Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto 3000 del fabbricante Panasonic
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English Operating Instructions (Fo r Internet F ax) Digital Copier Befor e oper ating this e quipmen t, p lease re ad these instru ctions co mple tely and ke ep thes e operat ing in struc tions for f uture re feren ce.
IMPORTANT INFOR MATION M od e l N o. S er i a l D a te o f P u r c h as e D e al e r A dd r e s s Telephon e Number ( ) – Suppli es Teleph one Number ( ) – Servic e Telephone Number ( ) – When r equestin g infor mation, s upplies o r servi ce, alwa ys refer to the model an d seri al numbe r of your mach ine.
3 Table of Contents Safety In formation ......... ............. ................... .................... ................... ............. ................... .................... . 6 Function Key ................. ............. ................... ..
Table of Contents 4 Sending D ocuments vi a LAN ..................... ................... ............. ................... .................... ................... .... 59 ■ Manual E mail Addre ssing ......... ............ .................... ....
Table o f Cont ents 5 Journals and Lists ..................... ............. ................... .................... ................... ............. ................... ........ 117 ■ Transacti on Journal ........ .................... ...........
6 Getting to Know Your Mac hine Safety In formatio n denotes a potential hazard t hat could result in serious injury o r death. W ARNING ! • TO PREVENT FIRE OR SHOCK, DO NOT EXPOSE THIS PRODUCT TO RAIN OR ANY TYPE OF MOIS TU RE. • TO MINIMIZE THE P OSSIBIL ITY OF SHOCK OR DAMAGE T O THE MACHIN E, IT M UST BE PROPE RLY GROUNDED.
GETTING TO KNOW YOU R MACHINE 8 denotes haz ards that coul d result in min or injury or dam age to the machine. CAUTION ! Do no t install the mach ine nea r heatin g or an ai r conditio ning u nit.
GETTING TO KNOW YOUR MACHINE GETTIN G TO KNOW YOUR MACHINE 9 Function Ke y Any f unction can be starte d by fir st pres sing and th en sel ect the d esired funct ion on the disp lay.
GETTING TO KNOW YOU R MACHINE 12 Pre Installati on Information Before se tting up the DP -2500/300 0 on your networ k, please read th is entire section to be familiar with it s functions.
GETTIN G TO KNOW YOUR MACHINE GETTING TO KNOW YOUR MACHINE 13 Setup as SMTP mail server To ins tall the DP- 2500/3000 as SMTP mail se rver, the fo llowing netwo rk parame ters need to be progr ammed on your ne twork an d on the DP-25 00/3000 .
GETTING TO KNOW YOU R MACHINE 14 Setup as POP3 Client To inst all the DP- 2500/3000 as POP3 Cl ient, the fol lowing ne twork param eters ne ed to be pr ogrammed on your net work.
GETTIN G TO KNOW YOUR MACHINE GETTING TO KNOW YOUR MACHINE 15 For the to tal sys tem to wor k properly v ia LAN, cer tain inf ormation and addition al param eters must be set. P lease contact your ne twork admini strator fo r the requi red inform ation and c onnection to the LAN.
GETTING TO KNOW YOU R MACHINE 16 Explanation of Contents (see Note 1) MAC Addre ss : MAC Address from the 2 nd pag e of the Fa x Paramete r List p rintout (pre ss ). (1) IP Address : The Interne t Protoc ol (IP) addres s assi gned to your mac hine. (2) Subnet M ask : The Sub net Mask numb er.
GETTING TO KNOW YOUR MACHINE GETTIN G TO KNOW YOUR MACHINE 17 Intern et Comm unication Fe atures Internet Fax Transmiss ion The DP-25 00/3000 allows you to t ransmit doc uments over the Interne t to another Inter net Fax or a PC.
GETTING TO KNOW YOU R MACHINE 18 Inbound Routing Using the Inbound Rout ing fea ture, the DP- 2500/3000 can route doc uments rec eived from a G3 fax m achine to email addres s(s) or to Interne t Fax machine (s) connected to a LA N as an email, as well as to other G3 fax machine(s ) over the telephone line.
GETTIN G TO KNOW YOUR MACHINE GETTING TO KNOW YOUR MACHINE 19 Fax Forward The DP -2500/300 0 is capabl e of trans ferring al l rece ived Inter net email or regula r G3 fax documen ts to a pr e- programm ed G3 fax or a PC d estination.
GETTING TO KNOW YOU R MACHINE 20 Network Printer The DP-250 0/3000 can b e utiliz ed as a network printer by simply sending th e documen ts create d on your PC using v arious sof tware appl ication s to the DP-2 500/3000 v ia TCP/I P protocol . There ar e two part s to setting up the DP-2500/300 0 as a ne twork prin ter.
GETTIN G TO KNOW YOUR MACHINE GETTING TO KNOW YOUR MACHINE 21 Relayed Transmission The DP -2500/3000 a llows you to transmit an em ail receive d from an Int ernet F ax or PC con nected to the LAN to multi ple fax m achines vi a a teleph one line. You can atta ch files with the TIFF-F forma t to this e mail.
