Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto LT-46151 del fabbricante Mitsubishi Electronics
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Gu id eli ne s for s et t ing u p an d us in g your n ew wi de scr ee n T V st a r t on • pag e 7 . Forquestio ns: • Visito urwebsiteatw w w .mits ubishi-t v .com. - E-mailu satMDE Ase r vice @mdea .com. - CallCons umerRe lationsat - 8 0 0 - 33 2-2 1 1 9.
FC C Decl ara tio n of Conformi t y Pro du c t: LCDFlatPanelHDT V Models: L T -401 5 1 ,L T - 461 5 1 ,L T5 2 1 5 1 L T - 401 53,L T - 401 53,L T -521 53 Responsible Par ty : Mitsubi shiDigit alElec tronics Ame rica ,Inc.
Contents Impor t antSafet yInstr uction s ................ 4 Impor t antInform ationAb outY ourT V .......... 5 Spe cialFeature sofY ourT V ................. 6 1 Basic S etup and Ope ration PackageCon tents .
4 Impo r tant S afet y Inst ruc t ions Pleasere adthefollowingsafe guardsfo ryourT Vand retainfo rfuturerefere nce.Alwaysfollowallwarning s andins tructi onsmar kedonthetelevision. 1 ) Re adthes einstruc tions.
5 Impor tan t Inf orma tion Abou t Y our T V Ins tall ati on Notes Forstandi nstalla tionandwall- mounting,se epage8. Use w it h ot he r th an t he a ut ho ri zed ac ces so ri es may c au se t he T V t o bec om e un st ab le, w hic h ca n ca us e dam ag e to th e pr od uc t or po ss ib le in ju r y .
6 Special Fea t ures of Y our T V Y ournewhigh- defin itionwide scree ntelevisionha s manyspe cialfeature sthatmakeitthepe r fectc enterof yourhome�.
7 Basic Setup and O perat ion 1 Pa ckage Co ntent s Pleaset akeamomenttoreviewthefollowinglistof acce sso r yitemstoensureth atyouhav erece ived ever y thing. Remo t e Con trol Batt eries Removetheremotecontrolb ackcover .
8 1 . Basic Setup and Operation 1 3 2 Back Ex tension pi eces on bac k of stan d W all -M ounting Sta nd Inst alla tion 1 3 2 Back Ex tension pi eces on bac k of stan d Ifplanningtowall-m ounttheT V ,donotinstallthe stan d.
1 . Basic Setup and Operation 9 Bef ore Y ou Begin Reviewtheimpor t antsafet y ,in stalla tion,andope r - 1. atinginform ationatthebe ginningofthisbo ok.
10 1 . Basic Setup and Oper ation Remote Cont rol GUIDE MENU INFO BACK ACTIVITY Pow er sT Vonorof f. Sidebu ttonset sthecontrolmo de forthet ypeofdevicetoope rate.Set modeto TV fornor malT Vviewing.
1 . Basic Setup and Operation 11 T V Cont rol Pan el But tonsonthecontr olpaneldu plicatesomekeyson theremotecontr ol. ACTIVIT Y • , CH ,and VOL areavailablewhe nnoT V menusa redisplayed.
12 1. Basic Setup and Operation Set t ing Up O th er Inp uts Conne ctyourdevice stotheT V ,mak ingnoteof 1. whichT Vinputjackisuse dforeac hdevice.See “T VC onnec tions, ”page1 6,forrecomm endation s.
1 . Basic Setup and Operation 13 Abou t Auto Inp ut S ensing/ Auto Out put S ens ing ThisT V’ sE asyConne ct ™AutoSensingfeature detect smostco nnecti onsautomatic ally . Aut o Se nsi ng fo r Mos t Dev ice s Whenyoufi rstc onnec tadevice,theT Vwill: a.
14 1 . Bas ic Setup and Operation Wa tchi ng Broad cast T V T V Co nn ec ted to a n A nte nn a, D ir ect C ab le S er v ice, Cab le B ox, S et- T op Box , or S ate lli te Re cei ver Press 1. ACTIVIT Y . Press 2 . and tosele ctabroa dcas tsource.
