Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto N75 del fabbricante Nikon
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Introduction • Thank you for purchasing the Nikon N75/N75QD-a camera that is sure to make photography a bigger part of your life. Get to know your N75/N75QD camera, and be sure to read this manual thoroughly before using it. We recommend that you keep this manual handy .
• Take trial shots Take tr i al shots before shooting at important occasions like weddings or graduations . • Have Nikon spot-check your camera regularly Nikon recommends that you have your camera serviced by an authorized dealer or service center at least once every two years.
Contents BEFORE YOU BEGIN . .. ... . ........ . .... .... .... . ..... .. ....... . ........ . .......... . .. . .. . ........... .. 2 - 11 Introdu c tion . ............. . ......... ..... ......... . .. . ... ..... .. ....... .... . . ........ .. ...
ADVANCED OPERATION ...... = ... :::: = : ................ ::: : ~ .. : : ::: .. ::::::::: : ......... 63-70 E xposure Compensation ... . ..... ........ . .... . ........ .. ................................... . ......... . . .. .. .. . ....... .. 64-65 Auto Ex po sure Bra cket ing .
Nomenclature Built-in Speed light (p . 38 / 90) Apertu re (p . 61 )/ E x po s ur e Compensation button ( p . 64) / Film rewind button (p . 78 ) Self - timer (p . 40) / AF-Assist Illuminator (p . 50 )/ Red - Eye Reduction lamp (p. 93) 6 Camera strap eyelet Flash lock-release (p .
Exposure mode dial (p . 10) Film advance mode / Custom Setting selector (p . 79n2) * Illustration shown is the N75QD . The camera back of the N75 differs from the N75QD . • N75QD only: Data imprint LCD/buttons QUARTZ DATE 1 -----, .------ 5 2 - ~~~- 6 filIDlj SELECT ADJUST : ----ED 9 0+- 7 1.
LCD PanelNiewfinder Display • LCD panel Self - timer (p . 40) Shutter s pe ed Auto E x posure Bracketing (p . 66) Flash sync mode (p . 92 / 95) ~ Remote control (p . 84) Apertur e r. ~.~. ,~ ' ~ '- Fr. r. Beep sound (p. 28) ooe.o ~ 0.0 @~: +.
• Viewfinder display 12mm-dia. reference circle z p ____________ .. for Center-Weighted ~ Battery power (p. 17) r- ______ ~ ------~--~~ 60) ~ Film status Focus area (focus brackets) (p. 28/48) Electronic analog exposure (p. 61) / Exposure Compensation va l ue disp l ay (p.
Available Exposure Modes The exposure mode dial of the Nikon N75 / N75QD can be divided into two sections . One is the u ser-controlled exp o sure mode with A uto-Mult i P rogram, S hutter- P riority A uto , Aperture-Priority Auto or Manual exposure modes, where the photograp h er can determine various ex posure factors.
• Poi n t - and - shoo t exposu re mode A ~: AUTO mod e (p . 26) Cam e ra a utomaticall y c ontrols all the ex posure settings. Suit a ble for taking pictures right away . 2: Port ra i t mode (p. 35) Use this mode to take portraits . The background is blurred to accentuate your main subject.
Start Shooting Immediately 1 Open the battery chamber and install batteries while the camera 's power is off (page 16). ~ . o~" ~ fl . """ d) ~ fl ~ """ d) < " @ '" .. "-- - ~--' 2 Attach the lens and turn the power switch on (page 18).
5 Hold the camera properly, compose frame and focus (page 28) by lightly pressing the shutter release button (page 18). ~ ... ~ c ... ~ i! c::I 6 Confirm focus indicator. appears without blinking and in- § focus beep sound is emitted , and slowly depress the shutter c release button (page 30).
About Shutter Release Button Lightly pressing the shutter re l ease button and ho l ding it halfway d o wn activates the camera's exposure meter and press i ng it a ll t h e way down releases the shutter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
PREPARATION This section introduces the various operations necessary before you start shooting. • Install batteries and check battery power • Mount lens • Load film • Set date and time (N75QD .
