Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto 555-4001-135 del fabbricante Nortel Networks
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553-3001-358/ 555-4001-135 Nor tel Commu nication Server 1000/ Nor tel Communica tion Server 2100/Meridian SL-100 Nor tel Integrated Conference Bridg e Ser vice Implementation Guide ICB Release 4 Standard 02.
Test this out Nor tel Communication Ser v er 1000/ Nor tel Communication Ser v er 2100/Meridian SL-100 Nor tel Integrated Conference Bridge Ser vice Implementation Guide Publication n umber : 553-3 001-358/55 5-4001-135 Product release : ICB Release 4 Document release: Sta ndard 02.
Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide 5 Pub lication history J uly 2006 Standard 02.00 ICB Release 4. This document is up-issued to address CR Q01140878, Procedure 13, “Configure initial car d parameters using the CLI” on page 71 , the def ault pass word is blank.
6 Publication history 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006.
Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide vii Contents About this document 13 Product description 17 Purpose 17 ICB descript ion 17 Conference adm inistration 17 System overvie.
viii Contents 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Stan dard 02.00 July 2006 Installation a nd configuration 45 Purpose 45 Getting star ted 45 Unpack and inspect the equip ment 46 Take inventory 46 Verify IPE Sl.
Contents ix Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide Users 117 Call-out Groups 123 Permanent Co nferences 130 Telephone user interface 135 Purpose 135 Overview 135 Active conf.
x Contents 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Stan dard 02.00 July 2006 Backup 187 Restore 192 Backup and restor e process log 193 Reports 195 Purpose 195 Overview 195 BUI Report Viewer 196 Short Connectio n R.
Contents xi Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide Appendix B: Pr oduct integrity 233 Environmental specifications 233 Regulatory standar ds 234 Safety 234 Electro-magnetic .
xii Contents 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Stan dard 02.00 July 2006.
Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide 13 About this document Purpose and audience This document instructs system administrators and installers how to install, configure, oper ate , and ma intain the Nor tel Networks Integrated Conf erence Bridge as a par t of the ov erall Meridian system.
14 About this document 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 • “Bro wser user interface” on pa ge 79 – descr ibes how to use the browser user interf ace (BUI), a web-based ser v er , f or conf erence administration and scheduling, as we ll as user administration and maintenance of the ICB.
About this document 15 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide software release cycle . Fo r e xampl e, the second release of a document in the same software release cycle is 01.
16 About this document 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 End user documentation The f ollowing documents apply to all platf or ms: • Nortel Networks Integrated Conf erence Bridge R.
17 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide Pr oduct description Purpose This chapter describes t he functional and physical char acter istics of the Nor tel Networks Integrated Conf er ence Br idge Release 4.
18 Product description 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 The ICB card provides announcements and tones that relate to specific e vents during conf erences.
Product description 19 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide The ICB communicates with the system software b y emulating a digital line card (XDLC), which allows e x isting softw a re to control the operation of the ICB . Configure eac h ICB por t as an Automatic Call Distribution (A CD) M26 16 digital telephone set.
20 Product description 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 • Issues a 10-minute w ar ning, bef or e the conf erence ter mination. Also issues a second warning, two minutes bef ore conf erence ter mination. • Suppor ts dial-in and v oice prompt s f or multiple languages including: N.
Product description 21 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide • Controls access to the conf erence in progress by monitoring the maximum number of scheduled attendees at each conf erence. • Manages time and date f or schedul ed conf erences and reser v es por ts f or each conf erence.
22 Product description 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 Figure 1 ICB system composition G100564 Communication Server 1000 Users or administrators Web browsers or Outlook GUI Users or administrators Web browsers or Outlook GUI CRT (for initial setup only) Intranet or Internet 1.
Product description 23 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide ICB hard ware design characteristics Each ICB card occupies one slot in a Media Gatew ay chassis slot (CS 1000) or an IPE shelf (Meridian 1/CS 1000/CS 2100/SL-100).
24 Product description 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 • provides self-tests of intern al hardware components and allo ws card monitoring and maintenance through the maintenance .
Product description 25 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide ICB card description The ICB card has two PCMCIA soc k ets. PCMCIA hard driv e cards store the ICB v oice files, applic ation scripts, and MPU and DSP fir mw are.
26 Product description 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 result during power up or card insert ion into an operating system. This LED indicates the f ollowing: • The LED is lit when the ICB card is disabled. • The LED is off when the ICB ca rd is enabled and ready f or use.
Product description 27 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide Ethernet application ICB Ether net use has the f ollowing characteristics: • The ICB Ether net connection is s eparated from the e xter nal LAN traffic by a fire wall.
28 Product description 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 The ICB uses A CD features to route e xter nal incoming tr unk and local line conf erees to thei r appropr iate conf erences. The A CD f eatures provide queuing, chairperson featur es , and ev ent r epor ting f or each conf erence.
Product description 29 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide Figure 3 Call routing with chairperson access Join the conference using the di rect meeting access method Assign a main DN and a chair pers on DN, f or each conference .
30 Product description 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 When se ver al conferences occur sim u ltaneously in the same ICB card, the conf eree dials the DN assigned to a specif ic conference . The ICB card identifies the dial ed DN and routes the conf eree to the appropriate conf erence represented by that s pecific DN.
Product description 31 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide Figure 4 Single DN access meth od (one ICB card) The DNs on the left in Figure 4 ca n be Phantom DNs or CDNs, instead of A CD DNs. The DNs mu st be DID numbers . In a dual-card system, eac h card requires its ow n single-access DN.
32 Product description 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 Figure 5 Single DN access method (tw o ICB cards) Note: All DNs on the left side of t he figure must be DID numbers .
Product description 33 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide Single DN access is mutually e xclus iv e from the direct meeting access method in a IC B card or card pair . Conf igure the card for one access method; the system does not suppor t comb inations on the card or card pair .
34 Product description 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 When the conf erence time expires , the ICB card issues the final warning to the conferees . The ICB sends a release message to the Meridian system for all associated ICB por ts.
