Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto DP-3520 del fabbricante Panasonic
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DP-231 0/3010/351 0/3520/451 0/4520/6 010/6 020 Getting to Know Y our Machine Before St arting Facsimile Feature s Internet Fax Feature s Printing Journa ls and List s Appendix Operating Instructions Digit al Imaging System s Model No.
IMPORT ANT IN FORMA TION M o d e l No . : S er i a l : D a t e o f P u r c h a s e : D e a l e r : A d d re ss : T elephone Number: Suppli es T elepho ne Number: Servic e T elephone Number: When r equestin g inf ormation , sup plies o r servi ce, alwa ys re fer to th e mod el an d seri al numbe r of your machine .
3 Useful Office Functions 1. Facs imile • Plain Paper Hig h-speed Su per G3 co mpati ble Fax wi th JBIG comp ression when op tional Fax Comm unic ati on Bo ard ( DA- FG30 0 for DP- 2310/301 0) (DA-FG600 for DP-3510 /3520/ 4510/ 4520/6010 /6020) is instal led.
4 T able of Content s Safety I nformation .......... ......... .............. .............. .............. .............. .......... .............. ....... 9 ■ Connecti ng the Cabl es ...... .................... ............ ............. .........
T ab le of Conte nt s 5 Program Ke ys ...................... ......... .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. ......... ... 50 ■ General De scriptio n........... ............. ............. ............. .........
T able of Co ntent s 6 Edit File Mode ............... .............. .............. .......... .............. .............. .............. .............. .... 99 ■ General D escriptio n ................. ............ .................... ..........
T ab le of Conte nt s 7 Inbound Routing ............. .............. .............. ......... .............. .............. .............. .............. ... 151 ■ Setting th e Routing P arameters ............ ............ .................... .....
T able of Co ntent s 8 Troubleshooting .. .............. .............. .............. .............. ......... .............. .............. .............. 207 ■ Information Codes .................... ............ ............. ....................
9 Getting t o Know Y our Machine Getting to Know Y our Machine Safety Information W ARNING ! denotes a potenti al hazar d that cou ld resu lt in s erious injury o r deat h. • T O PREVENT FIRE OR SHOCK, DO NOT EXPOSE THIS PRODUCT TO RAIN OR ANY TYPE OF MOISTURE.
Safety Information 10 CAUTION ! denotes haz ards that coul d result i n minor injur y or damage to the machine. • TO REDUCE THE RIS K OF SHOCK OR FIRE, USE ONL Y NO. 26 A WG OR LARGER TELEPHONE LI NE CABLE. • DISCONNEC T ALL POWER TO THE MACHINE BEFORE COVER(S) ARE REMOVED .
Safety Information 11 Getting t o Know Y our Machine CAUTION ! denotes haz ards that coul d result i n minor injur y or damage to the machine. Do not i nstal l the machin e near heating o r an air co nditionin g unit. Av oid exposu re to di rect sunl ight.
Safety Information 12 [For DP- 3510/3520/4 510/452 0/6010/ 6020] Connec ting the Cables ACTIVITY Lamp Blinks when there is data traffic on the LAN. LINK Lamp Illuminates when connected to the LAN. Lamp will not turn ON if LAN cable is defective (contains breaks).
Safety Information 13 Connec ting the Cables Getting t o Know Y our Machine [For DP-2 310/3010] LAN Connection Jack (10Base-T/100Base-TX) LAN Cable (10Base-T/100Base-TX Cable) Insert the plug until a click is heard. (LAN cable is not included with the product.
14 Control Panel Used to select the original size manually . Lights when receiving print data. T ouch Panel Displa y PRINT D A T A LED (Green) Lights when trouble occurs . ALARM LED (Red) Blinks when machine is activ e. A CTIVE LED (Green) Used to select the F AX/EMAIL mode.
Control Pa nel 15 Getting t o Know Y our Machine Used to s witch the machine into energy saving mode . F or more details, see Energy Sav er page of the Operating Instructions (For Copier .) Used to star t or select the function and sub-functions. Used to reset all the pre viously set functions.
memo 16.
17 Before St arting Before S tarting Loading Document s NOTE 1. When an over sized o riginal is sent to a nother m achine, sometim es, it is reduc ed in accordan ce with the oth er party' s recording p aper siz e. Ex: How to Load Document s 1. On th e ADF / Inve rting ADF 2.
18 Basic T r ansmission Settings Y o u can te mporari ly change the tr ansmis sion s ettings e ither be fore or after y ou plac e the document on the ADF . These s etti ngs a re as fo llow s: After your doc ument(s ) have b een sent, your machine will autom aticall y retur n to the preset sett ings.
Basic T ransmission Settings 19 Before St arting Y o ur machine is pres et to St andard re solution , which is suitable fo r most d ocume nts. Use Fi ne or Super Fine for detailed docum ents. NOTE 1. T o change the pr eset Con trast positio n, chang e the setti ng of Fax Parameter No .
Basic T ransmission Settings 20 The O riginal se tting is us eful wh en sending photograp hs or il lustrati ons with gray tones. Y our mac hine is pres et to " TEXT". Y o u can se lect eit her "T EXT/PH OTO" or "PH OT O" mode .
21 Before St arting Sending Document s 1a Place origin al(s) face u p on the ADF . or 1b Place a book o r an origi nal fa ce down on the Pl aten Glas s. Press to sel ect the or igina l size. 2 Press Key . 3 Select the Mode (s) Set the SEND MODE or desired Parameter(s), if ne cessary .
Sending Document s 22 NOTE 1. T o utiliz e the abov e functio ns, your machine needs to be setup p roperly on your network. Please c ontact your netw ork admini strator for a ctual net work se tup. 2. Y ou can re gister the entered di aling num ber into t he Addre ss Book by pressing the in Step 4.
Sending Doc ument s 23 Before St arting When a book o r an origi nal is pl aced on t he Pla ten Glas s, the mes sage "A NOTHER ORIG INAL?" is shown on the LCD disp lay when is press ed and the scanni ng is co mplete d. • If y ou wish to stor e another page, press and plac e another origina l, then pr ess .
Sending Document s 24 Searchin g and Editing th e Addr ess B ook ■ EMAIL HEADER Select th e input ite m and pre ss OK. Confirm the dest inatio ns. Enter the s ubject. Ex: Enteri ng the Email addres s into the TO: field 1. P res s and the buttons, then ente r the Email ad dress.
25 Facsimile Features Facsimile Featur es Sending Document s Y o u can cho ose eithe r Memory o r Direct T ransm ission. Use Memor y T r ansm ission if: • Y ou wan t to send th e documen t(s) to multiple stations. • Y ou hav e to retr ieve the document immed iately .
Sending Document s 26 Memory T ransmission 2. If mem ory overflo w occurs whil e storing the document(s), the p age will be ej ected. The machine will sh ow "MEMOR Y FULL" o n the displ ay .
Sending Doc ument s 27 Facsimile Features Lette r or A4 O rigina l(s) are placed in a P ortrait ( ) direc tion, t he docume nt(s) will be r otated by 90 º and then trans mitted in a Lands cape ( ) directio n. The docume nt(s) will be pr inted the same si ze as the transm itted o riginal s at the Re ceiv ing S tation.
Sending Document s 28 On-Hook Dialing For On-Hook Dialing, follow the step s below . NOTE 1. If you need a sp ecial ac cess nu mber to get an out side l ine, dial it first the n press to enter a p ause (represent ed by a " -") before di aling the full num ber .
Sending Doc ument s 29 Facsimile Features Direct T ransmission Reserv ation (Priority T ransm ission Reserv ation) If you ar e in a rush to send an urgent document, ho wever the re are man y file s in the memo ry , use Dire ct T ransm ission Reserva tion to send th e urgent docume nt.
Sending Document s 30 T ransmiss ion Re serva tion T o cancel the direc t transmi ssion r eservation 1 Make s ure the docu ment is o n the AD F . 2 3 and the n remo ve the doc ument from the A DF .
Sending Doc ument s 31 Facsimile Features Automatic Redi aling Manual Redialing Y o u can als o redial th e last di aled n umber man ually by pressin g key . NOTE 1. While the u nit is dis playing "WAITIN G TO DI AL", you can press to s tart redi aling immedi ately .