GETTING TO KNOW YOU R MACHINE 22 Important Information The DP-250 0/3000 uses the sa me commu nication protoco ls as emai l: the Si mple Mail Transfer P rotocol ( SMTP). The diff erences from a stand ard G3 fax commun ication using t he Publi c Telepho ne Network (PSTN) are as follows.
GETTIN G TO KNOW YOUR MACHINE GETTING TO KNOW YOUR MACHINE 23 Sending Document Size via LAN When tr ansmitti ng via L AN, the tr ansmitter i s inca pable of iden tifying t he recei ver ’ s rec ording p aper si ze capabi lity, and thus it wi ll not redu ce the document size.
GETTING TO KNOW YOU R MACHINE 24 Connecting the LAN Cables Ethernet-Token-Ring Bridge (Optional Order No. UE-204006) 10Base-T/100Base-TX Ethernet Hub Ethernet LAN (10Base-T/100Base-TX) Cable (Not included) ACTIVITY Lamp Blinks when there is data traffic on the LAN.
INSTALLING YOUR MACHINE 25 Installing Your Machine User Pa rameters Setting the User (Internet) Parameters See Op erating I nstruction s (For F acsimil e) if you wi sh to set the basic setting s (User P arameters) . Before starting, y ou will ne ed a compl eted copy of page 15 (P re Installa tion Info rmation).
INSTALLING YOUR MACHINE 26 (see Note 1) (see Note 2) (see Note 3 ) 4 Enter th e IP Addr ess us ing the ke ypad. Ex: (See Note 2) 5 To advanc e to the next p arameter, p ress to return to S tep 3 or pres s to return to standby . NOTE 1. To scrol l the dis play t o desired User Para meter i n Step 3, pre ss or .
INSTALLIN G YOUR MACHINE INSTALLING YOUR MACHINE 27 Setti ng the Inte rnet Pa ramete rs Settin g the User Parame ter s for the LAN Inte rfac e Dependin g on ho w the DP-2500/ 3000 will be config ured to comm unicate on the LAN, the approp riate parame ters liste d in the tab le below mus t be stored f irst.
INSTALLING YOUR MACHINE 28 Progra mming or Retrievi ng Parameter s via Email Using Email to Program or Retrieve Parameters This fe ature is a powerful tool, whic h provide s a conven ient a nd easy wa.
INSTALLIN G YOUR MACHINE INSTALLING YOUR MACHINE 29 To Input the Internet Parameters for the First Time Create a script in the me ssage b ody of a plain te xt email an d send i t to the DP -2500/30 00 ’ s email a ddress.
INSTALLING YOUR MACHINE 30 Explanation of Contents (see Note 1) (see Note 2) (1) To : The DP-2500/3000 ’ s email address From : This field is normally not vi sible when creating new email message(s). It is your default email address for retrieving the Internet Parameters and for error message notification.
INSTALLIN G YOUR MACHINE INSTALLING YOUR MACHINE 31 To Retrieve the Internet Parameters for Backup To retri eve the exis ting Interne t Paramet ers, send a p lain tex t email to the DP -2500/30 00 ’.
INSTALLING YOUR MACHINE 32 After recei ving the em ail mess age reque sting the In ternet Param eters, the DP-2500/3 000 sends back an em ail to the addres s specifi ed in the "From: " line w ith the Inte rnet Param eters in the body of th e email.
INSTALLIN G YOUR MACHINE INSTALLING YOUR MACHINE 33 To Edit the Retrieved or Backup Internet Parameters File After rec eiving the DP-2500/ 3000 email wi th the Inte rnet Param eters, stor e the ema il file as text (.txt) on your PC for b ackup purp oses.
INSTALLING YOUR MACHINE 34 DP-2500/ 3000 Interne t Parameter s Email Sa mple (1) (2) (3) (5) (6) [Dele te this hea der befor e send ing email.] (4) Programming or Retrieving Paramete rs via Email.
INSTALLIN G YOUR MACHINE INSTALLING YOUR MACHINE 35 Explanation of Contents (1) To : The DP-2500/3000 ’ s e mail address From : This field is normally not visible when creating new email message(s). It is your default email address f or retrieving the Internet Parameters and f or error mess age notification.
INSTALLING YOUR MACHINE 36 Using a PC to Update the Auto Dialer Remotely This fe ature prov ides a co nvenient and an easy w ay to Update , Backu p or Restore the Phone Book dia ling numbers right from your PC by sending a text ema il message to the DP- 2500/3000.
INSTALLIN G YOUR MACHINE INSTALLING YOUR MACHINE 37 Deleting the E ntire Auto Dialer If you wish to de lete the enti re Auto Dial er data in the DP-2500/3 000, typ e the follo wing comm and in the bo .
INSTALLING YOUR MACHINE 38 To Program Phone Book for the First Time Create a sc ript in the mes sage body of a p lain text em ail and se nd it to the DP-250 0/3000 ’ s email addres s.
