Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto NI PCI-6110 del fabbricante National Instruments
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DAQ NI PCI-6110/61 11 User Manua l Mulitfunc tion I/O De vices for P CI Bus Comp uters NI PCI-6110 /6111 User Manu al July 200 3 Edition Part Num ber 321759E-0 1.
Supp ort Worl dwide Techn ical Supp ort and Produ ct Informatio n Nati onal In strum ents Cor pora te He adqu arters 11500 Nor th Mopac E xpressway Austin, T exas 78759 -3504 USA Tel: 512 683 0.
Important Information Warrant y The NI PC I-6110 and the NI PCI-6111 are warr anted agains t defects in materia ls and workm anship for a period of one y ear from th e date of shipment, as evidenced by re ceipts or oth er documentat ion.
Compliance FCC/Canad a Radio Freq uency Interference Com pliance Determining FCC Class The Fed eral Commu nicati ons Commis sion (FCC) has rule s to prote ct wire less commu nicatio ns from in terfer ence. The FCC places digi tal electron ics into two classes.
© Nationa l Instrume nts Cor poration v NI PCI-61 10/6111 Us er Manu al Contents About This M anual Convention s ............. ................. ................ ................. ................. ............ ................. ...... i x National Instruments Documentation .
Contents NI PCI-6110 /6111 User M anual vi Chapter 4 Connecting Sig nals I/O Connector ................... ................. ................. ................. ........... ................. .............. 4- 1 I/O Connector Sign al Descriptions .
Contents © Nationa l Instrume nts Cor poration vii NI PCI-61 10/6111 Us er Manu al GPCTR1_OUT Signal .................. ................. ................. ............ ...... 4-35 GPCTR1_UP_DOWN Signal ............. ........... ................. ...
© Nationa l Instrume nts Cor poration ix NI PCI-6110/ 6111 Use r Manu al About This Manual This manual describes the electrical an d mechanical aspects of the National Instr uments PCI- 6110/6111 data acqui sition (D A Q) de v ice and contai ns informati on concernin g its opera tion and progr amming.
About This Ma nual NI PCI-6110 /6111 User M anual x NI-D A Q NI-D A Q refers to the NI-D A Q driv er softw are for Macint osh or PC compati ble comput ers unless ot herwise not ed. NI PC I-6110/611 1 This p hrase refers to either th e NI PCI-61 10 or NI PC I-6111 de vi ce.
About This Ma nual © Nationa l Instrume nts Cor poration xi NI PCI-6110/ 6111 Use r Manual Related Documentation The follo wing document s contain information that you might f ind helpful: • The NI Dev eloper Zone tutorial, Field Wiring and Noise Consider ations for Analog Si gnals, located at ni.
© Nationa l Instrume nts Cor poration 1-1 NI PCI-61 10/6111 Us er Manu al 1 Introduction This chapt er describes the NI PCI-61 10/6111 , lists what y ou need to get started, d escribes t he optional s oftware and optional equi pment, and explains how to unpack the device.
Chapter 1 Introduction NI PCI-6110 /6111 User M anual 1-2 What Y ou Need to Get Started To set up and use the NI PCI-6 110/6111, yo u will need the fol lowing i tems: ❑ NI PCI-6 110/6111 ❑ .
Chap ter 1 Int rodu ction © Nationa l Instrume nts Cor poration 1-3 NI PCI-61 10/6111 Us er Manu al Figu re 1-1. The Re lation ship Betwee n the Pr ogrammi ng Env ironme nt, NI-DAQ, and the Hardware T o do wnload a free cop y of the most recent v ersion of NI- D A Q, click Download Software at ni.
Chapter 1 Introduction NI PCI-6110 /6111 User M anual 1-4 de velopers, Meas urement Studio of fers a set of V isual C++ classes and tools to integrate th ose classes into V isual C++ applications. The libraries, Acti veX controls, and classes are av ailable with Measurement Studio and NI-D A Q.
Chap ter 1 Int rodu ction © Nationa l Instrume nts Cor poration 1-5 NI PCI-61 10/6111 Us er Manu al The follo wing list gi ves reco mmended part n umbers for conn ectors that mate to t he I/O connect.
Chapter 1 Introduction NI PCI-6110 /6111 User M anual 1-6 Do not operate th e product in an exp losiv e atmosphere or where ther e may be flammable gas es or fume s. Operate the product only at o r belo w the pollution degree stated in the Appendix A, Sp ecifications .