32 Receiving Docu ment s Y o ur mach ine is provi ded with b oth auto matic and ma nual rec eptio n mode s. The select ion of ei ther recep tion m ode is ma de with Fax Pa rameter No. 017 (R ECEIVE MODE) . Y o ur machi ne will rec eive doc uments auto matical ly if the F ax Par ameter No.
Rece iving Docu ment s 33 Manu al Rece ptio n Facsimile Features NOTE 1. Y our machine req uires an ext ernal teleph one connected to the TEL jack on th e left side of the mach ine. 2. If you receiv e a document with Super Fine resolu tion (406 pels /inch x 391 line s/inch), it m ay be divided into m ultiple p ages with no r eduction.
Receiving Docu ment s 34 This machine can u se Lette r , Leg al or A4 si ze plain paper for recor ding. Som etimes, ov ersized d ocuments sent t o you by the other parties ca nnot b e pr inted wit hin a single page. W hen th is occur s, the docum ent will be d ivided into separate pages.
Rece iving Docu ment s 35 Facsimile Features If the receiv ed docume nt is ext remely long (ov er 39% lo nger th an the rec ording paper), the d ocumen t will be divid ed into separate pages. When prin ting on se parate pages, the bottom 0.5 in (13 mm) of the first page will be overla pped on top of the n ext page.
Receiving Docu ment s 36 If th e recordi ng paper run s out, jams o r if the toner r uns out during recepti on, th e machin e auto maticall y starts receivi ng docum ents into its image d ata memory . S to red doc uments are printed a utomati cally after reple nishing the reco rding paper or ton er .
37 Facsimile Features Mode S etting Y o u can temporar ily change the Ba sic Me nu, Poll ing/Adva nced Comm unicatio n, Selec t Mode, Edit File Mode and Print O ut. ■ How to cha nge the MODE SE TTING Setting the Mode Setting changes to the Mo de Setti ng display .
Mode Setting 38 Setting the Mode Setting BASIC MENU Selects SEND MODE (MEMORY , DIRECT) (See pa ge 29) 2-SIDED ORIGINAL (See pa ge 20) X-ST AMP (See pa ge 20) COMPLETION NOTICE (See pa ge 20) COMM.
Mode Setting 39 Setting the Mode Setting Facsimile Features POLLING/ADV . COMM. Setting t he Polling . (See pa ge 48) Setting t he Polled. (See pag e 46) Setting t he Mailbo x. (See p age 57) Setting t he Sub Addre ss T ransmission. (See pag e 66) LAN Re lay XM T (S ee pa ge 160 ) SELECT MODE Setting t he Passw ord T ransm ission.
Mode Setting 40 Setting the Mode Setting EDIT FILE MODE Setting the File Lis t. (See p age 99) Changi ng the T ime/S tation. (See page 101) Deletin g the File . (See pa ge 103) Pri nti ng the Fil e. ( See pag e 10 4) Adding D ocument s. (See p age 105) Retry Incom plete File.
41 Facsimile Features Batch T r ansmission T o reduc e transm issi on time and cos t, this featu re allo ws you r machi ne to accu mulate different docu ments for the same d estinati on(s) t o be trans mitted in a singl e phone call.
42 T imer Controlled Communications Y o u can sen d document (s) to o ne or mult iple stations at any pr eset time within the next 24 h ours. Up t o 50 built-in ti mers can be set for defe rred comm unicatio n. Make sur e that the F AX/EMAIL la mp is ON.
T imer Contro lled Communicatio ns 43 Deferred T rans mission Facsimile Features NOTE 1. If you en ter a wrong ti me in S tep 4 , press then re-e nter the c orrect time . 2. T o change or cancel t he Deferre d Communi cation s ettings, s ee pa ge 101.
T imer Controlled Communications 44 Make sur e that the F AX/EMAIL la mp is ON. If not, pres s to select the "F AX/EMAIL" mode. Deferred Polling 1 2 3 Enter t he start time fr om the key pad and press . (Use a 4-digit, 24-hour c lock) Ex: (3:30 a.
T imer Contro lled Communicatio ns 45 Deferred Polling Facsimile Features NOTE 1. If you en ter a wron g number i n S tep 3, pres s , then re-e nter the right number .
46 Polling Polli ng means c alling ot her statio n(s) to retrieve do cumen t(s). The other s tation must kn ow in adv ance that you wil l call and mu st hav e document (s) se t on the AD F or store d in the m emory . Y ou may need to s et a polli ng password , shared by the other statio n, to ens ure se curity .
Polling 47 Prep aring to be Polled Facsimile Features NOTE 1. Y ou can stil l send o r receive document s even when s et to be p olled. 2. Only 1 polle d file can be stored i n memory . If you need to add document (s) into the sa me polled fi le, se e page 105.
Polling 48 The fol lowing pro cedure l ets you poll docume nt(s) from one or mul tiple station s. Be sure to set the polli ng password before po llin g. (See page 46) Make sur e that the F AX/EMAIL la mp is ON. If not, pres s to select the "F AX/EMAIL" mode.
Polling 49 Poll Docume nt s fro m Another St at ion Facsimile Features NOTE 1. If a p assword is not set in the polled statio n, you m ay poll the other s tation even th ough you r mac hine h as a pas swo rd.
50 Program Keys Y o ur fax mac hine has specia l Pro gram Keys. These k eys are useful if you frequ ently need to sen d or poll the sa me group of station s.
Program Keys 51 Setting for Group Di aling Facsimile Features 4 Enter th e Group Nam e (up to 15 charac ters) and press . Ex: PROG . A and pr ess 5 Enter a Key N ame (up to 15 ch aracter s) and p ress . 6 Enter th e Address Book Dia ling. If you fi nd an err or , press to eras e the dis playe d station.
Program Keys 52 Make sur e that the F AX/EMAIL la mp is ON. If not, pres s to select the "F AX/EMAIL" mode. Setting for Program Dial 1 2 3 4 Enter t he Program Name ( up to 15 c haracters ) and pr ess .
Program Keys 53 Setting for Program Dial Facsimile Features 5 Enter th e Program Key Na me (up to 15 ch aracter s) and p ress . 6 Program eac h Function .
Program Keys 54 If you h ave to chang e or erase any of the Gro up Dialin g, follow th e steps be low . T o change th e setting of Group Dialing Make sur e that the F AX/EMAIL la mp is ON. If not, pres s to select the "F AX/EMAIL" mode. Editing for Group Di aling 1 2 3 4 Enter t he Group Dial you wish to c hange and press .
Program Keys 55 Editing for Gro up Dialing Facsimile Features NOTE 1. If you mak e a mistak e, use or to mov e the cursor beyo nd the inco rrect charac ter , press then re-e nter the co rrect Departm ent Name. 2. The Grou p Dial ing cann ot be c hanged o r erased until the commun ication has fini shed.
Program Keys 56 T o erase the settings in a Program Key NOTE 1. The Progra m Key cann ot be chang ed or eras ed until the commun ication ha s finishe d. T o change o r erase the setti ngs, can cel the communica tion fi rst by Edi t File Mo de. (See p age 103) Erasing the Program Key Se ttings 1 2 3 4 Pres s the Pr ogra m key yo u want t o era se.
57 Facsimile Features Confidential Mailbox Y o ur machine is equ ipped with two C onfidentia l Communi catio n features which en sure that the Conf identi al inform ation you send is receiv ed only by the per son with the co rrect con fidenti al co de.
Confident ial Mailbox 58 Make sur e that the F AX/EMAIL la mp is ON. If not, pres s to select the "F AX/EMAIL" mode. Sendin g a Confide ntial Document to a Remote S t ation's Mailbox 1a Place origina l(s) face up on t he ADF . or 1b Place a book or an orig inal face down on the Pl aten Gla ss.
Confiden tial Mailbox 59 Sending a Confid enti al Document to a Remote St a tion' s Mai lbox Facsimile Features 5 Dial by any one o f the fol lowing me thods: • Manual Number Dia ling, press af.
