Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto 8672A del fabbricante Nortel Networks
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Part No. 209 195-A March 2 001 4401 Gr eat Ame rica Parkway Santa C lara, CA 9505 4 Using the Passport 8672A TM Module.
2 209195-A Copyright © 2001 Nortel Networks All righ ts reser ved. Ma rch 2001 . The informati on in this document is subj ect to change without notice. The statemen ts, configuration s, technical data , and recommenda tions in t his docum ent are b elieved t o be acc urate and reliable, but are prese nted wit hout expres s or implied warranty .
3 Using the Passpo rt 8672AT M Modul e EC Declaration of Conformity This prod uct conforms (or these pro ducts conform) t o the prov isions of the R& TTE Directive 1 999/5/EC.
4 209195-A 1. Licen se grant. Nortel Netwo rks NA Inc. ( “ Nortel Networks ” ) grants the end use r of the Softwa re ( “ Licensee ” ) a persona l, non exclusi ve, non transfer able li cense: a.
5 Using the Passpo rt 8672AT M Modul e 5. Gover nment lice nsees. This provisio n applies to a ll Software and documentatio n acquired directly or i ndirectly by or on behalf of the United Stat es Government.
6 209195-A.
7 Using the Passpo rt 8672A TM Module Contents Pref ace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 7 Before you begin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8 Contents 209195-A Chapter 3 Install ing the Passport 8672A TM Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Safety an d environm ental preca utions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Installing the Pass port 8672 A T M Module .
Contents 9 Using the Passpo rt 8672A TM Module 1483 ELA N statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 config at mcard elan-stat s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
10 Contents 209195-A Basic co nfiguration procedure s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 18 Bridging p oint-to-po int traffic usin g an A TM 1483 PVC using Dev ice Manager . . 1 1 8 Creating a V LAN “byPort” and addi ng ports .
11 Using the Passpo rt 8672A TM Module Figur es Figure 1 Passport 8672A TM mod ule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 6 Figure 2 1-port OC-12 c/STM-4 MDA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
12 Figures 209195-A Figure 28 show ports info atm al l comma nd output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Figure 29 show ports info atm po rts comman d output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Figure 30 show p orts info at m pvc comm and outp ut .
Figures 13 Using the Passpo rt 8672A TM Module Figure 61 IPX rou ting with A TM 1483 PVCs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 Figure 62 IPX VLA N dialog box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
14 Figures 209195-A.
15 Using the Passpo rt 8672A TM Module Ta b l e s T able 1 Passport 8672A TM Mod ule onli ne LED ind ications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 8 T able 2 MDA LED indi cations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
16 Tables 209195-A T able 30 Informati on fields for the sho w ports s tats atm l inecurre nt command . . 97 T able 31 Informati on fields fo r The show ports s tats atm line interval c ommand . . 99 T able 32 Informati on fields for the sho w ports s tats atm p athcurrent comma nd .
17 Using the Passpo rt 8672AT M Modul e Preface The P assp ort ® 8672A TM Modul e is part of the Nortel Ne tworks Passport 8 600 Series line of c ommunication s products . This module is the Passpo rt Asynchrono us T ra nsfer Mode ( A TM) module f or the Pas sport 8600 chassis.
18 Pref ace 209195-A T ext conventions This gui de uses the followin g text conv entions: angle br ackets ( < >) Indicate that you c hoose the text to e nter base d on the descript ion insi de the bra ckets. Do not type the brackets when entering the command.
Preface 19 Using th e Passpor t 8672ATM M odule ital ic tex t Indicate s new terms, book titl es, and var iables i n command syntax descript ions. Where a variable is two or more wo rds, the wor ds are con nected by a n underscor e.
20 Pref ace 209195-A Related publi cations For more i nformatio n about the Passport 8600 Series pr oducts and management softwar e, refer to the fol lowing publ ication s: • Getting Started with th.
Preface 21 Using th e Passpor t 8672ATM M odule • Using the Passport 8 600 Modules ( part number 207306-C) Provides informat ion about the Passpo rt 8600 module, including de scripti ons of opera tional f eatures, installat ion inst ructions , basic setup procedure s, and technic al speci ficatio ns.
22 Pref ace 209195-A How to ge t help If you pu rchased a service c ontract for your Nor tel Networks product fr om a distri butor or authorized r eseller , contact t he techni cal suppo rt staf f for that distri butor or reselle r for ass istance .
23 Using the Passpo rt 8672AT M Modul e Chapter 1 About the Passport 8672A TM Module The Passpo rt 8672A TM Module provid es network transmiss ion using A TM technol ogy .
24 Chapter 1 About the Passpo rt 8672AT M Modul e 209195-A Refe r to Networking Concepts f or the Pass port 8000 S eries Switch for a thorough discuss ion of the complete func tionali ty of the Passport 8 000 series pr oduct line, includi ng the Passpor t 8672A TM Module.
Chapter 1 About the Passport 8672 ATM Module 25 Using th e Passpor t 8672ATM M odule A T M ELANs, and Ethernet VLANs The Passpor t 8672A TM Module suppo rts A TM Forum Emulated L ANs (ELANs). An ELAN exte nds an Eth ernet VLAN, whi ch is a broadcast domain, over an A TM network.
26 Chapter 1 About the Passpo rt 8672AT M Modul e 209195-A RFC 1483 Support The syste m software on the Pass port 8672A TM Module supports t he configu ration of RFC 1483 LAN clients with multipr otocol enc apsulation. RFC 1483 supp orts standard s-based method s of encapsula tion that ena ble connectivi ty with third- party A T M devi ces.