Chap ter 1 Int rodu ction © Nationa l Instrume nts Cor poration 1-7 NI PCI-61 10/6111 Us er Manu al Examples of Installati on Cate gory II are measurements on hous ehold appliances, portable too ls, and similar eq uipment. • Installation C ategory III is fo r measurements performed in the building installation.
© Nationa l Instrume nts Cor poration 2-1 NI PCI-61 10/6111 Us er Manu al 2 Installing and Configuring the NI PCI-6110/6111 This chapt er explains ho w to instal l and configure t he NI PCI-61 10/6111.
Chapter 2 Installing an d Configurin g the NI PCI-6 110/6111 NI PCI-6110 /6111 User M anual 2-2 6. If requi red, scre w the mo unting b racket of the NI PCI- 6110/6111 to the back panel rail of the computer .
© Nationa l Instrume nts Cor poration 3-1 NI PCI-61 10/6111 Us er Manu al 3 Hardware Over view This chapter pres ents an overview of the hardware functions on the NI PC I-6110/6111 . Figures 3-1 and 3-2 sh ow block d iagrams for t he NI PCI-6 110 and t he NI PCI-6111, respectivel y.
Chapte r 3 Hardwa re Overvi ew NI PCI-6110 /6111 User M anual 3-2 Figu re 3-2 . NI PCI-6111 Block D iagram Analog Input The AI s ection fo r the NI PCI-6110/6 111 is s oftware co nfigurable. You can select di fferent AI confi gurations t hrough a pplication software.
Chapt er 3 Hard ware Overv iew © Nationa l Instrume nts Cor poration 3-3 NI PCI-61 10/6111 Us er Manu al input of the PGIA. For more information about DIFF in put mode, refer to the Connecting Ana log Inpu t Signal s section of Chapter 4, Conn ect ing Sign als , whi ch contains diagrams showing the signal paths for DIFF in put mode.
Chapte r 3 Hardwa re Overvi ew NI PCI-6110 /6111 User M anual 3-4 Consideration s for Selecti ng Input R anges The range you select de pends on the exp ected range of the incoming signal. A large input rang e can accommodate a large s ignal variation but reduces the voltage resolution.
Chapt er 3 Hard ware Overv iew © Nationa l Instrume nts Cor poration 3-5 NI PCI-61 10/6111 Us er Manu al Figu re 3-3. Analog T rigg er Block Diag ram for the NI PCI- 6110 Figu re 3-4. Analog T rigg er Block Diag ram for the NI PCI- 6111 Fi ve analog trigger ing modes are av ailabl e, as sho wn in F igures 3-5 throug h 3-9.
Chapte r 3 Hardwa re Overvi ew NI PCI-6110 /6111 User M anual 3-6 In belo w-low-lev el analog triggering mode, the trigger is g enerated when the signal v alue is less than lowValue , as shown in F igur e 3- 5. HighValue is un used. Figu re 3-5.
Chapt er 3 Hard ware Overv iew © Nationa l Instrume nts Cor poration 3-7 NI PCI-61 10/6111 Us er Manu al Figu re 3-7. In side-Reg ion A nalog T r igger ing Mod e In high-hysteresis analog triggering .
Chapte r 3 Hardwa re Overvi ew NI PCI-6110 /6111 User M anual 3-8 The analog trigger circ uit generates an internal digital tr igger based on the AI signal and user-defined trigger lev els. This digital trig ger can be used by any D A Q-STC timing sect ion, includin g the AI, A O, and gener al-purpose counter/timer sections.
Chapt er 3 Hard ware Overv iew © Nationa l Instrume nts Cor poration 3-9 NI PCI-61 10/6111 Us er Manu al Figu re 3-10. ST ART SCAN Sign al Rout ing This f igure sho w s that ST AR TSCAN c an be genera ted from a numb er of sources, includin g the external sig nals R TSI<0.
Chapte r 3 Hardwa re Overvi ew NI PCI-6110 /6111 User M anual 3-10 Programmabl e Function I nputs The 10 P FIs are connected to the signal routing multiplexer f or each timing signal, and s oftware can select a PFI as the ex ternal source for a giv en timing si gnal.
Chapt er 3 Hard ware Overv iew © Nationa l Instrume nts Cor poration 3-11 NI PCI-61 10/611 1 User Manu al RT SI T riggers The seven RTSI trigger lines o n the RTSI bus provide a flexible interconnection s cheme for the dev ice sharing the RTSI bu s.