Confident ial Mailbox 60 After you ha ve been i nformed th at som eone ha s trans mitted a confide ntial doc ument to a remote station's mailbo x, yo u can pol l the c onfiden tial doc ument fro m the rem ote stat ion by fol lowin g the proc edure b elow .
Confiden tial Mailbox 61 Facsimile Features No spec ial se tting is r equired, your mac hine come s with th is featur e ready to u se. Y o ur machi ne recei ves a confid ential fax the same way it r eceive s a n ormal fa x mess age. When receiv ing th e confid ential fax, the displ ay shows t he foll owing me ssage ( CONF .
Confident ial Mailbox 62 Use the follo wing pr ocedur e to st ore a do cumen t in a confiden tial m ailbox in yo ur ma chine. Once the confid ential document is s tored in your mac hine , it ca n be polle d by a nother ma chine . Make sur e that the F AX/EMAIL la mp is ON.
Confiden tial Mailbox 63 Facsimile Features After you ha ve be en notifie d that s omeon e has tr ansmitted a con fident ial do cumen t to yo ur mach ine's mailbo x, use the follow ing proc edure to print ou t the confi dentia l docume nt. Make sure that the F AX/EMAIL lamp is ON.
Confident ial Mailbox 64 If your memo ry beco mes f ull, or you just want to clean out your confide ntial documents, y ou ma y delete one or mor e conf ident ial faxes stored in yo ur mach ine by using th e foll owing p rocedure.
Confiden tial Mailbox 65 Deleting a Confidential Document Stored in Y our Machine's Ma ilbox Facsimile Features T o delete all confidential file s in memory Make sure that the F AX/EMAIL lamp is ON. If not, press to select the "F AX/E MAIL" mode.
66 Sub- Addres sing The S ub-Addres sing fun ction all ows you further routing, f orwardi ng or re laying o f docu ment(s) to the desired recipie nt(s) whe n used in com bination with the Network ing versio n of HydraF ax/Lase rF AX software. This function co nforms to the ITU-T rec ommendati on for T .
Sub-Addr essing 67 Facsimile Features Setting the Sub-Addr ess into a Address Book Number 1 2 3 Enter the telephone num ber , press then enter th e Sub-addr ess.
Sub-Addres sing 68 Setting the Sub-Address into a Address Book Number NOTE 1. separat es th e Su b-ad dres s fro m the T eleph one numb er a nd is i ndica ted by an "s" in th e displa y . 4 And then conti nue to enter the station na me, ke y name and fa vorite key setting .
Sub-Addr essing 69 Facsimile Features Using the Address Book Dialing Numbers The op eration i s the sa me as for normal diali ng Make sure that the F AX/EMAIL lamp is ON. If not, press to select the "F AX/E MAIL" mode. Sending a Fa x with Sub-Addres s 1a Place original( s) face up on t he ADF .
Sub-Addres sing 70 Use to se parate the T e lephone n umber and the Sub-add ress. Make sur e that the F AX/EMAIL la mp is ON. If not, pres s to select the "F AX/EMAIL" mode. NOTE 1. sep arates the Sub-add ress from the T elephone nu mber a nd is ind icated by an "s" in the display .
Sub-Addr essing 71 Facsimile Features Make sure that the F AX/EMAIL lamp is ON. If not, press to select the "F AX/E MAIL" mode. Using Sub-Add ress T emporarily 1a Place original( s) face up on t he ADF . or 1b Place a book or an orig inal face down on the Pl aten Gla ss.
Sub-Addres sing 72 Using Sub-Ad dress T em porarily 5 Enter t he Passw ord (ma x 20 digits) a nd then pr ess . Ex: and press 6 Dial by any one o f the follo wing me thods: • Manua l Number Dia ling,.
73 Facsimile Features Fax Cover Sheet A Fax Cov er Sheet ca n be automa tically attached to you r transm it docu ment(s) that shows the r ecipien t's name, or igin ator's nam e and the n umber of pages at tached. T o attach a Fax Cover Shee t to a tr ansmission, follow the proc edure below.
Fax Cove r Sheet 74 Using the Fax Cove r Sheet NOTE 1. T o change the pre set Fax C over Sheet Sett ing, chang e the settin g of Fax Param eter No. 56, see p age 19 2. 2. Th is fu nct ion is avai lab le for mem ory or dir ect t ransm issi on mo des . 3.
Fax Cover Sh eet 75 Usin g the Fax Cover Sheet Facsimile Features Fax Cover Sheet Sample Explanation of Content s ***** FACSIMILE COVER SHEET ***** (1) MMM-dd-yyyy 15:00 (2) Message To: SALES DEPT. (3) Message From: PANASONIC 201 555 1212 (4) 02 Page(s) Following This Cover Page (1) S tarting time of co mmunic ation.
76 Password Communications Pass word Communi cations , includin g Passw ord T ransm ission and Passwor d Reception will preve nt your machi ne from sendi ng a fax to a wr ong station or re ceiving a fax from a n unaut horized stations. Y ou can set Pass word Transmission and Passw ord Rece ption ind ependen tly , or b oth togethe r .
Password Communi cations 77 Facsimile Features T o set tr ansmiss ion password and param eter , Setting Passwo rd T ransmission 1 2 3 Input ide ntificati on code a nd press .
Passwo rd Com municati ons 78 Setting Passwo rd T ran smission NOTE 1. Y ou can change t he se tting temp orarily by us ing for each t ransmiss ion. See page 8 1 for det ails. 2. T o change the passw ord, press in s tep 4. The n re-enter a new one . 5 Enter a 4-digit T ransmiss ion Pas sword and press .
Password Communi cations 79 Facsimile Features T o set receiv ing pass word and parameter , Setting Pass word Reception 1 2 3 Input ide ntificati on code a nd press .
Passwo rd Com municati ons 80 Setting Password Reception NOTE 1. Once you set the p aramete r , you cannot s elect th e p arameter , “ OF F ” or “ ON ”, for each reception . It is al ways “ OFF ” or “ ON ” until you cha nge the s etting.
Password Communi cations 81 Facsimile Features T o use Pas sword T rans missi on, yo u can sel ect P ASSW ORD-XM T “OFF ” or “ON ” for ea ch T ransmiss ion by followi ng the p rocedure below . Make sure that the F AX/EMAIL lamp is ON. If not, press to select the "F AX/E MAIL" mode.
Passwo rd Com municati ons 82 Using Passw ord T ransmiss ion Usin g P ass wo rd R ec ept ion There i s no ad ditional operatio n requir ed once y ou se t the paramete r by foll owing the procedur e on page 79. The paramete r , “ OFF ” or “ ON ”, c annot b e selec ted for eac h recep tion.
83 Facsimile Features Receive T o Memory This feature is use d to sec ure all recei ved doc uments by storing them into m emory . T o pr int the docume nt(s) recei ved in m emory , the au thorized op erator m ust enter the corre ct password. Setting the RCV T o Memory Password 1 2 3 Input ide ntificati on code a nd press .
Receive T o Memory 84 Setting the RCV T o Memory Password 6.
Rece ive T o Me mory 85 Facsimile Features Make sure that the F AX/EMAIL lamp is ON. If not, press to select the "F AX/E MAIL" mode. NOTE 1. W hen the memo ry ov erf lows , th e ma chine will st op re cei ving and rele ase the line .
Receive T o Memory 86 After rec eiving d ocuments with th e Receive T o Memory fe ature, the fol lowing me ssage will appea r on the displa y . T o print the document(s), follow the steps below . Make sur e that the F AX/EMAIL la mp is ON. If not, pres s to select the "F AX/EMAIL" mode.
Rece ive T o Me mory 87 Printing Do cument s Facsimile Features NOTE 1. If the p assword h as not been set, your machi ne will not prompt you to en ter the p asswo rd.
88 PIN Code Access If your PBX r equires a PI N (Person al Iden tific ation Numb er) co de to g et an o utside line, your m achin e can be set t o prompt t he use r to enter a PIN co de before any dial ing. Selecting the Access Meth od (Prefix or Suffix) 1 2 3 Input identi fication co de and press .
PIN Code Acce ss 89 Selecting the Access Method (Prefix or Suffix) Facsimile Features 5 for suffix code. or for pre fix code . 6 Suffix Prefix None Fax Parameters Select And Press OK PIN Code Access S.