INSTALLIN G YOUR MACHINE INSTALLING YOUR MACHINE 39 Explanation of Contents (see N ote 1) (see Not e 2) (see Note 3) (see No te 4) (1) To : The DP-2500/3000 ’ s email address. From : This field is normally not visible when creating new em ail message(s).
INSTALLING YOUR MACHINE 40 To Retrieve Phone Book Data for Backup To retri eve the exi sting au to dialer d ata, send a plain text email to the DP- 2500/3000 ’ s email a ddress wi th the following c.
INSTALLIN G YOUR MACHINE INSTALLING YOUR MACHINE 41 After rece iving th e email message requestin g the existing auto dialer data, the DP- 2500/3000 sends back an email t o the ad dress spe cified i n the "From: " line wit h the auto d ialer informa tion in th e body of t he email.
INSTALLING YOUR MACHINE 42 To Edit the Retrieved or Backup P hone Book Data File After r eceiving th e DP-250 0/3000 ema il with th e auto d ialer data, store th e email fi le as te xt (.txt ) on you r PC for back up purpo ses. To change or update the auto dialer , follow the steps below: 1.
INSTALLIN G YOUR MACHINE INSTALLING YOUR MACHINE 43 Explanation of Contents (1) To : The DP-2000/3000 ’ s em ail address. From : This f ield is normally not visible wh en creating new email m essage(s). It is your default email address, for retrieving the Phone Book data and for error mess age notification.
INSTALLING YOUR MACHINE 44 Using Email to Retrieve the Journal To ret rieve the existin g Journal data, sen d an e mail to the DP-2500 /3000 ’ s ema il addres s with the followi ng comma nd in the &.
PROGRAMMING YOUR MACHINE 45 Programming Your Machine Phone B ook Adding an Email Address Phone B ook dial ing/addres sing is a fast way of dialing full tel ephone num bers or em ail addr esses. To use these d ialing or addressi ng metho ds, you must fi rst store the tel ephone nu mbers o r email a ddresses into the Phone B ook.
PROGRAMM ING YOUR MACHINE 46 4 Then en ter the st ation name by using th e QWERT Y keyboard. (Up to 15 charac ters) Ex: 5 Then en ter the ke y name ( up to 10 char acters) . (By defa ult, the k ey name i s the first 10 char acters of the sta tion ’ s name.
PROGRAMMING YOUR MA CHINE PROGRAMMING YOUR MACHINE 47 Editing the Phone Book If yo u have to cha nge or er ase any of t he Phone B ook stat ions, fol low the ste ps below. To change the settings of a phone book station Make sur e that the INTERNE T lamp is O N.
PROGRAMM ING YOUR MACHINE 48 (see Note 1) (see Note 2) 5 Then en ter a new stat ion name. ( See Note 1) Ex: 6 Then en ter a new key na me. (See Note 1) Ex: 7 To retu rn to standb y, pres s . NOTE 1. If you m ake a mistake, use or to mo ve the cu rsor be yond the incorre ct ch aracter, pre ss then re-enter the new ch aracter.
PROGRAMMING YOUR MA CHINE PROGRAMMING YOUR MACHINE 49 To erase a n entry fr om the ph one book Make sure that the INTERN ET lamp is ON. If not, pr ess to sel ect the "I NTERNET MODE" .
PROGRAMM ING YOUR MACHINE 50 (see Note 1) 5 To retu rn to standb y, pres s . NOTE 1. If the Phone Book st ation has been used for a com munica tion rese rvation, the se ttings cannot be chan ged or erased u ntil the c ommunic ation has finis hed. To chang e or era se the settings , canc el the co mmun ication f irst by Edi t File Mode.
PROGRAMMING YOUR MA CHINE PROGRAMMING YOUR MACHINE 51 Customizing Your Machine Your fa csimile m achine h as a var iety of adj ustable Fax Para meters. T hese param eters, l isted in the Parame ter Table, are preset for yo u and do not nee d to be change d.
PROGRAMM ING YOUR MACHINE 52 (see Not e 1) (see Note 2) 4 Sel ect th e de sire d set ti ng. Ex: 5 To adva nce to the nex t paramet er, press to return to S tep 3 or press to return to standby . NOTE 1. To scrol l the dis play t o the desi red Fax Para meters in Step 3 , press or .
PROGRAMMING YOUR MA CHINE PROGRAMMING YOUR MACHINE 53 Fax Parame ter Table No. Param eter Setting Number Setting Comments 001 CONTRAST 1 Lighter Setting the home position for the CONTRAST. *4 Normal 7D a r k e r 002 RESOLUTION 1 Standard Setting the home position for the RESOLUTION.
PROGRAMM ING YOUR MACHINE 54 017 RECEIVE MODE 1 M anual Setting the reception mode to automatic or manual. *2 Auto 022 SUBSTITUT E RCV 1 Invalid Selecting whether the machine receives to memory when the recording paper runs out, toner runs out or the recording paper is jammed.
