording bec ome one scene. The scenes longer tha n approximat ely 20 minut es will be au tomatically d ivided.
34 VQT4C31 ≥ Open the le ns cov er befo re turn ing on t he un it. ( l 18) 1 Change the mode to and open the LCD m onitor . 2 Press the button. ∫ About the screen indic ations in St ill Picture Rec ording ≥ During motion pic ture recording or when set to PRE-REC, you cannot rec ord still pictures.
35 VQT4C31 The followi ng modes (appropria te for the conditio n ) are set just by pointi ng the unit to what you want t o record. ≥ Depending on t he recording cond itions, the unit may not enter the desir ed mode. ≥ In the Portrai t, S potlight an d Low light mode, the f ace will be surrounde d by white frame when detec ted.
36 VQT4C31 ∫ Intelligent Aut o Mode When switching to Int elligent Auto Mode, the Auto Whit e Balance and Auto Focus operate and automat ically adjust t he color balance an d focusing. Dependi ng on the brightness of the subject, etc., the apert ure and shutter speed are automati cally adjust ed for optimum brightnes s.
37 VQT4C31 1 Change the mode to . 2 Select the play mode select icon A using 3 / 4 / 2 and press th e ENTER button. 3 Select the [VI DEO/PICTURE] you wis h to play back, then press the ENTER button. / Select the [M EDIA] and [VIDEO/PICTURE] yo u wish to play back , then press th e ENTER button.
38 VQT4C31 5 Select the operati on icon using 3 / 4 / 2 / 1 . B Operation icon ≥ Press the ENTER but ton to display/not -display the operat ion icon. ∫ Change the th umbnail disp lay While the thumbnai l is displ ayed, the thumbnai l display changes in t he following order if the zoom lever is ope rated to s ide or side.
39 VQT4C31 Motion pi cture comp atibility ≥ The unit conforms to the MP4 format (MPEG-4 A VC file stan dard). ≥ Motion pic tures recorded on ot her MP4-compati ble equipment may not play back normall y or may not play bac k at all on this uni t.
40 VQT4C31 1 Press the MENU button . 2 Press 3 / 4 / 2 / 1 to sel ect the top menu A , then press the ENTER button. 3 Select the subm enu B using 3 / 4 and press 1 or press the ENTER button. 4 Select the desire d item using 3 / 4 , and press the ENTER button to set.
41 VQT4C31 ≥ The items displayed differ depending on the position or settings of the mode switch. Select the menu. The screen display can be chan ged to [ON] (al l information di splayed) or [OFF] (a portion of informati on displayed). Please ref er to page 74.
42 VQT4C31 5 (Only when s etting the regio n of your travel dest ination) Select your travel destination using 2 / 1 and pr ess the ENTER but ton. ≥ Press 3 to set dayl ight saving time . appears and the summer time setting is turned on. The travel destinat ion tim e and time differen ce from the home region time are set forward by one hour.
43 VQT4C31 When about 30 min utes have p assed without any oper ation while connec ting AC adaptor with this unit, this unit automatically turns off . ≥ This unit will not automatically tu rn off even if the [ECONOMY (AC)] is set to [ON] in following case s: j Using the USB cable for PC etc.
44 VQT4C31 S tarti ng and stopping of re cording and unit on /off ca n be confirmed with this sou nd. 2 Beep s for 4 times When an error oc curs. Check th e sentence displ ayed on the screen. ( l 95) This makes it easie r to view the LCD monitor in br ight places including ou tdoors.
45 VQT4C31 Set to [Y ES] for cha nging the menu set tings back to the defaul t condition. (Only when t he mode is at the positio n) ≥ Sett ings for [M EDIA SELE CT] * , [CLOCK SET] an d [LANGUAGE] will not be change d. * For users who ha ve , this men u is not displayed.
46 VQT4C31 The used spac e and re mainin g reco rdabl e time of th e SD car d can be c hecked . ≥ When the mode switch is set to , remaining re cordable time fo r the select ed recording mode i s displayed. ≥ Press the MENU but ton to close the indication.
47 VQT4C31 This item is used to start t he unit demonstr ation. (Only when t he mode is at the positio n) If [DEMO MODE ] is switched to [ON] an d you press the MENU butt on when there is no SD card insert ed and while this unit is connected to the AC adaptor , the demonst ration auto matica lly st arts.
