Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto MC360 del fabbricante OKI
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Us er ’s G ui de M C3 5 0 /M C 3 60.
Preface > 2 P REFACE Every effort has been made to ensure that t h e information in this document is complete, accurate, and up-to-date. T he manufacturer as sumes no responsibility for the results of errors beyond its control.
Emergency first aid > 3 E MERGENCY FIRST AID Take care with toner powder: If swallowed, give small amounts of cold water and seek medical attention. DO NOT attempt to induce vomiting. I f i n h a l e d , m o v e t h e p e r s o n t o a n o p e n a r e a f o r f r e s h a i r .
Contents > 4 C ONTENTS Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Emergency first aid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Manufacturer .
Contents > 5 Adding a group entry to the address book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50 Deleting a group address entry from t h e address book . . . . . . . . . . . . .51 Modifying a group address entry from the address book. . . . . . .
Contents > 6 Paper handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .84 ColorSync . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 Cover page . . . . . . . . . . . .
Notes, cautions and warnings > 7 N OTES , CAUTIONS AND WARNINGS For the protection of your product, and in or der to ensure that you be nefit from its full functionality, this model has b e en designed to operate only w ith genuine original toner cartridges.
About this guide > 8 A BOUT THIS GUIDE D OCUMENTATION SUITE This guide is part of a suite of online and printed documentation provided to help you become familiar with your product and to make the best use of its many powerful features.
About this guide > 9 O N - LINE USAGE This guide is intended to be read on scr een using Adobe Reader. Use the navigation and viewing tools provided in Adobe Reader . There are many cross-references with in this book, each highlighted as blue text .
Introduction > 10 I NTRODUCTION Congratulations on choosing this Multi Function Product (MFP). It has been designed with advanced features, to give you clear, vibrant colour prints and crisp black and white pages at high speed, on a range of office print media.
MFP overvi ew > 11 MFP OVERVI EW F RONT VIEW 1. Scanner bed. 6. Output st acker , face down. Standard printed copy delivery point. Holds up to 150 sheets of 80g/m². 2. Automa tic Document Feeder (ADF) Unit. 7. Stan dard paper tr ay with level indicator .
MFP overvi ew > 12 R EAR VIEW This view shows the c onnection pa nel and the rear output stacker. When the rear paper stacker is folded down, pa per exits through the rear of the printer and is stacked here face up. This is mainly used for heavy print media.
MFP overvi ew > 13 C ONTROL PANEL 1. Keypad Used to ente r numbers, upper-case/lo wer-case letters and s ymbols in the Entry Line. Refer to “Character switching ” on page 14 for further details.
MFP overvi ew > 14 C HARACTER SWITCHING Numbers, upper and lower case letters and sy mbols can be entered using the keypad. Press the key multiple times to switc h between characters. The example below is based on English being the display language: 9.
MFP overvi ew > 15 C HANGING THE DISPL AY LANGUAGE The default language u sed by your MFP for di splay messages is English. If required, this can be changed using the Panel Language Setup ut ility.
Getting started > 16 G ETTING STARTED R ELEASING THE SCANNER LOCK 1. Open the document cover . 2. Move sc an lock lever to UNLOCKED positi on. S WITCHING OFF 1. Press the Down arrow button on the control panel to highlight M enu , press Enter to select.
Getting started > 17 I NSTALLING DRIVERS AND UTILITIES Install the appropriate driver s for your connection type: > Network connection; install the printer dri ver > USB connection; install t he printer driver and the TW AIN driver The installation instructions below refer to USB connection.
Getting started > 18 2. Plugging the printer in first and performing a “Plug and play” t ype of installation. In this case you must instal l the TWAIN driver fi rst. Plug and play installation The MFP is a “dual dev ice” - Window s sees it as a scanner and a printer.
Getting started > 19 5. Next install the printer driv er . M AC - PRINTER DRIVER The inform ation in this se ction is base d on Mac OS X Leopa rd (10.5). Oth er versions ma y appear slightly different, but the principles are the same. 1. Insert the DVD-ROM and run the Oki driver installer program.
