Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto PAC-YG31CDA del fabbricante Mitsubishi Electronics
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Mit subishi Electric A ir Conditioning Netw ork System BA Cne t TM Inter face : P A C- YG3 1CD A ( V er . 1.30 ) Operation Manual Contents 1 . S a f e t y P r e c a u t i o n s … … … 1 2 .Sy stem Requirem ents …… … 2 3 . S y s t e m C o n f i g u r a t i o n … … … 4 4 .
C o n t e n t s 1 . S a f e t y P r e c a u t i o n s … … … 1 2 .Sy st em Requirements … …… 3 2 .1 Requir ement s (system recommendations) …… … 3 2 .2 Compatible Air conditioner … …… 3 2 . 3 R e s t r i c t i o n s … … … 4 3.
In this manual, Mi crosoft® W in dows® XP Profes s ional is call ed W indows XP . T r ademarks MS, Microsoft, Microsoft logo, and W indows are regist ered trademarks and trade names of Microsoft Corporation. BACnet TM is a register ed trade m ark of ASHRAE (Am erican Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air – Conditioning Engineers, Inc.
1. Safety Prec autions · Please read the Saf ety Precautions section very carefully before us ing the unit. · The safet y c autions provide d here are ver y important for your safet y .
Safet y Guidel ines for t he Com puter Ru nning the I ntegrat ed P A C -YG 31CDA So ft w are ( Summar y) 1. Sele cting a Computer Selecting a deskt op · Depending on the func tion, it is recommended to use a desktop as opposed to a laptop comput er as there is a tendenc y for heat to build up in a lapt op.
2.S y stem R e q uire men t s 2.1 Requireme nts (system recommendat ion s) We reco mm end the following software and hardwa re when using thi s application (P AC - YG31CDA ; BACnet IF ) . Item Content s Note PC PC /A T interc hange able machine CPU Penti um 4 1.
2.3 Restri ction s The following restr ictions apply to the BACnet IF program. (1) System c onfiguration limits Number of unit s Note G-50A Max. 10 units G-50A V er .
3.S y stem Conf i g urat ion 3.1 S ystem Configu ration Ex ample Pow er supply unit G-50A G-50A [ Im age drawing] Indoor unit Outdoor unit LAN HUB BACnet IF Softwa re Pow er supply unit Remote controller 3.2 Hardw are Con nect ion Dia gram (1) LAN connection Connect the LAN cable to the PC.
3.3 G roup Co nfigur atio n In BACnet IF , a G-50A number + g r oup nu m ber is a unit for m anage m ent. The inst ance number of BACnet con sist s of G-50A nu m ber + gr oup number + m ember numbe rs. For detail s, it is "Chap ter 4.3 Relation between object and management it em " refe rence.
4.Funct ional s p ecification 4.1 Communic ation Proto col Specific ation 1) Prot ocol Outline BACnet/IP which appli ed to ANSI/AS HRAE 135-1995, 13 5a, 135b cor r espondi ngly on UDP/IP of Ether n et is us ed.
4.2 O bject List The list of the o bjects to be used is shown below . Obj ect ty pe Support ¡ : Suppor t ×: U n-suppor ting Note Analog Input 0 ¡ Analog Output 1 × Analog V alue 2 ¡ Binary Input .
4.3 O bject and Mana gement It em Obj ect ID co nsis ts of o bjec t typ e + ins tanc e num ber. An instan c e nu mber consis ts of G-50A num ber + ai r-conditioner equip m ent g roup number + m ember nu m ber .
Object Object type Insta nce number Mana gement i tem Note Prohibition of local ope ration (filter rese t) Binar y V a lue xxxx15 Inac tive: Permit Active: Prohibit Prohibition of local operation (Set T emp .
4.4 Se rvic e List Serv ice Init iate Exe cute Not e Ack nowled ge Al arm 0 × × Conf irmed COV Notific ation 1 ¡ × Confirmed Event No tification 2 ¡ × Get Alarm Summary 3 × × Get E nrol lment .
4.5 Se rvice l ist for e very ob ject Ser vice tr anscei ver list for ever y object is sho wn belo w . IN IT : BACn et IF transm its. EXEC : BACnet IF receives.
4.6 E vent Ser vice s pecif icati on It is s hown whe ther Event Noti fication of ea c h ob j ect is carried out o r it does not c arry out. Event is u s ed for the notice of Alarm . COV is used for announcement a t the time o f change of Pre sent_V alue.