48 VQT4C31 ¬ Change t he mode to . A Zoom bar ≥ The zoom spee d varies dependi ng on the range over which t he zoom lever is moved. ≥ Maximum zoom mag nification can be set with [D.ZOOM]. ( l 55) ∫ About Zoom ba r Zoom bar is disp layed during the zoom op eration.
49 VQT4C31 Optical image sta bilizer can stabilize the image without decrea sing the image quality as much. ¬ Change t he mode to . ≥ S tabi lization may not be possible u nder strong shaking conditions.
50 VQT4C31 Select the operation icons to add differ ent ef fects to th e images to be recor ded. ¬ Change t he mode to . 1 Press the ENTER button t o display the operation ico ns on the s cree n. ≥ The indic ation changes eac h time you press 4 of t he cur sor butto n.
51 VQT4C31 When you st art rec ording, the imag e/audio gradu ally appears . (Fade in) When you p ause re cording, the image/audi o gradually disappear s. (Fade out) ≥ The Fade sett ing is canceled when th e recording stop s. ∫ T o select the color for Fade in/out ≥ The thumbnails of scenes recorde d using fade in become black (or white).
52 VQT4C31 This allows recording of the pictures and sound to st art approximately 3 seconds before the r ecording st art/stop button is pres sed. ≥ appea rs on the scree n. ≥ Aim the unit at the subject beforehand. ≥ There is no beep s ound. ≥ PRE-REC is canceled in the following cases.
53 VQT4C31 This brightens p arts that are in s hadow and difficult to see and suppr esses white saturation in bright part s at the same time. Both bright and dark part s can b e recorded clearl y . ≥ If ther e are extremely d ark or bright p arts or the bright ness is insuf ficient, the eff ect may not be clea r .
54 VQT4C31 ≥ Change the mode to . When you r ecord images i n differe nt situati ons, this mode automatically sets opt imum shutter speeds a nd apert ures. ≥ (Sun set/Lo w light) j The shutter speed is 1/30 or more. ≥ (Sunset/F ireworks/Scener y/Night scen ery) j Image may get blurry when clo se object is recorded .
55 VQT4C31 Set the maxi mum zoom ratio. ≥ The larger t he digital zoo m magnification , the more the image qual ity is degraded . Switch th e picture quality an d recording format of the motion pictu res to be recorded. *1 Recording will have highe r quality in the order of [128 0 k 720/6 0p] and [640 k 480/ 60p].
56 VQT4C31 Detected faces ap pear with frames. ≥ Up to 15 fra mes are indicate d. Larger fac es and faces nea rer to the ce nter of the sc reen tak e preference over ot hers. ∫ Prioritized face framin g Prioritiz ed face framing is displayed as orang e frames.
57 VQT4C31 This is for reduc ing the wind noise coming into the built-in microp hones. ≥ Switch to Manual Mode. ( l 59) ≥ This func tion’s def ault settin g is [OFF]. ≥ When switching to Intellig ent Auto Mode, [WIND CUT] is set to [OFF], and the setting cannot be change d.
58 VQT4C31 Selecting t he picture qualit y . Y ou can add a shutter sound whe n recording still pic tures. [QUALITY] : [PI CTU RE] # [QUALITY] # desired setting : Still pictures with a high picture quality are recorded. : Priority is given to the number of still pict ures recorded.
59 VQT4C31 ¬ Change t he mode to . Press the iA/MANUAL button to switch to Manual Mode. ≥ appea rs on the scree n. ≥ Press the ENT ER button to disp lay/not-displ ay the manual icon .
60 VQT4C31 ≥ T o return t o auto s etting, sele ct or p ress the iA/MANUAL but ton. ∫ T o set the White Bal ance manually 1P r e s s 2 / 1 to select , and fill the scr een with a whi te subject. 2P r e s s 3 to set. ≥ When the display stop s flashing and then light s const antly , the sett ing is complete.
61 VQT4C31 Manual shutter spee d/Iris adjustment Shutter Speed: Adjust it when recordin g fast-moving subjects. Iris: Adjust it when the screen is to o bright or too dark . ≥ Press the iA/ MANUAL button to switch to Manual Mode. ( l 59) 1 Select [SHTR] or [IRIS] usi ng the cursor bu tton.
62 VQT4C31 Recording with Manual Focus If auto foc using is diff icult due to the con ditions, then use Ma nual Focus. ≥ Press the iA/ MANUAL button to switch to Manual Mode. ( l 59) 1 Press 4 to switch the manual icon . 2 Select [MF] using the cursor button to change to Manu al Focus.