Getting started > 20 10. Select your printer model and click Add . 11. The printer is added to the l ist of printers. 12. Restart y our computer . F AX DRIVER (MC360 ONLY ) The fax driver allows you to send faxes direct ly from your computer without printing the document first.
Getting started > 21 H OTKEY UTILITY - WINDOWS ONLY The Hotkey utility enables the MFP to receiv e one key touch commands from a locally connected computer (“Pull Scan”). Installation of the Hotkey utilit y is optional and can be found on t h e DVD under the Utilities folder.
Getting started > 22 (e) Choose an event from the Select an event drop-down menu. (f) In the Actions field, click Start this program and choose HotKey from the drop-down menu. (g) C lick Apply . (h) Repeat steps e to g for each event, e.g. Scan to Application, E-mail, Folder and PC-Fax.
Getting started > 23 P APER RECOMMENDATIONS Your MFP will handle a variety of print media, includin g a range of paper weights and siz es. This section provides general advice on choice of media, and explains how to use eac h type.
Getting started > 24 The multi purpose tray can feed paper width s as small as 105mm and lengths up to 1200mm (banner printing - MC360 only). For paper lengths exceeding 356mm (Legal 14in.) use paper st ock between 90g/m² and 128g/m² and the face up (rear) paper stacker.
Getting started > 25 F ACE DOWN STACKER The face down stacker on the top of the pr inter can hold up to 150 sheets of 80g/m² standard paper and can handle paper stocks up to 120g/m². Pages printed in reading order (page 1 first) will b e sorted in readi n g order (last pag e on top, facing down).
Getting started > 26 Use the level indicators (a and b) as a guide. For letter headed paper load face down with top edge towards th e front of the printer. 4. Adjust the rear stopper (a) and paper guides (b ) to the size of paper being used. A6 paper uses area (c).
Getting started > 27 6. Close the cassette tr ay gently . To prevent paper jams: > Do not leave space b etween the paper and the guides and rear stopper . > Do not overf ill the paper tray . Capacity depends on the type of paper stock. > Do not load damaged paper .
Getting started > 28 M ULTI PURPOSE TRAY The multi purpose tray is used for p rinting on media such as enve lopes, non-st andard media, A5, A6, and heavyweight paper (see “Multi purpose tray” on page 23 ).
Configuring your machine... > 29 C ONFIGURING YOUR MACHINE ... M INIMUM CONFIGURATION REQUIREMENTS To make the best of this MFP, the following co nfiguration is required: To send faxes (MC360): A PSTN telephone line connection. To send e-m ails: > TCP /I P n et wo rk .
Configuring your machine... > 30 N ETWORK SET UP The MFP has to be set up properl y on your network to perform scan to e-mail and other functions. In order for other network devices to find the MFP on the network, the following network parameters have to be set: IP Address Set: IP Address: .
Configuring your machine... > 31 7. DNS server: This is the IP address of DNS Server assigned by your network administrator. 8. POP3 Server: The IP address of your POP3 serve r.
Configuring your machine... > 32 8. T o confirm, press the Enter key . C ONFIGURATION There are a number of configura tion option s available which allow you to change the scanner, fax and printer settings to suit your own needs. There are three methods of configuring your MFP: > From the MFP’ s web page.
Configuring your machine... > 33 ... FROM THE SETUP TOOL UTILITY If you have not already done so, install the setup tool utility as described in “MFP setup tool - windows only” on page 22 . ... FROM THE CONTROL PANEL 1. Press the Down arrow key (1) on the control panel until Menu is highlighted, t hen press Enter (2) .
Configuring your machine... > 34 Copy function This is the default mode on Power up, wi th Access Con trol disabl ed. Use the Down arrow key to select other functions and Enter to select an option.
Configuring your machine... > 35 Scan/scan to funct ion Use the Down arrow key to select this function and Enter to select option. E-mail LEVEL 2 DESCRIPTION OPTIONS Check Address Displays the default address (set by the administrator).
Configuring your machine... > 36 Network PC PC Fax function (MC360) NOTE The MFP must be connected to a Networ k server to enable Scan to Network PC to be set up. Profiles can be created and managed using the machine’s web page or the MFP Setup Tool.
