Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto J3 del fabbricante Nikon
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DIGIT AL CAMERA Refer ence Manual En.
Thank you f or your pur chase of a Nikon digital camera. T o get the most fr om your cam era, please be su re to r ead all instruc - tions thoroughly and keep them where they will be r ead by all who use the product. Came ra Sett ings The explanations in this manual a ssume that default settings are used.
i Getting the Most from Y our Camer a 0 ii T able of Cont ents 0 iv s Introduction 0 1 z Auto Mo d e 0 21 6 Creati ve Mode 0 31 b Best Moment Capture Mode 0 45 9 Motion Snapshot Mode 0 53 y Recor ding.
ii Getting the Most from Y our C amera T ake photos with the shutter-r elease button . Photos can be take n in any mode by pressing the shutter- release button. See page 6 for more information. Shutter-r elease button Shoot movi es with the movie-record button .
iii Acc essories Expand your photographic horizons with a wide variet y of inter- changeable lenses and other accessories ( 0 165). Len s e s Wirele ss mobile adapters Software for Nikon digital cam e.
iv Getting the Most from Your Camera .............. ............... ............ ii Accessories .............................................................................................. iii For Your Safety.... .............. .............. ......
v Best Moment Capture Mode 45 Slow View.... ........... .............. ........... ............... ........... .............. ...... 45 Smart Photo Selector. .............. ................. .............. .............. ...... 47 Viewing Photos Taken with the Smart Photo Se lector .
vi Deleting Pictures ................. .............. ............ .............. ........... ..... 85 Deleting the Current Picture .................. .......................................... 85 The Playback Menu ....................................
vii The Shooting Menu 117 Reset Shooting O ptions ............. .............. ........... .............. ....... 119 Exposure Mode ........... .............. ........... .............. ............ ............ 119 Image Quality ........... .........
viii The Image Processing Men u 143 Reset Processing Options ........ .............. .............. .............. ..... 144 White Balance............ .............. .............. ................. .............. ..... 144 Fine-Tuning White Balance .
ix Technical Notes 165 Optional Acces sories . ........... .............. ............ .............. ........... . 165 Approved Memory Cards................................................................ 167 Approved Eye-Fi Cards ...................
x T o prevent d amage to you r Nikon product or injury to yours elf or to o thers, read the following safety precautions in their entirety before using this equip- ment. Kee p these safety ins truction s where all those who use the produc t will read them.
xi A Do not remain in contac t with the camera, battery, or charger for extended periods while the devices are on or in use. Par t s o f the device become hot. Leaving the device in direct cont act with the skin for extended periods ma y result in low-temperature burn s.
xii A Observe proper precautions when handling the charger: • Keep dry . F ailure to obser ve this precaution could r esult in fire or electric sho ck. • Do not short the charger terminals. F ailure to observe this precaution could result in overheating and damage to the ch arger .
xiii • No par t of the manual s included with this product may be r epro- duced, transmitted, transcribed , stored in a retrieval system, or trans- lated into any language in any f orm, by any means, without Nikon ’ s prior written permission.
xiv Notice for Cust omers in the U . S. A. Federal Communications Commission (F CC) Ra dio Frequen c y Inter ference State ment This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules.
xv Notice Concerning Prohibitio n of Copying or R eproduction Note tha t simpl y being in po ssessio n of material that has been digitally cop- ied or reproduced by means of a scanne r, digi tal camera, or other device may be punishable by law.
xvii D Use Only Nikon Brand Accessories Only Nikon brand accessories c ertified by Nikon specifically fo r use with your Nikon digital camera ar e engineered and pr oven t o operate within its operational and safety requirements. T HE USE OF NON -N IKON ACCESSOR IES COUL D DAMAGE YOUR CAMERA AND MAY VOID YO UR N IKON WAR - RANTY .
1 s s Introduc tion Before using your camer a for the first time, confirm that the package contains the items listed in the User ’ s Manual . Befor e Y ou Begin.
2 s T ake a few moments to familiarize yourself with ca mera controls and displays. Y ou may find it helpful to bookmark this section an d refe r to it a s yo u rea d th rou gh the re st of t he man ual . The Camer a Body Par t s o f t he Came ra 3 1 2 5 4 15 17 16 6 5 7 8 9 19 20 18 14 12 13 10 11 1 Movie- record button .
3 s The Camera Body ( Continued) * Camera does not su pport T A-N100 tripod mounting spacer . 2 1 10 11 3 4 5 7 6 8 9 12 13 1 Monitor ............. ............... ........ 4, 79, 159 2 K (playback) button .... ........27, 50, 56 3 G (menu) button ...
4 s The Monitor * Available only when Detailed is selec ted for Display > Shooting in the setup menu ( 0 159 ). 4 2 1 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 31 29 30 28 17 12 13 14 18 21 27 22 23 25 24 26 20 15 16 19 32 33 34 35 1 Shooting mode ......... ..............
5 s A The Framing Grid A framing grid can be displayed by selecting On for Display > Grid display in the setup menu ( 0 159). A See a lso For inf ormation on adjusting monitor brightness, see page 159.
6 s The Mode Dial The camera offers a choice of the follo w- ing shooting modes: Mode dial z Motion Snapshot mode ( 0 53): Each time the shutter is released, the camera records a still image and about 1.
7 s The Multi Selector The multi selector and J button are used to adjust setting s and navigate the cam- era me nus . Multi selector Sett ing s: & See p age 1 0. Menu navigation: 1 Move cu rsor up . Sett ing s: C Vie w co nt in uo us shooting/self-timer menu ( 0 67).
8 s The G Button Most shoo ting, pl ayback, and setup options can be accessed from the camera menus. P ress the G button to display the menu selection dialog shown below , then use the multi se lector to highlight the icon for the desired menu and pr ess J .
9 s ❚❚ Usin g t he M en us 1 Select an item. 2 Select an option. Use the multi selector ( 0 7 ) to n avig ate the playback , shooti ng, movie, image processing, setup , and histor y menus. Multi sele ctor Pres s 1 or 3 to highlight menu items and pr ess 2 to view options for the highligh ted it em.
10 s & (Feature) • Live image control ( C auto mode ; 0 25 ) : Adjust exposur e ( Bright- ness contr ol ), contrast ( Acti ve D -L igh ti ng ), or depth of field ( Background softening ), or freeze or bl ur motion ( Mot ion contro l ). The effects can be previewed in the monitor .
11 s 1 Attach the camera strap . Attach the strap securely to the two camera eyelets . 2 Charge t he batt ery . Inser t the battery into the charger q and plu g the char ger in w . An exhausted ba ttery fully charges in about two hours. Unplug the charger and remo ve the batt er y when charging is complete.
12 s D The Battery and C harger Read and follow the warnings and cautions on pages x–xii and 172– 175 of this m anual . Do not use the bat tery at a mbient temperatu res below 0 ° C (32 °F) or above 40 °C (104 °F); failure to observe this pre- caution could damage the batter y or impair its per formance.