© Nationa l Instrume nts Cor poration 4-1 NI PCI-61 10/6111 Us er Manu al 4 Connecting Signals This chapt er describes how t o make input and output si gnal connection s to the NI PCI-611 0/6111 thro ugh the device I/ O connector. Table 4-1 sh ows the cables that can b e used with the I/O connector s to connect to different accessories.
Chapter 4 Connec ting Signals NI PCI-6110 /6111 User M anual 4-2 Figu re 4-1. 68- Pin I/ O Conn ecto r Pin As signm ent f or the NI PCI-6 110/61 11 FREQ_OUT GPCTR0_OUT PFI9/GPCTR0_GATE DGND PFI.
Chapter 4 Connec ting Sig nals © Nationa l Instrume nts Cor poration 4-3 NI PCI-61 10/6111 Us er Manu al Figur e 4-2. 50 -Pin C onnec tor Pi n Assign ments for th e NI PCI- 6110 /6111 I/O Connecto r Signa l Descri ptions Tabl e 4-2. Sign al De scri ptions fo r I/O Conne ctor Pin s Signal Name Reference Di rec tio n Description ACH<0.
Chapter 4 Connec ting Signals NI PCI-6110 /6111 User M anual 4-4 ACH<0..3>– ACH<0..3>GND Input Anal og Input Cha nnels 0 throu gh 3 (–)—The se pins are routed to the (–) termi nal of the re spective channel amplifier . A CH<2 .
Chapter 4 Connec ting Sig nals © Nationa l Instrume nts Cor poration 4-5 NI PCI-61 10/6111 Us er Manu al PFI2/CON VERT* DGND Input Output PFI2/Co n vert —As an input, this is a PFI. As an output, this is th e CONVER T* si gnal. A high-to-lo w edge on CONVER T* indicates th at an A/D conversion is occurring.
Chapter 4 Connec ting Signals NI PCI-6110 /6111 User M anual 4-6 GPCTR0_OUT DGND Output Count er 0 O utput—T his outp ut is f rom the genera l-purpose coun ter 0 o utput. FREQ_OUT DGND O utput Freque nc y Ou tput—T his outp ut i s from the freq uenc y generator output .
Chapter 4 Connec ting Sig nals © Nationa l Instrume nts Cor poration 4-7 NI PCI-61 10/6111 Us er Manu al PFI3/GPCTR1_SOURCE DIO — V cc +0.5 3.5 at (V cc –0.4 ) 5 at 0.4 1. 5 50 k Ω pu PFI4/GPCTR1_GATE DIO — V cc +0.5 3. 5 at (V cc –0.4) 5 at 0.
Chapter 4 Connec ting Signals NI PCI-6110 /6111 User M anual 4-8 Connecting Analog Input Signals The NI PCI-6110/61 11 channels are con figured as pseud odifferential inputs. The input s ignal of each ch annel, ACH<0..3>+, is tied to the positive input of the PGIA, and each reference s ignal ACH<0.
Chapter 4 Connec ting Sig nals © Nationa l Instrume nts Cor poration 4-9 NI PCI-61 10/6111 Us er Manu al The PGIA applies g ain and common-mod e voltage rejection an d presents high inpu t impedance to the AI signals connect ed to the NI PCI-611 0/6111.
Chapter 4 Connec ting Signals NI PCI-6110 /6111 User M anual 4-10 Differential Measurements The following sections discuss the use o f differential (DIFF) measurements and consid erations fo r measuring b oth floating and ground- referenced signal so urces.
Chapter 4 Connec ting Sig nals © Nationa l Instrume nts Cor poration 4-11 NI PCI-61 10/611 1 User Manu al Differenti al Conne ctions fo r Ground-Ref erenced Signal Sources Figure 4-4 shows how to connect a grou nd-referenced signal so urce to a channel o n the NI PCI- 6110/6111.
Chapter 4 Connec ting Signals NI PCI-6110 /6111 User M anual 4-12 Differenti al Conne ctions fo r Nonreferen ced or Floating Signal So urces Figure 4-5 shows how to connect a fl oating sign al source to a channel on the NI PCI-611 0/6111. Figu re 4-5.
Chapter 4 Connec ting Sig nals © Nationa l Instrume nts Cor poration 4-13 NI PCI-61 10/611 1 User Manu al Like any am pli fier , the c ommo n-mo de rej ec tion ra ti o (CMR R) of t he PGI A is limited at high frequency .
