Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto 0990-7701-02 del fabbricante Minolta
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Copyrigh t 199 7 MINO LT A CO. , LT D Printe d i n Japa n 3-13 , 2-chome , Azuchi-machi , Chuo-ku , Osaka , 541 , Japa n MINO LT A CO. , LT D 7 . 8 Co lo r Pa ge Work s User' s Manua l Th e infor.
i This manual expl ains the functions and operation of the MINOL T A C olor P a geW orks printer . It also gi v es some troubleshooting tips as well as general precautions to be observed when operating this printer . T o ensure the best performance and effecti v e use of your printer , ple ase read this manual carefully from cov er to cov er .
ii Safety Inf ormation LASER SAFETY This is a pa ge pri nter which op erates b y mean s of a laser . There is no possibi lity of danger from the laser , provid ed the prin t er is op erated according to the instructions in this manua l provided.
iii Safety Inf orma tion USER INSTR UCTIONS (FOR U .S.A. Users) FCC P AR T 15- RADIO FREQUENCY DEVICES W ARNING (Note: Color P ageW orks printer without Minolta Netw ork option installed.) W ARNING This equi pment has been tested and found to comply with the l imits for a Class B digita l de vice, p ursuant to Pa rt 15 of the FCC Rules.
iv W ARNING LABEL Safety Inf ormation USER INSTR UCTIONS (FOR Canadian Use r s) INTERFERENCE-CA USING EQUIPMENT ST AND ARD (ICES-003 ISSUE 2) W ARNING (Note: Color Pa geW orks p rinter without Minolta Netw ork option installed.) This Class B digital a pparatus me ets all require ments of th e Canadian In terference -Causing Equ ipment Re gulations.
v Highlight 1. High quality printing • Clear te xt and e xcellent graphics with true 600 dpi. • Excellent graphics (106 lpi, 122gray le ve ls) • Super Fine Micro T oning (Fine-MT) de vel oping system. • 8 µ m small particle toner . • Color matching technology .
vi Using This Manual Organization This manu al consist s of 6 c hap ter s. Cha p te rs 1 a n d 2 g i v e the b a sic i nfo rmat ion a bout the p rin te r , chapter 3 in trod uc e s th e men u utilit ie s of t he print er oper at ion, cha pter 4 t hr o ugh 6 cover mainte n ance of t he prin ter and s ome troubl eshoo ting ti ps.
vii Page Lay out Operational Heading Before op eration: Gi v es an ov ervie w of the functi on/ operati on co vered herein. Page Num ber: Used to locate your p age. Note: Calls yo ur attentio n to a particular point in th e procedure. Step No.: Sequential number to f ollow in perf orming the pro cedure.
viii CONTENTS Energ y Star Inf orm ation Intr oduction i Safety Inf ormation ii Highlight v Using This Manual vi Contents viii Chapter 1 Installation 1 1. Preparation f or Installation 2 Installatio n Site / Po w er Sourc e/ Grounding 2 Space Requi r ements 3 2.
ix 7701 CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 CHAPTER 2 CHAPTER 3 CHAPTER 4 CHAPTER 5 Chapter 3 Changing the Printer Settings 45 1. List of MENU Utilities 36 2. Setting the MENU Utilities 38 3.
x 7701.
As an E NERGY S TA R Partner , MINOL T A Co., Ltd has determined that this printer m eets the E NERGY S TA R Guidelines for energ y eff i ciency . F or U .S.A./ Canada Users F or Other Country Users This printer meets the *EP A ’ s E NERGY S TA R Guide lines for energy ef ficienc y .
1 CHAPTER 1 Installation This chapter cov ers site preparation, precautions for use, a nd set-up procedure. 1. Pr eparation f or Installation 2 Installati on Site 2 Po wer So urce 2 Ground ing 2 Space Requ i rements 3 2.
2 CHAPTER 1 Installation - Use an outle t with the spe cif ied v oltage capa city on ly . *NEVER co nnect th e grounding wi re to a gas pipe , t he groundin g wire f or a telep hone, o r a water pi p e.