63 VQT4C31 Motion picture playback using operation icon For det ails on the bas ic playback opera tions, refe r to page 37. Advanced (Playba ck) Playback Operations Playbac k op erati on Cursor button/ Playb ack display Oper ating steps Fas t forward/ rewind playbac k During Pl ayback Press 1 of the cursor button during playba ck to fast forward.
64 VQT4C31 Creating still picture from motion picture A single fra me from the recorde d motion pict ure can be saved as a sti ll picture. The pi cture size of the still picture t o be crea ted will d iffer d epending on the record ing mode of the rec orded motion pict ure.
65 VQT4C31 Resuming the previous pla yback If playbac k of a scene was st opped halfway , the playback ca n be resumed from where it was stoppe d. If playba ck of a moti on picture is stopped, appears on the thumbn ail view of t he stopped scene. ≥ The memorized re sume position i s cleared if you turn of f the unit or change t he mode.
66 VQT4C31 Playing bac k motion pictures/ still pictures by date The scene s or the still pictu res recorded on the s ame day can be played back in succession . 1 Select the date s elect icon using the cursor butto n, then press th e ENTER button. 2 Select the playb ack date, then p ress the E NTER button.
67 VQT4C31 Changing the playback settings and playing bac k the slide show 1 Select using the cursor button, then press th e ENTER button. 2 (Only when you would like to change the settings) Select the d esired item a nd press the ENT ER button. 3 (When [DA TE SETUP] is selec ted) Select the p layback dat e, then press th e ENTER button.
68 VQT4C31 ¬ Change t he mode to . ∫ T o delete scenes or s till pictures from the thumbnail di splay 1 Press the Delete b utton while the th umbnail view s creen is disp laye d. 2 Select [ALL SCENES] or [SELECT] using the c ursor button, then press th e ENTER button.
69 VQT4C31 T o complete ed iting Press the MENU but ton. ≥ Y ou can also delete scenes by pressing the MENU butt on, selecting [ EDIT SCENE] # [DEL ETE] # [ALL SCENES] or [SEL ECT]. ≥ Y ou can also delet e still pictures by pressing the MENU button, selecting [P ICT .
70 VQT4C31 Dividing a sce ne to p artially del ete This divide s the recorded scenes in two and delet es the front ha lf or back half. The scene s that were deleted after division cannot be re covered. ≥ Change the mode to . 1 Select the menu. 2 Select the scen e you wish to d ivide using the c ursor button and press th e ENTER button.
71 VQT4C31 Protecting scenes/s till pictures Scenes/still picture s can be protected so that they are not dele ted by mistake. (Even if you p rotect some scenes /still pictu res, format ting the media wil l delete them.) ≥ Change the mode to . 1 Select the menu.
72 VQT4C31 ≥ HDMI is the int erface for digit al devices. If you connect thi s unit to an HDMI compat ible high definit ion TV and then play ba ck the recorded high def inition images, you can enjoy them in high resolu tion with high qua lity sound.
73 VQT4C31 ≥ Check th at the plugs are inser ted as far as th ey go. ≥ Always use a gen uine Panasonic HDMI mini cable (RP-CDHM15, RP -CDHM30: optiona l). ≥ Do not use any ot her A V cables except the s upplied one. 2 Select the video input on the TV .
74 VQT4C31 ∫ T o watch images on a re gular TV (4:3) or when both sides of the images do not appea r on the s cree n Change the menu setting to displa y the images cor rectly .
75 VQT4C31 ¬ Change t he mode to . 1 Select the menu. ≥ If you are not usi ng VIER A Link , set to [OF F]. 2 Connect this unit to a Panasonic TV c omp atible with VIERA Link with a HDMI mini cable.
76 VQT4C31 3 Operate with the r emote contro l for the TV . 1) Press the button up, down, lef t or right to select a scene or still picture to be played back, and then p ress the button in t he ce nter to s et it . 2) Activat e the o peration ic ons that are dis played on TV screen with the re mote cont rol for the TV .
77 VQT4C31 Motion picture s or still pictures re corded with this unit can be copied fro m a built-in memor y to an SD card inserted in this unit. ∫ Check th e used sp ace of the SD card It is possi ble to check the used space of the SD ca rd by [MEDIA ST A TUS] ( l 46).
78 VQT4C31 ≥ Depending on t he following condit ions, the time it takes for copying may be longer . j The number of recorded s cenes is large. j The temperature of the unit is high.