PROGRAMMING YOUR MA CHINE PROGRAMMING YOUR MACHINE 55 042 CONF. POLLED FILE SAVE *1 Invalid Selecting whether the machine saves the confidential polled file even after the file is polled once.
PROGRAMM ING YOUR MACHINE 56 Customiz ing Your Machine 088 LINE SELECTI ON (See Note 4) *1 Auto Setting the home position for the Telephone Line select ion. Auto : Selects the available telephone l ine for transmission automatically. Line 1 : Selects this as the default telephone line, unl ess manually selecting an alternate phone line.
PROGRAMMING YOUR MA CHINE PROGRAMMING YOUR MACHINE 57 149 DELETE POP ERR EMAIL *1 Invalid Selecting whether to delete the email t hat includes an incompatible file attachment from the POP Server. 2 Valid 150 IFAX RETURN RECEIPT 1 Invalid Selecting whether to send a return receipt when receiving from another Panafax Internet Fax.
PROGRAMM ING YOUR MACHINE 58 Customiz ing Your Machine (see Note 1) (see Note 2) (see Note 3 ) (see Note 4) 163 ROUTING HEADE R *1 Invalid Selecting whether to ad d the Header Print information of the Routing Station on the top edge of each routed pages.
BASIC OPERATIONS 59 Basic Operations Send ing Do cumen ts via LA N Docum ent(s) can b e sent via LAN t o a single o r multip le ema il address es. The following Email Addressing methods can be selecte.
BASIC OPERATIONS 60 Manual Email Addressing To enter th e email ad dress manua lly, follow th e steps bel ow. Make sure that the INTER NET lamp is ON. If no t, press to sele ct the "INTERNE T MODE". (See Not e 1) 1 a Place o riginal(s) face up o n the ADF .
BASIC OPERATIONS BASIC OPERATIONS 61 3 a Enter th e full email add ress by using the QWE RTY keyboa rd. (Up t o 60 di git s) If you make a mist ake, press CL EAR to er ase the inc orrect ch aracter then re-e nter a correc t one.
BASIC OPERATIONS 62 (see Note 1) (see Not e 2) (se e Note 3) (se e Note 4) (se e Note 5) (see Note 6) 5 The docume nt(s) begi n to store into memo ry with a fil e number. Then s tarts conne cting to the LAN im mediately after storin g the first p age.
BASIC OPERATIONS BASIC OPERATIONS 63 Phone Book Email A ddressing Phone B ook Addr essing a llows you to s end email (s) by ent ering the f ull em ail address with a sin gle key. To use thi s method, you must first pre-pr ogram th e email a ddresses into the P hone Book.
BASIC OPERATIONS 64 (see Note 1) (see Note 2) (see Note 3) 5 The docu ment(s) beg in to store into memory wit h a file number. Then st arts conne cting to th e LAN imm ediately afte r storin g the first p age. (See No te 3) While s ending th e docu ment(s) via LAN, the remaini ng page( s) continu e to st ore into mem ory.
BASIC OPERATIONS BASIC OPERATIONS 65 Multiple Email Station Addressing (Broadcasting) You can store the d ocument(s) i nto memory and then s end to multiple destinati ons (up to 270 statio ns) via LAN. (see N ote 1) (see Not e 2) (see N ote 3) (see Note 4) Make sur e that the INTERNE T lamp is O N.
BASIC OPERATIONS 66 Select able Doma ins Key Using the Select able Domai ns key s peeds the process of completi ng the em ail addr ess by a ttaching often used Domain Nam es. • Advanc e registrat ion of up to 10 ofte n used domai n names in to the "Selectable Domain" l ist is requi red.
BASIC OPERATIONS BASIC OPERATIONS 67 (see Note 1) (see Note 2) ( see Note 3) 4 To sp ecify ot her dest inations , press after pressi ng and a dd additi onal emai l addre sses. 5 The doc ument(s) begi n to store in to memory with a fi le numbe r. Then sta rts connec ting to the LAN immed iately after storing the first pag e.
BASIC OPERATIONS 68 Internet Fax Ledger Size Document Transmission When tr ansmitting via LAN, the tran smitter is incap able of i dentifyi ng the rec eiver's r ecording paper siz e capab ility, and thus it will not reduc e the docume nt size dur ing transmi ssion.
BASIC OPERATIONS BASIC OPERATIONS 69 To send with reduction, follow the steps below. Repeat St eps 1 to 5, except i n Step 3, s et the "07 LEDGER EMAIL XM T" setting to " OFF" posi tion.
BASIC OPERATIONS 70 Return ed Email When usi ng the Inter net commu nication mode, a fail ure repo rt will print automati cally for eac h trans action if t he email is ret urned unde livered by the mail se rver.
BASIC OPERATIONS BASIC OPERATIONS 71 Using a Mailing List Using a Mai ling List st ored in the mai l server si mplifies the pr ocess of ent ering mult iple locat ions and all ows you to s end to an u nlimited number o f email ad dresses w ith one easy opera tion.