Chapter 4 Connec ting Signals NI PCI-6110 /6111 User M anual 4-14 Analog Output Signal Connections The AO signals are DAC0OUT, DAC1OUT, and AOGND. D A C 0OUT is the vo ltage output signal for A O channel 0, D A C1OUT is the vo ltage output signal for A O channel 1, and A OGND is the ground reference sign al for the A O channels.
Chapter 4 Connec ting Sig nals © Nationa l Instrume nts Cor poration 4-15 NI PCI-61 10/611 1 User Manu al Digital I/O Signal Connections The DIO signals are DIO<0..7> and DGND. DIO<0..7> are the signals making up the DIO port, and DGND is the ground reference signal for the DIO port.
Chapter 4 Connec ting Signals NI PCI-6110 /6111 User M anual 4-16 Figure 4-7 show s DIO<0..3> co nfi gured for d igital inpu t and DIO<4..7 > conf igured for d igital output. Digital input application s include recei ving TTL signals and s ensing extern al devi ce states, such as the switch state sho wn in Figure 4- 7.
Chapter 4 Connec ting Sig nals © Nationa l Instrume nts Cor poration 4-17 NI PCI-61 10/611 1 User Manu al All digital timing connection s are referenced to DGND. Figure 4-8 illustrates how to connect an e xternal TRIG1 source and an external CONVER T* source t o two N I PCI-6110/ 6111 PFI p ins.
Chapter 4 Connec ting Signals NI PCI-6110 /6111 User M anual 4-18 In edge-det ection mod e, the minimum pulse wi dth requir ed is 10 ns . This set ting appl ie s for b oth r ising -edg e an d fal ling- edge po larit y set ting s. Edge-det ect mode does n ot ha ve a max imum pulse- width r equirement.
Chapter 4 Connec ting Sig nals © Nationa l Instrume nts Cor poration 4-19 NI PCI-61 10/611 1 User Manu al Figu re 4-1 0. T ypical Pre triggered Acquisi tion TRIG1 Signa l Any PFI pin can receiv e as an input the TRIG1 signal, which is available as an outpu t on the P FI0/TRIG1 pin.
Chapter 4 Connec ting Signals NI PCI-6110 /6111 User M anual 4-20 Figures 4-11 and 4-12 s ho w the timing req uirements for TR IG1. Figur e 4-11. TR IG1 I nput Si gnal Timing Figu re 4-12. TRIG1 Out put Si gnal Timing The de vice also uses TRIG1 to initiate pretriggered DA Q operations.
Chapter 4 Connec ting Sig nals © Nationa l Instrume nts Cor poration 4-21 NI PCI-61 10/611 1 User Manu al the selected edge of TRIG2 is recei ved, the de vice acquires a fix ed number of scans and the acquisition stops. This mode acquires data both before and after recei ving TRIG2.
Chapter 4 Connec ting Signals NI PCI-6110 /6111 User M anual 4-22 ST ARTSCAN Signal Any PFI pin can receiv e as an inpu t the STARTSCAN signal, which is avai labl e as a n out put on th e PFI7 /STAR TSC AN p in. Re fer to Figu res 4-9 and 4-10 for the relationship of STARTSCAN to the DA Q sequence.
Chapter 4 Connec ting Sig nals © Nationa l Instrume nts Cor poration 4-23 NI PCI-61 10/611 1 User Manu al Figu re 4-16. ST ART SCAN Output Signal T imin g The CONVER T* pulses are masked of f until the dev ice generates the ST AR TSCAN signal.
Chapter 4 Connec ting Signals NI PCI-6110 /6111 User M anual 4-24 If you are performin g an internall y timed acqu isition, NI-D A Q generates three e xtra point s to clock th e data for you.
Chapter 4 Connec ting Sig nals © Nationa l Instrume nts Cor poration 4-25 NI PCI-61 10/611 1 User Manu al Figur e 4-18. CO NVERT* O utput Signal Timing The ADC switches to hold mo de within 20 ns of the selected edge. This hold-mode d elay time is a fun ction of t emperature and d oes not v ary from one con v ersion to the ne xt.
Chapter 4 Connec ting Signals NI PCI-6110 /6111 User M anual 4-26 SISOURCE Signal Any PFI pin can receiv e as an input the SISOURCE signal, which is not available as an output o n the I/O connector. The SI2 uses SISOURCE as a clock t o time the gen eration of th e STARTSCAN s ignal.
