Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto SB-16 del fabbricante Nikon
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-NOMENCLATURE------------ Wide - Fla sh Adapter SW -7 Main flash head ® Main flash unit (J) Light sensor ® nn . nn/~ln,oo'" knob 2.
Zoom scale @Shooling mode indicator LEO s @TTL multiple flash terminal 3.
CONTENTS------------- NOMENCLATURE . . . . .. .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2rv 3 PHOTOGRAPHIC TECHNIQUES ........... . . . 48 rv 62 ATTENTION!. .. . ......... .... . ... . .. .... . .. . . .... . 5 Synchro-Sunlight Fill-In Flash FOREWORD .
ATTENTIONI-------------- The Nikon Speedlight S8-16 consists of two parts : the main flash unit and the flash unit coupler having the mounting foot. Depending on which type is attached , the flash unit is identified as the Speedlight S8 - 16A or S8-168 .
FOREWORD-------------------------- The Nikon Speedlight SB-16 is a direct - mounting elec - tronic flash unit , providing automatic through-the-Iens (TTL) control of the flash ex posure when used with Nikon cameras hav i ng TTL flash capability .
BASIC OPERATION------------ 1 Set the openl closed knob • ® on the flash unit coupler to the OPEN position. 2 Attach the flash unit . coupler to the flash unit. Position the flash unit and flash unit coupler , so that the secondary flash head ® on the flash unit and the sen- sor (J) on the flash unit coupler face the same direction .
-BASIC OPERATION-confinued---------- 3 lock the flash unit . coupler. Turn the open/clo s ed knob to the "c lo s ed " po s ition (indicated by a dot) to lock the fla s h unit coupler ; make sure the fla sh unit and flash unit coupler fit tightly together.
5 Load the batteries into . the holder. Load four 1.5V AA - type penlight alkaline-manganese cells or 1. 2V rechargeable NiCd batteries into the holder , making sure that the positive and negative (+ and -) terminal s match the diagram s on the holder.
-BASIC OPERATION-confinued---------- 8 Attach the flash unit to . the camera's accessory shoe. Notes : 1) If you are using an F3-series camera, make sure that the ASAIISO film speed is already se.
-BASIC OPERATION-confinued---------- 9 Tilt the flash head ® to . the normal shooting position. Tilt the flash head 90° , so that it face s straight ahead , 1 2 10.
12. Se k t b the zooh m setting @ no on t e exposure calculator dial. Turn the zoom setting knob at the center on the dial until the zoom set- ting index @ is opposite the same letter as you selected in step 11 . Note: The W, setting on the dial is used when the wide · flash adapter is attached to the flash unit with the zoom head set at Wi .
-BASIC OPERATION-continued---------- - A-14 Set the S8·16's mode . selector (45) to TTL Slide the mode selector to the right as far as it will go, so that the inde x on the selector is opposite the square mark for automatic through-the-Iens (TTL) flash e x posure control.
A-16 Set the lens aperture . ring to the appro· priate fI stop. If you decide to s hoot at f / 4 , then you must s et the aperture ring on the len s to f/4 . 8-14. Choose an f/stop from the exposure calculator dial. For non-TTL automatic operation , the exposure calculator dial provides a choice of two f/stops.
-BASIC OPERATION-continued---------- B -15 Set the mode selector • @ to the blue or orange dot for automatic operation. If you select 1/4 , you m ust se t the selector to the orange dot , corres - ponding to f/4 on the exposure calcu- lator dial. 1 6 B-16 Set the lens aperture .
C-15. S~t ,lens to the minimum aperture (largest f· number), C-16. Set the 58·16'5 mode selector to TTL. 17. I • r I (I l 2 MD M fffIl .... ~ I For TTL operation • • I , , ) ( I { Al A2 MD .o. I I For automatic ope r ation (A2) Turn on the flash unit.
-BASIC OPERATION-continued---------- 18. Wait for the ready· light @ tocomeon. As soon as the f l ash ready-light built into the back of the flash unit c omes on , the 88 - 16 is ready to fire .
After you take the shot, watch the ready - light inside the camera ' s view- finder or the one on the 88 - 16 . After a s hort while , it will light up again to tell you the fla s h unit is recycled and ready to fire for the ne xt shot.
-CONTROLS IN DETAIL------------ AS -8 Flash Unit Couplers AS·S @ and AS·9 ® The detachable lower part of the SB - 16 , cal l ed the Flash Unit Coupler AS-8 or AS-9 , houses the mounting foot , the .
