Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto 2000 IVS del fabbricante NEC
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ND-45504 (E ) ISSU E 2 PART OF STOCK # 151900 Circuit Card Manual DECEMBER, 19 97 NEC America, Inc. ®.
LIA BILI TY D IS CLA IM ER NEC Am eri ca Inc. reserves the right to change t he s pecifications, functions, or features, at any time, without notice. NEC America Inc . has prepared this document for use by its em- ployees and customers . The i nform ation contained herein is the property of NEC Am erica Inc.
ADDENDUM -001 ADDENDU M-002 ADDENDUM-003 ADDENDUM-004 DA T E JUL Y , 19 98 DA TE OC TOBER, 1998 DA T E DA T E ADDENDUM -005 ADDENDUM-006 ADDENDUM-007 ADDE NDUM-008 DA T E DA TE DA TE DA T E NE AX 2 000 I V S Ci rc uit Ca rd M a nua l Adde nd um Re visi on Sh eet 1 /2 ND-45504 (E) ISSUE 2 PA G E N o .
ADDENDUM -001 ADDENDU M-002 ADDENDUM-003 ADDENDUM-004 DA T E JUL Y , 19 98 DA T E OCT OBER, 19 98 DA T E DA T E ADDENDUM -005 ADDENDUM-006 ADDENDUM-007 ADDE NDUM-008 DA T E DA TE DA T E DA T E NE AX 2 000 I V S Ci rc uit Ca rd M a nua l Adde ndum Re visi on Sh eet 2 /2 ND-45504 (E) ISSUE 2 68- 1 2.
ND-45504 (E ) ISSU E 2 DECEMBER, 199 7 NEAX2000 IVS Cir cui t Card Manua l T ABLE OF CONTENTS Pa g e ND-45504 (E ) T ABLE O F CONTEN TS Add end um- 002 P age i OCT OBER, 1998 Re vision 2.2 LIS T OF F IGURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
T ABLE OF CONTENTS ND -45504 (E) P age ii Ad d e nd um - 001 Revision 2.1 JUL Y , 1998 Pa g e 3. LAMP I NDICATIO NS AND SWITCH SET TINGS O F APPL ICATI ON CIRCUIT CARDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 PN- AP00- A ( AP00) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
LIST OF FIG URES Figu re Tit le Pa g e ND -45504 (E) LIST OF FIGURES Page iii Revision 2.0 3-1 Circuit Card Mounting Slots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 3-2 MP/F P Card Mounti ng Slo ts .
LIST OF T ABLE S Ta b l e T i t l e Pa g e LIST OF T ABLES ND -45504 (E) Pa g e i v Re vision 2.0 2-1 Func tio nal Outli ne o f Co ntro l Ci rcui t Cards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2-2 Fu ncti onal O utli ne o f Ap plic at ion Ci rcui t Card s .
ND -45504 (E) CHAPTER 1 Pa g e 1 Revision 2.0 CHAPTER 1 INTR ODUCTION 1. PURP O SE For inst a l lers and maintena nce t echnicians of the NEAX2000 IVS (PBX), this m a nual expla ins the funct ional ou.
CHAPTER 1 ND -45504 (E) Pa g e 2 Re vision 2.0 This page is for your notes..
ND-45504 (E ) CHAPTER 2 Add e nd um - 002 P ag e 3 OCT OBER, 1998 Re vision 2.2 CHAPTER 2 FUNCTIONAL OUTLINE OF CIRCUIT CARDS This chapte r e xpla ins the functi onal outlin e of v ario us circuit c ards used in the NEAX2000 IVS.
CHAPTER 2 N D - 4 5504 ( E ) P a g e 4 A dd e n d um - 0 0 1 R e vision 2.1 JU L Y , 1998 2 . A P P LIC A T I O N CIRCUI T CARDS T a bl e 2 - 2 sh o w s t h e f un c t ion a l out l in e o f e ac h a ppl i c a t i on c i rc ui t c a r d.
ND -45504 (E) CHAPTER 2 Ad de ndu m -0 01 Pa ge 5 JULY, 1998 Revision 2.1 PN- CC01 ETH ER Ethern et Co ntrol ca rd. T h is ca r d is use d w it h th e PN - A P 0 1 card to ac co m m o d at e th e Et h er n et , tr a n s mi t- ting/re cei ving a sig na l of TCP/IP prot oc ol.
CHAPTER 2 ND -45504 (E) Pa g e 6 Re vision 2.0 3. LINE/TR UNK CIRCUI T CARDS Table 2-3 sho ws th e funct ional outl ine of eac h l ine/trunk c ircui t ca rd. T able 2-3 Fu nct i ona l Ou tli ne of Li ne / T ru nk C ircuit Ca rds CARD NAME FU N CTIONA L NAME FUNCTIONAL O UTLINE PN-2AMP A AMP 2-line Ampli f ier T runk card.
ND -45504 (E) CHAPTER 2 Pa g e 7 Revision 2.0 PN - 4DLCA DLC 4-line Digital L ine Circui t card for D term Series E/Series III/Ele ctraPro/DSS Con- sole.
CHAPTER 2 ND -45504 (E) Pa g e 8 Re vision 2.0 PN-4LCJ LC 4-line Analo g Line Circuit car d for si ngle l ine te lephone s. This car d prov ides 4 ci rcu its with Di sconn ec t Su perv ision . Loop resist a nce: Ma x. 60 0 ohms. This ca rd is e quipp ed wi th qui ck dia gnosti c s to detec t short and op en li ne cond i- tions .
ND-45504 (E ) CHAPTER 3 Ad de n dum - 00 2 Page 9 OCTO BE R, 1998 Revision 2.2 CHAPTER 3 CIRCUIT CARD INST ALLA TION CONDITIONS This c hapte r ex plains the condi tions for insta lli ng v arious kinds of cir cuit cards used in t he P BX.
CHAPTER 3 ND-4550 4 (E) P age 10 Addendum-002 Re vision 2 .2 OCT O BE R, 1998 Figu re 3- 1 Circuit Card Mo un ting Sl ots (C on tinue d) L T00 - L T15 : Line/ trunk circ uit card mounting slot s AP0 -.
ND-45504 (E ) CHAPTER 3 Ad den dum- 00 2 Pag e 1 1 OCTO BE R, 1998 Revision 2.2 2. INST ALLA TION CONDITIONS FOR CONTR OL CIRCUIT CARDS 2.1 PN-CP00/PN-CP00-B/P N-CP00-C (MP ) Mount t he P N-CP00/PN-CP00-B /PN-CP00-C in the MP sl ot of PIM0. 2.2 PN-CP01 (F P) 1.
CHAPTER 3 ND-4550 4 (E) P age 12 Addendum-002 Re vision 2 .2 OCT O BE R, 1998 2.3 PN-CP02/PN-CP02-C (MP) Mount t he P N-CP02/PN-CP02-C in the MP0 and M P 1 sl ot of P IM(H)0.
ND -45504 (E) CHAPTER 3 Page 1 3 Revision 2.0 2.4 PN-BS00-A/PN-BS00-B (BS00), PN-BS01-A/PN-BS01-B (BS01) 1. In a one-PIM system , neither the PN-BS00-A/PN-BS0 0-B nor the PN-BS01- A/P N-BS01-B is needed. 2. When the sy stem is equippe d with more than on e PIM, mount a PN-BS00-A/P N-BS00-B in the B US slot of P IM 0 or PIM (H) 0.
