Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto Treo 600 del fabbricante Palm
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using your T reo ™ 60 0 smartphone by palmOne Includes setup infor mation and instructions for most tas ks.
Copyright Copyright © 2004 palmOne, Inc. All rights res erved. palmOne, T reo, the palmOne and T reo logos, Blazer , Palm, P alm OS, HotSync, Graffiti, and Palm Powered are among the tr ademarks or re gi stered t radem arks owned by or l icensed t o palmOne, Inc.
Contents :: 1 Contents 1 Conten ts 3 Welcome 4 If you read nothin g else. .. 5 rea d th is now: getti ng starte d 6 What y ou’ll need 7 Treo ov er vi e w 11 Chargi ng the bat tery 13 Turning Treo on.
2 :: Contents 95 Calculat or 98 Looking u p contacts and other i nformation 101 Beaming info rmation 105 first mo nth: managing applications 106 Installing applications 109 Removing applicat ions 110 .
Welcome :: 3 We l c o m e Congratu latio ns on th e pu rchase of your T reo™ 6 00 sm artpho ne b y palmOn e™. Y ou now have • an a dvanc ed mo bile phone * • a Palm P o wered™ org anizer wi .
4 :: If you rea d noth ing els e. .. If you read nothing el se... Th is guide i s designed to get you usin g your T reo quic kly , start ing with jus t the basi cs. As you beco me more comfort able wit h your T reo and want to lear n more, come back an d read the othe r sectio ns.
read this now: gettin g st arted :: 5 read this now: getting started.
6 :: What you’ll nee d W hat you’l l need As you wor k through th e instr uctions i n this gu ide, you’l l need all the ite ms that came in the T reo™ 600 smart phone bo x (see page 7) as wel .
Treo over view :: 7 T reo overview Y ou shou ld have receiv ed all of t he followi ng component s in the T re o box: Hardw are • T reo ha ndset • protective case • AC charger •U S B H o t S y .
8 :: Treo overvi ew T reo ha nds et feature s Th e followin g illus trations show the l ocations and names of the phys ical f eatures of the T reo. Refer back to these illustrations while fo llowing the instructions in this guide. A F C BD E A. Antenn a B.
Treo over view :: 9 A. P ho ne receive r B. LE D (Wireless Mode and charge indica tor) C. V olu me buttons D. Phone E. Calend ar F. H e a d s e t j a c k G.
10 :: T reo over view * There are two models o f T reo 600 availa ble throug h V erizon: one com es with a camera and the other does not c ome with a ca me ra. The packaging for your T reo 600 id entif ies wheth er a camera is includ ed. A Camera lens * B.
Charging the batte ry :: 11 Charging the battery Before us ing your T reo, you need to fully c harge the battery . Y our phone may not turn on at al l when you firs t remove it from the box. W e recommend that you ch arge your phone f or three hours or until the LED is solid gr een.
12 :: Charging the batte ry Af ter you tu rn on your T reo, t he onscreen battery g auge displa ys power sta tus: • Full battery icon : B attery is charged • Partial battery icon : Batt ery ha s s.
Turning T reo on and o ff :: 13 T urning T reo on and off Y ou can us e the P alm OS ® fea tures of your T reo ind ependently of the wi reless f eatures and a pplica tions. T heref ore, the s creen and W ireless Mo de are desig ned to be tur ned off and on sep a rately .
14 :: Making your first call Making your first call W e recommend that you cha rge your T reo for a full three hours (or until the L E D is solid green) befor e using it for t he first ti me. 1. P ress Pho ne . 2. If a Set up screen appea rs, follo w the ins tructions t o select a l anguage and calibrat e the screen.
Making your first call :: 15 Adjusti ng ca ll vol ume W h il e a ca ll is in pro g ress, pres s t he v olum e bu tt ons on t he side of y our T reo to ad jus t call volume. W hat’s my num ber? 1. Make sure W ireless Mode is on (see page 13). 2. Pr ess P hon e .
16 :: Making your first call.
first day: l earn ing the basic s :: 17 first day: learning the basics.
18 :: Moving aroun d the Treo™ scre en Moving around the T reo™ screen T o move a round t he T reo™ 600 smartphone screen, you ca n use t he 5-way naviga tion contr ol, or tap i tems on the s creen wit h the styl us.
Moving arou nd the Treo ™ scree n :: 19 • T ap an onscreen scro ll arrow: • Press Option and Up or Down to scroll to th e next page of in formation within t he current reco rd. • Whe n inside a t ext fie ld, pre ss Up and Down to s croll thro ugh th e tex t.
20 :: Moving aroun d the Treo™ scre en Y ou can also use the styl us to hig hli ght te xt on the scre en. H ighlight ed t ex t appea rs in reverse t ype. • Dr ag t he s tylu s a cros s th e tex t you wan t t o hig hli ght. • Double-tap a word to highli ght it .
Moving arou nd the Treo ™ scree n :: 21 Selecti ng m enu i tem s . Many appli c at ions ha ve menus to p rovide access to addit i on al f ea tu res. T hese menus are usua lly hid den from vi ew , but t hey appear wh en you pres s Menu .
22 :: Moving aroun d the Treo™ scre en Choosing options in a pick list A range of opti ons is often presented in a t ype of menu ca lled a pic k li st, whic h can be ident ified by a d ownward-po inting a rrow . Pic k lists are di ffe rent from th e applic ation menus de scribed above.
Using the ke yboard :: 23 Using the keyboard Using th e keyboard bac klight • T o turn on the bac klig ht, press Op tion , then . The backli ght may not be vis ible in bright s unlight.
24 :: Using the keyboar d Entering low ercase and u ppe rcase letter s • T o type lowercase letters, press the desired key s. • T o type an uppercas e lette r, press Shift , then type a letter . Y ou don ’t need t o hold down Shift whi le typin g a lett er .