3 CHAPTER 1 Installation Spac e Requ ir eme nts 550m m 300m m 300m m 905mm (35-3/4 inch) 1,380mm (54-1/4 inch) 100mm (4 inch) (11- 3/4 i nch) 1. Pr ep arati on f o r Inst allati on (11-3 /4 inch) (21-3 / 4 inch) Y ou must pro vi de op en spa ce on a ll sides of th e Prin ter .
4 CHAPTER 1 Installation Operating En vironment The opera ting en vironmental require ments of th e printer a re as fol lo ws. - T emperature : 1 0 ° C (50 ° F) to 35 ° C (86 ° F) with a fluctuatio n of 10 ° C (50 ° F) per ho ur. - Humid ity: 15% to 85% RH with a fl uctu ation o f 20% per ho ur .
5 CHAPTER 1 Installation - When th e Third Casse tte Unit is i nstalled, remo ve it from the printer and carry the pri nter . - Sin ce the prin ter w eighs a pproxi matel y 35kg (77- 1/4 l bs.), two p eople are r equired to li ft it. - If you ne e d to tra ns p or t the prin ter o v e r a long di st an ce, con sult your T echnical Repre sentative.
6 CHAPTER 1 Installation 3. Setting-Up - The follo wing four di f fer ent proc edur es mus t be p erform ed to set up the printer . Perfor m them step by step. 1. Hardware Setting-Up (Printer and 2 50-Sheet Third Cassette Unit) ☞ Unpacking/ Settin g-Up Instructions* 1 2.
7 CHAPTER 1 Installation 5 6 - Press the Menu key on the control p anel twice. - Check that “TEST PRINT MENU” appears o n the Message Display. TEST PRINT MENU 7 - Press the Item key on the control panel on ce. - Check that “PRINT CONFIG” appea rs on the Message Display.
8 CHAPTER 1 Installation 3. Set ti n g-Up Connecting Printer to Host Computer PRECA U TION - This printer is equipp ed with the following two typ es of interface connector s for connection to the host compu ter. Select the correct interface to suit the host compu ter to be used.
9 CHAPTER 1 Installation 3. Setting-Up 4 - This completes the connection of the p ri nter to the host computer. - You next ins tall the printer driver (software).
10 CHAPTER 1 Installation 3. Set ti n g-Up 3 - Bef ore o pening the optional p ackages or handling the options, briefly touch th e metal part of the printer to remove any electrostati c ch arge from y our bo dy .
11 CHAPTER 1 Installation 3. Setting-Up 8 - Check that the expansion memo ry is mounted securely. 7 5 - Insert the controller board in to the guide rails. - Secure the control ler board in posi tion wit h the four screws. - Take the Expans ion Memory out of its carton .
12 CHAPTER 1 Installation 3. Set ti n g-Up 3 - Befo re o pening the optional packages or handling the options, briefly touch the metal part of the printer to r emov e any electr ostatic char ge fr om y our body .
13 CHAPTER 1 Installation SIMM2 Controller b oard (a) 3. Setting-Up 8 - Check that the PostScript ROM is mounted securely. 7 5 - Insert the controller board into the guide rails. - Secure the controll er board in posi tion wit h the four screws. - Take the Post Script ROM out of its car ton.
14 CHAPTER 1 Installation 3. Set ti n g-Up Netw ork Board (Option) Setting-Up 2 - Do not mak e connections both to 10B ASE-T and 10B ASE-2 at th e same time, because it will deactiv ate the automatic detection function of the conn ector conn ected, disa bling co mmu nications.
15 CHAPTER 1 Installation 6 - This comp letes the procedur e to m ount the network board in th e printer. - Now, read the Network Printer Operator's Manual sep aratel y provid ed (th at is s hipp.