13 s 3 Inser t the battery and a memor y card. Check to be sure the battery and card are in the correct orien- tation. Using the bat tery to keep t he orange batter y latch pressed to one side , slide the ba ttery in until it latches, and then slide in the memory card until it cli cks into place .
14 s D Inserting and Removing Batteries and Memory Cards Always turn the camera off before inserting or removing batteries or memory ca rds. Note that the battery and memor y cards may be hot after use; observe due caution when removing the battery and memory cards.
15 s A Removing Ba tteries and Me mory Cards After turning the camera off , confirm that the memory card access lamp ( 0 3) is o ff and open the battery- chamber/memor y card slot cover. T o re move t he b atter y, fi rst release it by pressing the orange battery latch in the direction shown by the arrow and then remove the battery by hand.
16 s 4 Att ac h a len s. Be careful to prevent dust from entering the camera when the lens or body cap is remo ved. The lens generally used in this manual for illustrative purp oses is a 1 NIKKOR VR 10–30mm f/3.5–5.6. See page 128 for information on vibra tion reduc- tion ( VR) and page 200 for information on r emoving lenses .
17 s 5 T urn the camera on. Press the power switch t o turn the camera on. The power lamp will briefly light gr een and the monitor will turn on. Be sure to remov e the lens cap before shooting. A T urning the Camera O ff T o turn the camera off, press the power switch ag ain.
18 s 6 Choose a language and set the clock. A language-selec tion dialog will be displayed the first time the camera is turned on. Use the multi selector and J button ( 0 7) to choose a language and set the camera cloc k. Photos can not be taken until y ou hav e set the time and dat e.
19 s A The Camera Clock The camera clock is less accurat e than most watches and hou sehold clocks. Check the clock regularly against more accurate time pieces and reset as necessary.
20 s 7 Check the battery level and memory card capacity. Check the battery level and number of exposures remaining in the moni- tor . ❚❚ Batte ry Level ❚❚ Number of Exposures Remaining The mon.
21 z z Auto Mode Shoot photographs and movies. The camera automatically adjusts settings to suit the subject. 1 Select au to mode. 2 Ready the camera. 3 Frame the photograph.
22 z 4 Focus . Pr ess the shutter-release butt on half- way to focus. I f the subjec t is poorly lit, the flash may pop up ( 0 72) and the AF-assist illuminator ( 0 136 ) may light to assist the focus operation.
23 z A The Shutter-Release Bu tton The camera has a two-stage shutter-rel ease button. The camera focuses when the shutter -release button is pr essed halfway .
24 z A Usin g a Zoo m Len s Use the zoom ring to z oom in on the subject so that it fills a larger area of the frame, or zoom out to increase the area visible in the final phot o- graph (select longer f ocal lengths on the lens focal le ngth scale to zoom in, shorter focal lengths to zoom out).
25 z ❚❚ Live Image Control Live image contro ls let you preview ho w changes to each c ontrol will affect the final photograph. T o choose a live image control for auto mode, press 1 ( & ), use the multi selector to highlight a control , and press J to view the effect.
26 z Motion cont rol : Suggest motion by blur ring moving objects, or “freeze ” motion to capture moving objects clearly . Freeze motion Blur motion Freez e motion Blur motion Brightness co ntrol : Make pictures brighter or darker .
27 z T o end playback and retur n to shooting mode, press the shutter- release button halfway . V iewing Photogra phs Pres s K to displ ay your most recent p ho- tograph full frame in the monito r (full- frame playback). K button Pres s 4 or 2 or rotate the multi selector to view additional pic tures.
28 z Delet ing Pictu res T o delete the current picture, press O . Note that once deleted, pic- tures can not b e recovere d . 1 Display the photograph. Display the p hotograph you wish t o delete as des cribed on the preceding page. 2 Press O . 3 Delete the photo graph.
29 z In auto mode, the movie-record button can be used to s hoot HD mo vies with sound at an aspec t ratio of 16 : 9 (the movie crop is shown in the display).
30 z.
31 6 6 Creativ e Mode Choose creative mode when to take photos us ing special effects, match settings to the scene, or contr ol shutter speed and aper- ture . 1 Select cre ativ e mode. 2 Choose a sc ene. Choosing a Creativ e Mode Rotate the mode dial to w .
32 6 Creativ e mode offers a choice of the f ollowing scenes: Choosing a Scene Opti on Desc ription Programmed auto (P) The camera sets shutter speed and aperture for opti- mal exposure ( 0 34). Recommended for snapshots and in other situations in which there is little time to adjust camera settings.
33 6 Night por trait ( o ) Each time the shutter-rele ase button is fully pr essed, the camera takes a series of shots, some with the flash and some without, a nd combines them to cap- ture background lighting in p ortraits taken at night or under low light; during processing , a message is displayed and no pictures can be taken.
34 6 P , S , A , and M modes offer v ary ing degrees of contr ol over shutter speed and aperture. Choose a mod e and adju st settings accor d- ing to your creative intent. P Programmed Au to In this mode, the camera automatically adjusts shutter speed and aper ture for optimal exposure in most situations.
35 6 S Shutter-Priority A uto In shutter-pr iority auto, you choose the shutter speed while the camera automatically selec ts the aper ture that will produce the optimal exposure . Use slow shutter speeds to suggest motion by blurring moving subjec ts, fast shutter speeds to “freeze” motion.
36 6 A Aper ture-Priority Auto In aper ture-pr iority auto, you choose the aperture while the camera automatically selec ts the shutter speed that will produce the o ptim al ex posure. Large ap er tures (low f -num bers) reduc e depth of field, blurring objects behind and in front of the main subject.
37 6 M Manual In manual mode, you control both s hutter speed a nd aper ture. ❚❚ Choosing Shutter Speed and Aperture Adjust shutter speed and aperture with refer ence to the exposure indicator (see below). Pr ess 2 to highlight shutter speed or aper ture and rotate the multi selector to choose a v alue, then re peat for the remaining item.
38 6 ❚❚ Long Time-Exposures (M Mode Only) Selec t a shutter sp eed of “Bul b ” for long time -exposures of moving lights , the sta rs, n igh t sce ner y, or fire work s. Th e shutter remains open while the shutter- release button is held down.
39 6 2 Choose a shu tter spee d of “Bulb ” . Pres s 2 to highlight shutter speed and rotate the multi selector counterclock- wise to select “Bul b ” . 3 Op e n th e s hu t t e r . After focusing, press the shutter-release button all the way down.
40 6 The method used to captur e details in shaded areas of back-lit subjects depends o n the option selected for HDR in the shoot- ing menu ( 0 117). Backlighting On Details in highlights and shadows are preserved using HDR (high dynamic range); Z appears in the displa y .
41 6 Follow the st eps below to shoot panoramas. Dur ing shooting, the camera focuses using auto-a rea AF ( 0 134); face detection ( 0 24) is not available. Exposure compensation ( 0 71) can be used, but the built-in flash will not fir e. 1 Set foc us an d exp osu re.
42 6 An example of how to pan the camera is shown below. W ith- out changing your position, pan the camera in a st eady curve either horizontally or v ertically .