Using the keyboard :: 25 Symbols and accented c har acters T ype... then pres s Alt to c hoose... T ype... then pr es s Alt t o c hoose... T ype... then pres s A lt to choo se.
26 :: Launching applicatio ns Launc hing applicat ions Eac h of the three appl ication buttons o n the fron t of the T reo ca n be used to launc h two appl ications. T o access a butt on’s pri mary app licatio n, simply press th e button. T o access a but ton’s s econdary ap plicat ion, press Option , then pre ss the ap plicati on button.
Launching ap plications :: 27 Button Primary application Secondary application Phone + Blazer ® We b B r o w s e r Calendar + Memo Pad SM S + M M S Screen (on/o ff) + Keyguard In Palm OS ® , you access all available applica tions thr ough a screen calle d the Applica tions La uncher: 1.
28 :: Setting up your computer Setting up your compu t er Synchronization lets you enter information on your computer (using Palm ® Desktop or Microsoft Outlook for W indows) and then efficiently transfer t hat information to your T reo. At the same time, c hanges you make on your T reo are transferred to Pa lm Desktop or Microsoft Outlook.
Setting up your computer :: 29 Conne cti ng your T r eo to you r comp ut er 1. Plug the A C charger int o a wall outlet. If necessa ry connect an adapte r . 2. Connect th e charge r to the short e nd of the HotSyn c cable. B e sure to mat ch t he side s of th e con nec tor s la bele d U P .
30 :: Setting up your computer Inst a lling Pal m Desktop soft w are on you r comput er Y our computer needs all of its resour ces availa ble to in stall the desktop sync hroniz ation so ftware. F ollow th ese guidel ines for a successful instal lation: 1.
Synch ron izing conta cts and othe r perso nal d a ta :: 31 Sync hronizing contacts and other personal data Before you ca n sync hroniz e your cont acts and ot her persona l data, y ou must in stall Pal m Deskto p software from the CD that ca me with your T reo.
32 :: Battery life Battery lif e Battery lif e depends on i ndividual usage . W hen used as a phone, your T reo batt ery provid es appro ximat ely 4 hours of talk ti me or 10 days o f standby time on t he 1900 M H z band. T alk time is sligh tly lower wh en operatin g on the cel lular 800 M Hz ban d.
Battery life :: 33 • As with any mobi le phone, if you are in an area with no wir eless covera ge, your T reo continuou sly sear che s for a sig nal, whic h consumes power . If you cannot move to an area of bett er coverage, temp orarily tur n off Wire less Mode to conserve battery po wer.
34 :: Where to le arn more W here to learn more A quick introd uction to you r new T reo • Tu t o r i a l : The T utori al teac hes you how to use man y fea tures of your T reo. I t is already i nstalle d on your T reo, and y ou can la unch i t any time.
first week: us ing phone, w eb, and messaging :: 35 first week: using phone, web, and messaging.
36 :: Phone overv iew Phone overview Th e Phone app licatio n lets you mak e and receive calls, st ore informa tion about your contact s, and sto re Fav orites for con tacting peo ple and l aunch ing applica tions. Be sure yo u know how to turn on W ireless Mode before readi ng this secti on (see page 1 3).
Phon e o verview :: 37 Y ou can use the icons a t the top of the Phone screen t o monitor t he status of these it em s: Network name Displays V erizo n Wireles s when W ireless Mode is on and you are in a V erizo n coverage a rea. If you are out side a V erizon co verage area , No Service or Roaming appears instead.
38 :: Dialing calls Dialing calls Y our T reo off ers several option s fo r making ph one call s . As y ou become more famil i ar with you r T reo, you ’ll dis cover whic h method you pref er . Dialing with t he ke yboard 1. P ress Pho ne . 2. Usi ng th e nu mb ered ke ys on th e k eyboard, t ype a pho ne n um ber .
Dialing calls :: 39 Dialin g with a Favorites but ton Before you ca n use F avorites buttons, y ou must c reate some F avorites entries . See page 51. 1. Pr ess P hon e . 2. U se t he 5 -w ay n a vig ati on co ntr ol to acc e ss y our Fav ori tes b utt o ns.
40 :: Dialing calls Dialing from a web page or text message T reo recogni zes most pho ne numbers that appea r in web pages or te xt messa ges. 1. Use th e 5-way navi gation con t rol to highligh t the phone number you want to di al. 2. P ress Cent er to dia l.
Receiving calls :: 41 Receiving call s T o receiv e calls, W ireless Mode must be on. Thi s is diff erent from having just the screen tur ned on (see page 13). T o answer a ca ll, do o ne of the fol lowing: • Using the 5-wa y navigati on contro l, c hoose the onscreen Answe r butt on.
42 :: Using voicemail Using vo ic e ma il Setting up voic email If you s ubscribe to voicemail services, you are prompted to en ter a pas sword the fi rst time you call voicemail. 1. T urn on W ireless Mode, as desc ribed on page 13. 2. P ress Pho ne .
Using voicem ail :: 43 V oicem ail n otifi cation W hen you have new vo icema il, yo u are noti fied wi th an aler t th at indi cates the number of mes sag es you ha ve wa it ing . A v oicemail icon m ay a lso a pp ear n ear t he t op of your scre en.
44 :: Managing activ e calls Managing active calls W hen you make or receiv e a call, t he Active Call view appears . Use the 5- way navigat ion cont rol to access the onscree n buttons in this v iew: • Hang Up Al l (or pressing Backs pace ): Ends the call im mediately .
More ways to man age calls :: 45 More ways to manage calls T reo offe rs many ad vanced tele phone fe a tures, i ncludin g call wait ing and conf erence calling. Making a s econd c all Y ou can make a s econd call whi le your fir st call is stil l active.