Install Batteries and Check Battery Power Use two CR2-type 3V lit h ium batte r ies . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Turn the power switch off and open the battery chamber cover by sliding the battery chamber cover lock release lever toward i ndicated direction.
3 Turn the power switch on and confirm battery power with the ~ indication. ~ ,--;- - --== F _ = _ u~~~u ~~ON .: '. I IB ~ Sufficient battery power Insufficient battery power Viewfinder LCD panel Meaning Cam era's met er on C a m e ra's met e r off ~ No indi cation No indication Sufficient battery power .
Mount Lens Turn the power sw i tch off and mount the l ens to the camera body . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . .. .
2 3 Turn t he power switch off and mount t he l ens t o the camera body. • Position lens in the camera 's bayonet mount so that the mounting indexes on lens and camera body are aligned , then twist lens anticlockwise until it locks into place. (Be sure not to touch the l ens release button .
load Film --------- Turn the power switch on and load OX-coded film . With O X- coded film, film speed will be set automatically (ISO 25-5000) . When the camera back is closed , t he fi lm automatica ll y advances and the number of available exposures is displayed in the LC D panel.
3 Gently close t he camera back until the camera back snaps closed . I t': Ic S FS . 6 @ B ~ E: :3 n 3@ • The fi lm automatically advances to the final frame with blinking 0 , 0 _ , 0 __ , 0 __ _ as indicated in the LCD panel , and film rewinds one frame at a time as photos are taken.
Set Date and Time (N75QD only) This camera allows you to imprint Year/Month/Day, Day/Hour/Minute (24-hour clock), Month/Day/Year or Day/Month/Year on your picture in any exposure mode . (For imprinting date/time, see page 42.) ........................
BASIC OPERATION 1 This section features the settings for most common picture-taking situations using AUTO mode (A~) to enable easy operation even for beginners. 00 Ing mo es un c Ion s ex p a lne In IS se c Ion ar e as 0 ows : Sh t' d I f t' I ' d O th O f II Lens attached G-type AF Nikkor (p.
Set Focus Mode and AF Area Mode Set focus mode to AF (autofocus) and AF Area mode to Dynamic A F Mode with Closest-Subject P riority . ( S ee pages 44 and 46 for detai ls. ) ..................................................... 1 Turn the power sw i tch on and se t the focus m ode selector to AF (a uto f ocus) .
• Situations where autofocus may not work as expected Autofocus may not work as expected in the following situations. In such situations , focus manually using the clear matte field (page 45) or focus on a different subject located at the same distance, use focus lock (page 52) then recompose .
Set Exposure Mode to A8° When the exposure mode is set to ~ , the camera automatically controls all the exposure settings. · ........................
• Abou t exposure mode Four e x posure mode s b e sid es '8' and five Vari - Prog r am modes are available with this camera . Utilising th e characterist i cs of each ex posure mode , effective results c an be ach ie ved with va r ious typ e s of subjects or shooting situations .
Hold Camera and EOcus ------I Lightly pressing the shutter release button automatically focuses the camera on the subject. ..................................................... 1 Hold the camera properly. o Keep your elbow propped against your body for support .
• Focus indicator appears or blinks as follows : • appears: Subject is in focus . , 1 / "/ r , blinks: Unable to focus using autofocus . • With dark subjects , the camera 's AF-Assist Illuminator (page 50) is automatically activated to guide autofocus (except in iii or .
Release Shutter Confirm that . (in-foc us indicator) appears in the v i ewfinder, then slowly, fu ll y depress the shutter re l ease button . W it h a moving subject, C ontinuous Servo A F (page 44) act i vates and camera co nt i nuous l y focuses on t h e subject.
3 Film starts to rewind automatically when the last shot is taken. 1(, " 0 ___ 1 -- ItUT J§::~ .",<WlI] ~ [ 11 .~ ./ • 0 ___ , 0 __ , 0 _ , and then 0 is displayed dur i ng film rewind. 4 Confirm that film is completely rewound, then remove film cartridge.
32 Metering systems and exposure are important factors for taking pictures . Knowing the characteristics of each factor helps you widen your photographic expression .