43 6 ❚❚ Viewing P anoramas Panor amas can be viewed by pressing 3 when a panorama is display ed full frame ( 0 27). The start of the panorama will be displayed with the smallest dimension fil ling the display and the camera will then scroll through the picture in the original pan direction.
44 6 Record ing Movies in Crea tiv e Mode In creative mode, the movie-record but- ton can be used to shoo t HD movies with sound at an aspect ratio of 16 : 9 (the corners of the movie crop are shown in the display). Pr ess the movie-record button to start and stop recor ding.
45 b b Best Moment Capture Mode This mode is ideal for fast-changing, har d-to- capture subjects. Choose wh en to release th e shutter as th e scene plays back in slow motion (slow view), or let the camera choose the best shot based on composition and motion (Smar t Photo Selec tor; 0 47).
46 b 2 Fr ame the photog raph. 3 Press the shutter-release button halfway . 4 View the buff er contents. 5 Record the desi red fra me. Compose the phot ograph with y our subject in the center of the frame. The camera will focus ( 0 22) and then, over a span of about 1.
47 b Choose Smart Phot o Sele ctor mode to let th e camera help y ou take photos that capture a fleeting ex pression on the face of a por trait subject or o ther hard-to-time shots such as group pho- tos in par ty scenes.
48 b 2 F rame the photo graph. 3 Begin buffering photographs. 4 Shoot. Smoothly pr ess the shutt er-relea se button the r est of the way down. The camera will c ompare shots rec orded to the buffer both before and af ter the shutter-release button was pressed all the way down, and select five to cop y to the memor y card.
49 b A Buffering Buffering begins when the shutter- release button is pressed halfwa y and ends after about 90 seconds or when the shutter-re lease button is pressed all the way do wn.
50 b Choosing the Best Shot V iewing Photos T ak en with the Smar t Photo Selector Pres s K and use the multi selector to display photographs taken with the Smar t Photo Selector ( 0 27; pic tures taken with the Smar t Photo Selector are indicated by a y icon).
51 b Deletin g Pictures Pres sin g O when a picture taken with the Smar t Photo Selector is selected dis plays a conf irmation d ialog; p res s O again to delete the best sho t and the best shot candidates , or press K t o e x i t w i t h o u t deleting the pic tures.
52 b.
53 9 9 Motion Snapshot Mode Record brief movie vignettes with your photographs. Each time the shutter is released, the camera records a still image and about 1.
54 9 3 Begin buffering. 4 Shoot. Smoothly pr ess the shutt er-relea se button the r est of the way down. The camera will r ecord a photog raph, together with about 1.6 s of movie footage beginning befor e and ending after the time the shutter-release but- ton was pressed all the way do wn.
55 9 ❚❚ Choosing a Theme T o choose the background music for the movie, press 1 ( & ) and use the multi selector and J button t o select from Beauty , Wa v e s , Relaxation , and Te n d e r - ness . T o play the background music for the highlighted theme, press 2 and rotate the multi sele ctor to adj ust volume .
56 9 Deleting Motion Snapshots T o delete the current Motion Snapshot, press O . A confirmation dialog will be dis- played; press O again to delete the photo and movie and r eturn to playb ack, or press K to exit without deleting the file. Note that once deleted, Motion Snapshots can not be recov ered .
57 y y Recording and Vie wing Movies The camera can record h igh- d efinition (H D) mo vi es w it h a n a s pe c t r at io o f 1 6 : 9 and slow-motion movies with an aspect ratio of 8 : 3.
58 y Record movies with sound at an aspect ratio of 16 : 9. 1 Choose a shooting mode. 2 Fr ame the op ening shot . Record ing HD Movies Rotate the mod e dial to choose a shooti ng mode. Note that best moment capture and Mo tion Snap- shot modes d o not support HD mo vie recording.
59 y 3 Star t record ing. 4 End re cordi ng. Press the m ovie-record button t o beg in r eco rdin g. A re co rdin g in di ca- tor , the time elapsed, and the time available are displayed while record- ing is in progress.
60 y A The Movie Crop The movie crop is sho wn in the monitor . A Fo cus Lo ck If Single AF i s s e l e c t e d f o r Fo cu s m o d e in the movie m enu for advanced movie mode, f ocus will lock while the shutter-release button is pressed halfway ( 0 135).
61 y ❚❚ T aking Phot ographs Duri ng HD Movie Recording Pres s the shutte r-relea se button all the way down to take a photograph without interrupting HD movie recording . Photo- graphs take n during movie r ecord ing have an aspect ratio of 3 : 2.
62 y Silent slow-motion movies with an aspect ratio of 8 : 3 can be recorde d by se lect ing y Sl ow mo tio n from the 1 ( & ) button menu in advanced movie mode. Slow-motion movies ar e recorded at 400 fp s and play back at abou t 30 fp s. 1 Select advanced movie mode.
63 y 3 Focus . 4 Star t reco rding. Press the movie-record button to begi n reco rding. A record ing i ndi ca- tor , the time elapsed, and the time available are displa yed while r ecord- ing is in progress.
64 y 5 End re cordin g. Press the movie -recor d button again to end recording . Recording will end automatically when the maximum length is reached, the memory card is full, another mode is selected, the lens is removed, or the camera becomes hot ( 0 xvi ).
65 y Movies are indicated by a 1 icon in full-frame playback ( 0 27). Pres s 3 to star t playback . The following operations can be performed: V iewing Mo vies 1 icon/L ength Movie playback indic ator/ Current position/tota l length Guide Volume To Use Description Pause P ause playback.
66 y Delet ing Mov ies T o delete the current movie , press O . A confirmation dialog will be displayed; press O again to delete the mo vie and return to playback, or press K to exi t without deleting the movie . Note th at once deleted, movies c an not be recovered .
67 t t More on Photograph y Pres sin g 4 ( C ) on the multi selec tor disp lays a choice of shutter- release modes for still photography: Continuous Mode T o take pictures in continuous mode: 1 Display r elease mode o ptions. 2 Select a frame rate . 3 Compose the shot and start shooting.
68 t D Continuous Mode The maximum number of shots that ca n be taken in a single burst var- ies with the release mode. At frame rates of 30 and 60 fps, the maxi- mum number of shots that can be taken in a single burst is 20.
69 t Self- T imer Modes T h e s e l f - t i m e r c a n b e u s e d t o r e d u c e c a m e r a s h a k e o r f o r s e l f - portraits. 1 Display r elease mode o ptions. 2 Select the desir ed self-ti mer option . 3 Mount the camera on a tripod. Mount the camera on a tripod or place the camera on a sta- ble, level surface.
70 t Note that the ti mer may not star t or a photograph may not be taken if the camera is unable to focus or in other situations in which the shutter can no t be released .
71 t Exposure compensation is used to alter exposure fr om the value suggested by the camera, making pic tures brighter or darker . 1 Displa y exposur e compen sation op tions. 2 Choose a v alue. Normal exposure can be restored by setting exposure compen- sation to ±0.