46 :: More ways to man age calls Answerin g a s econ d call (cal l w aiti ng) W hen you are on an act ive call, y ou can receiv e a second call . W hen the s econd call comes in, t he Call W a iting d.
More ways to man age calls :: 47 V iewing m inutes us a ge 1. Pr ess P hon e . 2. Press Menu . 3. From the V iews menu, c hoose Call L og (/Y). 4. Choose T otals. 5. (Optional .) T o rese t the count ers to zero, c hoose Reset Co unters. 6. Choose Done.
48 :: More ways to man age calls W hen V oice P rivacy is on, a icon appears t o the right of t he current t ime. If V oic e Pri vacy is sup ported by the network , a icon als o appears on t he Active Cal l screen. W hen L ocatio n On is on, th e Loca tion icon appear s with t ransmiss ion lines.
Managing contacts :: 49 Managing contact s Contact s is a view i n the Phone appli cation. If you are fa miliar with P alm P owered™ devices, you may recog nize tha t Contacts is simil ar to the Addres s Book appl ication on previ ous devices. Addi ng a con t act 1.
50 :: Managing contacts V iewing or changin g co nt a ct infor mation 1. In th e Contacts l ist, b egin typi ng one of the f ollowing for the co ntact you wa nt to view or edi t: • F irst initial and las t name •F i r s t n a m e •L a s t n a m e 2.
Defining Favori tes buttons :: 51 Defining F avorites butt ons T reo provi des 50 program mable F avorit es button s for qui ck acc ess to the followi ng common tas ks: • Dialing a pho ne number (sp.
52 :: Defining Favorite s bu tton s Creating a s p eed d ia l Fav orit es bu tton 1. P ress Pho ne . 2. Use th e 5-way navig ation con trol to access your F avorites butto ns. 3. Choos e a blank but ton. 4. Choos e the T ype pic k list, the n select Sp eed Dial .
Defining Favori tes buttons :: 53 Creating an a pplication, me ssage , or web link Fa vorites button 1. Pr ess P hon e . 2. U se t he 5 -w ay n a vig ati on co ntr ol to acc e ss y our Fav ori tes b utt o ns. 3. C h oo se a blan k bu tto n. 4. Choose th e T ype pic k list , then sel ect Applica tion, Me ssage, or W eb Link .
54 :: Using a phone headse t Using a phone headset Y ou can connect a phone he adset for h ands-free operation . If you need to use your phone whi le drivin g, and thi s is permitted in y our area, we recommend using a phone hea dset .
Browsing th e web :: 55 Browsing the web Blazer ® W eb Browser provid es quic k and easy access t o web pages ri ght on yo ur T reo. Y ou can view the reg ular sites you use toda y , including t hose wit h security an d advanced f eatures like J avaScript a nd frames.
56 :: Browsing the w eb Navigat i ng in Optimi ze d Mode Blazer uses a paten t -pending tec hnolo gy to optim ize web pa ges for your T reo. By default , the browser re formats web pages into one colum n on your scree n. This way , you can see mo st content wit hout scrollin g left or right.
Browsing th e web :: 57 3. From the Page menu, c hoose Add Bo okmark (/A). 4. If desi red, c hange the Na me and Descri ption. 5. Choose OK. Sav ing a pa ge Blazer lets you save a p age for off line viewin g, so you don’t need an Inter net connecti on to view i t later .
58 :: Browsing the w eb V iewing bookmarks or saved pages Bookmarks and saved pages both appear in Bookmark view . Saved p a ges are indica ted by a smal l triangle in the up per-right corner of the bookma rk. 1. Choos e the Bookmark s view ico n . 2.
Browsing th e web :: 59 Arranging bookmarks an d saved pages Blazer i ncludes 10 pages for arr anging bookmarks and saved page s by topic . F or exa mple, you ca n stor e travel l inks on on e page, st oc k links on another , and bus iness links on a third pa ge.
60 :: Browsing the w eb Naviga ting w eb sites with spli t pag es (Fr ame s) Some web sites s plit th eir pages i nto sepa rate areas, eac h with their o wn scroll bars. Y ou can navigate t hese sites m ore easi ly by “zoom ing in” on one of the separat e areas.
Browsing th e web :: 61 Finding te xt on a web pag e 1. From the Pa ge view , press Me nu . 2. From the Pa ge menu, c hoose Find T ex t on Pag e. 3. T ype the te xt you wa nt to find.
62 :: Browsing the w eb 4. Choos e Advanced and s et any of the following pref erences: • Set limit on memory for st oring recentl y viewed pa ges (cac he): Sets th e amount of me mory used for yo ur cache . Pages are cac hed so they lo ad faster the ne xt time you view t hem.
Working with pic tures :: 63 W orki ng with pictures Th ere are two mode ls of T reo 600 availa ble throug h V erizon: one co mes with a camera and the ot her does not come with a camera . T he pack aging for y our T reo 600 identi fies whethe r a camera is incl uded.
64 :: Working with pictures V iewing a picture 1. Choos e the Pic tures vi ew icon . 2. Choos e the picture you want to view . 3. Choos e Done. Sendin g a pic t ur e Y ou can send a pictu re to other pi cture-enabled mobile phone s, to an email addres s, or to t he Pix Pla ce websit e.
Working with pic tures :: 65 Moving pict u res 1. From the Pictures view , choose t he picture you want to move. 2. Press Menu . 3. From the Picture m enu, c hoose Move (/ M). 4. Choose the ca tegory or e xpansion card where you want to mov e the picture.