35 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide Engineering guidelines Purpose This chapter prov ides guidelines f or engi neering ICB Release 4.
36 Engineering guidelines 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 Meridian 1 and CS 10 00 software packa g es In addition to standard basic software, the f ollowing softw are packages are .
Engineering guidelines 37 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide System capacity Ph ysical Capacity Each ICB card occupies one slot on the Gate wa y/IPE chassis shelf. The total number of ICB cards per system is limited b y these factors: • F or Mer idian 1 or CS 1000M: The number of IPE shelv es multiplied by eight.
38 Engineering guidelines 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 • Option 81, 81C • SL-1 systems with IPE upgrade (NT and XT) CS 1000 ICB Release 4 is compatib le with al l CS 1000 systems . CS 2100/Meridian SL-100 system compatibility ICB Release 4 is compatible with all CS 2100/Meridian SL-100 system configurations .
Engineering guidelines 39 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide • An ICB card configured to the maximum capacity of 32 por ts and 10 simultaneous conf erences requires 87.
40 Engineering guidelines 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 LAN configuration ICB customers should sele ct one of the f ollowin g alter nativ es for B UI access: • users and admini.
Engineering guidelines 41 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide Hosts that need to be accessed fr om the W or ld Wide W eb must be placed in a special sub-network called the Green an d Red LAN. The firew all isolates the Green and Red LAN from the C-LAN.
42 Engineering guidelines 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 Figure 7 LAN/intranet access onl y – C-LAN connection Figure 8 on page 43 shows an e xample of the E-LAN connection.
Engineering guidelines 43 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide Figure 8 LAN/intranet access onl y – E-LAN connection Notes The f ollowing notes apply to LAN/intranet access only: • The ICB does not interact with the Meridian syst em through the E-LAN, so logically th ere is no requirement to put it there.
44 Engineering guidelines 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 • When there are multiple ICBs (that is , more than th ree) and the BUI is used frequently , the BUI traffic can load the E-LAN, so it ma y be better to connect the cards to the C-LAN.
45 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide Installation and configuration Purpose This chapter describes how to prepare the system f or installation, install the ICB into: �.
46 Installation and configuration 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 Unpac k and inspe ct the equipment Unpack and inspect t he equipment f or damage. F ollow the steps in Procedure 1 , bef ore performing the insta llation and configuration procedures in this chapter .
Installation and configuration 47 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide single-number access m ode , configure only t he single-access DN.
48 Installation and configuration 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 Assign A CD DNs The first step is to assign A CD queue. Note: The number of DNs defined f or each ICB card using direct meeting access depends on the number of conf erences and bridges specified on the card.
Installation and configuration 49 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide Enter the CS 1000 definitions f or the Phantom TN in LD 10 as follo ws: 1 The specific TN and DN v ar y by site . Those v ar iab les are represented b y “x” in Figure 9 on page 49 .
50 Installation and configuration 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 The number of vir tual A CD agents of the ACD queue is equal to the number of ICB por ts.
Installation and configuration 51 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide Figure 10 LD 20 ICB configuration CHG.
52 Installation and configuration 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 Configure DNs f or a dual-card conference When a dual-card conf erence is defin ed, two meetings are defined on two cards . First, the meeting is book ed on the primar y card allocating the maximum free por ts.
Installation and configuration 53 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide F or the secondar y card, conf igure the f ollowing DNs: • DN pairs (up to nine) – These pairs ser v e as chair person and conf eree DNs for single-card co nf erences (less than 32 por ts) on the secondar y card.
54 Installation and configuration 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 T ab le 9 shows a sample dial ing plan f or a 62-por t dual-card configuration. Note: Carriage retur n to the end and star t again. REQ NEW New control data block. TYPE NA CD Network ACD dat a bloc k.
Installation and configuration 55 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide Note: Because of the number and v a r iety of DNs progr ammed for the dual-card setup , Nor tel Networ ks recommends creating a dialing plan char t similar to T able 9 on page 54 .
56 Installation and configuration 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 Figure 11 Single-car d conference, 10 conferences, 32 ports Configuration procedure Single-card installation enab les up to 10 conference s on one 32-por t ICB card.
Installation and configuration 57 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide 3 Define the ICB conf erence and chair person bridge DNs. Ref er to Figur e 16 on page 58 . This step provides the f ollowing: a Main DN for conference A C D groups to access the ICB agents on th e card.
58 Installation and configuration 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 Figure 14 AC D S G R P e x a m p l e Figure 15 A CDLOGIN example 6 The A CD login ID must match the ICB physical por t connectio n to the CS 2100/Meridian SL-100. The A CD agents login must be in descending order , otherwise the ICB card cann ot login the agents.
Installation and configuration 59 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide • K ey 2: Secondar y DN • K ey 3: Not Ready (NRD ) • K ey 4: A CD N ot Ready (A CDNR) • K ey 5: F ast T ransf er (FXR) The f ollowing ex ample shows how to datafill the A CD agents using SER V ORD .
60 Installation and configuration 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 Dual-card configuration The dual-card configuration enab les a single conference to occur on two cards and ha ve up to 62 par ti cipants depending on access type. In the dual-card configuratio n, one card is the primar y card, and the other is the secondar y card.
Installation and configuration 61 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide Figure 20 Dual-card conf erence, 1 conference , 62 ports G100017 ICB Card Table DNROUTE ICB1 997-140.
62 Installation and configuration 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 Service Orders Add an additional A CD grou p fo r the second card. Figure 21 A CDGRP example Add additional A CD subgroup inform ation for the second card. Figure 22 A CDSGRP example Add additional login IDs f or the second card agen t logins.
Installation and configuration 63 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide Figure 24 DNROUTE e xample Use tab le A CDR TE to a llo w a dual-card conferen ce to o verflo w from ICB card 1 to ICB card 2 when there are no more av ailabl e por ts on card 1.
64 Installation and configuration 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 Procedure 3 Configure a dual-card conf erence 1 Install the two car ds and their Eth er net adapters identical to single -card installation. See Procedur e 4 on page 66 .