BASIC OPERATION 2 This section describes the following basic operations: • Shooting with Vari-Program • Using Built-In Speedlight • Self-Timer Operation • Imprinting OatelTime (N75QO only).
Shooting with Vari-Program --- Vari-Program gives you the option to choose from Portrait, Landscape , Close- Up , Sports or Night P ortrait mode-designed for specific picture-taking situations and photographic images . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .
~ ..x..: Portrait mode Use this mode whenever y ou are taking pictures of people . It creates a blurred background to accentuate your main subject. • 85mm to 200mm telephoto lenses with large maximum apertures are recommended . • Distancing the main subject and the background emphasises the effect.
Shooting with Vari-Program-continued ~ : Close - Up mode Use this mode when you are taking pictures up close. It creates a blurred background to accentuate your main subject.
~: Night Portrait mode Use this mode for subjects with an evening or night background. Night Portrait mode captures all the lighting in the scene , including the foreground subject and background . • Use ~ Landscape mode for twilight or nighttime scene without foreground subject.
Using Built-In Speedlight ---- When the subject is dark or backl it and the shutter release button is lig h tly pressed, the bui l t-in Speed l ight automatically pops u p in '8' or V ari-Program (except in iii or ~) . Fully depress the shutter release button to take pi c t ures wi t h the Speed li g h t.
2 Con f irm ~ in viewf i nder , then compose , focus and take the picture with flash by fully depressing the shutter release button . • 90 FS.b ~ • The shutter cannot be released unless ~ appears without blinking in the viewfinder. • ~ blinks in the viewfinder approx .
Self-Timer Operation ------ Yo u can u se the se lf -time r whe n you wa nt to b e i n th e p h otograph or re d uce camera shake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . 1 Press @) (self-timer) button and confirm that 19 appears on the LCD panel.
2 Compose picture , focus by lightly pressing the shutter release button and fully depress the shutter release button. N • Self-timer shooting cannot be performed unless the camera 's shutter can be I released (i .e. when subject cannot be brought into focus with autofocus) .
Imprinting Date/Time (N7SQD only) You ca n imprint the following date information on your pic t ure : Year / Mont h / Day , D ay / Hour / Minute , Mont h / D aylYear or D ay / Mon t hlYear . See page 22 to set date and time . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
FOCUS OPERATION This section features detailed descriptions of focusing operations. • Focus mode • Focus area mode • AF - Assist Illuminator • Focus lock.
Focus Mode Two focus modes, autofocus us i ng the A uto-Servo AF (Sing le Servo AF and Continuous Servo A F) and Manua l focus, are avai l ab le with t he N75/N75 Q O .
• Manual focus • Set the focus mode selector to M . Look through the viewfinder and rotate the lens focusing ring unti l the image appears sharp on the clear matte field in the viewfinder. The shutter can be released whether or not the subject is in focus and regardless of the focus indicator status .
Focus Area Mode The N75 / N75Q D 's five focus areas cover a w i de frame area . W hen t h e foc us mode is set to AF (page 44) , you can se l ect either Dynamic AF Mode with Closest - Subject Pr.
• When focus mode is set to Auto f ocus [ _ ): Dyn a mic AF Mode w i th Closest - Su bject Prior i ty Dynamic AF Mode with Closest - Subject Priority automatically maintains focus on the subject located closest to any of five focus areas and focus is locked once it is achieved '.
Focus Area Selection This camera's f i ve focus areas cover a wide frame area , and you can se l ec t among them, depending on the sub j ec t 's position in the f rame or y o ur d es ire d c o m p o sition . They re l iab ly provide s h arp focus wit ho ut u se of focus l ock (page 52) .
Check po i nts • When exposure mode is set to '8' or Vari - Program in autofocus , turning the power switch off and on again resets the focus area to the center . When exposure mode is set to P , 5 , A or M , or in manual focus, selected focus area remains.
AF-Assist Illuminator When the subject is dark and the shutter release button is pressed lightly, the camera 's AF-Assist Illuminator automatically turns on and enables autofocus operation in a dark environment. ..................................
