Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto MR-J2S- CP del fabbricante Mitsubishi Electronics
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General-Purpose AC Servo J2-Super Series SH (NA) 030017-G (0709) MEE Printed in Japan Specifications subject to change without notice. This Instruction Manual uses recycled paper.
A - 1 Safety Instructions (Alwa ys read t hese instruct ions before us ing th e equi pm ent.) Do not attempt t o inst all, op erate, m aintai n or insp ect the s ervo amplifi er and s ervo m otor unt .
A - 2 1. To prevent electric shock, note the following: WARNING Befor e wirin g or insp ection, turn off the po wer and wait for 1 5 minu tes or m ore unt il the char ge lam p turns off . Then, co nfirm that the volta ge bet ween P and N is s afe with a voltag e tester and ot hers.
A - 3 4. Additional instruct ions The f ollowi ng instr uctions shoul d also b e full y noted. Incorr ect hand ling m ay cause a fault, injur y, electr ic shock , etc. (1) Transportation and installation CAUTION Trans port the products correctl y accor ding to their weights.
A - 4 CAUTION Secur ely att ach the s ervo motor to t he mach ine. If attach insecur ely, th e servo m otor m ay com e off dur ing operat ion. The s ervo motor with reduct ion gear must be instal led i n the sp ecified direc tion to pr event oil le akage.
A - 5 (3) Te st run adju stment CAUTION Befor e operat ion, c heck th e param eter set tings. Im prope r settin gs m ay cause s ome machines to p erform unexpec ted o peratio n. The par ameter settin gs m ust not be change d exce ssivel y. Oper ation wi ll be i nsatiab le.
A - 6 (6) Maintenance, inspection and parts replacement CAUTION W ith age, the e lectrol ytic capac itor of the serv o amplif ier will deter iorate. T o prevent a seco ndary acc ident due t o a fault, it is r ecomm ended to r eplac e the e lectrolyti c capac itor e very 1 0 year s when us ed in ge neral environm ent.
A - 7 COMPLIANCE WITH EC DIRECTIVES 1. W HAT ARE EC DIR ECTI VES? The EC directives were issued to standa rdize the regulations of the EU countries and ensure smooth distributi on of safety-guaranteed products.
A - 8 (4) Power supply (a) Operat e the servo amplifier t o meet the requirements of t he overvolta ge category II set forth in IEC60664-1. For this purpose, a reinforced insulating transformer conformi ng to the IEC or EN Standard should be used in the power input section.
A - 9 CONFORMANCE WITH UL/C-UL STANDARD (1) Ser vo am plifier s and s ervo m otors us ed Use the servo amplifiers and servo motors which comply with the standard model.
A - 10 MEMO.
1 CONTENTS 1. FUNCT IONS AND CO NFIGURAT ION 1- 1 to 1- 26 1.1 Intro duction ............................................................................................................... ............................... 1- 1 1.1.1 Fun ction b lock diag ram .
2 3.10 Ground ing ................................................................................................................. ............................ 3-37 3.11 Se rvo amplif ier termi nal block ( TE2) wir ing meth od .......................
3 5.2.5 Cha nging the stop pa ttern using a limit switch ........................................................................... 5- 24 5.2.6 Al arm histo ry clear ....................................................................................
4 7.10.2 Po sition dat a setting method ............................................................................................ ............ 7-25 8. GEN ERAL G AIN ADJU STMENT 8- 1 to 8-12 8.1 Differe nt adju stment methods ......................
5 13. CH ARACT ERISTICS 13- 1 t o 13- 8 13.1 Ove rload pro tection c haracteri stics ....................................................................................... ............ 13- 1 13.2 Po wer supply equipm ent capac ity and gener ated lo ss .
6 15.11 Co mmand and d ata No. li st ................................................................................................ ............. 15-11 15.11.1 Read comm ands ..........................................................................
7 Optional Servo Motor Instruction Manual CONTENTS The rough tabl e of contents of the optional MELSERVO Servo Motor Instruction Ma nual is introduced here for your reference. Note that the conten ts of t he Servo Motor Instruction Manual are not included in the Servo Amplif ier Instru ction M anual.
8 MEM O.
1 - 1 1. FUNCTIO NS AN D CONFIGURATI ON 1. FUNCTIONS A ND CONFIGURATION 1.1 Introduc tion The MR-J2S-C P AC se rvo ampl ifier w ith buil t-in po sitioni ng fun ction s is the MR-J2 S-A gene ral-pu rpose AC servo am plifier which incorporat e single-axis pos itioning functi ons.
1 - 2 1. FUNCTIONS AND CONFIGURATION (1) MR-J2S-350CP or le ss 100 0 0 80 100 100 0 ( Note 2 ) Powe r suppl y NFB MC Servo amplifier Reg ene r ati ve opt io n (Note 1) PD C Diode stack Relay L 1 L 2 L.
1 - 3 1. FUNCTIONS AND CONFIGURATION (2) MR-J2S-500CP 700C P 1000 0 80 100 100 0 (Note) Powe r supply NFB MC Servo amplifier Regenerative option PN C Diode stack Relay L 1 L 2 L 3 CHARGE lamp Rege ner.
1 - 4 1. FUNCTIONS AND CONFIGURATION 1.1.2 S y stem configur ation This se ction de scribe s oper ations u sing thi s servo . You can arrange any configurations from a si ngle-axis to max. 32-axis syst ems. Further, the connector pins in the interface section a llow you to as sign the optimum si gnals to respect ive systems.
1 - 5 1. FUNCTIONS AND CONFIGURATION (2) Op eration using ex terna l input s igna ls and com muni cation (a) Description Commun icatio n can be used to ch ange the poin t table data , choo se the point table, c hange parameter v alues, and confirm mon itor data, for ex a mple.
1 - 6 1. FUNCTIONS AND CONFIGURATION 2) Several (up to 32) servo amplifi ers are connected with the personal computer by RS-422. Use parameter No. 1 6 to change the communication system.
1 - 7 1. FUNCTIONS AND CONFIGURATION (3) Op erati on usin g comm unicat ion (a) Description Analog inp ut, force d stop (EMG) and o ther sign als are con trolled by e xternal I/O signal s and the other devices controlled through communication.
1 - 8 1. FUNCTIONS AND CONFIGURATION 2) Several (up to 32) servo amplifi ers are connected with the personal computer by RS-422. Use parameter No. 1 6 to change the communication system.
1 - 9 1. FUNCTIONS AND CONFIGURATION 1.1.3 I/O de vices This serv o amplifie r allows device s to be alloca ted to the pins of connector CN1A/CN1B as desired.
1 - 10 1. FUNCTIONS AND CONFIGURATION 1.2 Serv o amplif ier standar d specif ications Servo am plifier MR-J2S - Ite m 10CP 20CP 40CP 60C P 70CP 100CP 200CP 350CP 500CP 700CP 10C P1 20CP1 40CP1 Volta g.
1 - 11 1. FUNCTIONS AND CONFIGURATION Servo am plifier MR-J2S - Ite m 10CP 20CP 40CP 60CP 70CP 100CP 200CP 350CP 500CP 700CP 10CP1 20CP1 40CP1 Home position ignorance (Servo-o n position as home position) Position wher e serv o-on (SON) is switch ed on is d efin ed a s home p osi tion.
1 - 12 1. FUNCTIONS AND CONFIGURATION 1.3 Func tion list The followin g table lists the functions of this servo. For details of the functions, refer to the reference field.
1 - 13 1. FUNCTIONS AND CONFIGURATION Function Des cription Reference Analog monitor The servo status is output in terms of voltage i n real time. Section 5.2. 4 Alarm histor y By using th e MR Conf igurator (s ervo conf iguration s oftware), the current alarm and five past alarm numbers are stored and displaye d.
1 - 14 1. FUNCTIONS AND CONFIGURATION (2) Model Rating plate MR–J2S–100CP or less MR–J2S– 200CP 350CP Built-in po sitioning functions Rated output Rating plate Rat ing p lat e MR–J2S– Ser .
1 - 15 1. FUNCTIONS AND CONFIGURATION 1.6 Structure 1.6.1 Part names (1) MR-J2S-100CP or le ss MODE UP DOWN SET Used to set data. Used to change th e display or data in each mode. Used to change th e mode. Reference Section4.5 Chapter7 Name/Application Battery holder Contains the battery f or absolute position data backup.
1 - 16 1. FUNCTIONS AND CONFIGURATION (2) MR-J2S-200CP MR- J2S-3 50CP POINT This se rvo amplifier i s shown without the front cover. For removal of the front cover, refer to section 1.6.2. MODE UP DOWN SET Cooling fan Fixed part (4 places) Used to set data .
1 - 17 1. FUNCTIONS AND CONFIGURATION (3) MR-J2S-500CP POINT The servo am plifier is shown without t he front cover. For remova l of the front cover, refer to section 1.6.2. MODE UP DOWN SET MODE UP DOWN S ET Name/Application Reference Batte ry c onnecto r (CO N1) Used to co nnect the battery for abso lute position data backup.
1 - 18 1. FUNCTIONS AND CONFIGURATION (4) MR-J2S-700CP POINT The servo am plifier is shown without t he front cover. For remova l of the front cover, refer to next page. MODE UP DOWN SET MODE UP DOWN SET Name/Application Reference Batte ry co nnector (CON1 ) Used to co nnect the batte ry for absolut e position data backup.
1 - 19 1. FUNCTIONS AND CONFIGURATION 1.6.2 Rem oval and rei nstallatio n of the f ront cover W ARNING Be fore removi ng or instal ling the fr on t cove r, tur n off t he pow er and wai t for 15 minutes or m ore unti l the c harge l amp tur ns off . Then, c onfirm that t he volta ge betwe en P and N is saf e wit h a vo ltage t ester a nd other s.
1 - 20 1. FUNCTIONS AND CONFIGURATION (3) For MR-J2S-700CP Front cover socket (2 p lac es) A) 1) Removal of the front cove r Reinstallation of the front cove r 1) Ins ert the two fro nt co ver h ooks at th e bottom into the sockets o f the servo amplifie r.
1 - 21 1. FUNCTIONS AND CONFIGURATION 1.7 Servo system with auxiliar y equipm ent W ARNING To preve nt an elec tric sho ck, alwa ys connec t the protec tive eart h (PE) term inal (term inal m arked ) of the s ervo am plif ier to the protect ive ear th (PE) of the c ontrol box.
1 - 22 1. FUNCTIONS AND CONFIGURATION (b) F or 1-phase 10 0V to 120 VAC (Note 2) Power supply Circuit breaker (NFB) or fuse Magnetic contactor (MC) To CN2 To CN3 To CN1B To CN1A L 21 L 11 Protective e.
1 - 23 1. FUNCTIONS AND CONFIGURATION (2) MR-J2S-200CP MR- J2S-3 50CP MR Config urator (Servo configuration software) Reg ener ati ve op ti on Chapter 6 Section 14.1.1 Options and auxiliary equipment Circuit breaker Magnetic contac tor Reference Section 14.
1 - 24 1. FUNCTIONS AND CONFIGURATION (3) MR-J2S-500CP L 1 L 2 L 3 U V W L 21 L 11 MR Configurator (Servo configuration sof tware) Regenerative option Chapter 6 Section 14.
1 - 25 1. FUNCTIONS AND CONFIGURATION (4) MR-J2S-700CP MR Configurator (Servo configuration sof tware) Regenerative option Chapter 6 Sectio n 14.1 .1 Options and auxiliary equipment Circui t breaker Magnetic contactor Reference Section 14.2.2 Section 14.
2 - 1 2. INSTALLATION 2. INSTALLA T ION CAUTION Stack ing in ex cess of the lim ited num ber of prod ucts is not allowed. Instal l the e quipm ent on inc ombus tible m aterial. Install ing them direct ly or c lose t o com bustibles will lead to a fir e.
2 - 2 2. INSTALLATION 2.2 Instal lation dir ection an d clearance s CAUTION Do not hol d the fr ont cove r to transpor t the ser vo ampl ifier. T he servo am plif ier may d ro p . The equ ipment m ust be ins talled in the sp ecified d irection. O therwis e, a fau lt ma y occur.
2 - 3 2. INSTALLATION (2) I nstallat ion of two or m ore se rvo am plifier s Leave a la rge clearance between the t op of the servo ampli fier and the internal su rface of the control box, and ins tall a coo ling f an to pre vent th e intern al temperature of the control box from exceeding the environm ental cond itions.
2 - 4 2. INSTALLATION 2.4 Cable s tress (1) The wa y of clamping the cabl e must be fully examined so that flexing stress and cabl e's own weight stress are not applied to the cable connection.
3 - 1 3. SIGNALS AND WI RING 3. SIGNALS AND W IRING W ARNING Any pers on who is in volved in wiring should be ful ly compet ent to do the wor k. Befor e wiring, tur n off the p ower and wait for 15 m inutes or m ore until th e charge lamp tur ns off .