16 CHAPTER 1 Installation 3. Set ti n g-Up.
17 Installation CHAPTER 2 Using the Printer This chapter gi ves basic information on the dif f erent parts of the printer and sho ws you ho w to use the printer . 1. Pr inter P art s and Acc essori es 18 ⋅ Prin ter 18 ⋅ Accessories 19 ⋅ Contro l Pane l keys 20 ⋅ Operati on an d W arni ng L abels 22 2.
18 Œ CHAPTER 2 Using the Printer 1. Printer P arts and Accessories P ow er Sw itch Use to tu rn the prin ter ON and OFF ☞ p. 23 Print T ray The printed pa per is fed out face down onto this tray . The tray c an hold 25 0 sheets of print ed pap e r .
19 Installation CHAPTER 2 Using the Printer 1. Printer Parts and Acc essories - Used to coll ec t and contai n waste toner . - Replace this Bottle with a ne w one when it is filled with waste toner . - Put the o ld bo ttle in a p olyethy lene bag o r the like and dispose of it accordin g to your local re gula tions.
20 Œ CHAPTER 2 Using the Printer 1. Printer Parts and Access ories CONTR OL P ANEL KEYS - Shows the message telling the cu rrent status of the printer.
21 Installation CHAPTER 2 Using the Printer 1. Prin ter Parts and Accessor ies Accesses the pr int and co nfig uration menus. The m enus goes th rough a l oop until t he On Line k e y is p resse d. Menu K ey Accesses the list of items after selecting a Menu and selects the menu ite m.
22 Œ CHAPTER 2 Using the Printer OPERA TION AND W ARNING LABELS Installing th e T on er Cartridge - Describes how to replace the T one r Cartri d ge when it runs ou t of toner . For details of opera tio n, refer to “Cha ngi ng the T one r Cart ri dge” on pag e 48 .
23 Installation CHAPTER 2 Using the Printer NO TE - If no print command s are sen t from the host comp ut er t o t he p r int er for 15 min., the printe r automa tically en ters standb y in the P ower sa ve mode . - Y ou can set the ti me it take s to enter the P ower sa ve mode , or turn th e mode OF F (no po wer save) throug h the CONFIG MENU .
24 Œ CHAPTER 2 Using the Printer Pape r Fe e d i n g Po rt A4 210 ✕ 297 mm 8-1/4” ✕ 11 -3/4” JIS B5 182 ✕ 257 m m 7-1/4”510” A5 148 ✕ 210 mm 5-3/4” ✕ 8-1 /4” Legal * 8-1/2 ”51.
25 Installation CHAPTER 2 Using the Printer Print Area Use the foll o wing prec aut ions whe n han dling the pa per . - A v oid stori ng the suppli es at any of the following places: A place subjec t to d irect sunlig ht. A hot place wi th an open flame.
26 Œ CHAPTER 2 Using the Printer 4. Loading the Printing P aper Loading Plain Paper / Recycled P aper TRA Y 1 (Multi Purpose T ray ) 1 2 3 5 NO TE - The pa per shoul d be load ed no high er th an the Max. Le v el Indic a tor . 2 PRECA UTIONS ⋅ Do not use the follo wing pa p er .
27 Installation CHAPTER 2 Using the Printer NO TE 4. Loading the Prin ting P aper TRA Y 2 (Second Cassette) / TRA Y 3 (Third Cassette: opti on) 2 4 5 3 1 6 - Press do wn the Paper Lifting Plate until it locks. -Pressing th e Gui de Lock Lever , adj ust the Paper Guide s to fit the siz e of the Pa pe r .
28 Œ CHAPTER 2 Using the Printer NO TE 4. Loading the Printing Pap er 2 - The paper shoul d b e loaded no hi gher than th e Max . Le ve l Indicato r . - When paper remains in the tray , do not l oad more paper on the rema ini ng pape r . - If you load th e paper forcibly , it may cause a paper misfeed.
29 Installation CHAPTER 2 Using the Printer - Adjust the P aper Gu ides to f it the size of the OHP or Label sheets. - T o lo ad a paper stac k of l ong size, open t he Paper Suppor t. - Load the standa rd OHP or L abel shee t stack on the tray fac ing up.