72 t Use the built-in flash for additional lig hting when the subjec t is poorly lit or to “fill-in” (illumin ate) back -lit subjects. The camera offers a choice of flash modes; choose a mode according to light- ing conditions and your cr eative inten t.
73 t Choosing a Flash Mode The options available vary with the shooting mode. 1 Select to disable built-in flash. 2 Available only when built-in flash is raise d. T o choose a flash mode: 1 Displa y flash modes . Press 3 ( N ) on the multi selector to display a list of the available flash modes.
74 t D Raising the Flash When using the f lash, be sure it is fully raised as shown at right. Do not touch the flash dur- ing shooting. A Flash Modes The flash modes listed on the previous page may co.
75 t A Lowering the Built-in Flash T o s a v e p o w e r w h e n t h e f l a s h i s n o t i n u s e , press it gently downward until the latch clicks into place. Do not use forc e. Fa i l u r e t o observe this precau tion could result in prod- uct malfunc tion.
76 t Attach an optional WU-1b wir eless mobile adapter to the cam- era USB connector to copy images to, or control the camera from, smartphone o r tablet devices running the Wireless Mobile Utility app. 1 Connect the WU-1b . 2 Activate the adapter . 3 Launch the W ireless Mobile Utility .
77 t 4 T ake pictures remotely . Once a wireless connec tion is estab- lished, the sma rt d evice will dis play the view through the camera lens; the camera will di splay a messa ge stating that a wireless connection is ac tive. D Wire less Netwo rks Camera settings can not be adjusted while the camera is connected to a wireless network.
78 t.
79 I I More on Pla yback Photo information is superimposed on images displayed in full- frame playback ( 0 27). The information display ed can be selected using the Displa y > Playback option in the setup menu ( 0 160).
80 I ❚❚ Detailed Phot o Informa tion Still images Movies 1 23 4 7 6 5 8 12 11 13 14 10 15 9 27 16 28 17 18 24 25 26 22 20 23 19 21 27 24 25 22 20 23 19 21 1 2 4 6 5 12 11 29 13 26 16 3 1 Shooting mode 2 Frame number/total number of images 3 Protect status .
81 I A Histograms ( 0 80) Camera histograms are intended only as a guide and may differ from those in imaging applications. Sampl e histograms are shown below: • If brightness varies evenly across the image , the distribution of tones will be rela tively even.
82 I T o view pictures in “ contact sheets” of 4 , 9, or 72 images, press J when a picture is disp layed full frame and rotat e the multi selec- tor counterclockwise.
83 I T o view pict ures taken on a selected date, rotate the multi selec- tor counterclockwise when 72 pictures are displayed ( 0 82). The following operations can be performed: Calendar Pl ayback To Use Description Display calendar T o view the calendar , rotate the multi selec- tor counterc lockwise when 72 images are displayed ( 0 82).
84 I T o zoom in on a photog raph, display it ful l frame and p ress J and rotate the multi selector cl ockwise. Playback zoom is not available with movies or Motion Snapshots. The following operations can be performed: Playback Zoom To Use Description Zoom in Rotate the multi selec- tor clockwise to zoom in, counterc lockwise to zoom out.
85 I Pictures can be deleted from the memory card as described below . N ote that o nce deleted, p ictures can not be recovere d; pro- tected images, however , will not be del eted. Deleting the Current Pic ture The Playback Menu T o delete multiple images, press the G button, select Delete in the playback menu, and choo se from the options below .
86 I Rate pictures or mark them as candidates for later deletion. Rat- ing is not available with pr otected images. 1 Sel ec t a p ic ture. Display a picture in full-frame playback.
87 I 1 Selec t the type of image used in the show . Highlight the desired option and press J . Slide Shows T o view a slide show of the pictures on the memory card, pr ess the G button, select Slide show in the playback menu, and follow the steps below .
88 I 2 Adjust display times and choos e a background track. Adjust the following options: Frame inte r val Choos e how long each still imag e is displayed. Movie playb ack time Choose how much of each movie is played back before the next slide is displayed.
89 I 3 Select Start . The following opera tions can be performed while a slide show is in progr ess: The options s hown at right are dis- played when the show ends . Select Resume to restart or Exit t o e x i t t o t h e playback menu. Highlight St ar t and press J to star t the slide show .
90 I.
91 Q Q Connec tions Install the supplied sof tware to copy pictures to your computer for viewing and editing pictures and cr eating short movies. Before in stalling the software, c onfirm that y our syst em meets the requirements on page 93. 1 Launch the i nstaller .
92 Q 4 Exit the installer . Click Ye s (W in d o w s ) or OK (Mac OS) when installation is com- plete. The following software is installed: • Vie wN X 2 • Short M ovie Creator • Apple QuickT ime ( Windows only) 5 Remove the installer CD from the CD-ROM drive.
93 Q Syst em Requirements The system requirements f or ViewNX 2 are: Windows CPU • Photos/JPEG movies : Intel C eleron, P entium 4, or Core series , 1.6 GHz or bette r • H.264 movies (pla yback) : 3.0 GHz Pentium D or better • H.264 movies (editi ng) : 2.
94 Q The system requirements for Short Movie Creator are: If your system does not meet the abov e requiremen ts, only ViewNX 2 will be installed ( 0 93). Windows CPU 2 GHz intel Core 2 Duo or better OS Pre-installed versions of Wi ndows XP , Windo ws Vista, W in- dows 7, and Windo ws 8 RAM 1.
95 Q T ransferring Pic tures 1 Choose how pictures will be copied to the computer . Choose one of the following methods: • Direct USB connec tion : T urn the camera off and ensur e that the memory ca rd is inserted in the camera.
96 Q 3 Click Start T ransfer . At default settings, all the pictures on the memor y card will be copied to the computer . 4 T erminate the connection. If the camera is connected to the c omputer , turn the camera off and disconnec t the USB cable.
97 Q ❚❚ Retouching Photographs T o crop pi ctures and perform such tasks as adjusting shar p- ness and tone levels, click the Edit button in the toolbar . ❚❚ Creating Short Movies Use the Short Movie Creator to create short movies combining photos , music, Mot ion Snap- shots, and movie f ootage ( 0 98).
98 Q Creating Shor t Movies Use the supplied Short Movie Creator soft ware to cr eate movies combining photographs with Motion Snapshots , movies, and music. 1 T ransfer pic tures. T ransf er pictures as described on page 95. 2 Select c ompon ents . Sele ct pi ctur es in Vi ew NX 2 .
99 Q 5 Save the movie. Click Create Movie . The dia- log shown at righ t will be displayed; select on e of the follow ing options and click Create . • Sa v e f i le : Save the movie to a folder on the computer . • Save to Camera (memor y c ard) : Save the movie to a mem- ory card so that it can later be played back on the cam- era.
100 Q Connect the camera to a television for playback. High-Definition Devices A type C mini-pin H igh- D efinition M ul timedia I nter f ace (HD MI) cable (availab le separately from third-pa rt y suppliers) can be used to connect the camera to high-definition video devices.