CHAPTER 3 ND -45504 (E) P age 14 Ad d e nd um - 001 Revision 2.1 JUL Y , 1998 3. INST ALLA TION CONDITIONS F OR APPLICA TION CIRCUIT CARD S 1. When t he sys tem is equi pped wit h only one PIM: • An applica tion cir cui t card can be mounted in the AP0 through AP6, and AP8 slots.
ND -45504 (E) CHAPTER 3 Page 1 5 Revision 2.0 Fi gu re 3 -5 A pp li cat io n C ir cuit Car d M ou nt ing S lo ts • Line/tr unk cir cuit car ds can also be mounted in AP0 - AP5 slot s.
CHAPTER 3 ND -45504 (E) Pa g e 1 6 Re vision 2.0 4. INST ALLA TION CONDI TIONS FOR LINE/TRUNK CIRCUIT CARDS Mount the line /trunk c ir cuit car ds in the LT00 through LT15 slot s of PIM0/PIM(H)0 thr ough PIM7.
ND -45504 (E) CHAPTER 4 Page 1 7 Revision 2.0 CHAPTER 4 LAMP INDICA TIONS AND SWITCH SET TINGS This chapte r expl ains variou s circuit c ards used in the PBX with respe ct to the fol lowing items.
CHAPTER 4 ND -45504 (E) Pa g e 1 8 Re vision 2.0 1. PRECA UTION IN HANDLING When handling a circuit c ard, the install e r must we a r a grou nded wrist str ap to protec t the cir c uit car d fr o m static elec tric ity.
CHAPTER 4 ND -45504 (E) Pa g e 2 0 Re vision 2.0 Figu re 4-2 C ircui t Card H andli ng P re cauti on s CARD FRONT NEVER TOUCH T HE COM PONENTS OR SOL DERED S URFACE WITH BASE HANDS. PBX The i nstall e r m ust hold the edge of circ uit card, when plug ging or unplug ging the cir cuit c ard.
ND-45504 (E ) CHAPTER 4 Ad den dum- 00 2 Pag e 2 1 OCTO BE R, 1998 Revision 2.2 2. LAMP INDICA TIONS AND SWITCH SETTINGS OF CONTRO L CIRCUIT CARDS Table 4- 1 below shows the control circuit car ds to be explained in this se ction.
CHAPTER 4 ND -45504 (E) Pa g e 2 2 Re vision 2.0 PN- BS00- A /PN-BS0 0-B ( BS00) PN-BS00- A/PN-BS00-B (BS0 0) 1. Locations of Lamps, Switc hes, and C onnector s PN- BS00- A/PN-BS00 -B (BS0 0) C ar d 2. Lamp Indica tions This card h as no i ndicator l a mps.
ND -45504 (E) CHAPTER 4 Page 2 3 Revision 2.0 PN-BS00-A/PN-BS00-B (BS 00) (3) Switc h Setti ngs The f igure in the S WITCH NAME colum n and the position i n in the SETTING POSITION col- umn indicat e the standa rd setting of the switc h.
CHAPTER 4 ND -45504 (E) Pa g e 2 4 Re vision 2.0 PN- BS01- A (BS01 ) PN-BS01- A (BS01) 1. Locations of Lamps, Switc hes, and C onnector s PN-BS01-A (BS01) Card 2.
ND -45504 (E) CHAPTER 4 Page 2 5 Revision 2.0 PN-BS01-A (BS01) (3) Switc h Setti ngs The fi gure in the SWITCH N AME column and the positio n in in t he SETTING POSITION col- umn indicat e the standa rd setting of the switc h. When the switch is not set as shown by the f igure and , the setting of the swit ch v ar ie s with the syste m con cerne d.
CHAPTER 4 ND -45504 (E) Pa g e 2 6 Re vision 2.0 PN- BS01- B (BS01 ) PN-BS01- B (BS01) 1. Locations of Lamps, Switc hes, and C onnector s PN-BS01-B (BS01) Card 2.
ND -45504 (E) CHAPTER 4 Page 2 7 Revision 2.0 PN-BS01-B (BS01) (3) Switc h Setti ngs The fi gure in the SWITCH N AME column and the positio n in in t he SETTING POSITION col- umn indicat e the standa rd setting of the switc h. When the switch is not set as shown by the f igure and , the setting of the swit ch v ar ie s with the syste m con cerne d.
CHAPTER 4 ND -45504 (E) Pa g e 2 8 Re vision 2.0 PN- CP00 (MP) PN-CP00 (MP) 1. Locations of Lamps, Switc hes, and C onnector s PN-CP0 0 ( MP) C ar d 2. Lamp Indica tions Lamp I ndica tion s LAMP NAME COLOR FUNCTION R UN Green Flas hes at 120 IPM while the cir cuit ca rd is opera ti ng normally .
ND -45504 (E) CHAPTER 4 Ad de ndu m -0 01 Pag e 2 9 JULY, 1998 Revision 2.1 PN-CP0 0 (M P) (3) Switc h Setti ngs Switc h Settin g s SWITCH NAME SWITCH NUMBER SETTING POSI TI ON FUNCTION CHECK SW3 (Rot.
CHAPTER 4 ND -45504 (E) Pa g e 3 0 Re vision 2.0 PN- CP00 (MP) The fi gure in the SWITCH N AME column and the positio n in in t he SETTING POSITION col- umn indicat e the standa rd setting of the switc h. When the switch is not set as shown by the f igure and , the setting of the swit ch v ar ie s with the syste m con cerne d.
ND-45504 (E ) CHAPTER 4 Add end um- 002 P age 3 1 OCT OBER, 1998 Re vision 2.2 PN-CP 0 0-B/ PN-CP0 0-C ( MP) PN-CP00-B/PN-C P00-C (MP) 1. Locations of Lamps, Switches , and Connectors PN-CP00-B/PN-CP00-C (M P) Car d 2.
CHAPTER 4 ND-4550 4 (E) P age 32 Addendum-002 Re vision 2 .2 OCT O BE R, 1998 PN-CP0 0-B /PN -CP00 -C ( MP) (3) Switc h Se ttings Switch Settings SWITCH NAME S WITCH NUMBER SE T TI N G POSIT ION F UNC.
ND-45504 (E ) CHAPTER 4 Add end um- 002 P age 3 3 OCT OBER, 1998 Re vision 2.2 PN-CP 0 0-B/ PN-CP0 0-C ( MP) The figur e in the SWITCH NAME c olumn and the positi on in in the SETTING POSITION column indicate t he standa rd settin g of the swi tc h.
CHAPTER 4 ND-4550 4 (E) P age 34 Addendum-002 Re vision 2 .2 OCT O BE R, 1998 PN-CP0 3/ PN-C P03- C (M P) PN-CP03/PN-CP0 3-C (MP) 1. Locations of Lamps, Switches , and Connectors PN-CP03/PN-CP03-C (M P) Car d 2.
ND-45504 (E ) CHAPTER 4 Add end um- 002 P age 3 5 OCT OBER, 1998 Re vision 2.2 PN- CP03/ PN-C P03- C ( MP) (3) Switc h Se ttings Switch Setti ngs SWITCH NAME S WITCH NUMBER SE T TI N G POSIT ION F UNC.