NOTE : Lenses incompatible with AF - Assist Illuminator • Autofocus using the camera's AF-Assist Illumina t or cannot be performed with following lenses at a shooting distance within 1 m (3 .3 ft .) due to vignetting . AF Micro 200mm f / 4 IF-ED AF -S 17 - 35mm fl2.
Focus Lock Focus lock is useful in autofocus shooting when you want to capture a subject that's framed outside of the N75/N75QO's five focus areas. ~ Tip Focus lock is best suited for a photograph where composition is your top priority , and in situations where autofocus may not work as expected (page 25) .
EXPOSURE MODE This section describes how to take pictures in each exposure mode. • Auto - Multi Program • Shutter - Priority Auto • Aperture - Priority Auto • Manual.
Auto-Multi Program P: Auto-Multi Program The camera automatically controls exposure to achieve correct exposure in any shooting situation . For more comple x shooting , use Flexible Program (page 55) , Exposure Compensation (page 64) or A uto Exposure Bracketing (page 66) .
Difference between '8' (AUTO mode) and P (Auto - Multi Program) Although ex posure controls are the s ame , with Auto-Mu l ti Program , you can se l ect functions such as Fle x ible Program , E x posure Compensation , Auto E x posure Bracketing, Multip l e E x posure (page 69) or Slow Sync f l ash (page 92) for more f lex ib le shooting .
Shutter-Priority Auto Exposure Mode Fast shutter speed 1 / 500 sec . Sl ow shutter speed 1 / 4 sec . s: Shutter-Priority Auto En a bl es y ou t o m a nu a ll y set t he d esi r ed sh utter speed (3 0 - 1 /2 000 sec.) ; th e ca me ra automatica ll y se l ec ts the p r op er a p ert u re to prov i de correct exp os u re .
• 125 H 1 +~I~ I ~ 1 2- Overe x posure • 125 L 0 +2 1 ~ I ~I~- ~ U nderexposure 2 Set the shutter speed (30-1/2000 sec .) with the Command Dial. 3 Compose pic t ure , confirm focus indicato r . and shoot. • When the subject is too dark or too bright , one of the following warning indications wi ll appear in the viewfinder and LCD panel.
Aperture-Priority Auto Exposure Mode Small aperture f/ 32 Large aperture f/ 2 .8 A: Aperture-Priority Auto Enables you to set t h e desired aperture (lens' minimum to maximum) manually. The camera automatically selects a shutter speed suitable for correct exposure .
• H: FS.5 '~I: I ~ 1 ~- Overexposure • ~ 0 FS.5 ~ U nderexposure 2 Set the aperture (lens ' min i mum to maximum) by rotating the Command Dial.
Manual Exposure Mode M: Manual Enab l es you to set both shutter spee d (- - [T i me) and 30-1/2000 sec.) and aperture (lens' minimum to maximum) manually .
NOTE: CPU Nikkor lenses other than G - type Always set the aperture ring of a CPU Ni kkor l ens (except G-type) to its minimum (largest f-number) . When the lens is not set to its minimum aperture setting , fEE blinks in the LCD panel and viewfinder , and the shutter locks .
Long Time Exposure • Long Time (Time) exposure of more than 30 sec . When the exposure mode dial is set to M (Manual), set the shutter speed indication to - - (next after 30 sec . ) to set Long Time (Time) exposure . Depress the shutter release button once to open the shutter, then press the shutter release button again to close the shutter .
ADVANCED OPERATION This section features descriptions of operations using the N75/N75QD 's advanced functions. • Exposure Compensation • Auto Exposure Bracketing • Multiple Exposure.
Exposure Compensation To modify exposure control (Le. from the ISO standard). use the E xposure Compensation function. This can be useful when intentiona ll y achieving under- or overexposure to obtain a specific photographic effect. Th is camera offers compensation of -3 EV to +3 EV in 1/2 steps.
NOTE: Sett i ng Exposure Compensation Normally , you sho ul d compensate exposure to the + side when the background is brighter than your main subject , or to the - side when the background is darker. 2 Check points Compose pic t ure , confirm focus indicator.