3 - 2 3. SIGNALS AND W IRING 3.1 Standar d connect ion exam ple Servo amplifier (Note 3, 7) (Note 3, 7) CN1A CN1A DOG SG 8 10 9 18 COM ZP (Note 3, 7) (Note 3, 7) CN1B CN1B 15 16 17 7 5 14 8 9 10 11 2 .
3 - 3 3. SIGNALS AND W IRING 3.2 Interna l connect ion diagr am of servo amplif ier This section g ives the inte rnal conn ection diagra m wher e the sig nal a ssignmen t is in t he init ial st atus.
3 - 4 3. SIGNALS AND W IRING 3.3 I/O sign als 3.3.1 Connec tors and s ignal arran gements POINT The connector pin-out s shown above a re viewed fro m the cable connector wiring section side.
3 - 5 3. SIGNALS AND W IRING 3.3.2 Sign al (devic es) explanat ions (1) I/O devices POINT The devices not indicat ed in the Connector P in No. field of the I/O devi ces can be ass igned to the connector CN1 A/CN1B usin g the MR Configurat or (servo configurat ion software).
3 - 6 3. SIGNALS AND W IRING Device nam e Dev ices symbol Connector pin No. Func tions/Applications To sta rt op eration , sho rt LSP-SG and/or LS N-SG. Op en them to b ring the motor to a sud den stop and mak e it serv o-l ocked . Set " 1 " in p aramete r No.
3 - 7 3. SIGNALS AND W IRING Device nam e Dev ices symbol Connector pin No. Functions/Applicat ions The following table lists the point table nu mbers that may be chosen by the combinations of DI0, DI1, DI2, D I3 and DI4. Point table No. selection 1 DI0 CN1B 5 (Note)Input s ignal DI4 DI3 DI2 DI1 DI0 Point table No.
3 - 8 3. SIGNALS AND W IRING Device nam e Dev ices symbol Connector pin No. Functions/Applicat ions Tempo rary stop/R estart STP Short ST P-SG d uri ng au tomat ic operati on to make a temporar y s top.
3 - 9 3. SIGNALS AND W IRING (c) Output devices Device nam e D evi ces symbol Connector pin No. Functions/Applicat ions Troub le ALM CN1B 18 ALM- SG ar e discon nect ed wh en powe r is switc hed off or th e prote ctive circu it i s activated to shut off the base circuit.
3 - 10 3. SIGNALS AND W IRING Device nam e Dev ices symbol Connector pin No. Func tions/Applications Point table No. output 1 PT0 As soon as Movement finish (MEND) turns on, the point table No. is output as a 5- bit code. (Note) Output si gnal Point table No.
3 - 11 3. SIGNALS AND W IRING (2) In put signal For th e inpu t interf ace s (symbo ls in I /O colu mn in the ta ble), re fer to section 3.6 .2. Signal Signal symbol Connector pin No. Functions/Applicat ions I/O divisi on PP CN1A- 3 Manual pulse generat o r NP CN1A- 2 Used to connect th e manual pulse generat or (MR-HDP01).
3 - 12 3. SIGNALS AND W IRING (4) Communication POINT Refer to chapter 15 for the communication funct ion. Signal Signal symbol Connector pin No. Func tions/Applications RS-422 I/F SDP SDN RDP RDN CN3 9 CN3 19 CN3 5 CN3 15 RS-422 and RS-232C functions cannot be us ed together.
3 - 13 3. SIGNALS AND W IRING 3.4 Deta iled desc ription of signals ( devices) 3.4.1 For ward rotation s tart Rev erse rotation start T emporary stop/res tart (1) A forward rotat ion start (ST1) or a reverse rotati on st art (ST2) s hould make the s equence which can be used after the mai n circuit has been est ablished.
3 - 14 3. SIGNALS AND W IRING 3.4.2 Movem ent finis h Rough m at ch In pos ition POINT If an alarm cau se, etc. are removed and servo-on occurs afte r a stop is made by se rvo-off, al arm occurrence or Forced stop (EMG) ON during automatic operati on, Movement finish (MEND), Rough-match, (CPO) and In positi on (INP) are turned on.
3 - 15 3. SIGNALS AND W IRING (3) In position The followi ng timing chart shows the relationsh ip between the signal and the feedback pulse of the servo motor. This timing can be changed u sing parameter No. 6 (in-po sition range). INP-SG ar e connected in the servo-on statu s.
3 - 16 3. SIGNALS AND W IRING 3.4.3 Overr ide POINT When usin g the override (VC), make the override select ion (OVR) device available . The override (VC) may be used to change t he servo motor s peed. The followi ng table lists the signals and parameter re lated to the override.
3 - 17 3. SIGNALS AND W IRING 3.4.4 T orque limit POINT To use the torque limit, m ake the ex ternal torque limit se lection (T L) and internal to rque limit se lection ( TL2) available . The fo llowin g table list s the signal s and p arame ters r elated to the torque limi t.
3 - 18 3. SIGNALS AND W IRING (3) Ex terna l torque limit s electio n (TL) , inter nal tor que li mit selec tion (TL2) To use the extern al torqu e limit sele ction ( TL) and internal to rque lim it selec tion (T L2), make them available using the MR Configurator (servo configurati on software) (refer to chapter 6).
3 - 19 3. SIGNALS AND W IRING 3.5 Alarm occur rence timing c hart CAUTION W hen an alarm has occ urred, r emove its caus e, mak e sure th at the op eration signa l is not be ing input, ensure saf ety, an d reset t he alarm before r estarting operat ion.
3 - 20 3. SIGNALS AND W IRING 3.6 Interf aces 3.6.1 Comm on line The fo llow ing diag ram show s the po wer supply and i ts com mon l ine. Dl-1 CN1A CN1B VDD COM SON,etc. SG OPC 24VDC ALM,et c CN1A CN1B RA DO-1 Manual pulse generator MR-HDP01 A(B) 0V 5V PP(NP) SG 5V SG <Isolated> 15VDC 10% 30mA P15 R TLA VC, etc.
3 - 21 3. SIGNALS AND W IRING 3.6.2 Detai led descript ion of the interfac es This secti on gives the detai ls of the I/O signal interfa ces (refer to I/O Division in the ta ble) indicat ed in sectio ns 3.3. 2. Ref er to th is se ction and conn ect the in terface s with the ex terna l equipm ent.
3 - 22 3. SIGNALS AND W IRING (b) Lamp load For use of internal p ower supp ly For use of external p ower supp ly Servo amplifier COM R VDD 24VDC SG ALM, e tc (Note) 24VDC 10% Servo amplifier COM R VDD 24VDC SG ALM, et c Do no t conn ect VDD-COM. Note.
3 - 23 3. SIGNALS AND W IRING 2) Outp ut pu lse Servo motor CCW rotation LA LAR LB LBR LZ LZR T /2 400 s or more OP The time cycle (T ) is determined by the setting of the pa r ameter No. 27 a nd 58. (4) Analog input Input impedance 10k to 12k Upper limit setting 2k 15VD C P15R VC‚ etc LG SD 2k Servo amplifier Approx.
3 - 24 3. SIGNALS AND W IRING (6) Sourc e inpu t interfac e When using th e input interface of source type, all Dl-1 in put signals are of source type. S ource output cannot be provided. For use of internal p ower supp ly For us e of externa l power supp ly SG COM 24VDC VDD TR R: Approx.
3 - 25 3. SIGNALS AND W IRING 3.7 Input power suppl y circuit CAUTION Alwa ys connect a m agnet ic cont actor ( MC) betwe en the m ain circu it power s uppl y and L 1 , L 2 , and L 3 of the ser vo am plifier, a nd conf igure t he wirin g to be ab le to shu t down the po wer suppl y on the side of the servo am plifier ’s power sup ply.
3 - 26 3. SIGNALS AND W IRING (2) For 1-phas e 100 t o 120 VAC or 1- phase 230VAC power su pply RA OFF ON MC MC SK NFB MC L 1 L 2 L 3 L 11 L 21 EMG SON SG VDD COM ALM RA Power supply 1-phase 100 to 120VAC or 1-phase 230VAC Forced stop Servo-on (Note) Servo amplifier Trouble Forced stop Note : Not provided for 1 -phase 100 to 120VAC.
3 - 27 3. SIGNALS AND W IRING 3.7.2 T erminals The positions a nd signal arrangements of the termin al blocks change wit h the capacity of the servo amplifie r. Refer to sect ion 12.1. Symbol Connect ion Target (Applic a tion) Descr ipt ion Supply L 1 , L 2 and L 3 with th e following pow er.
3 - 28 3. SIGNALS AND W IRING 3.7.3 Power -on seque nce (1) Po wer-on procedur e 1) Always wire t he power su pply as shown in above section 3.7.1 usi ng the magnetic contactor wit h the main circuit power supply (three-phase 200V: L 1 , L 2 , L 3 , single-phase 230V single-phase 100V: L 1 , L 2 ).
3 - 29 3. SIGNALS AND W IRING 3.8 Conn ection of s ervo amplif ier and s ervo motor 3.8.1 Connec tion instr uctions W ARNING Insula te the connec tions o f the p ower su ppl y term inals to pr event an electr ic shock . CAUTION Connec t the wir es to the cor rect ph ase term inals ( U, V, W ) of the serv o amplif ier and ser vo m otor.
3 - 30 3. SIGNALS AND W IRING Servo m otor Connection diagram HC-KFS053 (B) to 73 (B) HC-MFS053 (B) to 73 (B) HC-UFS13 (B) to 73 (B) Servo amplifier (Note 1) Servo moto r Electromagnetic brake 24V DC .
3 - 31 3. SIGNALS AND W IRING 3.8.3 I/O term inals (1) HC-KFS HC-MF S HC-UFS3 000r/m in series 24 13 4 Power supply connecto r (Molex) Without electromag netic brake 5557-04R -210 (rece ptacle) 5556PBT L (Female term inal) With electrom agnetic brake 5557-06R -210 (rece ptacle) 5556PBT L (Female term inal) Enc oder cabl e 0.
3 - 32 3. SIGNALS AND W IRING (2) HC-SFS HC-RF S HC-UFS2 000 r/m in series Ser vo mo tor si de co nn ect ors Servo motor For pow er supply For encod er Electromagnetic brake connector HC-SFS81(B) HC-SFS52(B) to 152(B ) HC-SFS53(B) to 153(B ) CE05-2A22- 23PD-B The c onnector for power is shared.
3 - 33 3. SIGNALS AND W IRING 3.9 Serv o motor with electrom agnetic brak e CAUTION Configur e the elec trom agnetic br ake oper ation c ircuit so that it is ac tivated n ot only by the s ervo amplif ier sig nals bu t also b y an ext erna l forced s top (E MG).
3 - 34 3. SIGNALS AND W IRING (3) T iming char ts (a) Servo-on (SON) command (from controller) ON/OFF Tb (ms) after servo-on (SON) i s switched off, se rvo lock is released and the servo motor coasts. If the elect romagnetic brake is m ade vali d in the servo lock st atu s, the brake li fe may be shorter.
3 - 35 3. SIGNALS AND W IRING (c) Alarm occurrence Electromagnetic brake Dynamic brake Electromagnetic brake Dynamic brake (ON) Forward rotation Electromagnetic brake interlock (MBR) Servo motor s peed Base ci rcuit Trouble (ALM) ON OFF ON OFF (Note) 0r/min No Yes (OFF) Electro magnetic brake operatio n delay time (10ms) Note.
3 - 36 3. SIGNALS AND W IRING (e) On ly main c ircuit pow er supply off (con trol circu it pow er supply remains o n) (10ms) (10ms) Electromagnetic brake Dynamic brake Electromagnetic brake Dynamic b .
3 - 37 3. SIGNALS AND W IRING 3.10 Gro unding W ARNING Groun d the ser vo am plifier and ser vo m otor sec urel y . To prev ent an el ectric s hock , always con nect the pr otecti ve earth ( PE) ter minal of the ser vo am plifier with the protect ive ear th (PE) of the control box.
3 - 38 3. SIGNALS AND W IRING 3.11 Ser vo amplif ier term inal block (TE2) wiri ng metho d POINT Refer to Table 14.1 in se ction 14.2. 1 for the wire s izes used for wiring.
3 - 39 3. SIGNALS AND W IRING (2) T erminat ion of the cab les (a) When the wire is inserted directl y Insert the wire to the end pressi ng the butt on with a small flat b lade screwdriver or the like.
3 - 40 3. SIGNALS AND W IRING 3.11.2 For the servo am plifi er produced e arlier than D ec. 2005 1) Termi nation of the cables Solid wire: After the shea th has been stripped, the cable can be used as it is. Approx. 10mm (0.39inch) Twiste d wire : Use the ca ble af ter stripp ing the sheath and twis ting the c ore.
3 - 41 3. SIGNALS AND W IRING To loosen. To tighten. Opening Control circuit terminal block Cable Flat-blade sc rewdriver Tip thickness 0.4 to 0.6mm (0.016 to 0.024in.) Overall width 2.5 to 3.5mm (0.098 to 0.138in.) Use of a flat-blade torque screwdriver is recomme nde d to manage the screw tig htenin g torque .