101 Q ❚❚ HDMI Device Control T o control the camera remotely from a device that sup ports HDMI-CEC ( H igh- D efinition M ultimedia I nte r fa ce – C onsumer E lectronics C ontrol) , select On for HDMI device control in the camera setup menu.
102 Q Selected JPEG images can be print ed on a P ictBridge printer co nne cte d d ir ect ly to the ca mer a. Connecting the Printer Connect the camera usin g the supplied USB cable . 1 T u rn the camera off . 2 Connect the USB cab le. T urn the printer on and connec t the USB cable as shown.
103 Q Printing Pictures One at a T ime 1 Se le ct a p ict ur e. Press 4 or 2 to view additional pic tures. Rotate the multi selector clockwise to zoom in on the current frame ( 0 84; rotate the multi selector counterclockwise to exit zoom).
104 Q Printing Multiple Pictures 1 Display the PictBridge menu. Press the G button in the PictBridge playback display (see Step 3 on page 102). 2 Choose an option. Highlight one of the following options and press 2 . • Select images for printing : Se lect pict ur es f or prin ti ng .
105 Q 5 Start printing. Hig hl ig ht Star t printing and pr ess J to start printing. T o cancel bef ore all copies have been printe d, press J again. A Errors See page 188 for inf ormation on what to do if an error occurs during printing.
106 Q Creating a DPOF Print Order: Print Set The DPOF print order option is used to create dig ital “print orders ” for P ict- Bridge -compatible printers and devices that suppor t DPOF .
107 o o The Playback Menu T o display the playback menu, press G and select Playback . The playback menu contains the following options: G button Opti on Description Default 0 Delete Delete mu ltiple images . — 85 Slid e sh ow View movies and photos in a slide show .
108 o Crop Create cr opped copies of selected pictures. As pect rat io : 3 : 2 113 Fac e - priority zoom Choose whether 4 and 2 can be used during playback zoom ( 0 84) to sele ct f aces de tected with f ace priority. On 114 Edit movi e Create copies of movies from which unwanted f ootage has been trimmed.
109 o Selecting Multiple Images Choosing the options listed b elow dis- plays an image selection dia log. Press 4 or 2 to highlight pictures (only pictures to which the operation applies are avail- able for selection).
110 o If On is selected, pict ures will be displayed immediately after shooting. T o view pictures when Off is selected, press the K button. Choose whether to rotate “tall” ( por trait-orientation) pictures for display during playbac k.
111 o Applied to selected images, D-Lighting creates copies that have been processed to brighten shadows. Use to retouch dark or backlit photograp hs. Press 4 or 2 to highlight an image ( 0 109) and press J to disp lay the options sho wn at right.
112 o Create small copies of selected photo- graphs. Sele ct Choose size and choose a size fr om 1280×856; 1.1M (1280 × 856 pix- els), 960×640; 0.6 M (960 × 640 pixels), and 640×424; 0.3M (640 × 424 pix els), and then choose Select images . Press 4 or 2 to highlight pictures ( 0 109 ) and press 3 to sel ect or d esele ct.
113 o Create a cropped copy of selected photographs. The selected image wil l be displayed with a default crop of the se lected aspec t ratio shown in yello w .
114 o If On is selected, 4 and 2 can be used during playback zoom to select faces detected with face priorit y . If Off is selected, 4 and 2 can b e used w ith 1 and 3 to scroll the display . T rim footage fr om movies to crea te edited copies. 1 Select Choose start point or Choose end point .
115 o 5 Sav e th e cop y . Hig hl ig ht Ye s and press J to s av e th e edited copy . If necessary, the cop y can be trimmed as described above to remove additional footage.
116 o.
117 i i The Shooting Menu T o display the shooting menu, press G and select Shoo ting . The shooting menu contai ns the following options: G button Opti on Description Default 0 Reset shooting options Reset shooting options to defaul t values .
118 i * V aries with lens ( 0 128). Auto dist ortion control Choose whether the camera corrects barrel and pincushion distor tion. Off 125 Color space Choose a color space for new pictures. sRGB 126 Acti ve D-Lighting Avoid loss of detail in highlights and shad ows.
119 i Select Ye s to reset the options in the shooting menu and other shooting settings to default va lues ( 0 117, 180). The options in the exposure mode menu off er varying degrees of control over shutter speed and aperture in Motion Snapshot mode ( 0 53).
120 i Choose a file format and compression ratio for photographs. Choose the size of photographs. ❚❚ Standard Photographs The f ollowing options ar e availa ble in still image and Smart Photo Selector modes a nd when an option other than Easy pan- orama is selected in cr eative mode.
121 i ❚❚ Panoramas The following options are a vailable when Easy panorama is selected in creative mode. 1 Figures for horizontal and vertical panorama are reversed if camera i s rotated 90 degrees. 2 Print size in inches equals image size in pixels divided by printer resolution in dots per inch (dpi; 1 in ch=approximately 2.
122 i A NEF (RAW )/NEF (RAW ) + JPE G The option selected fo r image size does not affect the size of NEF (RA W ) images. NEF (RA W ) images can be viewed on the camera or using soft- ware such as Capture NX 2 (available separately ; 0 166) or ViewNX 2 (supplied).
123 i Choose the number of shots selected by the Smart Photo S elec- tor . I f 5 is sel ected, the camera will save the best shot and 4 best shot cand idates . If 1 is selected, the camera will sav e only the best shot . Choose whether the movie portions of Motion Snapshots end when the shutter-release button is pressed all the wa y or about 0.
124 i Choose the file format for Motion Snapshots ( 0 53). Choose how the camera sets exposure. File F ormat NMS files Motion Snapshots are recorded as a 4 s MOV file and a JPEG image. Motion Snapshots can only be viewed on the camera or using ViewN X 2 ( 0 93).
125 i Select On to reduce barrel distortion in photos taken with wide - angle lenses and to reduce pin-cushion distor tion in pho tos taken with long lenses (note that the edges of photographs may be cropped out, and that there may be an increase in the time needed to process images before they ar e saved).
126 i The color space determines the gamut of colors available for color reproduction. Choose sRGB f or photos that will be used “ as is, ” with no fur ther modification, Adob e R GB for photos that will be ex tensively processe d or retouched after leav ing the camera.
127 i Active D-Ligh ting preserves details in highligh ts and shado ws for natural contrast. Use with hi gh contrast scenes such as a brightly lit outdoor view framed in a door or wi ndow or a sub- jects in the shade on a sunny day . I t is most effective when used with Matrix metering ( 0 124).
128 i Photographs taken at slow shutter speeds are automatically pro- cessed to reduce “ noise” (bright spots , randomly-spaced bright pixels, or f og), slightly increasing record ing times.
129 i Select On to enable electronic vibration r eduction while record- ing Motion Snapshots. This f eature is available ev en if the attached 1 NIKKOR lens does not support vib ration reduction. Note that there will be a slight delay bef ore rec ording begins and that the edges of the image will be cropped out wh en On is selected.