79 VQT4C31 Y ou can dub by connec ting a n A V cable. ≥ Images are dubbed in standard quality . ≥ Use the AC adap tor to free you f rom worrying about t he battery runn ing down. ≥ Change the mode to . 1 Connect this unit to a video device and st art playba ck on this un it.
80 VQT4C31 HD Wr iter HE 1.0 Y ou can copy the motion /still picture data to th e HDD of PCs or write to media like Blu-ray discs, DVD discs or S D cards using HD Wr iter HE 1.0, the software installed in t he supplied CD-ROM. Refer to th e operating instruc tions of HD Writer HE 1.
81 VQT4C31 ≥ It is pos sible to pl ay back still picture on a PC usin g an image vie wer standa rd to Windo ws or commerci ally available image brows ing softwa re, and copy still pi ctures to a PC using Windows Ex plorer . ≥ Please refer to page 92 f or deta ils about using a Mac .
82 VQT4C31 End User Licens e Agreement Before ope ning the CD-ROM pa ckage, please rea d the foll owing. Y ou (“ Lice nsee ”) are gr ante d a licen se fo r the Sof tware defined in t his End User License Agre ement (“Agreement ”) on conditi on that you a gree to th e terms and conditi ons of this Agreemen t.
83 VQT4C31 Arti cle 9 W ith r egard to MIC ROSO FT SQL SER VER COMP ACT 3.5 produced by Microsof t Corporati on (1) Lic ensee shal l use the MI CROSOFT SQL SERV ER COMP ACT 3.5 only when included in the Software , and sha ll not u se the M ICROSO FT SQL SERVER C OMP ACT 3.
84 VQT4C31 ≥ Even if the system requi rements mentioned in this owner ’s manu al are fulfilled, so me PCs cannot be used. ≥ A CD-ROM drive is necessary to install the su pplied softw are applications. (A c ompatible Blu-ray disc/DVD write r drive and media are n ecessary for writing to a Blu-ray disc/DVD.
85 VQT4C31 ≥ Supplied CD-ROM is available for Windows only . ≥ Input is not supported in languages other than English , German, French, Simplified Chinese and Russ ian.
86 VQT4C31 ∫ Operating e nvironment for the card rea der function (m ass storage) ≥ The USB equip ment operates with th e driver inst alled as stand ard in the OS.
87 VQT4C31 When installing the software, log on to your comput er as the Administrator or with a username wit h equivalent aut horization. (If you do not have au thorization to do this, consu lt your man ager .) ≥ Before st arting the installat ion, close all appl ications that are runn ing.
88 VQT4C31 ≥ Connect t his unit to the PC af ter the sof tware applicat ions are install ed. ≥ Remove the supp lied CD-ROM from your PC. A USB cable (supplied) ≥ Insert t he plugs as far a s they will go. ≥ When the USB cable is connected to other equipme nt, the AC adaptor cannot be used.
89 VQT4C31 ∫ T o disconnect USB cable safely Sele ct the icon in t ask tray displ ayed on the PC, and th en click [Ej ect Panasonic Camcorder]. ≥ Depending on y our PC’s setti ngs, this icon may not be dis played.
90 VQT4C31 About the PC display When the unit is connecte d to a PC, it is recognized as an external drive. ≥ Removable disk (Exampl e: ) is d isplayed in [Computer]. Example fo lder structure o f an SD card: / Example fol der structure o f built-in memory : The following dat a will be recorded.
91 VQT4C31 ≥ T o use the sof tware, log on as an Administrator or as user name for st andard use r account (only f or Windows 7 /Windows Vi sta). The sof tware cannot be us ed with the user na me for a guest accou nt. (On the PC) Select [St art] # [All Programs] # [Pan ason ic] # [HD Writer HE 1.
92 VQT4C31 ≥ HD Writer HE 1. 0 is not available for Mac. ≥ iMovie’1 1 supported. For det ails about iMovie’1 1, please cont act Apple Inc . ∫ Operat ing environme nt ≥ Even if the system requi rements mentioned in this owner ’s manu al are fulfilled, so me PCs cannot be used.
93 VQT4C31 * / onl y ∫ Recording indi cations Other s Indications A //// Intelligent Auto Mode ( l 35) Manual Mode ( l 59 ) / / ////// / Scene Mo de ( l 54) // Power LCD ( l 44 ) ¥ / ; (Red) Record.
94 VQT4C31 ∫ Playback i ndications ∫ Indication o f connection to other device s ∫ Confirmato ry indications C Built-in memor y recording possibl e status (still pi cture) * (White) Card recordi.