30 Œ CHAPTER 2 Using the Printer 2 4 5 3 - When lo ading Letter -size OHP , the T rail ing Ed ge Guide is not used. Retu rn it to t he Guide spa ce in the Cassette. NO TE 1 - Slide out the TRA Y 2 (second Cassette) or TRA Y 3 (Third Cassette). 2 Guide space - Press do wn the Pa per Liftin g Plate until it l ocks.
31 Installation CHAPTER 2 Using the Printer NO TE - Load the recommended OHP (Minolta CF-200 (D). 3M CG3710. Minolta CF -100 (D) or 3M PP2500) so that the front side (o n which the while tape is f itted) faces up in the C assette. - The OHP should be loade d no highe r than t he Max .
32 Œ CHAPTER 2 Using the Printer Loading Special P aper ( Le tterhead/ En velopes / P ostcard / Thick Pape r) Œ 1 2 - Open the TRA Y 1 (Multi Pu rpose T ray). Open the w r app er of the paper . - Adjust the Paper Guides to fit th e size of the P aper .
33 Installation CHAPTER 2 Using the Printer 8 4 NO TE - Do not lo ad more th an 50 sheet s of paper on the tray . - When pa per remains in the tray , do not loa d more pape r on the remain ing paper . - If you load the paper forcibly , it may cause a paper misfeed.
34 Œ CHAPTER 2 Using the Printer 5. Printing Œ 2 2 - Load the P a per . “TRA Y 1 (Multi Purpose T ray)” ☞ pp. 26, 29, 32 “TRA Y 2 (Second Cassette) / TRA Y 3 (Third Cassette)” ☞ pp. 27 , 30 3 5 NO TE - The Pr int Tray can h old up to 25 0 she ets o f paper .
35 CHAPTER 3 Changing the Printer Settings This chapter co vers using the MENU Uti lities pro vided b y the pri nte r . 1. List of MENU Utilities 36 2.
36 Œ CHAPTER 3 Changin g the Prin ter Settin gs 1. List of MENU Utilities MENU ITEM SETTING 1. RESET M ENU 1. JOB & MEMOR Y ENTER to r eset. 2. MENU RES ET ENTER to reset. 2. TEST PRIN T MENU 1. PRINT CONFIG ENTER to print. 2. PCL FO NT LIS T ENTER to prin t.
38 Œ CHAPTER 3 Changin g the Prin ter Settin gs 2 3 1 4 - Make sure that "READY" is shown on the Message Disp lay an d the On Line Indicator is lit. 2 - Press the On Line key on the control p anel. - Check that "OFF LINE" appears on the Message Display.
39 CHAPTER 3 Changing the Printer Settings 8 - Press the On Line key on the control p anel. - Check that "ON LINE" ap pears on the Message Display. - Make sure that th e On Line Ind icator lights up. READ Y ✕ Once NO TE 9 - To quit the MENU fun c tio n (while you are in any step from st ep 3 through 6), pr ess the On Lin e key.
40 Œ CHAPTER 3 Changin g the Prin ter Settin gs RESET ME NU i s a group that provides the JOB & MEMOR Y and MENU RESET . The user may re set the parameters of the printer . 1. JO B & MEMO R Y JOB & MEMOR Y will re set the p rinter when the En ter key is p resse d, cl earing all st ored page da ta fro m mem ory .
41 CHAPTER 3 Changing the Printer Settings PRINT MENU is a group of menu selections which is used frequently . It includes COPIES , P APER SIZE and ORIENT A TION and so on. 1. COPIES - The number of COPIES is selected. The setting go es throug h a loop from 1 to 999 and th en back to 1 again.
42 Œ CHAPTER 3 Changin g the Prin ter Settin gs 9. TRA Y3 MEDI A - The TRA Y 3 (Third Ca ssette) me dia type is selecte d. The fa ctory defa ult media type is PLAIN P APER .