66 :: Working with pictures Customi zing y our Pic tures s etting s 1. F rom any vi ew in the Pi ctures appl icati on, press Menu . 2. F rom the O ptions men u, ch oose Pr eferences. 3. Set any of the fol lowing pre fer ences: • Default na me*: Names a s eries of pict ures to be ca ptured, su ch as Seattl e001, Seattle002, e tc.
Working with pic tures :: 67 V iewing pictur es on your computer ( W indows o nly) W h en yo u per form a HotSync opera tio n, your T reo images are co pi ed to your d esk t op computer . Y ou can vi ew these pictur es in JP EG format, or em ail th em to frien ds us ing your des ktop email applic ation.
68 :: SMS SMS T e xt messa ges ar e brief n otes that you exc hange wi th othe r mobile ph ones that have text messaging capability (also known as short mes saging or S M S). Message s m ust be 160 charac ters or les s. Ref er to your serv ice plan for per -message pricing.
SMS :: 69 Receivi ng mes s ag es W hen your phone is on a nd in an ar ea of wireless coverage, you will automatical ly receive t ex t messag es sent to you. Y ou can configur e your T reo to automati cally no tify you when n ew tex t messages a rrive, us ing a ringto ne and vibration or s imply an onscreen a lert.
70 :: SMS Using links in me ss a g es W hen you recei ve a text message that contains a tel ephone number , email address, or UR L, you can dial the number , send an e mail mes sage, or go t o the web pa ge immedia tely . 1. Choos e a message fr om the list .
SMS :: 71 In list vi ew you can rearrange th e messages in any folder using the Sort command . 1. From list view , press Menu . 2. From the V iew menu, ch oose Sort by Name or Sort b y Date. In list v iew you can delete s everal mes sages at once from any folde r using th e Purg e command.
72 :: SMS 1. F rom th e Inbox, cho ose a c hat. 2. T ype your messa ge. 3. Choos e Send. Custo mizin g you r SM S set tings 1. P ress Men u . 2. F rom the O ptions men u, ch oose Pr eferences. 3. Set any of the fol lowing pre fer ences: • Messages : Y our pref erences for indiv idual text m essages.
SMS :: 73 • Display my name in ch at window a s: Enter the n a me you wan t display ed as the label for your m essages in the Chat scre en. • Lab e l Co lo r: Select the color i n which y ou want mess ages to appea r .
74 :: MMS MM S Multi media messag es conta in one or more p ages of pictures and sounds as well as text. Even if your phone does not include a camera, you can still receive and view pictu res.
MMS :: 75 6. From the M MS list view , choos e New . 7 . If the recipi ent is in your Cont acts list , cho ose the T o pic k list , then se lect Address Book Lo okup. Otherwis e, type th e number of a phone that s upports mu ltimedi a messaging , or an email addres s or alias.
76 :: MMS Receivi ng m ultime dia me ss ages Y ou can automaticall y download n e w messages or have T reo notify you t hat a mess age is read y t o dow nlo ad. I n e ithe r c ase, a n a lert ap pea rs w hen you have a new message. • From the alert : • T o view your mes sage(s), c hoose Go T o.
MMS :: 77 V iewing / play ing a mu lti media mess ag e 1. Fro m t h e I nb ox, choos e th e me ssag e yo u wa nt to view. 2. If the re are sound s or multi ple pag es, playb a ck wi ll begin immedi ately . 3. Use the ons creen control s to scro ll to oth er pages and me ssages.
78 :: MMS Manag in g mu ltimed ia mess age s Y ou can rear range message s in any folder u sing the Sort command . 1. From lis t view, pre ss M enu . 2. F rom the V iew menu, c hoose Sort b y Name or Sort by Date. In list view you can delete seve ral messages at once from any fol der using t he Purg e command.
MMS :: 79 4. Choose OK..
80 :: MMS.
first two weeks : using organizer features :: 81 first two weeks: using organizer fe a t u r e s.
82 :: Calendar Calendar Displa ying y our calend ar • Press Calenda r repeate dly to cy cle through th e various active vi ews. • Use the 5-way navig ation con trol to move to anoth er day , week, or month (depending on the curren t view). • C hoo se Go or pre ss M enu .
Calendar :: 83 5. C hoose O K. 6. T ype a descripti on for the even t. Addi ng an alarm remi nd er to an event 1. In Calen dar , highlight the event. 2. Choose Det ails. 3. Check the Alarm box a nd c h oos e th e n um ber of minutes, h ours , o r d ays b efore t he event you would lik e to recei ve the ala rm.
84 :: Calendar Creating an untimed ev ent An untime d event, s uch as a b irthday or anniversar y , does not o ccur at a part icular time. 1. P ress Cale ndar until you a re in Day vie w . 2. P ress L eft and Ri ght t o go to the da te of the ev ent. 3.
Calendar :: 85 5. If the event has an ending dat e, c hoose the End on pic k list, the n select Choose Date, and s elect t he ending d ate. 6. Choose OK. Customi zi ng ge ner al p r ef ere nces for you r cal end a r 1. Press Menu . 2. From t he O pt ions me nu, ch oos e Prefer en ces (/ R).
86 :: Calendar • Button V iews: The views that appear when y ou press C alendar repeat edly . By default , you see Day and Mont h V iews, but you can a lso see W eek, W eek with T ext, Y ear, and Dail y Jour nal V iews.
Calendar :: 87 Customi zi ng T o Do Lis t p ref ere nces for you r calenda r Y ou can display T o Do items in you r calendar t o keep on top of y our tas ks. 1. Press Calendar until yo u a re in Day view . 2. Press Menu . 3. From t he O pt ions me nu, ch oos e T o Do Prefer ence s.
88 :: To Do List To D o L i s t Y ou can use T o Do List as a reminde r of tasks you need to com plete and to keep a record of complet e tasks. Adding a T o Do item 1. P ress Appl ications L aunch er . 2. Choos e the pic k list in the upper- right corn er, the n select All.