PIN Code Access 90 Make sur e that the F AX/EMAIL la mp is ON. If not, pres s to select the "F AX/EMAIL" mode. Dialing with a PIN Code 1a Place origina l(s) face up on t he ADF . or 1b Place a book or an orig inal face down on the Pl aten Gla ss.
PIN Code Acce ss 91 Dialing with a PIN Code Facsimile Features NOTE 1. T he P IN code is sh own a s " * " on the display when dialing the numbe r . 2. This featu re is not avai lable when di aling a num ber by usin g Off-Hook or On-H ook Dir ect Dialin g mode.
92 Selective Reception Y o ur machi ne has a spec ial fea ture, Sele ctive Rec eption , which can pr event the r eceiving of unneces sary documen ts (i.
Selecti ve Rece ption 93 Setting the Selective Reception Facsimile Features NOTE 1. When the Se lective R ecepti on is set, yo ur machin e can rece ive only from thos e stati ons which are program med in t he built-in au to-dialer . 2. If your ID number h as not been s et, your ma chine mig ht not be abl e to receive from some models.
94 Dep artment Code This operation require s the user to input a prese t Department Code (8 -digit ma ximum ) before trans mission. The Departmen t Name of the selec ted Departmen t Code is pr inted on the He ader of each page sent, COMM . Jour nal an d Indivi dua l T ran smissi on Jou rnal .
Dep art ment Code 95 Activatin g the Dep artment Code Featur e Facsimile Features 4 Press , and use or to scroll the di splay to th e desir ed Fax P aram eter . or Pres s and en ter t he Fax Pa ramet er numb er di rectly from the key pad and pres s or key .
Dep artment Code 96 Make sur e that the F AX/EMAIL la mp is ON. If not, pres s to select the "F AX/EMAIL" mode. Sendin g Document with Dep artment Code 1a Place origina l(s) face up on t he ADF . or 1b Place a book or an orig inal face down on the Pl aten Gla ss.
Dep art ment Code 97 Facsimile Features When th e Departme nt Code is set, the Transaction J ournal will be s orted by the D epartment Code numbe r when it i s print ed. Al l contents o f the Jo urnal wi ll be er ased au tomatica lly after bein g printe d.
Dep artment Code 98 Printing a Department Code Jo urnal Sample Department Code Journal / Originated Calls Sample Department Code Journal / Receive d Calls Explanation of Content s *************** -JOURNAL- ************************* DATE MMM-dd-yyyy ***** TIME 15:00 *** P.
99 Facsimile Features Edit File Mode Y o ur machine has a document i mage m emory whic h enab les you to reserv e memory transmis sion, mem ory deferr ed trans missio n, memo ry poll ing a nd so on. After res erving th e commun ication s in memory , yo u may need to change the settings of the commun ication( s) while it is sti ll in me mory .
Edit File Mo de 100 Printing o r V iewing a File List Sample File List Explanation of Content s *************** -FILE LIST- *********************** DATE MMM-dd-yyyy ***** TIME 15:00 ******** (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) FILE COMM. TYPE CREATED TIME START TIME PAGES DESTINATION(S) No.
Edit File Mo de 101 Facsimile Features T o change the start tim e and/o r stations in a comm unicatio n file , follow the steps below. Make sure that the F AX/EMAIL lamp is ON. If not, press to select the "F AX/E MAIL" mode. Changing the St art T ime or the St ation of a File 1 2 3 Select the fil e that you want to c hange and press .
Edit File Mo de 102 Changing the St art Time or the S t ation of a File 5 T o dele te the station(s ), press or ke y until t he station you want to delete ap pears. Then press . or T o add additiona l station (s), pre ss and sele ct the station(s) that yo u want to add from the Addre ss Book.
Edit File Mo de 103 Facsimile Features T o delete t he file in me mory , follow the steps below. Make sure that the F AX/EMAIL lamp is ON. If not, press to select the "F AX/E MAIL" mode. NOTE 1. Y our machin e cannot d elete the file whi le it is bei ng sent.
Edit File Mo de 104 T o print the co ntents of th e communi catio n file, fol low the steps bell ow . Make sur e that the F AX/EMAIL la mp is ON. If not, pres s to select the "F AX/EMAIL" mode. NOTE 1. Y our ma chine c annot print the file w hile it is being sent.
Edit File Mo de 105 Facsimile Features T o add documents in to the file , follow the steps be llow . Make sure that the F AX/EMAIL lamp is ON. If not, press to select the "F AX/E MAIL" mode. NOTE 1. Y our machin e cannot a dd the doc ument in to the file while it i s being s ent or waiti ng to redi al.
Edit File Mo de 106 If a me mory co mmunica tion has been un success ful due to a busy l ine or no answer , the docume nt you stored i s automatica lly erased from memory aft er the last red ial. If you need to retain the d ocume nt even if th e commu nication fail ed, chan ge the setting of Fax Pa rameter No.
107 Internet Fax Feature s Internet Fa x Fe atures Pre Inst allati on Informati on Before setting u p your P anaso nic mac hine o n your ne twork, pl ease re ad this en tire section to be fam iliar with its functions.
Pre Inst allation Inform ation 108 T o install y our mach ine as SM TP mail server , the fo llowing ne twork param eters nee d to be progra mmed on your netw ork and o n your m achine.
Pre Inst allation I nformation 109 Internet Fax Feature s T o install yo ur machi ne as POP3 Client, the fo llowing ne twork parame ters need to be prog rammed on your netw ork.
Pre Inst allation Inform ation 110 For the tota l system to wo rk prop erly via L AN, certain infor matio n and add itional para meters m ust be set. Pleas e contact yo ur networ k admini strator for the r equire d informa tion and c onnectio n to the LAN.
Pre Inst allation I nformation 111 Internet Fax Feature s Explanation of Content s MAC Address : MAC Addr ess fr om th e 2nd pa ge of the Ge ner al Se ttin gs Li st p rint out (press , Input ID Co de, ). * Certa in Paramet er Numbe rs may d iffer betwee n the DP-2 310/3010 a nd DP-3510/3 520/4510/ 4520/6010 /6020 seri es.
112 Internet Communication Features Y o ur machi ne allows y ou to transm it documents ov er the Inter net to another Internet Fa x or a PC. The docume nt is first scanned and conv erted into a TIFF-F or PDF* file, and the n transmit ted to the remote location as an a ttachment fil e to an email us ing MIME encoding .
Internet Co mmunic ation Fea tures 113 Internet Fax Feature s Simpl e Mail Transfer Pr otocol (SM TP) is used to tr ansfer ma il reli ably and e fficiently . An important feat ure of SMTP is its capability to tran sport m ail a cross network s, usua lly referred to as S MTP m ail r elay b y employ ing S MTP se rver .
Internet C ommunicatio n Featu res 114 Y o ur machi ne allow s you to receiv e and prin t a PC transmi tted emai l automati call y or manual ly , depending on its set up configurat ion.
Internet Co mmunic ation Fea tures 115 Internet Fax Feature s Using the Inbo und Rout ing featur e, y our mac hine can route documen ts rece ived fro m a G 3 fax ma chine to email add ress( s) or to Interne t Fax machine(s ) connec ted to a LAN as an email, as wel l as to other G3 fax machin e(s) o ver the tele phone lin e.
Internet C ommunicatio n Featu res 116 Y o ur mach ine i s capable o f tran sferri ng all r eceiv ed Interne t em ail or regular G3 fax doc uments to a p re- prog ramme d G3 fa x or a P C dest inat ion. DHCP is a pr otocol f or dynam ically assig ning IP addres ses to Internet F ax and clie nt PCs.
Internet Co mmunic ation Fea tures 117 Internet Fax Feature s For conv enien ce, your Internet Fax has an LD AP clie nt feature to enable the searc h for recip ient's emai l addres ses from t he LDAP serve r , wh ich assis ts the enter ing of lo ng email addres ses.
118 Import an t Information Y o ur mach ine us es t he same commu nicat ion prot ocols a s ema il: the S imple Mail T ransfer Proto col (S MTP). The di fferences from a standard G3 fax comm unica tion usi ng the Pu blic T ele phone Ne twork (PST N) are as fol lows .