1 . Basic Setup and Operation 15 Mak ing Pictu re Adju st ment s T ogetthebe stpictu reunderdif fe rentviewingco ndi- tions,se tthePictureModeb eforecha ngingothervid eo set tings.Picturea djustme ntsarede scrib edonpage s 38 , 41 ,and 42 .
16 2 T V Connect ions Auto Input/ Auto Output Se nsing TheT V’ sAutoSe nsingfeaturea utomaticallyr ecog nizes mostc onnec tionsan dpromptsyoutoidentif ythet yp e ofdevicecon necte d.Seepage1 3formoreonAuto Sensing.
2 . T V Connections 17 Inpu ts an d Outp uts 1 3 4 2 HDMI (pag e1 9) DIG IT A L AUDIO OUTPUT (pag e22 ) SUBWOO FER OUTPUT (pag e23) IR – Net Co mma nd O ut pu t / E xt er na l Con tr oll er.
18 2 . T V Co nnections Inpu ts an d Outp uts, contin ued 1 . ANT ( Antenna) Conne ctyourmaina ntennaordire ctca bleser vi ce(no cableb ox)t o ANT .
2 . T V Connections 19 H DMI Device HDT V Cable B o x, S atelli te Receiver , D V D/ Blu-ray P lay er Su it ab le fo r us e wit h S oun d Proj ec tor s ur rou nd sound Requi red:HDMI-to- HDMIca ble. Conne ctanHD MIcabl efromtheT Vba ckpaneltothe HDMIdevic eoutput.
20 2 . T V Co nnections D VI Video Device Cabl e Bo x, S atelli te Receiver , DVD Player Conne ctDVIdevice s( digita lonly)totheT V’ sHDMI inputjacks . Require d: 1 . DVI-to- HDMIca bleorDVI/ HDMIadaptera ndHDMI cable 2.
2 . T V Connections 21 V CR o r D V D R ec o rd e r t o a n Ant enn a or W all Outle t Cable Require d : 1 . V ideoca bles 1 a . Compo nentvide ocabl es(red/ blue / green) or 1 b. Comp ositevideoc able(usuallyyellow) 2.
22 2. T V Conn ections A/ V Rece iv er Mostse tupsrequiree itheradigi talaudioc ableor analo gstereoau diocable s.T osendau diofromT V chann el.
2 . T V Connections 23 Sub woo fe r Requi red:Audiocabl ewithRCA-st yleplug AVR AUDIO OUTPUT R L AUDIO R L TV Subwoofer L R Y VIDEO Audio-only device Unused RCA-style plug (plug in �.
24 U sing T V F eatur es 3 Sele c tin g an Inp ut The Ac tivit y me nuletsyouswitchT Vinput s.Ifyou name ddevicesdu ringAutoInputS ensing,theinp uts areorg anizedintogroupsba sedo npossib lewayst o useea chdevice.
3 . Using T V Feat ure s 25 Channe lV iew C hannel Listin gs Cha nne lVi ew . Pr ogr ams fo r the tun ed ch ann el ar e liste d on rig ht side of s cr een.
26 3. Using T V Features Pressthe IN FO keyt osee theon-s cree nstatus display .Themost commo ndisplaysare shownhere. Sa mple inf orm ation from th e on- scr ee n status d isp lay 1. Curre ntInput 2.
3 . Using T V Feat ure s 27 T V Signals an d Displa y Form ats Sig nal Def init ions 480i: O ldert ypeofinter lace dsignalsf romthe ANT input, comp osite VIDEO ,comp onent Y Pb Pr ,or HDMI jacks. 4 80 p: Progre ssive -sca nDVDsignalsonc ompone nt Y Pb Pr or HDMI jacks.
28 3. Using T V Features Conn ect ing a Com puter to t he T V Useoneofthec onnec tionmethod slistedbel owbased onyourcomp uter’ svideooutpu t.
3 . Using T V Feat ure s 29 Tip Settheco mputer’ sscre ensavertodisplayapat tern af terseveralminu tesofinactivit y .T hisact sasa reminde rthattheT Visp oweredon Compu ter Vi deo Adju st ment s Pow erontheco mputer .