To Do List :: 89 Setting item priori ty , due date, and other details Th e Details di a log enables you t o assign a priority level, du e date, category , pr ivacy flag, an d note to eac h item. 1. Highli ght the i tem to whic h you want to assign details.
90 :: To Do List Checking off a T o Do item 1. Choos e the item you want to c heck off. 2. Hol d Option and pres s Return . Deleting a T o Do item 1. H ighli ght the i tem yo u wa nt to de lete. 2. P ress Men u . 3. F rom the Recor d m enu, c hoose Del ete Item (/ D).
To Do List :: 91 • Show Due Dates: Displa ys item due dat es, and insert s an e xclamation mark next to overdu e items. • S how Priori ties: Displays the priority setting for each item. • Show Categories: D isplays the categor y for eac h item. 3.
92 :: Memo Pad Memo P ad Memos a re a great wa y to st ore note s on your T reo. Creating a memo 1. P ress Appl ications L aunch er . 2. Choos e the pic k list in the upper- right corn er, the n select All. 3. Choos e the Memo P ad icon. 4. Ente r the te xt you wa nt to ap pear in the memo.
CityTime :: 93 CityT i me Th e CityT ime wo rld clo ck displa ys the d ay and t ime in yo ur home c ity and in four other cities aro und t he globe . W hether you’re tra vel i ng or at home, it’ s easy to keep tr ac k of the best time to reac h your business associate s, friends , and family in fa raway plac es.
94 :: CityTime Selectin g re mote c ities In addi tion to your Home City , you can display the day an d time for fou r other ci ties, called rem ote cities , anywhere a round the gl obe. 1. Use the sty lus to t ap a pic k list in the low er part o f th e CityT im e screen , then select the c ity clo ses t to the ci ty y ou w ant to d ispl ay .
Calculator :: 95 Calculator Calculator includes a basic calcula tor , plus an advan ced calcul ator with sci entific , financi al, and conv ersion fu nctions . Switc hing between Basic and Advan ced Calcul at or modes 1. Press Applic ations Laun cher .
96 :: Calculator Selectin g f uncti ons in Adva nced Calcul ator m ode 1. Sw it ch to Ad van ced C al cula tor mode (s ee ab ove) . 2. Choos e the pic k list near the up per-left part of th e screen, .
Calculator :: 97 3. Choose th e pic k list nea r the upper- middle o f the screen, then sel ect how to display decimal values: • Float (Floatin g point): P osition o f decimal point vari es accordi ng to calcul ation resu lts.
98 :: Looking up co ntac ts and other in form ation L ooking up contacts and other information W ith the built-i n search f eatures on your T reo, you ca n find info rmation quic kly: • Na me Lookup: E nables you t o dial you r Contact s by name. It locates people’ s phone numb ers when yo u’re in the Contact s list.
Looking up contacts and oth er information :: 99 F or e xample, e ntering SM displa ys Smilla Anderson, Joh n Sm ith, and Sally Martin as shown above. Enteri ng JS M finds onl y John Smith. 4. Do one of the fo llowing : • Highlight t he contact name, the n press Center to view t he contents of the record.
100 :: Looking up co ntac ts and other in form atio n 4. In th e searc h results, c hoose the tex t you want t o review , or c hoose Find More to searc h additional applic ations.
Beaming information :: 101 Beaming information Y our T reo is equ ipped with a n I R (infrared) por t that le ts you beam i nformation t o another Palm P owered™ d evice with an I R port. T he IR port is located on the top of your T reo, bet ween the W ireles s Mode butt on and th e ringer switc h, behin d the sma ll dark shield.
102 :: Beaming info rm ation Beamin g an applic at ion Not al l app licatio ns ca n be be amed. A loc k i con appear s on t he Beam s creen ne xt to appli cations that canno t be beame d. 1. P ress Appl ications L aunch er . 2. P ress Men u . 3. F rom the App m enu, c hoose Beam (/ B).
Beaming information :: 103 Rece ivi ng be am ed inf ormatio n 1. T urn on your screen. 2. P oint th e I R port on yo ur T reo directly at the IR port of the transmitt ing devi ce to open the Be am Statu s dialog . 3. W hen the Be am dialog app ears, c hoos e a categor y for the en try .
104 :: Beaming info rm ation.
first month: m a n aging ap plications :: 105 first month: managing applications.
106 :: Installing applicatio ns Installing applicatio ns Y our T reo™ 600 smartphone comes wi t h s ever al built-in app lications that ar e ready t o use. Y ou can also ins tall third- party P alm OS ® appl icati ons, suc h as business software, ga mes, a nd more.
Installing ap pli catio ns :: 107 Inst a ll ing app li ca tio ns from a Windows computer 1. Double-c lick th e .prc or .pdb file y ou want to i nstall on your T reo. 2. A dialog may a ppear with a User drop-d own list . Select yo ur User Name fr om the list.
108 :: Installing applicatio ns Inst a ll ing app li cation s from a M ac int osh compu ter 1. On your M acintosh, launc h P alm Deskto p. 2. F rom the Hot Sync menu, c hoose Ins tall Han dheld Fil es. 3. Select the User Name t hat correspon ds to your T reo phone from the User drop - down menu.
Removing app lications :: 109 Removing appl ications If you d ecide that you no longer need an app lication, or want to free up memory on your T reo, you can rem ove appl ica ti ons from you r T reo or a n e xpansion card (for mo re on ex pansion ca rds, see page 111).
110 :: Using Application I nfo Using Applicati on Info Th e Info scree ns disp lay basic st atisti cs about the app licati ons on your T reo. 1. P ress Appl ications L aunch er .