CHAPTER 4 ND-4550 4 (E) P age 36 Addendum-002 Re vision 2 .2 OCT O BE R, 1998 PN-CP0 3/ PN-C P03- C (M P) The f igur e in the SWITCH N AME column and the positi on in in the SETTING P O SITI ON col- umn indicat e the standa rd setting of the switch.
ND -45504 (E) CHAPTER 4 Page 3 7 Revision 2.0 PN-CP0 1 (F P) PN-CP01 (F P) 1. Locations of Lamps, Switc hes, and C onnector s PN-CP01 (FP) Car d 2. Lamp Indica tions Lamp I ndica tion s LAMP NAME COLOR FUNCTION R UN Green Flas hes at 120 IPM while the cir cuit ca rd is opera ti ng normally .
CHAPTER 4 ND -45504 (E) Pa g e 3 8 Re vision 2.0 PN -C P0 1 (F P) (3) Switc h Setti ngs The f igure in the S WITCH NAME colum n and the position i n in the SETTING POSITION col- umn indicat e the standa rd setting of the switc h.
ND-45504 (E ) CHAPTER 4 Ad den dum- 00 2 Pag e 3 9 OCTO BE R, 1998 Revision 2.2 PN- CP02/ PN-C P02- C ( MP) PN-CP02/PN-CP0 2-C (MP) 1. Locations of Lamps, Switches , and Connectors PN-CP02/PN-CP02-C (M P) Car d 2.
CHAPTER 4 ND-4550 4 (E) P age 40 Addendum-002 Re vision 2 .2 OCT O BE R, 1998 PN-CP0 2/ PN-C P02- C (M P) (3) Switc h Se ttings Switch Setti ngs SWITCH NAME S WITCH NUMBER SE T TI N G POSIT ION F UNCT.
ND-45504 (E ) CHAPTER 4 Ad den dum- 00 2 Pag e 4 1 OCTO BE R, 1998 Revision 2.2 PN- CP02/ PN-C P02- C ( MP) The f igur e in the SWITCH N AME column and the positi on in in the SETTING P O SITI ON col- umn indicat e the standa rd setting of the switch.
CHAPTER 4 ND -45504 (E) Pa g e 4 2 Re vision 2.0 PN- PW00 (EXT PWR) PN-PW00 (EXTPWR) 1. Locations of Lamps, Switc hes and C onnector s PN- PW00 (EXT PWR) Car d 2.
ND -45504 (E) CHAPTER 4 Page 4 3 Revision 2.0 PN-PW00 (E XTPWR) (3) Switc h Setti ng The f igure in the S WITCH NAME colum n and the position i n in the SETTING POSITION col- umn indicat e the standa rd setting of the switc h. When the switch is not set as shown by the f igure and , the setting of the swit ch v ar ie s with the syste m con cerne d.
CHAPTER 4 ND -45504 (E) Pa g e 4 4 Re vision 2.0 PZ-PW86 (PWR) PZ- PW 86 (PW R) 1. Locations of Lamps, Switc hes, and C onnector s PZ - P W 86 (P W R) C a r d 2.
ND -45504 (E) CHAPTER 4 Page 4 5 Revision 2.0 PZ-PW86 (PWR) (3) Switc h Setti ngs The f igure in the S WITCH NAME colum n and the position i n in the SETTING POSITION col- umn indicat e the standa rd setting of the switc h. When the switch is not set as shown by the f igure and , the setting of the swit ch v ar ie s with the syste m con cerne d.
CHAPTER 4 ND -45504 (E) Pa g e 4 6 Re vision 2.0 PZ-PW86-A (PWR) PZ -PW 86 -A (P WR) 1. Locations of Lamps, Switc hes, and C onnector s PZ - P W 86 - A (P W R ) C a r d 2.
ND -45504 (E) CHAPTER 4 Page 4 7 Revision 2.0 PZ-PW86-A (PWR) (3) Switc h Setti ngs The f igure in the S WITCH NAME colum n and the position i n in the SETTING POSITION col- umn indicat e the standa rd setting of the switc h. When the switch is not set as shown by the f igure and , the setting of the swit ch v ar ie s with the syste m con cerne d.
CHAPTER 4 ND -45504 (E) Pa g e 4 8 Re vision 2.0 PZ-PW86 (C) (PWR) PZ -PW 86 (C) (PWR ) 1. Locations of Lamps, Switc hes, and C onnector s PZ-PW86(C) (PWR ) Card 2.
ND -45504 (E) CHAPTER 4 Page 4 9 Revision 2.0 P Z - P W 86 (C ) (P W R ) (3) Switc h Setti ngs The fi gure in the SWITCH N AME column and the positio n in in t he SETTING POSITION col- umn indicat e the standa rd setting of the switc h.
CHAPTER 4 ND -45504 (E) Pa g e 5 0 Re vision 2.0 PZ-PW86 (D) (PWR) PZ -PW 86 (D) (PWR ) 1. Locations of Lamps, Switc hes, and C onnector s PZ-PW86(D) (PWR ) Card 2.
ND -45504 (E) CHAPTER 4 Page 5 1 Revision 2.0 P Z - P W 86 (D ) (P W R ) (3) Switc h Setti ngs The fi gure in the SWITCH N AME column and the positio n in in t he SETTING POSITION col- umn indicat e the standa rd setting of the switc h.
CHAPTER 4 ND -45504 (E) P age 52 Ad d e nd um - 001 Revision 2.1 JUL Y , 1998 3. LAMP INDICA TIONS AND SWITCH SETTINGS OF APPLICA TION CIRCUIT CARDS Table 4-2 below shows the a pplic ation c ircuit cards to be expl a ined in this s ection.
ND -45504 (E) CHAPTER 4 Page 5 3 Revision 2.0 PN-AP00-A (AP00) PN-AP00- A (AP00) 1. Locations of Lamp, Switches , and Connect ors PN-AP00-A (AP00) Card MB SW0 SENSE RUN MB SW1 WE RS3 L3 L2 L1 L0 RS2 R.
CHAPTER 4 ND -45504 (E) Pa g e 5 4 Re vision 2.0 PN- AP00- A (AP00 ) (2) Lamp Indic ations Lamp Ind ica tion s LAMP NAME COLOR FUNCTION R UN Green Flashes at 120 IPM while this card is operat ing norma lly .
ND -45504 (E) CHAPTER 4 Page 5 5 Revision 2.0 PN-AP00-A (AP00) (3) Switc h Setti ngs Switc h Settin g s SWITCH NAME SWITC H NUMBER SET TI N G POSIT ION FUNCTION C HECK SE NS E (Rotary S W) Note 1 4 - F S et th e s w it ch to m at ch th e A P N um ber ( 04 - 15 ) to be se t by CM05.
CHAPTER 4 ND -45504 (E) Pa g e 5 6 Re vision 2.0 PN- AP00- A (AP00 ) SW0 (D ip S W) 1 Note 3 ON Ena bles th e rece i ve cl ock fro m th e DCE (Mo- dem) si de when the No. 0 P ort i s s ynchronous. (Cl ock i s rece ived at th e RX C ter m in al.) OFF • Us e s t he in ter nal cloc k as the r ecei v e cl ock when the No.