BASIC OPERATIONS 72 Recei ving Docu ments vi a LAN The DP-2500 /3000 off ers you a ch oice to re ceive Fax document s unattende d (by defau lt) or ma nually o ver regular tel ephone lines.
BASIC OPERATIONS BASIC OPERATIONS 73 Figur e 2: Intern et Fax Rece ived on a PC n For yo ur reference, the ab ove exampl e is from Windo ws Messagi ng runnin g under Micro soft ® Wi ndows 95 ® . n To run the Viewe r, please refer to your applicati on ’ s User Man ual.
BASIC OPERATIONS 74 Retrievi ng Email from a POP Server The DP-2500 /3000 offe rs a choice to retrieve and pr int Interne t email messa ges via LA N unattended or ma nually when su bscribin g to a PO P mail s erver. Setting the POP Pa rameters Set the par ameters pe rtinent t o the POP s erver (Fax P arameters Nos.
BASIC OPERATIONS BASIC OPERATIONS 75 3 Press or to s croll the displ ay to the desir ed Fax P aram eter . or enter t he Fax P arameter n umber dire ctly from t he keypad and pr ess or key. 4 Enter the desired retrie val interv al time (0 t o 60 minu tes) f rom the keyp ad and pres s .
BASIC OPERATIONS 76 (see Note 1) (see Note 2) 7 Sel ect th e de sire d set ting and pres s . 8 To return to standby. NOTE 1. When an unsu pported file attachme nt is recei ved, an error messa ge is printed to info rm you tha t the file attachm ent co uld not be printed .
BASIC OPERATIONS BASIC OPERATIONS 77 Unattended Email Retriev al from the POP Server When th e Fax Parameter No. 146 ( POP TIMER) is set to a va lue betwee n 1 and 6 0 minutes , and F ax Param eter No. 1 47 (AUTO P OP RCV) i s set to "Valid", the mach ine will query the POP ser ver at the specif ied interval for new ma il.
BASIC OPERATIONS 78 (see Note 1) (see Note 2) 3 If POP ser ver receiv ed new mai l, the mac hine will display the number of mails on the server, then will retrie ve and pr int the em ail.
ADVANCED FEATURES 79 Advanced Features Program Key s Setting the POP Ema il Retriev al Key This f unction allo ws others to share the DP-2500/3 000 to retr ieve thei r emails fr om the POP server by preprogr amming t heir POP User Names and POP Passwor ds into the Program Dial key s.
ADVANCED FEA TURES 80 NOTE 1. If secu rity is a conc ern and to prev ent unau thoriz ed person nel fro m retriev ing you r emai l from th e POP server, when prog ramming the Program Key, leave th e POP Pass word field "Blank".
ADVANCED FE ATURES ADVANCED FEATURES 81 Using the POP Ema il Retriev al Key To retrieve your Email from the POP Server using the Pr ogram Key, follow the procedure below. Make sure that the INTERN ET lamp is ON. If not, pr ess to sel ect the "I NTERNET MODE" .
ADVANCED FEA TURES 82 (see Note 1) 3 If the PO P server has not r eceived an y new mai l, the follo wing me ssage is d isplayed. 4 If POP ser ver receiv ed new mai l, the mac hine will display the numb er of mai ls on the ser ver, then retrie ve and pr int the em ail.
ADVANCED FE ATURES ADVANCED FEATURES 83 Sender Select ion General Des cription This ope ration allows t he user to sele ct on e of the 2 5 pres et User Names an d Email Addres ses bef ore a transm ission . The selec ted User Name is pr inted on th e Header o f each pag e sent and on the C OMM.
ADVANCED FEA TURES 84 4 5 Sele ct the Sen der Sel ection Key (No . 01~2 4). Ex: 01 6 Enter y our User Name (max 25 character s) by using c haracter key s and pres s . Ex: 7 Enter an email add ress to be p rinted on the "From" field of t he email message (max.
ADVANCED FE ATURES ADVANCED FEATURES 85 Sending Document with Sender Selection Make sur e that the INTERNE T lamp is O N. If not, pr ess to sele ct the "INTERNE T MODE". 1 a Set docum ent(s) face down. or 1 b Place a book or an original fac e down on the P laten Glass.
ADVANCED FEA TURES 86 (see Note 1) (see N ote 2) 4 Press or to scroll the disp lay to sele ct the User Name th at you want to use. (See No te 2) Ex: 5 The doc ument is se nt as an e mail mes sage with the se lected us er name and/or em ail addres s appeari ng in the "From:" field of the email messag e.
ADVANCED FE ATURES ADVANCED FEATURES 87 Printing the Sender Selection List The Se nder Sele ction Lis t is printe d followin g the Fax P arameter Li st. To ena ble the pr inting of the Sende r Selec tion List, c hange the setting o f Fax Par ameter No.