Installation and configuration 65 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide ICB installation and configuration pr ocedures Once the site is pr epared f or installation a nd the Mer idian system software is configur ed, use the steps in Ta b l e 1 1 to complete the ICB installation.
66 Installation and configuration 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 Procedure 4 Install the Ethernet Adapter card 1 Remov e the cover plate from the I /O panel at the rear of the IPE mo dule. 2 Remov e the I/O panel retaining scr ews and lift the I/O pane l from th e module.
Installation and configuration 67 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide Ref er to Figure 27 when connecting the Maintenance ter minal (that is, VT100) in the f ollowing procedures .
68 Installation and configuration 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 4 Plug the DB-25 ma le connector at the other end of t he terminal cable int o the RS-232 connector on the terminal. A nullmodem is not required. If a gender This procedure is no w complete changer is required, purchase one from a local elect ronics store.
Installation and configuration 69 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide In the procedures that f ollow , the connections are the same f or the Option 11C and the CS 1 000, .
70 Installation and configuration 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 3 Plug the DB-25 ma le connector at the other end of t he terminal cable int o the DB-25 f emale connector of the cu stomer-supplied DB-25F/DB-25M nullmodem ad apter .
Installation and configuration 71 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide Procedure 12 Set up CLI access from the maintenance terminal 1 Specify the VT -10 0 type ter minal interface character istics to make sure they are compatib le with the ICB RS-2 32 interf ace.
72 Installation and configuration 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 where XXX is in the range 0-255. Subn et mask in binary presentation of 32 bits has at least the first eight dig its “1” and the last digit is “0”. • Gatew ay address – Is in the XXX.
Installation and configuration 73 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide The Installation Wizard consists of f our steps, each of which appears on a separate windo w . F or a new in stallation, f ollow the Wizard step-b y-step .
74 Installation and configuration 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 Figure 28 Installation Wizard: Step 1 – Basic Car d Setting s window T ab le 14 descr ibes the parameters , from top to bottom, of the Basic Card Settings window .
Installation and configuration 75 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide Type Define the card ’s configuration type as follows: • Single card (stand-a lone). • Primary card in a dual- card pair. • Secondary card in a dual-car d pair.
76 Installation and configuration 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 Step 2 – Access Numbers Use this step to define the access method, direct meeting or single-number , and the DNs a ccording to Meridian system configuration. Figure 29 show s the Access Numbers window .
Installation and configuration 77 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide T ab le 15 descr ibes the parameters , from top to bottom, of the Access Numbers window . Configure all the DNs in this win do w according to Meridian system configuration.
78 Installation and configuration 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 allow ed only on the pr imar y card; on the secondar y card this windo w appears as vie w only . Note: The secondar y ICB card must be installed and configured first.
79 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide Br o wser user interface Purpose This chapter describes how to use t he browser user interf ace (BUI), a web-based application, f or conf erence scheduling, chair person operations , and system administration.
80 Browser user interface 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 User types When logging in to the ICB BUI, y our l ogin ID connects you to the server as a distinct user type. The admini strator determines the user type for each user . T able 17 shows the user types and their functionality .
Browser user interface 81 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide Figure 30 ICB home page lay out The only possibl e action from this window is to clic k on the LOGIN but t on . F ollow the steps in Procedure 15 to login. Procedure 15 Login to the BUI 1 Click on the LOGIN b u tton.
82 Browser user interface 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 Figure 31 Login dialog bo x (Internet Explorer) 2 Enter y our login ID in the “U ser name” fi eld. T o log into t he administrat or BUI, enter an administr ator ID . 3 Enter y our pass word in the “P asswor d” field.
Browser user interface 83 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide This procedure is no w complete Depending on the login ID type, T able 18 sho ws the windows that open when entering the BUI. Login passw ord change F ollow the steps in Procedure 16 to change pass words after logging in.
84 Browser user interface 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 Figure 33 Change pass wor d windo w 2 Enter the curr ent passw o rd f or authentication, t hen the new passw or d. Enter the new pass wor d a second time f o r confir mation.
Browser user interface 85 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide Figure 34 BUI fix ed title frame Help window Clicking on the Help b utton on the title frame opens a separa te browser window in which it displa ys the Help window .
86 Browser user interface 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 Scheduling BUI Figure 35 shows the na vigation between the Scheduling BUI windo ws.
Browser user interface 87 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide Meetings List window Figure 36 shows the Meeting List windo w that appears directly after user login. This window displa ys a table of the user’ s meetings and provides access to scheduling oper ations.
88 Browser user interface 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 • Copy icon – conf erence details are c opied from the e xisting conf erence. • Gavel icon – jump to the “Meeting Co ntrol” windo w for an activ e conf erence (the icon appears on ly f or activ e conf erences).
Browser user interface 89 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide T o schedule a ne w conf erence, clic k on the New Conf erence button on the top left-hand cor ner of the window . A new window appears (see Figure 37 on page 90 ).
90 Browser user interface 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 Figure 37 Scheduling windo w – Schedule a New Conference All fields hav e def aults, b u t users typically select the date and time , and number of par ticipants . The system pro vides de f aults f or the other parameters or generates t he v alues automatically .
Browser user interface 91 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide Number of participants Enter the number of por t s to reserve fo r this conference, including the chairperson ports. The application makes sure that the total number of reserved ports for this ti me period does no t e xceed system capacity.
92 Browser user interface 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 When the calendar icon is click ed (loc ated ne xt to the drop-down menu f or the date), the calendar window opens as depicted in Figure 38 . The meeting date can be selected b y cl icking the appropriate date on the calendar .
Browser user interface 93 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide Only the f ollowing fields can be edited dur ing an activ e conference: • number of par ticipants • dura.
94 Browser user interface 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 Options section Figure 41 shows ho w the scheduling window is e xpanded after clicking on the Options b utton. Figure 41 Scheduling windo w – Options section T ab le 21 descr ibes the fiel ds in the Options section.
Browser user interface 95 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide Chairperso n Password Enter a password for cha irperson authentication. This field has t he same options as th e user password. Note: The default setting is determined by the Administrato r’s default conference setting.