ND -45504 (E) CHAPTER 4 Page 5 7 Revision 2.0 PN-AP00-A (AP00) The fi gure in the SWITCH N AME column and the positio n in in t he SETTING POSITION col- umn indicat e the standa rd setting of the switc h. When the switch is not set as shown by the f igure and , the setting of the swit ch v ar ie s with the syste m con cerne d.
CHAPTER 4 ND -45504 (E) Pa g e 5 8 Re vision 2.0 PN- AP00- A (AP00 ) Note 1: Set the gr oo ve on the switc h k nob to the desir ed switch posi tion. Note 2: When th e power is on, flip the MB swit ch t o ON (UP p osition) be for e plugging/ unplug ging the cir cuit card.
ND -45504 (E) CHAPTER 4 Page 5 9 Revision 2.0 PN-AP01 (AP01) PN-AP01 (AP01 ) 1. Locations of Lamps, Switc hes, and C onnector s PN-AP01 (AP0 1) Card 2. Lamp Indica tions Lamp I ndica tion s LAMP NAME COLOR FUNCTION R UN Green Flashe s at 120 IPM while thi s card is ope rating norm a lly .
CHAPTER 4 ND -45504 (E) Pa g e 6 0 Re vision 2.0 PN- AP01 (A P0 1 ) (3) Switc h Setti ngs Switc h Settin g s SWITCH NAME SWITCH NUMBER SETTI N G POSIT ION FUNCTION C H ECK SE NS E (Rotary S W) Note 1 4 - F Set th e s wit ch to mat ch the AP Num ber (04 - 15) to be se t b y CM05.
ND -45504 (E) CHAPTER 4 Page 6 1 Revision 2.0 PN-AP01 (AP01) The fi gure in the SWITCH N AME column and the positio n in in t he SETTING POSITION col- umn indicat e the standa rd setting of the switc h. When the switch is not set as shown by the f igure and , the setting of the swit ch v ar ie s with the syste m con cerne d.
CHAPTER 4 ND -45504 (E) Pa g e 6 2 Re vision 2.0 PN-BR T A (BRI) PN-BR T A (BRI) 1. Locations of Lamps, Switc hes, and C onnector s PN-BRT A (BRI) Card SENS RUN MB B1 B2 D ALM SW0 SW1.
ND -45504 (E) CHAPTER 4 Page 6 3 Revision 2.0 PN-BRT A (BRI) (2) Lamp Indic ations Lamp Indications on the P N-BRT A (BRI) Car d LAMP NAME COLOR FUNCTION RUN Gre en Flashe s at 120 IPM while thi s card is oper a ting norm ally .
CHAPTER 4 ND -45504 (E) Pa g e 6 4 Re vision 2.0 PN-BR T A (BRI) (3) Switc h Setti ngs The f igure in the S WITCH NAME colum n and the position i n in the SETTING POSITION col- umn indicat e the standa rd setting of the switc h. When the switch is not set as shown by the f igure and , the setting of the switc h v aries with the system concerne d.
ND -45504 (E) CHAPTER 4 Page 6 5 Revision 2.0 PN-BRT A (BRI) Note 3: Set SW0-2 and SW0-3 as foll ows. BRI 0 B RI 1 BRI 2 .... BRI 11 REMARKS SW 0-2 SW 0- 3 SW 0-2 SW 0-3 SW 0-2 SW 0-3 .... SW 0-2 SW 0-3 When one BRI i s prov ided. ON ON T he M P ca r d wi ll r ec eive th e cl ock si g nal from BRI 0 at it s PLO 0 inp ut.
PN-2BRTC (BRI) CHAPTER 4 ND -45504 (E) Page 65-1 Adde ndum-001 Revision 2.1 JULY, 19 98 PN-2BRT C (BRI) 1. Location s of Lamps, Switche s, a nd connectors PN-2BRT C (BRI) Car d RU N SEN S MB SW0 D1 AL.
PN-2BRTC (BRI) ND -45504 (E) CHAPTER 4 Ad d e nd um - 001 P age 6 5- 2 JUL Y , 1998 Revisi on 2.1 2. Lamp Indic ations Lamp In dica tions LAMP NAME COLOR FUNCTION R UN Gree n Flashes at 12 0 IPM while this c ard i s o perating normall y .
PN-2BRTC (BRI) CHAPTER 4 ND -45504 (E) Page 65-3 A dde ndum-001 Revision 2.1 JULY, 19 98 3. Switch Setti ngs Switch Setti ngs SWITCH NAME SWITCH NUMBER SETTING POSI TI ON FUNCTION CHECK SENS (Rotary SW) Note 1 4 ~ F Set the s w itch to m atch t he AP Nu mber ( 04- 15) as se t b y CM05.
PN-2BRTC (BRI) ND -45504 (E) CHAPTER 4 Ad d e nd um - 001 P age 6 5- 4 JUL Y , 1998 Revisi on 2.1 The fi gure in the SWITCH N AM E colum n and the posit ion in in the SETTING POSI TION column indicate the stand ard setting of the switch.
CHAPTER 4 ND -45504 (E) Pa g e 6 6 Re vision 2.0 PN-CC00 (ET HER) PN-CC00 (ETHER) 1. Locations of Lamps, Switc hes, and C onnector s PN -CC 00 ( ET H ER ) C ard ETHER RUN IP SW31 SW ERR S1 S2 S3 RUN S.
ND -45504 (E) CHAPTER 4 Ad de ndu m -0 01 Pag e 6 7 JULY, 1998 Revision 2.1 PN-CC 00 ( ETHER) 2. La mp Indi catio ns Lamp I ndica tion s LAMP NAME COLOR FUNCTION R UN Green S tea dil y lights whil e this card is operat ing normall y . ERR Red Flashes at 120 IPM when syste m error occurs .
CHAPTER 4 ND -45504 (E) Pa g e 6 8 Re vision 2.0 PN-CC00 (ET HER) (3) Switc h Setti ngs Note: Eac h equipment mu st have a uni que MAC addr ess to dist inguis h betwee n systems.
ND -45504 (E) CHAPTER 4 Adde ndum-001 Page 68-1 JULY, 1998 Revision 2.1 PN-CC 01 ( ETHER) PN-CC01 (ETHER) 1. Loc ation of Lamps, S witche s, a nd Connec tors P N -C C0 1 (E T H ER ) C a rd RUN MB LI N.
CHAPTER 4 ND -45504 (E) P age 68 - 2 Ad dend um- 00 1 Revision 2.1 JUL Y , 1998 PN-CC01 (ET HER) 2. La mp Indi catio ns Lamp I ndica tion s LAMP NAME COLOR FUNCTION R UN Green F lashe s at 60 IPM while this ca rd is opera ti ng normally . LINK Green Lights when link is es ta bl ished .
ND -45504 (E) CHAPTER 4 Adde ndum-001 Page 68-3 JULY, 1998 Revision 2.1 PN-CC 01 ( ETHER) 3. S wit ch Sett ings Note 1: Whe n the power is on, set th e MB switch to ON (UP position) be for e plugg ing/unplug ging the Cir cuit car d. Note 2: Eac h equipment must hav e a unique MAC ad dr e ss to di stinguish between sy stems.