Configuring your machine... > 37 Menu function LEVEL 2 ITEM DESCRIPTION/OPTIONS View Information Print Count Color Pages Displays the number of colour pages printed Monochrome Pag es Displays the n.
Configuring your machine... > 38 View Information cont. System Serial Number Asset Num ber CU V ersion PU V ersion Scanne r Ve r s i o n Fa x Ve r s i o n To t a l M e m o r y Flash Memory Print In.
Configuring your machine... > 39 Admin Setup cont. Network Setup Network TCP/IP Enable /Disable IP Address Set Auto /M anual IP Address Subnet Mask Gateway Address DNS Server Primary DNS Server Sec.
Configuring your machine... > 40 Admin Setup cont. Mail Server Setup SMTP Server user defined SMTP Port 25 POP3 Server user defined POP3 Port 110 Authenticati on Method No /SMTP/POP Login Name user defined Password user defined LDAP Server Setup Server Settings LDAP Server user defined Por t Nu m be r 389 Timeout 10 ~ 30 ~ 120 Max.
Configuring your machine... > 41 Admin Setup cont. Fa x S e t u p (MC360) cont. Basic Setup cont. T el Priority Mode On/ Off CNG Detection On/ Off T/F Timer Prg.
Configuring your machine... > 42 Printer Menu cont. Printer Adjust Manual Timeout Off/30/ 60 /120/180/240/300 se cs. W ait Timeout Off/5/10/20/ 30/40/50/60/ 90 /120/150/1 80/ 210/240/270/30 0 secs.
Configuring your machine... > 43 Scanner Menu (cont.) Address Book Email Address #00 to #99 Group Address G00 to G19 Scan to USB Memory Density -3/-2/-1/ 0 /+1/+2/+3 Document Size A4 /Letter/Legal .
Configuring your machine... > 44 S ETTING THE FAX FACILITY I NITIAL SET UP The following parameters must be set before using the fax function on your MFP: > Date and time > Country c ode >.
Configuring your machine... > 45 A DVANCED SET UP Your machine offers a multit ude of features which reduce the time required for manual operation and make fax communications more effici ent. Adding a speed dial entry to the phone book The machine can hold up to 100 speed dial nu mbers in the phone book.
Configuring your machine... > 46 9. Using the keypad or arrows ke ys and the on-screen keypad, type in the name. 10. Highlight Done and press En ter . 11. Using the Down arrow key , scroll to Done and press Enter to confirm and add your entry to the phone book.
Configuring your machine... > 47 Autom atic redial You can set t he fax to automa tically redi al if the initial fax transmission fails. The machine will redial on: > Line busy > No answer > Communication error To set auto-redial: 1. Using the Down arrow key , scroll to Menu and press Enter .
Configuring your machine... > 48 Adding a telepho ne handset If you want to add a telephone handset to your M FP, connect the line to the Tel socket (in certain countries it may be necessary to use a telephone plug adaptor). You will also need to update the teleph one settings to set the ring response: 1.
Configuring your machine... > 49 M ANAGING THE ADDRESS BOOK The following section describes how to add/ remove/modify Email addresses to/from t h e Address Book. A DDING AN EMAIL ADDRESS ENTRY TO THE ADDRESS BOOK The machine can hold up to 100 email addresses in the address book.
Configuring your machine... > 50 M ODIFYING AN EMAIL ADDRESS ENTRY FROM THE ADDRESS BOOK To edit an email address entry from the address book: 1. Using the Down arrow key , scroll to Menu and press Enter . 2. Using the Down arrow key , scroll to Scanner Menu and press Enter .
Configuring your machine... > 51 D ELETING A GROUP ADDRESS ENTRY FROM THE ADDRESS BOOK To delete a group ad dress en try from the address book: 1. Using the Down arrow key , scroll to Menu and press Enter . 2. Using the Down arrow key , scroll to Scanner Menu and press Enter .
Access control > 5 2 A CCESS CONTROL The operation and functionality of this machine can be li mited to authorised personnel only by the simple introduction of a 4-9 digi t PIN (P ersonal Identification Nu mber). This is known as Access Control. The greater the number of digits in the PIN - the more secure it is.