96 Browser user interface 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 Scheduling Confirmation Figure 42 on page 97 shows the windo w that appears after successfully scheduling a new , or modifying an existing, meeting. The system displa ys the window after it stores the conf erence in the database.
Browser user interface 97 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide Figure 42 Scheduling Confirmation windo w In the case of a recurr ent meeting, a Conf eren ce Dates section appears at the bottom of this window .
98 Browser user interface 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 Recurrent Meeting V e rify Result window Figure 44 shows the windo w that the system displays when the Ve r i f y button is clic ked when settin g up a recurr ent conf erence.
Browser user interface 99 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide Figure 45 Meeting Control windo w – Active chairper son T ab le 22 descr ibes the options av aila b le in the Meeting Control window . When this window is reached from the meeting list, click on this b utton to retur n to the Meetings List window .
100 Browser user interface 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 Chairperson section Active c hairperso n If the chairperso n joins the conference by dialing in, this field shows the CLID of the call, if available. If not available, the window display s “the number is unavailabl e”.
Browser user interface 101 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide The system updates the window autom atically e ver y two min utes. Session Management The chair person can request a v o ti ng session or questions to be ans wered by the par ticipants on the call.
102 Browser user interface 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 Figure 47 V oting Session Control P anel Once v oting is enabl ed, par ticipants can vo te using the DTMF commands. The chairperson enters the subject of the voting in the Subject bo x.
Browser user interface 103 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide b utton or the b linking question mar k. The chos en par ticipant receiv es the v oice prompt “Please ask y our question af ter the tone”.
104 Browser user interface 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 Figure 49 Meeting Control windo w – Chairperson not present The f ollowing f eatures are unav ailable in this mode: •.
Browser user interface 105 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide Release chairper son control The Meeting Control window contains a Release b utton to release chair person control. This b utton re leases both TUI and BUI control.
106 Browser user interface 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 Figure 51 Administration BUI na vigation flowc har t ICB Dashboard Basic settings Access numbers Define first user Dual-c.
Browser user interface 107 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide ICB Dashboard The ICB organizes the Dashboard as an internet por tal.
108 Browser user interface 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 The ICB Dashboard has th e f ollowing sections: • ICB Installation Wizard • Settings • Users • P er manent Conf erences • Upgrades • Call-out Groups • Repor ts • Back up Settings This subject groups se ver al parame ters and definitions.
Browser user interface 109 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide Ta b l e 23 General Settings window fields Field Description Administration E-mail Enter the E-mail addre ss to which the ICB sends administration materi al, including backup files.
110 Browser user interface 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 Default conference Figure 56 shows the windo w in whic h an administrator can set as the def ault conference settings . Figure 54 ICB Dashboard – Defaul t Conf erence Settings T ab le 26 descr ibes the options a vai lab le in the Default Conf erence Settings window .
Browser user interface 111 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide V olume Level Figure 56 shows the windo w in whic h an administrator can customize the volume le vel settings. Figure 55 ICB Dashboard – V olu me Level Settings T ab le 26 descr ibes the options a vaila b le in the V olume Le v el Settings window .
112 Browser user interface 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 E-mail template Figure 56 shows the windo w in whic h an administrator can customize the scheduling confir mation E-mail.
Browser user interface 113 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide The window sho ws the lay out of the E-ma il. The customizable te xt fields are editab le. Additional par ameters to define appear at the bottom of the window .
114 Browser user interface 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 Customize greetings Figure 57 shows the windo w used to customize the f ollowing greetings: • Brandline greeting • P er-conference user’ s greeting Figure 57 ICB Dashboard – Gree ting Settings windo w The tab le in this window lists the av ailable languages .
Browser user interface 115 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide Procedure 17 Replace the brandline greeting 1 Upload the .W A V file from y our computer to the ICB using y our computer’ s operating syst em. a Click on the Browse button.
116 Browser user interface 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 Company images upload Figure 58 shows the windo w that an administrator can use to customize the ICB home page image and the customer ’ s logo on the title frame. Images must be in GIF f or mat.
Browser user interface 117 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide 4 T o activate the image, click on the Submit butt on. The new image becomes the custome r logo and the system discards the previous image.
118 Browser user interface 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 Figure 59 ICB Dashboard – User List windo w The b uttons on top of the window ar e f or additional administrator actions; the sections that f ollow describe these actions.
Browser user interface 119 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide Edit a user When an administrator clic ks on a name in the Us ers List window , the Edit User Details window opens (see Figure 60 on page 120 ). Use the Edit User Details window to modify the proper ties of an e xisting user .
120 Browser user interface 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 Figure 60 ICB Dashboard – User s > Ed it User Details window Add ne w user Click on the Ne w User b utton in the User Li st window to access the Ne w User window . Use the New Us er windo w to add new users (see Figure 61 on page 121 ).
Browser user interface 121 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide Figure 61 ICB Dashboard – User s > New User windo w Note: The pass word f or a new user is initially 000000 (that is, six zeros). Nor tel Networks recommends that the user change it dur ing the first login session.
122 Browser user interface 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 Click on one of the Sear ch by: radio b uttons to specify the field to search.
Browser user interface 123 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide T ab le 28 descr ibes the inf or mat ion that this message displa ys. Click on the OK b utton to star t the impor t process . When the system completes the impor t, it updates the User Li st window to include impor ted users.
124 Browser user interface 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 Figure 64 ICB Dashboard – Call-Ou t Gr oup List window The window displa ys a list of groups in the form of a table , sor ted by group nu mber . The table is read-only . Ta b l e 2 9 describes the inf or mation that appears in the table’ s columns.
Browser user interface 125 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide Figure 65 ICB Dashboard – Call-Out Gr oups > Details window The window sho ws the members and pro per ties of the selected group . The members appear in a tabl e, with one member per ro w .
126 Browser user interface 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 Use the Add Member s button at the top of the Group Members tab le to add a member to the group (see Figure 66 on page 127 ). The right side of the window disp la ys the group’ s proper ties f or outcalling retries.