Using ex pa nsion cards :: 111 Using e xpansi on cards Th e expans ion slot on your T reo enab les you to add Secure Digi tal (SD™) cards and MultiM edia™ Cards (MMC) to extend the stora ge capacity of y our T reo.
112 :: Using expa nsion card s 3. Hold y our T reo with the scr een faci ng you, a nd the card wit h the notc h in the lower- right corn er next to the stylus. 4. Inse rt the card i nto the e xpansion slot until you f eel the card l ock int o place and hear the co nfirmatio n tone.
Using ex pa nsion cards :: 113 Copy ing a ppli ca tio ns to an expans i on card Y ou can copy applicati ons between your T reo and your e xpansion card. 1. Press Applic ations Laun cher . 2. Press Menu . 3. From the App menu, c hoose Copy (/C). 4. Choose th e Copy T o pick list , then s elect th e destina tion: card na me or P hone.
114 :: Using expa nsion card s V iewing e xpans ion card i nforma tion Th e Card Info a pplicati on displ ays general i nformatio n about the ex pansi on card that is current ly in th e expa nsion slot 1. P ress Appl ications L aunch er . 2. Choos e the pic k list in the upper- right corn er, the n select All.
when you’re read y: custom izing y our Treo™ :: 115 when you’re ready: customizing your T reo™.
116 :: Phone se ttings Phone settings Selectin g ring ton es an d me ss a ging al ert to nes Y ou can set diff erent tone s and vol umes for inco ming phone ca lls, Cal endar alarm s, and M M S and S M S mess aging alerts . 1. P ress Appl ications L aunch er .
Phone settings :: 117 • Service T one: A warn ing of a se rvice c hange, such as moving in to a nd out of a mobile network coverage area. • Calendar • Alarm Sound: The ton e played t he first time your a larm goes off. • Rem ind er S ou nd: The tone pl ayed if a n alarm is not ac knowle dged and the alarm re peats.
118 :: Phone se ttings Assign ing a calle r I D pict ure and ring tone 1. P ress Pho ne . 2. P ress Up to acces s your Fa vorite s buttons . 3. High light the Favo rites butt on you wa nt to give a picture ca ller ID. 4. P ress Men u . 5. F rom the E dit menu, cho ose Edit F avorite s Button ( / E).
Phone settings :: 119 Choosing wallpaper for the Phone scree n If you have i mages store d on your T reo, you can sele ct diff erent wallp aper for the Main view in t he Phone ap plicati on. 1. Pr ess P hon e . 2. Press Menu . 3. From t he O pt ions me nu, ch oos e Di spl a y Pre feren ces.
120 :: System S ound settings System S ound settings Y ou can immediately silence all sounds on your T reo, i ncluding p hone ringt ones, Calenda r alerts, and syst em sounds . Thi s does no t mute th e speake r on your T reo during a pho ne call. 1. Slide t he ring er switc h to Sound Mode Off .
Display and appearance :: 121 Display and appearance T urnin g th e key board bac klight on and off • T o turn the key board bac klight o n, press Opt ion , then . The b ackl ight illuminates the k eys, and th e screen dims slightly . • T o turn the keyboard b ackl ight off, press Option , then a gain.
122 :: Display and appearance Chan ging the s creen fon t Y ou can change t he font i n Calendar , Contac ts, Memo P ad, SM S, and T o Do List. 1. Laun ch t he applic ation in wh ich y ou want t o c hange the fon t. 2. P ress Men u . 3. F rom the Opti ons menu, ch oose F ont (/ F).
Application s Launche r settings :: 123 Appli cations Laun c her settings Arranging appl icati ons by c ategory Y ou can assign an appli cation to a category an d then di splay a spe cific cat egory of appli cations in t he Applications Launc her. 1. Press Applic ations Laun cher .
124 :: Button settings Button setti ngs Buttons Pre ferenc es Y ou can use Buttons P refere nces to c hoose w hich applicati ons are as sociated with the butt ons on yo ur T reo. 1. P ress Appl ications L aunch er . 2. Choos e the pic k list in the upper- right corn er, the n select All.
Button settings :: 125 Settin g def ault appl icati ons Some applicati ons look for othe r applications to handle data (for e xample, a mail appli cation might launc h a browser when you choose a link i n an email me ssage). 1. Press Applic ations Laun cher .
126 :: Date and time settings Date and time settings Setting the date and t ime Y ou can use Date & T ime P ref erences to s et the tim e, date , time zone , and da ylight saving s settin g for your T reo.
Date and time settings :: 127 Sett ing da te and tim e form at s Y ou can use Fo rmats Pref erences to choo se number conventio ns based on geograp hic regio ns. F or example, in the Un ited King dom, time is express ed using a 24-hour cl ock. I n the Unite d States, time is e xpressed using a 12- hour clock with a n AM or PM suffix .
128 :: General Prefe rences General P ref erences Y ou can use General P references t o set the aut o shutoff in terval , the beam recei ve f eature, sou nds, and scr een colors for your T reo. 1. P ress Appl ications L aunch er . 2. Choos e the pic k list in the upper- right corn er, the n select All.
Locking yo ur phone and data :: 129 L oc king your phone an d data Y our T reo inclu des sev eral feature s t hat he lp y ou p rot ect y o ur ph one fr om inadver tent use and keep y o ur da t a pri va te. T he built-in s ecuri ty software enab les yo u t o us e yo ur T reo for emergen cy calls ev en if the handse t is loc k ed.
130 :: Locking you r pho ne and data Ke y g ua rd Y our T reo includes a f eature that loc ks t he k eyboard, so t hat scre en item s and b utton s aren’t accidentally press ed while t he phone is in a poc ket or ba g. 1. W ith the T reo screen on , press O ption and the Scr een button to enable Key gu a rd .