3 - 42 3. SIGNALS AND W IRING 3.12 Instr uctions f or the 3M c onnector When fabricating a n encoder cable or t he like, securely connect the s hie lded externa l conductor of the cable to the ground plate as shown in this s ection and fi x it t o the connector shell.
4 - 1 4. OPERATION 4. OPERATION 4.1 W hen s witching p ower on for t he firs t time 4.1.1 Pre-o peratio n check s Before starti ng operation, check the following. (1) W iring (a) A correct power supply is connect ed to the p ower in put ter minal s (L 1 , L 2 , L 3 , L 11 , L 21 ) of the servo amplifie r.
4 - 2 4. OPERATION 4.1.2 S tartup W ARNING Do not oper ate the switch es with wet ha nds. You ma y get an e lectric sh ock. CAUTION Befor e starti ng oper ation, c heck the par ameters . Som e mac hines ma y perfor m unexpec ted o peratio n. Take s afet y m easures, e .
4 - 3 4. OPERATION (2) Star tup pr ocedur e (a) Power on 1) Switch off the servo-on (SON). 2) When main circui t power/contro l circuit power is switched on, "P oS" (Curre nt position) appears on the servo amplifier dis play. In the absolute positi on detection system, first power-on results in the abs olute posit ion lost (AL.
4 - 4 4. OPERATION (f) Home position return Perform home position return as required. Refer to sect ion 4.4 for home position return types. A parameter set ting example for dog type ho me position return is given here. Parameter Name Setting Descrip tion No.
4 - 5 4. OPERATION 4.2 Aut omatic operat ion m ode 4.2. 1 W hat i s automati c operat ion m ode? (1) C ommand s ystem After selection of pres et point tables usi ng the input signals or communi cation, operation is started by the forward rota tion start (ST1) or reverse rota tion start (ST2 ).
4 - 6 4. OPERATION (2) Point table (a) Point ta ble setti ng Up to 15 p oint tab les ma y be set. To u se poin t table N o.s 4 to 31, h oweve r, the po int table No.
4 - 7 4. OPERATION (Note 2) Input s ignals (Note 1) DI4 (Note 1) DI3 (Note 1) DI 2 DI1 DI0 Select ed point table No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 (Manual home position re turn mode) 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 1 1 3.
4 - 8 4. OPERATION 4.2. 2 Absol ute value command s y stem (1) Point table Set the point tabl e values using the MR Configurator (servo configurati on software) or from the operating section. Set the p ositio n data , motor speed, acc elerat ion tim e con stant, dece lera tion ti me const ant, dwe ll and auxili ary function to the point table.
4 - 9 4. OPERATION (b) ST1 coordinate system selecti on (parameter No.1) Choose t he servo motor rotation directi on at the time when the forwar d rotation sta rt (ST1) is switched on.
4 - 10 4. OPERATION 4.2.3 Increm ental va lue co mm and system (1) Point table Set the point tabl e values using the MR Configurator (servo configurati on software) or from the operating section. Set the p ositio n data , motor speed, acc elerat ion tim e con stant, dece lera tion ti me const ant, dwe ll and auxili ary function to the point table.
4 - 11 4. OPERATION (b) ST1 coordinate system selecti on (parameter No.1) Choose t he servo motor rotation direction at the time when the forward rota tion start (ST1 ) signal or reverse rotation start (ST2 ) signal is switched on. Servo m otor rotation direc tion Paramete r No .
4 - 12 4. OPERATION 4.2.4 Absolu te va lue comm and/ increm ental va lue c omm and specif ying s ystem This system is an auxili ary func tion fo r poi nt table s to use them by spe cifying the a bsolute valu e command and increment al value command.
4 - 13 4. OPERATION (2) Paramete r setting Set th e fol lowing p arame ters to perfo rm au tomatic ope ration. (a) Command mode selection (parameter No.0) Choose the abs olute value command/incremental value command specifyi ng system. 2 Pa ram ete r No.
4 - 14 4. OPERATION 4.2.5 Autom atic oper ation timing c hart The ti ming chart is shown below. ON OF ON OF ON OF ON OF ON OF ON OF 0r/min ON OF ON OF 2 1 ON OF 12 Automa tic/ma nual selection (MD0) Servo-on (SON) Forward rotation start (ST1) Reverse rotation st art (ST 2) ( Note 1 ) Point ta ble No.
4 - 15 4. OPERATION 4.2.6 Autom atic co ntinuo us oper ation (1) W hat is autom atic cont inuous operat ion? By merely choosing one point table and making a start (ST1 or ST2), operation can be performed in accord ance w ith th e poin t tabl es hav ing c ons ec uti ve numb ers.
4 - 16 4. OPERATION (a) A bsolute value comm and system 1) Posi tioning in single direction The position data (a ddresses) of the midway point tables are not used for positioning and speed is chang ed conti nuous ly to mov e to the set ad dress in the last po int table .
4 - 17 4. OPERATION 2) Pos itioning that reverses the di rection midway The po sitio n da ta (addr esse s) of the mid way p oint tables are u sed for positio ning and the direc tion is reve rsed to reach the po sition ing add ress set in the last point table .
4 - 18 4. OPERATION (b) Incremental value com mand system The positi on data of the incremental value command system is the sum of the position data of the consecutive point tables. The operati on example given below ass umes that the set values are as indicated in the followi ng table.
4 - 19 4. OPERATION (c) Ab solute va lue com mand/incre mental v alue com mand specifying sys tem This system i s an auxil iary f unction fo r point ta bles to perform au tomatic o perat ion by spe cifying the absol ute value command or incremental value command.
4 - 20 4. OPERATION 2) Pos itioning that reverses the di rection midway The operati on example given below ass umes that the set values are as indicated in t he following table. Here, t he point table No. 1 use s the a bsolute v alue co mmand syste m, the p oint ta ble No.
4 - 21 4. OPERATION (4) T emporar y stop/res tart When STP-S G are connected during aut omatic operation, the mot or is decelerated t o a temporary st op at t he decelerat ion time cons tant i n the poi nt tabl e bei ng executed. When STP -SG are connected again, the remai ning distance is execut ed.
4 - 22 4. OPERATION 4.3 Ma nual operat ion mode For machine adjustment, home position matching, etc. , jog operation or a manual pulse generator may be used to make a motio n to any position . 4.3.1 Jog oper atio n (1) Setting Set the input signal and parameters as follows according to the purpose of use.
4 - 23 4. OPERATION (4) T iming ch art Servo-on (SON) Ready (RD) Trouble (ALM) Automatic/manual selection (MD 0) Rough match (CPO) Servo motor speed Forward rotation start (ST1) Reverse rotation sta r.
4 - 24 4. OPERATION 4.3. 2 Manual pul se gene rato r operati on (1) Setting Set the input signal and parameters as follows according to the purpose of use.
4 - 25 4. OPERATION (b) Using the input signals for s etting Set the pulse gen erator m ultiplica tion 1 ( TP0) and p ulse gene rator multip licatio n 2 (TP1) to the input signa ls in "De vice s etting " on the MR Con fig urator (servo configuration software) (refer to chapter 6).
4 - 26 4. OPERATION 4.4 Man ual hom e posi tion retur n m ode 4.4.1 Outlin e of hom e posi tion ret urn Home position ret urn is performed to match the comma nd coordinates with the machin e coordinates. In the incremental system, home position return is requ ired every t ime input power is switched on.
4 - 27 4. OPERATION (2) Home position return parameter When p erform ing ho me p osition return , set p arame ter No .8 as fo llows . Home position return method···················.
4 - 28 4. OPERATION 4.4. 2 Dog type ho me posi tion retu rn A home positi on return method usi ng a proximity dog. W ith decelerati on started at t he front end of the proximity dog, the positi on whe.
4 - 29 4. OPERATION (3) T iming ch art ON OFF Reverse rotation start (ST2) ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF td Movemen t finish (MEND) Rough match (CPO) Home position return comp letion (ZP) Servo motor speed Z-phase Proximit y dog (DOG) Forward rotation start (ST1) Home position Proximity dog 5ms or mo re Poi nt ta ble No.
4 - 30 4. OPERATION 4.4. 3 Count type ho m e p ositi on return In co unt type h ome po siti on retur n, a mot ion is m ade ov er the d istance set in parame ter No. 43 (mov ing distance after proxi mity dog) after detection of th e proximity dog front end.
4 - 31 4. OPERATION 4.4. 4 Data se tting ty pe home positio n return Data se tting type ho me posi tion re turn i s used wh en it i s desire d to dete rmin e any p osition as a home position. JOG operation, manual pulse generator operation or like can be used for movement.
4 - 32 4. OPERATION 4.4. 5 Stop per ty pe home posi tion retu rn In stopper type home positi on return, a machine part is pressed against a stopper or the like by jog ope ration, m anual p ulse gen erator o perat ion or the l ike to make a home posi tion re turn a nd th at po sition is defined as a home position.
4 - 33 4. OPERATION (2) T iming ch art Parameter No.28 (Note)Parameter No.45 P arameter No.28 ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF Automatic/manual selection (MD0) Moveme nt finish (MEND) .
4 - 34 4. OPERATION 4.4.6 Home pos ition i gnoran ce (ser vo-on p osition define d as hom e pos ition) The posit ion where s ervo is swit ched on is defined as a home position. (1) Signal s, parameter Set th e inpu t signa ls and parame ter as follow s.
4 - 35 4. OPERATION 4.4. 7 Dog type rea r end r efere nce ho me po sition return POINT This home posi tion return method depends on the timing of reading Proximit y dog (DOG) that has detected the rear end of a proximit y dog.
4 - 36 4. OPERATION 4.4.8 Count t ype front end r eferenc e home pos itio n retu rn POINT This home posi tion return method depends on the timing of reading Proximit y dog (DOG) th at has detected the front end of a proximity dog.
4 - 37 4. OPERATION 4.4.9 Dog cra dle t ype hom e positio n retur n The positi on where the first Z-phase signal is issued aft er detection of the proxi mity dog front end ca n be defined as a home position. (1) Signal s, parameters Set th e inpu t sign als and param eter s as ind icate d bel ow.
4 - 38 4. OPERATION 4.4.1 0 Hom e positio n retur n autom atic r eturn fu nctio n If the current position is at or beyond the proximity dog in the home position return using the proximity dog , this fun ctio n start s hom e posi tion re turn af ter ma king a return to th e posi tion whe re th e home position return can be made.
4 - 39 4. OPERATION 4.4.1 1 Automatic positio ning func tion to the hom e positi on POINT You cannot perform aut omatic positioning from out side the positi on data settin g rang e to the h ome p osition . In thi s case, make a h ome po sition return again u sing a manu al home pos ition return.
4 - 40 4. OPERATION 4.5 Absolute pos ition detec tion system CAUTION If an absolut e posit ion eras e alarm (AL.25) or an absolu te pos ition c ounter warning (AL.E 3) has occur red, al ways perform home pos ition sett ing agai n. Not doin g so can c ause runa way.
4 - 41 4. OPERATION (3) Structure Component Description Servo amp lifier Servo mo tor Use standard models. Battery MR-BAT or A6BAT Encoder ca ble Use a standard model.
4 - 42 4. OPERATION 1) Open the opera tion window. (W hen the model us ed is the MR-J2S -200CP MR-J2S-350CP or more, also remove the front cover.) 2) Install the batt ery in the battery holder. 3) Inst all the battery co nnecto r into CO N1 unt il it cli cks.
4 - 43 4. OPERATION 4.6 Se rial co m muni cation ope ration The RS-422 or RS-232C communication functi on may b e used to operate the s ervo amplifier from a command device (controlle r) such as a personal co m puter. Positioning operation can be performed with the posit ioning operation/posit ion specified b y selection of the poi nt tabl es.
4 - 44 4. OPERATION 4.6.2 P osition ing oper ation Posit ioning op erat ion can be perfo rmed by changin g the p oint ta ble se ttings and ma king a start. For example, positi oning operation can be performed by writing the data of point table No.1, then specifying point table No.
4 - 45 4. OPERATION 4.6.4 Group des igna tion When using several serv o amplifier s, command-d riven parame ter settings, etc. can be m ade on a group basi s. You c an set up to six gro ups, a to f. Set th e grou p to e ach st ation u sing th e com munic ation comman d.
4 - 46 4. OPERATION (2) T iming ch art In the followi ng timing chart, operation is performe d group-by-group in accordance with the values set in point table No .
5 - 1 5. PARAMETERS 5. PARAME TERS CAUTION Ne ver adj ust or c hange the param eter v alues ex trem ely as it will m ake oper atio n instab le. 5.1 Param eter list 5.1.1 Par ameter writ e inhibit POINT Set "000E " when usin g the MR Co nfigurator ( servo con figuration softwar e) to make d evice s etting.