Browser user interface 127 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide Figure 66 ICB Dashboard – Call-Out Gr oups > Details > Add Members windo w Add members b y entering the phone nu mber directly in the table .
128 Browser user interface 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 Figure 67 ICB Dashboard – Call-Out Gr oups > Details > Edit Members window Edit the number directly in t he te xt box. Chan ge the “W ait for Confir mation” option b y clicking in the in W ait for Confirmation box.
Browser user interface 129 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide Figure 68 ICB Dashboard – Call-Out Gr oups > Deta ils > Modify Group Settings window The Group number is vie w only . The name and parameters can be modified as described in T able 31 on page 126 .
130 Browser user interface 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 Figure 69 ICB Dashboard – Call-Out Gr oups > <New Group> Details windo w This window has the same la yout as the Call-Out Group Details window (see Figure 65 on page 125 ), except here all fi elds are editab le.
Browser user interface 131 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide Figure 70 ICB Dashboard – P ermanent Conferences List window The Conf erence List table sho w s a lis t of per manent conf erences in the card.
132 Browser user interface 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 Figure 71 ICB Dashboard – Ne w/Edit P e rmanent Conference window This window is similar to the regular conf erence scheduling window (see “Scheduling window” on page 89 ), e xcept that all time-related fields are not applicab le.
Browser user interface 133 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide Unlike the regular scheduling windo w that has pop-up sections, all fields and options appear on the basic window .
134 Browser user interface 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 Backup F or more inf or mation about ho w to use the ICB Dashbo ard to backup files, see “Back up and restore procedures” on page 187 . Reports F or more information about how to use the ICB Das hboard to generate and view repor ts, see “Reports” on page 195 .
135 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide T elephone user interface Purpose This chapter describes how to use the telephone user interf ace (TUI) to: • in vok e commands .
136 Telephone user interface 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 — record a conf erence-specific greeting Note: If the second f eature is di sabled b y the administrator (see Figure 57 on page 114 ), the system skips this item and the user directly ente rs the scheduling menu.
Telephone user interface 137 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide The ICB card selects the por t for diali ng out. The por t is a vailab l e if the number of por ts reser v ed for the conf erence is greater than the number of conf erees that hav e joined the conference .
138 Telephone user interface 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 Figure 72 Dial-out A uthorizat ion dialing e xample Note: In BUI, define the same sequenc e as abov e, e xcept do not enter the command code * 0 .
Telephone user interface 139 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide Group call-out Each ICB card suppor ts up to 64 group call-out lists, each with up to 61 telephone numbers. Each telephone number can be up to 31 digits in length.
140 Telephone user interface 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 Group Call-out Smart Retr y – When the chair per son makes a group call-out to the same group f or th e second time, the system repeats the call-out only to numbers that are not connected in the conf erence.
Telephone user interface 141 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide Drop all conf erees The chair person can drop all conf erees from the conf erence, e xcept the chair person, b y dialing *90 . The ICB does not i ssue an announcement to the conf erees before disconnecti ng.
142 Telephone user interface 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 T ab le 34 shows the commands av ailab l e during a dial-out call (that is, after dialing *0<DN>#). *7 Volume control. *10 All ports mute/u nmute toggle. *19 Self mute/unm ute toggle.
Telephone user interface 143 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide While the system is announc ing the list of conf er ence par ticipants after the chair person enters *69, t he chair person can e xecute the commands in T able 35 .
144 Telephone user interface 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 Adjust the audio v o lume of a conference F ollow the steps in Procedure 19 to adjust the v olume of a conference . Procedure 19 Adjust the conference audio v olume 1 Dial *7 to adjust the volume.
Telephone user interface 145 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide The help command is sensitiv e to w here the chair person is in the command structure. F or e xample, if the conf erence is in the nor mal activ e state, the chair person hears the main li st of commands after dialing ** .
146 Telephone user interface 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 TUI services This sections describes TUI ser vices that are used when there is no activ e conference . Schedule a conference When using the TUI sc heduler , first enter t he TUI user ID and pass word.
Telephone user interface 147 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide • no name f or the name of the conference • no name f or the name of the chair person T o schedule a conf erence through th e TUI, f ollow the steps in Procedure 21 on page 147 .
148 Telephone user interface 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 Procedure 22 Use a brandline greeting 1 Dial the TUI DN. Enter y our TUI administrator I D and pass word. The system responds with a menu and step s through how to operate the feature.
Telephone user interface 149 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide b After scheduling the meeting, dial the TUI Services DN, enter login data, and select “Record customer g reeting” from the v oice menu. The system prom pts you to enter th e re fe re nc e number to identify the meeting.
150 Telephone user interface 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006.
151 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide Micr osoft Outlook GUI Purpose This chapter describes how to us e the Microsoft Outlook/Exchange GUI f or audio conf erence scheduling.
152 Microsoft Outlook GUI 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 Recurrent meetings can be created in Microsoft Outlook. Meetings can be scheduled up to one year in adv ance up to 52 occurrences.
Microsoft Outlook GUI 153 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide Procedure 24 ICB Administrator to get the ICB form 1 Enter the time zone f or the ICB card.
154 Microsoft Outlook GUI 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 Procedure 25 Microsoft Outlook Admini strator to pub lish the ICB files to the Organizational Forms Library 1 Open Microso ft Outlook. 2 Obtain the ICB f or m files from the ICB Administrator .
Microsoft Outlook GUI 155 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide b Double-clic k ic bf.oft. T he Calendar window open s . Note: Click No if ask ed to Enable macr os . c Choose T ools > Forms > Publish Form As . The Publish Form As window opens.
156 Microsoft Outlook GUI 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 c Choose T ools > Forms > Publish Form As . The Publis h Form As window opens. See Figure 74 on page 15 4 for a depiction. d Select P ersonal Forms Library in the Look In field.
Microsoft Outlook GUI 157 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide 5 Select Forms in When Pos t i n g to this f older , use . The Choos e Form window opens. 6 Select the library in which the files were published. • If yo u published the f or ms y ours elf , select Per sonal Forms Library in the Look In field.