Access control > 5 3 2. Using the Down arrow key , highlight Yes and then press Enter to confirm. The display reverts to the Enter PIN screen. O PERATION TIME - OUT > When the MFP control panel .
Operation > 54 O PERATION With its intuitiv e contro l panel, this Multi Function Product (MFP ) is designed to be easy to use. M ULTI - TASKING Your machine can handle more than one task at a time. The table below details which combination of tasks can be performed.
Operation > 55 L OADING DOCUMENT ( S ) The MFP can scan/copy/send document(s) eith er from the ADF (Automatic Document Feeder) or on the glass. If you need to send multiple pages, load your papers in the ADF. The ADF can hold up to 50 pages at one time.
Operation > 56 P LACING DOCUMENT ( S ) ON THE GLASS 1. Open the document cover . 2. Place your docu ment with the tex t face DOWN on th e glass and align the top of the page to the upper-left corner .
Copying > 57 C OPYING B ASIC OPERATIO N 1. Place y our document(s) with the text face Up in the ADF or face Down on the glass. 2. Set your scanning options as required. F o r further details refer to the following sections. 3. Then press the Start button (monochrome or colour option).
Copying > 58 4. Press the Left arrow k e y to return to the start menu. b. The setting displayed, mm or inch, depends on the se tting in Admin Setup - System Setup - Unit of Measure in Menu Mode . If Edge Erase is set to other than “0 mm” or “0.
Scanning > 59 S CANNING B ASIC OPERATION 1. Place y our document(s) with the text face Up in the ADF or face Down on the glass. 2. Select Scan mode using the Down arrow button on the control panel.
Scanning > 60 9. Set the subject from either: > Subject List > Screen Entry 10. Using the Down arrow key , scroll to File Name and press Enter . 11. Using the keypad or arrow ke ys and the on-screen keypad, t ype in the file name. 12. Highlight Done and press En ter .
Scanning > 61 6. Using the keypad or arrows ke ys and the on-screen keypad, type in the name. 7. Highlight Done and press En ter . 8. If required, you can alter the dens ity setting and/or document size: (a) Use the Down arrow key scroll to the required setting and press Enter .
Scanning > 62 3. Using the Down arrow key , scroll to Network PC and press Enter . The file server profile list is displayed. If no profiles exist, the profile list is blank. 4. Using the arrow keys, scrol l to the requir ed profile (filing destination) and press Enter .
Scanning > 63 saved in the specified fol der and is re ady for the software to send as an attachment. Complete the data on screen and send. 5. Press the colour or mono Start button. Pull scan Double clic k the Hotk ey Icon on your de sktop. The Hotke y console (below) displays.
Faxing (MC360) > 64 F AXING (MC360) B ASIC OPERATION S EARCHING THE PHONE BOOK To search the cont ents of the phone book you can either : > Use the arrow keys to scroll t hrough the list and highlight the required ent ry . > Using the keypad to type in a search char acter , for example the first letters of the name.
Faxing (MC360) > 65 > Press the Left arrow key to exit the list. 5. Press the Start button to send your document(s). A DVANCED OPERATION C HANGING THE FAX QUALITY The machine is preset to “Standard”. If requir ed, you can select Fine, Extra Fin e or Photo to improve the fax quality.
Faxing (MC360) > 66 D OCUMENT SIZE The machine is preset to “A4” size. To change document size: 1. Follow “Sending a fax” process steps 1 to 4 . 2. Using the Down arrow key , scroll to *A4 and press Enter . 3. Using the Down arrow key , scroll to the required document siz e and press Enter .
Faxing (MC360) > 67 F AX RECEIVING Your MFP is set to receive faxes automaticall y, if you wish to change the reception mode refer to “Reception mode” on page 47 for details. Automatic f ax receive (default mode) When the MFP is in automati c fax receive m ode: > When ringing - Rece iving Start is displayed on screen.
Faxing (MC360) > 68 TAD interface Telephone Answering Device Mode (TAD): Use this mode if you want the machine and a telephone answering machine to share the same phone line. Like Telephone/Fax mode, the Telephone Answering Device mode detects whether an incoming call is a fax or voice call.