95 VQT4C31 Major conf irmation/err or messages to be indi cated on the scr een in text. * / onl y About recovery If faulty management informat ion is foun d, the messages may app ear and a repai r is performed. (Repairing may take time depen ding on the error .
96 VQT4C31 ∫ It is not a malfunction in the following cases Other s T roublesh ooting A clicking sound is heard when the un it is shaken. ≥ This is the sou nd of the lens movi ng and is not a def ect. This sound wil l no longer be heard when the unit is turned on and chan ge the mode to .
97 VQT4C31 Indication Problem Check points The remaining time indication or the elap sed time indication is not shown. ≥ [DISP LA Y] of the [ SETUP ] is [O FF]. ( l 41) Rec ord ing Problem Check points The unit arbitrarily st op s recording . ≥ Use an SD car d that c an be use d for mo tion pic ture record ing.
98 VQT4C31 Scenes cannot b e deleted. ≥ Release t he protect settin g. ( l 71) ≥ Any scenes /still pictures wher e the thumbnails are displ ayed as ca nnot be de leted. If th e scen es/st ill pictu res are unnecess ary , format the media t o erase the data.
99 VQT4C31 With a PC Problem Check points When co nnected by the USB cable and charging the bat tery , an error messag e will appear on the PC . ≥ Aft er removing the USB c able, turn the power of the un it on and connect the cabl e again. The unit will be recogn ized by t he PC.
100 VQT4C31 Keep this unit as far away as possible fro m electromagnetic equipment (such as microwave ovens, TVs, video g ames etc.). ≥ If you use t his unit on top of or near a TV , the pictures and/or sound on th is unit may be disrupt ed by electroma gnetic wave radi atio n.
101 VQT4C31 Do not use the unit for surveillan ce purposes or othe r business uses. ≥ This unit was des igned for consumer intermitt ent use. It was no t intended for continu ous use, o r for any industrial or commercial appli cation resulting in prolong ed use.
102 VQT4C31 Prep are sp are batteri es when going out for recor ding. ≥ Prep are batteries enough to last for 3 to 4 time s the per iod you ar e plan ning to record for. Cold p laces such as a ski resort can shor ten recordi ng time. If you drop the batt ery accident ally , check to see if the t erminals are damaged.
103 VQT4C31 When the st atus ind icator is fl ashing at a particul arly fast or slow ra te, the following should b e considered. Flashing with appr ox. 4 second period (off for approx. 2 seconds , on for approx. 2 seconds ): ≥ When the bat tery is over discharged or th e temperat ure of the batte ry is too high or low .
104 VQT4C31 ≥ When th e LCD moni tor g ets dir ty , wip e it with a soft cloth, such as ey e gla ss cleaner . ≥ In a place with dras tic temperature changes, condensa tion may f orm on the LCD monitor . Wipe it with a soft cloth, such as eye g lass cle aner .
105 VQT4C31 ∫ Carefully obser ve copyright laws Whatever y ou have r ecorded and c reated can be use d for your person al entertainment only . Under copyright laws, other ma terials cannot be used without obtaining permission fro m the holders of the copy rights.
106 VQT4C31 ≥ SD cards are only mentioned with thei r main memory size. The state d times are th e approxima te recordable ti mes for continuous recor ding. A Favors image quali ty B Favors recording time ≥ If recordi ng for long p eriods, prep are batter ies for 3 or 4 t imes the perio d you wish to record for .
107 VQT4C31 ≥ SD cards are only mentioned with thei r main memory size. The stated number is the approxima te number of recordable pictures. (When [QUALITY] is set to ) ≥ When [QUALI TY] is set to , the numbers of recor dable pictu res are larger than t he numbers shown in t he table abov e.
108 VQT4C31 Digital Vi deo Camera Inform ation for your safety Other s S pecifica tions Power s ource: Power consumptio n: DC 5.0 V (When using AC adapt or) DC 3.6 V (When using ba ttery) Recording; 2.7 W Charging; 5.3 W Motion picture recordin g format: MPEG-4 A VC file format complian t (.
109 VQT4C31 Lens: Auto Iris, 6 3 k Optical Z oom, F1.9 to F5.7 Focal length; 1.5 mm t o 94.5 mm Macro (Full range AF) 35 mm equivalent ; Motion pict ure/S till picture; 31.6 mm t o 2262 mm (16:9), 31 .6 mm to 2254 mm (4:3) Minimum fo cus distance; Approx.