30 3 . Using T V Feat ure s The US B Medi a Player Menu Dis playing the Menu Backupthedat aonyourUSBdri vebeforecon- 1. nec tingittotheT V .Mits ubishiisnotre spons ible foranyfileda mageordat aloss.
3 . Using T V Feat ure s 31 Thum bnai l and Play list Menus JPEG Thum bna il Me nu Usethes eke yswhileviewingJPEGthumbna ilimages orthemus ictracksinaplaylis t. Movesthehighlightfro mitemtoitem.
32 3. Us ing T V Feat ures Photos and Moving V ide o as Comp osite V ideo Conne cttheca meratotheT Vu singacom positevide o cablei f: • Y ouareuna bletoseeimag esusingth eUSBpor t. • Y ouwishtoviewmovingvide ofromtheca mera .
3 . Using T V Feat ure s 33 Soun d Projector T ech nology TheT V’ sba nkofspeaker scanb eadjustedtorefle ct soundof fthero omwallstocreateasurr oundsound ef fe ct.
34 3. Using T V Features Closethec ur tain s. c. Setlevelsbyper for mingthepro cedurei n d. “ Adjus tingLevels .” Fromthe 1. Initial > S oundPr o menug otothe Custom menu. Positionyour selfinyourusu alviewingloc ation.
3 . Using T V Feat ure s 35 Auto Set up 1 5 3 Se rie s Autosetupuse sacalibr ationmicro phonetooptimize SoundProje ctorpe r forma nceformos troomco ndi- tions.
36 3. Using T V Features Int rodu ct ion to Home - Th eater Co ntro l Thissu mmar yof fer ssomeexamp lesofcontr olmethodsavailabl eusingthe T V’s remot e co nt rol .
37 4 T V M enus Disp laysorclear sthema inmenu. Movesuponemenulevel. • Clea rsthecur rentme nu. • Movesna vigationintooptions • area. Sele ctsani tem. • Movesthehighlightwithinme nus.
38 4 . T V Menus A djust Pic tu re Mode Brilliant Foruseunde rbrig htlight;unavailablewhenth ecurre nt inputisna med Game or PC .P ow erus eex cee ds ENERGYST AR ® sta ndard swhenPictureM odeisBr illiant.
4 . T V Menus 39 Spea k ers The Spea k ers optiondisplaysonlyifa nA / Vreceivero rheadph oneconne ctionha sbee n detected.D etectiono ccur sontheright A VR AUDI O OUTPUT jackorthe DIG IT A L AUDIO OU T jack.
40 4. T V Me nus Adjust , c ontinued Lis te n T o App liesonlyto analo gchan - nelsfr omthe ANT input Stereo T heT Vplaysstere obroadc astsins tereoandm onobroad cast sinmono.The word Stereo isdisp layedwhenyoutunetoachanne lbroadc astinginstere o.
4 . T V Menus 41 Reset Rese tsaudioandp ictureadju stment sforthecurre ntinput.Hig hlightthe • Reset ico nandpre ss ENTER twi ce . Reset • hasnoef fe ctongloba lset tings( Balance , Lis ten T o , Langu age , Fil m Mod e ,and Adva nc ed Pi ct ur e) .
42 4 . T V Menus Adjust , c ontinued P icture+ Perfec tColor Per f ec tCo lor S li de rs Adjuststh esaturatio n(intensit y)ofsixco lorsfo r thecur rentimages ource.
4 . T V Menus 43 C ap tions Capt ions on A nal og Chan nels TheT Vcandeco decaption sfromthe ANT I NPUT and thecomp osite VIDEO jacks.Bro adcas t er scanse nd eithe rstand ardclos edcapti onsortextse r vice.
44 4 . T V Menus Langu age English Spanis h Displ ayson-sc reenme nusineithe rEnglishorS panish. Note: T olistentoaudioinotherla nguage s(whenavailable) ,see Adjust > Au dio > Liste n T o > SA P (analogsign al)or L anguage ( digitalsig nal)onp age40.
4 . T V Menus 45 Ini tial, c ontinue d Energy Ene rgy Usage Standard, Fast Powe r On Optionsfo rpowerconsumptio nwhiletheT Visp ow ere doff. Standard • keepstheT Vinc omplian cewithENERG YST AR ® ef f i- ciencys tanda rdswhilep ow eredof f.