Chapter 1 About the Passport 8672 ATM Module 27 Using th e Passpor t 8672ATM M odule T o configure and ma nage the Pas sport 8672 A TM Module, connect to t he Passpor t 8690SF Module . For infor mation on co nnecting t o the Passpor t 8690SF cons ole port, re fer to Usi ng the Pass port 8600 Modu les .
28 Chapter 1 About the Passpo rt 8672AT M Modul e 209195-A Figure 4 shows the Pas sport 8672A TM Module with on e OC-12c/STM-4 MDA insta lled. For info rmat ion o n ins talli ng th e MD As, re fer to Installing the Passport 8672A TM Module MDAs.
Chapter 1 About the Passport 8672 ATM Module 29 Using th e Passpor t 8672ATM M odule MDA LEDs Table 2 lists t he MD A LED indi catio ns. Console and Diag po rts Use the Con sole port on the Pass port 8690 SF module to ac cess manage ment functi ons for th e Passport 8672A TM Module.
30 Chapter 1 About the Passpo rt 8672AT M Modul e 209195-A.
31 Using the Passpo rt 8672AT M Modul e Chapter 2 Passp ort 8672 A TM Modu le tech nology o vervi ew This chapt er con tains the fo llow ing in format ion: • “ A TM terms and ac ronyms , ” next .
32 Chapte r 2 Passp ort 8672AT M Module t echnolog y overv iew 209195-A • VC: V irtual circuit. This is a network se rvice th at provid es connecti on-orie nted serv ice regar dless of the underl ying netwo rk structur e. • VP: V irtual path . A virt ual path i s a se t of v irtual channels between a common source a nd destin ation.
Chapter 2 Passpo rt 8672AT M Modul e technol ogy overv iew 33 Using th e Passpor t 8672ATM M odule SONET terms and acronyms This sec tion provi des a brief listin g of common Synch ronous Opti cal Network (SONE T) te rms. S ONET is a me dium f or tran smi tting d ata th at use s fibe r opti c cables.
34 Chapte r 2 Passp ort 8672AT M Module t echnolog y overv iew 209195-A SONET transmissi on rates The foll owing tran smission r ates are commonl y used with SONET : • OC-3c/STM-1: 155.
35 Using the Passpo rt 8672AT M Modul e Chapter 3 Installing the Passport 8672 A T M Module This chap ter descr ibes the procedure for inst alling the Passpor t 8672A TM Module.
36 Chapter 3 Install ing the Pa ssport 8672ATM Mo dule 209195-A • When handli ng modules, do not touch components on the modules ; always handle modu les by the ir edges. Store unus ed modules i n their pr otectiv e packagin g. W arning: Fiber optic equipment can emit l aser or inf rared light t hat can injure y our eyes.
Chapter 3 Ins talling the Pass port 8672ATM Mod ule 37 Using th e Passpor t 8672ATM M odule Installing the Passpo rt 8672A TM Mo dule T o install the P assport 8 672A TM Module: 1 Remove the f iller panel fro m the module sl ot in th e Passport 8600 seri es chas sis (Figu re 5) .
38 Chapter 3 Install ing the Pa ssport 8672ATM Mo dule 209195-A . 3 Handling the Passpor t 8672A TM Module by the sid es only , carefully a lign it with the card guid es in the c hassis. Sl ide the mod ule into t he slot until th e module conn ectors t ouch the ch assis bac kplane (Fi gure 7) .
Chapter 3 Ins talling the Pass port 8672ATM Mod ule 39 Using th e Passpor t 8672ATM M odule Figure 8 Closin g the inse rter/ext ractor l evers 5 T ighten the re taining scr ews (Figure 9) . Figure 9 T ighte ning the r etainer sc rews Y ou must install at leas t one MDA on the Passport 8672A TM Module in orde r to pass t raffic.
40 Chapter 3 Install ing the Pa ssport 8672ATM Mo dule 209195-A For info rmation on c onfiguri ng and managi ng the Pass port 8672A TM Module, refer to Chapter 4, “ Man aging the Passport 8 672A TM .
Chapter 3 Ins talling the Pass port 8672ATM Mod ule 41 Using th e Passpor t 8672ATM M odule ERROR Task=rcStart Couldn’t find an ATM download image! Aborting card initialization in Slot=4 or: ERROR T.
42 Chapter 3 Install ing the Pa ssport 8672ATM Mo dule 209195-A Figure 10 Unsuc cessful do wnload scr een output Copyright (c) 1998-2001 Nortel Networks, Inc.
Chapter 3 Ins talling the Pass port 8672ATM Mod ule 43 Using th e Passpor t 8672ATM M odule After t he image loads ont o the Pas sport 86 72A TM Module, it p erforms a series of self- diagnosti c tests. If the modul e fails the diagn ostics, t he scree n displays th e followi ng message: Fatal bring up error on ATM card in slot <number>.
44 Chapter 3 Install ing the Pa ssport 8672ATM Mo dule 209195-A T o verify that t he Passpor t 8672A TM Module is rea dy to rece ive and tr ansmit traf fic, c heck the LEDs on t he module an d the MDA. Once you e nable the ports using th e CLI or Devi ce Manager , the onli ne LED on the modu le lights s teady green, and t he module is read y .