Synchronization Speed In fla s h photography , the shutter speed with which elec- tron ic fl as h will syn c h r on i ze depends on t he camera in use . Th e table s hows the usable shutter speeds with variou s c ame ras . As s hown in the tab le , automatic Hlko" cam.
-CONTROLS IN DETAll-continued------- - - ZoomHead @ The 88 · 16 's zoom head has four settings which provide various angles of coverage as shown in the table. The number with an orange background indicates that you can use a lens with the same or a longer focal length at that setting.
Shooting Mode Selector @l The shooting mode se lector on the back of the SB-16 has five click-stop settings. Directly above the selector (read - ing from left to right) , there are the blue and orange.
-CONTROLS IN DETAIL-continued--------- MD (synchronization with motor drive) At the motor drive (MD) setting , the S8 -16 is able to recycle fast enough to sy nchronize with a motor - driven camera firing continuously up to four frames per second . It is possible to take up to eight flash picture s in rapid succession in this way .
2) Set the zoom setting knob Turn the zoom setting knob at the center on the dial until the zoom s etting inde x is oppo s ite the s ame letter as you selected in s etting the zoom head . For e x ample , if you set the zoom head at T for a 85mm lens , the zoom set- ting knob must also be set at T.
-CONTROLS IN DETAIL-continued--------- For through·the·lens (TTL) operation On the dial there are eight lis tops ranging from f/2 to f /22 . Each II s top determine s the us able di s tance range in which you can obtain the correct automatic exposure .
Ex ample 3 If y ou ar e us ing ASA / ISO 100 film (w i th th e zoom he ad se t a t N for a 35 mm le ns) and the s ubject is 2 m aw ay , you ca n se l ec t e ith e r 1 /2.8 , 1/ 4 , 1 /56, 1 / 8 , f / 11 or f / 16 . If a s hort e r r ecyc lin g tim e is pr e fe ra bl e , u se 1 /2.
-CONTROLS IN DETAIL-continued--------- For non-TTL automatic (A) operation For non - TTL automatic operation , you can select one of two flstops , indicated by the blue and orange aperture indicator lines at the bottom of the calculator dial.
Ex ample 2 Auto shoot i ng r ange Unit: m(tt) If you are using ASAIISO 400 film, the usable aperture is now f/16 at A 1 and 1/8 at A2. The auto shooting range varies according to the zoom head setting as shown in the table .
-CONTROLS IN DETAll-continued--------- For manual (M) operation After setting the ASA/ISO film speed and zoom setting knob on the exposure ca l culator dial , focus on the sub- ject; then look at the lens and read off the focused dis- tance to determine exactly how far away the subject actually is .
The guide number at various film speeds and zoom head settings is shown in the following table: Guide numbers in the manual mode Unit ' m(tt) Zoom head ASAIISO film speed setting 800 400 200 100 .
-CONTROLS IN DETAIL-continued---------- Now, you are ready to read the usable f/stop from the dial. Each color-coded line indicating the auto shooting range for each f/stop has a notch on it. Find the notch directly above the flash-to-subject distance and read the f-number at the end of the line.
Exposure compensation In TTL or non-TTL automa tic operation with a dark sub- ject (one with low reflectivity) or one light in tone (having high - reflectivity) , over- or undere x posure may occur . To prevent th is, exposure compensation is required .
-CONTROLS IN DETAIL-continued--------- For examp le, if you are using ASAIISO 1 00 film with the ex p osure compensation dial set at + 2 (overexposure), you can r ea d 25 from t he tab le .
Non-TTL automatic exposure compensation In the non-TTL automatic exposure mode , exposure compensation can be performed by stopping down or opening up the lens. With a dark subject , use a smaller aperture. When a subject is light in tone , use a larger aperture .
-CONTROLS IN DETAll-continued--------- F 3- series FE2 FE Ready· Light @ Aft e r t h e ON / OFF s w it ch is t u rn ed on , t he r e a dy -l i ght at t he b a c k of th e 8B -1 6 light s up to indicate that the 8B - 16 i s recyc le d a nd rea d y to f ire.
Warning functions In the TTL or non - TTL automatic mode , both the ready- light s on the fla sh unit and in the camera's viewfinder blink for 3 seconds after the flash unit fire d at its maxi- mum output , ind ica ting that the light might have been in s ufficient for correct exposure.
