Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto ES4192 del fabbricante OKI
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- 2 - How to R ead This Manual Notations The following notations may be used in this manual. • Print jobacc ountingclient software → Client sof twar e • Genericname.
-3- AboutThisManual 1. Unauthorizedcopyingofthismanualinwholeorinpartisstrictlyforbidden. 2. Thecontentsofthismanualmaybechangedatan ytimewithoutpriornotice. 3.
-4- Contents How t o Read This Manual ................................................................................ 2 Notations ..................................................................................................................
-5- 5.smartPrintSuperVision(sPSV) ............................................. 49 T op Page .................................................................................................... 49 Login Wind ow ......................
-6- Active Director y-li nkedManagement ............................................................. 136 AddingUsers/UserGroups ......................................................................................... 136 Changing User Information .
-7- Checkin gandResetti ngUsageStatuses ........................................................ 17 4 Sending Print P rohibited/Permitted by Mail .................................................... 175 11. CheckingtheDeviceStatus,ConsumableLifeorPrinting Status .
-8- 14.OtherFunctions .............................................................. 213 ReceivingEmailNotif ications of JobResults ................................................... 213 Limitingthe Sizeand Numberof Att achments .
1 . Intr oduc tion Merits of smart PrintSuperVision (sPSV) ................ 10 MechanismsofsPSV ........................................... 11 Configuration of sPSV ................................... ...... 12 InformationR equiredforSettingsandExamplesof Settings .
-10- 1. Introduction 1. Introduction Thissectionexplainsthemerits,mechanismsandconfigurationofsmartPrintSuperVision (sPSV),andthecontentsthatneedtobedecidedbeforesetup.
-11- 1. Introduction Mechanisms of sPSV HTTP POP3(S) SNMP TCP Port HTTP SMTP(S) LDAP TCP Port Active Directory sPSV - Configuring the settings of sPSV ⇒ P .36 - R egisteringdevicesandmanagementgroups ⇒ P .118 - R egistering users and user groups ⇒ P .
-12- 1. Introduction No. Name Details (6) Administrator computer (Windows) BylogginginasansPSVadministratorinawebbrowserandaccessing theservercomp.
-13- 1. Introduction Authority Description Standard user OrdinaryusersarethosewhohavearegisteredsPSVaccount. Inadditiontoviewingthesameinformation.
-14- 1. Introduction PreparingUser Informa tion PIN,usernameandpasswordarerequiredwhenregisteringauser . Readtheexplanationbelowcarefully ,andpreparethePIN,usernameandpassword accordingtotheobjectivesoftheprintinglimitationsandlog.
-15- 1. Introduction Ex ample S ett ings Thetablebelowshowsexamplesofsettingsforeachmethodofsettinguserestrictionsand summarizingjoblogs. When you want to permit printing for registered users only.
-16- 1. Introduction When you want to permit color printing for registered users only. (prohibit color printing by unregistered users.) Cannotprintincolor Registered Users Unregistered .
-17- 1. Introduction When you want to permit color printing to some users but only black and white printing to others. Users1 Users2 sPSV administrator Set usage limitations foreachuser Ca.
-18- 1. Introduction Whenyouwanttokeeparecordoftheprintinglimitationsandjoblogfor each user. sPSV administrator Users1 Users2 Setusagelimitatio.
-19- 1. Introduction Whenyouwanttokeeparecordoftheprintinglimitationsandjoblogfor each department. UsersGroup1 UsersGroup2 sPSV administrator J.
-20- 1. Introduction When you want to set printing limitations for each department but keep a recordofthejoblogforeachdepartment.
-21- 1. Introduction Whenyouwanttosetusablevolumesandsummarizejoblogsforeachdepartment but also set individual usable volumes for some users within the department and summarizethecorrespondingjoblogs.
- 22 - 1. Introduction When you want to permit printing only for users registered to an Active Directory domain. (prohibit printing by unregistered users.
-23- 1. Introduction SettingU p sPSV Adminis tra tor (Adminis tra tor PC) Individual management ActiveDirectory-linked management PrepareaPIN,usernameandlogin passwordforeachuser . InstallsPSVontheservercomputer .
-24- 1. Introduction Configurejoblogsettings. ⇒ P .188 Configureemailnotificationsettings. ⇒ P .206 NotifytheusersofthePIN,usernameand login password registered in sPSV . Begin operation.
-25- 1. Introduction Create a Settings Sh eet T oenablesmoothintroductionofsPSV ,firstcreateasettingssheet.Collecttheinformation requiredforsetupandrecorditonthesheetbelow .
-26- 1. Introduction Database Information SelectMicrosoftSQLServerCompact(if“Useadatabasepreparedonsetup”isselectedin sPSV)orMicrosoftSQLServerasthedatabaseforsa vingandviewingdatainsPSV .
-27- 1. Introduction Communication Settings Acquirethedevicename. Intervalspecification:(Default setting:60minutes,range: 1-1,440) Timespecification: Acquirethestatus.
-28- 1. Introduction Active Directory Information UsethisifaddingusernamesandusergroupnamesbyconnectingtoActiveDirectoryand if using user names and user group names registered in a domain. ⇒ P .
-29- 1. Introduction RegisteringandManagingUsers Individual Management Number of registered users Number of registered user groups Registering users ⇒ P .129 Register user groups ⇒ P .130 ActiveDirectory-linkedManagement AddusersfromActiveDirectory ⇒ P .
-30- 1. Introduction UserGroups User group name (*) :(upto64 characters) Emailaddress:(upto 256characters) Receiv esummarizationresultsby email.
-31- 1. Introduction Registering and Managing Devices Numberofconnecteddevices Registeringdevices ⇒ P .118 Registering management groups ⇒ P .124 Joblogacquisitionsettings ⇒ P .122 Logfullsettings ⇒ P .
-32- 1. Introduction ManagementGroups Name (*) :(upto32characters) Description:(upto255characters) Map: Fee: Devicepassword (*) : SNMPRea.
-33- 1. Introduction UsageLimitations Allowuseofdeviceonlywhen printingfromacomputer . User name Prohibit printing Prohibitcolorprinting P.
-34- 1. Introduction Set a Closing Date Xthofeachmonth(Defaultsetting: 31st,range:1st -31st) Applylogspasttheclosingdateto currentmonth Cl.
2. S e t t in g Up s mar t Print Super V ision (sPS V) OperatingEn vironments ...................................... 36 RecommendedComputerSpecs ........................... 36 Standard P orts ..............................
-36- 2. Setting Up smart PrintSuperVision (sPSV) 2.SettingUpsmartPrintSuperVision (sPSV) ThissectionexplainshowtosetupsPSV . Note The window and se tting contents differ depending on the device model. Operating Envir onments ● Windows8.
-37- 2. Setting Up smart PrintSuperVision (sPSV) 6 Specifytheprogr amfolderandclick [Next]. 7 Specifythelocationinwhichtoinstall sPSVandclick[Next]. 8 Selectthedatabase. Selectthedatabase.