ADVANCED FEA TURES 88 Subject Line En try General Description The DP-2500 /3000 will automatic ally add the Default Su bject info rmation that w as entere d during the U ser Paramete r setup, to the "Subject :" Line of al l outg oing emai ls.
ADVANCED FE ATURES ADVANCED FEATURES 89 (see Note 1) ( see Note 2) 4 Enter the Sub ject (max. 40 charac ters and digits) by using the QWER TY keyb oard and k eypad. T o use the Defa ult Subj ect pre- progra mmed i n the Us er Paramete r, ju st pr ess .
ADVANCED FEA TURES 90 Inbound Rou ting Setting the Routing Parameters The DP-2500 /3000 ca n route documen ts receive d from a G3 fax mac hine to emai l address( s) or to Internet Fax mach ine(s) c onnected to a L AN as an emai l, as well as to oth er G3 fax mach ine(s) over the teleph one line.
ADVANCED FE ATURES ADVANCED FEATURES 91 2 Pres s or . or 3 Enter an email address (up t o 60 char acters) or a tele phone numb er (up to 36 digits) an d press . or 01 ADD TELEPHONE 02 ADD EMAIL ADDR. PHONE BOOK ENTER EMAIL ADDRESS PHONE BOOK ENTER TEL.
ADVANCED FEA TURES 92 4 Then en ter the st ation name using the QWERTY keyboard (up to 15 charac ters). Ex: 5 Then en ter the ke y name ( up to 10 char acters). (By defaul t, the key name is the first 10 charac ters of the stati on's name. If you d o not want to change it, pres s .
ADVANCED FE ATURES ADVANCED FEATURES 93 (see Note 1) 8 To r eturn to stan by, pres s . NOTE 1. "+" and "SPACE" en tries in t he "ROUT ING: TSI" fie ld are ign ored by th e receivi ng mach ine.
ADVANCED FEA TURES 94 Fax Fo rward Setting Fax Forward This fe ature allows all incomi ng faxes or emails to be forwarded to the de stinatio n station reg istered in the Phone Boo k.
ADVANCED FE ATURES ADVANCED FEATURES 95 (see Note 1) (see Not e 2) (see No te 3) 5 6 Then e nter the stat ion to f orward the r eceived fa xes or em ails to, b y assi gning a de stin at ion st ati on in the Pho ne Book.
ADVANCED FEA TURES 96 Ifax Return Re ceipt The DP-2500 /3000 auto matically sends an Ifax R eturn Receipt to the sender confi rming ema il receptio n from another P anasoni c Interne t Fax. To disable this featu re, follow t he steps b elow. Make sure that the INTER NET lamp is ON.
ADVANCED FE ATURES ADVANCED FEATURES 97 (see N ote 1) 4 Selec t the desi red sett ing and pr ess . 5 To return t o standby. NOTE 1. T he DP-2500 /3000 se nds the Ifax R eturn Receip t only whe n receiv ing from ano ther Panason ic brand Internet Fax. It will no t confirm email se nt from a PC.
This pag e is inte ntionally left bla nk. ADVANCED FEA TURES 98.
NETWORK FEATURE 99 Network Features Netw ork Sc anne r You can import Fa x images by using th e DP-250 0/3000 tra nsmissio n function . Storin g a specific email add ress in to a Phone B ook allo ws you to im port pictur e images by pressing a single k ey.
NETWORK FE ATURE 100 Networ k Printer The DP-250 0/3000 allows you to print d ocuments cr eated on your PC using va rious soft ware appl ications. To be ab le to use this fun ction, inst all th e Printer Driver an d LPR so ftware downlo aded from the web s ite first.
NETWORK F EATURE NETWORK FEATURE 101 Relaye d Transmi ssion General Description The Inte rnet Relay ed Transm ission feat ure can s ave you time a nd transm ission co sts if yo u need to sen d the same do cuments to multiple G 3 fax machi nes. This is especi ally tr ue if the tran smis sions a re long distance .
NETWORK FE ATURE 102 Relay Network This Featu re saves you time and lo ng dista nce phone line costs when sending an Internet Fax di rectly fr om your ma chine to the end r eceiving stati on(s).
NETWORK F EATURE NETWORK FEATURE 103 Tabl e 2, 3 and 4 are s amp le sett in gs fo r th e Samp le Ne two rk sho wn i n Fig ure 1 . (see Note 1) ( see Note 2 ) Table 2 : Sample Parame ter and Ph one Book Di aling Number Ta ble for New Yo rk (Originating Station) Telephon e Numbe r : 212 111 1234 Email Addr ess(SM TP) : ifax@newyor k .
NETWORK FE ATURE 104 Setting up y our DP-2500 /3000 as an Intern et Relay St ation To set u p your mac hine as a Relay Statio n, the fo llowing par ameters mu st be set properly. 1. Relay XM T (Fax Para meter No. 142) Selec ting whethe r the mac hine will accept and perfo rms G3 re layed tr ansmis sion (see page 56 ).