4.8 Setting functional list T he li s t of t he setting f unctions o f BACnet IF is a rranged below . Ch apter 8 ex plai ns th e usa ge of each funct ion. Se tti ng i nf orm ation takes bac kup . F or t he back up p roc edur e, r ef er to Ap pen dix 3.
5.Installation 5.1 Pr e-ins t allati on Steps Prep aring for inst allati on Bef ore instal ling BACn et IF pr ogram , d o the fo llo wing chec ks an d prepar ato ry st eps.
5.2 B ACnet IF Setup This s ection descri bes ho w to set up BACnet IF a nd a sett ing t ool (Set BACnet ). (1) CD-RO M d ire ctor y st ructu re The folder compo s ition of the setup disk (CD-ROM) of BACnet IF is shown.
(5) Check t he ins tal lati on fo lder Check the location where the prog ram is to be install ed. I f the location needs to be chang ed, set the n ew location by clicking the [B r owse] butto n. Afte r checking the inst allation location, cli ck the [Next] b u t t o n .
5.3 B ACnet IF Uninstall This sect ion descr ib es how to un instal l “BA Cnet IF ” and “Sett ing T ool (S etBAC net) “ prog ram. (1) Un inst all 1) Check to see if the BACne t IF has ended Check to s ee if th e BACnet IF and XmlSvr have ended, i f it ha s not ende d, end it.
6.1 Wind ow Eleme nts The icon i s display ed on the taskbar by the completion of sta rting of BACnet IF program. Click the BA Cnet IF icon on a taskbar wi th the ligh t button o f a mouse. A pop up w ill appear . (1) Show W indow Select the [Show W indow ] on a pop up m enu.
7. I niti al St artu p and S hutdown 7.1 B efore St artu p Before star ting BACnet IF program, do the following ch eck s. No. Item (1) A test run of the air condi tioning sy s tem has been c ompleted . (2) Check that th e personal comp uter , HUB, G-50A, power supply unit, and air condi tioner power are turned on .
3) Push [Alt] and [F4] button s . The confirmation scr een will o pen. 4) Click the [Y es] button. The confirmation screen will open again. 5) Click t he [Y es] button. The [No w Closing] dialog bo x is di splayed for several seconds. 6) Shut dow n the W indow s, afte r the BACnetIF end .
8. S y stem Sett in g Proce dure Set ti ng T ool [S etBA Cnet ] is the pr ogr am tha t sets u p the func tion and s ystem conf ig urat ion of BAC net IF . Please resta rt BACnet IF , if Setting T ool sets up the function and sy s tem configuration of BACnet IF .
8.3 Wind ows El ements The in it ial set up screen of SetB ACnet is s hown b elo w . Title bar: Show the title of th e wind ow. Men u bar : Show a lis t of fu nction that may be selected . G-50A Tab: Sets the unit configuration in BACnet IF. System Tab: Set the extended functions.
8.6 System Set ting Proced ure The follow ing is an explanatio n of the Sy s tem Setting s performed at Se tting T ool. S tep1: G-50A conne c tion set-up S tep2: Group configura t ion set-up S tep3: B.
8.7.2 G-50A NO. and IP-A dd ress Set the number and IP-Add ress of G- 50A connected to the sy st em. Item Contents Set value No. (G-50A No. ) *1 Set th e num ber of G -50 A co nnec te d to t he sy stem. Default: Null Range: 1 to 10 IP Address Input an I P address o f the G-50A.
(4) fr om G-50A Click the [from G-50] button. The co nfi rm ation screen will open. Click the [YES] button acquires group informati on from G-50A. Note: Separat ely , it is ne c essary to register group s into G-50A. 8.7.4 Group se tup Gro up Setup Item Contents Set value Group No Input t he number of a group.
8.8 Set up for B ACnet BACnet communi c ation is set up. 8.8.1 Co mmunication se tup Item Contents Set value Broad Cast IP A ddress Input the IP addr ess of the BM S. It is used when set as [use CO V/EVENT notify ] and [Unconfirmed] . This i s the desti nation address of a c hec k message (I Am Service).