-38- 2. Setting Up smart PrintSuperVision (sPSV) [UserName] SpecifyanSQLServerusername. (default name: sa) [Password] SpecifytheSQLServerpassword. 9 Click[Next]. 10 Selectthewebservicetobeusedfrom [W ebService].
-39- 2. Setting Up smart PrintSuperVision (sPSV) [Site name] SpecifyawebsiteregisteredtoIIStobeused by sPSV . (default name: smart PrintSuperVision) <[Usepre-prov idedWeb Service (EWS) is selected> [Port Number] Specifythe portnumberusedbytheEWS.
3. S e t t in g Up t h e P r int J ob A c c oun t in g Cli en t S o f t w ar e SettingUpinWindows ........................................ 41 OperatingEn vironments .................................. 41 Installing the Client Software .
-41- 3. Setting Up the Print Job Accounting Client Software 3. SettingUpthePrintJobAccounting Client Software Theclientsoftwareneedstobeinstalledonclientcomputersifidentifyingusersb yuserID(PIN).
-42- 3. Setting Up the Print Job Accounting Client Software 5 Re adthelicenseagreementandclick[Y es]. 6 Click[Next]. 7 Click[Next]. 8 Click[Next]. 9 Click[Finish]. Next,proceedto“6.PrintJobAccounting ClientSoftware”(P .
-43- 3. Setting Up the Print Job Accounting Client Software SettingU pinMacOSX Operating Environment s MacOSX10.3orlater Note Depending on the model or print driver used,t heoperatingenv ironmentmay diff er.
4. If Using A c t iv e Dir ec t or y WhatCanItBeUsedfor? .................................... 45 SettingsforConnectingtoActiveDirectory ............ 45 ConnectingtoanActiveDirectoryinaSpecified Domain .
-45- 4. If Using Active Directory 4.IfUsin g ActiveDirectory WhatCanItBeUsedfor? ActiveDirectorycanbeusedforuniformmanagementofdeviceson.
-46- 4. If Using Active Directory 5 T ochangetheActiveDirectorytosearch, enterthattargetin“BaseDN” .Anexample of input when the domain name is [domain.
-47- 4. If Using Active Directory [Specify Time] Updatedforeachsetinterval.Themaximum intervaltimethatcanbesetis24hours. (Range:1to24hours) [Time specified] Setthespecificupdatetime.
5. smart Print Super V ision (sPS V ) T op P age ........................................................... 49 LoginWindow .................................................... 50 Main Menu ................................................
-49- 5. smart PrintSuperVision (sPSV) PrintSuper Vision(sPS V) ThissectionexplainsthebasicfunctionsofsmartPrintSuperVision.
-50- 5. smart PrintSuperVision (sPSV) Lo gin Windo w Click[Login]todisplaytheloginwindow .Enterthe[UserName]and[P assword]andclickthe [Login]button. The following user is set as the administrator .
-51- 5. smart PrintSuperVision (sPSV) Main Men u Windowthatnavigatesthethetargetfunctionwhileselectingaccordingtothestatus. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) No. Item Details (1) [ShowDeviceUsage Status] Checkdetailssuchastheamountofconsumablesusedand printcounter .
-52- 5. smart PrintSuperVision (sPSV) [Show Devic eUsage St atus] [MainMenu]>[ShowDeviceUsageStatus] Y oucancheckthedeviceusagestatussuchastheamountofconsumablesusedbythe device,printcounteranddeviceusagehistoryforeachuser .
-53- 5. smart PrintSuperVision (sPSV) [Device Overview] [MainMenu]>[ShowDeviceUsageStatus]>[DeviceOverview] Displaysthebasicdeviceinformationinalist.
-54- 5. smart PrintSuperVision (sPSV) [Consumables usage state of the device] [MainMenu]>[ShowDeviceUsageStatus]>[Consumablesusagestateofthedevice] Y oucancheckaggregatedresultsoftheamountofconsumablesusedforeachdevice.
-55- 5. smart PrintSuperVision (sPSV) [Device Print Status] [MainMenu]>[ShowDeviceUsageStatus]>[DevicePrintStatus] Aggregatedresultsofthepagecounterforeachdevicecanbechecked. (1) (2) No.
-56- 5. smart PrintSuperVision (sPSV) [DeviceUsageHistoryforEachUser.] [MainMenu]>[ShowDeviceUsageStatus]>[DeviceUsageHistoryforEachUser .] Resultsofaggregatedjoblogsasdeviceusagehistoryforeachusercanbecheck ed.
-57- 5. smart PrintSuperVision (sPSV) No. Item Details (2) Step 2: User Registr ation* Iftheuserforwhichyouwanttochecktheusagehistory isnotregistered,registertheuser .Onceregistrationis complete,futureregistrationisnotneeded.
-58- 5. smart PrintSuperVision (sPSV) [RestrictDeviceUse] [MainMenu]>[R estrictDeviceUse] Upperlimitofprintqualitybydeviceuser ,andlimitontheoperationoftheMFPcanbeset.
-59- 5. smart PrintSuperVision (sPSV) [ApplyRestrictionsbyUser] [MainMenu]>[R estrictDeviceUse]>[ApplyRestrictionsbyUser] Configuredeviceuserestrictionsforeachuser .
-60- 5. smart PrintSuperVision (sPSV) No. Item Details (2) Step 2: User R egistration Iftheuserwhosedeviceuseistoberestrictedis unregistered,registertheuser .Oncethedeviceis registered there is no need to perform registr ation again.
-61- 5. smart PrintSuperVision (sPSV) [Restrict by Print Method] [MainMenu]>[R estrictDeviceUse]>[RestrictbyPrintMethod] Configuredeviceuserestrictionsforeachuserprintmethod(documentname,hosts).
-62- 5. smart PrintSuperVision (sPSV) [RestrictbyUser’sUsage] [MainMenu]>[R estrictDeviceUse]>[RestrictbyUser’ sUsage] Configurethedeviceuserestrictionsaccordingtotheuser’ susage(amountofconsumables used,printedsheets,printcost).
-63- 5. smart PrintSuperVision (sPSV) No. Item Details (2) Step 2: User R egistration Iftheuserwhoseusageamountistoberestrictedis unregistered,registertheuser .Oncethedeviceisregistered thereisnoneedtoperformregistrationagain.
-64- 5. smart PrintSuperVision (sPSV) [Notify Device Management Status] [MainMenu]>[NotifyDeviceManagementStatus] Userscanbenotifiedofthedeviceusages.
-65- 5. smart PrintSuperVision (sPSV) [Device Overview] [MainMenu]>[NotifyDeviceManagementStatus]>[DeviceOverview] Configurethesesettingstoreceivenotificationsofbasicdeviceinformation. (1) (2) (3) (4) No.