Import ant Information 119 Internet Fax Feature s Sending a Document to a PC via LAN When t rans mittin g a d ocument to an email a ddres s, the follow ing ins truct ions ar e se nt as te xt me ssag e in additio n to the TIFF-F fo rmatted i mage file .
120 User Parameters See O perating Instruc tions (Fo r Facs imil e) if yo u wish to set the basic sett ings (User P arameter s). Befor e starting, yo u will need a compl eted copy of page 107 (Pre Installation Informati on).
User Paramete rs 121 Setting the User (Internet) Parameters Internet Fax Feature s NOTE 1. T o scroll the di splay to desir ed User Param eter in S tep 5, press or . 2. All IP Address fiel ds require an ent ry . If you wish to leave an IP Addre ss field Blank or wi sh to erase one , press and pre ss .
122 Setting the Internet Parameters Depe nding on how your machine wi ll be con figured to commu nicate on the LAN, t he appropr iate parameter s liste d in th e table below m ust be st ored f irst. (See pages 107 to 1 1 1) Setting the User Parameters for the LAN Interface Parameter Comment s 01 Lo go Up to 25 c haracters & digit s.
Setting the Internet Parameters 123 Setting the User Parameters for the LAN Interface Internet Fax Feature s * Contact your Ne twork Admin istrator for this I nformation. 40~ 49 Relay Doma in (01) ~ (10) Enter up t o 10 Domai n Name(s) th at have b een autho rized to a ccess your Internet Fa x for Relay ed XMT Requ est.
124 Sending Document s via LAN Make sur e that the F AX/EMAIL la mp is ON. If not, pres s to select the "F AX/EMAIL" mode. Manual Email Addressing 1a Place origina l(s) face up on t he ADF . or 1b Place a book or an orig inal face down on the Pl aten Gla ss.
Sendin g Docum ent s via LAN 125 Manual Email Addres sing Internet Fax Feature s NOTE 1. If your machine s ounds an a larm (pi- pi-pi) when pressing t he KEYBOARD But ton or an y Address Book entr ies.
Sending Do cument s via LAN 126 Addre ss Book Address ing allo ws you to send email (s) by entering the full email addr ess with a single k ey . T o use thi s method , you m ust first p reprogr am the ema il ad dresses i nto the Address B ook. Make sur e that the F AX/EMAIL la mp is ON.
Sendin g Docum ent s via LAN 127 Address Book Email Addressing Internet Fax Feature s NOTE 1. The “QUIC K MEMOR Y TRANSMISSION ” is disa ble if mu ltipe st ations are set. 2. If the transm ission cann ot be comple ted for any reas on, the emai l may be retur ned undeliv ered; otherw ise no reply wi ll be prin ted.
Sending Do cument s via LAN 128 Y o u can s tore the docum ent(s) into me mory an d then send to multi ple stations (up t o 270 address es) via LAN. Make sur e that the F AX/EMAIL la mp is ON. If not, pres s to select the "F AX/EMAIL" mode. NOTE 1.
Sendin g Docum ent s via LAN 129 Internet Fax Feature s When tr ansmitting v ia LAN, the tr ansmitte r is incapable of ide ntifying the recei ver's reco rding paper siz e capabili ty , and thu s it will n ot red uce the do cumen t size d uring tr ansmis sion.
Sending Do cument s via LAN 130 Internet Fax L edger Size Docu ment T ran smission T o send with reduction, follow the step s below . Repe at steps 1 to 5 , exce pt in step 4, se t the "L edger Em ail Transmit" se tting to "OFF" position .
Sendin g Docum ent s via LAN 131 Internet Fax Feature s D P - 35 2 0/4 5 20 / 6020 c an c h a nge t h e F i le T y p e and F i le Na m e , wh i l e t h e DP - 2 3 10 / 30 1 0 c an c h a nge o nly the F i le T y pe. Make sure that the F AX/EMAIL lamp is ON.
Sending Do cument s via LAN 132 Change the F ile Format and F ile Name NOTE 1. PDF fi le is onl y avai lable if s endin g the do cumen t(s) to a P C. 4 b Sel e ct File N a me ( C u s t o mer N a me) • The File Name i s display ed on upper LCD .
Sendin g Docum ent s via LAN 133 Internet Fax Feature s When us ing the In ternet commu nication mode, a failu re report wi ll print autom aticall y for each tra nsactio n if the email is returned und eliver ed by the mail ser ver .
Sending Do cument s via LAN 134 Using a Mailing L ist st ored in the mail serv er simp lifies th e proces s of ent ering mul tiple location s and allo ws you to s end to an unlim ited nu mber of em ail a ddresses with on e easy operati on. Ask y our Netwo rk System admi nistrato r for in forma tion on how to u tilize th e Mail ing Lis t.
135 Internet Fax Feature s Receiving Document s via LAN Y o ur machi ne offers you a choic e to rece ive Fax docu ments unatt ended (by defaul t) or ma nually o ver regula r teleph one li nes.
Receiving Docu ment s via LAN 136 General Des cription Figur e 2: Inter net Fax Received on a PC • For yo ur referen ce, th e above ex ample is from Windows Messag ing runni ng und er Micr osoft ® W indows. • T o run the Viewer , please refer t o you r appli cation’s User Manu al.
Recei ving Do cumen t s via LAN 137 Internet Fax Feature s Y o ur machin e offers a choice to re ceive and pr int Interne t email me ssage s via LAN unatt ended or manua lly when su bscr ibing to a POP mail s erver . Setting the POP Pa rameters Set the par ameters pertinen t to the P OP serv er (Fax Pa ramet ers No.
Receiving Docu ment s via LAN 138 Receiving Email from a POP Server 4 Press or to scroll the displ ay to the desired Fax Paramet er . (See page 1 90) Ex: or Pres s and en ter the Fa x Param eter n umber direct ly fr om the key pad and pres s or key . 5 Enter the desired retrie val interval tim e (0 to 60 minutes) from the keypad and press .
Recei ving Do cumen t s via LAN 139 Receiving Email from a POP Server Internet Fax Feature s NOTE 1. When an uns upported fi le att achment is received, a n error mess age is print ed to inform you that th e file att achme nt could not be prin ted. 2.
Receiving Docu ment s via LAN 140 Receiving Email from a POP Server Unattended Reception from the POP Serve r When t he Fa x Para meter No. 146 ( POP T IMER ) is set to a v alue bet ween 1 and 60 minu tes, and Fax Param eter No.
141 Internet Fax Feature s Program Keys This function a llows othe rs to share your mac hine t o retrie ve their e mails fr om the PO P serve r by prepr ogrammi ng their POP User Names and POP Pass words into the Progra m Keys. Th ey will be able to retriev e their e mails by simpl y pressing th e assoc iated Pr ogram K ey .
Program Keys 142 Setting the POP Email Ret rieval Key NOTE 1. If secu rity is a con cern and to pre vent unauthori zed person nel from retri eving your ema il from the POP s erver , when progr amming the Program Key , leav e the POP Pa ssword fie ld "Blank ".
Program Keys 143 Internet Fax Feature s T o retriev e your E mail fr om the PO P Serv er by usi ng the P rogram Ke y , follow t he pro cedure below . Make sure that the F AX/EMAIL lamp is ON. If not, press to select the "F AX/E MAIL" mode. Using the POP Email Retrieval Key 1 Pres s the Pr ogram key prog ram med for P OP Retr ieval K ey .
Program Keys 144 Using the POP Email Retrieval Key NOTE 1. The num ber of email s that can be retrieved du ring a singl e operat ion is 20. Eve n if POP server has more than 20 emails, on ly 20 w ill be display ed on the machine.
145 Internet Fax Feature s Sender Selection This operation allo ws the user to selec t one of the 25 pr eset Us er Name s and Email Addres ses b efore a transm ission . The selec ted User Na mes is p rinted on t he Header o f each page sen t and on the Com m.
Sender Selection 146 Setting the Sender Selection 4 Press or to scroll the displ ay to the desired Fax Paramet er . (See page 1 90) or Pres s and en ter the Fa x Param eter n umber direct ly fr om the key pad and pres s or key . 5 6 Select the Se nder S electio n Key (No.