Faxing (MC360) > 69 P RINTING A FAX ACTIVITY REPORT 1. Using the Down arrow key , scroll to Menu and press Enter . 2. Using the Down arrow key , scroll to Admin Setup and press Enter . 3. Using the arrow keys and on-screen keypad, enter the Administr ator password.
Faxing (MC360) > 70 S ENDING A FAX FROM YOUR PC 1. From your application’ s File menu, select Print . 2. In the Select Printer window , highlight the fax driver option. 3. Press the Preference s button to display the f ax driver window . 4. On the Setup tab: (a) Select the appropriate media si ze from the drop-down menu.
Faxing (MC360) > 71 7. On the R ecipient tab: (a) Click the Recipient... button. (b) Select a fax number from the Phone book panel on the ri ght hand side. Refer to “Adding fax numbers to the phone book” on page 72 . (c) Press the Add button to add this number to the recipient list.
Faxing (MC360) > 72 A DDING FAX NUMBERS TO THE PHONE BOOK To add a fax destination number to the phone book: 1. From your application’ s File menu, select Print . 2. In the Select Printer window , highlight the fax driver option. 3. Press the Preference s button to display the f ax driver window .
Faxing (MC360) > 73 8. Add recipients to the group list: (a) Select a fax number from the Phone book panel on the right hand side. (b) Press the Add-> button to add this number to the group list. (c) Repeat steps a and b as required to create the group list.
Printing sett ings in Windows > 74 P RINTING SETTINGS IN W INDOWS Your printer’s operator panel menu s provide access to many options. The Windows printer driver also contains settin gs for many of these items.
Printing sett ings in Windows > 75 Poster printing will print large pages as ti les spread over multiple sheets. 5. For two-si ded printing, you can choose to flip the page by the long edge or the short edge. R efer to “2-sided prin ting” o n page 79 .
Printing sett ings in Windows > 76 C OLOUR TAB 1. Control over the colour output of your pr inter ma y be performed automatically , or for advanced control, by manual adju stment. The automatic setting will be appropriate in most cases. The other opti ons in this window only become visible when you select a ch oice other than Auto.
Printing sett ings in Windows > 77 S ETTING FROM WINDOWS CONTROL PANEL When you open the driver properties window direct ly from Windows, rather than from within an application program, a somewhat more extensive range of settings is provided.
Printing sett ings in Windows > 78 printing, causing the print job to paus e fo r more than a short period, the printer could prematurely assume that the docume nt has finished. Selecting this option would prevent that sit uation, but printing will be comple ted a little later , as the start is delayed.
Printing sett ings in Windows > 79 2- SIDED PRINTING To carry out 2-sided, or Manual Duplex Prin ting you must pass paper through the pri nter twice. You can carry out 2-sided printing usin g the Cassette Tray or the Multi Purpos e Tray. 2-sided Printing is supported on Windows operating systems only.
Printing sett ings in Windows > 80 Manual duplex p rinting using the Multi Pur pose Tray 1. Select File > Print t o display the Print di alog box. 2. Click the Properties button. On the 2-sided printing drop down menu, select either Long Edge or Short Edge according to your printing preferences.
Printing se ttings in Mac OS X > 81 P RINTING SETTINGS IN M AC OS X The information in this section i s based on Mac OS X Tiger (10.4). Other versions may appear slightly different, but the principles are the same.
Printing se ttings in Mac OS X > 82 2. T o change the paper size or pag e orientation, select File > Page Setup . 3. Select Save As Default f rom the Settings drop-down menu. 4. Select File > Print . 5. T o save the current printer dri ver settings as a preset, s elect Save As from the Preset menu.
Printing se ttings in Mac OS X > 83 Scale You can scale documents up or down to fit onto different paper sizes. To fit your document on a specific paper size, select Options in the Paper Handling drop-down menu in the Print Options dialog box (see “Print options” on page 83 ).
Printing se ttings in Mac OS X > 84 Scheduler This option lets you choose whether to pri nt yo ur document immediately, or defer printing until later. You can also assig n a priority to a print job. These features are useful if you are printing la rge documents that take a long time to print.