Chapter 3 Ins talling the Pass port 8672ATM Mod ule 45 Using th e Passpor t 8672ATM M odule Start ing the system after a module replacement After yo u a replac e a module on the chass is, you can e xp.
46 Chapter 3 Install ing the Pa ssport 8672ATM Mo dule 209195-A.
47 Using the Passpo rt 8672AT M Modul e Chapter 4 Managing the Passport 8672A TM Module with Devi ce Manage r T wo management tools e nable you to mana ge your Pass port 8672A TM Module: Device Mana ger and the command line interface (CLI). Y ou can also use the embedded W eb-based manag ement feature to monitor the 8672A TM Module.
48 Chapter 4 Managing the Pa ssport 867 2ATM Mo dule with D evice Manag er 209195-A The m anag emen t syst ems id entif y an in terfac e by it s slo t numbe r (in the Pa sspor t 8600 seri es chass is) and its port numb er , using t he syntax s lot number/ port number (s/p).
Chapter 4 Managing the Pa ssport 867 2ATM Mod ule with De vice Ma nager 49 Using th e Passpor t 8672ATM M odule • Getting Started with the Passpor t 8000 Seri es Management Softwar e • Refer ence .
50 Chapter 4 Managing the Pa ssport 867 2ATM Mo dule with D evice Manag er 209195-A Figure 1 1 Passpo rt 8000 s eries cha ssis with Passport 8 672A TM M odule The ports on the gra phical i mage are col or -coded to p rovide at -a-glanc e port sta tus.
Chapter 4 Managing the Pa ssport 867 2ATM Mod ule with De vice Ma nager 51 Using th e Passpor t 8672ATM M odule Addition ally , many Devic e Manager windows a nd dialog b oxes contain b uttons.
52 Chapter 4 Managing the Pa ssport 867 2ATM Mo dule with D evice Manag er 209195-A Figure 12 Interfa ce tab Ta b l e 5 descri bes the i tems in th e Interf ace tab.
Chapter 4 Managing the Pa ssport 867 2ATM Mod ule with De vice Ma nager 53 Using th e Passpor t 8672ATM M odule Ta b l e 5 Interface t ab items Item Description Index Unique value as signed to each int erface. The value ra nges betwe en 16 and 255. Name Displa ys the name of this po rt.
54 Chapter 4 Managing the Pa ssport 867 2ATM Mo dule with D evice Manag er 209195-A From the I nterface tab, sel ect other A TM-specific tabs to co nfigure t he port or change cu rrent or default configura tions. Resetting the module T o reset the mod ule: 1 Highligh t the module .
Chapter 4 Managing the Pa ssport 867 2ATM Mod ule with De vice Ma nager 55 Using th e Passpor t 8672ATM M odule Figure 13 Card ta b Ta b l e 6 desc ribes the fi eld s in the Card ta b.
56 Chapter 4 Managing the Pa ssport 867 2ATM Mo dule with D evice Manag er 209195-A Ta b l e 6 Card tab fie lds 3 Click th e A TM tab. The A TM tab opens (Fi gure 14) . Field Descripti on FrontT ype Card ty pe. FrontDe scription A TM. FrontAd minStatus Adminis trative statu s of the c ard.
Chapter 4 Managing the Pa ssport 867 2ATM Mod ule with De vice Ma nager 57 Using th e Passpor t 8672ATM M odule Figure 14 AT M t a b Ta b l e 7 describe s the fie lds in th e A TM tab. Ta b l e 7 A TM tab fields 4 Click re set. 5 Click Appl y . Vi ewing MDA information T o view informatio n on the MDA yo u are using, 1 Highligh t the MDA.
58 Chapter 4 Managing the Pa ssport 867 2ATM Mo dule with D evice Manag er 209195-A The MDA dialog box o pens (Figu re 15) . Figure 15 MDA di alog box Ta b l e 8 describe s the fie lds in th e MDA dialog box. Enabling or disabling a port Y ou can enable or disable a port by tw o methods.
Chapter 4 Managing the Pa ssport 867 2ATM Mod ule with De vice Ma nager 59 Using th e Passpor t 8672ATM M odule 4 Click Appl y . T o enable or disa ble a port using a sh ortcut menu : 1 Right-c lick on th e port. A shortcu t menu opens. 2 Choose Enabl e or Disa ble.
60 Chapter 4 Managing the Pa ssport 867 2ATM Mo dule with D evice Manag er 209195-A Figure 16 ATM tab Ta b l e 9 descri bes the i tems in th e A TM tab. Ta b l e 9 AT M t a b i t e m s Item Description ifIndex Interfac e Index. MediaT ype mmf (multim ode fiber) or smf (singl e-mode fiber) LineSpee d For OC-3 c, the ope rating spe ed is 155 .
Chapter 4 Managing the Pa ssport 867 2ATM Mod ule with De vice Ma nager 61 Using th e Passpor t 8672ATM M odule Editing circuit parameters To view and configure A TM PVC parameters: 1 On the devi ce view , highlight a port. 2 Choose Edit > Port. The Port d ialog box o pens with the I nterfac e tab displa yed ( Figur e 12 on page 52 ).
62 Chapter 4 Managing the Pa ssport 867 2ATM Mo dule with D evice Manag er 209195-A Figure 17 AT M P V C t a b Ta b l e 1 0 de scrib es the fie lds in the A TM PV C tab. 4 Click In sert. The Inser t A TM PVC dialog box opens (F igure 18) . Ta b l e 1 0 A TM PVC tab fie lds Item Description Vpi Virt ual path i dentifier .