Auto Exposure Bracketing Auto Exposure Bracketing allows you to shoot in selected compensated E V va l ues (maximum of ±2 EV) shifting from the automatic ' ally set proper exposure (or selec t ed exposure in Manua l exposure mode) for three s h ots each time the shutter is released .
• When the bracketi ng value is set (and wh il e the exposure meter is on) , Iil:tj appears a nd IB blinks in the LCD p anel , and IB and el ectronic ana log exposure display blink in the viewfinder . • Bracketing val u e can be confir med by pressing th e e button.
Auto Exposure Bracketing-continued • If the Exposure Compensation function (page 64) is also set , bracketing w i ll be combined with the Exposure Compensation values. It is useful to perform Bracketing wi t h a compensated value of over +2 EV or under -2 EV (maximum of ±S EV).
Multiple Exposure Multiple Exposure consists of two or more exposures of one or more subjects in the same frame . • M ul tiple Exposure can be set in P , S, A an d M ex p os ure mo d es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Multiple Exposure-continued S t anda r d compensat i on value in multiple exposu r e Number of exposures Compensation value Exposure Compensation is necessary depending on the 3 Two -1 .0 EV Three -1.5 EV number of exposures in multiple ex posure since more than one Four -2 .
CUSTOM SEnlNG Using the Custom Setting feature, you can create a combination of functions that is different from the initial factory settings. The functions listed in this section can be selected with the N75/N75QD.
Menu/Features of Custom Setting • Creating Custom Setting 1 Set the Custom Setting selector to CSM and select a menu number by rotating the Command Dial. • 12 menus ( 1 t o 12) are avai l ab le. 2 Select the desired option number by pressing the ID button.
• Ca n celling Custom Setting Set the Custom Setting selector to CSM and press the a and ~ buttons simultaneously for mo r e than two sec . • All the Custom Settings are canceled and reset to their initial factory settings . 00J,'ililll disappears from the LCD panel.
Menu/Features of Custom Setting-continued • Menu number and Custom Setting opt i ons 74 • Refer al so to the Custom Setting Menu table at the end of this i nstruction manual.
5 . Auto Exposure Lock when shutter release button is lightly pr essed (page 80) Z Option s: D : D isabl ed ( initial setting) E I : Activa t ed bJ At i nit i al setting , Auto E x posure Lock can be performed by press i ng the CD button .
Menu/Features of Custom Setting-continued 9. Self-timer duration (page 40) Options 2 : 2 sec . :a : 10 sec. (initial setting) 5 : 5 sec. 20 : 20 sec. :a.Standby duration for the remote control operation (page 84) Options : : 1 min . ( initi a l setting) 5 : 5 min.
OTHER FUNCTIONS This section describes other useful camera functions and information. • Film rewind • Film advance mode • Diopter adjustment • Viewfinder accessories • Available mode combina.
Film Rewind This section explains mid-roll rewind and what to do if the film does not rewind . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Mid - roll rewind • To rewind film at mid-roll, press the two film rewind El~ buttons simultaneously for approx .
Film Advance Mode Two f il m advance modes, single-frame and continuous shooting are available with the N75/N75Q D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Auto Exposure Lock When you want to control the exposure of a specific area within a scene , measure the exposure on that area and press the f:1D button to lock the exposure , then recompose the picture.
2 While keeping the CD button pressed, recompose, focus and shoot. ~ 5 : Auto Exposure Lock can be set to be activated by lightly pressing the shutter release button (p. 75) . ~ 6 : Auto Exposure Lock and Autofocus lock can be set to be activated simultaneously by pressing the 00 button (p.
Diopter AdjustmentNiewfinder Accessories The N75/N75QD enab l es near - or far-sighted photographers to ad jus t the eyepiece diopter to suit their vision. Vi ewf ind er accessories such as an eyepiece cap or eyepiece co rr ectio n lens ca n a lso b e at tached .