11 0 VQT4C31 AC adaptor Inform ation for your safety Mass (W eight): Approx. 212 g (A pprox . 0.467 l bs.) [without batter y (supplied) a nd an S D card ( optional)] / Approx. 214 g (A pprox . 0.472 l bs.) [without battery (supplied)] Mass (Weight) in operation: Approx.
111 VQT4C31 *1 Please ref er to page 24, concerning the battery charg ing time and ava ilable recording time. *2 T o use the VW-LDC1 03PP, the shoe adapt or/VW-SK1 2PP and the batt ery pack/ VW-VBG130 , VW-VBG260 ar e required. T o ch arge the battery pack/VW-VB G130, VW-VBG260 , the AC adapto r/VW- AD21PP-K, VW- AD20PP-K is requir ed.
11 2 VQT4C31 NOTE: Accessories and/or model numbers may va ry by country . Please consul t your local dealer . Product numbers correct as of Jan. 2012.
11 3 VQT4C31 Accessory Order Form (For US A and Puerto Rico Customers) In CANADA, plea se contact your loc al Panasonic deale r for more informati on on Accessori es.
11 4 VQT4C31 Other s Limited W arranty (ONL Y FOR U.S.A. AND PUERTO RICO) Panasonic Consumer Marketing Company of North America, Division of Panasonic Corporation of North America One Panasonic Way, S.
11 6 VQT4C31 Other s Wa r r a n t y (For Canadian Customers) Panasonic Canada Inc. 5770 Ambler Drive, Mississauga, Ontario L4W 2T3 PANASONIC PRODUCT – LIMITED WARRANTY Panasonic Canada Inc.
11 7 VQT4C31 Other s Useful Info rmation (Only For Latin American Countries) Customer Service Customer Service Directory Obtain product information and operative assistant; localize the closer distributor or Service Center; buy spare parts and accessories by our web site to Latin American: http://www .
11 8 VQT4C31 Index ∫ A A/V termin al . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 , 72, 79 AC adaptor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21, 102 Alert sound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Anti- Ground-Shooti ng (AGS) . . . . . . . . 56 Approxima te number of recordab le pictures .
11 9 VQT4C31 SD S peed Class Rati ng . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 SDHC Memory Card . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 SDXC Memory Card . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Self- recording . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Shutter sound . . . . . . . . . . .
120 VQT4C31 ∫ Insert ar la batería Meta la bat ería insertá ndola en la direcci ón señalada en la figura. ≥ Introdu zca la bate ría hast a que haga cl ic y se cierre. ∫ Carga de la batería La bate ría no se puede cargar cuando la aliment ación está enc en dida.
121 VQT4C31 ∫ Encender/ap agar el dispositiv o Encende r y apagar el disposit ivo con el botón de alimenta ción Pulse el bot ón de alimentación para encende r el dispos itivo. A El indica dor de esta do s e ilum ina. ≥ Para ap agar la uni dad, mantenga pulsado el botón de alime ntación has ta que el indicador de estad o se apague.
122 VQT4C31 ∫ Selecci onar un medio para gr abar [H C-V 10 M/HC- V11M] 1) Cambie el modo a . 2) Selecc ione el me nú. 3) Selecci one el me dio par a grabar las película s o fotografí as usando 3 / 4 / 2 / 1 y pulse el bot ón ENTER. ≥ Seleccione [VÍDE O/T ARJE T A SD ] o [IMAG EN/T ARJET A SD] pa ra grabar en la tarjeta SD.
123 VQT4C31 4) Selecci one la escen a o la fotogr afía que desea r eproducir us ando 3 / 4 / 2 / 1 , y pulse e l botón ENTER. ≥ Cuando selecc iona / y pulsa el botón ENT ER, se visualiza la página siguient e (anterior). 5) Selecci one la icon o de func ionamiento usando 3 / 4 / 2 / 1 .
Panasonic Consumer Marketing Company of North America, Division of Panasonic Corporation of North America One Panasonic W ay , Secaucus, NJ 07094 Panasonic Canada Inc. 5770 Ambler Drive, Mississauga, Ontario, L4W 2T3 VQT4C31 F01 12YK0 P © Panasonic Corporation 2012 Printed in Malaysia HC-V10&V10M&V11MP9_PC_P U_VQT4C31_mst.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Panasonic HC-V10K è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Panasonic HC-V10K - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Panasonic HC-V10K imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Panasonic HC-V10K ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Panasonic HC-V10K, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Panasonic HC-V10K.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Panasonic HC-V10K. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Panasonic HC-V10K insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.