130 i A Foc u s Mo d e The options av ailable vary a s shown below . Menu Foc u s mo d e Shoo tin g AF-A (default), AF-S, AF-C, MF Movies P Programmed auto, S Shutter- priority auto, A Apert ure-prior.
131 i A Getting Good Results with Autofocus Autof ocus does not perform well un der the conditions listed below . The shutter release may be disabled if the camera is unable to focus under these condi.
132 i Manual F ocus Manual focus can be used when au tofocus does not produce the desired resu lts. 1 Select manual f ocus. 2 Choose a magnification. 3 Display the manual focus guides. High li ght Manual focus in the focus mode menu ( 0 129) and pr ess 2 .
133 i 4 Focus . Rotate the multi sel ector until the su b- ject is in focus. Rotate the multi selec- tor clock wise to increase t he focus distance, c ounter clockwise to decrease; the fa ster you rotate the multi selector , the quicker the focus distance changes.
134 i Choose how th e focus area f or autof ocus is sel ected. AF-Ar ea Mode e Auto- area The camera automatically detects the subject and selec ts the focus area.
135 i Focus L ock When Single AF is selected for Foc us m o d e ( 0 1 29), focus loc k can be used to change the composition afte r focusing on the subject in the center of the fram e, allowing you to focus on a subject that will not be in the c e nter of the final composition.
136 i Choose On to enable fac e priority ( 0 24). When On is selected, the built-in AF- assist illuminator wi ll light t o illuminate poorly-lit subjec ts if : • AF-S is se lec te d for focu s mo de ( 0 129) or single AF is selected in AF-A , and • Aut o -ar ea or Single -poi nt is selected for AF-area mode ( 0 134).
137 i Flash compensation alters flash output from the level suggested by the camera, changing the brightness of the main sub- ject relative to the background. Choose from values between –3 EV (darker) and +1 EV (brighter) in in crements of 1 / 3 EV; in general, positive values make the subject brighter while n ega- tive values make it darker .
138 i.
139 ( ( The Movie Menu T o display the movie menu, pr ess G and select Movies . The movie menu contains the f ollowing options: 1 V aries with lens ( 0 128). 2 The camera focuses on the subjec t in the center of the fra me when y Slow motion is selec ted in advanced movie mode.
140 ( Select Ye s to reset the options in the movie menu to default val- ues ( 0 139). Choose a frame rate for s low-motion movies ( 0 62). The fast er the frame rate, the smaller the fr ame size. * All figures are approximate. Slow-motio n movies will play back over a period of about 13.
141 ( Choose a frame size and frame rate for HD movies ( 0 58). * Sensor output is about 60 fps. Movie Settings Option Frame si ze (pixels) Recording rate Bit rate (approx.) Maximum length t 1080/60i 1920 × 1080 59.94 fields/s * 24 Mbps 20 minutes r 1080/30p 29.
142 ( Adjust movie sound r ecording settings for the built- in micro- phone. ❚❚ Microphone Sel ect Microphone off to disable sound recording . Selecting any other option enables recording and sets the microphone to the selected sensitivity.
143 ) ) The Image Processing Menu T o display the image p rocessing menu, press G and select Image processing . The image processing menu co ntains the f ollowing options: G button Opti on Description Default 0 Reset processing options Reset image proce ssing options t o their defaul t values .
144 ) Select Ye s to reset the options in the image processing menu to defaul t values ( 0 143). White balance ensures that colors are unaff ected by the color of the light source . Auto white balance is recommended f or most light sources, but other values can be selec ted if necessar y accor ding t o the type of sour ce .
145 ) Fine- T uning White Balance Options ot her than Preset manual can be fine-tuned as follows: 1 Displa y fine-tuning options. Highlight an option other than Preset manual and press 2 to display the fine -tuning options shown at right. 2 Fine-tune white balance.
146 ) Preset Manual Preset manual is used to r ecord and recall custom white balance settings for shooting under mix ed lighting or to compensa te for light sources with a strong color cast. 1 Light a ref erence object. Place a neutral gray o r white objec t under the l ighting that will be used in the final pho togra ph.
147 ) 3 Measur e whit e balanc e. When the camera is ready to measur e white balance , a flashing L will be displayed. Bef ore the indicator stops flashing, frame the ref erence object so that it fills the display and press the shutter-release button all the way down.
148 ) D Auto Pow er Off White balance measur ement will end without a new value being acquired if no operations are pe rformed for the time selec ted for Auto power off in the setup menu ( 0 160; the default is 1 minute).
149 ) The higher the ISO sensitivity , the less light needed to make an exposure , allowing fa ster shutter speeds or smaller ape r tures, but the more likely the image is to be affected by “noise ” in the form of randomly-spaced bright pix els, f og, or lines.
150 ) Choose how the camera processes photographs. Modifying Picture Contro ls Existing preset and custom P icture Controls ( 0 154) can be modified to suit the scene or your cr eative intent.
151 ) 2 Adjus t set tin gs. Pres s 1 or 3 to highlight the desire d setting and press 4 or 2 t o c h o o s e a value. Repeat this step until all set- tings have been adjusted , or select Quick adjust to choose a pr eset combination of settin gs. Default settings can be restored by pressing the O button.
152 ) ❚❚ Picture Control Setti ngs Quic k a dju st Choose from options between –2 and +2 t o r ed u c e o r exaggerate the effect of the selected Pictur e Control (note that this resets all manual adjustments). F or example, choosing positive values f or Vivi d makes pic- tures more vivid.
153 ) D “ A” (Auto) Results for auto sharpening , contrast, and saturation vary with expo- sure and the position of the subject in the frame. A Previous Settings The line under the value displayed in the Pi c- ture Control setting menu indicat es the pre- vious value for the setting.
154 ) The Picture Controls supplied with the camera can be modified and saved as custom Picture Controls. Edit/S ave T o create a custom Picture Control , select Edit/save and f ollow the steps below .
155 ) Load from/Save to C ard Custom Picture C ontrols cr eated using the Picture Co ntrol Utility available with ViewNX 2 or optio nal soft ware such as C a p t u r e N X 2 c a n b e c o p i e d t o .
156 ) Select On to reduce “noise ” (randomly-s paced bright pi xels, lines , or f og). If Off is selected, noise reduction will only be per- formed at high ISO sensitivities; the amount of noise reduction i s less than that per formed when On is selected.
157 g g The Setup Menu T o display the setup menu, press G and select Setup . The setup menu contains the following options: G button Opti on Desc ription Default 0 Reset setup options Reset s etup menu option s to default val ues. — 158 For m at me m o r y c ar d Format the memory card.
158 g Sele ct Ye s to reset all setup menu options other than Flic ker reduc tion , Time zone and date , and Language to default val- ues. Select Ye s to format the memor y card.
159 g If Enable release is selected, the shutter can be release d when no memory card is inserted. No pictures will be rec orded, although they will be displayed in demo mode. Select Release locke d to enable the shutter only when a card is inserted. Adjust the follo wing display options.
160 g Playback Choose the information displayed during playback ( 0 79). Highlight items and press 2 to selec t or deselect. If Autof ocus/self-timer is selected, a beep will s ound when the camera focuses and during self-timer photography; to mute the beep, remo ve the check from this item.