Depth-of-Field Preview Electronic preview function is available with this camera. Depress the depth- of-f i eld preview button to conf i rm the depth of f i eld through the viewfinder (see page 102) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Remote Control Operation (optional) Use the optional rem o te c o ntrol to release the camera's shutter f rom a distance. A s with self- t imer operati o n, the remote contro l can also be used w h en y o u want to be in the p hot ograph . Y o u can a ls o u se t h e remote co n t rol instea d o f a cab le release to reduce camera shake.
2 Point the remote contro l unit toward the camera and press t he shutter release but t on. o When immediate release is selected, the self-timer lamp lights after shutter release (except when the Speed light is used).
Remote Control Operation (optional)-continued Check poin ts • Use a tripod or p l ace the camera on a stable surface before using the remote control .
• Changing battery i nside t he remote control unit ~ ~ 1 Wh i le keeping the battery holde r release lever pressed as the arrow s::; s:::; on the remote control unit .. ~: i ndicates to release the lock , pull out the battery holder from the remote control unit.
Available Mode Combinations The following chart li sts availab le modes when a CPU Nikkor lens such as a G- or D-type lens is attached . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . Exposure mode "8' ~ .
FLASH PHOTOGRAPHY This section introduces various aspects of flash photography using the built-in Speedlight. • Built-in Speedlight (Automatic Balanced Fill-Flash with TTL Multi Sensor, Standard TIL.
Built-In SpeedlightlReady-Light • Built-in Speedlight and TTL Flash modes This camera is equipped with a built - in Speedlight that provides an angle of coverage for a 28mm lens with a guide number of 12/39 (ISO 100, m/ft .
3D Mult i- Sensor Balanced Fill-Flash • 3D Mult i- Sensor Balanced Fill - Flash is automatically set in '8' , Vari - Program , P, S or A exposure mode with D- or G- type Ni kkor lens attached .
Flash Sync Mode Features Five flash sync modes can be selected for desired photographic effect depending o n the conditions when using the built - in Sp eedlight. I n ill an d ~ modes , f l ash is not avai l able even when the su b ject is dark o r back l it.
[;;J / b:J : Rear - Curtain Sync Rear-Curtain Sync can be used in P, S , A , or M exposure mode. Normally, the Speed light fires at the end of the exposure , turning available light into a stream of light that follows the flash- ill uminated moving subject.
Flash Sync Mode FeatureS-continued NO TE: Flash S y nc Mode s • In Front- and Rear-Curtain Sync , shutter speed shifts automatically to 1 / 90 sec. when the shutter speed is set to faster than 1 / 90 sec. in S or M exposure mode . In this case , 30 is displayed in the LCD panel and the viewfinder.
Using Built-In Speedlight T h is sect i on explains how to use the built-in Speedlight set to desired flas h sync mode when a G- or O-type A F Nikkor lens is attac h ed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .
Using Built-In Speedlight-continued • If IiiiiiI or ~ is set when the built-in Speedlight is in the up position , flash is automatically canceled . • Multi-Sensor Balanced Fill-Flash is se l ected in exposure modes other than M and Standard TTL Flash is selected for M exposure mode.
3 Con fi rm ~ appears in the viewfinder , make sure the subject is within the flash shooting d i stance range and shoot. • ::I~ FS.6 ~ • The shutter cannot be released unless ~ appears without blink i ng in the viewfinder. • ~ in the viewfinder blinks approx.
Using Built-In Speedlight-continued , • Flash shooting distance range Flash shooting distance for the built-in Speedlight changes according to the film speed in use and aperture setting . ISO film speed 25 50 100 200 400 800 Flash s hooting distance range Guide number m/ft .
• Available flash sync mode combinations Exposure mode mAutoFlash ~ CD ~ ..!: CD iii - ,'r., CD ~ - I::l CD p CD S CD A CD M ® Exposure mode Red-Eye Reduction with Slow Sync ~ - ~ .
Using Built-In Speedlight-continued • Usable lenses with built-in Speedlight 28mm to 200mm non-zoom CPU Nikkor lenses , AF 300mm f/4 ED and AF-S 300mm f/4 ED lenses can be used with the built-in Speedlight.