CHAPTER 4 ND -45504 (E) P age 68 - 4 Ad dend um- 00 1 Revision 2.1 JUL Y , 1998 This page is for your notes..
ND -45504 (E) CHAPTER 4 Page 6 9 Revision 2.0 PN-CK00 (PL O) PN-CK00 (PLO) 1. Locations of Lamps, Switc hes, and C onnector s PN-CK00 (PLO) Card 2. Lamp Indica tions DRIFT: Means the st a tus which t he oscilla tio n of cloc k sig nal from the PN-CK00 is not s ynchroniz ed with the networ k.
CHAPTER 4 ND -45504 (E) P age 70 Ad d e nd um - 001 Revision 2.1 JUL Y , 1998 PN-CK00 (PL O) (3) Switc h Setti ngs The f igure in the SWITCH N AM E colu m n and the posi tion in in the SETTING P OSITION column indic ate the sta ndard setti ng of the switch.
ND -45504 (E) CHAPTER 4 Ad de ndu m -0 01 Pag e 7 1 JULY, 1998 Revision 2.1 PN-CK00 (PL O) Note 1: Whe n t he power is on, f lip the MB switc h ON (UP position) befo r e plug ging /unpluggi ng the c ir cuit c ar d. Note 2: Whe n using this car d, set the SW2 switc h on the PN-CP00/PN-CP00-B/PN -CP03 (MP) as follo ws.
CHAPTER 4 ND -45504 (E) Pa g e 7 2 Re vision 2.0 PN- 24DT A (DTI ) PN-2 4DT A (DT I) 1. Locations of Lamps, Switc hes, and C onnector s PN-24DT A (DTI) Card 2. Lamp Indica tions Lamp I ndica tion s LAMP NAME COLOR FUNCTION RUN Green Flashe s at 120 IPM while thi s card is oper ating norm a lly .
ND -45504 (E) CHAPTER 4 Page 7 3 Revision 2.0 PN-24DT A (DTI) (3) Switc h Setti ngs Switc h Settin g s SWIT CH NAME SWITCH NUMBER SETTING POSIT ION FUNCTION CHE C K SE NS (Rotary S W) Note 1 4 - F Set the swit ch to mat ch the AP Number (04 - 15) to be se t by CM05.
CHAPTER 4 ND -45504 (E) Pa g e 7 4 Re vision 2.0 PN- 24DT A (DTI ) The f igure in the S WITCH NAME colum n and the position i n in the SETTING POSITION col- umn indicat e the standa rd setting of the switc h. When the switch is not set as shown by the f igure and , the setting of the switc h v aries with the system concerne d.
ND -45504 (E) CHAPTER 4 Page 7 5 Revision 2.0 PN-24DT A -A (DTI) PN-2 4D T A -A (D TI ) 1. Location of Lamps, Switches , and Connector s PN-24DT A-A (DTI) Card 2. Lamp Indica tions Lamp I ndica tion s LAMP NAME COLOR FUNCTION RUN Green Flashe s at 120 IPM while thi s card is oper ating norm a lly .
CHAPTER 4 ND -45504 (E) Pa g e 7 6 Re vision 2.0 P N -2 4 D T A -A ( D T I) (3) Switc h Setti ngs Switc h Settin g s SWIT CH NAME SWITCH NUMBER SETTING POSIT ION FUNCTION CHE C K SENS (Rotary S W) Note 1 4 ~ F Set t h e s wit ch to m at ch th e A P Num b er ( 04 ~ 15) t o be s et b y CM05.
ND -45504 (E) CHAPTER 4 Page 7 7 Revision 2.0 PN-24DT A -A (DTI) The fi gure in the SWITCH N AME column and the positio n in in t he SETTING POSITION col- umn indicat e the standa rd setting of the switc h. When the switch is not set as shown by the f igure and , the setting of the swit ch v ar ie s with the syste m con cerne d.
CHAPTER 4 ND -45504 (E) Pa g e 7 8 Re vision 2.0 P N -2 4 D T A -A ( D T I) Note 3: Set SW -1 and SW-2 as foll ow s: Note 4: When the PBX is the master o ffice , se t the SW1- 1 and SW1-2 on all the DTI c ards mo unt ed in P IM 0 to “OFF”.
ND-45504 (E ) CHAPTER 4 Add end um- 00 1 Pa ge 78- 1 JU LY, 199 8 Revi sion 2.1 PN-30DTC /30DTC-A (DTI) PN-3 0D T C/3 0D T C-A (D T I) 1. Location s of Lamps, Switche s, a nd Connectors PN-30DTC/30DTC.
CHAPTER 4 ND-45504 (E) Page 78-2 Adden dum-001 Revision 2.1 J ULY, 199 8 PN-30DT C/30D TC-A (DTI) 2. Lamp Indic ations La m p In di ca ti ons LAMP NAME COLOR FUNCTION RUN G reen Flash es at 120 IPM when this card is normal ly ope rati ng. PCM Red Lights when detecting PCM signal loss .
ND-45504 (E ) CHAPTER 4 Add end um- 00 1 Pa ge 78- 3 JU LY, 199 8 Revi sion 2.1 PN-30DTC /30DTC-A (DTI) 3. Switch Setti ngs Sw itch Se ttin g s SW IT C H NAM E SWITCH NUMBER SETTING POSIT ION F UNCTION CHECK SENS (Ro t ary SW ) N o te 1 4 ~ F Set the switch to matc h the AP Number (04-15 ) as set by CM05.
CHAPTER 4 ND-45504 (E) Page 78-4 Adden dum-001 Revision 2.1 J ULY, 199 8 PN-30DT C/30D TC-A (DTI) The figur e in the SWITCH NAME colu mn and the position in in the SETTING POSITION col- umn indicate the standard se tting of the switc h.
ND-45504 (E ) CHAPTER 4 Add end um- 00 1 Pa ge 78- 5 JU LY, 199 8 Revi sion 2.1 PN-30DTC /30DTC-A (DTI) Not e 3: Set SW -1 and SW -2 as follows. Not e 4: Coaxial c abl e conne ction to t he PN -30DTC/30DTC-A i s not avai lable in the U .S. D T I 0D T I 1D T I 2D T I 3 RE MARKS SW-1 S W-2 SW-1 SW-2 SW-1 SW -2 SW-1 SW-2 When on e DTI is pro vid ed.
CHAPTER 4 ND-45504 (E) Page 78-6 Adden dum-001 Revision 2.1 J ULY, 199 8 This page is for your notes..
ND -45504 (E) CHAPTER 4 Page 7 9 Revision 2.0 PN-ME00 (EXTM EM) PN-ME00 (EXT MEM) 1. Locations of Lamps, Switc hes, and C onnector s PN-M E00 (EXT ME M) Ca r d 2. Lamp Indica tions Lamp Ind ica tions LAMP NAME COLOR FUNCTION R UN Green Flashes a t 120 IPM whil e thi s c ircuit car d i s op erati ng norm ally .
CHAPTER 4 ND -45504 (E) Pa g e 8 0 Re vision 2.0 PN- ME00 (E XTMEM) ■ Mounting the S RAM Card ① Slide the lock switch do wnw ard (Lock Release), the n remo v e the batte ry case from the SRAM card. ② Mount the batt ery on the batter y case , the n inse rt the batter y case into the SRAM card.