Chapter 4 Connec ting Sig nals © Nationa l Instrume nts Cor poration 4-27 NI PCI-61 10/611 1 User Manu al Figur e 4-20 sho ws the tim ing for SC ANCLK. Figu re 4-20. SCANC LK Signal Timing EXTSTROBE* Signa l EXTSTROBE* is an output-only signal that generates either a single pulse or a sequence of eight pulses in the hardware- strobe mode.
Chapter 4 Connec ting Signals NI PCI-6110 /6111 User M anual 4-28 WF TRIG Sig nal Any PFI pin can externally input the WFTRIG signal, which is available as an outp ut on the PFI6/ WFTRIG pin. As an input, WF TRIG is conf igured in the edge-detec tion mo de.
Chapter 4 Connec ting Sig nals © Nationa l Instrume nts Cor poration 4-29 NI PCI-61 10/611 1 User Manu al UPDA TE* Signa l Any PFI pin can externally input the UPDATE* signal, which is available as an outpu t on the P FI5/UPDATE* pin . As an input, UPD A TE* is configured in the edg e-detection mode.
Chapter 4 Connec ting Signals NI PCI-6110 /6111 User M anual 4-30 The NI PCI -6110/6111U I normall y generates U PD A TE* unless you select some external so urce. The WFTRIG signal starts the UI, and the UI can be stopped b y software or the internal Buf fer Cou nter .
Chapter 4 Connec ting Sig nals © Nationa l Instrume nts Cor poration 4-31 NI PCI-61 10/611 1 User Manu al GPCTR0_SOURCE Sign al Any PFI pin can ext ernally input the GPCTR0_SO URCE signal, whic h is available as an out put on the PFI8/GPCT R0_SOURCE p in.
Chapter 4 Connec ting Signals NI PCI-6110 /6111 User M anual 4-32 As an out put, GPCTR0_GA TE reflects th e actual g ate signal connected to general-purpose counter 0, e ven if the gate is being e xternally generated by another PFI. Thi s output is set to high-imped ance at startup.
Chapter 4 Connec ting Sig nals © Nationa l Instrume nts Cor poration 4-33 NI PCI-61 10/611 1 User Manu al GPCTR0_UP_DOWN Si gnal This signal can be externally input on the DIO6 pin and is no t available as an output on the I/O connect or.
Chapter 4 Connec ting Signals NI PCI-6110 /6111 User M anual 4-34 GPCTR1_GA TE Si gnal Any PFI pin can externally input the GPC TR1_GATE signal, which is available as an out put on the PFI4/GPCTR1_ GATE pin. As an in put, GPCTR1_ GA TE is config ured in edge-d etection mode.
Chapter 4 Connec ting Sig nals © Nationa l Instrume nts Cor poration 4-35 NI PCI-61 10/611 1 User Manu al GPCTR1_OUT Sign al This signal is availab le only as an output o n the GPCTR1 _OUT pin. The GPCTR1_O UT signal moni tors the TC of general-pur pose counter 1.
Chapter 4 Connec ting Signals NI PCI-6110 /6111 User M anual 4-36 Figu re 4-33. GPCT R Tim ing Summa ry The GA TE and OUT signal transitions sho wn in Figure 4-33 are referenced to the rising ed ge of th e SOURCE s ignal. This tim ing diagram as sumes that the coun ters are progr ammed to cou nt rising edges.
Chapter 4 Connec ting Sig nals © Nationa l Instrume nts Cor poration 4-37 NI PCI-61 10/611 1 User Manu al The OUT ou tput timing param eters are ref erenced to the signal at the SOURCE inpu t or to on e of the intern ally generated cl ock signals on the NI PC I-6110/6111 .
Chapter 4 Connec ting Signals NI PCI-6110 /6111 User M anual 4-38 separate them by a r easonable distance if th ey run in parallel, or run the lines at right angles to each other . • Do not ru n signal lines t hrough condui ts that also cont ain po wer lines.
© Nationa l Instrume nts Cor poration 5-1 NI PCI-61 10/6111 Us er Manu al 5 Calibration This chapter discusses the ca libration pr ocedures for the NI PCI-6110/6111. NI-DAQ includ es calibration functions for performing all of the steps in the calibration process.
Chapter 5 Calibration NI PCI-6110 /6111 User M anual 5-2 v ary with time and temperature. It is better to self-calibrate when the de vice is installed in the environment in which it is used.