46 4. T V Me nus Ini tial, c ontinue d Ba sic S cr ee n SoundPro Mode ( 1 53 series ) Auto S TA R T P er formAu tosetupusingthesup pliedc alibratio n microp hone.Seep age35. Manual Cus tom T oper for mmanua lsetup,seepage3 3.
4 . T V Menus 47 Inpu t s N ame Cab le box, C am(co rd er ), CD, D VD (DVD, DVD2 , B lu -r ay), DVR , Ga me (Ga me, PS , X box, W ii), MP 3 Playe r , PC, Sa tel li te, VCR, AVR De let e ( deac tivated.
48 4 . T V Menus How is th e Activ it y Men u Gen erat ed? TheT Vautomaticallyge neratesthe Activit y m enu.The T Vgrou psreco gnizeddevicet yp esbase donhowthey canb eused.
4 . T V Menus 49 T V Locks Parental Loc k by Progr am Ratings Restr ictsac ces susingU.S. -bas edrating s sentbybroa dcaster s. Time Loc k by Time Restr ictsT Vusebytimeofday . Pan el Lo ck Contro l Panel Dis ablestheb uttonso ntheT V’ scontro l panel.
50 4. T V Menus Lock, contin ued Parental Lock Off, On Dis ableso renable sblock ingbase donV-Chipsig nalsandth eU .S.ratingsystem. St ar t Time Setsthetimeofdayfore nforcem entofratingre stric tionssetinthe P arental menu.
4 . T V Menus 51 Lock, contin ued Time Blocksa lluseoftheT Vdu ringthetimepe riodyouspe cif y .Y o umustenterap assco detousethe T Vwhe nthetimelockisine ffe ct. Loc k by Tim e Enable s/ disab les Lo ck by Ti me .
52 5 NetC omm and IR C ontrol Net Co mma nd I R hom e-t he ate r co nt rol i s avai l- • ab le o n 1 53 s er ies T V s. IR em it t er ca bl es a re ava ila bl e for p ur ch ase • fr om Mi ts ub is hi.
5 . NetCommand IR Control 53 TheNe tComma ndsystemuse semit tersc onnec ted tothe IR – Net Co mma nd O ut pu t jacktocontrolothe r devicess uchasDVDplayer s,cabl ebox es,satellite rece ivers,a ndVCRs.
54 5. NetCommand IR Control T oper for mthisproc edure,youne ed: There motecontrolsforbothth eT Vandthe • deviceyouwanttocontrol. AnIRe mitterc ableavailablef romMitsubi shi • .
5 . NetCommand IR Control 55 Sp ecial O per at ion Met hods Key Name in Learning Screen Special Operation Description and Setup How to Use Power O n M an ua l Power On /Of f Usefordevic esthathaveonlyone POW ER key . Press 1 .
56 5. NetCommand IR Control Key Name in Learning Screen Special Operation Description and Setup How to Use Enter E NTER- Key F un ct io ns (ca bl e boxes, s at ell ite r ec eive rs , etc .) Somedevic eshavetwoke ysthathave“ enter”f unction s.
5 . NetCommand IR Control 57 NetCo mman d Spe ciali zed Device Ke ys Refertothischa r twhen“le arning”devic eke ys.“Le arn” some,all,orno neoftheke ysuse dforeachdevi cety pe.
58 6 N e t C o m m a n d I R C o n t r o l o f an A / V R ecei v er Con trollin g an A/V R e ce i v e r after Ne tComma nd Set u p Swi tching Au dio to an d from t he A / V Receiv er Press 1. MORE andthe n 9 ( A UDIO ) . Press 2 . toshowthe Spe ak e rs option.
6 . NetCommand Control of an A/V Receiver 59 I M P O R TA N T T o he ar au di o se nt fr om t he T V to the A / V r ece iver , you mu st h ave: Phys ica ll y co nn ec ted t he T V to th e A / V rece ive r • vi a th e an alo g or d igi ta l au dio o ut pu t .
60 6 . NetCommand Control of an A/V Receiver Automat ic Sw itchi ng (Aud io or Aud io/ Vid eo) Thefollowingse tupsenab letheA / Vreceivertoswitch automatica llytothecorre ctinpu twhenyousele cta deviceintheT V’ s Ac tivit y me nu.