With color slide f ilm Lens Limitations AF 18 - 3Smm 1 / 3 .S -4.S 3Sm m local length at 0. 9m (3.0 ft . ) or longer shooting distance AF 20-3Smm 1 / 2 . 8 3Smm local length at 2m (6 . 6 ft . ) or longer shooting distance AF 24 - 8Smm 1 / 2 . 8-4 3Smm or longer local length ; and at 3Smm, 1 m (3 .
102 Basics of the relationship between focus and depth of field are explained in this section . • Depth of field When focusing , depth of field should be considered . Depth of field is the zone of sharpest focus in front of and behind the subject on which the l ens is focused .
MISCELLANEOUS This section explains miscellaneous information. • Lens compatibility • Usable optional Speed lights • Optional accessories • Camera care • Notes on batteries • Troubleshooti.
Lens Compatibility Use a CPU Nikkor lens (except IX-Nikkor) with this camera. G- or D-type AF lenses give you access to all available functions . . . .
*1 Metering system automatically switches to Center-Weighted Metering when the exposure mode is set to Manual. *2 IX-Nikkor lenses cannot be attached. *3 This camera is compatible with the Vibration Reduction function of the VR Nikkor lens .
Lens Compatibility-continued When a non-CPU lens is attached Set ex posure mode to M with a non-CPU lens . 1(, (When other modes are selected , shutter cannot be released . ) The camera 's ex posure meter cannot be Ie'S L f - - used and the aperture cannot be set using the .
Usable Optional Speedlights U sa bl e op t ion a l Sp ee dlights and av a ila bl e fl a sh modes a r e listed in th e foll o wi ng t a bl e . Av a il a bl e m o d es are list e d as sum in g a CPU le ns is a ttach ed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Usable Optional Speedlights-continued • Accessory shoe • An optional Speedlight , f.e. SB-80DX, SB -50DX , SB-30 , SB-28/28DX , SB - 27 , SB-23 or SB-22s can be attached directly to the accessory shoe of the N75/N75QD without a cord.
• No t es on using optional Speedlights o See your Speedlight manual for details . If the camera groups are defined in the manual of the Speedlight with TI L Auto Flash , see the section for camera group I . o Flash sync speed is 1/ 90 sec . or slower when using an optional Speed light.
Usable Optional Speedlights-continued • FE E in the LCD panel and FE E and ~ in the viewfinder blink and the shutter cannot be released when the exposure mode is set to P, 'g' or Vari - Program and the attached optional Speedlight is not set to TIL Auto Flash.
NOTE: When op t ional Speedlight i s attached Turn on the optional Speedlight power switch or set the built-in Speed light to Flash Cancel mode so the built-in Speed light won 't pop up automatica ll y when an optiona l Speed light is attached.
Optional Accessories A variety of optiona l accessor i es, inc l uding power source an d S peed light is avai l ab le for t he N75/N75 Q D. • ••••••••••••••••••�.
Filters • Nikon filters can be divided into three types : screw - in , drop - in and rear-interchange. With the N75 / N75QD , the filter factor need not be considered except for the R60 filter .
Camera Care • Cl e aning camera body Use a blower brush to remove dirt and dust from the camera body and clean it with a soft , clean cloth . Aft er using the camera near seawater , w i pe the camera body with a soft , clean cloth slightly moistened with pure water to remove salt , and then dry it with a dry c l oth .
• Re mov e th e batter i es and store the c a mera with a desiccant I f you do not intend to use the camera for a long time , remove the batteries to protect the camera from battery l eakage. • In a humid environment , store the camera inside a plastic bag with a desiccant to keep out dust, moisture and salt.
Notes on Batteries ~ WARNING Do no t l ea v e Keep batter i es out of children 's reach . If someone accidentally swallows batteries, call a doctor immediately .
Troubleshooting fEE blinks fEE blinks • CPU Nikkor lens other • Set lens to minimum 19 , than G-type is not set to aperture . 105 its minimum aperture .