Printing se ttings in Mac OS X > 85 Quartz Filter Choose a Quartz filter if you wish to apply a sp ecial effect to your print job, such as Sepia or Blue Tone. C OVER PAGE Choosing a cover page may help you to i dentify your printed document in a large pil e of paper.
Printing se ttings in Mac OS X > 86 Toner Saving Toner saving uses less toner when printing you r document. Thi s is best suited to draft text documents as it lightens t he print significantly. C OLOUR Colour mode Color matching Black Finish Use this option to control the way black is printed in colour documents.
Printing se ttings in Mac OS X > 87 for color photos. Select True Black (K) to use 100% black toner to represent black. This option is recommended for text and business graphics. Brightness / Saturation This option allows you to increase brightness f o r a lighter print.
Printing se ttings in Mac OS X > 88 P RINT CONTRO L If you are using the Windows Prin t Control Serv er software to manage printers, enter your assigned user name and ID. This information is sent to the printer with your print job and is recorded by the printer.
General printing > 89 G ENERAL PRINTING P RINTING ON DIFFERENT MEDIA This section describes how t o print on material other than normal A4 paper. P RINTING ON LEGAL PAPER When printing on legal paper you need to change the media settings for the printer software to get the best results.
General printing > 90 2. Check the Fit to Page checkbo x. 3. Choose the scaling factor you need from the Co nversions drop-down list. Mac OS X 1. Select Paper Handl ing (1). 2. Check the Scale to Fit Paper Size checkbox (2). 3. Choose the paper size you need from the drop- down list (3).
General printing > 91 Windows 1. In the driver’ s Setup tab, choose the number of pages (N-up) you want to print on each sheet. 1-up is normal, 16- up is maximum.
General printing > 92 P RINTING COLOR DOCUMENTS IN BLACK AND WHITE You can save both time and toner by printing color documents in black and white. Access the Color tab and s elect the Greyscale option before printing your document.
Colour printing > 93 C OLOUR PRINTING The printer drivers supplied with your MFP prov ide several controls for changing the colour output. For general use the auto matic s e ttings will suffi ce, pro viding reasonab le default settings that will produce good res ults for most documents.
Colour printing > 94 How your software application displays co lour Some graphics applications such as Corel Draw or Adobe Photoshop may display colo ur differently from “Office” applic a tions such as Microsoft Word. Please see your application’s on-line help or user manual for more information.
Colour printing > 95 A CCESSING THE COLOUR MATCHING OPTIONS The colour matching options in the printer driver can be used to help match your printed colours to the ones displayed on your monitor or from some other source, such as a digital camera. To open colour matc hing options from the Win dows Control Panel: 1.
Colour printing > 96 U SING THE COLOUR SWATCH FEATURE To use t he Colour Swatch feature, y ou must install t he Colour Swatch Utility. This is supplied on the DVD-ROM that yo u received with your printer. The Colour Swatch function prints charts which contain a range of sample col ours.
Maintenance > 97 M AINTENANCE R EPLACING CONSUMABLE ITEMS This section explains how to rep lace consum able items when due. As a guide, the life expectancy of these items is: > Toner Starter car.
Maintenance > 98 T ONER CARTRIDGE REPLACEMENT The toner used in this printer i s a very fine dry powder. It is contained in four cartridges : one each for cyan, magenta, yellow and black. Have a sheet of paper handy so that yo u have somewhere to pla ce the used cartridge while you install the new one.
Maintenance > 99 2. Press the cov er release (a) and open the top cov er of the printer (b) fully . 3. Note the positions of the 4 cartridges. WARNING! If the printer has been powered on, the fuser will be hot. This area is clearly labelled. Do not touch.
Maintenance > 100 4. Carry out one of the following: (a) If you are replacing a tone r cartridge th at has been supplied with your p rinter (release lever has 3 positi ons), pull th e coloured tone.
Maintenance > 101 8. Gently shake the new cart ridge from end to end several t imes to loosen and distribute the toner evenly inside the cartridge. 9. Remo ve the wrapping material and peel of f the adhesive tape from the underside of the cartridge.
