Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto MSM66201 del fabbricante Oki
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1/30 ¡ Semiconductor MSM66201/66P201/66207/66P207 ¡ Semiconductor MSM66201/66P201/66207/ 66P207 OLMS-66K Series 16-Bit Microcontroller GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MSM66201/66207 is a high performance microcontroller that employs OKI original nX-8/ 200 CPU core.
2/30 ¡ Semiconductor MSM66201/66P201/66207/66P207 • Package 64-pin plastic shrink DIP (SDIP64-P-750-1.78) : (MSM66201- ¥¥¥ SS) (MSM66P201- ¥¥¥ SS) (MSM66207- ¥¥¥ SS) (MSM66P207- ¥¥¥ SS) 64-pin plastic QFP (QFP64-P-1414-0.80-BK) : (MSM66201- ¥¥¥ GSBK)(MSM66207 ¥¥¥ GS- BK) 68-pin plastic QFJ (PLCC) (QFJ68-P-S950-1.
3/30 ¡ Semiconductor MSM66201/66P201/66207/66P207 BLOCK DIAGRAM P4.0/TM0CK P4.1/TM1CK P3.4/TM0IO P3.7/TM3IO P3.1/RXD P3.0/TXD P2.7/RXC P2.6/TXC P4.4/TRNS0 P4.7/TRNS3 P5.0/AI 0 P5.7/AI 7 P4.2/PWM0 P4.3/PWM1 P3.2/ INT0 P3.3/ INT1 P2.3/CLKOUT V REF R E SO UT NMI AGND TIMER 0–3 SERIAL PORT TRANSI- TION D.
4/30 ¡ Semiconductor MSM66201/66P201/66207/66P207 PIN CONFIGURATION (TOP VIEW) 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 CLKOUT/P2.3 AD0/P0.0 AD1/P0.1 AD2/P0.2 AD3/P0.3 AD4/P0.4 AD5/P0.5 AD6/P0.6 AD7/P0.7 A8/P1.0 A9/P1.1 A10/P1.2 A11/P1.3 A12/P1.
5/30 ¡ Semiconductor MSM66201/66P201/66207/66P207 PIN CONFIGURATION (TOP VIEW) (Continued) 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 A8/P1.0 A9/P1.1 A10/P1.2 A11/P1.3 A12/P1.4 A13/P1.5 A14/P1.6 A15/P1.7 P2.0 P2.1 P2.2 P5.2/AI2 P5.1/AI1 P5.
6/30 ¡ Semiconductor MSM66201/66P201/66207/66P207 PIN CONFIGURATION (TOP VIEW) (Continued) AI3/P5.3 AI4/P5.4 AI5/P5.5 AI6/P5.6 AI7/P5.7 AGND V REF V DD AD0/P0.0 AD1/P0.1 AD2/P0.2 AD3/P0.3 AD4/P0.4 AD5/P0.5 AD6/P0.6 AD7/P0.7 P3.2/ INT0 P3.1/RXD P3.0/TXD P2.
7/30 ¡ Semiconductor MSM66201/66P201/66207/66P207 PIN DESCRIPTION Type Description Symbol P0.0–P0.7/ AD0–AD7 P1.0–P1.7/ A8–A15 P2.0–P2.2 P2.5/HLDA P2.6/T X C AD: Outputs the lower 8 bits of program counter during external program memory fetch, and receives the addressed instruction under the control of PSEN .
8/30 ¡ Semiconductor MSM66201/66P201/66207/66P207 PIN DESCRIPTION (Continued) RESOUT Outputs "H" level in the case of internal reset. Reset to"L" level by program. ALE Address Latch Enable: PSEN Program Strobe Enable: RD Output strobe activated during a bus read cycle.
9/30 ¡ Semiconductor MSM66201/66P201/66207/66P207 REGISTERS Accumulator ACC 15 0 Control Register (CR) PSW Bit 15 : Carry flag (CY) Bit 14 : Zero flag (ZF) Bit 13 : Half carry flag (HC) Bit 12 : Data.
10/30 ¡ Semiconductor MSM66201/66P201/66207/66P207 SFR Address (HEX) Name Symbol R/W 8/16-bit Operation Reset 0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 I 0005 I 0006 0007 0010 I 0011 0012 I 0013 0018 0019.
11/30 ¡ Semiconductor MSM66201/66P201/66207/66P207 Addres (HEX) Name Abbreviated Name R/W 8/16-bit Operation Reset 003A 003B 003C 003D 003E 003F 0040 0041 0042 0043 0046 I 0048 0049 004A I 004C.
12/30 ¡ Semiconductor MSM66201/66P201/66207/66P207 SFR (Continued) Note: A I mark in the address column indicates that there is a bit that does not exist in the register.
13/30 ¡ Semiconductor MSM66201/66P201/66207/66P207 ADDRESSING MODES The MSM66201/66207 provides independent 64K-byte data and 64K-byte program space with various types of addressing modes. These modes are shown below, for both RAM (for data space) and ROM (for program space).
14/30 ¡ Semiconductor MSM66201/66P201/66207/66P207 c) Index Register (X1, X2) Indirect RAM [X1] 0 to 65535 X1 INC 300H Example 1.4 Immediate Addressing MOV #27FH SSP, Example 2. ROM Addressing Modes (for program space) 2.1 Direct Addressing 200H ROM 0200H LC A, Example 2.