Locking yo ur phone and data :: 131 Phone Lock Y ou can lock y our phone to p revent u nauthoriz ed use of y our mobile a ccount. W hen your phon e is loc ked, yo u must enter t he correct L ock Code to make ca lls. Y ou can, however , still place emerge ncy calls wh en you phon e is loc ked, and you can also receive calls.
132 :: Locking you r pho ne and data System pa ssword lock Y ou can protect you r person al info rmation b y loc kin g the sys tem so t hat a passw ord is required t o access any da ta or use other f eatures of your T reo. 1. P ress Appl ications L aunch er .
Locking yo ur phone and data :: 133 Setting Ow ner Pref eren ces Y ou can use O wner Pr efer ences to record in forma tion such as you r name, compan y name, an d phone number .
134 :: Locking you r pho ne and data Private reco rds In most a pplicati ons you can ma rk indiv idual entri es as pri vate. All private ent ries remain v isible a nd accessib le until y ou select the Securit y setti ng to hide or mask them. W hen you hi de entri es, they d o not appea r anywhere in t he appl ication.
Locking yo ur phone and data :: 135 V iewing al l pr i vate re co r d s 1. M ak e su re t he re co rds you w an t to m ask a re m ar ked priv at e. 2. Press Applic ations Laun cher . 3. Choose the pi ck li st in the upper- right corne r , then select Al l.
136 :: Locking you r pho ne and data Security and Pal m ® Des k t op (Windows ) Pa lm Deskt op for W indows o bserves the secur ity p assword fo r your T reo. If y ou forge t your T reo pass word, you cannot vi ew your da ta in P alm Des ktop . Y ou can c hang e your password, but all records marked as Private will be deleted.
if something h appens : help :: 137 if something happens: help.
138 :: Upgrading from another Palm Power ed ™ device Upgrading from anothe r P alm P ow ered™ dev i ce T o trans fer a ll compa tible a pplic ations an d data from y our previou s devi ce to your new T reo™ 600 smartp hone: 1.
Upgrading fr om another Palm Powered™ device :: 139 • Applicat ions Launc her: So me previous P alm P owered™ devi ces called t his the Home screen .
140 :: Trouble installin g Palm Desktop? T rouble in stal ling P alm Desktop? Th e CD included wit h your T reo insta lls th e software and driver s that le t you sync hroniz e with P alm Desktop soft ware or Mic rosoft O utlook f or W indows .
Resetting your Tr eo :: 141 Resetti ng your T reo Soft re set A soft rese t is similar to restarti ng a compute r . If your T reo is not respon ding or you have trou ble sync hronizing w ith your compu t er, a soft reset may hel p. Unless your batter y is e xtremely l ow , a sof t reset sho uld not aff ect your data.
142 :: Resetting your Treo 1. Unscrew t he stylu s tip to a ccess the res et tool . 2. W hile holding Up , use the reset t ool to gen tly pr ess the res et button on the back of your T reo. 3. W hen the Pal m P owered l ogo appear s, releas e Up . Hard reset A hard rese t erases a ll data and third-p arty softw are on your T reo.
Screen :: 143 Screen The screen appe ars b lank 1. Look cl osely at t he screen . If you ca n see a dim i mage, tr y adjusti ng the screen contrast and brightness (see page 121). 2. If adj usti ng the con trast a nd brig htness doe sn’t resolve the prob lem, perfo rm a so ft reset (see page 141).
144 :: Network conn ec tion Network connecti on Signal str e ngth is we ak 1. If st anding, m ove about 10 f eet in a ny directi on. 2. If you are i n a building , move near a wi ndow . Open any metal bl inds. 3. If you are i n a building , move outdoo rs or to a m ore open area.
Network co nnectio n :: 145 I can’t tell if da t a serv ices a re a vailab le • The following icons indicate data services: Y ou are in a coverage ar ea where dat a services a re availa ble, but i t does n ot in dicate wh ether you a re conn ected to a data net work.
146 :: Network conn ec tion • For add itiona l sugge stions, see www .palmOne. com/suppor t. • Contact V erizon to verify th at your subs criptio n plan incl udes high -speed da ta services and th a t these ser v ices ha ve be en corr ect l y act iva te d.
Synchroniz ation (Ho t S ync) :: 147 Sync hronization (Ho tSync) Sync hroni zation le ts you bac k up your T reo data ont o your co mputer . If y ou ever nee d to perfo rm a hard reset or othe rwis e e rase al l you r d ata on you r T reo, you can perf orm a HotSync ope rat ion t o re st ore the da t a.
148 :: S ync hroni zat ion ( HotS ync ) 4. P erform a soft reset (see page 141). 5. If pr oble ms persis t a nd you’ re sy nc hroniz ing t hrough a USB hub, t ry co nnecting th e HotSync ca ble to a diff erent USB port, or dire ctly to your computer’ s built-in USB port.
Synchroniz ation (Ho t S ync) :: 149 HotSync oper at ion fini shes b ut d at a do es not a ppear w here it should 1. Make sure yo u’re sync hroni zing wi th the inte nded desk top P ersonal Infor mation Manager (PIM ). The CD that came with your T reo l ets you sync hronize with Palm Desktop o r Microsoft O utlook for W indows.
150 :: Web We b I ca n’t a ccess a page • Make sur e Wi reless Mo de is tu rned on (see pag e 13) a nd that th e Data Service s icon appea rs in t he Main view of t he Phone a pplicat ion (near th e top of the screen) .
Pictures :: 151 Pictures If your T reo 600 does not i nc lude a ca mera , th en t he i nformation in thi s s ect ion a bout taking p ictures d oes not ap ply to you. Here are s ome tips fo r taking good pictures if your model include s a camera: • Clean the camera’s l ens with a soft, lint -free clot h.