161 g If On is selected, exposure will lock while the shutter-release button is pressed halfway . Reduce flicker and ban ding in th e display and in movies whi le shooting under fluorescent or mercury-vapor lighting. Choose a frequency which matches that of the local AC power supply .
162 g Change time zones, set the camera clock , choose the date display order , or turn daylight sa ving time on or off ( 0 18 ). Choose a language for camera messages and displays. Ti me Zone and Date Time zone Choose a time zone. The camera clock is automaticall y set to the time in the new time zone.
163 g Photographs taken while On is selected contain information on camera orientation, a llowing th em to be rotated automatic ally during playback or when viewed in ViewNX 2 (supplied) or Capture NX 2 (available separately; 0 166). The follo wing orien- tations are recorded : Camera orientation is not rec orded when Off is selected.
164 g Check and optimize the camera image sensor and image proces- sors if you notice unexpected brig ht spots in your pictures (note that the camera comes with the sensor and processors already optimized). B efore performing pix el mapping as described below , check that the battery is fully charged.
165 n n Te c h n i c a l N o t e s Read this chapter for informat ion on compatible accessories, cleaning and storing the camera, and what to do if a n error mes- sag e is d isp layed or you e ncou nter p robl ems u sin g the came ra. At the time of writing, the following accessories were available for yo ur ca mera .
166 n Softw are Capt ure N X 2 : A complete photo editing package offering such features as whit e balance adjustment and color control points. Note : Use the lat est versions of Nikon software; see the web- sites list ed on page xvii for the lat est informa tion on supported operating systems .
167 n Approv ed Mem ory Card s The following car ds hav e been tested and approv ed for use in the camera. Cards with class 6 or faster write speeds are r ecom- mended for mo vie record ing. Recording may end unexpectedly when cards with slower write speeds are used.
168 n Approved E ye-F i C ards When inser ted in the camera, Eye-Fi cards can be used to upload photographs to a preselected de stina tion. As of October 2012, the camera supports 8 GB Pro X2 SDHC cards . Eye-Fi cards are fo r use only in the cou ntry of purchase in accor dance with local r eg- ulations.
169 n Attaching a Power C onnector and AC Adapter T urn the camera off before attaching an optio nal power connec- tor and AC adapter . 1 Ready the camera.
170 n 4 Connect the AC adapt er . Connect the AC adapter power cable to the AC socket on A C adapter ( e ) and the EP-5C pow er cable to the DC socket ( r ). A P icon is displayed in the monitor when the camera is powered b y the AC adapter and pow er connector .
171 n Storage If the camera will not be used for an extended per iod, remove the battery and store it in a co ol, dry area with the t erminal cov er in place.
172 n Do not drop : The pr oduct may malfunction if subjec ted to strong shocks or vibration. Keep dry : This pr oduct is not wat erproof , and may malfunction if immersed in water or exposed to high levels of humidity . Rusting of the internal mechanism can cause irr eparable damage.
173 n Cleaning : When cleaning the camer a body , use a blow er to gently remov e dust and lint, then wipe gently with a soft, dry cloth. After using the cam- era at the beach or seaside, wipe off any sand or salt using a cloth lightly dampened in pure water an d then dr y the camera thoroughly.
174 n Do not leave the lens pointed at the sun : Do not leave the lens pointed at the sun or other strong light sour ce f or an extended period. Intense light may cause the image sensor to deteriorate or produce a white blur eff ect in photographs.
175 n • A marked drop in the time a full y charged battery retains its char ge when used at room t emperature indicat es that it requir es replacemen t. Purchase a new EN-EL20 ba ttery. • Charge the ba ttery before use . When taking photographs on impor- tant occasions , ready a spar e EN-EL2 0 batt ery and keep it fully charged.
176 n The following table lists the settings that can be adjusted in each mode. ❚❚ C Auto, u Best Moment Capture , v Advanced Movie, and z Motion Snapshot Modes A vailable Settings C u v z P S A M.
177 n 1 Has no ef fect on movies recorde d with movie - record button. 2 RA W images fixed at 4608 × 3072 pixe ls. 3 Smar t Photo Selec tor mode only. 4 Not available when y Slow motion is selected in advanced movie mode ( 0 62). 5 VR lenses on ly . 6 y Slow motion selected in advanced movie mode.
178 n ❚❚ w Creativ e Mode In the table below , creative modes are represented b y the following icons: j nigh t landscape, o night po rtrait, m backlighting, p easy panorama , q soft, r miniature effect, and s selective color .
179 n 1 Has no ef fect on movies recorde d with movie - record button. 2 NEF (RA W) and NEF (RA W ) + JPEG fin e not available. 3 RA W images fixed at 4608 × 3072 pixels . 4 Not available when 15, 30, or 60 fps is selected for self-timer/cont inuous.
180 n Defaults for the options in the playback, shooting, movie , image processing, and setup menus may be found on pages 107, 117, 139, 143, and 157, respectively . Defaults for other settings are listed belo w . * Not displayed when Auto -a rea is selec ted for AF-area mode .
181 n The following table shows the number of pictures or amount of movie footage that can be stored on a 16 GB T oshiba SD- E016GUX UHS-I SDHC car d at differ ent image quality , size , or movie settings. All figures are appro ximate; file size varies with the scene record ed.
182 n ❚❚ Easy Panorama ❚❚ Smar t Photo Selec tor 1 1 Number of shots saved set to 5. F ile size is t otal for 5 ima ges. 2 Image size applies to JPEG images on ly. Size of NEF (RA W ) images can not be changed . F ile size is the t otal f or NEF (RA W ) and JPEG im ages.
183 n ❚❚ HD Movies * For inf ormation on the maximum length that can be recorded in a single clip, see page 141. ❚❚ Slo w- Mo ti on M o vie s * Up to 3 s of slow-motion footage can be r ecorded in a single clip. Playback length is about 13.2 ( 400 fps ) or 40 ( 1200 fps ) t imes the recorded le ngth.
184 n If the camera fails to function as expected, check this list of com- mon probl ems befo re consulti ng your r etailer or Nikon r epre- sentativ e. Battery/Display Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g The camera is on but does not respond : W ait for recording or any other process- ing to end.
185 n Shooting (All Modes) The camera takes t ime to turn on : Delete files or format the memor y card. The shutter-release is disabled : • The battery is exhausted ( 0 11, 20). • The memory card is locked ( 0 14) or full ( 0 20). • The flash is charging ( 0 72).
186 n Shooting ( P , S , A , and M Modes) Movies Flicker or banding appears in movies or in the display : Choose a Flicker red uc- tion setting that match es the local AC powe r supply ( 0 161). No flash : See page 75. The flas h will not fire when off ( 0 73); in P , S , A , and M modes, the flash will not fire when lower ed.
187 n Playback Miscellaneous NEF (RAW) images are not displayed : The camera displays only the JPEG copi es of NEF (RA W ) + JPEG fine images ( 0 122). “ T all” (portrait) orient ation photos are displaye d in “wide” (landscape) orientation : • Select On for Rotate tall ( 0 110).