Maintenance > 102 14. Gently lower the sca nner on to its su pports. I MAGE DRUM REPLACEMENT There is no need to switch the M F P off when changing image drum(s). 1. Lift the scanner . 2. Press the cov er release (a) and open the top cov er of the printer (b) fully .
Maintenance > 103 4. Holding it by its top c entre, lift the image drum, complete with its toner cartridge, up and out of the printer . 5. Put the old unit down gently onto a piec e of paper to contain any toner spil lage.
Maintenance > 104 8. Holding the complete assembly by its top ce ntre, lower it into place i n the printer , locating the pegs at each end into their re spect ive slots in the sides of the printer cavity . 9. Close the printer top cov er and press down firmly so that the cov er latches closed.
Maintenance > 105 2. Lift the scanner . 3. Press the cov er release (a) and open the top cov er of the printer (b) fully . 4. Note the positions of the 4 cartridges. It is essential that they go back in the same order. 1. Cyan cartridge 3. Y ellow cartridge 2.
Maintenance > 106 5. Starting from the rear , lift each of the image drum units, out of the p r inter and place them in a safe place a way from direct sources of heat and l ight. 6. Locate the two fasteners (a) at each side of the belt (b) and the lifting bar (c) at the front.
Maintenance > 107 7. Pull the lifting bar (c) upwards so that belt tilt s up towards the front, and withdr aw the belt unit from the printer . 8. Lower the new belt unit int o place, with th e lif ting bar at the front and the drive gear towards the rear of the printer .
Maintenance > 108 10. Replace t he 4 image drums, complete with their toner cartridges, into the printer i n the correct positions as shown. 11. Close the printer top cov er and press down firmly so that the cov er latches closed. 12. Gently lower the sca nner on to its su pports.
Maintenance > 109 F USER REPLAC EMENT The fuser is located inside the printer just behind the four image drum units. 1. Switch the MFP OFF . 2. Lift the scanner . 3. Press the cov er release (a) and open the top cov er of the printer (b) fully . WARNING! If the MFP has recently been po wered on, some fu ser components will be very hot.
Maintenance > 110 4. Identify the fuser handle (1) on the top of the fuser unit. 5. Pull the two fuser retaining levers (a) toward s the front of the pr inter so that they are fully upri ght. 6. Holding the fuser by its handle (1), lift t he fuser straight up and out of the printer .
Maintenance > 111 10. Push the two retaining levers towards the re ar of the printer to lock the fuser in place. 11. Close the printer top cov er and press down firmly so that the cov er latches closed. 12. Gently lower the sca nner on to its su pports.
Maintenance > 112 1. Lift the scanner . 2. Press the cov er release (a) and open the top cov er of the printer (b) fully . 3. Gently wipe the LED head surface (1) with LE D lens cleaner or a soft lint free cloth. 4. Close the printer top cov er and press down firmly so that the cov er latches closed.
Maintenance > 113 ... THE PAPER PATH IN THE ADF If marks are found on an image which has been read by the ADF, or the ADF does not feed documents smoothly, follow the cleaning proced ure below. 1. Switch the MFP OFF . 2. Open the ADF top cov er . 3.
Maintenance > 114 ... THE DOCUMENT GLASS The document glass needs to be cleaned oc casi onally to ensure optimum image quality and performance. 1. Open the document cover . 2. Moisten a soft, clean, lint free cloth and remo ve any marks, as shown. 3.
Installing additional memory > 115 I NSTALLING ADDITIONAL MEMORY This section explains how to instal l addition al RAM mem ory into your MFP as a memory upgrade. The basic MFP model comes equipped wi th 128M B of memory (64 Mb “on-board” and 64 Mb in the option sl ot).
Installing additional memory > 116 4. Note the positions of the 4 cartridges. 5. Re m ov e e a c h i m a g e d ru m u n i t s , s t a r t in g w i th th e front. Cover the im age drum units to protect them from direct light. 1. Cyan cartridge 3. Y ellow cartridge 2.
Installing additional memory > 117 6. Locate the two fasteners (1) at each side of the belt (3) and the lifting bar (2) at the front end. T urn the two fasteners (1) 90° to the left. This will release the belt from the printer chassis. 7. Unlock the fasteners and re move t h e belt as shown.