5 - 2 5. PARAMETERS 5.1.2 List POINT The paramet ers marked * before thei r symbols a re made vali d by switching p ower off o nce and then switching it on again afte r parameter setting. Refer to the corresponding reference it ems for details of the parameters.
5 - 3 5. PARAMETERS Class No. Symbol Name and Function Init ial v alu e U nit Custom er setting 20 *O P2 Function selection 2 0000 21 For manufacturer setting 0002 22 *O P4 Function selection 4 0000 2.
5 - 4 5. PARAMETERS Class No. Symbol Name and Function Initial value Unit Custom er setting 54 For manufacturer setting 0000 55 *O P6 Function selection 6 0000 56 For manufacturer setting 0000 57 *O P.
5 - 5 5. PARAMETERS (2) Detail li st Class No. S ymbol Name and Function Initia l value Uni t Set ting range 0 *ST Y Co mman d sys tem, rege nerative o ption selection Used to sele ct the comman d system and regenera tive opti on. Selection of command system (Refer t o section 4.
5 - 6 5. PARAMETERS Class No. S ymbol Name and Function Initia l value Uni t Set ting range 2 *OP 1 Function selection 1 Used to select the i nput f ilter a nd ab solute p osition det ection syste m. Input filter If external input signal causes chattering due to noise, etc.
5 - 7 5. PARAMETERS Class No. S ymbol Name and Function Initia l value Uni t Set ting range 4 *CMX Electronic gear n umera tor Se t th e va lue o f e lect ron ic ge ar n ume rato r. S etting "0" automatically sets the resoluti on of the s ervo motor connected .
5 - 8 5. PARAMETERS Class No. S ymbol Name and Function Initia l value Uni t Set ting range 16 *BPS Se rial communication function selection, alarm history clear Used to select t he serial commun ication baud rate, s elect various communication conditions , and c lear the alar m history.
5 - 9 5. PARAMETERS Class No. S ymbol Name and Function Initia l value Uni t Set ting range Basic pa rameters 18 *DMD Status display selection Used to select t he status disp lay shown at p o wer-on.
5 - 10 5. PARAMETERS Class No. S ymbol Name and Function Initia l value Uni t Set ting range Parameter write inhibit Used to s elect t he refe renc e and wri te ran ges of t he p ara meters . Operat ion ca n be p erformed for t he param eters ma rked .
5 - 11 5. PARAMETERS Class No. S ymbol Name and Function Initia l value Uni t Set ting range 24 FFC Fee d forw ard g ain Set the feed forward gain. When the se tting is 100%, the droop pulses during operation at constant speed are nearly zero. However, sudden acceleration/deceleration will increase the ove rshoot.
5 - 12 5. PARAMETERS Class No. S ymbol Name and Function Initia l value Uni t Set ting range 31 MO1 Analog monit or 1 (MO1) offset Used to s et the of fset volt ag e of t he analog monito r 1 (MO1 ) ou tput . 0 mV 999 to 999 32 MO2 Analog monit or 2 (MO2) offset Used to s et the of fset volt ag e of t he analog monito r 2 (MO2 ) ou tput .
5 - 13 5. PARAMETERS Class No. S ymbol Name and Function Initia l value Uni t Set ting range 46 47 *L MP Softwar e lim it Used to set the address increment side software stroke limit. The software limit is made invalid if this value is the same as in "software limit ".
5 - 14 5. PARAMETERS Class No. S ymbol Name and Function Initia l value Uni t Set ting range 54 For manufacturer setting Do not change this value by any means. 0000 55 *OP6 Function s election 6 Used to s elect how to p roc ess t he base circu it w hen reset (R ES) i s va lid .
5 - 15 5. PARAMETERS Class No. S ymbol Name and Function Initia l value Uni t Set ting range Expan sion paramet ers 2 59 *OPA Function selection A Used to select the alarm code. Setting of alarm code output Connector pins Set value CN1B-19 CN1A-18 CN1A-19 0 1 88888 AL.
5 - 16 5. PARAMETERS Class No. S ymbol Name and Function Initia l value Uni t Set ting range 60 For m anufactur er setting Do not c hang e th is va lue by an y mean s. 0000 61 NH1 Mach ine r esonanc e suppres sion filter 1 Used to selection t he machine resonance suppressi on filter.
5 - 17 5. PARAMETERS Class No. S ymbol Name and Function Initia l value Uni t Set ting range 63 LPF L ow-pass filter/ adaptive vibrat ion suppression contro l Used to selection t he low-pass filter and adaptive vibration suppr ession control .
5 - 18 5. PARAMETERS Class No. S ymbol Name and Function Initial value Uni t Setting range 68 *CDP Gain changing s election Used to select t he gain chan ging conditi on. (Refer to s ection 9 .5) 0 00 Gain cha nging selection Gains are changed in accordance with the settings of parameters No.
5 - 19 5. PARAMETERS 5.2 Deta iled expla nation 5.2.1 Elec tronic gear CAUTION False se tting will resu lt in unexpec ted fast r otatio n, caus ing inj ury. POINT This parame ter is made valid wh en power is swi tched off, then on after setti ng, or when the controller res et has been perfor med.
5 - 20 5. PARAMETERS 5.2.2 Chang ing the status displa y screen The stat us display it em of the servo amplifi er display and the dis play item of the external digit al displa y (MR-D P60) shown at power-o n can be changed by c hangi ng the para mete r No.
5 - 21 5. PARAMETERS 5.2.3 S-p attern acc eleration/dec eleratio n In servo operati on, linear acceleration/decel eration is usual ly made. By setting the S-patt ern acceleration/decel eration time constant (pa rameter No.14), a smoot h start/stop can be made.
5 - 22 5. PARAMETERS (2) C ontents of a se tting The se rvo ampl ifier is facto ry-set to output the servo motor sp eed to an alog mo nitor 1 an d the tor que to analo g moni tor 2. Th e set ting can be change d as listed belo w by changing the p arameter No.
5 - 23 5. PARAMETERS PWM M Current control Spe ed control Current command Position control Dr oop pu ls e Diffe r- ential Command speed Bus vo ltage Spe ed command Command posi tion Current feedback P.
5 - 24 5. PARAMETERS 5.2.5 Chang ing the stop pattern usi ng a lim it switch The servo amplifier is factory-set to make a sudden st op when the l imit swit ch or soft ware limit i s made valid.
6 - 1 6. MR Configurator (SERVO CONFIGURATION SOFTWARE) 6. MR Conf igurator (SERV O CONFIGURATION SOFTW ARE) POINT Some functions of the MR Configurator (s ervo configurat ion software) may be unavailab le for some versions. For det ails, please contact us.
6 - 2 6. MR Configur ator (SERVO CONF IGURATION SOFTWARE) (2) C onfigur ation d iagram (a) For use of RS-232C Personal computer Com muni cat io n cabl e Servo amplifie r Servo mo tor CN3 CN2 To RS-232C connector U V W (b) For use of RS-422 Up to 32 axe s may be mu ltidropp ed.
6 - 3 6. MR Configur ator (SERVO CONF IGURATION SOFTWARE) 6.3 Station setting Click “ Sy s te m ” on the me nu bar and cl ick “ Stat ion Selec tion ” on the menu.
6 - 4 6. MR Configur ator (SERVO CONF IGURATION SOFTWARE) 6.4 Param eters Click “ Param eters ” on the m enu bar and click “ Parameter List ” on the menu.
6 - 5 6. MR Configur ator (SERVO CONF IGURATION SOFTWARE) (3) Parameter value bat ch-read ( c) ) Click the “ Read All ” butto n to re ad and d isplay all pa rameter values f rom th e serv o amplifie r. (4) Parameter value bat ch-write ( d) ) Click the “ Wri t e Al l ” button to wri te all p arame ter valu es to the ser vo amp lifier .
6 - 6 6. MR Configur ator (SERVO CONF IGURATION SOFTWARE) 6.5 Point table Click “ P ositi on-Data ” on th e menu b ar and c lick “ Poin t Tables ” on the menu.
6 - 7 6. MR Configur ator (SERVO CONF IGURATION SOFTWARE) (3) Point table data batch-read ( c) ) Click the “ Read All ” but ton to re ad an d displ ay al l point table d ata fro m the serv o amplif ier. (4) Poi nt table da ta batch-w rite ( d) ) Click the “ Wri t e Al l ” button to wri te all poin t table dat a to the serv o amplif ier.
6 - 8 6. MR Configur ator (SERVO CONF IGURATION SOFTWARE) 6.6 Devic e assignm ent method POINT When usi ng the device s etting, pres et “000E” in parameter No. 19 . (1) H ow to open the s etting s creen Click “ Param eters” on the menu bar a nd click “Device setting ” in the menu.
6 - 9 6. MR Configur ator (SERVO CONF IGURATION SOFTWARE) (2) Scr een explanat ion (a) DIDO device setting window screen This is the devi ce assignment screen of the servo amplifier displa ys the pin assignment status of the serv o amplifier.
6 - 10 6. MR Configur ator (SERVO CONF IGURATION SOFTWARE) (b) DIDO function display window screen This screen is used t o select the device assigned to the pins. The fu nction s disp layed below * and * are a ssignable . a) b) Move the po inter to the place of the func tion to be ass igned.
6 - 11 6. MR Configur ator (SERVO CONF IGURATION SOFTWARE) (c) Function device assignment checking auto ON se tting d isplay Click the “ / ” butt on in the DIDO function display window displays the followi ng window. a) b) c) d) e) The assi gned functions are indicated by .
6 - 12 6. MR Configur ator (SERVO CONF IGURATION SOFTWARE) 6.7 Tes t operation CAUTION W hen confirm ing the machine opera tion in t he tes t opera tion m ode, use the ma chine after check ing that the saf ety mec hanism such as t he force d stop (E MG) operat es.
6 - 13 6. MR Configur ator (SERVO CONF IGURATION SOFTWARE) (1) Ser vo m otor spee d setti ng ( a) ) Enter a new v alue in to the “ Motor s peed ” input field a nd press the enter key. (2) Acc elera tion/dec elerat ion tim e const ant sett ing ( b) ) Enter a new v alue in to the “ Accel /decel ti me ” input field and press the enter key.
6 - 14 6. MR Configur ator (SERVO CONF IGURATION SOFTWARE) 6.7.2 Pos itioning oper ation POINT The serv o motor will not op erate if the forced stop (EMG), fo rward rotati on stroke end (LS P) and reverse rota tion st roke end (LSN) are o ff.
6 - 15 6. MR Configur ator (SERVO CONF IGURATION SOFTWARE) (1) Ser vo m otor spee d setti ng ( a) ) Enter a new v alue in to the “ Motor s peed ” input field a nd press the enter key. (2) Acc elera tion/dec elerat ion tim e const ant sett ing ( b) ) Enter a new v alue in to the “ Accel /decel ti me ” input field and press the enter key.
6 - 16 6. MR Configur ator (SERVO CONF IGURATION SOFTWARE) 6.7.3 Motor -less oper ation POINT When this operation i s used in an abs olute posit ion detection sys tem, the home positi on cannot be restored properl y.
6 - 17 6. MR Configur ator (SERVO CONF IGURATION SOFTWARE) 6.7.4 Outp ut signal (DO) forced output POINT When an alarm occurs, the DO forced outp ut is automatic ally cance led. Each servo a mplifier output signal is forcibly swit ched on/off independently of the output condition of the output sign al.
6 - 18 6. MR Configur ator (SERVO CONF IGURATION SOFTWARE) 6.7.5 Sing le-step f eed POINT In the jog opera tion mod e, do not rewrit e data from t he point t able li st screen or the s ervo ampli fier's front panel. Otherw ise, the set va lues are made invalid .
6 - 19 6. MR Configur ator (SERVO CONF IGURATION SOFTWARE) 6.8 Alarm history Click “ Alarm s ” on the menu ba r and click “ Histor y ” on the menu. When the above choices are made, the following window appears. (1) A larm histor y displa y The mo st recent six al arms are d isplaye d.
7 - 1 7. DISPLAY AND OPERATION 7. DISPLAY AND OPE RATION 7.1 Displ ay flowchart Use the displa y (5-digit, 7-s egment LED) on the front panel of the servo amplifier for stat us display, parame ter se tting, e tc. Se t the para meter s befor e ope ration, di agnose an alar m, confir m exte rnal sequences, and/ or confirm the operation status.
7 - 2 7. DISPLAY AND OPERATION 7.2 Status disp lay The servo stat us during operation is shown on t he 5-digit, 7-s egment LED display. Press the " UP " or " DOWN " button to change display data as desired. When the required dat a is selected, the corresponding symbo l appe ars.
7 - 3 7. DISPLAY AND OPERATION 7.2.2 Disp lay exam ples The followi ng table lists dis play examples. Displayed dat a Item Statu s S ervo amplifier display M R-DP60 Forward rotation at 2500r/min Servo m otor speed Reverse rotation at 3000r/min Reverse rotation is ind icated by " ".