-66- 5. smart PrintSuperVision (sPSV) No. Item Details (2) Step 2: User R egistration Iftheuserwhowillreceivethenotificationisunregistered, registertheuser .Oncethedeviceisregisteredthereisno needtoperformregistrationagain.
-67- 5. smart PrintSuperVision (sPSV) [Consumables usage state of the device] [MainMenu]>[NotifyDeviceManagementStatus]>[Consumablesusagestateofthe d.
-68- 5. smart PrintSuperVision (sPSV) No. Item Details (2) Step 2: User R egistration Iftheuserwhowillreceivethenotificationisunregistered, registertheuser .Oncethedeviceisregisteredthereisno needtoperformregistrationagain.
-69- 5. smart PrintSuperVision (sPSV) [DeviceUsageStatus] [MainMenu]>[NotifyDeviceManagementStatus]>[DeviceUsageStatus] Configurethesettingsforreceivingnotificationsofaggregateresultsofthepagecounterfor eachdevice.
-70- 5. smart PrintSuperVision (sPSV) No. Item Details (2) Step 2: User R egistration Iftheuserwhowillreceivethenotificationisunregistered, registertheuser .Oncethedeviceisregisteredthereisno needtoperformregistrationagain.
-71- 5. smart PrintSuperVision (sPSV) [DeviceUsageHistoryforEachUser.] [MainMenu]>[NotifyDeviceManagementStatus]>[DeviceUsageHistoryforEachUser .
-72- 5. smart PrintSuperVision (sPSV) No. Item Details (2) Step 2: User R egistration Iftheuserwhowillreceivethenotificationisunregistered, registertheuser .Oncethedeviceisregisteredthereisno needtoperformregistrationagain.
-73- 5. smart PrintSuperVision (sPSV) [Collection Results on Closing Date] [MainMenu]>[NotifyDeviceManagementStatus]>[CollectionR esultsonClosingDate] C.
-74- 5. smart PrintSuperVision (sPSV) No. Item Details (2) Step 2: User R egistration Iftheuserwhowillreceivethenotificationisunregistered, registertheuser .Oncethedeviceisregisteredthereisno needtoperformregistrationagain.
-75- 5. smart PrintSuperVision (sPSV) [Automatic Device Registration Result] [MainMenu]>[NotifyDeviceManagementStatus]>[AutomaticDeviceR egistrationR esult.
-76- 5. smart PrintSuperVision (sPSV) No. Item Details (2) Step2:Mailserver setting Ifthemailservertobeusedfornotificationisnot configured,configurethemailserversettings.(Oncethe user is registered there is no need to perform registr ation again.
-77- 5. smart PrintSuperVision (sPSV) [DeviceFailure] [MainMenu]>[NotifyDeviceManagementStatus]>[DeviceF ailure] Configurethesesettingstoreceivenotificationsofdetecteddevicefailures.
-78- 5. smart PrintSuperVision (sPSV) No. Item Details (2) Step 2: User R egistration Iftheuserwhowillreceivethenotificationisunregistered, registertheuser .Oncethedeviceisregisteredthereisno needtoperformregistrationagain.
-79- 5. smart PrintSuperVision (sPSV) Detai ls Scree n ThiswindowisarrangedaccordingtotypesofsPSVfunction.Functionsaresepar atedbytabs.
-80- 5. smart PrintSuperVision (sPSV) [Manage] Tab [DetailsScreen]>[Manage] Set/Managetheregistereddevicetoconfirmtheusagestatus,ortorestricttheusage. (1) (2) (3) (4) No. Item Details (1) [DeviceList] Checkthedevicelistinformation.
-81- 5. smart PrintSuperVision (sPSV) [Device List] [DetailsScreen]>[Manage]>[DeviceList] Displayalistoftheregistereddevices. No. Item Details (1) [FilterItem] Selectthe[FilterItem]tofilterdeviceinformationdisplayedin thedevicelist.
-82- 5. smart PrintSuperVision (sPSV) No. Item Details (2) [UpdateNow] Searchfordevicestoconnecttothenetworkandregisterto sPSV .Clicktoswitchtothedetailsscreen. (3) [DeviceList] Displaydeviceinformationforeachitem.
-83- 5. smart PrintSuperVision (sPSV) [Register Device] [DetailsScreen]>[Manage]>[R egisterDevice] SearchfordevicestoconnecttothenetworkandregistertosPSV . No. Item Details (1) [Destination] Specifytheconnectiondestinationofthesearcheddevice.
-84- 5. smart PrintSuperVision (sPSV) [Device Management Settings] [DetailsScreen]>[Manage]>[DeviceManagementSettings] ConfiguredevicesettingsrelatedtotheuseofsPSV . No. Item Details (1) [DeviceSettings]* ConfiguredevicesettingsrelatedtotheuseofsPSV .
-85- 5. smart PrintSuperVision (sPSV) [Device Settings] [DetailsScreen]>[Manage]>[DeviceManagementSettings]>[DeviceSettings] Configuresettingsfordisplayingdeviceinformation,controllingdevicelogsandconfiguring deviceuserestrictions.
-86- 5. smart PrintSuperVision (sPSV) [ManagementGroup] [DetailsScreen]>[Manage]>[DeviceManagementSettings]>[ManagementGroup] Createagroupfortheintendedpurpose,andperformgroupmanagementov erthedevice.
-87- 5. smart PrintSuperVision (sPSV) [Billing Amount Settings] [DetailsScreen]>[Manage]>[BillingAmountSettings] Configuresettingsformanagingthecostofthedevice. No. Item Details (1) [Fees] SelectbillingamountsettingnamesregisteredinsPSV .
-88- 5. smart PrintSuperVision (sPSV) No. Item Details (4) [Apply] Clicktoapplythedetailsofthesettingsconfiguredinthe [BillingAmountSettings]page.Newlycreatedfeesare addedto[F ees]. (5) [Deletion] Deletetheselectedbillingamountsettings.
-89- 5. smart PrintSuperVision (sPSV) [Report] Tab [DetailsScreen]>[R eport] CheckthedeviceusagestatusorsPSVoperatingstatus,andconfiguresettingssuchasemail notificationreceiptsettings.
-90- 5. smart PrintSuperVision (sPSV) [Display Report] [DetailsScreen]>[R eport]>[DisplayReport] Checkthestatusorusageamountofregistereddevices.
-91- 5. smart PrintSuperVision (sPSV) [Notification Settings] [DetailsScreen]>[R eport]>[NotificationSettings] Theadditionofreportsendingschedules,andeditinganddeletionofregisteredschedulesare av ailable.
-92- 5. smart PrintSuperVision (sPSV) [Option] Tab [DetailsScreen]>[Option] Configurethesettingsofvariousoptionsusedwiththissoftw are. No. Item Details (1) [UserSettings] Add/edit/deleteusersandusergroups.