© Nationa l Instrume nts Cor poration A-1 NI PCI-61 10/6111 Us er Manu al A Specifications This appendix lists the sp ecifications of the NI PCI-6110/6111. These specif ications are typical at 25 °C unless otherwise noted . Analog Inpu t Input Characte ristics Number of channels NI PCI-6110.
Appendix A Spec ification s NI PCI-6110 /6111 User Man ual A-2 FIFO buffer size............... ................. ......8,192 samples Data transfers ........ ................. ........... ......DMA, interrupts, progr ammed I/O DMA modes .... ...
Appendix A Specific ations © Nationa l Instrume nts Cor poration A-3 NI PCI-61 10/6111 Us er Manu al Amplif ier Ch arac teris tics Input impedan ce ACH<0..3>+ to ACH<0..3>– Normal powered o n ................. 1 M Ω in parallel with 10 0 pF Powered off.
Appendix A Spec ification s NI PCI-6110 /6111 User Man ual A-4 Stabili ty Recommended warm-u p time ...... ...........15 minu tes Offset temperature coeff icient Pregain ...................... ............ ...........±5 µ V/°C Postgain .....
Appendix A Specific ations © Nationa l Instrume nts Cor poration A-5 NI PCI-61 10/6111 Us er Manu al Analog Outp ut Output Chara cteristics Number of channels ................. .............. 2 voltage Resolution .................... ............ ...
Appendix A Spec ification s NI PCI-6110 /6111 User Man ual A-6 Current dr ive .................... ................. ......±5 mA min Output stability ............................ ...........Any passive load Protection .............. ..........
Appendix A Specific ations © Nationa l Instrume nts Cor poration A-7 NI PCI-61 10/6111 Us er Manu al Digital logic levels Power-on state ... ................. ................. ... Input (high-impedance) Data transfers ..................... .........
Appendix A Spec ification s NI PCI-6110 /6111 User Man ual A-8 Min source pulse dur ation ............... ......10 ns, edge-detect mode Min gate pulse d uration ................... ......10 ns, edge-detect mode Data transfers ........ .........
Appendix A Specific ations © Nationa l Instrume nts Cor poration A-9 NI PCI-61 10/6111 Us er Manu al Source................ ................. ................. ... All analog input channels, external trigger (PFI0/TRIG1) Level Internal source, ACH<0.
Appendix A Spec ification s NI PCI-6110 /6111 User Man ual A-1 0 Protection Digital trigger ....................... ...........–0.5 V to (V cc + 0.5) V Analog trigger On/disabled........ ................. ......±35 V Powered off ............
Appendix A Specific ations © Nationa l Instrume nts Cor poration A-11 NI PCI-61 10/611 1 User Manu al Environment al Operating temperature........ ........... ......... 0 to 45 °C Storage temperature ...................... ......... –20 to 70 °C Humidity .
Appendix A Spec ification s NI PCI-6110 /6111 User Man ual A-1 2 CE Compliance This product meets the ess ential requ irements of applicab le European Directi ves, as amended for CE marking, as follo ws: Low-Voltage Directive (saf ety) ........
© Nationa l Instrume nts Cor poration B-1 NI PCI-61 10/6111 Us er Manu al B Cable Connector Descriptions This append ix describ es the cable co nnectors on the NI PCI -6110/6111. Figur e B-1 sho ws the pin assig nments for t he 68-pin N I PCI-6 110/6111 connector .
Appe ndix B Cab le Co nnector Desc ripti ons NI PCI-6110 /6111 User Man ual B-2 Figur e B-1. 68- Pin Co nnect or Pin As signm ent f or the NI PCI-6 110/6 111 FREQ_OUT GPCTR0_OUT PFI9/GPCTR0_GAT.
Appendix B Cab le Connec tor Desc riptions © Nationa l Instrume nts Cor poration B-3 NI PCI-61 10/6111 Us er Manu al Figur e B-2. 50- Pin Co nnect or Pin As signm ent f or the NI PCI-6 110/6 111 DIO1.
© Nationa l Instrume nts Cor poration C-1 NI PCI-61 10/6111 Us er Manu al C Common Questions This appendix con tains a list of commonly ask ed questions and answers relating to usage and special features of the NI PCI-6110/6111.
Appendix C Common Questions NI PCI-6110 /6111 User Man ual C-2 What typ e of 5 V pr otectio n does t he NI PCI-61 10/6111 ha ve? The NI PCI-6110/6111 has 5 V lines equip ped with a self-resetting 1Af u s e .