6 . NetCommand Control of an A/V Receiver 61 Settin g Up A/V Receiv er Con trol, cont in ued Case 2 : Automatic A /V Rece iver Switc hing to a Surr ound Sou nd Device Not e: Use t hi s se tu p to se nd d igi ta l su rr oun d sou nd fr om a sou rc e dev ice d ir ec tl y to you r ex ter na l sou nd sys tem .
62 6 . NetCommand Cont rol of an A/V Rec eiver Multi ple vid eo inp uts thr oug h a sing le HDMI c abl e. Y ou c an con nect m ultipl e vide o device s to an A/ V re ceive r that ha s an HD MI outpu t. The optio nal a udio c onne ction a llows you to hea r , th roug h the A /V re cei ver , d evices c onne cted to the T V on ly , e.
6 . NetCommand Control of an A/V Receiver 63 Ifusingano ptionalaudi ocablebe twee ntheT Vand 4 . A / Vreceiver ,connec tit. Conne cttheIRe mitterc abletotheT Van dpositio n 5 . theIRemit terwhe reitcans endsigna lstotheA / V rece iver .
64 Ap pend ix A: B ypas sing t he Par enta l Lock .............. 65 Ap pend ix B: Progr ammi ng th e Remote Cont rol ........... 67 Ap pend ix C: HDMI Co ntro l of CEC Devices .............. 74 Ap pend ix D: T V Ca re ........................... 77 Ap pend ix E: T rou bles hooti ng .
Appendices 65 Byp assi ng th e Parent al Lock Af teryousetthelock ,youmustuseyourpa ssco deto : Viewalockedp rogra m • Viewtheloc kedT V • .
66 Appendices This p age in t ent ion ally left blan k.
Appendices 67 Thisap pendixexpl ainspro grammin gtheT V’sremote controltoope rateotherA / Vdevice s.Thisisdis tinct fromNe tComma ndcontrol.
68 Appendices Progra mmin g the Re mote Cont rol Pressthes idebut tonontheremotecon trolto 1. chang etothecorre ctmodefo rtheproduc tyou wanttocontrol.Refertotheta blebelow .
Appendices 69 Progra mmin g Codes Appendix B: Programming t he R emo te Co nt rol, contin ued Audio Amplifiers Adcom 4 1 1 0 0,4057 7 AltecL ans ing 41 74 2 BelCanto Design 415 8 3 Bose 4.
70 A ppendices Progra mmin g Codes, c ont inue d Appendix B: Programming t he R emo te Co nt rol, contin ued A/V Receivers In teg ra 4 1 80 5,4 1 320,4 1 298, 40 842 JBL 4 1 306,401 1 0 J .
Appendices 71 Progra mmin g Codes, c ont inue d Appendix B: Programming t he R emo te Co nt rol, contin ued VCRs Day tron 2027 8,20037 Dell 2 19 7 2 Denon 20 08 1 ,20 042 D i r e cT V 2073 9 Dis.
72 A ppendices Progra mmin g Codes, c ont inue d Appendix B: Programming t he R emo te Co nt rol, contin ued VCRs Sansui 204 79 ,20209,200 6 7 , 2 0000 Sa nyo 204 7 9,20 1 59,2004 7 ,�.
Appendices 73 Progra mmin g Codes, c ont inue d Appendix B: Programming t he R emo te Con t rol, contin ued DVD and Blu-ray Players GFM 31 268,30 67 5 GoVi deo 31 730,3 1 30 4,3 1 1 58,.
74 Appendices Ifpromptedforan ame, 4 . highlightthena meyouwant toassignth edevice. Highlight 5 . On . Highlight 7.
Appendices 75 HDMI Con trol of a n HDMI A / V Receiver a nd Conn ecte d Devices Note: ConnecttheA/VreceivertotheTVwithan HDMIcablebeforemakingotherconnections. EnableHD MIControlforth eA / Vreceiveras 1.
76 A ppendices Using H DMI Cont rol Asanexamp leofusingHD MIControl,pre ss P L AY on thedeviceit selfto : Pow erontheT V • Switchtothedevi.