43 CHAPTER 3 Changing the Printer Settings 5. DISPLA Y LANGU A GE - The def ault lan guage of th e panel is se lected. - There a re current ly 5 l anguages. T he settings are ENGLISH , DEUTSCH, FRANCAIS, IT ALIANO and NEDERLANDS . - The fac tory de fault is ENGLISH .
44 Œ CHAPTER 3 Changin g the Prin ter Settin gs PCL MENU is a group of menu selec tions which is used frequently . - The f ont sour ce is sele cted (I nternal f onts, Soft f onts) . - The printer’ s internal memory (INTERNAL) provides a major source for th e font s t hat can be select ed.
45 CHAPTER 3 Changing the Printer Settings PS MENU is a group of menu selections which is used frequently . T his MENU does not appear if the P ost Script ROM SIMM is not installed. - This functio n allo ws the P ostScript erro rs to be prin ted. It follo ws the standa rd Adobe Po stScript seq uence.
46 Œ CHAPTER 3 Changin g the Prin ter Settin gs 3. Outline o f the MENU Utiliti es.
47 Maintaining Y our Printer CHAPTER 4 This chapter cov ers the procedures to be used for a dding and changing supplies and maintaining your printer . 1.
48 Œ Maintai ning Y our Pr inter CHAPTER 4 1. Changing Cartridges Œ ⋅ There are four Color T oner Cartridges: Black, Y ello w , Magenta and Cyan. When an y of the Color T o ne r Cartridges run out of tone r, change it for a new one.
49 Maintaining Y our Printer CHAPTER 4 T o Be Continue d - Press the Enter key on the co ntrol pa nel. - Check that “ PLEASE W AIT XXXXX” appears on the Messag e Display . - Y ou wil l he ar the so und of t he prin ter ope ratin g. - The Mess age In dicator s tarts b linking .
50 Œ Maintai ning Y our Pr inter CHAPTER 4 14 Green instal- lati on guide - When installing the Cartridge, hold the Rack Dial with your left hand to p revent the Rack from turning. - Hold the ne w Cartridge in the positi on sho wn and insert the green pi n on the right side of the Ca rt rid ge into th e green installation guide of the R ack.
51 Maintaining Y our Printer CHAPTER 4 - Make sure that th e sound of the printe r operation has died a way , indicatin g that the prin ter is stationa ry . - Check that “REPLA CE TONER XXXXXXX. - Mak e sure th at the Messa ge Indic ator lig hts of f.
52 Œ Maintai ning Y our Pr inter CHAPTER 4 Œ 2 - By turning the T oner Cartridge Rack dial clockwise, the T oner Cartridge Rack rotates in the same dire ct ion. (T he dial ca nnot be tur ned in the opposit e dire ction.) - The T oner Cartridges are f itted to the Rac k in the orde r of Bla ck, Y el low , Mage nta a nd Cya n.
53 Maintaining Y our Printer CHAPTER 4 NO TE 2 9 8 - Make sure t hat the toner color label of t he T oner Cartridge Rack is the same color as that of the T oner Cartridge. - Ne ver t ouch the roller in the T oner Cartridge. Print quali ty will be reduc ed.
54 Œ Maintai ning Y our Pr inter CHAPTER 4 - PUSH DO WN ONL Y ON THE GREEN SQU ARES on the to p face of the Dr um Cartri dge. - The Cartridge cli cks into place when it is installed correctly . 14 - Gently cl o se the Front Cov er. Do not close i t violently , because a print er breakdown could result.
55 Maintaining Y our Printer CHAPTER 4 1. Chan ging Ca rtridges.
56 Œ Maintai ning Y our Pr inter CHAPTER 4 Chang ing the Drum Cartridge, W aste Bot tle and 2 - Hold the grip and p ull out th e Drum Cartridg e. ⋅ The Drum Cartridge prov ides A4/l etter-siz e prints o f up to abou t 20,0 00 images. One ima ge is equa l to on e cy cle of Dru m Cartri dge operation .
57 Maintaining Y our Printer CHAPTER 4 10 6 - Remo v e the Bot tle Cap on the old T oner Collec ting Bottle an d f it it to the mo uth of th at Bottle to pre vent waste toner from falling o ut. CHAPTER 2 9 - Remo ve the old W aste Bottle from th e printer .