7 - 4 7. DISPLAY AND OPERATION 7.2.3 St atus displa y lis t The foll owing tab le lists the servo s t atus es that ma y be s hown. Display range Status dis play Symbol Unit Descrip tion Servo amplifier displa y MR-DP60 Current posit ion PoS 10 ST M mm The c urrent positi on fr om the machi ne h ome posit ion of 0 is displaye d.
7 - 5 7. DISPLAY AND OPERATION 7.3 Diagnos is m ode 7.3.1 Disp lay trans ition After c hoosin g the diag nosis m ode wi th the " MODE " button, pressing t he " UP " or " DOW N " button c hange s the disp lay as shown be low.
7 - 6 7. DISPLAY AND OPERATION 7.3.2 Diagn osis m ode list Name D ispla y Descr ipt ion Not r eady . Indicates that the servo amplifier is being initialized or an alarm has occurr ed. Sequence Ready. Indica tes that the serv o was swit ched on afte r comp leti on of initialization and the se rvo amplifier is ready to operate.
7 - 7 7. DISPLAY AND OPERATION Name D ispla y Descr ipt ion Motor se ries Press the " SET " button to sh ow the m otor se ries ID of the servo motor c urrently con nect ed. For indication details, refer to the optional MELSERVO Servo Motor In struction Ma nual.
7 - 8 7. DISPLAY AND OPERATION 7.4 Alarm mode The current alarm, past alarm history and param ete r error are displayed. T he lower 2 digits on the display indicat e the alarm number that has occurred or the pa rameter number in error. Display exampl es are shown be low.
7 - 9 7. DISPLAY AND OPERATION 7.4.2 Alar m mode lis t Name Di splay Desc ription Indica tes no occu rren ce of an a larm. Current alarm Indi cates the occ urren ce of overv oltag e (AL .33) . Flick ers at occurren ce of the ala rm. Indicates that the last al a rm is overload 1 (AL.
7 - 10 7. DISPLAY AND OPERATION Functions at occurrence of an alarm (1) Any mode screen displa ys the current alarm. (2) Even during alarm occurrence, the ot her screen can be viewed by pressing the button i n the operation area. At thi s time, t he dec imal p oint in the four th dig it re mains f licker ing.
7 - 11 7. DISPLAY AND OPERATION 7.5 Point t able m ode You can se t the target position, servo motor sp eed, acceleration time, deceleration time, dwell and auxiliary function.
7 - 12 7. DISPLAY AND OPERATION 7.5.2 Point table m ode setting s creen seque nce Press " SE T " in the point table mode. The foll owing screen appears.
7 - 13 7. DISPLAY AND OPERATION 7.5.3 Oper ation m ethod (1) Set ting of 5 or less-di git val ue The followi ng example provides the after-power-on operation procedure to set "1" in the auxil iary function of point ta ble No.1. Press MODE three times.
7 - 14 7. DISPLAY AND OPERATION (2) Setting o f 6 or more-digit value The followi ng example gives t he after-power-on oper ation procedure t o change the target value of point ta ble No.1 to "123456". Press SET once. Setting of lower 3 digits The screen f lickers.
7 - 15 7. DISPLAY AND OPERATION 7.6 Param eter mode POINT To use the expansion parameters, change the parameter No. 19 (parameter write inhibit) value.
7 - 16 7. DISPLAY AND OPERATION 7.6.2 Oper ation exam ple (1) Paramete r of 5 or less digits The followi ng example shows the operation procedure performed aft er power-on to change the home posi tion set ting metho d (Param eter No. 8) into th e data se tting typ e.
7 - 17 7. DISPLAY AND OPERATION (2) Si gned 5-d igit par ameter The followi ng example gives the opera tion procedure to change the home pos ition return position data (parame ter No. 42) to "- 1234 5". Setting of lower 4 digits The screen f lickers.
7 - 18 7. DISPLAY AND OPERATION 7.7 Externa l I/O signal d isplay The ON/OFF states of t he digital I/O signals connected to the servo ampli fier can be confirmed. (1) Op eration Call t he dis play screen s hown after power-on. Using the " MODE " button, show t he dia gnostic screen.
7 - 19 7. DISPLAY AND OPERATION 7.8 Output s ignal (DO) forced o utput POINT When the s ervo system is used in a verti cal li ft applica tion, turning on the electromagnet ic brake interlock (MBR) after assigning it t o pin CN1B-19 will releas e the electromagnetic brake, causing a drop.
7 - 20 7. DISPLAY AND OPERATION 7.9 Tes t operation m ode CAUTION The tes t opera tion m ode is desig ned to co nfirm servo operati on and not to co nfirm mac hine operat ion. In th is m ode, do not use the s ervo m otor with t he machin e. Alwa ys use th e servo m otor a lone.
7 - 21 7. DISPLAY AND OPERATION 7.9.2 Jog o peratio n Jog operation can be performed when there is no command from the external command device. (1) Op eration Conne ct EMG- SG to start j og op eration and con nect V DD-CO M to use the in tern al power supply .
7 - 22 7. DISPLAY AND OPERATION 7.9.3 Pos itioning oper ation POINT The MR Configurator (s ervo configuration s oftware) is required to perform positi oning operati on. Positioni ng operation can b e performed once when there i s no comma nd from the ext ernal comman d device.
7 - 23 7. DISPLAY AND OPERATION 7.9.4 Motor -less oper ation Without connecting the s ervo motor, you can provide output si gnals or monitor the status display as if the servo motor is running in resp onse to external input signals. This operation can be used to check the sequence of a host programmabl e controller or the like.
7 - 24 7. DISPLAY AND OPERATION 7.10 Teac hing funct ion POINT This fu nctio n is ava ilable for the absolu te va lue com mand sy stem. I t is no t availa ble for th e incremen tal v alue command syste m. This function is en abled after a ho me position return .
7 - 25 7. DISPLAY AND OPERATION 7.10.2 Pos ition data s etting m ethod When the preparati ons for teaching are over, se t position dat a in the foll owing procedure. (1) W hen deter minin g pos ition da ta b y JOG opera tion 1) Turn automatic/manual selection (MD0) OFF to choose the manual operation mode.
8 - 1 8. GENERAL GAIN ADJUSTMENT 8. GENERAL GAIN ADJUSTMENT 8.1 D ifferent adj ustm ent metho ds 8.1.1 Adjustm ent on a sing le servo ampl ifier The ga in adju stment in th is sectio n can be made on a si ngle se rvo ampl ifier. For gain adju stment, first execute aut o tuning mode 1.
8 - 2 8. GENERAL GAIN ADJUSTMENT (2) Adj ustment seque nce an d mode usage Usage Used when you want to match the position gain (PG1) between 2 or more axes. Normally not used for other p urposes. Allows adjustment by merely changing the resp onse lev el setting.
8 - 3 8. GENERAL GAIN ADJUSTMENT 8.2 Aut o tuni ng 8.2.1 A uto tun ing mode The serv o ampl ifier has a real-t ime auto tuning f uncti on which est imates the machine characteris tic (load inerti a momen t rat io) in real time and autom atic ally set s the optimu m gains ac cordin g to that valu e.
8 - 4 8. GENERAL GAIN ADJUSTMENT 8.2. 2 Auto tuni ng mode op eration The block dia gram of real-time auto tuni ng is shown below. Servo motor Comma nd Automa tic setti ng Control gains PG1, VG1 PG2, V.
8 - 5 8. GENERAL GAIN ADJUSTMENT 8.2.3 A djustm ent proc edure b y auto t uning Since auto tuning is made valid before shipment from the factory, simply running the servo motor autom atica lly set s the optimu m gain s that ma tch the machine . Mere ly changin g the re sponse level setting value as require d co mpletes t he adju stme nt.
8 - 6 8. GENERAL GAIN ADJUSTMENT 8.2.4 Respons e leve l settin g in au to tun ing mode Set th e respo nse ( The fi rst d igit of param eter No .3 ) of the whole servo system. A s the response l evel setting is increase d, the track abil ity and set tling ti me for a com mand decre ases, but a to o high respo nse level w ill gene rate vibratio n.
8 - 7 8. GENERAL GAIN ADJUSTMENT 8.3 Man ual m ode 1 (s imple manual adjustm ent) If you are not satis fied with the adjustment of auto tuning, you can make simple manual adjustment with three parameters.
8 - 8 8. GENERAL GAIN ADJUSTMENT (c) Adjustment description 1) Speed contro l gain 2 ( parameter No. 37) This pa rameter determines the response l evel of the speed control loop. Increasing this value enhances response b ut a too high value will make the mechanical system li able to vib rate.
8 - 9 8. GENERAL GAIN ADJUSTMENT (c) Adjustment description 1) Posi tion co ntrol g ain 1 (p arameter No . 7) This paramet er determines the response level of the position control loop.
8 - 10 8. GENERAL GAIN ADJUSTMENT 8.4 Inter polati on m ode The interpolation mode is us ed to m atch the pos ition control gains of t he axes when performing the interpolati on operation of servo mot ors of two or more axes for a n X-Y table or the like.
8 - 11 8. GENERAL GAIN ADJUSTMENT 8.5 D ifferenc es in a uto tun ing bet ween MELSER VO-J2 and MELS ERVO-J 2-Sup er 8.5. 1 Respon se level setting To meet higher respon se demands, the ME LSERVO-J2-Supe r series has been change d in response level setti ng range from the MELS ERVO-J2 seri es.
9 - 1 9. SPECIA L AD JUSTMENT FUNCTI ONS 9. SPECIAL ADJUSTME NT FUNCTIONS POINT The functions given in this chapter need not be used generall y. Use them if you are not satisfie d with the machine statu s after making ad justment in the m ethods in c hapter 8.
9 - 2 9. SPECIAL ADJUSTMENT FUNCT IONS You can use the machine resonance suppression fil ter 1 (parameter No. 61) and ma chine resonance suppression filt er 2 (p aramet er No.
9 - 3 9. SPECIAL ADJUSTMENT FUNCT IONS POINT If the frequency of machine res onance is unk nown, decrease the not ch frequency from hi gher to lower ones in order.
9 - 4 9. SPECIAL ADJUSTMENT FUNCT IONS (2) Parameters The operati on of adaptive vibration suppression control s election (parameter No.63). Pa ram ete r No.
9 - 5 9. SPECIAL ADJUSTMENT FUNCT IONS 9.5 Gain c hanging function This function can change the gains. You can change between gains during rotation and gains during stop or can use an external signal to change gains during operation. 9.5.1 Ap plications This function is used when.
9 - 6 9. SPECIAL ADJUSTMENT FUNCT IONS 9.5.3 Par ameters When using the gain changing functi on, always set " 4 " in p arameter No.3 (auto tuning) t o choose the manual mode of t he gain adjustment modes. The gain changing function cannot be used in the aut o tuning mode.
9 - 7 9. SPECIAL ADJUSTMENT FUNCT IONS (1) Para meters No. 7, 34 to 38 These parameters are the same as in ordinary manual adjustment. Gain changing allows the val ues of ratio of load inertia moment to servo motor inertia moment, position control gain 2, speed control gain 2 and speed in tegral compen sation to be ch anged.
9 - 8 9. SPECIAL ADJUSTMENT FUNCT IONS 9.5.4 Gai n changing o peration This operati on will be described by way of setting examples. (1) W hen you choose c h anging by exte rnal inp ut (a) Setting Parameter No.
9 - 9 9. SPECIAL ADJUSTMENT FUNCT IONS (2) W hen you choose c h anging by droop pulses (a) Setting Parameter No. Abbreviation Name Setting Unit 7 PG1 Po sit ion contr ol gain 1 100 rad/s 36 VG1 Speed control gai n 1 1000 rad/s 34 GD2 Rat io of loa d inert ia m oment t o servo motor inertia moment 40 0.
10 - 1 10. INSPECTION 10. INSPEC TION W ARNING Befor e starti ng maint enanc e and/ or insp ection, turn of f the po wer and wait f or 15 minutes or m ore unti l the c harge l amp tur ns off . Then, c onfirm that t he volta ge betwe en P and N is saf e wit h a vo ltage t ester a nd other s.
11 - 1 11. TROUBLESHOOTING 11. TROUBLESHOOTING 11.1 Troub le at start- up CAUTION Exc essive a djustm ent or c hange of par ameter s etting m ust not be m ade as it will mak e operat ion inst able. POINT Using the MR Configurator (servo configuration software), you can refer to unrotated servo motor reasons, etc.
11 - 2 11. TROUBLESHOOTI NG 11.2 W hen alarm or warning has oc curred POINT Configu re up a circuit w hich will d etect the trouble ( ALM) signa l and turn off the servo-o n (SON) signa l at occurrence of an ala rm. 11.2.1 Alar ms and warning list When a fault occurs during operati on, the corresponding alarm or warning is displayed.