Sender Selection 147 Setting the Sender Selection Internet Fax Feature s NOTE 1. U se to c opy th e de faul t Us er Nam e th at wa s pro gra mmed i n th e Use r Par amet ers . Y ou can add the dep artment na me follo wing the default Us er Name. 8 Enter an email addr ess to be printed on the "From" field of the email me ssag e (max.
Sender Selection 148 Make sur e that the F AX/EMAIL la mp is ON. If not, pres s to select the "F AX/EMAIL" mode. NOTE 1. The Send er Selectio n function canno t be used in the V oice Dial ing Mode for ordinary transmis sion.
Sender Selection 149 Internet Fax Feature s The S ender Se lection L ist can be printe d out fo llowing th e Fax P arameter List. T o enab le the pr inting of the Sen der Sel ectio n List, c hange the s etting of Fax Para meter No. 1 45 (SEN DER SELECTIO N) to "V alid ".
Sender Selection 150 Printing the Sender Selection List Sample Sender Selection List (P rint s following the Fax Parameter List) Explanation of Content s *************** -FAX PARAMETER LIST- ***************** DATE MMM-dd-yyyy ***** TIME 15:00 ***P.02 SENDER SELECTION LIST (1) (2) (3) NO.
151 Internet Fax Feature s Inbound Routing Y o ur machi ne can rou te docu ments recei ved from a G3 fax mac hine to ema il addre ss(s) or to Internet Fax machin e(s) c onnected to a LA N as an em ail, a s well as to other G3 fax m achin e(s) o ver the te lephon e line.
Inbound Routing 152 If the Inbo und Routing parame ters are set, an IT U-T sub-addr ess and/or originator's Numeric ID (TSI frame inform ation) can be pr ogrammed with ea ch ema il address in Addr ess Bo ok number s.
Inbound Routing 153 Entering Address Book Dialing Numbers for Inbound Routi ng Internet Fax Feature s 3 Enter a telepho ne number (up to 36 d igits) or a n email ad dress ( up to 60 character s) . 4 then enter the station name by us ing t he QWERTY keybo ard.
Inbound Routing 154 Entering Address Book Dialing Numbers for Inbound Routing NOTE 1. "+" an d "SP ACE" entries i n the " ROUTING: TSI" field are ignored by the rec eiving machine . 6 Sele cting whether to add to the favorite s.
155 Internet Fax Feature s Fax Forward This feature a llows al l inc oming fa xes or em ails to b e for warded to the statio n reg istered in the Addres s Book.
Fax Forward 156 Setting Fax Forwa rd NOTE 1. When th e Fax F orward feature is set, th e assign ed address book st ation will be re stricted fr om editing. Ple ase chang e this func tion to "Inv alid" wh en you woul d like to edi t the telepho ne number or email ad dress.
Fax Forward 157 Internet Fax Feature s When DP -3520/45 20/6020 is ins talled with th e Fax Co mmuni catio n Board (DA-FG600) and t he Interne t Fax Kit (D A-NF600) options, yo ur machin e will allo w Fax For warding to the Document Distribu tion S ystem (D A-WR10).
158 Ifax Return Receipt Y o ur machi ne automati cally sends an I fax Retu rn Recei pt to the sen der conf irming e mail rec eptio n from another Panason ic In ternet Fax . T o disab le this fe ature, foll ow the step s belo w . General Des cription 1 2 3 Input identi fication co de and press .
Ifax Return Receipt 159 Gener al Descri ption Internet Fax Feature s NOTE 1. Y our machine sends the Ifax Retu rn Receipt o nly when rec eiving fro m another Pa nasonic brand Inte rnet Fax. It will no t confirm email se nt from a PC. (The default s etting for th is par ameter is "2:V alid".
160 Relayed T ransmission The In ternet Rel ayed Transmissi on featu re can s ave you time an d transm issi on costs if you ne ed to send the sam e documen ts to multi ple G3 fax machine s. This is espe cial ly true if the t ransmis sions are long distance .
Relaye d T rans mission 161 Internet Fax Feature s This Feature saves you time and long dis tance phone li ne costs when se nding an Intern et Fax dire ctly from your m achine t o the end r eceiving s tation(s) .
Relayed T ransmission 162 Relay Network T able 2, 3 and 4 are s ample setti ngs fo r th e Samp le Net work sh own i n Fig ure 1. NOTE 1. The Relay XMT Password m ust be regi stered for your mach ine to w ork as a Re lay S t ation.
Relaye d T rans mission 163 Internet Fax Feature s T o set up y our mac hine as a Relay St ation, the followi ng parameters must be set pr operly . 1. Relay XMT ( Fax Par ameter No. 1 42) Selecti ng wheth er the ma chine will ac cept an d perfor ms G3 rel ayed tra nsmiss ion.
Relayed T ransmission 164 Programming the End Recei ving St ation into your Auto Dialer If the Fax Par ameter No . 140 (LA N RELA Y XMT REQ UEST) i s set to "V alid" , you c an ente r the Rel ay Addre ss by the fo llowing p rocedur e.
Relaye d T rans mission 165 Setting Up Y our Mach ine for Relay ed T ransmiss ion Internet Fax Feature s 5 then enter the station name by us ing t he QWERTY keybo ard. (up to 15 character s) Ex: 6 then enter th e key name (up to 15 c haracters). (By defau lt, the key na me is the first 1 5 characters of the station ’s name.
Relayed T ransmission 166 Setting Up Y our Machine for Re layed T ransmission 9 Enter t he Addre ss Book s tation of the Rel ay S tation that you want to assign to this En d Rece ivin g S tation. Ex: 10 T o record a nother User Name, re peat S teps 5 to 9.
Relaye d T rans mission 167 Internet Fax Feature s Once you have rec orded al l the nec essary par ameters in y our mach ine, y ou can sen d a docume nt to one o r multipl e G3 fa x machin es auto maticall y throug h the Inte rnet Relay S tation by using the p roce dure des cribed belo w .
Relayed T ransmission 168 Sending Docu ment s via Internet Re lay NOTE 1. If the Rela y S tation requires a speci al access number to get an out side lin e, enter that acces s number fi rst then pre ss to enter a p ause (represented by a "-") b efore entering the full num ber .
Relaye d T rans mission 169 Sendin g Docu ment s via Interne t Relay Internet Fax Feature s T o a Location That Does Not Have a Pre-programmed Relay S tation Make sure that the F AX/EMAIL lamp is ON. If not, press to select the "F AX/E MAIL" mode.
Relayed T ransmission 170 Sending Docu ment s via Internet Re lay NOTE 1. If the Rela y S tation requires a speci al access number to get an out side lin e, enter that acces s number fi rst then pre ss to enter a p ause (represented by a "-") b efore entering the full num ber .
Relaye d T rans mission 171 Internet Fax Feature s Using y our emai l applic ation, you can se nd any doc ument(s ) from y our PC as a TIFF-F at tachment to o ne or multipl e G3 fax mach ines auto maticall y throug h the In ternet Rel ay S ta tion.
Relayed T ransmission 172 Sending Document(s) from a PC to a G3 Fax Machine A TIFF Converter soft ware is used on yo ur P C to co nver t doc ument( s) i nto a " TIFF " file for mat, w hich allows the Intern et F AX to recei ve the doc ument as an attachment to an ema il.
Relaye d T rans mission 173 Internet Fax Feature s When yo u use Re layed T r ansm ission , relay s tation will se nd the fol lowin g two repor ts to help yo u check and keep t rack of yo ur faxe s. 1. Relay XMT Report (COMM. JOURNAL) When t he relay station fi nishes tra nsmitt ing to th e End Re ceivin g S ta tion, it will sen d a Comm .
Relayed T ransmission 174 Printout s and Report s Sample R elayed T r ansmission Notifica tion Emai l to a Manag er Explanation of Content s (1) Emai l address of the sende r's Intern et Fax (Y o.
175 Setting Y our Machine Setting Y our Mac hine Setting the Dialing Method (T one or Pulse) Y o ur machi ne can op erate with eithe r of two dialing method s (T one or Pulse), d ependi ng on t he type of telepho ne line y ou are connec ted to. If you need to ch ange the di aling me thod to T one or Puls e, follow the proc edur e belo w .