Chapter 4 Managing the Pa ssport 867 2ATM Mod ule with De vice Ma nager 63 Using th e Passpor t 8672ATM M odule Figure 18 Inser t A T M PVC d ialog box Ta b l e 1 1 describes the fields in the Ins ert A TM PVC dialog box. 5 In the Vpi field, type the VPI-bi t size ( an integer b etween 0 and 255).
64 Chapter 4 Managing the Pa ssport 867 2ATM Mo dule with D evice Manag er 209195-A 6 In the Vc i field, typ e the VCI-bi t size (an i nteger b etween 0 and 65, 53 5). 7 In the Na me field, type the name of t he A TM PVC. 8 In the En capsulat ion field, se lect the encapsul ation metho d (null or IIcSnap) .
Chapter 4 Managing the Pa ssport 867 2ATM Mod ule with De vice Ma nager 65 Using th e Passpor t 8672ATM M odule Figure 19 A TM P VC tab with PVC selected 6 Click Delete . The P VC is d ele ted. Configuring A TM 1483 ELAN parameters T o view and configur e A TM 1483 ELAN parame ters for t he port: 1 On the devi ce view , highlight a port.
66 Chapter 4 Managing the Pa ssport 867 2ATM Mo dule with D evice Manag er 209195-A Figure 20 A TM 1 483 ELAN t ab (left s ection) Figure 21 A TM 1 483 ELAN t ab (rig ht section) Ta b l e 1 2 de scrib es the fie lds in the A TM 1 483 ELA N tab. Ta b l e 1 2 A TM 1 483 EL AN tab fiel ds Field Desc ription VlanId VLAN to whi ch the ELAN b elongs.
Chapter 4 Managing the Pa ssport 867 2ATM Mod ule with De vice Ma nager 67 Using th e Passpor t 8672ATM M odule 4 Click In sert. The Inser t A TM 1483 ELAN d ialog box opens (Figure 22) .
68 Chapter 4 Managing the Pa ssport 867 2ATM Mo dule with D evice Manag er 209195-A Ta b l e 1 3 describes the i tems in the I nsert A TM 1483 ELAN dialog box. 5 In the Vlan Id fiel d, ty pe the VLAN ID. 6 In the PvcI ds fiel d, ty pe the PVC ID. 7 In the Con nectT ype field, se lect the type of r outing pro tocol: br idged, ip, or ipx.
Chapter 4 Managing the Pa ssport 867 2ATM Mod ule with De vice Ma nager 69 Using th e Passpor t 8672ATM M odule Figure 23 sh ows the relev ant fie lds fo r IP ro utin g.
70 Chapter 4 Managing the Pa ssport 867 2ATM Mo dule with D evice Manag er 209195-A Figure 24 Inser t A T M 1483 E LAN dial og box for IP X routing Deleting an A TM 148 3 ELAN T o delete an A TM 1483 ELAN: 1 On the devi ce view , highlight a port. 2 Choose Edit > Port.
Chapter 4 Managing the Pa ssport 867 2ATM Mod ule with De vice Ma nager 71 Using th e Passpor t 8672ATM M odule Figure 25 A TM 1 483 EL AN tab with ElanId s elect ed 6 Click Delete . The A TM 1483 ELAN is del eted. Displaying sta tistics using Device Manager Statis tics are not support ed in Device Mana ger in thi s release .
72 Chapter 4 Managing the Pa ssport 867 2ATM Mo dule with D evice Manag er 209195-A.
73 Using the Passpo rt 8672AT M Modul e Chapter 5 Managing the Passport 8672A TM Module with the CLI Y ou can manage your Passport 8 672A TM Module through the command line interf ace (CLI) . Y ou can als o use the e mbedded W eb-based manag ement feat ure to monito r the 8672A TM Module.
74 Chapter 5 Managing the Pa ssport 867 2ATM Mo dule with t he CLI 209195-A This sectio n con tains the fo llow ing in format ion: • “ Configur ation co mmands , ” next • “ Show commands ” on p age 82 Configuration comm ands This sec tion desc ribes the CLI config uration comma nds availabl e with the Passport 8672A TM Module.
Chapter 5 Managing the Passpor t 8672AT M Module with the CL I 75 Using th e Passpor t 8672ATM M odule Ta b l e 1 4 con fig atmca rd comm and param eters and v ariable s 1483 ELAN stati stics The 1483 ELAN st atisti cs commands al low you to col lect ELAN sta tistics f or an A TM port.
76 Chapter 5 Managing the Pa ssport 867 2ATM Mo dule with t he CLI 209195-A show atm elan-st ats <vl an id> Use this command t o display the ELAN statis tics for a particul ar VLAN ID. If the collec tion of ELAN st atistics is disab led, a mes sage is pri nted befor e the ELAN statis tic s.
Chapter 5 Managing the Passpor t 8672AT M Module with the CL I 77 Using th e Passpor t 8672ATM M odule clea r atm elan -stat s Use this command to clear th e ELAN statisti cs for a particular VLAN ID.
78 Chapter 5 Managing the Pa ssport 867 2ATM Mo dule with t he CLI 209195-A confi g atm co mmand Ta b l e 1 6 describes the parame ters and varia bles for the config atm < po rts > comm and .