8.8.2 No t ifica t ion S etting BMS car ries out th e mon itor of th e state, in or der t o kno w the s tate of Objec t of B ACne tIF . Notifi c ation i s the functi on notified t o the BACnet ( or Buildi ng Automation System), when th e value currently supervised exceeds a limit o r it c hanges to an alarm value .
(2) Modify notif ication address Click the [Modify ] button. The [Notificati on Address] screen wi ll open. (3) Del ete not ifica tion add ress Click the [Delete] button. The confirmation screen will open. Item Contents Set value IP Address Input th e IP address to notif y .
Notif icati on Clas s Setting Notifi c ation Cla ss is set up for every Notification Cla s s. (1) A dd noti ficatio n clas s Click the [Add] button. The [Noti fication Class] scr een will o pen. (2) Modify notif ication address Click the [Modify] button .
Item Contents Set value IP Address Input th e IP address to notif y , The devices, which communicate on BACnet makes a net work address the same setup.
8.9 S ystem Setu p The extended fun c tion of a system is s et up. Parameter Contents V alue Uni t Of temp erat ure It is on BACnet communication and is the temperature uni t to be used .
9. Site Ad j ustment 9.1 Si te A dj ustm ent W hen t he task of sit e a djus tmen t is su bdiv ided int o sm al ler task s as s how n in the f ig ure belo w , t he task s c an b e broadly grouped into 3 steps.
9.2 T ools f or Site A d justme nt Y ou will need the foll owing equipment and r eferen ce material in o rder to easily c arry out site adjustment . Item Content s Note Meas ur em ent instruments T es.
9.4 S tep 2: Initial se tting of BACnet IF LAN Step 2 HUB Power supply unit G-50A BACnet IF Ether BACnet Building Automatio n System (1) Set-up of BACnet IF Make preparations to allow the PC to be oper ative in or der to install BACnet IF . After performing the set-up preparations, set up BACnet IF .
9.5 Set ting Check Follow a setting item chec k list according to each function y ou want to use. Item Point T arget G-50A setup IP Address Is it in agreemen t with the G-50A number r egistered into B.
9.6 S tep 3: T est operatio n from BM S (Buil ding Mana gement S ystem) LAN Ether BACnet Building Manage m ent Sy stem BACnet IF G-50A Power supply unit HUB Step 3 Perform the test operation from BMS to check the operation s tate and m onitor display of the air conditioner .
BACnet Interface P A C- YG31CD A Si te Adj u s t m e n t shee t G- 50A Number [ ] IPaddress[ . . . ] Group Number[ ] Obje ct Objec t type Instanc e number *5) Mana gement i tem T est proc edur e Result On/Off ( setup) BO xxxx01 Inactive: On Active: Of f - Ch ange operat ion/ sto p of a certai n gr oup f rom BM S * 6.
Obje ct Objec t type Instanc e number *5) Mana gement i tem T est proc edur e Result Prohibition of loc al oper atio n (Mod e) BV xxxx14 Inactive: Permit Active: Prohibit - Change remote con trol hand op eration (Mod e) of a group fr om BMS.
A pp endix 1: A uto Lo g – In Conf irmati on Me thod This chapter describes the pro c edure fo r confirming that the Auto login s etting i s validated. 1) Select [U s er a ccount] on [Cont rol Panel]. 2) Select [Ch ange user’s log-on/l og-off m ethod] .
The initial va lue of the prope rty of each ob j ect is shown. Obje ct Ob ject T y pe Ins tance Number Pr esen t V al ue No te On/Off (setup) BO xxxx01 OFF (0) On / Off (s tat e ) BI xxxx02 OFF (0 ) A.
A pp endix 3: Correctin g the s y stem settin g da t a when PC fails or is re p laced. W hen PC, whic h set u p BAC net, break s do wn or it re place s, ho w to restor e syst em sett ing data is shown . 1. How to back up system setting dat a System se tting dat a is copied to CD -R from the personal compute r of a site .
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Mitsubishi Electronics PAC-YG31CDA è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Mitsubishi Electronics PAC-YG31CDA - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Mitsubishi Electronics PAC-YG31CDA imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Mitsubishi Electronics PAC-YG31CDA ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Mitsubishi Electronics PAC-YG31CDA, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Mitsubishi Electronics PAC-YG31CDA.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Mitsubishi Electronics PAC-YG31CDA. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Mitsubishi Electronics PAC-YG31CDA insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.