NETWORK F EATURE NETWORK FEATURE 105 Setting Up Your Mac hine for Relayed Tra nsmission Programming the End Receiving Station into your Auto Dial er If the Fax P arameter No. 140 (LAN RELAY XMT REQUES T) is set to "Val id", you ca n enter the Relay Address into the Phone Boo k by the following procedu re.
NETWORK FE ATURE 106 4 Then en ter the st ation name by using th e QWERT Y keyboard (up to 15 charac ters). Ex: 5 Then en ter the ke y name ( up to 10 char acters) . (By defa ult, the k ey name i s the first 10 char acters of the station ’ s name.) If y ou do no t want to c hange it, pres s .
NETWORK F EATURE NETWORK FEATURE 107 8 To reco rd anothe r number , repeat Ste ps 3 to 7. To retur n to stan dby, press . STOP Relaye d Transmi ssion.
NETWORK FE ATURE 108 Sending Documents via Internet Relay Once y ou have rec orded al l the nec essary pa rameters in your mac hine, you can send a document t o one or multiple G3 fax machine s automatic ally throu gh the Internet Rela y Station by usi ng the procedur e described below.
NETWORK F EATURE NETWORK FEATURE 109 (see N ote 1) 3 The do cument( s) is store d into me mory and y our machi ne starts s ending the document (s) to the Rela y email addre ss of the Relay Statio n with the tele phone numb er for the E nd Receivi ng Station .
NETWORK FE ATURE 110 To a Location That Does Not Have a Pre-programmed Relay Station Make sur e that the INTERNE T lamp is ON. If not, press to sele ct the "INTERNE T MODE". 1 a Place o riginal(s) face up o n the ADF . or 1 b Place a b ook or an ori ginal face down on the Plate n Glass.
NETWORK F EATURE NETWORK FEATURE 111 (see N ote 1) (see Not e 2) 4 Enter only the t elephone n umber( s) of the End Rece iving Stati on(s) us ing any c ombinati on of the followi ng methods. • Manual Number Di aling, pres s afte r each s tation is entered (up to 70 stat ions).
NETWORK FE ATURE 112 Sending Document(s) from a PC to a G3 Fax Machine Using yo ur email applic ation, you c an send an y docume nt(s) fro m your PC as a TIFF -F attachm ent to one or multiple G3 fax m achines automatic ally th rough the Inter net Relay Station.
NETWORK F EATURE NETWORK FEATURE 113 A TIFF C onverte r softwar e is used on your PC to convert d ocument( s) into a "TIFF" f ile format, which a llows the Intern et FAX to receive the document as an atta chment to an ema il.
NETWORK FE ATURE 114 Printouts and Reports When you use Relay ed Trans mission, rel ay stati on will send the follo wing two re ports to hel p you ch eck and keep t rack of yo ur faxes . 1. Relay XMT Report (COMM . JOURNAL) When the relay sta tion finis hes transm itting to the End Re ceiving Station, it wi ll send a CO MM.
NETWORK F EATURE NETWORK FEATURE 115 Sample Rela yed Transmission Notificat ion Email to a Mana ger Explanation of Contents (1) Emai l addr ess of th e sende r ’ s Intern et Fax (DP-250 0/3000) or P.
This pag e is inte ntionally left bla nk. NETWORK FE ATURE 116.
PRINTOUT JOURNALS AND LISTS 117 Printout Journals and Lists Jour nals and Lists To help yo u maintain re cords of the documents y ou sent and rec eived, as well as lists of the numb ers you reco rd, y.
PRINTOUT JOURN ALS AND LISTS 118 (see Note 1) 3 b to view transm ission trans actions on ly 3 c to view al l transac tions You can view t he transa ction s in the j ournal by pressing or . Press to retu rn to standby . NOTE 1. If you wish to disable the automatic pri nting of the Transactio n Journa l, change the se tting of Fax Parameter No.
PRIN TOUT JOURNAL S AND LISTS PRINTOUT JOURNALS AND LISTS 119 Sample Transaction Journal (see Note 1) (1) (2) ***************** -JOURNAL- ************************* DATE MAR-12-2001 ***** TIME 15:00 ***** P.01 (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) NO.
PRINTOUT JOURN ALS AND LISTS 120 Explanation of contents (1) Printout da te (2) Printout ti me (3) Journal num ber (4) Comm unication resul t : "OK" indica tes th at the com municat ion was succes sful. "BUSY" ind icates t hat the comm unicatio n has failed because of bus y line.
PRIN TOUT JOURNAL S AND LISTS PRINTOUT JOURNALS AND LISTS 121 Communication Journal (COMM. JOURNAL) The Commun ication Journ al (COMM. JOURNA L) lets you verify whe ther the transm ission or polling was success ful. You may selec t the printou t conditi on (Off/Alw ays/Inc.
PRINTOUT JOURN ALS AND LISTS 122 Explanation of contents (1) Indic ation o f communi catio n mode (2) Start ti me of com munica tion (3) End ti me of com munica tion (4) File num ber : 001 to 9 99 (Whe n the com municat ion is s tored in to memory , a file n umber is assig ned for eac h comm unica tion.