Appendices 77 Clea ning Reco mmen dat ions Norm ally ,lig htdustingwithadr y ,non-sc ratchingdus ter willkeepyourT Vcle an.
78 Ap pendices Reset Name When to Use How to Use Resulting Action Format Whenthepic ture shap eseem s incor rec t,use MOR E > 0 ( FORMA T ) to chang etheshapeof thepictu re.
Appendices 79 Reset Name When to Use How to Use Resulting Action A / V Rese t (forallinput s) T oresetau dioand vide oadjustme ntsfor allinput stotheoriginal factor yse tting s.
80 Appendices Appendix E: T r oublesh oo tin g, cont in ued Ge ne ra l T V Op er at io n Sy mptom Re ma rks 1. TheT Vremotecontroldoe snotwork. Che ckthatthebat terie sarefre shandins talle dcor rectly .
Appendices 81 Appendix E: T r oublesh oo tin g, cont in ued T V Power O n/O f f Sy mptom Re ma rks 1. T Vtakesa nex ces sivelylongtimetopower on. Whenp ow ere don,theT Vne edstimetobootup,justa s • doesac omputer .
82 Appendices Appendix E: T r oublesh oo tin g, cont in ued Picture Sy mptom Re ma rks 1. Picturedoe snotlooklikeahigh- defini tion picture.
Appendices 83 Appendix E: T r oublesh oo tin g, cont in ued So un d Sy mptom Re ma rks 2. Theso unddoesn otmatchthescre en picture. TheT V’ s“L istento : ”set tingmaybesettoSAP (analogpr ogramf rom theANTinp ut) .
84 Appendices Appendix E: T r oublesh oo tin g, cont in ued Net Co mma nd I R Con tr ol (N et Com ma nd -e qu ip ped m od els o nl y) Sy mptom Re ma rks 3. T heA / Vreceiveristh eselec tedaudioso urce butthe reisnosound.
86 T rade mark and License Information Mit sub ish i T V Sof t war e EN D- US ER LIC ENS E AGREE ME NT FOR EM BED DED S OF T WARE IM PO RT ANT – R E AD CAR E FULL Y : ThisL ice nseA gre eme.
T rademark and Lice nse Information 87 GNU G ene ral Pub lic Licen se Ver si on 2 , J un e 19 91 Copy rig ht(C)1989,1 991 FreeS of t wareFou nda tion,I nc.
88 T rademark and License I nformation GNU G ene ral Pub lic Licen se, cont inu ed a)Ac com panyitw ithth ecom ple tecor re spo ndin gmac hine -r ead abl esou rcec ode,�.
W arrant y 89 Mits u bis hi LCD F lat Pane l HDT V Limite d W a rr ant y MITSUBIS HIDIGIT A LELECTRONICSA MERICA,IN C.(“MDE A ”)war rant stotheoriginalpu rchase ro.
90 W arrant y wallmounting s,orset-ups,anyadjustm entsofuse rcontrol s(includin gcontra st,brigh tness,c olor ,tin t,finetuning,sha rpne ss) , other�.
Ind ex 91 I n d ex A Activit yMenu 2 4 AutomaticGe nera tion4 8 Chang eInputNam e4 7 Customizing4 7 NetCo mmand -C ontrolledSwitch- ingofA / VRecei ver�.
92 Index Pic tur e Globa lPictureAdjus tments4 1 Picture+Adju stment s42 PictureMe nuAdjustme nts3 8 PictureQu alit yandFilmMod e 4 1 T rouble shooti.
We b s i t e : w com E-m ail : MDEA ser vice@mdea .com For quest ion s, cal l Consu mer Rela tio ns at 800- 33 2 - 2 1 1 9 T o ord er re place ment or a ddit ion al remote co ntr ols or IR em it ter ca ble s, Vis it our webs ite w w w .
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Mitsubishi Electronics LT-46151 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Mitsubishi Electronics LT-46151 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Mitsubishi Electronics LT-46151 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Mitsubishi Electronics LT-46151 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Mitsubishi Electronics LT-46151, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Mitsubishi Electronics LT-46151.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Mitsubishi Electronics LT-46151. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Mitsubishi Electronics LT-46151 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.