Installing additional memory > 118 9. Identify the RAM expansion sl ot in the printer . Unclip the plastic cov er to open this slot. 10. As the RAM expansion slot already contains a memory board (64Mb), this board wil l have t o be removed before you can instal l the new one.
Installing additional memory > 119 18. When the MFP is ready , check the memory status as follows : (a) Using the Down arrow key, scroll down to Menu and press Enter . (b) Using the Down arrow key, scroll down to View Information then press Enter .
Troubleshooting > 120 T ROUBLESHOOTING C LEARING PAPER JAMS Provided that you follow the recommendations in this guide on use of print media, and you keep the media in good condition prior to use, your printer should give years of reliable service.
Troubleshooting > 121 I N THE PRINTER SECTION ... 1. If a sheet is well adv anced out of the top of the printer , simply grip it and pull gently to dra w it fully out. If it does not remove easily , do not use excessive force. It can be removed from the rear l ater .
Troubleshooting > 122 5. Holding it by its t o p centre, lift the cyan image drum, complete with its toner cartridge, up and out of the printer . 6. Put the cartridge down g ently on to a piec e of paper to contain any toner spillage. 7. Repeat this removal procedure for each of the remaining image drum units.
Troubleshooting > 123 9. Re m ove an y sheets of paper as follows: > T o remove a sheet with its leading edge at the front of the belt (1), carefully lift the sheet from the belt and pull it forwar ds into t he internal drum cavity and withdraw the sheet.
Troubleshooting > 124 11. Lower the printer top cover but do not press down to latch it closed yet. This will protect the drums from excessive exposure to room lighting while you check the remaining areas for jammed sheets. 12. Open the rear stacker and check for a sh eet of paper in the rear path area.
Troubleshooting > 125 16. Pull out the Cassette T ra y and ensure th at all paper is stacked properly , is undamaged, and that the paper guid es are properly positioned against the edges of the paper stack. When satisf ied, replace the tray . 17. Close the front cover .
Troubleshooting > 126 D EALING WITH UNSATISFACTORY PRINTING SYMPTOMS POSSIBLE CAUSES STEPS TO TAKE V ertical white lines can be seen on the printed page. The LED head is dirty . Wipe the LED head wi th a soft, lint -free cloth. The toner is low. Open the top cover and tap the cartridge a few times to evenly distribute any remaining toner .
Troubleshooting > 127 D EALING WITH UNSATISFACTORY COPYING As well as the sugg estions prov ided in “Dealing with unsatisfactory printing” on page 126 , ensure that the sc anner unit glass is clean at all times. Refer to “...the document glass” on page 114 .
Troubleshooting > 128 F AX PROBLEM CHECKLIST (MC360) If a problem occurs, read through the list of problems and solutions before calling for service.
Troubleshooting > 129 Machine is connected to a PBX but it is not possible to dial out: Be certai n that the dial prefix is entered before th e telephone number f or each number dialled or programmed into the machine.
Specifications > 130 S PECIFICATIONS MC350 N34118B MC360 N34117B ITEM SPECIFICATION Dimensions 447 x 547 x 521mm (W x D x H) approximately W eight 29kg approximately Power Source Input: 220 to 240V AC, 50 to 60Hz Power consumption Max.
Index > 131 I NDEX A Access cont rol administrator PIN ......... .... 52 enabling .... ............. ........... 52 user PIN .. ............ .......... .... 52 Adding a telephone handset .......... ............ ......... 48 Address book adding a group entry .
Oki contact details > 132 O KI CONTACT DETAILS Oki Systems (UK) Limited 550 Dundee Road Slough Trading Estate Slough, SL1 4LE Tel:44 (0) 1753 819819 Fax:44 (0) 1753 819899 http:// www.
Oki Europe Li mited Blay s House Wick Ro ad Egham Surrey TW20 0HJ United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0) 208 219 2190 Fax: +44 (0) 208 219 2199 www.okiprintingsolutions.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il OKI MC360 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del OKI MC360 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso OKI MC360 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul OKI MC360 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il OKI MC360, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del OKI MC360.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il OKI MC360. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo OKI MC360 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.