-93- 5. smart PrintSuperVision (sPSV) [UserSettings] [DetailsScreen]>[Option]>[UserSettings] Add/edit/deleteusersandusergroups No. Item Details (1) [User/UserGroupList] DisplayalistofsPSVusersandusergroups.
-94- 5. smart PrintSuperVision (sPSV) No. Item Details (4) [Addauser/usergroup.] Click to display the following items. [Addauser/usergroup bysearchingtheActive Directory .] Clicktoswitchtothepageforaddingauser/user groupfromtheActiveDirectory .
-95- 5. smart PrintSuperVision (sPSV) [Environment Settings] [DetailsScreen]>[Option]>[EnvironmentSettings] Configuresettingsforserverlinkage,networkcommunications,etc. No. Item Details (1) [ServerSettings] ConfigureActiveDirectoryServ erandemailserversettings.
-96- 5. smart PrintSuperVision (sPSV) [Delete the log] [DetailsScreen]>[Option]>[Deletethelog] Deletedeviceinformationwhoseretentionperiodhasexpired,printjoblogsandsPSV operation logs.
-97- 5. smart PrintSuperVision (sPSV) [Import/Export] [DetailsScreen]>[Option]>[Import/Export] ExportsPSVdatabasedataasabackup,orimportanexistingdatabaseintoansPSV database. Memo •Loginasanadministratortoconfigurethesesettings.
-98- 5. smart PrintSuperVision (sPSV) [Database Settings] [DetailsScreen]>[Option]>[DatabaseSettings] Settingsforconnectingtothedatabasewheredatawillbesaved. Memo Configure thes e settings using a computer wi th sPSV is ins talled.
-99- 5. smart PrintSuperVision (sPSV) When[MicrosoftSQLServer]isselected (1) (3) (2) (4) (5) (7) (6) (8) No. Item Details (1) [DatabaseT ype] Thetypeofdatabasetobeconnectedtoisdisplay ed.
-100- 5. smart PrintSuperVision (sPSV) [Web Service Setting] [DetailsScreen]>[Option]>[W ebServiceSetting] Configure settings for displaying sPSV in a web browser . Memo Configure thes e settings using the computer on which sPSV is installed.
-101- 5. smart PrintSuperVision (sPSV) [Help]Tab [DetailsScreen]>[Help] BrowsesPSVhelpinformation,versioninformationandotherrelatedinformation. No. Item Details (1) [Help] Clicktoswitchtothehelppage.
-102- 5. smart PrintSuperVision (sPSV) [Help] [DetailsScreen]>[Help]>[Help] [Search Window] No. Item Details (1) [Search]/[Contents]T ab Selectwhethertodisplaythehelpcontentsordisplaythe helpsearchwindow .
-103- 5. smart PrintSuperVision (sPSV) [Contents Window] No. Item Details (1) [Search]/[Contents]T ab Selectwhethertodisplaythehelpcontentsordisplaythe helpsearchwindow .
-104- 5. smart PrintSuperVision (sPSV) [Version Info] [DetailsScreen]>[Help]>[V ersionInfo] No. Item Details (1) sPSV V ersion information DisplayssPSVversioninformation.
-105- 5. smart PrintSuperVision (sPSV) [HelpIcon] No. Item Details (1) Helpicon Clicktodisplaythehelptopicpageinadifferentwindow . [HelpTopicPage] No. Item Details (1) Related Item Linkstotopicsrelatedtothecurrentlydisplayedtopicare displayed.
6. Print Job A c count ing Client Soft wa r e WhenUsingWindows ....................................... 108 SettingtheJobAccountMode ........................ 108 Using T ab Mode ......................................
-107- 6. Print Job Accounting Client Software 6.PrintJobAccountingClientSoftware Theclientsoftwareneedstobeinstalledonclientcomputersifidentifyingusersb yuserID (PIN).Configurethe[PrintP olicy]settingsifidentifyingusers.
6. Print Job Accounting Client Software -108- WhenUsing Windows Setting the Jo b Ac cou nt Mode 1 Select[Start]>[AllPrograms]>[Oki Data]>[PrintJobAccountingClient]> [ChangeJobAccountMode].
6. Print Job Accounting Client Software -109- Using Tab Mo de 1 Followtheinstructionsin“SettingtheJob AccountMode”(P .108)tos witc htoH ide Mode. 2 Select[Start]>[DevicesandPrinters]to displaytheprinterdrivericon.
6. Print Job Accounting Client Software -110- UsingHide Mode There are four methods for setting user namesanduserIDsinHideMode. (1) AddingitemsbycreatinganIDfile ⇒ “SwitchingtheUserIDforEachUser” (P .
6. Print Job Accounting Client Software -111- 4 SpecifytheIDfilecreatedin 1 ,andclick [Open]. Note • If[SetfixedJobAccountIDforall users]ischeckedinthe[HideMode] menu,removethecheck.
6. Print Job Accounting Client Software -112- 5 Entertheloginnames,usernamesand userIDsoftheuserIDstobeaddedand click[OK]. 6 Click[OK]. Note If “Anothermode iscurrently enabled.
6. Print Job Accounting Client Software -113- SettingtheSameUserIDforAll Users 1 Followtheinstructionsin“Settingthe JobAccountMode”(P .108)tos witc hto hidden mode. 2 Check[SetfixedJobAccountIDforall users]inthe[HideMode]menu.
6. Print Job Accounting Client Software -114- WhenUsingMac OS X Regist ering the Job A ccount ID (P IN) Doubleclicktheprintjobaccountingicon. 1 Click[New]. 2 EntertheMacOSXloginname,user nameandjobaccountID(PIN)tobeused insPSVandclick[Save].
6. Print Job Accounting Client Software -115- (4) Click[Save]. (5) Enterthepassword,andclick[OK]. (6) Quittheclientsoftware.
6. Print Job Accounting Client Software -116- Deleting a Job Acc ount ID (PIN)orUser Name 1 DoubleclickPrintJobAccounting. 2 Selecttheuserthatyouwanttodelete, andclick[Delete]. Memo Todeleteal lregistered users,click[ Delete All].
7. R e gi s t er in g and Man agin g Devices RegisteringDevices ......... ................................. 118 Start sPSV................................................... 118 RegisteringDevices .. .............................
-118- 7. Registering and Managing Devices 5 Entertheusernameandpasswordofan sPSV user with administrator authority and click[Login]. The following user is set for the administrator . [UserName]:admin [Password]:password Memo The default pas sword can be changed.
7. Registering and Managing Devices -119- <Adding Printer s fro m a CSV file> (1) CreateaCSVfileusingsoftwaresuchas Notepad,Excel,etc. <ForNotepad> (1) W ritetheIPaddressofeachprinteron onelineforeachprinter .
7. Registering and Managing Devices -120- (2) Click[Add]. <Searc hing by [SNMP Commun ity Name]> (1) EntercommunitynamesforSNMP communicationintheentry.