Appendix C Common Questions © Nationa l Instrume nts Cor poration C-3 NI PCI-61 10/6111 Us er Manu al Analog Input and Output Why i s ther e a mini mum samp ling rate o n the NI PCI-6 110/611 1? The NI PCI -6110/6111 makes us e of a pipelin ed ADC in or der to achie v e its high sampling rates.
Appendix C Common Questions NI PCI-6110 /6111 User Man ual C-4 2. Set up acq uisition timin g so t hat the timing signal for A /D conv ersion comes from PFI5, as fo llo ws: • If you are using NI- D A Q, call Select_Signal(deviceNumber, ND_IN_SCAN _START, ND_PFI_5, ND_HIGH_TO_LOW) .
Appendix C Common Questions © Nationa l Instrume nts Cor poration C-5 NI PCI-61 10/6111 Us er Manu al Do the counter/timer applications that I wro te pre viously work with the D A Q-STC? If you are using NI-D A Q with LabVI EW , some applicat ions that were built using the CTR VIs st ill run.
Appendix C Common Questions NI PCI-6110 /6111 User Man ual C-6 Caution I f you enable a PFI line for o utput, do not connect an y extern al signal source to it. Connecting external sign als to enabled PFI l ines can damage the de vice, the computer , and the conn ected equipment.
© Nationa l Instrume nts Cor poration D-1 NI PCI-61 10/6111 Us er Manu al D T echnical Support and Professional Ser vices Visit the followin g sections of the Nation al Instrument s Web site at ni.
Appendix D T e chnical Support a nd Professional Ser vices NI PCI-6110 /6111 User M anual D-2 If you s earched and co uld not f ind t he answers you n eed, contact your local of fice or NI corp orate headquarters. Phone n umbers for our worldwide of fices are listed at the front of this manual.
© Nationa l Instrume nts Cor poration G-1 NI PCI-61 10/6111 Us er Manu al Glossar y l Symbol Pref ix V alue pp i c o 1 0 –1 2 nn a n o 1 0 –9 µ mic ro 10 –6 m milli 10 –3 k kilo 10 3 Mm e g .
Gloss ar y NI PCI-6110 /6111 User M anual G-2 square ro ot of +5 V +5 VDC source signal A A amperes A/D analog-to-dig ital A C alternating current A CH analog in put channel s ignal A CH0GND an.
Glossary © Nationa l Instrume nts Cor poration G-3 NI PCI-61 10/6111 Us er Manu al C CC e l s i u s CalD A C calibration DA C CH channel—pi n or wire lead to which you apply or from which you read the analog or digital signal. Analog signa ls can be si ngle -end ed or differe ntia l.
Gloss ar y NI PCI-6110 /6111 User M anual G-4 D D/A digital-to-analog D A C digital-to-analog con v erter—an el ectronic de vice, often an inte grated circuit, that con verts a digital nu mbe.
Glossary © Nationa l Instrume nts Cor poration G-5 NI PCI-61 10/6111 Us er Manu al DOC the Canadian Depar tment of Co mmunications DoC Declaration of Confor mity E edge detection a technique that loc.
Gloss ar y NI PCI-6110 /6111 User M anual G-6 FIFO fi rst-in fi rst-out memory b uf fer—FIFOs are often us ed on D A Q devices to tempor arily store i ncoming or outgoing data until that data can be read or written. F or example, an analog input FIFO stores the res ults of A/D con v ersions until the data can be read into system memory .
Glossary © Nationa l Instrume nts Cor poration G-7 NI PCI-61 10/6111 Us er Manu al GPCTR1_UP _DO WN general-p urpose cou nter 1 up do wn signal ground an electrically neutral wire that ha s the same .
Gloss ar y NI PCI-6110 /6111 User M anual G-8 K kHz ki loh ertz L LabVI EW a gra phic al pr ogr ammi ng l angu age LED light emitting diode library a file co ntaining compiled obj ect modules, each compris ed of one of more funct ions, t hat can be l inked t o other o bject modules that mak e use of these functions .
Glossary © Nationa l Instrume nts Cor poration G-9 NI PCI-61 10/6111 Us er Manu al mux multiplexer—a switching de vice with multiple inputs th at sequentially connects each of its inputs to its out.