176 Adjusting the V olume Y o u can adj ust the monitor vol ume on your mac hine. T he built- in speak er enabl es you to hear the dial to ne, diali ng signal s, and bu sy tone. Make sur e that the F AX/EMAIL la mp is ON. If not, pres s to select the "FAX/EMAIL" mode.
177 Setting Y our Machine User Parameters Y our facsi mile mac hine ha s several b asic setti ngs ( User Parame ters) to help you keep reco rds of the docume nts you send or recei ve. For exampl e, the built- in cloc k keeps t he cu rrent d ate and ti me, an d your LOGO a nd ID Num ber help to iden tify you when you s end or rec eive do cuments.
User Parame ters 178 Setting the User Parameter 5 6 Ente r your LOGO (max . 25 char acters a nd digi ts) by using the QWER TY Keyboa rd. Ex: If you m ake a mistake , use or to move the cursor one spa ce beyon d the incorrect character , p ress the n re-enter the ne w character .
User Paramete rs 179 Setting the User Parameter Setting Y our Machine NOTE 1. The current Date & Ti me must b e set becau se it is req uired by th e T elephone Con sumer Act of 1991. (For deta ils, see FCC NOTICE at the end o f this Use r's Guide) 2.
180 Address Book The Ad dress B ook contains Speed d ialing num bers. T o use this dial ing meth od, you must first st ore the tele phone numbe rs or Em ail add resses us ing the fol lowin g procedu re.
Address Book 181 Adding Address Book Dialing Numbers Setting Y our Machine 4 Enter a telepho ne number (up to 36 d igits) or a n email ad dress ( up to 60 character s).
Address Boo k 182 Adding Address Book Dialing Numbers 6 then enter the key name (up to 15 cha racter s). (By defau lt, the key n ame is the first 1 5 characters of the station’s nam e. If you do n ot want to c hange it, p ress .) 7 8 or T o record a nother number repeat st eps 4 to 8.
Address Book 183 Setting Y our Machine If you hav e to chan ge or er ase any of the S peed dial ing nu mbers, fo llow the s teps belo w . T o change the settings of a Spee d dialing number Editing th e Ad dress Book 1 2 3 4 Select the sta tion you w ish to chang e.
Address Boo k 184 Editing the Addr ess B ook 5 then enter a new telephone number . (See not e 1) (up to 3 6 digits inclu ding pauses and spaces ) Ex: 6 then enter a new station na me.
Address Book 185 Editing th e Ad dress Book Setting Y our Machine NOTE 1. If you m ake a m istak e, use o r to mo ve the c ursor bey ond the incorrect numb er , press then re-enter the new n umber . 2. The Addr ess Book ca nnot b e changed or erased until the commun ication h as finis hed.
Address Boo k 186 Editing the Addr ess B ook T o erase an e ntry from th e Address Book 1 2 3 4 Ente r the st ation you wis h to er ase. Ex: Function Mode Select A Function GENERAL SETTINGS FAX/EMAIL .
Address Book 187 Editing th e Ad dress Book Setting Y our Machine NOTE 1. If the A ddress Boo k S tat ion has b een used for a commun ication reservatio n, the set tings cannot b e chan ged or eras ed until the comm unicatio n has finished . T o change or erase the settings, ca ncel the co mmunica tion first by Edit File Mode .
188 Customizing Y our Machine Y o ur facs imil e machi ne has a varie ty of adjustable Fax P arameter s. The se paramete rs, li sted i n the Param eter T able, a re preset for y ou and do not need t o be changed . If you do want to make a change, r ead the table careful ly .
Customizing Y our Machine 189 Setting the Fax Parameters Setting Y our Machine NOTE 1. T o scroll the Fa x Paramete rs in S tep 4, press or . 2. T o print out a Fax Parameter L ist, see page 2 06. 4 Pres s or to sc roll the display t o the de sired Fax Paramet er .
Customi zing Y o ur Machin e 190 Fax Paramete r T able * = Fact ory d efau lt set tin g No. Parameter S etting Comments 001 Contra st 1 (Lightes t) Setting the home positi on for the C ONTRAST . ---- *4 (Normal) ---- 7 (Da rkest) 002 R esolution S tan dard Setti ng the home position for the RESOLUT ION.
Customizing Y our Machine 191 Fax Parameter T able Setting Y our Machine 017 Receive M ode Manua l Setting the recept ion mode to auto matic or man ual. *Auto 022 Substit ute Recei ve Inva lid Selec ting w het her the ma chi ne re ceiv es to m emor y wh en the re cordi ng paper ru ns out, to ner runs ou t or the rec ording p aper is jam med.
Customi zing Y o ur Machin e 192 Fax Paramete r T able 044 Passw ord-Rece ive *Of f Setti ng a 4-digit RCV -Password and sele cting whethe r the machine perfor ms and ch ecks the RCV -Passw ord of the trans mitting st ation when receiving.
Customizing Y our Machine 193 Fax Parameter T able Setting Y our Machine 1 18 F AX Functio n Detect (Only for DP2310/3 010/ 3520/45 20/602 0) Invalid Setti ng the num ber of dig its fo r detectin g a Fax T elephone number .
Customi zing Y o ur Machin e 194 Fax Paramete r T able 151 Email Header Form at All Selecting th e header info rmation to pri nt when an emai l is receiv ed. (Norma lly used for T roubles hooting. It show s the path o f the email transm ission b efore arriv ing at you r machine.
Customizing Y our Machine 195 Fax Parameter T able Setting Y our Machine NOTE 1. The facto ry st andard and the c urrent set tings are also shown on the Fa x Parameter L ist printout.
memo 196.
197 Printing Journa ls and List s Prin ting Jo urna ls and List s Journals and List s T o help you mai ntain record s of the do cumen ts you sent and recei ved, as we ll as lists of the number s you r.
Journal s and List s 198 T rans action Jo urna l NOTE 1. If you w ish to disab le the automat ic printing of the T ransact ion Jou rnal, change the setting of Fax Param eter No.
Jour nals and Lists 199 T rans action Jour nal Printing Journa ls and List s Sample T ransaction Journal NOTE 1. Email trans misss ion sent to m ultiple lo cations is recorded as a single transacti on on the Journ al. (1) (2) *************** -JOURNAL- ************************* DATE MMM-dd-yyyy ***** TIME 15:00 ***** p.
Journal s and List s 200 T rans action Jo urna l Explanation of Content s (1) Printout date (2) Printout tim e (3) Journal number (4) Commu nicat ion r esult "OK " indi cate s that the co mmun icati on was su cce ssful . "BUSY" in dicates t hat the co mmunic ation has failed be cause of busy lin e.
Jour nals and Lists 201 Printing Journa ls and List s The Com municati on Journ al (COMM . JOURN AL) lets you verify whether the t ransmis sion or polling wa s succes sful. Y o u may se lect the p rintout cond ition (Off/Alwa ys/Inc. onl y) in Fax P arameter No.
Journal s and List s 202 Communication Journal (COMM. JOURNAL) Explanation of Content s (1) Indi cation of commun ication m ode (2) S tart time of comm unicatio n (3) End t ime of co mmunic ation (4) File number 001 to 999 (When the commun icatio n is stored into mem ory , a file numb er is ass igned for each com munica tion.
Jour nals and Lists 203 Printing Journa ls and List s T o print a Addres s Book List of th e telep hone nu mbers an d email a ddress es you ha ve s tored. Make sure that the F AX/EMAIL lamp is ON. If not, press to select the "F AX/E MAIL" mode.
Journal s and List s 204 Address Book List Sample Address Book List Explanation of Content s ************* -ADRESS BOOK LIST- ***************** DATE MMM-dd-yyyy ***** TIME 11:11 ******** (1) (2) (3) (4) KEY NAME STATION NAME EMAIL ADDRESS / TELEPHONE NO.
Jour nals and Lists 205 Printing Journa ls and List s T o print a Program List o f the Dia ling Pat terns tha t you hav e previ ously en tered in to the Pro gram Key s. Make sure that the F AX/EMAIL lamp is ON. If not, press to select the "F AX/E MAIL" mode.