-CONTROLS IN DETAIL-continued--------- With the SB·16A As soon as the flash unit is turned on, both ready·lights blink in the following cases : 1) When the AS-8 's mounting foot is not securely locked .
C.mer. Shutt. r .peed Shooting mode SB · 18A '. Camer. '. read y· Ught Seil i ng ( •• c .) r e.d y· llght Mete r ON F 3· •• rle . All sel1ings TTL Llghls up· Lighls up· Al , A2 , M , MD Lights up·· Lights up · · All seUing s except M250 and B TTL Blink.
-CONTROLS IN DETAIL-continued--------_ With the SB-16B As soon as the flash unit is turned on , the ready- li ght on the flash unit l ights up when the flash is ready to fire , while the ready-light i.
Came r a Shutt.r .ptled Shoo t ing mod. S8 · 188 ' . Camera '. ready · light Setting ( .e e.) r.ady · llght Me •• rON Me'.rOFF F 3- •• rle .
-CONTROLS IN DETAIL-continued--------- Open- Flash Button @ The ready-light on the SB - 16 can be used as an open- flash button to fire the flash unit manually without having to trip the camera 's shutter .
In the TTL mode, test - firing must be performed by trip- ping the shutter . Note that , without film loaded in the camera , the ready-light will blink even if the correct exposure is obtainable . As a substitute for loaded roll film , you can use a strip of cut film (provided it is not too old) or a piece of gray paper .
-CONTROLS IN DETAIL-continued--------- Tilting/Rotating Flash Head ® For t r uly crea t ive boun ce f las h photogr a phy , th e 88 - 1 6 ha s two f lash h ea d s. Th e ma in h ea d tilt s b ack 9 0° wi t h c lick -s top s at th e 3 0° , 45° , 6 0° , 75° and 90° po s ition s.
Secondary Flash Head ® The s maller sec ondary head is built into the front of the fla sh unit and f aces s tr a ight a head . It s purpo se is to fill in th e s hadow s in th e eye soc ket s and provide a ca tch - light for the eyes when doing bounce flash .
-CONTROLS IN DETAIL-continued--------- Wide - Flash Adapter SW - 7 CD The Wide - Flash Adapter attached in front of the SB - 16 's main flash head with the zoom head set at WI (for a 2 8mm len s).
TTL Multiple Flash Terminal @ The TTL multiple flash terminal is provided for TTL multi- ple flash photography . (For more information, refer to pages 58-61.
-PHOTOGRAPHIC TECHNIQUES--------- Synchro-Sunlight Fill-In Flash Photography A backlit s ubject , s uch as a person outside with hislher back to the s un or indoors in front of a window , may come out almost as a s ilhouette if the background is correctly exposed .
With fill - in fla s h : both the subject and the background come out properly exposed . 49.
-PHOTOGRAPHIC TECHNIQUES-confinued - - ---- Synchro-sunlight fill-in flash photography is possible with the S8-16's shooting mode selector set to the TTL-auto- matic, non-TTL automatic, or manual mode. Operation in the manual mode assures you of good re- sults in virtually all cases, so we will describe this proce- dure first.
In the TTL-automatic mode !~ Same as Step s 1) and 2) in the manual mode . 3) Take the picture. With the S8-16 se t at TTL and turn ed on, ju st take the pi c ture . Notes: 1) With a strongly backlit s ubject (s uch as a scene containing the sun) , the desired exposure balance may not be obtained .
-PHOTOGRAPHIC TECHNIQUES-continued------ Synchronization wi th slow shutter speeds If you are u s ing the 88 · 16 at a high s hutter speed under Note : W hen using color film , especially transpa r ency f ilm , unnatural color dim li ght, the background may come out too dark.
Fast synchronization speed: the background is too dark . Slow synchronization speed: now detaifs in the background can be seen. 53.
-PHOTOGRAPHIC TECHNIQUES-continued -- ---------: Diffusing the Light Light is what gives form to so lid objects . If the flash is point ed dir ec tly a t th e s ubj ec t a nd lo ca ted n ear th e len s, the su bje c t will l ook fl a t because of th e lack of s h adows .
Combination bounce and direct fla s h: soft , natural - looking lighting with a pleasing catchlight in the eyes . 55.