11 - 3 11. TROUBLESHOOTI NG 11.2.2 Rem edies for al arms CAUTION W hen any alar m has oc curred, elim inate its cause , ens ure saf ety, then r eset t he alarm , and res tart op eration . Other wise, injur y may occu r. If an absolut e posit ion eras e alarm (AL.
11 - 4 11. TROUBLESHOOTI NG Display Nam e Defini tion Cause Action CPU/parts fault 1. Faulty parts in th e servo amplifier. Checkin g method Alarm (AL.17) o ccu rs if p ower is switched o n a fter d isconnect ion of all cable but t h e control circuit power sup ply cable.
11 - 5 11. TROUBLESHOOTI NG Display Nam e Defini tion Cause Action 1. Wrong setting of parameter N o. 0 Set correctly. 2. B uilt -in re gener ative res istor or regen erative option i s not conne cted.
11 - 6 11. TROUBLESHOOTI NG Display Nam e Defini tion Cause Act ion 1. Short occurred in servo a mplifier outpu t p hases U, V and W. Correct the wiri ng. 2. Tra nsist or (IPM) of t he serv o amplifier faulty. Checking m ethod Alarm (AL.3 2) occurs i f power is switched on after U,V and W are disconn ected.
11 - 7 11. TROUBLESHOOTI NG Display Nam e Definition Cause Action 1. Serv o amplifi er faul t caus ed the parameter setting to be rew ritten. Change the servo amplifier. 2. Regenerative option not used with servo amplifier was selected in para meter No.
11 - 8 11. TROUBLESHOOTI NG Display Nam e Definition Cause Act ion 1. Mac hine st ruck s omet hing . 1. Re view opera tion pattern. 2. Install limit switch es. 2. Wr ong conn ection of servo m otor. Servo amplifier's output t erminals U, V, W d o not match servo motor's input terminals U , V, W.
11 - 9 11. TROUBLESHOOTI NG 11.2.3 Rem edies for warnings CAUTION If an absol ute pos ition c ount er warn ing (AL .E3) occ urred , alwa y s m ake hom e posit ion se tting a gain.
11 - 10 11. TROUBLESHOOTI NG Display Nam e Defi nition Cause A ction 1. Software limit was set wit hin actual operati on rang e. Set parameter No. 48 to 51 correctl y. 2. Poi nt t abl e of posit ion data in excess of softw are l imit was ex ecut ed. Set point table co rrectly.
12 - 1 12. OUTLINE DIMENSION DR A WING S 12. OUTLINE DIMENS ION DRAWINGS 12.1 Servo am plifiers (1) MR-J2S-10CP to MR-J2S-60CP MR-J2S-10CP1 to MR-J2S-40CP1 E N C () [Un it: mm] 6 ( 0.24) mounting h ole A Approx.70 (2.76) 135 ( 5 .32) TE2 4(0.16) B 1 6 8 ( 6 .
12 - 2 12. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS (2) MR-J2S-70CP MR-J2S-100CP C N 1 A OPEN MITSU BISHI C N 1 B C N 2 E N C C N 3 A p p r o x . 7 ( 0 . 2 8 ) C N 1 A OPEN L1 L2 L3 UV W MITSU BISHI C N 1 B C N 2 E N C C N 3 [Unit : mm] ([Unit: in] ) Approx.70(2.76) 70(2.
12 - 3 12. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS (3) MR-J2S-200CP MR- J2S-3 50CP MITSUB ISHI MI TSUB ISHI Approx.70 (2.76) 195(7.68) 90(3.54) 78(3.07) 6 1 6 8 ( 6 . 6 1 ) 1 5 6 ( 6 . 1 4 ) 6 2- 6 ( 0.24) mounting hole Terminal layout TE1 [Un it: mm] ([Uni t: in]) TE2 PE terminal (0.
12 - 4 12. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS (4) MR-J2S-500CP 2- 6( 0 .24) mounting hole [Uni t: mm] ([Unit: in] ) C N 2 C N 3 C N 1 A C N 1 B OPEN OPEN C N 2 C N 3 C N 1 A C N 1 B OPEN TE1 TE2 130(5.12) 118(4.65) 7.5 (0.5) (0.24) 6 (0.24) 250(9.84) 235(9.25) 7.
12 - 5 12. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS (5) MR-J2S-700CP 2- 6( 0.24) mounting hole C N 1 B C N 1 A C N 3 C N 2 TE2 OPEN C N 1 B C N 1 A C N 3 C N 2 TE1 7.5 (0.5) (0.39 ) 10 180(7.09) 160(6.23) (0.39 ) 10 Approx.70 (2.76) 200(7.87) 62 (2.44) 6(0.2 4) Te rminal layout [Uni t: mm] ([Unit: in]) (0.
12 - 6 12. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS 12.2 Connectors (1) Servo amplifie r side <3M > (a) Soldered type Model Connector : 10120-3000VE Shell kit : 1032 0-52F0-00 8 [Un it: mm] ([Uni t: in]) 1 0 . 0 ( 0 . 3 9 ) Logo, etc. are indica ted here. 12.
12 - 7 12. OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAW INGS (2) Co mm un icati on cable conne cto r <JAE> C D F A B [Un it: mm] ([Unit: in]) Fitting fixing screw G E (max. d iameter o f cable used) Type A 1 B 1 C 0.25 D 1 E F reference G DE-C1-J6-S6 34.5 (1.36) 19 (0.
13 - 1 13. CHARACTERISTICS 13. CHARA CTERISTICS 13.1 Overl oad protec tion character istics An electronic thermal relay is built in the servo amplifier to protect the servo motor and servo amplifier from o verload s.
13 - 2 13. CHARA CTERISTICS 13.2 Power suppl y equipm ent capacit y and gener ated loss (1) Am ount of heat g enerat ed b y the s ervo amplif ier Table 12.1 ind icate s servo amplifier 's powe r supply capac ities an d los ses gen erated u nder rate d load .
13 - 3 13. CHARA CTERISTICS (2) H eat diss ipation area for enclos ed ser vo am plifier The enclos ed control box (hereafter called t he control box) which will conta in the servo ampli fier should be des igned to ensure that its temperature rise is wit hin 10 ( 50 ) at the ambie nt temperature of 40 (104 ).
13 - 4 13. CHARA CTERISTICS 13.3 D y nam ic brak e characteristics 13.3.1 D ynamic brak e operatio n (1) C alculat ion of coast ing dis tance Fig. 13 .3 shows the pa ttern in which th e servo motor comes t o a stop when t he dynamic brak e is operated.
13 - 5 13. CHARA CTERISTICS Time constant [s] 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 0 50 500 01 0 0 0 121 201 301 81 Speed [r/min] Time const ant [s] Speed [r/min] 0 0.005 0.0 1 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 0.045 0 500 1000 1500 2000 352 202 702 102 152 502 52 c.
13 - 6 13. CHARA CTERISTICS 13.3.2 T he dynamic brake at th e load iner tia m oment Use the dyna mic brake under the load i nertia moment rati o indicated in t he following ta ble. If the l oad inertia moment is higher tha n this value, the built-in dynami c brake may burn.
13 - 7 13. CHARA CTERISTICS 13.5 Inrus h currents at power- on of main c ircuit and co ntrol circu it The fo llowing table ind icate s the inru sh curre nts (r eference value) that will flow when t he maximum permissible voltage (253VAC) is applied at the power supp ly capacity of 2500kVA and the wiring length of 1m.
14 - 1 14. OPTIONS AND AUXI L IARY EQUIPMENT 14. OPTIONS AND AUXILIARY EQU IPMENT W ARNING Befor e connect ing an y opt ion or perip heral e quipm ent, turn of f the power an d wait for 15 m inut es or m ore unti l the ch arge lam p tur ns off . Then, co nfirm that the volt age betw een P and N i s safe with a volta ge tester and others .
14 - 2 14. OPTIONS AND AUXILIARY EQU IPMENT (b) To make selection accord ing to regenerative energy Use the following method when regenerati on occurs conti nuously in vertical motion applicat ions or when it is desired to make an in-depth selection of the regenerative opti on.
14 - 3 14. OPTIONS AND AUXILIARY EQU IPMENT Inverse efficiency ( ) :Efficiency including some efficien ci es of the servo motor and servo amplifier when rated (regenerat ive) torque is generated at rated speed. Since the efficiency varies with the speed and generated torque, allow for about 1 0%.
14 - 4 14. OPTIONS AND AUXILIARY EQU IPMENT (4) Co nnecti on of the r ege nerativ e opti on POINT When the M R-RB50 MR-RB51 is used, a cooling fan is required t o cool it. The cooling fa n should be prepared b y the customer. The regenerati ve option will generate heat of about 100 .
14 - 5 14. OPTIONS AND AUXILIARY EQU IPMENT (b) MR-J2S-500CP MR-J2 S-700C P Always remove the wiring (across P-C) of the serv o ampl ifier built- in regener ative re sistor and fit the re genera tive op tion across P-C. The G3 and G4 terminals act as a thermal sensor.
14 - 6 14. OPTIONS AND AUXILIARY EQU IPMENT For the MR-RB 50 MR-R B51 in stall the coolin g fan a s show n. 82.5 40 (1 .58) 82.5 133 Cooling fan i nstallation screw hole dimensions 2-M3 screw hole (fo.
14 - 7 14. OPTIONS AND AUXILIARY EQU IPMENT (5) Out line drawing (a) MR-RB032 MR-R B12 LA 5 (0.20) LB TE1 6 (0.24) 6 ( 0 . 2 4 ) 1 5 6 ( 6 . 1 4 ) 1 6 8 ( 6 . 6 1 ) 1 4 4 ( 5 . 6 7 ) 1 2 ( 0 . 4 7 ) 6 ( 0 . 2 4 ) 1 2 ( 0 . 4 7 ) 20 (0.79) LD 1.6 (0.06) LC G3 G4 P C [Uni t: mm (in )] 6 (0.
14 - 8 14. OPTIONS AND AUXILIARY EQU IPMENT (c) MR-RB50 MR- RB51 [Unit: mm (in)] Terminal block G4 G3 C P Terminal sc rew: M4 Tightening torque: 1.2 [N m] (10.6 [Ib in]) Mounting screw Screw : M6 Tightening torque: 5. 4 [N m] (47.79 [Ib in]) Regenerative option Mass [kg ] (Ib) MR-RB50 MR-RB51 5.
14 - 9 14. OPTIONS AND AUXILIARY EQU IPMENT 14.1.2 FR- BU2 brak e unit POINT Use a 200V cl ass brake unit and a resistor unit with a 200V class se rvo amplifier. Combin ation of differe nt voltage class un its and se rvo amplifier cannot be used. Install a brake unit and a resisto r unit on a flat surf ace vertically.
14 - 10 14. OPTIONS AND AUXILIARY EQU IPMENT (2) Br ake uni t param eter s etting Normally, when using the FR-BU2, changing parame ters is not nece ssary. Whether a parameter c an be change d or n ot is li sted below. Para m eter No. Nam e Change possibl e/ impossi ble Remar ks 0 Brake mod e switch over Impossi ble Do not cha nge the p ara meter.
14 - 11 14. OPTIONS AND AUXILIARY EQU IPMENT (3) Connec tion exam ple POINT Conne cting PR termin al of the brake unit to P ter minal of th e servo amplifier re sults in bra ke unit malfunct ion. Always connect the PR terminal of the brake uni t to the P R terminal of the res istor unit .
14 - 12 14. OPTIONS AND AUXILIARY EQU IPMENT (a) Precautions for wiring The cabl es bet ween the servo amplifi er and the br ake unit, a nd between t he resist or unit and t he brake unit should be as short as possible. Al ways twist th e cable longer than 5m (twist five ti mes or more per one meter).
14 - 13 14. OPTIONS AND AUXILIARY EQU IPMENT b) Control circu it terminal POINT Undertightening ca n cause a cabl e disconnection or malfunct ion. Overtightening ca n cause a short circuit or malfunction due t o damage to the screw or t he brak e unit.
14 - 14 14. OPTIONS AND AUXILIARY EQU IPMENT (4) Out line dimens ion dr awings (a) FR-BU2 brake unit [Unit: mm ] FR-BU2-15 K Rating plate 5 hole (Screw size: M4) 68 6 56 6 5 18.
14 - 15 14. OPTIONS AND AUXILIARY EQU IPMENT (b) FR-BR resistor unit [Unit: mm ] 2 C Control circuit terminal Main circuit terminal W1 1 Approx. 35 Approx. 35 C C W 5 (Note) (Note) Note. Ventil ation ports are provided on both sides and the top. The b ottom is open.
14 - 16 14. OPTIONS AND AUXILIARY EQU IPMENT (2) C onnectio n exam ple (Note 3) Power supply NFB MC Servo amplifier L 11 L 21 L 1 L 2 L 3 Power regeneration converter FR-RC SK ON MC B C NPC RDY SE Alar m output RDY output A B C 5m(16.