Journal s and List s 206 T o Print a Fa x Parameter List: Make sur e that the F AX/EMAIL la mp is ON. If not, pres s to select the "FAX/EMAIL" mode. Sample Fax Parame ter List Explanation of Content s Fax Paramete r List 1 2 ************* -FAX PARAMETER LIST- ************** DATE MMM-dd-yyyy ***** TIME 15:00 ***** p.
207 Problem Sol ving Proble m Solv ing T roubleshooting If Y o u Have Any of Thes e Problem s Mode Symptom Possible Cause / Action Page During T ransmissio n Documen t doesn' t feed/ multiple feed 1. Chec k that your documen t is free o f stapl es and p aper clip s, and that it is not greasy or torn.
T rou bles hoo ting 208 Communication No dia l tone 1 . Check the conne ction of t he telepho ne lin e. 2. Chec k the tel ephone li ne. 215 No auto answer 1. Check the conne ction of t he tele phone lin e. 2. Chec k the R eception mode set ting. 3. If the Fax Parameter No.
T rou bles hoo ting 209 Problem Sol ving When s omethi ng unu sual oc curs, t he dis play ma y sh ow one o f the In formatio n Codes liste d belo w . These will he lp yo u to id entify and corre ct the pro blem. Informati on Code s Info. Code Meaning Possible Action Page 030 Document is mi sfeedi ng.
T rou bles hoo ting 210 Informati on Co des 456 • Unit received a confid ential documen t or was requested to be pol led of a c onfidenti al docum ent under any of follow ing condit ions. 1. Not eno ugh sp ace in m emory to receive the confiden tial d ocument.
T rou bles hoo ting 211 Informati on Code s Problem Sol ving NOTE 1. After identi fying the p roblem and verifying the recom mended actio n, if the info rmation C odes keep r eoccurin g or for help o n Information C odes th at appear on your mac hine but are not listed a bove, ple ase cont act your local Panaso nic Authori zed Deale r .
T rou bles hoo ting 212 The V erificati on S tamp contains ink . When the s tamp mark appe ars f aded or hard to see, the stamp shou ld be rep laced or refilled w ith ink. [For DP-35 10/3520 /4510/4520/ 6010/60 20] T o re move the S t amp V e rification S t amp 1 Open the A DF Input Tray .
T rou bles hoo ting 213 V e rification St amp Problem Sol ving NOTE 1. Please c ontact your l ocal Autho rized Pana sonic Dea ler to p urchase a new st amp. 2. Stamp i nk r efil ls c an b e pu rcha sed fro m a stat io nary stor e. Use b lue Shac hih ata" X" Stamp in k (No.
T rou bles hoo ting 214 V e rification S t amp [For DP-23 10/3010 ] T o re move the S t amp NOTE 1. Please conta ct your l ocal Autho rized Panasonic Dealer to p urchase a new st amp. 2. S ta mp ink refills can be purch ased from a station ary store. Use blue Shachi hata" X" S tamp ink (No.
T rou bles hoo ting 215 Problem Sol ving If you do not hear a di al tone when the key i s pressed or the incom ing ca ll does not r ing on your m achine ( No aut omatic receive) . Check ing the T elepho ne Line 1 Unplug the T elep hone Lin e Cable from the telephone jack t hat was suppli ed by the telephone company .
memo 216.
217 Appendix Appen dix Specifications [ For G3 Facsimile ] Comp atibility IT U-T Group 3 Coding Scheme JBIG , MH, MR, MMR (Confo rms to ITU-T Recommen dations) Modem T ype IT U-T V .
Specifications 218 [ For Internet Fax (Email) ] S tand ard Compliance 10Ba se-T Ethernet (IEEE 802.3), 100 Base-TX Fast Eth ernet (IEEE802 .3u) Connec tor Interface s 10/100 Bas e-TX port: RJ-45 Comp atibility IETF RFC 2305, ITU-T T .37 Comm uni cati on Pr otoc ol TCP/IP , SMTP , POP3.
219 Appendix FCC Notice for User in USA This equipment has be en test ed and found to com ply with t he limits for a C lass A d igital device , pursuan t to part 15 of th e FCC Rul es. Thes e limits ar e desig ned to provide reasona ble prot ection ag ainst harmful interfe rence whe n the equipm ent is operated i n a commer cial env ironmen t.
FCC Notice for User in USA 220 Y o ur telephone company may make ch anges in it's facilitie s, equip ment, operati ons or procedu res that could affect the proper function ing of y our equi pment. If they do, yo u will be no tified in a dvance to give you an o pportunit y to ma intain uninte rrupted teleph one se rvice.
221 Appendix Notice to User in Canada Before installing t his equ ipment, us ers sho uld ens ure that i t is permi ssible to be connec ted to th e facilit ies of the loca l telec ommunic ations com pany . The equi pment mu st also be in stalled usi ng an acceptabl e method of conn ection .
Notice to User in Canada 222 Avant d' installer ce m atériel, l'util isateur doit s'assur er qu'i l est pe rmis de le racc order aux ins tallations de l'ent reprise l ocale de télécom municati on. Le m atériel doi t égaleme nt êtr e installé e n suivant u ne méth ode accep tée de rac cordeme nt.
223 Appendix Glossary 10Base-T /100Base-TX An Eth ernet st andar d for cable . The 10/10 0 refers t o it s 10/100 M bps bandwid th, th e base t o single channe l baseband, and the T to the T wisted p air . The c abl e use s two pairs of uns hiel ded twis ted w ires.
Glossary 224 DDD (Direct Dist ance Dialing) A telephone service that allo ws unassi sted d ialing, n o operator assist ance is required. DDS (Document Distribution S ystem) The Docu ment Distri bution.
Glossary 225 Appendix Ethernet A very common method of networki ng comp uters a nd equipm ent in a L AN. Ethernet can hand le up to 10 0 Mbp s and ca n be used with almo st any ki nd of com puter .
Glossary 226 Individual T ransmis sion Journal A report that is printed by the tr ansmittin g unit stati ng informa tion regard ing the l ast do cument transactio n. Industry Canada (D.O.C) D epartm ent of C ommu nica tion s. T he C anadi an G over nmen t or gani zat ion t hat regu late s communi cations orig inatin g or terminating in Ca nada.
Glossary 227 Appendix MAPI Acron ym fo r Mess age Appli cat ion Prog rammi ng I nter fac e. A sta ndard Wind ows interfac e for mess aging that e nables di fferent mail p rograms an d other mail-aw are applica tions like word proces sors and sp readsheet s to exchange me ssages an d atta chment s with each oth er .
Glossary 228 Power Saver Mode T o reduce the power co nsum pti on of th e mac hin e in stand by , se lect the ti me pe riod t o turn OFF the hi gh temper ature fu ser unit whe n the pr inter is idle . Print Collation The abilit y to stack rece ived documen ts in the cor rect order .
Glossary 229 Appendix Sleep Mode The lowest p ower sta te that the m achine enter s after the s pecified time withou t actually turning of f. SMTP (Si mpl e Ma il T ransfer Protocol ) This is t he main com municat ion protoc ol used t o send and re ceive em ail on th e Internet.
230 ITU-T Image No. 1 All spec ificati ons are based on the ITU -T Imag e No. 1 (T he sampl e sho wn below is not to scale) ..
Index 231 Numerics 2-Sided Trans mission (Re ceiving) ............... ....... 27 A Activatin g the Departme nt Code Fe ature ........... . 94 Adding Tel ephone Num bers ................. ............ 180 Address Book .. ................... ...........
Index 232 R Receive To M emory ................. ............. ............... 83 Received Ti me Print .... ............. .................... ...... 190 Receiving Documents v ia LAN .......................... 135 Receiving Pa ssword .................
Panasonic Digital Document Company Unit of Matsushit a Electric Corporation of America T w o Panasonic Way Secaucus, New Jersey 07094 http://panasonic.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Panasonic DP-3520 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Panasonic DP-3520 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Panasonic DP-3520 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Panasonic DP-3520 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Panasonic DP-3520, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Panasonic DP-3520.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Panasonic DP-3520. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Panasonic DP-3520 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.