ND -45504 (E) CHAPTER 4 Page 8 1 Revision 2.0 PN-ME00 (EXTM EM) ■ Removi ng the SRAM C ard ➀ Push the card slot bar of the PN-ME00 card. ➁ Remove t he SR AM ca rd. Remo ving the SRAM Card ■ Replacing the SRAM Batte ry ➀ Slide the lock switch do wnw ard (Lock Release), the n remo v e the batte ry case from the SRAM card.
CHAPTER 4 ND -45504 (E) Pa g e 8 2 Re vision 2.0 PN- ME00 (E XTMEM) R epl acing t he S RA M B att er y PN-ME0 0 REMO VE THE BA TTER Y CASE LITH IUM BA T TERY : B R23 25 OR CR 232 5.
ND -45504 (E) CHAPTER 4 Page 8 3 Revision 2.0 PN-ME00 (EXTM EM) (3) Switch Settings The fi gure in the SWITCH N AME column and the positio n in in t he SETTING POSITION col- umn indicat e the standa rd setting of the switc h. When the switch is not set as shown by the f igure and , the setting of the swit ch v ar ie s with the syste m con cerne d.
CHAPTER 4 ND -45504 (E) Pa g e 8 4 Re vision 2.0 P N -4 RST B (M F R ) PN-4RSTB (MFR) 1. Locations of Lamps, Switc hes and C onnector s PN-4RSTB (MFR) Card 2. Lamp Indica tions Lamp I ndica tion s LAMP NAME COLOR FUNCTION RUN Green F lashe s at 120 IPM wh ile t he c ircuit card i s ope ratin g n ormally .
ND -45504 (E) CHAPTER 4 Page 8 5 Revision 2.0 PN-4RSTB (MFR) (3) Switch Settings Note 1: Set the gr oo ve on the switc h k nob onto the desi r ed switch position . Note 2: When the power is on, flip the MB sw i tch to ON (UP posit ion) befor e pl uggi ng/unplug ging the cir cuit card.
CHAPTER 4 ND -45504 (E) Pa g e 8 6 Re vision 2.0 P N -4 RST C (C I R ) PN-4 RSTC (C IR) 1. Locations of Lamps, Switc hes and C onnector s PN-4RST C (CIR) Card 2. Lamp Indica tions Lamp I ndica tion s LAMP NAME COLOR FUNCTION R UN Green Flashes at 120 IPM while the cir cuit ca rd is opera ti ng normally .
ND -45504 (E) CHAPTER 4 Page 8 7 Revision 2.0 PN-4RSTC (CIR) (3) Switch Settings Note 1: Set the gr oo ve on the switc h k nob onto the desi r ed switch position . Note 2: When the power is on, flip the MB sw i tch to ON (UP posit ion) befor e pl uggi ng/unplug ging the cir cuit card.
CHAPTER 4 ND -45504 (E) Pa g e 8 8 Re vision 2.0 PN-SC00 (CCH) PN-SC00 (CCH) 1. Locations of Lamps, Switc hes and C onnector s PN-SC00 (CCH) Card 2. Lamp Indica tions Lamp I ndica tion s LAMP NAME COLOR FUNCTION RUN Green Flashes at 120 IPM while thi s card is oper a ting norm ally .
ND -45504 (E) CHAPTER 4 Page 8 9 Revision 2.0 PN-SC00 (CCH) (3) Switch Settings Switc h Settin g s SWIT CH NAME SWITCH NUMBER SETTING POSIT ION FUNCTION CHECK SENS (Rotary S W) Note 1 4 - F Set the swit c h to mat ch the AP Number (04 - 15) to be set by CM05.
CHAPTER 4 ND -45504 (E) Pa g e 9 0 Re vision 2.0 PN-SC00 (CCH) The f igure in the S WITCH NAME colum n and the position i n in the SETTING POSITION col- umn indicat e the standa rd setting of the switc h. When the switch is not set as shown by the f igure and , the setting of the switc h v aries with the system concerne d.
ND -45504 (E) CHAPTER 4 Page 9 1 Revision 2.0 PN-SC01 (DCH) PN-SC01 (DCH) 1. Locations of Lamps, Switc hes and C onnector s PN-SC01 (DCH) Card 2. Lamp Indica tions Lamp I ndica tion s LAMP NAME COLOR FUNCTION RUN Green Flashes at 120 IPM while thi s card is oper a ting norm ally .
CHAPTER 4 ND -45504 (E) Pa g e 9 2 Re vision 2.0 PN-SC01 (DCH) (3) Switch Settings Switc h Settin g s SW IT C H NAME SWITCH NUMBER SETTING POSI TI ON FUNCTION C HECK SE NS (Rotary S W) Note 1 4 - F Set th e s wit ch to mat ch the AP Num b er ( 04 - 15) to be set b y CM05.
ND -45504 (E) CHAPTER 4 Page 9 3 Revision 2.0 PN-SC01 (DCH) The f igure in the S WITCH NAME colum n and the position i n in the SETTING POSITION col- umn indicat e the standa rd setting of the switc h. When the switch is not set as shown by the f igure and , the setting of the switc h v aries with the system concerne d.
CHAPTER 4 ND -45504 (E) Pa g e 9 4 Re vision 2.0 PN-SC02 (ICH) PN-SC02 (ICH) 1. Locations of Lamps, Switc hes, and C onnector s PN-SC02 (ICH) Card 2. Lamp Indica tions Lamp I ndica tion s LAMP NAME COLOR FUNCTION RUN Green Flashes at 120 IPM while thi s card is oper a ting norm ally .
ND -45504 (E) CHAPTER 4 Page 9 5 Revision 2.0 PN-SC02 (I CH) (3) Switch Settings The f igure in the S WITCH NAME colum n and the position i n in the SETTING POSITION col- umn indicat e the standa rd setting of the switc h. When the switch is not set as shown by the f igure and , the setting of the switc h v aries with the system concerne d.
CHAPTER 4 ND -45504 (E) Pa g e 9 6 Re vision 2.0 PN-SC03 (ICH) PN-SC03 (ICH) 1. Locations of Lamps, Switc hes, and C onnector s PN-SC03 (ICH) Card 2. Lamp Indica tions Lamp Indi cat ions on IC H Card LAMP NAME CO L OR FUNCTION R UN Green Flashes at 120 IPM wh ile the c a rd i s operat ing normall y .
ND -45504 (E) CHAPTER 4 Page 9 7 Revision 2.0 PN-SC03 (I CH) (3) Switch Settings The fi gure in the SWITCH N AME column and the positio n in in t he SETTING POSITION col- umn indicat e the standa rd setting of the switc h. When the switch is not set as shown by the f igure and , the setting of the swit ch v ar ie s with the syste m con cerne d.
CHAPTER 4 ND -45504 (E) Pa g e 9 8 Re vision 2.0 PN- SC03 (C SH) PN-SC03 (CSH) 1. Locations of Lamps, Switc hes, and C onnector s PN-SC03 (CS H) Card SENSE RUN MB DOPE7 DOPE6 DOPE5 DOPE4 DOPE3 DOPE2 D.
ND -45504 (E) CHAPTER 4 Page 9 9 Revision 2.0 PN- SC03 (C SH) (2) Lamp Indications 3. Switch Setti ngs The fi gure in the SWITCH N AME column and the positio n in in t he SETTING POSITION col- umn indicat e the standa rd setting of the switc h.