PRIN TOUT JOURNAL S AND LISTS PRINTOUT JOURNALS AND LISTS 123 Phone Book List To print a Phone Book List of telephone numbers a nd email addresses you have stored Make sur e that the INTERNE T lamp is O N. If not, pr ess to sele ct the "INTERNE T MODE".
PRINTOUT JOURN ALS AND LISTS 124 Sample Phone Book List *************** -PHONE BOOK LIST- ****************** DATE MAR-12-2001 ***** TIME 11:11 ******* (1) (2) (3) (7) KEY NAME STATION NAME EMAIL ADDRESS / TELEPHONE NO. ROUTING SUB-ADDR (5) ROUTING TSI (6) RELAY ADDR [B][Bob Jones ] Bob Jones jonesb@abcdefg.
PRIN TOUT JOURNAL S AND LISTS PRINTOUT JOURNALS AND LISTS 125 Group and Program List To print a Group a nd Program List of the Di aling Patterns that you have previous ly entered into the Program K eys. Sample Program List Explanation of contents Make sur e that the INTERNE T lamp is O N.
PRINTOUT JOURN ALS AND LISTS 126 FAX Parameter List To print a FAX Par ameter List: Samp le FAX Pa rameter L ist Explanation of contents Make sure that the INTER NET lamp is ON. If not, pr ess to sel ect the "INTERN ET MODE". 1 2 *************** -FAX PARAMETER LIST- ************** DATE MAR-12-2001 ***** TIME 15:00 ***** P.
PRIN TOUT JOURNAL S AND LISTS PRINTOUT JOURNALS AND LISTS 127 Sample Internet Parameter List (see Note 1) (3) Selection *************** -FAX PARAMETER LIST- ************** DATE MAR-12-2001 ***** TIME 11:11 *** P.02 *** INTERNET PARAMETERS *** TIME ZONE : GMT-5:00 Eastern Time (US & Canada) MAC ADDRESS : 080023000FF9 IP ADDRESS : 123.
This pag e is inte ntionally left bla nk. PRINTOUT JO URNALS AND LISTS 128.
PROBLEM SOLVIN G 129 Problem Solving Trouble shooting Information Cod es (see Note 1) When som ething unus ual occ urs, the disp lay may show on e of the Inform ation Codes liste d below. These wi ll help you to id entify and correct the problem. NOTE 1.
PROBLEM SOLVIN G 130 Email ABB R Prog ramming Errors Error Me ssage Sent to t he Sender Error me ssages t hat are ema iled from the DP-2500 /3000 to the o riginal se nder durin g remote pr ogramming of the Phone Boo k via email.
APPENDIX 131 Appendix Specificat ions Standard Compliance 10Base-T Ether net (IEEE 802.3), 10 0Base-TX F ast Ethe rnet (IEEE80 2.3u) Connector I nterface s 10/ 100 Base-TX port: RJ-45 Compatibility IETF RF C 2305, ITU-T T.3 7 Communication Protoc ol TCP/IP, SMTP, POP 3.
APPENDIX 132 Glossary 10Base-T/ 100Base -TX An Ethe rnet standar d for cabl e. The 10 /100 refers to its 10/100 Mbps bandw idth, the bas e to single chan nel baseba nd, and the T to the Twisted pair. The cable u ses two p airs of unshield ed twisted wires.
APPEND IX APPENDIX 133 Host Any com puter on a network that is a reposit ory for se rvices a vailable to other co mputers on the netwo rk. A Host must have a uniq ue Host name within a domain. The hos t is the fir st (left mos t) sectio n of the Fu lly Qualified Domain Name (FQDN).
APPENDIX 134 MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension) A stand ard used for attaching n on-text ( image) fi les to Inte rnet email messa ges. Multi-Sta tion Transmission The abili ty to broad cast t he same set o f docu ments to a program med number of locations .
APPEND IX APPENDIX 135 Subnet Mask A mask bit used to manage s ub-segments of the netw ork which i s define d with networ k IDs. TCP/IP (Transmissi on Control Protocol/Int ernet Protocol) TCP/IP i s a suite of protocols us ed to conn ect to the Internet and wi de- area networks.
136 Index C Communic ation Journ al (Comm. Journal) ..........1 21 Control P anel .. ................... ............. .................... .10 Customiz ing Your Ma chine ............. ............. ........51 E Email A ddress . ................... ..
Fax Number / E mail Address Directory Name Number / Emai l Address.
English Operating Instructions (Fo r Internet F ax) Digital Copier Befor e oper ating this e quipmen t, p lease re ad these instru ctions co mple tely and ke ep thes e operat ing in struc tions for f uture re feren ce.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Panasonic 3000 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Panasonic 3000 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Panasonic 3000 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Panasonic 3000 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Panasonic 3000, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Panasonic 3000.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Panasonic 3000. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Panasonic 3000 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.