152 :: Third-party application s T hird-party applications Sometimes, thi rd-party applic a tions ca n cause confl icts on you r T reo. Th ird-pa rty appli cations t hat modify wireless f eatures may require extra troub leshooti ng. If you re cently ins talle d an applica tion and y our T reo seems t o be stuc k, try the following: 1.
Making r oom on your Treo :: 153 Making room on your T reo If you s tore a lar ge number of reco rds, or ins tall man y third-p arty appli cations , the internal memory on yo ur T reo may fill up. H ere are some comm on ways to clear sp ace on your T reo: • Picture s: Lar ge size image s take up a lot of me mory .
154 :: Voice quality V oice qu ality Is th e ot her pe rson he arin g an ec ho? • T ry decreasing t he T reo’s volume to a void cou pling or f eedbac k on the other person ’s end. T his applies to both speakerp hone and t he built- in hand set spea ker .
156 :: Glossary Glossary Alt (altern a tive ) : A keyb oard k ey. T ype a le tter on the keybo ard, then pre ss Alt to access vari ation s such as international characters and s ymb ols. Applica tions La uncher : The vi ew on your T reo ™ 6 00 smartphone f rom w hich you c an lau nch all applicatio ns .
Glossary :: 157 Palm OS: The operating sys tem of your T reo phone. A trademark of PalmS ource, Palm OS is know n for its simplicity o f us e and for the large numbe r of ap plications that can be adde d to your T reo. Phone : The application o n your T reo tha t provides quick access to the most com m only used ap plic atio ns on your T reo.
158 :: F CC FC C FCC Statement This device co mplies with pa rt 15 of t he FC C rules. Operation is subjec t to the foll owing two condi tions: (1) This device m ay not cause harm ful inter ference, and (2) th is device must acce pt any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
FCC :: 159 Antenna Care/Unauthorized Modifi cations Use o nly the suppli ed integral ant enna. Unauthori zed antenna m odification s or attachmen ts could damage the unit and may vi olate FCC regulations.
160 :: F CC Blac kouts a nd Seizures Blinking lights , such as those experienced with television or play ing video gam es, may caus e some people to experien ce blackout or seizure, ev en if never experi enced befo re.
FCC :: 161 9. Use your phone to h elp others in emergencie s. Y our wireless ph one provides you a perfect oppor tunity to be a “good Sam aritan” in you r community. If you see an aut o accident, cri me in pro gress, or othe r serious emerge ncy where lives are in danger, call 9-1-1, as yo u would want others to do for y ou.
162 :: F CC.
Index :: 163 Inde x Numerics 1X icon 55, 64, 74, 145, 146, 150 24-hour clock 127 5-way navi gation contro l. See under five A AC cha r ge r 1 1 accented characters 24, 25 accessing applications 26, 27.
164 :: Index troublesho oting thir d- party 108, 152 viewing statis tics about 110 Applications Launcher 27, 112, 123 appointmen ts. Se e events Archive folder 109 area conver sio ns 96 assista nce 34.
Index :: 165 color pref ere nces system 122, 128 text mess ages 73 command b uttons 2 0 company searches 99 comp osing. S ee c reat ing ; ent eri ng compressed f iles 106 computers connecting han dset.
166 :: Index bookmarks 58 contacts 50 events 84 Favorites button 53 memos 92 multimedia messages 78 password s 130 pictures 65, 66 text messages 7 1, 72 To Do items 88, 90 Dial Extra Digits option 52 .
Index :: 167 feedba ck 154 files decompressing 106 downloading 59 financial calculator 95, 96 Find dialog box 99 Find More bu tton 99 finding information 98 owner ph one numbe r 1 5 text 61, 99 5-way .
168 :: Index installing applications 106, 107, 108, 124 Palm OS software 106, 140 synchroniza tion softwa re 28, 30 international char acters 25 Internet co nne ctions 1 3 , 10 6 invalid characte rs 6.
Index :: 169 Microsoft Wi ndo ws See Wind ows information MIDI files 74 MMC cards 111 MMS icon 74 MMS messaging 6, 74, 78 See also multimed ia message s mobile acc oun ts 34 mobile netw orks 13 mobile pho ne.
170 :: Index phone (disa bled) 11 Phone applicatio n accessing 36 creating busine ss cards with 50 managing cal ls from 4 4 , 45 managing contac ts from 49 monitoring info rmation for 3 7 Phon e butto.
Index :: 171 R receiving information 103 multimedia messages 74, 76, 78 phone c alls 41 text mess ages 69 recharging handset 32, 37 recordin g vo ice mes sages 42 , 75 recurrin g ev ents 84 red light .
172 :: Index seri a l ca b l es 2 8 sho rt m essa gi ng. S ee SM S messagin g; text messages shortcuts 21, 51, 139 Show Due Dates option 90 signal strength 11, 37, 144 signa ls 3 3 silencin g the ring.
Index :: 173 To Do Li st checking o ff items 90 creating 88 displaying item s in 87, 88, 9 0 prioritizing ite ms in 89, 91 removing item s 88, 90 setting pre fere nces for 87, 9 0 touchscr een .
174 :: Index warranty 111 web brows i ng customizing 61 over vi ew 55 requireme nts for 3, 6 troublesho oting 14 5 , 15 0 web links 19, 53, 56, 70 web page s adding bookm arks fo r 56 clearing cache f.
:: 175 * Ther e are two models of T reo 600 available through V erizon: one com es with a camera and the other does not come with a camera. The packaging for your T reo 600 identifies whether a camera is included.
176 ::.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Palm Treo 600 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Palm Treo 600 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Palm Treo 600 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Palm Treo 600 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Palm Treo 600, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Palm Treo 600.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Palm Treo 600. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Palm Treo 600 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.