Chapter 5 Managing the Passpor t 8672AT M Module with the CL I 79 Using th e Passpor t 8672ATM M odule confi g atm pvc co mma nd Ta b l e 1 7 de scrib es the param eter s and v ariab les fo r the config atm pvc comm and .
80 Chapter 5 Managing the Pa ssport 867 2ATM Mo dule with t he CLI 209195-A config atm pvc 1 483 command Use the config atm pvc 1483 commands to configur e 1483 para meters on the Pass port 8672A TM Module.
Chapter 5 Managing the Passpor t 8672AT M Module with the CL I 81 Using th e Passpor t 8672ATM M odule Ta b l e 1 9 con fig atm pvc 1483 ip comm and param eters an d variable s Ta b l e 2 0 de scrib es the param eter s and v ariab les fo r the config atm pvc 1483 ipx command.
82 Chapter 5 Managing the Pa ssport 867 2ATM Mo dule with t he CLI 209195-A Figure 27 Sampl e output for the confi g atm info command Show comman ds This sec tion disc usses the CLI show commands available wi th the Pas sport 8672A TM Module.
Chapter 5 Managing the Passpor t 8672AT M Module with the CL I 83 Using th e Passpor t 8672ATM M odule Figure 28 show ports inf o atm all comm and output Passport-8610:5/show/ports/info/atm# all =====.
84 Chapter 5 Managing the Pa ssport 867 2ATM Mo dule with t he CLI 209195-A Ta b l e 2 1 de scrib es the infor matio n fiel ds for the show ports info atm all command. Ta b l e 2 1 Informa tion fiel ds for th e show ports info atm a ll comma nd Field Descripti on PORT NUM Port number .
Chapter 5 Managing the Passpor t 8672AT M Module with the CL I 85 Using th e Passpor t 8672ATM M odule show ports info atm ports command This command displa ys informati on (Figure 29) ab out the con figuration of A TM ports.
86 Chapter 5 Managing the Pa ssport 867 2ATM Mo dule with t he CLI 209195-A Ta b l e 2 2 de scrib es the infor matio n fiel ds for the show ports info atm ports command. Ta b l e 2 2 Informa tion fi elds for th e show ports info at m ports co mmand Field Descripti on PORT NUM Port number .
Chapter 5 Managing the Passpor t 8672AT M Module with the CL I 87 Using th e Passpor t 8672ATM M odule show ports info atm pvc command This command displa ys informati on (Figure 30) ab out the per manent vir tual circui ts (PVCs) for the speci fied port or for all ports.
88 Chapter 5 Managing the Pa ssport 867 2ATM Mo dule with t he CLI 209195-A show ports info atm 1483 command This command displa ys informati on (Figure 31) ab out 1483 ci rcuits for the specif ied port o r for al l ports.
Chapter 5 Managing the Passpor t 8672AT M Module with the CL I 89 Using th e Passpor t 8672ATM M odule show ports stats at mport comm and This com man d di splay s st atis tics for atm por ts (Fi gure 32) .
90 Chapter 5 Managing the Pa ssport 867 2ATM Mo dule with t he CLI 209195-A Figure 32 show p orts stats atmport [<po rt num >] co mmand outp ut Ta b l e 2 5 de scrib es the infor matio n fiel ds for the show ports stats atmport command.
Chapter 5 Managing the Passpor t 8672AT M Module with the CL I 91 Using th e Passpor t 8672ATM M odule show ports stats at m felin ecurrent This command displays current s tatistic s on the fa r end lin e, which is at the receiv ing end.
92 Chapter 5 Managing the Pa ssport 867 2ATM Mo dule with t he CLI 209195-A Figure 33 sho w ports s tats at m feline curren t command output Ta b l e 2 6 de scrib es the infor matio n fiel ds for the show ports stats atm felinecurrent command.
Chapter 5 Managing the Passpor t 8672AT M Module with the CL I 93 Using th e Passpor t 8672ATM M odule show ports stats at m feli neinterva l This comman d displa ys statisti cs (Figu re 34) on the far end line over a 15- minute inter val. Y o u spe cify w hich interv al, or s pan o f inter val s, to di splay for th e command.
94 Chapter 5 Managing the Pa ssport 867 2ATM Mo dule with t he CLI 209195-A show ports st ats at m fepathcu rrent This command displays current statis tics ( Figure 35) for t he far e nd path, whi ch is at the r eceiving end .
Chapter 5 Managing the Passpor t 8672AT M Module with the CL I 95 Using th e Passpor t 8672ATM M odule Ta b l e 2 8 de scrib es the infor matio n fiel ds for the show ports stats atm fepathcurrent command. show ports stats at m fepathinte rval This command displa ys statistic s (Figure 36) on t he far en d path o ver a 15-mi nute interv al.
96 Chapter 5 Managing the Pa ssport 867 2ATM Mo dule with t he CLI 209195-A Figure 36 show ports s tats atm f epathi nterval co mmand outp ut Ta b l e 2 9 de scrib es the infor matio n fiel ds for the show ports stats atm fepathinterval command.
Chapter 5 Managing the Passpor t 8672AT M Module with the CL I 97 Using th e Passpor t 8672ATM M odule show ports stats at m linec urrent This com man d di splay s cu rrent st atisti cs (Figu re 37) f or the line.
98 Chapter 5 Managing the Pa ssport 867 2ATM Mo dule with t he CLI 209195-A show ports stats at m linei nterval This command displa ys statistic s (Figure 38) fo r the li ne over a 15 -minute interv al. Y ou can spe cify any interval or span of inter vals.