7. Registering and Managing Devices -121- Configure the Settings of the Registered Devices Set the device information 1 Setthedeviceinformationin[Function Details]>[Manage]>[Device ManagementSettings]>[Device Settings].
7. Registering and Managing Devices -122- [Fees] SpecifythefeeregisteredinsPSV .Click[Billing AmountSettings]tocreateanewdefinition. Forinformationonhowtoconfigurethe settings,see“ChangingFeeChargeDefinitions” (P .
7. Registering and Managing Devices -123- [Specify Time] Acquiredforeachsetinterval.Themaximum intervaltimethatcanbesetis24hours.The defaultsettingissetasanoptimizedv alue detectedfromthestateoftheaddeddevice.
7. Registering and Managing Devices -124- [Panel access control] [UserName/Password] Ausernameandpasswordareentered when logging in from the panel of the device. [PIN] APINIDisenteredwhenlogginginfrom thepanelofthedevice.
7. Registering and Managing Devices -125- 5 Sel ectthedevi cetoaddtoth egroupfro m [DeviceLi st],click andswitch to [AssignedDeviceList] . Memo Click to switch from [Assig ned Device List] to [Device List].
7. Registering and Managing Devices -126- Changing Settings for ManagementGroups Thedevicecanbechangedtoadifferent group.Thisisusefulforwhenthedeviceis relocatedtoadifferentdepartment.
7. Registering and Managing Devices -127- 9 Entertheadministratorpasswordforthe deviceandclick[Apply]. Note Forde tailsonthe device’s factory set administratorpass word,se etheUser's Manual of the d evice.
8. R e gi s t er in g and M ana ging U s er s IndividualManagement ..................................... 129 User Registr ation ......................................... 129 RegisteringUserGroup ...............................
-129- 8. Registering and Managing Users 8.R egistering andManagi ng Users Users/usergroupscanberegisteredinthesPSVbyenteringtheusernameandus.
8. Registering and Managing Users -130- 4 Click[Apply]toregistertheuser . Next,proceedto“RegisteringUsersandUser GroupstoaDevice”(P .132). - T omanageregisteredusersbygroups, proceedto“RegisteringUserGroup”(referto rightsection).
8. Registering and Managing Users -131- [E-mailAddress] Emailaddressoftheusergroup. (upto256characters) Mail destination when [Notify the totals by e-mail.
8. Registering and Managing Users -132- [UserAuth.Method] [UserName/Passwor d] Thisisenabledwhen[UserName/Password] issetin[PanelAccessControl].Specif y from[Local],[LDAP]and[SecureProtocol].
8. Registering and Managing Users -133- ChangingUser/UserGr oup Information ChangingUserInformation 1 Changetheinformationfrom[Details Screen]>[Option]>[UserSettings]. 2 Clicktheuserin[UserList].
8. Registering and Managing Users -134- ChangingUserGroup Assignment 1 Changetheinformationfrom[Details Screen]>[Option]>[UserSettings]. 2 Clicktheusergroupin[UserList]. 3 Click in[Member].
8. Registering and Managing Users -135- 6 Click[OK]intheconfirmationwindow . 7 Clicktheusergrouptobenewlyassigned inthe[UserList]. 8 Click in[Member]. 9 Click[Add]. 10 AlistofusersregisteredtosPSVis displayed.
8. Registering and Managing Users -136- DeletingUser s/UserGroups 1 Deletetheinformationfrom[Details Screen]>[Option]>[UserSettings]. 2 Checktheuser/usergrouptobedeletedin the[UserList].
8. Registering and Managing Users -138- ChangingUserInf ormation ThePINisautomaticallyassignedwhena userisregisteredfromActiveDirectory . Change the assigned PIN and user information. 1 Changetheinformationfrom[Details Screen]>[Option]>[UserSettings].
8. Registering and Managing Users -139- 4 Click[Apply]tochangetheuser information. Proceedto“9.RestrictingDeviceUse”(P .
8. Registering and Managing Users -140- DeletingUser s/UserGroups Deleteusers/usergroupsfromActive Directory . 1 Changetheinformationfrom[Details Screen]>[Option]>[UserSettings]. 2 ChecktheActiveDirectoryuser/usergroup inthe[UserList].
9 . Re strictin gDe vice Use WhatCanBeDoneWithUseR estrictions ............. 142 UsageLimitations ......................................... 142 SettingUseR estrictionsforUserNames .............. 145 AddingfromtheUser .
-142- 9. Restricting Device Use 9.RestrictingDeviceUse WhatCanBeDoneWithUseRes triction s Theuseofadevicecanberestrictedbyspecifyingrestr.
-143- 9. Restricting Device Use Note Numbers(2)to (6)of [UserName],[DocumentName]and[Host s]maynot be configurable depending on the connected device.
-144- 9. Restricting Device Use ClientSoftwareRequiredfor[UserName]RestrictionTargets Themethod(printpolicy)usedtodeterminedeviceusersthatcanconfiguresettingsdiffers dependingonthespecifiedrestrictiontarget.
9. Restricting Device Use -145- Set tingUseR estric tions for User Names Ifrequired,userestrictionscanbesetto theusername.Addthesettingsusingone of the following methods. •Addingfromtheuser .
9. Restricting Device Use -146- 11 Click[Apply]. Whenthe“Enteranadministrator passwordforthedevice”windowis displayed,openthe[DeviceInfo]input window ,entertheadministratorpassword forthedeviceandclick[Apply].
9. Restricting Device Use -147- 3 Entertheusernametosetfrom[User Name]andconfigurethesettingsinthe [RestrictedItemsList]. Fordetailsonrestrictionitems,see“Usage Limitations”(P .
9. Restricting Device Use -148- 6 Click[OK]. 7 Referto“ AddingfromtheUser”(P .145) steps 11 and 12 to register the device.
9. Restricting Device Use -149- 5 Click[OK]. 6 Referto“ AddingfromtheUser”(P .145) steps 11 and 12 to register the device.
9. Restricting Device Use -150- 2 Click[Edit]. 3 Select[OtherLoginNames]from [RegisteredUserNameList]. 4 Configurethesettingsin[R estrictedItems List]. Fordetailsonrestrictionitems,see“Usage Limitations”(P .
9. Restricting Device Use -151- [DetermineUserbyPIN] Itisnecessarytoinstalltheprintjobclient softwareandconfiguretheuserIDontheprint sourceclientcomputer . ⇒ P .41,P .
9. Restricting Device Use -152- [Panel Access Control] [UserName/Password] Entertheusernameandpasswordwhen logginginfromthedevicepanel. [PIN] EnterthePINIDwhenlogginginfromthe devicepanel.
9. Restricting Device Use -153- Note • Dependingonthedevice,thismaynot be displayed. • Fordetailsonthedevice’sfactoryset administratorpassword,seetheUser’s Manual of the device.