14 - 17 14. OPTIONS AND AUXILIARY EQU IPMENT (3) Outs ide d imensio ns of t he po wer rege neratio n con verters [Unit : mm(in )] AA A C F K EE BA B E D 2- D hole Rating plate Front cove r Display pan.
14 - 18 14. OPTIONS AND AUXILIARY EQU IPMENT 14.1.4 Cabl es and conn ectors (1) Cable make-up The following cables are u sed for connection with t he servo motor and other models.
14 - 19 14. OPTIONS AND AUXILIARY EQU IPMENT No. Product Model Description Application 1) Standard e ncoder cable MR-JCCBL M-L Refer to (2) of this section.
14 - 20 14. OPTIONS AND AUXILIARY EQU IPMENT No. Product Model Des cription Application 9) Control signal connecto r set MR-J2CN1 Connector: 10120-3000PE Shell kit: 10320-52F 0-008 (3M or eq uivalen t) Qty: 2 each Connector: HIF 3BA-20D-2.
14 - 21 14. OPTIONS AND AUXILIARY EQU IPMENT (2) Enc oder c able CAUTION If you hav e fabric ated t he encod er cab le, conn ect it correc tly. Other wise, m isopera tion or explosio n ma y occur. POINT The encoder cabl e is not oil resist ant. Refer to secti on 13.
14 - 22 14. OPTIONS AND AUXILIARY EQU IPMENT P5 LG P5 LG 19 11 20 12 2 MR MRR 7 17 MDR 16 5 3 7 4 18 P5 LG MD 6 LG 1 BAT 9 SD 1 2 8 9 P5 LG P5 LG 19 11 20 12 2 MR MRR 7 17 MDR 16 5 3 7 4 MR-JCCBL2M-L .
14 - 23 14. OPTIONS AND AUXILIARY EQU IPMENT (b) MR-JHSCBL M- L MR-JH SCBL M-H MR- ENCBL M-H These encoder cables are used wit h the HC-SFS HC-RFS HC-UFS2000 r/min series servo m otors . 1) Model explanation L H 2 5 10 20 30 2 (6.56) 5 (16.4) 10 (32.8) 20 (65.
14 - 24 14. OPTIONS AND AUXILIARY EQU IPMENT MR-J HSCBL2M- L MR-J HSCBL5M- L MR-JHSCBL2M -H MR-JHSCBL5M -H MR-E NCBL2M-H MR-E NCBL5M-H MR-JHSCBL10M-L to MR-JHSCBL30M-L MR-JHSC BL10M-H to MR-JHSC BL50M-H MR-ENCB L10M-H to MR-ENCB L50M-H Servo am plifier side Enco der side (Note2) Use of A WG24 (Less than 1 0m(32.
14 - 25 14. OPTIONS AND AUXILIARY EQU IPMENT (3) Co mm un ica tion cabl e POINT This cable may not be used w ith some perso nal compu ters. After fully examining the signal s of the RS-232C conne ctor, refe r to this sectio n and fabricate the cable.
14 - 26 14. OPTIONS AND AUXILIARY EQU IPMENT 14.1.5 Junc tion term inal block (MR-T B20) POINT When using the junct ion terminal block, you cannot use SG of CN1A-20 and CN1B-20 .
14 - 27 14. OPTIONS AND AUXILIARY EQU IPMENT (4) Ju nction t erminal block c able (MR-J 2TBL M) Model : MR-J 2TBL M Cable length[ m ( ft)] Symbol 05 1 0.
14 - 28 14. OPTIONS AND AUXILIARY EQU IPMENT 14.1.6 Main tenance junc tion car d (MR-J2CN3T M) (1) Usage The maint enance junction card (MR-J2CN3TM) is designed for us e when a personal computer and analog monit or are used at the same time.
14 - 29 14. OPTIONS AND AUXILIARY EQU IPMENT (3) Out line drawing 2- 5.3(0.21)(mounting hole) 3(0.12) 41.5(1.63) 7 5 ( 2 . 9 5 ) 88(3.47) 100(3.94) M R - J 2 C N 3 T M CN3A CN3B CN3 C A1 B1 A6 B6 TE1 [Un it: mm] ([Unit: in] ) Mass: 110 g( 0.
14 - 30 14. OPTIONS AND AUXILIARY EQU IPMENT 14.1.7 Ext ernal digital displa y (MR-DP6 0) The data equivalent to t he servo ampli fier status displa y can be dis played on the M R-DP60. W hen using the MR- DP60, se t " 1 4" in parameter No. 16.
14 - 31 14. OPTIONS AND AUXILIARY EQU IPMENT (4) Mounting Front mounting 2- 5 (0. 20) Square hole 141(5.55) 150(5.91) 53 (2.09) [Unit : mm (in )] Insid e moun ting 2- 5 (0.20) Square hole 95(3.74) 150(5.91) 20 ( 0.7 9 ) (5) Out line dimens ion dr awing 7.
14 - 32 14. OPTIONS AND AUXILIARY EQU IPMENT 14.1.8 M anual puls e generator (MR-HDP0 1) (1) S pecific ations Item S pecifications Voltage 4.5 to 13.2VDC Powe r supply Current consu mption 60mA max.
14 - 33 14. OPTIONS AND AUXILIARY EQU IPMENT (4) Mounting 7 2 ( 2 . 8 3 5 ) 6 2 ( 2 . 4 4 1 ) 3- 4.8(0.189) Panel cutting equally divided [Un it: mm(i n)] (5) Out line dimens ion dr awing 8.89 7.6(0.299) 12V 0V A B 5V t o MANUAL TYPE SERI ALNO . 50(1.
14 - 34 14. OPTIONS AND AUXILIARY EQU IPMENT 14.2 Auxil iary equipment Always u se the device s indicate d in th is sectio n or eq uivalen t. To comp ly with the EN S tandard or UL/C- UL (CSA) Standard, use the products which conform to the corresponding standard.
14 - 35 14. OPTIONS AND AUXILIARY EQU IPMENT Use wires 6) of the followi ng sizes with the power regeneration converter (FR-RC). Model Wires[mm 2 ] FR-RC-15K 14(AWG6) Table 14. 2 Recom mended cr i m ping term inals Servo am plifier side crim ping terminals Symbol Crim ping terminal A pplicable tool Manufac turer a 32959 47387 b EVD5.
14 - 36 14. OPTIONS AND AUXILIARY EQU IPMENT 14.2.2 C ircuit break ers, f uses, magnetic contactors Always use one circuit breaker and one magnetic cont actor with one s ervo amplifier. When using a fus e instead of the circuit bre aker, use the one having the specif ications g iven in this section.
14 - 37 14. OPTIONS AND AUXILIARY EQU IPMENT Dime nsion s [ mm (in) ] Serv o amplif i er Model W W 1 H D D1 C Mount i ng screw si ze Termi nal screw si ze Mass [kg (l b)] MR-J2S -10CP (1)/2 0CP FR-B AL-0. 4K 135 (5 .31) 120 (4 .72) 115 (4.5 3) 59 (2. 32) 45 (1.
14 - 38 14. OPTIONS AND AUXILIARY EQU IPMENT 14.2.6 No ise reducti on techniq ues Noises are classi fied into external noises w hich enter the servo ampli fier to cause it to malfunction and those ra diated by the servo ampli fier to cause peripheral devices to malfuncti on.
14 - 39 14. OPTIONS AND AUXILIARY EQU IPMENT (c) Techniques for noises radiated by the servo ampl ifier that cause peripheral devices to malfunction Noises produced by the servo amplifi er are classif.
14 - 40 14. OPTIONS AND AUXILIARY EQU IPMENT Noise transm ission route Suppres sion techniques 1) 2) 3) When measuring instruments, receivers, se nsors, etc.
14 - 41 14. OPTIONS AND AUXILIARY EQU IPMENT (b) Surge suppressor The recommended surge suppressor for i nstallation to an AC rel ay, AC valve, AC electroma gnetic brake or the li ke near the servo amplifier is shown b elow. Use this product or equivalent.
14 - 42 14. OPTIONS AND AUXILIARY EQU IPMENT Outline drawing Earth plate Clamp section diagram (Note)M4 sc rew 1 1 ( 0 . 4 3 ) 3 ( 0 . 1 2 ) 6 ( 0 . 2 4 ) C A 6 22(0.87) 17.5(0.69) 35(1.38) 3 5 ( 1 . 3 8 ) L or less 10(0.39) 3 0 ( 1 . 1 8 ) 7 ( 0 . 2 8 ) 2 4 0 0 .
14 - 43 14. OPTIONS AND AUXILIARY EQU IPMENT (d) Line noise filter (FR-BLF, FR-BSF01) This fil ter is effecti ve in suppressi ng noises radia ted from the power suppl y side and output side of the servo ampli fier and also in suppressing high-frequency leaka ge current (zero-phase current) especi ally wi thin 0.
14 - 44 14. OPTIONS AND AUXILIARY EQU IPMENT (f) Varistors for input power supply (Recommended) Varistors a re effective to prevent exogenous noise and li ghtning surge from entering the servo amplifier. When using a varis tor, connect it b etween each phase of t he input power suppl y of the equipme nt.
14 - 45 14. OPTIONS AND AUXILIARY EQU IPMENT 14.2.7 Leak age current break er (1) Se lectio n meth od High-frequency chopper currents controlled by pulse width modulation fl ow in the AC s ervo c ircuits. Leakage currents containing harmonic contents are la rger than thos e of the motor which is run with a commercial power supp ly.
14 - 46 14. OPTIONS AND AUXILIARY EQU IPMENT (2) S electio n exam ple Indicate d below is an ex ample o f selec ting a le akage current bre aker un der the followin g condi tions. M Servo amplifier MR-J 2S-6 0CP HC-MFS73 2mm 2 5m(196.85inch) Ig1 Ig 2 Iga Igm NV 2mm 2 5m(196.
14 - 47 14. OPTIONS AND AUXILIARY EQU IPMENT 14.2.8 EMC f ilter For compliance with the EMC Directive of the EN Standard, it is recommended to use the following filt er.
14 - 48 14. OPTIONS AND AUXILIARY EQU IPMENT (3) Out line drawing (a) EMC filter 23.0(0.90 6) LABEL LINE LOAD 168.0(6 .614) L1' L2' L3' L1 L2 L3 149. 5(5.886) LINE (input s ide) LOAD (output s ide) 140.0(5 .512) 156.0(6 .142) 16.0(0.63 ) 42.
14 - 49 14. OPTIONS AND AUXILIARY EQU IPMENT (b) Surge protector RAV -781BYZ -2 4.5 0.5 1 3 2 41 1.0 28.5 1.0 28 1.0 4 .2 0.2 200 30 0 UL-1015AWG16 5.5 1 11 1 [Unit: mm] Black 1) 2) 3) Black B lack RAV -781BXZ-4 1 3 2 UL-1015AWG16 4 .2 0 .2 5.5 1 11 1 28.
14 - 50 14. OPTIONS AND AUXILIARY EQU IPMENT 14.2.9 Sett ing potent iometer s for analog inputs The followi ng variable resis tors are availa ble for use with analog i nputs.
15 - 1 15. COMMUNICATION FUNCTI ONS 15. COMMUNICATION FUNCTIONS This servo a mplifier has the RS-422 and RS-232C serial communication functions. Thes e functions can be used to perform servo operation, para meter changing, moni tor function, etc. However, the RS-42 2 and RS-232C communication functions cannot be us ed together.
15 - 2 15. COMMUNICA TION FUNCTIONS 15.1.2 R S-232C config uration (1) Outline A single axis of servo amplifier is operat ed. CHARGE MITSUBISHI RS-232C Controller such a s persona l computer Servo a mplifie r To CN3 (2) Ca ble conne ction di agram Wire as shown below.
15 - 3 15. COMMUNICA TION FUNCTIONS 15.2 Comm unication specif ications 15.2.1 Com municatio n overvi ew This serv o amplif ier is design ed to send a reply on re ceipt of an ins truction.
15 - 4 15. COMMUNICA TION FUNCTIONS 15.2.2 Par ameter s etting When the RS -422/RS-232C communi cation function is used t o operate the s er vo, s et the communication specif ications of th e servo ampl ifier in the corre spond ing paramete rs.
15 - 5 15. COMMUNICA TION FUNCTIONS 15.3 Protoc ol POINT Whether sta tion number sett ing will be made or not mus t be selected if the RS-232C co mmunication fu nction is used. N ote that choo sing "no station numbers" in parameter No. 57 will make the communication protocol free of s tation numbers .
15 - 6 15. COMMUNICA TION FUNCTIONS (3) R ecover y of com munic ation st atus b y time- out E O T Controller side (Ma ster sta tion) Servo side (Sla ve sta tion) EOT ca uses t he servo to return to the receive neutra l sta tu s. (4) Data frames The data length depends on the command.
15 - 7 15. COMMUNICA TION FUNCTIONS 15.4 Charact er codes (1) C ontrol co des Code name Hexadecimal (ASCII code) Descripti on Personal computer termin al key operation (General) SOH STX ETX EOT 01H 02H 03H 04H start of head start of tex t end of t ext end of transmi ssion ctrl A ctrl B ctrl C ctrl D (2) Codes for data ASCII codes are used.