Chapter 5 Managing the Passpor t 8672AT M Module with the CL I 99 Using th e Passpor t 8672ATM M odule Ta b l e 3 1 de scrib es the infor matio n fiel ds for the show ports stats atm lineinterval command. show ports st ats at m pathcurr ent This com man d di splay s cu rrent st atisti cs (Figu re 39) on the path, on the transmi tting end.
100 Chapter 5 Managin g the Pas sport 8672A TM Modu le with the CLI 209195-A Figure 39 sho w ports s tats atm p athcu rrent comm and outp ut Ta b l e 3 2 de scrib es the infor matio n fiel ds for the show ports stats atm pathcurrent command.
Chapt er 5 Mana ging the Pas sport 8672A TM Modu le with the CLI 10 1 Using th e Passpor t 8672ATM M odule show ports stats at m pathinter val This command disp lays stati stics (Figure 40 ) on t he path for a 15 -minute i nterval . Y ou specify the interval or span of interv als to displ ay .
102 Chapter 5 Managin g the Pas sport 8672A TM Modu le with the CLI 209195-A show ports stats atm sectioncurrent This command displa ys the current st atistics ( Figure 41) on t he section.
Chapt er 5 Mana ging the Pas sport 8672A TM Modu le with the CLI 10 3 Using th e Passpor t 8672ATM M odule Ta b l e 3 4 de scrib es the infor matio n fiel ds for the show ports stats atm sectioncurrent command. show ports stats at m sectioni nterval This command displa ys statistic s (Figure 42) on t he secti on over a 15 -minute interv al.
104 Chapter 5 Managin g the Pas sport 8672A TM Modu le with the CLI 209195-A Figure 42 show ports st ats atm s ectioni nterval c ommand out put Ta b l e 3 5 de scrib es the infor matio n fiel ds for the show ports stats atm sectioninterval command.
Chapt er 5 Mana ging the Pas sport 8672A TM Modu le with the CLI 10 5 Using th e Passpor t 8672ATM M odule show ports st ats at m sonetmediu mtbl This command displa ys statistic s (Figure 43) on t he SONET medium.
106 Chapter 5 Managin g the Pas sport 8672A TM Modu le with the CLI 209195-A W eb ma nage ment W eb management al lows you to monitor the Pa ssport 867 2A TM Module throu gh a W orld W ide W eb browser from anywhere on y our network . The W eb interfac e provide s many of the same monitor ing feature s as the De vice Manager sof tware.
Chapt er 5 Mana ging the Pas sport 8672A TM Modu le with the CLI 10 7 Using th e Passpor t 8672ATM M odule Figure 44 Syst em page Ta b l e 3 7 describes t he field s display ed in the S ystem page. Ta b l e 3 7 System page f ield s Field Desc ription sysDes cr Port type of this interfac e.
108 Chapter 5 Managin g the Pas sport 8672A TM Modu le with the CLI 209195-A When you cli ck A TM in the navi gation pane, t he headin gs in the A TM menu are display ed. The headi ngs provi de options for viewing A TM parameters (Fig ure 45) . Last Change V alue of sy sUpT im e at the tim e the inte rface entered its current o perational state.
Chapt er 5 Mana ging the Pas sport 8672A TM Modu le with the CLI 10 9 Using th e Passpor t 8672ATM M odule Figure 45 A TM m enu T o view the curren t PVC paramete rs, in the A TM menu, click PVC.
110 Chapter 5 Managin g the Pas sport 8672A TM Modu le with the CLI 209195-A Figure 46 PVC pa ge Ta b l e 3 8 de scri bes the fiel ds dis playe d in th e PV C pag e. Ta b l e 3 8 PVC pag e items Field Desc ription Index Uniq ue value assigne d to each interface.
Chapt er 5 Mana ging the Pas sport 8672A TM Modu le with the CLI 11 1 Using th e Passpor t 8672ATM M odule T o view the cur rent 1483 ELAN parameters , in the A TM menu, click 1483 ELAN. The 1483 ELAN pa ge opens. Fig ure 47 shows the left se ction of the page.
112 Chapter 5 Managin g the Pas sport 8672A TM Modu le with the CLI 209195-A Ta b l e 3 9 describes t he field s displayed i n the 1483 EL AN page. T o vie w the curre nt por t para meters , in th e A TM me nu, clic k Por t. The Port p age opens (Figure 49) .
Chapt er 5 Mana ging the Pas sport 8672A TM Modu le with the CLI 11 3 Using th e Passpor t 8672ATM M odule Figure 49 Port p age Ta b l e 4 0 de scri bes the fiel ds dis playe d in th e Por t page . Ta b l e 4 0 Port p age items Field Des cription Index Interfa ce Index.
114 Chapter 5 Managin g the Pas sport 8672A TM Modu le with the CLI 209195-A Framing Mode Sets the framing for the port to: • sonet m eans the Synchrono us Optic al Netwo rk format; standard format used in North Ame rica. • sdh me ans the Sy nchronous D igital Hi erarchy cloc k format; standard format us ed in Europ e.
115 Using the Passpo rt 8672AT M Modul e Chapter 6 Configuring the Passport 8672A TM Module This chap ter cont ains the f ollowing topi cs: • “ Init ial conf igura tion , ” next • “ Basic c .
116 Chapter 6 Configur ing the P assport 86 72ATM Modu le 209195-A • “ Changing the clock setting using the CLI ” on page 1 17 Changing the clock se tting using Device Manager This sec tion provi des inst ructions on c hangin g the cloc k settin g.