Gloss ar y NI PCI-6110 /6111 User M anual G-10 PFI2/CONVE R T* PFI2 /con vert PFI3/GP CTR1_SOURC E PFI3/gen eral-purp ose counter 1 source PFI4/GP CTR1_GA TE PFI4/gen eral-purpose coun ter 1 ga.
Glossary © Nationa l Instrume nts Cor poration G-11 N I PCI-6110/ 6111 Us er Manu al R RAM random acces s memory range the maximum and mi nimum paramet ers between wh ich a sensor , instrument, o r d.
Gloss ar y NI PCI-6110 /6111 User M anual G-12 scan rate reciprocal of the scan interv al SCANCLK scan clock signal SCSI s mall computer system interf ace— a high-speed, peripheral-connect in.
Glossary © Nationa l Instrume nts Cor poration G-13 N I PCI-6110/ 6111 Us er Manu al thermocouple a temperature sensor created by joining two dissimilar metals ; the junction produces a small voltage.
Gloss ar y NI PCI-6110 /6111 User M anual G-14 V IH volts, input high V IL volts, input low V in vol t s i n V m measured v oltage V OH vo lts, out put high V OL vo lts, output lo w V ref refer.
© Nationa l Instrume nts Cor poration I-1 N I PCI-6110/ 6111 Use r Manual Index Symbols +5 V signal desc ript ion (ta ble), 4-4 powe r con ne ctio ns, 4 -16 self-resetting fuse, 4-16, C-2 Numerics 50.
Index NI PCI-6110 /6111 User M anual I-2 anal og ou tput number of channels, 3-4 output rang e, 3-4 quest ions a bo ut, C-3 signal co nnections, 4- 14 specifications dynamic characteristics, A-.
Index © Nationa l Instrume nts Cor poration I-3 N I PCI-6110/ 6111 Use r Manual typical posttriggered acquisition (figur e), 4-18 typical pretriggered acqu isition (figur e), 4-19 counter/timer app l.
Index NI PCI-6110 /6111 User M anual I-4 driv ers instrument, D-1 software, D-1 dynamic characteristics specifications analog input, A-3 anal og ou tp ut, A- 6 E EEPROM st orage of calib ration.
Index © Nationa l Instrume nts Cor poration I-5 N I PCI-6110/ 6111 Use r Manual GPCTR1_OUT signal desc ript ion (ta ble), 4-5 general-p urpose counter timi ng summary (figur e), 4-36 general-p urpose.
Index NI PCI-6110 /6111 User M anual I-6 K KnowledgeBase, D-1 L LabVIEW appli cation softwar e, 1-3 loading calib ration constant s, 5-1 lowValue, 3-5, 3-6, 3 -7 M manual. See documentation MAX configu ration instr uctions, 2-2 quest ions a bo ut, C-2 Measurement & Auto mation Explorer.
Index © Nationa l Instrume nts Cor poration I-7 N I PCI-6110/ 6111 Use r Manual PFI2/C ONVERT* si gnal See also CONVERT * signal desc ript ion (ta ble), 4-5 signal s ummary (table ), 4-6 PFI3/GP CTR1.
Index NI PCI-6110 /6111 User M anual I-8 R Real-Time System Integration . See RTSI related documentation, xi requirem ents for getti ng started, 1-2 RTSI bus over vie w, 1 -1 signal co nnection.
Index © Nationa l Instrume nts Cor poration I-9 N I PCI-6110/ 6111 Use r Manual waveform generation tim ing connections over vie w, 4 -27 UISOURCE signal, 4-30 UPDATE* s ignal, 4-29 WFTRIG si gnal, 4.
Index NI PCI-6110 /6111 User M anual I-10 EXTSTROBE* sign al, 4-27 over vie w, 4 -18 SCANCLK si gnal, 4- 26 SISOURCE signal , 4-26 STARTSCAN signal, 4-22 TRIG1 si gnal, 4-19 TRIG2 si gnal, 4-20.
Index © Nationa l Instrume nts Cor poration I-11 NI PCI-61 10/6111 Us er Manu al W waveform generation timin g connections over vie w, 4 -27 quest ions a bo ut, C-3 UISOURCE signal, 4-30 UPDATE* si g.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il National Instruments NI PCI-6110 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del National Instruments NI PCI-6110 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso National Instruments NI PCI-6110 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul National Instruments NI PCI-6110 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il National Instruments NI PCI-6110, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del National Instruments NI PCI-6110.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il National Instruments NI PCI-6110. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo National Instruments NI PCI-6110 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.