158 Microsoft Outlook GUI 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 3 Choose Prop er ties . The Calendar Properties window opens. 4 Select the Forms ta b. 5 Click Manage . The Forms Manager window opens. 6 Click Set in the left ha lf of the window .
Microsoft Outlook GUI 159 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide Login to the ICB card using Micr osoft Outlook Y ou need to log into the ICB when you are setting up or editing the ICB parameters of a conf erence.
160 Microsoft Outlook GUI 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 Scheduling a new conf erence Scheduling windo w Open a ne w appointment in Microsoft Ou tlook after logging into the ICB card. Figure 76 shows the scheduling wi ndow when it first opens after the ICB tab has been selected.
Microsoft Outlook GUI 161 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide Free P orts view Figure 77 shows the e xpanded schedul ing windo w after clicking on the Free P or ts b utton. The information in this window ref ers to the date set abov e it in the Star t area.
162 Microsoft Outlook GUI 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 Figure 77 ICB tab window – Free P or ts view Options section Figure 78 on page 163 shows the e xpanded windo w after clicking on the Options button. Click on the Arr ow button to move the range.
Microsoft Outlook GUI 163 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide Figure 78 ICB tab window – Options section Closes (collapses) the window while still showing the window .
164 Microsoft Outlook GUI 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 T ab le 39 descr ibes the fiel ds in the Options section. Ta b l e 39 ICB tab window – Op tions section fields Field Description Password se ction User Password Enter an opti onal password for th e conference.
Microsoft Outlook GUI 165 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide Scheduling complete After scheduling a ne w meeting or m odifying an e xisting meeting, the Confir mation windo w appears to v er ify the entries. The system displa ys the window after it stores the conf erence in the database.
166 Microsoft Outlook GUI 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 Only the f ollowing fields can be edited dur ing an activ e conference: • number of par ticipants • duration • add por ts as needed (under the Options section) Once a conf erence is scheduled with the Micros oft Outlook GUI, the ICB tab looks l ik e Figure 80 .
Microsoft Outlook GUI 167 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide Setting a delegate user f or Microsoft Outlook Calendar A user can giv e anot her person sharing per m ission to schedule appointments and meeti ngs f or them in th eir calendar .
168 Microsoft Outlook GUI 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006.
169 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide Maintenance Purpose This chapter describes how to mainta in and troubleshoot the ICB card and associated equipment. The chapter contains t he f ollowing sections: • “Maintenance o verview” on page 169 – introduces the maintenance strateg y .
170 Maintenance 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 An operator can use the CLI to gener ate repor ts and perf or m por t maintenance. An administr ator can use the CLI to manage system administration, maintenance, and security .
Maintenance 171 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide Figure 82 ICB card in the Intelligent P eripheral Equipment Module Prob lem solving A prob lem can hav e more than one c ause. T o isolate the cause, a knowledge of ICB oper ation is required.
172 Maintenance 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 Updating the Micr osoft Outlook GUI ICB form When the ICB f or m needs to be updated in Microsoft Outlook, the form needs to be updated first by the Administrator . The Administrator will then notify users that the ICB f o r m needs to be updated.
Maintenance 173 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide This procedure is no w complete 3 Delete the file Frmcac he.dat . Each upgrade of the ICB firmware comes with upgr aded ICB files, which must be retrie ved and pub lished.
174 Maintenance 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 3 Set the ne w upg raded f orm as the def ault Calendar f or m. F ollow the steps in Procedure 27 on page 156 . 4 Clear the Microsoft Outl ook forms cache using Procedure 32 on page 17 2 .
Maintenance 175 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide The self-test chec ks general ICB func tions and determines if they are operating correctly . The checks are useful when first installing the cards, because the card automatically star ts the self-test when inser ted.
176 Maintenance 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 1000) or from the IPE MAP Le vel using the Tst command (CS 2100/Meridian SL-100). Sanity monitoring Sanity monitoring is a background r outine that chec ks the operation of system resources, such as CPU ac tivity and memory allocation.
Maintenance 177 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide CS 2100/Meridian SL- 100 diagnostic commands Each card perf or ms diagnostic test s as par t of the daily routines. Diagnostic tests can be activ ated fr om the MAP ter minal on the CS 2100/Meridian SL-100.
178 Maintenance 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 CLI command summary Using CLI commands The CLI contains menus and submenus. T o select a menu option, enter the appropriate shor t co mmand or full command at the prompt. When a menu is selected, use the commands in T able 43 to na vigate to other menus or to displa y help .
Maintenance 179 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide T o modify a v alue or attribute of an object, the prog ram responds with a sequence of prompts: on e prompt f or each attrib ute of the object. The prompt defines the name and the current v alue of the attr ibute .
180 Maintenance 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 System Maintenance: SM System T e st: ST T o perform system component tests enter: • i – perform in -ser vice tests that do n ot disrupt s er vice • o – perf or m out-of-s er vice tests Maintenance Repor t Brow ser: MR Browse maintenanc e repor ts by date.
Maintenance 181 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide ICB fault isolation and correction Alar m clearing procedures f or the IC B are the identical to those f or other IPE cards. T ab le 47 descr ibes ICB ser vice prob le ms and the test procedures used to solv e these problems.
182 Maintenance 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 Card replacement The ICB uses PCMCIA technolog y which enab les the ICB to be remov ed from the IPE shelf indefinite ly without losing the configuration data.
Maintenance 183 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide Err or message handling The ICB provides enhanced mess age handling that includes the f ollowing: • Fix ed message format and unique message codes. • Categorization of messages by se verity .
184 Maintenance 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 Error messa g e pr ocedures F ollow the steps in Procedure 37 to vie w the on-line error message documentation.
Maintenance 185 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide Action – steps to follow to isolate the proble m and/or fix it. This procedure is no w complete Impact – possible effects of the event. The entire file of error descr iptions is av ailable as a readab le te xt.
186 Maintenance 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 Procedure 39 Configure error m essa g e filtering 1 Access the CLI SM direc tory an d enter the f o llowing: ERR The CLI displays co.