9. Restricting Device Use -154- 3 Select[OtherURLs]from[R egistered DocumentNameList]. 4 Configurethesettingsin[R estrictedItems List]. Fordetailsonrestrictionitems,see“Usage Limitations”(P .
9. Restricting Device Use -155- [Panel Access Control] [UserName/Password] Entertheusernameandpasswordwhen logginginfromthedevicepanel. [PIN] EnterthePINIDwhenlogginginfromthe devicepanel.
9. Restricting Device Use -156- Whenthe“Enteranadministrator passwordforthedevice”windowis displayed,openthe[DeviceInfo]input window ,entertheadministratorpassword forthedeviceandclick[Apply].
9. Restricting Device Use -157- 3 Select[OtherHostNames]from[R egistered HostNameList]. 4 Configurethesettingsin[R estrictedItems List]. Fordetailsonrestrictionitems,see“Usage Limitations”(P .
9. Restricting Device Use -158- 5 Click in[Applicat ion]toop entheus e restr ictionss etting windowf or[Applicat ion]. 6 Click[Add]. 7 Select[DirectInput]from[HowtoSpecify HostName].
9. Restricting Device Use -159- 2 Select[JobLog]from[HowtoSpecify ApplicationName]. 3 Selecttheapplicationthatyouw anttoadd settingstofrom[ApplicationNameList]. 4 Configurethesettingsin[R estrictedItems List].
9. Restricting Device Use -160- Displaying Devic e RegisteredUse Res trictions 1 Checktheregistereduserestrictionsin [DetailsScreen]>[Manage]>[Device ManagementSettings]>[Device Settings].
9. Restricting Device Use -161- 5 Check[Enableaccesscontrol],andset [PanelAccessControl]and[UserA uth. Method:]. Note Dependingonthe device, someitems may not be displayed. 6 Click[Edit].
9. Restricting Device Use -162- Del ete Device Regi stered UseR estric tions Dele ting Indiv idualU se Res trictions Deletedeviceregistereduserestrictions individually .
9. Restricting Device Use -163- 9 Click[OK]intheconfirmationwindow . Note Unregisteredinf ormationsuchas OtherLoginNames,Other URLs,or Other HostN amesc annot bede leted.
9. Restricting Device Use -164- Temp orar ily Disab lingU se Res trictions Userestrictionscanbetemporarily disabled. Memo The use restr ictions set f or the PIN for prin tingjo bsfromaPCa realsodi sabled .
10. Mana ging A v ailab le Us ag e Whatcanbedonewithav ailableusage ............... 166 SettingtheA vailableUsage ............................... 166 ChangingthePriorityLevelofUserGroup ........
-166- 10. Managing Av ailable Usage Set tingt he Available Usage Setav ailableusageforusersanduser groups registered to sPSV . Printing is prohibited when the total usage ofasetuserorusergroupexceedsthe av ailableusage.
10. Managing Av ailable Usage [Staple] Whentheoptionalfinisherisinstalled,checkthis tosetthenumberoftimesthatthestaplercanbe used. [Include the total usage of the assigned user group.] Checkthistomanageuserestrictionsaccording totheav ailableusage.
10. Managing Av ailable Usage 2 Click[Changethepriorityofau sergroup]. 3 Selectausergroupfrom[UserGroup Name]andclick or tochangethe order . 4 Click[Apply]. Note The priority order settings ar e applied to all users that belong to the user group.
10. Managing Av ailable Usage -169- [Toner use amount] Settoincludethetoneruseamountinthefees. (1) Ifincludingthetoneruseamountinthe fee,check[Includeinthebillingamount thequantityoftonerusageofthejob information.
10. Managing Av ailable Usage -170- (3)Ifautomaticallycalculatingfees,enter thecolortonerpriceinthe[Color Price]field,themonotonerpricein.
10. Managing Av ailable Usage -171- (2) Ifacquiringdeviceinformationfor automaticcalculationoffees,selectthe devicetobeusedforautomaticcalcu.
10. Managing Av ailable Usage -172- [Media Type] Costscanbesetfor1pageofeachpapertype. Feescanalsobeappliedjusttospecificpaper types.
10. Managing Av ailable Usage -173- Note • Dependingonthedevice,thismaynot be displayed. • Fordetailsonthedevice’sfactoryset administratorpassword,seetheUser's Manual of the device.
10. Managing Av ailable Usage -174- Deleting Fee Charge Definitions 1 Deletethesettingsfrom[DetailsScreen] >[Manage]>[BillingAmountSettings]. 2 Selectthedefinitiontobedeletedfrom [Fees]andclick[Deletion].
10. Managing Av ailable Usage -175- SendingPrintPr ohibited/ Per mitt ed b y Mail When[Ifav ailableamountisexceeded] ischecked,usersarenotifiedbyemail whentheav ailableusageisexceededand printingcannotbeexecuted.
10. Managing Av ailable Usage -176- [If available amount is exceeded] Whenthisischecked,usersarenotifiedby emailwhentheusagelimitvalueisex ceeded.
1 1. Checking the De vic e S t atus , Consumable Lif e or Pr inting St atus CheckingtheDeviceUsageStatus ...................... 178 CheckingtheConsumableLife ........................... 179 CheckingthePrintingStatus .
-178- 11. Checking the Device Status, Consumable Life or Printing Status 11. Checking theD evice S tatus, Consumable Life or Printing Status Checkthedeviceusagestatus,theusagequantityofmaintenanceitemsandtheremaining lifeofconsumables.
11. Checking the Device Status, Consumable Life or Printing Status -179- [HTML] OutputsareportinanHTMLfile. [EXCEL97-2003book] OutputsareportinanXLSfile(extension“.xls”). [CSV] OutputsareportinaCSVfile(extension“.
11. Checking the Device Status, Consumable Life or Printing Status -180- 5 Checktheitemstobeconfirmedin [ConsumableLifeT ype]. Note Ifasettingdoesnotexiston thedevice, the corre sponding field is lef t blank in the report.
11. Checking the Device Status, Consumable Life or Printing Status -181- [XML] OutputsareportinanXMLfile(extension “.xml”). [TEXT] OutputsareportinaTXTfile(extension“.txt”). 11 Click[View]tochecktheresults.
11. Checking the Device Status, Consumable Life or Printing Status -182- 5 Selectthecountertobecheckedfrom [CounterSelection]. [Print Page Counter] Displaystheprintedpagecountsfor[Color], [Mono],[SpotColor1]and[SpotColor2],and the total printed pages.
11. Checking the Device Status, Consumable Life or Printing Status -183- 9 Selecttheformatinwhichtooutputthe results. [HTML] OutputsareportinanHTMLfile. [EXCEL97-2003book] OutputsareportinanXLSfile(extension“.