CHAPTER 4 ND -45504 (E) P age 100 Re vision 2.0 4. LAMP INDICA TI ONS AND SWITCH SETTINGS OF LINE/ TRUNK CIRCUIT CARDS T able 4- 3 belo w sho ws the line/tr unk c ircui t car ds to be expl a ined in this section.
ND -45504 (E) CHAPTER 4 Page 101 Revision 2.0 PN -2 A MP A (A MP ) PN-2 A MP A (AM P ) 1. Locations of Lamps, Switc hes and C onnector s PN-2AMP A (AMP) Card 2. Lamp Indica tions 3. Switch Setti ngs This card h as no s witches. Lamp I ndica tion s LAMP NAME COLOR FUNCTION BL 0 , 1 Red • Remains lit when the corres ponding ci rcuit is in use.
CHAPTER 4 ND -45504 (E) P age 102 Re vision 2.0 PN-A UCA (A UC) PN-A UC A (A U C) 1. Locations of Lamps, Switc hes and C onnector s PN-A UCA (A UC) Card 2. Lamp Indica tions 3. Switch Setti ngs This card h as no s witches. Lamp I ndica tion s LAMP NAME COLOR FUNCTION BL 0 , 1 Red • Remains lit when the corres ponding ci rcuit is in use.
ND -45504 (E) CHAPTER 4 Page 103 Revision 2.0 PN-CFT A (CF T) PN-C F T A (CF T) 1. Locations of Lamps, Switc hes and C onnector s PN-CFT A (CFT) Card 2. Lamp Indica tions 3. Switch Setti ngs This card h as no s witches. Lamp I ndica tion s LAMP NAME COLOR FUNCTION BL 0 R ed • R e m a in s li t w h en th e ca rd is in u s e.
CHAPTER 4 ND -45504 (E) P age 104 Re vision 2.0 P N -4 COTB (C OT ) PN -4 COTB (CO T ) 1. Locations of Lamps, Switc hes and C onnector s PN-4CO T B (COT) Card 2. Lamp Indica tions 3. Switch Setti ngs This card h as no s witches. Lamp I ndica tion s LAMP NAME COLOR FUNCTION BL0 - 3 Red • R emains lit when the corre spondi ng circui t is in us e.
ND -45504 (E) CHAPTER 4 Page 105 Revision 2.0 PN- 4CO TG (CO T) PN-4 C O TG (C O T ) 1. Locations of Lamps, Switc hes and C onnector s PN-4COTG ( CO T) Card 2. Lamp Indica tions 3. Switch Setti ngs This card h as no s witches. Lamp I ndica tion s LAMP NAME COLOR FUNCTION BL0 - 3 Red • R emains lit when the corre spondi ng circui t is in us e.
CHAPTER 4 ND -45504 (E) P age 106 Re vision 2.0 PN- 2D A T A (D A T ) PN-2 D A T A (D A T ) 1. Locations of Lamps, Switc hes and C onnector s PN - 2 DA T A (DA T ) C a r d 2. Lamp Indica tions Lamp I ndica tion s LAMP NAME COLOR FUNCTION BL 0 , 1 Red • Remains lit when the corres ponding ci rcuit is in use.
ND -45504 (E) CHAPTER 4 Page 107 Revision 2.0 PN-2D A T A (D A T) (3) Switch Settings The f igure in the S WITCH NAME colum n and the position i n in the SETTING POSITION col- umn indicat e the standa rd setting of the switc h.
CHAPTER 4 ND -45504 (E) P age 108 Re vision 2.0 PN-DK00 (DK) PN-DK00 (DK) 1. Locations of Lamps, Switc hes and C onnector s PN-DK00 (DK) Card 2. Lamp Indica tions This card h as no i ndicator l a mps.
ND -45504 (E) CHAPTER 4 Page 109 Revision 2.0 PN-4DITB (DIT) PN-4 DI TB (D I T) 1. Locations of Lamps, Switc hes, and C onnector s PN-4DITB (DIT) Car d 2. Lamp Indica tions 3. Switch Setti ngs This card h as no s witches. Lamp I ndica tion s LAMP NAME COLOR FUNCTION BL0 ~ 3 Re d • Light when the corres pondi ng ci rcuit is in use.
CHAPTER 4 ND -45504 (E) P age 110 Re vision 2.0 PN-2DLCB (DLC) PN-2DLCB (DLC) 1. Locations of Lamps, Switc hes and C onnector s PN-2DLCB (DL C) Ca r d 2. Lamp Indica tions 3. Switch Setti ngs This card h as no s witches. Lamp I ndica tion s LAMP NAME COLOR FUNCTION BL 0 , 1 R ed • Remains lit when the corre s pondi ng ci rcuit is in use.
ND -45504 (E) CHAPTER 4 Page 111 Revision 2.0 PN-2DLCC (DLC) PN-2DLCC (DLC) 1. Locations of Lamps, Switc hes and C onnector s PN-2DLCC (DL C) Ca r d 2. Lamp Indica tions 3. Switch Setti ngs This card h as no s witches. Lamp I ndica tion s LAMP NAME COLOR FUNCTION BL 0 , 1 R ed • Remains lit when the corre s pondi ng ci rcuit is in use.
CHAPTER 4 ND -45504 (E) P age 112 Re vision 2.0 PN-2DLCN (DLC) PN-2DLCN (DLC) 1. Locations of Lamps, Switc hes and C onnector s PN-2DLCN (DL C) Ca r d 2. Lamp Indica tions 3. Switch Setti ngs This card h as no s witches. Lamp I ndica tion s LAMP NAME COLOR FUNCTION BL 0 , 1 Red • Remains lit when the corres ponding ci rcuit is in use.
ND -45504 (E) CHAPTER 4 Page 113 Revision 2.0 PN-4DLCA (DLC) PN-4DLCA (DLC) 1. Locations of Lamps, Switc hes and C onnector s PN-4DLCA (DL C) Ca r d 2. Lamp Indica tions 3. Switch Setti ngs This card h as no s witches. Lamp I ndica tion s LAMP NAME COLOR FUNCTION BL0 - 3 Red • R emains lit when the corre spondi ng circui t is in us e.
CHAPTER 4 ND -45504 (E) P age 114 Re vision 2.0 PN-4DLCD (DLC) PN-4DLCD (DLC) 1. Locations of Lamps, Switc hes and C onnector s PN-4DLCD (DL C) Ca r d 2.
ND -45504 (E) CHAPTER 4 Page 115 Revision 2.0 PN-4D LCF ( DLC) PN-4DLCF (DLC) 1. Locations of Lamps, Switc hes and C onnector s PN-4DLCF (DLC) Card 2. Lamp Indica tions 3. Switch Setti ngs This card h as no s witches. Lamp I ndica tion s LAMP NAME COLOR FUNCTION BL0 - 3 Red • R emains lit when the corre spondi ng circui t is in us e.
CHAPTER 4 ND -45504 (E) P age 116 Re vision 2.0 PN-4DLCM (DLC) PN-4DLCM (DLC) 1. Locations of Lamps, Switc hes and C onnector s PN-4DLCM (DLC) Car d 2. Lamp Indica tions 3. Switch Setti ngs This card h as no s witches. Lamp I ndica tion s LAMP NAME COLOR FUNCTION BL0-3 Red • Re mains lit when the correspondi ng c i rcui t is in us e.