188 n This section lists the error messages that appear in th e display . Error Messages Message Solution 0 (Shutter-speed or aperture display flashes) If the subject is too bright, lo wer ISO sensitivity or choose a faster shutter speed or smaller aperture (higher f-number).
189 n Me mo r y car d i s lo ck ed (write protected). Turn the camera off and slide the car d write -protect switch to the “write” position. 14 Eye-Fi cards cannot be used with the write- protect switch in the "lock" position. Memory card is fu ll.
190 n * See the printer manual for more information. Cannot shoot panorama with lens of this focal le ngth. Use a lens w ith a f ocal length o f 6 to 30 mm to shoot panoramas. If you are using a zoom lens, choose a focal length between 6 and 30 mm. 41 F ailed to update lens firmware.
191 n Niko n 1 J3 Digital C amera Specifications Ty pe Typ e Digital camera with suppor t for interchangeable lenses Lens mount Nikon 1 mou nt Effective angle of view Approx. 2.7× lens focal length (35 mm f ormat equivale nt) Effective pix els 14.2 million Image sensor Image sensor 13.
192 n File for mat • NEF (RA W) : 12-bit, compressed • JPEG : JPEG-Baseline compliant with fine (appro x. 1:4 ) , normal (approx. 1 : 8) , or basic (appro x.
193 n Exposur e Metering TTL metering using image sensor Metering method • Matrix • Center-wei ghted: Meters 4. 5 mm circle in center of frame • Spot : Meters 2 mm circle center ed on selected f.
194 n Flash Built-in flash • Auto; Soft, Miniature effect, Selective color (Crea tive mode) : Flash pops up aut omatically and fires as required • Night por trait, Backlighting (Creative mode) : F.
195 n Movie Metering TTL metering using image sensor Metering method • Matrix • Center-wei ghted: Meters 4. 5 mm circle in center of frame • Spot : Meters 2 mm circle center ed on selected focu s a rea Frame size (pix els)/ record ing r ate HD movies (aspect ratio 16 : 9) • 1920 × 1080/60i (59.
196 n • Unless othe rwise stated, al l figures are f or a camera with a fully-charged bat- tery operating at the temperature specified by th e C amera and I magi ng P r oducts A ssociation (CIP A): 23 ±3 °C (73.
197 n MH-27 batter y charger Rated input AC 100 – 240 V , 50 –60 Hz, 0.2 A Rated output DC 8.4 V/0 .6 A Suppor ted batteries N ikon EN-EL20 rechargeable Li-ion batteries Charging time Approx.
198 n Specifications subje ct to change without no tice. Nik on will not be held liable for damages that may result from any mistakes that this manual may contain. 1 NIKKOR 11–27.5mm f/3 .5–5.6 Typ e 1 mount lens Focal length 11–27. 5 mm Maximum a perture f/3.
199 n ❚❚ 1 NIKKOR Lenses 1 NIKKOR VR 10–30mm f/3.5–5.6 1 NIKKOR 11–27. 5mm f/3.5–5.6 Lens hood mounting mark Zoom ring Lens mounting mark CPU contacts Fo ca l le n g t h m ar k Fo ca l le .
200 n 1 NIKKOR lenses are exclusiv ely for Nikon 1 interchangeable lens for mat di git al c am era s. Th e a ngl e of view is equivalent to a 35 mm format lens with a focal length about 2.7× longer . The 1 NIKKO R VR 10–30mm f/3.5–5.6 supports normal and active vibration reduction and vibration reduction off ( 0 128 ).
201 n A Supplied Accessories • 40.5 mm snap- on Front Lens Cap L C-N40.5 • Rear Lens Cap LF-N1000 A Optional Accessories • 40.5 mm screw-on filters • Bayonet Hood HB-N101 (for use with the 1 NIKKOR VR 10–30mm f/3.5–5.6; attaches as shown below).
202 n ❚❚ The Optional FT1 Mount Adapter Read this section for information on using the optional FT1 mount adapter . Before proceeding, be sure that you have r ead and understood th is manual and the documentat ion for the FT1 and lenses. Autofocus Autofocus is available only with AF-S lenses; other lenses sup- port manual focus only .
203 n If the lens supports autofocus with manual ov erride, after focusing using autofocus you can keep the shutter-release button pressed halfway and rotate the lens fo cus ring to fine - tune focus manually . T o refocus using autof ocus, pr ess the shutter-release button halfway again.
204 n The Electronic Rangefinder Note that with some sub jects, the in-focus indicator ( I ) may be displayed when the camera is not in focus. Check focus in the display before shooting. Error Messages and Displays The following warnings appear in the camera aperture display.
205 n Prec autions for Use • Lenses over 380 g (13.4 oz) shou ld be suppor ted at all times. Do not hold the camera or carr y the camera by the strap with- out suppor ting the lens. F ailure to obser ve this precaution could damage the camera lens mount.
206 n ❚❚ Sup ported S tandards • DCF Versi on 2.0 : The Desi gn Rule f or Camera F ile Systems (DC F) is a standar d widely us ed in the digi tal camera indu stry to ensure compatibility among different makes of camera.
207 n A T rademark Information Macintosh, Mac OS, and Quick Time are r egistered tr ademarks of Apple Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Mi crosoft, Windows, and Windows Vista are either r egistere d trademarks, or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
208 n Battery Life The number of shots or movie footage that can be r ecorded with fully-charged ba tteries v aries wi th the condition of the battery, temperature, the interval between shots, and the length of time menus are displa yed. Sample figures for EN-EL20 (1020 mAh) batteries are giv en below .
209 n Symbols C (Aut o mode) ............................. 6, 21 w (Cr eative mode) .................... 6, 31 u (Best mo ment capture mode) . 6, 45 v (A dvanced m ovie mode ) .... 6, 57 z (Motion Snapshot mode) ..... 6, 53 h (Scene auto sele ctor) ..
210 n B Background trac k ................ 56, 88, 98 Backlighting ................................. 33, 40 Basic info .................................... .79, 160 Battery ............................11, 13, 20, 197 Beep .................. ..........
211 n Focal plane mark ........................ 2, 133 Focus ...................... .................... 129, 134 Focus ar ea ................................ .. 22, 134 Focus lock ................................. ......... 135 Focus mo de ..........
212 n O Optical VR .............. ............................128 P Photo information ............................ 79 PictBridge ...................... ........... 102, 206 Picture Control ....................... 150, 154 Pixe l mapping ..............
213 n Theme .......................... ............... 55, 115 Thumbnail playback ......................... 82 Time ................ ........................... .. 18, 162 Time stamp .............................. ......... 105 Time zone .............
No reproduction in a ny form of this manual, in whole or in part (except for brief quotation in critical articles or reviews), may be made without writte n authorization from NIKO N CORPORATION.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Nikon J3 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Nikon J3 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Nikon J3 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Nikon J3 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Nikon J3, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Nikon J3.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Nikon J3. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Nikon J3 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.