11. Checking the Device Status, Consumable Life or Printing Status -184- 5 Checktheitemstobeconfirmedin[Device Status]. [Complete] Detectserrorsandwarningsinallcategories. [Cover Open] Detectserrorsandwarningssuchasopencov ers andmissingtrays(cassettes).
11. Checking the Device Status, Consumable Life or Printing Status -185- Note • Ifnostartdateisinput,thedata duration starts from the earliest collected data. • Ifnoenddateisinput,thedataduration continues to the last collected data.
11. Checking the Device Status, Consumable Life or Printing Status -186- [Time specified] Setthespecificupdatetime.Click[Specify Time]andaddthetime.Afteradding,click [OK]. [Acquire Status] Specifytheinterv alatwhichtoacquirestatus information.
12. Mana ging J ob L o gs WhatCanBeDonewithJobLogs ....................... 188 ConfiguringtheJobLogAcquisitionSettings ........ 188 ProvidingTimeNotificationsforDevices .............. 190 DisplayingJobLogs .
-188- 12. Managing Job Logs 12.ManagingJobLogs Thissectionexplainssettingsforacquiringjoblogs,andoperationssuchasdispla ying, deletingorsummarizingjoblogs.
12. Managing Job Logs -189- [Record Job Log to Device] Thedevicestartsrecordingthelogwhenthisis checkedandthechangeisapplied.Thedevice stopsrecordingthelogwhenthecheckis removedandthechangeisapplied.
12. Managing Job Logs -190- Providing Time Notific ations f or De vices sPSVneedstoprovidetimenotificationsto devicesthatdonothaveaninternalclock anddevicesforwhichSNTPisnotset.
12. Managing Job Logs -191- Displaying All Job L og It ems (Detail Displa y) 1 Configurethesettingsfrom[Details Screen]>[R eport]>[DisplayReport]> [JobInformation]. 2 Selectthedeviceforwhichtodisplaythe joblogin[Device].
12. Managing Job Logs -192- 4 Select[Complete]from[Detail]andclick [View]. Changing Job Items To Be Displaye d 1 Configurethesettingsfrom[Details Screen]>[R eport]>[DisplayReport]> [JobInformation].
12. Managing Job Logs -193- Outputting Job Logs as a CS V File Theacquiredjoblogcanbeoutputasa CSVformatfile,andusedincommercially av ailablespreadsheetsoftware.
12. Managing Job Logs -194- 5 Specifythedurationforwhichtooutput thejoblogfrom[DataRange]. 6 Select[CSV]from[FileT ype].
12. Managing Job Logs Operations When the Log Is Full Theprocesseswhenthedevicelogbuffer isfullbeforethelogisacquiredbysPSV canbeset.
12. Managing Job Logs [No Logging] Printjobsreceivedbythedeviceafterthelog isfullareexecutedbutnotrecordedtothelog.
12. Managing Job Logs -197- 2 Selectthedeviceforwhichtodisplaythe totalsin[Device]. Ifacquiringthejoblogbeforeajob,check thatt.
12. Managing Job Logs -198- 2 Select[Custom]from[Detail]andclick [SelectColumn]. 3 In[ColumnSettingsforJobT otals],click to ope n the fil e tree. 4 Changethejoblogitemstobe summarized.
12. Managing Job Logs -199- 5 Specifythedurationforwhichtooutput thejoblogfrom[DataRange]. 6 Select[CSV]from[FileT ype].
12. Managing Job Logs -200- 4 Click[Apply]. Sending Job L ogs by Email Acquiredjoblogscanbeautomatically outputtoCSVfiles,andtheoutputfile canbesentasanemailattachmentevery month to the administrator .
12. Managing Job Logs -201- Changing the Closing Da te Thedeadlinedateonwhichthejoblogis collectedcanbeset. 1 Setin[DetailsScreen]>[Option]> [EnvironmentSettings]>[Othersetup].
13. Env ir onm en t S e t t in gs ChangingtheDatabaseDestination .................... 203 ChangingtheW ebServiceSettings .................... 204 SettingtheOutgoingMailFunction ..................... 206 SettingtheOutgoingMailFunction .
-203- 13. Environment Settings 13. Environment Settings Changing the Dat abase Destination Thedatabasetowhichdataissavedcan bechanged. Note • Database settings can on ly be configured from computer s on which sPSV is inst alled.
13. Environment Settings -204- [SQLSer verAut hentication] Authenticatedconnectionwillbemadeusing theuserpermissionforuserauthentication registered in the database. [Password] Specifytheuserauthenticationpasswordfor SQLServer .
13. Environment Settings -205- [Port Number] Specifythe port number used by IIS. (default:50081,range:1-65535) [Web Site] SpecifyawebsiteregisteredtoIIStobeusedby sPSV .
13. Environment Settings -206- [Port Number] Theportnumberusedincommunication withtheSMTPserver .Thisisusually[25]. (Range:1to65535hours) [Authentication Methods] Selecttheauthenticationmethodused whenconnectingtotheSMTPserver .
-207- 13. Environment Settings Configuring the Settings for Notification Email 1 Configurethesettingsfrom[DetailsScreen]>[R eport]>[NotificationSettings]> [NotificationE-mailSettings]. 2 Clickanotificationtypetomovetothecommenteditingwindow .
-208- 13. Environment Settings Item Description [ResetDateNotification] Emailsenttousers/usergroupsindicatedinthesettingsfor advancenotificationsoftheendofthev alidperiod.
13. Environment Settings -209- Sending Database Error Notific ation Email Ifadditionstothelogdatabasefail,an emailthatcontainstheerrordetailscanbe sentonceadaytotheadministr ator .
13. Environment Settings -210- Auto Statu s Refresh Service It is possible to regularly monitor deviceinformationanduser/usergroup informationforregistereddevicesand update the information if there are any changes.
13. Environment Settings -211- 4 Click in[CommunicationTimeout,Retry Settings]toop enth eset tin gswi ndo w .
14. O ther Funct ions ReceivingEmailNotificationsofJobR esults ......... 213 LimitingtheSizeandNumberofAttachments ...... 214 DeletingR egisteredDevices .............................. 214 IftheDeviceConnectionDestinationor IPAddressHasBeenChanged .
-213- 14. Other Functions 14.OtherFunctions Receiving E mail Notif ications of Job R esults Y oucanreceiveemailnotificationsofjob logacquisitionstatuses,acquisitionof statuses,etc.
-214- 14. Other Functions Deleting R egistere d Devices T oremoveadevicefrommanagementb y sPSVbecausethedeviceistobemoved orscrapped,deletethedevicefromthe serversoftwarebeforemo vingorscrapping it.
14. Other Functions -215- If the De vice Connection Destination or IP A ddress HasBe enChanged IfthedeviceconnectiondestinationorIP addresshasbeenchanged,changethe devicesettings.
14. Other Functions -216- Automatically Rec onnecting When the Device IP Address Is Changed WhenthedeviceIPaddressischanged, thenewIPaddresscanbeautomatically connected,andthelogcanstillbe acquired.