ND -45504 (E) CHAPTER 4 Page 117 Revision 2.0 PN-4D LCQ ( DLC) PN-4DLCQ (DLC) 1. Locations of Lamps, Switc hes and C onnector s PN-4DLCQ (DLC) Car d 2. Lamp Indica tions 3. Switch Setti ngs This card h as no s witches. Lamp I ndica tion s LAMP NAME COLOR FUNCTION BL0-3 Red • Re mains lit when the correspondi ng c i rcui t is in us e.
CHAPTER 4 ND -45504 (E) P age 118 Re vision 2.0 PN- 2DPCB (D PC) PN-2DPCB (DPC) 1. Location of Lamps, Switches and Connectors PN-2DPCB (DPC) Card RSC1 SDT1 RDR1 CDI1 RSC0 SDT0 RDR0 CDI0 SW1 SW0 BL1 LB.
ND -45504 (E) CHAPTER 4 Page 119 Revision 2.0 PN- 2DPCB (D PC) (2) Lamp Indications La mp Indi cati ons LAMP NAME COLOR FUNCTION BL0 R ed No . 0 C ir c ui t ON: Rea dy for digita l da ta tra nsmis si on or the cir cuit is bu sy . OFF: Fix ed p a th i s not conne c ted.
CHAPTER 4 ND -45504 (E) P age 120 Re vision 2.0 PN- 2DPCB (D PC) (3) Switch Settings The f igure in the S WITCH NAME col um n and the posi tion in in the SETTING POSI TION col- umn indi cate the standar d setti ng of the switch.
ND -45504 (E) CHAPTER 4 Page 121 Revision 2.0 PN-2ILCA (ILC) PN-2 ILC A (IL C) 1. Locations of Lamps, Switc hes, and C onnector s PN-2ILCA (ILC) Card SW 1 ACT0 B20 PAL0 LPB0 ACT 1 B2 1 PAL 1 LPB1 B11 .
CHAPTER 4 ND -45504 (E) P age 122 Re vision 2.0 PN-2I LCA (ILC) (2) Lamp Indications Lamp I ndica tion s LAMP NAME COLOR F UNCTION AC T 1 G r e en No . 1 C ir c ui t ON: Normally oper ating. OFF: Not o pe rating. PA L 1 R e d ON: Line is sh ort- circui ti ng.
ND -45504 (E) CHAPTER 4 Page 123 Revision 2.0 PN-2ILCA (ILC) (3) Switch Settings The f igure in the S WITCH NAME colum n and the position i n in the SETTING POSITION col- umn indicat e the standa rd setting of the switc h. When the switch is not set as shown by the f igure and , the setting of the switc h v aries with the system concerne d.
CHAPTER 4 ND -45504 (E) P age 124 Re vision 2.0 PN-4LCD/4LCD-A (L C) PN-4LCD/4LCD-A (LC) 1. Locations of Lamps, Switc hes and C onnector s PN-4LCD/4LCD-A (LC) Card 2.
ND -45504 (E) CHAPTER 4 Page 125 Revision 2.0 PN-4LCJ ( LC) PN -4LC J (LC ) 1. Locations of Lamps, Switc hes and C onnector s PN-4LCJ (LC) Car d 2. Lamp Indica tions 3. Switch Setti ngs This card h as no s witches. Lamp I ndica tion s LAMP NAME COLOR FUNCTION BL0 - 3 Red • R emains lit when the corre spondi ng circui t is in us e.
CHAPTER 4 ND -45504 (E) P age 126 Re vision 2.0 PN-M03 (M03) PN-M 03 (M 03) 1. Locations of Lamps, Switc hes and C onnector s PN-M 03 (M03) Card OPRS OP E RS SELCN0 V35 X21 OPER OPSD SW0 SD RD CD ER D.
ND -45504 (E) CHAPTER 4 Page 127 Revision 2.0 PN-M03 (M03) (2) Lamp Indications Lamp I ndica tion s LAMP NAME COLOR FUNCTION OP E Gr e en ON: T his c a rd i s normall y connect ed to the P N-2DPCB. OFF: Thi s card is ab normally con nected to the PN -2D PCB .
CHAPTER 4 ND -45504 (E) P age 128 Re vision 2.0 PN-M03 (M03) (3) Switch Settings Note: The JP1A and JP1B must be set to the same posi tion e ach othe r . The fi gure in the SWITCH N AME column and the positio n in in t he SETTING POSITION col- umn indicat e the standa rd setting of the switc h.
ND -45504 (E) CHAPTER 4 Page 129 Revision 2.0 PN-2ODT A (ODT) PN-2 ODT A (OD T) 1. Locations of Lamps, Switc hes and C onnector s PN-2ODT A ( ODT) Card 2. Lamp Indica tions 3. Switch Setti ngs This card h as no s witches. Lamp I ndica tion s LAMP NAME COLOR FUNCTION BL 0 , 1 Red • Remains lit when the corres ponding ci rcuit is in use.
CHAPTER 4 ND -45504 (E) P age 130 Re vision 2.0 PN- 8RST A ( PBR) PN-8RST A ( PBR) 1. Locations of Lamps, Switc hes and C onnector s PN-8RST A (PBR) Ca r d 2. Lamp Indica tions This card h as no i ndicator l a mps. 3. Switch Setti ngs This card h as no s witches.
ND -45504 (E) CHAPTER 4 Page 131 Revision 2.0 PN-TNT A (TN T) PN-TNT A (TNT) 1. Location of Lamps, Switches and Connectors PN-TNT A (TNT) Card 2. Lamp Indica tions This card h as no la mp s.
CHAPTER 4 ND -45504 (E) P age 132 Re vision 2.0 PN-TNT A (TNT) 3. Switch Setti ngs Switc h Settin g s SWITCH NAME SWITCH NUMBER SETTING POSIT ION F UNCTION CHECK SW (Piano Ke y SW) 1, 2 V o lum e adjus tment for No. 0 circui t 3, 4 V o lum e adjus tment for No.
ND -45504 (E) CHAPTER 4 Page 133 Revision 2.0 PN- 2CSIA (CS I) PN-2 CS IA (C SI ) 1. Locations of Lamps, Swtic hes, and C onnector s. PN-2CSIA (CSI) Card 2. Lamp Indica tions Lamp I ndica tion s LAMP NAME COLOR FUNCTION OPE Green Light s when the corre sp ondi ng cir cuit is in use.
CHAPTER 4 ND -45504 (E) P age 134 Re vision 2.0 PN- 2CSIA (CS I) 3. Switch Setti ngs The fi gure in the SWITCH N AME column and the positio n in in the SETTING POSITION col- umn indicat e the standa rd setting of the switc h. When the switch is not set as shown by the f igure and , the setting of the swit ch va r ies with the syste m con cerne d.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il NEC 2000 IVS è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del NEC 2000 IVS - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso NEC 2000 IVS imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul NEC 2000 IVS ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il NEC 2000 IVS, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del NEC 2000 IVS.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il NEC 2000 IVS. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo NEC 2000 IVS insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.