Chapter 6 Configur ing the Pas sport 8672A TM Modu le 117 Using th e Passpor t 8672ATM M odule Figure 50 AT M t a b T able 9 on page 60 descr ibes the A TM tab fiel ds. 4 T o set the clock s etting, i n the ClockSour ce secti on, click loopT imed or freeRunn ing.
118 Chapter 6 Configur ing the P assport 86 72ATM Modu le 209195-A Basic configuration procedures This sec tion provi des instruc tions on c onfiguring t he Passpor t 8672A TM Module with Devi ce Mana.
Chapter 6 Configur ing the Pas sport 8672A TM Modu le 119 Using th e Passpor t 8672ATM M odule Figure 51 Point- to-point br idging u sing 1483 P VCs T o c omple te this confi gura tion, use th e foll .
120 Chapter 6 Configur ing the P assport 86 72ATM Modu le 209195-A Figure 52 Basi c tab Ta b l e 4 1 describes t he Basic tab f ields. Ta b l e 4 1 Basic ta b fields Field Desc ription Id Unique VLAN identifier . Name An admini stratively-a ssigned nam e for this VLAN.
Chapter 6 Configur ing the Pas sport 8672A TM Modu le 121 Using th e Passpor t 8672ATM M odule 2 Click In sert. The VLAN, Inser t Basic di alog box op ens (Figur e 53) . Figure 53 VLAN , Inser t Basic dialog bo x Ta b l e 4 2 describes t he VLAN, Insert Bas ic dialog box fields.
122 Chapter 6 Configur ing the P assport 86 72ATM Modu le 209195-A 3 Do th e foll owin g: a In the Id fiel d, en ter th e Id nu mbe r for th e VLAN (an i nte ger be twee n 0 and 4094). b In the Na me field, en ter the VLAN name. c In the Colo r Identi fier field , sele ct a co lor from the li st.
Chapter 6 Configur ing the Pas sport 8672A TM Modu le 123 Using th e Passpor t 8672ATM M odule Figure 54 VlanP ortMembe rs dialog box Ta b l e 4 3 describes t he VlanPort Members dialog b ox fields . 4 Click por t numbers to a dd ports t o the VLAN. 5 Click OK.
124 Chapter 6 Configur ing the P assport 86 72ATM Modu le 209195-A T able 1 1 on page 63 describes the A TM, Inse rt A TM tab fi elds. 4 Do th e foll owin g: a In the Po rt fiel d, click the button to v iew ports. b Select the port. c In the Vpi field, type the VPI-bi t size (an i nteger b etween 0 and 255).
Chapter 6 Configur ing the Pas sport 8672A TM Modu le 125 Using th e Passpor t 8672ATM M odule The Inser t A TM 1483 ELAN d ialog box opens ( Figure 22 on page 67 ). T able 13 on page 68 de scribes the Inser t A TM 1483 ELAN dialog box fields . 4 Do th e foll owin g: a In the Po rt fiel d, click the button to v iew ports.
126 Chapter 6 Configur ing the P assport 86 72ATM Modu le 209195-A config atm 1/1 pvc create 0.100 enc 1483-null serv vbr<PCR value>scr<SCR value> mbs<MB S value> 4 T o associate the A TM 1483 bridged PVC wi th a VLAN, enter: config atm 1/1 pvc 1483 elan create 2 0.
Chapter 6 Configur ing the Pas sport 8672A TM Modu le 127 Using th e Passpor t 8672ATM M odule Configuring two A TM 1483 PVCs on the sam e A TM port Follow th e procedur es outli ned in “ Bridgi ng point- to-point tr affic using an A TM 1483 PVC usin g Device Manag er ” on page 1 18 to configure two A TM PVCs on the sa me A TM port.
128 Chapter 6 Configur ing the P assport 86 72ATM Modu le 209195-A Configuring an IP routing 1483 P VC usin g Device Manager In the c onfigurat ion shown in Fi gure 56 , the Pas sport 8672 A TM Module has an A TM 1483 PVC as the s ole member of a VLAN configured f or IP rou ting.
Chapter 6 Configur ing the Pas sport 8672A TM Modu le 129 Using th e Passpor t 8672ATM M odule Creating two VLANs “ byPort ” T o create two VLANs “ byPo rt, ” see “ Cre ating a VLAN “ byPort ” and adding ports ” on page 1 19 . One VLAN must have o nly one A TM port.
130 Chapter 6 Configur ing the P assport 86 72ATM Modu le 209195-A 4 Click In sert. The IP , VLAN, Insert IP Add ress dialog box opens (Figure 58) . Figure 58 IP , VL AN, Inser t IP Addres s dialo g box Ta b l e 4 5 describes t he IP , VLAN, Insert IP Address dial og box fiel ds.
Chapter 6 Configur ing the Pas sport 8672A TM Modu le 131 Using th e Passpor t 8672ATM M odule Enabling RIP routing 1 From the Dev ice Manager menu b ar , choos e VLAN > VLANs. The VLAN dialo g box opens wi th the Bas ic tab displ ayed (Figure 52) .
132 Chapter 6 Configur ing the P assport 86 72ATM Modu le 209195-A 5 Click Ena ble. 6 Click Appl y . The IP Addr ess tab i s redisplaye d. 7 Click Clo se. Enabling OSPF routing If the routing prot ocol is OSPF , to enable OSPF rout ing: 1 From the Dev ice Manager menu b ar , choos e VLAN > VLANs.