58 Œ Maintai ning Y our Pr inter CHAPTER 4 16 - Gently close the Front Cover. Do not clo se it viol ently, be cause a pri nter bre akdown could result. - Y ou will hear the soun d of the printe r opera ting. 14 1. Chan ging Ca rtridges 12 - Install the W aste Bottle b y inserting its guide in to the pri nter's rail.
59 Maintaining Y our Printer CHAPTER 4 23 24 NO TE - Do not touch the Oilin g Roller as its surface is impreg nated with silicone oil. 22 - Remo ve a ne w Oiling Ro ller from its carton . - Insert the front end of the gui de on the n e w Oiling Rolle r into the installation hole of th e Fusing Un it to install the Oiling Roll er .
60 Œ Maintai ning Y our Pr inter CHAPTER 4 2 - Mak e sure th at the butt on of th e Fusing Unit Loc k Release Lever is pushed up as shown. OK (LOCKED ) NG (UNLOCKED) 2 - Close the Rear Cov er . - The Rear Co ver wi ll click whe n it is closed correctly .
61 Maintaining Y our Printer CHAPTER 4 1. Chan ging Ca rtridges.
62 Œ Maintai ning Y our Pr inter CHAPTER 4 Changing the Fusing Unit and Image T ran sfer Roller Unit - Lift the Image T ransfer Roller Uni t to the po sition sho wn. 4 2 NO TE 2 5 - Do not touch th e surface of t he Image T ransfer Roller . It m ay lead to redu ced print quality .
63 Maintaining Y our Printer CHAPTER 4 7 CHAPTER 2 T o Be Continue d - Install the Im age T ransfer Roller Unit. 9 - Push a nd ho ld the b utton of the Fus ing U nit Lo ck Release Le v er and sli de out the F using Unit . 11 13 NO TE - The Fusing Unit is hot.
64 Œ Maintai ning Y our Pr inter CHAPTER 4 2 17 18 19 - T urn t he Misfeed Clearing Dial of t he Fusing Unit counte rcl ockwise and make sure that the whit e gea r shown rotates smoothly . - Secure the installation screws (2 places) in the Fusing Unit.
65 Maintaining Y our Printer CHAPTER 4 23 - Make sure that th e bu tton of th e Rear Co v er Lock Release Lever is pushe d up as shown. OK NG (LOCKED) (UNLOCKED) 1.
66 Œ Maintai ning Y our Pr inter CHAPTER 4 Changing the Image T ransfer Belt Unit. ⋅ The Image Transfer Belt Unit p rovides A4/letter-size p rints of up to about 1 50,000 im ages. One i mage is equ al to one cycle o f Image T ransfer Belt Uni t operation.
67 Maintaining Y our Printer CHAPTER 4 T o Be Continued 2 7 12 8 9 10 11 13 1. Chang ing Cartridges - T ake the n ew Image T ransfer Belt Unit out o f its carto n. -T urn the be lt fixing br a cket on the l eft side o f the Image T ra nsfer Belt Unit to the p osition sho wn to unlock the bracket.
68 Œ Maintai ning Y our Pr inter CHAPTER 4 15 - Check that the con nector from the Image Transfer Belt Unit is posi ti ve ly conne cted to th e connec tor on th e printer end. 14 16 17 - Install th e W aste Bottle by inserting i ts guide into the printer's rail .
69 Maintaining Y our Printer CHAPTER 4 - HOLD THE GREEN HANDLE of the Drum Cartridge when installin g it into th e printer . - Install the Drum Cartridge in the printer , aligning its protrusions with the slots inside the prin ter frame. 21 NO TE - DO NO T P USH ON the Drum Cartridge Shutter when inst alling the Dru m Cartridge .