Troubleshooting-continued E appears o blinks • Film is not correctly • Reload film. 21 installed . Err and E blink 0_ blinks • Film is not correctly • Reload film . 21 advanced . E blinks when o blinks • Film remains in the • Remove the film cartridge.
LCD panel I Viewfinder l Cause I Remedy I Page - 4 or • blinks • Subject brightness is • When the subjec t is bright , use 61 (in M exposure beyond camera's NO filter and when the subject mode) exposure range. is dar!< , use ftash . The electronic analog exposure display remains blinking when the Speedlight is used .
Troubleshooting - continued LCD panel I Viewfinder I Cause I Remedy I Page - ~ blinks • Flash ha s fired at full • Shoot again after 91 , 97 , for 3 sec. output and confirming focus 98 after flash underexpo s ure may distance , aperture or have occu rred.
Glossary CPU Central Processing Unit. The electronic component that controls an electronic product's functions . AF Nikkor (including G- and O - type AF Nikkor) and AI - P - Nikkor lenses have built -i n CPUs . Depth of Field See the column on page 102.
Glossary-continued Flexible Program Flexible Program function temporarily shifts an automatically selected shutter speed l aperture combination whi le maintai n ing correct exposure . That is , the desired shutter speed or aperture can be selected in Auto-Multi Program.
ISO film speed The international standard for representing film sensitivity . The higher the number , the greater the sensitivity , and vice versa . A film speed of ISO 200 is twice as sensitive as ISO 100 , and half that of I SO 400 film . Metering system See the column on page 32 .
Specifications Type of camera Integral-motor autofocus 35mm single-lens reflex with electronically controlled focal-plane shutter and built - in Speed light Exposure modes '8':AUTO mode Vari.
Autofocus TIL phase detection, Nikon Multi-CAM900 autofocus module with AF-Assist Illuminator (approx. 0.5m-3m [1.6 -9 .8 ft.]) • Detection range: EV -1 to EV 19 (ISO 100 , at normal temperature) Lens servo A F : Auto-Servo AF : camera automatically chooses Single Servo AF or Continuous Servo AF operation according to the subject status, i.
SpecificationS-continued A u to E xposure Bracketing range : ±2 EV ; number of shots: three; bracketing Br acketing steps: 0.5, 1, 1.5 or 2 EV (except in '8' or Vari-Program) Fi lm speed se.
Self-timer Electronically controlled ; timer duration: 10 sec. Remote control Infrared , activated by pressing the shutter release button; immediate (optional) release mode and 2-sec. delay mode; operating distance : approx. 5m directly in front of the camera; battery: one 3V CR2025 lithium battery ; battery life: approx.
SpecificationS-continued Battery power In LCD panel and viewfinder, with exposure meter on confirmation LCD panel Viewfinder Status Meaning <Ii1.iiI - Stays on Sufficient power c.
Index A AF - Ass is t Illuminator .... . ... . ....... . ........... .. .. .. . . .. . .... ........ 29 . 39.50-51.88.97 . 109-110 Aperture - Priority Auto exposure mode ...... . .. .. ....... . ....... 10 .27.32.5 8-59 . 88 . 97 .99 Dynamic AF Mode .
Index-continued L s Long Time ex po s ur e (Time ) . .. .. ..... . .... 57 . 62 Self-timer .. ..... . ..... .. .. .. .. . .. . .... ... .. .. .. .... . .40-41 M Shutter - Priority Auto exposure mode .......... ............ .... .. . 10 . 27 . 32 . 56-57.
Custom Setting Menu Function Options , Beep sound " . u . Activate d (initia l sett ing ) , ' . .. Disabled Warning indications in the viewfinder " . Displ aye d (initia l setting) 2 u . . . Dff .. Bracketing order " . Metered value , und er, over (initial setti n g) :I u .
No reproduction in an y form of this manu al, in whole or in part (e x cept for brief quotation in critical artic l es or reviews) , may be made wi t ho ut written authori z ation from NI KON CORPORATION .
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Nikon N75 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Nikon N75 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Nikon N75 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Nikon N75 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Nikon N75, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Nikon N75.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Nikon N75. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Nikon N75 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.