Chapter 6 Configur ing the Pas sport 8672A TM Modu le 133 Using th e Passpor t 8672ATM M odule The IP , VLAN, Insert IP Add ress dialog box opens wit h the IP Addr ess tab display ed ( Figure 58 on page 130 ). T able 44 on page 129 d escribes the Ip Addr ess tab fie lds.
134 Chapter 6 Configur ing the P assport 86 72ATM Modu le 209195-A 5 Click Ena ble. 6 Click Appl y . The OSPF tab c loses, and the IP Address tab is r edisplayed. 7 Click Clo se. Configuring a null-encapsulation PVC See “ Co nfiguring two A TM 1483 PVCs on the same A TM port ” on page 127 .
Chapter 6 Configur ing the Pas sport 8672A TM Modu le 135 Using th e Passpor t 8672ATM M odule config vlan 2 create byport 1 config vlan 3 create byport 1 2 T o add an A TM port (in t his exampl e, 1/.
136 Chapter 6 Configur ing the P assport 86 72ATM Modu le 209195-A Figure 61 IPX r outing wit h A T M 1483 P VCs This conf igurati on requir es the fo llowing pr ocedures: • “ Creati ng two VLANs .
Chapter 6 Configur ing the Pas sport 8672A TM Modu le 137 Using th e Passpor t 8672ATM M odule 1 From the Dev ice Manager menu b ar , choos e VLAN > VLANs. The VLAN dialo g box opens wi th the Bas ic tab displ ayed (Figure 52) . T able 41 on page 120 d escribes the VLAN Basic tab fiel ds.
138 Chapter 6 Configur ing the P assport 86 72ATM Modu le 209195-A Figure 63 IPX V LAN, Inser t dialog box Ta b l e 4 9 describes t he IPX VLAN, Insert dialog box fields. 5 In the Ne tAddr field, c onfigure the IPX net work numbers f or the VLAN. 6 In the En cap fiel d, click t he encapsul ation t ype.
Chapter 6 Configur ing the Pas sport 8672A TM Modu le 139 Using th e Passpor t 8672ATM M odule Figure 64 Globa ls tab Ta b l e 5 0 describes t he Globals ta b item.
140 Chapter 6 Configur ing the P assport 86 72ATM Modu le 209195-A Figure 65 Circ uits tab Ta b l e 5 1 describes t he Circui ts tab fi elds. 3 In the Oper State field , enter “ up ” for all IPX netw ork n umber s crea ted in this procedur e. 4 Click Appl y .
Chapter 6 Configur ing the Pas sport 8672A TM Modu le 141 Using th e Passpor t 8672ATM M odule Follow th e instru ctions th ere except , in the Co nnectT ype field, se lect Ipx instead of brid ged.
142 Chapter 6 Configur ing the P assport 86 72ATM Modu le 209195-A.
143 Using the Passpo rt 8672AT M Modul e Appe ndix A T e chnical Specifications This appe ndix list s the te chnical s pecific ations fo r the Pass port 8672A TM Module.
144 Appendi x A Te chnical Specif ications 209195-A CUL CSA 22. 2 No. 950 IEC 950/ EN 60950 CE mark CB Sche me T est Repor t and Cert ification NOM (NOM-019-SCFI-1994) Electromagne tic emission s Meet.
145 Using the Passpo rt 8672AT M Modul e Appe ndix B Factory defaults Ta b l e 5 2 shows the default set tings on the Passpor t 8672A TM Module as i t comes from the factory , as well as the management tool to change p arameters.
146 Appendi x B Fa ctory d efaults 209195-A.
Using the Passpo rt 8672AT M Modul e 147 Index A access, passwords 49 action command 78 Actio n fie ld, po rt 5 4 add command 80 Admi nSta tus fi eld, por t 53 A TM (asynchronous transfer mod e) about.
148 Index 209195-A ConnectT ype field 66, 68 convent ions, text 18, 20 CPU 115 create command 79, 80, 81 custom er support 22 D da ta tra nsmi ssi on 32 debu g mode 75 default setting s 145 delete com.
Index 149 Using th e Passpor t 8672ATM M odule Interface tab 53, 61, 6 4, 65, 70 Interface window 51 IP Addres s tab 129, 131, 133 IP address, as signing 129, 135 IP routing configuring 134 enabling 1.
150 Index 209195-A O Online LED 28 OperSpeed field 53 OperStatus f ield, port 53 OSPF routing, enabling 1 32 OSPF tab 133 P Passport 8000 series chassis 5 0 Passpo rt 8600 Ro uting Sw itch 23 Passport.
Index 151 Using th e Passpor t 8672ATM M odule section statistics 102 security 61 ServiceT ype field 62, 63, 1 10 Show comm ands 82 show por ts info atm 1 483 command 88, 89 show ports info atm all co.
152 Index 209195-A V VBR (variable bit rate) 32, 79 VC (virtual circuit) 32 VCI (virtual circuit identifier ) 32, 78, 79, 80 Vci field 62, 63, 1 10 V endorDescr field, port 53 VLAN creating 125, 12 9,.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Nortel Networks 8672A è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Nortel Networks 8672A - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Nortel Networks 8672A imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Nortel Networks 8672A ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Nortel Networks 8672A, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Nortel Networks 8672A.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Nortel Networks 8672A. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Nortel Networks 8672A insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.