70 Œ Maintai ning Y our Pr inter CHAPTER 4 2. Cleaning the Printer Œ 1 - Grasp an d pull d o wn the Fro nt Co ver Lock Rele ase Le ve r to swing op en the Front Cov er 1 - Using a soft cloth dampened with mild dishwashing deter gent, wipe the outsid e of the p rinter cle an of dirt.
71 Maintaining Y our Printer CHAPTER 4 2 6 - Push d own the Misfeed Clearing Le ver . 8 NO TE - Do not touc h the surface of the Image Transfer Roller . It may le ad to reduced pr int qu ality . 5 - Press down on the green label s on the top face of the Drum Cartridge.
72 Œ Maintai ning Y our Pr inter CHAPTER 4 2. Cleanin g the Print er.
73 T roubl eshooting CHAPTER 5 This chapter gi ves you som e troubleshooting tips together with the recommended correc ti ve procedures to follow . 1. How to T roubl eshoot 74 2.
74 Œ T roubleshooting CHAPTER 5 1. Ho w to T r oubleshoot When yo ur prin ter does not oper ate as you ex pect it to or when yo u are not s ure abou t what you should do in mid-oper ation, make th e follo wing checks be fore calling your T e chni cal Represen tati v e.
75 T roubl eshooting CHAPTER 5 Symptom Cause Action The prin ter power is n ot turned ON. The p ower cord is un plugge d or loose . Plug the power cord int o the printer and outlet. The power outle t may be faulty. Plug anothe r electrical a pplian ce into the outlet to see if it works pro perly.
76 Œ T roubleshooting CHAPTER 5 LCD Message Description Action W ARMING U P The Printer is warming up. Wait for a short while. OFF LINE Printer cannot receive data from Host computer. Press the On Line key to set the printer into the On Line state. PR OCESSI NG - Receiving data from the host computer.
77 T roubl eshooting CHAPTER 5 LCD Message D escription Action REMO VED XXXXX T ONER The toner cartridge isn’t present. Mount the Toner Cartri dg e. ☞ p. 48 REMO VED DRUM UNIT T he drum ca rtridge is missing. Mount the Drum Cart ridge. ☞ p. 56 REMO VED W ASTE BO TTLE The waste toner bottle is m issing.
78 Œ T roubleshooting CHAPTER 5 LCD Message Description Action INTERF A CE ERROR P ARALLEL PORT An error occurred at th e parallel port. Turn OFF the Power Switch. Then, turn it ON again. The printer returns to the On Line state. Run the pr int cycle again.
79 T roubl eshooting CHAPTER 5 2. A Pr oblem Exists in the Pr eparation Stage an d During a Print Cycle.
80 Œ T roubleshooting CHAPTER 5 A TTENTION The Fusing Unit inside the Rear Cov er can become ve ry hot during operation. Do not touch the area as it may ca use a b urn. When a paper misfeed oc curs in the printer , re mov e the paper according to the follo wing procedure.
81 T roubl eshooting CHAPTER 5 2. A Pr oblem Exists in the Pr eparation Stage an d During a Print Cycle 9 13 T o Be Continue d 10 11 12 - Mak e sure th at the b utton of the Rear C ov er Lock Release Lever is pushed up as shown.
82 Œ T roubleshooting CHAPTER 5 21 - Pull ou t the pape r misfed in the rollers to w ard the to p. 17 - Close the Misfeed Clea ring Guide. 18 19 20 - Lift the Misfe ed Clearing Guid e. - Do not touch the surface of the Imag e T ransfer Roller . It may le ad to re duced p rint qua lity .
83 T roubl eshooting CHAPTER 5 1. When a Paper Mi sfeed has Occu rred 26 2 - Slide in th e Third Ca ssette. - Slide in the S econd Cassette. 24 25 - Slide ou t the Sec ond Cassette. - Pull ou t the pap er misfed in the p aper path to ward the front. 28 - Pull out th e paper misfed in th e Pap er Path to ward the front.
84 Œ T roubleshooting CHAPTER 5 3. Print Results ar e F aulty Symptom Cause Action Light image The print den sity s e ttin g on the host computer is not proper . Change the prin t den sity settin g on the host com - puter to the print de ns ity required.