14. Other Functions -217- Memo Perform the following steps to change the range in which to search for devices whose IP address has changed. 1 Changetherangeinwhichtosearch.
14. Other Functions -218- 6 Click[A ppl y]. Whenthe“Enteranadministrator passwordforthedevice”windowis displayed,entertheadministr ator passwordforthedeviceandclick[OK]. Note • Dependingonthedevice,thismaynot be displayed.
14. Other Functions -219- Checking the Serv er ID 1 ChecktheserverIDfrom[DetailsScreen] >[Help]>[V ersionInfo].
14. Other Functions -220- 6 Click[ManagementGroupList]in[Map]. 7 Clickthemapicon( ) of the management group to be arranged on a map.
15. Unin s t alling t h e S o f t w ar e Uninstalling sPSV ............................................. 222 DeletingthePrintJobAccountingClientSoftware (Windows) ...................................................... 223 DeletingthePrintJobAccountingClientSoftware ( MacOSX ) .
- 222 - 15. Uninstalling the Software 15.UninstallingtheSoftware Uninst alling sPS V IfuninstallingsPSV ,makesuretodeleteall registereddevicesbeforeuninstallingsPSV . 1 DeletedevicesregisteredtosPSV accordingto“DeletingR egisteredDevices” (P .
15. Uninstalling the Software -223- Deleting the Print Job Acc ounting Client Sof tware (Windows) 1 Quittheprintjobaccountingclient software if it is running.
16 . Tr oubleshoo ting.
-225- 16. T roubleshooting 16.Troubleshooting ThischapterexplainssomeoftheproblemsthatcouldpossiblyoccurwhenusingsPSV ,and provideshintstotheirsolutions. Item Details Thedeviceisnotfound whensearchingfor devicesusing[R egister Device].
-226- 16. T roubleshooting Item Details Whenprinting,theprint jobisautomatically cancelledandcannotbe executed. - CheckwhethertheuserIDusedtoprintissetto“Printing Prohibited”or“ColorPrintingProhibited” .
-227- 16. T roubleshooting Item Details Cannotinitializetheflash memoryfromthedevice controlpanel.Also,the harddiskorSDmemory cardcannotbeinitialized fordevicesequippedwith an internal hard disk or SDmemorycard.
-228- 16. T roubleshooting Item Details (4) EntertheuseraccountandpasswordusedbythesPSVServicefor logginginandclick[OK].
17 . Fr equentl y A sk e d Que s tions (F A Q ).
-230- 17. Frequently Asked Questions (F AQ) 17.FrequentlyAskedQuestions(FAQ) ThissectionprovidestheanswerstofrequentlyaskedquestionsaboutsPSV . Q A Howtoconfigurethe settings in sPSV when a user hasbeenaddedtoanActive Directoryusergroup? Follow the steps below .
-231- 17. Frequently Asked Questions (F AQ) Q A Whentryingtoprintcolor datainmonochrome,itdid notprint,eventhoughthe userestrictionissetto[Print InMono]. Ifmultipleconditionsaresetforuserestrictions,the strongerrestrictionisapplied.
18. T erms.
-233- 18. T erms 18.Terms Active Directory AdirectoryservicedevelopedbyMicrosoft andincludedinWindows. CN (Common Name) AnattributeusedforLDAPservices, denoting a person's name. DC (Domain Component) AnattributeusedforLDAPservices, denoting a domain name element.
-234- 18. T erms Unicastformat Aformofone-on-onedatacommunication using a single address..
1 9. R esou r ces ListofA vailableFunctions ................................. 236 InformationThatCanBeAcquiredasaJobLog .... 238 ItemsThatCanBeAggregated .......................... 243 BasicProceduresinWindows .
-236- 19. Resources 19.Resources List of A vailableFunctions ThefollowingfunctionsinsmartPrintSuperVisionareav ailableforthosewithuserauthority .
-237- 19. Resources ●:Av ailable-:Unav ailable Large categories Medium categories Smallcategories User authority Level1 Level2 Level3 Guest user Standard us.
-238- 19. Resources Information That Can Be Acquired as a Job Log Informationthatcanbeacquiredasajoblogisasshownbelow .()denotesthename displayedintheCSVfile(compatiblewithprintjobaccounting).
-239- 19. Resources Item Details Status (Status) Thejobprocessingresult - Completed:Jobcompletednormally . - Canceled:Jobcancelledbyuseroper ation.(Forprinting,when one or more sheets are printed) - Aborted:Jobcancelledforareasonotherthanuseroper ation.
-240- 19. Resources Item Details SpotColor1 *2*3 (White/Clear) Numberofpagesprintedinaspotcolor ,suchaswhite,clear ,or monochrome.Whenoneprintjobisdisplayedo veranumberof lines,thenumberofpagesisdisplayedoneachline.
-241- 19. Resources Item Details ProcessingOff -lineTime (ProcessingOff -line Time) Thetimeduringwhichdeviceprocessingstoppedduetoanerror , suchas.
-242- 19. Resources Item Details Function Displaysthenameofthefunctionprocessedbythedevice. Service (Service) Displaysthenameoftheserviceprocessedbythedevice.
-243- 19. Resources Items That Can Be Aggregated Items that are displayed for aggregation are as shown below . ( ) denotes the name displayedintheCSVfile(compatiblewithprintjobaccounting). Note The items that can be aggregated differ depending on the device model or whether options are used.
-244- 19. Resources Item Details AbnormalCompleted Thisisthetotalnumberofjobsthatcompletedabnormally . LogBufferFull (LogBufferFull) Thisisthetotalnumberofjobscancelledbecausethedevicelogis full.
-245- 19. Resources Item Details Mono Printing - Host Name (Mono Printing - Host Name) Thisisthetotalnumberofjobsprintedinmonochromeduetouse restrictions(ProhibitColorPrinting)forahostname.
-246- 19. Resources Item Details T ray5(T r ay5) Thisisthetotalnumberofsheetssuppliedfromtray5. Multi-Purpose T ray (Multi-Purpose T ray) This is the total number of sheets supplied from the multi-purpose tra y/manual feeding tray .
-247- 19. Resources Basic Pr ocedures in Windows ThissectionexplainsproceduresfordisplayingthePrinterPropertieswindowforOSother thanWindows7,theOSthatwasusedasanexampleinthismanual.
Inde x.
-249- Index Index A AcquirePrintLog .................................... 57 ActiveDirectory LinkedManagement ........................... 136 AddUser ............................................... 57 Authenticationserver .
-250- Index O [Option]T ab .......................................... 79 Outputcost .......................................... 166 OutputtingtheaggregationresultsasaCSV file .........................................
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il OKI ES4192 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del OKI ES4192 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso OKI ES4192 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul OKI ES4192 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il OKI ES4192, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del OKI ES4192.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il OKI ES4192. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo OKI ES4192 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.