Maintenance 187 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide Adv anced troubleshooting The ICB provides the f ollowing tools f or technicians to troubleshoot and deb ug problems based on error messages: • A utomatic trace back – the system prints an automatic trace bac k list of predefined error codes.
188 Maintenance 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 During the backup process the card remains operational. Ho wev er , the system denies database c hanges and does not acc ept the f o.
Maintenance 189 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide Figure 83 ICB Dashboard – Sc h eduled Backup window The administrator defines the time , destination and contents of the back up. T able 50 describes these three se ctions of the Scheduled Back up window .
190 Maintenance 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 Manual Bac kup An administrator uses the windo w in Figure 84 to perf or m a one-time, manual bac kup .
Maintenance 191 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide The Destination and Cont ents sections are the same as f or an automatic back up .
192 Maintenance 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 View Bac kup Histor y Log The administrator can vie w a histor y log of past scheduled backups to mak e sure that the bac kups ha v e tak en place as scheduled.
Maintenance 193 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide Procedure 40 Restore the database fr om the secondary PCMCIA 1 Inser t the PCMCIA de vice holding the bac ked-up databa se in the ICB card’ s upper slot. 2 Use the CLI REstor db command in the SMaint dire ctor y .
194 Maintenance 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 The system generates two files that contain inf or mation about the back up progress. The bac kup .log in t he USER director y contains one line f or each of the last bac kups, and restor ati ons, up to a maximum of 20.
195 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide Repor ts Purpose This chapter describe s the repor ts that the ICB can generate . The chapter contains t he f ollowing sections: • “Overview” on page 195 – introduces the types of repor ts the ICB can generate and describes where to view them.
196 Reports 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 T ab le 52 descr ibes the repo r ts that the ICB generates. BUI Report Viewer An administrator can vie w re por ts from the B UI. Click on Vie w a Repor t on the ICB Dashboard to access the Repor t View er window (see Figure 86 ).
Reports 197 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide 4 There are tw o ways to select t he date. a Click on Pre vious Day or Ne xt Da y links. The reques ted repor t will be displa yed. b Click the appropriate date from the drop down bo xes .
198 Reports 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 SMaint ) and enter the Shor t Connection Repor t command ( sc , SC , or SCon ). Shor t por t occupancy can indicate a fault condition on a por t or can indicate that a user is dialing t he incorrect DN.
Reports 199 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide If the repor t does not fit on one window , click on the Ne xt Page b utton to displa y more information. Figure 88 Meetings Log Repor t BU I example CLI Meetings Log Repor t The CLI Meeting Log Br owser men u displa ys a log of conf erence e vents f or a specified date.
200 Reports 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 15:00:45 (2 220) expand ed 15:01:00 (2 220) entr y: 24 //Conf eree entered conf erence on por t 24// 15:03:23 ( 2230) ch_entr y: 4 //Cha.
Reports 201 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide The tabl e in the repor t shows the contents of the Ov erbooking Repor t which the BUI translates fr om a .
202 Reports 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 17,<max port>,<duration minu tes>,<duration seconds> 18,<max port>,<duration minu tes>,<duration second.
Reports 203 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide BUI Billing Report Figure 90 shows ho w the Billing Repor t appears when accessed from the BUI. The tab le in the window sh o w s the contents of the Billing Repor t which the BUI transla tes from the .
204 Reports 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 F or example , B0990720.CSV has the Billin g Repor t for J uly 20, 1999 and B1010203.CSV contains the Billing Repor t for F ebr uar y 03, 2001. Note: T o retrie ve billing files, trans f er the files by FTP o ver the TCP/IP LAN using a fix ed pass word.
Reports 205 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide Note: F or a per manent br idge the m eeting date , star t time, and duration fields are irrele v ant and alw a ys appear as zero . The first line is f or the date, the second line is f or the field names, and all other lines are f or the ev ents.
206 Reports 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 A billing file includes the f ollowing records: • Date stamp , for e x ample: D A TE: A ug 7 1998 • Header : time stamp hours , time.
Reports 207 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide CS 1000 Call De tail Recording The Call Detail Record ing (CDR) f eature enab les the ICB to charge users f or out-going call s based on CDR repor ts the CS 1000 system generates .
208 Reports 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 Charge Account feature T o define the CDR with Charge Account f eature, ref er to CS 1000 Call Detail Recording and CS 1000 Features and Services .
Reports 209 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide CDR example scenarios The conf erence call was booked using th e BU I by a user whose billing account is 9134513, on Ju ly 19, 1999 at 06:15 p . m., f o r July 20, 1999 from 08:00 a.
210 Reports 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 The Maintenance (Error) R epor t appears in the tabl e in this window . The window sho ws the same te xt lines as those generated b y the CLI SMaint/MRepor t command. If the repor t does not fit on one window , click on the Ne xt Pa g e b utton to displa y more information.
211 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide Upgrades Purpose This chapter provid es procedures f or upgradi ng y our system to ICB Release 4 from pre vious releases and for upg rading sub-issues of ICB Release 4.
212 Upgrades 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 Note: There is an upgr ade from MICB Release 1 to ICB Release 4 b ut data con v ersion is not suppor t ed.
Upgrades 213 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide Figure 92 Installing a PCMCIA card into the ICB faceplate slot Ke ycode security A ke ycode protects against unauthor iz ed ICB f eature use. The k eycode restricts upgrades of eit her the number of por ts or application software to a giv en ICB card.
214 Upgrades 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 K eycodes are not requir ed f or the follo wing: • back up and restore operations • application patching/b ug fix Nor tel Networks provides the cu stomer with a ke ycode to enable installation of any required upg r ade.
Upgrades 215 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide Upgrade pr ocedures MICB Release 2 or M ICB Release 3 card upgrade Use Procedure 43 to upgr ade your ICB card from Release 2 or Release 3.