-PHOTOGRAPHIC TECHNIQUES-confinued------ The procedure for bounce flash is as follows : 1) Choose the bounce surface. Select the ceiling or wall you want to bounce the flash off of ; then tilt and/or rotate the main flash head so that it pOints in that direction.
Using a diffuser It is also possible to diffuse the light by placing a trans - l ucent mater i al , such as one or mo re sheets of tracing paper, between the flash and subject. You ca n create more pronounced d i ffusion by pl acing a certain dis t ance between the diffuser and flash t han by wrapping the diffuser around the flash head .
-PHOTOGRAPHIC TECHNIQUES-continued------ Multiple Flash Photography If you have another flash unit, you can use it as a second- ary light s ource for multiple flash photography . When you use only one flash unit in front of a subject , harsh shad- ows may be produced or light m ay not reach the back- ground .
TTL multiple flash photography 8y using the S8-16 connected to an F3-series , FA. FE2, F-501/N2020, F-301/N2000, FG or Nikonos-V (via V~ype Sync Cord) camera as a master flash unit and either the Niko.
-PHOTOGRAPHIC TECHNIQUES-continued------ SYSTEM CHART FOR TTL MULTIPLE FLASH OPERATION ffiOfJ 60 Nikon F3 @~ ~ @ ,Ikonos-v - 0 @~ @)~SB-18 @) ~ IJ~!5 ~ ~ @~ 5B" l1Jl9JJ ~ -----+-!=~~ Nlkon FE2 SC-17 Nlkon F-5011 ~L.
F~s." ~---- ~~S~= - 2=3=-- SB-11 I SB-14/ ~____. SB-140 SB-16B ~ -Ej ~ AS-11 O SC - 18 --= SC-19 o SC - 18 IlIL SC-19 ail . , ,jl lJIlll- SE? ~SB-18 ~-El ~ AS-11 SB-141 SB-140 61.
-PHOTOGRAPHIC TECHNIQUES-confinued----- Manual multiple flash photography If the secondary flash unit is either a Nikon Speedlight S8-11, S8-12 , S8-14 , S8-15, S8-16 or S8-17 , use either the SC-11 (approx . 25cm) or SC-15 (approx . 1 m) sync cord to connect the flash units together via sync/multiple flash terminal.
ACCESSORIES------------- Sync Cords 10 , 11 , and 15 For use with cameras not provided with a hot shoe or for off-camera or multiple - flash l ighting s etup s.
-ACCESSORIES-continued------------ TTL Multi·Flash Sync Cords SC·18 and SC·19 The SC-18 and/or SC-19 are used to connect the flash un i ts together for TTL multiple flash ope r ation .
Soft Flash Unit Case 55·16 The SS-16 accommodates the main flash unit of the S8-16 and both Flash Unit Couplers AS-8 and AS -9, one at- tached to the main flash unit , and one stored separately inside the pocket , with the Wide - Flash Adapter SW-7 attached to the flash head .
TIPS ON SPEEDLIGHT CARE--------- - To remove dirt or fingerprints, wipe with a dry soft or silicon-treated cloth . Never use thinner , benzine or alcohol, since they might damage the plastic parts . To clean the Wide- Flash Adapter , wash it with soap and water .
-If your 88-16 has not been used for a long time , its recycling time may be longer , To maintain the built-in condenser in peak con dition , there- by enabling you to use the 88-16 for many years , f.
OPTIMUM BATTERY PERFORMANCE------- New batteries . Between manufacturing and first use , all batteries exhibit some drain. Therefore , care should be taken to purchase the newest (and freshest) ones possi- ble. To help you do this , some manufacturers stamp the date of manufacture on the bottom of each battery .
SPECIFICATIONS------------- (The SB - 16 main flash unit ha s the following s pec i fication s when comb ined with t he Fla sh Unit Coupler AS -8 or AS -9) Electronic construction Automatic silicon· .
-SPECIFICATIONS-confinued----------- Manual exposure control Synchronization with motor driven camera Dimensions (W x H x D) SB·16A SB·16B Weight SB · 16A SB · 16B Accessories provided Full output.
No reproduction in any form of this manual , in whole or in part (except for brief quotation in critical articles or reviews) . may be made without written authorization from Nippon Kogaku K.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Nikon SB-16 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Nikon SB-16 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Nikon SB-16 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Nikon SB-16 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Nikon SB-16, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Nikon SB-16.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Nikon SB-16. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Nikon SB-16 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.