Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto Systems del fabbricante Outback Power Systems
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Pr oduc t Guide P ow ering the Planet, One S yste m at a T ime.
W elc ome W elcome t o the fi h year o f OutBack P ower designing and ma nufacturing grea t prod ucts with you, our cust om- ers, in mind. Ou tBack ’ s ability to co ntin uously inno vat e and lead the ind ustr y as well as list en to our custo mers has been a major in fl uence in o ur success.
2005 OutBack Pow er Systems Inc. l 28 Index Sinewav e Inverter/Chargers 3 Charge C ontrollers 6 MA TE 7 Design by Karen O’Br yan Photograph y by Erik Stuhaug 1 3 Sinewav e Inverter/Charger 6 Charge .
28 l OutBack Pow er Systems Inc. 2005 Eur opean and Expor ts Wher ever you ar e in the world , OutBack ’ s Eur opean and Export off-grid in verter/charg ers are e ngineered to pr ovide yo ur home or b usiness with r eliable 50 Hz A C p ow er .
2005 OutBack Pow er Systems Inc. l 28 3 FX Sealed Inverter/Chargers e FX series is designed to sur vive in en vironmen ts that wo uld normally destro y other in verter/char gers. Pr otection fo r int ernal componen ts is pr ovided by o ur die-cast alumin um chassis wi th a p o wder coated fi nish to pr event co rrosion.
28 l OutBack Pow er Systems Inc. 2005 Off- Grid Specifications Sealed Models V ented Models FX2012T FX2524T FX3048T VFX2812 VFX3524 VFX3648 Nominal DC Input V oltage 12 VDC 24 VDC 48 VDC 12 VDC 24 V.
2005 OutBack Pow er Systems Inc. l 28 Mobile Specifications Sealed Models V ented Models FX2012MT FX2524MT FX2532MT VFX2812M VFX3524M VFX3232M Nominal DC Input V oltage 12 VDC 24 VDC 32 VDC 12 VDC 24.
28 l OutBack Pow er Systems Inc. 2005 Charge C ontroller MX60 e MX60 raises the bar fo r high per fo rmance solar con trollers. Ou tBack ’ s ingen uity and engineering experience has been comb ined to maximize the out put pow er of your expens ive solar arra y .
2005 OutBack Pow er Systems Inc. l 28 MA TE e MA TE system dis play and co ntro llers are co mplet e managemen t tools fo r your OutBack P ower system. rough the use of a sin gle MA TE you ca n remot ely manag e and moni tor m ultiple in verter/ char gers, MX60s and a ny fut ure OutBack pow er conv ersion a nd con trol pr oducts.
28 l OutBack Pow er Systems Inc. 2005 HUB e HUB syst em comm unications m an- agers a re the backbon e of your netw orked OutBack power co nv ersion syst em. e OutBack HUB comm unicat es stacking, load shar e and power sa ve off /on signals. In terco nnection cabling is sta ndard Ethernet CA T5 with RJ45 modular jacks.
2005 OutBack Pow er Systems Inc. l 28 RTS e OutBack Remo te T em perature Sensor (R TS) is a necessar y tool for p roper ba tter y cha rging. All OutBack pr oducts with integra ted bat ter y char ging have a t emperat ure com pensation sys tem built-in which benefi ts from the installatio n of the optio nal RTS.
28 l OutBack Pow er Systems Inc. 2005 1 0 PSX -240 e OutBack PSX-240 a uto tra nsformer ca n be us ed fo r step-up , step-do wn, genera tor a nd split ph ase outp ut balancing or a s a ser ies stack ed inverter to load balancing a uto-fo rmer .
2005 OutBack Pow er Systems Inc. l 28 1 1 Stacking A t OutBack, we adher e to a philosoph y that a po wer system sho uld be f ully custo mizable to addr ess your s p ecifi c needs. erefo re we set ou t to crea te the world ’ s only grou p of inv erter/charg ers that use a truly modular arc hitecture .
28 l OutBack Pow er Systems Inc. 2005 1 2 Grid-Inter ac tiv e Sy stem PS1 e PS1 is adva nced engineering and refin ement tha t you ha ve com e to expec t fro m OutBack P ower in a next genera tion grid-interactiv e solar electr ic syst em.
2005 OutBack Pow er Systems Inc. l 28 1 3 PS1 Specifications Sealed Models V ented Models PS1-2500 PS1-3000 Continuous P ower Rating At 40° C 2500 V A 3000 V A At 25° C 3000 V A 3600 V A AC V oltag.
28 l OutBack Pow er Systems Inc. 2005 S yst em Ac cessories PS2 OutBack P ow er off ers com pact enclosures fo r all of the A C and DC compon ents of a r enewable energy power con versio n system.
2005 OutBack Pow er Systems Inc. l 28 PS2 DC Break er Confi gura tions e PS2DC Breaker P anel ha s eight small .75" (19 mm), three medium 1" (26 mm) o r two larg e 1.5" (32 mm) breaker positio ns. e small sizes are 1-80 a mps, medium s izes are 100 or 125 am ps an the lar ge sizes are 175 o r 250 am ps.
28 l OutBack Pow er Systems Inc. 2005 S yst em Ac cessories PS4 e PS4 series is the ideal A C and DC enclosure syst em for medium t o large size renewab le energy p ow er con version sys tem. e PS4 is com prised of two com pact enclosures f or all of your sy stem ’ s AC and DC com ponen ts.
2005 OutBack Pow er Systems Inc. l 28 PS4 Mounting Plate e PS4MP is a steel po wder coated, o ne-part moun ting pla te for all your PS4 series accesso- ries and up t o four OutBack I nv erter/Chargers. PS4 Mounting Plate Specifica tions Model Dimensions Unit (H x W xD ) Dimensions Shipping (H x W x D ) W eight Shipping PS4MP 25.
28 l OutBack Pow er Systems Inc. 2005 S yst em C omponents OutBack AC Br eakers H ydra ulic-Magnetic type breakers tha t are D IN rail “ snap-in ” mountabl e and can be used for in- pu t, outp ut or load cir cuits.
2005 OutBack Pow er Systems Inc. l 28 X -240 Auto T ransf ormer e same a uto tra nsformer a nd br ea ker s as the PSX-240 but designed to be housed within the PS2A C or PS4A C. I t can be used for s tep-up , step-do wn, generat or and sp lit phase ou tpu t ba lancin g or as a series stacked in verter -to- load balancing a uto-fo rmer .
28 l OutBack Pow er Systems Inc. 2005 S yst em C omponents PV Arr ay C ombiner Box e PSPV i s a solar array co mbiner which ca n be us ed with a wide variety of syst em confi gura tions an d solar module types.
2005 OutBack Pow er Systems Inc. l 28 Photov oltaic (PV ) Arra y Breakers PV br ea ker s are H ydraulic-Ma gnetic typ e and a re not a ff e cted by high amb ient tem peratur es. All breakers h ave a 10 year wa rranty . Maxim um of twel ve OBPV in o ne PSPV enclosur e.
www .outbac kpow er .com Main Office 1 9009 62nd Av enue NE Arlington, W A 98223 USA Phone: (360) 435.6030 Fax: (360) 435.60 1 9 European Office Urb. Garraf II, Buzón 2 1 4 C/. Eramprunya #26 08860 - Les Botígues de Sitges Barcelona, ESP AÑA Phone: (+34) 600.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Outback Power Systems Systems è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Outback Power Systems Systems - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Outback Power Systems Systems imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Outback Power Systems Systems ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Outback Power Systems Systems, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Outback Power Systems Systems.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Outback Power Systems Systems. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Outback Power Systems Systems insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.