216 Upgrades 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 8 When the card is acti v ated as ICB Release 4, enter the CLI an d login as an administrator . Enter : name: admin Pa s sw o r d : <CR> Where CR is an empty password. 9 Inser t the old MICB Release 2 or MICB Release 3 PCMCIA in th e upper so cket .
Upgrades 217 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide Figure 93 ICB Dashboard – Car d Upgrade window A por ts upgrade is purchased from No r tel Networks, it comes with a new k eycode f or the card. Follo w the steps in Procedure 44 to perform the por t upgr ade.
218 Upgrades 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 Use a BUI administr ation window f or the upgrade process , which suppor ts both options (see Figure 94 ). The CLI can also be used. F ollow the steps in Procedure 45 to upgrade the ICB fir mware v ersion.
Upgrades 219 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide Procedure 46 Firmware upgrade fr om ICB car d upper socket 1 Click on the secondary PCMCIA devi ce radio butt on. 2 Inser t the PCMC IA disk in the upper soc ket of the IC B card.
220 Upgrades 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 Procedure 47 Firmware upg ra de using FTP 1 Click on the FTP Ser ver r adio button . 2 Enter the FTP par ameters in the fields the window pro vides as follo ws: a IP address – the remote FTP ser ver where the upgrade files are stored.
Upgrades 221 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide c Click on the Submit & Continue button. The new single DN access meth od now applies. 4 Instruct users to dial the single DN f or future conf erences. This procedure is no w complete Note: Make sure the notification e- mail content is still valid.
222 Upgrades 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 Procedure 50 Stand-alone car d to primary car d 1 Access the ICB In stallation Wizard: St ep 1 – Basic Card Setting s window (see “Step 1 – Basic Card Settings” on pag e 73 ). I n the “T yp e” field, select the radio b utton “Dual Card – Primary .
223 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide Appendix A: P ass w ord security Purpose This chapter describes ICB Release 4 passw ord protection and access restrictions.
224 Appendix A: Password security 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 Access permissions ICB Release 4 provides strict pass word protections and other mechanisms to restrict access from unauthor ized personnel (see Ta b l e 58 ).
Appendix A: Passwor d security 225 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide Unsuccessful login attempt handling Procedure 52 shows ho w the system handles unsuccessful login attempts . Procedure 52 Unsuccessful login operation 1 No action is required for this procedu r e.
226 Appendix A: Password security 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 c T elnet acce ss – After the maximum allowed login atte mpts, the system closes the connection. An administ rat or can define the “n ew connection refused” time period.
Appendix A: Passwor d security 227 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide Reset passw or ds F ollow the steps in Procedure 53 when a user f orget s their pass word. Procedure 53 Reset f orgotten passw ords 1 The administ rator can reset any BUI pa ssw ord through t he user management BUI.
228 Appendix A: Password security 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 c W ait f or the f ollowing banner t o appear: ******************************************** ************************ * Running MAIN C ODE!!! * d Enter the token default .
Appendix A: Passwor d security 229 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide CLI P asswor d Editor editing session The f ollowing is a e xample of using a CLI pass word editing session to change an FTP pass word. T ab le 61 shows the f ont conv entions that the e xample uses.
230 Appendix A: Password security 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 section [TELNET] Telnet user name: micbtln Telnet password: xyzu1234 Maximum allowed Telnet login attempts: 3 Bloc.
Appendix A: Passwor d security 231 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide Application Pr otocol P ort Numbers Ref er to T able 62 f o r the por t num bers to use with the specific application protocol.
232 Appendix A: Password security 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006.
233 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide Appendix B: Pr oduct integrity En vir o nmental specifications ICB environmental requ irements meet, or e x ceed, Meridian system requirements. The po wer provided f or each card slot in the IPE module e xceeds the power requirements f or an ICB .
234 Appendix B: Product integrity 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 Regulatory standards The f ollowing tab les list the safety and electro-magnet ic compatibility regulator y standards f or t he ICB, b y geographic r egion. Specifications f or the ICB meet, or exc eed, the standards listed in the regulations f or these regions.
Appendix B: Product integrity 235 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide Electr o-magnetic com patibility (EMC) T ab le 65 lists electro- magnetic emissions regulat ions met b y the ICB card, along with the standar d that lists each regulation.
236 Appendix B: Product integrity 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 FCC Compliance This equipment has been test ed and f ound to comply with the limits for a Class A digital de vice pursuant to P ar t 15 of the F CC Rules, and the radio interf erence regulations of the Canadian Depar tment of Communications .
Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide 237 List of terms AC D A utomatic Call Distr ib ution. Browser User Interface An interface that allows the admi nistration of OA&M functions on conferences, users, and card s through a standard web browser.
238 List of terms 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 DRAM Dynamic Random Access Memo ry. A high density type of semi-conductor memory. It typically has slow er access time than SRAM and requires external memory refresh circuitry. DSP Digital Signal Processing.
List of terms 239 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide flexibility to make changes to the system's parameters without revising the hardware. ISM Incremental Soft ware Management. LAN Local Area Network. LED Light Emitting Diode.
240 List of terms 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006 PBX Private Branch Exchange. A telephony sw itch that is privately owned. PCM Pulse Code Modulation. PCMCIA Personal Computer Memory Card In ternational Asso ciation. This organization has defined a credit card sized plug- in board for use in PCs.
List of terms 241 Nortel Integrated Co nference Bridge Service Implementation Guide XPM Extended P er ipheral Module ..
242 List of terms 553-3001-358/555-4001-135 Standard 02 .00 July 2006.
Nor tel Communicat ion Ser v er 1000 Nor tel Communicat ion Ser v er 2100/Meridian SL-100 Nor tel Integrated Conference Bridge Ser vice Implementation Guide Copyright © 2006 Nortel Netw orks. All r ights r eserve d. The info rmation in this document is subject to c hange without notice.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Nortel Networks 555-4001-135 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Nortel Networks 555-4001-135 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Nortel Networks 555-4001-135 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Nortel Networks 555-4001-135 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Nortel Networks 555-4001-135, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Nortel Networks 555-4001-135.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Nortel Networks 555-4001-135. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Nortel Networks 555-4001-135 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.