15 - 8 15. COMMUNICA TION FUNCTIONS 15.5 Error codes Error codes are u sed in the following cases and an error code of single-code length is transmitted. On receipt of data from the master station, the slave station s ends the error code corresponding to that data to the maste r stat ion.
15 - 9 15. COMMUNICA TION FUNCTIONS 15.7 Tim e-out operat ion The master stat ion transmits EOT when the slave station does not start reply operat ion (STX is not receive d) 300[ms] after th e master s tation h as ended communicat ion oper ation. 10 0[ms] af ter that, the master st ation ret ransmits the me ssage.
15 - 10 15. COMMUNICA TION FUNCTIONS 15.9 Initia lization After the slave station i s switche d on, it cannot re ply to co mmunic ation un til the in ternal in itializ ation processing terminates. Hence, at power-on, ordinary communication should be st arted after.
15 - 11 15. COMMUNICA TION FUNCTIONS 15.11 Comm and and dat a No. list POINT If the comma nd/data No. is the s ame, its data ma y be different fr om the interface an d drive un its and o ther servo amplif iers. 15.11.1 R ead comm ands (1) Sta tus dis pla y (Com mand [ 0][1]) Command Da ta No.
15 - 12 15. COMMUNICA TION FUNCTIONS (4) Al arm his tory (C ommand [ 3][3]) Command Data No. Descripti on Alarm occurrence seq uence Frame length [3][3] [1][0] Most recent alarm 4 [3][3] [1][1] First .
15 - 13 15. COMMUNICA TION FUNCTIONS (6) Po int tab le/posi tion data (Comm and [4][ 0]) Command Data No. Descripti on Frame length [4][0] [0][1] to [1][F] Position da ta read The deci mal equ ivalent of th e data No. valu e (hex adecima l) correspond s to the Point tabl e No.
15 - 14 15. COMMUNICA TION FUNCTIONS 15.11.2 W rite comm ands (1) Sta tus dis pla y (Com mand [ 8][1]) Command Data No. Description Setting range Frame length [8][1] [0][0] Status disp lay data clear 1EA5 4 (2) Param eter (Comm and [8][4]) Command Data No.
15 - 15 15. COMMUNICA TION FUNCTIONS (9) Po int tab le/dece lerat ion tim e constant (Comm and [C] [8]) Command Data No. Description Setting range Frame length [C][8] [0][1] to [1][F] Decele ration time constant write The deci mal equ ivalent of the data N o .
15 - 16 15. COMMUNICA TION FUNCTIONS (14) Dat a for tes t operat ion m ode (Comm and [9][2] [A][0 ]) Command Data No. Description Setting range Frame length [9][2] [0][0] Input si gnal for test op eration Refer to section 15.12.7 8 [9][2] [A][0] Forced ou tput fr om signal pin Refer t o section 15.
15 - 17 15. COMMUNICA TION FUNCTIONS 15.12 Detai led explan ations of commands 15.12.1 D ata process ing When th e maste r statio n transm its a com mand data No. or a comm and data No. d ata to a slave station, the servo amplifier returns a re ply or data according to the purpose.
15 - 18 15. COMMUNICA TION FUNCTIONS (2) Wr iting the proces sed data When th e data to be wri tten is h andled as decim al, the dec imal point po sition must be sp ecified. If it is not spe cified , the da ta canno t be writte n. Whe n the dat a is handle d as he xadec imal, spec ify "0 " as the decimal point position.
15 - 19 15. COMMUNICA TION FUNCTIONS 15.12.2 Stat us displa y (1) Stat us displa y data read When th e maste r stat ion tran smit s the dat a No. to th e slave s tation, the slave statio n send s back the data value and data processing information. (a) Transmission Trans mit comman d [0][ 1] and the data No .
15 - 20 15. COMMUNICA TION FUNCTIONS 15.12.3 Param eter (1) Parameter read Read the parame ter settin g. (a) Transmission Trans mit com mand [ 0][5] and the data N o. cor respon ding to the p aramete r No. Comm and Data N o. Data N o. definit ion [0][5] [0][0] to [5][A] Corres ponds to the parameter No.
15 - 21 15. COMMUNICA TION FUNCTIONS (2) Parameter write POINT If setting value s need to be chang ed wi th a high frequency (i .e. one time or more per one hour), writ e the set ting values to the RAM, not the EEP- ROM.
15 - 22 15. COMMUNICA TION FUNCTIONS 15.12.4 Ex ternal I/O s ignal status es (1) Re adin g of inpu t device statuse s Read the s tatuses of t he input devices. (a) Transmission Transmit command [1][2] and data No. [0][0]. Command Data No. [1][2] [0][0] (b) Reply The sla ve station s ends back the stat u ses of the i nput pins.
15 - 23 15. COMMUNICA TION FUNCTIONS (3) R ead of t he status es of input de vices s witche d on th rough c ommunic ation Read the ON/OFF status es of the input devices switched on through communication. (a) Transmission Transmit command [1][2] and data No.
15 - 24 15. COMMUNICA TION FUNCTIONS (5) R ead of the status es of output devices Read the ON/OFF status e s of the output devices. (a) Transmission Transmit command [1][2] and data No. [8][0]. Command Data No. [1][2] [8][0] (b) Reply The slave station sends back t he statuses of the output devices.
15 - 25 15. COMMUNICA TION FUNCTIONS 15.12.6 D isable/enabl e of I/O devices (DIO ) Inputs can be disabled independently of the I/ O devices ON/OFF. When inputs are disabled, the input signals (devices ) are recognized as follows. Among the input devices, EMG, LSP and LSN cannot be disabled.
15 - 26 15. COMMUNICA TION FUNCTIONS 15.12.7 Inpu t devices ON/OFF (test operatio n) Each input devices can be turned on/off for test operation. when the device to be switched off exists in the exter nal inpu t signal , also swi tch off tha t input sig nal.
15 - 27 15. COMMUNICA TION FUNCTIONS 15.12.8 T est operation m ode (1) I nstruct ions for test o perat ion m ode The test operation mode must be executed in the fo llo wing proced ure.
15 - 28 15. COMMUNICA TION FUNCTIONS (2) Jo g oper ation Transmit the following communication commands. (a) Setting of jog operat ion data Item Comm and Data No.
15 - 29 15. COMMUNICA TION FUNCTIONS (c) Start of positioning operation Transmit t he speed and acceleration/decelerati on time constant, turn on the servo-on (SON) and forward/reverse rotation stroke end (LSP LSN ) , and the n sen d the m oving distan ce to start posi tioning ope ratio n.
15 - 30 15. COMMUNICA TION FUNCTIONS 15.12.9 Ou tput signal pin ON/O FF output si gnal (DO) f orced output In the test operation mode, the output signal pins can be turned on/off independently of the servo status. Using command [ 9][0], d isable the ou tput signal s in adv ance.
15 - 31 15. COMMUNICA TION FUNCTIONS 15.12.10 A larm his tory (1) Alarm No. read Read the al arm No. which occurred in the past. The alarm numbers a nd occurrence times of No.0 (last alar m) to No .5 (si xth alarm in th e past) ar e read. (a) Transmission Send command [3][3] and data No.
15 - 32 15. COMMUNICA TION FUNCTIONS 15.12.11 Cur rent alarm (1) C urrent alarm r ead Read th e alarm No . which is occurring curren tly. (a) Transmission Send command [0][2] and data No. [0][0]. Comm and Data N o. [0][2] [0][0] (b) Reply The slave station sends back the alarm currently occurring.
15 - 33 15. COMMUNICA TION FUNCTIONS 15.12.12 Point table (1) Data read (a) Position data Read the posi tion data of the point tabl e. 1) Transm issio n Transmit command [4][0] and a ny of data No. [0][1] to [1][F] corres ponding to the point t able to be read .
15 - 34 15. COMMUNICA TION FUNCTIONS (c) Acceleration time constant Read the acce leration time constan t of th e poin t table . 1) Transm issio n Transmit command [5][4] and a ny of data No. [0][1] to [1][F] corres ponding to the point t able to be read .
15 - 35 15. COMMUNICA TION FUNCTIONS (e) Dwell Read the dwell of the poi nt table. 1) Transm issio n Transmit command [6][0] and a ny of data No. [0][1] to [1][F] corres ponding to the point t able to be read . Refer to sec tion 1 5.11.1. 2) Reply The slave stati on sends back the dwell of the requested point table.
15 - 36 15. COMMUNICA TION FUNCTIONS (2) Data write POINT If setting value s need to be chang ed wi th a high frequency (i .e. one time or more per one hour), writ e the set ting values to the RAM, not the EEP- ROM.
15 - 37 15. COMMUNICA TION FUNCTIONS (c) Acceleration time constant Write the accel eration time constant of the poi nt table. Transmit command [C][7], any of data No. [0][1] to [1][F] corresponding to the point t able to be writte n to, and th e data.
15 - 38 15. COMMUNICA TION FUNCTIONS (e) Dwell Writ e the dwell of the point tabl e. Transmit command [C][A], any of data No. [0 ][1] to [1][F] corresponding to the point ta ble to be writte n to, and th e data. Re fer to sect ion 15.11. 2. Comm and Data No.
15 - 39 15. COMMUNICA TION FUNCTIONS 15.12.13 Servo am plifier gr oup desig nation With g roup se tting m ade to the slave station s, dat a can be transm itted simul taneou sly to tw o or mor e slave stations set as a group through RS- 422 communication.
15 - 40 15. COMMUNICA TION FUNCTIONS 15.12.14 Sof tware v ersion Reads the software version of the s e rvo ampli fier. (a) Transmission Send command [0] [2] and data No. [7] [0]. Comm and Data No. [0][2] [7][0] (b) Reply The slave station returns the software ver sion requested.
App - 1 A PPENDIX App 1. Stat us indication bl ock diag ram Peak load rati o PWM M Current control Droop p ulse ABS counter Low High CMX CDV Electronic gear Bus volta ge ABS counte r Ser vo moto r Pos.
App - 2 A PPENDI X App 2. Juncti on ter minal block ( MR-TB20) terminal block labels For CN1A 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 PG OPC.
App - 3 A PPENDI X App 3. Co mbinati on of serv o amplifier and s ervo motor The servo amplifier software versions compatible with the servo motors are indi cated in the parenthese s. The servo amplifiers whose s oftware versions are not indicated can be used regardless of the versi ons.
App - 4 A PPENDI X Ap p 4. Change o f connector sets to the R oHS compatible products Connec tor sets (opti ons) in the fol lowing table ar e chan ged to t he RoH S compat ible pr oducts after Septem ber, 2006 s hipment. Pleas e accept tha t the current pr oducts m ight be mix ed with RoHS com patib le product s based on ava ilabil ity.
REVISIONS *The manual numb er is given on the bottom left of the back cover. Print Data *M anual Number Revision Jan., 2002 SH(NA)030017-A First edition Oct.
Print data *Manual num ber Revision Oct., 2002 SH(NA)030017-B Section 15.10: Figur e change Section 15.12. 3 (2): POINT addition Mar., 2004 SH(NA)030017-C Safety Instruct ions: Ov erall r eexamination Section 1. 1.1: Par tial figu re reex aminati on Section 1.
Print data *Manual num ber Revision Mar., 2004 SH(NA)030017-C Section 14.1.9: POINT addit ion Section 1 4.2.8 (3): P artial f igure reexa m inat ion Section 14.2.6 (2) (d): Partial figure cha nge Section 14.2.6 (2) (e): Partial figure chan ge Section 14.
Print data *Manual num ber Revision Mar., 2005 SH(NA)030017-D Section 14. 1. 1 (5) (c): Par tial chang ing of figur e Section 1 4. 1. 2 (2): N ote reex amination Section 1 4. 1. 3 (2): N ote reex amination Section 1 4. 1. 4 (1): S entence reexaminat ion (2) S entence reex aminati on Sectio n 14.
Print data *Manual num ber Revision Jul., 2006 SH(NA )030017-F Section 7. 2.3: Correc tion of d escription for command p o sit ion Section 8. 3.1 (1) (a): Add ition of parameter in Tab le Section 8.4 (2): Correction of descri ption for Step 5 Sectio n 11.
General-Purpose AC Servo J2-Super Series SH (NA) 030017-G (0709) MEE Printed in Japan Specifications subject to change without notice. This Instruction Manual uses recycled paper.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Mitsubishi Electronics MR-J2S- CP è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Mitsubishi Electronics MR-J2S- CP - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Mitsubishi Electronics MR-J2S- CP imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Mitsubishi Electronics MR-J2S- CP ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Mitsubishi Electronics MR-J2S- CP, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Mitsubishi Electronics MR-J2S- CP.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Mitsubishi Electronics MR-J2S- CP. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Mitsubishi Electronics MR-J2S- CP insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.