15/30 ¡ Semiconductor MSM66201/66P201/66207/66P207 3) Index Register (X1, X2) Indirect ROM [X1] LC X1 A, Example c) System Stack Pointer (SSP) Indirect ROM [SSP] LC SSP A, Example d) Local Register Base (LRB) Indirect ROM [LRB] LC LRB A, Example e) RAM Indirect RAM A, [0C0H] J ROM Example 0C0H 2.
16/30 ¡ Semiconductor MSM66201/66P201/66207/66P207 c) Index Register (X1, X2) Double Indirect RAM 0 to 65535 X1 LC A, [10000H [x1]] Example ROM 2.4 Indirect Addressing with 16-bit Offset a) Pointing .
17/30 ¡ Semiconductor MSM66201/66P201/66207/66P207 MEMORY MAPS Program Memory Space 0000H 7FFFH * FFFFH 0000H 0027H 0028H 0037H 0038H 7FFFH * Internal ROM Area Vector Table Area (40 bytes) External M.
18/30 ¡ Semiconductor MSM66201/66P201/66207/66P207 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Parameter Supply Voltage Input Voltage Output Voltage Analog Input Voltage Power Dissipation Storage Temperature Symbol V DD Condition GND=AGND=0V — Rating –0.3 to 7.0 Unit V I V O V AI P D T STG 64-pin shrink DIP 64-pin QFP –0.
19/30 ¡ Semiconductor MSM66201/66P201/66207/66P207 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS DC Characteristics Note: 1 Applied to P0 2 Applied to P1, P2, P3 and P4 3 Applied to P5 4 Applied to ALE, PSEN , RD , WR and RESOUT 5 Applied to RES and NMI 6 Applied to READY and EA 7 Applied to FLT 8 Applied to OSC 0 *V DD or GND for ports serving as the input pin.
20/30 ¡ Semiconductor MSM66201/66P201/66207/66P207 AC Characteristics • External program memory control • External data memory control Parameter Symbol Condition Min.
21/30 ¡ Semiconductor MSM66201/66P201/66207/66P207 t ∆ W CLK t PAD t PW t AAS t AAH t AAD t APH ALE AD0-7 A8-15 t ∆ W PSEN t IS t IH PC0-7 INST0-7 PC8-15 t AW t RAD t RW t AAS t AAH t AAD t APH A.
22/30 ¡ Semiconductor MSM66201/66P201/66207/66P207 • Serial port control Master mode Slave mode Parameter Symbol Condition Min. Max. Unit Clock (OSC) Pulse Width Serial Clock Pulse Width Input Data.
23/30 ¡ Semiconductor MSM66201/66P201/66207/66P207 t ∆ W OSC t ∆ W t SCKW t SCKW t STMXS t STMXH t SRMXH t SRMXS t SCKW t SCKW t STSXH t STSXS t SRSXH t SRSXS SCK SDOUT (TXD) SDIN (RXD) SCK SDOUT.
24/30 ¡ Semiconductor MSM66201/66P201/66207/66P207 A/D Converter Characteristics • Operating range • A/D Converter accuracy Normal operation mode Parameter Symbol Condition Min. Unit Resolution Crosstalk n E A E R E C See the recommended circuit.
25/30 ¡ Semiconductor MSM66201/66P201/66207/66P207 • Recommended circuit Reference Voltage V REF AI0-7 V DD GND AGND +5V 0V + 47 m F 0.1 m F + 47 m F 0.
26/30 ¡ Semiconductor MSM66201/66P201/66207/66P207 Absolute error (E A ) The absolute error indicates a difference between actual conversion and ideal conversion, excluding a quantizing error. The absolute error of the A/D converter gets larger as it approaches the zero point or full scale.
27/30 ¡ Semiconductor MSM66201/66P201/66207/66P207 (Unit : mm) PACKAGE DIMENSIONS Notes for Mounting the Surface Mount Type Package The SOP, QFP, TSOP, SOJ, QFJ (PLCC), SHP and BGA are surface mount type packages, which are very susceptible to heat in reflow mounting and humidity absorbed in storage.
28/30 ¡ Semiconductor MSM66201/66P201/66207/66P207 (Unit : mm) Notes for Mounting the Surface Mount Type Package The SOP, QFP, TSOP, SOJ, QFJ (PLCC), SHP and BGA are surface mount type packages, which are very susceptible to heat in reflow mounting and humidity absorbed in storage.
29/30 ¡ Semiconductor MSM66201/66P201/66207/66P207 (Unit : mm) Notes for Mounting the Surface Mount Type Package The SOP, QFP, TSOP, SOJ, QFJ (PLCC), SHP and BGA are surface mount type packages, which are very susceptible to heat in reflow mounting and humidity absorbed in storage.
30/30 ¡ Semiconductor MSM66201/66P201/66207/66P207 (Unit : mm) Notes for Mounting the Surface Mount Type Package The SOP, QFP, TSOP, SOJ, QFJ (PLCC), SHP and BGA are surface mount type packages, which are very susceptible to heat in reflow mounting and humidity absorbed in storage.
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Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Oki MSM66201 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Oki MSM66201 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Oki MSM66201 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Oki MSM66201 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Oki MSM66201, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Oki MSM66201.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Oki MSM66201. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Oki MSM66201 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.