85 T roubl eshooting CHAPTER 5 3. Prin t Result s ar e F aul ty Symptom Cause Action Une ven imag e T oner in the cartridge is not e v en. Remo ve the T oner Cartridge and shake it sev eral times. ☞ p. 48 The Drum Cartridg e may be defecti ve. Remov e and check th e Cartridge f or damage.
86 Œ T roubleshooting CHAPTER 5 3. Prin t Result s ar e F aul ty Symptom Cause Acti on Black pages The T o ner Cartridge may be defecti ve. Remove and check t he Cartri dge for damage. Install a ne w Cartridge if need ed. - The T oner Cartridge ☞ p.
87 A ppend ices CHAPTER 6 Chapter 6 A ppendices 1. Quick Refer ence Guide of MENU 88 2. List of MENU Utilities 90 3. Specif ications of Printer 92 4. Specif ications of 250-sheet Third Cassette Unit 95 5.
90 Œ A ppend ices CHAPTE R 6 2. List of MENU Utilities MENU ITEM SETTING 1. RES ET MENU 1. JO B & MEMOR Y ENTER to res et. 2. MENU RESET ENTER to reset. 2. TE ST PRI NT MENU 1. PRINT CONFIG ENTER to print. 2. PCL FONT L IST ENTER to print. 3. PS FONT LI ST *1 ENTER to print.
92 Œ A ppend ices CHAPTE R 6 Type : Desktop Full Color La ser Beam Print er Printing system : Electrostatic dry po wdered imag in g sy stem Expos ure system : Laser Diod e an d Polyg on Mirror scan n.
93 A ppend ices CHAPTER 6 Developing sy stem : Fine Micro Toni ng sys tem PC Drum : OPC (Organic Ph otoc on ductor ) PC Charging syste m : Rotatio n br ush ch ar ging sys tem Image Tra nsfer sy stem :.
94 Œ A ppend ices CHAPTE R 6 Machine life : - Prin ter L ife 30 0,00 0 pri nts or 5 yea rs - Drum Cartridge life Mono chr ome pr ints 2 0,000 she ets ( when th e black- to-wh ite ra tio is 5% on mul .
95 A ppend ices CHAPTER 6 Paper Feedi ng system : 1-way system Paper Types : Plain Paper, Recycled Paper 60-90 g/m 2 (16 to 24 lbs.), OHP she et Paper size : A4, Letter 8-1 /2” × 11”, Lega l 8 -1/2” × 14” *All paper size s are Lengthwi se only.
96 Œ A ppend ices CHAPTE R 6 Index A B C D E F A dobe PostScript R OM SIMM 12, 40, 45 A dobe PostScript R OM SIMM Setting-Up 12 A Problem Exists in th e preparation Stage 75 A Problem Occurs When Y o.
97 A ppend ices CHAPTER 6 Index Q R Q uic k reference guide of menu 88 R ear cov er lock release le v er 18 R ear cov er 18 R ed (magenta) toner cartridge 19, 48, 52 R eset menu 40 R eplace toner (mai.
98 Œ A ppend ices CHAPTE R 6 CHAPTER 1 CHAPTER 2 CHAPTER 3 CHAPTER 4 CHAPTER 5 CHAPTER 6 Installation Using the Printer Changing the Prin ter S ettin gs Maintai ning Yo u r P r i n t e r T roubl e- s.
Copyrigh t 199 7 MINO LT A CO. , LT D Printe d i n Japa n 3-13 , 2-chome , Azuchi-machi , Chuo-ku , Osaka , 541 , Japa n MINO LT A CO. , LT D 7 . 8 Co lo r Pa ge Work s UserÕ s Manua l Th e informati.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Minolta 0990-7701-02 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Minolta 0990-7701-02 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Minolta 0990-7701-02 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Minolta 0990-7701-02 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Minolta 0990-7701-02, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Minolta 0990-7701-02.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Minolta 0990-7701-02. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Minolta 0990-7701-02 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.